Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Truth Is Like The Sweet Scent Of A Flower

A Real Regeneration


It is important not to merely listen to what is being said and accept or reject it but to observe the process of our own thinking in all our relationships. For in relationship, which is the mirror, we see ourselves as we actually are. And if we do not condemn or compare, then it is possible to penetrate deeper into the whole process of consciousness. And it is only then that there can be a fundamental revolution -not the revolution of the communist or what you will, but a real regeneration in the deepest sense of that word.

The man who is freeing himself from all conditioning, who is fully aware-such a man is a religious man, not the man who merely 'believes'. And it is only such a religious man who is capable of producing a revolution in the world. Surely, that is the fundamental issue for all of us- not to substitute one belief for another belief: To join this group or that, to go from one religion to another, one cage to another. As individuals we are confronted with enormous problems, which can only be answered in the process of understanding/seeing ourselves. It is only such religious human beings - who are free, unconditioned - who can create a new world. ~J. Krishnamurti, Amsterdam 1955, Talk 1

Comments about the above post from Reality-Reflector:

For in relationship, which is the mirror, we see ourselves as we actually are.

What is meant by this statement is that when someone talks to us, we have emotional responses (either pleasant or unpleasant). It is these responses that we “see our true selves”.

For centuries, the mind of mankind has been programmed to either emotionally cling to pleasurable emotions and to emotionally oppose or reject the disturbing ones. This is fragmentation of the mind, which causes a division in consciousness. This division causes a split personality in us. We act sweetly towards those who evoke pleasurable feelings and we act ugly with those who evoke painful feelings in us. This is at the core of all conflict, whether great or small.

War begins in the mind. The way we deal with our psychological nature IS the foundation that lies underneath every single problem in the human world.

Mr. Krishnamurti cracked the encryption code of the psychological double-talk. But, not as a technician – or a machine. No. He cracked it through something we lack in our education – WISDOM through Self-Observation or Self-Awareness.

Intellect without WISDOM is a wastage of energy, which begets self-destruction. And, The Natural Law is that whatever goes on Internally must also be reflected Externally out into the world at large. In other words, the way a person relates to their emotions is also the way one relates to others. If I am in conflict with myself, then I am in conflict with the world, as well. This is why Krishnaji (that is his nickname) said the “You are the world and the world is you.” That is because we all fundamentally operate out of same foundation of conflict.

Now then...

We must grow up and realize that everything in life is not obvious. Meaning; we only complain or get upset about “overt” violence. If it looks like it is obviously brutal, then we get all upset. For instance, everyone just about agrees that it is terrible to physically abuse a child (unless you are a child abuser). That's a no-brainer. But, the reason why physical brutality against children has always existed and will continue to exist is because we have given our approval to “covert” child abuse (without even realizing it. How you ask?

What is “covert child abuse”?

Telling children to believe in illusions is abusive to their mind. A mind that is blinded by illusions, even if they are pleasurable illusions, sets up conflict in the mind. Our bodies requires factual perceptions in order to protect itself and to maintain harmony in its functioning. What tears that to pieces is when the emotional part of the mind indulges in make-believe games. I am not talking about using imagination for technical reasons. Like games to help learn math, reading, etc. I am strictly talking about games that makes a child feel pressure to choose between villains or heroes. These are emotional characters designed to shape and mold the psychological realm. They lead to conflict in the mind.


We have divided our consciousness up into “good” & “bad” thoughts/feelings. Anything that makes us laugh or feel upbeat, we are trained to cling to these and to cherish them and anyone who stimulates them. This is why a stranger can easily abduct a child. All he or she has to do is to stimulate the child's pleasurable emotions, and the child has been trained to think that he/she is friendly and kind. So it is incapable of seeing or sensing danger. All of children fables are setup to represent either the “dark side” or the “bright side”. Then, they are lulled into identifying with one of these sides. When this happens, their mind splits in half. Children are disciplined into only expressing the “bright side” of their nature. They are punished in some manner when they express their “dark side”. This is programming their minds to being a CONTRADICTION, which is a conflict in opposites.

Since it is impossible for every child to be the “bright-natured” one, some children have to be the “dark horse”. The children who can pretend to be only “bright” get all the opportunities and rewards, which breed envy and hatred toward them. The others are left with scraps and become “bottom-feeders” in society, who plot revenge. They ultimately end up in either low standards of living or worse – prison. That is why I say (as well as Krishnaji) that live in a rotten world that is pretending to be orderly, just because some of the human race is having fun (very few, by the way). The rest are traditionally being sacrificed so that the privileged (children) can hide from their internal darkness by wallowing in their possessions and powers of position and being dictatorial. This is inequality and viciously unjust. But, it is all resting upon the Foundation of the Psychological Realm to which we are wholly ignorant, which was done deliberately (for eons).

The thoughts and feelings that make us feel disturbed, the mind has designated them to be repressed, rejected and detached. But here's the thing, humanity took a wrong turn at its beginnings and automatically accepted the false premise that we are NOT ALL our thoughts and emotions. The content of consciousness IS holistically itself. If that consciousness rejects any part of itself and does not study itself 100%, then a fragmentation or division takes place in the Total Consciousness (psyche). That creates a “conscious” and “subconscious” (an oppositional duality/contradiction). The mind, then, promotes that which it “likes” in its consciousness, and imprisons or locks away from itself the responses that it loathes. This is the BEGINNING OF CONFLICT/WARFARE in Total Consciousness. That causes a chain reaction because now we and our children then associate with others based on this division so this creates so-called “friends/allies” and “foes/enemies”. That is why peace on Earth has failed.

If our mind was a coin, we have taken the “heads” side to represent the psychological or emotional responses that we “like” (heads) and the dark feelings and thoughts to be “tails”. We have based religion, nationalism, sports on this basis. “Heads” side we call a “god” (or my gang or tribe or nation or sports team) and the other we call a “devil” (or the enemy's group that he emotionally identifies with). This is the split in the mind that most people share. We go by different superficial labels, but at the root directory, it all boils down to that coin has been split.

We are not individuals: An individual is Whole.

Because, this psychological phenomenon has been happening so much, we take it to be “natural”. But it is not and that is not my “opinion”, by the way. Opinions are children of the fragmented mind. Facts are what reality is. Without a factual brain, this imagination that we bow down to like its a “god” could not exist at all, period!

Look at nature, for example, because that is where our point of reference is for that which is “natural”. There is Night and Day. They are opposite expressions of nature, right? I am talking strictly facts here. Generally in the Daytime, everything is sunny and bright and there is warmth from the Sun. It is pleasant and comforting. Then there is the Night. Everything is dark, cold (sometimes), mysterious and unsettling. Now then... What would happen if we said that we like the day better than the night so lets suppress or eliminate the night? Everything would die, would it? If we favored the night over the day and wanted to eliminate the day, instead, then everything would still die, right?


Furthermore, if you will notice – The Day is not opposing the Night nor is the Night opposing the Day. They coexist in harmony – unlike humans.

If human consciousness was functioning in a state of balance/equilibrium, it would not fight the dark expression of itself nor would it overly cling to the bright side. It would HOLISTICALLY OBSERVE ALL EMOTIONS-THOUGHTS (be they bright/day or dark/night). There would be NOTHING TO CHOOSE because the two expressions belong to one unit: Total Consciousness. When the mind sees that it has been in grave error to oppose any part of itself (feelings/thoughts), then there is no longer a duality or contradiction in the Total Consciousness -- just like there is no opposition between Day & Night.

That is The Real Regeneration of Humanity

No organization will make that happen. All organizations are born out of a divided consciousness that has been protecting its existence like a “Trojan Horse” computer virus does. It is stubborn and does not want to stop dominating and disrupting your normal functions. It pretends like you need to hold on to it for “your sake”. But in Truth, it only cares about continuity of itself. It cares not that it is out of place and does not belong here. It just wants to exist like a monster does. As long as it hangs around it is going to rip the place apart like Godzilla. Meanwhile, the friendly-looking mask of the monster seduces us into thinking that we must protect the status quo, which is CONFLICT! CONFLICT CAN ONLY BEGETS CONFLICT. Just like a virus can only beget a virus, right?

It takes a simple mind to dissolve a complex problem. A mind that is DIVIDED against itself can only MULTIPLY problems – while it (believes) thinks it is fixing them. This is why leaders are not fixing a thing. They are profiting off of problems.

If you really stop to look closely at your jobs; you are not being paid for technical work, alone. No. You are getting paid to help people around you to stay psychologically (blind) divided and in conflict. You tell them emotional things that please their mind (in other words: stroke their egos) – puff them up, then you get promoted faster. Each person is helping to suppress the dark sides of one another, and thereby maintaining a split in their consciousness. So somewhere you have to express that dark side, so you find a scapegoat to torture (in private). But publicly, everyone thinks you are the “nicest person in the world”. This is psychological warfare (which is “covert”) and quite deadly. It's like the difference between a bomb that goes off immediately and one that is a ticking time bomb. As long as we don't detect the ticking, we feel like we are totally safe, that is, until all hell breaks loose and everyone wonders what the heck is going on?????

One thinks that “covert” warfare is less violent, but it is not at all. When the brain receives a frequency of conflict from the emotional realm, that energy causes a chain reaction of conflict in the biological structure, itself. This is why humans have so many strange diseases that you don't see in nature. Conflict is a process of DISINTEGRATION. If Night pulled away from the Day and visa versa, our entire world would DISINTEGRATE, as well. Similarly, the Total Consciousness is fighting its own private Armageddon. That fight is being felt by the entire biological human organism. So when we live in psychological opposition, we are literally attacking our bodies on an sub-atomic level. This also applies to children.

That is why we are falling apart physically. Plus, because we have all accepted that CONFLICT is “natural”. We are allowing Chem-trails, HARRP, GMO's (Genetically Mutated Organisms), food poisoning with pesticides and preservatives, etc. All of this is disturbing the natural balance of our environment, as well as our health. We ignore it but daily all of the unnatural behavior and thinking is methodically shredding our ecosystem along with the human race.

Who cares, right? Well, your brain does. It's absorbing this mess into its system.
The elderly, little babies and pregnant mothers are at the highest health risk, which why there is an epidemic of brain damage (including autism). As a matter of fact, the very biological organism of the human being is 100% of this Earth. What that means is that without this planet and its atmosphere, our bodies would surely perish. So if you don't get the connection between the destruction of our environment and us, well I have just laid it out for you to factually see.

The origin of all this mess is our mind. That thing that thinks it has a right to its “opinion”. Your brain does need “opinions” in order to live. Your baby does not need “opinions” to live. That is crap we have been programmed to think in order to keep ourselves and this world sick and dying while we believe we are so damn intelligent because we can cleverly debate with each other, which by the way solves NOTHING! There is only one planet which belongs to our brains. But our egos (this Divided Consciousness) has DIVIDED this Earth into warring tribes based on the war going on within the mind itself. Stop the war on the inside and the outside war will vanish, effortlessly. Having a bunch of stupid intellectual, egotistical meetings that pretend to want to end the problem (while covertly furthering the problems) will never save this world. It is the doomsday machine pretending to be our savior. The only thing that can save mankind is to wake up to our blunder about CONFLICT.

Waking up is not a matter of throwing a bunch of fancy language at it. You can say all day long that you wont be violent or participate in conflict, but that is just your subconscious programming that is protecting conflict incognito. This ancient programming can't be so easily dismissed. It has had thousands of years to come up with every kind of sneaky, subtle self-delusion you can imagine. So that wont free the mind at all.

Freedom means that you are open to investigate your TOTAL MIND – EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT, FEELING & EMOTION, without prejudice. It does not matter if you like it or not. Because your mind is the sum total of its parts and to discard or ignore or run away from a single part of mind is to essentially be at odds with yourself, ergo CONFLICT (which result in degeneration both mentally and physically).

So back to the beginning of this thing where Krishnaji said:

For in relationship, which is the mirror, we see ourselves as we actually are.

You can't see yourself as you actually are if you are picking and choosing which emotional responses you will observe and study within your mind. All we have been told by the authorities (the “educators) is that intelligence means to accumulate knowledge. The more knowledge you have the more superior you are. False! That is an intellectual mechanistic, lopsided approach to living. The human mind has another part to it that is vast and powerful. But it has been corrupted just like a computer virus fragments files so that things no longer run smoothly, as intended.

Corruption Means Fragmentation

Conflict is fragmentation of the mind. Therefore, the mind has lost its natural integrity or wholeness. No other human being in this entire world can give you back your wholeness or integrity. Each mind has to be a light unto itself by seeing ALL OF ITSELF without a single bit of opposition (opposition = conflict). Seeing has No Opposition in it at all. You SEE the Truth (which is both bright and dark expressions of the mind), and through that HOLISTIC-SEEING the Total Consciousness learns what it is and operates out of Pure Wisdom. There is no “doer” that takes charge like we are accustomed to through our fractured consciousness (i.e., our ego). Ego naturally falls away like a dead leaf. There's no need to pluck a dead leaf. It naturally drops to the ground without effort, struggle or force. If there is an ounce of force, then it belongs to the realm of CONFLICT = SELF DESTRUCTION (both psychologically and physiologically).

So as you can see, if you were paying close attention, children of the whole world are being psychologically cultivated to being their own worse enemy, covertly. Children of the entire world are being conditioned to kill and be killed, either “overtly” or “covertly”. Is this not child abuse? We dare not admit that then the entire hoax would implode in on itself, right?

Either way, it's all within the same field of CONFLICT. This is the reason why civilizations rise and fall and rise and fall again, because rarely have any human beings have had the balls to stand up and be a WHOLE MIND. A thing that is WHOLE in safe and does not cause nor contribute to WAR (neither overtly/consciously or covertly/subconsciously). A WHOLE MIND is just consciousness whereby both the upper levels and hidden are no longer at odds with one another – there is bliss or peace when there is clarity about how we are fighting ourselves and blaming it on our neighbors and they are doing the same thing, as well.

The Truth is like the sweet scent of a flower, it does not force you to breathe in its fragrance. But, if you do, you will no longer be in the dimension of pain, struggle and false hope.

Thank you.

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