Pain Is A Reaction To Attachment
Free Flowing Holistic Energy
Born Out of Self-Communion
Can we Directly And Holistically Commune With Our Emotional-Selves?
If we fail to directly inquire into the nature of our mind, we shall be forever bound and doomed to being callous, vicious, greedy, brutal and corrupt (by being hypocritical or contradictory).
A psychologically-ignorant mind that is out of touch with itself and refuses to understand how it thinks and feels is a monster (that excuses, rationalizes and justifies whatever it does just so long as it pleases and gratifies its own emotional desire).
So if you care to learn about yourself and stop contributing to the destruction of the world, then let's probe into ourselves, together as equals -- nobody is the authority.
All that is important is that we find out for ourselves exactly what our mind is actually doing (without any judgment, condemnation, defense or desire to alter what we find out).
In "negatively" approaching our minds through finding out what is false , we then discover The Truth (not imagined by our emotional desire of what the truth should be).
We learn in the present moments through our pure direct observation of exactly what we are thinking and feeling; learning through watching is the only action.
Also, when we question ourselves, we are not asking our past background for an answer.
We are allowing the question itself to resinate in our being by merely feeling the question, not expecting to fill in the blank.
If you fill in the blank you will be deceiving yourself by giving yourself (false) answers that only serve to gratify your desire likes & dislikes. That's how our mind hides from itself and maintains psychological ignorance (which means "TO IGNORE" what we are emotionally doing).
The Art Of Listening
So let's begin inquiring and learning together...
What is ones "actual" relationship with another person?
Why does one fear losing somebody?
What is the agony of being emotionally attached to someone but they refuse to emotionally attach themselves to you?
What is this suffering and confusion of "broken hearted" affairs born out of the fear of being emotionally attached or detached?
What is the origin of psychological fear? We are conditioned/trained to "avoid facing fear."
Can one observe the fact, the actuality, the happening, which is taking place right now (whatever the fearful emotional reactions, the attachments, the thoughts and feelings are); can we face them, commune with them -- look at them as they arise?
Can we be in touch with how we think/feel without seeking a way out because it is unpleasant?
The problem is that the mind of Humanity never goes into deep self-investigation; we never find out for ourselves if it is possible to pay complete attention to our emotional responses in our daily interactions while going about our mundane affairs. Why can we simply look at what we think/feel from each present moment?
Just to PSYCHOLOGICALLY OBSERVE WHAT IS "ACTUALLY" TAKING PLACE (no matter what mental response may bloom)!
Is it possible to "commune" with or be in "holistic" contact with anything and everything that our emotional-mind thinks or feels, regardless if it is imaginary or actual?
Can each one of us find out if it is possible for our mind to simply study itself without any opposition or tampering with its self-observation or self-examination of its emotional responses? Can we ever stay with this inquiry?
Can we face the problem that we are emotionally attached to somebody? Why do I depend on someone to support and approve of whatever I feel or think?
Why do we cling to, hold onto some emotional experience, dogma, ritual, belief or some person?
Can we detect the actual implications and consequences of being psychological attached?
For example, one is identified with or attached to past emotional experiences from which one has had remembrances, and hanging onto experiences and memories -- never letting go.
Or, one clings to various ideals. All the clergymen, lawyers, politicians, songwriters, screenwriters, entertainers of all kinds or any organized group or gang leaders hold onto and also impose their ideals upon everyone. This is another form of psychological attachment or psychological identification.
And, our parents have imposed their ideals upon their children, as well as children start doing the same thing with each other, with their siblings or with their school mates.
And, fundamentally, in our relationships we are emotionally attached or identified with a person.
Without question, we have habitually conformed to various forms of beliefs and routines.
Now, can we stay with those facts that we are psychologically attached, and impartially watch it?
And, let the whole nature of emotional attachment/identification expose itself by allowing it to tell its story -- instead of you making declarations that you have to be attached or that you must not be attached, and so forth.
Is it possible for the "story of attachment" to reveal itself by simply paying attention to it?
When one says that, "I must not allow myself to be attached or that I have to be attached in order to live in this world or else I shall be blown away"; then that's my fear of getting in touch with my actual feelings, isn't it?
Therefore, I am blocking my emotional nature from presenting itself in order to be studied and understood through my self-examination.
A Different Way Of Life
The reason that we do not study our emotional thoughts and feelings and then let them naturally wither away and die is because we imagine that...
A.) I might be "Left out in the cold" -- LONELY.
B.) I might lose my social status of "respectability."
B.) I might lose my prestigious community or job position.
D.) I might lose my "friends" or a spouse.
E.) I might be emotionally black-listed by my relatives.
...And, from that loss, one feels emotionally wounded/hurt, as a result, I feel broken-hearted, jealous, anxious, depressed, hateful, irritable, etc. All of this are the implications and consequences of being emotionally attached (to a belief, symbol, doctrine or person).
Can I simply study my emotional responses by remaining with any emotional attachment that arises? And, stay in direct, full contact with every bit of whatever I'm emotionally thinking/feeling?
Let my emotional nature of attachment "tell its entire story" and thereby reveal its whole psychological nature to itself.
So is it possible to actually be fully and holistically aware of my emotional-self, without a single deviation away from that attention to listen to that story of attachment?
Why is it that we find it so difficult to remain with the observation of our emotional attachments (especially with those attachments that are disturbingly unpleasant, at times)?
The main challenge is: can I be free to listen to my "story of emotional attachment" rather than me telling my attachment "What It Should Be"?
Do you understand?
Can you do that? Otherwise, one is just being amused by verbiage.
So that the "emotional attachment," itself, can reveal and expose its entire nature exactly as it is, and not necessarily the way "I would like it to be."
It is like watching a blooming flower when you watch it very, very closely and carefully; you see every single detail of the WHOLE thing.
It is possible to watch this intensity of "emotional attachment" bloom? Can I follow its every expressive movement while it unfolds its full fragrance and take it all in, completely?
Would you like to explore all of this?
You can go on the Internet and watch the time lapse of all the blooming stages of a flower. I challenge you to go "actually watch" the flower starting from the budding state of being; then watch as it slowly blossoms all the way until its pedals falls off and then the flower withers away and eventually dies.
In the same way, perhaps we could watch this same sense of emotional attachment. Let it flower, without your thought (as the censor) telling it "What It Should Do."
So when I am emotionally attached or dependent on a person for their approval of whatever I say or do, can I be fully aware of the fact that "I am in that emotional state of being attached to that person"?
How do I know that I am "emotionally holding onto" another person -- seeking emotional comfort from that person?
And, how do I know or detect that another person is demanding that I give emotional comfort so that we are dependent on each other to fulfill in that emotional demand or desire?
Do I discover that I am attached through the emotional pain and distress of jealousy, anxiety and frustration with the other person? Then, I realize that I am attached. Right?
I realize that I am emotionally dependent on another person whenever I don't get comforted, I become disturbed and aroused to a point of seeking some form of retaliation.
And, others do the same toward me whenever I fail to fulfill their emotional demands from me.
Let's take, for instance, the personal relationship between man and women...
The woman seeks the emotional approval of whatever she thinks, feels, says and does. Likewise, the man seeks the same emotional comfort from her. Whenever either party fails to get emotional fulfillment from the other, do they not begin to argue and fight each other?
So for instance...
You tell me, as a friend, that if you get involved with emotional attachment, you are going to pay for it. Let's say... I don't pay much attention to your kind warning. Because, "I like being emotionally attached"; "I like this feeling that somebody "owns me" and that "I own somebody." It makes the "Me" (the "Ego") feel important, psychologically.
One is addicted to the idea of emotionally possessing another person, and also being possessed by another person, as well. This gives one a sense of "emotional gratification."
How do I know the "actual fact or reality" that I am "emotionally attached"?
I don't know... until something devastating happens in that relationship.
I only realize that I am attached or someone is emotionally attached to me when some kind of painfully dramatic happening suddenly erupts in that relationship, which causes a deadly physical damage or destruction, as a result.
Is it possible to instantly observe and be in full contact with my "actual" painful reaction that comes out of being emotionally attached and dependent on another person?
And, can I also instantly observe this WHOLE painful emotional reaction that the other person has when I fail to emotionally gratify him or her with comforting false statements?
And, in my instant-observation end my emotional attachment, now!
Must I go through years and years of traumatic suffering to be free of emotional attachment, and finally, at last, give it up?
So can you or I watch our pain that arises out of the failure to be emotionally gratified?
Listening Is A Great Miracle
Can you or I watch our physical security get trashed as a result of fulfilling another person's emotional demand to be emotionally gratified?
Is it possible to watch my whole emotional response toward attachment or dependency?
Is it possible to instantly see or detect the entire nature of emotional attachment with all of its implications? =>> And, be instantly finished with attachment, altogether.
If you and I can do that, we can avert the inevitable suffering that goes with being attached, provided we can fully understand the implications or consequences of being attached to someone or someone being attached to me.
So the main question to explore is whether or not I/you can watch/detect when emotional attachment presents itself in our daily relationships?
This challenge is in the here and now...
Is it possible to watch your emotional cravings in each present moment of your life? Just like breathing each moment of your life -- can you be alert to the emotional happenings as you respond to people inviting you to psychologically gratify, depend and be attached to them?
Can you sense the inherent danger in fulfilling or seeking emotional fulfillment?
Can you learn about yourself instantly?
There are two kinds of learning...
There the type of learning that is the result of accumulating some information and then acting according to that knowledge that has been stored up in your memory.
So what we generally do is wait for the disastrous consequences to take place and then try to learn from that tragic outcome. But we never do. We continue to seek attachment and allow ourselves to be attached to others, which begets yet another catastrophe.
Or there is a complete different kind of learning where...
Learning through the instantaneous listening and observation to whatever is occurring in each present moment.
This type of instant-learning through holistic self-vigilance is non-accumulative -- it is the constant purging and regeneration of the mind by viewing ones conditioning toward being emotionally attached.
This learning brings about "fresh-new" perceptions which naturally breaks the continuity of attachment.
This type of learning has no "choice" or "willpower." The thing that breaks the attachment is in the very communion or observation with your state of being attached.
Once you are fully aware of the problem of attachment, the problem of attachment is purged through that very awareness, itself.
Do you get it?
[*Note: You can't just verbally get it. You must do it yourself in order to "actually" get it.]
Let's explore attachment/gratification further...
Suppose I am attached to my emotional wound or hurt.
I like that wound; I psychologically hold onto it.
It gives me an anchor around which I can worry and quarrel.
I like to indulge in carrying on my self-deceptive game that I play with myself.
Can I watch that wound, which I received from childhood, and allow the whole thing bloom?
(Without my forcing it to bloom: denying it, controlling it, loving it and holding on to it.)
Simply let that thing blossom and see what takes place.
Simply let that thing blossom and see what takes place.
Notice your conditioned reaction is so quick to jump to a conclusion and assume that it will be too painful to do it.
so you've just blocked yourself from allowing the "nature of attachment" to tell its story
(When you tell yourself that looking at your emotional responses "will be painful").
Your mind has conjured up a belief or speculation (an abstraction) about "what might happen" if I observe emotional attachment. Then it treats that concept like a reality.
There's a sense of apprehension which prevents me/you from actually looking or being in touch with the fact.
We have been indoctrinated to "not be concerned" about watching and learning about our own emotional nature, which brings about a feeling of apprehension toward examining ourselves.
You are satisfied with the state you are in and you don't want to find out if it is disorderly and destructive.
"For God's sake, please don't disturb me"!
(The ignorant mind says.)
"I'm attached; I'm wounded; I'm hurt -- don't disturb that. Let it remain there because I have become comfortably numb with it."
And, it makes me feel a sense of egotistical "importance," which makes me think that I am psychologically safe. So I remain in there crystallized and enclosed in my delusion -- just like a drug addict feels safe in their hallucinations.
So the ignorant mind insists that you not disturb his emotional, habitual state of existence.
Is that what is happening with you?
It doesn't have to only be attachment; it can be whatever you are feeling (i.e., anger, envy, hate, etc.) -- can you just watch it blossom and die just like a storm passing by?
You don't, first, find out if your mind can quietly remain with its observation of the fact of any state of being you are currently in.
What Is The Point Of Education?
Can you do that -- remain with the fact of my craving emotional gratification through attachment or possessiveness?
The thing we call "fear" may naturally dissolve, through its own flowering (which is when it has been allowed to tell its story), and we remain with listening to it.
Suppose I am angry.
At the second that anger appears, there is no emotional identification with it.
A few seconds later, the whole business of emotional identification begins:
"I should not feel that way; I must get rid of it; I don't like it," or vice versa.
There is the desire to change, dominate, control, improve whatever I initially felt.
So instead of suppressing anger, which only intensifies that feeling, pay close attention to it.
In watching anger, it expands to its full length, then it comes to an end -- like the ending of a story.
But in watching anger, without any movement away from watching it, allow that feeling to fully bloom to reveal itself in all its glory, and then it naturally withers away. Just like a dead leaf naturally falls to the ground, without plucking that leaf.
When most people inquire into all of this they try to avoid being in contact with what is happening in themselves by asking for endless explanations.
Such seeking answers through explanation is wastage of energy crippling your ability to look and be in touch with your emotional attachment. So you remain trapped in attachment.
If a person is having difficulty with all this it simply because the mind does not wish to learn.
In other words, what makes this hard to understand is that the mind is not eager to find out about itself.
So the mind pretends to be interested in learning about itself by playing intellectual or verbal games of seeking endless explanations about this inquiry as a scheme of postponement of studying oneself through watching what it is feeling.
We are learning about ourselves when we tell each other what we think or believe is going on. So we are attached to what we assume to be true (that is what a belief is).
Therefore, our minds have been programmed to be emotionally attached to whatever we want to be true, and then treat that like it is a fact just because we wish it to be so. Here there is no learning at all.
A person that is serious about understanding their mind will say...
"Yes, I am feeling envious, inferior (or whatever feeling is currently aroused).
I let my emotion come forth and show the naked truth about my feeling and then dies. So I'm in a constant state of self-learning to understand the content of my mind (through simply watching whatever I feel at any given moment of my life).
The psychological "Circle of Life" is completed.
My emotions are stimulated and born through what people say to me and do around me.
I do nothing to block my emotions from coming to full bloom by simply listening and observing them until they have nothing left to reveal. Then I let them go/die.
So there is the natural birth/death of ALL my emotional thoughts/feelings when I only watch them without acting upon them (shaping them, molding them, suppressing or imposing my will to change them in any way at all).
So is it possible to holistically penetrate and commune with all layers of my mind (both consciously & subconsciously) so that I may be TOTALLY AWARE OF MY MIND and not be in conflict at all?
Can I find out for myself if ALL my anxieties, sorrow, pain, my emotional wounds, my attachments, my hopes, my fears, my desires, my loneliness, my WHOLE content of my mind be instantly purged and rejuvenated in one single watchful swoop?
So I ask myself...
Can I completely learn about myself (which is a very subtle, complex thing) right now, not over a long stretch of time?
Is it possible to actually be in touch with whatever I think and feel from moment to moment for the rest of my life?
Do you ask yourself, "Do I really want to have an insight into the WHOLE nature and movement of my emotional responses so that I can learn about myself?"
[*Note: This takes intense honesty to be able to do that.]
Now who is going to teach you to learn about yourself?
The author of this message?
You cannot learn about the entirety of yourself from anybody.
You can only truly learn by directly watching yourself.
Be careful of depending on another person to know yourself.
Why do we depend on another person to know ourselves?
Is that we are lazy? Is it a habit to emotionally seek guidance from someone else?
Is it traditional to depend on other to tell us what we are?
Have we been programmed and conditioned to seek a psychological authority to accept what we're to think and feel about ourselves and about others?
Or, are we afraid to stand completely alone and be nothing, not having any emotional identification at all?
So generally speaking, nobody really wants to holistically learn about themselves.
One might ask, "Is it my deep committed, irrevocable interest to know myself?"
Are you so completely committed?
What do I have to learn about myself?
Because my "self" is nothing, in reality.
[The meaning of the word "nothing" is "Not a thing".]
I have embellished this "nothing" with emotional words and hide behind a technical profession of some kind.
Mental experts have imposed tons of labels on this "nothing" and caused even greater despair, terror and confusion just so they can drug us once we can no longer stand to be in our own skin.
And we have gotten entangled in all these emotional words ourselves and each other.
We are drowning in a sea of emotional verbiage and are lost, not knowing what to do about all this babbling noise we are faced with everywhere we go.
So what have I to learn about myself? That I'm crooked; that I don't think straight; that I'm vain, arrogant, proud.
What does it all mean?
W-O-R-D-S !
M-E-M-O-R-I-E-S !
I-D-E-A-S !
Have emotional ideas have any content, except for what thought gives to it?
My entire content of my entire existence is put together by thought (words, memories, ideas).
Therefore, I am a whole structure made by MEMORY (past delights, past hurts, past insults past glorifications, etc.)
Living on emotional-memory (attachment or identification) is totally unreal!
[i.e., emotionally identification with the concept of being an American, a British or any emotional attachment to a tribal group or gang or sect or race or organized religion is purely superstition and unreal, because it was all fabricated by emotional memory.
All of these emotional concepts come from the "desire" to be more than what you are.
So we emotionally identify with our family, our community, a secret clan, a religion, a country -- the list goes on.
This "nothing" constantly seeks to magnify its sense of self-importance which is why it demands emotional comforting from others or else it will become hostile or shun you.
Thought has created the illusion that "I AM SOMETHING"; "I AM GREAT"; I AM SUPERIOR! This is only a figment of ones imagination.
After making up things about ourselves we go to mental experts to talk about ourselves in order to make ourselves feel even more important. This is where we pretend like we are learning about ourselves when we are just really praising ourselves, secretly.
When you look at your mind being attached to another, your conditioned self-defense against being aware of itself seeks to make an abstraction out of this investigation by...
...Taking a simple fact and turning into a concept or ideal to be achieved.
Facts are the actual feelings arising at any given moment to be observed. You are ALL of your feelings. So, there is nothing to achieve. Either I detect what I am feeling or I don't.
When you detect or are aware of a happening, then your mind sees the fact of the situation quite clearly and is finished with it. There is no residue of feeling like something more has to be done.
You see a dangerous cliff and instantly you clearly understand to back away.When you detect or are aware of a happening, then your mind sees the fact of the situation quite clearly and is finished with it. There is no residue of feeling like something more has to be done.
What Is Communication With Others?
Similarly when you see the tragic outcome of how the world is in a state of erosion and decay due to this network or web of Human consciousness seeking emotional gratification that leads to bickering and ultimately physical brutality you steer clear of it whenever people invite you to join in the messy business.
You stay out of it, not because you "choose" to; you leave it alone because you can SEE the dangerous implications of fulfilling the psychological desire to be possessed and possessing others.
You understand that due to these emotional demands, we have war, which pollutes our planet, atmosphere, health.
By seeking psychological comfort/security, we deprive ourselves of physical security (our brain/body is placed in constant jeopardy).
So where there is psychological fulfillment, there is threat of utter annihilation.
When governments speak of classified secrets in the so-called name of National Security -- that security is really PSYCHOLOGICAL/EMOTIONAL SECURITY, of which each person is plugged into just by seeking emotional gratification in their own lives.
It is this emotional craving for fulfillment that is at the root of violence in the world. All the weapons of mass destruction were built to give people an emotional idea of safety.
But the fact is that these weapons are making us and our planet ill. They are mutating and deforming our biological structure (our DNA).
This is some of the implications and consequences of feeding the psychological beast of attachment.
We are not just attached to people, emotionally. We are also attached to our beliefs, dogmas and the image we have built about ourselves.
Whenever you have certain thoughts and feelings that mainstream authorities claim you should not have, you seek the opposite ideal in which to hold onto, don't you?
You do that so that you can feel emotionally safe and comforted.
But others are doing the same thing. But they are convinced that your beliefs are a threat to their beliefs.
They're told that the only way to fulfill their ideals is that they must destroy any and all outsiders to how they think -- that is a declaration of war, isn't it?
So it is clear that the quest for emotional safety/comfort begets physical insecurity. This is why we have some groups of people who have very little while other groups have a lot.
Because war gives people permission to murder and steal from their victims.
Victims give permission to be conquered because they destroyed their own immunity to war by indulging in emotional attachment, which sends a signal out to the world that you are out of touch with themselves -- so you are fair game to slaughter.
The problem that Humanity faces is an internal or mental dilemma.
The contents of the seed determines its appearance and behavior.
The seed of all that we view in the external world that has been brought about by Humans is because of his psychological unawareness with regard to emotional attachment.
So long as people fail to get in touch with and learn about the toxic nature of attachment, they will keep on ignorantly seeking physical well being through emotional attachment or gratification, which in turn breeds war after war, which increases destruction.
It all begins with ignoring ourselves through opinions, believing, assuming, speculation, supposition -- just making up whatever makes us emotionally feel good and ignoring the consequences.
So if you don't want to contribute to destroying yourself and the world around you, you will be interested in understanding through directly watching the entire attachment process unfold or arise in your mind, and learn through watching, alone.
So what does this all mean???
We have to be free to reject EVERYTHING that THOUGHT HAS PSYCHOLOGICALLY MADE UP about itself.
The question is, "Do you want to learn the art of learning?"
Are you willing to give your whole life to find out the true art of learning?
Or, do you only want to partially learn and partially commit your life to learning?
Is that what you are doing -- viewing this message as some form of intellectual amusement?
So can you stay with the fact, which is what is actually happening, psychologically?
Can you/I "stay with the observation" of falsehoods, illusions projected by whatever I/you want to believe (which is an assumption of what is going on) -- either coming from myself or from others?
Is it possible to invest ALL of your mental energy to stay with the fact that I/you are caught in some belief, ideal or opinion?
So if you want to go very deeply into this matter, and it is very important that we penetrate very deeply, then we need to understand what it means for our mind to "commune" with what is happening in the "self."
In a state of emotional or psychological communion, every reaction is allowed to flower and then melt away.
When I look at a man or woman, I see how I want to possess that person. I want to dominate them by telling them feel the way I do about this, that and the other. I watch this about myself and I am learning about the falsehoods of myself.
I also discover all the miserable consequences that my illusions are causing in my relationships. I just watch it.
And in that watchful state, do you see how my possessive cravings expand, intensify and then dies like a sun that has come to the end of its natural cycle then super novas and dies out?
So when I remain with the fact of possessiveness (anger, jealousy, frustration, etc.), I begin to see how quickly that emotion comes to fruition and peters out?
So there is no conflict, no opposition against what I am, no dualistic state of mind, no contradiction in myself, because there is no contradiction or opposition when one is in a neutral state of self-watching/learning.
Do you see how your mind fights with itself...
When it is emotionally attached to someone that no longer gives us the emotional pleasure that we crave from them, we struggle to detach from them.
Or when we want a person who doesn't want us, we struggle to make them accept emotional attachment to us.
There is always the struggle between these two opposite states, as long as I do not just watch and learn and allow attachment to bloom and die.
I have found out that attachment and detachment are polarized two halves of the same coin.
The desire to attach is to escape (detach) from emotional pain therefore all attachments are rooted in its own opposite (of detachment); they are co-dependent.
So if I remain with that fact of attachment see how quickly withers.
How do you watch your thoughts/feelings?
How do you attend to the noise of your emotional reactions?
How do you feel the intensity of your reactions?
How do you listen to the story of your responses to the challenges in your relationships?
Is it easy to watch what is happening inside of yourself?
Look and find out, now. That is the only way to answer these questions, non-verbally.
They must be answered by doing (which is communing with the actuality of what you think and feel emotionally).
Is it possible to pay full attention to painful emotions that get stirred up whenever you are insulted by someone?
Is it possible to commune with the painful feelings of envy that were caused by your parents comparing you with your brother or sister which hurt your feelings? Can you remain with the fact of that hurt and let it tell its story and then allow it to drop away?
When we get older, we have developed clever, cunning techniques to hide our emotional misery and cover it up with pleasurable distractions.
So when asked about your childhood emotional wounds you might assume that you have gotten over them because you don't sense their presence anymore.
But they're deeply locked away in your subconscious. When we are cruel to someone in the world, that is coming from the cruelty that was imposed upon us as a youngster.
If one was free from ones past psychological hurt, we would not be able to hurt others, even if they are being unkind.
So from childhood most of us carries emotional scars, but we are unaware of them. Why doesn't one see or sense that pain?
I may feel that hurt and then not know what to do with it. But that wound remains there no matter what we do to try to push it away, ignore it or try to dispose of it.
That wound is not detachable. That wound is you.
After all, what other option is there besides staying with the observation of your hurt?
How can you run away from yourself? You can't do that without committing suicide.
So all that remains is that you have no choice but to look at yourself, which is studying, monitoring ALL of your emotional reactions as they arise in your daily life.
This emotional hurt exists throughout most of Humanity.
The only people that are free of emotional pain are the very, very few who have discovered the necessity of staying with emotional pain and riding it out like a surfer riding a powerful, deadly wave until that wave is no more.
But for the vast majority of Mankind, they are drowning everyday struggling against their tidal wave of emotional wounds. They are going against the wave and getting wiped out!
Some people take the masochistic approach of worshiping and adoring their hurt. Others have suppressed and denied their hurt and lie that it is no longer there.
But a person who is free of psychological pain is also free of conflict/violence. You do not hurt others.
The main reason why we seek emotional comfort through attachment is because we are trying to hide from our emotional wounds.
When you assist another person to ignore their hurt, you are helping that person to remain hurt.
So it is not kind to emotionally gratify people. It is the furthering of conflict. You are enabling a person to be in opposition to themselves and to remain unaware of them state of being which destroys their physical well being. So you are helping them to remain in a hurt mentality.
So that hurt invents the opposite called pleasure and we term that as being "love" disguising hurt. That is why people who "believe" they love each other later on down the road wind up tormenting each other.
They came together to help each other ignore their mental childhood wounds. That wound festers and poisons their relationships to rot and decay.
Is it possible to free the mind from being hurt?
No person can save you from your hurt.
Each person is responsible for listening to that hurt blossom and then it will naturally die.
But the more you avoid being in touch with psychological hurt, then that pain rots and causes your mind to go crazy.
So it is common ground that the Human mind has been hurt through comparison, through competition, through inequality, through being ignored, etc.
Is it possible for each one of us to commune with our pain; allow it to tell its WHOLE story to the very end, then the hurt is finished.
I have been hurt as a child. That has become a part of my past emotional experience. That is reality.
Reality is anything put together by thought (by memory) even if it is illusory. Deception is a reality. A lie is a reality. It is a reality that people do pretend to be something that they are not.
Now even though you may be an adult and the emotional pain happen long ago, your mind carries the residue of that hurt.
If you have been in an abusive relationship with someone and it ended many years ago, you may still carry that wound, because you never holistically communed with that hurt and let it expand to its full length and then let it die.
People accumulate hurt through insults and compliments either at home, at work and in social activities. This hurt increases because of suppressing it by escaping into pleasurable emotional attachments.
But by giving the wound freedom to open itself up so that it can freely express its story then it can finally Rest-In-Peace, because it has been clearly understood through purely perceiving its full message.
So for there to be peace on Earth so that we may live benevolently, this communion with our emotional pain must be honestly faced, right?
Thank you.
Surely any form of accumulation, either of knowledge or experience, any form of ideal, any projection of the mind, any determined practice to shape the mind - what it should be and should not be - all this is obviously crippling the process of investigation and discovery.
So I think our inquiry must be not for the solution of our immediate problems but rather to find out whether the mind, the conscious as well as the deep unconscious mind in which is stored all the tradition, the memories, the inheritance of racial knowledge,whether all of it can be put aside. I think it can be done only if the mind is capable of being aware without any sense of demand, without any pressure,just to be aware. I think it is one of the most difficult things to be so aware because we are caught in the immediate problem and in its immediate solution, and so our lives are very superficial. Though one may go to all the analysts, read all the books, acquire much knowledge, attend churches, pray, mediate, practice various disciplines; nevertheless, our lives are obviously very superficial because we do not know how to penetrate deeply. I think the understanding, the way of penetration, how to go very, very deeply, lies through awareness, just to be aware of our thoughts and feelings, without condemnation, without comparison, just to observe. You will see, if you will experiment, how extraordinarily difficult it is, because our whole training is to condemn, to approve, to compare.
~J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life