Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Emotional Fear Predators Pretending To Save Humanity

Today I found a flyer on my doorstep. The title of it was, “A BIBLE WRITER SAID TO GOD... Give me understanding... Your word is truth.” Psalm 119: 144, New World Translation

Then, the flyer went on to say, “The Bible is providing answers for millions of people. Would you like to be one of them? The [not the real name of their website] website can help you.”

Then, the unsuspecting victim is offered the following:

Watch Bible-based videos
Lessons and songs for children
Advice for teenagers
Faith in action”

This emotional-propaganda is being passed out in various communities to prey upon the confused minds of people who lack Holistic Self-Awareness and who seek emotional escapism, not the so-called truth. People, for the most part, don't seek The Truth; they seek a pleasant-sounding lie or belief in which to take shelter away from The Truth.

At the beginning, the flyer says, “Give me understanding... Your word is truth.” Psalm 119: 144, New World Translation

The Ventriloquist is the word-smith. His Dummy is an image projected from the Ventriloquist's fear-based imagination pretending that “words” from a book of emotion that has been rewritten innumerable times over the centuries is the so-called pathway to give the answers to all human suffering. That is absolutely false! These words may as well be fairy tales that only the emotionally tormented and ignorant will gladly swallow, without question (called faith). Any con artist knows that a con only works if you can get the sucker to trust what you tell him/her, right? You can't con someone who questions and doubts the validity of what you are telling them.

Did you know that it was the clergymen who were the first politicians that ruled by superstition and emotional fear? First, they convince you that you have a soul and it will burn for all of eternity if you don't follow certain instructions? In the human race, there have always been very cunningly clever minds that practiced magic, sorcery in order to dominate large groups of people. And to this day, this practice continues. They rename thenselves as time passes in order to give the illusion of change. But, at the base of all of these machinations is “EMOTIONAL-FEAR”! That has always shaped the way people live (including how they earn a living).

Look, there is one basic absolute necessity on which life exists and that is we all need to provide physical sustenance in order to biologically exist. The clever and devious humans take this basic need and twists it to their advantage. Down through the ages, children were told lies or fables to shape the way they will think as an adult. They were told that not only do you need to provide food, clothing and shelter to live, but more importantly, you “need” to “believe” in things that cannot be verified by your 5 senses. What most people don't understand to this day is that by seeking to “believe” in anything, you have divided your emotional mind against itself. Once you have done that, your mind and physical security can then be hi-jacked by the clever few (they are the wealthiest pirates that goes by many titles to mask the fact that they are thieves). Their thievery is at a very sophisticated level, indeed.

In order for sanctioned murder or thievery to be successful, the victim must play his key role in offering himself or herself up as a willing sacrificial lamb. It was the original emotional tricksters that figured out the basic law of crime (piracy and thievery) that rule is: to DIVIDE & CONQUER! Division takes place whenever the mind is not “Free To Question” its emotional nature. What that means is having the freedom to be in direct contact with ALL of your emotions and thoughts without seeking to make them “better”. Just to be in full communion with your emotional mind, because a mind that is in touch with all expressions of itself is WHOLE (not broken up). A WHOLE emotional state of mind is at peace with itself and is not afraid to look at or feel itself.

A criminal mind seeks to coerce the emotional mind to fight itself by getting it to seek to escape from anything that it feels that it does not like to feel or think. The cunning deceiver seeks to convince the emotional mind to seek comfort in a lie, but call that lie by a false name and then proclaim that name is divine and is superior and that it must be blindly obeyed or else you wont get whatever you want out of life or the afterlife. The mental deceiver plays on the victims' self-ignorance about their emotional-self. That is why people send their youth to brain indoctrination centers to activate their emotional desires and then teach them to seek illusions and tell them it is their sanctuary.

Truth” is not “the word”. Words are instruments of the mind (memory) to point at something that exists. If words were real then you could eat “the word food” and get full. You could say the phrase, “come back to life”, and a dead person could live again. But words, especially emotional words, are based in the fear of being in touch with a thought or feeling that you don't want. The right side of the brain is the seat of Emotional Memories (thoughts and feelings). This area, is not fully understood through direct communion; it exists on the fear of superstition, alone. Superstition is based on anguish. Whenever we have disturbing feelings, we try to distance ourselves from them through opposing emotional words. Primitive people referred disturbing emotions and thoughts as being either The Devil or Demons. To hide from that, the Emotional Mind came up with opposing emotional terms like God, Angels or Guardian-Angels, etc.

Whenever there is pain, the emotional-mind imagines its opposite. However, this is like a Ventriloquist act where the Ventriloquist pretends like he is not related to the Dummy (he pretends like he is not speaking, but the Dummy has a voice of his own). This is what superstition bases religion upon. The Dummy is the “book of instructions” on how to get away from sorrow and how to be rewarded in the afterlife. Since humans mainly fear psychological-death, the emotional mind fabricated an emotional guide book and pretended that its writers were special people who could talk to The Creator of Life. Then to make it indestructible, the cunning-minded people said that in order for the (emotional) “scriptures” or “scripts” to work in your favor, you would have to blindly accept these words to be true without proof – they called it “faith”. But, in order to have faith, you need to be afraid to be in full contact with all of your emotional thoughts and feelings. That is how the magical superstition works. For those who don't acquiesce, they are brutalized by mercenaries, thugs or hit-men (given a sanctimonious title like “the Crusaders” – the ancient emotional predators or terrorists of long ago).

Unto this day, emotional fear predators run the human race, for the most part. Not many people have the nerve to defy these primitive rules, which is the origin of all crime. Crime is causing harm outside of the need to protect oneself or a helpless child from injury. If you are being attacked, it is not a crime to shield yourself from harm or death. But to hurt people just to gain access to their food, clothing or shelter or deprive them of it so that you can prosper is criminal. And much of the way people who hoard wealth have done just that. Organized “religions” have done that – they have stolen property through emotional fear tactics, and they still do this. Governments give them a “blank check” to deceive people because these groups hide behind emotional labels in order to dominate people while pretending they are serving people's best interest. It's an elaborate con game driven by fear and fortified by sheer brutality and concealed by governmental agencies. People hide behind emotional labels to justify crime.

The only way around this tyranny is for the Emotional-Mind to Awaken to learn about itself and how it causes itself to be afraid. Once the mind understands that it is making itself afraid by refusing to be in full contact with ALL of its FEELINGS and THOUGHTS of an EMOTIONAL-NATURE, then the mind will no longer generate emotional fear. Hence, there is no inclination to hide from itself.

Let's distinguish between the biological brain that triggers adrenalin to jump away from physical danger. That is not fear. Mistakenly, the experts have called it fear. It is not fear at all. All living creatures are embedded with a natural instinct to avoid deadly harm to its organism. That is called Biological-Intelligence telling the organism to avoid getting hurt or killed. That is not fear. If you put your hand near a flame, your brain will flinch from the heat and cause you to have an involuntary response to move your hand away from the heat to avoid being burned. The mind, naturally, will avoid anything that will cause its body to suffer.

But, what most people don't realize or understand is when you seek “emotional comfort” (by avoiding emotional disturbances), the mind is refusing to understand parts of its emotional nature. You see, the emotional realm is a world unto itself. It is YOU! But when YOU don't want to think certain thoughts that make you feel upset, then you are opting to hide from your state of mind. What most mental experts hide from you is that YOU ARE ALL STATES OF MIND! That's an absolute fact. You are anger, you are jealousy, you are sadness, you are hatred, you are elation in the moments that they arise. But the emotional brain has been trained, from one generation-to-the-next and from century-to-the-next, to be DIVIDED. You see the masks of “Tragedy” & “Comedy” is a symbol of emotional division in the Human Emotional Mind (the Right-Brain split in half opposing itself).

The Emotional Mind has been spooked into avoiding one side and clinging to the other. Sadist avoid the docile emotional thoughts and feelings and cling to the dark thoughts and feelings by emotionally identifying with them and shunning anything that is kindly. When the mind does this, it fragments into an upstairs and downstairs emotional mindset. If the upstairs (the conscious realm) is emotionally sadistic, then its downstairs (the subconscious realm) is emotionally masochistic which seeks to sacrifice itself for redemption from it alter ego. And, this can be reversed to reflect the opposite persona. So there is a war taking place in the emotional mind. This divided mind can be hijacked by more cunningly devious minds or it can become the devious mind that dominates masses of people (like Hitler, Rev. Jim Jones, popes, psychiatrists and other so-called leaders). We have leaders because the emotional mind of most people is in a state of confusion. Both the “leader” and the “led” are co-dependent because they give value to each other, unconsciously.

The criminal that is put in prison makes the lawman emotionally feel superior. The lawman emotionally craves (like a drug addict) to have something to imprison in order for him or her to feel powerful. In their youth, they felt emotionally helpless or weak. They did not like that feeling. So they grow up to get a job that makes them feel the opposite of that weak feeling. The criminal bullies people because he/she is running away from his/her childhood feeling of feeling weak and helpless. So he/she hurts people to feel stronger than others, and to pretend to him/herself that he/she has escaped from feeling helpless. The way one emotionally reacts to hurt is to run from it. They run by lying to themselves. But the ultimate lie is that their lies are the truth and they are sacred truths. Anyone who does not play along will be hurt or killed. The origin of violence – emotional fear of being in full, direct contact with itself hides in emotional words (beliefs).

And so, the divided mind has an upstairs emotional set of lies that is suppressing the downstairs set of lies. The downstairs set of lies is trying to break free to take the dominating position in the emotional mind and to suppress the upstairs. The way we treat our emotional selves, is exactly the way we treat people that cross our path or make policies that have an impact on people around the world. A mind at odds within itself must also be against the world. Half of the mind intends one thing, while the other half intends the exact opposite. This is why we hurt the ones we assume (or believe) that we love. But a mind that is attacking itself does not love itself, therefore, it can't love anything or anyone else, either. Where there is emotional opposition, conflict or division, there is no authentic Love.

Love is not an emotion. All emotions come from the right-brain of emotional memory (memories that we either “like” and “dislike”). The emotional realm is oppositional. However, LOVE is NEUTRAL. Love is THE TRUE CENTER OF ALL CREATION – that is The Truth (and Truth itself is God). Truth/Love has no owner!

Since all of life is made from atoms (including the mind of Humanity), then our minds must be a part of the laws that govern the proper function of atoms. Atoms basically comprise of:

Something: Opposite Forms of Energy (2 Sides of same Coin):

Negative Energy = Electrons + Positive Energy = Protons
Inward Flow (vagina) Outward Flow (penis)

Nothing: Stabilizer of the Atom's Center (Zero Point):

Neutron = No Charge = Null Energy = Neutrality = Love = Creation =
No Choice = Holistic Observation (of Neg. & Pos. emotions) = Equality = Peace = Fairness = Oppositional Freedom = TRUTH = THE CREATOR

Matter = Neg./Pos. Polarized Energy = Physical Manifestation Movement
Nothing = Eternity = No Form = No Measure = Origin of All Matter
Nothing = Silent Holistic Observation of ALL Emotions = No Movement

When there is a lack of Love, Neutrality, then there is war, destruction, famine and imbalances and inequalities in all physical well being. This is why there has always been a small group of people with the most physical resources and the masses are left to scrounge for whatever is left over. And, some poor seek to rob the rich. Both the masses and the few wealthy have an emotional center of bias and lack of Love, Neutrality. Ergo, both sides are WMD's, because they have no whole foundation. They've split their minds: clinging to one side whilst rejecting the other. That is what is going on in the emotional-minds of most humans.

Humans” are monsters. A monster is an entity whose energy has been distorted and twisted and is in a perpetual state of disintegration. It reverses the meaning of everything. In other words, it edits and makes up whatever it desires reality to be to please itself, strictly on an emotional level.

Human Being” is a vibrant living being. The Human is Being In Touch with ALL of its emotional thoughts and feelings. Through that sacred holy communion with its emotional responses, ALL of its thoughts/feelings blossom and dies like a rose.
This Holistic Self-Observation, alone, balances the opposite emotional responses, just like what happens inside of an atom when the Neutron/Center of Nothingness stabilizes the opposite forms of energy (electron & proton). Our form of this Neutron is Pure Self-Observation (without desire of like or dislike meddling). “Control” or “Choice” between the opposites is what degenerates our Neutral Center into an Egotistical Desire based on what we wish to be true – that is Belief.

When people who are driven by emotional desire and don't wish to understand that driving force come along and coax people into believing whatever they believe is the truth; they are being anti-matter. Matter is the atom, which is everything in the world, including the Human species. Our emotional desire makes up whatever it wants to be true. It can say that it is a soul and that it is eternal or divine. Hell I can say anything... I can say that I'm a cow or that I am ruler of over all people. Yes, the emotional mind can conjure up anything that it pleases. But what it can never conjure up is “Nothingness” - Full Self-Awareness.

We are so ignorant and lost. We don't know the innate meaning of anything. Life is energy. Without energy you cease to exist. Energy is matter. Matter is expressed in opposite forms like, day/night, man/woman, water/fire, air/dirt, inhale/exhale and birth/death. Creation is when opposite forms of energy co-exists in harmony. All opposite forms of energy needs a stabilizing agent that is not the same substance that it is. Nothing, Zero Charge is at the center of all matter. That is an absolute fact. All matter is something, which is born out of nothing (an energy without any charge – no negative charge or positive charge).

In a human sense, the NEUTRON is the human equivalent of actual LOVE. Love is Neutral (it is not emotional realm of opposites). Love is not born out of hate nor is it opposite of hate. All opposites have their roots in their opposite. All opposites are limited and measurable. “Nothing”, “Neutrality” or “Love” has no measure and it has no opposite. No Charge has no relation to Charged Energy, yet its impact upon the opposites is to cause them to harmonize and co-exist – just like night and day they exist without any friction between them.

When there is a feeling that arises in the mind and there is the “Freedom” to feel it without dominating it, then that full unbiased communion with that expression is blissful self-awareness. This is not pleasure nor pain because there is a self learning taking place. It is the learning in that communion with ones emotions that has neither a negative nor a positive charge of energy. Learning is the freedom to commune with whatever you are feeling or thinking. There is no desire dictating what to do about any feeling or thought. There is just holistic perception. What makes it holistic is that there is NO CHOICE or NO PREFERENCE among ones thoughts/feelings because YOU understand that YOU are ALL of your emotional thoughts/feelings. You understand that to CHOOSE is to cause a split personality that will fight against itself. That is a state of DISINTEGRATION, which is the antithesis of CREATION & LOVE.

That means that in the emotional realm (the right side of our brain), we are only WHOLE when we Observe our positive thoughts/feelings, as well as our negative thoughts and feelings, with Equality or Neutrality. Never choosing to be aware of only the emotions that we “like” and ignore the ones that we “dislike”. That is a mind that is divided, which is an Un-Holy Mind (Not Whole). That is the true meaning of religion, not this rubbish that the divided-minded people are propagating to the world. You see, the emotional-mind is the content of ALL of its thoughts/feelings. To shun some and cling to others is to HURT yourself, so one is committing a crime against oneself. Once the emotional mind has done that, it can easily commit crimes and hurt others, as well.

When people accept these emotional lies, it always leads to a huge bloodbath of tragic atrocities. The “Believing Game” is at the root of all wars and all economic inequality throughout the world. People who pretend that they are trying to save the world are actually the ones who are destroying it. The notion that you need saving on an emotional level is nothing more than a clever scheme. You see if you look at the Universe, it shows you that all things have an internal ability to take care of itself. The Sun takes care of itself, all the planets each take care of themselves. Even animals are self-sufficient. People are the only creatures that prop each other up and tear each other down, as a result of their mutual emotional dependence upon their make-believe world. It is this world of make-believe that is destroying the balance of all that is physically natural.

Beliefs are supernatural or unnatural, to be exact. It is simply whatever you desire to be true. If you want to think that a person is “good” or “evil”, it will shape your behavior toward that person. But, your images about others is born out of the image you have made up about yourself, first. If you have NO IMAGE about yourself, then you wont make up lies about other people, either. You lie to yourself because there are thoughts and feelings you wish to deny having. So you make up the opposite of those thoughts and feelings that you dislike. Then a lie requires support in order to make it seem real. That is where leaders need followers to validate their lies. After doing this for a long period of time, both the leader and the followers start to think their lies are truth. Violence takes place to protect that falsehood, so there must be physical sacrifices to make a lie appear to be the real deal. Since people fear death, they opt to hold the lie to be reality.

It is the emotional mind that is responsible for the imbalances in our physical security. That is why the budget will never be balanced and there is no real interest in balance. Ego is a byproduct of Emotional Choice, which is bias. When NEUTRALITY is removed from the equation, then IMBALANCE (DESTRUCTION and WAR) is the sole governing factor of Human existence.

A Living, Healthy Emotional State of Mind is ever vigilant about emotional division and understands the falsehood of “believing” in anything or anyone. All physical energy flows out of the origin of Nothingness, Neutrality (neither positive nor negative energy). It is this No-Charge energy that is The Real Creator of all opposite forms of energy in life. Energy is both Life/Death that is one unitary movement. Where there is one there is the other. You inhale (life) and exhale (death); they are inseparable and Equally important. Similarly, both pleasant thoughts/feelings and unpleasant thoughts/feelings are inseparably your WHOLE EMOTIONAL MIND, which is a religious mind full of LOVE (unbiased self- observation or self-awareness). There is no chooser – just a Center of Study of the entire emotional mind, which contain its opposite thoughts/feelings.

So when I see these propaganda flyers, I can see through the fear-tactics. I can see the motive to get me to be afraid of not chasing after their collection of emotional statements about reality. It is presumed that all people are not free to perceive their entire emotional psyche. It is also assumed that their words are “good” to blindly follow. I can see the false statements. I can see that if one were to take those statements as truth, then they will be offering themselves up as a sacrifice and they will physically suffer. And, these devious-minded people will be there to give you comforting words that are empty of meaning. They may even get you to feel like hurting people who don't buy into these assumptions of truth and tell you that your attacks are serving “God's” interest and that after you die you be in paradise with “God”. Isn't that what the people who blow themselves up are told? That if they hurt the “non-believer” of their so-called sacred rules, then they will be rewarded in the afterlife? Everyone wants to “believe” that violence will bring peace. Just like people “believe” that poison (drugs) can bring health. It is all a lie. Lies are easily accepted in a mind that does not want to understand FEAR and how it is generating that emotional FEAR.

If Emotional Fear can be studied and understood, directly, as it arises in our daily relationships, then Fear would naturally, peacefully wither away – just like a dead leaf effortlessly dropping off of a twig. Any opposition born out of emotional desire only fuels chaos, disintegration and confusion. Confusion feeds on Fear. Fear is when you seek to escape from being in touch with any thought or feeling that you dislike. Your escape is in an opposing thought or feeling that brings you pleasure. So people don't give a damn about Truth, which is Whole, balanced and Neutral. All they care about is running away from emotional pain. That is why they accept lies from clever, cunning leaders. It is not the power of lies that over- whelm people. It is their fear to see themselves exactly as they are. It is the truth that sets the emotional mind free from fragmentation, and nothing else. Truth is Neutral and takes no sides between the opposites. Life does not treat night as its favorite nor does it choose day. Life/Energy says they both have a purpose and must co-exist. Our Emotional Mind containing both positive and negative thoughts and feelings are like day/night – they must co-exist and not take sides.

Fake religion posing as religion is always pressuring you to choose between your thoughts and feelings. They insist that you must choose. This is a sick mind that says that. There are so many sick minds in the world that we think that they can't be sick simply because of the numbers involved. Numbers do not make facts. Just because almost all humans “believed” that the Earth was flat did not make that a fact. It just made everyone feel good to think that way. You see superstition passing itself off as being religion is based on the same principle as “getting high”. The only reason why a person gets high is because they are running away from their horrible thoughts and feelings. You can get high on drugs or on words. Both are hallucinations to keep the emotional mind pleasured. Pleasure is not Love. Pleasure is born out of the escape from pain, which always returns to its birthplace (of pain). That is why pleasure is the other side of pain.

Whereas, communing with both sides of the emotional psyche is neither pain nor pleasure. One is not running away from ones own nature. One is learning about ones nature, through feeling itself. You don't choose to do this, anymore than you chose to be born. You don't choose to eat, sleep, urinate, defecate or breathe. Learning is an intrinsically naturally function that our biological brain demands that we do. You see there can be no security for the physical body so long as we seek a false security in being emotionally comfortable all the time. By protecting the emotional mind from being disturbed, we're depriving our physical organism from being secure. The emotional mind rejects this fact. It does not like that fact. So it lies to itself and says, “That's not true.” Emotional Mind bases truth on what it likes to be true. If it does not like a fact, it dismisses it as being false. Then it pretends for such a long time that a fact is false that it becomes neurotic and really doesn't know the difference between fact and fiction, anymore. It becomes senile after years of emotional lying/believing.

So when this flyer I found on my porch said, “The Bible is providing answers for millions of people”, I can see that this is nothing but more crap spewing out of a fearful emotional mind that is divided against itself. If you look at the pattern of these propaganda campaigns, the more people who buy into it, then at the end they will be divided up into two groups: THE SACRIFICES & THE PROFITEERS who get to inherit what the Sacrificial Lambs left behind. After all there is only one of two ways to obtain your physical security: either you are receiving it from the Energy of Neutrality or the Energy of Bias/Inequality (that is where thievery and murder comes in). If you are learning about your Whole Mind, then the Energy of The Atomic Universe is providing your physical needs. But if you run from being in touch with your Whole Emotional Responses by accepting assumptions about the truth, then your physical needs come from the tragic sacrifices of others (through conflict). That is what war is for – to sacrifice them so that the ones left behind gets to take their physical security. Just look what happens after a group of warriors invade a so-called enemy's territory: they take their women and rape them, turn them into their servants and take all their property, do they not? And such is the primitive mind of “Humans” (monsters) who don't know themselves, emotionally. They merely assume that what they are doing is right. That is what both sides of the battle field emotionally “believe”, do they not? So belief is bias, which is the root of all cruelty and unfairness in the human experience.

It takes no time at all to step out of that endless dimension of insane suffering. In every present moment, you have an opportunity to SEE YOUR WHOLE MIND and be free from emotional choice (bias, inequality and division). That is real morality, not this bogus garbage being sold to Humanity to divide their emotional mind and then fight for what they chose. Meanwhile as Humans fight for their delusions, they are destroying this planet and the creatures in it. They are upsetting the balance of nature by dictating what they think Mother Nature should be through geological engineering and genetic engineering. All to please the whimsical cravings of emotional desire who is pretending to be “God”. The emotional mind is based in emotional memory, period. All memory is finite. So it can't be a “God”. It goes around smashing up things to demand respect because, deep down, it knows that it is a fraud, an imposture trying to convince itself, through brutality, that it is running all life in the world. The Human mind is not running this world. It is not even in control of itself. When the mind locks up the mind, the jailer is still free to run a muck and cause annihilation to the physical world. The emotional mind that exists off of conflict as its basis for being is like a building atop a fragmented foundation; it cannot stand because its foundation is unstable (conflict IS division)! So conflict is not the answer. All beliefs are there to assist you in getting away from any disturbing emotional thoughts or feelings. So beliefs are dividers in the psyche of Humanity. A thing that divides is evil, cruel, uncreative and brings about the downfall of whatever it has built (including whole civilizations).

So long as Humans IGNORE their emotional mind through “believing”, they are placing their trust and faith in an illusion. Illusion fights to maintain illusion by stipulating that it must go on believing no matter what happens. You see, the emotional mind is called the emotional mind because it is driven by the emotion of “feeling good”. That is its only truth. Tell me words that make me feel good. These so-called sacred books do just that. It is like a junky getting a fix off of emotional words that make a person feel good. Isn't that what a junky is all about seeking pleasure to escape from emotional pain? The junky does not care that its real body is rotting to death. He or she just wants to pretend like everything is fine, so long as “I” (the emotionally divided mind) can hide from reality by seeking emotional words that make itself feel good, even temporarily. So when the drugs are not enough, people turn to emotional words to be hypnotized into a trance that dictates that “I am saved”. The emotional lie is in direct opposition to what is really going on. Emotional mind even opposes the fact that it is in conflict with itself. Denial begets more denial, and that is all believing does. It will destroy anything that tries to stop it from indulging in lies that it “believes” is the truth. Such a mind is not free to see itself as it is. Such a mind is insane – not in touch with what is going on (that is what facts are). It is madness to argue with facts.

So this “flyer” goes on to pretend to be a generous, kind messager by telling you that it can offer soothing emotional words that will give your children stability by singing songs of these emotional words that will insulate their lives from harm. When these kids start thinking this is the real truth, then they will be devoured by the sadists of this world. The dark side of the emotion wants people to “believe” so that they can prey on them. Then the heroes can play out their roles of riding to the rescue and locking up the “bad guys/gals”. Its all an ancient dance of conflict feeding upon itself in the emotional ritual of opposites, because both sides are escaping from perceiving ALL their emotions, neutrally. The good-guys-gals & the bad-guys-gals are two sides of the same coin-of-believing, which is disintegration. Both sides reject LOVE-NEUTRALITY-NOTHINGNESS, because they both strive “to become” something that they are not, eternal or God. Eternity is Nothingness, which is Holistic Self-Watchfulness, alone. There is nothing to become or choose – that is The Truth.

Thank you.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.