Sunday, August 27, 2017

Ego Is Emotional Gut That Acts Like Bad Bacteria

I have recently discovered that the human species is awash with multiple levels of parasitical invasions. Consequently, it is having a tremendous impact on how we think and behave. In the video I will be sharing in this blog, it will give you an in-depth revelation as to why people are so hostile, illogical, irrational and spiraling out of control. And, at the core foundation of this problem lies the most dangerous parasite of them all – the EGO! 

Let's begin examining this parasitical plague by carefully watching and listening to this video presentation. I found this video lecture to be very helpful in understanding my limitations with regard to changing, progressing and healing my overall life.


Gut bacteria and mind control: 

to fix your brain, fix your gut!

Is it any wonder why it is that the comments that you find all over YouTube videos that support the genocide of our species and the destruction of the eco-system indicates neurosis and hysteria. The vast majority of people are driven by pathogenic bacteria. There is only 10% cells in the human body and 90% is bacteria. Now that bacteria is either negatively charged (which is the healthy bacteria that protects our immune system and governs our thoughts) or it is positively charged (which is the disease-causing bacteria that destroys our immune system). This leads to irrational thinking and hostile communications.

Most of us have been indoctrinated to trust the authorities, the leaders are benevolent guardians and protectors of our society. No matter how much evidence exposes that this is not true, fear takes shelter under the wing of the masters who are systematically slaughtering the population under the pretext of saving, helping or protecting the people. Any evidence that shows the contrary is called a lie and ignored. If anyone takes the proof of harm seriously, then such people are marginalized and classified as being a nut and also incompetent. And, usually they verbally condemn anyone for pointing out how the system is designed to do damage while at the same time claiming to be protecting us.

When you have a gut that is being fed poison to proliferate the growth of bad bacteria (which has a positive charge causing disease), then that poisons the brain and thoughts arise that feel like “lies” are really the truth and TRUTH is a falsehood. Then their emotional responses are outrageously out of touch with reality. Facts, to a deranged driven being, does not matter. All that matters is this:

Do I LIKE what I am being told?”

Do I LIKE the taste of the food that I eat?”

Do I LIKE having a system/government doing ALL of my thinking for me?”

The mind has a tendency to be habitual and objects to change. The mind tends to want to maintain a familiar way of living. So if anything comes along to reveal any dangers of living in a fashion that is self-destructive, then there is a strong resistance against examining this unpopular information. Consequently, there is a strong tendency to automatically CONDEMN or RIDICULE the messenger and the message and dismiss it as being nonsense. Self-preservation for the body is sacrificed in order to protect and defend an emotional state (falsehood) that is familiar and comfortable to support. It is just a fantasy. But that fantasy-maker has sold itself on it. And therefore, nothing else matters! Emotional based lies and the increase of bad-bacteria are parallel supporters of each other.

There is no way to convince hardcore EGOTISTS to take a look at the facts. Such a mind has gone past the point of no return as far as logic, reason or rationality goes. EGO IS THE ULTIMATE PARASITE that breeds physiological parasites; it is poison breeding more poison and basking in it as if it were healthy, balance and benevolent. In the EGOTISTICAL FANTASY WORLD, anything that reveals what is really going on is viewed as being “a disease” and must be attacked verbally or physically.

So I look to the Universe & Mother Nature as a guideline on how does it deal with any form of energy that is behaving out of order. Well, all such deranged entities self-destruct for being misaligned with the natural flow of order. Order is the seeking to establish BALANCE, EQUILIBRIUM! There are two basic forms of energy; one type builds healthy NEGATIVELY-CHARGED matter (alkaline); the 2nd type tears down health by increasing POSITIVELY-CHARGED matter (acid).

As each year passes, I have noticed that people are becoming more and more crazy, especially the super rich and their servants (which are the governments). They are hell bent on trashing the world and stealing the resources. They plan on trading in their biological nature for a computerized artificial human existence. This is the EGO seeking to manufacture its own world to play god over. They want to hook people up to computerized nano-chips that can be controlled by the so-called elite group of bad-bacteria type mentalities. They are influencing what they want the masses to think is true through commercials, electro-magnetic frequency messages and so many other ways. Most people want to think that no such technology is possible.

You see, the reason why most people jump on the band-wagon of defending their dictator leaders and corporate masters is because they are hoping that they will not be punished or harmed because they took their (elites') side. Most people fear the elite sector. So they bow down by denouncing anyone who dares to say anything that criticizes what they are doing to the world. Just like they have given their health over to the bad-bacteria to govern their illogical thoughts, they have also handed themselves over to the powers-that-be, which is THE EGO; the most dangerous parasite of them all. Because, it is legalizing genocide/ecocide.

EGO has made it a crime to take care of your health by supporting your good-bacteria which establishes balance and pain-free living. EGO is a byproduct of a self-image in order to AVOID SEEING ITSELF AS IT IS. So it has made up a system that demands unquestioning servitude to whatever it says or does. EGO has set up death camps (under the disguise of work camps) to do away with the people who are logical thinking. EGO can only control fearful thinking people. EGO is an emotional and hysteria entity that has no respect for reality. IT MAKES UP WHAT REALITY IS BASED ON ITS WHIMSICAL EMOTIONAL DESIRES.

Knowledge is NOT power with regard to dealing with THE EGO. You can show it a mountain of proof of what reality says. It wants to be a god so it feels like it can invent reality the way it wants it to be. It gets infuriated whenever reality is held up to its face. It retaliates by sneaking behind your back and murdering you. Then have its bought and paid for media announce the murders as being either suicides or accidental deaths.

Even if you know the facts about how the material body and brain works, it can't protect you from THE EGO! There is only one type of energy that THE EGO can't destroy and that a emotional being that naturally neutralizes its own ego. There is no warfare involved with that action.

You see when it comes to your physical gut, you must CHOOSE to bring about a NEGATIVELY-charged environment. Then the bad-bacteria can't thrive in that environment. So the sane thing to do is to flood the body with oxygen, good-bacteria and foods that feed the good-bacteria. So you are CHOOSING balance and cooperative way of life. But that is not enough to survive the greatest threat on Earth: THE EGO (it is the emotional side of human nature that exists off of its desire to make reality the way it wants it to be and go against the natural order).

When it comes to dealing with your own EGO, you can't treat it like you are dealing with physical survival. Meaning, you cannot CHOOSE BETWEEN which feelings you will pay attention to and which ones you will ignore. Ignoring any part of your emotional being causes a schism or a division in your mind making it into a conscious-subconscious civil internal war. EGO is a split personality but it refuses to detect that it is. Each side thinks that it is independent and that the other side does not exist at all. 

Anyone who shows the TRUTH that it is in conflict within itself, it will seek to destroy that person. If you dare to expose it for what it is, it can destroy your life if you are not free of your EGO. This is the reason why so many people who have been revealing bad things that THE EGO has been doing to the world end up murdered by professionals who are trained to make it look like a suicide or accident so that the masses wont awaken to their delusional devotion to tyrants.

IT IS THE EGO THAT HAS DELIBERATELY POISONED THE WORLD. However, there are some areas not yet destroyed. If you look at the world like a body and the human species has been like bacteria that is overrun by bad-bacteria mentalities. If everybody gives into their EGO, then madness will prevail and that means the end of our species. Even if the elites get their way and turn themselves into machines, the biological human will no longer exist. What they will be is something that will wish it can die and wont be able to. Go check out the old movie called “Zardoz” starring Sean Connery where the EGO made a world where the elites took over and reduced the population, and after thousands of years they were begging for death and couldn't get any relief. EGO can't know what it will be like when it finally gets its way. In the dream it look wonderful. But when it is implemented, it's a bloody nightmare.

Personally, I'd rather be dead than to survive in a robotic world without LOVE, SANITY or ESSENCE. Such an existence is 100% meaningless. All there is is one battle after another, forever. That is just repeating like a broken record.

So while it is vital that we take care of our bodies so that we can think clearly, one must realize that the only reason for keeping our bodies sound is to be in FULL contact (without bias) with both our positive-pleasant thoughts as well as our negative-disturbing feelings. Psychologically, we are day & night; that is the WHOLENESS of our emotional responses. We cannot choose to be in touch with one side that we “LIKE” and shun the side that we “DISLIKE”. I can't emphasize enough the importance of understanding that our only salvation to this physical and mental assault on our daily lives is coming from an EGO-MONSTER; it is deranged. But, it hides behind material wealth. So it appears to be 'sane' because it is cunning, clever and shrewd.

Now then...

In the above video (Gut bacteria and mind control: to fix your brain, fix your gut!) I have discovered that the main reason why most people can't adequately come face-to-face with their EGO in order to really understand it is due to the simple fact that their gut is dominated by pathogenic communications. So when the brain listens to what is taking place inside of itself, it is a big blurry confused state of affairs. Of course, the brain, body and mind were molded by this system to be that way. And, it is that same system that confused your entire being that you still rely on to protect you. So while this system is cannibalizing you it is telling you that it taking good care of you. Your brain is so out of touch with reality and drowning in bad-bacteria messages of delusion that it wants to believe that its oppressor is as trustworthy to rely on as its biological parents.

However, just take a look at the millions of victims of this system. They obeyed and they were slowly massacred in a manner that has built-in deniability so that the trick will continue to work on the next generation of trusting clueless people. Just like a professional assassin has a team that cleans up his crime scene so that he can't be held accountable, this system has cloaked itself, as well. Whenever people are warned about what is really going on, the majority get so afraid that they refute the evidence and dismiss it as being nonsense. Meanwhile, their friends and relatives are dropping like flies all around them.

So what does this all mean?

It means that each person is his own worst enemy or threat to his or her life. So instead of being preoccupied with external dangers, the main thing to keep your eye on is your own self-deception that misleads you into drawing wrong conclusions. The other challenge is this... The fear of standing completely alone in your emotional being by simply observing ALL expressions that arise in each present moment. FEAR is the constant dwelling upon:

What has happened, and fearing that it might happen again.”
[the emotional-past is the NEGATIVE]: Atomic Electron


What will happen, and fearing that it wont turn out the way you want it to.”
[the emotional-future is the POSITIVE]: Atomic Proton


This is the psychological movement AWAY FROM WHAT IS ACTUALLY going on.
[the emotional-present AWARENESS is the NEUTRAL]: Atomic Neutron

Negative 1 = Limitation = Duality = Contradiction = Conditional Power
Positive 1 = Limitation = Duality = Contradiction = Conditional Power

So where does one begin, if one really wants to be free from this complex dilemma?

You begin where you are at RIGHT NOW! How do you feel about what is happening to you right now? And, if you “DISLIKE” how you feel or think, then simply be AWARE or pay FULL ATTENTION to your living situation – no matter what emotional state of being that may be. For, you are ALL EMOTIONAL STATES OF BEING. So that means that you cannot run away from yourself, can you? The desire to get away from any emotional thought or feeling is what triggers an EGO, which is a division within itself. Once that division happens, the divided side deny one another and then they plot to destroy the opposite state of mind.

For instance, when you look at all of this bad news that is going on in the world and in your personal life, you feel despair, right? That is the living actuality (or the TRUTH) of your emotional state of being. Then, you think to yourself, “I don't like how I am feeling or thinking. I want to make it better or abandon it.” So you conjure up or imagine the OPPOSITE by convincing yourself that you are “hopeful”. “Hope” is the OPPOSITE of “despair”, and is born out of that undesired state of mind, right? So your illusion of “hope” is rooted out of “despair”. Hence, “hope” is the mask over which you hide “despair”. So “despair” has been buried down in the basement of your psyche. You then have a split personality. The conscious “believes” or “assumes” that it has changed itself into something else. But in reality, “despair” remains deep within. The mind is now being a hypocrite to itself while it pretends to be honest, noble or better than being in “despair”. The mind is simply lying to itself, but it wont admit that it is doing that.

So when the emotional being deceives itself, it cannot detect when another mind is lying to it. Since the mind desires to believe that it has changed from being in a state of “despair”, then some leader or con artist can easily convince you that he or she is your friend and only wants what is best for you. You will fall for his or her lies because you have fallen for your own private lie about being free from “despair”. If you fall for your own lies about yourself, then you must be gullible for lies coming from the outside world, as well. That is the holographic nature of reality, yes?

To further convince oneself that one is good and honest, one goes out in the world to find an obvious villain to condemn and expose. So you see people on You Tube Internet channels exposing the destructive and unfair things that leaders and corporations are doing to the people and to the Earth. It feels so emotional self-fulfilling to expose the wrongdoings outside of yourself. So you find the dark ugly facts revealing the genocide programs. You show your research from many others in or substantiate your claims. Then that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are a wicked force on Earth. And because you have pointed it out to the public, this makes you feel like a kind of savior. This makes you feel very powerful and very virtuous and you encourage a group of people to join you in your delusional emotion of “hope” (in OPPOSITION to your initial “despair”). Because whenever a mind lies to itself, that lie requires support from others in order to validate that image as being a 'reality'.

So while it may appear on the surface that do-good type people are being selfless in order to help save the world, they are really emotionally exploiting people to help them convince oneself that one has escaped from ones initial state of “despair”. What this implies is this... The reason why we are faced with one emergency after another is because our emotional consciousness is exploiting each other to help each other tell pleasurable lies to each other by pretending that we are really being moral, benevolent and peaceful. But nothing could be further from the TRUTH. There is no honor in psychological lying no matter how nice sound those lies may be. To tell pleasant lies means that you must be beaten over the head with disturbing lies by corporations, politicians, priests, etc. that they are not poisoning you; they are not making the Earth an unsafe place to live in, and so on and so forth.

You see what most people's Egos want is to be free to deceive themselves with lies of escaping from states of mind that one “dislikes”. And yet, you become indignant whenever the elite want to impose their lies onto the masses. This is being a contradiction, is it not? You want to be dishonest with yourselves. Then shine the light on corruption from the elite oppressors. You can't do that because reality reflects what your TRUE STATE OF MIND is. You are just as much an EGO as the rich pirate families are. 

The reason why they can get away with harming the world and you can't stop them is because you are fueling their power every time that you feed your own private lies about escaping from state of mind that you would rather not acknowledge. Internal or private dishonesty is the ground out of which the EGO emerges. All EGOS stand upon the same ground-of-denial. And that is an absolute fact. This is the reason why nothing changes, and things continue to get more and more dangerous and desperate.

It is super easy to expose the illogical and blatant lies that the elite puppet masters say through their bought-and-paid-for media. It makes you feel morally superior to them. But, you are all being EGOTISTICAL by self-deceiving yourselves. The elite lie to themselves by thinking that they are “outside” of the human race. They are trying to defy the fact that all life forms are made of atoms and those atoms all came out of the NEUTRAL-VOID (that has NO negative or positive-charged energy, which is what makes it NEUTRAL ENERGY that can't be measured, captured nor destroyed). That NEUTRAL ENERGY is the action of SEEING YOUR STATE OF MIND AS IS – full stop!

To see what you are while understanding that you cannot improve it, escape from it or overthrow it simply because “it” is YOU! To come to that realization is PURE HONESTY & HUMILITY & LOVE. It is LOVE because conflict against your state of being has halted through that realized clarity when you face yourself as you are, in actuality. There is NO OPPOSITION. OPPOSITION IS CONFLICT, WAR. And, where this is conflict/war, there is NO LOVE, NO BENEVOLENCE, NO PHYSICAL SECURITY. Such a state of affairs can never save the world from destruction when one is self-destructing in psychological denial (which is a form of OPPOSITION).

You were designed by the Neutral Creator to safeguard your physical body so that you can learn about your WHOLE PSYCHOLOGICAL MIND. And as you OBSERVE your limitations which is that you cannot change your emotional state of being through WILL, DESIRE. These are the corrupting factors that converts a sane mind into an insane EGO that thinks that it has endless powers to change reality to its liking. When everybody tries to do that, we end up in friction, chaos. That is the world we now have. Everybody is seeking to fulfill what they want their emotional reality to be.

Our mind is various emotional states that fall under to main states of being which we either “LIKE” [positive] or “DISLIKE” [negative]. Then when we CHOOSE to only acknowledge one side over the other, we become a dysfunctional EGO driven monster. Even when you try to live up to the imagination of being “nice”, it for the purpose not honestly examining your true nature. The point of honest self examination is so that the UNBIASED/NEUTRAL ENERGY OF AWARENESS or ATTENTION brings about a natural closure. Only then can salvation be born. The salvation is from fragmentation, self-deceit or conflict. 

Seeing yourself as you are is the very essence and meaning of life. Life is reality. Reality is to be in contact with the fact of how you think and feel at any given moment. To come into contact with both Positive as well as Negative Thoughts/Feelings is the Holy or Unbroken Mind, which is totally NEUTRAL – just like the NEUTRON in the center of ALL ATOMS OF ALL THINGS. Where there is mental WHOLENSS, there is the solution to any and all problems of living. EGO can only proliferate problems. It does not matter if someone finds a cure to a disease because by being EGO your subconscious which is opposed to your discovery goes behind the conscious minds back to expose you to make it possible for your foe to come in and trash your discovery and also kill you too. It happened to many brilliant geniuses in the past.

I listen to some of the amazing material technological things that could make our lives more comfortable. But as long as EGO is the driving factor, it must smash its discoveries. Simply because EGO, in its very nature, is CONTRADICTORY. Why? Because when it refused to see itself as it actually is, it splits itself into a LOWER-SELF and a HIGHER-SELF (which is fictitious – there's just the self – full stop). This “self” is just like the “day/night” or “positive/negative”, which is a holistic atomic-phenomenon. But, the emotional being wants to pick one half over the other. Then after it chooses, it must do battle within itself, which attracts battles outside of itself, as well. What that implies is that the world is carrying on a private mental civil war and also a public war. Your thoughts and feelings that you deem to be the enemy has a counterpart outside of yourself.

Your bad-bacteria and all of the positively-diseased charged pathogenic 2nd brain is making you feel like hiding from yourself and not getting into touch with your whole emotional being. Just like choosing to feed the bad-bacteria with sugar, starch, GMO's, etc., similarly we feed our emotions with “assumptions” which we hold to be sacred “beliefs” to which we go to war with one another. There is non-stop psychological warfare in the comment sections on social media all over the Internet. Mental war eventually turns into physical war.

So when the people who think they are rulers impose their Ego (their emotional desire) on you, you try to resist or protest or you kiss their ass and bow down by joining to serve the system. Everybody is feeding the bad-bacteria (positively-charged energy). Remember to test “positive” for a disease is a disaster. So being “positive” is not always a good thing, is it? A healthy body is mainly a “negative” charge. So beliefs, ideals are “positive” charged because a “positive” movement means to go towards a desired goal while at the same time running away from something that is emotionally “disliked”. That is the fragmentation of the Whole psyche. And, the eternal law says that once a thing divides its foundation, then it must FALL! A house that is divided against itself CANNOT stand. An emotional being that is divided against itself CANNOT stand, either.

We were all brainwashed into dividing ourselves against ourselves. The proof is on YouTube. When something is presented that the EGO “DISLIKES” it is attacked, condemned without offering any facts. We condemn one another simply because we have already condemned our private thoughts and feelings. The moment that you refuse to acknowledge any thought or feeling, you have condemned it and banished away from your awareness and then you pretend like it doesn't exist. We dismiss anything that makes us feel uncomfortable about ourselves. The main reason why most people who deny that corporations are killing people and the world is because it is too uncomfortable to face it. So we condemn anybody who reveals the facts of the matter. It is also a subtle way of playing god by trying to invent reality to your specifications.

Human beings have acted like this for thousands of years. And each greedy empire has built and destroyed itself many times over. We are now in the process of repeating history simply because the EGO IS THE PAST PROJECTING A MODIFIED VERSION OF ITSELF INTO THE PRESENT. Ego is anti-factual in the emotional arena. It pretends to be rational by saying, “1 + 1 = 2; therefore, I am also telling the truth when I claim to be protecting society with poisons and wars.” 

You see... Just because I am telling the truth about a technical fact, you must also jump to the conclusion that I am being honest in the emotional area of life. That is where most people get tripped up. It is like an assassin comes to you house posing as a plumber. He does an excellent job of fixing your pipes. You then feel that this guy or gal is a “good” or “benevolent” person. Then, when he or she offers you a beverage, you see no reason not to accept their kind offer, then you drop dead from the poison in the drink. Do you see how that works?

Government has agents go around the world stirring up trouble with other groups of people. But, they hide that fact. Suddenly you get reports and media coverage of a foreign group burning the flag that represents your group of people. Then the government gets you all emotional and convinces you to go kill their children with your children. Since the government has done certain things to make you comfortable, you agree to donate your children for what has been presented to you as being a justified war. EGO is very sneaky like that. Decades later the TRUTH rises to the surface that you were tricked (i.e., like what caused the war in Iraq was based on misinformation on purpose). This repeats, repeats, repeats.

The only way this will ever stop repeating is if you stop being at odds within yourself, stop choosing to only acknowledge what you “LIKE” in your emotional self and pretend like what you “DISLIKE” does not exist. In other words, stop lying to yourself, which turns into psychological civil warfare. Then when that ends in yourself, then you will be able to see through all deceptions coming from other EGOS. Because when you see the WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR EGO, you have seen the WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT EVERYBODY'S EGO. For all EGOS, ARE STANDING ON THE EXACT SAME GROUND OF DENIAL, OPPOSITION. All EGOS are, in fact, self-destructive.

Finally, you might wonder why I bother to speak to a world that is mainly out of touch with itself, psychologically. The answer is this... We must reveal our emotion status before we can access physical resources. Humans are build different from animals. They can just go directly after physical fulfillment. We cannot do that. Before we can replenish physical resources to feed our bodies, we must stand up and reveal to the world where we are emotionally coming from. You are either a Positive-EGO, a Negative-EGO or NO EGO (someone who sees both sides without preference). If you are either Positive or Negative-EGO, you must be involved with violence/conflict/war, either psychologically or physically or both. That is where blood sacrifice ensues and comes out on the daily news reports. That is why those events are happening. It is not random as it appears to be. EGO makes all of those things happen through its divisive, corrupt nature.

However when the mind is HOLISTIC, it gets permission to live by the REAL CREATOR/GOD. It is not a ideological-god at all. It is the Energy that is without measure because it has no negative or positive charge; for, it is NEUTRAL. That is the energy that stabilizes ALL ATOMIC structures throughout the Universe. And by the way, there is only ONE UNIVERSE which has MULTIPLE LAYERS/DIMENSIONS. All atoms originate and flow out of the NON-MOVEMENT (NEUTRALITY) VOID or ZERO-POINT and eventually returns there. So there is only 1 UNIFIED FIELD OF ENERGY. 

You can be in that Unified Field of Oneness/Wholeness only when you see the futility of lying to yourself and trying to “play at being a god”. Elites do that. They are not divine anything at all. They have conquered of humanity because most of humanity is a slave to their EGO (self denial). You can't take down the elites because you and they are trapped by EGOTISTICAL deception. And that gives them the right to trash your lives. EGO is without compassion or love. How else can you explain their callous ways of selling poisons to your infants to make a profit.

Do you realize that the world has been erected on a foundation of fraud. Entrapment is fraud. Millions of rules, codes (which are the illusion of laws) have been imposed on the masses. If you break those rules, you can be punished and even killed. If you have a million rules, can it be mathematically possible to obey them all? NO, of course not. The sheer number alone would imply that at some point one group of rules must contradict another group of opposing rules. So if you obey any group of rules you will perpetually always be breaking their counterpart of rules. So that is entrapment. Entrapment is FRAUD – full stop.

I was listening the other day to someone on YouTube that made the claim that this worldwide system put together by the Vatican, Royal Families and the Federal United States, Inc. are not committing fraud because they have given disclosure of their plans and intentions through various symbolic messages hidden in plan sight. Yes, but real full disclosure means that there is no intention to deceive the party that you entering into contract with. Now then... Our education has been structured to leave out certain pertinent facts making it possible to comprehend the way things work so that we can have the proper legal status to conduct business in a safe manner. They never tell mothers that when they register a birth certificate that they are actually abandoning their children into endless debt slavery. 

They speak legalese and yet pretend to be speaking everyday English, then they turn around and lock you up and make you pay for being tortured. And, when you find out the TRUTH of how to handle your business affairs on the Private side while you are in court, the Judge keeps rejecting what you have to say so that he/she can entrap you into losing your money and freedom. The government is knowingly and willfully hiding the dirty tricks that corporations are perpetrating on society so that they can all pirate the masses while pretending to be playing on a level playing field. No there is absolutely no full disclosure at all. 

International Law (the Uniform Commercial Code that governs the rules of contracting) says that in order to enter into a lawful contract the parts must do so voluntarily and WITHOUT any coercion of any kind. And yet, when a police person or court officer asks you questions and you are aware of their intentions to trick and deceive and you convey that you don't want the privileges that they offer because you don't want to enter into a contract that will lead to debt and torture, they keep pressuring you to tell them what they DEMAND you to say to them so that they can rob you. Then they pretend like you entered into a contract without any force on their part. This is clearly a violation of lawful contracting.

They can sit there and lie as much as they like, but if the citizen is caught in a single lie, they seek to profit off of destroying his life. This is criminal behavior. Technically, a crime is the premeditated intention to do harm to another. And, they went to universities and joins private clubs to hold meetings on how to fleece the masses behind a facade of protector/guardian. In today's world, we have thieves and murderers running around plundering society and getting paid a fortune to do so. Why are things like this? Well, because most people don't have the care nor the courage to peacefully nullify their EGOS, that's why. All problems lead to that ONE PROBLEM – EGO!

Knowledge has no power over EGO. Knowledge is an accumulation of the past that is perpetually modifying itself. Knowledge is limited, just like the EGO. So knowledge never stop the EGO. The only form of energy that can stand up to EGO without fighting with it and yet neutralize it, is NEUTRAL ENERGY, which I have explained that it requires HONESTY/HUMILITY TO SEE YOURSELF EXACTLY AS YOU ARE. That is the only psychological solution to this mad-machine. Then when you do that you can implement all of your physical and technical solutions to all the problems that the EGO has made all over the world. No intellectual approach will resolve the multitude of complex problems that EGO has purposely caused. 

The EGO must be addressed COMPLETELY at its POINT OF ORIGIN, which is your own EGO. If you are too afraid to see ALL of your emotional responses, both negative & positive, alike, then you are doomed to drown in the world that you EGO help to build. Nobody can save us from ourselves. Only NEUTRAL (unbiased) self-surveillance can cause EGO to wither away like a dead leaf on a tree branch. And act to try to stop the EGO only fuels and feeds it like sugar feeds bad-bacteria.

EGO is also a virus. A virus mimics the actions of a healthy immune system. It pretends to be healthy. Then once it gains access, it begins stripping away the life force of the host. That is why we are awash in commercial messages convincing us with emotional messages that this corporation wants to help you to be fulfilled and happy by buying their product that promises to enrich your life. Then after using it for a number of years you end up getting cancer and die. Before you died you paid a fortune treating the disease caused by those products that assured you that they were safe. After all, the government has their approval so it must be safe, right?

I am not being political. I am pointing out that there is only ONE ENEMY IN THIS WORLDWIDE NETWORK OF LIES AND DECEIT, and of course, that is the self-image that you cling to. That self-image is connected to the powers-that-be. All commercial messages are speaking to your EGO. So it makes you buy poison and tell you that it is good for you and safe to use or ingest.

The new unprecedented paradigm shift is foundational. Your core must die and stop being divided, stop identifying with an emotional ideal of any kind and just be in touch with the actual state of your mind at each present moment. That is the demand being made by the Universe or else the EGO shall destroy your biological vessel and transfer your memories into a database. That will be the end of biological mankind. Then Mother Nature will cause another cataclysmic event like what happened in Noah's Ark flood times. Instead this time, the Earth might die or do something that wipes out the human species. 

Since the Universe has many levels to it, this part of life might just get canceled out, altogether. So those underground cities that the elites have built may not protect them from ending. I say this because what is different from the past is that there are NEUTRAL MENTALITIES present. They can't be bought off or overthrown because the foundation of such a mind is the same essence that is at the core of ALL ATOMIC structures. If an EGO no matter how big it may be can never overpower NEUTRALITY, the effort to try to do so would cause the EGO to totally delete itself. I have personally witnessed this happen many times in my lifetime.

I have experimented with this in my life for decades. I wondered what would happen if I were to simply SEE MY TOTAL EMOTIONAL BEING no matter what happens around me. The EGO does all kinds of things to try to frighten me into running away from myself. But, I can see the absurdity in that. If I physically die then so be it. But, my mind was never conquered and I get to be reincarnated by the TRUE CREATOR that is total sanity. So I have nothing to fear if the EGO could kill me. The EGO is after one thing and that is to get EVERYBODY'S MIND TO REDUCE ITSELF DOWN TO BECOMING DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF (that is what an EGO is). If you see how stupid that is, then the EGO seeks to destroy you. When it comes close to succeeding, IT ends up destroying itself, inadvertently. This I have seen happen many times.

I do NOT play games with the EGO. EGO IS THE ONLY GAME PLAYER. I have an innate responsibility to all living things to be in TOTAL CONTACT WITH MY WHOLE MIND. For, when I am doing that, I am aligned with THE UNIVERSE (which includes ALL DIMENSIONS). The Holistic Mind is quantum-mechanically entangled with the UNIFIED ENERGY FIELD and at its core is NEUTRALITY. So it all boils down to ONE THING...


For, it is your quality of perception that determines your fate and nothing else in this world!

Bacteria is a form of Intelligence made out of ATOMS – at the center lies Neutral Energy that is always learning about itself which what bring about BALANCE, ORDER and HARMONY among all life forms. Everything is just a vessel in which learning through self-awareness takes place. If there is no self-awareness-learning, then that energy is rogue and is doomed to self-destruct. This is THE ATOMIC LAW and no life form is above it.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.