[Top = Physical Dangers] - Effect
[Bottom = Defending Ego] - Cause
Originate From 1 Source –> Ego
technical part of the Human Mind has been trained to tackle 1 problem
at a time. Also, we have been trained to be a specialist. That means
we are given lots of information about 1 particular subject.
Meanwhile, we are ignorant about the rest of life. This is an
imbalanced way of thinking, is it not? Because life is a synergistic
flow of elements. That means that all things are associated with each
other. Real education is learning how things are related/connected to
each other. Take a simple example: If you could remove the South
Magnetic Pole then the North Magnetic Pole would collapse because it is
connected to the South Pole.
The biggest danger to the Technical Mind is The Emotional Mind. The Emotional Mind, for the most part, has been misguided from the beginning of time. It tries to copy or imitate the operation of The Technical Mind. The Technical Mind must develop its database and protect it for the sake of its biological preservation. But, The Emotional Mind erroneously assumes that it must do the same thing. So whenever The Emotional Mind feels anything disturbing or upsetting, it tries to reject that feeling or thought. If The Emotional Mind is told by its parent(s) that it is stupid or it is marvelous, The Emotional Mind sets up a record to cling to remarks that flatter it and to repress (hide from) anything that upsets it. Then out of that collection of Positive & Negative Emotional remarks, The Emotional Mind builds a SELF-IMAGE, which is projected by our Ego. Therefore, the Ego is born out of EMOTIONAL FRAGMENTATION OF THE EMOTIONAL MIND [based on "like" & "dislike"]. This mental division is why people feel depressed, lonely, envious, hatred, vindictive, competitive, isolated, lacking love and compassion and a disregard for the physical world.
Now The Emotional Egotistical Collective Consciousness has evolved into HARRP-Chemtrails Techtonic Global (Covert) Warfare for the sake of corporate profit & depopulation [genocide], who in turn greases the politician's palms to give the rich legal permission to poison our planet's atmosphere and biosphere. Plus, Genetically Engineered Food Stuff, experimental vaccines (germ and biological and chemical warfare), eradiated ions and electromagnetic pollution. So instead of the mass nuclear assault looking like it did in the 1950's, the military has come up with cloaked programs of Weapons of Mass Destruction that is invisible or disguised. And, the public is being told that all of these programs are for our safety. It's like a serial killer telling his victims while he is torturing them to death that he is doing this for their benefit, and he does not give a damn if the victim agrees with him or not. He's going to help you to death, anyway. So for the sake of "our country", we destroy the world and all the living creatures on it whether you like it or not.
The Human Mind operates out of 2 Basic Aspects:
Technical & Emotional
Mechanical & Psychological
Mechanical & Psychological
The Mind begins to learn to speak then to recognize symbols and assign values to them. This is a mechanical process that is vital to our biological survival. So the Mind gathers facts and stores it in its Factual-Technical Memory. That function of the Mind is constantly updating that data in order to be able to physically live. The Mind needs to assess its physical environmental status: what supplies it needs, what are the new physical dangers and to disregard obsolete information. So the Technical Mind is measuring the physical or material factors surrounding its body. This process of our brain demands protection and safety at all times so that it can be free to operate unencumbered. This just 1 side of the Human Mind, so far.
Enter The Primitive Mind – The Emotional Mind
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Negative-Positive Emotional Mind 2 Sides of 1 Psychological Coin |
Now The Emotional Egotistical Collective Consciousness has evolved into HARRP-Chemtrails Techtonic Global (Covert) Warfare for the sake of corporate profit & depopulation [genocide], who in turn greases the politician's palms to give the rich legal permission to poison our planet's atmosphere and biosphere. Plus, Genetically Engineered Food Stuff, experimental vaccines (germ and biological and chemical warfare), eradiated ions and electromagnetic pollution. So instead of the mass nuclear assault looking like it did in the 1950's, the military has come up with cloaked programs of Weapons of Mass Destruction that is invisible or disguised. And, the public is being told that all of these programs are for our safety. It's like a serial killer telling his victims while he is torturing them to death that he is doing this for their benefit, and he does not give a damn if the victim agrees with him or not. He's going to help you to death, anyway. So for the sake of "our country", we destroy the world and all the living creatures on it whether you like it or not.
NEVER REPEAT ANYTHING THAT HAS BEEN SAID THAT YOU, YOURSELF, HAVE NOT DIRECTLY PERCEIVED (with regard to Spiritual/Emotional/Psychological matters). One must be free from obeying any authority or imitation through mere blind acceptance. Test it, inquire and see for yourself. NEVER ASSUME!
The dirty little secret that most people are unaware of is that you have given your permission for all this to happen, and you don't know how you gave it. You don't see the connection between your Ego and your physical security. You don't want to see that your emotional belief commitment is what gives the military industrial complex the power to do whatever they want to you and your children, because you blindly trust that their Ego has your best interest at heart. And, you think that by having faith in your government it will make everything safe. While you believe that, everyday people are dying from diseases caused by these secret military operations that the government denies and pretends it is not harming you. Meanwhile, a small elite wealthy group of CEO's are making huge profits off of your suffering.
But, don't be mad at them. You are giving them permission, psychologically, by remaining ignorant, blind to your Ego and how you feed it and how you are too scared to stop feeding it. That is the key to their power over the so-called masses. So long as people hide from the WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT THEIR EMOTIONS (which is the essence of your Ego), your physical well being will remain at the mercy of greedy sociopaths and psychopaths until the gullible believers and idealists are all destroyed. So what happens after there is nothing left to fuck over and to destroy, then what? What was the point???
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The Ego = 1 Mind Divided Heads/Positive = Tails/Negative Covert = Overt Friend = Enemy What Should Be = What Is Pleasure = Disturbance |
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Division: Fiction vs. Fact = Conflict "The Not-Me" vs. "The-Me" = War! |
there is Order in The Emotional Mind, there is Order in the Technical
Mind which supports our biological existence. The foundation
determines the stability of the building that it is supporting. If
the foundation is cracked, the building will eventually collapse.
Conflict or Division is Disorder. So when The Emotional Mind fails to
examine the TOTALITY of its nature (which is all of its thoughts and
feelings), Disorder arises in the Mind, both the Technical &
Emotional Mind. Then this Disorderly Mind seeks to maintain itself and
rationalizes its destructive behavior. It claims to be protecting the
world by destroying it because profiting is “the greater good”. The ancient myth says, "The ends justifies the means." But the truth is that The Ends IS The Means (they are 2 sides of the same coin, not 2 different things). Conflict never brings peace -- just covert warfare. Greed defines The Emotional Mind's sense of superiority. Being
superior is an emotional pursuit. That pursuit is endangering the Human species and this entire
planet. Once our planet is dead, all physical security will be
gone forever! So that is why The Emotional Mind is Disorderly because
what it wants destroys all physical survival, which is unsustainable.
Anything that is inherently unsustainable is a false endeavor and has
no sane merit at all.
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The Emotional Mind Invented This Disaster When You Support Your Ego You Support ALL Man-Made Dangers! |
Emotional Mind has one natural responsibility and that is to simply
study itself and nothing else. Because The Technical Mind uses its
memory to bring about solutions for physical or material problems, The
Emotional Mind assumes that it is suppose to go into action and
resort to its emotional memory to bring about solutions. But when it
does that, it invents beliefs. Then it wants to kill to protect those
beliefs that make it feel superior to others. Killing leads to global
annihilation, and then there is a repeat of historical genocide. All to support an
emotional image of being better than another person or group. This is
irrational thinking born out of the lack of understanding our
emotions. Whatever we feel, we immediately want to do something about
those feelings. What the primitive emotional mind has never
understood is the sanity of being 100% neutral when observing its
emotional thoughts and feelings. In that neutral state of self-study, The Emotional
Mind completely learns about its nature and; therefore, remains WHOLE (not
divided, not in conflict, not destructive). Order/Peace arises, naturally [no effort is involved].
Emotional Mind is just like an atom. The atom is the fabric of the
Universe. The atom contains Equal opposite forms of energy: The
Electron = The Negative Element of Energy and The Proton = The
Positive Element of Energy. Life does not choose to favor The Negative
over The Positive nor The Positive over The Negative. If both
opposite forms of atomic energy are not Equally available, then the fabric
of all physiological existence will DISINTEGRATE and fall apart. Life
is about ENERGETIC BALANCE of the opposite forms of energy!
energetic balance in The Emotional Mind has been distorted because we
have been wrongly educated to choose between our emotions
by identifying with the ones that bring pleasure (positive) and repressing the painful (negative) ones. So we cause The Emotional Mind to become split into a
Conscious (superficial) and Unconscious (basement) that battle each other. Whenever The
Emotional Mind chooses to identify with a belief that makes you feel
superior, then the opposite feelings are pushed into the background
of The Emotional Mind. Those rejected or imprisoned emotions always
rise up to conquer and overthrow the conscious emotions. There is a
state of internal warfare in The Emotional Mind. So the emotional
choice causes the TOTAL MIND to DISINTEGRATE & COLLAPSE in upon
itself. And, the internal state of affairs dictates the outer state of affairs in society, the world. We relate to the world the way we relate to ourselves, emotionally. Conflict within bring conflict without.

Creation of Life takes place in the atom when an Equal amount of
Protons (Positive Energy) & Electrons (Negative Energy) come
together and neutralize each other into harmonious energy. Harmonious
energy supports and gives life. Whereas, Disharmonious energy
destabilizes and destroys life.
results from an imbalance of Negative & Positive Energy. The
Emotional Mind contains Positive & Negative Emotions: The
feelings and thoughts that make you feel elated and those that make
you feel disturbed are all a part of the WHOLE make-up of The
Emotional Mind. Whenever The Emotional Mind divides itself against
itself, the energy in the Mind becomes volatile and lethal to itself
and others. Life is Energy. Energy is either harmonious and
beneficial to sustaining life. Or, Energy can be perverted through
imbalance. Imbalance is the result of choosing between the opposite
forms of energy: Negative & Positive. Life is both Negative &
Positive Energy – just like Night & Day. Take one of them away
and nothing can survive.
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http://tr.im/56blb |
The Emotional Mind is the creator of its own annihilation. The
Emotional Mind that refuses to HOLISTICALLY OBSERVE or STUDY both
sides of its nature (the Negative & Positive emotions) is a
Weapon of Mass Destruction!
you want to stop this world from being destroyed then disarm your
Emotional Mind by Holistically Studying it. Once The Emotional Mind
is free from its ignorance, it will no longer generate disharmonious
energy into the world. Your energy that you are manufacturing
everyday is either fueling world destruction or it is operating in alignment with balanced
harmony with the Energy of The Universe, which is Creative Energy.
what are you energetically generating? Is your energy destructive or
constructive? Are you studying all of your emotions and being free
from conflict? Or, are you operating as an Ego (a divided emotional
mind) fueling the multiplication of man-made dangers on our planet?
Each one of us are responsible for one or the other. Stop crying and
whining about all of the man-made material dangers because all of
that verbal complaining is useless to stop them from occurring.
The more you bitch, the more you help these problems to intensify and
expand. If you want to stop this nonsense, then investigate your Emotional
Mind. That is THE SOURCE CODE to the display of environmental man-made horrors. When THE
SOURCE CODE changes in a radical way, then the global display of man-made physical dangers must change, as well. So long as The Emotional Mind maintains its blindness toward itself, man-made disasters will continue to multiply and intensify, uninterrupted.
is society? It's not an obscure abstract concept. Society is your
Emotional interaction with people. Almost everyone is demanding Egotistical gratification.
When you do your job or check out at the grocery store, people
seek Egotistical fulfillment by pretending to be nice. Whenever you play along with their deceit, you are
perpetuating emotional CONFLICT & DESTRUCTION because that state of mind is
DIVIDED. Ego is the result of splitting its thoughts and feelings
into the category of “Like” & “Dislike”. Ego emotionally
identifies with emotional remarks that it “Likes” and it rejects
emotional remarks that it “Dislikes”. Such a mind is divided. A
divided Emotional Mind is a W.M.D. When you satisfy its emotional
demand to be recognized, you are supporting chaotic energy that is
destructive to life on Earth. Even if you fight against it you are
supporting it. The intelligent approach is to be absolutely NEUTRAL,
neither opposing nor supporting anybody's Ego, including and especially yours. When you turn your back on your Ego, you turn your back on the entire world of Egos in one fell swoop. That is the root core of all physical and material man-made dangers.
order to not support the Ego of others, you must first abandon
your own Ego. You cannot decide to abandon your Ego. It is not a
desire nor a choice to abandon your Ego. The abandonment takes place,
naturally, whenever you simply STUDY your (positive & negative) emotional responses as you
interact with others. When you interact with people, EQUALLY study
your emotional reactions (both the Positive & Negative ones). The
energy that studies naturally awakens harmony in The Emotional Mind.
There is No Conflict in Holistic Examination because you are not opposing
yourself nor are you defending your emotions. You are objectively
learning about them and getting in touch with your nature. The energy
from self-awareness releases The Emotional Mind from the bondage of
its ignorance and conflicting pain. A free Emotional Mind is born
into a different dimension of reality. In other words, it no longer
lives in the dimension of Disorder, Violence or Ignorance. So it has
stopped supplying destructive energy into the world.
are energy forms. That energy is either harmoniously holistic or it
is divided against itself. There is no 3rd state of being.
Your Mind is either generating Disorder or Order. So what are you
doing? Because if you are protecting your Ego, your energy is
Disorder and that energy is responsible for every single man-made
threat in existence. If you don't want to assist in this global
horror show, then withdraw your Disorderly Energetic support by
studying your Emotional Responses, Holistically. That means that you
don't avoid any emotion and you don't impose your emotions upon
others. You simply study or observe them (both the Negative &
Positive emotions). You understand that simple observation is the
first and last step. There is Cosmic Energy in the Act Of Pure
Observation, because there is NO DIVISION, NO OPPOSITION, NO CONFLICT as you pay
full attention to ALL of your emotional responses. You awaken into an
intelligent state of mind. You, then die of your association with the
Ego-based Disorderly Energy and are born into a Creative-based
Orderly Energy that does not support global destruction. It is the Emotional State of Mind that determines the physical conditions.
see your verbal objections against the obvious bullies in this world
is meaningless. It does not stop this Disorderly Steam Rolling
Machine at all. The more you bitch about it, the stronger and more
powerful that Steam Roller becomes. Your complaints are helping the
danger to proliferate and intensify. Why? Because while you are
complaining, you are still maintaining your own energetic field of
Emotional Disorder. So long as you maintain that Source
Code of Disorder, your disapproving comments are merely superficial objections
while at the root you are still supporting the very thing that you pretend
to denounce. Life only responds to ENERGY. So to truly object to this
deadly assault upon the world, then you will divorce your energy from
operating as an Ego. If people were to do that, the physical world of
energy would change from Disorder to Order. Consequently, the man-made dangers would
dissipate. But those dangers are plugged into your Emotional Mind
which is divided against itself. It is that soil of Division that
grows these material man-made dangers. It is your mind that is
supporting the global genocide.
can say that it is not true and maintain the status quo. But that would
mean that you accept doom. I do not accept doom. I do not energetically support
global annihilation. I support the peaceful dissolution of The Ego of
the entire Human Race by monitoring my emotional responses without
defending nor promoting them. I remain in a state of Neutral Emotional
Observation. Nothing and no one can prevent me from being responsible
for how my mind operates. I see what causes Disorder and I do not
generate Disorderly Energy by choosing between my emotions (both the
Negative & Positive ones). I realize that ALL of my emotions are
Me. By understanding that the Observer IS the Observed, then that
duality naturally dissolves into Pure Observation without an Observer
(or Chooser). Hence, my energy is no longer in the dimension of
conflict. There is no conflict in Pure Observation. Pure Observation
is simply Observation without any opposition to whatever is being
is destined to destroy itself. It is not sustainable on its own.
There is no need to try to overthrow it or overcome it. Any action to
do that would cause one to be absorbed into that Disorder and
self-destruct along with it. There is absolutely no need to battle
against Disorder. Conflict feeds Disorder. So Disorder likes to
announce its cruel actions to bate everyone to join in its dead-man's party and
drown together. The only function of Disorder is to spread itself.
But the more it spreads the closer it gets to total self-annihilation.
if you don't want to be swallowed up in this unnatural tornado of
doom, then take responsibility for the type of energy that your
Emotional Mind is generating by holistically studying your emotions.
That is the only cure for this plague. Your Emotional Mind wants there to be
another answer. It wants to maintain its Ego and still find an answer
to this physical environmental attack, but the facts are unforgiving.
Either wake up and step out of Disorder or maintain it. Your words
have no power. The word is just a pointing instrument. If your words
don't point to facts, they are irrelevant to the Energy of Life.
Words have power when you are living the reality first and verbalize
later. But when you do what you are talking about, then it is your
doing that counts because doing is Energy. Energy is reality. Words
that only point to what you wish reality to be generate Disorder and
are deceptively destructive. It is that Disorderly state of mind that is
responsible for building and implementing WMD's.
while we are faced with thousands of man-made problems,
the only way not to be scared to death by them is to simply monitor
your emotional responses. The Ego that is trying to rule the world
wants you to do something about your feelings. It does not want you
to observe and learn because that frees you from all intimidation. It
matters not if you die. What matters is if you pass out of this world
in an Orderly Energy or a Disorderly Energy. When you pass through
this world through Disorderly Energy, you are responsible for leaving
behind a deadly, ugly world to the next generation of Human Beings.
Disorder has no Love nor Compassion because it does not respect the
physical world. It only cares about its imagination. To the Ego, its
emotional imagination is everything and the physical world is being
sacrificed to its emotional imagination. That has always been the
case throughout Human history.
cannot save Humanity. Leaders are scared people who are generating
Disorderly energy. They lie and pretend that they have answers.
Meanwhile they support global destruction (that includes the
whistleblowers). Because they are Ego-driven too. There's no such
thing as a “good” Ego because they are a result of internal
division, which is Conflict. Conflict can only generate more
conflict. So be a light unto yourself by studying your Emotional
Mind. If not, you are one with the thousands of man-made problems that
plagues our world. It is a crime to trash the world. And, doing it in the name of making money does not make it any less of a crime. The resource hoarders are covert pirates in business suits hiding behind words on paper stating that corporations are "first-class entities" who have special privileges to murder in the name of profiting and satisfying their stockholders. Stockholders and the people running corporations are partners in crimes against Humanity and Nature. Any group of people who make it legal to commit crimes against Humanity & Nature are criminals. And, just because groups of criminals are robbing the world of its resources, that does not make it ethical or excusable. And, it our moral responsibility to energetically opt out of this diabolical global assault.
What gives bullies with a lot of wealth the power to get away with their vicious plans of assaulting the world's environment is each one of us who live in a state of psychological contradiction. Why? Because, when you are in conflict, you are hurting yourself, which gives others permission to exploit you. What makes a leader a leader is having blind (scared) followers. Why do people follow? They follow because they have chosen not to be responsible for their life, for their thinking. They follow because they fear observing ALL of their emotions, equally and intimately. A mind that gets fully in touch with itself, regardless of being threatened by others, is "A Light Unto Itself" and cannot be victimized, because such a mind is not hurting itself, is not in conflict within itself. So when a hostile person or group of people try to destroy the physical security of someone who is holistically aware of its emotional nature, the plan of attack back-fires.
But, when you look at history, you see a lot of people being murdered and tortured into surrendering to their aggressors. But if you investigate closely, all of these cases are rooted in the fact that the victims were "believers" in some kind of emotional ideal, concept or dogma. That causes duality in The Emotional Mind. There is an ancient saying, "Divide and conquer." That means that you can only be conquered if you are mentally DIVIDED. DIVISION = BELIEF. That is why when you were being educated as a child, you were sent to 2 types of learning institutions: 1 institution gave you Technical Knowledge and 1 institution gave you Emotional Knowledge (based on "respectable" traditional fear-based superstition). Our greatest emotional fear is being cast out of the group because our ego thrives from emotional recognition from our peers. This hoax in cloaked in the rationalization of Technical Knowledge: the premise is that since Technical Knowledge is vital to physical survival, that means that traditional Emotional Knowledge serves the same purpose -- that is FALSE!
The Automaton Collective Egotistical consciousness has put on a very good show of ruling Life, but it does not control the energy of Life. The Human Mind does not create Energy. The Human Mind is restricted to only having the ability to destroy the containers of energy or the life forms or the containers of energy. But the Human Mind does not have the power to destroy Energy, itself. Energy is God, is Creative Energy Unlimited and cannot be hijacked. Energy is indestructible. Energy flows through all living things. Energy animates the life-forms until it is time for that energy to transcend the life-forms. The Human Mind can only manipulate energy to a limited degree. But, the Energy of Life cannot be controlled nor destroyed. Only the containers of energy can be manipulated.
In truth, Technical Knowledge is necessary to be built up in order to safeguard physical survival. But conversely, The Emotional Knowledge needs to be emptied in order for there to be balanced clear thinking so that we wont destroy the physical qualities of life. We need to question emotional values that we have accepted to be valid or assumed to be necessary. We need to understand our emotional responses and not defend nor hide from them. By being responsible for understanding our emotional mind, we are taking back our lives from being ruined by the overlords of tyranny. You see we need to naturally dissolve the first dictator -- YOUR EMOTIONAL CONDITIONED EGO. Once that is naturally dissolved through holistic self-study, inwardly, you no longer have a dictator. So outwardly no one can intimidate you into emotional compliance with the traditional past. The threat says that if you don't cultivate your mind to believe in something, then we who have stolen the physical resources will not allow you access to them.
For the past 40 years I have challenged this threat. I watch my emotional responses without seeking a belief to shield my life, and I am still alive. I belong to no social groups or organizations. I have no beliefs. A belief is a supposition based on the hope that it is true. My mind simply monitors whatever thoughts and feelings arise while I interact with people. Watching my emotions reveals what I actually am, which is purely factual. There is no imagination involved. So there is no opposition to the truth which means there is no contradiction in the mind. A mind that is not in conflict is totally free. And, the Technical Mind is allowed to operate in the best interest of its bodily needs. Ones Mind & Body is harmonious with the Universal Energy of Life and attracts whatever the body needs in order to live. In other words, I get what I need through the Universal Energy of Life, not through gratifying the insane demands of the Human Ego. Ego is not in charge of Life no matter how much it tries to be.
However, a Human Mind that is not divided against itself has protected itself from being physically destroyed. You sacrifice your physical security the moment that you avoid understanding, observing your emotional responses. The Ego does things to make you feel extremely disturbed for the purpose of getting you to escape from your negative feelings into some form of belief. That is what torture is all about. It seeks to persuade you to go against yourself. No one can invade a Human Mind without that Mind turning against itself, first. That is what psychological-fear is, after all: The Emotional Mind is afraid to be in touch with disturbing thoughts/feelings. But when you understand that YOU ARE EVERY THOUGHT/FEELING, then you realize that you cannot run from YOU! So you naturally relax and ride the emotional waves of your mind and learn about the various expressions and aspects your thoughts/feelings. Once the mind is free to learn through intimate self-attentiveness, there is NO FEAR! The is NO CONFLICT in the act of perception of your emotions. The problem only arises whenever you wish to run away from your feelings. Our society is setup to do everything to emotionally intimidate into running from yourself. That is why after they frighten you, the system turns around and offers you something to "believe in" and pretends that you will be safe in that belief. Once you buy into to that illusion, you have just divided your mind and now you are prepped to be physically conquered.
What gives bullies with a lot of wealth the power to get away with their vicious plans of assaulting the world's environment is each one of us who live in a state of psychological contradiction. Why? Because, when you are in conflict, you are hurting yourself, which gives others permission to exploit you. What makes a leader a leader is having blind (scared) followers. Why do people follow? They follow because they have chosen not to be responsible for their life, for their thinking. They follow because they fear observing ALL of their emotions, equally and intimately. A mind that gets fully in touch with itself, regardless of being threatened by others, is "A Light Unto Itself" and cannot be victimized, because such a mind is not hurting itself, is not in conflict within itself. So when a hostile person or group of people try to destroy the physical security of someone who is holistically aware of its emotional nature, the plan of attack back-fires.
The Automaton Collective Egotistical consciousness has put on a very good show of ruling Life, but it does not control the energy of Life. The Human Mind does not create Energy. The Human Mind is restricted to only having the ability to destroy the containers of energy or the life forms or the containers of energy. But the Human Mind does not have the power to destroy Energy, itself. Energy is God, is Creative Energy Unlimited and cannot be hijacked. Energy is indestructible. Energy flows through all living things. Energy animates the life-forms until it is time for that energy to transcend the life-forms. The Human Mind can only manipulate energy to a limited degree. But, the Energy of Life cannot be controlled nor destroyed. Only the containers of energy can be manipulated.
In truth, Technical Knowledge is necessary to be built up in order to safeguard physical survival. But conversely, The Emotional Knowledge needs to be emptied in order for there to be balanced clear thinking so that we wont destroy the physical qualities of life. We need to question emotional values that we have accepted to be valid or assumed to be necessary. We need to understand our emotional responses and not defend nor hide from them. By being responsible for understanding our emotional mind, we are taking back our lives from being ruined by the overlords of tyranny. You see we need to naturally dissolve the first dictator -- YOUR EMOTIONAL CONDITIONED EGO. Once that is naturally dissolved through holistic self-study, inwardly, you no longer have a dictator. So outwardly no one can intimidate you into emotional compliance with the traditional past. The threat says that if you don't cultivate your mind to believe in something, then we who have stolen the physical resources will not allow you access to them.
For the past 40 years I have challenged this threat. I watch my emotional responses without seeking a belief to shield my life, and I am still alive. I belong to no social groups or organizations. I have no beliefs. A belief is a supposition based on the hope that it is true. My mind simply monitors whatever thoughts and feelings arise while I interact with people. Watching my emotions reveals what I actually am, which is purely factual. There is no imagination involved. So there is no opposition to the truth which means there is no contradiction in the mind. A mind that is not in conflict is totally free. And, the Technical Mind is allowed to operate in the best interest of its bodily needs. Ones Mind & Body is harmonious with the Universal Energy of Life and attracts whatever the body needs in order to live. In other words, I get what I need through the Universal Energy of Life, not through gratifying the insane demands of the Human Ego. Ego is not in charge of Life no matter how much it tries to be.
However, a Human Mind that is not divided against itself has protected itself from being physically destroyed. You sacrifice your physical security the moment that you avoid understanding, observing your emotional responses. The Ego does things to make you feel extremely disturbed for the purpose of getting you to escape from your negative feelings into some form of belief. That is what torture is all about. It seeks to persuade you to go against yourself. No one can invade a Human Mind without that Mind turning against itself, first. That is what psychological-fear is, after all: The Emotional Mind is afraid to be in touch with disturbing thoughts/feelings. But when you understand that YOU ARE EVERY THOUGHT/FEELING, then you realize that you cannot run from YOU! So you naturally relax and ride the emotional waves of your mind and learn about the various expressions and aspects your thoughts/feelings. Once the mind is free to learn through intimate self-attentiveness, there is NO FEAR! The is NO CONFLICT in the act of perception of your emotions. The problem only arises whenever you wish to run away from your feelings. Our society is setup to do everything to emotionally intimidate into running from yourself. That is why after they frighten you, the system turns around and offers you something to "believe in" and pretends that you will be safe in that belief. Once you buy into to that illusion, you have just divided your mind and now you are prepped to be physically conquered.
~Valerie Pointer
is not changed by example. Society may reform itself, it may bring
about certain changes through political or economic revolution, but
only the religious man can create a fundamental transformation in
society; and the religious man is not he who practices starvation as
an example to impress society. The religious man is not concerned
with society at all, because society is based on acquisitiveness,
envy, greed, ambition, fear. That is, mere reformation of the pattern
of society only alters the surface, it brings about a more
respectable form of ambition. Whereas, the truly religious man is
totally outside of society, because he is not ambitious, he has no
envy, he is not following any ritual, dogma or belief; and it is only
such a man who can fundamentally transform society, not the reformer.
The man who sets out to be an example merely breeds conflict,
strengthens fear, and brings about various forms of tyranny. It is
very strange how we worship examples, idols. We don't want that which
is pure, true in itself; we want interpreters, examples, masters,
gurus, as a medium through which to attain something - which is all
sheer nonsense, and is used to exploit people. If each one of us
could think clearly from the very beginning, or reeducate ourselves
to think clearly, then all these examples, masters, gurus, systems,
would be absolutely unnecessary, which they are anyhow. ~
Krishnamurti, J. Krishnamurti The Collected Works Volume IX
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