Sunday, November 1, 2015

Movies or Theater Is The Content of the Human Emotional-Being

For century upon century, the “Human Emotional-Being” has been conditioned or programmed through blind obedience “to emotionally or psychologically or spiritually BECOME other than what is thinking or feeling”. The common ground upon which all “Human” stories are dramatized is “The Emotional Bias or Prejudice” born of EMOTIONAL-DESIRE!

The very essence of the entire ego (which has divided itself into “the Lower Emotional-Self” versus “the Higher Emotional-Self”) is EMOTIONAL-DESIRE! The symbol of theater are the opposing masks of: Comedy-(white) Mask & Tragedy-(Black) Mask, which actually is the nature of the “Human Emotional-Being” or “Ego”. In most movies, you will see the Black & White checker-board floor pattern, which symbolizes the struggle between “the Black Lower Emotional-Self” versus “the White Higher Emotional-Self”.

No matter what type of story you watch, they are all based upon the exact same emotional struggle that inevitably brings about destruction. We never study our emotional-selves. Instead, we are merely driven to chase after our emotional desire “to become greater or better” than one is. Just because it is necessary to become better at a mechanical skill, craft or talent, the Emotional-Being assumes that it is equally necessary “to emotionally become better or greater” than one feels about himself/herself. Because whenever one seeks any Emotional-Desire, it is self-destructive because the Emotional-Being is imagining “a truth” that does not exist. That “false truth” is that “The Emotional-Me” can produce wholeness, happiness or virtue. “Ego” ignorantly seeks to change itself into something superior without, first, understanding itself (through directly communing with its feelings).

Dramatic Theater exposes the multifarious ways that our Emotional-Being expresses itself. Strip away the Emotional-Entity's “superficial style”, and one can plainly see for oneself that they all operate from the same ground of “Emotional Bias”. All of the characters are chasing after their own emotional sense of superiority. It also means that all of the characters are trying to escape from an emotional state of being that haunts them. They chase after emotional-pleasure and run away from anyone that can cause them any emotional-pain. “Emotional-Bias” is the obsessive concentration on emotional-pleasurable fulfillment and the suppression of emotional-pain.

These theatrical shows are meant to keep Humanity forever encaged in the emotional chaos of pursuing the impossibility of the “What Should Be Happening” versus “What Is Actually Happening” – The Ideal versus The Fact . This is mental brainwashing, through theatrical entertainment, influencing the masses to blindly accept this emotional pattern of thinking (from one generation to the next). The “What Should Be Happening” versus “What Is Actually Happening” (The Ideal versus The Fact) IS OUR CONDITIONING, PROGRAMMING or BRAINWASHING! The “What Should Be” is an artificial outside agency invented by our emotional-imagination to give oneself a false sense of emotional security, certainty or hope. We exist in a world of make-believe that dictates that its world is the only world that really matters. Even if the maintenance of this fake world of emotionalism is causing the ruination of the real physical world (health, environment, etc.), our Emotional-Being that is blind to its nature, is constantly sacrificing the physical well-being to its emotional whimsical desires. That is clearly displayed throughout all tales of dramatic theater.

If you truly want to really see the nature of your mind, then you can begin with watching movies. There are two fundamentally different ways to observe something. Either one views it superficially or profoundly holistically. The superficial observation is partially looking with bias. Because, one emotionally identifies oneself with the characters that reflect back the viewer's personal emotional desires. Such viewing is based on the limited bondage of emotional “like” and “dislike”. Then the mind has made itself incapable of SEEING THE WHOLE SELF AS 2 OPPOSING SIDES OF 1 EMOTIONAL-BEING. A Conditioned Emotional-Being is limited to a fragmentary-seeing which corrupts and distorts whatever is being observed, through emotionally “liking” and “disliking” it.

However, the mind that realizes that there is something very wrong going on in the Human World will begin to question “how it has been told to respond”, in the emotional sense. As a child in the 1960's, I was told to identify with the emotional label of a race, of a dogma (calling itself “religion”), of an economic class division. I started to wonder what would happen if I abandoned ALL EMOTIONALLY-BASED IDEALISTIC GROUPS (on any level or from any tradition). Would I not be free of all bias, which is division/fragmentation? As a child, I sensed that I was afraid and confused. That was the actuality of my state of being. Whenever I told an adult, I was encouraged to ignore whatever I feel and to chase after things that bring pleasure. But whenever I did that, I found my circumstances even more dangerous and terrifying. Running after emotional pleasures of living up to ideals was making matters worse. Something was very wrong in our educational upbringing. A mind must be free to look at itself without bias: neither telling oneself that, “I must become higher or better than I emotionally am” or telling oneself, that, “I must avoid what I emotionally am thinking/feeling”. When there is this struggle then one cannot clearly be in touch with the facts about oneself.

So whenever one watches a movie, pay attention to “how one is emotionally responding” to the emotional part of the story. Be aware of the egotistical part of the story, because that is your ego, too. The object that any ego struggles after is irrelevant. It is the understanding of “how the struggle begins” that reveals ones own ego to itself as one views the movement of ego (which is the Emotional-Being that is divided against itself and therefore against other people around oneself). In the theatrical tales, notice that the star of the show is centered around the emotional hurt that she or he sustained early in their childhood. Out of that emotional distress was born the (“What Should Be”) ideal of opposite. Opposing “What Is Emotionally Happening” (the fact) with an ideal is hypocrisy. One is, then, pretending to be (orderly) meanwhile being “disorderly”. ORDER IS WHOLE UNTO ITSELF. “Disorder” is constantly decomposing, degenerating or disintegrating through emotional biased conceptualizations. “Disorder” is artificial; it is make-believe pretending to be more real than anything else in existence.

Theater dramatizes the egocentric process with the sneaky propaganda motive of pretending to be the ruler of this entire world. The underlying message is that the Human Emotional-Being of Make-Believe World IS “God” IS “The Master” that utterly controls our lives from birth until death. So that means that everyone is forbidden from truly being in touch with your Whole Emotional Mind, because that would mean the end of the Make-Believe World or the Egotistical-World. It would be unprecedented for the Egotistical-World to end, Holistically (without violence). In the movies, the opposing characters seek to kill each other in order to feel like the one left standing is “better” than the one who was killed. One Make-Believer seeking to annihilate the other Make-Believer is what they all are doing, either overtly or covertly.

Then one begins to realize the WHOLE STORY is that all of the characters are emotionally afraid to see themselves as they are; so they all are slaves to their “Self-Image” (which is based on the opposite of what one really feels). If one feels weak, then the “Self-Image” will project the opposite emotional expression of courage and aggressive brutality so that it can pretend to itself that it has changed itself from weakness to strength).

The real underlying story that fuels all theatrical tales is one thing: CONTINUITY! It does not matter about the superficial style of any story being told; emotional division seeks to maintain division. It is the emotional content of any story that determines the outcome of the events. It all begins when one emotionally desires to escape from any state of mind that one “dislikes”. This is the very catalyst that sparks the disorderly action of inventing an artificial emotional-being – The Ego, which is its (false) “Self-Image” born out of its emotional-imagination. It is this imagination that is responsible for every problem that we face in our lives. Do you understand that the emotional-mind can't create anything that can take it beyond itself? How can one go beyond something that one does not fully detect or see?

Most people are emotionally confused, lost and are desperately seeking a meaning to their lives. Because, as a Divided Emotional-Being, ones existence actually has NO meaning at all. An Artificial Emotional-Being really does NOT exist; it's illusory. For if dividing the Emotional-Being was a valid thing to do, it would be at peace within itself, but instead, it is deeply disturbed (even while pretending to be happy). So the theater opposite masks of the FROWN & SMILE is an illusion of “Two Entities” (i.e., the “Villain” and the “Hero”). In reality, out of its emotional-memory of experience, the “Frown” conjures its opposite shadow called, the “Hero”. It is though the “Villain” is the “Negative-Film”, and the “Hero” is the “Positive-Photograph”. Therefore, Theatrical Entertainment is an illusion. They are all EMOTIONAL-MAGICIANS seeking to emotionally misdirect your mind into remaining blind to itself by getting the viewers to choose an emotional side to defend. Once the mind has chosen, it is biased, fractured, BROKEN (and, hence BRAINWASHED).

What's the point of BRAINWASHING? It is to get the Emotional-Being to shatter its wholeness, then it can be conquered, dominated and controlled. Once there is bias, emotionally, there is no Love, Peace or Sanity. Sane means healthy. Healthy means balance. Balance means Order. Order means physical and mental stability. Mental stability means being aware of the entire nature of The Emotional-Entity that is “The Me” or “The Self” that emotionally divides itself through its imagination that OPPOSES “What Is” (Actually Feeling). That is why people talk backwards. When they feel anger or hatred to you, when they speak, they say nice things to you (but inside they harbor ill-will against you). This hypocrisy permeates most of Humanity throughout the world. The “World of Emotional-Pretense” egotistically seeks the Power To Rule/Dominate/Control the lives of everyone around itself. Watch the movies and see how characters in the story do that. Then, you shall begin to realize that the stories in the movies are just a mirror reflecting what is taking place in real life. After all, the mind can't make up any emotional story that is outside of itself. ALL STORIES ARE BORN OUT OF THE EGO!

The Ego is the Emotional-Being that struggles against itself (using its imagination to deceive itself into thinking that it has succeeded in escaping from its ugliness). But what makes the Emotional-Being ugly is the very effort to run away from itself. Beauty that is deep and not merely superficial is WHOLE. The moment the Emotional-Mind escapes into a Make-Believe Idealistic Conformity, it is unwhole (unholy), it is UGLY! It, then, is a MONSTER. Whenever you get email messages inviting you to emotional join in the struggle between a so-called “good & evil” emotional contest, BEWARE of egotistical deception underfoot. These messages point out an injustice in order to arouse emotional outrage in you. Then you are expected to choose a side to emotionally attach to, and then join in the battle with a promise of bringing about a beneficial change. This is a hoax masquerading as salvation through emotional opposition (condemnation, criticism, blaming or shaming), which ultimately leads to physical destruction on some level.

Politics is nothing but EMOTIONAL THEATRICS aimed at the Emotional-Being. The body of politics is completely contradictory and deliberately confusing in order to stir up fear and confusion and economic chaos so that the most deviously cunning can steal economic advantages and a higher emotional domineering status. Politics is put together by deceit. And so long as the Emotional-Being is divided, it is limited to its own nature. If that nature is blind to itself, whatever it creates is of that very same essence. So when it fabricates “love”, it is born out of hate. So it is not actual Love (which is whole). The “artificial love” born of an Emotional-Being that is divided into a “false light” of “goodness” through violence is the ancient curse of Mankind. That curse can only dissolve upon awakening to the realization that these stories are the guidelines to maintaining the ancient curse of being forever entombed in a psychological lie: Freedom through conflict (which is what happens whenever you emotionally choose a side, because you are dividing the Emotional-being). Where there is division, there is conflict, disintegration and overall instability.

Emotionally, most of Humanity is chasing its tail in order to eat it. In watching the movies, I see that they ALL tell one emotional story about DIVISION & CHOICE! The stories weave an emotional journey of moving away from an emotional state of being while struggling to capture its “ideal of happiness”. “Emotional-Ideals” are unreal; they are merely a pretense. “Believing” means taking to be true something that is made-up. It is a pretense, which is what Theater is about. The great hoax about Theater is that it pretends that what it is enacting is just harmless entertainment. Theater entertainment proclaims to being benevolent by helping Humanity to escape from our emotional disturbances; it is helping us to numb ourselves to our uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. We are expected to assume that in escaping from emotional pain that it will improve, uplift or enlighten our lives is a LIE!

Entertainers are liars whose entire lives is a lie. They pretend so much that they don't know what it's like not to be pretending. They are pretending to themselves that they are not pretending in their personal relationships. Once the mind starts emotionally pretending, it is rare that it can ever stop. It has grown too accustomed to pretending that it fears ending. For them, “Truth” is viewed as a poison. That is because “The Pretender” exists in emotional darkness (meanwhile pretending: “to live in the light”). The repetition of emotional slogans, dogmas or political rhetoric is the initiation of material devastation. Entertainment preys upon our emotional fear of being nothing or nobody, which drives one into emotionally identify with an icon in order to escape from its feelings of emptiness and despair.

Our emotional-consciousness is the whole of Mankind. It operates out of its emotional imagination. This imagination compares itself against others (starting with its parents). Then it becomes an ego by choosing to be the opposite of its parents, in order to pretend to itself that it is not its parents. We are all our parents, like it or not. Whenever the conscious part of the mind rejects an emotional quality, that rejected emotion gets stored in the basement of its mind (its subconscious). So all of the characteristics of your parents that you reject becomes your subconscious mind that your conscious mind ignores (by pretending that the qualities of its parents that it rejected just simply vanished into thin air). People contradict themselves by saying and doing the opposite of what they consciously speak to others because their subconscious wants to carry out all things that its conscious mind despises. Most people are like a 2-headed snake (except each head denies being related to the other head).

In dramatic romance stories, there is always a 3-way split in conflict. Either you have the woman emotionally struggling between 2 men that she desires (but they mistakenly call her feelings “love”). So her personal battle lies between her conscious and subconscious desires, which are at odds with each other. No matter which guy she chooses, 1 side of her nature will suffer. The same holds true for the man whenever his conscious and subconscious chooses 2 women that are opposites in their nature. The movies reveals our dualistic emotional split in us. As you watch a romance story, you can detect your conscious favorite. Then, that means that your subconscious “likes” the opposite” character that you did NOT choose to emotionally favor. The hidden part of the mind is the strongest because it is the part of the mind that the conscious mind seeks to run away from into a falsehood that it emotionally elevates into its “concept of the truth”. But, in the end, the negative-film (subconscious mind) is the original that can't be disposed of without its copy, the positive-photo (conscious mind) being destroyed, as well. This is the reason why somebody gets hurt or killed because the emotional division of lies (i.e., seeking the illusion of peace, love or happiness) is the foundation and the building structure (health, economics, biosphere) is gravely endangered.

Movies or Theater Is The Content of Human Emotional-Being

The content of consciousness IS its consciousness. That consciousness needs to empty its content by being completely aware of its content and it movements. It moves between its emotional-past & emotional-future (which is the modified past). Theater projects THE EMOTIONAL-PAST modifying itself and then projecting an illusion of a “new world” (born out of its emotional-past). People are rewarded to keep the Grand Mental Deception going. Actors are Human-Puppets hired to be the Pied Piper leading our emotional consciousness into disintegration. Because there is no actual relationship between these dead characters in the movies. A dead thing cannot be in touch with itself. A dead thing once existed and now it no longer exists. Memory about emotional experiences is of the past happenings; that too is dead. A dead thing can't go beyond its state of deadness. That is why a mind that conjures up feelings from its past in order to change how it feels in the present is detaching its emotional-self through imagining itself to being different and taking shelter in that lie (i.e., belief) that it continuously repeats to itself in order to maintain that trance state that opposes its original state of being. Therefore, at all costs, the Ego must remain blind to what it is actually doing and pretend to itself that it knows what it is doing. But, just look at all the disasters in the movies that this Ego causes (and how it destroys its environment, too).

Learning through purely unbiased observation of The Ego (the Emotional-Being that is hiding from seeing itself, completely) is a learning of the supreme order of which most people are unaware. Even people with degrees are in the dark where the Emotional-Mind is concerned. You can know a lot of technical information, but none of that knowledge has any relevance regarding The Ego. Ego is a monster that can't be stopped by any amount of technological knowledge. Ego can only naturally dissolve so that its Emotional-Being can function Holistically and Rationally whenever it pays neutral-attention to itself without trying to alter whatever it detects about itself. By being in touch with the fact that is biased, it has gone beyond it. Emotional states of mind naturally end whenever there is the freedom to observe emotional responses without the interference of “disliking” or “liking” the response. “Liking” and “Disliking” an emotion is bias, division and self-destructive. Just to be aware of that reality generates a new energy of order. In that energy lies the answers to all the problems of living. So it's unnecessary to emotionally rely upon other people that label themselves as rulers or governors of our lives. Nobody needs to be governed if their Emotional-Being is Whole unto itself. A Whole-Mind can do no wrong or harm.

Therefore, the content of our Emotional-Being is naturally purged and rejuvenated whenever we study the Whole Emotional-Being (both its upper consciousness and lower subconsciousness). Theatrical dramas are all about the perpetual emotional struggle between “good (conscious)” & “evil (subconscious)”. When one realizes that “good (conscious)” & “evil (subconscious)” are 2 sides of the very same psychological-coin, then the struggle ends, naturally. The ideals and images that are opposing concepts against the reality that seeks to overthrow the reality of emotional pain is what keeps this divisive struggle going. Meanwhile it lies and pretends that through the ultimate battle, it will finally be happy at last. But, this never comes true. All that keeps happening is the steady erosion of our health, environment and our lives. Theater emotionally mirrors us!

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.