Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Emotional Mind And Its Impact on Physical Survival

The Emotional Realm of Make Believe Is Physical Annihilation

Where to begin...

What is emotion and how does it arise? First there is a sensation that the physical brain detects or perceives. Either the sensation is pleasant or disturbing. The function of the brain is to protect itself from harm, is it not? Therefore, the brain has organized sensations in order to be safe. It has divided sensations into categories of “dangerous” or “helpful” to the body. The physical brain must function in a state of distinction in order to maintain safety. As the brain grows and develops, it creates an ongoing list of sensations for the sole purpose of physical or biological survival. It can often detect poison through sight, taste or smell, and the brain recoils from any stimulus that threatens its survival. That is the inherent operation of a healthy brain, is it not?

What is the “natural” function of language?

Throughout human history, the mind has come up with sounds to warn each other of danger or that something was safe for our biological survival. So we labeled things in our environment in order to communicate to one another what was safe and what was dangerous to our physical existence. Fire could be both helpful or harmful depending on how it was being used. For instance, at night time it would often become very cold (sometimes to the point of freezing to death). We learned that fire would be a help in warming our bodies to protect us from excessive cold weather. We also learned that heating our food with fire could protect us from microscopic organisms that could cause sickness by killing the parasites that was sometimes in the food. While on the other hand, fire could cause death if one was not careful with it because it could burn down your home and the people in it.

What is the proper purpose of education?

The original purpose of education is to “factually” inform the young mind of what is safe and what is dangerous. So we adults passed on factual information to the youth in order to insure its physical well being. Handing down knowledge about what is safe and what is dangerous to our biological survival is the proper function of education. Throughout the ages, the human brain has accumulated a large amount of knowledge with regard to material or physical survival. This is necessary for our species to continue existing. We have learned about invisible dangers like, germs, bacteria, poisonous gases, chemicals, parasites, electro-magnetic fields, over exposure to radiation, sound frequencies that can cause mental disorientation or sometimes death, etc. With every danger, there is a solution, provided that the danger is studied accurately, factually. Then, the appropriate measures are taken to thwart the impending danger to our survival. All of this accumulated knowledge is perfectly logical and rational.

There's just ONE MAJOR PROBLEM...

There are TWO TYPES OF LANGUAGES Evolving Side-By-Side:

As the brain develops “Technical Language” skills, simultaneously it is also labeling “Emotional Desire To Be In Control”. The human mind is an imagination mechanism. Plus, it can rationalize and/or justify anything according to its personal or subject “Will” or “Desire”.

This is where the human psyche took a MAJOR WRONG TURN in its development.

You see, as the brain evolved its language of labeling everything in the world in order to be safe from harm, physically, it also rationalized that it must also use labels to protect its “Emotional Realm”, too. This is where things went horribly wrong – and it still is. We started out seeking physical or biological safety because our brain is naturally wired to do that. The brain cannot survive without seeking to be secure from material or physical harm. After all, can you sit down and learn the alphabet or math, if you are in a burning building? No of course not. The brain must feel safe or else it cannot learn anything or even function right. So we are biologically hard-wired to demand safety. If you put a plastic bag over your head, the brain will naturally seek air to breathe – it has no choice, right? When you lack food or water, the brain will do anything possible to find it – it must survive and it must feel safe from harm. That is natural and, therefore, sane.

When one examines the material or physical qualities of existence, one can see that everything has a center or a seed or a root to it. What proves that we are the same as other creatures or living beings is that biologically, we are the outgrowth of TWO HALVES OF OUR BIOLOGICAL SEED OF OUR PARENTS. It takes an “equal” amount of chromosomes from each biological parent in order to create a human being, does it not? The emphasizes being “EQUAL”. Therefore, each person is the product of 50 percent genetic material from its mother and father or else there is No Creation. The foundation of our biological structure is the sperm and egg joined together as ONE unit. So 50 percent plus 50 percent equals a 100% WHOLE HUMAN BEING. But the fact of the matter is that we are produced from the seed of a man (sperm) plus the seed of a woman (egg). So the center of our biological existence is based on its SEED.

When the seed gets planted into “fertile soil” it grows into another plant, which contains its own seed. All living things carries with it a seed, which is its core or center. The seed of our planetary system is the Sun of which the planets orbit. Not to get too technical, but everything is just a cluster of atoms, without which nothing would exist at all. The DNA or genetic code is what determines the appearance and function of any given thing. However, the main point is that Life is atomic energy that is flowing from nothingness into something and back into nothingness. Another name for “nothingness” is “ZERO”, which is perfection, wholeness or harmony. It is the NEUTRAL POINT from which all Creation originates.

Remember we said that the Universe or Life is Atomic Energy. So how does the Atom operate? It contain an equal amount of Electrons (a Negative Charge of Energy) + Protons (a Positive Charge of Energy). What happens when you add an equal amount of negative numbers to an equal amount of positive numbers?




ZERO” is perfect balance or harmony. What creates that perfection is EQUALITY! No matter how large or small the number is, they must be “Equal” in amount. The material of Life requires EQUALITY OF BOTH THE NEGATIVE & POSITIVE charges of energy. Or put another way, the opposites must be EQUAL.

The physical material of energy are polarized by opposites. There is the South Magnetic Pole of our planet plus there is the North Pole. These opposite poles meet at the core or center of our planet. They are 2 halves of 1 unitary pole that contain equal amounts of energy. The South Pole is a Positive Charge. The North Pole has a Negative Charge. When they meet at the center of the earth, they are NEUTRAL (ZERO), which integrates our planet. If one pole were to have more of a charge than its other half, our planet would disintegrate. Equality of opposite forms of energy is, therefore, the glue that maintains all that exists in the material world. As long as there are equal parts of each side of energy, there is peace or integration.

So why is there so much disturbance in the physical world – so much DIS-HARMONY; Where is it coming from?

What is causing imbalance and inequality which is producing physiological catastrophes outside of the natural operations of Nature?
Has there been any other species on this planet that has ever threatened the very balance of Nature itself, other than the human species? What is the human species doing that is upsetting the delicate balance of our environment? Why is the only species on earth called “The Human” creature repeatedly building one civilization after another only to implode itself and then go on building another? Why is the “Human” creature at odds within itself? Why is the “Emotional Mechanism” fighting against itself and seeking harmony through conflict? What is the essence of conflict? Lets take these questions, one by one, that are a threat to our species as well as our biosphere.

So why is there so much disturbance in the physical world – so much DIS-HARMONY; Where is it coming from?

Unlike other earthly creatures, the “Human” creature contains an added element that other creatures don't have – an EMOTIONAL IMAGINATION! We sometimes refer to it as being our “EGO”. It is our emotional desire to control through choosing between opposing thoughts and/or feelings. When “choice” is based on “Emotional Identification”, an imbalance takes place because we are dividing our psyche, which is the emotional storehouse of past experiences: one half being the “pleasurable” half versus the “disturbing”. The side that one identifies with the strongest becomes a false mask that covers up its opposing side. The false mask is called “The Conscious Mind”. The hidden emotions are called “The Subconscious”. In other words, the mind has divided itself into two personalities of which are at odds with itself. Both personalities disassociate from the other and claim to be two completely separate entities unto themselves. The mind chooses to forget it is 2 sides of the same mind.

So it suppresses any thoughts or feelings that it wishes to ignore and pretends that they don't exist because the emotional entity (the ego) is trying to feel safe from any emotional pain. It reasons that it has a right to do this because the biological brain is protecting itself from danger; therefore, the emotions have the same right. This is where the mind has made a GRAVE ERROR. And, it chooses to ignore its mistake. It insists that it is correct to seek “psychological security”. Originally, the mind sees no harm in choosing, emotionally, because it is correct to choose when it comes to the material or physical realm.

When picking out fruits or vegetables, it is correct to choose to keep the fresh, ripe fruits/veggies and reject the rotten ones. Choosing between that which is helpful to the body's health and rejecting that which is dangerous is natural and proper. One must choose in favor of things that help the body and disfavor anything that threatens our health, right? Therefore, choice is necessary so far as physical survival is concerned. Physically, we divide things into two primary categories: (A) Helpful or (B) Harmful. We must seek (A) and safeguard against (B), right? Physically, that is a POSITIVE (beneficial) operation of “choice”, which is to hold on to things that brings Physical Security and avoid things that endanger it. That makes sense, right?

Our education regarding physical things is sound. But when we apply the same rules of “choice” toward our Emotional Realm, that is where we are absolutely wrong. We have been habitually wrong for such a long period of chronological time that we, as a species, have taken it for granted (which is what “belief” means), that “Psychological Choice” is absolutely necessary and that it is even more important than “Physical Choice/Security”. We, as a species, have come to blindly accept the Positive Pursuit of Physical Safety justifies and validates our “Positive Pursuit of Psychological Security”.

Let's look at this from another perspective...

Let's say that “Safety” is a Light-Switch that is either “On” or “Off”. “On” represents Energy when it is flowing. “Off” is Energy that is dormant. When the brain “chooses” between food or poison, it is operating sanely and healthily, is it not? What interferes with this normality is when the “Ego” chooses between being in touch with “Pleasant Thoughts/Feelings” and ignores/hides/suppresses “Alarming or Painful Thoughts/Feelings”. The “Emotional Choice” causes an unnatural or artificial “Duality” or a splitting into 2 opposing sides of its emotional self, which is “The Ego”. This is the emotional entity based on “desire” and “will”. When the emotions are not EQUALLY examined/studied, there is no Holistic Learning or Understanding of the “Emotional Mind”.

By “choosing” to identify excessively with “Positive/Pleasant Thoughts/Feelings”, the mind then locks away/imprisons the “Negative/Disturbing Thoughts/Feelings of its TOTAL EMOTIONAL PSYCHE. When the mind “chooses” to escape from observing, examining or studying a part of its mental nature, it is in a state of Contradiction/Conflict within itself. This is a malfunction!

The mind has mistaken biological choice and psychological choice.

We said that the brain must “choose” between things that can either help its survival or destroy it. When we “choose” to avoid a dangerous animal or a car rushing in our direction, these dangerous objects are a separate entity that is not attached to our biological being. The dangerous bug or animal or oncoming traffic is not a part of us. These things are outside of us, so they can be avoided. Plus, they are harmful to our physical well being, obviously. Therefore, we can “choose” to avoid them. Even though things may be different from our being, we can “choose” to absorb them when it serves our biological needs. We breathe in air, drink water, eat food, etc. We “choose” to incorporate them into our physical structure because they help us to go living. Other things outside of our bodies could be dangerous, so we “choose” to distance ourselves from them. So far that makes perfect sense, does it not?

The problem comes when we apply the Biological Choice Principle to our Psychological Realm of Existence. We mix the two principles together in order to rationalize seeking Psychological Safety. The Psyche has a different function or job from the biological brain. While it is the proper function of the Biological Brain to “choose” between things that can Help or Hurt it; the Emotional Mind has the sole responsibility of STUDYING/OBERVING ITSELF, HOLISTICALLY. In other words, the Emotional Mind must Observe both sides of itself – Positive Expression and Negative Expression. The Emotional Mind contains both Day & Night of which there is NO CHOICE! If the Emotional Mind “chooses” to over-indulge in its “Pleasurable Expression” and seeks to avoid/escape from understanding the “Disturbing Expression” of itself, it is causing DIS-HARMONY in the Total Psyche because it is “choosing” to ignore a part of itself, and then claiming to only be one half of its nature. The mind begins operating as a CONTRADICTION that is struggling against itself. It mistakenly thinks or believes that if the “Positive Expression” can outdo or overcome its other half, then there will be peace. But, that never happens. Instead, by “choosing” sides it has caused the Biological Choice to go haywire.

Let's view this like a battery...

A battery has equally opposing charged energy of Positive and Negative, right? If we were to say that the “Positive Charge” of the battery represents Biological Choice; and the “Negative Charge” of the battery represents NO Psychological Choice, there would be perfect harmony or balance between the Mind (-) and the brain (+), would there not? Seeking between “this” or “that” is a positive action. The biological brain must seek food, clothing and shelter and avoid anything that blocks that endeavor. There are two types of obstructions to the biological self-preservation; either (A) Environmental or (B) Psychological/Internal disorder.

For the most part, the human being's #1 threat to its Biological Security is (B) Ego, which is the mind that is divided against itself.

When the mind feels anger, jealous or ashamed, it tries to ignore itself by seeking an opposite expression to substitute it with. It pretends to itself that it has gotten away from itself and has “become” something else. It take the unpleasant emotional state and pretends that it has changed into something else. This is the birth of “GREED”. The Emotional Mind craves to “BE MORE” than it is. It wishes to Rise Above Itself by using its Emotional Imagination. It was a Greek philosopher that made up the false saying, “I THINK, THEREFORE, I AM”! “Thinking” is the same as “Believing”, which are based solely on DESIRE. DESIRE IS GREED! The premise is that whatever I think based on what I desire to be true is so. If I think that I am the opposite of what I feel then that will materialize. That is a myth. The mind cannot cause its mind to be Whole and free from conflict through willpower alone. And, you will learn why as we objectively explore our nature.

The Emotional Mind “chooses” to escape from any expression, thought or feeling that it DOES NOT LIKE. The Emotional Mind LIKES TO LAUGH, so any thought or feeling that brings about laughter, it clings to. The Emotional Mind DISLIKES CRYING, so any thought or feeling that brings about crying, it rejects. This is BIAS, PREJUDICE and INEQUALITY of the Total Emotional Mind. Organized “religions” have instructed the human mind down through the centuries that we are immoral, evil if we fully embrace our Total Emotional Being. The invention of “God/Goodness” and the “Devil/Evil” is the outcome of Psychological Choice! Again, this was based on Biological Choice. We can plainly understand that poison is bad for us and must be rejected or else we will die. So we conclude, that anything that makes us feel "emotionally" uncomfortable is the same thing as physical poison. So we conclude we must avoid any thought or feeling that makes us feel bad.

What the Psyche does not understand (and it chooses not to understand) is that unlike, physical poison that is not a part of our being, ALL EMOTIONAL STATES OF MIND IS ITSELF! In other words, the Emotional Mind is just like the atom. Remember, the atom contains equally charged energy of Negative (Electrons) & Positive (Protons). The Emotional Mind is just like the atom because it also contains equally charged energy of both Negative Thoughts and Feelings & Positive Thoughts and Feelings – just like Night & Day, which are inseparable sides of one phenomenon. When the atom parts are equal, they produce a NEUTRAL or ZERO state of Integration/Harmony/Balance because the two opposites are Equal in Energy.

The Emotional Mind's natural job is to understand itself, completely. Therefore, it is not suppose to “choose” one side of its expression over and above the other side of itself. It's natural job is to STUDY ITS ENTIRE NATURE, EQUALLY!

CHOICE” is a “Positive” function because it is a movement that is contained in duality or opposites. To choose to eat healthy food is to simultaneously reject poison and disease. But, this works fine when dealing with the physical or material realm. However, when The Emotional Mind “chooses” one emotional expression in preference to another, no matter what it “chooses”, it has DIVIDED itself. And, where there is DIVISION; there must be CONFLICT because the energy throughout the mind becomes IMBALANCED AND VOLATILE.

The Emotional Mind Is Energy. That Energy gets turned in on itself when there is “choice” because The Emotional Mind requires self-understanding. No part of the Emotional Mind can be excluded from that understanding. For The Emotional Mind's Energy to not interfere with its biological security, that energy must remain WHOLE. In other words, the foundation is The Emotional Mind. The building is the Biological Brain. If the foundation is CRACKED/DIVIDED, the Biological Structure must fall. A building requires a sound foundation, does it not? Otherwise, the structure must fall.

Human history has proven this time and time again. Every civilization has been built on top of a CRACKED FOUNDATION – THE EMOTIONAL MIND THAT IS DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF. This is what war is about, after all. War is not an external phenomenon. War has a seed. All war begins in The Emotional Mind. The Emotional Mind “chooses” to promote one side of itself and hide or lock away the expression that it dislikes. If you strip away the superficial differences, you will clearly see that all conflicts and all threats to biological security is due to seeking “Emotional Choice” between “Positive” or “Negative” Thoughts or Feelings. We have never been properly educated to OBSERVE BOTH SIDES OF THE TOTAL PSYCHE, emotionally. We always “choose” one side over the other. This causes The Emotional Mind to be at odds within itself.

The Emotional Mind views the outer world based on the way it views the inner world. Since it is prejudiced against itself, it must be prejudiced with its relationships with others. We have established the artificial world of “friend” & “foe”.

The so-called “friend” supports The Emotional Mind's “choice”. If the person wishes to emotionally identify with its “Positive Emotional Expression”, then anyone who ignores that person's “Negative Emotional Expression” and only acknowledges his or her “Positive Emotional Expression” is classified as being a “friend”. Conversely, if anyone points out that person's “Negative Emotional Expression”, then they are considered to be a “foe”. Ergo, war is waged outwardly. But, the conflict began internally when The Emotional Mind decided to only focus on one side of itself, and ignore the other side.

The word, “IGNORANCE” means to IGNORE. The Ego is born out of IGNORANCE! The sign of the Ego is that it detests being questioned/studied. Another sign of the Ego is that it causes unnatural disruptions in the physical or material world (i.e., famine, homelessness, unsanitary conditions, economic class divisions, genetic engineering unleashed out into the biosphere disrupting the food chain, polluting the earth and atmosphere, causing wide-scale hormonal imbalance causing gender confusion, chemical/biological warfare, techtonic warfare, artificial race classifications, electromagnetic field over exposure, over exposure to radiation, polluting food, water and air, psychological abnormality through imaginary identifications, etc.).

As long as The Emotional Mind remains oblivious to what it is doing to itself and thinks it is “normal to emotionally divide itself” (by ignoring/suppressing one side of its emotional nature and identifying with the side it “chooses” to like), then the physical or material world will continue to DISINTEGRATE every single day and night. Like all previous civilizations founded on The Ego, it is doomed to implode on itself because it has historically refused to awaken to its folly. Ego always “chooses” to sacrifice its biological survival of the brain in favor of whatever it emotionally “chooses” to think/believe in its imagination. Imagination is its only “reality”, and the facts are inconsequential so far as The Emotional Mind is concerned. That is why things continue to get worse while The Emotional Mind vainly promises to save us in “The Future”. However, “The Future” never comes.

The Ego purposely maintains ignorance about the other side of itself in order to pretend to itself that it has control over its emotional-self. This is an emotional game of hide & seek. The Emotional Mind is hiding from one side of itself while it pretends that it knows itself. It only knows a part of itself. How can a thing be in control of something that it is ignoring? Obviously, it cannot. The Emotional Mind is “choosing” to become higher than itself by ignoring anything about itself that it dislikes. It simply wont acknowledge that such a quality even exists in itself. Through emotional denial, it hopes to overcome the so-called “lower-self”. This is where the illusion of the “hierarchy” comes from. The Emotional Mind is deceiving itself by pretending to go beyond itself through EMOTIONAL LINGUISTICS.

When the mind charges emotional meaning to words, the mind considers those words to be “the truth” or “sacred” or “special”. Words like: “God”, “My Country”, “My Race”, “My People”, “My Success”, “holy”, “whore”, “slut”, “The Devil”, “patriot”, “My Government”, “My Religion”, “My Money”, “My Husband,” “My Wife, “My Child, Daughter or Son”, “My Family or Tribe”, “My Belief”, “My Belief that I don't believe”, “Any Image or Conclusion I Make Up About Myself”, “My Group That I Emotionally Identify With Is Better Than Your Group”, etc., etc. All of these emotionally charged words causes emotional imaginary divisions that evokes violence. The Emotional Mind is trained to fight to defend “emotional language”. If someone were to say that your “belief in whatever” is stupid, then that person would be ready to hurt or destroy you for saying that.

How many times have you heard someone being physically attacked due to an insult? Insults and compliments are emotional illusions. But, they appear to be real when the receiving mind is emotionally divided. A mind that examines ALL EMOTIONAL RESPONSES EQUALLY, is unaffected by compliments or insults because a mind that is holistically in touch with itself is living in Reality or Truth. Such a mind SEES ITSELF AS A WHOLE. A thing that is WHOLE is secure in itself. It is in a state of complete balance and harmony (free from any opposition). As a matter of fact, The Emotional Mind that studies all of itself, is in A STATE OF LOVE. It does not need any outside agency to validate its existence because its WHOLENESS is all the validation it needs. It is only the fractured mind that demands others to support its imaginary opinions it has about itself. It craves emotional gratification – in other words it wants to be lied to in a pleasurable way. It hates being lied to in an unpleasant manner, however.

The Emotional Mind pretends that it is “modern” and highly evolved simply because it has vast technological knowledge. The accumulation of technical data is being used to cover up the raw Truth about The Emotional Mind, which is: it is still primitive and backward. It wallows in its technical know-how in order to hide from the fact that it remains ignorant in the realm of the psyche. Just because it takes chronological time to advance technologically, The Emotional Mind thinks that it needs time to stop being emotionally ignorant. In Truth, The Emotional Mind has one agenda: remain ignorant about how the psychological works. The Ego wants TO CONTINUE, period – end of story. It cares not that its existence is the only reason why the physical world is in disarray. It is the Emotional Imaginary World that is at war with the Universe, which is founded upon the laws of The Atom [ equally charged opposite energies brings about UNITY ]. That is the Law of Matter.

The Emotional Mind brings about duality, contradiction, conflict, disintegration; therefore, The Ego is ANTI-MATTER. It is a Black Hole that is causing a state of perpetual panic and anxiety in the world because the Biological Security is being shut down as humanity feeds its emotional biases against itself. The Ego or The Emotional Mind that is divided against itself is a fraud because it has a conflict of interest. Psychological Security versus Physical Security. Where one is, the other is not. Remember the Light Switch Principle: The Light cannot be switched “On” & “Off” simultaneously. If Psychological Security is switched “On”, then Biological Security must be switched “Off”. Biological Security is Matter. Psychological Security is Anti-Matter.

Therefore, Love or Harmony or Peace are byproducts of NO Psychological Choice because the mind understands that its natural function is to Holistically Examine Its Emotional Nature. Any Emotional State Of Mind, regardless if it is Positive (pleasant) or Negative (painful), IS itself. To disown or ignore any part of The Emotional Mind causes a split in the mind. The Emotional Mind IS THE FOUNDATION of the human being. The biological brain/body is its structure or building. No building can stand securely atop a CRACKED FOUNDATION. That is an absolute fact. The Emotional Mind is contradictory because it builds its physical world upon an Emotionally Divided Base. That means that it is building up and tearing down whatever it builds. People get married based on a lie of being in love which turns to hatred. So they build and destroy each others lives. There can only be True Love when The Emotional Mind of both parties are WHOLLY observing their thoughts and feelings, without discrimination. But what ends up usually happening is that they both lie to each other to help each other run away from the side of themselves they wish to ignore. Lies are made of fractured truth. The Truth is Whole because it includes equal parts of what you like and dislike – just like The Atom contains equally charged Protons & Electrons (Positive & Negative). To exclude one is to destroy the other. This is why leaders, institutions nor organizations can free humanity from all of these impending disasters. Only the mind that is Free To Look At Itself Completely, can restore balance to the physical world – nothing more, nothing less can save us.

We created this mess, so each of us are responsible for maintaining it or ending it. We can only end it by awakening to our ancient mistake of seeking Emotional Security through “choosing” between our Thoughts and Feelings that are Negative (Electrons) & Positive (Protons). There is NO CHOICE where The Emotional Mind is concerned! When we clearly comprehend that fact, then our Biological Choice will function correctly. But as it stands, humanity is enslaved by its Ego – the Emotional Imaginary World that is Annihilating the Physical World. Don't take my word for it. Just look around and you can see imbalance in our health, environment; and we take drugs (legal and/or illegal ones) to try to cope with our emotional imbalances, as well. Humanity is drowning in stupidity and pretends like all is well. Just keep on blindly following The Emotional Tradition of “Choosing” between the Negative & Positive and hoping for salvation in some mysterious future. When you keep using the same ancient method that leads to disaster and yet expecting a different outcome, that's called MADNESS! The physical world is becoming a horror show because we cling to emotional illusions of happiness, goodness and faith. These "beautiful evils" are destroying reality. Imagination cannot exist without reality, folks. So once reality goes, so does the emotional imaginary world. You can't fantasize without a biological brain. And once the physical world can no longer support our biological survival, The Ego shall perish too. So whats the point to remain deaf, dumb and blind to The Emotional Mind and what it has been doing for centuries? It is suicidal, homicidal and pretends like it is fine. It's not fine at all. It's killing the world just by “choosing” to defend its deliberate ignorance about what it is doing. There is no talking to it. It does not want to understand itself. The person who pretends like they want to understand, is playing a trick upon him or herself. The first step to freedom from delusion is to face the fact that you don't want to be free. Then you are being honest with yourself. Then healing begins. But we love to pretend to be something that we are not. The Emotional Mind is THE ONLY MAJOR THREAT TO ITS OWN BRAIN!

Humanity has pretended to be at war with something outside of itself. The Truth is: The Emotional Mind is struggling against itself like Dr. Strange-Love. That was a character in a movie that was constantly strangling himself while his other hand was trying to pull his choking hand off of his own throat. That's what The Human Ego is doing to itself every time it “chooses” and takes sides. The Emotional Mind is exactly like a coin that has two different images. One side is a “heads” image; the other side is a “tails” image. “Heads” pretends that it is a completely different coin altogether while the “tails” side pretends the same thing. This is the true nature of The Ego. It plays an endless game of pretending with itself. This is why people are phoney with each other, too. They fake everything with each other. They say things like, “have a nice day”. How can a mind that is at odds with itself have a nice day? That is ludicrous, is it not?

Whenever you go any place to do a business transaction, The Emotional Mind is putting on a performance of being kind. A mind that is at war within itself is at war with everything around itself, too. You can't treat the world with honesty while you lie to yourself. We lie to ourselves by pretending that we don't have Negative Thoughts/Feelings. We hide from ourselves, emotionally. So whenever we do business transactions, we weave in emotional pretenses in order to fake it like we live in a civilized, orderly world. We wish to deceive both ourselves and others that we are something that we are not – rational, orderly and civilized. We are barbarians pretending to be civilized. We are violent to ourselves by denying a part of ourselves. We don't want to know ourselves (both sides: – neg. & + pos.). We only want to “choose” and divide ourselves. Once divided, we are a contradiction that is secretly at war within our emotional being, which is the foundation of our entire organism.

The human body comes down with more varieties of disease than any other creature on earth simply because it is the custodian of "Emotional Division" through “choice” (between the - neg. & + pos. emotions) that is causing the energy throughout the body to disintegrate into a multitude of diseases. Human health is disintegrating faster than we can fix the illnesses. This will speed up until we have destroyed ourselves completely.

The only survivors will be those who awakened to their mistake. Everyone else is on a collision course with one another. No matter what the superficial mind says about being in control, The Emotional Mind is a runaway train headed for a cliff without any breaks. Deep down it knows its true. All it hopes to achieve is to take everyone over that proverbial cliff. It does not want to wake up. It just wants company as it destroys the world that it has built up. It is hell bent of holding on to a lie while trying to prove to itself that it is order or that a divided thing can bring about peace, happiness and love. A fragment can never create the WHOLE. And yet this is what The Emotional Mind is trying to do. It is trying to make the word or the description have substance.

I live with someone who thinks that he can make reality whatever he wants it to be. He thinks that by saying that he has no beliefs, that those words makes it true. Words cannot make reality, when it comes to emotions. The only way to be free from believing is to be aware of when you are believing. The Emotional Mind seeks The Truth. You cannot seek The Truth. You can only seek what you know, which is a concept about The Truth. When you see the LIE and acknowledge that it is a lie, then you are in a state of Truth. When you see that dividing your emotions into “good” or “bad” and “choosing” one side in preference to the other IS CONFLICT which is disorder and denies harmony, then you are free and WHOLE.

The Biological Brain is designed to naturally seek and choose between the physical opposites. That is order. The body needs food and not poison. Yet we live in a world that tells us to poison our bodies with drugs and food tainted with chemicals that causes disease. We must “choose” foods that are alkaline to guard against disease. So overall, the brain must function in the Positive Energy Field of seeking and choosing: helpful versus harmful.

Yet, The Emotional Mind must be Neutral and not seek or choose to observe parts of itself. The Emotional Mind is ONE WHOLE UNIT that must not be divided. The Emotional Mind is the foundation of the human being. That foundation must be WHOLE. That means that it must see itself, without discrimination. I AM MY EMOTIONS. I am hatred, sadness, envy, greed, conceit; as well as humor, wittiness, joviality. Emotionally, I am the sum of my parts. To reject or ignore any part of my emotional being is to do violence to my being and to my biological survival. To attack myself is to attack the world; for I AM THE WORLD AND THE WORLD IS ME! When I divide my mind, I oppose myself. Conflict, violence IS OPPOSITION, is it not? When I emotionally oppose myself, then I am in conflict with the world around me, as well. In other words, what I  emotionally do to myself, I must do to the world. Being at odds within my mind, I am at odds with the world. And, each person is doing that, are they not?

On the internet you are constantly being pressured to “choose” by identifying with emotionally-based opinions. That stirs up a psychological battlefield. Psychological warfare leads to physical warfare. Propaganda is Emotional Linguistics used to provoke physical bloodshed. That is why it is lethal to emotionally “choose” both inwardly and outwardly. Emotional groups are perpetuating pain and suffering while telling everyone that they only want peace or to protect themselves. But when you protect an emotional cause, you are putting everyone's physical survival at risk. These deadly weapons all came from one place – THE MIND. No weapon has invented itself. The ultimate weapon is The Emotional Mind. It split itself then it split The Atom which brought about nuclear warfare. These weapons like Depleted Uranium is where an unbalanced mind manipulates the energy of matter, turning it into monstrous destruction that goes on to upset the balance of nature.

What is a monster except something that is out of balance! All monsters are merely the reflection of The Emotional Mind that has chosen to split itself into. Then each fragmented side attacks itself. The Emotional Mind has the power to “choose” to forget whatever it wants to forget. That is why it can separate itself and then conveniently “choose” to forget about the side of itself that it dislikes. So when it attacks itself, it can pretend that it is not attacking itself. That is the delusional world in which we are living.

Let's talk about work...

Why does the human work itself to an unhealthy point of exhaustion? It's simple really. It does this so that it lacks the energy to understand its emotional mind. It gives all of its energy to mindlessly working like a dog. A tired body seeks entertainment with whatever energy it has left over. The Emotional Mind has brainwashed itself to physical labor so that it can IGNORE itself. The Emotional Mind is escaping from itself. What is everyone's job really about? Our jobs are based on conflict through psychological warfare. All day long we “choose” to help each other hide from ourselves. We help each other remain divided in The Emotional Mind. This is the underlying real job that we bask in for hours and hours each day. We act like we are so noble for being workaholics. But we don't realize that we are all working for our Egos (which is at war within itself). All of this working is a distraction from realizing that we are working to destroy the world.

After all, a divided mind is in a state of DISINTEGRATION. Disintegration means: downfall, collapse, decay, corruption, catastrophe, ruination, fragmentation, division, destruction, etc. Jobs are designed to erode our health both physically and mentally. We are being paid to self-destruct. Because at every type of job at its core is Ego-Stroking. When you do not comply the whole group turns against you. They threaten to destroy your physical security if you do not conform to the pattern of Emotional Ass Kissing. You are ordered or commanded to make a “choice” of who you will be nice to and who you will be mean to. But what happens when you do neither and remain NEUTRAL (be a “nothing” or a “zero”)? When it comes to that, most people are cowards. They fear Emotional Tradition more than anything else in the world.

No matter where you are, you are living around someone who is driven and controlled by their Emotional Mind or their Ego. They have taken sides against themselves. They demand that you support them by playing along with their game of hide and seek. They hide from their lies and pretend to be seeking the truth. “Truth” is based on what they desire “the truth” to be. If you don't play, then they either overtly or covertly plot to destroy your physical security. They do things to make you physically uncomfortable. They say emotional things to bring about fear and terror. They will do anything and everything they can to upset and unnerve you in order to get you to bow down to their Ego (tell them what they want to hear).

But a mind that is observing ALL of itself is free from the pressure of threats. Remember that everything in existence is the outgrowth of a seed, which is its foundation. When you look at all of what is going on around you, it is a display of what is going on inside the mind. If there was no conflict in the mind, there would be no conflict outside in the physical world, either. When you look at the Universe, you are looking at ORDER where the opposites are co-existing. Day is not attacking the Night nor visa versa. Planets are not attacking each other. Galaxies are not attacking each other. Star systems are not attacking each other. Things come into existence for a time and then they disappear. There is no conflict or opposition in that. The opposite forms of energy are equally charged which is why the result is Creation or Integration which is harmonious. A mind that OBSERVES ITSELF and does not discriminate what it observes in itself is functioning just like the Universe because it does not interfere with its opposite expressions. It simply observes everything about itself. The Holistic Observation brings about a Neutral Mindset that cannot be intimidated by any emotional pressure of being destroyed.

The Holistic Mind is living in a state of Death. It dies to each emotional expression within itself. It embraces each expression then lets go when the expression comes to its natural end. It is no different than inhaling air (life) and exhaling air (death) All thoughts and feelings are like the weather. Sometimes they can be stormy, cold, warm, hot or very damp (comfortable or uncomfortable). But they all have a natural time to exist. There no need to push away or try to shorten any thought or emotion. Balance between these opposites are destroyed when we Desire to control what we will feel or think, emotionally. The “controller” is The Ego trying to direct the energy of life and death. This is wrong. The Emotional Mind does not have the right to “choose” what it wants to be aware of in itself. The Whole Mind must understand its total psychological nature (through self-examination without control).

Just because “control” is necessary for physical or technological functions does not mean that “control” is required in the Emotional Realm. “Control” must be “Off” in The Emotional Mind and “On” in the Biological and Technological Brain. The physical side of the human must be Positive & Negative (choosing to obtain helpful elements and rejecting harmful elements); while simultaneously, The Emotional side of the human must be Completely Neutral, which means observing both sides of its nature (Positive Thoughts/Feelings & Negative Thoughts/Feelings). If numbers were to represents various types of emotions or thoughts, here is what it would look like:

...-10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1 <0> +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +7, +8, +9, +10...

The “0” Point is Pure Holistic Observation of “What Is Actually” blossoming in The Emotional Mind. Observation is a natural state that: neither latches onto nor repels what is being observed. The Observer IS The Observed; The Thinker IS The Thought. For example, if the thought is annoyance, then the thinker is that annoyance. There is no controller who “chooses” to get rid of nor cling to annoyance. By realizing that you are that thing (i.e., annoyance), then there is nothing you can do but be that thing and observe what that thing is (without verbalization, analysis or judgment). Just simply feel what the emotion is without naming it. The energy is experiencing its emotional state while it tells its story; hence, the mind listens in complete silence to that story to its natural end. It is like a leaf has died and effortlessly drops to the ground. There is no struggle or opposition or conflict. The mind remains WHOLE.

Each digit in the above diagram represents a particular emotional expression or state of feeling or being. So no matter what state of mind or emotional expression one is experiencing, there is Holistic Learning about The Emotional Self by simply watching and feeling it. You don't “choose” to watch. It is a natural byproduct of the mind upon realizing that it is the sum total of its parts of expression. It cannot detach itself from itself because it clearly realizes that to do so is self-destructive, which will only cause an avalanche of problems in which one will drown.

Fear of observing the mind originates from Emotional Desire to go beyond itself. Desire is limited to Desire. It cannot go beyond itself. Desire has invented opposite language to take shelter in and to pretend that it has gone beyond itself. It pretends that “the word” is the reality. In other words, it pretends to know what lies beyond death. It uses the word, “The Light” or “Crossing Over” or “The Higher Self”. These words are an escape from some emotional state of mind. If ones feels trapped in emotional darkness, then it tells itself to go into “The Light”. If one feels ashamed of something one has done, it tells itself that “I am better than I was or I have changed.” Self-hypnosis is a lie seeking to validate itself as being something that it is not. Any and all emotional desires are self-deception seeking to control itself. The mind was never designed to control itself. The only thing that can bring order to The Emotional Mind is emotional Neutrality through Holistic Examination. That means that the mind has no choice but to observe every single thought and feeling that pops up from the stimulation of impersonal or personal interactions. When people speak to one another, The Emotional Mind responds either positively/pleasurably or negatively/disturbed. Then one either clings to the positives or rejects the negative or visa versa. Or, one simply observes, studies or examines any emotional reaction because it realizes that it is ALL of them. 

Intelligence must learn about itself by studying ALL of its Emotional Responses regardless if they are comfortable of uncomfortable. Since the mind is made out of atoms, its energy is equally charged with both positive emotions (protons) and negative emotions (electrons), which are there to be studied. We violate that equal charge of energy whenever we take it upon ourselves to pluck out parts that we favor and ignore parts that we despise. Then mental imbalance (neurosis or psychosis) ensues. One will develop behavior that will either hurt oneself or hurt someone else. The hurt comes from the emotional desire to “choose” what the mind will acknowledge or pay attention to and what it will deny. Such a mind is ignorant that it is the sum total of its parts. Therefore, it thinks/believes protecting itself from emotional discomfort is the same thing as protecting its body from being destroyed.

However, the moment that the emotional mind seeks to be comfortable all the time, it is endangering its biological survival. When the emotions pursue comfort, it switches “Off” balance and harmony because it has divided the emotional mind. A thing that is divided is in a state of contradiction/conflict. Once the foundation of the mind is in conflict, the physical or biological structure must disintegrate or fall to ruin. That is the Atomic Law of Energy. Everything is fundamentally Atomic Energy. There are fundamental laws that govern energy that cannot be violated. If they are violated, then that form of energy will undo itself. There is no way around that fact of reality.

Either a person speaks from fact or (emotional) fiction. The human world is founded upon emotional fiction which requires blind faith and hope. All hope and faith are delusions. Meanwhile, the ship continues to sink. Millions of times throughout history The Emotional Mind tricks crowds of people to emotionally believe which always ends in catastrophe. Yet, it keeps making the same mistake, repeatedly. And, The Emotional Mind actually expects a new outcome. When a mind is healthy, it observes ALL OF ITS EXPRESSIONS and remains Neutral. There is No Fear where there is Holistic Self-Study. Beliefs, Gods, Faith, Hope, Demons, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Black or White Magic are byproducts of The Emotional Mind that has divided itself and deceives itself. A mind at war within supports and sustains outward war; yet it cries for peace through conflict. Conflict can only breed conflict. Peace is the byproduct of studying conflict. When you study a thing, fully, then it is naturally resolved and integration prevails. A disorderly thing will always cause destruction, annihilation and chaos. Order does not arise out of Disorder, which is printed (in Latin) on the money. Contaminated water can never produce fresh water.

When you split the atom, you make the energy chaotic and lethal. People may say that we run our cities on nuclear power. But they fail to realize that anyone living with 100 miles of a nuclear plant is exposed to high levels of radiation which causes cancer. Since Einstein split the atom, it has caused countless deaths due to cancer. A better form of power would be magnetic energy which does not disturb the atmosphere nor cause any disease. But since we live based on our emotions, we don't care about physical security. We only serve our emotions to a fault. That is why people poison themselves everyday and act like they are not doing that. Even if you can scientifically prove that they are poisoning themselves they will just shrug their shoulders and keep on doing it because the greatest poison of all is how we divide the emotional mind. We are addicted to doing wrong and saying that it is righteous. We've been singing that tune for so long, we reject out of hand anything that tries to show us anything outside of that habit.

You know a junky doesn't care if you can prove to it that the drug is destroying his or her life. It just wants that sensation. Well believing is a drug too. It's the most powerful drug in the world. It can convince people to commit mass suicide or genocide. When The Emotional Mind splits itself, it is addicted to the sensation of sentiment, delusions of being good or being the chosen ones or being superior, etc., etc. That is why propaganda always works on people. They can be led to their biological deaths for an Emotional Promise. Pimps have done it with their whores. Husbands have used the emotional phrase, “I love you” so that the wife will do anything he wants at her own risk of death. Yes, the emotional words, rule and enslave humanity. That is why they can't stop destroying this planet because they serve their Emotional God of Division/Conflict.

My responsibility in this fearful world is to observe my emotions each moment of everyday no matter what they turn out to be. To live in harmony with the Universe no matter what threats of death to my physical body. All I know is that the foundation of my being is integrating as I observe. That is the seed that I plant each day. The rest of the human race is sowing seeds of mass destruction to which each person is on a collision course with his neighbor. Because each one is “choosing” to partially be aware of him or herself. Partial awareness is division and conflict and disintegration. That is the seed that you plant while you work or socialize with so-called friends and family. You are all killing yourselves while you dream that you are being good and caring human beings. You are all isolated by your images and opinions you have, which are only what you want to be true! Anything that reveals that it is not true, you ignore or call it "crazy". You believe in the opposite of what is actually going on in order to take shelter in comforting lies. 

Then when disaster hits, you all point the finger at someone else to shoulder the blame. You seek revenge so that you can hide from your responsibility for the bad things that are happening in your life. Everybody wants to find a scapegoat to hide from the fact that each person is sowing the seeds of conflict which is destroying physical survival. We are mentally lazy. We do not have the energy to learn about our TOTAL MIND. We fear “not belonging”. Fear is our true God. We do great harm to the world, then we say that we are sorry. But, a divided mind is never sorry. It only pretends to be sorry so that it can continue being divided. All it cares about is maintaining division. The lie is divided from THE WHOLE TRUTH. It takes pieces of the truth that it likes and discards the rest. Truth is WHOLE, which is why The Truth is Holy. Once The Truth is Divided it, then, becomes a Lie. The Lie shall not set us free. The Lie is not our savior. Yet organized religions and dogmas teach us to live a lie and look for salvation through the lie, then it calls that lie “the truth”. The Lie is peace is the result of division and conflict. So we identify with an image. But what is an image? Its the shadow of the real thing. That is why the highest paying jobs are in the movie industry. It gives us the example of what “love” is or “marriage” is or anything is. We are suppose to copy what the writers, directors and producers say how we should think act or respond to life. We are mere puppets who allow others to pull our strings and emotionally control us. This is what our so-called education has programmed us to do. We are afraid to live our lives without the programming we have been force-fed.

So when an individual (which is someone who is not divided against himself) dares to stand up and be WHOLE, the entire world of conflict tries to destroy that person. The Divided Mind demands that we all be paper dolls that emotionally prop each other up at the same time tear each other down, which is a dualistic and contradictory state of being. It is madness, indeed. So when you stand up and face your TOTAL MIND, you can expect the broken world to attack you with deceit of every kind. 

Do you know what it means to hate yourself? It means that you refuse to Holistically study your Total Mind. You take sides and reject the rest. You are attacking yourself when you do that. That is hate. To truly love yourself, is to embrace your TOTAL MIND and observe it ALL. That which is WHOLE is GOODNESS is GOD is CREATION is NEUTRAL. A broken thing can only pretend to love. How can imbalance be harmony. Love is complete balance and harmony. Love is Creation not destruction. When the mind "believes", it has divided itself from directly perceiving any state of mind that it is in. Therefore, it is rejecting Holistic Observation; it is denying Love.

Believing is the act of taking something for granted to be true. It is the hope and faith that it is true. But it is not The Truth. The Truth is what is actual. What is actual is that our mind is made out of atoms. The structure of the atom contains equally charged Negative & Positive energy. Therefore, we have equally charged Positive & Negative thoughts and feelings. Our mind is Loving when it observes equally both Positive & Negative thoughts and feelings. When we “choose” to study one side of the mind and reject the other side, we have split the atom. When the atom is split it become a lethal weapon. The Emotional Mind is the Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction.

Either we get our physical security due to the misfortune of others or we get it because we are naturally learning. If you believe in anything, that group of believers are at war with another group. And just like sports, one team must win while the other loses. This is inequality. When the mind divides itself then someone must lose their physical security so that another may gain theirs. 

But, a holistic mind gets is physical security from the energy of observation. When both Negative & Positive numbers attack a holistically minded person, they both get neutralized because the holistic mind is not supporting either side. Therefore they must cancel each other out. Through that cancellation arises the physical security for the holistic mind. The holistic mind is not afraid to see its limitations because it understands that when it detects its flaws they disappear. So while both teams of the divided mind seek to destroy the WHOLE MIND, they both get neutralized by Pure Perception alone. The Whole Mind does not oppose anyone. 

Observation is a Neutral Action -- it is free from bias, prejudice. All there is is learning through observation. The goal of the divided mind is to entice the Whole Mind to fight against its aggravations and threats of blocking physical security. A mind that is in a state of constant learning about itself is Creation. The physical being of that mind will die only when the energy of the Universe indicates that its time is up because a holistic mind is operating in sync with the Atomic Laws of the Universe. 

A fragmented mind cannot overpower eternity, which is WHOLENESS. If it tries to destroy the physical security of a mind that is WHOLE, it will destroy its own physical security in the process. But if the Universe still has a purpose for the person who is operating neutrally, then that person will go on living. This is no theory. I live it. I live with someone who threatens my life every single day. And I observe my emotional responses and wait to see what happens. My life is in the hands of the Universe. I constantly observe ALL EMOTIONAL RESPONSES to their natural end.

So my mind is renewing itself all the time. I am being given my physical security outside of the laws of conflict. When people go to work, their job is based on conformity to conflict. So it is based on unfairness and inequality. By agreeing to go along with conflict, you are supporting unfairness, inequality and cruelty. People pretend like there is no other way to live. The truth is that people are comfortable in this habitual way of existence until they have to be sacrificed. It may appear that conflict is all-powerful and controls everything, but that is an illusion. Even if you take 99 percent of humanity, they are all operating from the foundation of fragmentation. 

Fragmentation cannot create. It can invent through the manipulation of energy. But, it cannot integrate nor create energy. A fragment can never overtake The Whole. That is why it is irrelevant that the majority of human beings are living in conflict because the entire species of humanity does not own nor control the Universe nor the nature of The Atom. So long as one lives their life in sync with  the Universal Atomic Laws of Energy, ones energy is in accord with that which is Infinite. And it is that Infinite Energy that determines my fate or anyone who is understanding their Whole Mind by studying every single response that arises within human consciousness. After all, that is the intrinsically proper function of the human mind. Those who are in violation of Holistic Self Awareness are criminals. A criminal is one who causes injury. When the mind divides itself, it is hurting and injuring the natural harmony of its essence. That is the ultimate crime. A criminal that is pretending to be righteous does not have the inherent right to judge nor punish someone who is being holistically responsible.

The human world is being ruled by psychological criminals. They have made up rules based on vagueness, confusion and double-talk. It was setup this way so that it would appear that they are the good guys who have the right to dictate our lives. Intelligent beings do not need to be dictated to on 'how to live'. Right behavior is naturally born out of holistic self-examination. That is why the educational system has left out holistic self-study of the emotional mind. There are really no countries nor governments, innately speaking. All of these imaginary entities are a result of living in  emotional fragmentation. 

Divide and conquer is the warrior's cry. You can only conquer a thing that is divided at its foundation. Organized religions and dogmas have ushered in division by making us afraid of our emotions. They used emotional language such as, “sinner”, “hell”, “damnation”, etc. to frighten the human mind into submission and conformity. They also used mercenaries to murder people who tried to reject their will. The reason that they succeeded was because when a weaker desire tries to resist the oppression of a stronger desire, then the weaker one can be destroyed. But, when there is NO DESIRE, NO WILLPOWER resisting the Desire and Willpower of another, then the aggressor is fighting completely alone against itself. That is why the conqueror cannot conquer a mind that is NOT DIVIDED.

Like the example I used of Positive and Negative numbers can demonstrate what I mean: there are Positive Numbers & Negative numbers. If the Willpower of a number were to be a +10 versus the Willpower of -8, then the Willpower of the +10 would outmatch the -8 by +2. Therefore the power of the Negative 8 is conquered. But if the Willpower of -10 opposed the Willpower of +8, then the -10 would outmatch the +8 by -2. The amount of Negativity would be greater in this case. That is why heroes (+) and villains (-) are merely two sides of the same egotistical coin of division and conflict. 

These wars go back and forth like a dance. But both sides are born from the same singular Coin of Division/Conflict. They are both a fragment -- like the Negative producing a Positive Photograph belong to each (heads = photo and tails = the negative). The Negative Side is a fragment and is Not Whole unto itself. The Positive Side is a fragment and is Not Whole unto itself, either. Both sides are polarized with the other and they lack wholeness. Both sides are a result of split by emotionally "believing" that they are not related. Division is instability. A foundation that is Not divided provides stability to the brain which contains its Holistic foundation.

Both Negative Beliefs & Positive Beliefs are polarized and come from each other. Just like the North Pole is polarized with its opposite South Pole. Take one away and the other collapses, as well. They cannot stand alone. They are co-dependent. This is why God & the Devil are 2 sides of the same coin of Fear. Where there is No fear, there is no God or Devil but just Wholeness/Creation and natural cooperation. When the Electrons/Negative Energy equally meet with Protons/Positive Energy they neutralize each other and Integration and Stability and Harmony results. 

So when you Equally Observe both Negative and Positive Emotions within your mind, these opposite energies come together and neutralize each other producing perfect bliss and harmony. The opposites then co-exist without any friction. Neither side seeks to conquer the other side at all where there is Purely Attention to both sides of the psychological coin. Hence, there is no fear. Fear is the action of resistance to observe. Where there is no resistance to observe both emotional sides, there is peace, balance and love. So there is no need for worship, hierarchy nor hope. But the human mind has become too emotionally lopsided to examine itself. The resistance to learn about itself and study itself has been disabled through emotional language. 

Therefore, a mind that has made itself incapable of dispassionate perception of its emotional responses is a mind that is lost to terror forever. This is the state of the world as we know it. There is no answer outside of the seed of the emotional mind. The answer lies within the problem itself. Failure to holistically study the problem means that the problem will consume itself – in other words, the problem will annihilate itself due to the lack of proper attention and care. You see the mind of humanity has installed an emotional fail-safe of fear. It fears looking at its Complete Self. It has divorced itself from one side of itself. That divorce has sealed the fate of most people's lives. When you watch or listen or read news reports of tragedy after tragedy, you are witnessing the end result of Psychological Fear or fragmented observation. Where there is fragmentation, there is disintegration of physical survival.

The person I live with tries to pretend that he is my friend and that he understands what I do. He is self-deceived. It shows in the manner in which he takes care of his body. He neglects it and poisons it. He has no respect at all for his physical well being. Yet he tries to convince me that he cares about my well being. He leaves the house and does not lock the doors. He uses the bathrub and toilet and leaves behind a mess for me to clean up. He wastes electricity leaving on the lights when he is not there to use the light. He creates problems and then tries to make them be my problem to worry about. He does everything that he can to disturb my mind so that I will lash out against him or try to do something to change him. 

Now you might be thinking, “Why don't you get away from him?” I say because once he is gone there will be another to take his place. You all may have different styles of disorder, but at the end of the day, you are all functioning out of Emotional Division and “choice” (between the opposite emotions and thoughts in your mind). The intelligent thing to do is to observe it all. Because, what determines my physical security is my observation of my emotional responses. As long as I don't try to run away from my feelings, all challenges are neutralized and in the end I get what I need in order to physically survive. Each time I cycle through an attack, I have a profound impact on the root of The Emotional Mind.

We don't understand that there is only ONE EMOTIONAL MIND that we all have access to. We have mixed our physical education with our psychological education. And we have made a grave error. You see, physically, we are separate beings because when I eat, it only fills my stomach. When I sleep it is only my brain that feels rested. So due to our separate bodies, we have jumped to the conclusion that we are also separate, psychologically. But this is a falsehood that has been taken for granted. You see, The Ego operates the same in all human beings. It divides itself in half then fights against itself. It does not matter what words you use. Division is conflict and it operates the same is us all. You either go along with that ancient programming or you open your inner eyes and see that you are the sum of your thoughts and feelings no matter what your name is or where you come from. If you fail to  realize that absolute fact, then you are doomed to fight yourself for the rest of your life. The superficial expression of the conflict may vary, but the mind is at odds within itself, which is the common ground all of humanity stands on.

It is quite rare for a human mind to awaken to the total trick it has been playing upon itself. A trick that has been imposed on everyone as we grow up. But if one were to awaken to the Whole Self-Deceptive Game, then that would shake the very foundation of the Human Psyche. That is why the entire World of Division targets such a mind that does not conform to living in conflict so as to put great pressure of this mind to stop it. It fears what will happen if the root of the entire mind of humanity were to end that artificial gap in the Emotional Mind. So it sends both sides of the coin after the Holistic Mind in order to try to shut it down. It knows that it can shut down a fragmented mind because that mind has crippled itself by dividing itself. But it does not know how to trick the Holistic Mind into dividing itself. It tries everything it can, but the emotional mind is limited to either an Overt Intimidation or Covert False Friendship (like a double-agent that pretends to be in your camp in order to secretly sabotage your plans).

The person that I live with mainly operates like a double-agent. Then he gets frustrated and comes out and tells me that he will do something to destroy my physical security. It drives him crazy that my responses are not frantic. He can't understand why I don't get angry or try to stop him or lash out in desperation. All I do is study ALL emotional responses that he evokes in my mind (which is the collective mind of humanity, really). When one approaches the WHOLE EMOTIONAL MIND, with equal attention to all expressions, neutralization of both opposites dissolves the challenge and the outcome is that I get what I need to live. I no longer worry about what might happen because I clearly understand the principles of energy at play. 

Life is all about balance between the opposites. Division destroys balance. The brain needs balance. When the emotional mind makes a “choice” to observe certain thoughts and feelings and to hide from the others, balance in the mind is destroyed and the brain loses it physical security. Even the wealthy are not exempt from this cosmic rule of energy. Even if they can afford anything that money can buy, a brain that is burdened with a divided emotional state of mind, will cause physical abnormalities and even mental imbalances. Or the emotional mind can cause the brain to be put on a deadly collision course, unknowingly. 

No one can escape the Atomic Laws of Energy. One either goes with the flow of life or one is against it. If you are living in conflict, then you must suffer either consciously or subconsciously. There can be no peace in a mind that does not Holistically Observe or Study or Examine its nature (both sides of its nature +/-). This is the only Law that I live by. The tons of laws that the Ego has fabricated in order to dominate us is meaningless and are designed to confuse and entrap us and punish us for living outside of The Ego's Kingdom.

Bottom line is that the human Emotional Realm is either a weapon of The Ego that is here to do nothing but promote conflict and imbalance and destruction to the physical and mental world, or you are holistically vigilant – an instrument of Cosmic Creation who is shining The Light of Holistic Observation in the Darkness of the human emotional mind. That means one is either being constructive or destructive. There is no middle ground and you can't be both at the same time. Energy is Life. Energy is either being used for Disorder or Order. Either one cancels out the other. When the mind perceives itself in Totality, it cancels Disorder. When it divides its perception, that cancels out Order. That is all there is. What are you doing?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Psychologically Splitting The Atom

...Is A Declaration of War Upon The Universe

Why The Human Emotional-Mind Is The Ultimate WMD [Weapon Of Mass Destruction]

So long as we, as a species, remain ignorant about how our emotional-mind functions, we shall continue multiplying emergencies throughout the entire world. The human species is daily attacking itself and the biosphere. In other words, the mind is in a state of DISINTEGRATION, which is setting off a chain-reaction of global destruction.

The human being is a chemical-based creature – just like the rest of life. Therefore, we are basically an atomic structure. This is important because once we understand the balanced nature of the atomic structure, we can then apply that understanding to our mental function in order to clearly and objectively see how we have weaponized our minds and are causing DISINTEGRATION both biologically and psychologically. In that clarity we deactivate this imbalance which is coming from the Ego. The “Ego” is a byproduct of a divided/fragmented emotional psyche.

However, the fractured emotional-mind (“The Ego”) of humanity can choose to malfunction based on its desire to “choose” to be attached to certain emotional qualities and to escape from (detach) from its other emotional qualities. All psychological/emotional desires are biased and are, therefore, corrupt and imbalances the whole mind. This causes great pain, anxiety and suffering. So long as the mind refuses to be holistically aware of its TOTAL Emotional Being, it is DISINTEGRATING, emotionally.

The foundation of the human being is its mental state. If that state is divided, it is emitting a destructive vibration throughout its physiological being. That means every atom in its body is doing the same thing as its mental state. If the mental state is fragmenting, then the body's atoms must follow suit. If the mind is holistic, then the atoms will function holistically, too. If the mind is in disorder, then its behavior must be volatile, too. In other words, everything in the human world comes from its state of mind. Therefore, it behooves us to be clear about our emotional-thinking process, because it governs our fate. The mind must understand itself or else it must function as a WMD.

Let's approach this dilemma logically and rationally, if at all possible. What makes people primitive and barbaric is their inability to study their psychological nature, dispassionately (without bias). It is an absolute and indisputable fact that we are made out of atoms. In understanding the laws of physics with regard to “the atom”, we can objectively see the correlation with its laws and how we (emotionally) think. It is our emotional state of mind that is conditioned in a state of bias, which CAUSES the EFFECT of disintegration and destruction, both mentally and physically. Nothing can rescue the human mind except for its own clarity about itself. Without clarity, nothing can stop the mind from annihilating itself and its environment.

Life is based on CAUSE-and-EFFECT. Every problem contains both the CAUSE-and-EFFECT. The human mind is CAUSING the multiplication of problems because it is blind to its malfunctioning. In other words, the mind is The Problem-Maker. The Problem-Maker is trying to bring about a solution without first seeing how it is creating problems! It wants to skip over understanding how it is creating problems and somehow find solutions. This, of course, is an impossibility. The Answer lies within the understanding of The Problem-Maker. Failure to completely understand/examine The Problem-Maker equates to the furthering of problems, as we daily witness in the human world. Therefore, it is each person's innate responsibility to holistically/objectively examine The Problem-Maker (The Ego). Once we actually SEE our error, The Problem-Maker naturally dissolves. The Problem-Maker exists due to emotional blindness (which is the CAUSE of the EFFECT = The Problem-Maker).


I went online and found the following source that explains the simple structure of “the atom”. Below is the explanation of the atomic structure:

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Why are Atoms Neutral?


Atoms are neutral because they have the same amount of protons and electrons. The charge of one proton is equal to the charge of one electron thus the charge of a neutral atom always equals zero. If atoms were not neutral it would cause either great repulsion or great attraction stirring the atmosphere.

1 Additional Answer

The simple answer is atoms are neutral because they contain the same number of protons as electrons. This is a lucky thing for us because if atoms were not neutral all matter in the universe would fly apart and that includes humans!

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The Universe and everything in it is founded upon “the atom”. The foundation of “the atom” is NEUTRALITY! NEUTRALITY = EQUALITY = BALANCE = ORDER = HARMONY = INTEGRATION!


The entire mind is atomic-based. The psyche has POSITIVE THOUGHTS/FEELINGS & NEGATIVE THOUGHTS/FEELINGS, equally. When the total psyche observes itself, holistically, it is NEUTRAL/ORDERLY/INTEGRATED. When the mind chooses between its POSITIVE THOUGHTS/FEELINGS & NEGATIVE THOUGHTS/FEELINGS, it disrupts its atomic balance through division.

We have been traditionally programmed TO CHOOSE! We are told, “Think Positively” by emotionally identifying with THE POSITIVE emotions/thoughts and suppressing THE NEGATIVE ones. It is like identifying with THE DAY and suppressing THE NIGHT. Obviously, we'd all die if our environment did that. When the mind CHOOSES to be biased towards itself, it is AT ODDS WITHIN ITSELF. That means that the mind is in OPPOSITION TO ITSELF.

Since the mind is atomic-based, its fate is governed by Atomic Law:

Positive Thoughts-Feelings = Protons + Negative Thoughts-Feelings = Electrons = ONE WHOLE ATOMIC UNIT

Humanity took a wrong turn a long ago (centuries ago), and that wrong turn is now a “respected tradition” that we have inherited. We are in direct violation of The Atomic Laws of The Universe.

The mind bases its laws, economy and religion upon DIVISION:

We identify with race, tribalism, family which is why these groups have wars to steal resources from each other, forever! The origin of this chaos and constant threat to physical security is based on the mind clinging to its “Positive Thoughts-Emotions” and imprisoning its “Negative-Thoughts-Emotions” or visa versa. This perpetual fragmentation is killing the world because it is in violation of The Atomic Laws of The Universe.


A “Charge” is Pure Energy!

Balanced Energy is Creation.

Imbalanced Energy is Destruction.

The Atomic Structure = Neutrality = Zero:

1 Proton contains the same amount of energy as 1 Electron

Mathematically speaking (adding a positive with a negative = zero):

+ 1 [Positive: Thoughts-Feelings that are Observed/Examined without Opposition.]
- 1 [Negative: Thoughts-Feelings that are Observed/Examined without Opposition.]
0 [The HOLISTIC OBSERVATION of Positive + Negative Thoughts-Feelings = Love/Peace.]

The human psyche is ONE UNIT that contains Positive + Negative Thoughts-Feelings.

“The Ego” dictates to itself to escape from either its Negative Emotions or Positive Emotions and causes conflict through choosing one aspect in preference to the other. The mind is trying to cut itself in half and cling to one half and discard the other half, which is suicidal/homicidal (disintegration or destruction). “The Ego” is a violent entity because it is a product of “splitting the atom”. When the atom is split it is taken out of its Creative State and reduced to a WMD or a bomb. The protons and electrons of the atom are taken out of balance, which is nuclear fission. The mind is functioning as a bomb because its energy is in direct conflict with its Positive & Negative Thoughts-Feelings, creating an imbalance of energy in the mind.

We have been conditioned/programmed like a computer to be at odds within our psyche. We escape from internal turmoil by seeking entertainment or amusements to distract ourselves from the sorrow that we feel in the core of our being. We have replaced intelligent self-awareness of the WHOLE MIND with “pleasure-seeking” distractions (i.e, sports, adult movies, ritualized religion, politics, etc.). We identify with one side of our psychological coin and fight against the other side of our psychological coin. We join forces with others to reinforce our divisive convictions. That is why there has never been peace on earth, because the human mind is out of balance. It refuses to be in a Neutral State of Wholeness. It CHOOSES to split itself in half and endlessly fight itself, which is like nuclear fission.

The psychological image emerges out of choice. One makes a conclusion based upon desire. One sees violence in oneself. So the image is the opposite opinion that says, “I am non-violent” in order to avoid examining the fact of what I am at any given moment. If I feel afraid, the mind divides itself away from that fact by believing one is courageous. Emotional Opposition creates an imbalance because the mind is choosing to be in touch with parts of itself and to escape from other parts by conjuring up an opposing desire and then saying that desired conclusion is the truth. This division is splitting the psyche into. The Energy of Perception or Attention or Observation is divided against itself.

Instead of examining the WHOLE MIND, which is any emotional state of mind that arises, it chooses to abandon its observation of anything that it does not like or finds disgusting. However, ignoring an aspect of itself does not erase the fact that the mind is its content no matter how much it may wish to deny it. That is why in the story of Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde both sides are part of one personality that is in denial so no matter which side dominates or wins the battle, they both end up destroyed in the end. That metaphor represents the human psyche.

Dr. Jekyll = Proton (Positive) + Mr. Hyde = Electron (Negative) and when they are not equally observed, destruction is its inevitable fate. In other words, when the mind chooses to embrace one side of its nature and reject the other side, the entire mind DISINTEGRATES and the outcome is devastation to its physical world, as well.

It takes energy to observe the mind. That energy is thrown out of balance when we focus our energy on one side and abandon attention to the side that we dislike. Just like the Proton is Charged with Equal Energy as the Electron; both Positive and Negative Thoughts-Feelings must be equally or holistically examined. So when a feeling of hatred arises one must pay complete attention to it. When a so-called friend comes along and helps you to run away from painful thoughts or feelings, they are helping you to destroy yourself (perhaps unknowingly). We have been brainwashed to think that we are suppose to pick and choose parts of our emotional thinking to promote and hide other parts. Destruction is violence. We are being violent to ourselves whenever we divide our attention to favor what we like about our thinking and avoid being in touch with whatever we despise in ourselves.

The mind is made out of atoms. Atoms must have equally charged protons and electrons. The mind's positive and negative emotions-thoughts are suppose to be equally observed in order to neutralize them to equal zero, which is the ground of the Universe. Remember the Universe is Atomic and so are we. Humans have divided themselves away from the Universe. But, everything is made out of ATOMS. We are a part of the Universe. However, we are at war with it by misusing our energy. Our energy is suppose to observe the ENTIRE MIND (both Positive & Negative) qualities. It is like a battery. A battery requires both Negative & Positive Charge, EQUALLY. The human psyche is in deviance of The Universal Laws of Energy/Life.

There is nothing wrong with Negative Thoughts and Feelings. Think of them as a metaphor of being autumn and winter. And, the Positive Thoughts and Feelings are like spring and summer. If you get rid of autumn and winter, then spring and summer cannot exist, either. Similarly, if you suppress your Negative Thoughts-Emotions, you also deprive your mind of being happy. Take breathing for exampe: inhaling air = life and exhaling air = death. They are inseparable and work an ONE WHOLE UNIT. We have both types of Thoughts-Emotions for the purpose of EXAMINING OUR TOTAL MENTAL BEING: THIS IS HOLISTIC SELF-AWARENESS OR SANITY! Division = Insanity which is being out of touch with reality. The reality is that the mind contains both Positive & Negative Thoughts-Emotions. When we Observe both sides of that ONE PSYCHOLOGICAL COIN, that Attention = Neutrality = Zero = Wholeness = Sanity. Wholeness is Holiness or Morality. Such a mind is peaceful, loving and intelligent (wise).


In other words, atoms require ORDER. ORDER = BALANCE OF REPULSION & ATTRACTION.

Repulsion (Negative Charge) = Electron + Attraction (Positive Charge) = Proton

The human psyche has been programmed to favor either the Negative over the Positive or visa versa.
Whatever the mind favors, it over-indulges in it. Whatever the mind dislikes, it tries to attack or imprison it. This is why humanity has built this world like it is. It is a world of complete imbalance and DISORDER. It calls DISORDER “order”.



The only way that the mind can balance its energy is that it must understand itself COMPLETELY. It cannot understand itself COMPLETELY when it is biased. It cannot choose to be in touch with only a part of itself and ignore the rest. When it does that, it is broken and functions as an “Ego” that is always at war within and without. This is why everyday we wake up in a world that is threatening our survival. Fear comes from splitting the psychological atomic content of our thoughts-feelings. This fragmentation is responsible for war, poverty and inequality. There is no such thing as “race”. That is an invention born out of splitting the atom of the mind. By being prejudice against one side of the psychological coin, we have fabricated the concept of “race”. We are ONE SPECIES WITH ONE CONSCIOUSNESS that hates one side of itself. This imbalance of energy is causing DISINTEGRATION OF THE HUMAN PSYCHE. No matter what your physical traits are, underneath you are basically atoms. Those atoms are in a state of conflict because the mind refuses to Holistically Study Itself. If we looked at our Entire Mind in Equality, we would not view people as a “race”. There is only One Human Race, period. When the mind observes itself, completely, it is WHOLE – just like the Universe. Then war would cease. War exists because we have SPLIT THE ATOM OF OUR MIND!

We are out of sync with the Universe because the Atoms of our consciousness are “divided” against itself. The Energy of Self-Awareness is being dissipated because it is not observing ALL THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS [EQUALLY] AS THEY ARISE when we face any challenge throughout our daily survival. Remember The Atomic Law is: Equal Charge to Protons (Positive) & Electrons (Negative) makes the Atom NEUTRAL, which is CREATION. Break that Law, and you have this world of War and utter confusion. That is the source of TERRORISM!

The simple answer is atoms are neutral because they contain the same number of protons as electrons. This is a lucky thing for us because if atoms were not neutral all matter in the universe would fly apart and that includes humans!

We are responsible for the world that we are creating each and every day. We are living in Disorder which has also created Disease. The body is made out of atoms, too. So if the mind is Divided/Disintegrated, the body must do the same. We are disintegrating when we choose to identify with emotional ideals, beliefs, images or desires. We are in disorder when we see something that disturbs us and choose to overrule it by our desire of “what should be”. The “what should be” strips our energy away from observing that state of mind that we dislike. If you want to end a disease, you have to study that disease, right? It is not going to disappear by you ignoring it. Similarly, when you have a state of mind that is upsetting, feel that state intimately, without analyzing it. You are every state of mind. Avoiding learning about yourself is a wastage of energy. But when you study whatever state of mind that comes up, realize that you are that. It is suicidal to avoid yourself.

Atoms are Neutral because they contain an equal charge of energy in the Protons and Electrons. Neutrality is THE ESSENCE OF LIFE OR CREATION. Our minds are NOT Neutral and that is why the human species are the monsters of this world. We are destructive and are envious of the Universe (including Mother Nature). Are we battling each other, or is the human species competing with the Orderly World. Are we trying to destroy the world in order to prove that we are superior to it? We are defending our state of imbalance. Just because there are so many people who have accepted imbalance that does not make it correct. The human mind is wrong – just as wrong when the majority of humans believed that the earth was flat and considered anyone who said otherwise to be crazy.

Yes, you may want to think that I am crazy because I do not roll over and pretend like what people are doing is fine and dandy. I only deal in fact. The fact is that all of life is made of atoms. Those atoms must be equally charged with opposite elements so that the opposites do not destroy each other. If the atom is not equally charged by the 2 opposite elements the Universe would DISINTEGRATE, including humanity. Our mind is made out of atoms, too. We have opted to SPLIT THE ATOMS OF OUR CONSCIOUSNESS by paying more attention to one of the opposites. Therefore, the mind is not NEUTRAL. It has a “Center” called and “Ego”. That “Ego” is DISORDER. It either presents itself as a Hero (Positive) or a Villain (Negative). But they are 2 sides of the same coin. Propaganda dictates that we are suppose to CHOOSE one over the other. They are both wrong because they are both SPLITTING THE ATOM. Both sides are at odds within themselves. Neither side is observing its TOTAL MIND. So they are both DISORDER. They are in violation of The Atomic Law of The Universe.

If the atom is not NEUTRAL nothing could exist. What makes the atom NEUTRAL is balanced energy (equally charged opposites).

The human world is dominated by inequality. That is why most of the resources for our physical survival is hoarded by a handful of greedy people. What gives them the power to get away with it? Each person who is operating outside of NEUTRALITY gives them permission to rob and steal and enslave the masses. It is the masses who are ultimately responsible for their enslavement.

Everyday I am being threatened. When I do my job people always want me to stroke their “Ego”. Stroking an “Ego” means that you help that person to SPLIT THEIR PSYCHOLOGICAL ATOM by helping them to believe in a lie about themselves. If your boss wants you to tell him that he or she is nice and wonderful when that is not true, you do it because you think that you will keep your job. The mind blackmails us everyday by implying that if you do not tell me what I want to hear, then I will take away your means to earn a livelihood. Most people fall for that illusion.

I do not bow down to anyone's “Ego”, especially mind own. I end my “Ego” by observing ALL THOUGHTS-FEELINGS which get stimulated by what others say to me. I watch the WHOLE MIND. They imply that I will not survive if I do not comply. I do not care if I survive or not. All that matters is that I DO NOT, under any circumstances, SPLIT MY PSYCHOLOGICAL ATOM. Because physical security is governed by that “SPLIT” or not. The Universe is held together by EQUALLY CHARGED PROTONS/ELECTRON OF ATOMS. My mind is the same as that Universe because it is made out of atoms too. So long as I holistically observe my entire mind, I am living in the dimension of NEUTRALITY, which integrates physical security.

Others try to terrorize me with threats and pressures to CHOOSE a person to befriend their “Ego”. But I understand that such a CHOICE is stupid. I do not need a “friend” because people are enemies within themselves. They are not capable of being a real friend. A real friend is a person who observes their mind, holistically. They are being a friend to their own being, therefore, such a person can be a friend to me. But I have not met such a person. Most people PRETEND TO BE A “FRIEND” but their “friendship” is based on one condition, you must help them SPLIT THEIR PSYCHOLOGICAL ATOM by helping them hide from the things they despise about themselves. That only helps them split the opposite traits within themselves. That destroys NEUTRALITY, which is Order and Integration. That is not real friendship.

I cannot give my energy to DISORDER, which is waging war against the Universe, which is founded upon The Atom. Imbalancing the atomic energy in our minds is being at war with the Universe. That is a losing battle, which is why human civilizations continuously destroy themselves. That is insane. I cannot condone that. I give my life to ATOMIC ORDER so that the Collective Ego will end its domination on earth!

There is nothing more important than being in touch with ones Whole Mind. Disorderly people do everything they can to disturb my mind. I embrace all stimuli and feel every inch of discomfort. The Energy of Holistic Observation Equally charges my entire psyche. When energy is equally charged in Pleasure & Pain, the two opposites NEUTRALIZES them bringing about Integrating Blissful State of Mind. A WHOLE MIND CANNOT BE HURT!

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.