The comment given by the one who uploaded this video is exploiting and twisting the meaning of "listening". The Venus Project claims that if people had all their physical needs provided that they would not be violent. People are violent because they psychologically lack direct contact with their total emotional nature and falsely think that they can change themselves through their wishful imaginations. So even if you gave people everything, materialistically, they would still attack one another. Look at the wealthy. They fight among themselves for more power and control. They are just as ignorant about their emotional nature as the rest of Humanity. They have all the material things. Yet they are at war (check out the celebrities). So the Venus Project is just a rehash of communism. The inventors of communism also believed that if you change the environmental circumstances then people would be content. They failed to stop conflict in their society. The Venus Project thinks that by having high tech gadgets that their so-called utopia will be best for everybody. But what if you don't want to be trapped in their high-tech prison? They want to rob the Earth of all its resources so that everyone will be forced to exist in their delusional bubble. The person who uploaded this video clearly does not understand the message that J. Krishnamurti is saying. This person is using this video as propaganda to bring about another form of psychological slavery. I have checked out the Venus Project's philosophy. They think that you can bypass the emotional side of Humanity's nature and just feed the physical. Sorry but we are not designed like that. Unless we LISTEN to our emotional responses without trying to control, improve or change it, but merely LISTEN, then we will still be caught in conflict. You can't fix the emotional with the external physical things or drugs. You must understand how your mind creates conflict by escaping into ideals of "love" or "goodness" in order for the contradiction in our minds to naturally end from that very clear state of self-awareness. There is no other substitute. The Venus Project wants to put Humanity into a beautiful cage and then when we freak out, they will experiment on us and then get rid of our biological brain and replace it with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and make us into robots so that we can be programmed to operate mechanically. If you want to remain a Human Being then you better LEARN about your emotional side of your nature through examining your responses throughout your daily challenges of living. So put aside your opinions (which were handed down through tradition) and LISTEN with your whole being. Also be aware of your conditioned reactions based on your "like" & "dislike" toward the message. LISTEN & LEARN through that LISTENING.
am just “the messenger/examiner”. I am not any kind of leader,
authority or savior. The intent of this writing is to share factual,
non-personal, unbiased objective observations with regard to the
emotional part of our Human Being. As a species, we are
disintegrating and tearing apart our physical world due to a lack of
clear, holistic self-awareness. It is, therefore, an intrinsic
responsibility to the well-being of our world to alert our species to
the error of their ways. This message will only be effective if you
really care very deeply. This message is not meant as a verbal,
intellectual concept to be debated (agreed with nor disagreed with).
So use these observations to study your conditioned emotional
reactions so that you can understand yourself at the root/core of
your emotional being. It is the unbiased, neutral self-awareness
that is the Energy of Order that is the only thing that can
radically transform your emotional being (so that it can function in
a NEW Enlightened, Benevolent way). So I caution the reader to beware
of your defensive, offensive outrage against these
observations, if it is your true intention to learn The Truth
about your emotional being. The Truth does not belong to any
person, exclusively and cannot be exploited for personal power. The
Truth can't be directly pursued nor captured. It can only be
arrived at through the Neutral-self-study of your emotional reactions from
each present moment-to-moment. Nobody can free your mind from
confusion, not even me. It is solely up to you to see your mind as
it actually is, not the way you wish it would be. Failure to do
so means that your energy is contributing to the world chaos,
destructive activities which is generating terror for yourself and
for the world. This is a fact, not my personal opinion, theory or
belief. So be fore-warned that I am not your teacher and I am not
your superior. I am merely like a mirror that is reflecting factually
what your core emotional nature is doing due to a lack of holistic
self-awareness. That being said, let us begin our journey of
learning/examining together the whole content of our emotional being.
Remember that when two or more people examine facts, and only the facts,
there is a harmonious communion. But, when personal desire,
opinion or beliefs enter the examination, then there is a mental
disconnection and hostility and malevolence
shatters, distorts and destroys self-learning/awareness. And, then you and I have no relationship. So now it is entirely up
to you how you will receive these factual observations.
So let
us begin...
is the root meaning of “education”? Isn't it learning how to
factually discern and distinguish the proper and improper way things work so that we can survive in an orderly manner?
a young child, we are given guidance about how to care for our bodies
(i.e., brush your teeth, bathe yourself, brush your hair, eat
nutritious food, don't eat dirty food found on the floor, etc., etc.,
etc.). We learned to distinguish things that can harm us and things
that can help us to physically survive. However, that is only “one
side” of our being. The Human has two distinct areas of his being.
Unlike animals, we have an emotional psyche which is called "imagination".
The animal is run strictly by its biological brain. This is why
animals do not suffer from mental illness nor does it ever
deliberately harm itself.
Animals, insects and plants do nothing but to bring balance to their
physical existence. When the animal feels hungry, it must restore
balance by finding nourishment. Everything outside of Humanity is
driven to obtain and maintain order, balance. If anything in nature
is diseased to a point of malfunctioning it or its species becomes
extinct. The Law of Nature and The Universe is to be in a state of
balance so that no species can dominate. Therefore, The Universe
and our Planet (with all its creatures) are a synergistic movement of
Teachers are tricksters because they are the result of being tricked by those who molded their minds. They are simply passing on their programming. They are doing this because they are fearful of what will happen if they fail to comply with the status quo. This broken social structure is replicating itself through the minds of those who are too afraid to question and learn The Truth. The “social system” appears to be too massive to change it. Any mason knows that a big wall can fall apart if you remove the KEY-STONE of that massive wall. Our teachers have tricked us in to thinking that we must accept this “social system” (which is founded in emotional fear). They tell us to take tests and to fill our minds with lots of technical information. They also encourage us to obey whatever the mental experts or spiritual authorities tell us what to think.
Teachers never tell us that learning a technical skill is all that we need to be able to earn a living. The secret is that we must be ruthless and violent and compete against our competitors by making up nasty emotional images (of gossip). This is called "order". The main way that people steal their livelihood is through psychological warfare. That warfare is based on fabricating emotional lies. The cunning will pretend to be your friend by stroking your ego and telling you whatever you want to hear. Meanwhile behind that co-worker's back you are whispering negative things about that person to the boss. Then when the co-worker gets fired, the one who set him or her up to get fired pretends to the fired person that they are so sorry that they lost their job. And, they pretend to condemn the boss for firing him or her. In the mean time, the trickster is elated that he or she gets to take over that person's job and get paid more money. People are rewarded for being cunning, sly covert emotional warriors. It is that process “the system” that is imposing this destructive activity everyday. Since this way of earning a livelihood is so prevalent, it appears on the surface that there is no other way to live. But, there is!
Are Tricksters
Why Are You Being Educated?
Teachers are tricksters because they are the result of being tricked by those who molded their minds. They are simply passing on their programming. They are doing this because they are fearful of what will happen if they fail to comply with the status quo. This broken social structure is replicating itself through the minds of those who are too afraid to question and learn The Truth. The “social system” appears to be too massive to change it. Any mason knows that a big wall can fall apart if you remove the KEY-STONE of that massive wall. Our teachers have tricked us in to thinking that we must accept this “social system” (which is founded in emotional fear). They tell us to take tests and to fill our minds with lots of technical information. They also encourage us to obey whatever the mental experts or spiritual authorities tell us what to think.
are shaping and molding the young minds to destroy their youthful
freshness by filling it with the past emotional traditions while they
administer the technical knowledge to the students. On the
right-hand, they shovel mechanical knowledge into our minds, while on
the left-hand, they tell us to obey emotional ideals (i.e.: attach
oneself emotionally to the ideal of patriotism, racial cultural
separatism, choose a political allegiance, community pride that
competes to better than others, respect the ego of authorities of all
kinds, etc.). The trick is to imply that since the technical
information I am giving you is a fact, then everything outside of
technical information that I give you is equally factual. And, that
is the lie, hoax or trick.
children are being tricked into carrying on a self-destructive way of
existence that in direct opposition to The Atomic Law of Energy/Life.
Students are taught to be Disorderly but told that it is “order”.
So the students are being tricked into thinking that their daily
tasks are “good”. They have been tricked into thinking that
conflict is goodness, conflict is orderly and conflict
is the only way to survive. So you have to make sure that you
sacrifice others so that you can gain through conflict.
teachers reject any questions from students that inquire about
anything that is not supporting the status quo of conditioning. If a
child insists on questioning the validity of “the system”, the
teacher reports the child to a mental-expert (a psychologist,
therapist, etc.) to be “emotional labeled” as have some kind of
mental disorder. Then the mental-expert tells the government to force
the parents to drug their child in order to chemical alter the
child's brain so that the child will lose his or her enthusiasm to
question. The urge to question is the Neutral Ground learning about
its nature so that the mind can operate healthily with clarity. The
emotional authorities are on the lookout to quash the natural
intelligence of any young mind so that “the system” can maintain
its dominance in the world.
of punishment or emotional humiliation is the weapon used against the
young mind that has a natural curiosity to deeply understand what it
is. The teacher is paid to assure “the system” that the next
generation of minds will be the guardians of Disorder (masquerading
as being “order”). The ego doesn't care if its quest brings
total and utter annihilation in the end. It is a junky that wants to
keep emotionally hallucinating at any cost to our physical well
being. This is why there has been historical events of genocide,
because children were programmed to grow up and destroy anyone who
does believe what they believe to be true and valuable. Teachers all
over the world are the tricksters who are responsible for the way
that people violently fight for their livelihood.
don't simply go to work and perform a technical, mechanical skill and
that is it. No. Woven into the mechanical or technical tasks is an
emotional reciprocation of gratification. There is a continuous
emotional identification process happening while the technical tasks
are being performed. It is the emotional warfare that is underlying
every single job. People are projecting their emotional opinions,
ideals or beliefs to their co-workers. People get fired or get
promoted, not based on their physical skills, but on their
ego-stroking toward their boss. And, emotionally persuading the boss
to believe that a worker is “bad” will cause the boss to fire
that person. Then the one who convinced the boss to fire him or her
gets promoted into the fired person's position.
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Being Out of Touch Is Disorder (Evil) |
the reason why most people refuse to break free of this primitive way
of existence is because of their emotional fear of no longer having
the power to dominate others. They think that they have no worth
unless they seek the power of domination, which is conflict. They
also fear no longer emotionally being a part of a particular social
group that makes them feel important or superior to others. In other
words, the reason why most people dedicate their lives to conflict is
that they are a blind slave to their own ego (the broken, divided
mind that is running away from being in full contact with all of its
emotional self). External authorities can only dominate people
through the egos that the people are devoted to serve.
the true meaning of “National Security” or the police car slogan, “To
Protect and To Serve” means to defend the ignorant mind of the ego.
It is ignorant because it ignores a part of its nature and so it is
out of touch with its whole nature. Ergo, it is ignorant about its
own nature. Egos believe, fantasize that serving their
ego is natural, sane and necessary. That is absolutely false. So the
ego serves all that is false and illusory through emotionalism, which
rejects facts or shape them for their egotistical pursuits of
domination and control.
teachers have tricked the young minds into destroying their ability
to be in touch with themselves. They are taught to be in partial
contact. But, partial contact means ignorance about the rest of
itself. It is the hidden part that sabotages and opposes whatever the
conscious, superficial mind builds up. Each child is unknowingly
splitting their minds into and then the two halves clash against each
other. Then when they grow up they turn around and to do their
children what was done to them. And, the cycle continues until people
have a massive atrocity take place. After the smoke clears the game
is rebooted or reset the begin the false education and build up to
another holocaust. And, each time this cycle is repeated the planet
and our atmosphere is steadily being damaged beyond repair. This mad
repeating cycle of destruction is incapable of being aware of the
long-term consequences. The emotional mind does not wish to know
because it does not want to change. It is locked into repeating the
process of conflict until it can't do it anymore. But, it refuses to
awaken and intelligently learn to function differently.
A Mind In Conflict Makes Manipulates Nature Into Being In Conflict Like Itself
better understand Life, we must understand it factually. All physical
matter is atomic. That means that everything is made out of atoms. So
on the elementary level, Life is an atom. So what comprises an atom,
basically? The atom contains equal amounts of opposite forms of
energy. Human Beings have called these opposite forms of energy,
“electrons” and “protons”. The “proton” has a “positive”
charge of energy. The “electron” has a “negative” charge of
energy. They are balanced by the Neutron. The Neutron does not have any charge, it is neutral. Therefore, “equal amounts”
of opposite forms of energy is Grounded In Neutrality (i.e., the Neutron).
is this awareness about the atom extremely important to understand?
is important because the way that the atom functions is the basis for
all Creation and Life, itself. Without atoms, Life does not exist.
Without atoms, Humanity does not exist, either. Our entire being is
also, made out of atoms, including our mind (along with its content
of emotions), which I will prove, if you care to find out the facts.
are facts. Without them, nothing would exist.
I go any further, I caution the reader to beware of your emotional
imagination, which feels like it can make-up whatever it desires
reality to be. The Human Mind tries to play “God” by imposing
whatever it desires Life to be so that it can feel like it is in
charge of Life. Let me inform you that the Human Mind is NOT in
charge of Life/Energy/Atoms.
Back to the factual journey...
are facts. The most important fact about the atom is that it is the
fabric of The Universe. So the way it functions is Universal Law of
Existence, itself. If Humans lived according to this “Law”, then they would
live in harmony and order. But as it stands, Humanity is going against the
grain (I will elaborate on this fact later). The atom has: Equal Amounts Of Opposite-Charged Energy Grounded In Neutrality (No Charge Of Energy). So it is the Neutral Ground that is the “Origin”
of matter. Matter is the Opposite-Forms of Energy. Opposite-Forms of
Energy are in a State-of-Balance because their quantities are Equal.
example: The Human Body is created out of “Equal Amounts” of DNA
(chromosomes) coming from the Father (i.e., the proton) and the
Mother (i.e. the electron) in order to create a baby. This is an
absolute irrefutable fact. A fact is something that exists regardless
if you like it or not. What you wish to be true is not a fact. So
as you can plainly see, our very bodies are based on the Atomic Law
of “Equal Amounts” of Opposite-Forms of Energy (50 percent DNA
matter from each parent = opposite forms of energy). Death is when
the matter (opposite forms of energy) stops generating from the
Neutral Ground of Life. The matter dissolves back into the Neutral
the opposite forms of energy emerges out of the Neutral Ground and
the opposite forms of energy dissolves back into that same Neutral
Ground. Ergo, the Something is born out of Nothing. Something =
Measurable Opposites and Nothing = Eternity (that which cannot be
measured, having no beginning nor ending). Hence, the Neutral Ground is immortal and is beyond the reach of all charged forms of energy. the Neutral Ground holds the finite opposite halves positive (proton) & negative (electron) feelings. When the
opposite halves are disturbed by being knocked out of balance through giving
unequal attention to the opposite halves of emotions (energy), then friction, instability and
disintegration causes the mind to self-destruct.
Self-destruction is anti-creative, which is anti-life. Life is
Balance. Decay is imbalance between the opposites because the
opposite halves are struggling to overthrow each other (which Humans
call, “competition”).
example: Humans are constantly engaging in warfare between the
genders. There has been civilizations, in the past, that were
Matriarchal. That is where the female dominates the males to enslave
them to cater to them. Now the reverse has happened where we now have
a civilization that is Patriarchal where the female is subservient.
Both styles of domination are disorderly because they both go against
The Natural Atomic Law of Energy because there is more energy
assigned to one of the opposite forms of energy. Either the Female
gets more energy, or the Male gets more energy. There is this
constant battle between the sexes.
Nature, the Day is the opposite form of energy to Night. There is no
battle between Night & Day. They are “Equals” that are
co-existing in harmony being bonded together by an invisible
“Nothingness” that is impartially holding them. Female
and Male expressions of energy are inherently “Equals”. They have
opposite functions that compliment each other. For example the
electric “plug” (is the “male”), and the electric “wall
socket” (is the “female”) that fit together and are they are being held by the Grounded In Neutrality (having no positive charge and no negative charge). Atomic Law: Equal Amounts of Opposite Forms of Energy that is Held by the Grounded In Neutrality (impartiality, no choice).
the key to Creation Love & Harmony is Neutrality = Equality. In Neutrality, there
is no choosing between the opposites. There is no favoring one
opposite over the other opposite. Each opposite is Equal to its opposite because they are 2 Halves of 1 Whole Entity. The proton is 50% of the energetic charge of the atom. The electron is 50% of the energetic charge of the atom (-1) + (+1) = 0 = Perfect Harmony & Balance between the opposite expressions of energy.
It is like the principle of the photograph. There is the negative film on one side and the positive photograph on the other side. Then the neutralizing liquid transfers the negative image onto the positive photograph. If you get rid of the negative film you have gotten rid of the positive photograph, as well. Hence, the negative and positive are 2 sides of 1 thing. There is always a neutral element that unites the opposites so that they can create. But, when that Neutral factor is blocks, things malfunction, including our emotional mind (I will elaborate later).

the Human world there is the choosing to favor the female over the
male or the male in preference to the female, which rejects the Grounded In Neutrality. This is the process of degeneration that leads to
annihilation in past and present civilizations. The perpetual state of
disintegration is inherently unsustainable. A thing that is
disintegrating is doomed because Life can only be sustained by the Grounded In Neutrality (i.e.: No Choosing Between The Opposite Halves Of Energy).
Why Is Humanity Trapped In This Madness Of Inequality And Warfare?
Because we have the ability to imagine and use that imagination to manipulate matter/atoms and shape them to whatever we desire, we came to presume or believe that we are “Gods”. We jumped to the erroneous conclusion that “We” are the “masters of the universe”. We started out by being misinformed about how things work. As I mentioned earlier, the Human animal has 2 Sides to his/her being. There is the “biological side” that has been pre-programmed to seek physical security. And, there is the “psychological side” that has been artificially programmed or conditioned to seek emotional comfort. What the average Human Being has never been told or made to comprehend is that “psychological” or “emotional” security is false because it inhibits our “biological” security.
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The Observer (The Me) is The Observed (The Not Me) |
Over time, the mind becomes senile and actually forgets that it is pretending. Then the mind considers the real person to be the dummy and the ventriloquist is the fake. This is what we do when we "believe" that we are something. We go to school and you are told that you must "believe" that you are an American or some other nationality depending on where you were raised as a child. You forget that you made this up. The Universe does not recognize these emotional labels. Or, you are told that you are some race or organized religion. These are "dummies" or ideals that we go to meetings and these emotional words are repeated until the mind becomes convinced that it is those ideals. So when you hear on the News that some group has insulted or condemned the ideal or belief that you identify with, you are ready to kill in cold blood to defend that fantasy. But, the mind has forgotten that this was just a trick.
long time ago, the vocabulary was very different from modern
language. Our ancestors referred to disturbing thoughts/feelings as
being “evil spirits” possessing them. They thought or believed
that their disturbing emotions were invisible invaders taking them
over against their will. This is what gave rise to superstition,
which also gave rise to “spirituality” or “religion”. There
were some Humans there were more cunning and clever who devised a way
to control or dominate people through their emotional ignorance/fear.
Their lack of self-clarity was exploited by those who wanted to play
“God” and “Master” Humanity and pretend to be the rulers of
the world (including the Universe).
All of
these technological advances is Humanity's emotional endeavor to
hijack Life and control it. In other words, the emotional-mind of
Humanity is attempting to compete with e Grounded In Neutrality. Why?
The Ground IS God because it is infinite – it has no beginning and
no end. It cannot be captured nor destroyed. Nothingness is at
the core of ALL ATOMS. That is a scientific fact that Quantum
Scientists have recently discovered. And because they don't
understand the true value of Nothing, they drew the false
conclusion that Life and “matter” is meaningless, because its
core is Nothing (having neither a positive nor a negative
charge, which is Nothing).
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Covert Attack on Public Health |
This is a total waste of time! Why? Well, Mankind can tinker with DNA
and chemical all it wants because All matter returns to its
birthplace the Ground Of Energy (Atoms). Then it is reborn in an order
form. The opposite halves are restored to being Equally Balance again.
So Humanity can rip, bomb tear up the matter in its environment
(which is a tiny portion of The Universe), but it can never touch the
Real God, which is the Neutral Ground (that has No Charge).
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They tell me to "Think Positively" Then I will be saved. (Yeah, right) |
The mind is just like the atom. Our “negative” feelings are like the “electrons”. Our “positive” feelings are like the “protons”. When we commune with both sides, impartially, we are then Grounded In Neutrality. Such a mind is balanced, stable and healthy because it has not chosen to cling to one expression and denounce its opposite expression. The emotional-mind IS both opposite expressions. And, this is where our education failed us. We were misguided into an artificial existence of “emotional-competition” or “egotistical- competition”. This gave rise to the “superiority/inferiority” dualistic mindset, which is an artificial phenomenon of “hierarchy”.
is anti-matter, anti-life and is self-destructive because it causing
an imbalance between the opposite forms of life. This hierarchy
mindset comes from the “emotional-mind”, which began during
childhood and maintained that same momentum throughout the rest of
its life. We have emotional reactions to every interaction with
people and our environment while we were developing children. Our
parents and other caretakers influenced our responses by telling us
that we are right or wrong for the emotional reaction that we had
toward any given situation. As a result, we began to think that we
must depend upon what others think with regard to our emotional
reactions. We fear standing alone to learn about our emotional
nature, firsthand, rather than secondhand authorities who try to
control our minds.
as children, we eventually learn how to become devious and
hypocritical. We learn that a certain emotional response causes the
people who have control over our lives will cause us pain if we show
any undesired emotional response. So we hide our true
feelings/thoughts and pretend to feel the opposite to what we really
feel or think. This causes a split personality. There is the
expression that we show the outside world. And, there is the actual,
true feeling or thought that we secretly harbor and express with
others who also share those same forbidden thoughts or
feelings. This is why parents rarely know what there children are
involved in and are shocked when their children are exposed doing
something that the parent(s) would not want them to be doing. The
child has learned the art of hypocrisy in order to avoid being
punished for expressing their true feelings. So they suppress them.
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Fact: Violence (Ventriloquist) Belief: Non-Violence (Dummy) |
so-called “enemy” to your conscious-mind is befriending the
opposite part of your nature that you tucked away in the background
of your consciousness. So people are only “Partially” connected
or related to each other, which is not really a full contact. The
Natural Rule of Energy is that a thing is either WHOLE or it is BROKEN
as the mind is choosing to take sides with regard to its opposite
thoughts and feelings, it is dividing itself and causing an imbalance
between the opposite halves of mental energy. How does it divide
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Entertainment Helps Me Escape From Me |
is why the politicians are lulling Humanity to sleep with this agenda
called, New World Order. That is merely a “belief”, not
a fact. In order for this New World Order to come into being,
certain groups of people must be the “Sacrificial Lambs”. Why?
Life is Energy. You either come by that energy through factual means
of Holistic Self-Awareness. That is, awareness without choosing
between feelings/thoughts that your favor and those that your don't.
There is nothing to choose when your are aware that your mind
naturally contains feelings and thoughts that are polarized opposites
that co-exist in harmony so long as you observe them.

the surface, that appears to be true. But, this is a specious
argument because the animals are only seeking to balance their
physical energy. An animal that is not diseased and is healthy will
not attack unless it is seeking physical well being. Once it has what
it needs, it is docile. If you invade an animals personal space, its
nature commands that it defend that space and make the intruder back
off. Animals do not attack in order to prove that they are superior
or better than you. Animals are not in conflict with what they are.
The animal or insect is fully in touch with itself and does not try
to be more than it is. So all of its motives for its actions are
purely to establish a balance in its physical existence.
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Because Most People Are Ruled by Emotion |
is it possible that the elite pirates are getting away with this
ancient scam? It is because the average Human is too afraid to break
the habit of “psychological choosing”
between its opposite thoughts/feelings. The emotional mind has been
trained from childhood to conform, obey and to “follow the leader”
no matter what happens. There is a deep-seeded fear of “emotionally
not belonging” to a group. This is the basis for
superstitious-based-religion. Long ago when Humanity feared its
emotions, people ran to others for guidance on how to deal with these
demons. A demon was simply an upsetting emotion or thought. The
authority told the fearful person to increase his fear by praying to
an imaginary deity who will remove the demon (i.e., the painful
feeling/thought). Fast-forward to modern times, we now run to mental
experts (therapists, analysts, psychologist, psychiatrist, subliminal
brain frequency training, etc.). “Positive-Thinking” gurus tell
us to cover up disturbing thoughts/feelings by picturing serene, calm
things. They lie and tell us that these so-called “happy-thoughts”
will bring us to a state of “ones” and “peace”! This is not
thoughts are finite and limited. Matter cannot bring about harmony.
The matter, which is a combination of opposite forms of energy, must
be Grounded In Neutrality. It is the Neutral Ground, alone, that
causes the opposites to harmonize. Human Beings have a technical or
mechanical memory used for our physiological survival. However, the
Disharmony is coming from our “emotional-memory”. In this area,
we have manufactured a false entity called an Ego. This entity
arises whenever we “choose between the opposite”
thoughts/feelings. This entity is the willpower to control and
dominate in order to satisfy its personal desire to be more than it
is. All thoughts and feelings are finite because they are polarized
opposites. Just like time has an “AM” (Positive) & “PM”
(Negative). But, time cannot get rid of “PM” and hold onto “AM”.
When either side goes so must the other side, because they are naturally
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Conflict: Reject What I Feel To Become the Opposite |
is the opposition of a lie against the Fact. The New World Order is at war with True ORDER because it is born out of emotional or
psychological choice. That implies that a group of people must be
sacrificed in order to usher in the so-called New World Order.
But, anything invented by emotional thought is innately limited
because it comes from memory. Memory is the field of opposites. And,
the opposites are only in ORDER when they are Grounded In Neutrality ,
which means No Choosing at all between the opposites. Without Neutrality , there can be no Order. This is an absolute fact.
has a beginning and an end, therefore, it is finite, limited. Just
like the “proton” & “electron” is finite, but its center,
the Neutron, has unlimited because it doesn't have a beginning nor an
end because it has No Charge, neither “negative” nor “positive”.
It is this state of No Charge that is ORDER where all measurable
forms of life/energy are born and die and are born again. What that
means is that neither your “negative” nor “positive”
emotional feelings or thoughts can bring about ORDER in the mind. By
voting pro or con toward your positive or negative images is biased, which is the very antithesis of
Neutrality (Order). Furthermore,
all thoughts and feelings are born of memory. Memory is the past. The
past is “Old”. So how the hell can emotional-memory produce a
New World Order? That is an impossibility. It can only maintain
Disorder which is its real objective, covertly speaking.
emotional-mind is a hypocrite when it turns against itself by
refusing to pay full attention to all of its expressions. This
contradictory state is seeking emotional comfort, permanently. That,
in turn, brings about physical discomfort in the world. All of these
problems and social unrest is due to one thing, the mind is partially
related to itself, which means that it not related at all. A mind
that not in direct full contact with both the “positive” &
“negative” feelings/thoughts is fading out of existence because
it is afraid of Being Nothing. It wants to become something more than what it is. The mind does not want to be limited. So it
tries to expand its memory. But no matter how much memory expands, it
still is limited. It wants to be limitless while rejecting Being Nothing. So it is contradicting itself. It wants to go beyond itself,
yet it rejects doing what it takes to go beyond itself.
![]() |
Neg = Roots + Pos = Tree Above Ground Both Opposite Halves Held by Neutral Ground |
see the opposite expressions of energy is memory or time and is
mortal. But, THE Ground Of Nothingness is immortal and it is The Creator of the mortal finite opposite forms of Life. The shell of Life is the
matter. The essence of Life is NOTHING! In
mathematics, there is only the number 1 and Zero. Zero is not a
number. A number can be measured. There is only the number 1 because
all other numbers from 1 to 9 are merely bundles of the number 1. For
instance, the number 2 is merely two ones. And, so on and so forth. Zero is not a number, yet the more complex forms of mathematics
cannot be achieved without THE Zero. Now then... Here is a visual of
our emotional mind:
Neg. Feelings/Thoughts Study Pos. Feelings/Thoughts
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 <==0==> +1+2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
+ (+7) = 0
(-700) + (+700) = 0
+ (+7000) = 0
![]() |
"Origin" is the Neutral Ground That Pos. & Neg. Opposites Creates the Order of Mathematics |
The key to ORDER between the opposites is that they Equally originate the Ground Zero (of INFINITY)! True INFINITUM is not a large collective group of believers who are incessantly challenging each other. Instead, it is a quality that cannot be measured because the Zero or Neutrality is Whole unto itself. Negative numbers symbolize the electrons of the atom. Positive numbers symbolize the protons of the atom. The "0" symbolizes the Neutron (having No Charge - neither positive nor negative); it is beyond the realm of measurement. Also, the negative numbers symbolize disturbing state of mind; positive numbers symbolize a desirable state of mind. All thoughts are fragments of the Whole Mind. The "0" symbolizes Holistic Self-Communion (sensing what you feel/think either positively or negatively, without any defense or offense).
The thinker is the thought; the observer is the observed. I am the anger, envy , elation, etc. So there is no longer an "observer" or "thinker" when you realize you are the quality that is being monitored. Then there is only pure objective observation of the emotional-self. All the thoughts and feelings are just digits that are either negative or positive. But, when they are equally examined, that equal examination is the "0" (an unbiased attention of All emotional responses in the mind are All my Total Emotional Nature). Then there is no mental conflict or duality or friction. No drug, legal or illegal, can bring about psychological ORDER. ORDER lies in the center of neutrality when you don't favor negative nor positive responses -- one simply communes with ALL emotional responses as a Whole. Holistic emotional-communion is to be aware of Disorder, which is seeking comfort through positive or negative ideals, beliefs or opinions.
Self-Study zeros out the broken-self (or “ego). When the “negative”
and “positive” thoughts and feelings (of the emotional finite memory)
are intensely paid attention to (I don't mean concentration); I mean
being in communion with both the “negative” & “positive”
emotional expressions within oneself, that zeros out any opposition
or dominance or control. Awareness is not control. Control always
fights against something. Whereas awareness does not resist anything
because awareness is Neutral so it impartially pays attention to any
and all expressions, be they “positive” or “negative”. There
is no hierarchism in Holistic Awareness because you understand that
you are both opposites: 2 sides of 1 coin. Heads is not superior
to Tails; and Tails is not superior to Heads. Tails is not inferior
to Heads; and Heads is not inferior to Tails, because they are 2
sides of 1 unit. Our emotional mind is 2 sides of our 1 mental being.
Ergo, there is nothing to choose at all. Just like the upper-half of
your body cannot exist without its lower-half so neither is better
than the other or less than the other. Therefore, it is ridiculous to choose between the upper or lower half of your body, right?
you understand that your emotional mind is 1 thing that it cannot be
separated and discard 1 side, be it “negative” or “positive”,
then the mind is at peace and then conflict naturally subsides. This
does not mean that you must defend your emotional thoughts and
feelings. Defending is opposition that is choosing to use its
emotions in and effort to dominate. Neutral Awareness has Zero-Movement in any direction. To be aware, to see, to detect has no
direction, it is merely holding the “negative/positive” thought
or feeling and studying itself. The Ground Of Nothingness is learning
about itself through the beings it has created. the Ground Of
Nothingness is Intelligence Of The Highest Order.
do not need to depend on another person in order to be free to
observe your entire emotional-mind. Your thoughts and feelings are
not there for the purposes of judgment (neither to condemn or
praise). They exist for the sole purpose of learning through silent
communion with your “positive/negative” responses to the daily
challenges in your interactions with the world. As you interact with
the world (everyone and all things), your emotions are being
stimulated. As they bloom, you passively watch and sense each
blooming. Then, the expression withers away after its done telling
its story. You non-verbally listen to that story; that is communion.
It is that silent awareness or listening that is the Neutron of your (Atomic) Emotional Mind.
As Children We Were Tricked By Our Teachers!
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The Reason Why Kids Don't Pay Attention Deep Down They Sense Something Is Wrong! |
When you compare people or children, that awakens animosity, envy and vindictiveness, which brings about brutality and cruelty. That is purposely cultivated so that the young will join a militia and channel their hatred toward murdering foreign societies and get a reward for it. This is the truth about patriotism which teachers teach children to embrace as being a healthy, good thing to emotionally identify with. The kid then thinks that it must be true because it was true that 1 + 1 = 2. Since the authorities are telling the truth about the mechanical knowledge, then everything else must be true, as well. False! This is the traditional Ancient Trick of Teachers (Masters, Politicians, Gurus, etc.). Yes, it is true that I must have some kind of mechanical or technical skill in order to be able to earn a livelihood to obtain food, clothing and shelter. All brains must have that. But, what our teachers failed to disclose to us is that by emotionally believing that our social group is superior to all other social groups in the world, that our emotional allegiance puts our physical well being at risk. Other groups resent being labeled an inferior group. So this is wrong education.
to add insult to injury, the superstitious dogmatic organized zealots
impress upon our young minds that we must be emotionally devoted to
something that is invisible and made-up. These myths were handed down
through thousands of generations, thereby, establishing a powerfully
strong emotional habit. No one dare challenge the validity of this
emotional traditional habit of accepting things to be true strictly
out of fear of what may happen if you don't conform and blindly
follow it. If you fight against the tradition, then you are publicly
humiliated and sometimes executed in order to deter others from
questioning these emotional falsehoods. And, it is quite true that if
you fight against emotional tradition, you will fail, miserably. This
is because the weight of centuries of mind-numbing obedience
influences the masses to tear you to shreds. Furthermore, your little
fragment cannot overthrow the greater collective emotional gang.
to Neutrally Approach the entire collective consciousness is an
entirely different matter because you are opening up the gateway to
introduce the whole history of (emotional) Humanity through your own
mind to be observed without opposing that history. When there is no
opposition against that emotional traditional history, it gets
dissolved back into the Ground Of Nothingness. For, that is what
Holistic Awareness is – NOTHING. Ego is “something”. Awareness
is “Nothing”! Awareness does not fight, it simply studies,
communes, learns and lets it go (i.e., naturally die). A mind that
studies its emotional traditional reactions is dying to them. Then
the core of your mind is just like the Atom that is Neutral. A mind
that is Nothing (Neutral) is free of emotional tradition and
is free of conflict. Such a mind is physically a part of society, but
is not emotionally a part of society that is disintegrating through
competition and conflict.
that means is that the emotional mind can only attack a nature that
is like itself. A Holistic Mind is invisible to a Broken Mind. A
Broken Mind can only see a Broken Mind. Whenever it physically sees a
person, it automatically makes up theories about that person and then
attacks that evaluation. If that person is not Holistically
Attentive, then his physical security will be damaged or destroyed.
And the attacker will gain at his or her loss.But,
if a person physically sees a person who IS Holistically Watching his
or her emotional responses (without trying to control what is being
watched), then any judgment to condemn that person will backfire.
Why? The first rule of war is that your enemy can only be conquered
if he or she is divided against him or herself. A mind that is
Holistically Self-Aware and Grounded In Neutrality, is not at odds
within itself. Therefore, it cannot be conquered.
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Covert Mental Abuse Young Minds Choosing To Suppress Negative Thoughts & Feelings The Birth of Violence |
tradition is uncreative and is anti-life. The emotional mind is
trying to only have negative & positive numbers and
has ignored the value of the Zero. Belief denounces the Zero.
This is because the emotional mind is trying to replace the Real God with its emotional fake “God” to master the world. It is like
trying to defy The Laws of Physics. If you do that, nothing works
properly. Things must malfunction. Emotionally speaking, Humanity has
been and still is malfunctioning. War has been happening for such a
long time, and we are born into the middle of a war zone (either
overtly or covertly). Where people are, there is war. When you go
to the store to shop, there is warfare. When you go to check out your
groceries, the clerks are emotionally programmed to tell you to,
“Have a nice day” (even if it's in the middle of the night).
does, “Have a nice day” imply? If a person is suppressing one
side of his nature by projecting the opposite, isn't that person
actually telling you to, “Have a crappy day”? The mind out
of touch with itself, is actually being covertly violent.
It is seeking approval. If you return the phrase, “Have a nice
day”, then you have emotionally given assurance that they are
“good”. A mind that is truly good, never seeks confirmation that
it is good. A good mind is being good by learning about itself. If a
mind is escaping from seeing itself completely, then it seeks people
to pretend like you are being “good” to them by telling them
words that point to no fact. The Broken Mind demands others in the
community to prop it up because it has no real essence. But, a mind
that is NEUTRALLY GROUNDED has factual essence. So it never seeks
approval nor emotional gratification. That is no longer necessary
when you are in a state of self-study. But, the Broken Mind gets very
upset with you when you do not play along and pretend with that
person that they are “good” for telling me to, “Have a nice
whenever we carry out our mechanical daily tasks we are being
pressured by the DISORDER-MIND to indicate that it is “orderly”
or “good”. So they perform their technical tasks of checking out
your groceries, then they always turn around and emotionally hand you
a lie that they expect you to treat like it is a fact. If you treat
lies as if it were a fact, you are in conflict with facts. Then you
are mentally divided, then when you go outside to take your groceries
to the car, you are attacked. Or you might get into an accident. It
could be any kind of physical misfortune. You cause
destructive circumstances to arise whenever you stroke the “ego”
of anybody. It's WRONG to comfort anybody's “ego”. “Ego” is the
result of the mind hiding from a part of itself that it dislikes. To
assist in that endeavor is to become a part of that conflict and
disorder. So when you see that fact, it is that realization that
prevents you from playing along. You are not at odds with the clerk.
You simply see what is false and you pass it by. There is no
opposition, no conflict. To see the false as the false is
Intelligence because you are not placing your physical well being in
harms way.
only time 'choice' has its proper place in Life is in regards to
physical tasks. You choose healthy food to eat and reject rotten or
poisonous food. You can choose to wear clean clothes and not wear
dirty clothes. In the physical side of Life, we must choose things
that protect our physical well being and reject anything else. However,
choosing to feel angry or elated is detrimental to our physical well
being. Whenever the mind chooses to escape from any unpleasant
emotion, it is depriving the GROUND OF NEUTRALITY an opportunity to
learn about that part of its nature. So the mind is no longer in
touch with itself. A mind that is out of touch with any part of its
emotional-self, is its own worst enemy and has also put its physical
security (and its children) in harms way.

What it boils down to is this...
are either interested in understanding how to function according to
The Atomic Laws of Energy/Life (which is natural), or you want to go
against that which is natural, balanced, harmonious and whole. There
is no third position. There is either ORDER (WHOLENESS, EQUALITY,
If you go for DISORDER, then your life is in a perpetual state of
decay, disintegration and self-destruction. No matter how much
material wealth you grab onto, your emotional state of mind will
suffer because it is at odds within itself, deeply. The things that
you possess cannot stop that emotional pain from festering in your mental gut.
if you see the necessity for mental clarity and earning a livelihood
as you neutralize your ego, then you will attract physical or
material security through self awareness. You are not stealing your
material necessities because you are not getting them through
conflict (psychological deceptive warfare). What makes the Human
Being's life different from the animal is that we can't directly gain
access to our physical needs before having an adequately intelligent
response to our emotional imagination (of ideals/beliefs). You either
see what is false about it or you don't. If you don't see the
falseness about the emotional image, then you are a pirate. But if
you do detect all that is false about the ego in yourself (which
means that you see it in everyone else), then you are earning an
honest livelihood. What the mainstream authorities say is “honest”
is, in fact, dishonest because it is based on a hypocritical,
contradictory, dualistic false way of living.
long as the mind is abusing its imagination by trying to get away from a part of
its emotional self, then it is a hypocrite, contradictory and
dualistic. So when the mind acquires wealth, it has stolen from
those that were setup to lose. But, the losers allowed themselves to
be setup by building & protecting their own ego. As long as you
maintain an ego (be it a “positive” or “negative” one), you
are not Grounded In Neutrality. Then you are going against the grain of
Atomic Law of Life, which means that at the core of your being is
Neutral (silent, non-movement towards fulfilling your egotistical
goal to be dominant or superior).
Thank you.