Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Mind Ignorant Of Its Nature Is Crumbling Toxicity

How You Listen Is Key To Your Understanding or Not! 


The writer of this article is not anyone's leader nor a propagandist. Propaganda is based on seeking an emotional-result by trying to control what another thinks. The writer has no intention to control your mind in any way. The writer is merely reflecting the facts as they are, without any bias. The writer is simply acting as a mirror reflecting what is actually happening. Anything that is stated by the writer is to be checked out for clarity of understanding. It is the reader's responsibility to very carefully examine what is being said. This is a factual investigation – not emotional. The writer's intention is to objectively-investigate the emotional-mind.

To find The-Truth one must approach it negatively. That means we must first find out what is false. When one is clearly aware of what is illusory, then The-Truth is about the false being exposed. But when you begin positively seeking The-Truth, you begin with a falsehood then try to prove that falsehood to be true. Whereas, the journey begins with where one is now. Where one is now is in a state of confusion. So, together, we must begin by very clearly examining exactly what is that confusion. In understanding confusion, which is The Observer/The Me, it naturally dissolves, and the answer/clarity emerges. In other words, the answer lies in the clear examination or observation of the problem itself. The key is the quality and depth of your examination or observation. There must be no contamination of desire (like or dislike) in that examination or observation.

Why is The-Truth so necessary? It's simple. It is only actual discovery of the whole-Truth that can free us from drowning in a sea of problems (which have been generated by the emotional-ignorance of the mind). So long as the emotional-mind resists seeing or examining what it is doing that is completely false, it is making itself ignorant and incapable of seeing The-Truth about how it is deceiving itself. An emotionally-ignorant mind that is divorced from Seeing-The-Truth can never be free from manufacturing more lethal self-destructive problems. Without Seeing-The-Truth, the mind is disorderly, disharmonious and is corrosively problematic. We can argue about how to resolve the multitude of lethal dangers permeating this world, but it will be in vain without psychological-self-examination to learn what it is that the mind is doing that is fundamentally false. Until the mind very clearly sees its falseness, The-Truth can never set Mankind free to think rationally – in order to live harmoniously and be able to stop being self-destructive. Hence the external problems will consume this world as long as the ignorant-emotional-mind tries to fix these problems that IT has made.

So we must learn what is false and, thereby, come upon The-Truth. Our internal state of mind always determines what takes place in the external world. So long as our internal (mental) affairs remains a mystery, the external problems will remain threatening and annihilation is inevitable. Emotional-Mind made this mess in the world. So mind must STUDY/MONITOR itself carefully and clearly. Without internal mental clarity, man-made problems can never end. If they continue, they will become more and more painful and spread to the point where life on this planet will become unbearable and worthless.

So the writer is only pointing out what is to be investigated together. You are not taking my word for anything. You are not fighting against what I am pointing out. You are probing your own psyche so that you can stop being a problem to yourself and the world. That is our real job in life. If you are not learning about your emotional-mind to be rational then your job is to maintain conflict and terror in the world. It's just that simple. Either the mind is in a state of learning, which is Order, or it is in a state of ignorance, which is Disorder – it can't be both. A mind that refuses to learn about its nature is Disorderly and is dangerous to the world. So shall we begin learning together? If you don't want to learn, then stop reading this article, and carry on with destroying yourself and the world around you and giving your unconscious or conscious approval to the warmongers who are carrying out secret operations to poison our planet to death. Otherwise, you are welcome to take a journey with me into examining the true nature of your emotional-mind/ego to set it free from self-deception and self-destruction. Thank you for reading this disclaimer.

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Why is it so vitally urgent that the Human Mind holistically perceive/understand itself very accurately and clearly?

People Treat The Earth
The Way The Mind Treats Itself
The Human Mind can be an amazing instrument. It is full of energy and has many capabilities. When the mind is whole, it can be very creative and benevolent. But, when the Emotional-Mind is broken or fragmented, it is the most lethal weapon on Earth. The Human Mind has now technologically advanced to the point where it has the ability to destroy this planet. It can disrupt the balance of nature to the point of irreversible damage. It can poison our atmosphere to the point where no living thing can live. It can manufacture visual tricks of things appearing to be safe and helpful while secretly causing great harm on a microscopic level. Radiation, for example, is not visible. Yet, dangerously high levels of radiation can be released into the atmosphere without anyone being the wiser. High levels of radiation causes sex hormonal imbalances that can cause sterility, sexual disorientation and emotional chaos. These dangers are spreading throughout the world. But, there is nothing that can be done to stop these dangers. Would you like to know why?

Their Fate is Our Fate
The Human Species Is Tied To Nature
The Mind is controlled by its emotions, period. We don't understand this area of ourselves. We are driven by emotions. But, we don't understand this driving force at all. When the mind does not understand its emotional nature, it is operating out of pure fear. I don't mean the fear you have when faced with a physical danger. I am talking about the fear of that is totally emotional. The fear of not becoming a somebody in this emotional world. It's an imaginary world that has priority over the physical world. So long as this emotional world (sometimes called The Egotistical World) is defending and promoting its objectives, the physical world must be destroyed. You can try to fix a few things here and there, but it will be all undone by The Egotistical World. We are trying to have 2 types of worlds. The physical world cannot be safe so long as Humanity is driven by its emotional world of "idealism" or "believing" and the material or physical world. The emotional-world of make-believe is artificial, unreal or false. But it promotes itself as being “National Security”. Every nation is born out of Egotistical expansion. It is this entity, The Ego, that is blind to itself and struggles to remain blind.  For, the moment that it actually sees the truth about how it is its own worse enemy, it will cease to exist. The Ego assumes that it can continue its imaginary existence along with the physical world. It cannot. Because, psychological conflict is unsustainable. Human conflict is based on hiding the truth. Whereas, the physical world is based on pure facts. Ego is founded upon deceptions, which are false. As the fake or imaginary world of Humanity expands, the physical world gets more and more damaged. So one of these worlds has to go. If Humans see the error of "emotional believing", then that seeing will bring an ending to the Egotistical Program and the physical world can heal itself and grow and support our biological survival. But if Humanity remains with the emotional-status quo, the physical world will inevitably reach a point of poisoning that will, not only destroy the ecosystem, but the Human species right along with it. So even if the Ego stubbornly remains ignorant, it wont have anything to physically support its imaginary world and it will completely vanish from existence, too.

Protecting Your Beliefs
Proliferates Earth's Poisoning
It's like trying to have the light switch turned On & Off, simultaneously. The switch can only be either On or Off, but both states cannot co-exist. Similarly, the emotional-world of duality must be "Off" because it is inherently false. What makes it false is this one simple fact, which is; so long as the emotional-world of "beliefs" remains ignorant about itself and remains “On”, the material, physical or external world will continue to crumble in poison, decay and disintegration -- and is being switched "Off". Once the external world dies, the emotional-world wont have a ground on which to stand. And, that is why the Ego's faith, beliefs and ideals are false, because they are anti-life. If we are to end these daily toxic assaults upon the external (physical) world, we must awaken to the fact that ALL EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENTS TO IDEALS, BELIEFS or OPINIONS are innately invalid and must end. The falseness only ends when you actually SEE THAT THEY ARE FALSE! If you don't Actually See that They are False, then the state of toxic crumbling in the emotional-mind will remain “On”. If the Divided Emotional-Mind remains “On”, the physical-world will keep on being poisoned to death. When Mother Nature is poisoned to a point where she begins to poison all living creatures in this world, then the Human Imaginary World of Make-Believe shall die, as well. This is The Universal Atomic Law of Energy. All things are made out of atoms. [*Please read my previous articles to go into detail about atomic structure and how it works in our psyche.]

So why is it so vitally urgent that the Human Mind holistically perceive or understand itself very accurately and clearly?

Why Are You Being Educated?

Ego Denies This Is Happening
Isn't it obvious why? Because, the Emotional-Mind is the biggest threat to life on Earth. And, we take it for granted that getting up everyday stroking our egos and the our boss's ego and our leader's ego and our family's ego is “a good thing” is "a necessary thing" but is it? Is it “good”? Is it “necessary”? Or is it just a habit that we fear letting go? The human mind is like an addict. The addict cares not about physical consequences. It just wants the illusion of paradise. That illusion trumps all physical well being. Its delusion matters more than anything else. This is what Humanity is facing. Its own emotional cravings IS THE ULTIMATE THREAT TO PHYSICAL SURVIVAL. So that is why it is extremely urgent that our mind examines, studies itself, holistically. When it studies itself, it cannot choose to go beyond itself. When it chooses, it is no longer Whole – it is fragmented. As long as the mind remains divided (through choosing to identify with a belief to make itself feel “better”), it is in a neurotic state of toxic crumbling.

Can the Human Mind resolve the innumerable material or physical problems that are threatening all of existence without, first, carefully examining the One Source of these problems (which is its Ego – the Divided Emotional Mind)?


What I am talking about wont make any sense at all if you do not look at your emotional responses with a sense of self-study to learn and to see if what I am talking about is false or true. This is not a debate. This is for your mind to see itself exactly as it is. If this is not your intention then you may as well stop reading and go entertain yourself, because this is very serious business. Self understanding is THE MOST URGENTLY IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE.

What is the Purpose or Intention
of The Educators?

What is Insanity?

Gentleman's Mask Hides True Feelings
Ego Divided Against Itself

Besides what the so-called experts have told us, it is quite simple – being out of touch with facts is what insanity really is. It is when imagination replaces facts and are treated as being the truth. The mind can imagine anything it pleases. When life becomes too painful to bear, our emotions conjures up images, ideals and beliefs to concentrate on as being real. When the mind protects itself from anything that causes emotional disturbance, it is acting insane. Sanity is to face the facts no matter how ugly they may be. Sanity is to be in touch with what is actually happening is being related to reality. To emotionally detach oneself from anything that your mind does not like is madness. Then, the mind projects a false mask to disguise what it is actually feeling. This disguise is a futile attempt for the mind to hide from itself. This is neurotic because the mind cannot reject what it is without destroying itself.

Choosing The False Mask Kills Your Essence
Say for instance, you have a child that is behaving very badly and you don't want to face the truth about your child. Your mind can make up what it wants to be true and cling to that fabrication as though that is the truth, when it really is not. That image that you replace the ugly truth with is making your mind delusional. A delusional mind is in conflict within itself. It has divided itself and isolated itself away from the facts. But, facts don't disappear; they are submerged into the basement of the psyche. The pretense is battling against the facts that it has locked up in the basement of its mind. So ones mind is at war with itself. A mind that is at odds with itself is in discord and is not clear; it is confused. It ignorantly thinks that it can hide from The-Truth so that it can escape from seeing the real nature of its child. It rationalizes that it is all for the best to hide from anything disturbing. Meanwhile, the child's behavior becomes more and more violent until one day the child does something in society that is shocking.

Mind Snaps When It Escapes In
Ideals or Beliefs
Life is a matter of relationship, which means being in contact with what is actually taking place. Any effort to not be in touch with any situation is insanity. The more one tries to emotionally detach oneself from reality, the more neurotic one becomes until ultimately the mind snaps and goes into a rage and can possibly do any violent act. Violence is the outcome of a mind that is denying things that it does not want to be true. Violence is conflict. Conflict is opposition. Opposition happens when the mind rejects anything it finds to be emotionally distressing. Without close examination and study of how your mind emotionally responds to everything, the mind is in the dark about itself and, therefore, it is in conflict with itself. Your relationship with your emotional-mind is the same relationship you have with others around you. If you are in conflict with yourself because you don't want to learn about your nature, then you are also in conflict with everyone else, too. It does not matter if you give people compliments and talk in a sweet tone of voice. That is irrelevant because in the basement of your mind where all the ugly truths you have hidden is boiling to pop out in your relationships sooner or later. There is no love so long as you don't love yourself enough to study yourself. It takes love to learn about your emotional-mind. Without love the mind is clearly insane and is quite deadly to itself and to others.  

What Is Right Education?

What is freedom?

Most people think that freedom is escaping from something unpleasant in their lives. That is not real freedom at all. Real freedom is being able to be in touch with all emotional responses arising in your consciousness. The average mind is conditioned. A conditioned mind is divided or broken up. It chooses the parts of itself that it will acknowledge and promote and ignores the rest of itself. That is a state of contradiction or hypocrisy. A conditioned mind is a prisoner of "idealistic escapes" from anything that it does not like about itself. The only reason why the mind invented “beliefs” or "ideals" was to avoid looking at itself exactly as it is. The emotional-mind has divided itself up into “good” or “bad” thoughts & feelings. The concept of the “Devil” is projected out of the thoughts and feelings categorized as being “bad”. “Bad” just means anything that the mind does not like or finds disturbing. The concept of “God” is projected out of the thoughts and feelings categorized as being “good”. “Good” just means anything that the mind likes and finds fulfilling.

What Should Be vs. What Is Actual = Conflict = Ego
So these two halves of the emotional-mind is eternally in battle with each other. And, when the smoke clears after the battle, both sides lose because they are each other. The mind does not want to face The-Truth that it is ALL of its feelings and thoughts. It cannot extract part of itself without completely destroying itself. Yet, these two artificial personas denies having any relationship to the other. That is confusion or neurotic. The emotional-mind is not “free” to look at itself, totally. It only partially sees itself. In the psyche, a partial seeing is blindness. You either see the whole mind or you don't see it. There is no partiality when it comes to the emotional side of the mind.

This Is The Outcome of "Believing" & Ignoring Facts
The reason why I say “emotional-mind” is because it is a different operation from our technical-mind. The technical mind is suppose to use its imagination to make material things. I am not discussing the mechanical operation of the mind for material calculations. I am only talking about the psyche that is at war with itself. It is this battle that spills over into the technical field of physical survival and causes bio-chemical warfare, genetically-engineered non-food that poisons our biological functions, chem-trails that poisons us and our whole world, economic unfairness that allows one part of the human race to have access to the basic necessities to physically survive and denies the other part. So long as the mind remains a prisoner of conflict within itself, it must maintain all of these man-made problems spreading throughout the world. Ending up in a pile of skull and bones because it kept psychologically hiding from itself through its dedication to "believing".

What is the nature of Psychological-Fear?

Is it not avoidance, resistance to being in touch with anything that is emotionally disturbing? Withdrawing from anything that I dislike. It does not matter if it is a false thing or a true thing; if I find it offensive, then I try to get away from it. One of the ways that the mind runs away from its emotions that it does not like is by taking refuge in imaginary things. “I am hateful”, which is ugly. “I don't like that quality”. So, “I seek the opposite of that ugliness”. So, “I embrace a fantasy that I am loving”. But, the word (loving) is not the real thing. The belief of being loving is just an emotional concept that one uses in order to avoid seeing the ugly truth, which is that, “I am hateful or jealous or whatever dark feeling I may feel”. By seeking to go beyond what I feel, I am tricking myself. I am remembering a time when I felt elated. I take that memory and use it to cover up the ugly state of mind. Covering up ones state of mind is psychological-fear. It's a way of avoiding facing something disturbing about “Me”. I do not want “Me” to be like that. The desire to move away from a psychological fact is fear.

Automaton Programming Camps
The reason the mind runs away from seeing all aspects of its nature is because it is afraid to study/look at itself. It has a theory that, “If I look at the dark nature of my mind, I will be trapped by it.” It does not test that theory to see if it is true or false. It simply accepts that theory to be a fact. A fact is something that you actually see for yourself. A supposition is a guess because one is too scared to go check it out and see what is what. Fear is always a supposition. When the mind actually looks at anything directly, the looking is being in touch with reality, which sets the mind free from all psychological fear. When the mind looks directly at what is taking place in its mind, there is no fear. When the mind avoids looking at what is taking place in its mind, that is fear. The avoidance to look is fear. And, it is “The Avoider” that is fear, itself. So, it cannot get away from itself. So it tricks itself with "beliefs" to lie to itself and convince itself that it has distanced itself from any emotional pain. But, that illusion eventually fades away and what remains is the fact that the mind did not escape from the ugly truth that it was hiding from at all. Clearly, this is a pointless and meaningless endeavor, is it not?

What does “working” really mean?

Just about all products and services are being sold through the rhetoric of conflict. Material things are being promoted along with a psychological or emotional message underneath. People buy things for emotional reasons, not for physical reasons. Usually the emotional message is oppositional in content. It's always having to do with “being against” something, to inspire people to buy the item. Our jobs are one big popularity contest based on our egos. The ego is our sense of superiority compared to our fellow man. We have an image about ourselves and about others. These images are doing daily battle with one another. Life is being presented as nothing but a war-game. So our work is the promotion, defense and maintenance of conflict, which is violence. Violence can be physical or psychological warfare. But, there is no peace where people are.

Obeying Disorders Results In Organic Destruction

Peace begins in the mind. A mind that hides from itself by making up images about itself is at odds with itself – that is warfare. So long as the mind refuses to be 100% in touch with all aspects of itself without hiding behind a lie (a.k.a. An image or a belief or an ideal or an opinion), then it is at war with itself – it is a contradiction that is divided against itself. Therefore, the mind carries out its internal warfare with others at work. The one who battles the most fierce is given promotions. That is why the most mean people are in managerial positions of authority. So work is war. We have been educated to be either mental or physical combatants. We are programmed drones that are not allowed to question the validity of being programmed. We are told to just do whatever we are told. We are scolded for questioning the status quo. We are rewarded for being a blind obedient robot, but made to feel like carrying out our program is some great achievement. That is the great lie upon which we build our lives, is it not?

A Machine Cannot Question What It Is
The world economy is driven off of fear and emotionalism. The very root of this Human global system is a prison camp of warfare. The Emotional-Mind that is divided against itself is the CPU – it is the Central Processing Unit responsible for all things happening in the Human world, which is spilling over into our biosphere and atmosphere. It is our robotic-programmed habitual emotional obedience  that is  causing deadly imbalances throughout the whole of Mother-Nature. Now just because the Emotional-Mind does not want to acknowledge that it is destroying the world, it will be offended when any Human Being points out what the Divided-Mind is actually doing. So, predictably the mind will  emotionally react  verbally condemning and ridiculing what is being pointed out in order to try to discredit and distort the facts about what it is doing. Or, the mind will be devious  by pretending to agree with the message, while secretly resenting what is being exposed. But, the messenger is merely reflecting The-Truth so that the mind can look at itself and learn and be free of its emotional-ignorance about itself.

Just another day at work!
Even if the messenger could be silenced, the facts still remain that it is the Human Emotional-Mind (which is your Ego) that is destroying everything in order to live in a make-believe world of its liking. So what people are doing everyday is not seeking physical security, they are really seeking emotional-certainty. The mind is trying to be important or become a somebody in the emotional-realm. As long as that is its fundamental priority the physical must continue to be sacrificed for the glory of each person's egotistical false pursuits. Therefore, “work” is a disguise for annihilation. It does not matter if you don't accept these facts. The Universal Energy of Life is feeling this Truth and is responding to that Truth accordingly. Meanwhile, the Human Ego ignores what it is really doing to itself, and to the world around itself. So most people's so-called “work” (of Ego-stroking) is bogus and has no substantial place in the real world –> the physical environment.

Why does the Emotional-Mind (Ego) rebel against understanding itself?

1 Side Denies The Other & Visa Versa
Ego is the Human Mind that is divided against itself. Then the split personality fights itself. That is what is going on in most people throughout the world. External warfare cannot take place unless there is Internal warfare, first. The internal is the seed of the external behavior between Humans. What goes on in the seed, which is the Emotional-Mind, determines how a person behaves in the world. That seed is in a state of friction, conflict towards itself. Why? Because it has been influenced since it was very young to buy into the idea of depending on its imagination to change anything that it does not like. If you feel any emotional pain, then make up something pleasant to substitute that pain. Don't try to get in touch with your pain to understand it. Just cover it up and pretend like you have gotten away from it. When the mind does this, it is in a state of contradiction, division and fragmentation. This is conflict and conflict is violence. To do violence with yourself is to be violent in your relationships with others, as well. We think that violence is only associated with physical assault. It is much more subtle than that. There are secret or hidden forms of violence that take root in the mind and grows outward into eventual physical destruction, both locally and internationally.

Does an apple seed look like an apple? Does an embryo look like a Human Being? No. But, as it grows it eventually changes form into the end result. Well, violence is the same way. When we emotionally “believe” in anything, that is a barrier in the mind so that the mind can insulate itself against anything that it does not like about itself. It denies that that quality exists in itself. This denial through “belief” is opposition against a fact about its nature. Opposition is conflict and conflict is violence. When the mind resists being in touch with certain qualities of itself, it is at odds with itself. Therefore, the mind is divided against itself. That causes the mind to degenerate and also disintegrate. So its relationship to the external world is the same as the relationship it has within itself. Until the internal relationship changes, the external relationship must mirror the same thing that is going on inside itself. That is why it is a hoax to try to control people to not be violent.

What Should Be vs. What Is Actual
Religions are fake. They tell people to invest their emotions into verbally nice sounding words. That is useless. No word can change the mind to stop being in conflict. The only thing that can change the mind is for the mind to wake up and realize the error of its ways. It is making a perpetual mistake in running away from upsetting feelings and thoughts. What the mind fails to realize (on purpose) is that IT IS EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT & FEELING. So, it is impossible to run away from yourself. The act of running is suicidal. It's like trying to not be Human. You can't do that. This is why I said earlier that the mind that is running away from being in touch with itself is actually insane. Being out of touch with reality is madness. That is an irrefutable fact.

The Ego is afraid of not being important. These images gives the emotional-mind a false sense of being superior. Superiority does not exist! It is something made up by our emotions. Nothing is superior in Nature. Everything works together as a whole. Even animals and insects eating each other is not a a state of war. That is the natural order of things. It is all done in a balanced way. No species, except for the Human species, has operated in a way that threatens the very existence of the whole world. Any species that malfunctions goes extinct. But, no species has ever caused an imbalance in the total construct of the ecosystem. Only Humans have caused devastations in Nature that is throwing off the balance of life on Earth. It is due to the fact that the Emotional area of the Human Mind is malfunctioning by maintaining its world of imagination called “Superiority”.


Shoot The Real World - The Fake World Dies Too!
The Human species has capabilities of manipulating physical things to make technology. Big deal. All of the technology comes from the raw natural resources that is made, not by Man, but by Nature, itself. Once Man destroys Nature, Man will no longer be able to make its technology. The fact is that Nature is older than Man. It was here before Man. It can function without Humans. However, Humans can't live without Nature. So how can Mankind be “superior” to Nature? Nature can live without Man. But, Mankind cannot live without Nature. So it is impossible that Humanity is “superior” to Nature. We need Nature, yet we are destroying her. Is that not insane? Biting the hand that feeds you is stupid. Yet, we think that we are so intelligent. We may be clever, but our species in NOT intelligent.

Intelligence is being in a state of complete or holistic awareness about your own Nature. All living things are in touch with its own Nature. It is only the Human that fights against being in touch with itself. It picks itself apart and chooses the parts that it wants to be in touch with and rejects the rest of itself. That part that is rejected does not want to be rejected. So it fights to be seen and acknowledged. That is what makes people operate as a split personality or lead a double-life. Just about everyone is leading a double-life to satisfy each side of the mind's split personality. People have a “public” persona and a “private” persona. One side gratifies the conscious and the other side gratifies the sub-conscious. This is the outcome of the mind rejecting disturbing parts of itself.

A Partial Truth Is A Lie Because Truth Is Whole
So why does the mind fight against understanding itself? It is afraid of being nothing. The Ego nourishes “becoming something” at the expense of destroying itself and the world around itself. In other words, when the mind fails to clearly see itself, it is destructive – it is a Weapon-of-Mass-Destruction. When the mind is aware of itself, holistically, it is Creative and Wise and a Problem-Resolver; it is benevolence. The Mind is Whole and, therefore, cannot be hijacked or destroyed by a broken mind (an Ego). Only broken minds can attack and take over one another. The mind that does not want to understand itself is terminally malignant and cannot be helped by any outside agency. Through holistic self watchfulness, that is the only thing that can end emotional-division. So by realizing that it is in grave error for running away from itself by pretending that “beliefs” or “ideals” are the answer to its suffering, it stops being a thorn in its own side. These imaginary crutches (ideals, affirmations or beliefs) are the disease pretending to be the savior. Until the mind realizes how it is tricking itself, it will remain forever trapped in its own maze of half-truths, confusion and self-deceit. The only answer is that it must see ALL of itself exactly as it is. Nothing short of that can stop it from self-destruction, which also damages the material world around itself. Saviors are a falsehood. Only the mind, itself, must see itself in order to be saved from itself. The mind must be a light unto itself by simply looking at itself as a whole, not pieces of itself that it likes. If the mind does not holistically see its emotional self, then it is forever doomed to a perpetual state of disintegration.

Why do I share this message with the world?


I share this message with the world because one either gives their energy to the problem or to the solution. This message points to the solution. I am aware of the fact that, for the most part, the insane mind does NOT want the solution. It likes confusion. It wants to expand conflict and continue basking in illusion. It does not care if its delusions is messing up the balance of Nature. It does not care about the consequences of its self-deceptive operations. It is an emotional junky that is comfortable in its habitual emotional escapes into belief, ideals, etc. Because this has been going on for so very long, the mind thinks that it can continue like this forever. But, here's the thing...

The Ego Is Contradictory
2 Sides of Same Coin
Is The Fantasy/Lie
The resources that this imaginary world relies on is being poisoned, everyday. This poison is building up. Eventually, this poison will reach a level that starts breaking down the building blocks of life on Earth. It is this material erosion that is making it impossible for Humans to continue with its disorderly way of life. While the Human Mind is content to live in a make-believe world of fantasy. The physical world has its limitations. It is those physical limitations that is making it so that the Human Emotional-Mind has a time limit on waking up. When the physical world begins to fall apart, the make-believe world of fantasy cannot maintain itself without the physical world supporting that psychological false state of existence. Remember... All technology is made out of the raw resources of the real physical world. All medicine comes from plants (which Man chemically alters). If all the plants are contaminated, then the medicines cannot be properly made. All things that we take for granted come from the living physical world of Mother Nature of which the Divided Emotional-Mind (The Ego) is globally (secretly) poisoning, everyday. Whenever you feed your Ego, you are feeding the Egos of others. That Ego lives off of the make-believe world of fantasy. That state of Ignorance is also causing the Crumbling Toxicity of your mind and the physical world around you as long as you remain apathetic about learning about your Ego.

I Obey MY FEAR Of:  Not Questioning My Programming 

This is a political agenda to down-size the population of Humanity so that it can cage us, track us and control us like programmed robots. It is becoming too difficult to monitor and control such a large population. Furthermore, the natural resources are being used up rapidly. Machines can take over much of the workload that Humans do. Therefore, there is no need for such a huge population. Ergo, the mass secret poisoning program is in operation. Plus, this poisoning project is disabling the brain so that it wont even care when it does find out that it is being poisoned. The natural, biological self-preservation response in the brain is being gradually disabled. This is why you can shout from the roof-tops that they and their children are being poisoned by vaccines and from the chem-trails and from GMO's and other subtle means of toxicity and most people treat it like a joke. 

Because, most people "believe" that their government is their protector and would never allow such a horrible thing to happen. Most people "believe" that being loyal to their system means that their devotion will be rewarded with governmental protection. By the time it becomes obvious that governments are just run by greedy opportunistic pirates, the damage will be so great and overwhelming that it will be too late to reverse the harm done. This is why it is so urgently important that people wake up and unplug from their ancient psychological programming. But, most people wont do it because "fear" is their master or God that determines their fate of being a victim. It isn't the government nor their masters that is controlling the outcome of this problem; it is YOU and how tied you are to YOUR Ego that tells you to turn your life over to the bullies of this world. In the end, it's really up to YOU!

Unborn Infants Are Breathing This Stuff
Look up in the sky. Those white streaks coming out of unmarked planes are full of nano-aluminum that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and cause irreversible brain damage. Those chem-trails are full of many different kinds of heavy metals, which also causes brain damage and poisons the soil and plant-life. Genetically engineered fake food is upsetting the balance of natural organism throughout the food-chain. It is an experiment that nobody knows what damage will result in Nature (nor does the Ego care to know). The world of make-believe does not give a damn about the damage it causes the real world, even though, it needs the real world to run its fantasy world on top of. The Ego has made vaccines that are doing things to permanently mutate the DNA of people. People are allowing this to happen to them by refusing to get in touch with their Emotional-Mind and understand it and be free from functioning as an Ego. The victims are enabling the aggressors to experiment on them. Before all hell breaks loose, there are always messengers who warn the world so as to give people a chance to wake up and function right. But if people ignore the warning and carry on business as usual, then history repeats itself. That history is the collapse of civilization. For the mind to think that it is superior, it is quite ignorant to repeatedly build and destroy what it builds. That is not intelligent at all, is it?

The Mind That Holistically Sees Is One With Nature
To live means you must communicate something. Either that communication will be deceptive or it will be what is really happening. Now people are threatened into living a lie. But I say, threats must be challenged. I have called the bluff of threats for my entire life. I am 59 years old. I am in touch with ALL OF MY FEELINGS AND THOUGHTS. Whenever someone threatens my life, I feel everything inside my emotional-mind. No one can stop me from doing that. I feel it all the way. It's like a surfer riding a gigantic wave all the way to the end. You can't control that wave. All you can do is ride it to the end. That is real freedom. You ride it out and see what happens. My words can only point, but it is you who are either going to ride the wave of your emotions without trying to control what you think or feel. If you try to control it, you will be forever a slave to this system of disorder that is operating like a virus. All a virus does is disrupt normal operations. The normal operations of Mother Nature are being disrupted by the mind that is living in a fantasy world called, “beliefs”. There is no believing on my part. I see the falseness and destruction of all emotional-beliefs. When you use a hypothesis for a material or physical calculation or experiment, that is the proper use of concepts. But when you use a concept to escape from feeling thoughts that you don't like, that is an abusive use of concepts, ideas or methods. Our mind has the ability to use its imagination. But we have been misguided about when it is appropriate to use images. Images has its right place in technology. But, it is out of order when it is used to hide from emotional disturbance. When one is emotionally disturbed that is when the mind is suppose to ride the wave of that disturbance and learn about its nature. By being 100% in touch with all of its emotions, the mind is being intelligent by being aware of itself. Awareness without control is the highest intelligence!  

Breath In Deeply 100% of Your Mind's Scent
Therefore, it matters not to me who takes what I have said seriously or not. I am like a flower that shares its fragrance with the world. You can pass the flower by and ignore its beauty and its sweet fragrance. Or, you can bother to pay attention to it. The flower is made to be a flower. I was created to find out the true nature of my mind, which is the mind of all of Mankind. There is only one Emotional-Mind that we all share. It is how we approach that One Mind. One either abuses it by dividing it against itself, or one studies the WHOLE thing. When one studies the WHOLE thing, one is connected to All of Life, including the Universe. A Whole Mind cannot be destroyed nor does it destroy others. Others destroy themselves when they try to destroy a Whole Mind. So if you want to be safe and you don't want to destroy the world, you will see the fallacy of “believing”. You will ride the Emotional-Wave by Observing Every Thought & Feeling without trying to improve what you are Observing & Feeling. You can't improve it because you are it. You are learning about what you are. When you learn you are free. You are Whole. You are no longer being a problem to yourself or to the world around you. You will be threatened by the broken mind to remain broken. But you can't be harmed so long as you keep learning about your mind. A learning mind is a light unto itself that does not depend on anyone to see itself. There is no need to depend anymore.

Smell The-Truth Within
By Detecting All That is False
While we need others for physical security, we don't need anybody to be in touch with our emotional-mind. And, then whatever you physically need will come to you, naturally. My message is for any mind out there that has wondered what your true purpose in life really is. The vast majority of you will dismiss this message as being craziness. But, there are a few of you who will test out what I am saying. Don't believe me. I don't want anyone to believe me. To believe is to be a blind ignorant fool. Investigate what I say. For instance, if I tell you that there is someone at your door. Don't believe what I tell you. Get up; go to the door, open it and look to see as a fact if there is someone at your door or not. Similarly, everything I've said, go check it out and see what is what. That is what it means to be intelligent. You go see what is what. But, belief is supposition and assumption. It means to take a thing to be true without any investigation. That is stupidity. I am saying, check out your emotional responses without suppressing any of them because it is a fact that you are ALL of your emotional responses. To push any of them away is to be in conflict with yourself. When your mind is in conflict it is divided. When a mind is divided it can be conquered by others. Then you handed your life over to the bullies in this world. But, if you study your WHOLE mind without rejecting any part, then you cannot be hijacked because you are not divided. Do you get it now?

A Mind That Ignores Itself Watches Others
The 3rd World War is taking place already. It is Psy-Ops – Psychological Warfare. Therefore, the only security is to study your Whole mind and be WHOLE! A WHOLE mind cannot be dominated. But a mind that is afraid of itself can be controlled by other minds. Did you know that the word “Govern-Ment” comes from the etymology of: “Govern” = Control and “Mental” = Mind. That is why the true motivation behind "National Security” is Mind-Control or "Perception Management". That is why all cruelty done against the public falls under the convenient excuse of “Classified Information”. And, all of the public officials' wrongdoings are also “Classified Information”. Government exists simply because people are emotionally-unintelligent. Intelligent beings do not need to be controlled. But, minds that are self-destructive attract aggressors to deceive, police and subdue them.

A Lie That You Want To Be True Is A
The last thing that any government in the world wants is for people to be Holistically Aware and Intelligent. Control only works on a mind that is fearful of looking at itself, holistically. The big deal about “Holistic” Self-Awareness is that nothing is excluded from being studied. Warriors know that the first law of war is that it must persuade or coerce its targets to divide themselves against themselves. The beginning of division is in your Emotional-Mind. This is the great secret of warfare. War is based on one thing ->> SELF-DECEPTION! Once a mind has lied to itself, it is easy to get it to believe any lie, especially when you do things to it to frighten it. A frightened mind is easy to control. But, the biggest fear that the mind has is seeing the ugly side of itself. If you can face your ugly parts of your mind, you are then free of fear. Once a mind is free of fear, it cannot be controlled by anyone.

The only reason why the horrible stories keep pouring in on the nightly news is because people are victims of hiding from themselves, emotionally. Out of that self-deceit people act crazy with each other. Belief is what fuels fear in the mind. The thing you all cling onto is the very thing that makes it possible for these tragedies to keep happening. Meanwhile, the government officials keep pretending like they are looking out for your well being. Nothing could be further from the truth. Their only job is... “To Protect and Serve Conflict”! That is it folks. Their “God” or “Master” is CONFLICT! “National Security” is CONFLICT! CONFLICT is FEAR which equals Mind-Control.

Seeing The Falseness of Obeying Beliefs
Brings Pristine Clarity of Mind

So if you want to step out of this make-believe world and live in the real world, you have to wake up and get in touch with ALL of your Emotions as they arise in your daily interactions. Learn about the nature of your mind. It will be painful but so is childbirth. Just because something is painful does not make it a bad thing. These are growing pains, which is natural. So what if you feel uncomfortable. Better to deal with a little discomfort than to annihilate the world. As it stands right now our species is heading for extinction. Only the ones who wake up will remain. A species that fails to function right must end – that is the Law of Nature. As I said, our time is running out based on the level of poisoning being done to this physical world. You can't keep poisoning the world indefinitely without it reaching a tipping point and maxing out. And, that will determine how much time we have left to wake up, psychologically. We have been sleep-walking for centuries (in our imaginary world of “believing”). Time is up – so it's time to Wake Up Now!

Time Is Running Out For Earth & Us!

The Real Revolution

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.