Thursday, October 1, 2015

What Is Marriage Really About

*A Word Of Caution:

When it comes to matters of emotion (which is also known as the “spirit”), I am not an authority and nobody is an authority, including J. Krishnamurti. “Authority” is something that is blindly accepted. You cannot be totally aware of your psyche through following another. You can only understand yourself by monitoring your emotional being. That means “firsthand” examination without picking and choosing what you will pay attention to and what you will disregard. Nothing short of “Direct Contact” with ALL of your emotional responses will make it possible for the mind to detect and empty its emotional conditioning or programming contents. You cannot be free of it without first “being in touch with it”. Without detecting the falsehood within the psyche, you cannot come upon The Truth about ones own “self”. I may point out what the conditioned mind does, but it's up to you to detect it within yourself. If you don't directly investigate your conditioned responses and be 100% aware, then no outside agency of any kind can free your mind from its illusions. So, I am not your leader, rescuer. Only seeing or detecting what is false reveals The Truth; and only The Truth can set the mind free from its self-deceit. But, if you are not free to honestly see what your mind is doing that is false, then you can never see The Truth (about your conditioned thinking). Without your direct perception (without a “middle-man”), one cannot radically change ones mind so that it can be Holistically Aware of exactly what it is doing. A conditioned mind is a mind that is emotionally blind and does everything it can to remain “blissfully” ignorant/blind to itself. The first step is the last step. The first step is HONESTY. Can you privately admit to yourself that you really don't want to see your conditioning? A conditioned mind will pretend to itself that it wants to be free to see itself, completely. But, The Truth is that nothing in the world frightens the conditioned mind more than seeing that it is deceiving itself through its network of make-believe ideals (beliefs). Such a fragmented mind holds sacred its emotional flattering lies that prevents it from being 100% in touch with itself. So the journey begins with facing the absolute fact that YOU (THE EGO), does not want to be aware of itself. (end of disclaimer)

What is marriage basically? This is a complex question because it can be answered either emotionally or factually. And, most people's minds are driven by emotion and not reason. Factually, the word “marry” means to unite or join together into a “union”. On the physical level, that means sexual intimacy. But, on the emotional or traditional level, it means the man and woman's “emotional images or concepts” pledging themselves to be One Unit.

A mind that operates from a base of emotion exists in a make-believe, illusory state. It reverses reality to suit its desires so that facts or actuality is edited. The bits of reality that it desires, it upholds to be real or true. And, the parts that ones emotions finds offensive, it ignores and discards. This is what it means to be psychologically “conditioned” or “programmed”.

When a woman and a man marry, they do so in order to physically and mentally console each other and to seek shelter from Human callousness. Also, people marry to give themselves a sense of prestige, authority and power within their social community. Generally, society emotionally views married couples as being decent, moral or virtuous just for being married. Therefore, anyone who wants to be respected and/or admired generally marries and creates a family unit so that they can get preferential treatment.

Humans exist on 2 dualistic levels: (1) Emotional Make-Believe Level and (2) Physical Survival Level. These 2 levels are at odds with each other. Why? Because, “Level 1” is given priority over “Level 2”. Humans have been wrongly educated to base their lives in “Emotionalism”, which is their personal “Likes” & “Dislikes” to form their opinions, ideological convictions or images. In other words, their lives are governed purely by “Personal/Subjective Motivation”. This is the reason why people are easily misled, deceived and basically controlled by a small group of cunning powerful elite people.

Is it necessary to marry in life?
What is the physical relationship
between man and woman?

As “JK” mentions in the above video here, people fear standing “Alone” which is why they are “Lonely”. The term “Alone” has a Latin root meaning of “All One” (which means “Wholeness”). When Human emotions are not Holistically Perceived or Communed with, the side-effect is to crave for emotional confirmation that whatever they assume to be true is true. Emotionalism is when the mind goes against or opposes anything it personally “Dislikes” or blindly obeys anything that it “Likes”.

Intrinsically, our mind is designed to understand itself as a “Whole”. But for centuries, the Human emotional imagination has devised a cunningly clever system or method of escaping from from being 100% in touch with itself (through emotional traditional compliance). It does this through its emotional imagination, which it calls, “Free Will”. It wills itself into what it chooses to think is true, which is anything that brings emotional pleasure, uplift or comfort. The emotional side of the mind is afraid to be 100% aware of what it thinks and feels. Therefore, it divides its entire emotional structure into two basic categories: (1) Good (Pleasure) and (2) Bad (Disturbance). It emotionally clings to whatever it “Likes” and emotionally hides from, condemns or ignores whatever it “Dislikes”. This causes the mind to be dualistic and contradictory bringing about self-deceit. More on this aspect later...

The emotional part of our being made up the concept of “marriage” for a variety of reasons. But, the main reason was to escape from “loneliness”. When the mind rejects any part of its nature and seeks comfort in a make-believe fantasy in order to emotionally sooth itself, it unknowingly brings about “loneliness”. When the mind is not “Whole” through Holistic Self-Awareness, then it becomes isolated and encased in a lie. Although the lie may give a temporary pleasurable feeling, the mind cannot be at peace so long as it is out of touch with any part of it emotional being. To accept a lie, no matter how uplifting it may feel, it has rejected being in relationship with its nature (the part that it finds ugly). It is that very state of “unawareness” that is what makes the mind feel “lonely”.

In order to try to remedy that state of “loneliness” the emotional part of the mind seeks companionship or a mate (either heterosexually or homosexually). Both parties are seeking somebody to help it to ignore its “ugly” emotional thoughts and feelings. This escape is erroneously called “love”. The rationalization is that, “If you 'love me', you will tell me whatever I want to hear (regardless if it is lie; you will act like it is true, anyway).” So people have traditionally formed a dishonest pact to lie to each other while pretending that they are not lying (so long as that lie is pleasant and flattering). So the marriage vows are a complete falsehood used to emotionally escape from the “loneliness” that each person has made for himself or herself. The moment that the mind resists seeing itself exactly as it is, it then becomes “lonely” and afraid of itself. So two people are clinging to a lie while calling it “their truth”.

Jiddu Krishnamurti has mentioned the fact that people view one another through “images” and that these “images” divide people. And, where there is emotional division, there must be conflict. This is so, not because he said so, but because it's an absolute fact that is verifiable, only if one is free to look. What is an emotional “image”? It is the exact opposite to the fact. If I am afraid of being aware that I hate myself, then I pretend not to hate myself by declaring that “I love myself”. The emotional imagination defies anything about its nature that it wishes to dismiss by believing in the opposite. Then it regards the lie as being “the truth”. And, the actual ugliness that is a fact is regarded as being “a lie”. So the emotional imagination reverses reality to suit itself. It regards the “image” as reality, and the state of mind that it is hiding from as being the “lie”.

So when the mind hides from seeing or being aware of itself, it craves other people to help it convince itself that it is being honest with itself. You see, a lie demands to be externally supported. That is why people vote. They are forever seeking confirmation that their fabrication about how they see life is real. So they either try to seduce people's minds into going along with their charade as being real or they terrorize a person or people into going along with it. So in a marriage, they pretend to be related to each other just because they are physically intimate in sex. The Human can physically touch each other, yet be completely out of touch with each other on a psychological level. Whenever a person emotionally detaches from itself, it is no longer related to itself. So that means it is no longer related to anyone or anything around itself. The way the mind is related or unrelated to itself is exactly the same with regards to everything outside of itself. A mind that is out of touch with itself is a self-hating entity because it is causing itself to dis-integrate, de-generate, and self-destruct. REAL LOVE is WHOLE.

The moment that the mind pulls away from seeing and feeling and detecting ALL of its emotional responses, it has declared war upon itself. On the surface, it may seem like emotional escapes into what it prefers to think is true is “loving”, but nothing could be further from The Truth. Truth is Whole; it cannot be picked apart to suit ones personal desires. When you feel any emotion or thought, that is your nature. ALL feelings and thoughts are there for one reason, and that is to be communed with, wholly. To be fully-aware of yourself is what REAL LOVE is, because there is no opposition in that. But, the moment that the mind opposes any state of mind and tries to escape from being aware of itself, that is self-hatred. Because, one is refusing to be related to its own nature. The Natural Law of Energy in all living things is: RELATIONSHIP, which means to be related; means to be in DIRECT CONTACT with itself (regardless if you find it pleasant or unpleasant). I apologize for being crass, but you may take delight in eating food that smells pleasant and find it gross to notice the odor when you use the toilet to pass out waste matter; but both sides of this coin is a necessity of living, right? You can't separate the two functions; they are part of a “whole” reality.

Similarly, you cannot divide your emotional responses and only hold onto the pleasant thoughts and feelings and pretend like your dark thoughts and feelings don't exist. Because, that causes an imbalance in the mind. You are both kinds of emotional responses. The mind IS its Emotional Contents. Its limitation is that it cannot improve, fix or destroy any state of being without hurting and destroying yourself. However, by paying full attention to any and all emotional responses (without seeking to manipulate them), that attention, alone, neither belongs to the emotions. It is a neutral energy of pure observation of the given state of mind, that listens to it and then that states dies, naturally. The state of mind is not being attacked or suppressed in any way. It is being understood when you simply commune with any state of mind that arises from moment to moment. A mind that “only studies itself” is free from self-deceit through making up “images” in which to hide from itself. Emotional hiding has come to an end so that it is truly related to itself. Relationship IS WHOLENESS. But, where there is an opposing “image” or “belief”, there is only a “pretense of relationship” (which is no relationship).

So whenever people come together to exploit each other for the purpose of emotionally hiding from ugly truths about their nature, they are, in reality, hating each other underneath the facade of “loving” each other. Their declaration of “love” is only a pretense. It's like pretending to eat. You are either pretending to eat or you are actually eating. There is no other possibility. So you are either pretending to be related to your mate (through your promises, vows, etc.) or you are actually related to each other (which means that you see the detriment of having any emotional beliefs, images or ideals). How can there be a union or direct contact with another person (in a so-called marriage), if you are both rooted in emotionally escaping into pleasant lies). The lie divides and destroys direct contact (which is relationship). LOVE can only exist in EMOTIONAL FULL/DIRECT CONTACT. As long as the mind splits itself into: “Good” & “Bad” and chooses to only acknowledge one side of that emotional coin, then the mind is in a state of self-hate – no matter how much it may pretend not to be.

So whenever people form a union in an effort to remain emotionally divided away from the unpleasant side of themselves, then that union or relationship is an illusion/pretense. Then, there is no real contact where there is emotional imagination projecting any kind of ideal (no matter how noble sounding it may be). Without having a direct communion with ALL of your emotional responses (without any manipulation), then one has no contact with reality. The entire content of your consciousness must be directly perceived in order for it to be connected to the world. Whatever the state of affairs exists within that consciousness determines its state of affairs with the world around itself. If there is an internal disconnect (into its imaginary wold of make-believe), then there is a disconnect with other people and things. That is The Natural Law of Energy. Holistic Perception IS Neutral Energy. Neutral Energy IS LOVE, itself.

The Emotional Imagination is “biased” because it prefers certain thoughts and feelings over others. It is not free to observe ALL of its emotional responses, equally. When it clings to pleasant feelings or thoughts and rejects the rest, its energy is partial, biased and limited. Where there is limitation, there must be conflict. Conflict is opposition, contradiction and self-detachment. There is the “What Is” (and that is what is actually taking place); and there is the “What Should Be” (and that is what should be happening, according to ones desire of “like” or “dislike”). This is where the self-image is born, and all images one has about other people is based upon the image one has about oneself. It is the self-image that is the severing of “relationship to life”, itself. Therefore, there can be no real relationship or connection to anyone or anything else around oneself. So if there is no relationship or union within the psyche, all contacts are merely superficial pretentious connections (there's no substance in their interactions). Because, direct contact has been substituted with a make-believe ideal of “What Should Be”, which is NOT real! And, it that false-relationship that begets violence, war, blood-sacrifices, etc.

Ergo, most marriages are founded upon an emotional cracked foundation. The promises made between so-called mates are pleasant-sounding lies that are emotionally intoxicating to both say and hear. It is no different than getting high off a drug (and hallucinating). Eventually, the pleasure erodes into pain. Tradition is a betrayal of direct contact, relationship and to “What Is” actually taking place in ones emotional being. It is the emotional being that is afraid to be in full touch with ALL of its responses. That is the reason why one feels greatly offended and disturbed when the emotional imagination (a.k.a. The Ego) is accurately described. The factual description shakes ones emotional being to its very core and makes one feel angry toward the messenger who is reflecting the very thing that the emotional imagination is constantly hiding from. It hides by seeking to be comforted on an emotional level through seeking gratification from everyone it speaks to, everyday.

The self-image begins by telling itself that it is always righteous in whatever it does. Each moment it seeks to console itself, emotionally and every experience that it has. One imagines the so-called “positive-image” in an effort to escape from a thought or feeling that it doesn't want to acknowledge or be in touch with that part of its nature. This emotional dishonesty is responsible for all the problems in the Human world. It is causing psychological imbalance and it is maintaining it while it carries out mundane daily tasks/errands. As people live, work and play together, they always are lying to each other. A so-called friend is someone who tells you pleasant-sounding lies. And, an enemy may make up lies in order to destroy ones foes. The emotional imagination divides its lies into “pleasurable lies” and “disturbing lies”. If one is viewed as an enemy, then one seeks to cause problems through lying about that person in order to get that person into trouble and then profit off of their misfortune.

In marriage there is a competition to persuade their children into favoring one of the parents over the other. The child or children are constantly being emotionally pressured into choosing a favorite parent. A conditioned mind will always “like” or “prefer” either their mother over their father or visa versa. Whereas, it took an equal amount of DNA from both parents to create the child. But on an emotional level, the child is viewed by its parents as being more like one of them than the other. That is because, emotionally the mind is not equally observant to ALL of its own thoughts and feelings. Therefore, the emotional being is grounded in partiality rather than the Pure LOVE of Neutral Emotional Communion which is Holistic Self-Examination of the whole self (not just the part of the self that it “likes”).

Therefore, the family unit is really a military type of unit, because it is founded upon deception and competition (which is a struggle, battle or conflict). War exists in the outer world because it began in the inner world (of emotional opposition toward its own feelings). War is all about capturing, subduing and destroying the thing that you “DISLIKE”, is it not? Marriage starts out like a friendly war game. Sports are “friendly war games simply because killing is left out, and it is replaced with score points. It is a mental exercise gearing the mind up to actually kill in the name of your emotional desires. The emotional identification with a flag or nation evokes violence toward anyone who is not emotionally in alignment with your preferences. People fight each other and even sometimes kill each other over the negative outcome of a sports event. That is a kind of psychological war. Your sports team is really no different than your emotional attachment to your beliefs about your country, religion, race or any emotionally identifiable group. They all have one thing in common, they all divide which always leads to conflict both verbally and physically. And, the marriage unit is no different.

You begin by cheering for your team (your marriage). And, you end by battle in the divorce and child custody courts. This is what happens when the emotional mind is out of touch with itself and is biased toward itself. But, the emotional being doesn't want to understand all of this. It just wants to copy and obey traditional patterns without questioning the validity of it. Just like a computer program is not free to question its program, the emotional mind is not free to objectively look at its bias and self-deceit, either. It just wants to continue repeating the process through its kids. It does not want peace, stability or clarity of mind. It likes to live in an illusion and call it reality and resist seeing the error of its thinking.

The imaginary world is the world of beliefs, ideals, dogmas, doctrines, superstitions, etc. That is its “national security”, which is to cover up dishonesty, genocide, blood-sacrificial rituals, spouses cheating on each other (while they privately lie to themselves telling themselves that “I still love my wife” as I continue to cheat on her – and visa versa). Most of the world is hypocritical because they are mostly pretending to be something that they are not actually being. It is this emotional make-believe world that is colliding with the three-dimensional physical world. After all, if the emotional mind is dead, how can it truly care about the living organisms in this world?

We exist in a zombie world because the body is alive, but the emotional mind is unrelated to itself. To be alive is to be in contact with itself. There is no contact through an image. An image is the past. When you shoot a photograph, it is the past. It is not alive. A photograph of a meal may look delicious but it cannot feed or nourish or thwart hunger. Hunger for food is a reality. A picture of food does not address that real hunger. An image of love, peace, cooperation is not the thing itself. So what if a person claims to “love” their mate. If you are out of touch within your emotional mind because you have divided your mind into good and bad and choose one side to identify with and shun the other side of yourself, that is violence/conflict/contradiction, which is hate, envy and cruelty. All of those problems are born out of the one problem – creating a self-image of becoming better than the state of mind that you “Dislike”.

People marry in order to become more than what they are, which is “lonely”. It is a make-believe fabrication to get married in order to pretend that one is no longer “lonely”. But after getting married and the honeymoon is over, the arguing and fighting begins because they both are exploiting each other in order to escape from their pain of “loneliness”. It is impossible to escape any emotional disturbance through ones imagination. Because it is the very imagination that is faulty. It IS THE PAST (which is dead). One remembers a pleasurable time when one first got married and had lots of sex and they showered each other with compliments. Then the mind, being a contradiction, does a 180 and drowns each other in insults and criticisms. Whenever the emotional being indulges in pleasant-sounding words, it must eventually contradict itself and start being verbally abusive. This is what happens when the mind fails to be Holistically Aware of both the light and dark expressions of its nature. And to use another person in order to hide from your dark side or your light side is an act of war (while calling it “love”).


There is nothing to choose because you are the Day and Night of your emotional being. But, most people in the world are blindly following their programmed emotional traditions. They are not free to investigate why we so easily emotionally acquiesce and obey the ancient tradition of marriage. Marriage is, then, an emotional prison or jail where one emotional submits to their “master” or “mistress”. Again, this all began internally, first. When you have state of mind like for example “greed”, the mind has been told that it is wrong to feel “greedy”. So I must get rid of it or justify it by generously donating to my favorite charity. This is an emotional trick one plays with oneself. It is a form of suppression. I superficially give in order to be forgiven for being “greedy”. I hide my ugliness by cloaking it with doing something that appears on the surface to be nice. But, the “greed” is still there because the motive to “become more than greed” is the continuation of “greed” while disguising it. The inherent limitation of thought is that it cannot change itself into something other than itself. Emotional Memory cannot will itself to go beyond itself, because that “will” is still an integral part of the thing it is trying to escape or go beyond. Again, that is self-deceit. Can the mind be aware of everything that it's doing is false. The direct, true awareness of that which is false IS THE TRUTH.

Marriage is an invention that was put together by emotional thought. It made it up as an escape route from “loneliness”. An emotion cannot escape from itself. It can be aware of itself and learn about its nature. In so doing that nature radically changes. “Loneliness” only exists because the emotional being “Dislikes” that emotional condition. Instead of learning about it through communing with that state, it tries to run away. Emotional evasion is suicidal, self-destructive. Sometimes that gets misdirected into homicide or joining a group that allows you to kill for a so-called noble cause. This is the answer as to why the Human species is killing itself by dividing itself up into emotional identifiable groups and pretending like those emotional groups are a different species. It's the imaginary world created by the self-image that came about when it refused to be Holistically Aware of ALL of its emotional responses. Each person has divided their emotions into “Good” & “Bad” and then they consciously choose between the 2 sides of one mind or one coin. These divided or split emotional beings, then, get married and pretend to unite. Then civil war begins after the pleasure has been exhausted. This is the circle that continues to repeat.

There's an old childhood chant that goes like this, “Pete and Repeat were walking down the street. Pete fell in the hole and who was left? Repeat.” “Pete and Repeat were walking down the street. Pete fell in the hole and who was left? Repeat.” “Pete and Repeat were walking down the street. Pete fell in the hole and who was left? Repeat.” THAT IS PSCYHOLOGICAL HISTORY happening in each Human. I say “Human”, because the legal definition of a “Human” is a monster. Whereas, a Human Being is an entity that is indivisible, because it is being alive when it Holistically Sees Itself As It Is (not has it would like to become). Being is present-tense. Becoming is the emotional past striving to become different in the future. The emotional becoming is the Past Modified, superficially), because imagination is from its past emotional experiences that it longs to either repeat or run away from. Running away from “loneliness” into a fake union is called “marriage”. Running after making a family is also to run away from “loneliness”. The “self-image” comes into existence in your mind because you are avoiding a thought or feeling that you don't want. But, the conditioned or programmed mind is ignorant that IT IS WHATEVER IT THINKS/FEELS. Ergo, it is impossible to use emotional memory to hide from itself. After years of doing this, it gets confused and senile and lost. It loses track of what is a pretense and what is not. Such a mind is broken (divided against itself) when it fails to understand that there is nothing to choose. For, it is to the contents of itself. Itself is what it emotionally thinks and feels. There is no such thing as a bad or good thought or feeling. There is just thinking and feeling to be observed, neutrally (without bias). That is LOVE, SANITY and JOY!

When a Holistic Mind relates to another person with or without sex, it is not exploiting anyone to hide from itself. It is learning about itself during physical intimacy or without it. Learning is neutral energy that does NOT divided. On the contrary, neutral self-observation is the very essence of WHOLENESS. Where there is wholeness, there is Benevolent Creation. After all, the atom is rooted in the neutron. The atom contains the negative energy called the electron plus the positive energy called the proton. These opposite energies are harmonized by the neutron which neither contains positive or negative energy. Yet it holds these opposites in LOVING NEUTRALITY.

The mind that is neutrally aware of its opposite emotional expressions brings about harmony throughout the entire consciousness. Where there is the ending of ALL images through seeing them for what they are (falsehoods), then there is a Cosmic Union in the Emotional Being. When beings like that come together, they don't need a legal contract to be married. They are married in the eyes of Cosmic Energy, which is THE LAW beyond Human law.

“Marriage” is also a concept that is associated with “property”. In ancient times, the “woman” was sold to a man as her “master”. An “unclaimed woman” was emotionally and socially branded as having no worth or value. Only a man could bestow value to a woman by placing a claim on her body and marrying her. Without marriage, she was given little or no emotional recognition or respect. To this day. The average woman feels that she must find a husband so that she can gain social prestige as a “wife”. She was expected to serve him in every way. But mainly, she was expected to stroke his “Ego”. To this day, women secretly harbor resentment toward the male gender for placing her in a servitude position. This is why women, today, compete with men in a masculine manner. But in modern times, the women sought retribution through alimony after divorcing, not just to physically meet her needs but to financial cripple or wound the men for tolerating an inferior position of emotional power.

“Marriage” is an emotional war zone so long as they both have a self-image (which is an ego). You see, the only reason why opposite forms of energy can harmoniously co-exist is due to both energies are rooted or grounded in neutrality. As I mentioned before that things and all life forms are made out of atoms. The atomic structure is how life functions. So that means that opposite forms of energy can only live in harmony through a NEUTRAL conduit. If that NEUTRAL BASE is missing, the opposite energies must seek to overthrow each other.

Internally, we all have opposing thoughts and feelings. They are there just like the weather. There are various expressions of weather. But, ALL geological expressions have a time to arise and then fade away. If you try to prevent any weather pattern from existing, it will through off the total geological balance. They must all have a time to express themselves. Similarly, our variety of contradictory emotions arise in our consciousness. But, we've been misguided into thinking that “The Observer” must control them in order to fulfill its desire. So whenever one has a thought or feeling that is considered to be “bad”, we try to suppress it with opposing emotional phrases. So we choose to allow the emotions that we “favor” to express themselves. But, we resist any emotion that makes one feel ashamed, uncomfortable or guilty. This is like protons (positive energy) and electrons (negative energy) competing against each other to become the dominating or ruling force. This can only lead to utter annihilation. The only thing that can stabilize opposing energies is a Neutral Energy that holds or observes both energies, equally. “Belief” always takes sides, so there is no freedom to equally listen to both of the opposite energies.

Man (a.k.a. Proton) and Woman (a.k.a. Electron) are opposite energies of the entire Human species. As long as the Mind views itself through an “image”, this blocks the Neutral Energy of Pure Attention to ALL of the emotional thoughts and feelings. When we have these feelings, we judge them through “like” and “dislike”. If we “like” the feeling, we indulge in ti. If we “dislike” it, we shun it. This is “bias”, which is the obstruction to Neutrality. If I seek to concentrate on the thoughts and feelings that I “like” and ignore the ones that I “dislike”, then my mind is grounded in “bias” and “division”. Where there is “division”, there must be conflict, disintegration or self-destruction. This why Humans are dysfunctional creatures that are not only a threat to themselves, but also to the entire world. The gender war must continue because they are opposite forms of energy. They can only be harmonious as two sides of a single coin or unit if they are free of their “Ego” created by their “self-image” (born out of emotional choice). Just like the atom's proton and electron can only operate as a whole unit when it is planted in the ground of the neutron (an energy that neither contains negative nor positive energy), the self-image can only naturally end if one gives total energy into studying and learning that that the self-image is causing division, conflict and instability to whole mind. The quality of the energy of seeing what is false or problematic, is not opposing the self-image. It is simply seeing what is false. That seeing is neither agreeing nor disagreeing with what it is seeing, so it is neutral. The presence of that neutral observation (of energy) is a state of being that is free of any opposition. That means that opposite forms of energy may peacefully co-exist through the ground of pure, holistic observation or awareness. In other words, the mind is TOTALLY LISTENING TO ALL OF ITS THOUGHS AND FEELINGS!

If a man and a woman were free to TOTALLY LISTENING TO ALL OF ITS THOUGHS AND FEELINGS, then the gender war would naturally and peacefully end. Instead, the man and woman are pretending to be civil to each other by telling each other what they desire to hear in order to give each other emotional comfort. That comfort later becomes arguments and misunderstandings that eventually spiral out of control until physical harm is eminent. So by seeking emotional certainty through an “image” or “ideal”, there is a fragmentation or a disconnection away from detecting exactly what is going on in the emotional being. Without direct contact or direct perception, due to one seeking emotional comfort or gratification, then there is actually NO RELATIONSHIP at all. Without full contact (full perception/awareness), there is only a PRETENSE OF RELATIONSHIP. Either one is in contact or one is not in contact. Pretending to do something is not the same thing as actually doing it, right? If you pretend to be eating, then you are not actually eating, right? So, any “belief” (which is an “emotional image”) interferes with being in contact with the fact (with what is actually unfolding in your emotional state of being, itself).

This “emotional-concept-of-marriage” is merely a pretense of being related or united. There is only a physical exchange between the mates. But, emotionally, there is a great pretense through their “belief” that they have personally sworn to be honest with each other, while secretly, they are actually lying to each other. A “self-image” is a lie that one has made up to oneself in order to overcome, suppress or ignore any unpleasant emotional thoughts or feelings that one doesn't want to acknowledge or face. That is the conditioned or programmed state of mind that society has traditionally handed down to every Human Being born into this world. All the fairy tale books, nursery rhymes, competitions at school and family member rival competitions psychologically shape and mold the Human consciousness to continue to repeat the dysfunctional thinking from the ancient past into the present and project onward into the future generations of minds. We have been born into a species that has been psychologically dead (because of repeating the emotional past experiences).

All groups of Humans worship their dead, their past, and they offer blood-sacrifices through the perpetual wars based upon past emotional painful events between these emotionally identified groups. This emotional area of Humanity is like a petrified dead tree that exists in a perpetual state of stagnation in the emotional past. Everything that Humans do is to safeguard this “Ancient Tree of Emotional Tradition”. That is what everyone has consciously or subconsciously dedicated their biological bodies to serve (from one generation to the next). This is a mechanical, automatic system that, under the threat of torture and /or death, forbids anyone to question what is going on within their emotional being. People are continuously being commanded to blindly obey the emotional traditional status quo. Everyday, our minds are being bombarded with emotional messages that we automatically go along with, subconsciously. That means that the upper level of the mind is like a puppet that is unaware that it is a puppet that is being manipulated by a puppet-master (who in turn is also a puppet to its emotional ancient past).

Therefore, the purpose of “marriage” is to form a family unit that blindly (without question) the “emotional beliefs” handed down from the ancient times that perpetuates isolation, fear and conflict. The “primary belief” throughout the entire psychological consciousness is that “emotional willpower” is our only “hope & salvation” from the dangerous challenges that Humanity has made for itself. The very “self-image” IS your “willpower” that is willing itself to change from one state of mind into another state of mind. It is “willpower” that pursues “marriage” so that it can escape from being alone. Our emotional being chooses to run away rather than to understand the emotional state of mind to which it is afraid. If one were to commune with any state of mind and through that communion understand itself, fully, then escapism would be irrelevant and fear would end. Emotional fear is when you avoid or move away from being in touch with any state of being, emotionally. The movement of avoidance is what gives rise to any “belief” or “ideal” (which is a “preferred” imagined emotional condition to substitute the initial state of mind that one wishes to evade).

“Marriage” is a “belief” that emotionally opposes the condition of feeling “lonely”. The mind cannot feel “lonely” when it is bonded with however it feels at any given moment. “Loneliness” is born the moment that “The Emotional-Me” resists or pulls away from being in touch with however it feels. The moment that one pulls away from detecting its emotional responses, that is a psychological-break! That emotional division or break IS the very essence of “loneliness” because the “self-image” that is the denial of a “disliked” state of mind is isolating a piece of its nature into focusing on a make-believe state of mind (treating the pretense like it is real is an artificial isolation). So when people “marry” they are isolating their emotional beings into a make-believe, artificial or pretentious-relationship or a pretense of being united in a dream state (which they mistakenly assume is “love” – but it's an illusion). As time passes, the illusion (like make-up) wears off leaving behind ugliness through incessant arguing and emotional criticisms. This is psychological warfare to which their children get caught in the cross fire between their parents.

The emotional being does not understand how to adequately deal with itself. That is why it seeks safety through trying to live up to an “ideal”, which happens to also be projected out of its miserable state of mind. So people are forever chasing their own tails without realizing that is what they are doing. Any emotional pursuit is false. Emotional pain cannot run after something outside of itself. The emotional pleasure of clinging to “ideals” or “beliefs” is like a junkie getting high in order to emotionally escape from its painful thoughts and feelings. Eventually, after the artificial state of elation wears off, the tormented mind is back to where it started, but its pain is more intensified. And so, the suffering mind repeats the process of grabbing more emotional pleasure. This is the reason why people have to repeat their worshiping or praying; it gives a temporary elation that they on the path to salvation.

That emotional path of freedom from its psychological disturbance was originally conjured up by its emotional pain (seeking the opposite emotional painful condition). There is a consistent failure to detect that the emotional-projector, itself, is like a negative film generating a photograph. While the negative film has a different superficial appearance from the appearance of the photograph, the emotional-picture pretends like it has escaped from, and has no association with, its negative film that produced it. The emotional-picture denies that it's the other side of the negative film that it considers to be painfully ugly. So the emotional projected ideal/image doesn't want to be associated with that ugly negative (i.e., the original painful state of mind). That is how “beliefs” and “idealism” works in a self-deceptive manner. The “ideal/belief” tricks its emotional being into a false and artificial existence in a vacuum. To maintain that make-believe image/belief, it demands that other people do the same thing so that the group can collective invent an artificial world and brutalize anyone who refuses to participate in this emotional system. And that is why war exists in the world. They are all fighting to prove an emotional lie to be “truth” (when it can never achieve that). That is why it repeats like a broken record, and the problems in the real world that is jeopardizing physical balance in our bodies and in our environment is breaking down, more and more.

So these military pods begins with “marriage” where the family is spawn. Then their offspring is forced to undergo a rigorous brainwashing process through peer pressure starting with their parents, then their siblings, then their community of so-called “friends” (which are covert spies ensuring that their kids maintain the emotional tradition of building their “self-image”). The child is told things to upset it or the reverse (which is that it is superior to other children). Either way, the child's mind is being distorted so that it can carry on the repetitious quest into annihilation and oblivion while it is in a dream state about creating a “better future” beyond all this Human suffering. Parents are assigned with the task of offering their children into the blood-sacrificial ritual called, war. They emotional “belief” that their blind allegiance to the “ideal of national security” is real protection that is necessary and the only way to exist (not live). People are encourage to “marry” and reproduce in order to replace the dead soldiers and carry on destroying the real world (our planet) while they fight for illusory “ideals” and “beliefs” that endlessly promise a “better world”, which never happens.

Governments control “marriages” as a form of warehousing people like an inventory of emotional robots to mindlessly execute their programming (or orders) to carry on this mechanical system of emotionalism inflicted upon the minds of their children . “Marriage”, itself, is emotionalism. Emotionalism is psychological slavery, because the mind is tethered to acting out of pure irrational emotionalism. After all, any government can put on an emotional show to get people to do just about anything it wants, and it has historically done so. The only freedom is to be free from ones emotions through Holistic/Neutral Self-Observation (without any manipulation of whatever it emotionally thinks).

A conditioned mind is a emotional state of confusion. And when such minds “marry” they intensify, magnify and spread this hysterical state throughout the collective Human consciousness until massacres erupt throughout the world. Meanwhile, our planet is taking a beating as this emotional process repeats itself. As the Earth reaches a critical point of not being to heal from Human pollutions from wars and corporate competitive wars of greed and to play God by domineering all life on Earth through subjecting everything to their deadly products, ultimately this planet is rapidly approaching death and will be unable to support life, anymore. This emotional pretense is competing with the organic universe in its insane effort to try to prove that the artificial world of make-believe is more important and more valid than the Natural World. The emotional deranged mind of Humanity is trying to exist purely on an artificial level and discard its biological nature, altogether. It is trying to defy the Laws of Physics in order to manufacture a kingdom here the emotional ego can determine the fate of all things within the world that it has produced. In other words, the emotional mind is trying to become “God” so that everything in its corporate world must get its permission to exist as a compliant emotional robot.

But, the real creator of all forms of DNA which is held together by atoms is THE NEUTRON or ZERO POINT. The matter that the emotional mind is made out of is resisting its intrinsic function to be rooted in Neutral Self-Awareness. Over the ages, there has been an ongoing process of weeding out any mind that does not comply with robotic thinking, which is to obey without questioning emotional authorities. The original emotional authorities were the men who falsely claimed to be religious leaders of all Human groups around the world. There mission was to hijack the Human emotional mind to be driven by the fear of being in touch with itself, holistically. So now in present times, over 99% of human minds are in emotional bondage.

From generation to generation, emotionalism has been drummed into the underlining of all Human encounters. Any time you come into contact with any Human, they want you to go into an emotional pretense with them. You can plainly witness this emotional behavior on Internet social media groups where everyone is pressured into a certain kind of emotional language and then to “vote” to “like” or “dislike” based purely on emotionalism. This process insures that nobody can think critically or objectively so that their minds can never be from from external manipulation through propaganda campaigns which tells people how they should emotionally feel about anything that is going on in the world. That implies that people have become emotional robotic drones that can be influenced to behave any way that the masters order them to behave, through emotional manipulation.

Therefore, most people don't realize that they are emotional-slaves that are not free to objectively question their emotional responses. That is what a conditioned/programmed mind is. The biggest block to freedom to understand ones emotional being is: “being afraid to stand alone” (emotionally)! People emotionally identify with a race, religion, gang, institutional organization, charity, tribe, charity representing a health disease, sports team, social media popularity status, tribe or any emotionally-based group of any kind. These emotional identifications divides people. Once there is an emotional division, they seek to overthrow each other in order to fulfill their emotional desire to “become the ruling power”. Emotion is constantly struggling to dominate and control emotion, which is an endless loop. Because, it does not want to find out that this is a self-destructive process that is inherently unsustainable. A disintegrating process is vanishing. So, the very nature of emotionalism is utter self- annihilation. Emotionalism is unaware that it is getting rid of itself the more it tries to take over the world. It is trying to take over the world by putting pressure on every single Human Being to sacrifice their sanity through emotional conformity to “idealism”. The emotional demand is to forbid any Human mind from being in full contact with ALL OF ITS EMOTIONAL THOUGHTS & FEELINGS WITHOUT TRYING TO CONTROL THE EMOTIONAL-SELF-OBSERVATION!

Therefore, “marriage” is the gateway to the emotional dictatorship that has ruled the bulk of the Human Race since time immemorial. “Married People”, for the most part, do NOT love each other. In reality, they secretly hate each other. “Hatred” in its subtle form is emotionalism born at the very moment that we reject any emotional thought or feeling, instead of communing with it to understand itself. So the “married people” are joined together with emotional lies masquerading as “being in love”. They have vowed to keep each other, as well as their kids, emotionally ignorant. They are fighting a war against emotional clarity through clinging to their make-believe emotional concepts, at all cost. Underneath marital arguments is the perpetuation of emotional confusion. They seek out “marriage therapists” who help them to remain in an emotional dream state about themselves and each other. These therapists are Emotional Thought Police there to make sure they most of Humanity remain in a state emotional comatose. Why? The emotional egotistical being only wants one thing, and that is to play “God” and control so that it can pretend to itself that it is superior. It wants to turn everything into its toys to play with and toss away on a whim. This is insanity. Insanity emotionally “believes” that what it is doing is perfectly sane and necessary.

“Married People” subconsciously thinks of themselves as being “Kings and Queens” of their “kingdom” (which is their family unit). They emotionally rule and control their kids to grow up and perpetuate this emotional process. Then, these “kingdoms” compete among themselves to dominate and dictate their emotional “ideals” to impose upon the world. All of these slaughters is nothing but the Human mind that has failed to commune with and understand itself, naturally. Nothing short of full communion and holistic self-awareness can end this emotional collective mind hive. The key to the collective emotional machine is the ending of emotionalism in your mind. It ends the moment that detects its emotional servitude. It will only do that if it can see the need to wake up to its self-deceit. Most people, don't want to be aware of how they are tricking themselves. They prefer to blame the chaos in the world on others so that they can protect and maintain emotionalism. They tell themselves that they have nothing to do with society or the emotional system. But each person IS THE EMOTIONAL SYSTEM that is making the world corrupt, ugly and frightening.

The real problem here is: the quality of attention, the quality of listening and the quality of observation. For centuries, people have been taught only one way of learning, which is very limited because it shuts out a person's ability to deeply understand and be sensitive to the total movement within the emotional area of our being. We've been programmed to accumulate words and blindly trust in “the word”. We've become “word worshipers” or “word slaves”. That is what an intellectual mind is – a “word accumulating robot”. We think that words have power over us because we are totally ignorant when it comes to COMMUNION. That is, to be totally sensitive and aware of our responses without labeling them or categorizing them as being either “good” or “bad” responses. The word “good” and the word “bad” are emotional words. “Good” triggers the mind to emotionally cling to it by emotionally attaching or identifying oneself in an effort to escape from its opposite (which is the so-called “bad”). The word “bad” triggers the mind to emotionally escape from it by emotionally detaching or divorcing oneself from any emotional ugliness or embarrassment in an effort to become its opposite. This is the way our emotional being automatically operates when it is not deeply understood.

“Marriage” becomes a disaster because there is NO Communion (no direct and full sensitivity) to their emotional responses. Each person is distracted by the other person's responses. They concentrate on the flaws or inconsistencies from the other person and not on learning about their own way of thinking. Nobody wants to be fully aware of how they are out of touch with themselves. If each person in the marriage took full responsibility for their emotional state of being, then there would be a true contact, an authentic union between them. Then the “marriage” would be a reality and not just a pretense of being together. There would be a psychological communion. Therefore, there would be no sense of ownership toward on another. The only reason why people want to “own” anyone or anything is simply because there is no living bond. When the mind Communes with itself, it is naturally bonded to all things in its life. When that psychological holistic awareness is absent, then the mind seeks to possess, conquer and imprison things in order to give itself a sense of importance so that it can battle against feeling insecure and afraid. The mind that is not completely in touch with ALL of its emotional responses is afraid of itself because it does not understand itself. So to make up for its lack of self-awareness, it craves to “control”, “possess” or “own” life. So it invented “marriage” out of the fear of not being able to “control” its mate. When they verbally agree to “possess” each other through their “marriage vows”, they enter into a emotional battle to “own” each other's lives. This is because the mind does not want to feel empty or like it is nothing. Above all things it fears the most in its life is the state of NOTHINGNESS.

That's very interesting because the state of NOTHINGNESS is the most valuable state of all. Why you might ask? Well, again, the Human mind has been misguided and wrongly educated because the most important part of Life is NOTHINGNESS. The Ego is “a seeker of SOMETHING” because it has mistakenly assumed that what give Life value is “Becoming A Somebody”. The reason why the world is drowning in terrorism is due to this vicious pursuit to do anything immoral to “Become Something”. Getting “married” is a big part of “Becoming a Somebody” in order to magnify ones sense of self worth, emotionally speaking. A man that emotionally “owns” a woman (a.k.a. “a wife”) is viewed by his peers with emotional high regard. “Married Men” are given preferential treatment at their jobs; they have first dibs at promotions and bonuses over the single men. A woman that emotionally “owns” a man (a.k.a. “a husband”) is viewed by her peers with emotional high regard. And generally speaking, “Married Women” are considered to be more “respectable” than single women, so society gives them more economic and social opportunities and benefits. And, of course, “marriages that produce kids” are given the most benefits from society because they are maintaining this emotional-based system to which The Ego is able to continue. Ergo, he primary reason for “marriage” is to prolong, magnify and intensify emotionalism (a.k.a., Global Egocentric Oppression).

This “Global Egocentric Oppression” is almost impossible to be free from because the emotional part of our being is highly resistant to be in Full Contact or Communion with itself. It usually seeks to hide from itself by taking refuge in any kind of “ideal” or “belief”. An “emotional ideal or belief” is a lie that is treated like it is “truth”. J. Krishnamurti refers to “emotional ideals and beliefs” as being Psychological Time. It is when our emotional-being opposes a state of mind that it “dislikes” with an opposite concept. For instance, if one is in a state of hatred, the emotional escape dictates to “become the opposite”. How it does this is that it takes the state of being that it is in, hatred, and twists it into a future emotional achievement by telling itself that, “I will become loving and kind”. It may even do something that is superficially nice. Say for instance, a hateful hit-man or woman may make a large donation to a children's charity in order to emotionally “become a good person” in the eyes of his community. In that way, the he or she can emotionally appear to his or her community, family and himself to be “moral”. Also, it is an emotional escape from the fact of immorality and cruelty. The movement away from a fact into a make-believe takes time. The fact is timeless; whereas, the “ideal” or “belief” is “a becoming process” (i.e., an emotionally time-binding process). So Psychological Time is an emotional illusion of the mind changing from one state of being into another state of being. The state of being “hatred” has not actually changed; it has simply been masked. But, underneath the psychological mask, “hatred” remains.

Similarly, getting “married” in order to change ones state of being “lonely” through declaring idealistic “marriage vows” is an emotional mask. Underneath their masks the state of being “lonely” remains buried within their subconscious, which fuels their criticisms and arguments about petty matters. In many instances, these emotional battles eventually leads to brutality and/or death. One might say that not all marriages are turbulent. But, yes they are, if their mind is not Holistically Aware of ALL of their emotional responses, without seeking to control them. Emotional Responses can never control themselves because that causes an endless struggle between them. They need to be grounded in a neutral action. Whereas, all emotional responses are either “positive” or “negative”, and these opposite expressions of emotions are always on a collision course leading to total obliteration. And when that happens, the mind behaves imbalanced and neurotically, which is warfare (within marriages, families, communities or any organization or group).

There has to be a timeless approach to living with our feelings/emotions. Both the “negative” and “positive” emotional thoughts and feelings are trapped in the time of emotional-seeking the opposite. “I feel this way.” “I dislike how I feel.” So, “I seek the opposite of how I feel.” So one goes to a so-called mental expert (a.k.a., a therapist) in order to get rid of the emotional state of being this it dislikes. The so-called mental expert will ask you to describe your emotional state of being and also ask you what you think about it. Then, she or he will most likely recommend a method of changing your state of mind from this into that, and the patient will most like accept that method. Any method is time-based, because the therapists is driven mainly by monetary gain, as well as the emotional power to dominate your mind makes the therapist emotionally feel like “A Somebody Who Is Superior”. You will be instructed to practice a method or ritual with yourself and then report back to the therapist your progress. All of this is merely “masking” the “disliked” emotional state of being. Whenever an emotional responses is rejected, it gets pushed back into its subconscious background where it lurks in the shadows awaiting an opportunity to break out and act out in violently destructive ways. All therapy does is postpone the inevitable expression of the rejected state of mind, because YOU ARE EVERY EMOTIONAL RESPONSE. To reject any emotional responses is a suicidal or self-destructive action. The mind is deceiving itself when it chooses to run away from itself and not pay attention and learn about every part of it emotional being.


When the mind is in a state of Perceptive Communion, it is Understand and Learning about itself, its nature. Through non-verbal direct contact with the emotional pain, the mind is BEING (that emotional state or reality). There is NO TIME/NO MOVEMENT AWAY FROM ITSELF. Time implies movement from here to there. The “undesirable emotion” wishes to move into a “desired” emotion. But, the emotional being never considers the fact that the so-called “desired emotion” came from the “undesired emotion”. Look at it like a negative film and its photo. The craving to move away from its “undesired emotional thought or feeling” IS the negative film that is projecting an opposite “ideal” which is the photo. The very essence of the “ideal” is rooted or grounded in its negative film (which is the “undesired state of mind”). So, the emotional-mind is unknowingly playing a trick upon itself. What makes the understanding difficult is that the emotional-mind is hell bent on “Becoming Something”, at all cost. Nothing else matters. There is a great superstitious fear about BEING NOTHING, emotionally speaking. There has been no education about the State of Nothingness and its great intrinsic value.


It is this area of Life that most people are completely ignorant. Their minds are seeking “to become higher, greater or superior” out of a misunderstanding about the state of Psychological Nothingness. The essence of life is energy, is it not? Everything that exists is made out of energy. What is energy? Atoms. What is the basic component of the Atom? There are equal amounts of opposite forms of energy. The measurable part of Atomic energy that is finite is the Electron (equals Negative Energy) and the Proton (equals Positive Energy). The nucleus or core of the Atom is the Neutron (it contains Neither the Positive Energy nor the Negative Energy therefore it is Neutral Energy). The orderly structure of Atomic Energy or Matter is that the limited forms of energy are dualistic; they are 2 sides of the same unitary coin of Life. If you get rid of one side, then the other side cannot survive, either. Take man and woman; they are 2 sides of the Human species. If there were no men, then the Human species could not exist at all. If there were no women, then the Human species could not exist at all. Hence, woman-man is the equivalent of electron-proton or negative-positive. The Atom is stabilized by the Neutron (Neutral Energy). The Neutral Energy is Nothingness or Emptiness or Zero Point; it can't be measured. Things that are measurable are intrinsically limited, because they have a beginning point and an ending point. Whereas, Nothing, Zero or Neutrality has no beginning or ending point at all. Negative & Positive Energy can be quantified into amounts. But, a thing that contains neither negative or positive energy cannot be quantified; hence, neutral energy can't be contained nor can it be defined by amounts.

The Protons and Electrons are equals because they need each other in order to exist at all, but they can only co-exist harmoniously through being grounded in Neutral Energy. It is the Neutral Energy that creates all forms of Atoms (genetic material). And when any life forms dies, it is only measurable part that dissolves back into the ground of Nothingness to which it came. THE CREATOR is THE GROUND OF NOTHINGNESS, which is eternal, immeasurable. Zero is NOT a number. You have Negative Numbers & Positive Numbers which meet at the Center of ZERO. The Universal Language is the Binary Code: “1” & “0”, which all computers run on. Zero or Nothingness is the HARMONIZING FACTOR throughout all of Creation. The finite part of energy is a fragment with 2 opposite sides just like Night & Day. The fragmented part of Life operates in time; there is a point of birth and a point of death. However, the ENERGY OF NOTHINGNESS/ZERO has no point of birth or death; it is immortal substance running throughout all things that exist in the material world.

In the Human mind is the emotional mind that expresses its energy through “like” & “dislike”. We hear a sound and immediately we categorize it by either “liking” it or “disliking” it. The same thing is done when we have emotional responses to any situation. You feel anger, and you're conditioned to “dislike” it. Or, you might be conditioned to “like” it. If the mind “likes” an emotional response, it will worship it and try to keep it going. If the mind “dislikes” an emotional response, it will condemn it and try to overcome it or get rid of it. The mind is in the business of dividing itself, and then chasing after the side of its nature that it “likes” and hiding or escaping from the side of its nature that it “dislikes”. This is ignorant, because the emotional being IS both Positive/Pleasurable & Negative/Disturbing emotional thoughts & feelings. To see to get rid of either side will cause the rejected side to struggle to become the dominate side. This sets going an endless cycle of one side pulling and pushing the other side of its emotional being. Therefore, the whole being is at war with itself, because there is a missing harmonizing form of energy within the emotional being. That missing energy is Nothingness. The mind is lacking Neutral Self-Observation; it is not equally studying both its Positive & Negative Emotional Expressions. Instead, the emotional being imagines that it has gone beyond itself through hope, belief or idealistic images of “becoming”. There is really no such thing as “becoming” where emotional states of mind are concerned. That is merely an illusion. The emotional being is energy based on The Law of Atomic Energy. Just like there is equal opposite forms of energy that are grounded in the nothingness of the neutron, the opposite emotions can only be stabilized or balanced by being grounded in Neutral Self-Observation. There is, then, NO “becoming” at all; “becoming” is time. There is simply the detection of what one is thinking and feeling in the present moment because the mind understands that it is all of its emotional responses so there is no sense in running away. It can pretend to run away but it can't actually run away from itself without disintegrating, self-destructing. All forms of psychological becoming is a pretense, a lie. The mind cannot escape from how it feels. It can suppress itself, but the feeling remains – no matter how much the mind tries to ignore its real feelings. The more the mind resists being in contact with any emotional response, the more neurotically it behaves until it destroys itself.

Only Nothingness/Neutral Understanding can bring about WHOLENESS to the mind. The only cure to psychological pain/conflict is to realize that “The Me” or “The I” is limited and it can do NOTHING but Observe its state of mind. And, it must realize that any effort to change whatever it feels into something more desirable is to only divide the mind against itself: “What I Desire To Feel” versus “What I Feel” (that I don't desire to feel). That is, “the ideal” versus the “fact”. The “ideal” or “belief” is the unreal state of mind the the emotional being is seeking to make into a reality, which is impossible. The emotional being wants “to become something more than it is”. The pursuit of the emotional something more or better is mental degeneracy. Because, like the Atom, the opposite energy must be grounded in a neutral energy. Observation, Awareness or Attention IS the Neutral form of energy in the mind. However, for thousands of years, our minds have been conditioned to resist itself, and not investigate itself. It's been programmed to seek rather than be still and learn about its nature. So the mind has turned itself into an emotional robot that automatically functions without understanding. This process of emotional automation has been going on for so long that it has become nearly impossible for the mind to be in a Neutral State of Learning, because it emotionally finds it to be too painful to admit that it is dysfunctional.

If the emotional-collective consciousness fails to awaken to its monumental error to thinking, it will destroy the material world around itself, including itself. The opposite expressions of the emotional mind is locked into a meltdown mode. As far as the Ground of Nothingness is concerned, it really doesn't matter if the Human mind destroys this biosphere, because Life is self-healing and it can go on without Humans in it. If the world gets destroyed by this emotional retardation, there will be no evidence left to show that the Human species ever existed at all. That would mean that every war that was fought in order to leave behind a story to tell about one emotional-group conquering another would be like none it ever happened. No group every existed. All the historic stories are gone. So the whole Human struggle for superiority and domination never happened. Humanity never dominated anything once its all destroyed. So please tell me what is the end-game, here? There isn't one, in reality. There is just an emotional machine repeating itself until it obliterates itself and everything around itself. You check out all the various ways this world is being poisoned on a daily basis. Check the stats on how much poison is being added to the atmosphere, ecosystem and how the rate of poisoning is outstripping the rate of purification. It all adds up to total destruction, and for what? EMOTIONALISM! The emotional mind wants to be The Master Controller of the World when it has no business doing so. It wants to replace THE GROUND OF NEUTRALITY. And, that can't ever happen without total destruction of the world, because the world is Atomic based, which means that balance can only be restored when the Human mind is grounded in Neutral Self-Learning. So long as that does not happen, there shall be a continual rise in environmental breakdown until the Earth can no longer support Life. The source to these hundreds of thousands of problems that are escalating is all originating for the Human Ego (the emotional being that is hallucinating about what is doing). A mind that functions off of a “make-believe” state of being thinks that it is doing one thing while, in actuality, it is doing something entirely different. It is stubborn and refuses to give up its futile question of world domination. Just look at how the mind is trying to “RFID chip” just about everything so that it can keep tabs on everything in a hysterical effort to control Life, itself. This superiority mission to play “God” is pure madness, because Life is all about balance, and the Ego is imbalanced in and of itself. It can't save the world. In its delusional campaign to save the world it is destroying it. The leaders are all ego-driven emotional robots drunk on power, domination and control. They are not protecting anything except for their delusions that they are convinced are the solutions to the mess that they made, in the first place.

The answer lies within the understanding of the monster, itself; that monster is “The Me” that “believes” in order to resist being in touch with the fact that all forms of “believing” in the emotional realm is divisive. Where there is emotional division, there is corruption, fragmentation and decay. And, so the problems continue to multiply, intensify and maintain being in existence. Every plan to fix things on the physical or material level just rearranges the problems, and nothing else. There must be an ending to problems. And a mind driven by emotional power seeking is unable to end problems, because its own state of being is a problem to itself; after all, it is internally fighting against itself.


The ongoing war between the sexes is either being fought overtly or covertly, but there is a war going on everyday. The opposite energies must fight each other so long as their emotional being is rooted in bias (all “believing” and “idealism” is biased). The Ego is a divided mind battling itself (the conscious verses the subconscious), because the mind totally objects to being aware of all of its thoughts and feelings without any effort to control them. So long as the emotional being refuses to understand what it is doing when it “believes”, there can be no Neutrality in the Human consciousness. And without that Holistic Nothingness being present in consciousness, the opposite energies in our species (the opposite genders) will seek to conquer each other and that will mark the end of our species. The man and woman must awaken to the fact that their own Ego is responsible for the conflict in all “marriages”. Ego is the problem. Understanding it through Neutral Awareness is the only solution, which your Ego rejects. There is just one problem that Humanity is facing: EMOTIONAL BLINDNESS/IGNORANCE refusing to studying itself. No outside agency can help the Emotional Being. Each person has to sense that there is something terribly wrong going on in the world and take that instinctive alarm very seriously, because each day we are getting closer the the critical point of no return where our planet can't heal itself from these mounting poisons born out of egotistical competitions among corporate ego-megalomaniacs along with the masses who refuse to be responsible for their lives.  

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.