Saturday, March 15, 2014

Exposing The Illusion Of The So-Called Hero Who Pretends To Help Humanity

Today I came across a YouTube interview called, “What Chem-trails Are Doing To Your Brain - Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts”. [Source:

It was quite alarming; to say the least. The interviewer and the doctor were assisting each other in describing the physical threats to our lives. Then, they joined together to point the finger at the wealthy psycho-bullies staging this global assault. I don't deny that everything the interviewer and the doctor pointed out was superficially true. Those people are, indeed, attacking Humanity, as well as the entire biosphere. But, that is just part of the facts about what is going on with the entire Human species.

There is something far more stealthy taking place, here...

All of these physical and material threats and dangers are nothing but a distraction to take our attention off of the source of this global mess. Even the interviewer and the doctor in the YouTube video are concentrating on the material danger in order to keep us preoccupied so that we never find out what lies at the root of this horror show taking place on this planet.

Have you ever asked yourself, “Where are all of these problems that people cause coming from?” I have, since I was a child, I asked. And, I finally discovered exactly what it was. Humans are at war within themselves. Their mind is divided against itself. And, that divided mind is hiding from the truth that it is kicking its own ass and blaming it on their fellow man. You see Humanity has been wrongly “educated” for thousands of years. But, we have accepted that so-called “education” as being correct. False! A grave error was made eons ago and Humans have perpetuated it, nourished it and now they are drowning in that error. Their arrogance is preventing them from facing the fact that they are living in a perpetual state of ERROR. And, to make matters even worse, Humans are prepared to annihilate themselves rather than to correct this MAJOR ERROR!

Before I get into that, let me get back to the YouTube interview that I mentioned, above. When you listen to this interview it makes you feel desperately afraid. That is a psychological war tactic invented to steer the listeners into believing that those who are warning us against danger is our friend and they wish to help us to survive. On the surface, that may be partially true. But when you penetrate the surface you will find that these men are seeking Psychological or Emotional Security. They want to feel like “A Somebody” that people will look up to as their “Superior”. They want people to “Emotionally Depend” on them so that they can be a “Emotional Authority”.

Please understand something about what I am doing here. I don't want anyone to believe anything I have to say. I am not tasting a recipe of food and telling you what it tastes like. I am merely pointing at the meal. It is up to you if you feel that it is urgently important enough to go investigate what is being pointed out. In matters of the emotions, never blindly assume, accept or follow anyone. If I mention Jiddu Krishnamurti, he is merely a mirror that you discover yourself in. The mirror is not an authority. It is simply a tool that you use to examine yourself in. That is my only function. You see, the harsh truth is that nobody can save another person from the blindness they have toward their Ego. Only you can look or examine your emotional-self. And, it is cruel to comfort a person so that they may avoid discovering anything painful about their thinking. When you shield someone from the truth, you are aiding them into unknowingly harming themselves.

By brainwashing people to think for centuries that the only way to deal with painful experiences in life is to believe in a pleasant lie, we have, as a species, created the current dangers. The reason we keep having one genocide after another is because of people's beliefs. Beliefs divides the Human species and bloodshed must inevitably result. As a matter of fact, once belief is introduced, people argue and fight over “WHAT TO BELIEVE IN”. The GRAVE ERROR I had mentioned earlier is just that – “Belief” or “Ideals” or “Opinions”. They are all the same thing, fundamentally. They are based on our emotional sense of self-importance (The Ego), which is a false entity born out of fragmentation. Belief divides fact into fiction. It takes pieces of the truth. It keeps the parts that it “likes” and totally ignores or suppresses the parts of the truth that it “dislikes”. When you ignore the truth (even partially), that is the basis of ignorance. It does not matter how much technical knowledge you have, emotionally, if you hide from the truth, you are ignorant about your core nature (your emotional nature). It is this core nature (the emotion) that is responsible for ripping up this world.

So it is ridiculous to sit around talking about taking physical precautions against thousands of physical incoming threats and assaults upon our health and our environment. So what if you purify your body. Once the environment dies, we as a species dies (including the rich psycho-bullies). They “believe” that they are somehow apart from the Human Race and apart from Mother Nature. Their Ego has lied to itself for so long that they are completely enslaved by that lie that they are superior to Nature and to their own species. The Ego is constantly measuring and comparing itself against its competition in order to define its self-worth. A rich person only thinks he is rich because his wealth depends on there being poor people. If all poor people were to vanish overnight, there would no longer be any rich people because they wouldn't have anyone beneath their station to measure against. So their power and wealth is dependent upon there being poor people. If you depend on something to prove your worth, then your worth is NOT ABSOLUTE, is it?

Heroes are the same as the rich-villains because they use people's fear to measure and compare that they are superior. They think that they are not afraid because of their technical knowledge on what to do in dangerous survival situations. By having people asking them what to do all the time makes them feel like their life is under control. If nobody came to them panicking and begging for their advice, then they would not have anything to compare and measure against so they would feel worthless and helpless. While on the surface those who scare us with so much technical information about the dangers that we face just to turn around and bask in the pleasure of being the one to tell people what to do to survive are feeding their Ego, in the process. But the Ego is cunningly devious. It pretends to be selfless and only caring for others. But deep down it is seeking emotional gratification.

In truth...

The one who warns us about these dangers is nursing his personal belief about himself or herself. The Ego pretends that the source of these dangers to our health is only a physical problem. The physical is only a decoy to preoccupy our emotions so that we will seek emotional comfort. Who supplies that comfort? Politicians, clergymen, psycho-therapists, doctors, etc. They are feeding their Ego in the midst of these dangerous threats.

As far as I am concerned, I could care less if I died today. We all are going to die some day. And because of these Chem-trails and other pollutants, that day may come sooner than later. However, there is something of greater importance at stake here. And, that is our state of mind. Nothing happens for no reason. These dangers did not arise by themselves. Unknowingly, when you live by seeking Egotistical gratification, which you have been trained to do (through sports, competition, social gossiping and wanting to emotionally become more than what you are), you are living in conflict or contradiction. The Ego is a byproduct of opposition, conflict. When the mind operates in conflict, everything it touches and anything it builds is based upon the foundation of conflict. Anyone knows that a building cannot stand if the foundation is fragmented. Our entire Human world is built upon the foundation of conflict, contradiction, so every single disaster we are facing, is made by everyone who is living in conflict (in a perpetual state of emotional opposition).

It is the emotional-mindset that is the very root of Humanity. All physical and biological operations grow out of that root-condition. You will never hear any technological expert tell you this. They “believe” that technical knowledge is everything. If that were so, these problems would be decreasing instead of increasing. They are increasing because the emotional-mind is ignorant of its true nature. It has failed to understand how to look at its emotions without defending them nor opposing them. Its emotional nature has been neglected. That holds true for both the Villain & the Hero. They are 2 sides of the same Coin of Emotional Ignorance that tells them that opposition and conflict is the only way to live. Because both the Hero & the Villain are striving to live up to an “Ideal”. Neither side will face themselves and look at what they are without trying to do something to make it “better”. Both the Villain & the Hero are emotionally at war within themselves. Because your emotional relationship with yourself is the way you treat the world. If you are at war within, you must be in opposition to others. Humans can't stop fighting. This meaningless fighting is causing people to make mistakes at their jobs or even to deliberately harm others (terrorism). It does not matter if the harm is intentional or done unknowingly, the result is the state of this world, which is growing worse day-by-day.

You see, the techno-nuts don't want to face their emotional-state. They went to school to get high positions for AN EMOTIONAL REASON – TO FEEL SUPERIOR! That is a psychological escape, a self-deception. So the emotional-mind seeks its opposite. If you feel helpless as a child, you grow up to either be a bully or someone super important to counter that emotional condition. But below the mask it is still rooted in its own opposite (which is helplessness). Just because the leaves and branches don't LOOK LIKE tree roots, that does not mean that they are not part of the same unit. My point is that “Superiority” (the leaves and branches) don't look like “Inferiority” (the roots hidden beneath the ground), yet they are two sides of the same thing.

Our emotional mind is like that tree. People in high positions are hiding their true nature deep underground, but it's still there where others can't see it. But, the one who is hiding from that emotion feels himself hiding. They hide by being more ruthless or the opposite way of hiding by acting like a saint (a savior). They just have two opposite ways of concealing the fact that both the Hero & the Villain are hiding from something they don't like about themselves. And, they are using their worldly positions of prestige to do it. The Ego is always Self-Serving. The Ego either serves itself, out in the open (overtly), like the ones committing genocide. Or The Ego serves itself (escaping from the truth about itself) covertly by pretending to serve others. So one plays the role of “Superman” or “Wonder-Woman” in order to be an emotional authority in the eyes of their fellow man. They both seek to “BE A SOMEBODY”!

It is the hardest thing in the world for The Ego to face facts that: it's corrupt. Corruption is contradiction. When you feel or think something that makes you feel awful about yourself, rather than to examine that feeling or thought and resolve it through that examination, the mind divides itself by looking for some “ideal” or “belief” to take refuge in. It seeks emotional comfort and in doing that it has deceived itself because it has moved away from The Truth. That is the very essence of PSYCHOLOGICAL FEAR. People in power are in Fear of their own emotions. That is why they do these horrible things to the world. By making others suffer (including Mother Nature), they are trying to convince themselves that they have escaped from their own suffering. You can't hurt the world without first hurting yourself. Hurt begins the moment you refuse to face your emotional mind as it is (without opposition to whatever you are thinking or feeling). But The Ego is born the very moment you run from seeing yourself as you are. When you don't see yourself as you are, you are corrupt, lack integrity, self-deceived, contradictory/hypocritical. Behind the mask of our leaders and super rich people and the clergy who pretend to be messengers of “God”, behind their mask is Fear. So they frighten the public in order to hide from their own internal deep dark fear, which is that they do not see their own emotional-mind exactly as it is. They are in hiding. They hide in their personal beliefs that they have fabricated for themselves.

You don't need to attack these butchers. Conflict is what enables them to keep on cranking out more and more deadly assaults. It is the battered spouse who enables the abuser by either believing what the abuser tells him /her or by attacking the abuser. They are in a co-dependent loop. So instead of choosing who is the good guy whenever you hear about some horrible genocide story, why don't you face your fear. Live with it completely because YOU ARE THAT FEAR. So you can run but you can't hide. Fear is being in a state of opposition against that which makes you feel emotionally disturbed. When you realize that YOU ARE THAT DISTURBANCE, then you also realize that running is absurd. You are that thing. Wherever you go, the disturbance goes along, as well. Once the mind really feels the truth of that, then the struggle is over. You see how silly it is to seek a comforting lie to hide in. You are that lie. You are the thing you are hiding from. That is the AWAKEING OF WISDOM & LOVE. Conflict ends as naturally as a dead leaf falling from a tree limb.

Why is the world so polluted? Because our minds are polluted with “beliefs” or “ideals” that we conjured up with our imaginations in order not to feel emotional pain. I don't care how much money you have or if you are dirt poor, we all have emotional pain or disturbance. Most people (including heads of state, monks, gangsters, women, all adults) must feel emotional pain in their lives. This is why there is no such thing as a hierarchy. Material wealth is a magic trick to deceive those who don't have a lot into thinking that they don't have emotional pain. Sure they have it. What proves they have it is the fact that they use their wealth to torture others. A happy person does not feel the need to cause others pain. Only a person in pain wants to cause pain to others. This is why it is a fact that ALL Humans (unless you are brain dead or in a coma) feel emotional pain.

The Human species is the only species that has ever threatened this entire planet and its atmosphere. So what do we have that all other creatures don't? The emotional-mind that can go against its own biological wellness in order to serve its emotional imagination that it has built about its self-importance. That is the area that Humanity has overlooked and neglected to accurately study. We study mechanical things. We may build impressive machines. However, we are just a machine if we fail to have clarity about our emotional nature. It is that lack of clarity and understanding that has made us destroy our planet with countless wars. We compete in corporate and industrial business trying to prove that one is better than another; and in so doing, we pollute the rivers, cause thousands of species to go into extinction. Our Human Emotional Mind of Fear is the Deadliest thing on Earth for it made all of these poisons, bombs, etc. You see we must turn everything into a deadly mess so long as we don't clearly SEE OUR EMOTIONAL MIND. Our Emotional Blindness is THE SOURCE OF ALL GENOCIDE (Past, Present and Future). The Ego is history – it is the Emotional Past. So long as we don't study that Emotional Past by monitoring our emotional thoughts and feelings and learning through that vigilance, Humans will repeat the past. We are witnessing a modified past version of what Hitler and the Nazi's did. But, we have progressed technologically so that we can perform a Covert Holocaust and blame it on the weather or some unknown disease. The Ego has gotten quite clever. But, it is ignorant because it is deleting itself. All of its glorious achievements will vanish when this planet dies.

We are at the end because the planet is nearing the end. Either we suck it up and face our Emotional Mind intelligently with humility. Or, we remain enslaved by our Fear of Looking at Ourselves, very profoundly. I see all of this, not because I blindly followed the words of another person. I see it because I TESTED THE WORDS OF ANOTHER. You must test out what I have revealed. Never agree or disagree but TEST IT OUT! Look at what is going on inside you emotionally and look at what is going on with those around you. ONLY LOOK. Because if you try to control what you observe, you are in a state of opposition, which is contradiction, and you are putting out fire with gasoline.

The Ego is positive, meaning, it wants to take charge and do something. It thinks that it holds all the answers. It only can make more of a mess. When it comes to mechanical, material or physical things Memory, Thought is useful. But Memory cannot fix emotional pain. The only thing that can fix it is to study, examine without making a move against it. If you move against it, the emotional pain spreads and intensifies BECAUSE YOU ARE THAT PAIN. The ancient “belief” tells you that you are different from that emotional pain, and that is why you have a strong urge to fight it. But you are, then, fighting yourself while “believing” that what you fight is not YOU. It's a game of self-deception. The Ego is born out of self-ignorance and everything it does is furthering that self-deceit.

As long as The Emotional-Mind remains ignorant about itself by living in ideologies or belief systems, it will go on poisoning itself and the world. You can't stop the poison from the outside in. You must go to the source. Once The Ego studies itself, it naturally dissolves from being a dualistic fragment to being Whole. Wholeness is what real morality is, is what is sacred. Wholeness integrates rather than disintegrates. Right now the world is disintegrating because we are Emotionally Disintegrating by holding onto “The What Should Be” according to whatever we emotionally desire. That may feel good but you are destroying your mind, body and the environment. Just because it feels good to emotionally lie to yourself does not mean it is good for you. A drug addict may feel good getting high, but the brain is still dying from its addiction, all the same.

When you stop the addiction, it's going to feel uncomfortable. But there is pain that you feel from healing. And, there's pain that you feel from being ultimately destroyed. One has a silver-lining and the other pain does not.

You claim to love your children. Do you really? Prove it. If you keep protecting your Ego and living a life of conflict and opposition, then you will leave your children a radioactive, mutilated horrible world in which to suffer to death. How can that possibly be a loving thing to do? So if you truly love your children, you will stop being gullible. You will learn about your emotional-mind directly for your self and by yourself. You will be as independent as the planets. Each planet operates on its own, not leaning on another planet to support it. We have been toyed with and tinkered with and convinced that we are weak and need a leader. You are not a child. The only time you ever needed a leader was when you were a young child. But, once you grew up, you were suppose to spread your Mental Wings and fly alone. However, you did not because we were born into a Fearful Psychological Prison and taught to live in Fear. That is unnatural.

Our natural state of being is to be free. No one, including me, can give you freedom to look at your Ego and to transform it through the looking, alone. There is not a 2-step process. It is ONE STEP = LOOKING HOLISTICALLY. When you seek to change what you emotionally think or feel, that is opposition. Opposition divides the mind against itself, which denies Wholeness. So there is only LOOKING & LEARNING FROM THAT LOOKING. NO MEMORIZATION INVOLVED AT ALL. When dealing with the Emotional-Mind (your feelings) you can't deal with them as if you are dealing with a material thing. You have only been trained to think mechanistically. That is why when you are facing your emotions, you will feel the urge to want to do something to change it (it, being you). When you feel that programmed reaction, WATCH IT CAREFULLY. LEARN ABOUT THAT RESPONSE, WHICH IS YOURSELF.

Look. don't say it can't be done. Are you a robot? Are you just a machine that must carry out a program like a computer? A computer does not know what it is. It can never know itself. It can only carry out instructions set by the programmer's software. Are you saying that you are a machine? To be alive you must be able to study your nature in the present (living moment) – hence you are alive. If you base your life on the regurgitation of memory, then you are just a dead machine repeating programming. But if you are really alive, you can see what you are by studying your emotional responses. As you study your reactions, the very Energy of All Living Things Is Watching Itself. From that Profound Observation comes Intelligent Action that can resolve any physical problem. But a broken emotional-mind cannot fix physical problems without creating another nest of even greater problems. Just look at this world and you can see for yourself that that is so true. Experts are machines who are ignorant about their emotional nature. That is why they fix with one hand and destroy with the other. So that can't help the world when they are emotionally blind to themselves.

Our Emotional-Mind made this terrible world of poison by not being fully aware of itself. So learn/study your unawareness. When you aware that you are about to run off the road, that awareness causes right action to get back on the road. Similarly, when you are aware of your Emotional Programming, that awareness is not in a state of programming. When you See The False then that is The Truth. When you See The Poison in the mind, that Seeing (alone) is a different dimension. The mind has transformed without trying to transform. No effort is needed. Be aware of effort. Be aware of oppositional responses. Just be aware of “What Is” arising in your emotional psyche from moment-to-moment. That is real freedom from fear, confusion (which is toxic). Once you are free of mental pollution by observing that pollution, then the mind knows how to live and resolve problems without adding more.

In a way, it's a good thing that we have reached this deadly point. Now we can stop being in a state of limbo. Because when this Earth has had enough, as a species we will either Awaken To the Falsehood of The Ego [that we are], and that Awakening Ends all that is False. Or, it's lights out for everyone and everything. Either way, this torture will conclude. And, that's a good thing, is it not?

Please check out the lyrics of the song that I found on YouTube, “Radioactive” (by the band: Imagine Dragons) – . This is The Ego singing about itself being toxic. Take care not to turn the part of the song about Waking Up into a belief or ideal. Part of Waking Up is realizing that “belief” and “ideologies” mean that the mind is asleep dreaming desirable things, while the world is being radioactive and mutating our DNA. Don't get carried away by the tune and the melody. Yes it may be lovely, but the message of that song is as deadly as the YouTube video featuring Dr. Blaylock.

Thank you,

Valerie Pointer

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Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.