Monday, May 16, 2016

The Awakening of Human Consciousness Exposed Through

...Quantum Mechanics!


The blogger does not belong to any organized dogma, belief, ideology, etc. I am merely sharing the factual findings uncovered in the latest quantum mechanics experiments with respect to Human consciousness and the brain's relationship.

It has been discovered that biased thinking is responsible for irrational behavior among people. Meaning that the emotional biased constructs that people are maintaining everyday is why there is a repetition of past erroneous concepts that are perpetuating and replicating themselves. Therefore, there is an enclosing loop of self-deception rationalized as being correct thinking.

"The evolution of quantum mechanics has been one of unprecedented skeptical scrutiny towards our classical scientific paradigms. The self-awareness and willingness to revise our hypotheses, which are constantly challenged in science and humanity, will determine the extent to which we gain deeper understandings into the mind and the universe."

Source of the above quote: Scientfic Research & Self Development Activism

Comment by Blogger Valerie Pointer:

After all, when Human Mind fails to perceive and understand itself, clearly, it must revert back to savagery and madness, ultimately leading to self-ruination.

Below is a YouTube video that I recently came across that reveals exactly how mind deludes itself. It is important to study how the mind goes wrong, because it is in the unbiased clarity about how we think is what will change or end that perpetual mistake. Otherwise, our species is doomed to repeatedly self-destruct.

Watch this: 

THE AWAKENING – Quantum Mechanics of the Human Brain & Consciousness

"In quantum mechanics, we have learned to approach reality differently and see everything as probabilities instead of certainties. In a mathematical sense, anything is possible. As well as in science as in our daily lives, the extent to which we can calculate or figure out probabilities is determined by our intellectual capability to recognize patterns. The less biased we are, the clearer we can identify these patterns and base our actions on reasonable probabilities. Since it's in the very nature of our brain's left hemisphere to deny ideas that do not fit into our current paradigm, the more attached we are to a BELIEF system, the less able we are to make conscious choices for ourselves. But, by observing this process, we expand our awareness and enhance our free will." [Valerie's side comment here: ...and enhance our 'freedom from will"]

"It is said that wisdom comes with age, but with openness and skepticism, the key principles of the scientific method, we don't need decades of trial and error to sort out which of our convictions may be improbable. The question is not whether our beliefs are right or wrong, but whether or not being EMOTIONALLY attached to them is more or less likely going to benefit us. There is no such thing as a 'free choice' while being EMOTIONALLY attached to a belief." [Valerie's comment here... There is no such thing as a 'holistic action' while being EMOTIONALLY attached to a bias.]

Narrated by: Professor Kliq
Source: YouTube
Channel: Freedom TV  

Comments by Blogger - Valerie Pointer:

It was mentioned that the brain depends on the social group for the validation of itself and for its self-identity (emotional identity), which produces dopamine, endorphin and serotonin (the feel-good brain chemicals). When the brain lacks these chemicals, it feels depressed and suicidal. Society is based on imaginary beliefs or abstract brain patterns for its emotional sense of self for its psychological survival, which supersedes its biological survival. This is why we accept rules that are not in the best interest of our physical security (i.e., risking ones health by becoming a trained killer to show ones devotion to their social group that one emotionally identifies with).

All of the scientific findings in this video are based on one type of brain, the conditioned or programmed traditional brain which is based on psychological time. Psychological Time is emotionally achieving an abstract concept based on pure imagination which has no basis in fact in order to fulfill a personal desire. None of the findings in this video relates to a brain that has discovered a Timeless manner of cognition. For, it is very rare to come across such a brain. J. Krishnamurti (from this point forward referred to as: J.K.) had such a brain and so do I. This is why he nor I are bound by the constraints of social judgments made toward ourselves. 

I, for example, have no depression nor sense of despair in the face of most people having a negative assessment of my nature because I do not act nor speak in a manner that society expects and demands. The reason for this is because I can clearly see that the ones who judge me are not actually in touch with the reality about their thinking. It would disturb me if I thought that they were clear thinking individuals, then I would be concerned that I am the one who is out of touch with reality. But, I have investigated myself and found my flaws of conditioned thinking. Once I see my flaw as being a flaw or an error as being in error, then the situation is halted. For instance, when I wake up, after falling asleep at the wheel while driving, I instantly steer the vehicle back onto the road, right? So one has to be able to see that one is wrong and not deny it, which is critical thinking. But, most people when they have been shown that believing is a major error, they dismiss it and carry on, regardless of the hell they may have to face for doing so.

Also, I defy social rules and do not have any regrets for shedding my conditioned, programmed and biased way of thinking that was imposed upon me in my youth. I do not have a self-identity at all. It is unnecessary and causes problems to be self-identified because one is not free to OBSERVE without prejudice. When one looks at life through a self-identification, then one is not free to examine anything in its totality. One is always slanting the observation to favor your idea of yourself. Even scientists suffer from this problem. They can't report their findings based on strictly facts because they presuppose that they have examined every single type of Human brain. Since they haven't come across an unconditioned consciousness, they make assumptions that dopamine, sarotonin and endorphins can only be released if you are approved by the social structure you inhabit. I have a feeling of well being in spite of not belonging to any type of social group. 

The reason why I am unaffected by anyone that is conditioned is because I give my WHOLE ATTENTION to whatever is being said or done to me, and that act of attention puts away anything that is not true. And, what is not true is having an abstraction about myself. I am simply OBSERVING and LEARNING to find out what I am from moment to moment -- never reaching any conclusion. For, conclusion halts self-awareness. So there are no borders of inattention. And, that act of listening is a miracle that can resolve the most impossible problems of living. To listen without any defense or any barrier is real freedom from the fear of not belonging. And that careful attention is in touch with the whole quantum field of life which contains all answers to any challenge of living. And, therein lies bliss, harmony and complete stability, which also releases sarotonin, dopamine and endorphins (the feel-good brain chemicals).

In fact, I make it a point not to belong to any social group. Why? Simply because the group thinks about things in a certain way, and you are not allowed to veer away from what the collective thought holds to be true (even if it has no basis in fact). There was a time when the Ku Klux Klan was a highly respected social group, and its members were required to belittle races of color. If anyone in that group was found to befriend a Negro (that is what they were referred to as being labeled at that time), then you and your family was targeted to be assaulted or sometimes killed. The point being, once you emotionally identify with any group, you are no longer free to think outside of their collective thinking. And, these various social groups are perpetually at war. They are economically rewarded and punished which causes economic inequality and unfairness causing even more and more hostility and the inevitable breakdown of society.

It is assumed by scientists, because they have not come across anyone who is not caught in abstract pattern thinking, that it is unlikely for a brain to function outside of Time. And, they also assume that the brain chemicals (dopamine, endorphin and serotonin) that give us a sense of well being can only be released under the limited circumstances of "belonging to a social group". More correctly said, it is not the brain, itself, but the mind that is outside of time. The hidden truth about science is that it is widely monitored and regulated by the government, which in its hidden directive is to control the brains/minds of the masses to which it pretends to serve and ostensibly protect. Anything that scientific findings could lead to the masses being free from its biased, limited thinking would be shut down or greatly inhibited. Science is not free to reveal any fundamental truths that govern reality beyond the governments or corporations. The masses have always been nothing more than a product to be exploited, and their sense of well being is not the concern of the government nor corporations.

Time is Choice, psychologically.  Whenever you watch a story, non-fiction or fiction, you are being encouraged to sympathize either more so with the hero or the villain. If you view yourself as being a hero, then you will side with the hero in the story, and visa versa. But, when you have understood that opposites are not two separate entities, then you can see that there is no longer any question of there being any choice at all, since they are of the same essence. Upon seeing that truth, one is no longer caught in the conundrum of bias or choice, which is time. 

Belief is psychological time. When one believes one has to travel from the state of mind that one is in toward another state of mind, which is merely a projection from the very state of mind that one is seeking to get away from. This is a contradictory endeavor which is based on an illusion of achieving a different state of mind. And, whenever ones beliefs are challenged one feels like ones life is being threatened, but in actually, that is solely in the believer's imagination. Nonetheless, the believer is ready to commit violence and feel totally justified in doing so.

This is the reason why war exists, which is destroying the world. It is making the world more unstable and ultimately non-existent. How is that a good thing? But, the conditioned brain is not rational. Like the video said, the brain uses BACKWARD RATIONALITY to explain its irrational actions (i.e., going to war, using drones to murder people one BELIEVES to be a threat). Belief is insanity, and because so many people are immersed in it, it has come to be accepted as being "normal". However, the longer the process of believing continues, it always repeats the pattern of utter annihilation -- only to rebuild again. It begins in pleasure and ends in excruciating pain and suffering. 

Getting back to self-identity, the basis for believing in the first place...

Why and how does it come about? First of all, various situations in life gives rise to emotional reactions, sometimes pleasant and sometimes painful. We tend to want to hold onto the pleasant reactions and ignore the rest. So we build an abstract ideal based on the pleasant reactions. Then we solidify it by getting other people to validate it. And in return, one agrees to return the favor. This is how so-called friendships are formed on the basis of a lie (that is treated like it is true). Anyone who comes along and points out the flaw of what is going on is viewed as being a hostile intruder who must be driven away or eliminated, with prejudice. And such is how the world is situated. This corrupt world is imploding in on itself, everyday. These backward rationalizing mentalities are trying to mold the world according to its internal workings, which is unsustainable. How can disintegration be maintained when the very process is degeneracy?

In the video above, the only fundamental point that resonates truth is that "biased" thinking is the primary thing that is holding Humanity in a limited or narrow-minded thinking pattern which is obstructing progress and ruining our species, as a whole.

However, I do not go along with the message in the above video about "free will". "Will" is based on desire, which is governed by bias. And, there can be no freedom as long as one is committed to ones "will". Whenever you have a thought or feeling that you dislike, you feel like willing it to go away, don't you? Why? Because, you have been trained to disassociate from anything that is uncomfortable. The truth is that consciousness IS its content (both the good and the bad - the comfortable and the uncomfortable aspects of itself). So, when one realizes that I am the sum of my parts, then I no longer feel the necessity to exercise will, because I see that it hinders me from being in COMPLETE contact with my mental being. When I am in full contact with anything that I think or feel, then I am learning about my WHOLE MIND. Learning, not in the sense of accumulating data, but learning in the sense of REALIZATION/REVELATION. 

To SEE myself exactly as I am, through observing my emotional reactions, is to "know thyself." That is WISDOM. And, then one is no longer operating from an abstract center, but from ZERO CENTER/ZERO POINT, just like the universe and galaxies. When a mind is operating and grounded in Zero Abstractions, then it is completely harmonious, alert and all the brain chemicals release in perfect synchronization. In other words, when a mind/brain sees the truth about itself (regardless if that truth is pleasant or not), then if it does not resist whatever is revealed, then the very perception or observation liberates mind from restrictions (which is time). The self that identifies with an image/ideal is based on past memories and experiences, which is time. That is what creates prejudice/bias and interferes with rational assessment of any given situation. This is why problems are multiplying and becoming more and more dangerous spreading throughout the world. The message in this video looks at Human survival as being based on mathematical probabilities.

Published on Sep 1, 2012
Dr Amit Goswami 'Consciousness, Quantum Physics and Being Human' Interview by Iain McNay

Author of many books including: 'How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization,' 'The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist's Guide to Enlightenment' and 'God Is Not Dead' talks about his life and how discovering that consciousness Is the ground of being changed his scientific thinking and also his approach to life as a human being. He also explains downward causation, quantum non-locality, free will, Intention, the observer effect, quantum collapse and how consciousness creates the manifest world. 

Source:  YouTube Channel:

Comments by Blogger - Valerie Pointer:

When he mentioned that the ego is a necessary part of our psyche, I took it to mean that the ego's expression of 'bias' or 'choice' in order to feel important or superior is there for consciousness to understand its childish immature nature, upon that realization it naturally falls away. In order to be free of any limitation one must first thoroughly commune with, examine the nature and movement of ones limitation, falseness. One cannot escape from one's ego through merely declaring to oneself that I wont be egotistical. Such a declaration is born out of the egotistical achievement of becoming superior to that state of being. Any effort to strive for any state of mind is self-centered. Whereas, it is a natural need to understand disorder because the universe is energy that is in a movement of balance and equilibrium. For without balance, energy must either explode or implode.  

So we have feelings that we like and dislike. The balance is to pay 100% attention to both dual-expressions as they arise when people around you stimulate them to arise. But, we must sense the reality that ALL my thoughts/feelings are my consciousness. So I must be in full contact with both sides of my nature. As quantum mechanics has proven that when an experiment is done to the particles, the very observation causes them to change. This proves that even on a subatomic level, there is consciousness that perceives that it is being observed and then it responds to the subatomic part of the Human mind which is our subconscious mind that is subatomic that is linking with the particles/waves in the quantum experiment.

In the video featuring Dr.  Goswami, he mentions that the in the Human brain the "Observer IS the Observed. He pointed out that everything is a quantum possibility; meaning, everything is made from the same stuff, which is energy, which is atomic particles/waves which is everywhere and nowhere, simultaneously. This is why, you can teach a monkey how to do something that no monkey has done before, then you will begin to notice that monkeys clear around the world (non-locally placed) will start adopting that new behavior. Every species belongs to that one-network of consciousness. Humans belong to a consciousness network, too. 

So whenever a small portion of Humanity begins to radically transform from biased-based thinking, then that state of being is now available for any Human to access it, if they have an interest in deep self-understanding that sheds their old ways of thinking. This is why J. Krishnamurti, who Dr. Goswami also attended his talks, pointed out that change can only occur through the careful study/observation of the 'observer-observed' paradox. Only when we are free of our ignorance about this false division of superiority, then we shall no longer be divided with people in our daily interactions and can then be able to act in loving cooperation.

Dr. Goswami spoke about loving everybody and not being able to quite do it yet. You see, most people are gripped by the sentimental notion of 'love'. It is equated to 'liking'. LOVE has nothing to do with 'liking' or its polar opposite of 'disliking'. LOVE is not related to these fragmentary opposites. And, there is NO achievement towards LOVE. LOVE is a byproduct that emerges after one sees what LOVE IS NOT! This is why you can't seek, acquire LOVE, directly. Moving away from the ugliness and chasing beauty only pushes BEAUTY/LOVE farther away. Like quantum mechanics that observes the movement of particles in order understand what makes them behave the way they do, well people need to OBSERVE our emotional responses in order to behave peacefully, sanely with one another. War can never end so long as there is NO PEACE IN THE MIND!

So we must observe the subjective, directly. And the old classical approach to our subjective emotional nature cannot solve the mystery through reducing our mind down to mere matter, which is local and fixed. As Dr. Goswami and other quantum physicists have scientifically proven that paranormal phenomenon is the same as particles that can communicate and impact each other from great distances because sub-atomically, there is no such thing as distance because it is beyond the plane of time-space. So if Humanity is serious about peaceful living, we must awaken to find out how conflict arises through imagining that we are SEPARATE entities cut off in our own mental vacuum so it's okay to exploit others for ones personal gain, and it wont come back on me. To hurt another is to hurt oneself.  

Also, Dr. Goswami mentioned that there is no signal from the brain to the mind (which is consciousness) but that the brain lies within the ground of consciousness, which means that the universe is consciousness manifesting into vibrational energy that produces a solid appearance. As you probably know that all things are atomic. Atoms are equal amounts of polar opposite energy, but the majority of the atom is a void because the neutron has no negative or positive energy, so it is nothing. That means that at the core of all objects is hollow space, as is the case with galaxies there is an empty center. If we are a microcosm of the macrocosm, then at our core in our consciousness is also a void.

Now, what I have come to see to be a fact is that people have been brainwashed into believing that the purpose of life is to be happy. And, happiness can only be achieved through the filling up of that empty space within but the more we fill it up with emotional strivings, the more unbalanced and sad we become. We have not matured to understand that when we see the order of the universe with its center being nothing, it is not struggling against itself. But, Humanity is locked in a fierce emotional struggle within itself because it is trying to prove that becoming SOMETHING POWERFUL will solve the inward turmoil. Order is what energy intrinsically requires so that it flows harmoniously. Even when a star explodes and dies, it is merely transmuting its form into another form. Death is an illusion because the core never dies because it is without measure. 

The void always exists and it is the beginning of all forms of consciousness that is constantly incarnating after it ends one journey or cycle. We shed our containers only to take on a new expression of consciousness, which is the ground of being. But the purest form of consciousness is when it has NO VIBRATION. Like ZERO POINT where there is NO VIBRATION out of which ALL POSITIVE & NEGATIVE VIBRATIONS unfolds/birth and then enfolds/dies. Each unfoldment is to learn about its new expression of consciousness. The meaning of life is to learn about ones true nature and take solace in that learning where there is endless bliss, not pleasure. Pleasure is a craving that is in pain because it never gets satisfied. Whereas, discovering the truth is whole unto itself, and wants for nothing; it is complete.

You see what I take away from listening to scholarly people is that they reach a point of accumulating knowledge only to realize that knowledge is not enough. WISDOM is not knowledge because it is a knowing from sensing and living the discovery, not merely reporting from a verbal cold detached speculation about a thing. Inwardly, we need to feel the truth about what we are. That transcends mere verbiage. Look one can tell you all about sexual intercourse. You can watch videos of other people doing it. But until you touch it, it is merely an intellectual concept. It has no reality to a person who has not touched it. So it is with WISDOM. It cannot be quantified by science. Science can only take measurements and report on the measurement. But, it still has not merged with the reality of the thing it is examining. In consciousness, one must merge with your emotional reactions as they arise in the living present moment. It's like playing a musical instrument. You deeply feel the beauty of each note that you play in the living present moment. 

But the secret subtle beauty of music is the SILENCE between each note that is played. Haven't you noticed when there is a long extended pause in the musical piece, that when the next note is played how powerful it sounds when it comes out of the background of SILENCE? It is the SILENCE that makes the note stand out, because if you played a note continuously without a break, it would sound like a drone that goes on and on and becomes boring. But, when notes are spread out with intervals, then the melodies sound colorful, bright and lively. It is the SILENCE between the notes that does this. Similarly, a person with tons of information but does not have a real deep understanding of that information is like a computer spilling out data. WISDOM is more than the conveyance of raw data. 

WISDOM points out the fact that you can't get WISDOM from outside of yourself. It can only awaken when you pay careful attention to what you are doing to obstruct it. Once you learn about your obstructions, then they vanish, just like when you observe something in quantum mechanics the thing being observed changes. Observation in consciousness IS ACTION (IS CHANGE)! But, we've been trained to avoid seeing what is wrong in ourselves, and to hide it by denying it. Then we go searching for another to save us and make us happy. It can't be done. To shun looking at what is wrong or what is causing pain is to cover it up with a blanket so that you don't notice it is festering underneath that blanket of denial. 

Why do I write about consciousness? Well, it's simple really. Either your energy is benevolent or malevolent. One is either bringing about order through the clear perception and understanding of disorder in oneself, or one is bringing about disorder though the self-deceptive process of ignoring oneself and pretending to be orderly or benevolent. So I must share what I am with the world, just like we all breathe the same air that we all share. This is what I am. It matters not to me what the consequences are for being in touch with my mind. That is non-negotiable for me. For when my journey is over on this plane of consciousness and it is time for me to move on to the next, I freely leave it because each day I die to all of my experiences and do not carry them over. Each day is a brand new life. And by fully communing with every feelings that has been stimulated by others, I listen very carefully to my emotions and then when they have told their entire story, they vanish like a passing weather system. 

It matters not how pleasant or unpleasant the emotional climate may be, for I am all emotional climates. So I do not divide my mind into good or bad. I don't look at my mouth that can taste delicious food, as being better than my anus that releases foul odors, for both are my being, and they both must freely operate. These are metaphors for daily living situations that may be foul or delightfully fragrant, it is a whole movement that must never be divided and choose one side over the other. One thing quantum mechanics shows us is that the entire macrocosm is founded upon the tiniest elements (sub-atomic particles and waves). For if they were not there, we and the gigantic universe would not be here, either. As above, so is below is an absolute truth that cannot be refuted. As in the mind, so is in outward behavior. If we want to stop acting like crazed maniacs, we must learn, through communing with every single thought and feeling arising out of our daily experiences.

I never say, "I wish that person had not said that or done that thing that upset me."  Being upset is a golden opportunity to embrace myself in that wave-form of consciousness. That is real LOVE! It does not like or dislike. It learns about everything that its nature is. Being upset is as natural as having a tummy ache. It tells you to pay attention and learn why it is happening. Then you learn how to not eat things that causes it. You equally learn not to seek revenge on people who upset you. Once they have ignited the flame of emotional disturbance now the real challenge begins, which is to face your emotions head on. Then when you've absorbed that emotional response, then it has transformed. And, the energy coming out of it is vibrant powerful energy that frees your entire mind from fearing any expression of itself. 

Therefore, you cannot be intimidated into hiding from your emotions. This is the mastery of emotionalism and is no longer a slave to compliments nor insults. They matter not to the mind that understands HOLISTIC EMOTIONAL-COMMUNION, which is simply Observing What Is, never seeking the 'What Should Be'. For 'What Should Be' is merely the effort to hide/run away from an aspect of your consciousness. Then you have broken the Holy Trinity of Mind-Body-Spirit, which are one Singularity. Just like you have various organs in your body, but they go to make up the Whole organism, do they not? Mind-Body-Spirit go to make up Cosmic Consciousness that is merely a holographic experience. After one has learned and outgrown this form of consciousness, one transitions into the next expression of consciousness to learn all about that dimension of consciousness. 

We are immortal beings of spirit or ethereal essence that is unfolding and enfolding out of the Nothingness of Infinite Energy (the Zero-Point, the Bindu, the Void, the Neutron that contains neither positive or negative energy, the Neutral Energy). For the Supreme Consciousness made ALL VIBRATIONAL ENERGY. After all, consciousness is vibration. When you feel pleasant or unpleasant emotions, they are vibrations, are they not? But when you OBSERVE, without desire to change what is being OBSERVED, then that quality of Observation is neither positive nor negative, it is NEUTRAL, WHICH IS LOVE! So when people say that they are still feeling upset from time to time so they haven't achieved LOVE, they have misunderstood LOVE. 

LOVE comes whenever you are feeling anything pleasant or disturbing to transcend both opposites so that you are not afraid of losing pleasure or being trapped by painful feelings/thoughts. One is in a state of Neutrality, which is blissfully peaceful and full of WISDOM, which knowledge can never know. Then, there is no more struggling to get something or become something. You are perfection because perfection simply means that which is complete/whole. Wholeness IS NEUTRAL Self-Awareness, so that it doesn't matter anymore if you are disturbed or elated, for you embrace them, equally -- just like the Neutral holds both the negative charged electron as well as the positively charged proton, equally (without prejudice). 

We have the Neutral active within our minds whenever we hold the positive & negative emotional responses throughout our daily interactions. Then, life is a blissful journey all about WISDOM through OBSERVATION that contains an Non-Vibrational Energy of consciousness that cannot be conquered, enslaved, hi-jacked nor destroyed by anyone no matter how much worldly possessions they may have. A mind that is undivided IS the very Foundation of its House. All of the material elements are merely the structure that rests on that foundation. So long as one is grounded in infinite WISDOM, one can never be destroyed. It is not the flesh that one needs to worry about being destroyed, for it is destined to expire. But, what is vitally important is the condition of your spirit before you die, for that determines how your consciousness will be reincarnated back into the endless ocean of Cosmic Consciousness to start another life cycle. 

Governments, greedy corporate gangs are here to try to scare us into believing that they can take over our lives and dictate how we must think about ourselves. They are feeding us subliminal messages everyday throughout the Internet that WWIII is inevitable and that you will be dominated, whether you like it or not. But, they are all just another part of the holographic sub-atomic consciousness that depends on you to validate their fantasies about conquering your life, which is your mind. Nobody can conquer you without your permission. 

And, you give them your permission when you refuse to commune with EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT & FEELING you have. The moment you divide your consciousness by choosing your elated feelings over your dreary ones, you have granted them permission and their subliminal suggestions can then take root in your mind. Hence, you then fall under their hypnotic spell, and then your bodies and minds are torn into pieces, just like what the Nazi's did back in WWII. 

The establishment wants to repeat the past, which is why they tell us on the Internet about their plans and show off their high tech WMD's. But, none of it can penetrate your life unless you are dividing yourself away from yourself by clinging to one side of your mind and suppressing the side that you are ashamed of. This is the key. You have the power to stop tyranny by stopping tyranny inside yourself. CHOICE is tyranny within your mind. When one realizes that there is nothing to CHOOSE, emotionally speaking, then one loses the urge to CHOOSE. For, you are the sub-atomic particle & wave which is inseparable. They are one. You are both your negative & positive thoughts and feelings -- for they are one in the same. So you can be LOVE and still feel upset and listen to that disturbing part of your nature. For so long as one is Holistically Self-Aware, one IS LOVE!

Look, just because giving birth to a baby hurts like hell, that doesn't mean that there is something wrong with childbirth. Just because it hurts your fingertips to learn how to play an acoustic guitar, that doesn't mean that one must not do it. Pain, discomfort is a natural part of life. It must be embraced equally as we embrace things that feel wonderful. After all, it is the discomfort that makes the comfortable parts of living so appreciated and cherished. After you have a cold, you cherish your health more and don't take it for granted. But if you never got sick, you would not really appreciate your healthy state of being, would you? So let's not shun Holistically Observing the ugly expressions of your mind due to it being uncomfortable. It is normal to be disturbed. Plus, you learn more from it.

Lately, I've been going without food and not knowing how I am going to pay my bills. I have taken this opportunity to study myself while going online and opening my mind up to understand quantum mechanics and how it relates to my situation. Because I am facing possible death, it is real easy to comprehend the connection between quantum mechanics and consciousness and real life situations. So the information is more than words for me. I now see and feel the connection. I understand that my life is interconnected with the quantum world and if it has a place for me to be in this world then I will attract what I need to go on living, if that is my fate. But if my fate is to die, then I gladly welcome the death of the container that I occupy and look forward to my next incarnation. 

Because when you are facing death, for real, and you don't resist embracing ALL of your feelings, a WISDOM emerges and suddenly it doesn't really matter if I die or not. And, the funny thing is when I realized that, suddenly money flowed in very easily from nowhere, because remember quantum mechanics is non-local so when I was completely in touch with my feelings I was in touch with the whole sub-atomic world that signaled people to come to me and give me what I needed without me having to beg for it. I will never beg to live. Either I belong here or I don't. Either way, I accept my fate. 

As a matter of fact, all I really care about is that I remain WHOLE unto myself and to never run away from any feeling regardless of the outward circumstances. After all, my spirit is the essence of me, not my flesh. People who pretend to rule this world want your spirit which is why they put your flesh in constant danger (by hoarding most of the resources). And, then they expect us commoners to act like circus animals jumping through hoops for our physical necessities to survive in order to make them feel like they are superior 'Gods' ruling over our lives. Well, I'd rather drop dead than to grovel to live in this world. Furthermore, my body may be in this world, but my mind is in a completely different dimension of Wholeness where it cannot be touched no matter what happens to my biological flesh.  

There is only ONE TRUE CREATOR - IT IS THE NAMELESS ONE (for all names contain a vibration). It is beyond VIBRATION. It is beyond MEASUREMENT, which is why science can never explain Supreme Consciousness. That is what Dr. Goswami was telling us in the video above. You can't speak of the consciousness that made the universe and our consciousness. It allows its creations to make mistakes in order to learn from them. If consciousness fails to learn then when it violates natural laws then its mind-spirit must go backwards in its next incarnation. Nothing can move forward without learning and emerging in WISDOM. 

Therefore, the savages who wear business suits and pretend to be our leaders, are nothing more than highly cunning thugs who wish to scare us into handing over our souls or else they will do whatever they threaten to do to us. I always call their bluff, and sometimes it looks like they will succeed in killing me. But it is at that point that I gain my greatest strength to OBSERVE EVERYTHING that I think and feel while I traverse the challenge thrown at me. But I do it without being concerned about physical death. Then when just when it seems like all my resources are used up, suddenly I get phone calls offering me physical security. Then I learn why it was necessary to go through it so that I can go beyond mere words. Words are not enough. 

The interviewer of Dr. Goswami can't really get what he is talking about until his life is on the line. Then if he reflects on what he heard suddenly it becomes an actual revelation of real truth. So that is why it is necessary to rise up to the challenges of all dictators and tell them to throw everything that they got at us and then embrace your emotional response to it all. And after they have thrown everything they have to intimidate us, then like a boomerang, all that they dished out returns to the sender. 

Another way of looking at it is like a wave motion. Take a toy slinky, you hold one end of it and have another person go opposite to you and stretch out the slinky. Now, you pull back and forth on it and send a wave ripple to your partner. Notice that the movement you send out to your partner impacts your partner but then the wave you sent out naturally returns back to you, the sender. So it is with my situation. 

The powers that be that send shock waves into my life, after I'm done receiving the FULL IMPACT OF THE SHOCK WAVE, then it goes through the quantum mechanical world back to the SOURCE OF THAT SHOCK WAVE. So if the so-called Illuminati, or any similar group of people like that, are sending out these SHOCK WAVES in an effort to get me to bow down to their artificial authority, then by absorbing that full impact, then it must return to its origin. So when I faced death, then so must they. I died, psychologically, to that impact by not resisting being in touch or hiding from it. I absorbed the entire challenge into the core of my consciousness. And, the energy of Holistic Self-Observation transformed the problem of survival into a solution. Now that transformed energy, like the slinky's wave, will go back to the twisted consciousness that was blocking my resources for survival. I simply let the sub-atomic quantum laws take care of any oppressive mentalities.

Orderly consciousness never opposes disorderly consciousness. It merely takes that frequency or vibration and transforms it into order/neutral energy (neither a positive or negative charge). What happens when neutral energy comes into contact with negative or positive energy, they harmonize. And since minds that crave dominion can't stand harmony, they will kill themselves before they will allow themselves to be harmonious, because there is no personal glory in harmony. So they will off themselves rather than allow their prejudice to fade away. That is their CHOICE. But, I don't ever fight the so-called power. Their power is based on relativity. 

There is the conditioned notion that for every action their is an equal opposite reaction. That may be the case with a brainwashed mind. But a mind operating outside of time/measurement/choice understands that there is another response which is NEUTRAL! Consciousness has the ability to see the fallacy of opposition to any impact be it a painful or pleasurable challenge. One must embrace and die to both kinds of challenges. That is why I don't play emotional word games. I don't meet compliments with reciprocating a compliment. For it is an act of choosing the ego that you like over the ego that you don't like, which is warfare. So I neither engage in compliments nor insults. They are all about becoming a SOMEBODY! 

I am NOBODY, which is EVERYBODY (a quantum paradox). Just like No Vibration is at the core of all atomic vibrations. So the foundation of my core consciousness is NOTHING; NOT A THING; NOT A VIBRATION; NOT AN OPPOSITE RE-ACTION. So my mind transcends time-space of cause-effect. So when I get hit, I don't hit back. 

The point of the challenge of being hit by economic deprivation is to get your spirit to divide itself. After all, I am the entire quantum grid, to hit it is to hit or attack myself. Then the aggressors can move in to break down my door and haul me off to some torture chamber to get me to plead for my life and tell them that they are 'God'. But I deprive the aggressor of their fun by shocking them by not hitting back. I take the impact and absorb it into my psyche, not caring if it kills me or not . All that I care about is taking in the WHOLE IMPACT of the challenge. 

Life is a series of challenges and responses. If you are conditioned, you will resist and oppose any challenge that upsets you. But if you are WISE, you will realize that you can NEUTRALIZE the challengers by not opposing the impact. You can OBSERVE the essence of that vibrational challenge. Absorption is neither a positive nor a negative response; it is NEUTRAL. When a negative challenge meets with a NEUTRAL response, its vibration is then NEUTRALIZED. 

There is much chatter online about all of the aggressive challenges facing Humanity but you must realize that your consciousness is being challenged to rise to WISDOM. Because if you do what Neo did in the movie THE MATRIX and oppose Mr. Smith, that is what the aggressors expect and want us to do. Then, history can be repeated (like what happened in WWII). So, they can have their gigantic high-tech, bio-chemical nightmarish bloodbath. This is how the Human Ego convinces itself that it is a 'God'. It has no other way of convincing itself except through these holocaust-type tactics. 

So the real question is will Human Mind play into the hands of the aggressors by doing what they want us to do, which is push back, fight back. Then they can justify locking us up into concentration camps and sadistically toying with us and all the while pretending like they are superior to what they are torturing. But what happened to Hitler after he ordered Humanity to be tortured, he blew his brains out because the slinky wave returned to sender that which he dished out. You can't hurt Human consciousness and separate yourself out of it. We belong to that ONE NETWORK. That is why, under no circumstances, will I attack Human Consciousness, which is myself. 

But when I face my own ego, whenever it arises, I simply Neutralize it by communing with it. So I am never at war within my mind. So when a mind is not at odds within itself, it cannot be torn apart from outside invaders. For quantum mechanics proves that there is NO OUTSIDE with regard to consciousness. That is why the only real challenge is YOUR RESPONSE! Can you live with your response without the slightest opposition? If you oppose it, then can you OBSERVE that state of opposition in order to learn about it? There is no wrong response so long as you are OBSERVING whatever is unfolding in your emotional being and learning from all that you detect. 

Holistic Learning is NEUTRAL; being neither aggressive nor submissive. One is then outside of cause-effect, which is psychological time. There is no time when one is not seeking to become happy when one feels sad. You see when Dr. Goswami said that he has not achieved the highest state of consciousness due to still having selfish feelings regarding his personal relationships, it is because he doesn't understand that LOVE does not seek emotional non-disturbance. LOVE welcomes disturbance and understands it as being an opportunity to commune with "What It Is". After all, isn't that LOVE - to be in TOTAL CONTACT WITH ITSELF. 


What can be more WHOLE than COMMUNING WITH EVERY ASPECT OF CONSCIOUSNESS? THAT IS LOVE, is it not? We have been tricked by Hollywood Romance into thinking that LOVE is sentimental emotions that evoke elation and smiling, laughing people. What shallow childishness! A mature deep mind sees that is just the photograph rooted in the negative film (of misery). That is why in all movies where it starts out with things looking fun, it erodes down into pure hell and horrors of bloody cut-throat desperate challenges. And at the end, the people are all traumatized and shaken to their core. 

And by the way, these movies are sending the audience messages as to what lies in store for them after they get through playing with their video games, taking selfies to act like kids in high school showing off their latest tats, styles of dress and all manner of trivia. This is what a shallow mind does to trick itself into believing that this is what happiness is. But, that is what pleasure is. It's no different than getting high on drugs hallucinating to oneself of being in paradise and you never want it to end. When the hallucination ends, you are like a junky craving another emotional illusory fix. And when you can't get it you, you throw a temper tantrum demanding more and more pleasure in order to deny the reality that, at your foundation you are woefully confused, and devoid of meaning.

When shallow living reaches its peak, it always does a 180 degree flip into all out global warfare. The 1920's was a big orgy festival. Then they dropped atom bombs on Mankind and on the sub-atomic world and on Mother Nature thinking there would be no consequences for it. But, how many people have died from cancer from radiation exposure to the nukes that have been exploded in this world? We have the great Einstein to thank for that. I don't know why people hold this man up to being some kind of genius. He split the atom, which is a horrible thing to have done to Mother Nature. He took the balance of the atom and made its energy unbalanced. And, all we talk about is his discovery of E=mc2. Big whoop! Never-mind about his contribution to the horrible deformities caused by his WMD. It has been overlooked simply because his invention was not aimed at Americans. It's okay to maim Human beings outside of our home team, right? But as you well know if you are at all in touch with the facts of quantum physics, the atom bombs was an attack on all of Human Consciousness. 

There is no demarcation sub-atomically. We belong to one Human Consciousness Network. To attack any part is to attack the whole. So I don't respect this man no matter what mathematical calculation he ushered in. It is eclipsed by his disservice to Mother Nature. No man/woman has a right to destroy the balance of Mother Nature. She has supported the lives of our species and does not deserve to be abused like that. All because men are fighting a war based on lies about who is the most powerful/superior, which is all a grand delusion, anyway. And, look at all the mutilations to life on Earth over this stupidity. Yet, he is given great reverence. We live in an insane world that worships and deifies scientists who make weapons that can cause unbelievable pain and suffering in the world. I don't care what anybody says, violence is the problem and is never the solution.

Look at what we are being sold a "bill of goods" about terror. They say, that it is a necessary evil to commit terror in order to protect our society from terror. It is necessary to inject poison into our bodies in order to protect our health. It is necessary to hide the truth from the youth whenever the truth reveals that their teachers and politicians are dumbing them down so that they can be easily exploited and kicked to the curb after their youthful energy has benn sucked out through psychological and physical warfare. When you instruct youngsters to go drop drone missiles on people from another culture and you will be paid well and get to go to college (then it's all good because it's not your family taking the hit). 

Meanwhile the filthy rich are making money off of both sides of the cock fight called war. They laugh at the poor for doing whatever they are told without question, never realizing that when they are of no further use, they will be tossed out like garbage for the next younger generation to replace them to do their bidding without question. Never question your orders, that is what they are taught in school. Just shut up and do what you are told like the Nazi soldiers did. Then when the war was over you get to look at their handy work of what consciousness reduces itself down to when it stops questioning the meaning of itself. This is how it behaves when it no longer cares to understand itself. It becomes a hideous, coldblooded monster. And then it wants to pretend like it never did all those terrible things. History is repeating itself because of not questioning its mind and not neutrally learning about itself. So it must revert to its primitive past of barbarism. 

If Human consciousness keeps on being irresponsible by obeying the leaders who are profiting off of their ignorance, then once again the species will plunder into darkness. Unless, we do something that is unprecedented - dare to wake up and be responsible for your mind. Stop taking sides and be Neutrally aware of your duality. Like in quantum mechanics, the mere OBSERVATION CHANGES THE OBSERVED. Ones attention to duality and bias halts the minds from blindly accepting or CHOOSING a side. Have the balls to ask yourself, "What would happen if I don't CHOOSE a side?" "What would happen if I just OBSERVE my mind and learn about myself?" Scientists are not the only ones who can run an experiment. 

You can be a scientist on your consciousness to find out what happens. Because if you sit here thinking that reading these words will bring about a change, then you have missed the point of this message. The message is taking you to a mirror so that you can be in touch with your consciousness, because nobody in this world can save you. You have to save yourself by looking directly at yourself, full on! I can't eat for you, sleep for you, go to the restroom for you, think for you nor get in touch with yourself for you. This is your life and nobody can live it for you. There is no need for any leaders. I am not your leader. I am merely a messenger conveying a warning that if you don't wake up, then your failure to do so is responsible for your life being victimized by the "Big Bad Wolves" who feign to be your protectors. 

We are being treated like children who just want to go outside and play, play, play. We don't want life to be serious. When you look out at the stars in this big universe, you see that what is going on out there is real and its serious shit. We are a part of that serious shit. So we need to realize that life is serious and begin to seriously learn about consciousness, for if we don't, then we erode into being a WMD. Our mind can either operate as a benevolent tool of great beauty and wonder, or we can operate on automatic pilot running around slaughtering one another like mindless cyborgs fighting for the thrill of fighting just to pretend like we have purpose, when in truth it's all bullshit, nonsense. And at the end of it all, the ruination of our planet and our lives. Then we become forgetful, cover up the travesty and carry on like nothing ever happened. Just look at how younger generations have no concern about history and all the human suffering that they weren't around to witness. So they are the reboot of this game of war to start once again down the path of mind-numbing cruelty. Just so that can be covered up; reboot the game for yet another generation to repeat it again, and again, and again and again. Meanwhile, consciousness is stagnating and never finding out its full potential.

Well, I wont contribute to that cycle of stupidity. My life is for one purpose and that is to expose the truth about psychological choice between the opposite emotional states of mind. For, that is the most overlooked thing. Everywhere on the Internet there are millions of ways to express the polarization of the opposites by choosing between them. They are all preaching the Time Game of cause and effect. If somebody hits you, then the game dictates that you must hit back with equal aggression or else you are classified as being a wimp. Ego can't take the stigma of being a "big fat nobody". 

So one joins the crowd and you hit back. And, one doesn't mind being thrown into some deep dark torturous hole somewhere. So long as one got the pleasure of hitting back, even though it destroyed ones life. Ego is such a fool. But, you can't get rid of the ego. Ego naturally dies when it is studied. It is a direct byproduct of ignoring it. Ego is brought into being through ignorance (meaning ignoring it). Ego remains in power by ignoring it. Ego kicks your ass by ignoring its lies and treating them as truth. But ego has no power over the mind that is not afraid to look at its own ego. Ego is a sub-atomic entity. When you look directly at it, it is no more. Whenever you look away, it acts like "almighty god". It is a child of darkness. The ancient term for "darkness" is "ignorance". 

I say to anyone who listens that the greatest threat to your lives is not the government, not the Illuminati, not gangs, not economic collapse, not even your so-called local enemies; the greatest threat is your own mind that is hiding from learning about itself, directly. You don't need any leader in order to look at yourself. Yes it is a scary journey to begin. But, what is the alternative? Don't look or investigate and wind up being either the master of misery or the slave of it? The end of the story always ends the same way -- a once highly advanced technological civilization blown to bits with the descendents wondering why it ended up like this. How many times must our species forget its past only to step in the same shit that our ancestors stepped in? We like to think ourselves to be this highly intelligent species, but how intelligent is it to keep making the same mistake and never learning from it?

Science is limited to measurement. Whatever it cannot measure it dismisses as being nonsense. Well, can you measure something that has no opposite or duality? No. For a thing to be measurable it must be finite, which implies opposite energies. Now then... The NEUTRON in the atom is the foundation that the opposite energies are grounded in for stability/balance. This energy that is Neutral has no opposite forms of energy, therefore, it cannot be measured. At the heart of the number line of all the positive numbers and all of the negative numbers is the "0". You can multiply, add, subtract and divide "0" by "0" and you always get a constant "0". Nothing can change the "0". It is NOT a number. It can interact with positive & negative numbers but by itself, it is WHOLE unto itself. The Fibonacci sequence begins with "0". Doesn't that tell you that consciousness came from "0" vibration and then there was 1, 1, 2, etc. The "2" is the beginning of consciousness. "1" positive thought/feeling and "1" negative thought/feeling that beget all the rest of them. 

These two "1's" are merely two sides of the same coin of consciousness. As long as the "0" rests between these opposite vibrations, they can co-exist in harmony. Take away the "0" and they must mathematically cancel each other out. For +1 plus -1 = "0". And so they disappear. "Illuminati" + "Illuminati Fighters" = Total Annihilation of both sides. When you see that the "villain" & "hero" are rooted in each other, then you can see the trick of choosing between to types of poison. They are both lethal and spell the end of life. Neither side has protection or a future to offer. They just want to endless battle each other - locked in perpetual combat until the end of time. Meanwhile the ground which they stand is being destroyed. When the ground is gone (the ground being Mother Nature), then what? Then they have nothing to stand on so again we have +1 plus -1 = "0" survival.

The reason why the truth is coming out is because this is Humanity's last chance to make an unprecedented paradigm shift out of Time/Duality/Choice and awaken to NEUTRAL AWARENESS so that it can finally operate like all atoms in nature where the neutron holds and stabilizes the opposite energy fields. That is when peace on Earth can prevail, at last. The fake peace talks are double-talk for cloaked warfare. Real peace is the awakening of being "Nothing". "Nothing" is the "Supreme Power". Zero cannot be destroyed for all numbers began with the "0" as the Fibonacci sequence clearly shows. Creation came from the Creator, which is "0 Vibration". When the needle does not move to the left or to the right it is NEUTRAL, which is PERFECT BALANCE (WHOLENESS, ORDER). 

We claim that we want to be free from madness, stress and tyranny, yet we accept the way things have always been. Why? Why do we act like there's nothing we can do but keep on repeating the past? Why do we like to bitch about unfairness yet we willingly participate in unfairness on a daily basis by striving to become SOMETHING, instead of discovering the WISDOM of BEING NOTHING. In that state you cannot be dominated nor does one seek to dominate another. One is beyond the Time of Domination when one figures out the folly in seeking to become a SOMEBODY who wishes to control others. 

Whenever I look at quantum mechanics experiments and explanations, I always look for the things that can't be measured. For they are mysterious energy that underlies that which can be measured. What holds galaxies together is the void or dark matter surrounding the bright stars. Just like the atom is being held together by the empty space of the Neutron (its energy does not contain any negative or positive energy at all). Yet its energy is the great stabilizer. If we don't want to go totally insane then we had better realize that this NEUTRAL OBSERVATION IS THE GREAT STABILIZER OF CONSCIOUSNESS that GROUNDS OUR THOUGHTS & FEELINGS (BOTH POSITIVE & NEGATIVE, alike). Without that energy of Pure Awareness, the opposite thoughts/feelings must fight each other to the death. Then we end up senile babbling idiots.

It's up to each and everyone of us to either remain asleep or wake up, which will determine our fates. Destiny is based on consciousness and whatever it does or does NOT do with regard to the understanding of itself. That is what we face everyday of our lives. And, consciousness that lives a lie is trying very hard to scare consciousness into remaining asleep and irresponsible. Just let your leaders think for you. So when you do suffer for it, you can whine and point the blame at your leaders. But, it was handing our minds over to the leaders that made possible for the leaders to do whatever they wanted to our minds and bodies. I don't hand my mind over to any leader. Yes I will learn technical information from a person but I will always critically examine that information very careful to discern the truth or falseness of what is being presented to me. 

It is my birthright to think for myself. And, no man-made law can take that away from me. If anyone tries to enforce such a law then I will stand in the face of my death to challenge its validity. As long as I stand on the sacred (holistic) ground of unbiased, neutrality, then no fragmented consciousness can defeat that which is WHOLE. That is the law of physics. The part can never consume the whole. That, after all, is what the "0" is. Education has purposely left this WISDOM out. We are so wrapped up is the measurement of positive and negative numbers - totally forgetting about the value of the Zero and the part it plays in the grand scheme of energy/vibration. 

In the beginning was NOT the word. In the beginning was SILENCE, then there was the BIG BANG. EVERYTHING COMES FROM NOTHING AND RETURNS TO NOTHING. Such is the mystery of THE CREATOR WHO IS NOTHING YET IMBUES THE CENTER OF ALL THINGS/ATOMS. The Finite is standing on the Ground of the Infinite. The Finite has a birth & death date. The Infinite has neither. It always is and always shall be. But it incarnated into Finiteness in oder to study itself though spiritual growth. I don't mean spirit based on dogma and silly superstition. I mean the spirit of Pure Observation that Learns through its Observations about the inherent limitations of itself. Once we understand our limitations, we can go beyond them. Then, one has communed with the Infinite Source of Observation through that Neutral/Unbiased Self-Examination as one goes through the challenges of daily survival watching how one responds. You don't need to "know" the answer to your problems. For the Infinite Energy of Neutral Awareness contains the answers through studying/understanding the problem and your emotional responses to any problem that may arise in your everyday life. 

Intellectuals are so caught up is naming things and think they have found the answers. You can name a thing, but that does solve anything. I don't bother to name whatever I feel when faced with harsh realities. I simply feel my emotional state of mind. Just like I feel sex. I don't name it. It is what you are sensuously are in contact with that is a whole different level of intelligence that transcends information gathering. This is why Dr. Goswami felt unfilled in merely labeling life. He needed a real connection beyond the word/label. When one is hungry, you don't care about the verbal description of your meal. You want to receive nourishment beyond the description. So is the case with your consciousness; you don't need a million labels about your mind. You need to really get in touch with your mind. For when the mind communes with itself and thereby knows itself directly, then no one can take that understanding away from you. No threat of death, no bribery of reward can shake that clarity which is beyond any amount of money. One is then truly wealthy beyond worldly riches. A person of material affluence that is spiritually poor can never find a feeling of being WHOLE through material objects, alone. 

I seriously would NOT trade what I understand about consciousness for any amount of money. I have had many opportunities to be materially rich, but it required me to turn my back on ethical self-awareness - to hurt my fellow man/woman for it. One cannot take the material gain with oneself at the end of ones mortal journey. So what matters is that I did not harm the world in acquiring material things. We are not the flesh. We are ethereal entities being tested by the daily challenges of our lives. Are we learning through it all? Or, are we playing a mental game with ourselves? I don't play any mental games of deceit. I see things as they are no matter how distasteful the truth may be. All that matters is truth and I go wherever it may take me. It so it has been for most of my life, more than 55 years ago. I have no degree nor do I see any need for one. For, our lives are being challenged by a sub-atomic being that is manipulating material appearances to create the illusion of scarcity. There is no real scarcity. A group of mentalities meet in secret to run this "Wizard of Oz" freak show. Or, "The Truman Show" (take your pick). Our survival is based on pulling back the curtain to be free of this artificial world of consciousness so that we may face the true reality of quantum mechanics of when our consciousness is the fabric thereof.

I now feel the reality of quantum mechanics in my everyday life. I can see how it moves people in and out of my life. I can see how my responses govern the outcomes. When I remain Neutral, those who intend me great harm end up falling victim to what was intended for my life. The Collective Ego constantly blocks what I need to physically survive. But I never fight against it. I say through my body language, "Go ahead and block whatever I need. I am okay with dropping dead at any time. Because, I die to all my thoughts and feeling every time commune with my emotional responses. So I'm ready to die at any time." So when all my supplies look like they are running out, I don't worry at all about it. And, it never fails, people come out of nowhere and start providing what I need without me begging for it. If I am a creation of the Supreme Consciousness and it wants me to exist for a purpose, then the quantum world will send out messages (wave particles) throughout the Human Mind Network to come in my direction like a psychic tuning in and they just appear. I am not making this up. This has been happening to me for the past week - after weeks of deprivation. 

I study my reactions as I face deprivation. I study the Collective Ego that is waiting for me to call on someone to seek emotional comfort. I don't want to be comforted and dulled. I want to be fully awake and aware of what is happening in me and around me. Then I watch it like a scientist watches particles and waves. I observe what will happen if I do NOTHING except OBSERVE. That OBSERVATION is sub-atomic and it is that energy being released into the sub-atomic quantum world that is receiving my reality and relaying across the quantum grid of reality. I sit back and watch it manifest whatever it manifests. I have no theory or any supposition what will manifest. I am just watching myself and seeing what comes out of that watching, without seeking any result nor fulfill any desire. No movement toward a desired goal means that I am in Perfect Neutrality. And if it is a fact that all energy is born out of that nameless void, then I am here to witness that reality in my life. Who cares about words in order to come across like a know-it-all. 

I convey these words that came out of my living reality to share with anybody in the world that is facing the Collective Ego. like the Star Trek Borg that seeks to assimilates our emotional beings (you may call it a soul if you like). They say, "resistance is futile." Well, I am not resisting the challenge. On the contrary, I am absorbing the challenge with every fiber of my consciousness. I am making FULL CONTACT with the daily egocentric challenges. When you look at the insane world that is being run by nuts who have stolen vast amounts of material things, they are power mad crazy people who truly believe that their power is running life. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are merely forms of conscious energy vibrations just like all of life. If you have a grounding in NO OPPOSITION and NO SUBMISSION, then when their energy tries to gobble up your life, they find themselves disintegrating out of existence. I can't tell you how many times I have witnessed people dropping dead mysteriously from seeking to end my life. I have no weapons, no friends/allies, no connections, no relatives (I have abandoned them because they are all sell-outs to their ego). I am completely alone and vulnerable as an infant is vulnerable. My only protection is NEUTRAL SELF-AWARENESS for more than 4 decades now. 

Thanks to J. Krishnamurti, I applied what he talks about and made it a living fact in my life. That is all he ever wanted. He never wanted to be put on a pedestal or worshiped. A truly Holy Man finds that to be insulting. He merely was a conduit for Human Consciousness to Awaken to the error of its thinking. I spent my entire life making his teachings a reality because I needed to understand why people were so robotically seeking to belong to a social group at any cost. They will do any terrible deed in odor to belong to a clique. When you belong you are forever afraid to think or speak out of turn lest they banish you from their group. Then you will be viewed as a social pariah. 

I have never cared about belonging to a group because I was abandoned as a very young child spending my formative years in isolation. So my mind was free to question itself without being molded by emotional imposition, for the most part. From time to time my father or mother would show up for brief periods of time, but they were always angry and frightening creatures, to my young mind. I wanted to be close to them but they didn't like intimacy nor kindness. They were harsh, cruel and greedy for pleasure and used deadly force if they were blocked from their pleasures. So I studied them from a distance as much as possible. I was afraid of growing up and becoming like that. So I deeply questioned what turned them into that monstrosity.   

Then when I got married and had 2 children I found myself expressing the same cruel anger and bitterness toward my children. I would distance myself and ponder why I was behaving like that. Then, I apologized to my children and told them that I was learning about myself and will be careful how I treated and spoke to them. But, throughout my years of being a parent I studied my emotional reactions. And, in doing so, I noticed a waning of cruel behavior. 

After my children grew up and moved out and began their adult lives, I struck out on my own to take a spiritual journey completely alone. I didn't want any outside protection because I needed to test the validity of J. Krishnamurti's observations (I don't like to call them teachings for you are the both the teacher and the student). Like a scientist I experimented and risked my life with street thugs to see if I could survive just from OBSERVING my responses to their serious threats against my life. And to my amazement, I did. J.K. would get very annoyed with people who just sat there staring blankly at him as though they expected him to upload his understanding directly into their minds. 

So I took what J.K. talked about and experimented with it and brought it to life. Words are meaningless in and of themselves. They are only instruments or tools to point to a living reality. But it is up you to SEE/FEEL what is beyond the word, the description. It is a lie to repeat his words without actually testing his message. When he said that, "The Observer IS The Observed" then when a killer was threatening my life, this was the time to test out that message. So I did. I watched myself react to the challenge. I realized that the one who threatened me was not really my challenge. It was my awareness to my response that was the real challenge. 

If I could watch my responses without any control, without seeking a desired result (just like a scientist watching quantum particles to understand why they are doing what they are doing), then I noticed that the challenge outside of myself would suddenly back off. It was like quantum mechanics when electron particles would change their behavior because of the presence of the human OBSERVER. Truly, I had discovered that people are just vibrational energy that are reacting to how I react. If I react neither positively nor negatively, a look of bewilderment would come over the aggressors and was surprised to find themselves backing off and leaving me alone. I looked deeply into the eyes of the aggressors and I could see how shocked they were that they were changing their mind about harming me.

I had a similar experience when I hitchhiked in Las Vegas when I just just 22 years old. I knew that it was dangerous, but I had no choice because I had been walking a long ways without water. My ankles were beginning to swell. I saw a driver pass me by. He looked like a killer. I am not exaggerating. He circled the block I was walking a few times then he drove up and invited me into his car. I was in a lot of pain and I was in very hot weather. I got into the vehicle. He kept staring at me like a hungry wolf. He had all the windows rolled and there was no air conditioning. I could see that he was ready to drive me into a deserted area and have his way with me. But, I recalled what J. K. had said about fear which was that I AM FEAR, but that fear is the act of moving away from any state of mind one is in. So I wondered what would happen if I just attended to my state of mind. So I turned inward, very deeply. Yes I was aware of him staring at me. But, more importantly, I was watching my emotional thoughts and feelings in response to his body language. 

I kept noticing the fact that I, the observer, is the main challenge. If I fail to get in touch with myself then I would be allowing this aggressor to overtake me. But if I stayed true to the observation, then there would be no division in myself. I remembered an ancient law that said that war is based on one thing, "to divide and then conquer." So as long as I didn't divide my mind against itself, then I could not be conquered. So I put this to the test. And lo and behold, the man actually ended up driving me to my hotel. I just kept paying full attention to my pounding rapid heart beat and my feelings of great nervousness. I didn't speak to him. I didn't try to do anything to change him at all. I knew that would get me killed, for sure. I merely minded my own business, which was to study my entire being. I just communed with all of my senses and my consciousness. 

In those days I really didn't know what the hell I was doing. But I was trying to find out the truth of what J. K. was talking about. So I realized as I was sitting there with this creepy man that my life depended on my Pure Self-Awareness and that no matter how uncomfortable I felt, I was not to seek to escape from my discomfort. And I also discovered that I WAS DISTURBANCE and nothing else. When I didn't separate myself from that state of being, something strange began to happen to me, I found my heart beat slowing down and my nervousness was melting away, like ice. And, before I knew it, he was pulling up to my hotel room. He stopped the car and then I looked into his eyes, I was surprised to see a look and expression on his face that was one of bewilderment. He didn't understand why he let me go. I could feel and see it so clearly. But, he did let me go. I slowly got out and slowly walked to my room. I never looked back. When I got inside my comfortable air conditioned hotel room, I reflected on what had happened. 

I was excited and amazed to discover that I had went beyond intellectual speculation about the message of J. K. I had implemented it into my daily life. He said that meditation involves the daily challenges that one faced in their actual life. And I saw this as a living reality in that hot dangerous car ride. I felt like a young bird that had never flown before that had dropped out of the comfort its nest, falling to its death if it didn't spread its wings and begin to fly before hitting the ground. I had spread my wings and began to fly as I learned the reality of "The Observer IS The Observed". My emotions was me and my observation of them was ONE phenomenon that remained WHOLE and undivided. One is dividing ones mind when one seeks to chase after pleasure to try to avoid painful feelings. There was only the 'What Is' (unfolding in my consciousness). The 'What Should Be' did not exist and would be deadly to run after an illusion in order to escape from emotional discomfort, of which I am that discomfort. To pull away from myself is to begin to fight with my feelings. So I surrendered to my state of being, completely. Then, the outcome was safe passage. So I didn't realize it at the time, but I was mentally tapping into the quantum fabric of reality. I put myself in its hands and watched what was happening very carefully (because after all my very life did depend on it).

I have had many situations that my life was on the line and in the 1949 radio talks (you can find on YouTube), J. K. said that it's impossible to get the true clarity of understanding by taking notes or listening to a bunch of words for the description is not ever the described. A description of a meal is not the same as actually eating a meal. Similarly, listening to my story can't help you. But when I took what he said and found the meaning through experiencing my state of mind under the most serious conditions then everything became clear as a bell. Also J. K. said in those talks that it is through deep disturbance where the mind really deeply learns the truth that sticks with you forever. 

Even though I am 40 years older than when that event happened in my young life, I can never forget the great lesson I had learned about THE POWER OF NEUTRAL SELF-AWARENESS. I didn't try to do anything to control this man. I only monitored my reactions, and did NOTHING ELSE. I was being a "0", neither positive nor negative. So right there I saw how NEUTRALITY did bring about harmony when an opposing force was ready to pounce on me. The law of physics in the atom is clear that negative and positive (female and male) energies can only co-exist peacefully only if there is a NEUTRAL energy present. My mind was providing the NEUTRAL ENERGY (through Self-Observation without seeking a desired outcome). I was just there to learn through my observation, alone. So he did not sense any resistance coming from me. So he strangely felt no urge to harm me. Although, I could see when I had first entered his car that he had planned on hurting me.

But as quantum mechanics shows that your response the context of The Observer when it entangles itself with its opposite energy (the male energy), gets influenced by the female quality of energy. Since I was being Neutrally aware of my responses without fighting against my feelings my non-oppositional state of being non-locally impacted his consciousness so he felt harmony. Where there is no opposition, there must be harmony where the wave and the particle co-exists. At that time, I didn't understand this quantum stuff. But looking back on what had taken place, I can plainly see what was going on there. 

At that time, I was like a surfer riding a tidal wave just locked in the present moment-by-moment attention. When one is in a deadly situation, ones senses are very acute and time no longer exists. All that one can feel is pure alertness. And there is an instinctive knowing that the slightest act of manipulation toward my own responses or toward trying to change him would bring about sudden and instant disaster upon me life. It was a little like coming upon a deadly snake and knowing that any sudden move could be fatal.

The point is that danger, emotional disturbance causes ones consciousness to absorb the impact of the challenge in its totality which outside of time changes the situation, without any effort to force my will to change it. Observation is not a desired action. There is an instinctive Intelligence of a kind of knowing what is appropriate and what is not. It is like a quantum leap that just happens out of nowhere. 

Now 40+ years later, I am faced with my survival and surrounded by a Collective Ego that wishes to destroy me because I don't obey social pressures in my community to appease their egos. I have been socially targeted. So I ride the wave of daily survival while watching my emotional responses to everything that is happening in and around me. And there is a man that I depend on for grocery shopping since I don't have a car. He pretends to care about me, but I can sense he wants me to trust that his intentions are benevolent. But, he does mean me great harm. On the surface he pretends to befriend me. But I have to work with him until my resources reach a level where I no longer need his help. 

But I watch myself and him very closely and carefully. In some ways, the more friendly types of sociopaths are far more lethal than psychopaths, because they are seeking to lure you into a false sense of security. And, they use charm and excessive complements to convince you that they are harmless. At least with that other man long ago, it was so obvious that he was dangerous. But with this man in my current life, he is very stealthy and covert. This is not paranoia. In the past whenever I fell for the illusion of friendship, I came very close to dying. I have had a few slip ups over the years, and danger increased whenever I fell for the appearance of benevolence. It is like the Trojan horse virus nicely telling you that there is a threat to your pc, just click here to get rid of the threat. It sounds so nice and inviting and helpful. But if you fall for it and click on that button, then the virus will penetrate and corrupt your PC files. This is what this man is like, a Trojan horse pretending to be helpful and means me no harm. 

These challenges are far more dangerous than obvious threats are because I can clearly see a psycho act obviously threatening. But a sociopath is unnaturally and overly nice and is always going out of his way to convince me that he has my back and that I can trust him, without question. That is a red flag. Then after a while he starts to get annoyed with me for not indicating that I trust him. Then he starts to play mind games. But, I don't engage him. I merely see them for what they are and never oppose him. But I also don't indulge his desire for me to submit to his will to rule my mind. I remain Neutrally aware of both my internal state of affairs, as well as sense his suppressed frustration with me that he desperately tries to conceal from me. 

You see, I have discovered that the government can only steam roll your life and intrude upon it based on your relationship with society. A few years ago I got into trouble with the government because I had trusted my former roommate who had become upset with me when I changed from a intimate involvement with him into a strictly roommate status. He had assured me that it wasn't a problem. So I took him at his word. A long story short, I found myself in a lot of trouble. Once I had realized that it was my belief that caused this to happen I corrected my mistake. So over time I was able to disentangle myself and then I kept a close watch on my responses and him. After I became wise he became very annoyed with me. He had verbally attacked me and became very passive aggressive doing a lot of things around the house to cause me problems. Eventually, all of his covert attacks came full circle and lets just say, he's not with us anymore. I didn't do anything against him. I only absorbed his impacts until he ran out of energy and he dropped out of my life.

So, I depicted these personal examples in order to indicate that I'm not just theorizing about what I write about. Our lives are being bombarded by ego-driven people. And if you don't handle these challenges in a neutrally grounded manner, then the authorities can invade your life and torment you. So how you relate to people in your daily life and the quality of our observations toward your own emotions determines whether or not the government can take over your life. So don't be so overly concerned about the media on the Internet is warning against. All that stuff depends on your response to your ego. If you approach your ego negatively or positively, then what the media is warning you about can actually happen. Our minds are holograms that can make these media suggestions come to life if we don't understand the importance of NEUTRAL WATCHFULNESS. This is hard because people around you are programmed to influence you to play the emotional game of bias. If you play it, then you can find yourself living out the prophecies that the Internet is suggesting. Everything is governed by your self-awareness or the lack thereof.

Thank you.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.