Ego (psyche) is one entity that wears a false mask. It is violent,
period. But it wears a mask called, “religion” or “non-violence”,
etc. The Ego IS DISORDER, period. But, it has fabricated an opposite,
called “order”. It is now called “the new world order”.
Funny, because the Ego is the past emotional memories (so it
is incapable of newness). It reorganizes the past to manufacture a
modified version of the past. Yet, the outcome is always the same –
suffering and fear of living.
Humanity is habitually seeking an escape from seeing the whole truth about itself. That is the fundamental basis for social unrest. Each person is avoiding facing him or herself exactly as they are. When we sense something about ourselves that we loath, we instantly want to hide from it. Do you recall the child's game of Hide-and-Seek? It is where you run and hide and try not to be found. If you are found then you lose. Well adults are playing a psychological game of Hide-and-Seek within themselves. They are violent and they don't want to see that fact. So they hide their violence through polite phrases to cloak their actual feelings. They pretend like they want to be peaceful or cooperative. But, a mind that hides from observing the disturbing thoughts and feelings within itself is opposing itself. Opposition is conflict. Conflict is violence. Such a mind cannot be in real cooperation with any other human being so long as a state of opposition exists within itself.
is nothing but an expression of fear of ones own mind. If we were not
afraid to look at ourselves, completely, then division would end.
Where there is no division, there is no conflict. Where there is no
conflict, there is physical security for ALL. But instead, we reject
physical security and opt for an illusion of psychological security
through sugar-coated lies. We only want to be partially in touch with
our minds. But being partially in touch is not being in touch at all.
Either we perceive our WHOLE MIND or not at all. You can't pick and
choose. Your body, for instance, cannot pick and choose to partially
function. Every cell in your body must work together for the organism
to function. If your mind rejects a part of itself, then that prompts
the body to reject parts of itself and disease appears.
Why do
I write these messages and present it to the world?
simple. To be alive one has to communicate. We have no choice. You
can't live in this world and not communicate. The quality of that
communication depends on either being a communication of
Order/Integration or Disorder/Disintegration. Clearly, violence and
war are disintegration. A mind that sees itself 100 per cent, is
integrated, ergo, the communication must reflect that state of mind.
It is taking responsibility for the state of the world by resolving
conflict within its own being, thereby changing the world at its root
or source of human consciousness.
mind of humanity is ONE MIND. It is like having many lakes and rivers
that all flow into one vast ocean that is globally connected.
Whatever takes place at the deepest level of human consciousness
affects that entire body of water (mind). Those who live in conflict
and profit from it are on a mission to seek out any mind that is not
doing their part to remain in conflict. The most fearful are the most
aggressive. They terrorize people into maintaining their ancient
programmed responses of being divided by holding onto a belief, image
or dogma. As long as your mind is divided you can be
conquered/controlled. Because fear is your master.
a mind that is free from fear because it can observe any and ALL
emotional responses stimulated by anyone, such a mind cannot be
hijacked or bullied into running away from observing itself. It
understands that running is not an option. There is no where to run
or hide because such a mind realizes that it is the sum total of ALL
of its thoughts/feelings. No matter what the circumstances, it must
face all responses to any challenge. Life is nothing but challenge
and response. The greatest challenge in life is not what others say
RESPONSES, because they are you. And, you can't hide from you. Only a
fool thinks they can hide from themselves. So, it is not a question
of choosing to face my thoughts and feelings anymore than I can
choose to eat, breathe or sleep. That is my function, period. I was
made to observe my mind.
were put into brainwashing centers, called “schools” to be taught
to malfunction and do what is NOT natural. It is not natural to
divide your mind and believe and be in fear of yourself. It is not
natural to put a price tag on life and create inequality. A group of
humans stole the natural resources that belong to the world and
enslaved us into jobs to sale back to us what belongs to us in the
first place. What created a price? The EGO did. Since it divided its
own thoughts and feelings and placed a value on each of them, it has
done the same thing outwardly by selling our physical security. If we
were truly intelligent/wise beings, we would work in total harmony
and cooperation. There would be no competition. And, we could simply
share what we make.
when we inwardly create a hierarchy by assigning values to our
thoughts and feelings, then we accept the lie that some people have a
right to take and hoard the world's resources. They call it legal,
but it was the corrupt EGO that invented these rules to give an
advantage to the most brutal, violent minds who think they have the
so-called right to be our masters by taking what belongs to all of
us. Does the air belong to a certain group of people? Does the water
belong to a certain group of people? No. If you look at Mother
Nature, all creatures simply get up each day and goes out and gets
what it needs. I understand that sometimes they get eaten in the
process. But, we are more highly evolved than an insect or animal so
stop acting like we should behave exactly like them. We have the
intelligence to live in cooperation and harmony if we would simply
see the error of inward division.
have the technology to feed the world and clothe the world. But we
are divided by psychological tribalism, which dictates that certain
groups will starve. It brings about prejudice against those outside
of our group. As I said earlier, these groups are formulated out of
how we perceive ourselves, inwardly. When we feel an emotion like
hatred, and we run away from it by believing in the “concept of
love”, we have simply masked hatred, but its contents remain the
same. We merely painted the outside to look more pleasant. We have
never escaped the original feeling. The qualities that we hate about
ourselves we find another person to project those qualities onto,
then we attack them.
I am
living with someone right now who attacks me because I wont help him
to lie to himself. He is a violent person. But he tells himself that
he is good and is not a liar. But he is a liar and he is bad. He is
bad because he is not honest with himself. If you lie to yourself,
you lie to the world, as well. He pretends to be a friend to me. But,
a mind that is divided and does not see the truth about itself is its
own worse enemy. Such a mind is incapable of befriending anyone. I
see through his deceit. He hates me because I see him completely.
Every time he attacks me with lies and deceit, I merely listen
completely to what he has to say. I hear the falseness in what he
says. I observe the feelings that he stirs inside my mind. I run from
nothing that he does or says. He is constantly hurting his health
each time he tries to trick me into believing that he is a friend.
cannot obey disorder; to do so would be to destroy that orderly state
of mind. It is not prudent to do anything that would bring harm to
yourself. But, each day I get up I understand that the mind of
disorder must put pressure on everyone to conform to being blind to
their emotional responses. Just check out the internet social
networks. It is obviously EGO-driven because they always want you to
“like” or “dislike” something. That is division, is it not?
They make it appear to be harmless, but it is not. It is a form of
subtle brainwashing that reminds you to endlessly divide life so that
you can run from whatever you dislike and cling to whatever you like
– that is fear. Fear is disorder. There is no fear when you observe
fear. Fear is the act of resistance or running away from whatever you
are afraid of.
If you are afraid of a certain thought or feeling, are you free to observe it until there is nothing left to observe? Freedom is not about choice; it is about understanding what you are. The mind is a bundle of emotional thoughts and feelings. That entire bundle IS your mind – the Whole bundle. If you divide it and shun parts of it while clinging onto other parts, you are in conflict and have made your physical survival into a “sacrificial lamb”.
If you are afraid of a certain thought or feeling, are you free to observe it until there is nothing left to observe? Freedom is not about choice; it is about understanding what you are. The mind is a bundle of emotional thoughts and feelings. That entire bundle IS your mind – the Whole bundle. If you divide it and shun parts of it while clinging onto other parts, you are in conflict and have made your physical survival into a “sacrificial lamb”.
my roommate intends me harm (but he pretends otherwise), the reason
his physical survival is constantly in harms way is because, I am not
playing the game of conflict inside myself. Like I said earlier; a
mind that Holistically Studies its responses to any emotional
challenge from others is not divided, therefore, my physical security
is integrated. I don't need to do anything to the aggressor except to
observe my responses to his verbal challenges that he presents. This
is called, psychological warfare. By the way, WWIII is happening. It
is covert, psychological warfare. Our minds are being assaulted on a
daily basis through commercials, news and stories about disasters all
around us to create hysteria and desperation.
cannot enter the Orderly dimension because it is divided and cannot
see anything but division. So it has only one strategy and that is to
try to either intimidate or trick an Orderly mind into dividing
itself. Otherwise, it will always harm itself whenever it tries to
harm the physical security of the Orderly Mind.
my personal physical security is my concern for our environment.
Humans are the most violent creatures on the planet because they are
the only creatures to roam the Earth that threatens the very
existence of our entire planet. Species have come and gone, but none
of them have ever threatened the balance of nature, itself. The human
mind is so lethal that a few human beings must be Orderly or else the
Disorderly masters will destroy this world in their mad quest for
control and power. They are so inwardly insecure that they must
enslave everyone in order to prove a lie, which is that they own this
world. You cannot own the world because you don't even own your own
life. We are all renting our lives and the lease will be up for all
of us some day. So as long as you don't own your life, you don't own
anything. Life is to be appreciated and enjoyed in the moments that
you have. That's it for all of us.
is no hierarchy, in reality, because we are all faced with the same
challenge of living, which is fear. If we understand the root nature
of fear itself, then we are no longer in a state of fear. Fear is
what makes people violent. One is afraid of not getting money or not
being superior, so one goes out and commits all kinds of horrible
acts to overcome their fear. But you can't overcome yourself, who IS
fear. I am fear. Anything I do will increase or intensify that. But,
what happens when I realize that I am fear? All I can do is observe
it – feel it completely. Then there is understanding of that
nature. A thing that fully communes with itself is no longer
struggling against itself, which is fear (to struggle, to avoid).
There is nothing to resist. There is peace because one is finally at
home within ones skin. The internal war is over. There is nothing to
overcome or oppose. There is bliss.
We all
go around whining about the sad state of affairs in the world. But we
are the world and the world is us. If you want a peaceful world; a
world of equality, then begin inside your own head. See how you are
creating division whenever you call yourself a certain race, religion
or nationality. There is no need to identify yourself as anything at
all. You/We are just humanity, period. Stop promoting inequality
through buying into the falsehood of hierarchy. If you would treat
ALL your thoughts and feelings equally by giving them ALL your
Undivided Attention, you would end external hierarchy. If there is no
more hierarchy then we all can have access to physical security. But
for that to happen we must begin inside first by paying attention to
our responses whenever we are praised or condemned. Your EGO clings
to compliments and becomes violent when it gets insulted. Can you
simply be aware of that fact without doing anything about it? Can you
simply study your responses; and in the studying of them, there is the
ACTION of Freedom from Fear/Violence.
one is fully aware of their thoughts and feelings, then one is no
longer contributing to the violence in the world. Also, another very
important factor here is that you are protecting the planet from
being destroyed, as well. If everyone were to be divided in their
mind, then the military scientists would annihilate this world, rest
assured. They are divided in the mind, too, lets not forget. And so,
they would destroy the world while they believed they are saving it.
Their subconscious is at odds with their conscious. So whatever their
superficial mind says it is doing, the subconscious is doing the
opposite – just like the politicians. They don't care about this
world. They only exist to feed their EGOS by dominating people. And
we let them dominate us by being too afraid to study our emotional
responses in a holistic manner whenever we are challenged.
I have
lived with many bullies throughout my 58 years of life. Each of them
destroyed themselves trying to hijack my mind and get me to divide my
mind. So what I write about is a combination of studying the
observations by Jiddu Krishnamurti and applying what he said to my
life. The majority of people who have heard him merely accumulate his
words and repeat them like a parrot. But, that is not the essence of
Krishnamurti's message. He brought the message so that we could apply
the message. You can't copy him or what he said. It is only a living
truth if you actually study your mind's responses in the mirror
emotional challenges presented by the people you interact with on a
daily basis. When faced with death, that is the time to study ones
responses. And, I have been faced with death quite a bit and I
continue to be. But when you observe the realities that unfold in
your emotions, you are psychologically dying to everything as you
observe it. Holistic Observation IS psychological death. When you die
psychologically, you live biologically. When you seek to continue in
a belief and avoid psychological death, then your physical security
dies or is severely damaged. That is The Eternal Law.
So die
to your thoughts and feelings by watching them with all your heart.
Feel the despair, the uncertainty and desperation because all of it
is your mind. As you feel it, like you were facing a fierce storm on
the open sea of life, you can't run from it for there is no where to
run to on the open sea of life. Sail your boat and feel everything
that unfolds to its natural end. All weather eventually ends,
naturally. Similarly, the mind's emotional storms do end, naturally,
when you simply relax and surf the wave to the end of that
(emotional) wave. As you surf your emotional waves, you feel a
strength and vitality that no other human being can give you. This
strength cannot be bought. It comes from embracing your mind as a
student that will never stop learning about itself. Then you are the
student as well as the teacher, all in one. No one is your master nor
are you the master of anyone. You are Wholeness and you are the
guardian of Mother Nature because you are at the root of the entire
human consciousness having an Orderly impact on that vast collective
consciousness of the human race.
is the Real Job that is what we were biologically created to do. All
other jobs are false. They are based on one thing – conflict! You
are obligated to feed the EGO of your boss, are you not? When you do
that, you are engaging in psychological warfare and maintaining
division/contention which ultimately leads to bloodshed, sooner or
later. People always brag about spending most of their waking hours
at their jobs. Subconsciously, they are bragging about being a
warrior. Doing your “job” really means destroying the world,
because conflict that goes on and on is what brought down the former
civilizations of humanity. No matter what your superficial
consciousness might think you are doing; you are actually doing your
part to destroy this world so long as you live a life of conflict
both inwardly and outwardly.
My job
is to study my emotional responses to any given challenge under ALL
circumstances. I do not care if I die in the process of doing this
because we all have an expiration date, anyway. Either you give your
life to destroy this world or you live to protect it. I am protecting
the innocent creatures of this world. And I send out this message to
the world so that someone can awaken so that change will come to this
painful world. EGO is a monster that is choking the life out of this
physical world just to sustain its imaginary world of battling the
evil and fighting the so-called “good fight”. To fight IS Evil.
Studying the mind is not opposing anything. There is no fighting
I did
not fight the bullies in my life. I merely observed everything they
had to say to me and my emotional responses. What is expected of me
is to push back and fight back. That would cause my mind to enter the
dimension of conflict, then I could be victimized. But, it is up to
me to divide my mind, or not. Now that I understand what causes
division in my mind, I can see that it would destroy me and I would
also be helping to destroy the physical world. Mother Nature does not
deserve to be kicked around and harmed by Man's endless wars and
excessive productions (due to greed).
we have comes from Mother Nature. You can't have medicine without
her. You can't have technology without her. Without her, we are
nothing! She is sacred because she is Whole. When you divide your
mind and attack your body, you are also attacking Mother Nature. That
is why I said that the EGO is a monster. I often wondered why
monsters just attacked for no reason. Now I know why, because the
monsters in the movies are reflections of the nature of the EGO. The
EGO is divided against itself, which means that it hates itself. It
is a loveless entity that replaces real Love with pleasure (like a
junky craving a fix), which begets pain.
Love is to Holistically Observe/Study your mind without prejudice.
Prejudice is based on “Like” & “Dislike”. If I like a
thing, I will want to pay attention to it. But if I dislike a thing,
I will avoid listening to it. That is division. Where there is
division, there is no Love/Compassion. The world is broken because it
lacks Real Love. I am not talking about emotionalism. That is not
Love. I am talking about awakening and being a light unto oneself by
studying yourself exactly as you really are. When you do that, you
die to your programming to be violent. When you die to a falsehood,
all that remains is Truth.
And, only the Truth shall set you free
from your fear/ignorance/violence. That is the only solution to this
hideous EGO/Monster that we must deal with each day of our lives.
There is no freedom in fighting the EGO. EGO is fueled by opposition
verbally or physically. It wants you to fight it; hell, it
desperately needs you to fight it. If you psychologically die to your
opposition, then EGO will self-destruct. And, balance can return to
this world – Mother Nature can begin to heal from these thousands
of wars waged on her holy soil.
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