long as there is a time interval between the observer and the
observed it creates friction and therefore there is a waste of
energy. That energy is gathered to its highest point when the
observer is the observed, in which there is no time interval at all.
Then there will be energy without motive and it will find its own
channel of action because then the 'I' does not exist. - Freedom from
the Known,120 ~J. Krishnamurti
Author's Comment:
The Observer desires to go beyond itself by projecting an image that is the opposite of the state of mind that the Observer doesn't like. So “the Observed” is the mask that pretends to be a reality that is completely different from its original state of mind. An interval is set going in the mind between the fact (which is something ugly) and the fiction (which is an escape from the ugliness of the mind). This gap of time is created by the desire to become other than “what is” actual. So emotionally, one is trying to get to the other shore, but it cannot because a fiction is never the real thing – it's an imposture. So there is “what I feel” (anxiety, depression, jealousy, greed, etc.); and there is the ideal, belief that “I should be better or higher” than that. It will take time to achieve the ideal, which is self-deception.
this psychological interval is conflict between the ideal/belief and
the fact of emotional insecurity or disturbance. As long as an
oppositional ideal is pursued, there will be friction, which is a
waste of energy. When energy is wasted the body's natural processes
are interrupted. The constant wastage of energy causes the mind and
body to be out of touch with reality. When you look at human behavior
on the News, one can see that all of the mishaps are due to
“psychological becoming”. It appears, on the surface, that there
are millions of different problems going on. But, just like a tree
has thousands of leaves at the top; there is only 1
root from which they
all stem.
the “Observer” realizes that IT IS the “Observed”; meaning
that the opposite ideal is coming from the root of the “Observer”
and that the “Observer” is restricted to its memory, then
whatever it projects still contains the essence of the “Observer”.
Then there is no separation from the “Observer” and the
“Observed”. Therefore, the ideal disappears, because it is just a
smoke screen that's concealing the real nature of the “Observer”.
When this dualistic falsehood is actually detected as being a
falsehood, there is no longer a waste of energy, because there is no
ideal or belief opposing the fact – ergo conflict ends. When there
cannot seek salvation, but only see that which is obstructing
Holistic Self-Observation. Negating the false brings positive clarity
TO SEE the fact. Ideologies blind the mind to seeing itself without
distortion. A distorted mind can only make problems while it believes
it is resolving them.
waste their lives having debates about problems. They fail to realize
that nothing can change at its source as long as we are hiding in the
ideal of “what should be”. The only problem humanity has is
psychologically-based. The entire civilization around the
world is rooted in “the what should be” and arguing over whose
“what should be” is correct. They are all incorrect; because they
all are projections of “The Observer” who thinks it is different
from the ideals or beliefs that it is projecting.
actual perception of “what is” factual, do what you will, at the
end of the day, we are chasing our tails and expecting to get a new
result. The containers may change in outward appearance, but the
contents are still poison. The poison is the psychological time of
becoming an ideal. It is impossible to become anything,
psychologically. Because what is happening is fundamentally the
maintenance of conflict (which is at the root of every single human
means to move towards a direction. The desire “to become” is a
motive to move away from “what is”. But what is the entity that
is moving? Can fire move away from fire? Neither can memory move away
from memory – its content is limited to memory, from which ALL
imagination flows. So when the mind imagines the opposite of itself,
that does not change the essence or content of itself. All the mind
has done is to play word games with itself, but it has not gone
beyond itself.
the mind awakens to its self-deception, it is then facing reality. As
long as the mind sees the error of seeking to change itself, it no
longer moves in any direction to try to escape from itself. The mind
is free from seeking/moving because all movements wastes energy in
friction. The mind is fighting itself when it tries to change itself
with its imagination (which is all it has). When the mind sees its
inherent limitations and does not resist it, the “Observer-Observed”
contradiction ends and there is only Holistic Observation. Holistic
Self-Awareness ends the internal war and the mind can face all
challenges of living with a sane, clear mind.
civilization is a structure that is built on top of an unstable
foundation, which is the human psyche. Everything in any culture is
built on a foundation of “The Observer” is different from “The
Observed”. It may go by millions of different labels, but at its
root is this dichotomy of conflict. Conflict can only beget conflict,
full stop. Therefore, all leaders are promising to make things better
by conforming to ideals or beliefs. That is why things continue to
get worse and more frightening. We are plagued by the ancient
programming “to become” something psychologically. That is the
only problem that humanity refuses to face honestly. So, the mind of
humanity suffers and protects it, either knowingly or unknowingly.
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