Thursday, February 9, 2017

Loyalty To Family Emotional Traditional Gratification the main reason why most of humanity is afraid to honestly investigate their own psychological contradictory thinking. 

What Does Awareness Mean?

~ J. Krishnamurti

J. Krishnamurti has consistently asked, “Why don't you radically psychologically change?”

And, I never heard anyone honestly admit that they feared being banished from their family tribal unit. Which means what?

There is a great fear of being a 'NOBODY'!

This fear of being psychologically or emotionally unimportant or nothing is what inhibits the emotional part of our being from being fully aware of what it is doing.

It has been widely accepted that 'becoming something' is to be considered by society to be a failure or worthless.

People generally base their lives upon materialistic gain. But, it has been overlooked that psychologically approximating oneself to a system, formula or ideal is also a materialistic process, as well. Because it is a process of emotional-imagination, which is essentially memory. And, (Emotional) Memory is a material process of matter. 

Matter is based on dualistic segments that are innately polarized and interdependent parts of one whole unit. In other words, the north and south poles are two opposite energetic halves of a Whole Unit.

Therefore, it is axiomatic for most people to think that matter or material gain is the most important meaning to living. Put differently, it is assumed that 'matter' is the essence of life.

But, is that so?

Recently, a Quantum Physicist, Nassim Haramein, had his findings documented peer reviewed confirming that 'matter' only accounts for less than 1 percent of the energy in the universe.  So, clearly, 'matter' is not the essence of life. 

First T.V. Interview, 1995

~Nassim Haramein 

Nassim Haramein New Physics Solutions

A World Project Interview 

The Resonance Project Foundation

~Nassim Haramein

[*Note: His talk about meditation is in error. Meditation is not to struggle against any state of mind.]

The Connected Universe

~Nassim Haramein 2015

Nassim goes on to prove and point out that more than 99 percent of the energy in the universe is energy containing no negative or positive energy (a.k.a., the vacuum, the void, neutral energy, space, the neutron of all atoms). Hence, this clearly proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the essence of life is a Holistic Energy of which the limited energy of 'matter' is born out of. 

The implications of this is that 'matter' is an instrument of the Holistic Energy (a.k.a., Universal Intelligence). That means that we feed the body and care for the health of the physical body in order to PERCEIVE the inner responses in the consciousness. Consciousness or thoughts and feelings are polarized so that is a material process (a.k.a., 'matter'). But, the act of watching or detecting that material process is not a material process.

A material process is a reaction of the past experiences (a.k.a., knowledge) that projects into the future. There are steps to a material process. Whereas there are no steps in the action of holistic awareness that simply detects exactly what one is feeling or thinking from moment to moment. 

What one is looking at that is going on in the mind is the 'matter'. But, how one looks at the observer (the emotional-responder) is not a material process so long as there is no interpretation of what is being observed. There is only a pure act of watching what is unfolding in the emotional part of the mind. The act of watching is not 'matter'. But, the emotional thought or feeling is 'matter'.

Disorderly mind measures and compares its thoughts and feelings to its past thoughts and feelings and to other people's thoughts and feelings. This measurement process is what divides, distorts and confuses the emotional state of being.

For example, anytime there is an objection (or a desired goal) to what one is emotionally thinking and feeling, then a conditioned or divided mind projects through its emotional imagination an 'opposing ideal' in which it identifies itself, in order to escape from its undesired, offensive state of mind. Mind is using its emotional-memory (a.k.a., emotional imagination) in an effort to dominate or control what it is thinking and feeling. This is how delusional thinking arises. And, one views this artificial emotional fabrication as being successful at escaping from its initial state of mind that it disliked. It now thinks that it is in an entirely brand new state of emotional being. It has simply projected an opposite desired imagined thought or feeling that it likes. But, the mind fails to understand or detect that that desired-artificial-substituted-state is born out of the very state of being that it is trying to run away from. So the mind tricks itself but then chooses to think that it is clearly aware of what it is doing and is satisfied. This is what mental-matter is doing most of the time, and this looping material or mechanical thinking is highly resistant to being aware that it is actually deceiving itself. The longer this goes on, the more unlikely that it can ever awaken to its error of emotional-thinking process. It accepts it as being "normal" because most people are doing this in various fashions.

In other words, 'matter' is opposing 'matter' in an effort to fulfill the demands of 'matter'. It's like using poison to get rid of poison, but the mind conveniently mislabels the modification that is being superimposed over the offensive poison as being better or different (when in reality it is one in the same thing). This is where confusion in the psyche arises.

The psyche is deliberately confusing and blinding itself in order to bring about an imaginary, desired result out of itself. But poison cannot be the antidote to poison right?

What holds most people back from honestly paying attention to their emotional thinking is how their family and community reacts to them doing this. It is deeply frowned upon for anyone to deviate from the traditional speaking and behaving. It is a habitual way of existing that has been handed down from generation to generation. Anyone who dares to not play along is ridiculed and treated as though they are crazy and shunned.

People have been programmed to be afraid to challenge the validity of social traditional thinking and behavior. During any holiday you are expected to repeat a script like for instance if someone says to you, “Merry Christmas”, then you are socially expected to reciprocate that emotional sentiment or else be viewed as being bad. Like the software in a computer or robot, people are trained to identify themselves with a dogma, ideology, belief or some kind of emotional-based group or else be socially ostracized by ones family and peers.

When people blindly obey these emotional traditional obligations, then it leads to divisions that battle one another over trying to prove that their ideals and beliefs are more valuable than the other groups. This ultimately leads to a bloody brutal confrontation, which leads to the further destruction of our planet. This can't be natural since it is leading to the planet no longer being able to support life. And, this is what makes the human way of thinking as being madness. For, it is out of sync with its environment.

How Does One Learn About Oneself? 

~J. Krishnamurti 

If you will look closely, you will notice that everyone is being surrounded by people who demand that you emotionally gratify them. Gratification, emotionally, means that you are obligated to tell people whatever they want to hear or else be considered to be a mean person. You are obligated to tell lies that flatter people, especially your boss or a senior family member who is considered respectable. This is commonly known as 'kissing' ass, emotionally/psychologically.

I socially avoid people as much as possible because I can see the detrimental consequences in stroking anybody's ego. It is commonly done all the time. And, nobody sees the harm in it. When I was a youth, I engaged in this social ritual. It led to a great deal of harm coming to my life. At first, I couldn't figure out what was going on. I chalked it up to me being a cursed, marked or unlucky person, at first.

Then as I matured and kept inquiring into psychological matters, I began to find out that the social norm for 'morality' was really a hoax designed to control and exploit the masses by a small group of people. I discovered that when people repeat their social scripts, they split their own mind which battles itself. And, then people start to battle among themselves, which the elite ruling class expands their wealth through.

The key to this warrior con game is 'the family'. It all begins in 'the family' Ego. The Ego being your emotional-being that is broken into, whereby, one side tries to dominate, overthrow or suppress its opposite side. Within the family unit is a ruthless struggle to be placed on an emotional-pedestal. So there is comparison and competition for the family members to outshine each other.

Competition has been imposed into our mental structure as being a natural and good thing. Yet, it is a fact that whenever someone is given the highest honors, this stirs up feelings of hatred, envy and the desire to hurt the admired person. This can sometimes lead to murder, too. There is a contradiction here that claims that family members can compete with one another and yet still love each other. That is a lie. Where there is psychological competition, there is no LOVE!

Real LOVE has never been introduced into mainstream society. Instead, the entertainment industry has spoon-fed us twisted, perverted fabrications about love. Most people only think that love is related to emotional pleasure and pain or liking and disliking. LOVE is not entangled with the opposites; for, it is whole unto itself. LOVE is harmony, just like the energy that unites the opposite energies in the atom because there is no bias – this LOVING Energy holds the opposite forms of energy, equally.

But, the confused mind associates love with hate. For instance; in order to prove that someone 'loves' their country, they hate other countries and are prepared to murder in the name of their so-called love. The person who dropped the atom bombs on Japan was showing his so-called love for his country by mutilating and murdering thousands of men, women and children. He probably got a medal and a pat on the back for a job well done. Plus, he did it in order to make his family give him emotional respect so that he can feel important and superior. In the meantime, there are people in Japan that are still suffering physical problems from that act. But, this group and his family don't care about them.

People are willing to do any brutal, coldblooded thing in order to make their family proud of them. I am sure that there are people who will become a hit-man in order to give their family more advantages. They rationalize that it's okay because they are being cruel in the name of what they consider to be 'love'. Now when you take all the billions of human families that are doing this, it is adding to the collective disastrous impact upon our Earth. Humanity's so-called 'love' is destroying the world. And at some point, it will reach a critical breaking point that will backfire on ALL of the families.

I make sure that I refrain from feeding my Ego, or anybody else's, so that I do not give my energy to madness and destruction. This refraining is NOT a choice of will, but rather is a natural byproduct of impartial studying, investigating and monitor my emotional thoughts and feelings as they arise from each present moment (which then indirectly exposes everyone's state of mind to my awareness). I have a serious need to learn through direct detection what will happen if I do NOT engage in playing the social psychological gratification game. Although my family may disapprove of my non-traditional approach to living, I have discovered that the holistic perceptive living din which I dwell is aligned with the rest of the natural universe and the subatomic world where mental clarity is self-sustaining and complete unto itself. Therefore, I have NO craving to belong to a broken Ego-driven, pretentious world that is degenerating, disintegrating and decaying, daily.

Nassim is absolutely incorrect about science being the solution for the survival of our species. It is the psychological emotional or spiritual area of the mind that must holistically be aware of itself, first, then the science can be used without it being weaponized. So long as the psyche is divided and the mind is mainly only aware of its conscious and not aware of its subconscious, then all technological discoveries and inventions must be used in a destructive manner.

Nassim seems to think that life is a physical or mechanical operation. But, he is not correct here, either. This space of which he speaks about is not just a mechanism. At the center is the vacuum of non-movement, which is the TIMELESS, which gives birth to TIME (matter). The reason why he is so frustrated and is not at peace within his mind is because he is not meditating correctly. He thinks that the official traditional gurus that trained him to 'find his mental center of silence' is a right meditation, but he is mistaken. This false psychological approach is based on the mind's emotional desire to achieve peace, stillness. Just because the ancient masters said that life's energy is ONE, that is not necessarily the key to freedom of understanding our psychological area, which is the foundation and core of our whole being.

When Nassim said that when the elite powers-that-be had his work censored and he gets upset about that, then he meditates by sitting down and 'trying to find his center of peace', then he is in a psychological state of war within himself. That means that he can be conquered, because he has divided his mentality into, 'What Is' and 'What Should Be', rather than communing with his actual state of anger and dying to that state of mind. He is so conditioned to using his thought (which is the memory) as the problem-solver. While, thought can use formulas to find solutions to mechanical problems, it cannot use any formula to extinguish any emotional state of being. In this region of our mind, all thinking is ineffective to bring about peace.

If the human mind continues to advance in science and technology without being in FULL psychological, emotional or spiritual AWARENESS, then the human mind must use these advanced technologies to maintain a master-slave tyranny, so conflict will carry on. It is better that our species goes into extinction rather than have the ability to carry on and take its diseased mentality out into the galactic arena where it continues to abuse the environment due to its failure to be Holistically aware of its emotional being.

Humanity is still a primitive beast that insists on thinking that progress is mainly a physical quest. This is the error that keep repeating throughout time. While our species may be modern on a mechanical level, our species is still a barbarian on the emotional level. The mind keeps applying the rules of material advancement to the emotional being. This is absolutely wrong!

The emotions determines the fate of human life. When our emotions are not clearly perceived as the observer being the observed, then we try to act upon our emotions in order to trick ourselves into thinking that we are in control of them. The controller is the problem, so when the controller acts upon itself in order to subdue its state of mind that it does not like or want, it is merely uses its desire and imagination to project on top of the original state of mind. But that very desired replacement-image is made out of the fabric of the original unwanted emotion. It's masking itself and then declaring that it get rid of that state of mind.

To do such a thing is a deception and is hypocrisy where the mind is pretending to be at peace within itself. Now then, what this means is that the elite-type bullies can conquer the so-called good-guys who are trying to use science and technology to save our species from ruination. The scientists and technicians are only advancing on the mechanical side, but they are stagnating and regressing on the psychological (a.k.a., emotional or spiritual) side of life. They can't seem to comprehend that their accumulation of knowledge techniques are useless in the field of the emotional area of the consciousness. Most intellectuals are conditioned to assume that the same thought process that resolved their material problems is also helpful when dealing with their distressing emotional thoughts and feelings. But, this is just not the case at all. Yet, they continue to rely on a faulty approach that fails to see the connection between their emotions and their physical problems in daily living.

Only Neutral-Awareness is that “Center of Stillness” can be realized. And, Nassim is wrong about taking a portion of the day to be “Centered”. Here is where he is unknowingly misguiding himself and the world. Our minds have been trained to assume that just because a person has highly accurate technical knowledge, then he must be equally clear about all aspects of the psyche. This is grossly incorrect as well.

Thought or knowledge is based on memory, which is inherently limited in itself. The emotional area can only come to order through clearly understanding that IT cannot bring about a solution to its emotional being when it is feeling troubled. This is very hard, because the high-level mechanical achievements leads the mind to assume that IT can solve anything and everything, through its knowledge base. And, that is also not true. Instead, it is humbling to realize that thought is a fragment that cannot fix itself through the fragmentation process (which worked so well on the physiological problems).

Thought is emotionally afraid of coming to an end. It assumes that everything will fall apart if it does end, psychologically. But nothing could be further from the truth. I'm not just saying this because J. Krishnamurti saying it. To repeat his words or findings without living that reality is to turn his teachings into a dogma, which is meaningless. One has to experiment with what he points out in order to see if it is real or not. It's like looking at food that you have never tasted before. You can't comment on it because you haven't actually tasted it for yourself in order to feel the reality of what it is. Similarly, I don't say anything that J.K. has pointed out about the emotional-mind unless I have experienced it in my daily life while facing this brutal psychological Ego that haunts and hunts everybody, daily.

For instance, in my daily life I am faced with people that I do business with that say one thing and do the opposite of what they say. This evokes frustration in my mind. I can immediately detect how I emotionally feel. I also understand that I am 'the frustration'. So that means that it will only make matters worse if I try to escape from my state of mind. So I pay full attention (not concentration) to this feeling and thoughts. I let it tell its complete story, then it naturally dies without me resisting it just because it doesn't feel good. When it naturally-dies, then the problem is truly resolved, not pushed down into the subconscious to fester and then in the future erupt like boiling lava in a volcano.

Nassim is unknowingly repressing his negative feelings and thoughts using his willpower superimposing his desired imagined state of mind over his initial angry state of mind. He is practicing mind-control on himself. Mind-control is what most of the gurus are preaching as being meditation. But REAL MEDITATION is what J.K. and myself are pointing out.

Nassim 'desires' to get rid of his 'anger' (which he calls 'frustration') when his scientific research is censored. Through emotional-desire that wishes to change how he feels into feeling the opposite of how he feels, which is fabricated-peace or silence, he is rejecting himself. This causes a psychological-split in his psyche. It turns into a Dr. Jekyll (Conscious-Mask) & Mr. Hyde (Subconscious-Monster) that is at odds within himself. His subconscious will aid his enemies to destroy his work and him.

That is what happened to the past scientific inventors (like Nicola Tesla, Royal Rife and countless other geniuses who were trying to help free our species by improving our physical survival, technologically). But, they all got conned by the cunning elite rulers because their psychological being was divided. So the elite rulers could take advantage of their divided mind and conquer them. You see the elite rulers tap into their victim's subconscious who is at war within their emotional being. The elite rulers train their conscious mind to be the “Monster”. That means that they are openly sadistic and repress their state of mind that is compassionate. They also practice ancient mind-control techniques (a.k.a. Sorcery).

Our species is in the the third and final world war; it is Psy-Ops! That is military speak for psychological warfare and is completely based on mind control through your emotional-conditioning. Put another way, it is an Egotistical-War! That means that your greatest enemy is your emotional-self. J.K. warned the world before he died that if you don't get what he is pointing out, you will be doomed. That was a serious prophetic warning that if humans fail to FULLY-AWAKEN to what it is ACTUALLY DOING, then that will doom humanity.

Nassim and other scientists have measured our biosphere and have factually found out that there is little time left for this planet to survive under humanity's malfunctioning. They technically can see the dangers. They know that there is not much time left. Yet, they still don't comprehend that the problem is not mechanical, physiological; the challenge is in the psychological. Technicians don't seem to understand that the foundation of the human being is PSYCHOLOGICAL, which overrides all technical discoveries. That is why humanity has been enslaved by these ancient sorcery ruling families for thousands of years. They do know that their sole power of domination is through the number one rule called, “Divide and Conquer”, physiologically.

The “Divide and Conquer” rule means psychologically manipulating the targets to be at war within themselves. Then, the predatory elite rulers can easily manipulate their targets' subconscious to leave the back door open so that they can come in and wipe out their conscious mind and all of its achievements can be stolen and used against the masses for a profit. What this means is that the real threat that everyone is facing on a daily basis is their own emotional conditioned thinking. It is operating under an encrypted code put there by the ancient ruling priests at the very beginning of human evolution, and it has been maintained through the school and dogma-based religious indoctrination programs down through the centuries until the present day.

They tell the masses that their children need to be educated with technical knowledge, in order to survive better. That is the trick of gaining access to their emotional psyche. In between the technical training they are made to play 'games' that are based on Egotistical emotions that divide the children inside their minds and among their peers. The kids are encouraged to think in terms of 'my personal glory' over my peers. They are instructed to always blindly obey their instructors and do whatever they are told, and they will be rewarded by being given high praise from their instructors. Once the students who didn't challenge the system are finished with their intellectual and psychological training, they are then given preferential advantages of holding prestigious positions of great power and authority.

Now on the surface, it sounds like a good deal, doesn't it? Most kids take the bait and grow up to join the rulers to help them maintain domination and control. The kids join the military to assist the elderly elite rulers to enforce their will over the masses. You either bow down to the system of control or the military will destroy you. The soldiers are given medals as a psychological reward for their blind obedience. The soldiers are then praised and highly respected by their families, because their families are ego-driven and mind controlled through the same school system that indoctrinated them when they were children, too. And, the cycle keeps repeating until we have the present-day world that is hanging on by a thread to survive, physically.

I'm sorry but no matter how emotionally upset you may feel about this world that is dying, that will not stop it from dying. The ONLY THING that can stop it from dying is for the psychological mind to FULLY WAKE UP! It must break free of this encrypted double-talk based on the conscious-subconscious split. The conscious mind says, “We have to save the world!” Meanwhile, the subconscious is covertly saying, “We must destroy the world!” (with our advanced technology).

What is Communication with Others

~J. Krishnamurti

People just don't want to face the truth – they are mentally split in half. And, the conscious upper mind pretends that their emotional reality is only what they consciously think it is. The more that they use their conscious willpower to desire the state of their emotional being, the more that the opposite state of being is intensified. But, the adversarial subconscious ALWAYS gets the final say!

The subconscious is equivalent to the Negative-Film and the conscious is the Photograph (which is only the shadow of the original film). That is why the subconscious is the reality of a person's state of being. Nassim is consciously saying that he wants to free humanity using his technological knowledge. But, his subconscious is saying that it wants to allow the elite predatory rulers to hijack his knowledge and use it for their advantages. This is evident by Nassim's claims of stilling his mind using a thought process technique. All thought methodologies are divisive to the emotional psyche. Once the mind is divided it must struggle against itself. Then, their enemies can walk in and destroy them and take their work and use it for their advantages.

I am writing about this because I am dropping this solution into the pool of the collective subconscious so that anyone who sees the truth in this can be able to survive and use the technology in a benevolent manner, without being conquered by the elite rulers. But, the elite rulers do NOT have absolute-power over the emotional-mind. Their power of emotional control solely rests on your emotional conditioning that sustains your Ego. They got you to think from your childhood that your Ego is your friend and that you must protect it at all cost. They got you to believe that you only have value if you have an Ego. They got you to believe that without your Ego, you are a loser! And, just about everybody has bought that lie; hook, line and sinker.   

What Is Death In Consciousness & Ego

~J. Krishnamurti

The GREATEST CHALLENGE that humanity faces is not the ruling elite, but your own Ego that has hidden its true identity. It is your doomsday machine built inside of your emotional being. It is counting down each day of your life. It is telling you to fight the external enemy (the so-called ruling class). It does not want you to look within and be aware of the structure and movement of your own emotional being. Your Ego does not want you to SEE or DETECT its state of mind, FULLY! 

It does not want you to stop mind-controlling yourself by opposing what you think and feel with a belief that you are the opposite of how you truly feel. It does not want you to be aware of the fact that any effort that you make to overcome or overthrow any state of mind is what breaks your mind in half and then turns it into a weapon of mass destruction, beginning with the destruction of your sanity. Then, you subconsciously hand over your physical security to the elite masters of mind control. This is how Psy-Ops is taking place in everybody's daily lives. Various forms of entertainment and technological toys like cell phones and computers (social media mind games called 'friends' and voting pro and con about everything) are there as a decoy to distract your mind from seeing what is going on behind the scene.

Every time you gratify your Ego and give it what it wants, you must also gratify the Ego of your family and friends. What is gratification? Gratification is emotional lying that helps the mind to hide from its initial feelings/emotions. When you feel, for example, hate and you tell somebody how you feel, they will encourage you to feel the opposite. They will tell you that you are better than that. Your mind wants to believe that is so. Therefore, it imagines that it is so. Then it takes that to be a fact. Meanwhile, the hate has been pushed into the subconscious background and is seething and boiling and building up emotional rage. Eventually, that rage erupts and people are outraged and shocked that such a respectable person would kill themselves and their family. Neighbors, friends and family didn't see it coming. Why?  

Knowledge and Conflict in Human Relationships 

~J. Krishnamurti 

That's because people are ignorant about the psychological affairs of their lives. They have been indoctrinated to focus on material gain. They have been trained to think that there is no harm in building up emotional flattery, ego stroking, etc. They don't want to see the connection between ego-stroking (gratification) and physical victimization fallout. Our physical state of affairs is a direct byproduct of emotional opposition. That is, the replacing of “What Is” with “What Should Be”. “What Should Be” is based on your emotional desire using its emotional-imagination to blind itself to the “What Is”. 

The “What Is” is the state of being that you don't like at all. You are seeking to escape from it. So you approximate yourself to an opposite desired-ideal and adopt it as being reality. Each time that the mind does this imaginary-substitution, the “What Is” (the factual state of mind) gets buried in its subconscious chamber. These buried feelings/thoughts accumulate to a boiling point that erupts like a sleeping volcano. Then, the conscious mask is knocked out of the way so that the repressed collection of thoughts and feelings express themselves viciously and violently. Or, the subconscious may betray the conscious by giving its enemies the secrets to overthrow its plans.

So whenever you escape from any state of mind by pretending to go beyond it with various beliefs, ideals, etc., you are turning your emotional being into a virus that is corrupting its own files bringing about confusion while believing that it has everything under control. This emotional misdirection has been implanted through religious dogma, school competitions and your interactions through social festivities (as in family gatherings). Ego is being built up through all of these avenues that we have automatically accepted as being a 'normal way of life'. Hardly anybody questions the validity of these psychological traditions. They just go along with it due to the fear of being emotionally cast out of a social group (like their family, for instance).

The fear of being a social outcast is the MAIN BLOCK to psychological freedom from Egotistical-Imprisonment. The main social authority that most people are fearful to upset is the Ego of their own FAMILY!  

The Nature And Total Eradication Of Fear

~J. Krishnamurti

I've faced my greatest fear by not stroking the Ego of any of my family members. Because, Ego is without LOVE. Ego is, in essence, 'hate' masquerading as being kind. The Ego considers kindness to be emotionally lying in order to escape from any offensive thoughts or feelings. Ego thinks it is cruel to be honest about what it is feeling or thinking when its emotional being is ugly, dark or painful. This is the problem area that most people run away from honestly facing. 

When one feels like murdering somebody that makes their life miserable, they try to hide from that ugly feeling by believing the opposite. It tries to be superficially nice to the one that it 'hates'. An abused wife may try appeasing her spouse by telling him whatever he wants to hear, cooking his favorite meal or giving him the kind of sex that offends her (but she pretends to like it for his sake). Over time, her subconscious gets fed up and might cut off his penis in his sleep. The repressed feelings take over her behavior and then later she is shocked by what she did. That's just one of millions of ways that this conscious-subconscious destroys itself and others.

We don't think about the fallout to the planet when we get emotionally worked up to go murder another community, which is called war. All wars are actually contributing to the death of the entire planet, then everybody gets victimized, and there are no winners. We want to use technology in order to be able to go beyond this planet so that we can go from planet to planet destroying them as we psychologically deceive ourselves. Human mind is a virus that must be quarantined until it has cured itself from this virus-based mentality. 

The main problem is that our Ego is dead set against seeing its error of thinking. It is a fail-safe built into the Ego to NEVER face its self-deceptive process. J. Krishnamurti did face his Ego after his brother, Nityayanda, died. It was a very physically painful and mentally disturbing awakening that brought forth his teachings to share with the world. But, most people pretended to want to see themselves. And, that is why they never transformed their emotional being. The J.K. teachings are flawlessly accurate.

But, they are not magical words. They are pointers but the key to bringing the teachings to life is that your mind has the do the hardest part, which is to LOOK at what he is pointing to. No-Looking equals no change in your emotional being; no freedom from emotional confusion; no freedom from conscious-subconscious duality (psychological warfare within). So long as this internal war goes on, then there is nothing that can stop the destruction of our species. 

I don't want Nassim or anybody else to progress with their technologies until the human mind is sane, first. For, human madness will misuse its advanced technologies to bring about greater disasters. We must have an emotional maturity, clarity in order to be able to use technology for only benevolent purposes. Right now, that is not possible. Because our conscious-subconscious war within ourselves will weaponize all that it invents. War within equals war without – as above (the psyche) is as below (the physical).

When you hear what these technological geniuses have to say, just look very carefully and closely at how they deal with their emotional being. If they are using the same mechanical approach to their emotional being, then they are in a state of conscious-subconscious warfare within themselves. So when they complete their experiments and develop highly advanced technologies, their subconscious will hand it over to the cruel elite ruling class for their benefit. 

And, then the masses will be caged underlings who will be RFID chipped so that if they don't obey the ruling class, they will flip the 'kill switch' to shut down any disobedient person. The RFID chip was designed not to only track us but to eventually embed a 'kill switch' so that anyone who speaks out against them will suffer a heart attack, brain damage or some fatal physical collapse. Technology could be used to give the rulers the powers of a 'god' who would strike down anyone who doesn't do what they desire.

So it is very dangerous to keep on advancing technology without first understanding our psychological being and how it deceives itself. You can't strive to make the emotional being 'good'. Goodness is a byproduct that only emerges out of having CLARITY about Self-Deception. We must be able to DETECT when we are lying to ourselves. If we do that, then external agents who lie to us can be instantly DETECTED, as well. 

Order Comes From 

The Understanding of Our Disorder

~J. Krishnamurti 

Our main concern must be INTERNAL SELF-AWARENESS. The ancients said, “Know thyself.” For, without self-knowledge, psychologically, one is a victim to it. This means that the psyche that does NOT clearly see itself exactly as it is, must (emotionally) cannibalize itself, thereby, laying itself open for its enemies to wipe it out and steal its physical resources and knowledge. That is what has been going on for centuries and still is.

This entire world is being run by criminals who have made rules/laws to excuse whatever they do that harms the world and us. The rules/laws are there to oppress the masses through physical restrictions, taxes that steal from our energy that we use to make money. We are penalized for being poor by making it difficult to improve our standard of living. 

It takes a lot of money to start a business. If you are very poor it is hard to come up with the money to start a business. If you work for a corporation, they don't pay you enough to have extra money to build your own business. The system is setup to help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The system is born out of the psychological ego.

The Ego is maintaining this system. Your refusal to SEE/DETECT your Ego and how it tricks itself into working, defending and empowering its oppressors is how the system is being sustained. As J. Krishnamurti has often pointed out, “The problem that we face is NOT economic, physical or materialistic; the problem is the lack of clarity in the psychological realm.”

What it all boils down to is this: The material, physical is determined by our Emotional Being. If the Emotional-Being is divided against itself by approximating itself to the opposite desired ideals in order to replace the state of mind that it dislikes, then no matter what it materialistically discovers, destruction is eminent. Our education/indoctrination has made us view our total being in a BACKWARD way. That is, we view ourselves through materialistic gain in order to glorify our emotional state of being. The more you materialistically possess, the more you are emotionally admired/envied. The physical world is being exploited as a tool in order to measure your psychological powers of influence and respectability. That is why the ruling class put a price tag on physical survival. No other species does that.

By placing a price tag on physical survival, we invented emotional competitions of war, which has been damaging this planet for a very long time, now. If we were at peace within our psyches, we would have no need to measure ourselves against each other. LOVE means to be Holistically Self-Aware of ALL feelings and thoughts without any willpower or desire to change them into the opposite. LOVE IS THE CENTRAL ENERGY that all matter originated. The CENTER OF NON-MOVEMENT ENERGY IS THE ACT OF WATCHING YOUR WHOLE MIND AS IT UNFOLDS IN YOUR DAILY INTERACTIONS OF LIVING.

So when you are interacting with anyone or anything, you are having emotional responses. Now you divide your responses into good (the ones you like) and bad (the ones you dislike). You are programmed to resist the responses that you dislike by 'Believing' (which is using your imagination to build the opposite state of mind that you wish to cover over the disliked response). When you do that, you have to seek other people to support your artificial state of mind by getting other people to tell you that you are whatever you are pretending to yourself to be. They do it simply because they are doing the same thing that you are doing within themselves, too. 

“You scratch my (emotional-psychological) back and I'll scratch yours” is the social traditional sentiment taking place at your jobs, in your families and with the shop clerks that check out your products. They tell you to have a nice day, but they don't give a damn about you at all. They just want you to view them as being a “nice person”. Their Ego is pretending to be “nice”. So you pretend right back. This is psychological warfare on a very subtle level because the mind is maintaining a division away from reality, which brings about destruction to physical security.

Seeking emotional security destroys physical security; that is the Universal Law of Energy. There is no getting around it. As long as there is No Neutral Energy at the Center of the Emotional Being, then the physical atoms must disintegrate, as well. As 'above' so is 'below'. The 'above' is the state of your emotional being, and the 'below' is the state of your physical material affairs (in your body, material resources for survival and your environment being polluted or not). The emotional being is the key determining factor, here. No amount of material, mechanical or technological knowledge can save us from our emotional being. That state of affairs determines the ultimate outcome, period!

This is why J. Krishnamurti warned the world that unless they pay holistic attention to their psychological state of affairs, then they are doomed to destroy themselves. He was stating an absolute fact. And, he also said that nobody, including himself, can save you from your psychological disorder. Each person has to LOOK at the FACT of what they are feeling and thinking. And each person has to be aware of what happens when you try to interfere with that observation by trying to improve it, go beyond it or run away from your state of mind that you dislike. 

The Transformation of Man 2: 

A Mechanical Way of Living 

Leads to Disorder 

~J. Krishnamurti

You can't escape from your thoughts and feelings, because you are them. The mind has been brainwashed into believing that it is not its thoughts and feelings, so that you can try to control, dominate them. That is where the mental internal war began. War within brings about external warfare. That is why people can't stop fighting each other, externally. Because, they keep battling against their own disliked emotional responses by seeking the opposite state of mind.

The psyche is the ONLY PROBLEM that is threatening physical survival. We should not unleash this disharmonious psyche into the galactic community. I am standing on NEUTRAL GROUND (which is the 99.999 percent of the energy of reality). That NEUTRAL GROUND IS THE ACT OF WATCHING THE TOTAL EMOTIONAL BEING. It does not choose to pay more attention to the responses that are pleasant and less attention to the responses that are unpleasant. For, a sane mind realizes that both sides of the emotional being is ONE WHOLE UNIT THAT MUST NOT BE DIVIDED by choosing to pay attention to the side that it likes and ignore the side that it dislikes. This lesson must be learned or else cease to exist.

I don't agree with Nassim Haramein when he says that we must work hard to bring forth these technologies that can tap into Zero-Point Energy, because our mind, as it currently is, will weaponize that energy, which could cause great imbalances in the galactic realm. No species has a right to do that. Our species does not deserve to technologically advance without first maturing in our psychological area, first. That is the natural order. We, as a species have been going about things in a backward manner. We seek mechanical knowledge first then we want to figure out how to get along, emotionally.

We need to understand what is blocking our ability to cooperate and to see that we are a part of ONE MOVEMENT OF ENERGY. Just telling people that they are part of ONE ENERGY isn't good enough to make them feel that reality. Just showing them information and experiments will not make people feel this reality, either. The only thing that will make it a reality for the human mind is that it has to be in FULL SELF-AWARENESS about the process of psychological deception. Until it can ACTUALLY DETECT HOW IT IS DECEIVING ITSELF, it cannot be WHOLE. For, that detection of self-deception ends the separation, then we are actually in a state of WHOLENESS, psychologically. Then, we can FEEL THE REALITY OF BEING A PART OF THE ONE ENERGY OF THE UNIVERSE! Just saying it is meaningless and has no impact on dissolving the fragmentary-Ego.

Ego is when your emotional-being is unaware of what it is doing to trick itself into its own mental civil war to which it spreads out into the external world with other people. Ego is born out of self-ignorance. Ignorance means that you are “ignoring” what is going on within your mind. Whenever you assume something is true, you are “ignoring” what is actually taking place. One believes in order to detach oneself from any emotional thought or feeling that you dislike. It is an effort to escape from itself; that is Ego. 

Ego is its own worst enemy and does not want to DETECT that fact. Ego is deliberately blinding itself to itself. Scientists and other technicians are egotistically proud of their mechanical knowledge, and that is why they can't be humbly aware of their natural limitations in their emotional being. So they use psychological mind control methods in order to feel like they are correct, but they are in GRAVE ERROR! But since their mechanical findings are correct about materialistic matters, they ASSUME/BELIEVE that they can't be wrong about their emotional psyche. This is the typical error that has been maintained since the beginning of human thinking.

J. Krishnamurti dropped out of Oxford University in England because he realized that their manner of education was in error. He realized that they are training the mind to operate like a machine, and ignoring the clarity of the psychological being. He realized that the FIRST STEP TO HUMAN SURVIVAL NEEDS TO BE IN THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE PSYCHE THROUGH PURE-HOLISTIC WATCHING! No one wants to accept this FACT. So he founded schools so that students can probe into that ignored area, first. Then, introduce academic knowledge later. The foundation of a building determines whether the structure can stand. The foundation is the Emotional-Being. The building structure is the Mechanical Knowledge.

Our civilizations keep on being built and smashed due to the fact that we have failed to recognize our continual mistake, which is that we seek to advance in technical knowledge so that we can emotionally-compete so that we can Ego-trip and feel superior to our fellow-man/woman. The Collective Ego of Humanity is hell bent on staying the course of Ego-tripping no matter what the consequences, even if that means our very extinction. Ego exists in a fantasy world that ignores how it is impacting the physical world. So long as people can maintain emotionally pretending to be something that they are not, nothing else is more important to the Ego than that, period!

This is why they are willing to murder one another and destroy the environment just to convince itself that it is more valuable/important than others. This is why people are obsessed with sports, too. It's purely an Ego-trip – if my team wins then that implies that I'm more valuable and more important than you are. Then the losers are ready to brutalize the winners. Riots break out, and that nonsense then causes damage and destruction to the environment. 

The Ego doesn't care about he Earth and its atmosphere when it is fighting for its make-believe emotional goals. Ego wants to control the physical world in order to pretend to be 'god'. That is what the elite ruling class is all about – they are simply Ego-tripping, as well. It's all about EGO, and nothing else. If we don't get over our Ego-tripping mentality, nothing will stop the utter annihilation of the human species.

Scientists and inventors are psychologically blind to their Ego and its self-destructive nature. They focus on their mechanical correctness then project that over their emotional being to feel like they have full control. Control in the emotional realm is an ILLUSION! Control is completely unnecessary where there is Unbiased, Neutral Self-Monitoring. The very energy that monitors the mind is Neutral Holistic Energy that is Non-Movement Energy, from which all physical movement springs from. 

First there was NON-MOVEMENT (STILLNESS) which gave birth to MOVEMENT (THE BIG BANG OF FREQUENCIES KNOWN AS MATTER). Inside of our emotional-being of consciousness is our ability to OBSERVE the MOVEMENT of our emotional thoughts and feelings. It is this NEUTRAL WATCHING that FULLY LISTENS TO THE EMOTIONAL BEING EXPRESS ITSELF (BOTH POSITIVELY AND NEGATIVELY), then our emotions dissolve into the GROUND OF NEUTRAL OBSERVATION. In this harmonious awareness there is NO DIVISION, NO FRAGMENTATION and NO CONFLICT WITHIN THE EMOTIONAL BEING!

This is to be done moment by moment, just like breathing. Nassim and traditional dogmatic gurus using mind control (and calling it meditation) have been wrong. They claim that you should take a few minutes out of your day to meditate. But, meditation is a living part of your being that must DETECT what your emotional being is thinking and feeling ALL OF THE TIME! Like I said, it's like breathing. You don't take a few minutes out of your day to breathe. You must breathe from moment to moment.  

Direct Perception and Transformation

~J. Krishnamurti 

Your Emotional-Being must be Neutrally, Holistically Perceived from moment to moment as you are interacting with people, things and ideas throughout your daily life. You must see the false as the false in your emotional actions so that you come upon the truth. You can't chase the truth because your mind doesn't know what that is. But you can DETECT THE FALSE, which inadvertently reveals THE TRUTH. When you see that opposing what you dislike is making you be at war within your emotional being, then the conflict ceases upon realizing the TRUTH about that psychological falsehood.

So J. Krishnamurti decrypted the Ego's double-talk deception. It's really simple to understand his teachings. He warns you not to put him on an emotional pedestal. For, that destroys your own intelligence to be able to DETECT for yourself what is going on in your mind. You have to SEE IT FOR YOURSELF, and BY YOURSELF. Nobody can breathe for you, eat for you, use the bathroom for you, have sex for you nor be aware of your self-deception for you. 

People came to J. Krishnamurti seeking for him to transform their minds, and then they got upset after reading or listening to his words did not change them. They completely ignored his warning not to just sit there and hear what he is saying. He told people that in order to radically psychologically change, you have to do the work of OBSERVING YOUR RESPONSES! But, they refused to take that seriously and insisted on treating his words like magical talismans. So after decades of going to his talks, they remained unchanged and frustrated and miserable (and they blamed him for it).

How do you know when you are hungry? Does somebody have to tell you that? Or, can you DETECT HUNGER FEELINGS? You are the one who feels that hunger, right? Nobody outside of you can do that for you, right? Similarly, I have pointed some things out to you. But none of it matters one damn bit for you, if you fail to LOOK AND EXAMINE what is going on in your emotional being. 

Are you telling people what they emotionally want to hear? Are you approximating yourself to an ideal or belief in order to overcome some thought or feeling that you dislike? If you are, do you bother to PAY FULL ATTENTION TO THIS DECEPTION? Or, do you choose to ignore what you are doing and pretend with yourself? What is going on in your emotional state of mind? That is your MORAL RESPONSIBILITY and nobody else's.

When people shirk their MORAL RESPONSIBITLY, they are contributing to the destruction of their lives and to their environment. It is the Emotional part of the human mind that is responsible for the global breakdown of physical security. As I said before, the Emotional Being is the FOUNDATION, and the Technical Knowledge is the Building. Politicians, institutions are Ego-driven entities that cannot bring about stability. They promise to do that, but always fail, because the hidden agenda is to play 'god' with our lives and our planet. Ego is in competition with the real God (a.k.a., NEUTRAL ENERGY) that gives birth to the material world including the emotional being. Ego can't win against Neutral Energy (a.k.a., God) because it is eternal and the emotional being is not. Facts always prevail over make-believe ideologies.

I put my life into the hands of Neutral Energy and stand on Holistic Sacred Ground in the face of dealing with Ego (both mine as well as others). The Self-Observation brings about harmonious order within my emotional being. I do not struggle against any state of mind that the Ego stirs up in me. I can face any nightmarish thought or feeling with ease because I realize that I don't have to be afraid of myself. For, I am ALL of my thoughts and feelings. That brings about the FREEDOM TO OBSERVE, COMMUNE with my emotional-self. 

And since life is a holographically entangled fractal, that means that when I holistically deal with my emotional being I am also simultaneously dealing with ALL emotional beings both near and far away. That means that I am holistically dealing with every Ego in the world when I holistically OBSERVE emotional responses. My responses get stimulated by the relationships with people in my daily life.

All Egos are fundamentally the same essence and are linked. To WHOLLY FACE my Ego simultaneously does the same with all Egos. I am at the root and so is your Ego at the root of all Egos. That is why The Collective Ego frowns on anybody HOLISTICALLY OBSERVING THEIR OWN EGO. The Ego is like a virus that is fighting to sustain itself; it doesn't care if it is wrong or causing a world meltdown. It only wants one thing and that is: TO CONTINUE BEING BLIND TO ITSELF SO THAT IT CAN CONTINUE TO PRETEND TO BE A GOD!

So that's it folks; that's really what your Ego is all about. It is nonsensical, crazy and determined to stay its course no matter what. Emotionally, your mind does not care about logic, facts or compassion for its children or the planet's survival. There is one survival that it is concerned with and that is maintaining its make-believe world of pretending to itself that it has a right to function the way it is functioning. It is a criminal that tells itself that it has the right to victimize anything or anyone that it so chooses because it thinks that it is a 'god', so it gives itself permission to do whatever it wants to do to itself and to the world.

So the only way to effectively end the Ego is to LOVE IT TO DEATH. LOVE being HOLISTICALLY OBSERVING IT. Your mind objects to this approach because your thought process wants to have the power to use knowledge to stop the Ego. Knowledge can't stop any Ego; all knowledge fuels the Ego and keeps it going. Only the NEUTRAL ENERGY OF OBSERVATION & LISTENING can extinguish or neutralize the Ego, naturally and completely. There is nothing else that can shut it down. The ACTION OF WATCHING, DETECTING EGO'S THOUGHTS/FEELINGS is the TRUE STILLNESS OF THE MIND that the gurus have misrepresented. I have heard Nassim talk about going into your mind to find your center of stillness or silence (which he admits he has failed to do).

Love & Freedom

~J. Krishnamurti

You can't find anything but what your Ego is, which is the noise of opposing “What Is” with “What It Should-Be” thinking or feeling. Once you realize that fact, then you can relax and just simply BE AWARE of ALL of your feelings and thoughts that you like & dislike, equally. Then there is no more division or war, which means LOVE (which is NOT related to pleasure or liking). LOVE is simple Awareness that Detects the Emotional-Being exactly as it is and does NOTHING ELSE but be aware. This is very hard for your mind to accept. 

You want to do something about what you become aware of, watch that urge very carefully. That is the urge that gives rise and power to your mind dividing itself away from any disliked thought or feeling. Once that happens, you have a full blown Ego on your hands. Ego pretends to be in full control of its emotional nature. But in reality, it is contradictory and self-destructive. And, it wants to victimized as many people as it can before it destroys itself. That is what the Ego is, a broken, deranged form of rogue energy that refuses to be aware of that fact.

Self-Awareness is the key to human survival. Self-awareness is the only state of mind that can handle ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES without destroying itself with that mechanical information. So don't be fooled by intellectual geniuses. Their intelligence is limited and shortsighted because they are ignorant about their Ego and its true nature. They have an emotional image that they are good because that is what they desire the truth to be, and because they think that just because they are correct in their intellectual, technological knowledge, then they must also be right about their emotional being. Psychological TRUTH is not based on any desire nor is it based on intellectual, mechanical information. 

TRUTH IS WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING, NOT WHAT YOU WISH TO BE HAPPENING. So the intellectual geniuses can't save humanity from its Ego. Ego is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction, so anything it builds it must weaponize and turn on itself. That is what we are dealing with everyday. Our physical survival is a torture because it is built and maintained by Ego-tripping factors. Because, people are a slave to their own Egos, which makes it possible for their elite rulers to do whatever they want to do to the economy, Mother-Nature and to our children's minds and bodies.

Do you, now, understand why it is so imperative to understand your Ego? For, that is the only way to be free of it. You could even call the Ego, The Devil, because it is a deceptive thing that does nothing but protect its deceptions so that it can endlessly deceive itself and the world. That is The Devil. The only salvation is THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE FROM YOUR OWN EGO. Nothing less than that will suffice. So there is only ONE SOLUTION – and that is to be Holistically Self-Observant. And, your Ego objects to that, which is why you don't like the solution one damn bit. But, look folks, when this planet dies, times up!

Will you allow your devotion to your family's Ego, stop you from being Self-Aware? Will you allow your personal craving to be emotionally admired by your family stop you from helping human consciousness to enter into a brand new paradigm shift of Holistic Clarity? Will you surrender to the emotional pressure to please your family's Ego, to stop you from ending emotional slavery in humanity? 

WWIII is here; it is Psy-Ops (psychological warfare) within your Emotional Being. Freedom means the FREEDOM TO DETECT/PERCEIVE YOUR TOTAL EMOTIONAL BEING! You can't chase after freedom, directly. You can only become aware of what you are doing to impede it. Once you SEE/DETECT the emotional blocks then they disappear. SEEING = NEUTRALIZATION OF ALL EMOTIONAL BLOCKS. TO SEE/DETECT THE FALSE IS TO SEE/DETECT THE TRUTH, which is the only thing that can set the emotional being free from self-deceit. This is what it truly means to be STILL, SILENT and at PEACE (which is harmonious creative balance). Then, we can go ahead and build technologies that will be used benevolently.

Thank you for your undivided attention.  

The Wholeness of Life 

~J. Krishnamurti

Fifth Talk in Amsterdam - 1969

Is It Possible For The Mind To Change 

And Not To Escape Or Seek

~J. Krishnamurti


This is not an intellectual debate, nor a dogma-based message. You can only use this knowledge to free your psyche if you are seriously honest to be able to face facts. If you can't do that, then you will be offended by it. I only invite deeply serious people to read and understand my blogs for the benevolent survival of our species. Thank you.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.