Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Media Truth-Seekers Are Partners With The Tyrants

Internet Truth Seekers Are Wolves In Sheep's Clothing
The Tyrants Are Just Plain Wolves!

Now The Entire World Is Being Assaulted by The Ego Of Humanity

*[Refer to the Resource link at the end of this post.]

Jiddu Krishnamurti: 

Organizations Have Not Saved Man

Just about everywhere throughout the world, there is a cataclysmic danger looming over our lives. There are more and more heated debates between opinions, ideals and beliefs. Most people assume that all of these physical problems can be fixed through opposition or conflict. Both sides “believe” that by obeying their IDEALS that will dissolve these various man-made dangers, either caused knowingly or unknowingly. Our species has always been ASLEEP, psychologically. The only challenge that we face is our ignorance about our programmed way of thinking, which is that we must rescue ourselves through violence. No matter what most people say that sounds, on the surface to be different from one another, they are ALL saying that the answer to oppression or the answer to controlling the masses is through CONFLICT.

There are two appearances of conflict: (1) the physical brutality, and (2) the obedience to a concept or ideal. The conformity to any psychological or so-called spiritual ideal or belief is the origin of ALL PHYSICAL CONFLICT. “Conflict” is the action of OPPOSITION.

Why Is It Vitally Urgent To Have Mental Clarity 
About The Nature of Conflict (Division)?

If we fail to understand our psychological nature by being directly in touch with what it is we are doing that is causing problems, then we must revert to behaving as barbaric savages destroying everything around ourselves without having any concern for the long-term consequences. Physical actions are born out of ones emotional responses to whatever we assume to be true. Belief, ideals and opinions are based on desire (“like” or “dislike”). We make up what is “Goodness” by thinking that opposing anything that is disturbing makes us “better than” that thing that we find offensive. It all begins with your own responses, thoughts and feelings.

Whenever you listen to a debate, you listen through your own emotional screen of “like” & “dislike”. You emotionally identify with one side of the argument (conflict). And, you reject the side of the argument that displeases your emotions. This is the fundamental nature of programmed-thinking (or what is sometimes called “brain-washed” thinking). A mind that does not study itself is driven or controlled by “like” & “dislike”. The dualistic-thinker is living a contradictory life. Everything it does is based on emotional “like” or “dislike”. We have mistakenly assumed that freedom to choose what to believe is the most sacred right that a human being can have. However, that is not true at all, because it is our beliefs that cause us to oppress people or kill people in the name of honoring our psychological desires.

Psychologically and materialistically, ALL HUMAN PROBLEMS ARE RELATED. Why, you might ask. Simply because they flow from ONE ORIGIN (of activity). Or put differently, the man-made problems are standing on the same GROUND. What sustains that Common Ground of which ALL man-made problems arise is Ignorance. “Ignorance” is the action of IGNORING – NOT PAYING ATTENTION. So the psyche cleverly devises a wide variety of distractions, which are various forms of physical stimuli to preoccupy the mind so that it wont bother to investigate what it is doing to make problems happen. This has consistently occurred for the entire history of the Human Race because generally adults have misinformed, misguided and deceived the minds of children to not understand their true emotional nature. 

It is erroneously called, “education”. “Education” is the sharing of facts in order to properly function and survive harmoniously within our environment, both physically and mentally. The mind of Humanity has DIVIDED education into two main categories: Category (1) Psychological or Emotional or Spiritual (these all are the same thing) and Category (2) Physical or Material or Environmental (these are all the same essence). Since the ancient times, the mind of Humanity has been playing a devious game with “education” in order to maintain a world of turmoil where only a select few can benefit from the suffering of the many. Every civilization renames itself while maintain the same old devious game. The basic formula has never changed underlying the various civilizations. So what is this Ancient Formula?

It's simply really... “If I'm telling the truth about one thing, then I'm also telling the truth about the other thing.” Remember I previously pointed out the fact that Humanity has always DIVIDED “Categories (1) & (2)”. Here is a simple example of how it works: It is a fact that 1 + 1 = 2. That is perfectly logical and sane right? Right! I told the truth about that, did I not? Yes. Here comes “Category (2)”: “I am not my thoughts or feelings so whenever I feel hateful, I can imagine that I am loving and kind and that image is replacing hate, so I can use my imagination to escape from any emotional disturbance, right?” WRONG!!! This implies that the Thinker is Not His Thought. It is reasoned that if a deadly snake was approaching your body to bite it, naturally you would slowly move away from that danger in order to protect your health from fatal injury. That falls under “Category (2). It is correct to move away from physical harm.

However, the deception comes into play when we rationalize moving away from emotional discomfort. The false premise is that since in “Category (2)” our body or anything that shields it from harm (i.e., shelter and other natural resources that maintains its survival) are not damaged in any way, then our “Feelings” must also be protected, too. Anything that causes emotional pain must be disposed of or eliminated in order to maintain my image, concept or belief that I have built regarding how I “Feel” about myself and my extended-self (i.e., my family, my community, my nation, my dogma, etc.).

Humanity has been continuously misinformed about “Category (1)”, which is the PSYCHOLOGICAL-GROUND upon which the entire Human Race stands. This area is in confusion, disorder. It has been wrongly taught that we must protect our “Feelings” at all cost. It has been wrongly taught that we must strive to overcome any Emotional Thought or Feeling that makes us feel uncomfortable in any way. We erroneously reason that if it is sane to avoid lethal injury to my body, then it is also sane to avoid anything that would shatter the image or belief that I have about myself. So the teachers and authorities teach children that I am right about 1 + 1 = 2, therefore, I am right when I tell you that you must “believe”. You must use “belief” to replace any Emotional Thought or Feeling that your community dictates is wrong. We have been misinformed that our Emotional Thoughts and Feelings are NOT “Me”. That is absolutely FALSE! Every single Emotional Thought and Feeling IS “The Me”. The Thinker IS his/her Thought.

In “Category (2)”, which is the physical area of life, there is natural separation between various species. That venomous snake has a different anatomy from a Human Being. If the snake bites the body of a Human Being, it will poison it to death. Ergo, you must move away from the snake if it is nearby. So avoiding physical destruction is a Natural Biological Law of Survival. However, the devious emotional side of the Human Mind uses that Natural Law of Survival to say that, “I must move away from anything upsetting to my emotions, as well”. Let's break it down... In “Category (1)”, which is the Emotional area of thoughts and feelings, this is all about our overall attitude that we have about whatever we emotional feel or think. Your parent may say that you are stupid or that you are smart. You emotionally react either you like what they tell you about yourself or you dislike whatever they tell you about what you are. If you like what they said, you cling on to that emotional feeling of pleasure. If you dislike what they said, you try to escape from it by telling yourself the opposite – you may emotionally retaliate by saying to yourself, “They are stupid for telling me that. I'm brilliant and they are the dumb-ass.” Or, if they flattered you; then you might tell yourself, “My parents are wonderful and I would kick anyone's ass if anyone says a bad thing about them.” Either way, the Emotional or Psychological-Mind is seeking to protect itself as if it were a physical body.

We have been mislead to assume (which is what “believing” is) that we must defend our emotions. Our emotions is how we feel about ourselves. Because we must protect our biological existence from being destroyed, which “Category (2)”, then we must do the same for “Category (1)”. No that is not correct. When you defend “Category (1)”, the Emotional-Self (Ego), you are doing so in order to not be in touch with any painful Truths. The Painful Truth is that the Thinker IS her or his Thoughts/Feelings. The snake is not a part of your body. It is different from you and can destroy your body. Whereas, whatever you emotionally think IS YOU and you cannot depart from YOU! You can get away from the physical danger that the snake poses. But, you cannot get away from the emotional pain through believing that you are in an opposite state of mind. That opposite state of mind is born out of the emotional pain that does not want to be in touch with itself when it feels that way. Hence, the Emotional-Mind is tearing itself apart and inventing a pleasurable version of itself in order to trick itself into thinking that it has changed or that it has escaped from emotional discomfort. But the fabrication that it has conjured is made out of the substance of its emotional pain. So the Emotional Mind is deluding itself. And, temporarily it can feel like it has gotten away from the Truth about how it actually feels. 

It's like being high on narcotics. Temporarily you can think that you are in a dreamy fantasy, then eventually the drug wears off and you are back to that reality. Similarly, believing that you are the opposite of that emotional pain is being in a neurotic dream-state. The entity that produced that fantasy of being in peace, happiness or joy resorted to its warehouse of past emotional experiences that it “liked”. So it hides within the walls of past emotional experiences that it “liked”. That is where the delusional high occurs. The emotional mind is covering up what it “dislikes” with what it “likes” thinking that the two are separate things. There is only ONE EMOTIONAL MEMORY that shares opposite expressions – just like the image of a coin that has two opposite pictures, but there is only ONE COIN. There is only ONE EMOTIONAL MIND, which has DIVIDED itself: the pleasurable side and the painful side are a part of the SAME GROUND. One side of the Psyche is attempting to escape from the other side of its nature. This is how we came to accept the idea of “God” and “Devil” mythology. It was born out of our attitude toward our own thoughts and feelings which we have classified as being “good” or “bad” thoughts/feelings.

In the physical or material area of life, we must behave positively. That means that we must move away from anything that can cause the death of our biological survival. And also, we must move toward things that provide the body with physical well-being and safety. However with regard to the area of psychology or emotion, we must behave negatively. That means we must not move away from any state of mind; and, we must not move toward any desired emotional state of mind (i.e., an ideal). Conversely, there must be a Holistic-Observation of EVERYTHING THAT WE THINK or FEEL, because ALL emotions are the Whole Content of Psychological Consciousness. Everything that we emotionally think or feel must be Naturally Purged and Emptied so that the Psyche or Spirit or Emotion can function in Neutrality, neither favoring its thoughts and feelings that it “likes” or “dislikes”. “Like” and “Dislike” are irrelevant where the psyche is concerned.

It is the Natural operation of the Psyche to have CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF ITS ACTUAL NATURE. That means that the mind must clearly watch, examine or study ALL OF ITS EMOTIONAL RESPONSES as it interacts with life (people, things or ideas). It's only responsibility is to simply HOLISTICALLY-SEE ITSELF EXACTLY AS IT IS. It is that PURE-SELF AWARENESS that dissolves ALL of its responses into a Neutral-Holistic State of Conscious Being. Then the psyche is no longer at odds within itself. Then its Emotional Nature is no longer in conflict with others, as well. When the opposite expressions of the Emotions are Equally-Monitored, the contradiction naturally comes to an end. It is like watching a flower bloom to completion, then the pedals fall off and it dies. Then another flower blooms to completion and then it dies. It is like fully inhaling a breath of fresh air, then you fully exhale the stale air, then you breathe in a new breath of fresh air and exhale. This is what is meant by Psychological-Living (Inhaling) & Psychological-Dying (Exhaling) as being ONE UNITARY MOVEMENT WITHOUT DIVISION. That is how the Psyche (the emotional-mind) was naturally meant to function. It was never meant to latch onto its pleasurable feelings and thoughts that it “likes” nor to suppress its disturbing thoughts and feelings that it “dislikes”. That is where the mind is DIVIDING itself against itself and that means that the Spirit is battling itself as the “hero” (liked emotions) and the “villain” (disliked emotions). Then the mind relates to the people around itself in the same manner that it is internally relating to itself. And, it is the internal state of self-warfare that blossoms out into the external world of bio-chemical warfare spreading throughout our planet.

Emotional or Psychological-Thought has erected false structures of morality and political fairness born out of its Divided Consciousness. A mind that is at odds within itself cannot make anything other than what its nature is being. If its nature is not Fully in touch with itself, then whatever it builds will be a reflection of that incomplete state of being. A mind that does not Fully Understand or See itself is in a state of chaos. And, it will impose its chaotic state of being onto the world around itself. It will demand that everything conform to its nature. It has tricked itself into assuming that what it is doing is for the good of all. But, nothing could be further from the Truth. The Broken Psyche is trying to maintain and continue in its state of confusion because it does not want to look in the Mirror of Reality and Actually See that it is corrupt, fragmented and false due to the fact that it refuses to be in Complete Contact with its Whole Nature (with ALL of its feelings and thoughts) without trying to go beyond, overcome or control what is seen. Poison cannot turn into something non-poisonous. Thought is limited because it is memory. Memory can never be unlimited. However the Action of Seeing is not based on memory. To Psychologically-See is not related to memory. Seeing something as it is right now is not memory-related at all.

Holistic-Seeing means that nothing is excluded from being examined. ALL emotions are under constant observation or examination or study. The mind is then in a living state. To live is to be in touch with what is taking place now, now, now! Observation from each living present moment of each and every single feeling or thought that pops up while interacting with yourself or with others. Paying attention to your mind regurgitating past emotional memories over the present experience is how DIVISION in the mind begins. Past is seeking to overthrow the living present with its cloud of memories and, thereby, it is causing a gulf between the past and the present. The past also masquerades as “the future”. It takes the past memories and alters them, verbally, and then calls it “the future”. “The Future” is nothing but a modified version of the past so that the past emotions can extend itself into the future. In other words, the emotional past is trying to continue itself. That is its sole objective – TO CONTINUE forever. But, that is impossible because its very nature is limited, incomplete and is always trying to add to itself. But, no matter how much it adds, it still remains limited and incomplete. It will never be whole because it refuses to acknowledge the facts about its very nature. It wants to pretend that it can go beyond itself by using its imagination to go beyond itself. Itself is memory. Its imagination is memory. Memory cannot use memory to go beyond memory. When it tries to do that, it self-destructs, altogether.

Now then...

When you examine the people who spout out information, they are basing it on their relationship they have within their emotional selves. Each one has an opinion, belief or assumption about themselves. All of them assume that they are operating with clarity of mind. They all think that conflict will protect our world from being overtaken and put into a prison of sorts. The real prison is in the mind itself. The mind built the prisons, the weapons of mass destruction and the poison in the air, water and food. It is the mind that is Public Enemy #1 claiming to give us “National Security”. But, let's examine this so-called “National Security”. What is the state of mind that is providing it? Would there be a need for “National Security” if we were all in complete touch with our mind? A mind that is Whole is not causing problems nor is it in conflict within itself nor with the world. Since the ancient of times, Humanity has been attempting to do the impossible. The impossible is trying to bring about serenity by using coercion and violence. That's as asinine as trying to bring about health by using poison (and they do that too). Polluted water can never become pure clean water. A polluted mind can never bring about a safe happy world. That's never going to happen folks!

If the world is ever going to radically change and be free of conflict and energetic imbalances, we have to begin in the GROUND OF CONSCIOUSNESS from where all these problems originate. That GROUND must be thoroughly studied, monitored from moment-to-moment.

In the physical or material area of life, once you see a problem you must go do something to change it. If you drop a glass of water on the floor. You must go get a vacuum to clean up the broken glass and then a mop to dry the floor so that no one comes along and slips and falls. That is clearly understood and makes sense. However, whenever the emotions are feeling upset, the only thing that will calm them is to PAY FULL ATTENTION TO THAT DISTURBANCE (which is YOU). YOU are your emotions; so YOU are your state of mind. So long as you think that you are different from your emotional thoughts and feelings, you will feel the urge to do something to overcome or overthrow those feelings or thoughts. You are, then, waging war against yourself. That is a Division. When you are Divided, another mind that is Divided against itself can come along and do damage to your physical security or to those that you pretend to love. A Divided mind is in a loveless state. To love is to be in touch with yourself, completely. That is what real love is. Love has no relationship to “Like”. “Like” is pleasure. It is something that you want to possess or own. LOVE is the FREEDOM TO OBSERVE ALL FEELINGS AND THOUGHTS – WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION! LOVE IS NEUTRAL, UNBIASED.

Where there's LOVE, there is CLARITY, BLISS, COOPERATION! LOVE is being able to closely examine and discern with accuracy all activities that are deceptive or false. When you clearly understand what is false, you have just made contact with The Truth. And, it is only The Truth that can set your emotional-mind free from Division or Conflict. When Conflict ends, all of the problems that it caused ends, too. You can't go around trying to fix the millions of physical problems that the psyche has generated while leaving the Problem-Generator in tact. The Problem-Generator will just keep on pumping out more and more lethal problems.

So the #1 WMD is the Emotional-Mind that stubbornly ignores detecting the facts about itself. As long as it maintains that obstinate position, the physical world will be under attack. And, I don't care how noble-sounding a person may proclaim to be fighting evil in the world, if he or she is not Holistically-Observing their emotional thoughts and feelings (without trying to manipulate them in any way at all), then those “do-gooders” are operating from the same GROUND OF CHAOS as their foes. Both the “heroes” and the “villains” are polarized in the same GROUND OF DIVISION from within their psyche. They are both Problem-Generators.

So the people in the so-called “Truth-Movement” are nothing but Wolves-In-Sheep's Clothing pretending to be our saviors. No person can psychologically or spiritually rescue another person. Salvation is each Human Being's responsibility. Only YOU can be a Light Unto Yourself by watching ALL OF YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS (without trying to overcome what you watch). The Watcher IS the Watched. So any movement to try to change whatever you watch in your mind, will intensify it. Then you awaken to the fact that No-Movement is what actually ends the Problem-Maker from within. When the Emotional-Mind dies of being a Problem-Generator it is, then, born into being a Problem-Resolver through just Watching All That Is False. Seeing the False as the False, ends that Falsehood.

But, we've been misguided into defending the False and assuming that what we are defending is not False. And, that is why problems continue to grow and become more frightening than ever. This cycle of terror will go on and on until the Mind of Humanity awakens to its erroneous way of thinking. The perpetual error is that the Mind must move against itself to control itself into becoming a good thing. Any movement for the Problem-Generator to change itself into a Problem-Solver will simply proliferate the Problem-Generation. And, on the subconscious level of the psyche, it wants to maintain the Problem-Generator because it wants to dominate, control or be a slave master in the world. Why? Because it wants to pretend to be “God”, the Ruler over the lives of all creatures on this planet. And, if it can't, the Emotional-Mind (a.k.a., the Ego) vows to obliterate this physical world, which is what it is in the process of doing every single day, anyway. 

So if there is anyone out there who is not mentally dead yet, you better wake up and be responsible for saving yourself by not moving. Stand still and study your emotional responses as they arise from moment-to-moment. When you do that, the dead minds will do everything possible to try to make you stop paying attention. They will threaten your life. They will make it difficult for you to get what you need to live. But, if you stand your ground and remain in touch with ALL of your thoughts and feelings and do nothing else, you will see for yourself how your problems of living are resolved. A broken mind cannot hijack a mind that is being completely in touch with itself. Whenever it tries to trick you or even hurt you, it always backfires. Plus, as the Divided-Confused Mind tries to destroy a Whole-Mind, its GROUND OF POWER BEGINS TO EVAPORATE. ITS GROUND OF POWER lies in recruiting all minds to Divide itself.


A warrior cannot take over anyone until they conduct psychological warfare, first. They must deceive your mind into battling itself. That is why they want people to go to church or believe in anything. Believe there is a “God” or believe that there is no “God”. It's irrelevant WHAT you Believe in. All that matters is that you “believe”. Because when you “believe”, you have psychologically blinded yourself. Belief means to take for granted something to be true. To assume a thing to be true. “Believing” is ASSUMING a thing to be true. When one “believes” you have stopped actually LOOKING or EXAMINING. It's like you take someone's word that the door is locked. You believe that person when they tell you that your door is locked. If you accept that belief, you don't bother to actually go look and see if it's a fact that the door is locked. You assume the person would not lie about the door being locked. But, if you actually go see if the door is locked or not, you are in touch with the fact or reality. Your mind is then whole and undivided. 

A lie is divided away from the Truth or Fact. The point is that when you "believe", you have stopped being in touch with the fact; you have stopped Seeing. You can't do both. You are either looking at the fact, or you are assuming what the facts are, which is what it means to "believe". When you assume a thing to be so, you are no longer in contact with the actuality of the situation. So if you assume that you are sane, you are not perceiving the fact of your mind. But when you look at your mind escaping into a fantasy that it desires to be true, then if you are looking at that and seeing that is fallacious, then you are actually sane -- in touch with the real or the actual fact of what your mind is doing in each present moment. Such a mind is truly Alive, Alert and Swift as it examines its emotional responses as it interacts with itself and with others.

When you look at whatever you think or feel and get in touch with the fact of your emotional being, you are Whole, Undivided. But, when people come along and tell you that you are this or that, you are allowing your mind to be hijacked. Your mind is psychologically blind to itself whenever you allow anyone to be an authority, emotionally. When your mind stops being in direct contact with any emotional state that it is in, it is Divided. Then a person can come along and take advantage of you and harm you in any way that she or he chooses. When you lose contact with yourself, emotionally, you are giving permission to anybody in the world to hurt you. Also, when you lose touch with your responses, you are causing degeneration and disintegration to take place throughout your body. Your mind is radiating disorder throughout its entire being. Then your behavior will also be destructive toward your environment and people, in general. This is what is taking place in our daily lives.

So, people are either in touch with their mind completely or they are not. If you are not in contact with your psyche, you are, then, responsible for everything that is destroying our world. It does not matter if you stand up and shout against the people who are physically doing the deed of chem-trailing, or making bio-chemical weapons used on various populations, or polluting the air, food or water. So long as you all share the same GROUND OF CONFLICT IN THE EMOTIONAL-MIND, you are all Problem-Generators.

The only thing that will reverse the damage to our environment on Earth is to reverse your way of thinking, psychologically. We think that we must fight to bring change. We think that we must defend the doctrines of our government or organized dogmatic-based religions. We think that we must be tribal warriors to fight for a cause or group. We think that war will beget peace. We think that heroes will save the world. We think that “beliefs” are virtuous. We think that some outside agent will rescue Humanity from its ignorance and stupidity. We think that we can emotionally “become” something other than what we are. We think that “God” and the so-called “Devil” is NOT a fabrication of our emotional mind. We think that we are educated just because we are highly skilled in technology. We think that we “love” because we murder to protect whatever we want to “believe” is true. We think that the world can be saved by intensifying our efforts in conflict of one side pushing harder against the other side. But, the fact of the matter is that what we think has always been false.

If what you think is born out of a Mind that is not Holistically-Aware of itself, then what it thinks has nothing to do with reality at all. So long as a mind is unaware of its Whole Nature by Observing it, then whatever it thinks or does will end in a disaster. That is Natural Law. Natural Law shows us that everything that exists comes from a seed. Without the seed nothing can emerge into reality. The seed of Human Consciousness is blind to itself. It is in conflict with itself. It is disintegrating and degenerating the longer that it ignores itself. All children are put through the process of Dividing their mind against itself. That is child abuse. The child grows up to be either a victim, a bully or suicidal. The only way to not be any of those things is to wake up and be in full contact with all of your emotions. Whenever we feel disturbed we assume there is something wrong with that. Why? When you were born, there was a great deal of disturbance, naturally. What was wrong with that? When there is thunder and lightening, there is a lot of disturbance. What's wrong with that? Periodically, there are volcanic eruptions. What's wrong with that? When a girl enters puberty she starts having the pains of menstruation. What's wrong with that?

So do you get it? There are natural-occurring disturbances in life. The question is, “how do you approach them?” The Approach to problems determines whether or not the problems will escalate or naturally wither away. In the psyche, the area of the mind that is “emotional” (based on like and dislike), ALL of your responses are YOU! This is a very important fact to realize. You can't take anyone's word for it. It is a Truth you must realize for and by yourself. No one can awaken you to that Truth. Just because you read it, that means nothing. After you hear it or read it, will you bother to check out the way your mind responds to what people say to you? Will you find out for yourself whether or not your thoughts and feelings are actually YOU? Once your mind makes contact with the reality that YOU are ALL of your emotional thoughts and feelings, then it realizes that it cannot make a move against them without fighting itself. The point of a fight is to win, right? But if you overthrow any thought or emotion, that part of yourself got defeated and it will rise up again for a rematch. So self-fighting will go on for the rest of your life. What is the point of a life that is in perpetual contention within itself? That is not only meaningless, but it causes your physical organism to start developing diseases because it starts to fight itself, too. So your whole life becomes nothing but pain and suffering. I see no meaning in that; do you?

Why bother to be awake to all of the horrors of life? Why bother to be in touch with the ugly Truth? Well, it's really quite simple. Life is energy. That energy is either learning, growing and being harmoniously creative, or it is malfunctioning and lost and causing destruction. The CREATIVE FORM OF ENERGY IS SELF-SUSTAINING. It is complete unto itself. Whereas, the DESTRUCTIVE FORM OF ENERGY IS NON-SUSTAINABLE. The proof of this fact is Humanity's history. Humanity has built numerous civilizations. All of them were founded upon the GROUND OF CONFLICT IN THE PSYCHE (in other words they were all Ego-based). Every one of them collapsed. And today's civilization is in a state of collapse. No one ever bothered to find out exactly what is responsible for the collapse. They have come up with opinions, ideas and theories, but no facts. Because when you find the Truth, it reverses the annihilation. But, the past civilizations of people did not find the Truth, so they collapsed. Nothing has changed. People are headed for a big fall. It is inevitable because the same thing that happened in the past is still going on to this very day. People are a slave to psychological tradition – CONFLICT!

Look at the people in the Media, both the mainstream and the internet. All of them are GROUNDED IN CONFLICT. They all look to opposition to gain either freedom or dictatorship. Freedom can never arise out of conflict. There must be Freedom To Observe The Total Emotional-Mind. So far, hardly anyone cares enough to do that. They all want a quick fix through warfare. Then, after the war they end up in cages as experimental test subjects of oppression. One group of people choose to put the minds and bodies of another group of people in lock-down. That is not peace, harmony or love. A world without LOVE is a dead world. LOVE is NOT EMOTIONAL. I will repeat LOVE is NOT EMOTIONAL! LOVE is CLARITY OF MIND – BEING 100% IN CONTACT WITH WHATEVER YOU FEEL OR THINK IS TO LOVE.

We are living in a Dead Loveless World. Pleasure is NOT LOVE. Pleasure is a temporary distraction used to hide from emotional pain. Pleasure is a mental drug that deceives the mind into thinking that it has finally gotten everything under control. If you study the cosmos you will see that it is not under control. One planet is not subduing another planet. There is a natural order that is in harmony with each other. And when it is time for certain forms of life to expire, they simply expire. There is no war in the cosmos. War is an unnatural state of being. It arises out of an entity that is unaware of or out of touch with itself. We want to blame others for our state of internal unrest so that we can remain blind to how we are causing ourselves to mentally suffer. Gaining a lot of power or things only increases the emotional insecurity. Just like when you are thirsty, you require nutritional liquid of some kind. Eating solid food that contains little or no liquid will not quench your thirst. Well, nothing short of making full contact with your emotional-mind will bring peace of mind. You can believe in whatever you want with great intensity, but that will not bring about actual wholeness of mind. When the mind is Whole, it is in a state of LOVE, UNDERSTANDING, CLARITY, HARMONY, PEACE, JOY AND UNION WITH THE UNIVERSE. Because the Energy of Life is flowing without restriction or division.

So please do not be fooled by what you hear and see portrayed by the Media people. All of them and their bosses are in a state of confusion, division and conflict. World War III is Psychological Warfare. So when you look at drama, both fiction and non-fiction, you are being asked to join in the conflict by voting your opinion: Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down; Pro or Con; Like or Dislike. Do you get it now? No matter which way you vote, the very act of voting is believing which is divisive and leads to your contribution of conflict and destruction of this planet. Opt out of this game that has no ability to win. To win is to lose this beautiful planet of ours. When this planet is so damaged from Human wars that it can no long provide for our biological needs, then what happens? Game over for everyone, right? So conflict is stupid because it is destroying our planet, without which we cannot survive.

Physical Survival is Inherently Natural. However, our Ego is competing with the real world. Our Ego is imaginary because it is fighting for what it wants to be true. It's a Lie trying to become The Truth. A Lie will always be False. The Truth will always be what makes the Universe exist, which is Energy. Humanity has taken its energy and distorted and twisted it by taking the bits and pieces of the Truth that it “likes” and ignoring the rest. Truth is Whole. You can't take parts of it and ignore the parts that you find offensive. You either take The Whole Truth or nothing at all. You either get in touch with ALL your THOUGHTS and FEELINGS (without seeking to control them), or you are living a Lie. When you seek salvation in the false, the Physical Survival is thrown out the window. You can't have Physical Security and Psychological Security. When you cling to Psychological Security of fighting for any belief or ideal or opinion, you have placed your Physical Security in harms way. When you are vulnerable to pay full attention to ALL EMOTIONAL RESPONSES, you are dying Psychologically so that your Physical Security can thrive.

What people don't realize is that their biological organism is the same as this planet. We are biologically and synergistically linked to this biosphere. So when the Psyche or the Emotional-Mind refuses to Holistically-Observe itself, it has shattered its mind and sent a shock frequency throughout its biological being, which is also connected to this planet and atmosphere. So the GROUND OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CONFLICT is destroying itself and the world, simultaneously. The only thing that can stop it is people awakening from their psychological ignorance and beginning to Holistically-Examine or Monitor their responses. The ancient part of your mind will make you feel like you should do more than LOOK at yourself. It will tell you to change what you OBSERVE. But, the past only desires to continue in the same groove that it has been in for centuries. It does not want you to simply LOOK at your responses. Because that simple action is causing a DISSOLUTION OF THE GROUND OF CONFLICT THROUGHOUT the WHOLE HUMAN RACE. That frequency of PURE LOVE AND CLARITY radiates from the mind out through its body which is vibrationally linked to the entire biosphere and is causing a reversal to take place. The more the Divided Mind of Humanity resists the change, the more it withers away. As it withers it desperately tries to scare everyone into reverting back into a state of Divided Thinking, which is believing.

If you “believe”, then you are a destroyer of life, a parasite sucking off of the living. A parasite needs a host to exist. A parasite does not have absolute power because it depends on a host. So far, the children have been the host. That is why the youth are so sickly and weaker than previous generations. Now they are taking the energy from infants by poisoning them before their immune systems have fully developed. This poison is making their minds grow into a distorted state so that they can't be in touch with themselves. The broken psyche does not want freedom. It thrives on bondage, terror and domination, which is imbalance between the opposite forms of energy of life. Male-Female struggle to dominate and suppress each other is born out of this conflict in the psyche. If you observe your whole emotional-mind, then there is no struggle between what you like and what you dislike. You merely study everything about your mind and are free from conflict. If you don't want to be an experimental test subject, then start being in touch with your WHOLE MIND. And, please be aware of the deception of identifying with “heroes”. All a “hero” is is a “villain” in disguise. “Hero” & “Villain” are “Heads” & “Tails” of the singular Coin of Conflict/Opposition.

The game of war must end. Why? Simply because the resources of this planet are being poisoned by war. This planet is not able to recover because the wars are overlapping one another. So the planet is not given a break to regenerate itself. If the planet is unable to recover, then all wars will end because the planet will be dead, and everything on it as well. Now, you have some wealthy groups of people who have taken shelter by building cities inside this planet. What the idiots don't realize is the this planet is one organism. If you murder its surface, eventually that will seep deeply into its core, as well. Plus, the rich elite have a “belief” that they can murder their own biological species without bringing harm to themselves. Not true. You have to be cruel within your own mind, first, before you can be cruel to others. And when the mind hurts itself, it is also causing its organism to hurt itself, as well. So while the greedy may have the luxuries of material things, that does not stop their emotional mind from subconsciously suffering in the background. Their “belief” of being superior to the rest of its species is an artificial barrier in their imaginations. The fact still remains that they have attacked themselves, whenever they attack the world. That is how the Energy of Life Functions. Their Emotional-Mind is destroyed and that is how they can poison our planet and atmosphere in cold-blood. Their reasons are not based on fact, but based on emotionalism. The ones who have hoarded the bulk of the natural resources are afraid to Holistically-See themselves as they actually are. They hide from the Truth, which means that they are bereft of LOVE. A loveless being is in a perpetual state of disintegration and degeneration. All of their material possessions can do nothing to save them from the mental torture that will haunt them and their children until they no longer exist.

There is absolutely NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN TRANSFORMATION OF THE MIND. To live is to transform the mind through watching its every thought and feeling. Your emotional thoughts and feelings are like flowers or weeds that you simply watch. The Action of Watching and Listening does not interfere with them telling their story. Once they tell their story, they naturally wither away. Then another thought or feeling emerges. As you listen to these stories, you are learning about YOU. When YOU learn about YOU, then there is no more YOU. There is only Wisdom and Freedom and Love. I am not being romantic or emotional. I am describing the facts because I am actually doing it everyday. I am being responsible for my life and for this planet. I am not allowing my energy to contribute to the destruction of this world. If you truly love your children and want them to have a decent and beautiful world in which to live and for their children to live, then you will jump off the ancient bandwagon of conflict and live a peaceful life.That is not a utopian fantasy when you take care to Learn what your Emotional Nature is doing from moment to moment in your daily life. That is your moral responsibility, and there is nothing more important than that (if you truly love your children). You will not teach them to kill or be killed over any ideal or belief or opinion. You will break from the ancient emotional tradition of conflict as being salvation -- that is a false premise.

I get so tired of hearing military men and women tell the world that they are sacrificing their health and safety for the benefit of their country. Nonsense! They are programmed to “believe” that is what they are doing. They accept that programming because they are too afraid to stand alone and face their mind, completely. They are afraid to change. They have allowed their minds to be taken over and their bodies used as a weapon. When they leave the service, their mind is still in hell. Because to do what they do, they have to hurt their own lives, first, before they can deprive physical security to other groups of people that they did combat with. You see; countries, nations are falsehoods invented by emotional division. There is only ONE HUMAN SPECIES, which has falsely divided itself against itself. A SPECIES THAT IS DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF CANNOT SUSTAIN ITSELF. FACT!!!


When the mind “Believes” it fails to actually SEE itself, completely. Then, it thinks that it is in the right while it behaves like a monster. A monster is a creature of pure destruction. “Belief” itself is the Monster that is blinded by its own propaganda. And, propaganda is a lie that seeks to impose itself into the lives of everyone. Physical destruction begins in the Emotional-Mind of Humanity. If we don't want to ruin our planet, we have to stop being fools for conflict. Conflict is the Human God. We sacrifice our sanity to conflict. Conflict is evil and corrupts the young minds who become the next generation of thugs to rape the Earth. This can't continue because our planet is worn out from Human malfunctioning.

I don't care if anyone is taking what I say seriously or not. I only say what I say because to be alive you have to reveal your mental nature. So you either speak to deceive or you speak to reveal the Truth and let the chips fall where they may. I accept all consequences for monitoring my emotional responses to anything that is said or done to me. Either you are aligning your essence/energy with Order, which is synergistically linked with the Cosmos and our environment or you are in violation of the Natural Law of the Energy.

Kill Mother Earth U Kill Humanity Too!
Real Crime is not breaking contradictory Man-made laws designed to rob you for breaking them. Real Crime is when you violate the Natural Laws of Physical Survival. For there to be Physical Survival, your Psyche must Naturally Die of its oppositional content through Holistic-Observation, alone. That is what brings about Physical Security for ALL, not just for your group to which you are psychologically attached. There must be no more emotionally-based groups of any kind for there to be Physical Security, not only for Humanity, but for our entire planet and its atmosphere. Conflict is a Criminal Offense to Nature of which we all are a part. The fake or artificial world of money must end because it Divides people into those who have and those who must do without. A species is designed to work for the entire species and not Divide that species against itself. At the moment, our species is dysfunctional. If we are to survive without turning into some kind of mutated warrior drone, we must psychologically awaken to our false programming and see it for what it is. Stop being devoted to a way of thinking that is causing you to disintegrate and degenerate into being a sub-human. A part of our species wants to strip you of your Humanity. They can only do that with your permission. Every time you defend a “belief” you are destroying your Humanity. Every time you accept propaganda without question, you are strengthening the GROUND OF CONFLICT AND DESTRUCTION of our world.

It's up to each of you to do some serious soul-searching, figuratively speaking, to find out just what the hell are you doing everyday. Are you just a robot getting up and repeating tradition? Or, are you beginning to question tradition? Tradition means TREASON toward the Present by worshiping the Past Tradition. The Past is Dead. But when you Observe your Past Emotional Experiences and understand that it is the dead past, then the past dies and the mind awakens to  a brand new dimension of life no longer tethered to the Past Tradition of Desolation and Annihilation. Then you are aligning your life force of energy with the Oder of The Universe. How we have forgotten that the Human Species is not making this planet turn, nor causing there to be Night and Day. There is a great energy that makes all things exist and live that permeates our entire species and the world. It is this Natural Law that we must be aligned with, not the tyrannical laws manufactured to destroy the quality of our lives.

Coin of Conflict


The Internet Media Truth Seekers are a Lie! They want us to play along with their emotional con-game which will end in a bloodbath that would make the WWII holocaust look like a joke (of which it was not). Folks these so-called Truth Seekers are leading people straight into hell to be tortured and massacred. They are the “Heads” side of the Coin of genocide. And, the tyrants are the “Tails” side of that same coin of destruction. Both sides are partners in crimes against Humanity and Nature. The more the “Truth-Seekers” condemn the tyrants and urge the public to fight back, the more power and strength the tyrants gain from the energy of opposition. They both are polarized like the North & South Poles. They are opposites that meet in the middle of Conflict. Conflict is their answer to our problems. When conflict is the problem. The approach to conflict is to learn about its origin within our minds. If we go to the source of conflict and face it intelligently by observing it and not struggling to change it, then conflict will fizzle out, naturally.

Now I realize most people will assume that if you don't fight evil that evil will destroy you. I have been facing evil for more than 4 decades now. I have had so many death threats. I have no weapon. I never go to the police for help. I have no friends of any kind. I only have business associates so that I may take care of my physical needs (food, clothing and shelter). But I never make a personal friend because friends are spies and they are there to emotionally pressure you into dividing your mind. They tell you that you must have a “belief” of some kind. They are programmed to “believe”. They expect you to gratify whatever they “believe”. They are in conflict within themselves. They want you to help them hide from any emotion that they don't want to face. Helping them hide from their emotional insecurities is what makes you their so-called friend. And, they will do the same for you. If you don't gratify them, emotionally, they will try to destroy you, either in your face or in secret.

In all honesty, people don't understand what being a real friend means. People only make friends in order to form alliances so that they can assist one another in personal battles. Society, for the most part, is nothing but a battlefield, either physically or emotionally. At the work place, people take sides and back each others' opinions up or not. While performing your skills at work, you are faced with the emotional-mind that demands that you bow down to its authority or else it threatens to take away your job. So friends are people who join forces to take away physical security from those people who they dislike. Either a person likes or dislikes you, based on how well you stroke their ego. That means you must tell them lies that flatter them, emotionally. And, at any moment the mind can change its mind and betray you if it stands to gain more power.

I have no need of a friend like that. Since I am examining ALL of my emotional thoughts and feelings (regardless if they are pleasant or unpleasant), I don't need anybody to help me avoid being in touch with any disturbing thoughts or feelings I may have. I truly see the fact that I am everything that I think and feel. So I don't resist observing my Whole Emotional Mind. I am a friend to myself by not being in conflict with myself. I am complete, psychologically. But in the physical world we must rely on others to deliver the mail, run the energy plants for electricity, etc., etc. Physical dependence is one thing, and psychological dependence is entirely a different matter, altogether. Just because I rely upon someone physically, that does not mean I have to stroke their ego. In the communities where I have lived, the collective ego has gotten upset with me for not playing the emotional gratification game. They get to a point where they cut me off from what I need to physically survive. I don't fight against it. I just sit there and watch what will happen. What happens is their world starts to crumble. Weird things start to happen to them and all the people connected with them start to fall apart just like when a sequence of dominoes fall down one right after the other. Then suddenly, the community gives me what I physically need to go on living.

You see folks, I don't care if I die for not gratifying the ego and playing along with conflict and opposition. I wont do it under any circumstances, even if that means death to me. All that matters is being Whole in my Emotional-Mind. Nothing trumps that. The Natural Law shows that a Fragment can never overtake or consume Wholeness. That is an absolute fact. A mind that is divided against itself is fragmented. A mind that studies division in itself, division ends, naturally (without any effort or struggle). The act of observation is free from all effort. So I observe my responses to people's remarks directed at me or at each other. I simply study everything. Therefore, I am being Neutral. Programmed minds blindly obey tradition and they demand anyone around them to do the same thing or else they become hostile with you. Their goal is to persuade, entice or coerce me into opposing them, either verbally or physically. Then, I would be giving them my permission to restrain me or destroy me. But, if anyone tries to victimize me, while I'm in a state of Holistic Observation of my emotions, then whatever is intended for me skips over me and goes back onto them. I've watched this happen for many years now. This is what happens when your mind is Whole, it is safe from tyranny. Why?

Tyranny is an illusion! Because, it is the state of your psyche that determines the outcome of your physical security. If your mind is Whole and not Divided against itself, then your Physical Security is safe from harm. If your mind is not Seeing itself, but instead lives by “belief” of any kind at all, then your physical security is open to sustaining damage or destruction. That is Natural Law. The Natural Laws govern existence. Take the atom for example. It contains 2 opposite forms of energy in equal amounts. When 2 opposite energies are equal they merge into a state of harmony or stability. Our thoughts and feelings consist of opposite expressions of “like” & “dislike”. So long as we equally observe both expressions the mind remain Whole, Balanced and Sane. But when we choose to favor 1 form of expression over the other, we are dividing our entire psyche, then it is broken, imbalanced and insane. Then the physical body is exposed to be victimized. And, the people who come along to kick you around and lock you up were granted permission to do so when you divided your mind by escaping from paying full attention to your thoughts and feelings that you disliked. If you turn your back on yourself because there is something you find offensive or ugly, you are being your own worst enemy. Hence, you are serving yourself up to tyrants to be exploited. But if you are a true friend to yourself and LOVE yourself, you will pay Full Attention to your Emotional Mind no matter if it is pleasant or not. Then you remain Whole. When a bully tries to dominate the life of a Emotional-Mind that is in full contact with itself, then the bully will self-destruct. Then the Collective Ego sends another bully to resort to deceptive tactics in an effort to pretend like it is your "friend". If you “believe” that performance, you will become his victim. If you truly See how your mind plays tricks upon itself, then you can See through the mental tricks that others try to play upon you, as well.

In a nutshell, the WWIII Psyops is all about “Perception Management”. The goal is to trick your mind into deceiving itself. Once your mind does that, they can turn you into their prisoner where they can experiment on your DNA and torture you to death and pretend to themselves that they are superior to you. It is no longer about money. It is now about mind control in order to gain access to your body to experiment with it and torture it. By doing this, the Emotional Mind is trying to prove to itself that it is safe and secure and that its better to be the persecutor than the victim. Many people are trying to decide which side of the horror show they are going to be on. I totally opt out of the entire horror show altogether. Again, I am constantly being told that I can't do that. And, that I must take a side. Must I choose “day” as opposed to the “night” (or visa versa)? Must I choose only to inhale rather than to exhale? Must I choose to identify with my pleasurable thoughts and feelings and ignore the rest? NO! My mouth and anus are opposite ends of the same organism. I won't play favor to my mouth and sacrifice my anus. I need them equally. I need my Whole mind so I wont neglect one side of my emotional mind and play favorites with the other side. So the Divided Mind (Ego) tells me that they wont allow me access to my physical needs. So I don't fight the Ego. I simply pay full attention to my thoughts and feelings and my body. And, I also pay full attention to the fact that those who pose as our "savior" is just as destructive as those who openly oppress, therefore, there is nothing to choose because these opposites are born out of the GROUND OF DIVISION (CONFLICT). So I see the fact that both opposing parties have the same agenda, which is to persuade me to choose one form of conflict over the other. Then, physical security will be sacrificed, not just mine but also the Earth, itself would be poisoned to death.

There is a deep fear in the mind of Humanity that if we don't choose either to emotionally seek security in either the "hero" or the "villain", then all will be lost and our family will suffer. But if you look at the facts, when you do choose between these opposite expressions of conflict, the world remains locked in a world of escalating violence and imprisonment. It never occurs to most people that every time that that choose one of the opposites (the "hero" or the "villain"), you are making your energetic contribution to the maintenance of the tradition of never-ending chaos and destruction to the world. Eventually, it ends with a total collapse of the civilization. But, this time around the planet cannot support another empire of conflict resurrecting just with a different name.

The "wolves-in-sheep's clothing" are enabling the "wolves" to gain more strength and do greater harm to both our bodies and to our global environment. Since the beginning of time, these opposite expressions of conflict have been silent or covert partners in crime. "Crime" means violation of the Natural Law of Physical Survival. Emotional opposition is when you refuse to See ALL that you think and feel by turning to a make-believe desire to substitute and cover up those thoughts and feelings that you would rather not be in touch with. That is your Emotional-Mind being at odds with itself, which is the birth of Conflict -- one is being violent to oneself. Then, you turn around and do that to the world. The reason why you are motivated to blindly follow the "hero-type leader" or the "villain-type leader" is because you are internally taking sides with your own thoughts and feelings. If you would clearly See for a fact, not as a theory or idea, but an actuality that Your Emotional-Mind is the content of ALL its thoughts and feelings, then you would clearly understand that it is impossible to "choose" to be in touch with only the thoughts and feelings that you like and push away or suppress the ones that you dislike. Those thoughts and feelings that you ignore do NOT vanish; they are submerged into your subconscious or the background of your consciousness. They lay there lurking and waiting to rise up into the foreground of your mind. Ignoring anything that you think or feel only brings about a SPLIT in your mind -- like a 2-headed snake that battles itself. But, you choose one head over the other. When you chop of the head that you dislike, the entire snake dies. That is what people are doing. They vote for one head called either the "hero" or the "villain". Whichever side you choose, the ACT OF CHOOSING, psychologically or emotionally, is CONFLICT because CHOICE = DIVISION of the WHOLE MIND. When the WHOLE MIND DIVIDES ITSELF, then it destroys Physical Survival everywhere.
I am okay with dying mentally and/or physically. Under no circumstances will I resort to conflict in my mind or outside my body. Because, I can factually See that the propagandists who represent the "savior or hero" and their opposite which is the "tyrant or villain, they are both seeking the continuity of Division/Conflict. So this Contradictory Coin is being a hypocrite when either side claims to be making the world safe. So long as we Divide our thinking and only cling to one side and shun the other side, we are being criminals because we are violating the Natural Law of Creative Energy, which is Physical Survival. Humanity has always been fights to preserve an artificial world based on its Desire To Become "Good" or "Powerful". That struggle is false, because it cannot sustain itself. It must always collapse at some point. 

The Emotional part of Human Consciousness is suppose to operate by being in contact with ALL of itself, which is Holistic-Awareness. When the mental energy operates as a Whole, its energy is, then, aligned with the energy of its environment which is synergistically link with the rest of the Universe. So long as the Human Mind is Fragmented, it is in a perpetual state of degeneration and disintegration, and its energy is going against the grain of the Universe. What that essentially means is that a Mind that is out of touch with itself is removing itself from the Universe, in other words, it is becoming extinct. 

We've reached a point in time where the Human Mind will not be allowed to collapse and come back with another version of a civilization grounded in fragmentation. Why? Simply because our planet is at a critical point of poisoning. It must regenerate and heal from the multitude of Human conflict that has polluted our world. That is why the WHOLE CONSCIOUSNESS OF HUMANITY MUST WAKE UP NOW! Chronological Time is running out based on the level of toxicity that is permeating our planet and its atmosphere. It is losing its ability to support life. The Emotional-Mind that exists in a fantasy world is like a junkie getting high; it only exists to get another fix. The Emotional-Mind just wants to CONTINUE its opinions, conclusions, desires, ideals, beliefs or imaginary suppositions. This mental illness can only be reversed by caring about reality. You can't owe your allegiance to both imagination and reality, for one cancels out the other. A dead mind only cares about fantasy; its desire of what it wants to be true. A living mind cares about Creation, which is the Energy of Life, which are the facts of life. So either you will behave like an addict who wishes to twist, distort and alter reality to your imagination's liking. Or, you will be a compassionate, living Human Being that pays Full-Attention to the facts, which are Whole and not Divided. So you are examining Every one of your thoughts and feelings (with an understanding that THE EXAMINER IS THE EXAMINED). When you realize that fact, you ONLY EXAMINE and you don't try to improve or alter what is EXAMINED because you will only intensify it. Any movement to change what you think or feel is AN ACT OF OPPOSITION. And, Opposition is Division, which is Conflict. Conflict is Disharmony. The Energy of the Universe is in a state of Order and Harmony. 

How can I prove that the Universe in operating in a state of Order and Harmony? Well the very fabric of reality, which everything that exists in life is made out of atoms. The atom is a Neutral form of energy. Without the atom, there would be nothing at all, including Humanity. The atom is a byproduct of Equal amounts of Opposite forms of energy called, Electrons = Negative Energy and Protons = Positive Energy. These opposites must be EQUAL. When the Equal Opposite Energies merge, they Create The ATOM = LIFE FORMS or CREATION. Our entire anatomy is atomic, that includes our Emotional-Mind, too. It contains Opposite Expressions of Energy: Emotional Thoughts and Feels that we LIKE and  Emotional Thoughts and Feels that we DISLIKE. Our Natural Responsibility or Job is to EQUALLY OBSERVE, EXAMINE or STUDY BOTH forms of emotions. In other words, nothing that we emotionally think or feel is to be excluded. When the opposite expressions of our thinking and feeling is FULLY STUDIED, our Mind functions CREATIVELY. So our Mind ceases to be a WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction). 
Our mind ceases to disintegrate or degenerate. Our mind now operates as a Holistic Intelligence. Our mind no longer Divides its own species of Homo Sapiens against itself. A new culture is born where our entire species works to provide Physical Security for its WHOLE SPECIES. Such a culture or civilization is GROUNDED IN HOLISTIC-SELF AWARENESS. Everyone is responsible for being aware of him or herself. So no external agency needs to force us to behave in a orderly manner.

Humanity has been existing in an emotional holding pattern of déja-vu, for centuries. Trapped in the corridor  of the opposites: "hero/savior" and "villain/tyrant", which is born out of the emotional thoughts and feelings that we either "like" or "dislike". We've been misguided by our educators to CHOOSE between the opposites. CHOICE IS DIVISION which is CONFLICT which is DISINTEGRATION, DEGENERATION and ultimately SELF-DESTRUCTION. Once you have Divided your Mind, then your Body can be imprisoned, experimented upon or tortured and destroyed by others. The doorway to your body and its physical security is through our Emotional-Mind. If your Emotional-Mind is Divided against itself, that gives other permission to destroy your life.This pattern of Emotional-Division is being continued day-after-day (for centuries). Each day that you wake up, you are being challenged to Divide your mind. You are being pressured to "believe" or emotionally go along with someone's "opinion" which is based on oppositional desires. If you CHOOSE to emotionally attach yourself to either side: the "light" or the "dark", then your life's energy is fueling everything that destroying our world. It does not matter if you speak against the destructive projects that are operating against the survival of this planet. So long as your energy is operating in fragmentation, it is being DISORDERLY. The destruction of this planet is DISORDERLY, too. So your energy is aligned with the minds that are actively destroying the world. That is an absolute fact. 

To disconnect from DISORDERLY ENERGY, one needs to take a close look at everything that you think and feel, without judgment (without condemnation or rationalization) -- just to STUDY and BE AWARE OF HOW YOU THINK AND FEEL. Also be aware of your programmed reaction to try to improve what you discover. That is a trick that the mind is playing on itself. If the mind tries to do anything to make itself "better", it is CHOOSING. And, to CHOOSE is to DISCRIMINATE, which is DIVISION, which is CONFLICT -- so no change or disconnection from DISORDER. To See DISORDER (without trying to turn it into ORDER) IS ORDER. SEEING WHAT IS ACTUALLY TAKING PLACE IS ORDER. IT IS THE SEEING THAT DOES EVERYTHING. This is hard to understand because it has been deeply ingrained in our psyche to MOVE AGAINST THAT WHICH WE DISTURBS US. Can you SEE DISORDER without attacking it? Attacking IS DISORDER. This is the only challenge that Humanity is facing. If we remain in DISORDER, our species will become extinct. Life cannot allow a species to destroy all other species. Life being Energy will stop flowing in the Human Mind because the Human Mind wont use its Energy to Holistically get in touch with itself. So the Energy of Life cannot flow in the Human Mind anymore. The Human Mind is the Plug. Energy is the socket of essence. No socket means that Mind will cease to exist. 

A man named Jiddu Krishnamurti lived in a state of ORDER, psychologically. He lived for 91 years. His life was threatened. However, he lived in freedom because he was observing ALL of this thoughts and feelings. The world of DISORDER could not destroy this man. So I went on a journey to find out if I can function in a state of ORDER. The first key is to understand that you CANNOT SEEK ORDER, directly. If you do, you are seeking a image of order, which is not ORDER. One has to approach it NEGATIVELY. What that means is that one has to examine the FALSE or DISORDER. It is the clarification and understanding of what DISORDER is by watching what it does. In watching what DISORDER does in your mind, the very watching is learning. When your mind Learns about DISORDER, it being free of it. DISORDER is blind to its nature. DISORDERLY MIND does NOT understand what it is doing, and its ignorance is deliberate. DISORDERLY MIND IS FUELED BY ITS OWN IGNORANCE. If you learn about DISORDER, it dies, naturally. Then ORDER IS BORN. 

So I began my journey in 1977. But even as a very young child, I questioned what is thinking. From time to time I would wonder what is the Human world really all about. Why did people fight each other and incessantly argue? Why did people make up things about what happens after a person dies? Why did people form groups to call themselves by a peculiar name? Why did people judge each other based on the color of their skin? Why did people try to posses each other or dominate each other? Why did people try to be important? Why did people brutalize one another? Where was this all coming from? Was there a source to this chaos? When you ask the average person about these things, they would tell me to not take life seriously. Or, they'd say it doesn't matter what you do in this life because you will get your peace and reward after you drop dead. Meanwhile, life is nonsense -- accept it -- roll with it and just look forward to death. That made no sense to me. I had a burning interest to find out what is making people act like they do. So when a heard what Jiddu Krishnamurti was challenging people to question their way of thinking, this very deeply caught my attention. I took what he was talking about very seriously. I bothered to test out what he was saying. I did not blindly swallow what he was pointing out. I did my own internal investigation to EXAMINE for myself if what he was saying was False or True.

I immediately noticed that I was emotionally afraid as I was checking my thoughts and feelings out. But I kept going no matter what happened. I had to discover the Truth about the Human world. So as I worked with people and they said things to me, I would pay full attention to my Emotional-Responses. I noticed that I didn't like some of my responses and I liked some others. But, I realized that it did not matter if I liked or disliked what I was watching. The important thing was WATCHING and in the WATCHING WAS LEARNING. I was understanding DISORDER. The more I STUDIED my emotions, the more my Mind was being purged of them. All that remained is Pure Holistic Observation of anything and everything. It was the Observation that mattered and nothing else. While I was Observing My Emotional-Responses, people around me became hostile. My so-called friends began to shun me because I was no longer acknowledging their Ego (a product of Division-Conflict). I watched them dropped out of my life. I did not worry about how would I survive without having "friends". I wanted to find out what would happen if I simply WATCHED MY EMOTIONAL-RESPONSES in any situation in my life. So 40+ years later on this journey of Holistic Self-Learning, I'm still alive and thriving. I function in the world to access what I need to physically survive through my understanding that under no circumstances can I CHOOSE between the OPPOSITES, I neither side with the "bullies" nor with the "rescuers", because I can SEE for a fact that they are secret partners in continuing DIVISION, CONFLICT & DISORDER on Earth. Both opposites ARE "THE PROBLEM"! Their sole purpose is the get you to take sides. Voting is an illusion of freedom. Voting is a trap to get you to approve of this entire system of DIVISION & CONFLICT. No system based on violence will make our lives happy.

The only thing that is stopping you from stepping out of DISORDER is your fear of loneliness or not belonging to some Emotional Group of some kind. That is all a part of your program of DISORDER. Being alone is not the same as loneliness. Loneliness is a byproduct of conflict. When you feel envious, you want to hide from that feeling. When you do hide from it, you are neglecting yourself from understanding that feeling. You feel as though something is missing in you. It is understanding that is the essence of our psyche. Without it we feel miserable. Nothing but understanding can remedy misery. But we, instead, turn to the “what should be true” and base our “ideal” or “faith” on that. That sets going a conflict between fact and fiction. When there is just factual observation of “what I feel or think” and no avoidance, then the state of mind blossoms to completion and naturally withers away without any conflict. The mind is in perfect balance and harmony. The body is free to operate with any interference from the Emotional Mind. So long as I am living in mental order, I am secure. I share this with the world because people are scared of what is going on. They must wake up and see what it is that they are doing to make these bad things happen to their lives. Stop helping bullies and tyrants to destroy you and your loved-ones. A new day has arrived and the conflict game is over. Mother Nature is dying. If she dies that's it for everyone and everything. So before that happens, now is the time to change – abandon your programmed thinking by studying how it works. When you fully understand how it works, you are no longer programmed. 

Then, both sides of Conflict will cease to exist -- the Wolves-In-Sheep's Clothing (a.k.a., the "heroes") and the Wolves (a.k.a., the "tyrannical elite wealthy thieves"). It will do no good to write letters to any government, while they are under the orders of powerful corporations. There is a global network of criminals who have bought off governments to make laws to assist them in making money off of genocide. This modern-day holocaust is a result of people seeking psychological security in "belief". So long as you "believe", you are unable to face or even see the facts of what is happening to you and our environment. How can you blame those who are taking advantage of your voluntary psychological blindness? The problem of Physical Survival is so complicated that the only solution is to be direct and simple and act right now. Learn about your psyche before you are too brain-damaged to do it. The big plan is to alter our biological chemistry so much that we can't function at all. If we, as a species, fail to learn to think Holistically, then our species does not deserve to exist, period. Because, our mind is too dangerous to the rest of ecosystem to go on existing. Our species is psychologically out of order and it is continuing to expand its technological knowledge. As we progress on the mechanical side of our nature, we turn around and use our inventions to annihilate our world. That is why we need to stop focusing on mechanical progress and pay more attention to our Ego. It is the Ego that is misusing technology. It's a monster that is ripping the world apart. 

Are you studying your Ego?  Are you awakening to the falsehood of "believing"? Are you questioning your blind allegiance to tradition? Are you going to be a contributor to the destruction of our world? Or, are you going to wake up to your error and begin to monitor ALL of your emotional responses without judgment or bias either for or against? Can you honestly face your conditioned thinking and be free of it? FREEDOM BEGINS IN THE PSYCHE. If you are free to observe yourself, completely, then when the crooks and fake heroes in this world do anything to try to deprive you of your Physical Security, they will end up only eliminating themselves. But, as long as you remain oblivious to your contribution to your own victimization they can run all kinds of secret genocidal projects and get away with it.

Thank you. 


Chemtrails Or Geoengineering? 

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.