has an idea, a symbol of oneself, an image of oneself: what one
should be, what one is, or what one should not be. Why does one
create an image about oneself? Because one has never studied what one
is, actually. We think we should be this or that: the ideal, the
hero, the example. What awakens anger is that our ideal, the idea we
have of ourselves, is attacked. And our idea about ourselves is our
escape from the fact of what we are. But when you are observing the
actual fact of what you are, no one can hurt you. Then, if one is a
liar and is told that one is a liar, it does not mean that one is
hurt: it is a fact. But when you are pretending you are not a liar
and are told that you are, then you get angry, violent. So, we are
always living in an ideational world, a world of myth, and never in
the world of actuality. To observe what is, to see it, actually be
familiar with it, there must be no judgment, no evaluation, no
opinion, no fear. - Krishnamurti, Collected Works, Vol. XII,246,
Choiceless Awareness
Superstition and Belief has in common is that they spring from the
background of our past emotional experiences. But mainly it is based
on the emotional desire to alter my thoughts and feelings to ignore
anything disturbing and to pursue anything that is rewarding or
you noticed superstition expressing itself whenever there is a
holiday or government ceremony or organized-religious rituals? People
just go along with it because they are afraid what would happen if
they don't. People believe out of fear of what would happen if they
didn't believe. When the mind does something purely because of being
afraid on an emotional level, then that is superstition and
tradition, which is fueled by ones emotional-imagination.
have we been encouraged through emotional tradition to fight for
self-importance, to ruthlessly compete to become better than
another or to submit to serving some form of belief, ideal
or opinion? Everyday, are we not being pressured into choosing
to emotionally identify with some symbol, person or ideology? To bow
down, obey or accept something that is dysfunctional that can only
produce imbalance, disharmony and destruction is to be responsible
for the maintenance of fear and conflict.
society is an external display of our psychological state of affairs.
Just like what is being displayed on a computer screen is based on
the internal programs, our minds are responsible for our conduct in
our daily relationships with every person and thing that we come into
contact. Traditional authorities in society use emotional messages to
guide our thinking and feeling. Emotions are driven by our desire to
achieve, acquire or fulfill, and the FEAR of failing to do so. Where
there is psychological desire, there must also be FEAR, as well. We
have been trained to emotional belong to a group, symbol or image. So
when various leaders coerce us to pretend to be something that we are
not, through emotionally attaching ourselves to an ideal, belief or
dogma, we are doing so out of the psychological FEAR of being
socially shunned by our community. So most people conform to the
status quo.
Fear is both internally and externally destructive. While growing up,
various people in our lives either complimented or insulted us. These
emotional memories accumulate and are later retrieved through our
emotional imagination. So whenever we find ourselves in a disturbing
state of being, traditionally, we have been encouraged to cover up,
ignore any feelings or thoughts that we don't like. To do that, you
need a placebo to distract your mind away from being in touch with
itself whenever its in emotional pain. Enter ->> BELIEF born
out of the FEAR of being in touch with oneself. These emotional
concepts try to replace the reality of your state of mind with an
artificial reality that one has come to accept as being only real.
Whenever this artificial reality is questioned, it becomes hostile
and belligerent. Once the false has been accepted as the truth, the
mind is then warped, distorted and in conflict with itself and the
world around itself.
Is Not
The Essence of Psychological-Tradition Superstition?
religions are based on an emotional formula that has been handed down
from some mysterious, spooky source that was imagined into existence.
Emotional imagination is simply the opposition to facts. If I
actually feel sad, for instance, that state of being is the essence
of my being. It is a fact. Then, our emotional response is to either
like or dislike my state of being. If I like it, I will
try to hold onto that thought or feeling for as long as possible. And
if I dislike it, I will try to disassociate myself from myself by
going into my past emotional experiences to emotionally concentrate
on and attach myself to old feelings or thoughts that gave me delight
(in an effort to bury the fact that I'm in emotional pain). Emotional
pain only happens whenever we want to get rid of a state of mind that
is uncomfortable. The struggle to get rid of a state of mind means
that the mind is attacking itself, without realizing it. So that
invites people from the external world to attack you, too. Like a
magnetic pull, whatever in happening within the mind must be mirrored
out in your external world.
whenever we get to a point where we are so emotionally uncomfortable
in our skin, people have steered us toward a dogma, social circle of
power or swamp yourself in mundane tasks or work. Tradition dictates
that we never get into real contact with our minds on an emotional
level. That is strictly forbidden. It is allowed to use any formula
to deal with our emotional side of our being, but not to make direct
factual contact. Why? Simply because a mind that is in touch with
itself cannot be manipulated or destroyed by another.
the mind opposes its factual state of being, it is being
contradictory. This why people rarely do what they say they will do.
There is a never-ending internal struggle going on in the emotional
being of most people. The image, facade or mask that people
emotionally project is just like a ventriloquist's dummy that has an
opposite message from the ventriloquist (who is also pretending to be
totally unrelated to the dummy that it is holding). In reality, there
is only the ventriloquist and the dummy is the contradiction,
hypocrisy. Emotionally, when we feel something that we don't want to
feel or think, that reality is the ventriloquist who then tries to
escape from himself by believing that he or she is the opposite state
of mind. So when people talk to each other, usually they are putting
on a show just like a dummy. So when they say they believe this or
that, that is merely a mask covering up their true feelings or
other words, we are existing in a world of make-believe and pretense
of being fair, orderly or benevolent. For the most part, people are
violent either secretly or openly. A mind that is out of touch with
its actual state of being, is in a state of disintegration and
abnormally rapid decay. It operates like a drug addict that craves to
be high and to hide from painful realities. So it makes up an
emotional concept or submits to a traditional ideal that has been
blindly followed for a long time. Either way, such a mind is
contradictory and is in competition with the facts of life. So
friction, chaos and discord is the common foundation running right
throughout the human world of its emotional imagination (a.k.a. Ego).
It is this very foundation of conflict that most people devote their
energy towards. Superstition is based on the false principle of “the
majority rules” as being fair and moral. But nothing could be
further from the truth. After all, since the majority of people are
out of touch with the reality of their own minds, then when the group
makes a decision, that decision is limited to ignorance and
something has gone on for a long period of time, superstition and
tradition respects it. Superstition and tradition is the emotional
worship and servitude of the past, which is time. Since people have
been operating like this for a long time, the vast majority like to
assume that it is normal and moral. That is also false. The
consciousness of humanity has reduced all of its mental energy down
to doing one thing – maintaining psychological ignorance through
superstition, tradition and fear. A mind that runs away from itself
and hides in a make-believe is afraid of itself, is divided against
itself. Once the mind is divided, it is then conquered by
superstition and tradition. Such a mind has become a puppet, a play
thing to be remotely controlled and ultimately obliterated. Why? So
that the pretense of outer circumstances is more powerful than inward
circumstances can take the credit for overpowering your life. But in
reality, the mind guts itself first, then the outsiders conquer your
body and property.
it is a fact that nobody can be conquered without first dividing your
mind against itself, first. As long as the mind is in touch with the
facts about whatever it thinks and feels without running away into
its imagination of opposition against the facts, then ones mind is
not in fear nor can it be intimidated by large groups of people who
say that believing is a good thing and that you must do it or else
your life will be trashed and your after-life will be horrible too.
All of this is fear-based in order to trick your mind into running
away from being in touch with itself. Then once your mind is divided
against itself, you can be victimized by others. So the emotional
blind obedience to be a traditional and superstitious robot that
carries out its programming without question is what all ruling
people and institutions are seeking from all of us. Because their
very existence depends on it. A parasite can't survive without a host
to feed on right? Well, emotional imagination is a parasite that
withers away when you don't give it support because you can detect
that it is malfunctioning. Imagination is relevant only for material
survival, not for psychological comforting.
Why is
just about everything that is advertised is founded upon emotions,
and does that have any connection with Superstition & Fear?
the years, I have tested many Internet marketing systems of making
money. And, every single one of them are centered around an emotional
idea or a belief. Internet marketing affiliates are always being
pressured to blindly agree, support and promote the systems emotional
ideology along with the physical products and/or services. Nobody
questions the validity of promoting any belief whatsoever. Hardly
anyone questions exactly what a belief or any psychological concept
really is. It's pure imagination based on your desire of greed that
easily acquiesces to promote a make-believe thing along with a real
product or service. After all, how did humanity start believing? It
was out of fear and ignorance about itself and its environment,
right? Whatever the human mind cannot understand, it makes up
something and then begins to praise it. After several generations
take up the traditional pattern of accepting falsehoods and holding
them up to being reverent, it becomes an automatic habit to just play
along with the way things are set up and to never question it. The
most fearful will seek to hurt or kill you if you expose anything
false about the false thing that they hold up to be true.
because a lot of profit was made by those who set up these money
making systems, that does not mean that the profit was obtained,
honestly. When you encourage people to emotionally conform to any
ideal, dogma or whatever you may call it, you are either knowingly or
unknowingly spreading conflict, inequality and destruction. The mind
has been molded for centuries to operate in conflict. It wants it to
be a fact that there is no other way to function. Whenever someone
points out the grave error of building your whole life on top of a
faulty foundation of make-believe, nobody wants to hear that.
Because, one is too afraid of learning a new way of living. Also, the
mind has become twisted and deranged craving domination, superiority
and playing “god” whenever you go to war and destroy lives. The
mind has become comfortably numb to its cruelty and pretense of
loving its inner circle of so-called friends and family.
most people like to pretend to be something that they are not. Every
kind gesture or deed is to conceal acts of violence and cruelty. The
only way to be genuinely kind is when the mind is Loving itself by
seeing itself as it is, not the way it would like itself to be. Being
in touch with your whole emotional being is the highest form of
honesty, harmony and benevolence. So long as the mind is being
contradictory by pretending to be virtuous by trying to live up to a
bunch of emotional concepts, the mind is fighting The Truth, which is
self-hatred that is incapable of Loving itself or anyone else.
when some inventor of a money-making system instructs me to promote
his emotional belief about his products or services, I see that is
poisonous and I give a disclaimer that states that I am not promoting
or endorsing any philosophical claims or beliefs and that I'm only
offering the products and/services that do no harm to our health,
economy or environment. And, I state that no amount of wealth can
make anyone happy or psychologically balanced and secure. Only
self-awareness from moment-to-moment in ones daily life can bring
true serenity of mind. If having lots of money was the key to
happiness then nobody who was rich would have ever committed suicide
or used their money to further the slaughter of human beings over the
is why “The Venus Project” that's being promoted on You Tube, is
a hoax. Their philosophy in a nutshell is that people are violent
because they don't have adequate physical security. So “The Venus
Project” is pretending to be humanity's salvation. It will
scientifically gather all of the planets resources and regulate it.
Then if anybody displays violence, they will be quarantined and
chemically dissected to figure out how to medically sedate that
person and strip out their thoughts and feelings that are hostile.
They think that the scientific method is the panacea for all human
problems. It has been tried by the Russian government and failed. The
Ancient Greeks have tried to formulate a peaceful society. But, it is
impossible to bring peace from the external environment into the
internal emotional realm.
emotional realm can only be observed, holistically, through communing
with ALL states of mind that arise in any present moment of ones
life. Each mind has to do that for and by itself. Just like nobody
can eat for you, sleep for you, use the restroom for you, nobody can
observe your emotional state of mind for you, either. Human mind can
never be saved by another person or group of people or any drug. The
act of Love is Holistic Self-Observation. There is no substitute for
that one fact. They can build perfect machines, but our mind that is
at war with itself will use any form of technology as a means to
destroy itself. Why? Simply because the only thing that will stop our
minds from operating as a WMD is for it to be in full contact with
itself and to understand that thinking cannot change itself. It can
only deceive itself while it destroys itself, if it does not clearly
see itself without introducing an opposite ideal born out of its
imagination. Imagination is a detriment whenever its inherent
limitations are not thoroughly detected and understood.
it not possible to conduct business matters without introducing
emotionalism and traditional social-superstition?
order to go beyond a psychological thing, one must study, examine or
observe the obstacle or problem. The reason why our problems appear
to be fixed in stone is because we have been emotionally compromised
through punishment and reward – just like how dogs or circus
animals were trained to act in a certain way to get fed. They give
out medals, awards, trophies as emotional indicators that you are
doing what is expected of you. But when you brutally compete against
others to try to prove that you are superior (which is purely
emotionalism), you are doing your part to destroy our entire species.
The emotional mind only builds just so that it can contradict itself
by destroying whatever it builds. By smashing things to pieces, it
gives an emotional sensation that one is mighty and a force to be
reckoned with. It's all a great pretense in order to cover up the
fact that the mind is imploding in on itself, emotionally.
less the mind is in touch with itself, the more destructive it
becomes. If you will examine closely, you will see that everything is
set up to keep the mind distracted away from truly being in touch
with itself. All of the pretending to be happy, at peace, etc. is
nothing but an elaborate smoke screen to conceal the fact that the
mind is at odds within itself and it is isolated and lonely. The more
the mind pretends by promoting make-believe ideals while it is doing
business, the more it is spreading inequality and social misery. The
mind cannot be free of its social pretending until it faced the
absolute fact that it is, in fact, pretending. Now if an Internet
system does operate the way it is advertised and you test it out to
see that it does, there is no need at all to say that you believe in
this money making system. The reality speaks for itself. I don't need
to believe that I am full after eating a meal. My full stomach is the
fact that speaks for itself and I don't have to believe in any fact.
Either a thing exists or it does not exist and believing does not
alter it one way or the other.
was born out of the fear of not understanding how things work. But
when the mind observes things directly, that very observation of the
thing being observed tells its story. And if your mind is not blocked
up with imagines, it can be in touch with the reality. When the mind
is in touch with any fact, it is not able to fear it, anymore. Also
people are emotionally insecure so they are always greedily seeking
other people to worship or praise them. If a mind is learning about
itself through sensing everything that it is thinking and feeling
without trying to change what it is thinking and feeling, then the
mind is whole and does not crave any form of flattery. It is happy to
operate anonymously because it is the constant perceiving of itself,
factually, that makes the mind whole. A thing that is whole can no
longer feel the urge to seek emotional compliments from anyone. That
becomes childish and meaningless.
such a self-aware mind can only offer the material or physical
aspects of a product or service and leave out the pretense of
believing. Imagination is being abusive when it is used for anything
other than mechanical purposes. I use an image to make a recipe for a
meal, or plot a route to travel somewhere, or when I speak or do
financial calculations, etc. But whenever imagination is used to
soothe your emotional state of being, the mind is dividing itself
into fiction versus fact. And since the emotional mind's condition
(of either being divided or whole) is the foundation of human
survival, a cracked foundation is unstable and is not able to support
the building (which is your physical/material needs). War destroys
physical security. But the way that certain groups get to keep the
resources that they have is by scapegoating other groups of people
(who are mentally divided against themselves). They become the
fall-guy so that other privileged groups of believers may keep their
ill-gotten gains (through using an emotional belief to materially
not superstition contradictory to facts?
it trickery to persuade people to buy something by using emotional
phrases to lure the buyer to your product or service? Is that not
secretive psychological warfare? So doesn't that mean that emotional
deception is what is actually being sold, more so than the material
product or service? In essence, the service or product is irrelevant.
What is the target is your mind being crippled so that it can no
longer perceive reality for itself. It is emotionally blind to itself
and is being led. The Emotional Self prefers to focus on the
inconsistencies of others in order to ignore their own contradictory
emotional state of being. Superficially, the Emotional Self may have
different styles of clever, cunning ways of pretending to help
improve people lives while doing business. So they tell their
affiliates to blindly accept that they are using fair and ethical
business practices. That, after all, remains to be seen as one
actually does business with them. Actions are facts that expose
whether or not the business or company is operating properly or not.
a group of people get together, then their superstitions drive their
conduct. One of people's greatest superstitions is that, “I must
emotionally conform or else I wont survive” (if I'm cast out of the
emotional-social circle). But why not question the validity of what
most people have superstitiously accepted as being “normal”,
“the greater-good” or “justifiable”? Simply because this
emotional pattern has existed for such a very long time, we
automatically obey without question, right? Therefore, our mind
degenerates while it believes or desires to presume
that it is emotionally secure. Plus, there is the assumption that,
“Because I am psychologically secure, then I must also be
physically secure, as well.” However, that is a false premise.
condition the emotional part of our being is in, it has a direct
impact on our material or physical elements of our lives, too. So if
the emotional-mind (the entity that “likes” & “dislikes”,
that chooses to ignore or concentrate on about how we personally and
deeply feel about ourselves). It is this area of our being, which
also happens to be the very foundation of our entire being, that must
be clearly and accurately observe. It is this communion of awareness
of false-thinking that our mind is having with itself that awakens
Wisdom, Clarity and Harmony. As long as our mind is blind to its
inherent limitations, which is that it is only capable of
self-destruction whenever it tries to fix itself through using
itself. Itself is emotional-based memory that cannot go beyond itself
by fantasizing or believing that it has gone beyond itself. It is
only emotional verbiage to think that one has gone beyond the parts
of its nature that it dislikes. The TRUTH IS that thought cannot get
rid of thought without complete destruction. So the emotional mind is
still primitive because it still thinks that The Observer (Thinker)
is different from The Observed (Thought). But if you will examine
your mental responses you will see directly for yourself that your
thoughts are YOU (The Observer/Thinker). That is the reason why the
emotional-mind cannot fix itself through using emotional past images
to misdirect ones mind into jumping to the conclusion that it has
escaped from the part of its nature that it dislikes. This is
self-deceit and brings about destructive behavior with world, with
relationships are based or rooted in whether or not one is aware of
ones entire psychological nature. If the mind is not directed in
contact with itself, it is in a state of disintegration, degeneration
and chaos/disorder. So the behavior will reflect the fact that the
mind is out of touch with its whole nature. So the foundation of our
lives is imploding in on itself and it is ripping up the material
world (our ecosystem).
the tradition of maintaining the Superstitious Mindset is what most
people in the world are obsessed with preserving at all cost – even
if it means the total destruction of the world. The Superstitious
Mind is not concerned with understanding anything about itself. It
wants to keep making dangerous problems in the material world so that
we ignore the maker of all these thousands of problems. The greatest
hoax is that people are trying to resolve problems. But they resolve
problems through conflict, which brings about a brand new set of
additional problems to replace the previous problems. These problems
are made and attacked just to put on an elaborate show that there are
“good guys”, “heroes” or “saviors” that are protecting
our species. But, this is a not true at all.
Superstitious Mind presumes that to oppose a bad thing automatically
makes the one who opposes a so-called “good guy”. The
Superstitious Mind is not free to question, “Is opposition the
problem?” We've been tormented into accepting that we must choose
between the emotional opposites. But, the problem is this... Your
whole emotional psyche is opposite because you emotionally respond
through “like” & “dislike” towards your private feelings.
However, YOU are ALL of your feelings and thoughts. So whenever YOU
emotionally choose to identify with one emotion, then your
subconscious identifies with the rejected thought or feeling. That
means that the Superstitious Mind is divided against itself. So
whenever it says that it wants to fix a problem, its other side
subconsciously sabotages its superficial mind. And, that is why
problems keep increasing and are getting more and more complicated.
Superstitious Mind is all about “Reward” & “Punishment”
in order to try to achieve an emotional self-image of being better
than other people. Egotistical fulfillment is the origin of ALL Human
problems (including those problems that have damaged our biosphere).
The Superstitious Mind is programmed from thousands of years ago to
never truly understand/detect its entire nature. There is a enormous
pressure of psychological or emotional fear that hinders the mind
from examining itself, without manipulating the examination in order
to fulfill its emotional desire. In essence, The Superstitious Mind
is Emotional Desire that refuses to clearly see itself. It avoids
being holistically aware of itself by choosing to concentrate on one
side of its nature and to ignore the side that it dislikes. This
brings about contradiction, hypocrisy and disharmony/imbalance.
realizing that my mind is both positive & negative, then the mind
is free to clearly see that there is nothing to choose, since I am
both “Day” & “Night” or that I'm “Heads” &
“Tails” of ONE EMOTIONAL-COIN. In that Neutral State of
Awareness, then the negative & positive expressions of my mind do
not clash because The Holistic Self-Observation pays equal attention
to either side of the psyche. So the Holistic Self-Awareness communes
with ones Entire Mind.
whenever news reports present themselves as something to choose
between, you will clearly see the hoax. You will see that you are
being asked to emotionally choose between a villain and a
villain who pretends to be “good”. The so-called Dragon
Slayer is nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothing. The villain and the
hero both want our species to think that conflict is the solution to
our misery. But all conflict does is add to it. The most deadly
conflict is the emotional battle within our minds because it is the
one fueling all of the external conflicts in the material or physical
world. Until the psychological war ends, our external world shall be
constantly under attack.
If I have no image of myself, then I am nothing.
But are you anything anyhow? [Laughter] Please don't laugh, this is
much too serious. Are you anything in yourself? Strip yourself of
your name, title, money, position, your little capacity to write a
book and be flattered and what are you? So, why not realize and be
that? You see, we have an image of what it is to be nothing, and we
don't like that image; but the actual fact of being nothing, when you
have no image, may be entirely different. And it is entirely
different. It is not a state that can be realized in terms of being
nothing or of being something. It is entirely different when there is
no image of yourself. And to have no image of yourself demands
tremendous attention, tremendous seriousness. It is only the
attentive, the serious, that live, not the people who have images of
themselves. - Krishnamurti, Collected Works, Vol. XV,196, Choiceless
nature of Superstition is to protect its ignorance by resisting
understanding itself. It resists being clear about its emotions.
Emotions are fighting against itself. The nature of Superstition is
to be influenced by fear based on desire. Once you desire an
emotional outcome, you simultaneously fear not being able to get what
you want. Fear blocks the mind from being in touch with itself
because it is trying to ignore anything that the mind dislikes about
itself. So the mind lies to itself. If it feels weak, it pretends to
be courageous. The pain disguises itself to itself by pretending to
be the opposite of what it is feeling or thinking. But all things
born out of its opposite is still the essence of its origin (pain).
Mind can never escape from itself. To do so, is a suicide mission.
the Superstitious Mind is challenged with facts, it simply uses
emotionally dramatic tactics to side step anything that may expose
and/or embarrass it. The Superstitious Mind is a Slave and Imprisoned
by its own emotional fear. The entire world is made out of
Superstitious Traditional Fear. The mind can only try to ceaselessly
escape into delusions (called beliefs, opinions, etc.), or the mind
is in direct contact with its emotional responses of any daily
challenge. But, there is no third state of being. One is either in
touch with reality or one is not. The Superstitious Mind struggles to
remain ignorant about what it is doing to itself.
of these conflicts going on are vortexes trying to suck our minds
into taking sides of the conflict. To choose is to be in conflict.
Conflict IS the only problem. When I'm asked to choose between a
villain and a so-called hero, I see that there is nothing to choose
because whoever wins the fight will create another form of tyranny
and despair. Because, the problem is not overpowering someone or
group that is being cruel. There needs to be an end to problems
through understanding exactly what is causing conflict, choice or
resistance to observe emotional pain. In physical pain, the goal is
to remove the pain as quickly as possible. But in emotional pain,
pulling away only exasperates the pain because our mind IS that pain
so when it tries to avoid pain it is trying to avoid itself, which is
impossible. The innate function of the mind is to commune and
understand all of its emotional responses. It can't do that if it
picks pieces of its nature to be aware of and ignore the rest. That
psychological ignorance is the very root of all Human problems of
only reason why the Human Race is under physical assault everyday is
because each Human is seeking emotional permanent comfort through
lies and self-deceit, either knowingly or unknowingly. This ambition
to fulfill a fantasy that emotionally comforts you, is the reason why
there is physical covert attacks all around us. And everywhere you
go, you are being pressured into taking sides and choosing to
emotionally identify with a race, nation or any dogmatic cult or
ancient religious organization, then you are a part of this
disintegrating world. To step out of this dimension of horror takes
no time. You either see what you are in each present moment or you
are in a state of self-destruction, psychologically and ultimately,
physically. Either stay asleep or wake up now!