The purpose of my articles is to shed light upon our world to see it for what it is, factually. I don't offer any opinions, beliefs or conceptual speculations. I am not your leader, authority or helper. To understand matters regarding the emotional side of Humanity, there must be no sense of a “higher” & “lower” condition. When it comes to the observations of facts, people can examine as equals. Facts do not belong to anybody or organization. They exist independent of anyone's “Likes” or “Dislikes” (which are prejudices). I welcome anyone to objectively examine the actual things that are taking place in our Human World, which is rooted in its Emotional Being in which very few Human Beings are actually related. Without investigating, accurately seeing and understanding our Emotional Being that has built and maintains our World (and its inherent limitations), people are existing in self-destruction, which is also destroying our biological environment, as well.
Our species is at a turning point that will determine whether it can remain on this planet or become extinct (due to the fact that Humans are poisoning our biosphere faster than it can heal from the damage and restore its equilibrium so that it may continue to support all life on this planet). Any species that threatens the existence of its environment must either learn to live in harmony within the NATURAL ORDERLY LAWS OF ENERGY, or it must vanish (due to the species going against the grain of that Law). A responsible, mature Human Being is seriously concerned about what is really going on behind the superficial facade of artificial Human existence. We have an innate responsibility to study the origin of the problem so that our clear perception will bring about a radical revolution in the Emotional Side of Our Being so that it may operate in harmony with the NATURAL ORDERLY LAWS OF ENERGY. That is the only way that Humanity can continue to exist on this planet.
The purpose of my articles is to shed light upon our world to see it for what it is, factually. I don't offer any opinions, beliefs or conceptual speculations. I am not your leader, authority or helper. To understand matters regarding the emotional side of Humanity, there must be no sense of a “higher” & “lower” condition. When it comes to the observations of facts, people can examine as equals. Facts do not belong to anybody or organization. They exist independent of anyone's “Likes” or “Dislikes” (which are prejudices). I welcome anyone to objectively examine the actual things that are taking place in our Human World, which is rooted in its Emotional Being in which very few Human Beings are actually related. Without investigating, accurately seeing and understanding our Emotional Being that has built and maintains our World (and its inherent limitations), people are existing in self-destruction, which is also destroying our biological environment, as well.
Our species is at a turning point that will determine whether it can remain on this planet or become extinct (due to the fact that Humans are poisoning our biosphere faster than it can heal from the damage and restore its equilibrium so that it may continue to support all life on this planet). Any species that threatens the existence of its environment must either learn to live in harmony within the NATURAL ORDERLY LAWS OF ENERGY, or it must vanish (due to the species going against the grain of that Law). A responsible, mature Human Being is seriously concerned about what is really going on behind the superficial facade of artificial Human existence. We have an innate responsibility to study the origin of the problem so that our clear perception will bring about a radical revolution in the Emotional Side of Our Being so that it may operate in harmony with the NATURAL ORDERLY LAWS OF ENERGY. That is the only way that Humanity can continue to exist on this planet.
================> End of Disclaimer <=============
examine in an intelligent manner, we must be careful not to be driven
by our personal desires (of “Like” & “Dislike”). And to
also guard against being pretentious and hypocritical. That will lead
to self-deception. After all Life is based on facts, not on desire.
And, our problems are rapidly multiplying because we approach our
problems based on our personal preferences shaped by our “Likes”
& “Dislikes” or pretending to be interested in understanding.
So we must carefully observe, investigate what is going on in the
mind and whether it can be changed through being deeply aware.
is the world of fact and the world of fantasy (imagination). The
Human world is driven by fantasy. And its laws are mostly based in
imagination. The world of fantasy pretends to be protecting our
physical lives. It pretends to be orderly. But “order” is based
on pure facts. Through Human imagination, the world has been divided
into emotional groups such as, dogmatic belief systems (known as
“religion"), national teams (known as patriots), gangs, clans are all
based on emotional identification (which is purely imaginary).
are based on violence. People went to war and murdered each other to
determine their monetary systems and class privileges and/or
restrictions. All of this originates from the lack of understanding
our Emotional Being (which is the “Ego”). Ego is a mind that is
deliberately ignorant about itself. It does not want to understand
why it does what it does. It just wants to defend, maintain what it
is doing. It pretends that it has the “right” to artificially
invent the meaning of Life. So it twists and distorts the facts to
suit its personal desires of power, domination and tyranny.
Everything in the Human World is based on the lack of clarity about
its Emotional Side of its Being.
other words, it is the “Ego”, this fragmented/divided mind that
has fabricated the social structure. And, every person who is driven
or guided by their “Ego” is building, protecting and enforcing
this artificial, imaginary world. Its building blocks are “beliefs”.
A “belief” is an ideal, concept or opinion that directly
contradicts facts, which is what divides people against each other so
that they can brutally compete and steal physical security from each
other. The one who steals the most is regarded as being "superior" (in the Emotional or Fantasy area of the mind).
laws were conjured up by the most cunning, devious-minded con artists
on this planet. It began with superstition, which later became
organized or systematized “religion”. Dogma became “law” and
“order”. From the earliest of times, Humans have chosen to be
disorderly with regard to their Emotional State of Mind. The
beginning of “spirituality” started with ancient people thinking
that any feelings that they had that disturbed them was an “evil
spirit” that invaded them. This is why they invented the term,
“Devil”, “Satan” or “Lucifer” - anything that is
emotionally alarming was given those labels.
People wanted to get rid of certain thoughts/feelings (which they called evil spirits or demons), because they did not like them. It never occurred to anyone that the disturbance was coming from its own Emotional nature. In other words, it was the emotional disturbance, itself, that imagined that the unpleasant thought or feeling was coming from an outside source, rather than from itself. Because, the truth that IT was the disturbance is a reality that the mind does not want to acknowledge (which is conflict with itself). So the Emotional Side of the Mind chooses, in the past and in the present, to pretend with itself whenever it does not want something to be true (regarding its Emotional Being). This is what gave rise to the neurotic self-escapism called, “believing”, which is based upon hypocrisy, duality or contradiction -- this emotional division is disorder. So emotionally, the mind pretends that it is different from what it feels and thinks in order to guarantee emotional comfort.
Basically, the Emotional Mind (the psyche) lies to itself in order to try to escape from its own unpleasant emotional responses. That implies that the mind hates itself and does not wish to be related to itself and is waging psychological warfare upon itself. The way the mind treats itself it must do the same to the world around itself. This is the law of energy. And, this is the original Crime against The Natural Law of Energy. This is how most of Humanity is unknowingly existing as criminals against the facts of life. If the mind is not in touch with its actual nature (not what it wants to become), then it is also out of touch with the rest of Life of which it is physiologically connected. So the physical part of its life begins to decay. degenerate and disintegrate based on its very foundation (which is its Emotional State of Being). It's the quality of our Emotional State of Being that determines our physical or material condition.
People wanted to get rid of certain thoughts/feelings (which they called evil spirits or demons), because they did not like them. It never occurred to anyone that the disturbance was coming from its own Emotional nature. In other words, it was the emotional disturbance, itself, that imagined that the unpleasant thought or feeling was coming from an outside source, rather than from itself. Because, the truth that IT was the disturbance is a reality that the mind does not want to acknowledge (which is conflict with itself). So the Emotional Side of the Mind chooses, in the past and in the present, to pretend with itself whenever it does not want something to be true (regarding its Emotional Being). This is what gave rise to the neurotic self-escapism called, “believing”, which is based upon hypocrisy, duality or contradiction -- this emotional division is disorder. So emotionally, the mind pretends that it is different from what it feels and thinks in order to guarantee emotional comfort.
Basically, the Emotional Mind (the psyche) lies to itself in order to try to escape from its own unpleasant emotional responses. That implies that the mind hates itself and does not wish to be related to itself and is waging psychological warfare upon itself. The way the mind treats itself it must do the same to the world around itself. This is the law of energy. And, this is the original Crime against The Natural Law of Energy. This is how most of Humanity is unknowingly existing as criminals against the facts of life. If the mind is not in touch with its actual nature (not what it wants to become), then it is also out of touch with the rest of Life of which it is physiologically connected. So the physical part of its life begins to decay. degenerate and disintegrate based on its very foundation (which is its Emotional State of Being). It's the quality of our Emotional State of Being that determines our physical or material condition.
of Humanity, Life is governed by the Atomic Law of Energy based on
facts. ALL things are made out of atoms, which have a Natural Order
Of Law, on which the Energy of Life originates. Even our biological and mental existence is made out of atoms, which our
imaginations are in conflict with. Our emotions are past emotional experiences or memories. Emotional Memory is a material process simply because it is energized with both a "Positive" & "Negative" energy. Life is energy (containing opposite forms of expressions). Anything with opposite qualities is limited energy.
Now going back to the atomic law...
All matter (which is energy containing opposite expressions or forms) have an equal amount of "positive" and "negative" energy. And these opposites are Grounded or Rooted in an eternal form of energy that has NO "positive" or "negative" energy. A form of energy that has No Charge at all is limitless because it has no opposite. Energy with opposites is memory, which is a fragment -- having a beginning and an ending (it is finite).
However, the atom has equal amount of protons (positive charge of energy) and electrons (negative charge of energy). But these limited opposite fragments are held together or Grounded in a harmonious, limitless form of energy that we call the NEUTRON (meaning it is NEUTRAL - neither "positive" or "negative" energy). That means that form of energy is NOTHING (Not A Thing). "Thing" is matter that is a fragment which is measurable -- having a beginning and ending. But, a form of energy having NO CHARGE has no beginning or ending and cannot be measured. That is the very CENTER OF ALL ENERGY (ENERGY IS LIFE). The CENTER OF LIFE is INFINITE/IMMEASURABLE. It has no opposite because its energy is indivisible. ALL ENERGY OF LIFE -- THE ATOM containing equal charges of opposite forms of energy flows out of the Neutral Energy of Nothingness and returns to that same Ground of Nothingness/Eternity. Energy is born out of Nothingness/Neutrality, and then dies in the Ground of its birthplace. Thus is the cycle of Energy/Life.
So how does our Emotional Being fit into this Center Of Nothingness?
If you examine your emotional responses, your mind has divided them into 2 fundamental categories -- PLEASURE & PAIN. Watch your response when you are flattered or when you are insulted. When you are flattered, you have been conditioned/trained by the emotional influences of the group of people that you grew up around to have certain traditional reactions to any situation. If you don't have the traditional expected emotional response, then the community of people around you will start pressuring you to conform to their expectation or else they will socially humiliate you, shun you or try to set you up to lose your physical security, in various ways.
Let's get back to how the Human Emotional Side of our being is operating with regard to Atomic Law of Energy (the: Negative/Positive in NEUTRALITY):
We must, first, show how and why our Emotional Nature veered out of order. There is 2 distinct sides of Human Nature: the Emotional Side and the Physical Side. The Emotional Side is the foundation of our existence. You can't skip past the Emotional Side to gain access to physical well being. Humans must respond to the psychological challenge (the emotional side, which in ancient times people called "spiritual" because it was invisible to the eye but they could feel them very strongly). Humans constantly emotionally challenge each other while they carry out their mundane daily tasks of physical survival.
For example when you perform your tasks at work, co-workers are demanding that you expose or reveal what you "believe" (or emotionally assume about things going on in either your personal life or comment on other peoples troubles). Either way, the Emotional Mind is constantly trying to get you to commit or choose sides, either positively or negatively about any social matter. Are you pro or against this issue -- is what we are faced with.
The Emotional Mind that is disorderly is always seeking a social "reward" and fears "punishment". People join the military and pledge their physical lives so that they can be Emotionally honored by their peers so that they can Emotionally feel "important", "superior" and to escape from the Emotional feeling of being a "nobody" or a "nothing". The Emotional fears being "nothing" more than losing its physical life. The Emotional Being imagines that its value is mainly in struggling to prove (mainly to itself) that it has gone beyond feelings of weakness, cruelty, loneliness or not being loved. The conditioned mind can't know what Love is, because is not a material process so it is not measurable or limited. In other words, Love is not a product of Emotional Memory. Love is has no opposite; it is Neutral. That means that Love is a byproduct of the ending of (the understanding of) The Emotional responses.
Let me go back to the 2 sides of Human existence: the Emotional and the Physical sides. You see, when you are taught to choose between things that help our bodies and hurt our bodies, we ASSUMED (BELIEVED) that the same was true for our Emotional Side, as well. It is sane to avoid physical danger. So you choose clean food, clothes and shelter. You avoid rotten or poisonous food. You protect your body and environment so that you can physically survive. After all the brain's primary function is to survive. So far this is logical, sane, right?
Now while we are being educated about technical matters, we are suppose to also be learning and understanding our Emotional Being. What is this Being? It is our feelings which are either elated, apathetic or disturbed. Someone tells you that you are not as attractive, rich or smart as somebody else; how does your Emotional Mind respond? The Emotional Being is designed to study its responses in each present passing moment. But instead, the Emotional Being has been deceived throughout centuries to traditionally respond. The traditional response is based on a GRAVE MISUNDERSTANDING...
Here is the Major Misunderstanding that is being perpetuated to this day...
When we are taught to choose between things that can hurt or help our brain or bodies, the Emotional Being ASSUMES that it is suppose to do the same thing with regard to its feelings. It erroneously believes/thinks that its FEELINGS are the same as its Brain/Body. Because I am suppose to avoid anything that hurts my body, then I'm suppose to avert anything that hurts my feelings. Your feelings about yourself is based on an image (your imagination). Let's say when you were a child that your father praised you most of the time and your mother condemned you most of the time. Your Emotional Being would become emotionally identified with your father and emotionally detached from your mother (or visa versa). So the Emotional Being is imitating the "Physical Side of its nature".
So what is wrong with that? Why is it disorderly for my Emotional Side to do the same thing as my Physical Side?
I will give an overview, first:
The Universal Language of Energy is 1 (one) and 0 (zero).
The Physical Side = 1: [either +1 (Healthy) or -1 (Unhealthy)]
The Emotional Side = 0 [No Movement ("toward" or "away from")]
On The Physical Side, the "1" represents the finite energy regarding physical survival. That "1" can either be "negative" or "positive" ("destructive" or "constructive"). For example, the body/brain must distinguish between food that will help the body to grow and thrive, and food that will damage the body. So on the Physical Side, we must choose things in the interest of Physical Survival. There is a movement toward anything that is Healthy; there is a movement away from anything that is Unhealthy. When you see a poisonous snake, the inherent intelligence in your brain causes you to move away from it. When you are hungry and you see wholesome food, the intelligence in your brain makes you move toward and obtain that food. So the movement toward Physical Survival represents +1. And, the Movement toward Physical Detriment represents -1. Hence, it is an unhealthy, insane act to move toward physical harm or destruction.
When it comes to The Emotional Being the Human species has been, and still is, lost and in psychological darkness. And, it has never awakened to the "traditional" error of its ways:
On The Emotional Side, the "0" represents infinite energy to clearly observe and understand its emotional states of mind. That "0" is Holistic Self-observation that is neither biased to see its "negative" or "positive" thoughts or feelings. So there is no movement "to become" orderly, because to do so would bring about conflict/opposition to disorder. Opposition to disorder IS disorderly. When you feel lustful and you identify with chastity, that chastity is merely a mask concealing lust. That mask of chastity is born out of its lustful state of being. Therefore, ones belief in chastity is lust in disguise. The actual state of lust has not changed or disappeared. It has only been suppressed by an illusion of the emotional word "chastity" has been accepted in order to hide/escape from my lustful state of being. That is why the mind backslides later and then condemns itself for being "bad". This is the self-deceptive game that the Emotional Mind plays in order to secretly maintain its disorderly state of lust.
"Choice" does not work with regard to ones Emotional Being. It rationalizes that, "It works fine when I choose in the interest of my Physical Needs, so presumably "choice" must also work for my Psychological Desire (to escape from my upsetting feelings/thoughts)." But, that is absolutely fictitious! When the Emotional Side "chooses" to reject whatever it thinks or feels and run after a make-believe feeling, it is then out of touch with itself. In indulging in ideals, beliefs or delusions, it is breaking, dividing itself. The Emotional Side has shattered its perceptive ability to see itself as it actually is. This is THE ULTIMATE CRIME AGAINST THE ENERGY OF BALANCE. Basically, it has become insane (unhealthy, malfunctioning mind).
To be alive means: TO BE IN TOUCH WITH REALITY (no matter if you "like" or "dislike" whatever you are feeling or thinking at any given moment)!
When energy disassociates from itself, it is actually DISINTEGRATING or FALLING APART or DECAYING. Because, the natural order of energy is to be related to itself, and in that relationship comes clarity and understanding and an adequate response to all challenges in ones Life.
So the Emotional Side of our existence is intrinsically designed to be aware of the totality of its emotional responses (thoughts/feelings) without choosing to be aware of the ones that you "like" and ignore the ones that you "dislike" in order to try to be psychologically comfortable and certain (just like your brain needs to be sure that it is physically safe from injury or destruction). But, Physical Necessity is a completely different area of our being that must be kept safe or you can't live. But, when the Psyche is disturbed, and it pays full attention to its disturbed state of being (of which it is), then it understands itself in that state and then that state of disturbance naturally withers away through its neutral attention of its disturbed thought or feeling. Then, ones Emotional Being is actually being in touch with its nature (one is then truly ALIVE). That means that when you are learning through Neutral Observation of ALL of your emotional responses, you are at Peace, Harmony and Love.
Your Emotional Being is no longer at war within itself nor with anybody else (even if others are against themselves and the world). One is not doing harm to oneself nor to others. Such a state of mind is not a FACTUAL CRIMINAL (however, the disorderly world considers a non-supporter of "beliefs" or emotional "images" to be a villain -- that is an IMAGINARY CRIMINAL (not based on fact, but based purely on the emotions of "like" or "dislike" which is prejudice and is not in alignment with the Natural Atomic Universal Law).
Although the disorderly mind misinterprets your lack of support to help it hide from itself as being an enemy, that is not a fact. To see one as one is, is to be factually related with the Emotional Being of Humanity, and that is Real Love (which is in alignment with the Natural Atomic Universal Law). A hateful mind rejects anything that does not help it to emotionally escape from itself and pretend to be other than one is, which is psychological warfare, which is what it means to be a FACTUAL CRIMINAL. Because you are actually hurting yourself and others when you engage in emotional escapism (which is to gratify or support ideals, beliefs or opinions based on emotional "likes" or "dislikes" which is contradictory, divisive and conflict).
To be in touch with your nature is a NEUTRAL ACTION!
Neutrality is Love. Love brings about WHOLENESS to ones state of being. To study the Emotional Being by watching its own responses to the daily challenges in living, is to be related to ones actual nature. A thing that is related to itself is in touch with the rest of Life, as well, and is, therefore, in harmony with all of Life. So when a disorderly Emotional Being tries to destroy your physical security or your clarity of mind, it will inevitably attack itself, instead. Why? Because, a disorderly Emotional Being only sees illusions, images based on hiding from itself. Such a mind is not in touch with the reality of itself, so it can't see beyond itself. When it goes to attack what it "believes" is the other person (who happens to be Orderly because he or she is monitoring his or her responses), then the attacker can only attack a mind that is in conflict within itself. When the mind is in touch with itself and does not seek the opposite state of mind, it is not in conflict -- it is not being a contradiction. Conflict only occurs between contradictory-mentalities that are out of touch with themselves. That is how war works. War is founded upon division. Division is being out of touch with your state of mind (that you don't like).
A disorderly mind is a criminal mind. A crime is to do harm, needlessly and on purpose. The Emotional Being deliberately wishes to escape from any thought or feeling that disturbs itself. Like a drug addict, it just wants to get "high" to run away from painful realities. "Believing" in anything, psychologically, is running away from painful thoughts/feelings to hallucinate that you have been saved from them and are now free. Every time people get together to delude themselves that they are "good", "righteous", "moral", "sane" or "in touch with reality", they wind up in some kind of colossal tragedy. This is because they have violated The Atomic Law of Energy which requires all life forms to be in touch with itself. Imagination is wrongly being used to be out of touch with itself whenever itself feels disturbed. Imagination is only there as a tool for Physical Needs. (i.e., you use ideas to build technology, prepare meals or to repair material problems, etcetera).
But when the imagination is used in order to escape from an Emotional State of Being, it is then OUT OF ORDER. Order means to be in touch with everything that is going on in your mind (even when it is uncomfortable) so that the mind does not divide & fight itself. When the mind is learning and communing with its state of psychological disturbance, wisdom is born. The solution to any emotional problem lies in being FULLY IN TOUCH WITH THE PROBLEM, itself. There is No Movement Away From the Problem (Negative Movement). And, there is No Movement Toward The Opposite "Ideal" (Positive Movement).
The Physical Side of your being MUST move toward getting whatever it needs to stay alive. And, the Physical Side MUST move away from any deadly threats to its safety. But, The Disorderly Emotional Being fails to see the danger of moving away from painful feelings or thoughts, and running after opposite delusions that promise emotional comfort. The Emotional Mind assumes that it should be doing the same thing as its Brain (so it feels justified to defend its feelings and accept lies about itself that denies any emotional pain). But, there is no real danger to your life when there is emotional discomfort. Physical self protection is a fact, because your life is on the line. Whereas, being emotionally uncomfortable is necessary for the mind to awaken to be able to learn about itself and its inherent limitations. When there is psychological unawareness, the Brain/Body and Physical Security is jeopardized. When people divide themselves into psychological groups by being emotionally identified with their country, family, dogmatic ideal or a gang, then each group struggles to dominate and prove superiority (seeking emotional power), they inevitably end up fighting one another, which destroys Physical Security.
The Emotional Side of your being is orderly only when it does NOT move away from being in touch with its thoughts and feelings. No Negative or Positive Movement is a QUIET HOLISTIC MIND. And, that is the State of Love (that has no opposite). Love means Communion with ALL Psychological Thoughts & Feelings that arise in every present moment of daily living. Being fully Alive is a matter of Detecting exactly what is taking place in your consciousness, from present moment-to-moment. That DETECTION is Neutral Energy, because it is equally, impartially examining both Pleasant (positive) and Unpleasant (negative) emotional feelings. There is no preference to pay attention to one side and, then ignore the other side of ones Emotional Being. Therefore, ones mind is WHOLE (HOLY, SACRED and MORAL -- free of conflict, contradiction or hypocrisy). This is ORDER-BALANCE-VIRTUE.
Such an Emotional State of Being is perfectly balanced and grounded in the Neutrality of Seeing its WHOLE BEING (that is: ALL of its thoughts/feelings). The Emotional Being IS its thoughts and feelings. This is why it is destroying itself whenever it seeks to ignore, run away or suppress any thought or feeling. One runs from the poisonous snake because that creature is not a physical part of your being. It does not belong in your physical locality. But your disturbing thoughts or feelings are actually YOURSELF! To try to distance yourself from yourself is an impossibility. And using make-believe ideals to take your attention away from an expression of your mind that you don't want to deal with, is detrimental to your entire existence.
If people were to be in touch with their Emotional Being and see the falseness of using their imaginations to hide from ugly truths about what they deeply feel, then we, as a species, would no longer need to have laws that dictate how we should be related to one another, socially. These rules/laws only exist because most people are in DISORDER, psychologically. Humanity would naturally live in cooperation without punishment to threaten them into (pretending like they are) getting along with each other. The key to this huge mess that we call "living" is to WAKE UP to the error of our Emotional Ignorance about the abusive manner in which the emotional-imagination is being misused. To see what is wrong is to instantly function rightly. I don't mean "right" according to my personal "likes" or "dislikes". I mean "right" based on the Atomic Law of Energy. That's based on being in full contact with the totality of my mind by being aware of the fallacy of "seeking to become the opposite of the feelings that I dislike." Without direct contact with the reality of ones whole emotional being, the psyche is dead, because it does not actually see its reflection in its daily relationships. A ghost has no reflection, and neither does a mind that exists off of images. An image of a delicious meal, will not fill your stomach, will it? An image of love will not bring peace in a relationship, either. Images are the opposite of what one feels and so it is false and has no relationship to the fact. People must behave violently toward one another as long as they are using each other in order to cover up any psychological flaws or disturbances. They are being partners in the crime of emotional division which breeds conflict, which is violence.
So one must realize that the only reason why these Man-made laws exist is to maintain disorder, which is a perpetual state of conflict. Conflict promising to make us physically safe by destroying the health of young people by tricking them into going to war to ostensibly make the lives of their families safe. It is like being in a non-stop ping-pong match. One side throws a bomb across the net, and the other side returns a bomb back across the net. And, that continues forever. The bombs maims and destroys lives. What is so safe about that? But as I said before, The Emotional Being is willing to sacrifice The Physical Side in order to validate a lie, which is that "I am more than I am." Imagination can make up anything. It can say that it is "God" or that it is limitless. It uses emotional-sounding words to convince itself and others that its lies are "truth". Anyone who says otherwise must be destroyed.
But it can only destroy someone who is out of touch with the totality of their Emotional Being. The first rule of war requires that the target must first be divided against itself in order to be able to conquer it. When the mind is aware of this fact, it can't be hijacked so long as it realized that physical security is grounded in ones Emotional Being detecting disorder in itself. That is, detecting whenever it hides from any thought or feeling. Then the mind remains WHOLE, not divided against itself. So when the would-be conquerer threatens a mind that is understanding its Emotional Nature, all efforts to conquer that person must fail.
The body can only be victimized by getting The Emotional Side of ones being to run away from itself by "believing" in the opposite state of mind that it desires "to become". That is psychological movement, which is conflict/disorderly. Any movement away from disturbance or toward an imagined better state of mind, is self-destructive. When my Psyche moves away from being aware of my thoughts or feelings, I have split myself into and then I'm at odds within myself. Consequently, I have served myself on a silver platter to be conquered and utterly destroyed.
So now THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN IMAGINARY CRIME AND FACTUAL CRIME should be obvious, if you've been carefully paying attention. Laws invented by disorderly mentalities did so to try to be in control of Life on this planet. They use brute force and threats of punishment in order to intimidate people into bowing down to a corrupt, destructive way to exist. The authorities deny anyone freedom to NOT support such a disorderly social system based on the deceptive proclamation that it is governing us in order to make our PHYSICAL LIVES SAFE! =====> BIG FAT LIE!!!!!
The Emotional Being that is out of touch with itself and projecting propaganda (which are lies) is the Primary Criminal that is responsible for methodically dismantling our biosphere. Weapons of Mass Destruction are constantly being made and used in wars on various parts of our planet. Wars exist only because The Emotional Side of our being is in conflict; is contradicting any state of mind that it doesn't want. So long as the Emotional Being is fighting against its thoughts/feelings to turn them into something "better", there must be physical combat born out of the psychological ground of self-deceit. Before every physical assault, emotional speeches are promoted to justify the destruction that will be soon to follow. Anybody who is running away from certain thoughts or feelings that they have is waging war against him or herself; one is energetically connected to all destruction caused by Humanity. And, they must be at war with the world, which is a FACTUAL CRIME. That is what is annihilating our world, daily.
These laws that the Emotional Fragmented Mind enforces is a form of slaughter on behalf of the greediest bullies on the planet. The richest groups of people come from a long ancestry of pirates and murderers. After they slaughtered and stole most of the wealth, they organized on paper laws that protect them from being held accountable. And laws that protect the loot that they unfairly obtained. And, got rid of any evidence on how they came to have their enormous wealth. So Factual Criminals made up these IMAGINARY CRIMES & LAWS. Dictating to people how they should live or else be tortured and killed is criminal in and of itself. But, when you get violent people together to force upon others a life of inequality, most people are too scared to speak up and admit that this is wrong. And, they can't say so because they are just as criminal as their masters. They "believe" in order to hide from being in touch with the totality of their Emotional Being. So long as people remain FACTUAL CRIMINALS, they are obligated to pretend to respect these unfair and contradictory laws (set up to rob people and keep them in a perpetual state of struggle).
The main struggle to be free of is the struggle in the Emotional Mind. That area is the FOUNDATION of our entire existence. It determines physical/material conditions. For example, people who "believed" Reverend Jim Jones (if you don't know the story look it up on YouTube). These people sold their property and gave everything to Rev. Jim Jones because he promised that everything would be fine if they "believed". After he took them to his version of "The Promise Land", they were slaughtered there. There are thousands of stories like this throughout history. Physical suffering always follows after you "believe" the promise from the Emotional Mind (that is divided against itself). It can never bring peace, happiness or love. It can only repeat history which is genocide or suicide. Because it commits suicide the moment it runs away from any state of mind. Mind can't run from itself without destroying itself and others.
Once the mind is aware of these fundamental natural laws, then most Man-made laws can be abandoned. Orderly-Minds don't require managing. They are already being managed by the Neutral Energy of Clearly Being Aware of their emotions. Minds that are Whole do not destroy Life nor make unnecessary problems in relationships. All domestic arguing is merely due to their Emotional Being bickering over what they "believe". But when people observe facts, there is nothing to argue about. We see the facts and that seeing brings clarity and tranquility to cooperate without coercion. As long as you are NOT functioning as a FACTUAL CRIMINAL against the Natural Atomic Law, you are a righteous Human Being. No lies told about you by FACTUAL CRIMINALS who run a disorderly system (calling it law & order) can hurt or destroy your life.
Violating laws that protect pirates is really irrelevant. Whatever disorderly minds write on paper or put on their computer databases about you, can't stop a person from being in touch with the totality of their Psyche. This planet and biosphere is existing due to facts and being in contact with those facts. As a Human Being, my moral responsibility is to be in alignment with the facts of energy/life. If I'm made of atomic energy, then the center of my being is grounded in Neutrality or Nothingness (only when I am aware of ALL of my emotional thoughts and feelings without seeking to turn them into something "better".) Psychologically, that implies that I realize the fallacy and harm of buying into any "beliefs", "ideals" or "images" in order "to become the opposite of what I feel". Because, they move the mind away from being in contact with itself and encourages the Emotional Being to strive "to become" different from what it originally feels. That would be FACTUALLY CRIMINAL (going against Natural Atomic Law to be in full contact with ones being).
Anything that encourages self-destruction is invalid to obey. If someone tells me to eat poison, I see that it is not in my best interest to do that. If someone tells me to emotionally identify myself with a military group, I see that is not only detrimental for me, but it's also detrimental for our planet. Without this planet our species can't exist. So why assist in the destruction of the only planet that we have? Doesn't that mean that we are actually in favor of obliterating our species? For what? Just to Emotionally Pretend to be something that I am not? Pretending is criminal and breeds destruction.
So disorder/conflict is what crime truly is, because it breeds destruction to our world. And, the Emotional Mind that is out of touch with its total being cannot make order. Poison can never help your health to thrive. Anything that is anti-life is criminal and it is disorderly to cooperate with disorder. Disorder demands that we run away from being in touch with ourselves because it can't dominate you if you are WHOLE. It can't conquer you if your Emotional Being is UNDIVIDED. That is why the so-called educational system trains young minds to divide their Emotional Being and to dedicate their mental and physical energy to support disorder while the educators lie and call it "order", and it's your civic duty to comply. That is mentally abusive toward young minds that are being tricked into destroying their lives while they "believe" that they are progressing and doing a "good" thing.
It is inevitable that you are going to be accused of violating the artificial laws of your government because they've made so many of them that at all times everyone is in violation of some law. There are too many laws for them not to overlap and contradict each other. For instance, in California you have medicinal marajuana law that says it's okay to use it for a medical condition. Yet the federal law says that they can arrest you for the crime of using it because the federal law is in contradiction with the state law. There are many more contradictions like this in law.
Therefore, the way the law is arranged is entrapment. To obey one set of laws you are in violation of another set of laws. That is because the Emotional Being of people who made these rules reflects the contradictory state of affairs in their mind. The mind can only make things based on its own quality of being. If that quality is disorderly/contradictory, then the rules will reflect that condition. To bow down and blindly obey unfairness means that you are aiding and abetting in FACTUAL CRIME and maintaining suffering in the world. Everyone is making a contribution to disorder/crime when they fail to understand their Emotional Being.
There is only one law to be concerned about and that is the law of being in touch with the totality of your emotional responses and learning from that awareness. Then you are in Natural Order with the Universe. Our bodies came from our planet. And, this planet is in union with the entire Cosmos (in Latin "Cosmos" means ORDER). In order to resolve the messy state of affairs of living your day-to-day life, one must get back to the basics and be in touch with facts. Anything that is not a fact is irrelevant and detrimental to ORDER. No one can stop you from your moral responsibility of being in touch with your Mind (without seeking to control it).
When the smoke clears, ORDER will always remain because it is grounded in Neutrality, which is immeasurable. The disorderly Emotional Being is based on opposites, which is limited. A limited entity can never destroy the Unlimited. A divided entity can never destroy a Whole Being. That is Natural Atomic Law of Energy. This is the only Law that matters. And, any Man-made laws that contradict Natural Atomic Law of Energy is criminal and irrelevant. It is an imposture of law & order. Man-made laws that violate Natural Cosmic Law is criminal pretending to be a servant of justice. Emotional divided minds can never be fair, honest nor make good on their promises of physical protection for all.
Once you are in touch with the totality of your Emotional Being you will see that you now see everybody's Emotional State of Affairs. You wont be fooled by their pretenses of being your "friend", "political representative" or "spiritual guide". You don't need any guide. I'm not your guide. I 'm merely pointing out the facts. You can investigate or not. I am not trying to persuade you to do anything. Facts are presented and if you don't have the freedom to inquire and test them, then that is your fault. Nobody can save the Emotional Being from its ignorance. Every person is being presented with the challenge of discovering why the Human world is so complicated and multiplying deadly problems at an alarming rate. Why do people wait until a major disaster hits before they start to question what the hell are we doing with our lives everyday?
Well everyday people get up to escape from their Emotional Selves through lies that help them forget what they truly think and feel, deep down. Through excessive alcoholic drinking, using drugs, they kill off their brain cells to numb themselves to their feelings that they don't want to deal with. Or, they go to church, temples, cathedrals and get lost in a trance of "being good". It's just a show put together by The Emotional Mind (a long time ago). The older the show, the more it is accepted as being "real". But, it's a hoax. And, most people hide in these rituals to seek an emotional sensation that they are "not bad" (which is the opposite of the fact).
The more the Emotional Mind accepts lies for truth and the actuality for lies, the more crazy and violent it becomes. And, the more it is speeding up the process of eliminating itself from this world, altogether. So there's no need to try to get rid of disorderly people. They are already doing that. If you lift a finger to try to get rid of them, you will be in their predicament of self-destruction. This is why it taunts orderly people to hurt or attack them. But an intelligent mind (that is in touch with itself), sees through all deceptive psychological war games. And, when you see a thing very clearly, you are not fooled.
The difference between Imaginary Crime & Factual Crime is that you are a slave to your delusions when you are a Factual Criminal. But, violating an Imaginary Crime of abandoning "Emotional Beliefs", is the Highest Order in reality. The Imaginary Crime is a facade backed by threats of brutality, cruelty or being a social outcast. But, the collective Emotional Mindset is out of touch with itself, so they are not factually united at all. They are all in a perpetual state of friction against one another, on a subconscious level (because each one is in conflict in its Emotional Being).
All outer displays of living come from the internal state of affairs. If a seed is rotten it will produce a rotten tree with rotten fruit. But if that seed is healthy it will produce a healthy tree with wholesome fruit. Our Emotional Mind is the seed of our tree (our physical condition). You can see that the Emotional Being is making a great big mess of the physical conditions because everyday it is hiding from being in touch with itself. It does not want to see its disorder, which is what maintains disorder. The consistent failure to see oneself as one actually is has made the world what it is today. The future is based on what has been going on and what continues to go on. What is the state of affairs in your Emotional Being? Are you choosing between which feelings to cling to and which to suppress like (metaphysical charlatans preach)?
My writings are designed to be a mirror for you to study yourself and live in freedom from the bondage of fear of being in touch with yourself. Because without contact, you are psychologically dead (like a zombie: physically walking the planet but emotionally being a stranger to yourself). Without being related to facts, you are shutting the door on the regenerative energy of life. The meaning of life is to learn through Holistic Observation of ALL of your feelings and thoughts. Without mental clarity about yourself, your life has no meaning and whatever you do or say has no basis in fact and is, therefore, worthless. No matter how much property to acquire, it wont ever substitute Holistic self-awareness.
I don't worry about being branded something humiliating or ugly because I realize that those minds are not really alive. Why should I care what a dead thing thinks or labels me? You see when you are in touch with the facts you have everything that gives value to your life. You feel your connection with not just your own nervous system, emotions, etc., but you also feel your energy is connected with your environment and that is connected to the Cosmos. You do feel that fact. You then realize the the Human species is just a microscopic dot in the grand scheme of the Universe. But when your mind is WHOLE, you are not just a Human being, but you are a creature of the Cosmos. So when the Factual Criminal Mind tries to punish you for being WHOLE, it is speeding up the process of eliminating that total disorderly mentality (and all those who serve that dimension of ignorance).
Thank you.
Now going back to the atomic law...
All matter (which is energy containing opposite expressions or forms) have an equal amount of "positive" and "negative" energy. And these opposites are Grounded or Rooted in an eternal form of energy that has NO "positive" or "negative" energy. A form of energy that has No Charge at all is limitless because it has no opposite. Energy with opposites is memory, which is a fragment -- having a beginning and an ending (it is finite).
However, the atom has equal amount of protons (positive charge of energy) and electrons (negative charge of energy). But these limited opposite fragments are held together or Grounded in a harmonious, limitless form of energy that we call the NEUTRON (meaning it is NEUTRAL - neither "positive" or "negative" energy). That means that form of energy is NOTHING (Not A Thing). "Thing" is matter that is a fragment which is measurable -- having a beginning and ending. But, a form of energy having NO CHARGE has no beginning or ending and cannot be measured. That is the very CENTER OF ALL ENERGY (ENERGY IS LIFE). The CENTER OF LIFE is INFINITE/IMMEASURABLE. It has no opposite because its energy is indivisible. ALL ENERGY OF LIFE -- THE ATOM containing equal charges of opposite forms of energy flows out of the Neutral Energy of Nothingness and returns to that same Ground of Nothingness/Eternity. Energy is born out of Nothingness/Neutrality, and then dies in the Ground of its birthplace. Thus is the cycle of Energy/Life.
So how does our Emotional Being fit into this Center Of Nothingness?
If you examine your emotional responses, your mind has divided them into 2 fundamental categories -- PLEASURE & PAIN. Watch your response when you are flattered or when you are insulted. When you are flattered, you have been conditioned/trained by the emotional influences of the group of people that you grew up around to have certain traditional reactions to any situation. If you don't have the traditional expected emotional response, then the community of people around you will start pressuring you to conform to their expectation or else they will socially humiliate you, shun you or try to set you up to lose your physical security, in various ways.
Let's get back to how the Human Emotional Side of our being is operating with regard to Atomic Law of Energy (the: Negative/Positive in NEUTRALITY):
We must, first, show how and why our Emotional Nature veered out of order. There is 2 distinct sides of Human Nature: the Emotional Side and the Physical Side. The Emotional Side is the foundation of our existence. You can't skip past the Emotional Side to gain access to physical well being. Humans must respond to the psychological challenge (the emotional side, which in ancient times people called "spiritual" because it was invisible to the eye but they could feel them very strongly). Humans constantly emotionally challenge each other while they carry out their mundane daily tasks of physical survival.
For example when you perform your tasks at work, co-workers are demanding that you expose or reveal what you "believe" (or emotionally assume about things going on in either your personal life or comment on other peoples troubles). Either way, the Emotional Mind is constantly trying to get you to commit or choose sides, either positively or negatively about any social matter. Are you pro or against this issue -- is what we are faced with.
The Emotional Mind that is disorderly is always seeking a social "reward" and fears "punishment". People join the military and pledge their physical lives so that they can be Emotionally honored by their peers so that they can Emotionally feel "important", "superior" and to escape from the Emotional feeling of being a "nobody" or a "nothing". The Emotional fears being "nothing" more than losing its physical life. The Emotional Being imagines that its value is mainly in struggling to prove (mainly to itself) that it has gone beyond feelings of weakness, cruelty, loneliness or not being loved. The conditioned mind can't know what Love is, because is not a material process so it is not measurable or limited. In other words, Love is not a product of Emotional Memory. Love is has no opposite; it is Neutral. That means that Love is a byproduct of the ending of (the understanding of) The Emotional responses.
Let me go back to the 2 sides of Human existence: the Emotional and the Physical sides. You see, when you are taught to choose between things that help our bodies and hurt our bodies, we ASSUMED (BELIEVED) that the same was true for our Emotional Side, as well. It is sane to avoid physical danger. So you choose clean food, clothes and shelter. You avoid rotten or poisonous food. You protect your body and environment so that you can physically survive. After all the brain's primary function is to survive. So far this is logical, sane, right?
Now while we are being educated about technical matters, we are suppose to also be learning and understanding our Emotional Being. What is this Being? It is our feelings which are either elated, apathetic or disturbed. Someone tells you that you are not as attractive, rich or smart as somebody else; how does your Emotional Mind respond? The Emotional Being is designed to study its responses in each present passing moment. But instead, the Emotional Being has been deceived throughout centuries to traditionally respond. The traditional response is based on a GRAVE MISUNDERSTANDING...
Here is the Major Misunderstanding that is being perpetuated to this day...
When we are taught to choose between things that can hurt or help our brain or bodies, the Emotional Being ASSUMES that it is suppose to do the same thing with regard to its feelings. It erroneously believes/thinks that its FEELINGS are the same as its Brain/Body. Because I am suppose to avoid anything that hurts my body, then I'm suppose to avert anything that hurts my feelings. Your feelings about yourself is based on an image (your imagination). Let's say when you were a child that your father praised you most of the time and your mother condemned you most of the time. Your Emotional Being would become emotionally identified with your father and emotionally detached from your mother (or visa versa). So the Emotional Being is imitating the "Physical Side of its nature".
So what is wrong with that? Why is it disorderly for my Emotional Side to do the same thing as my Physical Side?
I will give an overview, first:
The Universal Language of Energy is 1 (one) and 0 (zero).
The Physical Side = 1: [either +1 (Healthy) or -1 (Unhealthy)]
The Emotional Side = 0 [No Movement ("toward" or "away from")]
On The Physical Side, the "1" represents the finite energy regarding physical survival. That "1" can either be "negative" or "positive" ("destructive" or "constructive"). For example, the body/brain must distinguish between food that will help the body to grow and thrive, and food that will damage the body. So on the Physical Side, we must choose things in the interest of Physical Survival. There is a movement toward anything that is Healthy; there is a movement away from anything that is Unhealthy. When you see a poisonous snake, the inherent intelligence in your brain causes you to move away from it. When you are hungry and you see wholesome food, the intelligence in your brain makes you move toward and obtain that food. So the movement toward Physical Survival represents +1. And, the Movement toward Physical Detriment represents -1. Hence, it is an unhealthy, insane act to move toward physical harm or destruction.
When it comes to The Emotional Being the Human species has been, and still is, lost and in psychological darkness. And, it has never awakened to the "traditional" error of its ways:
On The Emotional Side, the "0" represents infinite energy to clearly observe and understand its emotional states of mind. That "0" is Holistic Self-observation that is neither biased to see its "negative" or "positive" thoughts or feelings. So there is no movement "to become" orderly, because to do so would bring about conflict/opposition to disorder. Opposition to disorder IS disorderly. When you feel lustful and you identify with chastity, that chastity is merely a mask concealing lust. That mask of chastity is born out of its lustful state of being. Therefore, ones belief in chastity is lust in disguise. The actual state of lust has not changed or disappeared. It has only been suppressed by an illusion of the emotional word "chastity" has been accepted in order to hide/escape from my lustful state of being. That is why the mind backslides later and then condemns itself for being "bad". This is the self-deceptive game that the Emotional Mind plays in order to secretly maintain its disorderly state of lust.
"Choice" does not work with regard to ones Emotional Being. It rationalizes that, "It works fine when I choose in the interest of my Physical Needs, so presumably "choice" must also work for my Psychological Desire (to escape from my upsetting feelings/thoughts)." But, that is absolutely fictitious! When the Emotional Side "chooses" to reject whatever it thinks or feels and run after a make-believe feeling, it is then out of touch with itself. In indulging in ideals, beliefs or delusions, it is breaking, dividing itself. The Emotional Side has shattered its perceptive ability to see itself as it actually is. This is THE ULTIMATE CRIME AGAINST THE ENERGY OF BALANCE. Basically, it has become insane (unhealthy, malfunctioning mind).
To be alive means: TO BE IN TOUCH WITH REALITY (no matter if you "like" or "dislike" whatever you are feeling or thinking at any given moment)!
When energy disassociates from itself, it is actually DISINTEGRATING or FALLING APART or DECAYING. Because, the natural order of energy is to be related to itself, and in that relationship comes clarity and understanding and an adequate response to all challenges in ones Life.
So the Emotional Side of our existence is intrinsically designed to be aware of the totality of its emotional responses (thoughts/feelings) without choosing to be aware of the ones that you "like" and ignore the ones that you "dislike" in order to try to be psychologically comfortable and certain (just like your brain needs to be sure that it is physically safe from injury or destruction). But, Physical Necessity is a completely different area of our being that must be kept safe or you can't live. But, when the Psyche is disturbed, and it pays full attention to its disturbed state of being (of which it is), then it understands itself in that state and then that state of disturbance naturally withers away through its neutral attention of its disturbed thought or feeling. Then, ones Emotional Being is actually being in touch with its nature (one is then truly ALIVE). That means that when you are learning through Neutral Observation of ALL of your emotional responses, you are at Peace, Harmony and Love.
Your Emotional Being is no longer at war within itself nor with anybody else (even if others are against themselves and the world). One is not doing harm to oneself nor to others. Such a state of mind is not a FACTUAL CRIMINAL (however, the disorderly world considers a non-supporter of "beliefs" or emotional "images" to be a villain -- that is an IMAGINARY CRIMINAL (not based on fact, but based purely on the emotions of "like" or "dislike" which is prejudice and is not in alignment with the Natural Atomic Universal Law).
Although the disorderly mind misinterprets your lack of support to help it hide from itself as being an enemy, that is not a fact. To see one as one is, is to be factually related with the Emotional Being of Humanity, and that is Real Love (which is in alignment with the Natural Atomic Universal Law). A hateful mind rejects anything that does not help it to emotionally escape from itself and pretend to be other than one is, which is psychological warfare, which is what it means to be a FACTUAL CRIMINAL. Because you are actually hurting yourself and others when you engage in emotional escapism (which is to gratify or support ideals, beliefs or opinions based on emotional "likes" or "dislikes" which is contradictory, divisive and conflict).
To be in touch with your nature is a NEUTRAL ACTION!
Neutrality is Love. Love brings about WHOLENESS to ones state of being. To study the Emotional Being by watching its own responses to the daily challenges in living, is to be related to ones actual nature. A thing that is related to itself is in touch with the rest of Life, as well, and is, therefore, in harmony with all of Life. So when a disorderly Emotional Being tries to destroy your physical security or your clarity of mind, it will inevitably attack itself, instead. Why? Because, a disorderly Emotional Being only sees illusions, images based on hiding from itself. Such a mind is not in touch with the reality of itself, so it can't see beyond itself. When it goes to attack what it "believes" is the other person (who happens to be Orderly because he or she is monitoring his or her responses), then the attacker can only attack a mind that is in conflict within itself. When the mind is in touch with itself and does not seek the opposite state of mind, it is not in conflict -- it is not being a contradiction. Conflict only occurs between contradictory-mentalities that are out of touch with themselves. That is how war works. War is founded upon division. Division is being out of touch with your state of mind (that you don't like).
A disorderly mind is a criminal mind. A crime is to do harm, needlessly and on purpose. The Emotional Being deliberately wishes to escape from any thought or feeling that disturbs itself. Like a drug addict, it just wants to get "high" to run away from painful realities. "Believing" in anything, psychologically, is running away from painful thoughts/feelings to hallucinate that you have been saved from them and are now free. Every time people get together to delude themselves that they are "good", "righteous", "moral", "sane" or "in touch with reality", they wind up in some kind of colossal tragedy. This is because they have violated The Atomic Law of Energy which requires all life forms to be in touch with itself. Imagination is wrongly being used to be out of touch with itself whenever itself feels disturbed. Imagination is only there as a tool for Physical Needs. (i.e., you use ideas to build technology, prepare meals or to repair material problems, etcetera).
But when the imagination is used in order to escape from an Emotional State of Being, it is then OUT OF ORDER. Order means to be in touch with everything that is going on in your mind (even when it is uncomfortable) so that the mind does not divide & fight itself. When the mind is learning and communing with its state of psychological disturbance, wisdom is born. The solution to any emotional problem lies in being FULLY IN TOUCH WITH THE PROBLEM, itself. There is No Movement Away From the Problem (Negative Movement). And, there is No Movement Toward The Opposite "Ideal" (Positive Movement).
The Physical Side of your being MUST move toward getting whatever it needs to stay alive. And, the Physical Side MUST move away from any deadly threats to its safety. But, The Disorderly Emotional Being fails to see the danger of moving away from painful feelings or thoughts, and running after opposite delusions that promise emotional comfort. The Emotional Mind assumes that it should be doing the same thing as its Brain (so it feels justified to defend its feelings and accept lies about itself that denies any emotional pain). But, there is no real danger to your life when there is emotional discomfort. Physical self protection is a fact, because your life is on the line. Whereas, being emotionally uncomfortable is necessary for the mind to awaken to be able to learn about itself and its inherent limitations. When there is psychological unawareness, the Brain/Body and Physical Security is jeopardized. When people divide themselves into psychological groups by being emotionally identified with their country, family, dogmatic ideal or a gang, then each group struggles to dominate and prove superiority (seeking emotional power), they inevitably end up fighting one another, which destroys Physical Security.
The Emotional Side of your being is orderly only when it does NOT move away from being in touch with its thoughts and feelings. No Negative or Positive Movement is a QUIET HOLISTIC MIND. And, that is the State of Love (that has no opposite). Love means Communion with ALL Psychological Thoughts & Feelings that arise in every present moment of daily living. Being fully Alive is a matter of Detecting exactly what is taking place in your consciousness, from present moment-to-moment. That DETECTION is Neutral Energy, because it is equally, impartially examining both Pleasant (positive) and Unpleasant (negative) emotional feelings. There is no preference to pay attention to one side and, then ignore the other side of ones Emotional Being. Therefore, ones mind is WHOLE (HOLY, SACRED and MORAL -- free of conflict, contradiction or hypocrisy). This is ORDER-BALANCE-VIRTUE.
Such an Emotional State of Being is perfectly balanced and grounded in the Neutrality of Seeing its WHOLE BEING (that is: ALL of its thoughts/feelings). The Emotional Being IS its thoughts and feelings. This is why it is destroying itself whenever it seeks to ignore, run away or suppress any thought or feeling. One runs from the poisonous snake because that creature is not a physical part of your being. It does not belong in your physical locality. But your disturbing thoughts or feelings are actually YOURSELF! To try to distance yourself from yourself is an impossibility. And using make-believe ideals to take your attention away from an expression of your mind that you don't want to deal with, is detrimental to your entire existence.
If people were to be in touch with their Emotional Being and see the falseness of using their imaginations to hide from ugly truths about what they deeply feel, then we, as a species, would no longer need to have laws that dictate how we should be related to one another, socially. These rules/laws only exist because most people are in DISORDER, psychologically. Humanity would naturally live in cooperation without punishment to threaten them into (pretending like they are) getting along with each other. The key to this huge mess that we call "living" is to WAKE UP to the error of our Emotional Ignorance about the abusive manner in which the emotional-imagination is being misused. To see what is wrong is to instantly function rightly. I don't mean "right" according to my personal "likes" or "dislikes". I mean "right" based on the Atomic Law of Energy. That's based on being in full contact with the totality of my mind by being aware of the fallacy of "seeking to become the opposite of the feelings that I dislike." Without direct contact with the reality of ones whole emotional being, the psyche is dead, because it does not actually see its reflection in its daily relationships. A ghost has no reflection, and neither does a mind that exists off of images. An image of a delicious meal, will not fill your stomach, will it? An image of love will not bring peace in a relationship, either. Images are the opposite of what one feels and so it is false and has no relationship to the fact. People must behave violently toward one another as long as they are using each other in order to cover up any psychological flaws or disturbances. They are being partners in the crime of emotional division which breeds conflict, which is violence.
So one must realize that the only reason why these Man-made laws exist is to maintain disorder, which is a perpetual state of conflict. Conflict promising to make us physically safe by destroying the health of young people by tricking them into going to war to ostensibly make the lives of their families safe. It is like being in a non-stop ping-pong match. One side throws a bomb across the net, and the other side returns a bomb back across the net. And, that continues forever. The bombs maims and destroys lives. What is so safe about that? But as I said before, The Emotional Being is willing to sacrifice The Physical Side in order to validate a lie, which is that "I am more than I am." Imagination can make up anything. It can say that it is "God" or that it is limitless. It uses emotional-sounding words to convince itself and others that its lies are "truth". Anyone who says otherwise must be destroyed.
But it can only destroy someone who is out of touch with the totality of their Emotional Being. The first rule of war requires that the target must first be divided against itself in order to be able to conquer it. When the mind is aware of this fact, it can't be hijacked so long as it realized that physical security is grounded in ones Emotional Being detecting disorder in itself. That is, detecting whenever it hides from any thought or feeling. Then the mind remains WHOLE, not divided against itself. So when the would-be conquerer threatens a mind that is understanding its Emotional Nature, all efforts to conquer that person must fail.
The body can only be victimized by getting The Emotional Side of ones being to run away from itself by "believing" in the opposite state of mind that it desires "to become". That is psychological movement, which is conflict/disorderly. Any movement away from disturbance or toward an imagined better state of mind, is self-destructive. When my Psyche moves away from being aware of my thoughts or feelings, I have split myself into and then I'm at odds within myself. Consequently, I have served myself on a silver platter to be conquered and utterly destroyed.
So now THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN IMAGINARY CRIME AND FACTUAL CRIME should be obvious, if you've been carefully paying attention. Laws invented by disorderly mentalities did so to try to be in control of Life on this planet. They use brute force and threats of punishment in order to intimidate people into bowing down to a corrupt, destructive way to exist. The authorities deny anyone freedom to NOT support such a disorderly social system based on the deceptive proclamation that it is governing us in order to make our PHYSICAL LIVES SAFE! =====> BIG FAT LIE!!!!!
The Emotional Being that is out of touch with itself and projecting propaganda (which are lies) is the Primary Criminal that is responsible for methodically dismantling our biosphere. Weapons of Mass Destruction are constantly being made and used in wars on various parts of our planet. Wars exist only because The Emotional Side of our being is in conflict; is contradicting any state of mind that it doesn't want. So long as the Emotional Being is fighting against its thoughts/feelings to turn them into something "better", there must be physical combat born out of the psychological ground of self-deceit. Before every physical assault, emotional speeches are promoted to justify the destruction that will be soon to follow. Anybody who is running away from certain thoughts or feelings that they have is waging war against him or herself; one is energetically connected to all destruction caused by Humanity. And, they must be at war with the world, which is a FACTUAL CRIME. That is what is annihilating our world, daily.
These laws that the Emotional Fragmented Mind enforces is a form of slaughter on behalf of the greediest bullies on the planet. The richest groups of people come from a long ancestry of pirates and murderers. After they slaughtered and stole most of the wealth, they organized on paper laws that protect them from being held accountable. And laws that protect the loot that they unfairly obtained. And, got rid of any evidence on how they came to have their enormous wealth. So Factual Criminals made up these IMAGINARY CRIMES & LAWS. Dictating to people how they should live or else be tortured and killed is criminal in and of itself. But, when you get violent people together to force upon others a life of inequality, most people are too scared to speak up and admit that this is wrong. And, they can't say so because they are just as criminal as their masters. They "believe" in order to hide from being in touch with the totality of their Emotional Being. So long as people remain FACTUAL CRIMINALS, they are obligated to pretend to respect these unfair and contradictory laws (set up to rob people and keep them in a perpetual state of struggle).
The main struggle to be free of is the struggle in the Emotional Mind. That area is the FOUNDATION of our entire existence. It determines physical/material conditions. For example, people who "believed" Reverend Jim Jones (if you don't know the story look it up on YouTube). These people sold their property and gave everything to Rev. Jim Jones because he promised that everything would be fine if they "believed". After he took them to his version of "The Promise Land", they were slaughtered there. There are thousands of stories like this throughout history. Physical suffering always follows after you "believe" the promise from the Emotional Mind (that is divided against itself). It can never bring peace, happiness or love. It can only repeat history which is genocide or suicide. Because it commits suicide the moment it runs away from any state of mind. Mind can't run from itself without destroying itself and others.
Once the mind is aware of these fundamental natural laws, then most Man-made laws can be abandoned. Orderly-Minds don't require managing. They are already being managed by the Neutral Energy of Clearly Being Aware of their emotions. Minds that are Whole do not destroy Life nor make unnecessary problems in relationships. All domestic arguing is merely due to their Emotional Being bickering over what they "believe". But when people observe facts, there is nothing to argue about. We see the facts and that seeing brings clarity and tranquility to cooperate without coercion. As long as you are NOT functioning as a FACTUAL CRIMINAL against the Natural Atomic Law, you are a righteous Human Being. No lies told about you by FACTUAL CRIMINALS who run a disorderly system (calling it law & order) can hurt or destroy your life.
Violating laws that protect pirates is really irrelevant. Whatever disorderly minds write on paper or put on their computer databases about you, can't stop a person from being in touch with the totality of their Psyche. This planet and biosphere is existing due to facts and being in contact with those facts. As a Human Being, my moral responsibility is to be in alignment with the facts of energy/life. If I'm made of atomic energy, then the center of my being is grounded in Neutrality or Nothingness (only when I am aware of ALL of my emotional thoughts and feelings without seeking to turn them into something "better".) Psychologically, that implies that I realize the fallacy and harm of buying into any "beliefs", "ideals" or "images" in order "to become the opposite of what I feel". Because, they move the mind away from being in contact with itself and encourages the Emotional Being to strive "to become" different from what it originally feels. That would be FACTUALLY CRIMINAL (going against Natural Atomic Law to be in full contact with ones being).
Anything that encourages self-destruction is invalid to obey. If someone tells me to eat poison, I see that it is not in my best interest to do that. If someone tells me to emotionally identify myself with a military group, I see that is not only detrimental for me, but it's also detrimental for our planet. Without this planet our species can't exist. So why assist in the destruction of the only planet that we have? Doesn't that mean that we are actually in favor of obliterating our species? For what? Just to Emotionally Pretend to be something that I am not? Pretending is criminal and breeds destruction.
So disorder/conflict is what crime truly is, because it breeds destruction to our world. And, the Emotional Mind that is out of touch with its total being cannot make order. Poison can never help your health to thrive. Anything that is anti-life is criminal and it is disorderly to cooperate with disorder. Disorder demands that we run away from being in touch with ourselves because it can't dominate you if you are WHOLE. It can't conquer you if your Emotional Being is UNDIVIDED. That is why the so-called educational system trains young minds to divide their Emotional Being and to dedicate their mental and physical energy to support disorder while the educators lie and call it "order", and it's your civic duty to comply. That is mentally abusive toward young minds that are being tricked into destroying their lives while they "believe" that they are progressing and doing a "good" thing.
It is inevitable that you are going to be accused of violating the artificial laws of your government because they've made so many of them that at all times everyone is in violation of some law. There are too many laws for them not to overlap and contradict each other. For instance, in California you have medicinal marajuana law that says it's okay to use it for a medical condition. Yet the federal law says that they can arrest you for the crime of using it because the federal law is in contradiction with the state law. There are many more contradictions like this in law.
Therefore, the way the law is arranged is entrapment. To obey one set of laws you are in violation of another set of laws. That is because the Emotional Being of people who made these rules reflects the contradictory state of affairs in their mind. The mind can only make things based on its own quality of being. If that quality is disorderly/contradictory, then the rules will reflect that condition. To bow down and blindly obey unfairness means that you are aiding and abetting in FACTUAL CRIME and maintaining suffering in the world. Everyone is making a contribution to disorder/crime when they fail to understand their Emotional Being.
There is only one law to be concerned about and that is the law of being in touch with the totality of your emotional responses and learning from that awareness. Then you are in Natural Order with the Universe. Our bodies came from our planet. And, this planet is in union with the entire Cosmos (in Latin "Cosmos" means ORDER). In order to resolve the messy state of affairs of living your day-to-day life, one must get back to the basics and be in touch with facts. Anything that is not a fact is irrelevant and detrimental to ORDER. No one can stop you from your moral responsibility of being in touch with your Mind (without seeking to control it).
When the smoke clears, ORDER will always remain because it is grounded in Neutrality, which is immeasurable. The disorderly Emotional Being is based on opposites, which is limited. A limited entity can never destroy the Unlimited. A divided entity can never destroy a Whole Being. That is Natural Atomic Law of Energy. This is the only Law that matters. And, any Man-made laws that contradict Natural Atomic Law of Energy is criminal and irrelevant. It is an imposture of law & order. Man-made laws that violate Natural Cosmic Law is criminal pretending to be a servant of justice. Emotional divided minds can never be fair, honest nor make good on their promises of physical protection for all.
Once you are in touch with the totality of your Emotional Being you will see that you now see everybody's Emotional State of Affairs. You wont be fooled by their pretenses of being your "friend", "political representative" or "spiritual guide". You don't need any guide. I'm not your guide. I 'm merely pointing out the facts. You can investigate or not. I am not trying to persuade you to do anything. Facts are presented and if you don't have the freedom to inquire and test them, then that is your fault. Nobody can save the Emotional Being from its ignorance. Every person is being presented with the challenge of discovering why the Human world is so complicated and multiplying deadly problems at an alarming rate. Why do people wait until a major disaster hits before they start to question what the hell are we doing with our lives everyday?
Well everyday people get up to escape from their Emotional Selves through lies that help them forget what they truly think and feel, deep down. Through excessive alcoholic drinking, using drugs, they kill off their brain cells to numb themselves to their feelings that they don't want to deal with. Or, they go to church, temples, cathedrals and get lost in a trance of "being good". It's just a show put together by The Emotional Mind (a long time ago). The older the show, the more it is accepted as being "real". But, it's a hoax. And, most people hide in these rituals to seek an emotional sensation that they are "not bad" (which is the opposite of the fact).
The more the Emotional Mind accepts lies for truth and the actuality for lies, the more crazy and violent it becomes. And, the more it is speeding up the process of eliminating itself from this world, altogether. So there's no need to try to get rid of disorderly people. They are already doing that. If you lift a finger to try to get rid of them, you will be in their predicament of self-destruction. This is why it taunts orderly people to hurt or attack them. But an intelligent mind (that is in touch with itself), sees through all deceptive psychological war games. And, when you see a thing very clearly, you are not fooled.
The difference between Imaginary Crime & Factual Crime is that you are a slave to your delusions when you are a Factual Criminal. But, violating an Imaginary Crime of abandoning "Emotional Beliefs", is the Highest Order in reality. The Imaginary Crime is a facade backed by threats of brutality, cruelty or being a social outcast. But, the collective Emotional Mindset is out of touch with itself, so they are not factually united at all. They are all in a perpetual state of friction against one another, on a subconscious level (because each one is in conflict in its Emotional Being).
All outer displays of living come from the internal state of affairs. If a seed is rotten it will produce a rotten tree with rotten fruit. But if that seed is healthy it will produce a healthy tree with wholesome fruit. Our Emotional Mind is the seed of our tree (our physical condition). You can see that the Emotional Being is making a great big mess of the physical conditions because everyday it is hiding from being in touch with itself. It does not want to see its disorder, which is what maintains disorder. The consistent failure to see oneself as one actually is has made the world what it is today. The future is based on what has been going on and what continues to go on. What is the state of affairs in your Emotional Being? Are you choosing between which feelings to cling to and which to suppress like (metaphysical charlatans preach)?
My writings are designed to be a mirror for you to study yourself and live in freedom from the bondage of fear of being in touch with yourself. Because without contact, you are psychologically dead (like a zombie: physically walking the planet but emotionally being a stranger to yourself). Without being related to facts, you are shutting the door on the regenerative energy of life. The meaning of life is to learn through Holistic Observation of ALL of your feelings and thoughts. Without mental clarity about yourself, your life has no meaning and whatever you do or say has no basis in fact and is, therefore, worthless. No matter how much property to acquire, it wont ever substitute Holistic self-awareness.
I don't worry about being branded something humiliating or ugly because I realize that those minds are not really alive. Why should I care what a dead thing thinks or labels me? You see when you are in touch with the facts you have everything that gives value to your life. You feel your connection with not just your own nervous system, emotions, etc., but you also feel your energy is connected with your environment and that is connected to the Cosmos. You do feel that fact. You then realize the the Human species is just a microscopic dot in the grand scheme of the Universe. But when your mind is WHOLE, you are not just a Human being, but you are a creature of the Cosmos. So when the Factual Criminal Mind tries to punish you for being WHOLE, it is speeding up the process of eliminating that total disorderly mentality (and all those who serve that dimension of ignorance).
Thank you.