Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Root Of The Global Crisis Is Our Inability To THINK-TOGETHER

What I Do To Myself
I Do To The World

Why Can't We Fundamentally Think Together?


Psychologically THINKING-TOGETHER is quite different from technical thinking. Referring to memory to produce a desired result like a work crew remembering their skills to build a house together to provide shelter for people is a mechanical thinking that is a beneficial necessity. But, that does not work in the EMOTIONAL AREA of our mind. One needs to see the falseness of seeking a desired-result, emotionally. Desire (i.e., emotional "like" & "dislike") distorts Holistic Observation. Studying the responses of Emotional Desire IS the act of THINKING-TOGETHER. Desire Opposes whatever it dislikes. And, it blindly obeys and defends whatever it emotionally likes. The action of Study means to simply Examine, and nothing else!

Pretending To Be Cooperative
Whenever there is emotional opposition, there is fragmentation between What I Originally Detect & What I Prefer To Feel. The former is the Actuality; the latter is Illusory, which seeks to overthrow the undesired fact. So long as the Emotional part of the mind escapes from or divides itself, it cannot be fully related to itself nor with others. Conflict is a result of denying whatever I feel and opposition internally generates conflict with my external relationships, as well. The internal condition also determines external or physical circumstances in my life, which also has an impact on the world. And, there can be NO THINKING-TOGETHER. When people emotionally-pretend to think together in order to support their illusions (i.e., beliefs, ideals or opinions of what they Prefer to be true), it results in terror & destruction in society and throughout the world.

Humanity has failed to understand its Emotional-Self [Ego] so it does not understand how to deeply THINK-TOGETHER with another. So our Ego insists upon using an imaginary projected view of itself, which is a distortion. This sets up emotional confusion because there in a break with reality because one is choosing to treat a made-up version of reality as being factual, thereby, ignoring what is actually going on because it does not like reality. Such a state of mind most vehemently rejects the absolute fact that psychological conceptualization, ideation or believing is severely dangerous, problematic and fallacious. And yet, the Ego of Humanity keeps projecting fantasies of hope, faith or future salvation born out of the background of its emotional misery of lovelessness, helplessness, depression, frustration, envy, etc

In other words, our Ego is generating Emotional-Pleasure (and erroneously calling it happiness, peace or compassion) originating out of its past Psychological Pain. So it is using poison/disease in a desperate attempt to try to escape from poison/disease. All efforts made to try to psychologically escape or fix psychological pains locks misery inside itself. The Problem-Maker is simply masquerading as being the Problem-Solver and it refuses to see that fact. The refusal to see facts IS THE ONLY PROBLEM! Ego is too afraid to face what it is doing. It will destroy itself and its habitat before it will ever surrender to SEEING THAT IT IS ITS WORST ENEMY. That is why it blames anything outside of itself so that it can continuously ignore the fact that it is the one making itself suffer. Therefore, everything that it comes into contact with, it attacks because inwardly it is attacking itself every time it refuses to SEE itself. That Self is always conjuring up images in opposition to its emotional pain, which causes even greater pain. And, the cycle goes on and on and on. Emotional-Pleasure competes against Biological-Need; the two CANNOT co-exist. The Emotional-Mind tries to fulfill both (Need & Desire) so that means somebody or some group must be sacrificed so that another person or group can greedily seize both. It is that principle that Human civilizations have been built upon and collapsed, as well. 

My body has needs. But the Emotional-Mind has desires based on neglecting to examine the nature and movement of Emotional Desire. Body must be regularly fed (equates to NEED). Emotional-Mind must be regularly purged (equates to Mental Health), by emptying ALL emotions that may arise through self-examination (without choice or control). Control inflames Desire. Through Self-Study, the Emotional-Mind is purged of its false endeavors, which involve delusions of emotionally escaping from thoughts/feelings it doesn't wish to be in touch with. Emotional-Mind is limited memory (the storehouse of emotional responses in past experiences and craving to improve those memories and hide from those that are disturbing). It is that activity of emotional duality that is generating emotional insecurity, fear, loneliness and the inability to Love (in the real sense). 

Emptying Falseness of Believing
Love negates everything that is false about the Emotional-Mind and empties itself of ALL of its delusions/beliefs. Love is the constant emptying or dissolution of idealistic-escaping within the Emotional-Mind so that it can be free from duality, division or conflict (which is a byproduct of believing -- assuming a thing to be true). Where there is freedom from ALL emotional concepts, beliefs or suppositions of any kind, there is stability for the physical or biological NEEDS. Need, biologically or physically, is natural. Nature has the basic need to balance its energy in order to properly operate. But when Emotional-Mind pursues emotional power/control, it blocks and destroys what our planet and our bodies NEEDS. The Emotional-Mind of most people is waging war against Biological-Need by refusing to Holistically Study itself. Even the environmentalists are unconsciously at war with Nature. They are oblivious to the correlation between feeding their Ego (Emotional-Mind's self-image or assumption that they are “being good”) meanwhile, they are robbing the physical world of its delicate Balance and Needs. By having a concept of "being good", one is not allowing oneself to actually see that that belief is false. Depending on falsehoods is actually being disorderly, which is bad. One is, then, hiding behind the superficial activity of pretending to protect the physical environment while being in a psychological dualistic or oppositional state of internal conflict/war. You can't be inwardly destructive within your mind and be able to protect the outward world. That is pure hypocrisy. When the Emotional-Mind fails to Holistically-Observe or Study or Examine what it is doing that is problematic or false, that failure has a very devastating impact upon the entire physical world, including its own body. In other words, it is the condition of the Emotional-Mind (our psyche) that ultimately determines what happens to the physical or material part of life. If the Mind is at odds within itself, no matter how noble it tries to be, its actual state of being will dictate the outcome. So you can say that you are for a noble cause, but so long as your mind is blind to itself, it is disintegrating and will cause things around itself to degenerate, as well. The Mind must change by understanding what it is actually doing. Nothing else will suffice. It can believe whatever it wants, but that wont stop the destruction of the physical or material world. The Mind is the inventor of the Weapons of Mass Destruction because its self-ignorance is the Seed of Conflict which produces disorder in the world and threatens all life on Earth.

Our bodies are synergistically tied to this planet. Our bodies are the building and our Emotional-Mind (the psyche) is the foundation upon which the building stands. The relationship between the Emotional-Mind & Biological-Body determines the impact people have upon our physical environment and health. Conflict in the Emotional-Mind produces destruction environmentally and Biological-Breakdowns (causing an increase in accidents that can cause death), and which also causes people to physically attack one another in multifarious ways. All Disorderly/Contradictory states of mind of Humanity are directly responsible for the physical/material deterioration that is taking place in the biosphere and atmosphere of our world, which is born out of people's lack of clarity and understanding within the Emotional-Mind (which is opposing itself, a.k.a. The Ego). This is where ALL VIOLENCE ORIGINATES in Humanity. 

Most people live in a backwards way. What that means is that it is quite common to pursue PHYSICAL STABILITY through Emotional Delusions (beliefs, ideals, dogma, etc.). Going to churches, temples, cult gatherings, etc. to initiate an Emotional-Sense of Power and Control by obeying a system to achieve superiority, domination or righteousness is futile. One tries to manifest emotional fulfillment (fantasies) in a foolish effort to try to escape from feeling inferior, inadequate or insignificant. But, what people commonly overlook is that it is impossible to overthrow Emotional-Insecurity. The more one tries to get rid of an emotional pain, the more it festers and secretly grows; because, the one who generates emotional-problems has made oneself incapable of Holistically Studying how one is making problems and, thereby, ending them. Habitually, the Emotional-Mind wishes to be able to put an end to its misery by using its imagination (based on its idea or belief of what the solution "ought to be"). But, your Desire can never resolve any Emotional, Psychological (or superstitiously put: Spiritual) dilemma. This is the whole reason why people fight one another, because internally their contradictory Desires are in conflict. One Desire is pitted against another. That is, also, how people are socially related -- "what I think should be true" vs. "what you think should be true". That internal psychological conflict radiates out into the way we talk to each other. We either accept what another says, condemn it or defend it. But, we never-ever listen to thoroughly examine our emotional responses to understand ourselves; so we don't listen to others to understand, either. We are hostile warriors always either looking for a partner to help us battle others or to fight others. 


The Future Born Out of the Past
Belief Opposes Truth
A plant is the product of the contents of its seed, is it not? The seed of our bodies is our emotional-mindset. If the Emotional-Mind is divided against itself (in conflict), it is in a constant state of decay, disintegration or degeneration, which sets up toxicity throughout its body and causes hostile behavior toward its environment, as well as its abusive conduct toward others. If no change takes place within the SEED (which is the Emotional-Mind, the Psyche or the Spirit), then one is doomed to a pattern of decadence and decay until physical death. It is the Emotional-Mind that flatly refuses to face itself as it really is, without any excuses or deceptions. The Emotional-Mind has crippled itself and made itself incapable of looking directly at itself. Whatever it detects that it does not like, it paints over it with its imagination. It can endlessly conjure up anything it Desires to be true and vehemently claim that it is true. It is the Emotional-Mind that strives to replace Facts with Lies. All who accept or goes along with the Lie and treats it as the truth is called “RESPECTABLE”.  


All those who see a Lie as being a Lie are wrongly labeled as either being “CRAZY” or “CRIMINAL” or “WICKED”. But no matter how much one may praise or insult or denounce someone who sees very clearly their Emotional-Mind, a fragmented mind can never penetrate nor conquer a mind where emotional concepts, beliefs or ideals about itself has naturally ended through Holistic Self-Examination. Another thing that the partial-seeing Emotional-Mind fails to comprehend is that there is no separation or distance between Emotional-Minds. In other words, there is only ONE-EMOTIONAL-MIND! People are primitive because they are fooled by the visual display of many different bodies, therefore, they assume that there are many different psyches. While we have different DNA, different ways of speaking and different life-styles, but fundamentally, we all share the same Emotional-Mind of Desire. Desire in everyone operates exactly the same -- it seeks to escape from anything about its emotions that it does not like or want to acknowledge. In other words, the Emotional-Mind pursues pleasure and avoids pain. Even sadists take pleasure in inflicting pain onto others, and masochist take pleasure in hurting their bodies. 

But emotional-pleasure is to hide inside of a fantasy in order to avoid being directly in touch with any thought or feeling that it finds offensive. All minds seek to cover up emotional-pain with a lie that it treats as the truth. Sometimes these deceptions are known as: 

  • images
  • beliefs
  • suppositions
  • concepts
  • hope
  • conjecture
  • salvation
  • positive-thinking
  • opinions
  • conclusions
  • faith
  • affirmations
  • assumptions
  • speculations
  • forgiveness
  • slogans
  • etc. 

For example, "New World Order", "Going To Heaven or Hell", "Saving Your Soul" "Becoming Good", etc.. The emotional-past projects through the present the emotional- future by calling it "new". Newness never arises out of the roots of the old, which is the emotional-past memories. Newness is only born when the entire emotional-past dies. The emotional-past dies only when the mind clearly gets in touch with every thought and feeling that arises stimulated by our day-to-day relationships.

I am My Undesirable Emotions That I Examine
I listed "forgiveness" as a delusion. Let's go into this theory. This is a duality based on "the action to be forgiven" and "the forgiver". When a person does something that you don't like that may have caused emotional or physical pain, you are programmed to judge it (by either liking it or disliking that action). Like and Dislike divide life into the part you want to hold onto and the part you wish to discard. You also classify the people in your life the way you categorize your emotions; you either like or dislike them. Those people that you like, you excuse them for hurting you. Those people that you dislike, you don't excuse the pain they cause. "Forgiveness" is a product of thought in order to make itself feel "important", as though you have to get its emotional-approval because a disorderly mind seeks to be "liked".  

But what is "forgiveness"? It means you don't hold that person or group of people accountable for doing something to make you feel upset. You let them off the hook, so to speak. Why? You are trying to emotionally convince yourself that you are a "good person" for forgiving others who caused you pain. You are putting yourself in a position of authority. The one who looks down on others and judge them. It is a sense of emotional power and control. It is a subtle way of emotionally dominating people. It begins internally when you forgive yourself for having mean feelings and thoughts. You excuse yourself for what you feel in order to escape from any emotional pain (i.e., shame, guilt or dishonor). So "forgiveness" is an avoidance of getting in touch with emotional disturbance. As soon as you excuse the situation, you can ignore the whole thing and sweep it under the rug, so to speak.  A mind that is simply learning about itself never has a reason to "forgive" itself or anyone else for anything because one is only concerned with the state of Learning Through Watching and Feeling everything that is going on in the mind. It is irrelevant if what is going on is pleasurable or painful. The only point is to Learn about your emotional nature. That Learning is Freedom from becoming emotionally attached to any emotion that is being stimulated. So there is nothing to forgive. Only a mind that is running from pain and running after pleasure that finds cause to "forgive".

White/Belief vs. Red/Truth
"What Should Be True" vs. "Wht Is True"


In a Fragmentary Mind The Demon Is The Truth
And The Angel Is The Pleasant Belief

But Once You Remain With The Fact The Disturbance Naturally Withers Away Through Holistic Self-Study of The Pain - Its Holistic-Study Because I Don't Pull Away From Monitoring What I Feel Because I Realize That I Am What I Am Examining! The Duality Dissolves Into PURE AWARENESS!

Opposite Feelings Are EQUALLY Studied
Emotions Are Neither Good nor Bad - They Are Me
Mind Is In Touch With Its WHOLE Nature: Sun-Moon Harmony

Basically, the Emotional is the storing up of emotional responses to any experience that it has had. We all do that. We go through various physical and mental stimuli to which we emotionally respond. Some emotional responses are uplifting while others are not. Here is where conditioning arises: we cling to those past emotions that brought pleasure and suppress the rest. That is how the Emotional-Mind habitually behaves. The Emotional-Mind chooses what it believes in based on its past pleasurable emotional experiences. If the person has a brutal childhood, he will sometimes identify himself with the pain making himself sadistic (taking pleasure in causing pain). Or, the mind can surrender to the pain by giving pain to itself and take pleasure in self-effacement. Anyway you look at it, the emotional-mind is governed by the dichotomy of pleasure and pain. But pleasure and pain are 2 sides of the same coin. When you identify yourself with a belief that pretends to be the opposite of the traits you wish to escape, that belief is rooted in the ugly state of mind that you are trying to get away from. The belief is unreal; it is just a mask. The mask-wearer is still the emotional disturbance wearing the mask, which is the belief.

However, the FREE-MIND is free to OBSERVE, STUDY or EXAMINE its entire emotional process WITHOUT CONTROLLING what is being monitored because it clearly understands that the thing it is monitoring is, in fact, ITSELF! So, the observer IS the observed!

When the Emotional-Mind is confused, it prefers to think that it is different from what it discovers about itself, which is why it tries to escape into its imagination of beliefs, ideals, opinions or conclusions based on the Desire that it is different so it can try to change it:

Example: “I feel angry” but I don't want to feel that way. So I think that my anger is something that is attached to me, but it is not really me. So I go into my past emotional experiences and dig up something that made me feel good in the past. I try to focus on that past image and the feelings that accompanies that emotional memory in order to drown out the current feeling of “anger”. So what is projecting that pleasurable state of mind? It is the “anger” (of which I am) that is projecting that pleasure. In other words, the plant-of-pleasurable-past memories is growing out of the seed-of-emotional-pain, which is the original “angry” feeling. So the substance or essence of that pleasurable emotional projection has the content of “anger”. Consequently, it's an illusion of happiness. Once the make-up of emotional pleasure fades away, the “anger” prevails. This is a constant battle that the Emotional-Mind conducts with itself and with its relationships with people in ones daily life. This is the reason why people are unable to THINK-TOGETHER and resolve their problems. 



As long as the Emotional-Mind is battling and deceiving itself and refusing to understand exactly what it is doing, the only thing it can do is multiply its problems while it superficially tries to fix them. No physical problem can be completely resolved by a mind that is in a perpetual state of degeneracy. The Emotional-Mind has to stop disintegrating, first, before it can fix the problems in its environment. The environmental problems are the side-effects of a lack of clarity in the Emotional-Mind. The Emotional-Mind is the product of passing on the hardcore tradition of maintaining its pattern of self-deception or self-struggle or self-escape through beliefs, ideals or suppositions. The main tradition is slavery to uphold, at all cost, blind faith and the fear of abandoning the act of assumption. In other words, the Emotional-Mind does not allow itself the Freedom to Question the validity of its Emotional-Tradition. 

Programmed To Repeat The Past
The very first step to Freedom from Emotional-Tradition is to see the fact that “I am a slave to my Emotional-Tradition programming”. If one clearly sees a fact concerning ones emotional nature, then one has died to their past programming the Tradition of trying to escape from feelings that I hate about myself and just LOOK AT MYSELF EXACTLY AS I AM! This is the most difficult challenge that any Human Being can undergo. If the Human species is to survive as a viable creature co-existing with its environment without destroying it, we must rise up to the challenge of being able to face our Emotional-Mind, honestly. For the most part, our species has not done that, yet. We have been emotionally programmed through the communal tradition to be Emotional-Automatons no matter how rich or poor one may be. Ergo, Mankind is psychologically-impoverished and is lacking self-knowledge, wisdom, or clarity. Greed is the emotional act of trying to over-compensate for being psychological-impoverished. This produces feelings of loneliness, emptiness or a sense of being psychologically lost, and the more we try to escape from our feelings of inadequacy, the more intensified they become. So we seek drugs (legal or illegal) in order to try to numb our mind and concentrate on technical skills by working like robots. We identify our value by our skilled work title. We are operating as techno-botic beings. We don't want to feel our emotions. But, the avoidance of our emotional nature is suicide.

Once the Emotional-Mind is Free to clearly look at itself as it is, it is FULL, VITAL and RICH with a genuine sense of COMPLETENESS, WHOLENESS or HOLY. Such a mind is in a state of balance and is no longer a slave to Emotional-Cravings to escape from observing, studying or examining itself. Because, there is JOY as one discovers ones TRUE NATURE (ALL OF ITS NATURE). Such a mind has a right relationship with itself, as well as with its environment and with other people, things and technical-ideas. One is able to understand the distinction between following mechanical ideas (like an blueprints to build a structure) and emotional-ideas (like using past emotional experiences of pleasure in order to escape from feeling any emotional disturbance in the present which brings about violence). Mechanical opinions and ideas serve a validly useful purpose to help one to survive, physically. But, Emotional opinions and ideals are invalid and serve only to bring about annihilation, either in the short run or the long run. 

What Is Beneath Is
Linked To What Is Above

Energy is Life. Energy either expresses itself Negatively (-) or Positively (+). They each have their proper place in the grand scheme of things. Night (-) and Day (+) have a balanced synergy. Woman (-) and Man (+) cannot exist without the other so neither is superior nor inferior to the other. The main reason why Humans choose one side over the other side is due to an imbalance in their Emotional-Mind. In the Emotional-Mind are feelings and thoughts that express themselves as being Pleasurable (+) or Painful (-). Division occurs whenever the Emotional-Mind tries to separate itself and only emotionally attach or identify itself with (+) or the (-) emotions. The Emotional-Mind is the content of its entire nature. To push away one form of emotional expression in preference to another is to produce chaos within the entire psyche, because the psyche must have a balance of both (-) and (+) feelings within its being. However, Emotional-Tradition has insisted on stripping out one of these opposite expressions. 

Day & Night Co-exist
Nothing To Choose! 
We are made out of atoms, which contain an equal amount of protons (+) and electrons (-). Our entire being is a product of atoms, including our emotions. That is why we contain both Positive & Negative feelings and thoughts. We have never been Holistically-Educated to understand our Emotional-Mind. We have been instructed to CHOOSE BETWEEN so-called GOOD or BAD thoughts/feelings – that is psychological warfare = violence. Before violence erupts out into the physical world, it is first born in the Emotional-Mind. It is an act of violence to shun or ignore your Negative thoughts/feelings and merely focus on the ones that evoke pleasure. 

Dr. Jekyll is Conscious Mask
Mr./Ms. Hyde = Subconscious 
When the Emotional-Mind opposes itself, it fabricates a split-personality like Dr. Jekyll (the Conscious Mask is what we believe in) & Mr./Ms. Hyde (the Subconscious Mask-Wearer is also the mask-maker). The the Emotional-Mind pretends as though these 2 personas are not one-in-the-same. The Emotional-Mind (is Ego) traditionally and habitually refuses to examine or be in touch with how it is deceiving itself. Because when the physical body is in pain, it is necessary to do everything possible to minimize or eliminate it in order to protect and maintain its health. So the Emotional-Mind has always assumed that it is also suppose to do the same thing by also avert any discomfort, as well. However, Order in the psyche is not suppose to be dependent upon comfort. Order only emerges when you observe everything that you feel, because the mind needs to fully understand itself by being in direct contact with ALL of its emotions so that the mind can die to its emotions. It's like breathing. Inhaling is feeling the emotion. Exhaling is embracing my emotions listening to its story then the feelings naturally end or die. Then my emotional-mind can be harmoniously peaceful and WHOLE (not divided and in conflict with itself). When the mind is Holistically aware of everything it thinks/feels, there is order and balance. Then, the biological or physical energy is protected and maintained. And, one behaves appropriately with other people without having to be coerced to do so. 

When the Emotional-Mind refuses to be in touch with any expression of itself, it is DISINTEGRATING and DEGENERATING. Our Emotional-Mind is projecting a deceptively Positive masquerade generated out of my Negative thoughts and feelings. Sadness or emotional pain has divided itself into a false thing that it is trying to emotionally identify with and pretend like its real in order to hide from its original thought or feeling. My mind is like a coin with heads (the mask = belief is to cover up the truth) and tails (emotion that I don't want is fact). The ugly truth of how I actually feel is struggling to avoid being in touch with its pain. So it ignores reality and tries to create a "reality" that it prefers. So my mind emotionally ignores how it feels when it is painful. My mind opposes itself (which is the sadness). And it seeks refuge in an illusion treating the emotional-mask of pleasure as though that was its true face. This is how insanity begins. So ones mind is, in effect, has lost touch with the reality of its nature causing itself to become neurotic, sociopathic or psychotic. It would be like trying to only have a mouth (because you like to eat which is a Positive (+) thing). Meanwhile, you try to destroy your rectum/anus (because you don't like the smell and what comes through it and you think it is grotesque so you feel it is a Negative (-) thing). Even though the mouth & anus are at opposite ends and operate in opposite ways, they cannot be separated or cut off from each other without the entire body dying. The same holds true for the Emotional-Mind. It goes insane when it tries to separate its uplifting emotions away from its disturbing emotions.

In actuality, the act of eating is Negative because you are Taking-IN (-) nourishment; the act of defecating is Positive because you are Pushing-OUT (+) waste matter from the nourishment that was eaten. But, emotionally speaking, we look at eating as a pleasurable activity, so we think that is Positive (+). And, we find using the restroom after a meal to be an ugly or a Negative (-) activity. The point is that the Emotional-Mind takes sides regarding its opposite emotions, and when it does that, it becomes violent because it tries to destroy anything it doesn't like and hoard whatever it likes (which is where greed comes from). The mind becomes greedy for more pleasurable emotional sensations, which is the positive side of its nature. Meanwhile, the mind tries to lock up and confine its disturbing emotions.

However, Creativity is based on Neutrality. What that means is the harmonious flow of Positive (+) and Negative (-) Energy = Creation. What makes the opposites harmonize is when they both have equal ability to express themselves. Then, they naturally neutralize into a cooperative blend of co-existing opposite energies. But when you CHOOSE BETWEEN OPPOSITE EXPRESSIONS OF ENERGY that destroys mental-energetic balance and results in Devastation/Annihilation, both in the mind and out into the environment and relationships collapse, as well. When the Emotional-Mind CHOOSES BETWEEN ITS OPPOSITE FORMS OF ENERGY (which are its (+) and (-) feelings and thoughts), it is, essentially, making a declaration of war against itself. That is where ALL outward wars begin. 

Remember that the Emotional-Mind is the very foundation of the Human Being and it determines the outcome for all physical activities, biologically and technologically. This is why the Emotional-Mind that is not fully in touch with both sides of its nature (+)/(-) is causing problems to multiply and intensify to a breaking point, which causes a repeat of historical collapses of civilizations. All of the crisis reports in the media is a direct result of PSYCHOLOGICAL CHOICE BETWEEN THE OPPOSITE EMOTIONS (+)/(-). What happened when the atom was technologically split? Humanity took the harmonious atomic energy in the atom and divided its electrons & protons thereby causing a chain reaction of friction (conflict between the opposite forms of energy). And, that caused a disintegration within the atom, itself, which in turned caused a cataclysmic volatile eruption or explosion of radiation, which in turn poisoned our world and created an increase in cancer.


Fragmentation In The Mind
Generates Physical Chaos!

The Atom Bomb was a byproduct of the Emotional-Mind trying to prove that it is more powerful than another group of people. Emotional-Competition is violence. Competition is one side struggling to outdo the other side. When the Emotional-Mind struggles to identify itself with Positive thoughts/feelings and shun the Negative or visa versa, it is competing against itself. No matter what side wins, they both lose. It would be like your mouth and anus competing against each other. No matter what side wins the entire body loses. Humanity is waging war to control this planet and everything on it. Control is an unnatural condition because it destroys our natural environment. 

The reason why Humanity has been plagued with war since the beginning of primitive Man/Woman is because most people have never learned the truth about itself. Our minds have been trained to resist self-learning and to deny whatever it learns about itself. The Emotional-Mind strongly resists paying full and equal attention to both of its (-) & (+) emotions. Equality, Neutrality are automatically rejected because the mind fears ending its habit of conflict. Through Emotional-Tradition passed down from authorities (like parents, emotional-leaders in the community or tribe, etc.).

The Observer IS The Observed (+)/(-)

Humanity has been frightened, threatened and tortured into this ancient pattern of EMOTIONAL-CHOOSING BETWEEN OPPOSITES, which is destructive both to yourself and others. The mind that Emotionally-CHOOSES between its opposites is dividing itself (which sets itself up either to conquer or to be conquered). War is all about DIVISION! You can't conquer a person until she or he divides her or himself, first. So long as one sees the TRUTH that: I AM BOTH the NEGATIVE and POSITIVE thoughts and feelings, then I see that it is false and delusional and malevolent to ignore one side and cling to the other. I'm both sides of the coin – (+)/(-).

Both Sides Pretend The Other Is Not Related

Since all people contain (+)/(-) thoughts/feelings, we share the same Emotional-Mind. That Mind either functions in harmony with itself or in battle with itself. That Emotional-Mind is either Creative or Destructive. The Emotional-Mind is WHOLE whenever it studies and observes its total self (+)/(-) WITHOUT CHOOSING BETWEEN THE OPPOSITE EXPRESSIONS MY THOUGHTS/FEELINGS. But when that same Emotional-Mind is BROKEN UP, because it indulges in one side of itself and builds a barrier against the side that it has rejected, then it falls from grace and wisdom. A Fragmented-Emotional-Mind assumes that it knows itself while being totally ignorant about the side of itself that it has rejected. That rejected side is its Subconscious (the thoughts/feelings submerged into the background of its consciousness). It stealthily rises up and does things without the Conscious being aware of it. The Conscious does not even want to know what its Subconscious is doing, and pretends that it isn't there at all. That is how the Emotional-Mind lies to itself, and it protects that lie and denies that it is lying to itself. This is a viscous cycle of confusion in the Emotional-Mind.

Day doesn't compete with Night nor visa versa. They co-exist in harmony. The divided-mind do not understand harmony in the opposites (nor does it want to understand). So when we are asked to THINK-TOGETHER, we don't have a clue as to what that actually means. We have been trained/programmed, like computers, to compete for happiness, love and peace. HAPPINESS, LOVE and PEACE are based on HARMONY, not conflict. Harmony grows out of the Holistic Perception of ones TOTAL EMOTIONAL-MIND which includes (+)/(-) Thoughts and Feelings. There is no exclusion; there is no taking sides, because YOU ARE BOTH SIDES – (+)/(-). 


A Cracked Foundation
Can't Support A Building
Foundation = Mind
Building = Physical
When you have been told to “Think Positively”, you assumed that was a beautiful thing, a thing of harmony. It is not harmonious to “Think Positively” because you are waging war against your Negative thoughts/feelings. Think of your Emotional-Mind as being Day (+) & Night (-). So to “Think Positively” would imply that you must divorce your nature from being Night (-) and only be Day (+). Gangster-minded people say the opposite, “Think Negatively”. So to “Think Negatively” would imply that you must divorce your nature from being Day (+) and and only emotionally identify yourself with being Night (-). That is the same thing in reverse; both conditions requires separation through choosing a side (-) or (+). But, it's impossible to divorce your emotions (because you are them); you can only cover up that part of yourself that you dislike. But when the Emotional-Mind does that, it induces a Split-Personality (one side hidden; the other side is a public mask). Then, there is duality in the consciousness. Most people are Emotionally-Dualistic projecting a Public-Persona and a Private-Persona. They are nice to certain people and hateful toward others, which is duality. No matter your status in a personal or public group, emotionally, you are at odds within yourself and so you are at odds with the world, publicly and privately. So long as the Emotional-Mind fails to monitor its WHOLE NATURE (BOTH its (+)/(-) thoughts/feelings), then you are the personification of disharmony, disorder, and cruelty – which is the very essence of violence, destruction and immorality.

Disowning What I Feel Makes Me Explode

Disorder IS Immoral, Corrupt and Wasteful. When the Emotional-Mind is choosing to identify with a concept or a belief that is opposite to what it really feels or thinks, mind is Disintegrating, it is blowing itself up! That is why most people are not truly befriending anyone. If your mind is fighting against itself (the opposites are opposing each other), then you have that same relationship with others. YOU ARE THE WORLD AND THE WORLD IS YOU because you are interacting with the World in the same manner that you are observing your own emotions. If you are not in harmony within yourself, then you are hurting yourself. There is no way that you can be in a perpetual state of self-conflict and yet be in harmony with another person. That is an impossibility. What you do to yourself, you must do to the world; which is why YOU ARE THE WORLD AND THE WORLD IS YOU. The world is screwed up because the Emotional-Mind is attacking itself by refusing to be in HOLISTIC-DIRECT-CONTACT WITH MY ACTUAL NATURE. HOLISTIC-OBSERVATION is the examination of ALL emotions that arise while interacting with others.

Someone may make a remark that evokes Negative feelings/thoughts. That gives you a chance to be in touch with that side of your nature. Someone says or does something to bring about Positive thoughts and feelings. That gives you an opportunity to learn about that side of your nature. You are 100% NEUTRAL not favoring to observe Positive or Negative emotions because YOU ARE BOTH SIDES (+)/(-) OF THE EMOTIONAL COIN – YOU ARE THE WHOLE COIN (which constitutes 2 inseparable halves). When you come to that realization, then one is FREE FROM EMOTIONAL CHOICE. YOU ARE FREE FROM THE HISTORICAL EMOTIONAL-TRADITION OF ALL HUMANITY, because there is only ONE Emotional-Mind (which contains the (-)/(+) emotions) – WE/HUMANITY are, psychologically, all that! 

Mental-Eye = Ego = Choice = 
Division = Physical Decay
So the fundamental question is: will you operate as a Fragment that's at war with yourself; or, will you operate as a WHOLE who is at peace with her/himself and the world? SO CAN WE THINK-TOGETHER? Yes we can, but most people CHOOSE not to THINK-TOGETHER. They CHOOSE to think as fragmented egos competing against one another. And, so the physical world continues to be destroyed by the Emotional-Mind that is Hating itself by refusing to be Holistically In Touch with both sides of itself. It clings to one side and rejects the other, just like people do with each other. Such a mind only thinks together for the purposes of furthering conflict, which defies cooperation. But, a Serious-Mind is not concerned with being emotionally comfortable. All that matters is The Learning about what is preventing me from Holistically-Studying my emotional nature, 100 percent. THINKING-TOGETHER is EXAMINING-TOGETHER my emotional nature as it unfolds through the daily interactions with others. Then one discovers that we are the same, fundamentally. A mind that is escaping from itself seeks to find fault with what others are doing or saying. We resist monitoring our emotional feelings. We also want other people to define us by asking them if what I say makes sense or that I'm right. There is nothing right or wrong with emotions. They are only there to learn what you are deep inside. 

It is the responsibility of each human being to get in touch with whatever he or she feels as one is interacting with others. Life is about energy studying its nature by monitoring itself. We need an unprecedented kind of learning that is not based on acquisition or accumulation, but rather is a detection of what I think and feel in each present moment. Learning from ones detection, itself or learning from self-awareness in the present moments. That is whole because it is not tied to emotional memory or the past, which is innately limited. A limited thing can never be whole because it is constantly being added to and is, therefore, incomplete. Seeing now is not related to the past. Seeing the emotional response right now is truly living. But the dead past comes along and tries to hijack whatever it sees and reduce that seeing into a category of either "like" or "dislike". Then, it will try to hide from it if it "dislikes" what it sees about itself. Or, the "Observer" will wallow in what is seen if it "likes" it. That is the movement of contradiction, duality or division or conflict (between "like" & "dislike"), both within ones Mind and with others. When the Mind/Ego fails to holistically-monitor its emotional activity, then it automatically jumps to conclusions and treats its conclusions as being factual. If anyone questions your "point of view" (which is based on "like" or "dislike") one becomes hostile or belligerent. This is mechanical thinking that repeats itself until the day it physically dies. Ones life is a life of endless duality of seeking pleasure and running from pain. And never understanding that all pleasure is born out of an escape from pain. Home-base is "pain". It runs around the bases of "pleasure" and ends up back at the Home-base of pain.

We Are Not Related To One Another
Because It Is The False Masks That Interact
The Mask-Wearer Is Not Even Related To Itself

Society is the emotional responses between people, which is based on how we observe our own emotional thoughts and feelings. If we hide from any feeling or thought by taking refuge in a image of "what I wish to be", then I'm wearing a mask in relation to myself. A mask is a thing used to cover over the original face. Emotional-Mask-Wearing is being dishonest with yourself. In turn, you must also pretend to be something that you are not with others, as well. We practice self-deception, so we are deceiving others, also. We lie to ourselves and try to convince ourselves that lying to oneself is necessary. That is another dishonesty. We say that we must lie because we don't want to feel uncomfortable or disturbed, emotionally. However, emotional disturbance occurs only when we resist studying EVERYTHING that we think or feel. If we do face whatever we think or feel, then we learn the truth. Learning the truth LIBERATES the mind from being ignorant about itself, which is The Light of Self-Awareness. 

But when our emotions shrink away from examining itself, we put on a Mask as a barrier to blind the emotional-mind from being in contact with its actual nature. Behind that mask is darkness, pain and loneliness. Loneliness is a side-effect from avoiding looking at your feelings exactly as they are as they arise from moment-to-moment.


All of these scenes come from the consciousness of Mankind. Each character represents an emotion. These emotions are struggling to be the dominant one. Every person's mind contains all of these characters in the form of our various emotional thoughts and feelings. We lock up some while letting others run the show. Thoughts and emotions that have been suppressed or jailed will eventually break out to take over. Such a mind is always agitated. All minds that are conditioned must seek pleasure in an effort to escape from itself. The mind is forever competing with itself and never finding peace. It resists the very action that will bring about peace, which is to examine ALL of its responses. It insists on choosing to favor some thoughts and feelings over others. It likes to play a ceaseless game of deceiving itself, which is the life long battle to overthrow or overcome emotional disturbance. So the foe represents all thoughts and feelings that one does not want to be in touch with. The battle never ends. Because after the victory, one is off to another battle. One has become a degenerate that feels like there is only satisfaction in conflict -- which is a lie. Conflict only escalates to a point of threatening all life on Earth.


In the video above, it tells a tale of conflict being the savior. Salvation through conflict is the primitive cry of Humanity. It's a lie because it's a cycle that never ends. You are confined and you wait for a fight to free you and your group. Then, the ones who were released become the next generation of tyrants because they will lock up their foes. Then another conflict will set their enemies free so that they can be the next oppressors. And, the story of conflict goes on repeating, ad infinitum. Meanwhile the video implies that your being exposed to radiation will make people develop super-powers so that they can use them to have super-fights. The ego of these artists show a blatant disregard toward physical survival. The story focuses on one thing: and that one thing is winning fights. The image of being great and mighty is all that matters. Mutilate our DNA without regard for the impact excessive radiation will have on the ecosystem. The emotional-mind thinks that the meaning of life is fighting because it is internally fighting with its thoughts and feelings.  The man likes to beat his chest like an ape for dominating others. This is what socialization is about. The woman chooses a side (a man) that she will contribute her energy to support his fight. Ego-driven women and men are destroying the entire world and they are ignoring that fact. They just want to dress up and look sexy while they destroy themselves and the world. 

We are DESIRE which is dualistic, because to Desire 1 feeling or thought is to produce its opposite that is Undesirable. You and I are the same because we both have stored emotional memories that are classified as being pleasant (+) & unpleasant (-) which is made out of Energy. Energy that is not understood operates malevolently. Energy that is understood functions benevolently. We are the same because we are (Emotional) Energy, which expresses itself in opposite ways (i.e., “like” & “dislike”). But when (Emotional) Energy favors one side of the opposite over the other, then it becomes lethal, and in the Human Mind it becomes a Weapon-of-Mass-Destruction (WMD) causing it to technologically produce toxic munitions that, in turn, destroys the balance in Nature (our ecosystem), which ultimately destroys our health. 

When (Emotional) Energy is disconnected from itself, because it is not paying Complete-Attention, both (+)/(-), to its emotional responses, then its Energy becomes misaligned with the Energy of the Universe. However when (Emotional) Energy Holistically watches its responses, then its Energy is flowing in the same Order as the Energy of The Universe so it behaves in a balanced way. Orderly Energy is in sync with other forms of life because, it is the same Orderly Energy that animates all living things, including Humans and our mind. But, most of Humanity has been existing in a vacuum, and has been existing in a partial connection with Nature. Meaning, our biological bodies are a part of this Earth, but our Disorderly-Emotional-Mind is interfering with its biological flow of Energy. 

Choice = Physical Annihilation
In other words, the Emotional-Mind is at odds with the material or physical world. It is too busy safe-guarding a Make-Believe version of Reality and is, therefore, sacrificing the physical needs in  a futile effort to fulfill a false desire by projecting images of self-importance and superiority. Also, that false desire is to only be in touch with one side of my emotional nature and to push away my other side. That false endeavor creates contradiction in the mind which breeds conflict within the mind while  secretly destroying Mother Nature (and our health). This sick craving to dominate and control is born out of conquering ones emotions through believing that it can escape from one side of its nature in favor of the other side. This upsets the balance of Energy of the Negative and the Positive. An imbalanced mind projects its imbalance into all physical and material aspects of life. You can't balance the economy nor Mother Nature until there is, first, balance in the emotional mind. There can only be balance in the mind when it realizes that it cannot divorce one side of itself and retain the other. The mind is committing suicide but thinks it is living an exciting full life. It is wasting its energy when it operates in its ancient tradition of conflict.

I Believe That I'm Happy
A Ticking Bomb To Realize Its An Illusion

The mind has become a ticking time-bomb because it has corrupted the flow of Energy by splitting up the opposite expressions of Energy within itself. And, so the body reacts to that emotional-energy that is in conflict causing the body to fall out of health. Or, the chaos in the Emotional-Mind can cause the body to put itself into harms way and have accidents. An accident is the result of the mind being out of touch with reality. If the mind does not equally monitor both sides of its emotional nature, then it fails to be in touch with reality within its consciousness. So it makes its body either malfunction (i.e., psychosomatic illness) by causing its body to have accidents or makes its body be in a dangerous situation (like being at a store while it is being robbed and ends of getting shot, etc.).

So until people awaken to their mistake of CHOOSING to only relate to the side of themselves that they like and ignoring the other, people will keep generating disaster after disaster. This is why it is urgently important that people Holistically-Learn about their emotional-nature (sometimes known as the ego, its spirit, its soul or its psyche). When a person understands what is false in their mind, then such a state of mind is now able to truly THINK-TOGETHER and will be able to resolve all its problems – without multiplying more problems. 

A mind that is at war with itself is a Problem-Generator. It generates problems so that it can ride to the rescue and play the role of “hero”. It is trying to convince itself that it is sane and orderly just because it can resolve technical problems. But, we refuse to  realize that the main problem is that our Ego is shielding Emotional-Tradition (Emotionally-Choosing Between Opposite thoughts/feelings) which is the primary generator of physical or material crises. Emotional-Tradition is driving most people, and they're too afraid to learn about it which would end it. So people complain about the pressures of living while preserving those pressures. Humanity, for the most part, is irrational and they protect their irrationality while they suffer and complain about the pain that it causes. The Human Mind has great potential but it wont allow that potential to blossom. That is why people are not able to truly THINK-TOGETHER so that they can harmoniously resolve the problems of living!


Thank you.

All Holidays Are Psychologically Destructive Mind Control
Every Social Group Uses Festivals To Keep Minds In a Groove
Everyday Is Holy When You Holistically Observe Your Responses

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.