...Then Physical Security Becomes A Nightmare
physical security is always been sacrificed in an effort to validate
any belief, psychologically. For millennium, the human psyche
has been in darkness with regard to the act of believing. This
psychological phenomenon has not been studied/examined, unbiasedly,
by society.
belief is born of the desire to become something or to go beyond or
to overthrow some psychological state that the mind does not like. So
it attaches itself to a dream that is preferred over the fact. When
life becomes too horrible, out of confusion and fear, the mind seeks
refuge in an artificial paradise cocoon – belief, ideal or
conclusion . The mind has been conditioned for thousands of years to
habitually think that there is safety in projecting the opposite of
what is true (that one finds disturbing). The mind has become a
reality-editor and sacrifices anyone or anything to that picture of
“what I should become”.
fact is that: all that we are, is based upon emotional or
psychological storehouse of memory, which is the totality of repeated
psychological hurts. To escape from that emotional insecurity, the
mind conjures up a dream that directly opposes that which is a fact
or the truth. Then, that hurt projects an artificial-reality that is
a contradiction to itself. Then, it lies to itself and says that my
invented-reality is the “real thing” and that “what I was” is
gone forever, because I DESIRE it to be true, therefore, it is so.
The mind must use force in order to make a lie into a so-called
belief mechanism is based upon a psychological center which has
divided itself. If the ego were a coin, metaphorically speaking, then
one easily see that a coin has two different-looking images. The
heads side of the coin has an ideal which states “in God we trust",
therefore, this side of our psyche would identify itself to be
equated with the “opposite of what is actually true” category. So
heads is the illusion of goodness, peace or love. Now then...
tails side of the psychological coin is a bald eagle, which
represents a predator. So if the heads side of the coin appears to be
the hero, then tails side would symbolize the villain, then. This
side of the coin is that which we find frightening about ourselves.
Tails sees that it is violent. So it dreams up an opposite and
declares it to be different. Its opposite is the heads side of the
clarify this: the heads side will be Dr. Jekyll (a respected
physician in his day). And, tails side is Mr. Hyde (the cold-blooded
murderer who hides in the darkness of night like a predator stalking
its prey in the shadows). The egotistical nature is based on duality
by projecting an image. Any image, psychologically speaking, borrows
fragments of the facts and leaves out those facts that it finds to be
emotionally too painful. The ideal is built on a distorted version of
its original self.
In other words the reason why the mind fabricates an opposite appearance of itself is to fool itself and others into mistaking the mask for being its original nature. Mind projects the concept of peace yet in fact uses non-peaceful means to acquire it. Peace will only come when the mind fully exams its real nature as it arises in the present from moment to moment. The purpose of exposing what the actual nature of the mind or ego is, is free the mind from its psychological bondage to which it has been enslaved for thousands of years.
therefore, requires a very simple approach to this problem of which
the entire human race is faced. Our lives are being threatened
everyday by this psychological coin of confusion or duality. One
could say that the “Devil” symbols in the psyche all that the
minds hates about itself. So it tries the escape through inventing
the opposite of itself. Then that projected belief tries to replace
itself. So when the mind sees violence in itself, it says that it
believes itself to be non-violent (the imagined opposite of
violence). The idea of non-violence is opposing what it is
(violence). So there is the birth of the perpetual psychological
Armageddon within the mind of humanity. We think that one side should
win and the other should lose. However, being a coin that is one
thing, both sides are one. If you separate a tree from its roots, then
the upper half cannot live nor can the lower half grow beyond its
stump. So if God destroys the Devil then the whole coin is destroyed
and visa versa, as well. This why conflict has never saved the human
race from destroying one civilization after another. All of past
human civilizations made the same fatal error.
What fatal error, you may ask?
error of arrogance. Humanity has taken it for granted that just
because it has accumulated a whole technical information or data and
has the ability to process and manipulate physical matter that the
mind can do anything it wants without any limits. Trouble is this...
the mind grows and expands its technical skill-set memory without
equally learning and understanding the very nature of its
psychological dualistic movements, then everything it learns
technically is being used as a means to the ends of serving the ego's
delusional fulfillment, which generally ends in a bloodbath. The mind
is only being educated/trained in order to do battle with itself. So
all of the knowledge is being used to perpetuate an endless loop of
conflict while promising peace at some unknown future. After all, in
order to battle others you must begin with yourself. So the mind
splits its mind in half and chooses a side to identify with. If the
conscious mind chooses “heads” (the hero or God), then the
unconscious half chooses its opposite – “tails” (the villain or
Devil). Then the mind chooses its so-called friends and foes using a
contradictory mind.
psychologically, is conflict which is violence or war. When we choose
to believe, then we choose danger to the material world (including
physical security of all kinds). The human race has been living in
fear of losing their physical security since the beginning of ego
worship. When we fail to learn and study what we are, then then
glorify and bow down to something we really don't understand and have
clarity about. We simply fear our minds. We seek others to tell us
how to pacify our fear. We don't want freedom from fear because if we
are free from fear we no longer function as a divided dualistic
self-destructive entity. We are then whole.
can only be peace and physical security when one studies their mind
and through examination and observation ALONE, clarity ends the
craving to believe. Belief exists simply because the mind is too
afraid to face itself as it is without trying to improve itself.
Duality is a state of conflict. The identity we call “the me” is
the ego that want to be the director, producer and dictator of
itself. It thinks by battling itself through opposing ideals, beliefs
and any projection from its emotional storehouse of memory, that
somehow it can make everything work and it can keep it all under
control. But all the mind can do is use itself. What is itself? Just
a collection of words backed by emotion.
have been born into two worlds. The original world of reality is our
biological world. It is real. It is not a result of our imaginations.
Our bodies and health is grounded in facts. And it is this world that
has been sacrificed for centuries to the gods. The “gods” is the
beliefs generated from our emotional self (our sense of self
importance). The more we worship our ego, the more damage that this
material or biological world is harmed. It does not matter what you
believe in, any belief is the negation of facing the true nature of
“the me” (ego).
we mature from birth and begin to learn to speak, we are pressured
into dividing the way we perceive ourselves. We are trained to shun
anything we feel or detect that does not conform to a pattern of
so-called “goodness”. So we are encouraged through reward and
punishment to suppress ourselves through identifying with the
opposite of that naughty expression or feeling or thought. We are
then waging war within consciousness. Picking what thoughts and
feelings to cling to and ignoring or suppressing the disturbing
aspects of ones mind. So the mind is programmed, trained or
conditioned like a computer and it is not free to question its
programming at all. To question it is to be considered “bad”. So
the coin
of opposition is set going for the rest of ones life.
desperately want to “believe” that the leaders are working on
making the world a safer place in which to live. False. Any mind that
is not free to see that it is programmed to exist in a psychological
stasis (by dreaming that belief is your savior), such a mind is
caught in a web of self-deception. The mind is living a double life
and does not realize it. When the mind fails to see its nature, it is
ignorant about the fact that it is at odds withing itself. So it does
battle in every relationship. What I mean by battle is opposition.
There is overt battling. That is where the conflict is obvious. And
there is covert war. That is where you are under attack but you do
are unaware that you are.
you see a a robber with a gun out, that is overt conflict or
opposition. But when you are told to obey psychological authority
(such as: believe in your racial tribe, believe in God, believe in
“your country”, believe that you are superior to another human
being) to conform to that is to destroy the original world (body,
earth and atmosphere). We may not think that humanity is killing this
physical world, but as long as he or she sleeps in the realm of
believing or ideological identifications, the physical world must
see you can't have both worlds be protected. One world must give way.
If the egotistical imagination of humanity continues to hide behind
the illusion of being rescued by an ideal of any kind, then history
will repeat itself and another civilization will collapse. We are
dealing with the Laws of Life here, not the man-made laws invented by
the ego of mankind. The Eternal Law of Life is irrefutable and the
human psyche cannot overrule it. The mind is founded on memory (its
past emotional history). It is that past that invents one idealistic
escape after another – believing it can improve itself with itself.
But all roads lead back to conflict between what I am and what I
desire to become. Where there is conflict, there can never be peace.
is no such thing an “the ultimate war” that will yield a harvest
of peace. Conflict is a tree that can only bear the fruit of what it
is – conflict. Every belief that one identifies itself with is like
planting another tree of conflict and sprouting more of that
poisonous fruit. When the mind is poisoned by believing, it is
paralyzed and is bound by that illusion and will sacrifice its sanity
to feel a false sense of psychological security. So long as one feels
safe in a psychological falsehood about itself (such as one may wish
to believe that one is happy with oneself). But when the tide of
truth washes upon the beach all houses made of sand dissolve.
the mind is memory and ego is then a limited entity. Yes it may add
to itself, but that which can be added to is finite and is therefore,
limited. A believe is simply what the mind desires life to be. But
life is not opposing the belief. A fact is simply what it is. Nothing
can change it. The fact that the consciousness of humanity is limited
because it chooses to be limited out of a state of ignorance about
its true nature. Ego is self-destructive because one side of itself
has an opposing agenda. Were there is opposition, there is warfare.
So a mind that is at war with itself can only generate one thing.
image is an instrument of the mind that was designed to be used for
physical security purposes only. It was never suppose to serve itself
or fulfill itself. We use our imagination in order to do technical
things to provide for food, clothing and shelter. Mind uses its
technical memory (non-emotional) to calculate and measure and compare
for material reasons. The image has its proper place in this area.
problem of the imagination appears when we cross over to the
psychological side and use images to bring about things that the mind
cannot conjure or make. The mind cannot make Love, Truth, Wisdom or
Peace. Those things are beyond human thinking. Thinking must end in
order for the mind to be whole and no longer in conflict with one
side of its psychological coin opposing the other. The mind is not
really trying to totally destroy the other side because secretly both
sides is taking pleasure in the conflict itself. So if it were to
destroy the world in reality, then it would no longer have the
perverted pleasure of indulging in conflict.
mind has invented an ideal of “love”. To prove that “love”
you must fight and destroy and deceive in honor of the belief or
ideal that one has projected from itshistory
of psychological hurts. This ancient programming has dominated the
world for thousands of years. The human psyche, when it is
fragmented, is a monstrous leech that keeps repeating its program. It
is like TV shows, after so many seasons, they are retired and another
program takes its place. They change the peripheral aspects of the
programming but the main program is the same – the pretext of good
fighting evil so that the world will be safe, because let's face it
folks, the world has never been safe since humans showed up.
Mother Nature is not exactly safe. Yet, there have never been any
species other than the Homo sapiens who threaten the very equilibrium
of our planet and atmosphere. Humanity has set off a nuclear
explosion near the upper earth atmosphere of The Van Allen radiation
belt. Our species is polluting this planet at an alarming rate. Why?
Because when we devote our energy to serving a false reality, then it
dissolves the real reality.
It is the blind servitude to ones ego that is the #1 weapon of mass destruction. Like a computer virus, whatever it comes into contact with, it tries to replicate itself or else eliminate it. It is the tyranny of believing that is sacrificing all that is real in this world: our health, sanity, a clean environment free of man-made poisons. But as long as the mind of humanity remains addicted to believing and never has the freedom to investigate itself, then the future will end up like the past, in ashes.
It is the blind servitude to ones ego that is the #1 weapon of mass destruction. Like a computer virus, whatever it comes into contact with, it tries to replicate itself or else eliminate it. It is the tyranny of believing that is sacrificing all that is real in this world: our health, sanity, a clean environment free of man-made poisons. But as long as the mind of humanity remains addicted to believing and never has the freedom to investigate itself, then the future will end up like the past, in ashes.
foundation of a building is based on the integrity of its foundation.
If the foundation is fractured and divided, then no matter how
elegant the architectural design may be nor how tall and grand it is,
the building is doomed to collapse in on itself, because its
foundation is severely compromised. I am using this as a metaphor to
explain how our mind is hurting itself but thinks it is making things
better. This is the delusion that we are all born into, and few of us
awaken to all of this and face it honestly. Whenever the mind is
jolted awake by some horrific tragedy, it either opposes the truth or
looks for another distraction in order to hide. The mind flatly
refuses to be fully awake, psychologically. That is why it doesn't
acknowledge that it is, in fact, in conflict.
A mind in conflict is hypocritical. It says one thing and does the opposite. So the mind has a conflict of interest. It says it wants to be safe, yet it constantly makes war over beliefs. Children are sent off to fight for old people's beliefs and ideals. It is all done for the so-called “greater good”. Who says? The psychological storehouse of memory says, that's who. So we are fighting just to be fighting.
The mind of man has become a perpetual warrior that is fighting for the thrill of fighting! And it thinks there is no other way to exist. And because it has learned how to pretend to be a friend (like a spy posing as a double-agent does) so that your group (family, country, religious clan or any ego-based group that rationalizes its violence for some “idealistic” cause). The ideal is used as insurance to guarantee endless conflict. The way people really get their physical needs met is by sacrificing others so that they and their closest “friends” profit from their loss.
A mind in conflict is hypocritical. It says one thing and does the opposite. So the mind has a conflict of interest. It says it wants to be safe, yet it constantly makes war over beliefs. Children are sent off to fight for old people's beliefs and ideals. It is all done for the so-called “greater good”. Who says? The psychological storehouse of memory says, that's who. So we are fighting just to be fighting.
The mind of man has become a perpetual warrior that is fighting for the thrill of fighting! And it thinks there is no other way to exist. And because it has learned how to pretend to be a friend (like a spy posing as a double-agent does) so that your group (family, country, religious clan or any ego-based group that rationalizes its violence for some “idealistic” cause). The ideal is used as insurance to guarantee endless conflict. The way people really get their physical needs met is by sacrificing others so that they and their closest “friends” profit from their loss.
is a mind game. War exists so that people will remain afraid and so
that aggressive mentalities may control or dominate them. None of
that would be possible if the mind were to face itself honestly. When
one faces reality then one is no longer at odds with it. Such a mind
is no longer seeking power or control. An entity that is whole (not
broken in half and those 2 halves opposing each other and pretending
that they are 2 separate entities), then the Holistic Perception of
the Truth sets one free from duality.
The perception of a fact contains NO OPPOSITION whatsoever. The mind is only fractured the moment it wishes to move away from the perceiving exactly what is. Mind is nothing but a “Dream Weaver”. The is no dream, image, ideal or belief that can bring about balance and harmony. So when the mind feels that Truth in it entire being, then one is whole and is free from believing. The mind is now Wise and is a light unto itself by seeing that which is FALSE about itself. When you see what is False, then Truth is.
The perception of a fact contains NO OPPOSITION whatsoever. The mind is only fractured the moment it wishes to move away from the perceiving exactly what is. Mind is nothing but a “Dream Weaver”. The is no dream, image, ideal or belief that can bring about balance and harmony. So when the mind feels that Truth in it entire being, then one is whole and is free from believing. The mind is now Wise and is a light unto itself by seeing that which is FALSE about itself. When you see what is False, then Truth is.
don't capture the Truth. How can a (limited) fragment capture the
Whole (unlimited) state of mind? When the mind sees that believing
and identifying with anything born out of the “what should be”
based on the mind' biases and desires, then it ceases to be a slave
to illusions. The hardest lesson for the mind to learn about itself
is that its a liar (mainly to itself). You ever wonder why the story
about Jekyll & Hyde was named “Hyde”. The respectability of
Dr. Jekyll is what cloaked the dangerous Mr. Hyde. Heads part of the
mind lured the victims to him because they were fooled by his
psychological mask of being a gentleman and harmless. Once her mind
bought the illusion, out pops the hidden Mr. Hyde. The victim is
lured by the sweet music of deception (the way he talks, his level of
wealth, his superficial social manners, etc., etc., etc.). But non of
that is his true nature. When you take a lie to be real, then your
real life is then lost.
have been programmed to ignore what are real nature is and to play
along with the game – no questions asked. The acid test to expose
corruption is questioning. That which is False detests questioning.
When the mind questions itself in order to understand exactly what
its nature is, that is freedom from self-ignorance. Beliefs, images
all things projected from the emotional reservoir of memory requires
darkness. It is like an old movie film that can only be seen in a
dark room. When light fills the room, the image is no longer there.
So the image requires darkness. In poetry, the word “darkness” is
to symbolize ignorance or unawareness.
order to program the mind, it must be afraid of seeing itself as it
is. So we have been influenced by the the community we grew up in to
conform to what you are told and everything will be fine. If you
don't then bad things will happen to you. But lets look at the facts
without your personal likes and dislikes interfering...
the masses do conform to believing, we get the world we have – one
that is awash in conflict. Things are getting more and more
frightening by the day. Why? Because, nothing is fundamentally
changing. Politicians are psychological magicians playing optical
illusions with our physical security. They promise to meet our needs,
but they are all operating off of their egos too. The foundation of
their minds is fragmented. How can you tell? Simply because a mind
that is at war within must promote war in the world at large. They
all recommend that we hurt one part of the human race so another part
can reap the benefits. Those who stand to benefit are usually in
favor of the slaughter of the group they don't identify with.
But we only have one planet and every war is damaging the balance of our entire ecology and atmosphere. But the world of images cares nothing about the 3 dimensional realm. It gladly sacrifices it to stay in its comfortable cocoon of whatever it wishes to believe. It blames its enemies for anything that goes wrong in the physical world so that it can have an excuse to continue conflict until there is nothing left to destroy. Then what? Who won? When the real world goes way then the Ego no longer has a chess board on which to stage its war against itself. One side trying to claim superiority. How the hell can one side of the same psychological coin be higher than the other side. There's only one mind, but it has imaged that it can be something more or better. That belief is a lie and that lie fights to prove that its not a lie, which is an impossibility.
But we only have one planet and every war is damaging the balance of our entire ecology and atmosphere. But the world of images cares nothing about the 3 dimensional realm. It gladly sacrifices it to stay in its comfortable cocoon of whatever it wishes to believe. It blames its enemies for anything that goes wrong in the physical world so that it can have an excuse to continue conflict until there is nothing left to destroy. Then what? Who won? When the real world goes way then the Ego no longer has a chess board on which to stage its war against itself. One side trying to claim superiority. How the hell can one side of the same psychological coin be higher than the other side. There's only one mind, but it has imaged that it can be something more or better. That belief is a lie and that lie fights to prove that its not a lie, which is an impossibility.
the human species is one consciousness at its root. So what is going
on inside the mind of each person, fundamentally, is the same thing.
You either are studying your mind and therefore, you are not in
conflict, or you are oblivious to the implications of “believing”.
In reality we have been programmed to think that the human way of
like that is based on stroking the ego of your superior is perfectly
normal and a healthy sane thing to cooperate with. We are fooled by
quantity. We are like a robot who gauges the verification“truth”
through measurement. If a lot of people say a thing is so, then we
tend to think that is true then. Remember when the vast majority of
people “believed” that the earth was flat? If anyone thought
different they were branded to be crazy.
so incredibly easy to program the mind today, simply because of the
sheer numbers of people who are unaware that they are enslaved to
illusions that are causing the non-stop proliferation of conflict.
Because of so many people going around proclaiming that they have a
natural right to their opinion, belief or any other egotistical
ideal, then we have blindly accepted without questioning its
validity. We have just assumed its OK to base your life of your
desire of how you want your mind to be. The mind is there to be
studied and to clearly understand when it is malfunctioning. The mind
is inherently meant to conjure formulas, systems and images but just
for the sake of securing physical or biological self preservation.
ego thinks that its suppose to seek security within its imagination
whenever it does not like certain facts about itself. The mind is
malfunctioning when it opposes itself. It's like the mind is playing
a chess game with itself. It chooses one side to identify with. The
conscious mind uses “Black” chess pieces and so the other side is
automatically assigned to the unconscious (Mr. Hyde). So no matter
which side wins, the other side loses. But in real life, the chess
board itself is the ground of life (our planet, our bodies and our
clarity of mind) is destroyed by believing. If there were no beliefs,
there would be no wars. After all, we are fighting over our opinions
which is always based on WHAT WE DESIRE TO BE TRUE, regards of the
facts. Ego is trying to compete with reality.
the Ego forgets that it is playing its conflict on the chess board of
Real Life, if that board disappears, then game is permanently over
and there will be nothing and no one around to say that the Ego won.
Without the board, the Ego literally has no ground on which to stand.
If there were no factual reality then there would be no photograph
taken. For there to be an image, it must imitate the original, must
it not? So a belief is an extrapolation taken from the Truth (the
original state of mind). So whenever we have a thought or an emotion
that disturbs us, we try to avoid it. That is the mind avoiding
seeing and being in touch with what it feels or thinks. This is
conflict to oppose yourself and say to yourself that you mustn't feel
like that. That feeling is you!
The energy that gives your body life is there ready to watch and learn everything about itself, but it must observe itself 100% and not avoid any thought, feeling or emotion that gets triggered whilst interacting with others. They set going certain feelings that may give pleasant or unpleasant sensations. If the mind refuses to be aware of all of its responses then it has divided itself. The moment it does that the mind is lost in illusion and thinks that is a “good thing”.
The energy that gives your body life is there ready to watch and learn everything about itself, but it must observe itself 100% and not avoid any thought, feeling or emotion that gets triggered whilst interacting with others. They set going certain feelings that may give pleasant or unpleasant sensations. If the mind refuses to be aware of all of its responses then it has divided itself. The moment it does that the mind is lost in illusion and thinks that is a “good thing”.
the collective Ego annihilates itself by believing itself to death,
the vast Universe will still carry on seeking balance and
equilibrium, without the human species. So the Ego's end-game is
stupid, because at the end of the day, that which is false and
limited will remain false and limited. So basically, the facts of
life is all about perception. The energy that makes our bodies be
alive, this energy is the thing that looks at the human psyche. But,
the Ego interferes with perception by picking which parts of itself
that it wishes to acknowledge and which parts it will pretend does
not exist. So then ones self-awareness gets corrupted and is then
shattered. The perception was reduced to a belief, which is an
abstraction of reality. It is an imposture that is posing as
something that it's not – that it is here to make us safe. But,
when people believed Hitler they nearly destroyed the world. They
came close. The mind of humanity is the only real danger that we need
to deal with. Its endeavor to remain blind to itself is the only
agenda it really has.
The thing we are all defending IS the Doomsday Machine of Believing. When you believe, psychologically, then you divide the mind up into the good and the bad; the painful and the pleasurable. You seek to hold onto the one side that you like and run from the side that you don't like. This negates being whole, does it not? Plus, the reality is that you are your whole mind (all of its contents is itself). So when we try to control or suppress various expressions or feelings, we are straggling against seeing the whole mind. Seeing that this struggle can never bring about peace but only more strife trying to avoid seeing my whole mind; when ones sees this is nonsensical, well that insight breaks the delusional trance. Seeing what is false is the Truth which sets the entire mind free from fragmenting itself by seeking refuge in abstractions or believing.
The thing we are all defending IS the Doomsday Machine of Believing. When you believe, psychologically, then you divide the mind up into the good and the bad; the painful and the pleasurable. You seek to hold onto the one side that you like and run from the side that you don't like. This negates being whole, does it not? Plus, the reality is that you are your whole mind (all of its contents is itself). So when we try to control or suppress various expressions or feelings, we are straggling against seeing the whole mind. Seeing that this struggle can never bring about peace but only more strife trying to avoid seeing my whole mind; when ones sees this is nonsensical, well that insight breaks the delusional trance. Seeing what is false is the Truth which sets the entire mind free from fragmenting itself by seeking refuge in abstractions or believing.
leader can save you from your mind. Your mind is programmed to be
blind to the real Truth about the act of believing. We have spent
centuries killing one another over WHAT we “believe” in. We have
been superficial in that approach. There are countless beliefs so you
can't end them by opposing them. For every belief group that is
oppressed a multitude of others take their place. Opposition is the
very fuel that keeps the conflict machine going. So coming up with
any belief or ideal only adds to the problem. If “belief” were a
negative number, then the more beliefs you add, the greater the
negative effects of catastrophes increases. We are attempting to put
out fire with gasoline. “Belief” looks like a liquid,
metaphorically speaking, but we don't detect that that liquid is
highly volatile.
where belief is concerned, we have the one side that looks friendly
(heads) and the one that looks scary (tails). It's like the “wolf”
(villain or Devil) and the “wolf-in-sheep's clothing” (the hero
or God) who are secretly partners in the crime of perpetuating
conflict through promoting psychological identification in an
ideal or belief. In other words, both sides of the psychological coin
are driven by the same motivation – the fear of not fulfilling in
their self-projected illusions. After all, thought cannot go beyond
itself by using itself to do it. All that thought is is a memory
(emotionally speaking). Always comparing and measuring ourselves and
competing within ourselves. I am ALL feelings and thoughts. If the
mind were climate, it would have a wide variety of expressions
(thought and feelings). There would be fair weather, hot weather,
cold weather, stormy weather but life is a whole adventure. You can't
edit out parts of it. You must accept it as a whole, so we must deal
with every weather condition no matter what it feels like.
Similarly, our minds contain a wide variety of feelings which can be uncomfortable sometimes. But that does not mean you can shun them (which is your mind). Like the weather, we must holistically perceive everything that we think and feel, not to impose it onto others but to be free to learn about “the me” without opposing it in any way. Because when you look to a belief, you are seeking a road map that is put together by the very mind that you wish to escape. Do you see the absurdity there? “Belief then represents the movement away from yourself into a make-believe delusional world.
Similarly, our minds contain a wide variety of feelings which can be uncomfortable sometimes. But that does not mean you can shun them (which is your mind). Like the weather, we must holistically perceive everything that we think and feel, not to impose it onto others but to be free to learn about “the me” without opposing it in any way. Because when you look to a belief, you are seeking a road map that is put together by the very mind that you wish to escape. Do you see the absurdity there? “Belief then represents the movement away from yourself into a make-believe delusional world.
Belief is the Wolf-in-sheep's clothing...
That is what the ancient warriors did in the city of Troy. They sent in a Trojan Horse as a gift to their enemy. They accepted as a gift. The soldiers got drunk and fell asleep. Then the soldiers inside the Trojan Horse popped out and killed them in their sleep. The point is that the mind makes up ideals in order to pretend like will be saved if I believe. Once the mind takes pleasure in the illusion of safety (the belief is propagating), then out pops the hammer of death. So it matters not if one believes in the Devil (“wolf”) or God (“wolf-in-sheep's clothing”) because they are simply two halves of the same mind. So when the upper consciousness believes in one side, the unconscious believes in its opposite. Therefore, a divided mind is dualistic and is leading a contradictory existence. So there will always be some part of the dualistic mind that goes unfulfilled, which is why it is never happy and comfortable in its own skin. Such a broken state of mind can only lead one into repetitive suffering (as the record shows).
more that the concept-of-peace is broadcast, the more we destroy the
world and frighten the world. The only salvation is through being
whole. You cannot practice being whole. Any practice is a map that is
built by the mind in order to escape from itself. Therefore, there
can never be a system to follow. It's a natural thing that happens
when you care. If you have Love in your heart, you will find out or
detect the falseness about believing and that it is the greatest
threat to our existence. I am not opposed to beliefs or believing. I
am simply aware of the facts about what its nature is because I
study/investigate my responses (ALL OF THEM) as they arise.
Responses are mainly triggered through human communication or social interaction. If you will notice the mind is greedy for psychological gratification. It endlessly seeks out people to support their image of him or herself. A person believes they are “good”. So they want others to tell them they are. If they don't then they will treat them as an enemy. Consider them fair game to harm. If you gratify the ego of another, you may think you have done no harm, but you have helped that person to remain psychologically blind. So you have contributed to their conflict and yours. So now both of your physical security is on the line to be sacrificed. This why people turn on each other. They do this to bring the reward back to their group.
Responses are mainly triggered through human communication or social interaction. If you will notice the mind is greedy for psychological gratification. It endlessly seeks out people to support their image of him or herself. A person believes they are “good”. So they want others to tell them they are. If they don't then they will treat them as an enemy. Consider them fair game to harm. If you gratify the ego of another, you may think you have done no harm, but you have helped that person to remain psychologically blind. So you have contributed to their conflict and yours. So now both of your physical security is on the line to be sacrificed. This why people turn on each other. They do this to bring the reward back to their group.
News Flash – we live in world that is rooted in chaos.
Conflict is a world of chaos and disorder. It uses technology to create the illusion of order but really it is all resting on a psychological time bomb that is ticking away every moment of everyday. At our jobs no matter what our life-style or where we live, we are challenged all the time to cave in and just rely on “ANY BELIEF”. Heck, the mind that exists in conflict does not care what type of conflict you are promoting and nurturing so long as you do it. Because, mind just wants to remain in a fantasy of pretending to seek peace, love and fairness – rubbish! The broken mind knows nothing of real Love or Happiness. It only knows opposition which is an existence of turmoil and frustration.
The “belief” never makes good on its promise of salvation. And the so-called “peace” that it sells us on is Covert Conflict. Just like there are pollutants that are slowly harming our bodies, we think nothing of it because it is not obvious. So we think we live in “peace” because bombs are not falling from the sky. But, the media attacks us emotionally all the time. If we are afraid of looking at our responses, we are shattered by the speculations about doom and gloom. So we hide in a belief and hope that something outside will come save the insane from itself. Nothing will do that, by the way. Only the Truth shall set the mind free from the fear of knowing itself completely. Nothing short of that will suffice. Things will continue to get scarier and scarier the more we don't question the function of believing. In this area, we are like cavemen. We are primitive brutes that seeks to protect this monster that refuses to see how it is being a monster and continues to think that it sane and rational.
means to be healthy and whole, not divided and in conflict within. If
your body's immune system attacks itself (which it does for some
people), then it is shutting down its own system. The origin of the
body acting like this is mainly due to the mind believing. When the
mind fights itself by identifying with a make-believe that energy is
dividing and opposing itself and is permeating the entire body. We
are all organisms of vibrations. Our vibrations that we emit are
based on our state of mind. If our state of mind is at odds with
itself and does not observe ALL of its responses without opposition,
then we create a destructive vibration. People in conflict attract
others in conflict and they behave outwardly towards one another the
same way that they inwardly relate within ourselves.
So when we do believe, we set a destructive chain reaction going like a tide flowing out and then back in again. External warfare is a public display of how our mind relates to itself. If the mind is not struggling against itself, it is at peace. It simply watches its responses and does nothing to control them. Such a mind is whole and is creating a vibration of peace. When conflict ends there is peace. It ends upon watching its unfold like a flower blossoming. In that watching is the energy that sees conflict holistically. It sees all of it from Alpha to Omega. What you see it completely, then confusion ends and the mind is clear, sane and whole.
So when we do believe, we set a destructive chain reaction going like a tide flowing out and then back in again. External warfare is a public display of how our mind relates to itself. If the mind is not struggling against itself, it is at peace. It simply watches its responses and does nothing to control them. Such a mind is whole and is creating a vibration of peace. When conflict ends there is peace. It ends upon watching its unfold like a flower blossoming. In that watching is the energy that sees conflict holistically. It sees all of it from Alpha to Omega. What you see it completely, then confusion ends and the mind is clear, sane and whole.
the futility of conflict is the freedom from its illusory bondage of
believing. That is why its erroneous to think that “seeing is the
same thing as believing”. The two states or completely unrelated.
Believing is merely a projection from the mind in order to fulfill a
personal desire to become something better or more. However, “seeing”
a fact as a fact has nothing whatsoever to do with desire. Because
the first world that your were born into was the biological world, it
is that world that demands protecting. Biological self preservation
is what makes us jump away from any physical danger. The body has its
intelligence that demands security.
anything that threatens the physical security must be intelligently
resolved so that the body can be safe from harm. Yet, the Ego wants
to be safe from disturbing thoughts or feelings. It does not want to
see that it cannot save itself through itself (believing in things it
conjures from it storehouse of emotional experience). Just because we
must protect our bodies that does not give the Ego the right to
defend illusions about itself in order to hide from unpleasant states
of mind. That is psychological warfare when the mind picks apart its
mind to protect itself the disturbance of seeing itself exactly as it
is. When this happens a competition is set going.
The biological brain naturally demands protection from harm. When the ego protects the “what should be” based on its desire, then the biological is adversely affected. It's like a light switch. You can't have the light switched on and off simultaneously. That's impossible, right? Either the light is on or its off. Similarly, whenever you switch on believing, you have switched off physical security. When you believe you must go to war and fight for the belief.
The biological brain naturally demands protection from harm. When the ego protects the “what should be” based on its desire, then the biological is adversely affected. It's like a light switch. You can't have the light switched on and off simultaneously. That's impossible, right? Either the light is on or its off. Similarly, whenever you switch on believing, you have switched off physical security. When you believe you must go to war and fight for the belief.
biological body is the sacrificial lamb. That means when you opt to
defend the action of believing, you are, therefore, in favor of war,
which destroys peace and physical safety is out the window. The Ego
is greedy because it wants and cake and eat it too. It wants both
physical and psychological security. But the Eternal Law of Life says
that you can't have them both. You can only have one or the other but
not both.
What I mean by psychological security is: seeking safety in a belief. That belief is in direct opposition to itself. It is one state of mind verses another. Like the fight between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. No matter who conquers, they both die because they were the same entity all along. It makes no sense to have a belief when you observe your total mind. Then that passive, holistic self-awareness ends the seeking to become anything. When you are whole you don't need to seek anything, for whatever you feel or think you have no defense against, because it's all you, anyway. Learning that Eternal Truth IS the only salvation that a human mind needs. The mind is then clear from illusion and is therefore a light unto itself. Since the mind is whole, there is no more struggle. So the mind is emitting a harmonious vibration. The body is safe, and so is the environment, because without war, Mother Nature can restore balance and heal.
What I mean by psychological security is: seeking safety in a belief. That belief is in direct opposition to itself. It is one state of mind verses another. Like the fight between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. No matter who conquers, they both die because they were the same entity all along. It makes no sense to have a belief when you observe your total mind. Then that passive, holistic self-awareness ends the seeking to become anything. When you are whole you don't need to seek anything, for whatever you feel or think you have no defense against, because it's all you, anyway. Learning that Eternal Truth IS the only salvation that a human mind needs. The mind is then clear from illusion and is therefore a light unto itself. Since the mind is whole, there is no more struggle. So the mind is emitting a harmonious vibration. The body is safe, and so is the environment, because without war, Mother Nature can restore balance and heal.
this non-stop advertising of “believing” is the signal that is
leading us to bloodshed and despair. Now either we are creative
creatures or we are destructive monsters. You cannot be both –
lights on or off, right? The monster is a believer. The immortal
mind is a creature that simply sees Truth through its awareness that
all beliefs are the only enemy to tranquility and bliss. The point is
not to seek to escape from the monster, but to look directly at it.
Its only a monster because it refuses to look at itself (100%). If we
don't look at ourselves as we really are, then we will keep on
repeating the history of devastation.
These are the facts, not as I see them, but as they actually are. You should not accept what I have said, because that would be believing in what I have said. That would be worthless. But if you bother to look and test it out, you will discover the Truth for yourself and be free. No man can free another; all that one can do is “look” at your mind for yourself. The answers lies in the looking or observing – in no other place.
These are the facts, not as I see them, but as they actually are. You should not accept what I have said, because that would be believing in what I have said. That would be worthless. But if you bother to look and test it out, you will discover the Truth for yourself and be free. No man can free another; all that one can do is “look” at your mind for yourself. The answers lies in the looking or observing – in no other place.
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