Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Humanity Functions Unnaturally – But Believes It is Natural

Humanity Functions Unnaturally – But Believes It is Natural

The human mind takes from Mother Nature (the natural world) and alters it, which causes imbalances. For example, herbal plants are collected by scientist to experiment on changing its natural properties then injects them into our natural organisms. And since our bodies are byproducts of the Earth, itself, it is a natural thing. Unnatural elements are introduced into the human organism and it interrupts the natural flow and processes of the body to establish and maintain equilibrium or balance. The body begins to experience pain when order is disrupted.

Our bodies are under attack everyday just by living in a city (an artificial environment that was constructed by the mind of mankind). Our air, water and food is full of microscopic poisons. The people are told that there is nothing to worry about because the government would never allow harm to come to us. Yet, corporations are allowed to profit from their poisonous products (as long it is slow acting). In other words, as long as our bodies are being poisoned in a covert way, it is perfectly legal to harm us. There is only objections to being poisoned when it is done overtly.

There are dangerously harmful radiation and vibrational frequencies coming through the machines that we work and live with. The manufacturers have not put in safeguards to these products. Instead, we have to do research to find out about these dangers and then we have to hunt for other products to shield us from those dangerous effects. We are not given full disclosure about all of this. Humanity claims to be progressing, however, the side-effect of it is that we are being destroyed in a stealthy way.

Why is this going on and what is the origin of all of this danger?

For one thing, the human mind has been distorted for many centuries to the point where it has become an ongoing habit. Habit is the danger because it causes people to go along with things that are unnatural. For instance , conflict is unnatural. That is the seed of all that is unnatural. The outer world's (the material world) condition is determined by our psyche.

When we see that we are unhappy, we try to use our imaginations to invent the opposite of that state of mind. This is the beginning of the “unnatural” function of the mind. Because the brain contains the history of humanity (psychologically), it has been encased in a pattern of thinking for a very long time and that groove of habit fights to maintain its existence no matter how painful that existence may be.

Human mind has been malfunctioning for so long that it has come to believe (or take it for granted) that it is properly functioning. But, our way of surviving is based on conflict, period. We are getting paid to be involved in either physical or psychological warfare or both. There is no occupation or job or business that does not base their actions on the foundation of psychological opposition (from now on I will refer to the psyche as the “Ego”). If you will examine people's (emotional) responses closely, you will discover that with every physical action is also a corresponding egotistical identification included in the mix.

The trick has been done so long that we have come to think that it is “natural”, but it is not. What proves that it is unnatural is that it destroys our health and upsets the delicate balance of Mother Nature. The human mind is at odds with its physical environment. The human species has excused itself from any wrongdoing by claiming that it is functioning just the same as Nature. All of the creatures on Earth are fighting to survive. The reason that the human mind thinks that is true is because it bases everything that it thinks on the supposition that physical survival is the same as “egotistical survival”.

When creatures of Nature survive they are merely seeking to bring about balance within their bodies. When they get hungry they go find food. Yes, that means that something must die. But when you take the entire history of Nature's survival, no species has ever threatened to destroy the entire world. All needs are based on PHYSICAL NEED. When there is physical necessity motivating behavior that is within the realm of being “natural”.

However, human beings have a particular mental function that no creature on Earth has – An EGO. This is an emotional identity that is put together by emotional DESIRE, not physical need. Ego begins the moment the mind fractures itself by misusing its imagination. The imagination has a natural function and that is to use images strictly to serve our Physical Needs. For instance, we have constructed numbers and letters and pictures to make things like shelter, boats and all the technological things for our body. A recipe is a blueprint to make a meal to nourish our bodies. You get the point. Our technical memory produces images for physical operations – driving, building shelter, making clothing, etc.

Now then...

Human Thinking has its right place. However, it malfunctions when it uses images in order to serve itself (emotional desire “to become” or go beyond any state of mind that it does not like and does not want to examine or perceive). Then the imagination becomes a “self-serving” Ego. Ego justifies and rationalizes that just because its imagination can manipulate the physical or material world for the benefit of its body, then it can also do the same thing to fulfill its emotonal Ego.

The Ego is concerned with the theory of “being higher than”. If it detects an emotion that makes it feel helpless or afraid, it wants or desires to overcome or overthrow that emotional state of mind with its opposite. The built-in ignorance of the Ego is that it is completely oblivious to the fact that any opposite that it imagines has its roots in its original place – unhappiness. If one is unhappy then any opposition is still coming from that state of unhappiness. The inherent limitations of the mind is that it cannot use its imagination in order to go beyond or get higher than itself. When it uses images to escape from itself, it is playing a trick upon itself. It has divided its consciousness into “the me” and the “not me”.

This psychological trick can only work and be convincing by surrounding oneself with others who will play along with this trick. Anyone who tells the mind what it wants to hear, emotionally speaking that is, is classified as being a so-called “friend”. And anyone who does not is blacklisted as being a “foe”. This is where all wars come from. Its called “Ego Stroking”. The “friend” helps you to escape from whatever makes you feel uncomfortable, psychologically. They tell you that you are something that you are not and they expect the favor to be returned. However, it is not actually a favor at all, because when you help a person to lie to themselves (or emotionally hide from themselves) you are assisting that person to be at odds within his own mind. You are helping one side of the mind to deceive the other, which is conflict. The mind is battling itself in its emotional imagination.

The human mind invents whatever it desires to be true, then surrounds itself with people who will support that invention. This is called “kindness” or “love”. When the “Ego” “loves”, it is thinly disguised hatred. To prove that you “love” your nation, you must be willing to destroy the physical security of another nation. To destroy, you must be in a state of hatred. Therefore, Egotistical “love” is based on hate. Anything conjured by the mind is limited to emotional memory. There is no such thing as unlimited memory. Memory is always adding to itself, which means that it is always incomplete. Yet the Ego demands that we all bow down to it or else it will annihilate us; is that what real love is?

Ergo, the mind of humanity has built its existence upon the desire of “what should be”. That is; when we have thoughts, feelings that are disturbing (i.e., jealousy, greed, anger, etc.), the mind says to itself, “I should not feel or think like this”. So it pretends that it is not its thoughts and feelings and tries to disassociate from them, not realizing that when it does that it is fighting with itself. Plus it is being greedy. The “Natural Law” is inherently designed in a certain order. If the mind tries to attain security for itself (its Ego), then it destroys physical security. But the Ego wants to violate that “Natural Law” – it wants both physical and psychological security. That is not possible. So that means that some people will have to be sacrificed so that others can have physical & psychological security – that is UNNATURAL.

What ends up happening is war. If a certain group of people who identify themselves around an emotional image of superiority (which all nations do), then the groups battle one another to take physical security from each other. We think this is “natural” because we have been educated (through misinformation) to think that is normal. So many people have been doing it for so long that we think that makes a thing normal.

What makes a thing “natural” is that it does not destroy our world. For centuries we have been having egotistically-based fights. These wars have damaged the Earth and its atmosphere. Did you know that during the Kennedy administration that the world was almost destroyed? At that time, Russia and America (imaginary entities born out of ego or thought) was in a race to prove who was superior and more powerful. When the Russians were ahead in their Space Program and America appeared to look weak and inferior President John F. Kennedy ordered an highly dangerous experimental demonstration in order to prove that American technology was superior. He ordered that the largest hydrogen bomb in the world, at that time, be exploded above the Earth's atmosphere, around the Van Allen radiation belt. The American Scientist, Dr. Van Allen strongly advised the President against it. But, he was overruled. And, the bomb was dropped anyway. Dr. Van Allen consulted with fellow scientists around the world and all over America, and they all said that they did not know if that explosion would destroy the thin protective layer that was shielding our planet from the Sun's deadly radiation. The president's Ego (his emotional imagination) was gambling with the lives of every living thing on Earth. It turned out that the planet survived, but it could have just as well not.

To this day, we have scientists messing with our environment. They have unleashed into the world experimental creatures (GMO's) that have had their DNA grossly altered. No one knows the long-term effects they will have on our ecology. Will it disturb the “natural order” of all living things on Earth? What mutations will come out of this experiment? Once we change our environment we can never unchange it. The “Ego” of the human mind is playing “God”. It is doing things that are attacking the balance of Nature. What that means is that the “Ego” is a monster that is devouring our planet because it lives in an artificial world of emotional desire. It desires to be in charge of life and it desires to demand that every person must comply and nurture their own Ego, because the Ego can only control a broken mind (split between “what it is” and “what it pretends to be”).

On a regular basis, our skies are being injected with chemicals, called “chemtrails”. They are there to work in conjunction with a radio-frequency technology called, HARRP. It can zap the chemtrails with frequency waves that can be aimed at any area on Earth. The radio frequencies are so powerful that they can cause weather changes (flood, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc). So if they want to take over an area to steal resources and an indigenous tribe is there, HARRP can cause a climatic disaster that will cause the inhabitants to be displaced. Once the area is vacant they can claim all of the resources or build on top of the area and makes lots of money. Because the average person is ignorant about tectonic warfare, it will be assumed or believed that the climatic disaster was caused by Nature (when in fact it was not). These man-made anomalies are marked by the fact that they are abnormal to the geological record or history of our planet.

Man's tampering and interference has unknown consequences. No one knows what will happen in the long run. The Ego is just gambling with the very survival of this planet. The Ego is an artificial being. It lives in its emotional imagination. To it, that is all that matters. If it can't play in it imagination, it does not care if anything survives. It has no reverence for facts or anything real. The only thing it considers real is THE IMAGE. There was a Greek philosopher that came up with this deception: “I think therefore I am”. For example if you think that you are good, then you are. If you think that you love then you are love. If you think you are orderly then you are. Thinking is “God”! After all the concept known as “God” was conjured from the imagination of mankind.

Thinking is based on the opposites. And state of mind that is considered bad, thought invented a Devil (all thoughts and feelings we consider to be bad). Out of our fear of mental insecurity and disturbance we conjured up the opposite – “God”. We pray and beg to that image as if it were a real being located outside of ourselves. The psyche is like a movie theater that is in darkness and it projects an image onto a blank screen. The screen is far away from the projected image. No one pays attention to where the projected image is coming from. We have been trained to be superficial and just focus on the image, itself. Don't look at where the image is coming from. If we were to look at its origin we would find out that it is coming from “the me”.

The Me” (Ego) is isolated and divided when it seeks to escape from any emotional thought or feeling through images. All beliefs are image-based. So we believe in the opposite of what we feel or think. When you look at the story of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde this is truly an accurate portrayal of the Ego. It is one entity that has sliced itself in half. Each half now pretends to be 2 whole separate entities. In fact, it is one mind that has divided itself. Then it forgot that it did that so each half thinks that it is independent from the other half. But when one side ends so does the other side. When Dr. Jekyll killed Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll also died because he was, in fact, Mr. Hyde.

All over the world, in many different styles, the mind of mankind is seeking salvation through THE IMAGE. THE IMAGE IS OUR GOD! We are told by governments, organized religions and even our own relatives that we must base our life on a psychological image about ourselves. We are even told that it is impossible to live without images (I am only referring to images born out of desire to protect the emotional world). It is criminal to devote your life to ego-based images. What is the fundamental basis of a crime? It causes unnecessary harm and injury to the physical world. It was the ego of the president that nearly destroyed the physical world. He was so busy feeding his ego that his nation was better than his adversary, that he was willing to destroy the world. He is not unique. All politicians experiment with our lives on a daily basis. Corporations are egotistically competing to try to prove that they are superior. They cut corners where safety is involved to make more profits at the expense of the public's health.

Governments pretend that they are there to secure our lives. The truth is that they exist because we are feeding our egos. So long as the Ego is our priority, our physical safety will be gambled with. Physical security will always been in danger as long as we as our species continues to malfunction (all the while our imaginations tells us that this is normal). Is it normal to destroy the only home we have? Is that even sane? Once the planet is irreversibly damaged by our species, then what? Where do we go? Well the so-called elite have a plan in place for themselves. They plan to retreat inside of the Earth and live in their luxurious bunkers. But, there will always be war even in that world, too. So long as we have an image about ourselves, that image maintains physical unrest.


The brain is a biological, physical fact. It has factual needs – food, clothing and shelter. Without the basics, we cannot live. The brain and all of the cells in our bodies are affected by our mind. The mind is the foundation of the human being. Like a building (brain/body), it is built upon a foundation (psychological mind). No matter how beautiful or tall a building is, if its foundation is cracked, then the building is in danger of falling. The human mind was cracked millions of years ago. Everyone born into this human world begins with a solid foundation (unless the brain was damaged during its development in the womb). When a baby observes its emotional responses, it has not been trained how to project images in order to avoid observing its whole self. So its mind is observing itself 100% percent. Its mind remains whole. When the baby feels upset, it observes that state of mind. It simply sees itself completely.

Then, when the child begins to learn to speak (by the way all babies teach themselves to speak through listening), then the fragmented minds around the child gives the child pain (punishment) or pleasure (reward) based on the child learning how to suppress certain expressions. It is told to shut up or be quiet whenever an older mind does not like the child's expression. The child slowly and gradually conforms to dividing its mind into expressions that are considered “good” or “bad”. It covers up the bad with an illusion. It says that it is sorry for something it has said or done, when inside it is not sorry. It plays the game and gets a reward. If it does not conform, it is given pain. This is how humans grow up and create this violent world. We are doing violence to ourselves when we oppose ourselves.

There are organizations that teach us to be superstitious. They tell us that we must base our lives on “believing” (ideals). We are also taught to be only concerned with WHAT WE BELIEVE IN, not to the nature of “believing”. So we hate, consciously or unconsciously, those who don't believe what we believe and like those who do. Since thinking is dualistic, it is easy for the mind to eventually betray that which it likes. In the world of the Ego, a so-called “friend” can easily become a “foe”, and visa versa.

The child is drenched in beliefs, which causes disturbance to their body. Why?

The body is based on facts. The mind is based on its imagination. As long as the imagination is only used for physical security, the body remains in harmony. Why? If there is no conflict in the mind (which is the foundation of our organism), then a whole mind emits a harmonious (integrated) vibration. All things emit a vibrational frequency. When the mind is at odds within itself (misusing its imagination to serve egotistical interests), then the mind is divided, and that emits a disharmonious vibrational frequency that radiates throughout the body. The body and all of its cells begin to move in a state of disintegration. Conflict in the mind creates conflict in the body. The body begins to develop abnormalities within and/or its disorderly vibration attracts danger to itself (either by deadly accidents or being assaulted or suicide or murder). A mind that is overthrowing itself (in a state of conflict) can only cause physical disorder both inside and out.

The human psychological species, as a whole, is still living in The Dark Ages

Darkness” is a metaphor that means ignorance. The derivative of the word “ignorance” means” ...to ignore. The mind deliberately ignores understanding its own true nature with regard to (psychological) images. Ego wishes to assume to be true (or believe) that since “the image” is helpful on a technological level, then it stands to reason that it is helpful in the psychological area, as well. This has been erroneously accepted to be true, throughout the ages. But, it is false. Just because 1 + 1 = 2 and that helps us to calculate the quantity of real things; it is not also true that any formula can change our emotional state of mind. Meaning, adding an image to change my emotional state of mind will help my mind be undisturbed is just as beneficial – this is a false premise. Technical Images are necessary for physical survival. Psychological Images destroy physical security. This is not a personal opinion based on my desire – I am merely pointing out facts that I did not create or manufacture.

When I feel a certain way; for example, like I might feel envious that someone is younger than me and has more property than me and I dislike that person for being more fortunate than me, psychological tradition dictates that I should overcome my feelings. Overthrowing one thought or feeling for another is conflict. The mind (with its contents) is a whole thing. You cannot opt out of your thoughts or feelings. Another way to understand this more clearly is to view the mind like it is weather. The climate has a variety of expressions, does it not? The climate is a WHOLE phenomenon, which means that we must accept all of it, not just the parts we like. Sometimes the weather is very cold or wet or windy or hot, but we must FEEL it all. To live is to feel and perceive. If you block yourself off from its expressions, you are killing yourself. Mind cannot disconnect from itself.

Here is why I brought up “weather” as a metaphor of the mind...

We have a variety of thoughts and feelings about ourselves and sometimes these emotional expressions can be disturbing, just like the weather can be at times. Just because something is uncomfortable, that does not mean we must eliminate it. After all if we were to do that, none of us would be born, right? Because child birth is both uncomfortable for the mother and the baby being born. That does not mean we should eliminate child birth – how absurd. So just because we feel sadness or anger or hate or envy, etc., that does not mean we should conjure up an opposing (emotional) image in order to block our awareness to such feelings. But, the mind of mankind has been programmed to oppose anything emotionally painful. When we use an image (which comes from the mind/memory), that is mind verses mind. That is how the mind ignores itself and thereby operates out of psychological ignorance (darkness). The image is like a commercial promoting a product that you like and the mind buys it. But what the mind has bought into is self-deception and it has split itself into “the me” and “not me”.

The Me” is like psychological make-up or a mask to hide what it does not want to face or see, which is the “not me”. “The Me” has divided itself from the “Not Me” in order to emotionally deny or detach itself from itself. The mind does not like what it feels or sees about itself so it plays [an emotional] game of hide and seek with itself. It hides (like Mr. Hyde) from the truth that it feels whatever it feels that it is too humiliated to admit to itself. Ego (the divided mind) hides behind an opposing belief about itself. “I think therefore I am” is a self-deception game of hide-and-seek. Ego only pretends that it wants to be free from conflict and war.

Yet, the very act of avoiding itself imprisons the mind in the fear of seeing itself as it is. As long as the mind hides itself inside of images to oppose any state of mind (like unpleasant weather), then it will suffer by being in perpetual opposition/conflict. This is self-destructive. Body must conform to the condition the mind. If the mind is fighting itself, that mental vibration will radiate throughout the body, as well. Perhaps this is why sometimes animals spontaneously attack people, because they are being attacked on some vibrational level they sense friction and danger. So they are defending themselves from that threatening vibration. People respond by murdering the animal for having a natural response to danger. There is a difference between “killing” and “murder”. “Killing” is necessary to eat. But, “murder” is the Ego protecting its imaginary world of superiority and control. Destroying life over emotional images is a crime against Nature and the physical survival of the human species – that's murder.

The main difference between Nature and people is that Nature is seeking balance and order; whereas, humans are seeking power to suppress and mind-control themselves and everything around themselves. Why is that when man captures a natural wild animal and cares for it, that it rarely can survive in the wild again? It is because man is living off of poisonous food. Wild animals eat organic raw food that has no drugs or chemicals in it. Toxins destroy the delicate balance of health.
Plus in the wild, animals live off of their own instincts and protect themselves which keeps them alert and quick. They lose that the longer humans run interference and protects them. So they forget how to protect themselves and can't be self-sufficient anymore. The human Ego likes this because it feels superior when it has destroyed the animals ability to be free. Ego is a slave and a master; it is dualistic/contradictory. To be a master, there must be slaves.

There is a master-slave war going on in the psyche all the time. One part of the mind is constantly trying to suppress the other so that the unsuppressed part can be the controller or master of calling the shots while the suppressed is locked up in jail. But, the suppressed part seeks to escape and overthrow the guard or master so that it can run the show. There is never any peace in a mind that uses its imagination to seek happiness or peace. I often wondered why we are the only creatures on Earth to lock up things and seek to control that which we lock up. Now I see why humans do this strange thing, we lack intelligence to live in freedom. We are the only creatures that are governed and driven by fear. When there is physical danger, the natural intelligence of the body will move away from danger. That is not fear. There are signals that the body gives off to let us know how to respond. There are hunger pangs which tells us that we need to find nourishment. When confronted with an oncoming train, the adrenaline rush urges the body to get away. But, psychological fear is entirely different from that.

We fear the emotional mind. We are afraid of people having a bad opinion about us because we rely on people to define who and what we are. This is wrong. All things in life are defined absolutely independently within itself. No lion relies on another lion to determine its function as a lion. It observes itself and understands what to do. In the human world we are wrongly educated to think outside of ourselves. We never learn directly what we are by observing everything that we think and feel. There is intelligent energy in the act of OBSERVATION of the mind. We destroy that ability when we habitually run away from what we think and feel by seeking some comforting lie. Let's say for instance, I feel unhappy or discontented. Rather than to OBSERVE myself in that state, the mind says to itself that it does not like that state of mind, so I want to change it to something superior or better (that gives birth to the false hierarchical thinking).

Mind is limited to the IMAGE (ideas). “Image” is restricted to memory because it comes from our emotional storehouse of memories and experiences. The past is dead. Images come from our past. The mind has cleverly built futuristic images to trick itself into think that it can escape from itself. The mind is memory and memory cannot go beyond itself through itself. In other words, the image cannot be more than an image. So it is limited. It is a common belief that Mankind was made in the “image of God”. The reverse is the case, in actuality. It was through the imagination of Man out of his despair with his own psyche (thoughts and feelings it despised) that it manufactured a deity called “God”. In other cultures the mind made multiple gods and they fought wars in their honor. Ego made these myths in order to feel like it can go beyond itself, which is impossible.

You see the mind has forgotten that words are merely pointers. Words have no essence or substance unless the mind imbues them with emotions. Like the words “God” or “Devil” evoke primitive emotions that most people are willing to murder over. Words, in there proper usage are meant to describe a fact or reality. But ancient clergymen used words to replace reality. So they tell you a word like “God” is almighty and you must honor that word by hurting others that do not (like The Crusades). So began so-called “Holy Wars”, which continue to this present day. We have lost our natural intelligence to investigate the reality of things. Instead, we live in fear of punishment for not conforming. The word is only a description when it's used properly. But the word can only describe to a limited degree. Words are supposed to come after you seeing the fact. Meaning... You commune with the reality, then you describe, not the other way around.

Love cannot be communicated without first understanding what it is not. Love is not pleasure. Love is not based on desire. Love is not the word “love”. Love is not the Ego. However, when you study the Ego in its entirety without picking parts that you prefer to study and discarding the parts you don't want to see, then you are free from the bondage of the Ego (a thing that fights itself). That is the origin of all jails and prisons. Prisons are just an outward representation of the human psyche that is divided playing different roles. The original prison IS THE MIND.

There can only be freedom, psychologically, when we understand the emotional prison, completely. But since the mind is trapped in its own delusions and has become habitually used to it, now it demands that everyone must be a slave to emotional THE WORD, which is THE IMAGE. A mind is programmed or trained by a network of words or language. There is technical language and emotional language. “Technical Language” has it right place and we can't live without it. We must be able to communicate on a fundamental level for physical security reasons. This is based on facts. The physical is factual; the image is not. Take for example the fact that we must eat and drink water or else it is an absolute irrevocable fact that the body will die. No one can argue with that. If you argue with a fact, that is madness. Now moving on...

So you must eat food and drink water and have shelter. There's no emotional image needed for that; so far that's all factual. Now there are hardcore image-lovers who think that images are reality. I say that if an image or word is reality, then you should be able to stop eating food and drinking water and just live off of the image of food and water. Let that image sustain the body and see how long you stay alive. No the image is not more real than facts.

Here is something that most conditioned minds will reject...

Our imagination cannot generate peace. Anytime a politician starts promising peace, they bring war. The concept of peace is just war in disguise. The Ego that is the dream weaver has said for centuries that it will protect us, but we have had thousands of wars. Wars not only make life unstable for people but it also threatens the whole planet. Our planet has had no time to heal from all of these wars that are upsetting the delicate balance of Nature. There is a time limit on how much our planet can endure. Once that limit is reached, it's means death for humanity. I am not trying to scare anyone. I am simply saying that humans must wake up from their dark slumber, psychologically. We are in the dark about emotional images (our ego). We think that it is natural to fight for our lives everyday. But stop to think about something here; haven't you noticed that it is just one long chain of wars? After one stops, another one or multiple wars begin. What is causing warfare?

It is not just what they tell you on the news. It goes much deeper than that. War begins in the emotional mind. Each person is on the battle field of their minds. We have been trained to oppose our own thoughts and feelings under the pretext of making us into so-called “good” people. We are not protecting our physical security; we are protecting ideals flowing from the emotional imagination. These ideals claim to be superior to other ideals, and so it continues on and on and on, and to prove the point humanity goes to war. Meanwhile, the planet is dying because the resources are being used up and poisoned. There will come a time when everything will be poisoned, and we will turn into mutant warriors fighting just to be fighting. It's just a habit to fight. We no longer know why. We are like the monkey-see-monkey-do morons that just do a thing because we are too mentally lazy and scared to find out if there is any other way to exist.

Humanity is Functioning Unnaturally

The mind of mankind has become a petrified tree, psychologically speaking. It is stagnating in the field of “psychological becoming”. The mind fights and opposes any disturbing state of mind that it objects to (that is what “psychological becoming” means) . The Natural State of Mind is to Holistically Observe ALL of its emotional nature without any opposition. If you oppose yourself (with an ideal), you are divided against yourself. A thing that is divided within cannot stand and is, therefore, in an unnatural state of disintegration. A thing that is WHOLE UNTO ITSELF has no opposition within itself, ergo it is naturally stable. Such a mind functions within harmony with its environment.

When we take shelter, emotionally, in ideals/beliefs/images, we are poisoning or crippling the mind. The oppositional concept of “what should be” is put together by past emotional experiences, which is psychological time. This emotional past is the foundation of psychological fear. One is afraid of not being able to fulfill in the ideal or belief. There is emotional friction between the fact of what I feel or think and the ideal of what I am suppose to think and feel. This battle of opposites is crippling the mind from being able to clearly observe its own nature. A crippled mind will cause the body to be crippled in millions of ways. Our bodies are falling apart because of what is taking place in the “Head-quarters” of the mind. We have not been educated to understand the wrong use of images. So we don't think that psychological identifications into ideals has any affect on the body. But, the mind, body and spirit are one unit, which the mind is the foundation of the body. The spirit is the energy that imbues the mind and body. That energy gets limited and twisted when the mind fails to SEE itself exactly as it is. The emotional image or ideal or belief is what blinds the mind so that the mind is clueless that it is harming itself. Fear is resistance to SEE, psychologically.

The human body contains the elements of the Earth. That means that our bodies are linked to our environment which is linked to the Universe and all of its unseen dimensions. So when the mind remains split and functions as a Janus-Faced Ego (meaning it is contradictory), it is in a state of perpetual disintegration. So all behavior is born out of that chaos. The world is the way it is because we have remained blind to the true nature of our Ego. Ego is a byproduct of the failure to study its own psychological nature directly for ourselves. It is like this... No one outside of you can eat for you, sleep for you, use the bathroom for you or understand your psyche for you. This is something each person is responsible for. As we live now, we are living irresponsibly.

We think that our jobs make us important, but what is a job?

Jobs are based on psychological conflict (covert warfare). We were never given the full story while in school. We were misguided into thinking that we were being trained to get paid for our technical skills. Nonsense. We are obligated and expected to stroke the ego of our employers or customers. Stroke their ego interwoven into conducting technical business skills. Since most people are in a state of internal opposition they look to their fellow man to tell them that they are something that they are not – “good”. Tell me that I am a kind, loving human being when the truth is that as long as I am fighting myself I am damaging my body and harming the environment. That which destroys wholeness is not good.

And when I support ego-based living, I am supporting all of the egos that are destroying our health and environment. We may want to think that we are not responsible for the suffering in this world; but when we sustain psychological pain by opposing ourselves and carrying on a private war, then we are actually supporting all of the dangers that are unfolding in our world and the destruction of this planet. This destruction is directly being fueled by our refusal to wake up and face what we really are. Pretending to be protecting physical security while unconsciously protecting our egos is what will maintain the terror in this world. After all terror comes from the mind. And in order to terrorize others you must begin by terrorizing yourself first.

Physical Depends vs. Psychological Dependence

The natural physical world is based upon co-dependence. Things must rely on each other for there to be existence. All living things need each other in order to live. The same is true for human beings. We must reply upon each other physically, and there is no getting around that fact.

Now here is where the corruption comes in...

Humans have an artificial world that it has built from emotional images. This is the ego-based world. The emotional mind is based on like and dislike. When a person projects an image about him or herself, that mind relies on another mind to help convince itself that that image is true. So we have made a world that we have laid over the physical world of necessity and survival. Ego demands that we validate its existence. But when we do that, we are approving of internal conflict and that corrupts/fragments the mind so that it no longer is whole and it cannot see what it is doing. We think it is not violent to stroke each others' egos, but that action divides the mind and where there is division, conflict must follow. Conflict in the mind sets going conflict in the body. Then, the body in turn attacks its environment. But it all begins in the emotional mind. So when we rely on emotional gratification while we do our technical tasks, we are engaging in covert psychological warfare, unconsciously. It is unconscious because no one has informed us that this was wrong and disorderly.

We have been tricked into thinking that just because the world is based on co-dependence, physically, then that means it is perfectly natural for human beings to be PSYCHOLOGICALLY CO-DEPENDENT, too. This is where the human consciousness, collectively, took a wrong turn and it has fought to maintain and protect that wrong way of living. It is wrong because its wars endangers the physiological survival of all living things. The fundamental reason why humans are poisoning everything (nuclear fallout, contaminated food/water, chemtrails and mankind controlling the weather through HARRP, genetically engineered food, etc.) is because our minds are not functioning right.

We have been programmed to emotionally depend on each other so that we never holistically observe our entire emotional thoughts and feelings without trying to use an image to change that state of mind into something that we would like better. So we've been encouraged by organized religions, psychologists and our family to just copy each other without questioning the validity of what is going on. Since it has been going on for such a long time, the mind thinks that it must be right. It never has occurred to most people that the reason why the physical circumstances are so dangerous and frightening is because it is our collective psychological dependence that we carry out each day as we do our daily tasks, that when we prop each other up by stroking each others' ego, that is what is causing these physical circumstances that is being broadcast on the news. We care making this scary world just by remaining ignorant to what Ego stroking really is all about.

The Ego hides behind the legitimate physical co-dependence in order to pretend that it is just as necessary to co-depend psychologically. That is the hoax that has been played on the world for centuries. It takes various forms and uses difference languages, but the basic formula is the same throughout the entire human race. Hardly anyone has discovered this lethal flaw that has plague the world. This is why the human creature is a monster to this world. It tries to hide itself by doing superficial acts of kindness or cleaning up oil spills here and there. But, the more the mind gratifies itself, the more imbalances and dangers increase in our world, physically. Since the Ego is mainly concerned with “self-importance” and living up to make believe hierarchical goals, it cares not about the damage that the physical world must sustain, just so long as it can keep on pretending to itself that it is right to fulfill in emotional images of being higher than another person or higher than Mother Nature. Ego is insane. If it is willing to torch the planet to prove that it is a “God” then there will be nothing but ashes in the end. Ego does not want us to stop being slaved to psychological dependency, which is UNNATURAL (because it destroys the physical security), which is Natural.

Ego has been fighting to have its cake and eat it too for a very long time now. It can't continue to do this endlessly, because time is running out for the physical survival of this world. So the mind of humanity must awaken to this wrong turn it has taken an eon ago, or else we are finished as a species. We think that we are superior but if we were then we could go on living without Mother Nature, but we can't. We are just creatures that have a lot of abilities but still we are creatures. If you cut through the superficial and look at the root of what is going on this planet, this planet is under siege by a species that is out of order. No outside agency can stop this human attack. The only thing that can stop it is that the mind must be whole again and see that it is operating in disorder, fragmentation, contradiction. We must see that identifying with the so-called higher or greater ideal requires that we prove it by going to war (either overtly or covertly -- both are destructive).

If humanity truly wants peace and security for the physical world, we must examine the true nature of the Ego. It is the false god that has made this lethal world. And it adds to that lethality everyday single day. Its a monster. All monsters are metaphors for the Ego. Fighting a monster makes you a monster. Because the monster is made out of conflict/opposition. When you understand that opposition is the only problem, then that problem ends. The Ego does not want us to observe it, it does everything in its power to get you to either oppose it, bow down to it or run away. But no matter where you run, your mind is the problem. So there is no place to run or hide from the Ego. The Ego ends once it is seen for what it is, completely.

The Ego has the 2 faces like a coin has 2 sides to it. But the ego is ONE THING pretending to be 2 things (friend or foe). The ancient religions (pretend religions) trained us to think that the mind is two things. It gave us “God” (the Ego that rewards us) and the “Devil” (the Ego that punishes us). But they belong to ONE ENTITY. In the social network of the external Ego, we make “friends” & “foes”. Anyone who strokes our Ego is a “friend” and anyone who does not is a “foe”. We are taught through “religion” that it's OK to destroy your foes and you will be rewarded for it. Or the government tells us its OK to lock up people for not obeying a system that is disorderly because it is hurting us in secret (through allowing corporations to sell us deadly products to consume, or polluting the environment or experimenting on the public under the guise of protecting our health and so many other covert ways). And we train our children to internally oppose themselves and to take out their frustrations on the nation's enemies – so they become soldiers. Soldiers think they are serving a noble cause, but they are serving their ego (an image they have of themselves as being noble). They want to identify with something superior because they feel secretly inferior.

However a mind that understands the fallacy of its Ego does not feel lonely, nor does it fear standing completely alone. In order to understand oneself, one cannot be dependent on another. In Nature and the Universe things stand alone and function holistically within themselves. Yes things do interact but each entity functions on its on and does not depend on another in order to function. But when we go to work we are constantly being pressured to support the Ego of co-workers and if you don't they hate you and try to get you fired. So we give in, and and tell people what they want to emotionally hear even if we know its not true. We think we are being practical to do this, but we are promoting conflict. When you do that, your body responds to conflict by replicating conflict in its cells, then your health beings to fail and the Ego blames the physical environment or your genetic inadequacies. This why humans have so many physical defects unlike the wild animals.

The reason that we can't stop drug companies from imposing their deadly products upon us is because we are living based on our Ego. So long as we are functioning as a divided entity, we must be victims to other more aggressive Egos. We are helping them to harm us just by being enslaved within our own Ego. You can't fight your Ego. That only strengthens it. The only thing that will dissolve it completely, and without violence, is to SEE IT. But, the problem is that once you do SEE IT, people around you will shun you and try to intimidate you into going back to sleep. We are all so eager to SEE THE TRUTH about the Ego of our “foes” but we resist SEEING THE TRUTH about the Ego of our so-called “friends”. We like to SEE that “overt violence/abuse” is bad, but we don't want to See that “covert violence/abuse is bad, as well. Our seeing is partial and biased, which maintains the duality in the mind and maintains conflict. We only want to SEE the disorder on ONE SIDE OF THE EGOTISTICAL COIN, and that is why the Ego/Monster rules us. It is not all powerful and almighty as it pretends to be. Its power comes from each person who surrenders their life to Ego Worship – using images to battle ourselves. The battle outside will not end until the SEED OF CONFLICT ENDS IN THE EGO.

The Ego is Unnatural and it is destroying the Natural World. That is why when you go to the market most of the food is laced with toxins or genetically altered stuff, which will genetically alter our bodies to further disconnect us from Mother Nature. We are headed toward transitioning into cyborg-like creatures (part Man part Machine). The Ego is an Emotional Robot that thinks in a mechanical way. We go to work everyday and watch the emotional machine demand that you give it words to praise it or bow down to it. If you fail to “kiss the Ego's ring” you shall lose your job. So our work that we get paid for has very little to do with our technical skills because anyone with your skills can replace you if they are willing to kiss your boss' (emotional) ass. When we cave into the Ego, we setup a vibrational chain reaction of chaos and friction radiating from the conflict in the mind on out through our bodies. This is the reason why human beings cannot live or work together without fighting and hating one another.

Nobody can save us from ourselves. The human species has made up stories about outside saviors who will swoop in and save us from our deadly minds. But the only thing that will stop the Ego is to perceive it without opposition. However, we have been programmed to oppose ourselves. We have been programmed to think that there is no other way to function. But if you accept the belief that we must be in conflict within ourselves because we must be slaves to our programming, then you are implying that the human being is a robot that has no intelligence to SEE itself as it is. Yet all living things can directly perceive and see its nature, so why can't the human mind (which, by the way, brags about being superior to other living things). Yet other living things do not out-source their health to other living things. Why can't each human mind be a light unto itself and SEE itself and in that Holistic SEEING be free from conflict? After all when the mind is fully aware of its nature, it is in a state of Wholeness. The word “Holy” is the ancient word for Wholeness. That is why I say that religions that are organized based on an IMAGE in Unholy – Not Whole. The Ego made up its religious organizations to trick the public into thinking that identifying with an Image/Belief is what goodness and holiness and sacredness is about, but it's not.

That which is Natural is Whole and not in conflict within itself. Internal conflict in the mind means that the mind and body are in a state of disintegration. When the atom was divided/split, it caused a chain reaction of nuclear fission which multiplies exponentially into a powerful deadly explosion, and the Ego is proud of it power to destroy. So when we divide our mind by identifying with “beliefs”, we split people up into groups who battle to defend their IMAGE of GREATNESS or SUPERIORITY. That which is Natural does not seek to be higher than something else because life is an energy that flows as one unit. Quantum Physics has proven that all living things are synergistically connected through vibrational frequencies.
The mind of the human species is emitting a vibrational frequency based on being in conflict (just like the conflict set going when the atom is split making an atomic bomb).

The mind of man is the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction when it is in the dark about itself. Like a virus, it is self-replicating. We give birth to children and their minds are immediately attacked by telling them that they must “believe” and that they are not as good as another child. This emotional hurt mind of the child then seeks comfort in the IMAGE that opposes that hurt. But the hurt is still underneath that beautiful Image that opposes its hurt state of mind.

We frown on obvious abuse to children; yet we allow “covert abuse” to go on unchecked or unchallenged. We never question the validity of teaching a child to oppose his/her thoughts and feelings. We never realize, and don't want to realize, that this is violence. The seed of a thing never looks like the end product; does it? An apple seed does not look like an apple; does it? A fertilized human egg does not look like a human being; does it? Similarly, when we conform or imitate ideals (born out of the image), it causes opposition in the mind. And, opposition is the very essence of war. But, we don't think that those repeated emotional words will bring physical violence, but it does. If you will examine the history of wars, they all begin with propaganda, do they not? Propaganda is emotional language designed to incite rage and to take revenge and go to war. Therefore, identifying with images, emotionally, are the seeds of violence and cruelty. Just like the apple seed does not appear to be related to the apple; identifying with Images/Beliefs do not appear to be the cause of inequality and war, but it is.

When a baby is born and starts to grope around its environment in order to learn its place in the world and what it is, it is in a state of Natural Learning about its Whole self. Then the Unnatural Ego interferes and misguides that child to fear itself and to stop learning about itself, completely. That starts the internal war in the mind of the child. If we were truly “Modern” people as we pretend to be (just because we can make fancy gadgets), then we would be able to SEE subtle forms of violence not just what is obvious. Any moron can see that hitting another person is violent. But, we have been dumbed down so much that we can't SEE that psychological images divides the mind and then we divide into groups and that must bring conflict. We are clueless about The Image and its deadly nature and that is why we are watching our physical world die and we feel helpless.

Going around picking up trash or recycling trash or helping abused animals is just a superficial performance that the Ego is putting on to convince itself that it is “good”. But as long as we are living based on our Ego and its identifications in a group, gang or nation, we are emitting a deadly vibrational frequency that is attacking the natural balance of our bodies, which is impacting our environment. Everyone has a responsibility to the real world, not to the fake world put together by Ego. Ego is in competition with reality. Its very existence is rooted in a deceit, which is why Ego cares not about the physical damage it is doing this planet. The environment is the chess board on which the Ego is playing its war games. But, you can't play the game without a chess board. And, that chess board is being destroyed day in and out. Our minds are attacking the Natural World and no matter what superficial things that we do to stop our world from dying, it wont be enough. Because, each day we keep intensifying this deadly vibrational frequency of conflict.

Haven't you ever seen a glass being shattered by a high pitched vibrational frequency? So don't think that it is far-fetched to say that our minds are emitting a deadly vibrational frequency. Again, we are suppose to be modern. I can understand that centuries ago we did not know about unseen things like germs, bacteria, radiation, electromagnetic fields and other dimensions. But science has shown us through their microscopic instruments these realities do exist and have a real impact on our lives. So just because I am talking about things that are hard to see does not mean that they are not there. We have never made the connection between psychological believing and physical violence and the destruction of our environment. But, they are one unitary movement through vibrational frequencies, which are set going by oppositional emotional images.

We have been education to seek out physical security without first understanding our minds, holistically. When we go after the physical and try to ignore the psyche that is impossible. Either your mind will be identified with a “belief” or “ideal” or it will SEE the fallacy of doing that. Once it SEES a thing to be false, that very SEEING, alone, is what causes the false thing to drop away as naturally as a dead leaf falls off the branch. There is no opposing force involved. This is what a real education teaches. But, the Ego has lied to us telling us that we are being educated simply because we are accumulating technical information and spit it back out (called a skill). But, the human being is more than a technician. It has emotions and feelings that have not been properly educated. Instead, we are sent to some superstitious institution to engage in self-hypnosis. So whenever we feel unpleasant thoughts/feelings, we are told to pray or meditate or use subliminal affirmations. That is not education. That is brainwashing, programming or training the mind in a mechanical, repetitive way. Such a mind is split into, and suppresses its feelings so that the mind remains ignorant about that aspect of its nature. Such psychological ignorance gives rise to brutality and outright violence. And our so-called education points in the direction of who to take that rage out on.

Become a cop and treat the people you arrest with coldness and cruelty. But in order to be cruel to another, you must first be cruel to yourself. And we are cruel to ourselves whenever we engage in blind egotistical obedience – isn't that what the Nazis did? When we battle our thoughts and feelings by identifying with self projected oppositional images/beliefs/ideals, we are being cruel to ourselves because we set going internal and external war. But, all wars come from within the human mind. Did the bomb make itself? All weapons are replicas of the mind, are they not? Bombs are based on friction. And when the mind does not Learn through Holistic Observation about its nature, it malfunctions as a ball of friction and confusion, but its arrogance pretends to itself that it knows what the hell it is doing, but it does not. Because what it is doing is destroying the world on which it fights its battles. What sense does that make?

The only reason why we have governments is because human beings are unintelligent about the nature of their Ego. If they saw the truth, they would need no governing. A thing that is WHOLE does not need to be controlled or governed because the state of Wholeness has its own built-in intelligence. Since we have destroyed our built-in intelligence and are fragmented, we are being controlled and governed by an ignorant entity that believes it is intelligent. How can a thing that is at odds within itself be intelligent? It is its own worst enemy. It is destroying the balance of its health and its environment. Since the Ego is self-destructive, it cannot be a true friend to anyone or anything. It is lying when it says it is protecting our physical security by telling us to fight in order to live.

I've never fought to be alive. I did not fight to become a human being. I was born one. I do not fight to breath the air. Now then... We must have the basic things in order to physically live. But, our world has been designed in a disorderly way; because in order to get access to the resources that our planet has to offer, we must pay for things (a game invented by our ancestors who were pirates). They designed this world where we have put a price tag on life, which is “unnatural”. Then we have to get a so-called job. On the surface, that seems OK. But when you investigate it deeply, you will find that your job is based on Egotistical gratification with your boss and co-workers. When you do that, you are engaged in psychological warfare, which is self-disintegration.

So the disorderly system, all over the world, is a booby-trap that is rigged to destroy your essence. Everyday you are being challenged by the Ego to feed your own Ego and theirs. And when you do this, you are contributing your energy to the destruction of this world. But it is all covertly concealed by pretending that you got hired to do some technical tasks and nothing else but that – which is a lie. We are being paid to self-destruct and to destroy others. If that were not so, then we could just execute our technical skills without any emotional harassment and then get paid for it. But, any job that you do, you will be met with incessant demands to acknowledge, bow down to the Egos that you work around everyday. The Ego is a false thing that is ruining our lives. But that can end if we would be mature responsible adults and face our own Ego, honestly. You will be hated for not being an Ego, but your energy will be Whole and one with the Universe, which is based on reality. If you can't tell what reality is, just know that you can't eat an image nor can it Love, for where there is authentic Love, there is harmony and joy – not pleasure.

Love is Holistic Observation. An observation is not whole when it is divided. So when you SEE the mind dividing itself by believing the opposite of how it feels or thinks, then that SEEING is not corrupt (provided you do not seek an ideal to escape into so that you don't have to feel emotional discomfort). The Ego will go out of its way to cause as much discomfort as possible. But if you realize that EVERYTHING THAT YOU FEEL IS YOURSELF AND IS YOUR MIND ENTIRE MIND, then you don't feel the need to hide nor avoid anything that is taking place in the mind. You are then free to observe it. So learn about your entire nature and SEE it and FEEL it, for it is yourself. If you don't struggle against yourself and merely Observe it ALL, then your mind is not broken; it is Whole. Therefore, it is Holy and Sacred, and there is no Ego (which is the mind when it is ignorant about itself). Then all of this horror will end and nothing else can stop it. Then the mind is in its NATURAL STATE and so is the body, as well as its relationship to Nature.

When the mind is in its Natural State of Holistic Self-Observation, the body is also in a state of harmonious vibration. Such a mind feeds itself Natural food and appreciates the beauty and wonder of its environment, which is Mother Nature. Such a mind that is Whole is a friend to itself. Its friendship is based upon Truth born out of SEEING ALL THAT IS FALSE ABOUT THE IMAGE-MAKER. When you SEE the false, you have arrived at the Truth. You cannot pursue the Truth directly because what you pursue is only an IMAGE ABOUT THE TRUTH, which is a lie. You can only be friends with a person that is truly a friend to him or herself. But if a person is controlled by self-blindness about the mind, they are in conflict and are incapable of being a true friend. What the Ego considers a “friend” is someone that will help deceive you in a pleasurable way. But all of the Ego's activities leads to tragedy. Why did the WWII Holocaust happen? Ego. Where there is Ego there is no Love (Love that is non-dualistic and whole).

So long as we only want to end half of the Ego (the half you don't like), the Ego cannot end. It is either completely SEEN or not at all. There is no “partial seeing”. The mind at its root is like day and night and if you choose one over the other to observe, then you are fractured and divided against yourself. That division is evil and negates Love and Peace and physical safety.

Bottom line is this...

You either give your life to Egotistical Servitude (psychological slavery) or you give your life to Holistic Living. That is not a choice, really. You can only choose to be unnatural but a natural function is not a choice. Just look at the body's natural functions. You don't choose to breathe, eat, use the toilet or sleep. These are all natural functions. When you Naturally SEE that choosing any “belief” or “ideal” to conform to is inherently unnatural (because such choosing sets up a chain reaction of conflict in your entire being and organism), then the malfunctioning of the mind being divided ends. There is nothing to fight. All you do is SEE that which is false and problematic in the nature of Images that Oppose the State of Mind that you don't like. This is what was left out of our education because all of the institutions are being ran by Egos.

The Ego can only control other Egos because a fraction can never be greater than a whole. So the educational programs are geared toward getting the student to divide its mind. Then you are given a document or a degree that tells you that you are intelligent. But the description is not the described. Just because it is written that you are intelligent does not mean that it is so. Real intelligence is based on reality. When the mind SEES itself in reality, then it is free from self-opposition and is Whole and that is Real Intelligence which also contains Wisdom and Love. When you function from clarity and understanding rather than like a warrior, then you are the guardian of this planet and its creatures instead of being Egomaniacs terrorizing this planet.

The Ego has its ears plugged. It hears nothing but its own madness and calling it by opposite names. It claims to protect health but shoots us up with poisons. It claims to bring about equality, while inequality continues to escalate. Ego is a double-talker. It speaks in an emotional encrypted language in order to conceal its real nature, which is to prey upon our minds and blind us to ourselves so that we will remain complacent willing victims to breed more children for the Ego to exploit, maim and devour.

Please don't get upset with the messenger. I am nothing but a mirror to the mind reflecting its real nature. You may yell at the mirror, but the mirror did not create the reflection that you see and hear. If you live in Truth then it does not hurt to hear it. But if you are living a lie, then the Truth hurts. When you listen to the News about all the wars and their reasons for fighting, it all boils down to one thing, Ego! It believes in this and the other believes in that. If you look at the world as a whole, you can see the nature of the Ego. It is about nothing but conflict. It does not exist without it.

So it matters not about the tons of data about all of these wars, because ALL WARS STEM FROM ONE SEED – The division of “The Me” and “Not Me” (God=Dr. Jekyll/Devil=Mr. Hyde). You either SEE it completely or you don't. The mind of humanity is split, and it is fighting to maintain that split so that it can play “god” and “devil”, because they both want to remain divided. They are a contradiction. But there is no “they”. It is 2 different appearance of the same entity: the “devil” or “foe” is the wolf and “god” or “friend” is a wolf in sheep's clothing (but a wolf nonetheless). *[The wolf is the Ego which divides and fights itself.] So no matter who wins the Armageddon, both sides lose, because they both are destroying the physical world so there is nothing left. What is the point? No point, just habitual violence perpetuating itself like inertia.

Drugs are a covert attack on the biological integrity of the human body. They are crippling our minds and mutating our DNA and altering our brain functions. The longer our species thrives on this unnatural stimulation, the more we separate and distance ourselves from our biological connection to this planet and the Universe. The more unnatural we become the monstrous and cruel we behave toward Nature because we feel no connection to our physical origins. We are living in the artificial world of images of feeling superior or more important. It is that world that we live for. It is not a real world. But it exploits the material world to prove itself to be greater than another. We are smashing our planet (and its creatures) just to protect a lie. There is no hierarchy. Just because some people have a lot more possessions than another, that does not prove that one is superior to another.

The theory of hierarchy is spurious and purely superficial in nature. There is only one human consciousness. Every human brain contains the ancient history of humanity, psychologically. When the mind identifies itself to an image from its memory, that is the same process in all human beings. When it divides itself it produces friction and it is in a state of disintegration. It does not matter what your DNA is or your profession or your culture or your race or your financial standing – opposition in the mind creates self-destruction, which attacks the body. No matter who you are when you are an Ego you are blind to your nature and you think you are sane and intelligent. You think that conflict is good and necessary. You think that your belief is right and everyone else is wrong. You think that you are better than another, because when you opposed whatever state of mind that you did not like about yourself, you sought after the so-called “better” state of mind. The way you relate to yourself privately is the same way that you relate to the world around you. That is The Natural Law from which no human being can escape. So that means that when your mind is at odds within itself it suffers just like everyone else. And, that is why wealthy people have committed suicide even though they have all the creature comforts in life. They are still not at peace within their minds.

If the rich were at peace then they would not use their wealth to support wars. But, they are in psychological pain and that is why they like to watch others suffer in an effort to distract themselves from their own internal hidden suffering. But it is not hidden from a mind that is Whole, because it can SEE that a mind that is in conflict must turn around and impose it onto the world. Likewise, a mind that has understood conflict, rather than fight against it, is at peace and does not intentionally nor unintentionally hurt the world in order to satisfy emotional discontent.

So many human beings complain about the sad state of affairs this world is in, yet they refuse to find out the origin of this mess. Don't complain about a world that is simply reflecting the human consciousness of cruelty and disorder. Disorder can never give birth to Order. Order will only come when we thoroughly SEE and understand, in the present moment, exactly the real nature of Ego, which is disorder.

Disorder exists simply because it is not Holistically Detected. The moment that you oppose what you observe by saying, “how can I change it?”, the Ego is being cunning and pretending that it wants to be aware of its nature. The first step in understanding the Ego is to realize that it does not want to SEE itself, because it only wants to continue. And, it knows that it will not continue once it truly SEES itself (both sides of itself positive/negative). Ego likes to expose its “foes” and protect the wrongdoings of its “friends”, because the “friends” support the ego. The “foes” are useful because the Ego proves its superiority by defeating and conquering its “foes”. So it wants enemies to prove its greatness. So you see the Ego has sustained hell on Earth for its sake, alone.

The Ego indulges in a network of emotionally-charged language. It substitutes Love for personal sentiment. Sentimental delusions run the human world of artificial values. People are willing to kill over them. The Ego's “love” stems from superficial flattery. We have been taught to think that is what love is. Love is not the fulfillment of self-centered importance nor is it placing someone on a pedestal. All of that is simply inflating the Ego. We think the word is reality. So when someone says, “I love you,” most people think that is it true. Memory from the emotional realm is limited. Love is not limited. Limited love brings war. Whereas real Love is the byproduct of Seeing the Truth by realizing what is false. The Ego promotes the false and pretends that it is true. It pays a lot of money to those who promote illusions. The mind likes to live in an illusion. While it does this, it is smashing the physical world to pieces.

The human mind is the most destructive creature in the world. It may like the fact that it is that deadly. But, the joke is on humanity, because if we continue to malfunction like this, the party will soon be over for the entire human species; because it is not superior to Nature. Can Nature exist without the human race? Yes, because it was here long before we were. Can humanity exist without Nature? Absolutely not.

The mind of man cannot create energy nor can it create from scratch any natural resource. Thought only knows how to manipulate what is already here. It can't make a seed nor can it replace this world if it annihilates it. So you see, the mind of man is not a god; it is not The Creator. When the conditioned mind (Ego) speaks of “God” it is really referring to itself and pretending like it is speaking to an outside entity. It is being like a ventriloquist that throws his voice to give the impression that the dummy is alive and talking. Well when we pray to a “God” we are really talking to our own subconscious and begging to fulfill our desires and to get us out of trouble.

Strip away the superficial babble and at the core of the human race is its Ego challenging the facts of life. The Ego is trying to prove that it is The Most Important Thing in the Whole World. A “fiction” is trying to prove that it is more real than the facts of life (the physical world). Hell, the Ego lives in the physical brain. If we had no brain or physical body, the would be no Ego. Brain can exist without an Ego but Ego cannot exist without a brain to house it. Yet, the Ego demands that the brain serve it, and when it does, the brain suffers and falls apart because it is functioning off of the laws of reality; whereas, the Ego operates off of deceit and conflict.

The Natural World will prevail because the energy of life is infinite and can go on making reality in its vast Universe. Even if the Ego does blow this planet up life will go on as if the human race never was, and nothing will be left behind to show that it ever existed. So what was it all for? No matter how you look at it, the Ego can't win its insane game of making life bow down to it. That will never happen. Energy is the Real GOD because it animates life. Without energy there is no life. Energy cannot be killed or destroyed. Energy makes our hearts beat. We cannot dictate to energy how long to stay within our bodies. It comes and goes without any control by the human mind. Energy is running the show, in reality. But the human mind has limited its energy and wastes it through image worship. We murder over images and feel perfectly sane and justified. But if we were truly intelligent beings we would be living in a state of wholeness and full self-awareness and we would be one with the Universe and the energy would vibrate in perfect harmony.

Instead, we are a shattered species. We have thrown our beauty out of the window. We have reduced ourselves down to being self-centered vicious savages out to fulfill our isolated desires. Our energy is being misused. Energy makes the vessels and bodies that are limited because they are born and eventually die. But the energy that imbues various types of creatures, that energy itself is immortal. Energy has no beginning nor an end. It merely recycles itself into more physical vessels. But the energy in a bug is the same as in a human being. Energy has no identity. It is in all living things. It cannot be captured or possessed or imprisoned.

This energy observes and learns through unbiased watching and studying the nature of each living thing. All living things has an intelligence that is watching itself. Human beings go out of their way NOT TO WATCH AND LEARN ABOUT ITSELF. Instead, it conjures up what it thinks it is. It gets lost in language that describes nothing real. It does not understand itself. So the energy of the mind is chaotic and distorted and is a lot of pain. It projects it pain out into the world and really the mind of man can't stand itself. It has made itself a hideous miserable thing because it is going against its natural state of mind, which is to learn and understand itself through holistic observation, which is what it resists. This cannot last forever because the damage that it is inflicting in our environment is reaching a point of critical mass destruction. The closer we get to that point, the more urgent it is to stop being a pussy and face what we are without opposing it with an image of what would like to be.

It is pure energy that underlies reality. It is not the human mind. The human mind is so destructive and flexing it power to destroy. But reality is run by energy which CREATES more than it destroys and it keeps it balanced. It determines which creatures will live or die. But death is only a transition from one form to another. Energy makes creatures so that it can study itself any infinite forms. And it does this for an eternity. The mind of man wants to be more important than the rest of life. It doesn't want to be a part of reality because it does not feel like the star of the show. That is what makes an ego the ego. It wants to be more important than something else, which is childish. Humanity does not wish to be a part of the Universe because then it feels small. That is why the Ego has made movies and video games and virtual reality to make its own world of products so that it can be a “god” in the world it has made up. Then it tries to punish any human being who does not base their life on the ego. Since the mind of man is singular if one human being does not go along with the program it will end the deception for the whole human collective consciousness at the root level. That is why we have “friends” who spy on us and police us to ensure that the Ego never ends. But what happens if you don't have any friends?

That is what I have experimented with and found that you can live without friends. I mean by “friend” someone who you egotistically gratify and fulfill. You tell them sweet lies, even spouses do this and it ends up in conflict. I do business with people because I have to. My body requires the basics to live. So I must interact with human beings to gain access to living resources. But I don't cross the line into the subjective field and tell the ego what it wants to hear. The Ego compliments me and insults me, but I see through that emotional language. Since I have no Ego, compliments and insults are meaningless as far as I am concerned. I gratify the body but not the mind. If the mind is gratified the body must be sacrificed – that is The Natural Law of Life, not created by man. It is a fact. So I am alone in this world, but I am not lonely. There's big difference between being alone and being lonely.

When you are alone that means all-one or being one with life. The mind is whole so it is part of the rest of the Universe. This is not a romantic theory. I see and feel that fact. When you are hiding in an image or belief, you feel lonely. You constantly crave the company of others. You feel desperate for compliments and emotional fulfillment. One is insecure and always seeking fulfillment and never quite being satisfied no matter how much one is gratified by others. Whereas, a whole mind is endlessly learning about its nature and freeing itself from the psychological limitations of it imagination. You feel the reality first then you speak it. You don't seek the words.

Words naturally flow out of the reality of holistic perception of the mind. And the word is never elevated to anything more than a pointing instrument. But, most people don't get it because their minds are trained to think in the reverse – we believe that the word IS the essence of things. That is why people have been known to murder over a statement made to them that they emotionally responded to. Someone can call me a fake or crazy or a liar. That means nothing because if I look at myself and see what is what, it is that reality that matters and not the false utterances from a fragmented mind that is trying to control my mind with language. A mind that is not afraid to feel and see ALL OF ITS EMOTIONAL RESPONSES cannot be controlled. You may bound the body but a free mind can never be suppressed nor imprisoned. Freedom of the mind is what matters because you can have all of the treasures in the world but a mind that does not know itself is poor and tries to overcompensate for that moral deficit, but it cannot.

The reason why life on Earth is so dreary is because the physical part of life is under constant attack by the presence of an unnatural species that is emitting a disharmonious vibrational wave of energy across the globe. The energy that flows through human beings is being corrupted and distorted. That is what pain is, energy that is misguided. Einstein took the atom, which is a source of energy and he corrupted (fragmentation is corruption). So that energy produced a great distortion when it exploded as a nuclear bomb. The fallout caused great imbalance in and on the Earth. Why is the human species so proud of how much damage it can do? I'll tell you why, because the mind of man is in pain and misery wants company. It is divided and in pain and it wants everything to be that way so that it wont feel abnormal. Why do you think human beings are policing each other thoughts and feelings by constantly asking us to give feedback and vote pro or con on every damn thing. The Ego is monitoring the world and trying to make sure that no mind is whole.

When the ego discovered a man by the name of Jiddu Krishnamurti, the Ego was alarmed to find out that a human mind could be whole. They played intellectual word games with him for over 70 years trying to get him to be confused and contradict himself, but he never once stumbled and contradicted himself. He was the real deal. So I investigated what he was pointing out and used him as a mirror to examine my conditioned mind, and then it was whole and free. Now the Ego is coming after me to do the same thing it did to Krishnamurti. I have no fear of being hunted by the Ego, because the first domino to fall must be my own ego as was the case with Krishnamurti. The way the (Ego) system works is based on each mind being too afraid to see itself completely. “Schools” were invented not to give us skills, that is only a cover story. They were made to brainwash and confuse the mind so that it never discovers its nature completely. As a young person I always felt that something vital was missing from education. I dropped out of college due to this discovery and sought the Truth, because it is your discover of the Truth that is the only thing that can free the mind. I don't mean a Truth that the mind fabricates for itself. I mean a Truth that we don't want to hear and must acknowledge, that is what real intelligence is.

Seeing a fact is not the same thing as believing opinions. I am not talking about opinions, which are bits and pieces of the facts according to ones likes and dislikes (which is prejudice). No. Facts are what they are regardless of how you feel about them. Nothing I have discussed so far is subjective opinion. It is an absolute fact that our planet is dying from being over polluted by things made by the mind and by machines. It is a fact that when you go to work that your job is based on stroking the Ego of your co-workers and your boss and you will be criticized and possibly fired if you don't say things to make your boss feel like his life is more valuable than yours. It is also a fact that the physical world is being damaged by the activities of the Ego. And the most important fact of all is that nothing can put an end to the Ego except for holistic study of its nature in yourself and no one can do that for another. People flocked to J. Krishnamurti as if his wholeness could rub off onto them. He told them that it doesn't work like that but they followed him around like lemmings expected that to happen anyway.

Just like it does no good to trim the diseased leaves and branches of a tree so long as the root is rotten and corrupt; similarly, it is futile to deal with the many superficial differences of the mind. Rather, it is the Holistic Examination (without any desire to change what is studied) with regard to the entire structure of psychological becoming. No matter what culture you are in or your financial status or your technical achievements, all human beings are faced with the daily challenge of their Ego. The Ego is that feeling of being “more important” in an emotional sense. This goal of emotional competition is what divides people both within their mind and against other people. Outward division among groups begins at the root source which is “The Me” based on his/her desire to go beyond itself by believing in the image that pretends that it has escaped from its limitations.

The Mind Is Functioning Unnaturally

What babies and youngsters who have not developed language skills to much are Natural, if their brain is health, that is. Because they function based on pure perception without dividing what they observe and holding to one thing and rejecting another thing. I am speaking about the emotional perceiving responses. Naturally, all living things reject anything that may harm it, including a baby avoid things that hurt it. But, I am talking about observing the emotional responses within itself, it does not pick parts of itself and hide from the rest. It is just a Natural action for living things to observe their their nature so that it may operate in harmony.

Problem is with human beings is that our species as a whole has been operating in darkness with regard to the totality of the emotional state of mind. We are born into the middle on an ongoing internal war zone. Youngsters are sent to mind-shaping institutions as soon as they obtain the basic ability to speak. From the beginning, we are punished and rewarded, like training a circus animal or dog. We are told that we must call ourselves by labels that we don't really understand (like, a some race, image-based religion, ideological-based group or gang). In other words, we are pressured into psychological identities, which are inherently specious and false. The identifications are based on the illusion that we are not the same, fundamentally.

There is only one human psyche at it root it is the same in everyone because all minds are based on emotional memory from which the psychological identification springs from. This identify makes the mind feel justified in being hostile toward others who have different emotional identity from ones own image or belief. This identification fragments or corrupts the wholeness of the mind. As long as the mind defends divisive thinking, the mind will never be holistically aware of itself. It is not natural for a thing to be broken because it will malfunction and think that it is not.

So if the mind of a child were to be left to its natural operations, it would study ALL of itself and not seek to be better than it is. This “better” is not real. It is only an illusion and a blockage to investigating itself. If you will look at our world, we have emotional contradictory messages pouring into our minds from every direction. This is being done to the mind of man in order to destroy our freedom to understand ourselves and be whole. This disorderly mind collectively guards against the ending of this way of living. Like a computer virus, it simply exists to further its corruption of the files, and corruption breaks up the files so that they cannot function correctly. That is what the Ego of the human race is doing too.

So as the child enters this world, it is misguided. But, it is being told that this is the only way to exist as a human being and that nothing can change it. As a result, the average child eventually surrenders its sanity and goes along with the pretense of order or sanity. The illusion is quite convincing because it depends on quantity, alone. If billions of people act a certain way, then the mind takes it for granted that this must be correct. Even though the Natural Intelligence in the child feels that something is off, it is gradually dulled through the burden of emotional manipulation (compliments/reward or insults/punishments). Eventually the mind loses its innocence to understand itself, completely. In the psyche, there is either total clarity or not at all, because the mind is either operating holistically or fragmentary – that is the Root of human mind.

All social systems indoctrinate the mind to identify with an image so that it will be operating from the foundation of division, which equals conflict (violence) within the psyche. Once the psyche is divided all of its social connections will be either overt or covert conflict (covert is called friendship and relatives that one likes; overt are relatives we dislike and foes). No matter which appearance they both are rooted in division which makes conflict. Conflict is the seed of destruction both mentally and physically. All social systems are based on psychological identification, which the basis for division. This is the unnatural state of affairs because it breeds disharmony in the mind and body and our environment. The human species is disconnected from itself so it is also disconnected from its body and Mother Nature.

The mind sacrifices the physical world (including its health) when it worships the image – “the what should be”. Rather than studying itself as it is, once it sees something about itself that feels uncomfortable, the mind seeks a fantasy called a belief to hide in. That is the mind dividing itself. Once divided, conflict must take over. This conflict has been handed down traditionally and we have been told that we must respect it or else be punished or destroyed. So most people assume that if they don't conform that they will be destroyed. The mind does not see that to go along with this hoax is already self-destruction of clarity of mind and health. War is the sacrifice of the body's health in order to prove an illusion of being superior. Therefore, the body or the physical is always being sacrificed to something that is not real. The emotional Ego can only get respect by destroying the physical. It already destroyed its own physical balance when it split itself up when it identified with the image of the “what should be”.

Each person (excluding those who have severe brain damage) contains the psychological history of humanity. The reason we are pressured to be separate is so that the disorderly world of the collective human consciousness can maintain an endless loop of conflict. Mind wants to be control. That is why it protects conflict. The mind wants to be more important than the rest of life (Mother Nature and the Universe). It does not want to function as a whole because it wont be able to claim that it is higher than the rest of life. The mind of man emotionally want to capture the energy of life that makes all things live. In other words, the mind of man wants to be be a “God”.

Since the mind is based on emotional memory, it is innately limited. The image comes from the storehouse of emotional memory. The natural function of the mind is to SEE its limitation and not to struggle to go beyond it. How can memory be more than that? It can't use memory to escape from memory. Yet it takes words like: “immortal”, “infinite”, “eternal”, “God”, and it pretends that these words are beyond memory. But words can only describe something. The word or description is not that thing. The word “sleep” is not the activity. But, we have been emotionally pressured to believe in certain words, like “God” for instance.

The word “God” is associated with “good”. The Ego says that which is “good” is whatever “I” desire or like. But that is not goodness. “Goodness” is that which is not corrupt. And corruption is fragmentation or division. So when we create an image and worship it, that is bad because it begets division and conflict. Belief is the action of assumption based on ones personal bias. If we like a thing, then we believe in and think it is good. Since beliefs are based on desire which is based on past experiences, it is born out of self-centered gratification. Whatever the mind believes is put together by its past background. Then it projects that background just like a film projector. The image called “God” is therefore born of the mind. This was started centuries ago as a means of the mind trying to go beyond itself. Yet its roots are in “The Me” (my desire).

So to identify with the image of “God” or the “Devil” or some other dogma, is the mind trying to be emotionally superior – self-serving interest, which is Ego. As long as one is identified with any image, the mind is divided and is not free to see itself as a whole. “Holy” means that which is whole or undivided. Since the act of believing is to assume something to be true, it negates actual perception or seeing. If the mind does not see itself exactly as it is (regardless of its likes or dislikes), then the mind is operating from a ground or root of division. Where there is division there must be conflict between “what I am” and “what I desire to become” (emotionally speaking).

Therefore, the Ego has been pretending to be moral by inventing a word game. If you examine it closely you will see that people are just a collection of emotional words. Those words control human behavior. You insult a child and he acts out by attacking another child that you praised. Prior to going to war, the public is inundated with emotional words. Based on peoples likes and dislikes they are convinced to go kill another group of people. So the mind never finds out the truth of anything because it is blinded by emotional words. We are not free to question without bias the obedience to emotional words.

The psychological realm is the unnatural world when it is divided. The Ego (the divided mind that believes) is in the ongoing process of hijacking the physical world and is attempting to enslave it. It uses the material world for one purpose and that is to perpetuate what it is – conflict. A thing that is fragmented is in a state of disintegration. Therefore, the Ego's root objective is to disintegrate the physical world (including the body's health and its environment). You can take a look and see that this is factual.

No leader or savior can stop this disintegration process spreading throughout the world. The answer lies within the problem. We have been programmed NOT to study the problem. Instead, we just strongly believe in images that everything will be OK. But deep down, the Ego knows that it is destroying everything, but it wont admit it. The purpose for describing what is going on is so that some people can awaken and end their contribution to this global meltdown. Most people wont care about this. They would rather die in a crowd of believers than to radically

There is no hierarchy because we only have one planet and there is only one Ego. This Ego operates the same in all people – it divides and is at war within itself. There no peace or Love in the Ego. So it doesn't matter what your race is or your financial status or your gender, because if the Ego goes on unchecked, it will destroy itself and everything around it. This is a fact. We all share one planet. If it is gone then the so-called elite go too. They pretend to be better than the rest of us, but they are standing on the shoulders of the pawns (the average man). If the pawn is at the bottom and the elite are at the top, can the top stand without the support from the bottom? No. Therefore, they are polarized, psychologically. A building can't stand without a foundation. Therefore, the Ego has created an illusion of a hierarchy based on property or possessions.

If having physical possessions brings happiness, then why are the rich funding wars? That is because they are at war within themselves just like the average man. Although they don't have to be on the battlefield with bullets and bombs, they are under attack by their peers to take over their power and wealth. No one can escape from conflict and its devastating effects. The reason that the mind believes in anything is also to try to escape from the truth about itself. A belief opposes a truth that the mind does not wish to acknowledge or examine. So when the mind refuses to be in touch with itself, it seeks refuge in a conjured image. Yet it does not realize that anything the mind makes is still the mind so it never escaped from itself. This is the painful truth it must face before its death, physically.

The human species is a threat to world. Each of us has a natural responsibility to learn about our minds so that we can stop being fragmented. Then, we can be whole. That is true goodness or morality. Anything that promotes division is evil because its only purpose is to continue to spread conflict. So disorder is perpetual disintegration. Disorder is limited to disorder. So we can stop trying to imagine a way out of this mess, because all psychological images fuel disorder. SEEING disorder and what it means to function in disorder halts the movement of disorder, naturally.

When we are faced with a problem, we are conditioned to oppose any problem because that works in physical matters. If has a cold you can oppose that cold with herbal remedies so that the body can naturally restore its immune system. Images have their place for technical problems. But, we think that just because opposing a physical or technical problem with a plan or idea (an image) works, we always assume that it is the same thing to do this emotionally. We can't shake this misconception. We have this fail-safe that tells us what is good for the technical is equally good for the psychological or egotistical. You can feed your body when it is hungry and that is normal and good. But when you feed the mind with images of becoming something psychologically, that has a destructive impact on the body and its environment.

Mind is greedy because it wants to be able to feed its body and its mind. The mind is a negative instrument; meaning, its function is to perceive (like an antenna). Perception is not an outward movement. It requires stillness of the mind to simply observe itself. The mind is positive or active when it comes to fixing material or technical problems and that is perfectly natural. But, the mind is suppose to be naturally still or quiet to observe its emotional nature. If one were to look at the mind like a battery: there is a positive post and a negative post. The battery must have one of each for it to function. You don't have two positive posts on each end of the battery, because that would not work.

Positive Post = Technical Images (i.e., a blueprint for a building)
Negative Post = No Image (i.e., no ideological beliefs is a holistic mind)

What we have now is unnatural and does not work:

Positive Post = Technical Images
Positive Post = Psychological Images (nationalism, dogmas, propaganda, etc.)

The Ego wants to maintain psychological images and also have physical security. But that is impossible. This is the reason why some people or groups have been chosen by the Ego to be scarified throughout history. So we join the group that we think we can have physical security through. We vote so that the majority get to fulfill and the others do not. This is inequality. Even though we have the technological capability to provide physical security to all people, the reason we don't do it is due to egotistical identifications that divides us. That is why I said that the Ego has no Love. Love is holistic. If the Ego ended through self-observation without opposition, then it would be whole and it would be a Loving being, then we would be free to provide physical security to the whole human species.

Either we end this global problem of survival holistically or not at all. There is no in between solutions. The mind must function naturally or all bets are off. The Ego wants to find a way to continue existing and also make the physical partially safe for ones own preferential group of people. But, the competition between groups based on egotistical identification, will just continue the countdown to doomsday.
Each person has to figure out what is going on in this world, psychologically. You can't fix the physical problems without first dealing with the psychological challenge, holistically. As long as the Ego is not dealt with properly (without conflict or opposition), nothing can stop wars and covert attacks through our environment and food. The Ego is the main weapon of mass destruction because it has built all weapons from its state of conflict. To end this crazy existence it must end at the root of our Ego by holistically examining it and learning through observation exactly what our nature is and see what the wrong use of images means. Once we get it, we will be free and so will our planet. Then harmony can exist.

I give my entire life to the examination of the Ego because that is my natural function. My brain demands security and it cannot be secure so long as I ignore my mind. It is the biological self preservation that insists that the mind wake and see what it is doing and be free from this delusional state of being. An awakened mind emits harmonious vibrational frequencies out into the physical world rejuvenating the brain and all the cells and the aura connects to the whole universe. Whatever state the mind is in, either fragmented or whole, that radiates out into the rest of the world and universe and all dimensions.

Stop looking to others to give your body physical security. Realize that when you do your daily tasks that any Ego-based gratification (through identifications and compliments), that is division and conflict and your brain is being attacked by that divided energy flowing from the mind. This sets up circumstances to be physically injured in some way. When the government says that the police are there to “protect and serve” they fail the complete that sentence (which is a deceptive practice). It is really: “to protect and serve the Ego”. And all Egos have a team that they blindly defend and feel totally justified (no different than a serial killer feels justified in his beliefs for why he or she is doing what they are doing).

Just like each planet operates on its own without any help, the mind is also suppose to operate complete alone, psychologically. It is naturally equipped to observe itself. When it seeks help from another it has crippled its ability to see and learn for itself and be whole. Where there is wholeness there is security; and conversely, where there is fragmentation, there is anarchy and destruction.

What will you do?

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.