person was telling me about the horrors committed against the race
that he emotionally identifies with. He was emphasizing the meanness
and cruelty that was committed a long time ago. And, he claimed that
the unjust treatment is carrying on to this day, but in a more secretive
way. He painted a one-sided picture that gave the impression that
his so-called race was "innocent and undeserving" of being
abused and murdered in such a cold-blooded way. He condemned the race
and their "religion" that justified their barbaric
treatment of what they believed was the "inferior" race.
Now I
don't care which so-called "race" that people emotionally
favor or disfavor. What matters is what is taking place in the minds
of people that brings about various destructive behavior. Both the
controlled (or victim) and the controller (criminal) are playing an
illusory game with each other. Both sides pretend to themselves to be
justified in their way of thinking. Both sides are polarized and feed
off each other. Both sides do their part to perpetuate conflict,
opposition and destruction. Both sides are dependent on each other to
give a certain imaginary value or worth to themselves. Both sides are
psychologically dead - meaning, that their mind is operating off of
an image about themselves. An image is a dead thing that is born out
of the past (which is dead).
is founded upon the dead past emotionally-driven experiences.
Something happened that aroused emotional disturbance. That state of
disturbance is being continued into the present by constantly
remembering cruel events that happened in the past. So people are not
in relationship with what you are in the present. They are only
concerned with your past and reacting to you based upon your past.
Racism is a warfare tactic to divide the Human species into being at odds
within that one species. Race is an illusion invented by people who
wanted to take control of massive quantities of people in order to
steal from them while they bicker among themselves.
endless cry of being wronged by some group of people is bogus and
misdirecting the victim's responsibility for their victimization.
Nobody can be a victim by another person or group of people without
first victimizing themselves, psychologically. When the mind stops
being in touch with itself, it is dead. The living is in FULL CONTACT
with itself. A living thing is aware of itself in each present
moment. Awareness is NOT a memory. Memories about past emotional
happenings is NOT a living fact. Yesterday I stepped on your foot.
But right now, I am NOT stepping on your foot. Being preoccupied
about yesterday's experiences destroys the mind's ability to pay
attention to what is presently happening. A mind that focuses on the
past is a dead mind because it ignores the living present state of
any group of people are invaded, the state of mind of the people are
existing on a make-believe idea that they invent about themselves. If
the mind does not like any emotional state of being, it uses its
imagination to dig into its emotional past feelings, and then it
concentrates on those feelings that it remembered that felt pleasant.
The mind does this in order to escape from being in touch with any
emotion that it dislikes. No matter what "race" (which is
purely imaginary) one may identify oneself with, the emotional mind
operates exactly the same way in everyone. The entire mind of
Humanity has an emotional-imagination that it uses in order to hide
from any emotional state of being that it does not want to
acknowledge. The mind is disassociating itself away from itself in
order to not be in touch with anything about itself that it dislikes.
When the mind does this, it is dead because it is out of touch with
itself. A thing is only ALIVE because it is IN TOUCH with the living
reality of what it is, regardless if it likes it or not!
have made up the idea of "race" based on the geological
location of various groups of people being shaped by their physical
environment. If you live near the equator, the people will have dark
skin. If you live near the north or south pole, the people have fair
skin. When people live in groups they develop a language that they
all become habitually familiar with. All of these things are merely
superficial. Because, the Core of a Human Being is
emotional/psychological based on feelings. Someone compliments your
skills or appearance, and there is an emotional response that is
pleasant. Someone insults your skills or appearance, and there is an
emotional response that is disturbance. When the mind likes its
feelings, it wants to hold onto that state of mind. When the mind
dislikes its feelings, it wants to escape from that state of mind.
The way the mind holds onto pleasant thoughts/feelings is that it
imagines itself to be "good" or "superior" or
"wonderful" all the time. This is called a self-image (an
ego). The mind does this in order to hide from or ignore its
emotional thoughts and feelings that it wishes to disassociate itself
from. So, in essence, the mind has divided itself against itself. It
has declared war on itself by opposing the feelings and thoughts that
it dislikes -- and opposition is warfare. This is a fact.
within all so-called "races" is an internal war going on.
There is one quality of the psyche that is in conflict with another
quality of itself. The mind is ONE UNIT. However, that unit is
fractured when the mind seeks to get away from or refuses to pay
attention to any emotional quality that it finds to be upsetting. If
you look at the mind like the weather or climate, it has states of
being that are like a storm or like a sunny day. It wants itself to
be "a sunny pleasant day" all of the time. It does not want
to ever be "a disturbing stormy day". So what the mind does
is go into its past memories of when it was in "a sunny pleasant
day" state of mind, and then it focuses on that memory in an
effort to drown out the current "state of being a storm".
So the mind is choosing to exist in a dead memory of past feelings
and thoughts in order to distance itself away from what it is
actually feeling in the living present. So when the mind does this,
it is disintegrating, degenerating and decomposing like a corpse,
the villain...
the mind is internally fighting against itself, externally some
foreign group of people come along and physically hurts those people
who are in a state of internal psychological warfare. This invading
group of people are viewed as the villains. When a mind is divided
against itself, it is already hurting itself by being out of touch
with itself. To be alive means TO BE IN FULL CONTACT WITH WHATEVER
ONE IS FEELING OR THINKING, even if you dislike it. The mind is the
content of whatever it thinks and feels. So when it tries to ignore
itself by repeating phrases that gives emotional comfort, it is
seeking to drown out whatever thoughts or feelings that it doesn't
want to have. The mind is denying what it feels and thinks in the
living present. And, it is seeking to invent what it wants to think
and feel by remembering pleasant thoughts and feelings. Choosing
"what one desires" over the "disturbed state of being
in the present" is the mind disintegrating and dividing its
itself into FICTION vs. FACT! This is self-destructive and violent.
So the
mind is already destroying itself by believing itself to be different
from what it is feeling and thinking. If one feels hate, it believes
in the concept of "love". That word "love" is
born out of the actual state of hate so its "love" has its
roots in hatred. Therefore, it is a false form of love. The mind does
this with all of its feelings and thoughts that are ugly. It makes up
the opposite to disguise and cover up the original ugly state of
being. This is a mental battle taking place in the minds of most
Humans. It is very rare that a person discovers that this entire
process is immoral, false and self-destructive. So when a foreign
group of people or whenever a stranger comes along and does something
abusive or cruel, the victim claims to be "an innocent victim"
(which is a lie). The "victim" has lost its innocence
whenever it opposes whatever state of mind that it is in. ALL states
of mind is that mind. For that mind to be WHOLE (and innocent), it
must be IN FULL CONTACT with every state of mind that it expresses.
Being IN TOUCH is the sacred act of REAL LOVE because there is NO
division, conflict. One is communing with itself and learning about
its entire nature and so it is WHOLE. Such a state of being WHOLE
implies that it cannot be destroyed by external threats of violence
because it is not being internally violent to itself. So the villain
is then disarmed. And "race" is not an issue.
main reason why people can be assaulted and murdered by other people
is because the victims were already attacking themselves by being in
a state of emotional self-opposition. When the mind "believes",
then it is not seeing itself as it is, but rather, how it wishes
itself to be. All "believing" is imaginary in order to
fight against "what it is actually thinking and feeling".
Belief is FICTION that fights against FACT. So when people are in a
state of FICTION OPPOSING FACT, it is tearing its mind apart. So when
so-called "villains" come into their lives and start
hurting them, the so-called "victims" already gave the
"villains" permission to attack them because they were
already internally attacking the "FACTUAL STATE OF MIND"
that they did not want to be in. So long as the emotional state of
being is pulling away from itself by "believing" in the
opposite ideal, the mind is actually attacking itself. When the mind
attacks itself, it is giving permission to others to attack them, as
well. However, the mind is unaware that it has given its permission
to be attacked by others.
A mind
FEELINGS, also realizes that all there is left to do is to study
itself and understand itself as it is. In the state of self-study,
there is no escape or pulling away from itself. I am whatever I think
and feel so there is no reason to choose to feel any other way. My
mind is like the climate that I don't choose. If I feel any kind of
emotion, that emotion is my mind. So I commune with myself and learn
about all of my emotions. There is harmony through communion, which
simply means TO BE IN FULL CONTACT with whatever I think and feel.
Being in touch is not a memory; it is a living state of being. Therefore, the
mind is ALIVE because it is not delving into past emotions in order
to ignore what it is thinking and feeling right now. So whenever others
come along that means me harm, their efforts to destroy my physical
well being backfires on them. Why? Because, the Holistic Mind has not
given anyone permission to destroy it because it is NOT internally
divided or believing at all. Therefore, its body is standing on a
solid, stable foundation, which cannot be bought or stolen by another.
whenever people babble about the past crimes of one group against
another, it is plain and clear to see that both sides manufactured
their friction against each other, because of the internal
self-opposition that is taking place within the "villains"
and the "victims" minds. Both sides are rooted in
psychological division and deny being "in full contact"
within themselves. In other words, a dead mind set its body up to be
killed before the "villain" arrived. If the mind were to be
in touch with itself, it would not have been destroyed by the
"villain". "Villains" simply take advantage of
minds that are already in a state of decomposition (that are opposing
itself with its beliefs that it is something that it is not). One may
"believe" that one is loving, moral or whatever. But, that
very "belief" is the denial of actual morality or love.
oppose itself with a dead memory (which all beliefs are dead memories
from the past handed down by blind traditional obedience). To see the
false as being the false IS The Truth. By being aware that
"believing" is false and self-destructive, then ones mind
is being a Light Unto Itself (the Light is the Awareness of what the
mind does that is false and self-destructive). Self-Awareness without
Opposition is Freedom (from conflict, misery).
means treason, in Latin. That means that "the Past/Memory"
is committing treason against "the Present". The dead is
seeking to overthrow the living present. The living present state of
mind that one dislikes is being overthrown by the "belief"
in being the opposite of what one thinks and feels. This is treason
and a betrayal of being alive. Being alive means being aware of
whatever one thinks and feels in the living present, period. It is
an act of betrayal to ones own living being to seek to escape from
being fully aware of what one is thinking and feeling. Just because
you don't like whatever you are thinking or feeling is no excuse to
hide from yourself. The mind can only hide in a dead emotional memory
that it calls a "belief". Whenever the mind refuses to be
in full touch with itself, it is destroying itself because there is
no LIFE without relationship. There is no relationship without
CONTACT! Take away relationship and you get a state of being mentally
dead. A mind that refuses to be alive inside of itself is a magnet
that is attracting others to come and destroy its body. So when the
outside" villain" does murder that person, that person was
already mentally dead. So the "villain" simply finished off
the body.
there you have it folks...
All of
the history of one group violating another group is all based on
internal mental disintegration. Without the mind being at war within
itself, none of these tragic events could ever taken place. For the
most part, Humans are mentally childish, because they only
superficially study the surface of any problem. They never study THE
SOURCE of a problem. A child's mind can only see the surface.
However, a mature mind is interested in learning about THE SOURCE of
any problem. Because without THE SOURCE of any problem, there can be
no problem. So once THE SOURCE is fully examined, there is no
problem, anymore. "Racism" has never been studied at it's
SOURCE. It has always been viewed through emotionalism based on
outward behavior. But, no one cares to understand where this behavior
originated, which is why the problem persists.
never get in touch with their minds, completely. So as a result, they
take refuge in emotionally identifying with a group (that is the
birth of race). If the mind was in full contact with itself, it would
be secure and never seek to emotionally identify itself with any
group, at all. Then there would be no such thing as belonging to a
"race". The mind mistakenly assumes or "believes"
that through emotional identification, there is safety. Because, it
thinks that by comforting itself on an emotional level that such
comfort will also insure physical well being, as well. But, this is
false. The evidence shows quite clearly that seeking emotional
comfort always puts the body in harms way. For example: when you
pledge your allegiance to some symbolic flag in order to feel
emotionally great, you must be willing to sacrifice your health and
life for that emotional comfort. So "national-security" is
really emotional-security, which is defended by war. The body is then
being endangered in order to give the emotional mind what it seeks.
Because the body is the "building"; the "state of the
emotional mind" is the foundation. So when the mind is
fragmented, the body must follow suit. No building can stand on a
cracked foundation. The foundation is cracked (divided) when it
refuses to be in FULL CONTACT with itself BY OPPOSING ITSELF BY
SOURCE of racism is "believing" that my mind is different
from other minds because of superficial differences. The different
shades of skin color, the different textures of hair or the different
languages are all superficial. At the foundation of all Humans is the
psychological process of "believing", which is to oppose
the present state of mind by using the past emotional memories to
hide or ignore the present state of being that one dislikes. This
process of denial is at the foundation of all people in the world.
Either one is aware of it and is free of it through self-study
without opposing itself, or one is ignorant about this process being
the cause of their misery. So the mind of most people are hurting
itself and then getting mad whenever someone from the outside does it
harm. This is hypocrisy because the mind that hurts itself is
unknowingly inviting others to be cruel to it. Because, the mind is
in a state of self-destruction. If it really didn't want to be a
victim or a villain, then it would stop attacking itself; it would
stop opposing itself and simply be in touch with all of its states of
mind and be free of division. Then the body would be safe from harm,
too. Because, its foundation (its mind) is no longer cracked (no
longer in opposition to itself) thereby, insuring the body's safety.
whatever pain that one group of people bestows upon the other is born
out of a mental foundation of internal conflict. All groups that were
attacked and destroyed first destroyed themselves by being unaware of
their own cracked foundation. And that is why their building (their
bodies) fell to ruin. This process is constantly being repeated from
one generation to the next. Because the psychological mind is
repeating itself by perpetually opposing itself, and "believing"
that it is something that it is not. The mind sacrifices its body by
seeking emotional comfort in its fantasies it has conjured up about
itself whenever it feels or thinks anything that it doesn't want to
acknowledge. The mind says to itself that, "I like these
thoughts and feelings and I don't like those thoughts and feelings".
So I will believe that I am the opposite of those thoughts and
feelings to which I dislike. The emotional-mind seeks emotional
comfort through its imagination that it is the opposite of those
disturbing thoughts and feelings. This game of self-deceit is what
the Ego is born out of and maintains itself in that very deceit. So
when it gets attacked by strangers or even by relatives or so-called
"friends", it claims to be an "innocent" victim
that it did not deserve to be mistreated like that. But the very
perpetuation of self-deceit is psychological self-abuse. Therefore,
one is not innocent, instead one is corrupt. Corruption is
fragmentation. A corrupt mind has betrayed its own body's well being.
So anyone else is given permission by a corrupt mind to victimize its
War is
based on one thing -- DIVISION! You can't conquer anyone until they
are internally or emotionally divided against themselves. So both
sides of a conflict are equally responsible for all of the horrors
that take place, because both sides are psychologically self-deceived
and out of touch with their whole mind. Both sides are rooted in a
foundation of self-opposition, which is self-contradictory. A mind that is free of opposition is
no longer in the field of conflict. Therefore, it cannot be
captured. The one who takes credit for conquering a person or group
merely finished the job that its "victim" psychologically started. If that
person or group of people were in FULL CONTACT WITH ALL OF THEIR
their foundation would be WHOLE and then their body would be safe and
secure from external threats of harm. If a broken mind tries to
destroy a WHOLE Mind, the broken mind will self-destruct. This is not
a belief but an absolute fact. The only reason why there are victims
is because they were in a state of emotional self-opposition,
initially. In other words, the "victim" was the original
"villain", internally, which opened the door to let in the
outside "villain".
will say what about babies? Are they in a state of opposition? Is
that why they get murdered? No. They are not in a state of denial
because their minds have not been trained to oppose itself yet. They
are victims because they are like a fruit of their parents tree. If
their parents are rotten at their mental-core (through being in
opposition against their own states of mind), then the parents are
not only placing their own personal bodies in harms way, but they are
also placing their very young children in harms way, as well. The
child's physical safety is based on the psychological foundation of
their parents. If their parents are at war within their own minds,
then the child's safety is determined by their parents psychological
condition. Sometimes children survive and sometimes they don't. But
once that child grows to maturity and they begin "believing"
in the emotional-opposite, then they carry on the same
self-destructive pattern of their parents and then go on to put their
own children in that same physical danger that they had to grow up
in, as well. Until the mind awakens to THE SOURCE of its misery, it
is destined to repeat the same ignorant pattern of psychological
self-opposition, which divides the mind against itself. That opens
the gateway to allow other people to come into their lives and attack
their physical well being. So long as the mind seeks comfort by
ignoring any emotional disturbances, it is attacking itself which is
the foundation of its life on which its physical security rests.
There can never be physical security as long as the mind is at odds
within itself.
cultures train their emotional minds to "believe" in
something. That training is falsely given great respect and high
regard. So people ignorantly assume that they are suppose to
"believe". But that "believing" psychologically
blinds the mind from being in touch with itself. You can't see your
mind while you are assuming or believing things about your mind. You
can only do one or the other, but not both. You either see how you
think and feel or you assume or "believe" what you "should
think or feel". An assumption or "belief" is moving
away from the fact of how you actually feel or think. Moving away
from fact means that you are moving away from LIFE, itself. LIFE is a
FACT, not an assumption or "belief". The mind is made dead
by existing off of its imagination or "beliefs". When you
are hungry, all of the imaginations of eating a hearty meal will not
nourish your body. When you are tired, imagining that you are well
rested will not regenerate the body's energy. Imagination is only
useful for mechanical tasks. You can imagine a blueprint to build a
boat, building or an outfit to wear. So imagination has its right
place. However, imagination is abusive whenever it is used to deny
any emotional feeling or thought. This is where our education has
failed Humanity, as a whole. Our species has never learned to
psychologically distinguish between the proper and improper use of
its imagination. It is not imagination that is "good" nor
"bad". It is the understanding its right place of
appropriateness. It is inappropriate to use ones imagination to be
out of touch with any state of mind. It is appropriate to use
imagination for physical needs (and only that).
stop whining about the hurtful things that one group of people have
done to another group of people. Because, in the end all victims
destroyed themselves, psychologically, long before their bodies were
destroyed. Stop emotionally identifying with any group, because when
you do that you are dividing the Human species. Once an emotional
division is made, then physical violence must follow. By "believing"
that you are a certain "race", you are inviting others who
believe that they are a different "race" to come and attack
you. They may attack either boldly or secretly by pretending to
befriend you, but behind your back do damaging things against you.
So it
is the responsibility of each person to be in touch with their entire
mind by being aware of every feeling and thought in the living
present. If you betray the living perception of your mind, then you
are no longer innocent, you are then corrupt/divided against
yourself. So when you get attacked by others, you are then
responsible for their attack, because you started the attack the very
moment that you hid from any state of mind. When you are enemies with
yourself, you are in no position to complain about being wronged by
another, when you wronged yourself, first! People don't see how they
are responsible for their own suffering and want to point the finger
of blame against outsiders in order to hide from the Truth that they
invited harm into their lives by mentally harming themselves, first.
So if you don't want to be a "victim" don't hide from
yourself, psychologically. Then others wont be able to destroy you,
either. Then "race" becomes irrelevant.
wake up people and stop being so childish by focusing on the
superficial causes of social unrest. Go to THE SOURCE and then these
problems will disappear, instead of endlessly griping about your
misery. The ones who complain are the very ones who are
psychologically at war within themselves. They want others to suffer
for what they are doing to themselves. I do not see people as being
different "races". I see people as being mentally out of
touch within themselves. THE SOURCE of all problems come from this
one fact of psychologically being out of touch with oneself. The act
of "believing" is the very act of being out of touch with
oneself. The act of "believing" is the inappropriate use of
ones imagination. Until that is clearly understood, there can be no
peace nor physical security. Our world will continue to be torn apart
so long as the Human mind is tearing itself apart by refusing to be
in full contact with ALL of its emotional responses. "Belief"
blocks ones ability to be in Full Contact with All States of ones
Mind. The Mind is either Whole or it is not, and that is THE SOURCE
of all of these Human horror stories that expresses itself in a
multitude of ways. But the expressions are not the main concern. It
is THE SOURCE that matters. But, most people don't want to deal with
THE SOURCE of their problems. They want to pretend to want a solution
to their problems while they carry on maintaining THE SOURCE of their
racial domination and victimization is an illusion created by the
mind that is out of touch with itself. Being out of touch with
oneself is what brought about the "belief of race", in the
first place. We are all Human Beings from ONE SPECIES. At our core
foundation is our emotional state of being that we either learn about
or go to war against. Underneath the different physical appearances
is a psyche that is opposing itself or it is not. That is the Source
Code that makes people behave the way they do. When a mind is
learning through communion with itself, it behaves harmoniously and
sanely. But, when the the mind is resisting itself, it behaves like a
savage that is dysfunctionally mad. Society is your relationship with
yourself. The way you are related or not related to yourself
determines your relationship with everybody else, period. If you are
at war within yourself, you are at world with everybody. If you are
in touch with all states of your mind, then you are in touch with the
facts about everybody, psychologically, without opposition to those
facts, then you are a peaceful being that does not destroy others nor
do you allow others to destroy yourself. You don't allow it by not
being self-destructive because you do not oppose any emotional
response, instead you commune and learn about yourself so that no
state of mind is a problem at all.
is a Seed. What takes place in that Seed determines its outgrowth.
Your mind is either a Seed of Destruction or a Seed of Benevolent
Creation. So if there is suffering in your life, check your mind to
see if it is in a state of "believing" or "imagining"
itself to be in some other state of mind that you prefer it to be in
order to escape from the state of mind that you are presently
feeling. If you are trying to run away from any thought or feeling by
"believing" you are in an oppositional state of mind, then
your mind is divided against itself. Your mind is the Seed of your
Life and what is going on in it. As long as that Seed is Divided
Against Itself (which is corruption), then you are maintaining your
own misery. Until your mind changes, your life will be in turmoil.
Nobody can help you or save you from what your mind is doing to
itself. You are responsible for what your mind is doing to itself --
and You Alone! Not some other "race", not any sexual
partner, not any governmental authority, but only you.
real question is, "Do you want to really live or not?" You
can't have it both ways. To live means to be related or in full
The denial of this means that you want to be dead and that you are
mentally dead. A living thing is able to be in touch with its nature.
That nature is your emotional responses to anything going on in your
life. If you don't want to be in touch with your responses to the
challenges in your life, then your mind is blind and numb to itself,
so it is dead. It exists in past emotional memories and ignores the
living present. So it is like being a mummy. Either the mind is awake
to itself or it is not. When it is not, it is not really alive, is
it? If the mind is dead, then anyone can come along and finish off
its body and kill it. Yes the outsider did harm to your body, but
your dead mind gave it permission to do so.
complaining that a certain "race" did wrong to your "race"
is irrelevant. It is merely an emotional distraction away from THE
SOURCE of the problem because the mind does not want to face the fact
that it is ultimately responsible for placing its physical security
in harms way by psychologically being out of touch with itself. Until
people mature into being concerned about THE SOURCE of their
suffering, they will continue to lie to themselves and blame
superficial reasons for why they are "victims". The mind is
the criminal that is doing harm to its life and to the lives of
others who are also doing the very same thing to themselves.
Self-Destructive minds like to complain about other people that are
are doing wrong to them so that they can remain blind to how they are
destroying their own lives at the very foundation of their being,
which is emotional. The only challenge or problem is The Divided
is not a fact; it is a product of our emotional imaginations!