Thursday, August 22, 2013

Why Can't Humanity Stop Creating Problems?

The Problem Itself - In Its Unfolding - Reveals Extraordinary Things


If you are merely looking for an answer to the various problems, then you will never find it; you will only find a solution that is suitable to you, that you like or dislike, that you reject or accept; but that is not the answer - it is only your response to a particular like or dislike. But if one does not seek an answer but looks at the problem, really investigates it, then the answer is in the problem itself. But you see, we are so eager to find an answer. We suffer; our life is a confusion of conflict, and we want to put an end to that confusion; we want to find a solution, and so we are everlastingly seeking an answer. Probably there is no answer in the way we want it answered. But if we do not seek an answer- which is extraordinarily difficult, and which means to investigate the whole problem patiently, without condemnation, without accepting or rejecting, just investigate and proceed patiently- then you will find the problem itself, in its unfolding, reveals extraordinary things. For that, the mind must be free; it must not take sides, choose. - J. Krishnamurti, Amsterdam 1955,Talk 1

Reality-Reflector's Comments:


Historically speaking, humanity has built and destroyed one civilization after another. This is what we are subconsciously programmed to do. This civilization (including all governments, tribes, etc.) are repeating history. Mankind must repeat its history so long as it fails to understand the fallacy in its APPROACH TO PROBLEMS. “Problems” are not the the problem, really. It's the Mind's Approach To Problems. There is a fatal flaw in the manner in which we approach the problem of living. The mind pretends to be fixing problems, while it increases and intensifies problems. There are a multitude of institutions, organizations and communities claiming that they have the answer. None of them have the answer. If you will look at history, these groups only superficially solve a problem here and there. But for every problem they suspend (postpone the crisis with a quick fix), hundreds or thousands more problems develop out of their so-called resolutions.

Mankind has relied solely on an analytical approach to solving all their problems. Technologically speaking, that works to a certain degree. However, without psychological wholeness, all technical analysis always falls short of the mark. People have never been faced with physical or material problems. All of these physical and economic imbalances are originating out of an inadequate response to their psychological side of their nature. That part of human consciousness has been badly twisted. It is so twisted that it thinks the psyche is fine. Why? We have always been convinced that if a large quantity of people are behaving a certain way or thinking a certain way, then we are “normal”. False. We are clueless about the psyche (that includes so-called mental experts). If humanity was “normal” we would build civilizations that do not clash with Mother Nature. Anything that threatens the destruction of nature is clearly ABNORMAL. Why? Simply because of the fact that if we irreversibly cripple our planet, we shall surely perish along with her – duh! What is “normal” about demolishing the only home you have? We are so self-centered and arrogant that we think we can thrash the planet and upset the food chain and that wont touch us. Is that not absurd?

When there is any problem, we react to it based on personal like and dislike. If we like the solution we will run with it. If we don't like it we reject it. We are programmed to fight against any problem. People look at taking care of a health problem as “fighting a disease”. When I have a health issue; first, I get completely in touch with the pain that I am feeling so that my brain's biological intelligence can scan the condition. I do not immediately seek answers. The answer lies in the complete percption of the problem. When the body is allowed to feel itself, then I find that I suddenly realize what I need to do. Then, I apply the natural remedy so that my body can restore its balance. Whatever is deficient I give the body. Since the body is an organism that means that it is organic based. So whatever is lacking has to be natural. When the body gets what is lacking, its own biological intelligence heals itself. There is no battling anything. If there is too much toxicity in the body, then I find herbal properties that can flush out the poison, naturally. So that which does not belong in my body is expelled without hurting the body. There is no war against anything going on. One is merely restoring balance to the body's system.

We have been brainwashed to look at our entire life as one big struggle, fight. When it comes to economic problems, that is all tied to the ego. If you will examine closely, people are being paid to maintain, support psychological warfare. We are in an egotistical servitude. Stroke people's egos at work or else they will give your job to someone else who will. We are psychologically conditioned and don't realize it. However, if you do actually see psychological conditioning in yourself and in everyone else, as well, they can only pick on you endlessly. But since a person who is not conditioned is holistic, it backfires on the aggressors, and they can't take your job. We all “believe” (like at one time people all took it for granted that the earth was flat) that you can't live in this corrupt/fragmented/divided world without gratifying people egos. I have been able to disprove this notion with my own life. I have been holistically facing my ego and everyone else's ego since 1978. It can be done and must be done. Because if everyone caves in to their ego, there will be nothing stopping the scientists from actually destroying this planet.

I get YouTube Video News telling about genocide and I can see how afraid everyone is. You have those who are warning the masses about chem-trails, depopulation programs, etc., etc. The programmed mind's reaction is the fight it. That is what the aggressors want you to do. It gives them justification to put the whole population in lock-down like a prison or a laboratory where test rats are put in their cages. They want to subdue our minds chemically, like what was done in Nazi concentration camps or mental asylums. Opposition to evil FEEDS evil! Just because you don't oppose a thing, that does not mean it will automatically eat u alive. When being confronted by countless threats to my life, I simply observe my emotional responses for as long as it naturally lasts (like a thunderstorm). At the end, a solution appears without me searching for one. Why does that happen? This world can only victimize you if you deal with challenges in an oppositional way. Instead, when I am afraid, I quietly feel it because I AM THAT FEAR. If you run from feeling whatever you feel (regardless if u like it or not), you are disintegrating your mind, and it is fractured or divided. Once you do that to yourself, any outside aggressor can take advantage of you and hurt you in any way they see fit. [Divide & conquer.]

We are always belly-aching about how the government is brainwashing us, attacking us and deceiving us, but ultimately it is the blame of the common Man or Woman as to why these things are happening to us. Our mind is the seed to the tree of the world's happenings. Ever heard the expression, “Divide and conquer”? Well, it's a fact of life that can't be disputed. As soon as a thing is not whole, it is vulnerable to extinction. We have been allowing every bad thing that the government has done to us. We have not taken responsibility to learn about how we think. It does not matter what you know. You can be a genius like Einstein, Nikola Tesla or whoever. But these men were psychologically inept. They were driven by their egos. Even though Einstein did not want to make the Atom Bomb, which has taken countless lives; he did it anyway because he knew that if he refused to do it, he would not have been famous for his intellectual discoveries. He wanted “to be a somebody” in this immoral corrupt world. So he did it. Therefore, he contributed to disorder against Mother Nature [the sacred].

On the other hand, Nikola Tesla, had discovered zero point renewable energy. He wanted everyone to have access to energy for their homes and cars without having to pay for it. And, that technology has existed since the 1930's. Since he did not play ball with the energy companies, his research was stolen and hidden from the world. HARRP technologically is Tesla's brainchild. He warned the government not to use this technology for warfare because its power is so great that it could destroy this earth (no joke). But clearly his warning has been ignored. Magnetic science is incredibly powerful. The more powerful our technology gets, the closer we come to the brink of disaster. Why?

The Natural Law of Life says, “If human consciousness progresses technologically WITHOUT equivalent understanding of the psyche, then that consciousness will use whatever it invents to ultimately annihilate itself.” History has proven that to be true. We keep on rising and falling and rising again. Each time we think that our civilization was the first one to discover powerful technology. Archeologists have found air travel blueprints and models after digging deep into the earth. They were able to carbon date these findings and found that other civilizations did have high tech, but they got so advanced (yet they were driven by a fragmented mind – the ego), and they annihilated themselves. The mark of the divided mind is hierarchy, which is shown in the images they left behind.

Our civilization is on that same course, because we refuse to understand our psyche on a holistic level. That is the ONLY SOLUTION! But our egos are ancient and it still does not accept that solution, because we are not in control of the solution. We want to be in control and that control is what is manufacturing every nightmarish problem we hear about on the News. You name it, and it can be traced back to the Ego (self-centered fulfillment at everyone else's expense).

Ego is when you base your life on Desire (like and dislike). Desire is why we don't want to hear the Truth and when we do hear it, we dismiss it as being foolishness. Then the Ego carries on with its control. That control is the same control that destroyed previous civilizations.

So it is up to each person to step up and be responsible for the world. It's quite simple. Minds that are ego-driven are disorderly because they are depriving their biological brain from perceiving facts so that it can function in clarity. When we choose to believe whatever we want to believe about ourselves, then we are living in a delusional state of mind. The body and brain cannot function properly. So long as we fail to OBSERVE our emotional responses to any challenge in our lives, then we remain DIVIDED. That division causes disharmony in our biological being and, therefore we malfunction. The way we view our problems through a divided mind causes us to react to our problems fearfully. It is this area of life where we have dropped the ball!

Nature is functioning in a state of Natural Order because it is doing what it was made to do 100 per cent. Sure there are a few things in nature that are malfunctioning, but those creatures naturally die out. Or, they could be malfunctioning because humans have scientifically altered them. The human consciousness is fundamentally malfunctioning, because it “believes” that it is proper and correct to live in conflict, division, fragmentation or opposition. After a while, our bodies follows suit, and there are cases where the body attacks itself. That is because the mind is existing in a state of perpetual dualism. This psychological fight is the key to why we are living in disorder. Disorder thinks that it is order when, in reality, it is not. If it was in a state of order, our air and environment would be pristine and fine. But, each decade the poison is building up and accumulating. Our children are getting sicker. Being youthful lasts for a shorter and shorter period. We are biologically crumbling. And the source is not OUT THERE – it is in HERE inside the emotional mind that believes and imagines.

The problem of biological extinction of the human race is really up to each person. But, we are trained to address a crisis by fighting against it, not realizing that it is that very fighting that is giving our aggressors permission to wipe us out. We have made our minds incapable of APPROACHING A CHALLENGE THRU PURE OBSERATION (without opposition of any kind). Mentally we feel afraid or angry. We want to hurt the people who made us feel like that. That is programmed thinking that is quite primitive, which is why most people give into that wrong approach. The challenge of WWIII is purely a psychological one. If we fail to have an adequate psychological response, a plethora of physical/material problems will be unleashed into our lives.

We need psychological education in order to step out of this primitive vortex of conflict. We need to understand the mind, directly. I am not talking about analysis or being especially gifted. I am talking about being simple. When faced with complexity, the APPROACH MUST BE SIMPLE. If your mind is divided then it is complicated and anything that mind does will add to the problem. When you are working or relating to your family and friends, notice how they are always begging for compliments or to agree with how they feel about anything. When we help them to seek psychological fulfillment, we are helping to maintain division and conflict and disorder. Disorder will not disappear by itself. You have to see what you are doing to divide your mind. You have to understand that once you detect this disorder that disorder will urge you to correct it. Disorder can only contribute what it is, which is disorder. It cannot correct disorder. When you realize that (which is wisdom), you understand that all that is necessary is to see your mind exactly as it is. In the “seeing” is freedom because you are no longer in a state of opposition to the problem.

You, then, see that You are the Disorder! If fire sees that it IS fire, there is nothing it can do about that so it does not oppose what it is. Similarly, when you are fearful of not doing what is expected of you, you ARE that Fear, and there is nothing you can do about it. So you observe yourself/Fear.

When you are faced with somebody who is demanding that you stroke their ego, you just look at it completely without any opposition. You are studying the ego. All egos are the same fundamentally. They are based on an image each person has conjured up about itself. The expressions may vary, but an image is an image and it comes from the emotional storehouse of experieince. That is the human psyche of humanity. This psyche does not want to study or examine itself, purely. It takes whatever it observes and picks and chooses qualities that it likes and suppresses what it does not like – that is psychological division which is conflict/disorder.

Why do I constantly point out the nature of disorder? Because, we are living in the Psychological Dark Ages. Though humanity has manipulated nature in order to invent technology and have fancy gadgets, we are destroying ourselves with those gadgets. We are, for the most part, totally ignorant about the toxic side-effects of our technology (the over exposure to radiation, electromagnetic fields, genetically perverted food, pesticide laced fruits/veggies, etc.). And, the reason why we are living based on greed and competition is due to the fact that we don't understand our minds, holistically. We have divided it because we were sent to school and organized-religious institutions to identify with the hero and shun or attack the villain characters. Then we view others with those rosy-colored glasses.

So long as we don't investigate the emotional side of our minds, we must repeat history and destroy ourselves (while blaming it on the authorities). They only exist because the masses has always run away from their psyches (the demon within). That demon is easily dissolved when it is faced, completely and without trying to do something to it. The main problem is that we are incredibly dishonest with ourselves. We are playing an emotional game of Hide-and-Seek. We hide from the Truth about what we feel or think, then we pretend like we want to face it. No ego wants to understand itself, because it knows that the second that it does, there is no more ego. The ego is a mind that is divided against itself. It puts the thoughts and feelings that it hates in an unconscious jail. That is why humans are the only creatures on earth that lock things up. They began by locking up their thoughts and feelings that they are ashamed of. And they only express and share that part of themselves that they are proud of. So the whole psychological mind has being broken in half. Unless the mind observes its WHOLE MIND, it must remain divided against itself. And, The Natural Law says, “That where there is division, there must be conflict”. A thing that is at odds within itself is in a state of disorder and disintegration.

Do you see why I pointed out that it is not the authorities or big corporations that we need to be afraid of? They can only hurt us when we fail to see The Truth about our thinking. We seek shelter and refuge in dogmas, ideals or beliefs. But all of these things are a byproduct of a fragmented mind that refuses to holistically observe ALL thoughts and feelings in the mirror of human interactions. The more one clings to delusions in the face of so many problems, the more intensified those problems become. There's an old saying, “The Truth shall set you free.” That is partially true. If you resist seeing “The Truth”, well then it can't set you free from division/conflict/disorder.

The mind cannot seek out and find the solution. The mind has made a presumption that the solution lies outside of the problem. But if the problem is division in the mind, then there is no where to go. You are the Problem and the solution lies in studying that problem. Studying or examining a thing is NOT oppositional, so there is no conflict in self-study. There is no division in studying the problem. If I am angry, I can see that by thinking that the anger is different from me, I think that I can push it away from myself. But “The Truth” is that “I” am anger (whenever I feel that way). Ancient belief dictates that I am not the anger, because I “desire” not to be it. But, “The Truth” is that I am every thought and feeling in my mind. When we choose to push away pieces of our mind, then we have opposed ourselves and therefore DIVIDED the mind. Then conflict and fighting and struggling ensues. When the mind is battling itself, it has left its physical security up for grabs – meaning anyone can come along and attack us. When we fight against our thoughts and feelings, we are giving permission to others to harm us.

The only reason why governments, corporations and (organized) religions have gotten away with hurting us, is because we have allowed ourselves to be second-hand humans. I say “humans” not “human beings”, because a human being is someone who is in a constant state of “being in touch with him or herself, completely”. Whatever you think or feel is there to be studied, period. When we examine any activity taking place in our mind, we are being with ourselves. If you look up in Black's Law Dictionary (unsure of which edition) you will find the definition of “human” is: monster. A monster is an entity that is disturbed and disturbs everything in its path.

Humans are monsters. They refuse to understand themselves by observing ALL of their emotional responses. We think that everything will be fine if we can just control it. However, the controller is disorder. It projects an opposite to whatever it dislikes and then says, “That is good”. But no matter how friendly and sweet sounding a divided mind is, it has its roots in the soil of conflict. Conflict disintegrates life, period. Until we learn “The Truth” and not try to edit that “Truth”, we are destined to self-destruct. These are the facts, not as I wish them be, but simply how it is.

Prejudice is at the heart of the ego. A prejudice is based on like/dislike. We don't like to see everything about ourselves. We only like certain qualities. But if our brain & bodies functioned like that, we would drop dead instantly. The brain can't pick and choose to operate based on like and dislike. It has to operate the WHOLE BODY – that includes the attractive face, as well as the anus. The point here is that we are one unit. But, in the emotional realm we have divided it and have caused a split. The Truth is that most people are schizophrenic. There is a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. or Ms. Hyde in most humans. One is considered evil and the other good. But they are polarized like the North & South Poles. If you get rid of one pole, the other would disappear also. And, the balance of the earth would implode in on itself. Similarly, if you try to get rid of dark thoughts and feelings by projecting so-called happy thoughts and feelings, then the whole mind will decay – taking the body with it.

At the moment, the psyche of humanity is in total darkness (ignorance). What is ignorance? Simple... It is ignoring yourself. If you ignore how your mind hides from itself, then the mind remains blind to what it is ACTUALLY doing. What the mind “thinks/believes” it is doing, and what it is ACTUALLY doing, are completely different. How can a mind be “A Light Unto Itself”? It must see what it is doing that is making itself suffer. It has to awaken to the fact that it does not want to see itself. This is the very first step and the last. Being in touch with reality is sanity. The reality is the ego DOES NOT WANT TO SEE ITSELF AS IT ACTUALLY IS. The mind is cunningly deceptive to itself. It pretends like it wants to understand and be free from creating endless problems. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. The image-world only cares about protecting its delusions and treating them like they are logical sane facts.

So it comes down to The Approach to the divided mind. Every person you talk to is a contradiction (a Jekyll and Hyde ego). And, this ego wants to be stroked. Even if you stroke their conscious ego, their subconscious ego will hate you because you did not gratify it. It's impossible to please the ego. So when you study your ego, you are studying the ego of the entire world. This is why “You Are The World and The World Is You”, psychologically. The only problem we have to face each day is the Human Ego (that is in darkness). When you observe this entity, then you are being “A Light Unto Yourself”. And since, [psychologically] “You Are The World and The World Is You”, then you are bringing Light (Truth) into the world (human consciousness).

If you come to your problems with a mind that is operating as a problem (because it is divided and in conflict), then such a mind can only make the problems worse. So in your daily life, you have a responsibility to study the mind's responses (all of them). If you don't, then you are contributing to and are, in fact, DISORDER. And, all things done out of disorderly thinking, you are a part of that disorder. You are aiding and abetting all things that egos are producing in this world.

By being responsible and moral, you study the mind's reactions. The more you observe it, the more the chains of self-deception effortlessly drop away -- like a dead leaf falling from a tree stem. The revolution must take place in the mind for it to change the outer world. The mind is the seed. Everything comes from a seed. This big world is the display of seeds. Similarly, all disasters that are man-made come from their divided minds/egos. This ego keeps promising to fix things, but just like a pimp who promises never to beat his whore, he never delivers on that promise. It can't deliver. Ego is corrupt because it is tied to its desire. The very foundation of the ego is DESIRE!

Ego looks at everything based on “What Should Be” based on what “I” Desire. Desires are conflicting. Each person is fighting to fulfill their own desire. In that fight is a fallout of damage to our environment and to our health and constant fear of losing our physical security. As long as you fight for psychological security, you have sacrificed your physical security. The super rich think they are safe. But remember all civilizations had the super rich. Hey all went down with their civilizations, as well. There is no hierarchy. That is a delusion of the ego or the divided mind.

The “hierarchy” is born the moment the mind says to itself, “I want to be more than I am”. The “more” or the “better” is the higher state of mind that the lower state of mind projects. When the mind refuses to observe itself, holistically, it then establishes a “hierarchy” in itself. For instance, “I am envious” and I feel ashamed of it. So the mind conjures its opposite (which is rooted in envy). Any expression born out of envy is still related to that envy. The mind is wearing a mask. But behind the mask is still envy, just the same. It is self-deceived. It is the psychological mask that is regarded as being “The Higher” state of mind. It's only a pretense of being “better”. The essence is still envy masquerading as being something “higher”. This is why the outer world has hierarchies. Nothing has really changed at all. It's a magic act, a trick. The mind cannot escape from any state of mind via an image, belief or ideal.

Once one clearly sees “The Truth”, one is no longer in darkness – one is then A Light Unto Him or Herself. Such a whole mind that is not at odds within itself has no “hierarchy” because it is wholeness where there is nothing to overcome nor hide from. Seeing the whole IS FREEDOM. Then your seed is a completely different seed of light in a totally different dimension. Whenever the dark mind steps foot in your path, your holistic perception is shining The Light Of Truth upon it. It is suspended and knows not what to do so it withdraws.

The dark [divided] mind only knows one thing – conflict. It has no response to a thing that is not opposing it. If it tries to harm it, it harms itself, instead. I have witnessed this innumerable times in my life. My only JOB in life is to study the mind in myself. When I see it completely, then I see ALL MINDS/EGOS, simultaneously. Then no matter what games the ego plays with my physical security, it must back off or else the disorderly world will collapse. A fraction can never overtake The Whole – that is The Natural Law. But as long as your mind remains divided/fragmented, then your physical security can be hijacked by another ego. There are no “good egos”; all egos are disorderly and are an enemy to the biological world (both our bodies as well as our environment).

If you look at the whole world of problems, you can see that we can't fix them 1-by-1. Besides, every time the ego fixes one problem, it produces a multitude of others. That we have already been doing for like thousands of years. It doesn't work. To continue relying on our ego to bring a solution is insane because we are using the same formula and expecting a different result – that's madness. So what has humanity never tried before? Holistic self-study in the present moment while it is unfolding. Just watching and learning from it. You think nothing will happen right? How did some diseases get remedied? Well, someone watched the movement of that disease under a microscope [pure observation of the problem]. In that PURE WATCHING suddenly the solution was revealed. We have been brainwashed to think that the accumulation of knowledge and memory is the only way to solve problems. That may partially work for physical or material problems, but where the mind is concerned, that is an impediment.

It is The Hardest Thing In The World to simply Observe and do nothing else. You try it and see how hard it is. You instantly want to take hold of what you are observing or if you feel disturbed about what you observe, you look for an external distraction (a so-called “friend”) who will emotionally lull you back to sleep. Sure “The Truth” can set your mind free from its own ignorance, however, you have been programmed to unconsciously resist looking at yourself, completely. “Completely” means, without opposition or trying to change it. The entity that is pretending to change, it knows that this action is maintaining the division and therefore reinforcing the Ego. Ego is the virus that refuses to die. But it does die, naturally, when you do nothing but observe it from moment to moment. See what happens when you just observe the mind. Egos around you will get nervous and try to intimidate you into stopping understanding yourself, because all minds are ONE MIND (psychologically). So when you end conflict in your mind, that frequency of energy that you emit into the collective consciousness will be changed at its root.

Think of basic chemistry. Just one drop of a fundamentally different element added to a large pool can alter that entire pool. This is why governments around the world are trying to tag each person and monitor them to make sure that everyone is maintaining a DIVIDED MIND. Because that is the only kind of mind that can be controlled. And, the disorderly world (a psychological virus) is struggling to stay in existence. But the longer it stays, the worse the planet, atmosphere and our health gets. The ego is out of order and out of place and has no business in this biosphere. It is the main reason why our world is dying. The more we feed the Ego of Human Conscious, the more the physical world collapses. This is, my friends, the definition of a monster. It cares not about the consequences, it only wants to CONTINUE AT ALL COST, even if that means destroying the world.

You know when I was a kid watching monster movies; I never got the point of the monster. I mean take vampires... They go around sucking the blood of the healthy alive human beings; then they turn into a blood-sucker. And I go, what happens when there are no more healthy people to devour, then what? No more blood to drink to stay eternally alive to feed off of the healthy. But, if there are no more healthy people, then game over, right? Ultimately when the monster takes over everything then, there is nothing left to take over. Then the vampires/monsters die too. So what's the point?????

There is no point.

Desire, which is a monster when it does not study itself, is inert. It will go straight down a path off a cliff. You can warn it that its headed for doom, but it doesn't care. It is darkness; darkness IS IGNORANCE. Ignorance, ignores what it does not desire to be true. Truth is the last thing the ego wants to hear. Ego exists off of lies about itself. That is why I said that the Ego is darkness and ignorant of itself. When you study ego, you study all humans on a rudimentary basis. We all meet, psychologically, at the root level. So when you examine your responses to compliments and insults you are learning about the nature of the ego and psychologically dying to it at the same time. In seeing “The Truth” alone, you are set free from division/conflict. You no longer contribute to the destruction of this world. While people are daily feeding their egos (self-centered importance) they are devoting their energy to disintegration through conflict. And, their brain and body is absorbing that conflict into its biological organism. When conflicting minds meet, then there's an explosion. In other words, our mind IS the WMD (weapon of mass destruction) so long as it remains ignorant to itself. This is real education, not brainwashed programming that we have been misled into believing is education. To be educated is to be factually informed. We have not been factually informed about building our lives based on conflict and competition.

None of the planets are competing with one another. Day is not competing against the night. Air is not competing against the water and visa versa. The universe is not at war with itself. It is only the human creature that is divided against itself. And, it is that division that has thrown the equilibrium of Mother Nature out of whack. She can't heal herself, because we wont stop having wars long enough for the planet to recover. And on a subatomic level, our minds are vibrating a deadly frequency that is impacting all dimensions of life (of which we are unaware).

So you see our #1 responsibility is to have a radical revolution (change) in the way we think, emotionally. Pure Holistic Observation/Study/Examination of our Disorder is the only solution. It does not require anyone's permission. No authority can dictate to me that I have to ignore my mind. It's like telling the universe that it has to be disorderly. You can't stop the universe from being Whole. A fragment that tries to take over the Whole will self-destruct before it can succeed.

Ever since I was child, I needed to know what is my natural function here on earth. What is my innate responsibility? Our responsibility and Real Job is to be Whole (holy). Any organization or doctrine or dogma that promotes something to be sacred or holy based on an ideal (all ideals are from memory and knowledge which are limited), then it is bogus. That which is sacred and holy is NOT divided against itself, nor is it limited. Conflict has nothing to do with wholeness – which is Love, Peace, Joy, Wisdom, Integration, Healing, Bliss, Intelligence and Sanity. It is our moral job to be Whole. But we were taught to fight for freedom, fight for health, fight, fight, fight. Problems can only be solved through conflict – Nonsense! We have ripped this planet up fighting for our so-called noble causes. The planet does not care about our ridiculous causes. It only feels imbalance, which is evil.

Approaching Problems with a Problematic Mind can only proliferate problems. If one discovers the truth of that, then one no longer functions as a psychologically blind robot that is programmed to maintain, defend and impose conflict in the world. What is a crime, fundamentally? It is not just breaking laws, because some laws are criminal in and of themselves. No. Crime is to cause injury. When we program people to be self-destructive and hurt the world (including Mother Nature), then that is a crime. Man-made laws are made by a divided mind of conflict. Those laws are false when they contradict The Natural Laws. The Natural Law trumps man-made laws simply because they are there to protect and secure our physiological world (our planet and its atmosphere). If you destroy that, then man-made laws wont matter without a home (our planet). That is why it is The Natural Law that matters. That Law makes it a necessity to live in that Law Of Truth and Wholeness).

Truth is Whole and the ego's self deceit is fractured and is irrelevant to the facts of universe and reality. It is not a matter of choosing to obey The Natural Law. Is it a choice to breathe, eat, sleep, use the restroom or even live. Did you choose to be alive? No. Life is not a matter of choice, psychologically speaking. You have no choice but to wake up and see your mind for what it is. If you don't, you can't complain about the bad things happening in this world. You are a party to them all. You either live in Order/Wholeness or Disorder/Division/Conflict. There is no other state of existence. What kind of energy are you emitting from your mind and organism? Whatever it is, the rest of the universe is being impacted with it. And whatever type of energy you project out into the world it will come full circle; that's another Natural Law. Each of us everyday is creating the circumstances of our lives, regardless if you see it or not.

So either study your responses or fight against them; it's up to you. This is where all problems begin. Any gardener knows that you can prune rotten leaves and stems from a tree, but if the root remains unhealthy, your constant pruning will not stop the tree from dying. Similarly, you can run around seeking one belief or ideal after another, but they all are rooted in opposition to studying our mind. Self-study and understanding is our natural function. But, we are processed humans who doesn't know what it means to be natural, anymore. Until we holistically end the crack in the foundation of our mind, what good does it do to amass a ton of possessions when its built atop a faulty foundation – its impressive structure must inevitably collapse, right?

Why does the media drown us in problems, problems, problems? They want us gripped by fear and terror so they can get us to run to them for answers. The answers they offer will only further our problems. That is what mind control is all about. Mind control only works because each of us are afraid to look at ALL OF OUR THOUGHTS/FEELINGS without opposition. That IS the key to freedom. A mind that does not fear examining itself cannot be controlled. When you observe the observer, the observer naturally transforms through the sheer energy of perception, alone. There is no control involved at all! When you don't control your mind, you cease to allow others to control it, as well. If you control your responses, then anyone else can too. So a mind that is free from control is psychologically Free and the condition of fear no longer exists.

If one feels fear (which is the mind itself), then study that feeling, which is you, without explanation, condemnation or rationalization. Watch the feelings or thoughts, as if you were studying a mysterious virus through a microscope, and objectively examine whatever pops up. You will also see your programmed responses urging you to do something beyond observation -- study that too. Ego thinks there has to be more to it than that. But, there really isn't any more to it than that. 

So when the mind is Whole/Orderly, it can resolve any problem. But when the mind IS a problem, it can only generate problems until it suffocates in them. And, that goes for the elite people too. They are what you are underneath the hood. They are divided and self-deceived, too. They think they can hurt the world and not hurt themselves. But hurt comes in many forms and they are not exempt. Because “You are the world and the world is you”. Whenever you harm the world, you are harming yourself. Why do you think soldiers come home mentally deranged? They have destroyed many lives and they will be haunted until the day they physically die. Although, mentally, they are already dead.

We've built our lives and civilization based on war. Economy and money is all about warfare. To get money you either have to engage in overt or covert warfare. The only exemption from that is to get money because you observed the ego all the way through its root in yourself. Then when the disorderly world says to the orderly mind that you can't have the money so that you can biologically live, the orderly mind says, “OK”. Then strange things start to happen and suddenly they have to cough up the money. So the orderly mind gets the money because it exposed the ego through pure observation/study. That energy has impacted the entire human collective consciousness. If that collective mind resists, it will cease to exist as a whole collective (all egos will cease). So the energy that is released to see “The Truth” gives the orderly mind access to its biological needs. So one is getting paid through a state of holistic order, and that is a rare thing, indeed.

Most money is blood money. We are in denial because we tell ourselves that all this ego stroking is not being violent (which is psychological warfare). But when someone gets a raise who is really not technologically qualified because he stroked his/her boss' ego more than some other person who is more highly skilled, that creates animosity and conflict. That sometimes explodes and you hear on the News how some employee 'lost it', and killed the staff and his boss. Oh yes, ego stroking is covert warfare. The disorderly world is paying people to be in conflict. Just like they tell people not to be a drug addict. Not true at all. They want us to be drug addicts, just the ones the big corporations are making a profit on is allowable. 

The establishment of authority says they want to reduce violence, but conflict is violence. The overt conflict takes place rapidly while the covert conflict takes place like a time bomb; things appear to be superficially peaceful, but below the surface the bomb is just waiting to blow. And, when the bomb blows, everyone stands around dazed like a deer staring into head lights -- wondering what happened. So we think it is orderly and respectable to participate in the promotion of conflict (covert violence),  because that is really what the disorderly world is all about. So most humans make their living as a warrior (either overtly or covertly), hence blood money. Then we run to a church or temple to try to wash it off with words projected from the mind (that pretends those words are blessed, sacred and holy with the power to absolve you from your cruelty). Then, you feel safe to go out and do it all over again.

J. Krishnamurti, the only true World Teacher I've ever heard of, acted as a psychological mirror that we can study our egos through. He did not want us to be at all concerned about his personality (his style of speech and how he looked). It is not important how the mirror looks, but what you see in that mirror – which is examining your ego, as is. Once you see it without controlling it, it is no longer there; hence conflict and violence is no longer there, too. What is there cannot be described. You can only do it, then see for yourself what it is. It cannot be possessed or captured.

This is why our only concern is to understand The Truth about the false, which is our ego. Then you can conduct business and live in a totally different dimension that is unrelated to the world of disorder. That world will wither away on its own accord because it requires support from the living (just like a vampire needing healthy blood to suck). But you must invite the vampire in by refusing to holistically understand/study your ego. If you don't invite it in, then the ego cannot go beyond itself. It is in the dimension of disorder and can't go beyond that. It can only entice another to be disorderly. But it cannot step into the world of wholeness/order. If it did, it would no longer be an ego and would not wish to do any harm.

So don't get carried away with facing tons of problems. In every problem is the ego. And if you understand the ego, then any problem is easily resolved.

Thank you.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Truth Is Like The Sweet Scent Of A Flower

A Real Regeneration


It is important not to merely listen to what is being said and accept or reject it but to observe the process of our own thinking in all our relationships. For in relationship, which is the mirror, we see ourselves as we actually are. And if we do not condemn or compare, then it is possible to penetrate deeper into the whole process of consciousness. And it is only then that there can be a fundamental revolution -not the revolution of the communist or what you will, but a real regeneration in the deepest sense of that word.

The man who is freeing himself from all conditioning, who is fully aware-such a man is a religious man, not the man who merely 'believes'. And it is only such a religious man who is capable of producing a revolution in the world. Surely, that is the fundamental issue for all of us- not to substitute one belief for another belief: To join this group or that, to go from one religion to another, one cage to another. As individuals we are confronted with enormous problems, which can only be answered in the process of understanding/seeing ourselves. It is only such religious human beings - who are free, unconditioned - who can create a new world. ~J. Krishnamurti, Amsterdam 1955, Talk 1

Comments about the above post from Reality-Reflector:

For in relationship, which is the mirror, we see ourselves as we actually are.

What is meant by this statement is that when someone talks to us, we have emotional responses (either pleasant or unpleasant). It is these responses that we “see our true selves”.

For centuries, the mind of mankind has been programmed to either emotionally cling to pleasurable emotions and to emotionally oppose or reject the disturbing ones. This is fragmentation of the mind, which causes a division in consciousness. This division causes a split personality in us. We act sweetly towards those who evoke pleasurable feelings and we act ugly with those who evoke painful feelings in us. This is at the core of all conflict, whether great or small.

War begins in the mind. The way we deal with our psychological nature IS the foundation that lies underneath every single problem in the human world.

Mr. Krishnamurti cracked the encryption code of the psychological double-talk. But, not as a technician – or a machine. No. He cracked it through something we lack in our education – WISDOM through Self-Observation or Self-Awareness.

Intellect without WISDOM is a wastage of energy, which begets self-destruction. And, The Natural Law is that whatever goes on Internally must also be reflected Externally out into the world at large. In other words, the way a person relates to their emotions is also the way one relates to others. If I am in conflict with myself, then I am in conflict with the world, as well. This is why Krishnaji (that is his nickname) said the “You are the world and the world is you.” That is because we all fundamentally operate out of same foundation of conflict.

Now then...

We must grow up and realize that everything in life is not obvious. Meaning; we only complain or get upset about “overt” violence. If it looks like it is obviously brutal, then we get all upset. For instance, everyone just about agrees that it is terrible to physically abuse a child (unless you are a child abuser). That's a no-brainer. But, the reason why physical brutality against children has always existed and will continue to exist is because we have given our approval to “covert” child abuse (without even realizing it. How you ask?

What is “covert child abuse”?

Telling children to believe in illusions is abusive to their mind. A mind that is blinded by illusions, even if they are pleasurable illusions, sets up conflict in the mind. Our bodies requires factual perceptions in order to protect itself and to maintain harmony in its functioning. What tears that to pieces is when the emotional part of the mind indulges in make-believe games. I am not talking about using imagination for technical reasons. Like games to help learn math, reading, etc. I am strictly talking about games that makes a child feel pressure to choose between villains or heroes. These are emotional characters designed to shape and mold the psychological realm. They lead to conflict in the mind.


We have divided our consciousness up into “good” & “bad” thoughts/feelings. Anything that makes us laugh or feel upbeat, we are trained to cling to these and to cherish them and anyone who stimulates them. This is why a stranger can easily abduct a child. All he or she has to do is to stimulate the child's pleasurable emotions, and the child has been trained to think that he/she is friendly and kind. So it is incapable of seeing or sensing danger. All of children fables are setup to represent either the “dark side” or the “bright side”. Then, they are lulled into identifying with one of these sides. When this happens, their mind splits in half. Children are disciplined into only expressing the “bright side” of their nature. They are punished in some manner when they express their “dark side”. This is programming their minds to being a CONTRADICTION, which is a conflict in opposites.

Since it is impossible for every child to be the “bright-natured” one, some children have to be the “dark horse”. The children who can pretend to be only “bright” get all the opportunities and rewards, which breed envy and hatred toward them. The others are left with scraps and become “bottom-feeders” in society, who plot revenge. They ultimately end up in either low standards of living or worse – prison. That is why I say (as well as Krishnaji) that live in a rotten world that is pretending to be orderly, just because some of the human race is having fun (very few, by the way). The rest are traditionally being sacrificed so that the privileged (children) can hide from their internal darkness by wallowing in their possessions and powers of position and being dictatorial. This is inequality and viciously unjust. But, it is all resting upon the Foundation of the Psychological Realm to which we are wholly ignorant, which was done deliberately (for eons).

The thoughts and feelings that make us feel disturbed, the mind has designated them to be repressed, rejected and detached. But here's the thing, humanity took a wrong turn at its beginnings and automatically accepted the false premise that we are NOT ALL our thoughts and emotions. The content of consciousness IS holistically itself. If that consciousness rejects any part of itself and does not study itself 100%, then a fragmentation or division takes place in the Total Consciousness (psyche). That creates a “conscious” and “subconscious” (an oppositional duality/contradiction). The mind, then, promotes that which it “likes” in its consciousness, and imprisons or locks away from itself the responses that it loathes. This is the BEGINNING OF CONFLICT/WARFARE in Total Consciousness. That causes a chain reaction because now we and our children then associate with others based on this division so this creates so-called “friends/allies” and “foes/enemies”. That is why peace on Earth has failed.

If our mind was a coin, we have taken the “heads” side to represent the psychological or emotional responses that we “like” (heads) and the dark feelings and thoughts to be “tails”. We have based religion, nationalism, sports on this basis. “Heads” side we call a “god” (or my gang or tribe or nation or sports team) and the other we call a “devil” (or the enemy's group that he emotionally identifies with). This is the split in the mind that most people share. We go by different superficial labels, but at the root directory, it all boils down to that coin has been split.

We are not individuals: An individual is Whole.

Because, this psychological phenomenon has been happening so much, we take it to be “natural”. But it is not and that is not my “opinion”, by the way. Opinions are children of the fragmented mind. Facts are what reality is. Without a factual brain, this imagination that we bow down to like its a “god” could not exist at all, period!

Look at nature, for example, because that is where our point of reference is for that which is “natural”. There is Night and Day. They are opposite expressions of nature, right? I am talking strictly facts here. Generally in the Daytime, everything is sunny and bright and there is warmth from the Sun. It is pleasant and comforting. Then there is the Night. Everything is dark, cold (sometimes), mysterious and unsettling. Now then... What would happen if we said that we like the day better than the night so lets suppress or eliminate the night? Everything would die, would it? If we favored the night over the day and wanted to eliminate the day, instead, then everything would still die, right?


Furthermore, if you will notice – The Day is not opposing the Night nor is the Night opposing the Day. They coexist in harmony – unlike humans.

If human consciousness was functioning in a state of balance/equilibrium, it would not fight the dark expression of itself nor would it overly cling to the bright side. It would HOLISTICALLY OBSERVE ALL EMOTIONS-THOUGHTS (be they bright/day or dark/night). There would be NOTHING TO CHOOSE because the two expressions belong to one unit: Total Consciousness. When the mind sees that it has been in grave error to oppose any part of itself (feelings/thoughts), then there is no longer a duality or contradiction in the Total Consciousness -- just like there is no opposition between Day & Night.

That is The Real Regeneration of Humanity

No organization will make that happen. All organizations are born out of a divided consciousness that has been protecting its existence like a “Trojan Horse” computer virus does. It is stubborn and does not want to stop dominating and disrupting your normal functions. It pretends like you need to hold on to it for “your sake”. But in Truth, it only cares about continuity of itself. It cares not that it is out of place and does not belong here. It just wants to exist like a monster does. As long as it hangs around it is going to rip the place apart like Godzilla. Meanwhile, the friendly-looking mask of the monster seduces us into thinking that we must protect the status quo, which is CONFLICT! CONFLICT CAN ONLY BEGETS CONFLICT. Just like a virus can only beget a virus, right?

It takes a simple mind to dissolve a complex problem. A mind that is DIVIDED against itself can only MULTIPLY problems – while it (believes) thinks it is fixing them. This is why leaders are not fixing a thing. They are profiting off of problems.

If you really stop to look closely at your jobs; you are not being paid for technical work, alone. No. You are getting paid to help people around you to stay psychologically (blind) divided and in conflict. You tell them emotional things that please their mind (in other words: stroke their egos) – puff them up, then you get promoted faster. Each person is helping to suppress the dark sides of one another, and thereby maintaining a split in their consciousness. So somewhere you have to express that dark side, so you find a scapegoat to torture (in private). But publicly, everyone thinks you are the “nicest person in the world”. This is psychological warfare (which is “covert”) and quite deadly. It's like the difference between a bomb that goes off immediately and one that is a ticking time bomb. As long as we don't detect the ticking, we feel like we are totally safe, that is, until all hell breaks loose and everyone wonders what the heck is going on?????

One thinks that “covert” warfare is less violent, but it is not at all. When the brain receives a frequency of conflict from the emotional realm, that energy causes a chain reaction of conflict in the biological structure, itself. This is why humans have so many strange diseases that you don't see in nature. Conflict is a process of DISINTEGRATION. If Night pulled away from the Day and visa versa, our entire world would DISINTEGRATE, as well. Similarly, the Total Consciousness is fighting its own private Armageddon. That fight is being felt by the entire biological human organism. So when we live in psychological opposition, we are literally attacking our bodies on an sub-atomic level. This also applies to children.

That is why we are falling apart physically. Plus, because we have all accepted that CONFLICT is “natural”. We are allowing Chem-trails, HARRP, GMO's (Genetically Mutated Organisms), food poisoning with pesticides and preservatives, etc. All of this is disturbing the natural balance of our environment, as well as our health. We ignore it but daily all of the unnatural behavior and thinking is methodically shredding our ecosystem along with the human race.

Who cares, right? Well, your brain does. It's absorbing this mess into its system.
The elderly, little babies and pregnant mothers are at the highest health risk, which why there is an epidemic of brain damage (including autism). As a matter of fact, the very biological organism of the human being is 100% of this Earth. What that means is that without this planet and its atmosphere, our bodies would surely perish. So if you don't get the connection between the destruction of our environment and us, well I have just laid it out for you to factually see.

The origin of all this mess is our mind. That thing that thinks it has a right to its “opinion”. Your brain does need “opinions” in order to live. Your baby does not need “opinions” to live. That is crap we have been programmed to think in order to keep ourselves and this world sick and dying while we believe we are so damn intelligent because we can cleverly debate with each other, which by the way solves NOTHING! There is only one planet which belongs to our brains. But our egos (this Divided Consciousness) has DIVIDED this Earth into warring tribes based on the war going on within the mind itself. Stop the war on the inside and the outside war will vanish, effortlessly. Having a bunch of stupid intellectual, egotistical meetings that pretend to want to end the problem (while covertly furthering the problems) will never save this world. It is the doomsday machine pretending to be our savior. The only thing that can save mankind is to wake up to our blunder about CONFLICT.

Waking up is not a matter of throwing a bunch of fancy language at it. You can say all day long that you wont be violent or participate in conflict, but that is just your subconscious programming that is protecting conflict incognito. This ancient programming can't be so easily dismissed. It has had thousands of years to come up with every kind of sneaky, subtle self-delusion you can imagine. So that wont free the mind at all.

Freedom means that you are open to investigate your TOTAL MIND – EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT, FEELING & EMOTION, without prejudice. It does not matter if you like it or not. Because your mind is the sum total of its parts and to discard or ignore or run away from a single part of mind is to essentially be at odds with yourself, ergo CONFLICT (which result in degeneration both mentally and physically).

So back to the beginning of this thing where Krishnaji said:

For in relationship, which is the mirror, we see ourselves as we actually are.

You can't see yourself as you actually are if you are picking and choosing which emotional responses you will observe and study within your mind. All we have been told by the authorities (the “educators) is that intelligence means to accumulate knowledge. The more knowledge you have the more superior you are. False! That is an intellectual mechanistic, lopsided approach to living. The human mind has another part to it that is vast and powerful. But it has been corrupted just like a computer virus fragments files so that things no longer run smoothly, as intended.

Corruption Means Fragmentation

Conflict is fragmentation of the mind. Therefore, the mind has lost its natural integrity or wholeness. No other human being in this entire world can give you back your wholeness or integrity. Each mind has to be a light unto itself by seeing ALL OF ITSELF without a single bit of opposition (opposition = conflict). Seeing has No Opposition in it at all. You SEE the Truth (which is both bright and dark expressions of the mind), and through that HOLISTIC-SEEING the Total Consciousness learns what it is and operates out of Pure Wisdom. There is no “doer” that takes charge like we are accustomed to through our fractured consciousness (i.e., our ego). Ego naturally falls away like a dead leaf. There's no need to pluck a dead leaf. It naturally drops to the ground without effort, struggle or force. If there is an ounce of force, then it belongs to the realm of CONFLICT = SELF DESTRUCTION (both psychologically and physiologically).

So as you can see, if you were paying close attention, children of the whole world are being psychologically cultivated to being their own worse enemy, covertly. Children of the entire world are being conditioned to kill and be killed, either “overtly” or “covertly”. Is this not child abuse? We dare not admit that then the entire hoax would implode in on itself, right?

Either way, it's all within the same field of CONFLICT. This is the reason why civilizations rise and fall and rise and fall again, because rarely have any human beings have had the balls to stand up and be a WHOLE MIND. A thing that is WHOLE in safe and does not cause nor contribute to WAR (neither overtly/consciously or covertly/subconsciously). A WHOLE MIND is just consciousness whereby both the upper levels and hidden are no longer at odds with one another – there is bliss or peace when there is clarity about how we are fighting ourselves and blaming it on our neighbors and they are doing the same thing, as well.

The Truth is like the sweet scent of a flower, it does not force you to breathe in its fragrance. But, if you do, you will no longer be in the dimension of pain, struggle and false hope.

Thank you.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Freedom From {Psychological} Fear

The Real Revolution: Is A Natural-Holistic Change At The Root of The Psyche

The point of all these articles of discussion is to see if we can radically bring about a change/transformation of the mind – not accept things as they are, nor revolt against them. Revolt doesn't answer a thing. Instead, go into the problem – to question it, go into it, to examine it. Give your heart and your mind and everything you have to find out the way of living completely differently.

Considering what the world is now with all their misery, conflict, destructive brutality, aggression; tremendous advancement in technology and so on, it seems to me although humanity has cultivated the external world (and has more or less mastered it), inwardly (psychologically) he/she is still as he/she was – he/she is still brutal, violent, aggressive, acquisitive, competitive. And, he/she has built a society along these lines. And, the more one observes (unless one is totally blind, deaf and dumb), one is aware of the extraordinary contradiction of human beings. And, to understand the extraordinary complex problems of human existence, one must have tremendous passion, which cannot be possibly supplied by the intellect or by casual sentiment or emotionalism or by the passion aroused by committing oneself to a particular cause of action or by belonging to a particular political or religious group. That does give one a particular quality of intensity, a certain drive. But through it all, there is the demand for gratification (for pleasure). And, the whole structure of society, with its “morality”, with its “gods”, with its culture, with its entertainment, is based on pleasure (reward).

So one hopes one will listen to what is being said; not hear a lot of words to a lot of ideas. Because, ideas and words are not the fact. Ideas and words never bring about a radical revolution (a total change), a mutation in the mind/psyche. So we are not dealing with ideas and opinions and judgments. What one is concerned is with bringing about a radical revolution in the mind. And, that revolution/change must take place without effort. Because, all effort has behind it a motive; and a revolution with a motive is not a revolution at all – a change. It becomes a modified continuity (of the old structure), when there is a motive. But, a mutation (a radical transformation of the mind) can only take place when there is no motive, and when we begin to understand the psychological structure of not only of society (which is a part of us) and to understand it, there must be the ACT OF LISTENING! [*Not just listening to the message, but to what is actually taking place within ourselves.]

So it is a responsibility of how we all listen; because we are taking a journey together into the whole psychological structure of Mankind. Because in the understanding of that structure and the meaning of it, we can then, perhaps, bring about a deep, fundamental change in society. And, society needs a TOTAL change, a TOTAL revolution.

Our whole concept, action and urges are based on pleasure. And, until one understands the total nature and structure of pleasure, there will always be fear. Fear, not only in our relationships with each other, but fear of ALL LIFE – THE TOTALITY OF EXISTENCE! So without understanding pleasure, there can be no freedom from fear. And, one is not denying pleasure. One is not advocating a puritanical way of life – a suppression of pleasure or a substitution of pleasure or the denial of that thing that we call great satisfaction. Instead, we are examining it! And, in examination, there must be 'freedom from opinion', otherwise, you can't examine.

'Pleasure' is an extraordinary thing to understand; it needs a great deal of in depth attention – a swiftness of mind, a subtle perception. So, one has to understand it. And, to understand it, there must be neither withholding or denying that quality of that principle of pleasure. And, that is very difficult to do, because we are so heavily conditioned to accept and to function with the motive of pleasure (with psychological gratification). Therefore, we are always LIMITING our TOTAL ATTENTION. We look at life in fragments (opinions/beliefs), and as long as the particular fragmentation exists, then one cannot possibly see The Total (The Truth). If one says, “I must have a certain pleasure, and I'm going to hold on to it at any price,” then we will not comprehend or see the Total Pattern or Structure of Pleasure. And, we are concerned with seeing the Totality of Pleasure -- what is involved in it -- i.e., the pain, the frustration, the agony, the remorse, the ache of loneliness when ALL pleasure is denied. And naturally, the escape from all of that through various forms (which again is the continuation of pleasure).

And, the mind that is caught, that is conditioned by this principle of pleasure cannot, obviously, see what is True – cannot think clearly; and therefore, it has no passion! Such a conditioned mind translates 'passion' as being something sexual or achieving some fragmentary activity and fulfillment in that fragment (such as, romantic or so-called “spiritual” concepts and rituals). So where there is no understanding of pleasure, there is only enthusiasm, sentimentality, which evokes brutality and callousness and all the rest of it.

So, what is 'Pleasure'?

Because without understanding what is 'Pleasure', there is NO LOVE!

LOVE is not 'Pleasure'! LOVE is not 'Desire'! LOVE is not 'Psychological Memory'! And, 'Pleasure' denies LOVE! Therefore, it is important to understand this principle of 'Pleasure'. Surely, 'Pleasure' IS 'Desire' (emotional attachment or possessiveness). 'Desire', which comes into being very naturally when you see something that gives you a stimulation, a sensation; and from that sensation, there is 'Desire'. And, the continuation of that 'Desire' IS 'Pleasure'! And, that 'Pleasure' is sustained by thought (the remembering of that sensation):

  • The mind sees/hears something, and with the contact with it, there is a sensation.

  • The sensation is the 'Desire' sustained by 'Thought' {the remembering of that sensation}.

  • Because, 'Thought' is the response of memory.

  • That memory is based on other experiences of 'Pleasure' and/or 'Pain'.

  • And, 'Thought' gives to that 'Desire' the sustenance, the quality of pursuit and fulfillment.

One can see this in oneself very simply. If one observes/examines, it's all there right in front of you. And, the Quality of [Holistic] Observation cannot be taught nor given by another. And, if you are taught “how to observe”, you cease to actually observe. Then, you have merely the mechanical 'technique of observation' – which prevents you from Actually Seeing/Observing/Examining yourself, for yourself IS The Whole of Mankind, psychologically. Yourself contains all the aches and the miseries, with the solitude and loneliness, despair, the utter loneliness of existence; the meaninglessness of it all. And when you do so observe yourself, it unfolds, endlessly – which is Life itself! Then, you are not dependent on anybody – on any psychologist, on any theologian, on any priest, or on any dogma. Then, you are looking at this movement of Life, which is yourself (your emotional responses). But unfortunately, we cannot look with clarity because we are driven by this principle of 'Pleasure'.

So to understand 'Pleasure', one has to understand The Structure of Thinking. Because, it is 'Thought' that gives continuity to 'Pleasure'.

One has had an experience of 'Pleasure' yesterday (of different kinds), and 'Thought' thinks about that 'Pleasure', and demands its continuity. So, the memory of that 'Pleasure' of yesterday is reacting, demanding that it be renewed through 'Thought. And, 'Thought' is time – yesterday's delight and enjoyment (thinking about the past 'Pleasure', past gratification). And, 'Thought' is demanding its continuity now, in the present moment. And, 'Thought' projects tomorrow's 'Pleasure'. And, 'Thought' creates the 'Past', the 'Present' and the 'Future', which is time.

  • I have had that 'Pleasure' = Past
  • I am going to have that 'Pleasure' = Present
  • And, I demand that 'Pleasure' again = Future

This time quality is created, put together by 'Thought' (Memory). And, 'Thought' is 'Time'. And, it is 'Time' [psychologically] that creates fear. And, without probing into this:


...we are always bound by 'Time' (mental slavery). Therefore, 'Time' has never a stop. It is only when there is an End of 'Time' that there is something Totally New. Otherwise, there is merely a continuity of the Past being modified through the Present and conditioned/programmed into the Future {which is the Modified Past}.

For a human being to be free of fear...

Fear about the Past, Present or the Future; there are a multitude of fears that human beings have (conscious or unconscious fears):

Fear of the neighbors, fears of death, fear of being lonely, insecure, uncertain, being confused, fear of being stupid and trying to become very clever. Fear is always in relation to something. Fear does not exist by itself. And, to be totally free of fear, not partially or a fragment of what is considered fear – to be totally free of fear; that is, psychologically to COMPLETELY BE FREE OF FEAR, one must understand:


And, this understanding is not intellectual nor emotional. Understanding can only come when there is TOTAL ATTENTION – when you give your COMPLETE ATTENTION to 'Pleasure' (how it comes into being).

What is {psychological}'Time'? 'Time' which 'Thought' has created:

'I' was = the Past

'I' am = the Present

'I' will be = the Future

Psychological 'Thought' says to itself, “I must change 'This' into 'That'. This idea of gradual psychological evolution of Mankind is very gratifying, however, it is a hoax. 'Thought' dictates that:

We will all g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y become extraordinarily kindly some day; and, we shall g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y lose all our violence and aggression; and, we'll ALL be brotherly at one time much, much later.”

This concept of gradualism, which is generally known as “psychological evolution” is utterly bogus. This statement is not an opinion – it's a FACT! Because when you give your TOTAL ATTENTION (psychologically), there is NO TIME AT ALL! In that state of TOTAL ATTENTION, there is neither 'Yesterday', 'Today' or 'Tomorrow. Therefore, 'Time' (psychologically) has ceased. But, the cessation of 'Time' cannot possibly be when there is the Center as 'The Principle of Pleasure'.

'Pleasure' has in it 'Pain'. The two things cannot be separated, if you have observed yourself – 'Pleasure' IS 'Pain' (heads/tails of same psychological coin). So, you cannot avoid 'Pain' if you are pursing psychological 'Pleasure'! The contradiction of our mind is: we want the one, and we don't want the other. We function emotionally (wanting and not wanting). And, when deep issues and fundamental problems are concerned, and to give your mind Totally to it, it's rather difficult when ALL your life has been dissipated in fragmentary and contradictory action (the seeking of 'Pleasure' and the avoidance of 'Pain'/'Fear'). Because, the moment you seek and obtain 'Pleasure', you become afraid of losing it. Ergo, 'Pleasure' IS 'Fear'.

And on the rare occasion that we do act, Totally, we only do it when there is a great crisis we are facing. Then, you wake up and give your WHOLE ATTENTION. And, this is a crisis: the message you are reading right now IS a crisis. It's a challenge. You can't just push it aside. Therefore, it may be rather difficult or arduous to understand all of this. But, it wont be difficult if you are examining your own state of mind (while you explore this message). It's like sitting on the bank of a river and watching the waters go by. And, when you so watch, there is neither the Examiner or the Examined; neither the Observer or the Observed. There is only Pure Holistic Examination/Observation. There is only a movement that is being studied. But in order to observe like that, there must be no psychological fear of examining your inward responses completely, objectively – without any choice or domination. The absence of 'Fear' is NO 'Pleasure' nor the demand for psychological gratification/fulfillment ('Pleasure').

Then, in that state, you can observe THE WHOLE MOVEMENT OF LIFE. The Movement of Life, which is: agony, despair; the ache of meaningless existence; the routine; the boredom; the great fears – as of Death, etc. So one can watch all of this... And, when you so observe – then The Observer IS The [thing being] Observed. Then, you have gone beyond all of this (conflict of pursuing 'Pleasure' & escaping from 'Pain'/'Fear'). And, the orderly mutation can only take place in the mind when 'Time', 'Pleasure' and 'Fear' have come to an end, naturally. And, therefore, there is a certain dimension of quality which cannot be approached through 'Thought'

Book Quotation: Freedom from the Known,101

Those who think a great deal are very materialistic because thought is matter. Thought is matter as much as the floor, the wall, the telephone, are matter. Energy functioning in a pattern becomes matter. There is energy and there is matter. That is all life is. We may think thought is not matter but it is. Thought is matter as an ideology/belief. Where there is energy it becomes matter. Matter and energy are interrelated. The one cannot exist without the other, and the more harmony there is between the two, the more balance, the more active the brain cells are. Thought has set up this pattern of pleasure, pain, fear, and has been functioning inside it for thousands of years and cannot break the pattern because 'IT' has created it.  ~J. Krishnamurti

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.