Monday, February 17, 2014

Dishonesty Pretending To Be Honest

Beliefs And Dishonesty

Emotional Split Mind of Opposites


The purpose of my articles are strictly for the reader to learn about their emotional part of his or her mind to free oneself from self-delusion so that one may truly live in tranquility. If we fail to do so, we shall ultimately destroy the entire Human Race, and possibly the biosphere. This may sound melodramatic, but I assure you this is an accurate prognosis of the dilemma in which we all face on a daily basis.

This is an objective watching that we are undertaking together. You are your own teacher and student. We are looking at facts together. So there is no debate and no need for agreement nor disagreement. I point out a fact and you will either see it or you will refuse to see it. But refusing to see a fact does not make the fact disappear. The one refusing to see a fact has lost touch or contact with the fact. But, the fact still remains, regardless if you acknowledge it exists or not. For a while, most of the Human Race imagined that our planet was flat. Now it acknowledges that it is round. The planet never was flat and was always round. Facts do not adhere to what Humans think or don't think. So if I point out a fact that you don't want to critically investigate, you are only creating a problem for yourself, alone. I am not stating facts to seek others to agree. However, our world is in such a dangerous state because we, Humans, refuse to face facts. Either you want to be a part of the destruction of this world or you want to be in harmony with physical Nature (and the Universe which is all about balance).

I am not a leader nor an authority. Is a mirror an authority just because it reflects the facts about your appearance? Of course not. Well think of me as merely a psychological-mirror that is reflecting what is actually taking place in the Human Ego (which I refer to as “The Emotional Mind”). Put simply, whenever someone says something to you, you have an emotional reaction that you either consider to be pleasurable or unsettling. Then, you evaluate your sense of self-importance based on that emotional response. This is what all people do throughout the day as they interact with one another. It is this area of Human consciousness where all strife and conflict breed.

I caution the reader about what I may reveal about Human emotional nature. For one thing, it has been influenced down through the centuries to do everything in its power NOT TO SEE ITSELF AS IT IS BUT RATHER TO SEE ONLY WHAT IT DESIRES TO BE TRUE. So when you read something that you find emotionally distasteful, please understand that your mind is trying to hide from the truth so that it can pretend to itself that it is not deceiving itself. Emotional self-deceit is a very ancient problem that has plagued the entire Human Race since Human Consciousness discovered the ability to lie to itself (through the wrong abuse of its imagination). This self-deceit must be holistically-studied so that the mind can be in touch with reality (contact with what is actually happening). For, life is energy that studies the form that it is in. When there is blindness about its nature, that entity, then, malfunctions and causes disharmony in the world.

We, Humans, have never studied our emotional nature for the pure sake of learning what we are. Instead we have only partially examined our emotions and then we oppose them with “what we desire to them be”. That is self-deception. The way we relate to ourselves, privately, is the same way that we relate to others. If one deceives oneself, then one must deceive the world in which he or she interacts. That is The Law Of Causation. Everything in life is based on its seed. The contents of that seed will grow and reveal its contents. If the seed of a persons mind is self-deceit, then his or her interactions with others will bear the fruit of deceit, as well. There is no getting around that fact (no matter your age, economic status or so-called race.). 

In conclusion to this introduction, beware of your emotional responses as you read this article. Study them and your conditioned reaction to them will be to try to change them. But whatever you do to change them, it all grows out of the same seed of that which you are trying to change. Whenever you detect, sense or feel upset, can you remain in touch with that fact and not move away from it? That is the hardest thing for the emotional mind to do. It does not like to feel upset and thinks that there is something wrong with it. Was there something wrong with the pain of childbirth? That is necessary and perfectly natural. Is there something wrong with thunder and lightning or volcanic eruptions? There are many natural things in life that are harsh, yet necessary. Similarly, it is necessary to feel disturbed when studying the whole emotional response mechanism. If we, as a species, do not learn through holistic self-observation what our nature is so that we can operate as a LIVING BEING, then we are merely a robotic that follows its emotional-traditional-program while failing to understand what it is. Blind obedience without understanding is robotism. So in order to be truly alive, one must holistically-study in each present moment ones emotional responses. Please understand that it does not matter what you feel (be it elation or disgust). What matters is the act of holistically-studying and simply holistically-seeing your nature. It is THE HOLISTIC-SEEING or THE HOLISTIC-EXAMINATION that makes the mind A Light Unto Itself so that it can operate as a Whole. A thing that is Whole is THE HIGHEST FORM OF INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM AND GRACE. Nothing can destroy such a mind. And, such a mind resolves problems without multiplying more problems in their wake.

What Is Meant By “Holistic-Study or Examination”?

Everything that I am talking about is in the realm of the emotional psyche, alone. I am not talking about technological functioning of the mind. It is necessary to divide and fragment things for physical purposes. So please don't confuse the two matters. Every time one discusses the emotional realm, the conditioned mind brings up the necessity to have ideas and concepts and blueprints to build things and whatnot. The emotional mind likes to hide behind and justify its operations by pointing out the benefits of using its imagination to make things that help us to physically survive. Its logic is that since I am being factual when it involves technique, I am also being rational when it comes to emotional matters, as well. For instance, the mind can point out that I am quite in touch with reality when I say that 1 + 1 = 2. That is reality. There is absolutely no deceit in that. Numbers are symbols that represent things. Like 1 apple plus 1 apple equals 2 apples. Or, 1 car plus 1 car equals 2 cars. Symbols come from our imagination. This is a concept that serves a practical, useful purpose. There is no harm in that, right? Of course there is no harm in that.

But, here is where mind goes rogue and cunning deceit creeps in...

Just because the mind uses facts in the matters of technology, it pretends like it is doing the same thing where emotional matters are involved. It contends that just because concepts are beneficial for materialistic or physical purposes, then the same holds true where my sense of emotional self-importance in concerned. So the mind invents deities or demons to explain its personal feelings and emotions. All emotions that feel good, one equates that to God. All emotions that feel ugly, one equates to the Devil or being demonic. We divide our emotional mind into “good” & “evil”. When we have a thought or feeling that we are ashamed of or scares us, we recall past emotions and feelings that we liked and then we concentrate on them in order to block out the feelings that we don't want to be in touch with.

The mind rationalizes that since there is nothing wrong with being selective when picking vegetables we keep the fresh ones and toss out the rotten or unripe ones. We do this to protect our biological bodies from harm. So why not use the same excuse where feelings, thoughts or emotions are concerned? One rationalizes that I must always feel comfortable in all of my thoughts and feelings at all times. I must not be disturbed at all. If I am disturbed, emotionally, then I must toss out that thought or feeling. But, here is what the big distinction is... In the case of physical things, they are not a part of your being. You are determining what you will absorb into your body as being harmful or helpful before opening your body up to receive that outside object.

However, where thoughts, feelings and emotions are concerned, YOU ARE EVERY SINGLE EMOTIONAL THOUGHT AND FEELING. YOU ARE IT, period. This is where our education is lacking, and deliberately so. Since the very beginning, there have always been certain people who want to rule over others. They figured out a long time ago that a mind that is fearful and ignorant, emotionally (or psychologically) can be controlled and exploited. However, a mind that is completely in touch with itself cannot be controlled nor exploited. Furthermore, anyone who tries to destroy the physical security of a Holistic-Thinking Mind, will destroy his or her own physical security, instead. The is The Natural Law of Causation and Consequences. Natural Law is based on concrete Truths beyond Humanity's control. They determine reality. I will talk more about Natural Law later.

The Thinker is his/her Thoughts. There is no division. Yet for centuries, we have been traditionally brainwashed into erroneously assuming that we can control whatever we think. If one feels jealous then you can think the opposite of jealousy and then be rid of it. That is self-deceit. All the mind has done is played a game of pretense. I call it emotional-make-up. You cover up yourself with another version of yourself. However, that version of “light” was born out of the seed of escaping emotional “darkness”. I'm using “darkness” to mean anything you consider to be disturbing, emotionally. So by projecting the “positive” ideal out of the “negative” motive to escape from being in touch with that disturbing thought or feeling, the mind remains ignorant about what it is. Ignorant meaning, ignoring itself as it really is. When it ignores itself, it is still the thing it is ignoring but it is imagining that it has changed into something else. That is what belief is, a pretense in which the emotional mind takes comfort. And, it seeks others to reinforce that lie but call it “the truth”. One tells oneself that one is generous and kind in order to avoid being in contact with the ugly feeling of cruelty and coldness. Someone comes along and validates that pretense by telling you that you are a kind and gentle person. In exchange that person wants you to help him or her to hide from their ugly thoughts and feelings, as well. It's quid pro quo: you scratch my [emotional or psychological or egotistical] back and I'll scratch yours, as well. And, this is how alliances and enemies are formed and this is where warfare is born into the world.

Internal Opposition Obstructs Peace Externally

External war begins as a seed in the emotional mind. You go to war against all thoughts and feelings that you don't want to be in touch with. Understand that you are those thoughts and feelings. Therefore, Humans are not like animals because animals do not contradict their nature, internally. They don't deny being what they are. Whereas, Humans do. That is why we, Humans, are monsters. A monster destroys the world around itself because internally it is waging war against its own nature. By refusing to directly look at every thought, feeling and emotion in your mind, you are in opposition to your very nature. You are not allowing yourself to be in touch with its nature. If the mind were to be in touch with all of its thoughts and emotions, it would not be in opposition with anything that it felt. Pure examination, alone, neutralizes all that it sees. Then, ones mind can be at peace. Until there is peace within, there will never be peace between people.

One may ask, “how is it possible that the mere act of perception or looking can neutralize whatever it sees”? Well, lets take The Natural Law of Atomic Physics for example of how this happens. Do you realize that everything that is physical is made out of atoms? That includes not only our brain and body but that also includes our thoughts and feelings, as well. No atoms equals no reality. So what it boils down to is understanding what an atom is and how it operates, basically. An atom contains OPPOSITE FORMS OF ENERGY. The whole fabric of life contains opposites. Night & Day, Hot & Cold, North Magnetic Pole & South Magnetic Pole, Female & Male and Uplifting Thoughts/Emotions & Disturbing Thoughts/Emotions. So Life is Energy that expresses itself in opposite ways. Lets not forget the battery has a Negative & Positive post. With all physical things (outside of the Human mind or imagination) these opposites are EQUAL. There is no such thing as a particular opposite being superior or inferior.

Day is not superior nor inferior to Night. The front wheels of a vehicle are neither superior nor inferior to the back wheels because if you remove the back wheels, the vehicle will become immobile (and vice versa). If you remove the Negative post of a battery, the battery will not work. If you say that the Positive post is superior so we must use 2 Positive posts and leave out the Negative post, the battery will fail to function. There must be EQUIVALENT OPPOSITE FORMS OF ENERGY. When the opposites are EQUAL they dissolve into a neutral state when they make contact. The atom contains opposite forms of energy called Electrons and Protons. Electrons are Negatively charged and Protons and Positively charged. These opposite forms of energy must be equal in amount. Such is the case when making a Human Body. The Father contributes 22 chromosomes and the Mother contributes the exact same amount in order to produce a Human Being. Back to the atom... When the equal amounts of Protons & Electrons blend together, they form a Neutral Bond of Creation. If the contents of atoms fail to be equal then the very fabric of reality would come unraveled. That is The Law of Physics that no sane person can deny.

Both Tribes Are Destroying Earth
Both Sides Are Conflict
Both Use Each Other To
Validate Their Destruction
When it comes to the physical realities, for the most part, we are on board with the facts. But when it comes to the facts about emotional thinking, we are completely irrational and fight to remain that way. We think that progress in the mechanical world equates to advancement in the psychological world. Not true. We still think on a tribal level which is destroying the world. One tribe thinks that its group is the best and that all others must either serve them or be destroyed. Emotionally, Humans have divided our species. And once there is division, we take sides. The side that you support is superior and the side that you denounce is considered inferior. If you were to take our entire Homo Sapien species and view it as being an atom, there would be an imbalance in Electrons & Protons. Take men & women. Emotionally speaking, the female is classified as being inferior to the male because he is “The Warrior” that established the economies of the world throughout history. She merely provided the biological bodies called “soldiers”. She creates the physical material of life while the male destroys it and gets rewarded for it. There is an emotional bias so there is an emotional war between the genders of the Human species. So long as male & female are unequal, emotionally speaking, the Human Race will continue to degenerate and disintegrate.

The Human Ego Hates Her - Robs Her - Poisons Her - Expects Her To Always Support Its Wars.
One Day That Will End When She Is Unable To Heal Herself!
She Is Mother Nature whom we take for granted.

The Atomic Law is The Law of Creation

Violation of that Law means total annihilation. So for instance, the atom may contain 100 Protons (Positive Charge) with also an equivalent of 100 Electrons (Negative Charge). When these opposite charges come together, they formulate Neutrons (No Charge) which brings about stability in matter. That means equal opposite energies brings about harmonious Zero or Neutral energetic creation of Life. If the opposite forms of energy are ever unequal, neutrality is lost and the fabric of life unravels or disintegrates equating to annihilation. The point is EQUALITY OF OPPOSITE FORMS OF ENERGY GENERATES THE FABRIC OF LIFE'S CREATION. INEQUALTIY OF OPPOSITES GENERATES OBLITERATION OF LIFE!

So what does The Atomic Law of Creation have to do with the Holistic-Self Study or Examination of Emotional  (Ego's) Responses...

In order to perceive what wholeness is, one must approach that understanding through negation. In other words, we need to factually understand fragmentary- looking. We view everything in life as being a coin toss and we must choose either “heads” or “tails”. But life is not a matter of choice. This may offend many readers, but hang in there and wait to see why I say that. Have a little patience please... Take Day & Night as if it were a coin. All opposite expressions of life could be viewed like a coin with “heads” or “tails” and that you have to pick one side or the other (and get rid of the side that you don't choose). But, life would cease if it were to choose Electrons over Protons or vice versa. If the atom does not EQUALLY contain both opposites (heads & tails) then Life stops existing. If you choose Night instead of Day or Day instead of Night, then Life on this planets dies. Take inhaling & exhaling, which are opposites. If you choose to only inhale and never exhale, you will stop breathing and die. If you choose to only exhale and never inhale, you will stop breathing and die. Ergo choosing between the opposites is senseless, is it not?

Your brain has a left & right hemisphere and you must have them both, equally. That brain contains emotions that are both positive and negative. Fake religion that Humanity has accepted under threat of death (from the old days when they were establishing themselves), they dictated that people must DIVIDE their thoughts/feelings into being classified as either “good” or “evil”. They projected something called “God” (based on the word “good” what an “o” was removed) and its opposite nemesis called “Devil” (based on the word “evil” that it place a “D” in front of). This was the earliest mind-control game ever made and is still in existence to this day. We have feelings like envy, anger, hatred, etc. We opposite feelings that mirror their counterparts.

Mankind has been traditionally coerced to fight against our “evil” feelings with the so-called angelic ones. But, that is causing mental & physical violence in the world. The Negative & Positive thoughts and feelings are just like the contents of the Atom (containing the equal amounts of the opposite electrons & protons). So by choosing one opposite side over the other, the total emotional mind (is then divided and it becomes an Ego -- a divided, broken mind forever fighting itself), which is unbalancing, degenerating and disintegrating. We choose by ignoring the thoughts/feelings that we dislike and over-indulge in the thoughts/feelings that we like. Our psyche is a microcosmic version of the universe (which is based on the Atomic structure). When the emotional-mind Equally Observes its Positive & Negative Thoughts or Feelings, then that generates No Charge (that means NO Negative nor Positive bias), thereby producing the byproduct of Happiness, Love, Peace of Mind -- that is Sanity. That is why it is so urgently important to Equally Observe ALL Thoughts/Feelings that we are the sum thereof. In observing them and getting in touch with opposite expressions of the Whole Emotional-Mind, that perceptive contact with both opposites merges into Neutrality – just like when the equal amounts of Protons & Electrons meet they create Neutrons of NO CHARGE (equals stability, balance or harmony), which is The Natural Atomic Law of Energy/Life. So a Mind is Whole when it is not divided among its opposite content (i.e., neg. & pos. feelings). When it clearly sees the danger of psychological-choice, then it is Healthy, Honest and Fair, naturally. For the most part, this is what is lacking in the Human species, which is why there are problems multiplying faster than they can be resolved. We are witnessing a total psychological meltdown, everyday.

This meltdown shall continue, daily, until our Minds awaken to its grave error of thinking. This will be very hard because this error is very ancient that is steeped in the habit of time. The unbalanced mind assumes that time is always correct. It presupposes that, if it was operating wrongly, it would have found out and corrected itself. It would not continue to malfunction for such a long time. But, the fact is that time proves nothing. It is the constant destruction to the planet over time that proves that the emotional mind is solely responsible for wars that has and is damaging this planet, and there is no end in sight. Because, the mind refuses to check itself out. It chooses to "believe" that there is nothing wrong with emotional-choice. Choosing to emotionally identify with either its positive or negative ideals, beliefs or speculations is its fatal error that is perpetuating the failure of its mind to operate in Neutrality/Sanity (a state of mental balance = peace). Peace is a byproduct of Holistic Self-Observation. In other words, Choiceless Self-Awareness. Peace can never be brought about by a mind in psychological conflict. 

Positive One plus Negative One Equals ZERO (which is objectivity, unbiased peace). Or...  +1  +  -1 = 0   Or... +100  +  -100 = 0 

Equal amounts of Electrons  (-)  & Protons  (+) = Neutrons = The Fabric of Life
Inequality of Opposites = Destruction of The Whole Life

Life Is About Balance
No Choice
No Choice Between
Day & Night
These Opposites Must
Exist Equally
That Is True Order!
As long as the opposites are EQUAL, there is total Neutrality, Balance, Harmony, Clarity, Sanity, Peace, Fairness. The Healthy Mind does not build its physical survival on top of division or poison. It builds its physical security on a mental foundation of Neutrality through Holistic Self-Watchfulness. That Pure Act of Watching has NO CHOICE or NO TAKING SIDES with either the Positive Thoughts/Feelings nor the Negative Thoughts/Feelings. The Freedom To Watch ALL of your thoughts and feelings is True Salvation of which no outside agency can bring to your mind. Only through passively watching your Emotional-Responses in every moment of your daily life can your mind learn about itself, without trying to improve, alter what it feels. You are your thoughts and feelings. When the mind truly feels that reality, then that realization, alone, frees ones mind from fighting against itself (by choosing its positive feelings over the negative feelings or the negative feelings over the positive feelings). Both opposite expressions are YOU! You can't choose to separate YOU! If you do that, you are at war within the very core of your being. Such a mind lacks a Neutral Charge or Balance of Energy or Clarity when the opposites are not equally studied. It is that unbiased self-examination of these feelings that frees ones mind from its self-destruction of choice. A mind that is no longer destroying itself is orderly and cannot be destroyed by any disorderly mind.

You see, we have been told for so long that we must fight against by choosing a side to emotionally identify with. That is what life is suppose to be about. False! Life is Holistic containing equal opposite expressions of pure energy. Our thoughts and feelings are emotional energy. When we choose to identify with one side of the opposite expressions of emotional energy and seek to destroy the side we did not choose to identify with, we are self-destructing as a total species. We are disintegrating. Life has simple principles. You are either in a Creative State (Order) or a Destructive State (Disorder). There is no third state of existence. Or put differently, you are either aware of the fallacy of choosing one opposite in favor over the other opposite and thereby in a State of Creation, therefore, you don't choose out of that clarity of understanding. Or you refuse to face the facts that "choice" is destructive and so you go ahead and emotionally attach or identify yourself with one side of the opposites. "Belief" is based on choosing to be in touch with one side of your nature and to reject the other side. "Belief" = "Conflict" = "Violence" = "War" = "Global Annihilation"!

So what happened when Albert Einstein DIVIDED the Atom's contents? It caused a friction because it took the Electrons & Protons out of an Equal Balanced State of Harmony causing a Nuclear Fission chain reaction which caused an atomic explosion which sent radiation out into the atmosphere causing deformity in the living creatures that were exposed to the excessive amounts of radiation. THAT IS MASS DEGENERATION, DESTRUCTION and DISINTEGRATION on Earth! Since the testing of atom bombs, there has been an unnatural increase or surge of Cancer plaguing the world. Why? Because the emotional mind of Humanity is trying to prove that one tribe (nation) is “superior” to the others. And, that tribe wants to force the rest of the Human Race to bow down to it and allow itself to be ruled or controlled by the most violent tribe. This is false and the surge for control is never ending. The more illusion of control that a group gains, the more it wants until it eventually self-destructs (as history has repeatedly proven). The lie that the public has been fed is that these weapons of mass destruction are here to protect our physical survival. So they poison the world in order to protect it? That is nonsensical. More imbalance to the energy of life will never bring about stability. Conflict will only breed itself! Nothing wholesome can come from fragmentation. Wholesome means Wholeness. Conflict can never bring wholeness to our lives. It can only bring destruction and pain. All warmongers have to offer future generations is a poisoned planet on which to just exist -- (not live).

Dishonesty Pretending To Be Honesty


An Ego's Mask of Honesty Hides My Real Dishonesty
I had someone come to me bragging about how honest he was because he refused to tell a lie for a woman who wanted to deceive her boyfriend. This person who refused to back up her lie did not back up her lie because he stood nothing to gain by it. Had she offered him something that he really wanted badly, he would have lied. But, he wanted me to think that he was an “honest” person. He was hiding from dishonesty by living up to an image of faking honesty. Instead of getting in touch with the ugly feeling of dishonesty, he escaped from that feeling (of which he is) into the opposite fabrication of pretending to be honest. When a person seeks the opposite of an thought or feeling in order not to face it, that is being dishonest. A contradiction is a lie, which is dishonest. When you face your emotional responses without opposition, then you are being honest with yourself and the world. But, when the mind seeks to prove that it is better than it really is, it is being dishonest and self-deceptive with itself and the world.

You are the world, psychologically, and the world is you because the relationship you have with yourself is the relationship you also have with the world. Lie to yourself and you lie to the world. Be honest with yourself and you are honest with the world. Honesty is not about what you say. Honesty is about being in touch with every single thing that you think and feel WITH OPPOSITION. OPPOSITION IS CHOICE. CHOICE IS IMBALANCE & DESTRUCTIVE. Remember that The Atomic Law of Life which says that there must be Equal Opposite Forms of Energy in order for there to be Balance, which is Neutrality or Zero Point.

When you have a pleasant or unpleasant thought or feeling, they are two side of the same coin. When you go to the store to spend the money, you can't just give the store clerk the “heads” side of the money. You must give her both sides of it. If you were able to divide the “heads” side of the money from the “tails” side, the money would be invalid to spend, would it not? Well, think of your emotional mind in the same way. Sanity is based on one thing: “Being in touch with reality”. You don't get to pick and choose pieces of reality. What you think is all of you. I am not telling you to act on every thought and feeling. I am only saying that you have a responsibility (as do I) to function sanely. That means we must learn from Holistically Watching ALL Thoughts/Feelings. That State of Watching in each present moment as we respond to the things that are said and heard by us, that watchful state is Neutrality/Zero Point. You can't seek to become “Neutral”. You can only Observe Your Emotional Responses.

We have been told that we are bad for thinking or feeling certain thoughts or feelings. So we go and seek out a concept, ideal or belief to counter those thoughts and feelings. So one has chosen “heads” over “tails”. When you choose, emotionally, you cause chaos in your mind. You become a Dr. Jekyll & Mr. or Ms. Hyde split in your emotional mind. So you end up living a Double Life (a Public Life and a Secret Life) to reflect your dual state of mind. Inevitably the dual persona collides and your life is destroyed. Why? Because you chose to pay attention to parts of your thoughts and feelings and to ignore the others. So you have ripped your mind apart by doing so. For a mind to remain sane, it must face itself, completely. In doing that, the mind is integrated and functions with clarity and peace. It does not need others to validate its existence. It can stand alone just like every planet in the Universe stand alone yet functions as a unity as they orbit each other.

Belief negates and denies facts. Emotionally, beliefs are destructive in Human relationships. They separate us from being in touch with ourselves, completely. Belief is unnecessary. One only believes because one does not see things clearly. When you face any and all thoughts and emotions and just feel them, then there is liberation from them. But whenever you resist your emotions and refuse to be in touch with them, you must seek out beliefs that help you pretend to yourself that you have gotten away. It is impossible to run away from yourself. If you succeed you are dead. Beliefs are based on the fear of looking at yourself. If you were free to look, then you would not care about beliefs at all. Beliefs are a symptom of emotional fear. When you face fear, which is you, then fear transforms and awakens as Holistic Self-Awareness.

World War III Is Not A Physical War

World War III is not a physical war; it is a psychological war in the emotional mind of Human Consciousness. That war is based on one thing Choice/Division. When you identify with a group, you have chosen a side then conflict begins. When the mind chooses one thought or feeling in preference to others, the mind is divided against itself and a chain reaction causes a mental meltdown or explosion in the mind. There is not right or wrong choice. Choice is irrelevant and is the problem. A belief is based on an emotional choice. One believes because one is afraid to stand alone and observe your emotions alone. When you realize that you came into life alone. You will die alone. So it is perfectly natural to observe your emotional responses alone, as well. What is wrong with that?

After all, no one can eat for you, sleep for you, use the toilet for you, nor think for you. If you allow someone else to think for you, then you have destroyed yourself. My words are not attempting to think for you. They are pointing out things for you to investigate and see the truth or falseness for yourself. No one can give you clarity, not even me. I can only point. The real question here is, “Do you have the freedom to look at yourself directly without a middleman”? That the only True Salvation is your Awakening of Wisdom/Intelligence. Intelligence is not how much you know. That is mere mechanical intellect and skill. Real Intelligence is holistic self-watchfulness of each emotional response taking place in your mind. As you watch more and more, your mind is free from the bond of mind control. Safety lies in pure unbiased perception of your mind. Once you see your mind completely, you see the entire mind of Humanity. You see through all illusions and deceptions. The only way that you can be deceived by another is if you are not clearly monitoring how you deceive yourself.

You don't seek clarity. You look for your mistakes. You look at your flaws. When you notice that you are veering off the road, the moment you detect that you are going off the road, what happens, that awareness of that flaw corrects itself, does it not? So be only concerned with that which is false. See the falseness of trying to belong to a tribe. Tribes go by many names such as an organized religion, cult, secret society, family, community, nation, etc. They are all emotional chains of bondage in order to control you through fear. But there is only one main fear and that is the fear of studying your mind in relationship to others. When people talk to you they are only looking for one thing and that is emotional validation. Most people are lost and confused, emotionally. They are always begging and demanding that you validation how they think about themselves. When a mind lacks self-clarity, it seeks others to pretend like they are sane and in touch with reality. They threaten to destroy you if you fail to play along. Its just a bluff that they can't make happen unless you are not in touch with the reality of ALL THAT YOU THINK/FEEL. So long as you are being in touch with your thoughts/feelings without controlling them, you can't be touched.

I've been studying my emotional responses since 1977. I've had every kind of challenge and death threat you can imagine. I only want to know what is real and what is not. So I want to know if I can be destroyed by anyone if I don't comply with their emotional demand to validate living off of fear/belief/dishonesty. So far I'm still hear and get what I need to live. My payment to physically survive comes from negating that which is false. If the false world of belief fails to do business transactions with me, then their world will die. The fake world of belief is standing on reality. Take away the planet and all that is real and the fake world cannot stand. Non-fiction can exist without Fiction. But Fiction cannot exist without Non-Fiction. Put another way, imagination could not exist without a biological real brain to operate through. Take away the brain and imagination is just a ghost without a shell. Take away the theater screen and the movie cannot be viewed. Also, images require darkness to be seen. So they are rooted in darkness. Darkness is a metaphor for “ignorance”. A mind that is ignorant is in darkness.

Being A Light Unto Yourself Means Dispelling Ignorance

You can only dispel ignorance by studying what ignorance is. Ignorance is the act of ignoring parts of your emotional mind. You must see both the pleasant and unpleasant responses of your mind in order for the mind to function as a Whole. Did you know that the ancient term “holy” means that which is whole? When a thing is divided (through the action of choosing a positive or a negative side), that thing is no longer whole. Morality is wholeness. When you identify with one side of your emotional mind and slight the other, you are being immoral because you have divided your mind. A building cannot stand for long atop a fragmented foundation.

The foundation of Humanity is its Emotional Mind. When that foundation is split into, the build (which is our biological body) becomes unstable and falls apart. For there to be biological balance and stability, the foundation must be WHOLE. It cannot be whole if you choose to indulge in the emotions that you like and to ignore the ones that you loath. The Human Mind contains both positive/desirable and negative/undesirable thoughts/emotions that must ALL be observed. Observation alone is the action of Neutrality. You may have a feeling of hatred and imagine doing something awful, if you pay full attention to that feeling it will vanish. Please do not misunderstand me to mean that you must carry out acts of violence. I am not saying that at all. I am saying that you must examine them and do nothing but examine them. Examination is a HOLISTIC ACTION UNTO ITSELF. There is no more steps other than to look and learn from looking and listening. Through that powerful silence, there is clarity and freedom from all thoughts and feelings. Then from that comes righteous behavior.

Destruction is born of ignorance, which is ignoring thoughts and feelings that you don't like. And, chasing after the ones that you like. When the mind divides itself, its behavior is cruel, wicked and deadly. If we want our world to stop degenerating then we must go to the source of this global degeneracy and study our emotions, equally – without prejudice. And just like the atom when both amounts of opposite forms of energy come together, harmony is born. Our mental atoms will do the same thing when we simply OBSERVE both opposite emotional expressions.

Mechanized Education Is Self-Destructive
With Regard To Emotion

Our education has only taught us how to be mechanical. Mechanized Education is the act of accumulation and assembling all that has been accumulated in various ways. In the emotional realm of life, that wont work because the one who is accumulating is the problem maker. So our problem is that we don't want that to be true. We want to think that we can fix our emotions by manipulating them to our liking. All manipulations will cause self-destruction. Once your mind clearly realizes that fact, the struggle of emotional opposition naturally stops because one realizes that [the emotional] I AM THE PROBLEM. That is a major revelation and liberating and the pressure to control is seen to be absurd. Control becomes irrelevant. Once the mind clearly understands that its only job is to Purely monitor its emotional responses because IT IS its emotional responses, then the mind begins to function holistically. When you see the falseness of choosing to observe just the parts of your mind that you like and to avoid the other parts, when you see how self-destructive that is, you can't do it anymore. It's just like understanding your are veering off the road while driving. When you clearly see the danger, you can't keep going off the road.

When you see that all emotional identifications are deadly, you can no longer join any group, clique, club or society. You operate in the world to get your physical needs met. But, you see the danger of emotional scratching the backs of others. You see that it is a covert form of warfare that ultimately leads to physical death. This is the final challenge in the chapter of Human existence. If we fail the wake up and be Whole, our species will become extinct. This is not because “I say so”. This is because the Human Race is in direct violation of Atomic Natural Law of Creation. You are either Integrating or Disintegrating. There is nothing else.



1 Mind Divides Itself When It Does Not
Clearly See That IT is Both
Opposite Expressions
There is Nothing to Choose
Insanity Says Believe in 1 Side!
That is Conflict - War!
Now if you have stayed with me thus far, you may be serious about shedding the weight of emotional tradition, which is perpetual conflict. Each person is the representation of Humanity. We all contain past emotional experiences which is what the Human Ego is made out of. This ghost can be extinguished but not by force. It can only be Observed or Studied To Death. Ego is a fragmented twin entity (a Jekyll & Hide duality) that always emotionally demands that you choose one twin over the other. To choose is to lose. Choice, where emotions are concerned, is a trick. Jekyll equals the Positive Emotions & Hyde equals the Negative Emotions. They are polarized like North & South Poles, which are inseparable. The emotional mind (Jekyll/Hyde) is running after “heads/Jekyll” and running away from “tails/Hyde”. Both sides are in denying that they are associated in any way. They seek to destroy the other, but when one side destroys the other side, they both perish. That is the sad truth about the Human Emotional Mind when it fails to study itself and learn what it is.

It Is Not The Truth That Will Set Humanity Free

It is seeing what is false that reveals the Truth that will set Humanity free. And, no man or woman can see for another. You must holistically see your emotional responses for and by yourself. The myth of saviors is what has kept the Human Race in the Psychological Dark Ages. We may have lots of high tech gadgets, but emotionally we are still cavemen and women. There has never been an Awakening of Emotional Intelligence/Wisdom. We know a lot of things, but we have failed to have self-knowledge. When we find out what we think, like a savage, we wish to attack it or dominate it – without realizing that The Attacker/Dominator & The Attacked or Dominated are one in the same entity.

State Of Neutrality – Zero Point

The only solution is for Humanity to wake up and be responsible for your emotional thinking. So long as you remain blind to psychological choice, you will be dominated and forced into submission. But, you are allowing it to happen when you refuse to Holistically Observe All of your thoughts and feelings whenever you are spoken to. When someone says something that offends you, why not study your primitive emotional reactions. Instead of defending your feelings just watch them and learn about them. They are you. When the mind learns about itself, that state of learning is the State of Neutrality or Zero Point. Just like when Electrons & Protons are equally present, they merge into Wholeness and Harmony of Creativity. Our emotional mind would do the same thing if we would simply watch without controlling what we watch. The controller is biased. It chooses based on The Pleasure Principle. When it does choose it may feel instantly pleased and gratified, but later there is the fallout of pain and suffering. Pleasure is pain in disguise.

You can believe you are free all you want, but that belief is born out of the prison of emotional ignorance. The seed of a thing cannot be anything other than its seed. There is no escape. Our imaginations born of memory have a limitation. It cannot imagine peace, freedom or self-awareness. Imagination is only technologically useful and valid. When we use our imagination to find Love, Joy, Peace, etc. they lead to pain and suffering. Love is a byproduct of studying and getting in touch with both desirable (positive) & undesirable (negative) feelings without trying to improve them. The one who seeks improvement is the thing that it wants to improve. It cannot improve and make itself better through a belief or ideal which it has projected from its emotional memory. That is self-deception to run after the opposite ideal. That will only prolong its misery and it will never end. Once your mind clearly realizes this Truth, the emotional battle of choice between the opposites ends, naturally. When an equal negative and positive are seen then they equal Zero Point, which is Love and the resolution to physical problems are then revealed.

Atomic Natural Law Is That The Opposites Are To Be Given EUAL EXAMINATION - That Includes ALL Our Thoughts

 *Studying ALL thoughts & feelings does not mean indulging in them. It means to purely observe them and learn from that observation, itself!

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Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.