Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Are We Living In An Artificial World, Psychologically?

Time Out On Trivial Babble

The problem is that we have lost touch with understanding our own bodies and minds, directly. Once upon a time, people used to do their own exploring and discovering. Today, we look to others to hand us the answers to our problems. But haven't you noticed that ever since we have outsourced the problems of our lives, our problems are becoming more complex and they are also multiplying? Why? It's as if we are expecting solutions to the problems of living to be solved by outside agents. But, life is really from the inside out, and not the reverse.

We are living in an artificial pretext. Our bodies are organisms. The derivative of "organism" is "organic". Our bodies consider anything that is not organic to be a foreign substance and attacks it. Thereby, the body starts to attack its own cells (also known as auto-immune disorder). So the main reason why we are confused and depending on the so-called experts to help us is because we have become afraid of being responsible for understanding our biology and our thinking. We have been convinced by propaganda that we can't understand ourselves unless we go to college to get a degree. Nonsense! If that were true, how did people survive before degrees existed? How do the animals maintain their health without going to some school and asking another animal how to stay healthy? Did we need a degree to learn how to talk and walk? My point is that we have made simple functions into overly complicated problems that they are really not. All of this is being done for profiteering and egotistical control motivations.

We have become so busy with earning money. And, to escape from that drudgery, we seek out some form of entertainment. We never have the time nor the interest to do our own research to understand ourselves. Instead, we trust that someone outside of ourselves will give us the answers. We are gambling on that assumption, are we not? But, what if we turn out to be wrong? What if depending on others IS the real problem that is maintaining our confusion? What if we are headed for disaster by being dependent on the experts. Are not the experts merely in business to make a profit? Doesn't that profiteering govern their advice to the public? So why would the average expert have our best interest at heart?

If wild animals can understand how to maintain their health without seeking outside help, I don't see why a human being cannot do that, as well. All living things are made to be self-sufficient, naturally. The only reason why people fail to do this is because we have been mind controlled to go against natural functions. Taking drugs to fix our problems is unnatural. The proof of that is that our bodies suffer side-effects.

There are NO side-effects in nature when animals live solely on organic substances to maintain their health. It is only the captured animals that live in artificial habitats (eating chemically-laced food) that results in animals having the same diseases as people get. There is so much evidence to prove that artificial living throws the body out of balance and, therefore, causes dis-ease. Yet, millions of people opt to live off of drugs. It is just as irrational as smoking (drugs) -- I mean cigarettes (which are heavily inundated with chemicals, including the heavy metal, cadmium). Do we even check to see the ingredients of what we put into our bodies? No. Why do human beings purposefully subject their bodies to bio-hazards? It is as if we are addicted to decadence and deterioration.

The majority of people choose to expose their bodies to the most poisonous substances on a daily basis. With the habitual intake of toxins, how can their brains comprehend life with rational lucidity? It cannot, obviously. It would seem that people are going to keep on malfunctioning until it becomes unbearable to go on in that direction. It is very unpopular to live a balanced (healthy/sane) life. People are copycats. If the majority are irrational then they all say it is "normal". This malfunctioning human existence is a run-away train headed off a cliff.

My blog is to reflect the reality of the problem so that if there is any sanity left in some people they will awaken and take responsibility for their lives. But, the majority will ignore anything that is not an instant fix. By ignoring our malfunctioning ways, the reality we make is becoming more and more frightening, like something out of a horror flick. "Ignorance is bliss." That is how people live. "What we don't know, can't hurt us." Another delusion that people cling to. All of these sayings are lies. Then when we look up one day and wonder how did life become so hideously ugly and painful, we will then pity our suffering. But self-pity resolves nothing, does it?

Why am I not lulling the readers to sleep by telling them that everything is just fine. Keep on acting like the way we live in darkeness/ignorance is perfectly intelligent. Keep on pretending that human beings are not in the process of extinguishing themselves right out of existence. Pretend that chemtrails is not causing a chain reaction in the entire biosphere (also known as the food chain). Lets just live like the nursery rhyme says, "Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream (of life). Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is just a DREAM!" Is life an image, because that is what dreams are made out of -- images/pictures. Life IS NOT a silly dream. Life is real. A dream is only a shadow of life, but it is not life.

The vast majority of people don't really care about life at all. They only want to fulfill their desires and pleasures and then drop dead at the end. They couldn't care less the impact they are having on our planet and our atmosphere. We live as if we are children. We just go to work to pay bills and then spend the rest on playtime. We neglect to understand how to function in a state of balance and harmony. So we are in pain. People in pain like to impose their pain on all of life. At the end of the day, we just live in an isolated bubble of "My Desire" is all that counts! This is what is destroying life. We live as a virus that sucks off its host. A virus takes from the living and causes things to malfunction until it ceases to function altogether.

We live in a world that is drowning in trivial statements that are meaningless. Words that point to nothing is mere babble. Yet, advertisements flood our minds with this incessant nonsense in an effort to manipulate us into buying garbage. We are now driven to make money like madmen. But, none of this is bringing us joy, peace or contentment. Instead, it is making us cold, callous, apathetic, self-destructive as well as bullies. After all, what is the point in eating healthily or cleaning out toxins from our bodies, if we are just going to live in conflict? It is pointless, isn't it?

The reason why the physical part of human life is in such disarray is because, psychologically, we are blind and utterly lost. We're on some kind of treadmill of choosing one desire after another in a futile attempt to escape from our boring, meaningless existence we call living. It is not living. It is a slowly decaying process that has been going on from generation to the next generation.

If you are ready to step out of this "Ground Hog Day" loop, then start questioning your mind. The answer lies within the problem. Our mind is the problem. So observe and learn what it is. That observing and questioning awakens clarity and restores balance to an imbalance way of living. So I offer products through this blog as a partial solution to what ails society. The fundamental key to being free from this artificial system of living is to learn about our programmed thinking. Lets be human instead of mere biomechanical money addicts.

See your mind respond and learn about it in each present moment. But we are the living dead. We live in memory. We fear the ending of our emotional memories. Emotional memories that generate the desire to control is the evil that is causing imbalance to the physical world.

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