Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Pretending To Be A Friend Is

...The Modern-Day Psychological Warfare!

Psychological fear is due to being ignorantly unaware of ones own nature. A fearful mind is self-destructive and a danger to society. The people who wish to dominate and rule over others know that it is not possible to do that unless they can impose upon the emotional psyche of the masses fear-evoking problems, and then those who wish to dominate them offer illusions of protection. All empires or civilizations have been established in the foundation of emotional fear which is perpetuated and strengthened by propaganda (i.e., dogma, belief, ideology or the desire to be emotionally securely gratified).

Why bother with probing into our emotional part of our being?

Because when our mind stops learning (through communing with whatever it is thinking or feeling), then it operates as a lethal weapon that is oblivious to the implications of its psychological blindness. A mind that is blind or numb to what it is psychologically doing that is causing serious problems is a danger to to itself and to the rest of the world. All of the innumerable material and physical problems are all originating out of psychological contradiction. And, the failure to understand what brings about contradiction in the mind and how that gives rise to material or physical imbalances and destruction is to exist in a stagnant pool of mental decay that inevitably implodes in on itself.

Since psychological fear is the root of all human misery, including material and physical insecurity, then it is crucial that we objectively investigate into what is fear and what brings it about? So long as the mind is confused and does not see clearly what a thing is and how it comes into being, then one must be a slave to the dictates of those who use fear to dominate over our minds and lives. The typical responses to tyranny/domination is to either submit to and obey it, defend it as a tyrant, try to escape and hide from it or understand and be free of all psychological fear.

Both the oppressor and the oppressed are two sides of the same coin-of-fear. For, neither the oppressor nor the oppressed are fully aware of the implications of what they are doing. Neither side is interested in clearly seeing themselves as they are, without emotional biased opinions.

Let's take, for example, the problem of vaccine-related injuries and deaths, and the laws with regard to them. At first glance, this appears to be a physical problem, because it deals with people's health, right? But if you examine the issue more deeply and profoundly, you will see that this problem is psychological. Greed is a psychological issue, is it not? There are enormous financial gain to be made from forcing people to depend upon drugs or vaccines, ostensibly to protect health. False claims can be fabricated by wealthy institutions who can cover up the dangers and bribe government officials to look the other way. Then, there are the victims who took the vaccines or other medications who either suffered very painful side-effects and/or death. And of course, you have the whistle-blowers who were helping to make the problem and then later decided to expose it so that they wont psychologically feel guilty for their participation. All three sides of this equation are either knowingly or unknowingly maintaining this deadly problem.

When horrible human suffering is reported through the media, it is done so with the ulterior motive to emotionally-pressure the listeners into taking a side. In other words, the main objective in all of these sensational stories is to give our energy to conflict! Fear promotes conflict, after all, does it not?

From childhood, we have been indoctrinated into the presumption that “conflict” is the only solution to human problems. Our minds have been influenced by fairy tale stories and adult stories on T.V. Shows, cinematic films encouraging us to think that “life is about conflict”. You have been told that you must stand up for yourself and fight for your beliefs, etc. Mistakenly, “fighting” has been considered a sign of strength, power and dignity. When in truth, it's a sickness that plagues the whole physical world. All of the poisons throwing our planet's atmosphere and soil out of balance is due to conflict or war. All wars are based on emotional status of seeking superiority and dominance in an emotional effort to prove who is the most powerful. The mind seeks power when it is not fully in touch with itself by realizing that conflict is unsustainable because ultimately it will lead to the destruction of our home (our planet).

Division or Fragmentation Is The Real Root of All Evil

There can be no harmony in the physical/material world if there is conflict in the mind, because the mind is the very foundation of our entire being. If that foundation is divided or fragmented, then the very mental foundation is in conflict within itself. As a result, the mind becomes a split-person(ality). The mind, then, operates like a puppet/puppet-master, dummy/ventriloquist or ideal/fact. When the mind denies whatever it dislikes about its nature, then it brings about a division or fragmentation in itself. There is an old classic story of “Dr. Jekyll” and “Mr. Hyde”, which is symbolic of the emotional part of our being dividing itself as “good” and “evil”.

If one were to look at this like a negative film producing a positive photograph, then you can easily see how the emotional mind deceives itself into believing that there are 2 different entities. Once it is convinced, the fictitious 2 separate entities face off and oppose one another. We have divided our feelings and thoughts into “good/positive” and “evil/negative”.

So whenever the mind feels or thinks negatively, then it imagines the opposite emotion in an effort to escape from psychological pain. But, that opposite pleasurable feeling or belief was generated out of the background of emotional pain, was it not? So the creator of the so-called “positive” thought or emotion is the very essence of it – just like the positive photograph comes from the essence of its dark negative film. There is no positive photo without first having the dark negative film. Psychologically, these religious concepts are all born out of pain and suffering, are they not? So that means that to maintain the opposite is to remain planted in the root of its own opposite. The “love” that is born out of “hate” is an illusion of “love”. Whatever the mind finds ugly or upsetting about itself, it simply uses its emotional-imagination to conjure an opposite state of mind, which is really a self-hypnotic trance.

The mind is seeking emotional comfort through gratifying lies. These lies are, then, taken to be the truth (that the mind itself desires). This is how contradiction and conflict is born in the mind. It looks at its situation and either decides that it “likes” it or “dislikes” it. If it “likes” its situation, it will seek to over indulge and prolong its pleasurable circumstances. This pleasure always ends up in misery. If the mind “dislikes” it, it will seek to escape.

However, the mind cannot actually escape from itself. It can only find ways to ignore and hopefully forget the qualities about itself that it despises. The only way to do that is for the mind to lie to itself and then pretend that its lies are truth, instead. After a long time of doing this, the mind becomes neurotically convinced that the truth is the lie and the lie (that flatters) is the truth. This is neurotic because the mind has lost touch with the actuality of itself and now exists in a make-believe world born out of its own desire to run away from anything that it “dislikes” about itself, thereby, bringing about a contradictory state of mind. In other words, such a mind is waging war against itself through its emotional-imagination.

Once the mind is busy suppressing qualities of itself that it “dislikes” and promoting parts of itself that it “likes”, this fragmented mind begins opposing itself. It is an absolute fact that the psychological area of our being is the foundation or core of our being on which the rest of our physical being is influenced. If the mind is struggling against itself, that struggling frequency radiates throughout ones entire being. That means that the biological state of being is being influenced to attack itself, as well. If the mind is opposing itself, then that signals the rest of our being to do the same thing.

The psyche is the foundation of our being. The physiological part of our being is the structure/building. If the foundation is cracked or fragmented, then no matter how great the structure appears to look, it must inevitably fall. You can't defy the laws of physics. If you do, you get destroyed. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, nobody can defy the laws of physics without destruction.

We have been programmed to pay more attention to our physical process without fully understanding the foundation of ourselves, first. This is the gravest error that Humanity continues to perpetuate. The mind is highly resistant to seeing its mistake with regard to its psyche and what it is doing to cause and maintain a cracked or divided foundation (the “foundation” being the emotional part of your being which is biased, and is based upon its desire to always be psychologically comfortable in lies – the opposite of what is emotionally happening). For instance, people automatically say that they are “sorry” for some trouble they caused without actually feeling sorry about it at all. By saying that one is “sorry”, the mind can appear to itself as being “good”, even though one does not actually feel “sorry”.

This creates a contradiction or hypocrisy when the mind says the opposite of what it is actually feeling. It is not feeling “sorry”. Yet it tells a person that it is “sorry”. Hence, there is conflict because the false statement is in direct opposition to the fact that it actually does NOT feel the least bit “sorry”. Why do we do this? Well, it is because since we were kids, we've been threatened in some way if we didn't obey, without question. If our parents, teachers or community authority told us to say or do something, it didn't matter to them if we actually felt that way. They just ordered us to do it or else suffer the consequences. So after being under tyrannical fear-induced pressure, we eventually go along with this contradictory game. So that after we grow up, we are like programmed robots that socially speak in a certain hypocritical way. And, try not to get caught in an obvious lie (which is very stressful).

So look around you... Everywhere you turn “conflict” is being pushed at you. Even voting is a game of “conflict” and “violence”. Most of the laws were made up by the victors of war, were they not? Look at the social networks on the Internet. They are always asking you to vote either “pro” or “con” on almost anything and everything. Why are we being asked for our opinions? Opinions are really based on our emotional desire. If it makes us feel egotistically magnified or inflated, then we give a “thumbs up” or visa versa. Fulfilling our bottomless pit of emotional desire is psychological slavery. A slave simply obeys out of fear and never questions or investigates the nature of itself or anything. People just accept the way things are set up to operate no matter how confusing and frustrating things become. But, when people reach their breaking point, they turn to opposition to bring about a change. However, the change is only superficial. The foundation remains divided against itself, and thereby generates modified versions of the same old confusion and conflict.

The conclusions, concepts or opinions that people have about themselves are a substitute for actual self-awareness. The mind has made itself incapable of seeing itself as it is, because it is too busy inventing ideas about itself. It either rationalizes, condemns or glorifies itself. But, it never studies itself and simply learns from purely just being aware of whatever it thinks or feels. The mind reacts to itself through either pleasure or pain. It rejects one and clings to the other. Rejection means that the mind is contradicting itself while it pretends not to be doing that. In other words, a mind that is out of touch with itself is doing everything it possibly can to remain out of touch with itself while claiming that it wants to understand itself. A confused mind is busy hiding the fact from itself that its only goal is to maintain confusion in itself and to confuse others, as well. Confusion begins when the mind fabricates anything about itself in order to avoid facing itself without any modifications. The one who modifies is doing so out of a state of confusion. So any modification is still grounded in confusion, right? It takes careful watchfulness, honesty and integrity to observe your emotional responses while relating to another human being. But, a self-deceptive mind will find fault with others in order to avoid seeing anything about itself that it objects to.

The biggest obstacle to self-awareness is pretense. When the mind pretends for a long time, which it has been doing for centuries that we all have inherited, it is a monumental hurdle to be able to detect the difference between when it is pretending and when it is not. For most people, they are lost in a world of make-believe (which they now consider to be reality). The social networks are filled with pretenders all acting like they are “friends” so that they can take advantage of people who share everything about themselves, publicly, and end up being victimized in a variety of ways. A “friend” is fundamentally benevolent and is grounded in neutral or objective self-awareness. That means that such a person is fact-based, not belief-based. Where there is belief, there is hypocrisy and conflict. When the mind substitutes facts with beliefs, it is being its own worst enemy, regardless if it is aware of it or not. So, when it tries to befriend anyone, it is only an emotional performance. But all the while, it is rooted in competition, envy and hatred that is buried and hidden in the background. As long as the mind contradicts itself with ideals, beliefs or opinions in order to conceal its real feelings, it is a “friend” to no one at all.

Nice-sounds words has nothing to do with being a “friend”. But, the stories that we are told implies that words are “truth” in themselves. They are not “truth” unless what they point to actually exists as a fact. So whenever someone says that they are “sorry” for causing you any trouble (while at the same time they secretly are glad that they upset you) it is contradiction within themselves and with you. The mind pretends to be “sorry” in order to trick society into believing that they're a kind person. The mind likes to pretend to love, care or be fair. But, to actually love, care and be fair, the mind must be honest with itself and face itself without seeking to oppose itself by imagining the opposite of whatever it sees about itself.

Since a mind that is not directly in contact with itself, because it is always making up ideas about itself, it seeks external influences to support its self-image (which is a distortion of the facts about its). Therefore, the emotional side of most people is always looking for more “friends” to go along with its self-deceit. Since a lie has no substance, it is dependent upon other minds reinforcing whatever it believes about itself to be true. Say for instance, one feels mean. The conditioned reaction dictates that, “I must not feel mean.” In order to escape from its state of being mean, the mind goes around putting on an act that it is super nice by always making so-called “positive” comments. So the mind says things like, “I hope you are doing fine today.” “Have a great!” Or, “You look lovely today.” Always being careful to act upbeat and cheerful so that other people will say things like, “He's a nice guy”; “What a kind man”; or “He is such a nice person.” By constantly repeating emotionally soothing language with people, they accept him as being their “friend”. Then, “friendship” is then based on the mutual reciprocation of flattering (emotional) lies. The emotional being is seeking to always “like” itself and to feel “higher than”, “better than” or “superior to” its hidden ugly psychological qualities.

Whenever the mind tries to become more than its initial emotional response by seeking refuge in a make-believe state of being (i.e., a pretense, a pose, etc.), it has given rise to a psychological-hierarchy. It has divided and classified its original state of being as a “lower state”, and its imagined idea of itself as being a “higher state”. You see, all external forms of hierarchy originate from the emotional area of the mind. The mind goes against any state of mind that it “dislikes” by using its emotional-imagination (those images come from the past experiences along with its emotional responses). Any past emotional response that the mind “likes” is recalled and then superimposed over the disturbing state of mind that one does not want to be in touch with. The mind is using the dead part of itself in order to deal with a living state of being.

Therefore, the mind is classifying “the dead past emotional memory” (that it “likes”) as being the “superior” state of mind. It then rejects the “fact of the living present state of mind” (that it “dislikes”) as being an “inferior” state of mind. Hence, the mind has fragmented itself into the “lower state of mind” and “higher state of mind”. All rejected emotional responses are then pushed down and suppressed into its subconscious. The mind cannot actually get rid of any state of mind without committing suicide, because every emotional response is itself. But, the mind imagines that it can pick itself apart and keep the bits that it “likes” and reject the rest.

The emotional mind is a WHOLE THING in itself. This is why it goes insane over a long time of separating itself and rejecting itself. In other words, it is impossible for the psyche to control itself into going beyond what it thinks and feels. By rejecting what it thinks or feels it then operates as a pretending hypocrite by emotionally identifying with its imagined ideal or belief. So the fictitious state of mind is treated with respect, and the real state of mind that it is ashamed of is not acknowledge to exist at all. By ignoring itself, it is pretending to itself that it has controlled itself into becoming a “better” or “superior” state of mind.

However the emotional-psyche is related to itself, that is also how it is related to others. This is why most of the world is in either mental or physical conflict at their jobs, at home, when they shop or do anything. Because while people carry out their mundane tasks, mutual emotional-image support is interwoven in their casual communications. What that simply means is that just about everyone is seeking others to tell them lies that flatter them. So long as the mind is grounded in emotional-imagination that projects a self-image, it must seek emotional support from the outside of itself. Because, a lie needs to keep on convincing itself that its “real”. But, it's impossible to prove that a lie is the truth! Yet this is how the human race has been malfunctioning from one generation to the next for centuries. Either in a bold or subtle manner, the psychological mind (that judges its sense of self-importance or ego) is always seeking emotional comforting through agreeing with its self-image. The psychological-image is never the fact. It is always in opposition to the fact (that it considers to be unflattering). So the mind believes whatever it desires about itself to be “true”.

The collective psychological consciousness has turned itself into a war zone seeking allies (called “friends”). The psyche considers anyone who does not support their concept of himself or herself as being an “enemy” to be verbally or physically attacked; or to be shunned. Shunning is an act of psychological warfare against the person or group that does not give its emotional validation and support to the mind's self-image.

When two people get married, they are vowing to support any self-image that the other has about themselves. The self-image was born out of comparison and the competition between “that which is imagined to be better” and “that which is actual to be inferior”. A competitive mind, with its self-image, is always either openly or secretly seeking to be “superior”. Therefore, most married people are knowingly or unknowingly in an emotional competition to be “better” than the other person. This is why arguments break out. Since the mind used its willpower to conjure up a self-image in order to hide its real nature, it is being hostile and violent toward itself. After all, the self-image is struggling and battling against its original thought or feelings (that it “dislikes”).

When the mind opposes itself (self-image versus undesired fact), it must also treat its spouse in the same way. So by finding fault with the other person, one is trying to elevate itself to being “better” than their spouse. Most married couples are pretending to be in an emotional union. There is no real union so long as there is a self-image because the mind is not in touch with that which it has rejected, which happens to be itself. If a mind is not related or in direct contact with the fact or actuality of itself, then it has no relationship or real contact with Life (which is anybody else).

So betrayal among so-called “friends” is inevitable, because they all are grounded in a self-betrayal by substituting a lie about how they think and feel in order to hide from their own nature. The act of imposing a self-image is an act of treason against ones own nature. By refusing to commune with and understand ones WHOLE psyche (which is every single thought or feeling), one is emotionally disconnecting from oneself. That act causes disintegration, degeneration and destroys ones own life. How can a mind that does not care about itself or love itself enough to get in touch with itself be a “friend” or be in an actual relationship with anybody? It's impossible. So what is going on is hypocrisy and pretense. People are pretending to be in relationships. People are pretending to be “friends” with others. As long as the mind fails to commune with itself and learn strictly through its emotional-communion with itself, it is existing off of its emotional memory, which is the “dead past”.

The emotional past is an obstruction to living. To be ALIVE means that you are related to ALL of your emotional thoughts and feelings, without manipulation of any kind at all. The moment that the emotional mind tries to change whatever it detects about its thoughts/feelings, that is the “dead past emotional memory” trying to replace the “Living Present Response” with a lifeless image. The self-image acts as an emotional-drug that helps the mind to hallucinate about itself and be convinced that it is not an illusion. The mind wants the illusion or belief about itself to be more real than its original emotional response (that it “dislikes”). This is a psychological declaration of war within the mind itself. War is a byproduct of the emotional disconnection in the mind by using its emotional imagination to identify with or attach itself to any concept, dogma or ideal that will help the mind escape from being in contact with the ugly truth. So the self-image is used as a kind of make-up to cover up the flaws that the mind does not want to see about itself. But the make-up/self-image is constantly wearing off. This is why one is constantly socializing and seeking a “friend” to help keep the truth concealed from itself.

The trouble with people helping one another to be emotionally disconnected is that it causes disorder, chaos and destruction in our daily lives. All of the insane behavior taking place throughout the world is due to this underlying psychological mutual back-scratching. There is the intrinsic operation of the mind and there is the artificial operation of the mind. Traditionally, the collective consciousness of humanity has been artificially operating. All social groups (including the military) are coerced into a psychological artificial state of mind. Otherwise, war would be impossible. For without “division” in the mind, it would not be opposing itself (image vs. fact). External war is the direct result of internal war. This is why war continues, because the conditioned mind is at war with the facts about itself.

Prior to any war, there are emotional speeches designed to arouse hate, anger and fear. Once the mind accepts political emotional propaganda as being “the truth”, then it is ready to allow its children to risk their health and lives to go to war. The mind has been brainwashed for thousands of years to believe that the only way to be physically safe is through conflict. But before you can attack others you must first attack yourself, psychologically. And, the mind attacks itself by fabricating or imagining a self-image to drown out anything it finds shameful about its thoughts or feelings. Once war is waged in the mind, it can now go attack strangers.

When you examine closely, you can plainly see that all conflict flows from the self-image. The root of all evil is the self-image. Evil is emotional energy that is divided against itself and it encourages everyone else to divide themselves by believing (in anything). It does not matter “what one believes”. All that matters is that you have an abstract view of yourself and to never holistically commune with your every feeling and thought. After all, all conflict is rooted in self-confusion (or ego, which is the self-image). There can be no ego without a self-image, which is the emotional past seeking to bury the Living Present. That is treason against Intrinsic Order, which eventually brings about annihilations of human civilizations.

Because a mind that understands that ALL of its thoughts and feelings are itself, then it can see that it can do nothing about what it feels or thinks. It can only observe and learn about its nature. It is the energy of self-observation that brings clarity to the entire psyche. Upon being aware of oneself as one actually is (regardless if its flattering or ugly); the mind is, then, WHOLE (undivided) because it is not counteracting its Living Present emotional responses throughout its daily relationships with an image (which is born out of a past emotional memory or experience). It is the emotional past that is attacking the Living Present.

The Living Present is a harmonious energy that is simply learning about itself and its behavior is governed by the energy of self-awareness-learning. That energy is not related to the disorderly energy of self-escaping through its emotional past that causes the self-image to come into being (in order to attack the essence of its own mind). Life is for the Living! A dead mind is using its emotional-imagination to impose its willpower to compete against the energy of the Living Present (i.e., the facts). The Living Present does not compete at all; it simply is. It is grounded in the perception of what is actually taking place in the mind. There is no need for agreement, opinion or force of any kind. Like a surfer that rides the oceans waves, it is moving with the energy of that wave. Your thoughts and feelings are the waves of the mind. Observation of your emotional responses to your daily challenges of living, is the wave that one rides and learns about its intrinsic nature – full stop!

There is nothing to be added to pure holistic self-observation of your psyche. But, the mind that is greedy, it wants there to be more to it than just observation. Why? The mind wants to be in charge of its emotional responses, but it is limited to the past emotional memories. A memory cannot observe the Living Present. But one can observe and detect the emotional past as being the past. It can distinguish that emotional memory is THE PROBLEM. Once the mind clearly perceives that its emotional imagination is responsible for confusion in itself, it no longer seeks identification with any emotional memory – no matter if it is painful or pleasurable. Because one also realizes that both the painful or “negative” emotional memory or the pleasurable or “positive” emotional memory are both grounded in the exact same ground of the “dead past” that disconnects and divides the mind from being holistically self-aware and at peace within itself.

The greatest hoax or pretense is that conflict protects physical security. It does not. The self-image begets conflict within itself and around itself. A disintegrating mind cannot bring about security, because conflict is the very essence of insecurity. It is responsible for damaging our entire biosphere, which in turn is causing health problems, globally. Radiation levels are dangerously high. There are too many dangers to list. But you get the point. All of these deadly problems are constantly increasing and intensifying because they are all the byproducts of people seeking gratification to support their delusions about themselves. What you must understand is that the self-image is our emotional imagination, which is in direct competition with physical reality. Therefore, it deeply does NOT give a damn that the physical world is falling apart. The emotional mind is highly irrational because it fails to see the obvious fact that without a physical reality, there can be no emotional imagination. You need the Earth in order to have your wars on. But if the mind destroys it, then these wars have no place to be launched. And war is an emotional contest to determine which self-image is “superior”. That is all that is going on.

People seek wealth so that they can magnify their self-image through their wealth. The richest people in the world are all driven by an emotional self-image of “superiority”. They use their power to treat humans like cocks in a cock fight that they place bets on who will win. But, they feel that they are “superior” to the modern-day gladiators who fight for some make-believe emotional ideal. Even the soldiers are serving their own egos to get a medal (an emotional symbolized reward) so that they can feel emotionally “superior”. This is all the emotional imagination is obsessed with. This is why you can alert people to the physical dangers and they don't give a damn either. They are preoccupied with fulfilling their emotional imaginations (which is the “dead past memory”). This implies the the mind is “dead” because it is not in full contact with itself, factually. Instead, it is substituting the facts about itself (including the fact that it is deceiving itself) with whatever it desires to be true; hence the self-image. So that means that the mind worships the “dead” and sacrifices The Living Factual Observation.

This is the reason why the human emotional mind has locked itself into the habit of perpetuating beliefs, ideals, images, dogmas, opinions, suppositions (all born of emotional imagination or the “dead past”). Everywhere you go you are being asked for your opinion about anything. Whenever you talk with people who are interested in accepting you as one of their “friends”, they always ask you to give your opinion about psychological issues. “What is your opinion about people who hurt themselves for pleasure and want to show it off to others for their emotional approval?” “Do you believe in God or the Devil or whatever?” “Which politician do you “like” or “dislike” and why?” “What do you think about this or that law?” All of these questions are designed to get you to give them your emotional position. Then, he or she can decide if you are someone they want as their “friend”. Most of the human world is a psychological prison. And, all the inmates are demanding that you project your beliefs or ideals so that they can either support, attack or shun you. But, the entire collective human mind is rejecting holistic self-aware. That means they are all emotionally fighting against Life.

A Living Mind that is watching its responses from moment to moment is in a ZERO or NEUTRAL state because it has NO IMAGES, psychologically. When it interacts with the “dead” minds, it is constantly being pressured into supporting an opinion, belief or ideal from mentally conditioned people. It is taken for granted that everyone is participating in this collective emotional deceptive game, and that if you don't go along with you, then you will be wiped off the face of this Earth. But, hardly anybody has the nerve to challenge that supposition to find out what will actually happen if you don't go along with it. Because so many broken minds are committed to their emotional imaginations, they think that they are in control of this world (through their self-images). So when a “dead” mind uses its willpower to destroy a Neutral-Grounded Mind that is WHOLE, it finds itself unknowingly eradicating its own existence.

One of the laws of physics is that a fragment can never take over or destroy a thing that is WHOLE. In other words, a self-divided mind can never eliminate an Undivided Mind. That is why the #1 Rule of Warfare is to: “Divide & Conquer”. “Conquering” is founded on the condition of “Division”. And, the beginning of “fragmentation” is to emotionally identify with your past in order to make up a self-image, which attacks the very essence of your mental nature. Once the mind is at war with itself, then it can be conquered. But if you can see the fallacy of doing that, ones mind is FREE OF SELF-DECEPTION and cannot be overtaken. That implies that everybody is either knowingly or unknowingly giving their permission to be at the mercy of “conflict” (which is disorder, self-disintegration). If you are hurting yourself, then the world has the “green light” to do the same.

When the mind is in a Living State of Perceiving itself without opposition with an image, then its communion with the actuality of whatever it is thinking or feeling brings about a state of absolute mental and physical security. It is the ground of holistic observation that creates circumstances that protects the physical survival of that entire being. Humans are not like other creatures because they get their physical security through their emotional being. Now either that emotional being is operating disorderly/conflict or orderly/harmony. People think that they are getting compensated for their technical skills. That's not true. All technical skills are carried out along with psychological gratification. The one who kisses the ego's ass (self-image) the best, gets all the opportunities of success. When the collective minds play this psychological game of chance, a certain percentage will be sacrificed to lose their physical security, then it is unfairly distributed to the victors.

The human race is existing off a psychological game plan. First, everyone must be devoted to their self-image (their ego). Then, they all emotionally compete. It's no different than a sports match between teams. When they win a tournament, it gives an emotional boost to their self-image in order to “feel” like they are “superior”. War is a bloody sports event that does the same thing. Whichever side wins gets to make up the rules and then rule over the losers (again, in order to emotionally “feel superior”). The “dead” mind exploits the physical body in order to prove an imaginary idea about its self worth. This implies that the emotional part of the being is “superior” and the body is “inferior” and is only there to serve its emotional whims. This is backwards, but it is viewed as being “normal”, because it has been doing this for such a very long time.

What most people fail to understand is that their physical body is synergistically a part of this planet. So when the mind is in conflict, it is also causing its body to be in conflict, too. So the mind is attacking its body and the Earth. The material world is being sacrificed for emotional illusions. However, a mind that is orderly, its body is in harmony with the Earth, which is in harmony with the Cosmos. The Cosmos is WHOLENESS (ORDER). It may appear that the vast majority of the human race is in charge of this world, but nothing could be further from the truth. The self-image driven mind is disconnected from the Cosmos and is degenerating and withering away.

The Orderly Mind represents the entire psyche of humanity. Whenever it sees itself and learns through that awareness, it is getting paid through the Cosmos. Life is essentially energy flowing throughout all beings. Cosmic Energy is the ground on which the Orderly Mind stands and is nourished. It makes the “dead” mind give the Orderly Mind whatever it requires to physically survive. If the collective disorderly mind refuses to release whatever the Orderly Mind needs, then the very ground that all disorderly minds are standing on starts to disappear. Then suddenly the disorderly mind releases the resources to the Orderly Mind. The Orderly Mind is the entire consciousness of humanity and contains the emotional history of all Mankind. So when there is no division but only attention to its whole emotional content, it is the the untwisted version of human mind (ego dies and holistic cosmic-mind is born). That is why the fragmented mind cannot block the Orderly Mind's physical needs without destroying the human race from the psychological ground on out. Once the emotional root is gone, the human race can only remain in existence through a radical psychological transformation or else vanish.

How do I know this to be the case? I was living with a disorderly driven mentality for a 6-year period. In which time he tried to attack my physical security and also he tried to trick my mind into being in conflict. I watched my emotional responses to everything he did against me. He kept demanding that I validate his opinions, beliefs about himself, etc. I merely listened. I neither agreed nor disagreed nor did I try to get him to change, because all of that is oppositional and makes for conflict. Throughout this living arrangement, he ended up in the hospital, several times. His brain and body was steadily breaking itself down trying to get me to support his self-image. At the end he had a massive heart attack and lapsed into a coma and was pronounced brain-dead. Then his family removed him from artificial life support. He died June 3, 2015. I never did anything against him. But, I understood the danger of gratifying his ego. When you see a danger that perception acts intelligently. There is nothing to choose.

He pretended to befriend me in order to coax me into helping him lie to himself. He wanted to believe that he was not a liar like his father. The truth was that he was a liar. He wanted to believe that he was cooperative and kind, but he did many things to cause lots of problems. He wanted to believe that he could have an image about himself and yet be in touch with his mind. But, that is simply impossible. All self-images in the psyche are obstacles to seeing what is going on. The only freedom from the self-image is to clearly see for oneself that it is out of order. To see a false thing as being a false thing is to end it. When you see what is false then you have discovered the truth, not only about yourself, but about all human consciousness (because it is a collective entity that deceives itself into thinking that it is an individual). Therefore, I dealt with the ground of consciousness, which is dealing with the entire collective psyche. The entire time, he was fighting himself, because I was not opposing my emotional responses nor his. His mind imploded taking his body with him. That is the fate of the "dead" mind that insists on staying the course of protecting ones self-image.

The key to Living as a Human Being is to be in touch with the Ground of your very existence. Either ones mind is Grounded in Perception or it is Grounded in Conception (which blocks Perception). All of the problems that humanity has brought into being is flowing out the The Ground of Conception. The mind doesn't like the facts so it decides to make up what it wants the facts to be and tries to scare people into accepting those ideals as being true. So long as the mind is believing anything about itself, it is grounded in conflict (which is disintegrating). But, if your mind sees that conflict is not security, then it is Grounded In Truth and is Whole. Wholeness is security, not just for yourself, but for the Earth. The Holistic Mind emits an Orderly Energy that imbues its body, which is also attached to this Earth. So when the emotional foundation is Whole, physical and material problems are resolved. But when the mind is in friction, its disorderly energy destroys its own body and its environment, too.

The human species is the biggest threat to this planet and every creature in it. It is the moral responsibility of the Human Mind to understand itself and not be at odds within itself. Because when the mind is at odds, its the ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction. Under no circumstances must the self-image driven mind be told what it wants to hear about itself. It may threaten to kill you or torture you, but if you cave in and tell the disorderly mind that its self-flattering lies are the truth, then it will definitely destroy you (and the world). The disorderly mind operates off of blind ignorance about what it is doing that is causing deadly problems. The programmed psyche exists entirely off of emotional denial when it doesn't like any fact about itself. It doesn't care about the consequences for escaping from itself. All it cares about is emotional comfort at any cost (that is its so-called “greater good" or "higher cause”).

Emotional fear of not being attached to some group, clan or nation is what prevents most people from freeing themselves from their self-image. They don't care about the physical world. They are only concerned about maintaining the lie as “the truth”, no matter what happens. The funny thing is that the mind wants to be immortal. That's why it documents and records things in order to show that it once existed and played an important role in history. Now how can the mind keep its historical records to make its ego immortal if it destroys this world? So all of the centuries of recorded history disappears the moment this Earth is destroyed. That is why it is foolish to not care what happens to this planet, because all your wars and stories about them wont exist, either. So now what?

Time is running out for the mind playing its disorderly game of existence. The planet is reaching a critical breaking point of poison and interference with its ecological equilibrium. Life is about balance. In the atom, it's the Neutron (having No Charge) that brings about balance between the opposite forms of energy (negative and positive). The opposite energies are grounded in Neutrality. The human mind has failed to be grounded in the Neutral Self-Observation of both its positive and negative thoughts and feelings. By rejecting one of the opposite emotions there is emotional imbalance, which causes disintegration – destruction. The human mind is not in a balanced state so long as it chooses to oppose whatever it “dislikes” about itself. It is an immature mind that bases its life on “like” and “dislike”, which are contradictory emotional forms of energy. It is our emotional energy that shapes our conduct in how we treat people.

A true-friend is a mind that is, first, friends with itself by understanding itself through self-observation. If the mind is not attacking itself and is in harmony, then it is capable of truly befriending other people. Such a mind never helps any mind to lie to itself just to superficially sooth the mind. That is a cruel act because one is assisting a person to damaging their life (while giving the mind an illusion of love). The nature of the emotional mind is extremely devious when it plays the game of self-imagination. Images are not real. An image of a meal does not feed your physical body. An image of love, does not bring about peace and happiness. Instead, it brings about misery (after it has indulged in its pleasurable beliefs). 

It is quite rare to have a true-friend that does not expect the mutual exchange of lies that flatters their self-image (egos). The ego is devoid of love. It thinks that its emotions are love. Love is the act of Holistic Communion with ALL emotional responses (both the positive & negative). When there's NO BIASED self-awareness, then that observation is its very foundation or ground on which you can build your life. And, it is that Neutral Ground of self-examination that creates the circumstances that will sustain your physical survival. One does not have to support an artificial world.

After all, the celebration of the 4th of July is really the worship of war as being the basis of physical security. When victors celebrate they are also celebrating the murder of one part of the human race. The fireworks are symbols of bombs, gun shots all designed to turn war into an entertainment to trivialize murder. All holidays are born out of psychological ideals of being “superior” to some other group of people. This struggle for emotional “superiority” is never-ending. And, all wars are contributing to the ultimate destruction of our planet and everything on it. 

Holidays, regardless of the culture, are setup to monitor people to make sure that they are all in a trance state of emotional imagination. The mind can't be controlled unless it is driven by its own emotional ideals. But, a mind that simply studies its nature without opposing it with a make-believe ideal is immune to brainwashing or hypnosis. It exists in a totally different mental dimension, altogether. Order is a byproduct of understanding the movement of disorder. Disorder can never make Order/Love.

That is all.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.