Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Psychologically Splitting The Atom

...Is A Declaration of War Upon The Universe

Why The Human Emotional-Mind Is The Ultimate WMD [Weapon Of Mass Destruction]

So long as we, as a species, remain ignorant about how our emotional-mind functions, we shall continue multiplying emergencies throughout the entire world. The human species is daily attacking itself and the biosphere. In other words, the mind is in a state of DISINTEGRATION, which is setting off a chain-reaction of global destruction.

The human being is a chemical-based creature – just like the rest of life. Therefore, we are basically an atomic structure. This is important because once we understand the balanced nature of the atomic structure, we can then apply that understanding to our mental function in order to clearly and objectively see how we have weaponized our minds and are causing DISINTEGRATION both biologically and psychologically. In that clarity we deactivate this imbalance which is coming from the Ego. The “Ego” is a byproduct of a divided/fragmented emotional psyche.

However, the fractured emotional-mind (“The Ego”) of humanity can choose to malfunction based on its desire to “choose” to be attached to certain emotional qualities and to escape from (detach) from its other emotional qualities. All psychological/emotional desires are biased and are, therefore, corrupt and imbalances the whole mind. This causes great pain, anxiety and suffering. So long as the mind refuses to be holistically aware of its TOTAL Emotional Being, it is DISINTEGRATING, emotionally.

The foundation of the human being is its mental state. If that state is divided, it is emitting a destructive vibration throughout its physiological being. That means every atom in its body is doing the same thing as its mental state. If the mental state is fragmenting, then the body's atoms must follow suit. If the mind is holistic, then the atoms will function holistically, too. If the mind is in disorder, then its behavior must be volatile, too. In other words, everything in the human world comes from its state of mind. Therefore, it behooves us to be clear about our emotional-thinking process, because it governs our fate. The mind must understand itself or else it must function as a WMD.

Let's approach this dilemma logically and rationally, if at all possible. What makes people primitive and barbaric is their inability to study their psychological nature, dispassionately (without bias). It is an absolute and indisputable fact that we are made out of atoms. In understanding the laws of physics with regard to “the atom”, we can objectively see the correlation with its laws and how we (emotionally) think. It is our emotional state of mind that is conditioned in a state of bias, which CAUSES the EFFECT of disintegration and destruction, both mentally and physically. Nothing can rescue the human mind except for its own clarity about itself. Without clarity, nothing can stop the mind from annihilating itself and its environment.

Life is based on CAUSE-and-EFFECT. Every problem contains both the CAUSE-and-EFFECT. The human mind is CAUSING the multiplication of problems because it is blind to its malfunctioning. In other words, the mind is The Problem-Maker. The Problem-Maker is trying to bring about a solution without first seeing how it is creating problems! It wants to skip over understanding how it is creating problems and somehow find solutions. This, of course, is an impossibility. The Answer lies within the understanding of The Problem-Maker. Failure to completely understand/examine The Problem-Maker equates to the furthering of problems, as we daily witness in the human world. Therefore, it is each person's innate responsibility to holistically/objectively examine The Problem-Maker (The Ego). Once we actually SEE our error, The Problem-Maker naturally dissolves. The Problem-Maker exists due to emotional blindness (which is the CAUSE of the EFFECT = The Problem-Maker).


I went online and found the following source that explains the simple structure of “the atom”. Below is the explanation of the atomic structure:

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Why are Atoms Neutral?


Atoms are neutral because they have the same amount of protons and electrons. The charge of one proton is equal to the charge of one electron thus the charge of a neutral atom always equals zero. If atoms were not neutral it would cause either great repulsion or great attraction stirring the atmosphere.

1 Additional Answer

The simple answer is atoms are neutral because they contain the same number of protons as electrons. This is a lucky thing for us because if atoms were not neutral all matter in the universe would fly apart and that includes humans!

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The Universe and everything in it is founded upon “the atom”. The foundation of “the atom” is NEUTRALITY! NEUTRALITY = EQUALITY = BALANCE = ORDER = HARMONY = INTEGRATION!


The entire mind is atomic-based. The psyche has POSITIVE THOUGHTS/FEELINGS & NEGATIVE THOUGHTS/FEELINGS, equally. When the total psyche observes itself, holistically, it is NEUTRAL/ORDERLY/INTEGRATED. When the mind chooses between its POSITIVE THOUGHTS/FEELINGS & NEGATIVE THOUGHTS/FEELINGS, it disrupts its atomic balance through division.

We have been traditionally programmed TO CHOOSE! We are told, “Think Positively” by emotionally identifying with THE POSITIVE emotions/thoughts and suppressing THE NEGATIVE ones. It is like identifying with THE DAY and suppressing THE NIGHT. Obviously, we'd all die if our environment did that. When the mind CHOOSES to be biased towards itself, it is AT ODDS WITHIN ITSELF. That means that the mind is in OPPOSITION TO ITSELF.

Since the mind is atomic-based, its fate is governed by Atomic Law:

Positive Thoughts-Feelings = Protons + Negative Thoughts-Feelings = Electrons = ONE WHOLE ATOMIC UNIT

Humanity took a wrong turn a long ago (centuries ago), and that wrong turn is now a “respected tradition” that we have inherited. We are in direct violation of The Atomic Laws of The Universe.

The mind bases its laws, economy and religion upon DIVISION:

We identify with race, tribalism, family which is why these groups have wars to steal resources from each other, forever! The origin of this chaos and constant threat to physical security is based on the mind clinging to its “Positive Thoughts-Emotions” and imprisoning its “Negative-Thoughts-Emotions” or visa versa. This perpetual fragmentation is killing the world because it is in violation of The Atomic Laws of The Universe.


A “Charge” is Pure Energy!

Balanced Energy is Creation.

Imbalanced Energy is Destruction.

The Atomic Structure = Neutrality = Zero:

1 Proton contains the same amount of energy as 1 Electron

Mathematically speaking (adding a positive with a negative = zero):

+ 1 [Positive: Thoughts-Feelings that are Observed/Examined without Opposition.]
- 1 [Negative: Thoughts-Feelings that are Observed/Examined without Opposition.]
0 [The HOLISTIC OBSERVATION of Positive + Negative Thoughts-Feelings = Love/Peace.]

The human psyche is ONE UNIT that contains Positive + Negative Thoughts-Feelings.

“The Ego” dictates to itself to escape from either its Negative Emotions or Positive Emotions and causes conflict through choosing one aspect in preference to the other. The mind is trying to cut itself in half and cling to one half and discard the other half, which is suicidal/homicidal (disintegration or destruction). “The Ego” is a violent entity because it is a product of “splitting the atom”. When the atom is split it is taken out of its Creative State and reduced to a WMD or a bomb. The protons and electrons of the atom are taken out of balance, which is nuclear fission. The mind is functioning as a bomb because its energy is in direct conflict with its Positive & Negative Thoughts-Feelings, creating an imbalance of energy in the mind.

We have been conditioned/programmed like a computer to be at odds within our psyche. We escape from internal turmoil by seeking entertainment or amusements to distract ourselves from the sorrow that we feel in the core of our being. We have replaced intelligent self-awareness of the WHOLE MIND with “pleasure-seeking” distractions (i.e, sports, adult movies, ritualized religion, politics, etc.). We identify with one side of our psychological coin and fight against the other side of our psychological coin. We join forces with others to reinforce our divisive convictions. That is why there has never been peace on earth, because the human mind is out of balance. It refuses to be in a Neutral State of Wholeness. It CHOOSES to split itself in half and endlessly fight itself, which is like nuclear fission.

The psychological image emerges out of choice. One makes a conclusion based upon desire. One sees violence in oneself. So the image is the opposite opinion that says, “I am non-violent” in order to avoid examining the fact of what I am at any given moment. If I feel afraid, the mind divides itself away from that fact by believing one is courageous. Emotional Opposition creates an imbalance because the mind is choosing to be in touch with parts of itself and to escape from other parts by conjuring up an opposing desire and then saying that desired conclusion is the truth. This division is splitting the psyche into. The Energy of Perception or Attention or Observation is divided against itself.

Instead of examining the WHOLE MIND, which is any emotional state of mind that arises, it chooses to abandon its observation of anything that it does not like or finds disgusting. However, ignoring an aspect of itself does not erase the fact that the mind is its content no matter how much it may wish to deny it. That is why in the story of Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde both sides are part of one personality that is in denial so no matter which side dominates or wins the battle, they both end up destroyed in the end. That metaphor represents the human psyche.

Dr. Jekyll = Proton (Positive) + Mr. Hyde = Electron (Negative) and when they are not equally observed, destruction is its inevitable fate. In other words, when the mind chooses to embrace one side of its nature and reject the other side, the entire mind DISINTEGRATES and the outcome is devastation to its physical world, as well.

It takes energy to observe the mind. That energy is thrown out of balance when we focus our energy on one side and abandon attention to the side that we dislike. Just like the Proton is Charged with Equal Energy as the Electron; both Positive and Negative Thoughts-Feelings must be equally or holistically examined. So when a feeling of hatred arises one must pay complete attention to it. When a so-called friend comes along and helps you to run away from painful thoughts or feelings, they are helping you to destroy yourself (perhaps unknowingly). We have been brainwashed to think that we are suppose to pick and choose parts of our emotional thinking to promote and hide other parts. Destruction is violence. We are being violent to ourselves whenever we divide our attention to favor what we like about our thinking and avoid being in touch with whatever we despise in ourselves.

The mind is made out of atoms. Atoms must have equally charged protons and electrons. The mind's positive and negative emotions-thoughts are suppose to be equally observed in order to neutralize them to equal zero, which is the ground of the Universe. Remember the Universe is Atomic and so are we. Humans have divided themselves away from the Universe. But, everything is made out of ATOMS. We are a part of the Universe. However, we are at war with it by misusing our energy. Our energy is suppose to observe the ENTIRE MIND (both Positive & Negative) qualities. It is like a battery. A battery requires both Negative & Positive Charge, EQUALLY. The human psyche is in deviance of The Universal Laws of Energy/Life.

There is nothing wrong with Negative Thoughts and Feelings. Think of them as a metaphor of being autumn and winter. And, the Positive Thoughts and Feelings are like spring and summer. If you get rid of autumn and winter, then spring and summer cannot exist, either. Similarly, if you suppress your Negative Thoughts-Emotions, you also deprive your mind of being happy. Take breathing for exampe: inhaling air = life and exhaling air = death. They are inseparable and work an ONE WHOLE UNIT. We have both types of Thoughts-Emotions for the purpose of EXAMINING OUR TOTAL MENTAL BEING: THIS IS HOLISTIC SELF-AWARENESS OR SANITY! Division = Insanity which is being out of touch with reality. The reality is that the mind contains both Positive & Negative Thoughts-Emotions. When we Observe both sides of that ONE PSYCHOLOGICAL COIN, that Attention = Neutrality = Zero = Wholeness = Sanity. Wholeness is Holiness or Morality. Such a mind is peaceful, loving and intelligent (wise).


In other words, atoms require ORDER. ORDER = BALANCE OF REPULSION & ATTRACTION.

Repulsion (Negative Charge) = Electron + Attraction (Positive Charge) = Proton

The human psyche has been programmed to favor either the Negative over the Positive or visa versa.
Whatever the mind favors, it over-indulges in it. Whatever the mind dislikes, it tries to attack or imprison it. This is why humanity has built this world like it is. It is a world of complete imbalance and DISORDER. It calls DISORDER “order”.



The only way that the mind can balance its energy is that it must understand itself COMPLETELY. It cannot understand itself COMPLETELY when it is biased. It cannot choose to be in touch with only a part of itself and ignore the rest. When it does that, it is broken and functions as an “Ego” that is always at war within and without. This is why everyday we wake up in a world that is threatening our survival. Fear comes from splitting the psychological atomic content of our thoughts-feelings. This fragmentation is responsible for war, poverty and inequality. There is no such thing as “race”. That is an invention born out of splitting the atom of the mind. By being prejudice against one side of the psychological coin, we have fabricated the concept of “race”. We are ONE SPECIES WITH ONE CONSCIOUSNESS that hates one side of itself. This imbalance of energy is causing DISINTEGRATION OF THE HUMAN PSYCHE. No matter what your physical traits are, underneath you are basically atoms. Those atoms are in a state of conflict because the mind refuses to Holistically Study Itself. If we looked at our Entire Mind in Equality, we would not view people as a “race”. There is only One Human Race, period. When the mind observes itself, completely, it is WHOLE – just like the Universe. Then war would cease. War exists because we have SPLIT THE ATOM OF OUR MIND!

We are out of sync with the Universe because the Atoms of our consciousness are “divided” against itself. The Energy of Self-Awareness is being dissipated because it is not observing ALL THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS [EQUALLY] AS THEY ARISE when we face any challenge throughout our daily survival. Remember The Atomic Law is: Equal Charge to Protons (Positive) & Electrons (Negative) makes the Atom NEUTRAL, which is CREATION. Break that Law, and you have this world of War and utter confusion. That is the source of TERRORISM!

The simple answer is atoms are neutral because they contain the same number of protons as electrons. This is a lucky thing for us because if atoms were not neutral all matter in the universe would fly apart and that includes humans!

We are responsible for the world that we are creating each and every day. We are living in Disorder which has also created Disease. The body is made out of atoms, too. So if the mind is Divided/Disintegrated, the body must do the same. We are disintegrating when we choose to identify with emotional ideals, beliefs, images or desires. We are in disorder when we see something that disturbs us and choose to overrule it by our desire of “what should be”. The “what should be” strips our energy away from observing that state of mind that we dislike. If you want to end a disease, you have to study that disease, right? It is not going to disappear by you ignoring it. Similarly, when you have a state of mind that is upsetting, feel that state intimately, without analyzing it. You are every state of mind. Avoiding learning about yourself is a wastage of energy. But when you study whatever state of mind that comes up, realize that you are that. It is suicidal to avoid yourself.

Atoms are Neutral because they contain an equal charge of energy in the Protons and Electrons. Neutrality is THE ESSENCE OF LIFE OR CREATION. Our minds are NOT Neutral and that is why the human species are the monsters of this world. We are destructive and are envious of the Universe (including Mother Nature). Are we battling each other, or is the human species competing with the Orderly World. Are we trying to destroy the world in order to prove that we are superior to it? We are defending our state of imbalance. Just because there are so many people who have accepted imbalance that does not make it correct. The human mind is wrong – just as wrong when the majority of humans believed that the earth was flat and considered anyone who said otherwise to be crazy.

Yes, you may want to think that I am crazy because I do not roll over and pretend like what people are doing is fine and dandy. I only deal in fact. The fact is that all of life is made of atoms. Those atoms must be equally charged with opposite elements so that the opposites do not destroy each other. If the atom is not equally charged by the 2 opposite elements the Universe would DISINTEGRATE, including humanity. Our mind is made out of atoms, too. We have opted to SPLIT THE ATOMS OF OUR CONSCIOUSNESS by paying more attention to one of the opposites. Therefore, the mind is not NEUTRAL. It has a “Center” called and “Ego”. That “Ego” is DISORDER. It either presents itself as a Hero (Positive) or a Villain (Negative). But they are 2 sides of the same coin. Propaganda dictates that we are suppose to CHOOSE one over the other. They are both wrong because they are both SPLITTING THE ATOM. Both sides are at odds within themselves. Neither side is observing its TOTAL MIND. So they are both DISORDER. They are in violation of The Atomic Law of The Universe.

If the atom is not NEUTRAL nothing could exist. What makes the atom NEUTRAL is balanced energy (equally charged opposites).

The human world is dominated by inequality. That is why most of the resources for our physical survival is hoarded by a handful of greedy people. What gives them the power to get away with it? Each person who is operating outside of NEUTRALITY gives them permission to rob and steal and enslave the masses. It is the masses who are ultimately responsible for their enslavement.

Everyday I am being threatened. When I do my job people always want me to stroke their “Ego”. Stroking an “Ego” means that you help that person to SPLIT THEIR PSYCHOLOGICAL ATOM by helping them to believe in a lie about themselves. If your boss wants you to tell him that he or she is nice and wonderful when that is not true, you do it because you think that you will keep your job. The mind blackmails us everyday by implying that if you do not tell me what I want to hear, then I will take away your means to earn a livelihood. Most people fall for that illusion.

I do not bow down to anyone's “Ego”, especially mind own. I end my “Ego” by observing ALL THOUGHTS-FEELINGS which get stimulated by what others say to me. I watch the WHOLE MIND. They imply that I will not survive if I do not comply. I do not care if I survive or not. All that matters is that I DO NOT, under any circumstances, SPLIT MY PSYCHOLOGICAL ATOM. Because physical security is governed by that “SPLIT” or not. The Universe is held together by EQUALLY CHARGED PROTONS/ELECTRON OF ATOMS. My mind is the same as that Universe because it is made out of atoms too. So long as I holistically observe my entire mind, I am living in the dimension of NEUTRALITY, which integrates physical security.

Others try to terrorize me with threats and pressures to CHOOSE a person to befriend their “Ego”. But I understand that such a CHOICE is stupid. I do not need a “friend” because people are enemies within themselves. They are not capable of being a real friend. A real friend is a person who observes their mind, holistically. They are being a friend to their own being, therefore, such a person can be a friend to me. But I have not met such a person. Most people PRETEND TO BE A “FRIEND” but their “friendship” is based on one condition, you must help them SPLIT THEIR PSYCHOLOGICAL ATOM by helping them hide from the things they despise about themselves. That only helps them split the opposite traits within themselves. That destroys NEUTRALITY, which is Order and Integration. That is not real friendship.

I cannot give my energy to DISORDER, which is waging war against the Universe, which is founded upon The Atom. Imbalancing the atomic energy in our minds is being at war with the Universe. That is a losing battle, which is why human civilizations continuously destroy themselves. That is insane. I cannot condone that. I give my life to ATOMIC ORDER so that the Collective Ego will end its domination on earth!

There is nothing more important than being in touch with ones Whole Mind. Disorderly people do everything they can to disturb my mind. I embrace all stimuli and feel every inch of discomfort. The Energy of Holistic Observation Equally charges my entire psyche. When energy is equally charged in Pleasure & Pain, the two opposites NEUTRALIZES them bringing about Integrating Blissful State of Mind. A WHOLE MIND CANNOT BE HURT!

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