Monday, January 4, 2016

The Meaning Of Life IS The Meaning Of Death

Ego Is Attacking Mother Nature Everyday


The messenger is nobody and has no interest in accumulating emotional or intellectual followers. Words, themselves, have no value unless the “listener” is communing with that which the words are pointing. Most minds have been trained to be driven by words without questioning the validity of what is being conveyed. Genuine Intelligence questions everything that is presented to it, not just blindly accepts or rejects based solely on whether or not one “likes” or “dislikes” the message. In other words, the “message” is a challenge to take a journey to find out what is false. For, to find out what is false is to also find out THE TRUTH, which is not concocted by any bias or personal hidden agendas of any kind. One has to be completely honest with oneself, not be concerned about the “messenger”, but use the message as mirror to clearly seeing your mental responses so that one may find out the content of your thinking. A mind that does not know itself is in a perpetual state of decay. To be alive means to be aware of ones own mental process through direct communion or contact without any bias, either emotionally or intellectually. Beware of your mind's reactions while you read this “message”. If you are not interested in learning about yourself, then this “message” will have little or no meaning for you. [ -->> End of Warning <<-- ]

We have been trained to divide Life and then emotionally or intellectually identify ourselves to one half and shun the other. We chase after “Life” and avoid understanding “Death”. So one ignores and hides from “Death”. But, there is more to “Death” than just the final day of your biological existence, isn't there? If you look at it objectively (without the bias of “like” or “dislike”), “Death” simply means the ending. 

After all, every exhale {death} is the ending of a breath that was inhaled {life}. The very skin cells die and you wash them away so that the skin may regenerate a brand new layer of skin. Eating is “Life” receiving energy through the nutrients that one ingests. Evacuating your digested meal is “Death” that carries the toxic waste out of your body in order to keep it healthy and clean. Each day that you wake up that is “Life” to consciously observe another day of relationship to yourself, to others and to your environment. And, every night that you go to sleep is “Death” to being conscious so that your body can regenerate its energy.

There are 4 seasons. One season is born while another season dies. The climate changes are cycles of birth and death of each climatic expression. Every morning is the birth of a brand new day. Each night is the death of that previous day, which also ushers in the new day after the death of the night time. There is sex having a beginning and a climatic ending. The orgasm is both “Life” & “Death, because there is a swelling up of orgasmic energy {life}, and then there is a great burst or release of that orgasmic energy {death}. After the death of sex, there is a tremendous relief of tension, stress throughout the entire organism.

Even music contains “Death” of each musical note that was played. When the musical note is played, there is the “Life” of energetic sound. The intervals between the musical notes is the “Death” of sound, without which there could be no song. Every story or movie has a beginning {life} and an ending {death}. So everything that exists is matter. All matter is made out of atoms. The basics of matters is that there are equal amounts of opposite forms of energy called the “negative” and the “positive” energy, which is 2 halves of a single unit. However, these opposite forms of energy can only harmonize if they are grounded in a form of energy that is different from their own, which is NEUTRAL! It is the “neutron” that creates balance and harmony between the opposite energies. The “neutron” has no “positive” nor a “negative” energetic charge. It has no measurement. Only finite energy of the opposites can be measured. The eternal part of the atom is its core – the “neutron”. The finite or limited part of the atom is the opposite halves – the proton {positive} half and the electron {negative} half.  

Therefore, all electrons {neg.} and protons {pos.} are born out of the empty space of the “neutron” and dies and returns to that same space. Logically, a thing that can't be measured because it has no beginning or ending is eternal, immortal. The {neutron} energy that is neither “positive” nor “negative” cannot be measured. Whereas, the opposite fragments of electrons {neg.} and protons {pos.}do have a point of beginning, so they are finite and measurable, which is mortal. Energy that has always existed but it cannot be measured is immortal energy. So that means that when the opposite expressions of energy comes to its end, it simply dissolves back into the unknown energy from which it originated since that energy is forever, the finite returns to the infinite energy that has neither “positive” nor “negative” energy to begin a brand new DNA formation of opposite atomic energies (which starts a new finite journey of “Life”).

The intrinsic function of atoms is to maintain balance, order and integration until its inborn expiration date directs the finite portions of the atoms to end. The common ground that all organisms have is that they are all atomic matter. That includes the Human species, too. Just because our species has the ability to alter and shape matter does not make our species the “master of matter”. Just because our species has the ability to imagine does not mean that our species is more important than any other species. Our different capabilities does not mean that our species is “greater” or “superior” to any other species. So far our species has not outlived the dinosaurs (who lived for millions of years). From our lack of understanding the “emotional realm” of our being, we have gravely shortened the lifespan of our species because due to the aggressive manipulations of other creatures and the geological interferences, our species is the only species that has upset the delicate balance of the whole ecosystems throughout our planet. As a result, our planet is severely compromised and is losing its ability to support life on Earth. Our planet has been and still is being poisoned, everyday – either through the fallout from the weapons of war or from spraying heavy metals from unmarked planes that governments refuse to acknowledge is happening.

Governments are merely organizations hired by the elite wealthy families that own the world banks. These elite people make the policies for all governments. They decide which groups of people will be targeted to be sacrificed for the kind of world that they desire to run. They wish to enslave the few people who will remain after depopulating the world. They want just enough people to force them to worship them and to be experimented upon (under the pretext of caring for their health). They plan to ruin the atmosphere so that the only way to survive people will have to turn to their corporations who will own the natural resources to be able to breathe or eat. Government officials give hollow meaningless answers whenever they are confronted with questions as to why we are being sprayed by heavy metal poisons without the people's consent. It is obvious that government officials are not allowed to speak about certain agendas or they make up excuses for what is being done in order to hide the fact that genocide is occurring on a slow-paced basis so as not to cause a massive global panic. If that were to happen they would have to repeat history and bring out the concentration camps again. So it is being masked as “global health care”, according to their idea of what “health care” is.

The masses are being told that they must submit to vaccines in order to prevent pandemic outbreaks. Yet, the corporations refuse to allow the contents of these so-called safe vaccines to be disclosed to the consumers of them. Governments have made it legal for corporations to poison the masses without having to prove that their drugs are safe. Corporations pay off clinical trial testing agencies to make their reports show that the drugs and vaccines are safe. But, the best way to assure that they are safe or not is to make it a mandatory law that all profiteers and their immediate families of these drug products must use these drug products (and a neutral 3rd party must administer these drug products) in order to insure that no one who profits from them is giving them the drugs or vaccines. This will never happen because the drug corporations control the government officials, either through bribery or blackmail. The Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) is International Law of Business that sets the standard for doing business through contracts. Whenever a consumer agrees to buy a product, that consumer is entering into an implied or oral contract. ALL contracts must be free of fraud. According to the U.C.C., a form of fraud is to fail to provide “FULL DISCLOSURE” about the business transaction and its contents. Since drug corporations have publicly refused to allow their products to be tested to find out their true contents, they are forcing upon society substances that have been concealed. That means that the consumers are buying a product without the “FULL DISCLOSURE” about the ingredients of that product. The corporations have ordered the governments to force the consumers to take trust their claim that their drug products are safe, for the most part. But, I have never heard of the owners of these products actually using their own products, nor have I ever heard of them giving these drug products to their own families. If they did that, it would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the products are safe for Human consumption.

Humans exist in a fantasy world of profit matters more than anything else. I say this is a fantasy world because if you destroy the world through the greed of profiteering, then there wont be anything left to profit off of, will there? All products come from the natural resources that is produced by our planet. If the planet is being interfered with by Human poisons, then at some point our planet will no longer be able to produce those natural resources. Humanity is mentally out of balance because most of Humanity is out of touch with the reality of itself. It exists in a world of make-believe emotions that supersedes rationale and reason. People are in hot pursuit of emotional power, which is not a reality and has no place in the real world. When groups clash over emotionalism, it is the planet that takes the hit through biological, chemical and radiation warfare. Our planet is being attacked everyday because Humanity refuses to wake up from its fantasy world of emotional power seeking.


Conscious = Jekyll  Subconscious = Hyde
I had mentioned the atoms and how everything is made out of them. Well that also includes our thinking, our minds. There are opposing forms of energy, just like the atom's (electrons {neg.} and protons {pos.} ). We have thoughts and feelings that are either “positive” or “negative”. But unlike the balanced atomic structure that is grounded in a “neutral” energy that bring harmony to both opposite sides, Human thinking “SPLITS THE ATOM” by choosing to emotionally identify with one side over the other side. We cling to the thoughts and feelings that we “like” and we ignore, shun and suppress the thoughts and feelings that we “dislike”. When the Human mind pursues power, control or domination, it starts by dominating its own thoughts and feelings. The thoughts and feelings that we “like” are in control of our “conscious mind” (the upper level of the mind). So the suppressed thoughts and feelings are pushed into our “subconscious mind” which is the background, the mind's dungeon (the lower level of the mind). So the Human mind has split itself in half – 1 side is “positive” and the other side is “negative”. But, neither side or half is grounded in a “neutral energy” (that is neither “positive” or “negative”), because the mind has chosen a side to identify with and the other side of its nature it pretends is not there anymore. But, as long as you are biologically alive, the rejected side is always there, regardless if the mind pay attention to it or not. If you get rid of the other side, then you have committed physical suicide.

1 Mind Split In Half
We have been conditioned, programmed or trained to psychologically divide our minds. After the mind divides itself, it is now in conflict against itself. A divided mind must fight itself. Each side assumes that it is not related to the thing that it is fighting against. In other words, the “conscious half of the mind” believes that it is completely separate from its “subconscious half of the mind”. Each side labels itself as either “black” (villain, bad, Devil) or “white” (hero, good, God). Both sides rationalizes the necessity to seek salvation through battling with its alter ego (the other side of itself). Externally, the world reflects what is taking place within the Human psyche of division, disassociation and endless conflict. The broken mind assumes that conflict is “natural”. But, it fails to see that everything outside of the Human species is grounded in “neutral energy”. Everything that the Cosmos and Nature does is grounded in “Eternal Emptiness” (having no negative nor positive energy).

Within the Human psyche, there is the ability to “neutrally perceive” both sides of itself. That means that the mind is able to understand that it IS BOTH SIDES of its opposite expressions (of positive & negative thoughts/feelings). I watched a Netflix documentary called, The Pyramid Code, and it mentioned that the Mayan Indian's Twenty-Six Thousand Year Calendar ended in the year 2012. That means that for 26,000 years, the Human Ego has reigned. But every since 2012, our species is uncharted, unprecedented waters. Either we stay the ancient course of ego vs. ego that is tearing up the physical world, or the mind awakens to what it is doing to itself and the physical world around itself. If the mind remains asleep in its make-believe world of seeking emotional power and destroys its species or the Earth which will no longer support it. Or, the mind wakes up and gets in line with the rest of The Atomic Order that is grounded in “neutral energy”.

Thought cannot seek “neutral energy”. For, whatever thought seeks is finite. All seeking is based on bias, which is desire. Desire is either “positive” or “negative”. So there is no “neutral ground” in desiring the answer that you would “like”. The whole point to being alive is to understand what your mind is doing that is out of order. We've been influenced for thousands of years to chase after whatever we “like”. That has resulted in the world we have today – a world at war. That war begins within your emotional thoughts and feelings. The moment that you choose one thought or feeling in favor over another, you are dividing your mind and blocking it from “Neutral Self-Observation” (which is genuine balance and order). So the challenge of Human Life is to find out what our emotional psyche is doing that is causing disorder/imbalance. Since we desire to be “normal” and “sane”, we automatically dismiss anything that would suggest otherwise. 

Hence, there is a powerful tendency to deny anything about ourselves that reveals a flaw. We wrongly think that by merely denying what we are, that we have escaped from that unpleasant fact. But, we have not gotten away from it at all. We have just lied to ourselves and then we compound that falsehood with another deception by telling ourselves that the denial is the truth and the ugly fact about what I am doing is “not true at all”. So the mind has trained itself to accept lies as truth and any truth that “I dislike” will be taken to be a lie. So if this article does not please your emotions, you will tell yourself that this is bullshit and dismiss it, and carry on with the way you think. You wont care to examine your thinking at all.

Thought and emotion is psychological memory. Memory is finite. Memory is the Past. The Past is Dead. The Past blocks the mind from being in relationship or in touch with itself. All things in Life is in touch with itself, except for Humans. They exist in between Life & Death. Their biological bodies are alive because it must exist off of facts. Your body needs food, not the image of food, but actual food. It needs actual air, not the imagination of air. Your body needs to be able to purge itself of toxins or else it develops various kinds of diseases and dies. In other words, the only thing that is truly alive in Humanity is its biological, physical body and brain that monitors and directs involuntary life functions. Body is grounded in facts. Remove the facts of living and the body cannot survive.

Here's where things go horribly wrong...

We have been told through propaganda that we must be moral or good, and the only way to be “virtuous” is by “believing”. All “beliefs” are figments of Human emotional imagination. Throughout the world there are various “ideals” about what is considered “good” or “virtuous”. Then the world goes to war over which concept is right. This emotional battle has been going on for centuries. But, it is a false endeavor that is leading to the ruination of this whole world. Ego vs. Ego is the only cause of terrorism, which didn't just begin this century. It began a very long time ago, because people are like machines that repeat their programming and fear questioning its validity. They have become comfortably numb to their inner workings. They don't want to profoundly understand themselves. They just like to pretend that they understand. They hide behind their technical side of their mind and claim they are sane just because they can calculate and manipulate energy. That is not what sanity is.

Sanity is order, balance, clarity of mind. There is no balance in a mind that is divided and is at odds within itself by choosing to emotionally or intellectually identify with one side of itself and ignore the rest. “Like” & “Dislike” is bias, which is impartial awareness. In the emotional psyche you are either Aware of your Whole Mind or there is no Awareness at all. It's an All-Or-None situation, where the psychological is concerned. Either your whole mind (both positive & negative thoughts and feelings) are grounded in the “Neutral Attention” to what is is doing, or one is grounded in “division” or “conflict”, which is essentially “self-disintegration”. The whole key to living lies in THE QUALITY OF THE GROUND that your thoughts and feelings are being observed through. If your ground is broken, then your entire House of your Life CANNOT stand! Your energy is contributing to either the annihilation of the world or the creation of it. Your mind can only be Creative when it discovers the falseness of itself, then it is WHOLE and conflict naturally dissolves through your unbiased self-observation. But, when there is bias and choosing emotional sides, there is DESTRUCTION. Such a mind is then anti-matter. Everything it does brings about imbalance and rot.

Human Divided-Mind Is The Weapon Of Mass Destruction
Emotional Thought nor Intellectual Thought does not have the ability to manufacture balance within itself, even though it has tried and failed many times to go beyond its inherent limitations. Memory is the same as the electrons and protons in the atom; they are limited, which means that they can only co-exist in harmony or balance through an energy that is NEUTRAL (containing no positive or negative energy). All memory is either negative or positive. But, Holistic-Attention to its Emotional-Memory is an energy that is neither positive nor negative; it is empty of any bias, because it Equally Pays Attention to ALL of its Emotional Responses with a clarity that detects that it needs to learn about itself through communing with every single response that it has. Pure Awareness of the “Self” sensitively detects the fact that obeying any “psychological ideal” divides its nature and brings about conflict (which is disintegration). And, that begets the imbalance that is damaging our relationships and our planet. So long as our mind is grounded in emotional bias, things will keep getting worse until something snaps. This process is on its way out as of 2012.  

However, when you “perceive”, “observe” or “commune” with your WHOLE mental nature and understand that both opposite expressions (positive & negative thoughts and feelings) are 2 halves of one unit, then that very realization IS THE GROUND OF NEUTRAL ENERGY (which is neither “positive” nor “negative”). Then, your mind is in tune with the WHOLENESS OF ATOMIC LIFE! The only way that Humanity can survive now is that there must be a paradigm change in the ground of the Human Psyche so that it can operate Holistically, rather than fragmentary. So the meaning of Life is the meaning of Death to The Ground Of Bias/Division. For when “dividing and conquering” ends, then WHOLENESS/BALANCE BEGINS! A mind operating out of a “broken ground of believing” can never resolve the problems of living; it can only add to them. Just turn on the News and see how this broken mind is intensifying and increasing problems while promising to make things better in the so-called future (which never arrives). 


Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.