the time we are born, people are imposing scripts into our minds.
human psyche contains the entire historical record of all Mankind.
Each and every person represents One Psychological Mind. It has been
operating in error since the very beginning, and it has protected
itself by repetitively handing down emotional-scripts to the next
generation that misinforms their minds that these emotional-scrips
are orderly and that they must be respected above everything else in
life. What I'm saying is that the Psychological Mind has been
operating as an emotional-virus that is replicating itself (down
through the generations) by insisting that every child must maintain
the emotional past, at all cost. No matter how much damage it causes
to our physical world, it must defend, impose and spread
psychological scripts to blindly follow. To question the script is to
be forced to suffer “The Collective Wrath” of humiliation,
torture and execution.
ancient times, thoughts and feelings were called spirits (that were
deemed to be either good or evil; pleasurable or disturbing). Since
people in primitive times did not understand their emotional
responses, they often assumed that whenever a person expressed
disturbing emotions that they had been possessed by an evil spirit.
They would practice various rituals to supposedly drive out the evil
spirits (or sometimes called demons). To this very day, many people
“believe” in demons and spirits that invade their minds whenever
they want to hide from the fact that what they are experiencing is,
in fact, their own emotions. And, they have never understood how to
intelligently handle them. That is why when people get upset they
tend to blame anybody close by for their emotional suffering. Hence,
war ensues among people.
that saw how fearful most people were of their emotional responses
devised a mental deceptive game, called “religion” which was
based on blind obedience. If the people failed to obey the scriptures
(or “scripts”), they were terrorized and threatened by the idea,
concept or theory that their so-called “soul” would be tormented
by demons in a place called “hell” (or other names depending on
the culture). This gave birth to the psychological robotic existence,
which has its roots in emotional fear. In turn, this gave rise to
violence, inequality and competition, which also led to greed and the
psychological hierarchy.
only purpose of “religious organizations” is to maintain the
emotional history of hysteria in order to dominate or rule over large
groups of people. It was figured out a long time ago that the only
way to control another person is for that person to fear his own
emotional psyche. And, to mislead that person into thinking that the
main thing to guard against was from invisible outside forces or else
be taken over by them. Then the fearful person would want to know
“how to guard against outside invisible forces” (sometimes known
as “demons”, or “The Devil”, etc.). So then some people came
up with costumes (a.k.a. “religious robes”) and said that they
were special representatives of the so-called “good spirit”
(a.k.a. “God” or the equivalent name from other cultures). So
supposedly the “good spirit”, if obeyed without question, would
protect you from haunting thoughts and feelings that were
distressing. Then, they invented prayer or meditation which was to be
mechanically practiced daily, if they wanted good fortune in their
happens when people pray is that they are actually splitting their
personality into different actors and projecting onto each persona
certain qualities based on their emotional imaginations. When the
emotional imagination repeats its fantasies for a very long time, it
forgets that it is making everything up. So then it starts to be
convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that what it is worshiping is
100% real. This is a delusion. But the delusional mind resists seeing
that it is deluding itself, because the mind wants emotional
certainty, even if it is a lie; it will still treat it as being a
fact (no matter what happens). The emotional part of our nature is
very stubborn, habitual and super devious. When it says that it wants
to understand itself, it really does not. When it says that it wants
to give physical security and equality and protect our planet, it
does not. When it says that it cares, it does not. The mind is now
very old, and it wants to maintain its ignorance and not see itself
as it really is. So if it hates, it invents the opposite “concept
of love”. The “concept of love” is an emotional make-believe so
that the mind can ignore the fact that it does not understand what
Love actually is. So it is very difficult for the Emotional Mind to
be free of its delusional state of being.
the only difference between now and way back then is vocabulary.
Instead of priests, clergymen, guru's or the shaman, we now go to
psychologists or mental therapists (who claim to be experts on
sanity). People are still mystified by their emotions and seek to
take flight from them whenever they are painful. The mind runs away
from itself by imagining the opposite of its state of mind and then
it pretends that it has changed. The one thing that all people have
in common is the way they respond to their emotional state of mind.
People chase after the opposite idea of that they feel in actuality.
If a person feels greed and wishes to overcome it, they impose a
concept that they are generous and go about practices generosity in
order to convince itself that it has gotten away from being greedy.
The opposite is created by the state of mind that is painful. It's
like pretending that a photograph is divorced from its negative film.
Without that negative, you don't get a picture. Although they may
appear to be different, they are two sides of the same unit, are they
not? So the “concept of generosity” is the photograph that was
projected out of its “factual state of greed”. The foundation is
the negative film and the opposite is the photograph. That means the
essence of the ideal of generosity is, in actuality, greed.
the practice of analysis was originated by the Communist system as a
form of psychological warfare and mind control upon their citizens.
If the patient resisted their treatments, they were imprisoned,
tortured and or killed. The psychoanalytical techniques were exported
into the Western countries and used on school children in order to
shape their minds to become compliant robotic psychological slaves to
their governmental and spiritual rulers. Fearful minds crave
emotional comfort through the feeling of certainty. That is why
people are emotionally very gullible when leaders of any kind make
promises of wondrous things to come, if they would only emotionally
dedicate themselves to a patriotic symbol, or a religious symbol, or
a corporate symbol, etc. And, people are also willing to offer up
their children, in the name of emotional security through the
acceptance of propaganda that promises a bright outcome.
are being subjected to massive amounts of information, both
technological and psychological. In today's world, children are being
subjected to enormous amounts of toxins through the vaccines, air,
water, food and electromagnet radiation (computers, cell phone
towers, power lines, radiation from wide screen monitors, cell phone
radiation and brain altering frequencies, etc.). Add on to all of
that, the contradictory ceaseless messages streaming from T.V.'s, the
Internet, Video Games, Cartoons, Theaters, their parents, caregivers,
religious dogmas and their local community. It's no wonder children
are becoming more and more violent and suicidal. They are very
emotionally frustrated, confused and deeply fearful. So they seek
refuge in sex, drugs, games or gang violence. And, some kids escape
into a dogma or in becoming intellectually brilliant. But none of
these avenues lead to an emotional state of being that is Holistic
“psychological” is the emotional side of our being. It is the
storehouse of emotional memories, which have been erroneously divided
into good (pleasurable) or bad (painful) categories. The mind clings
to one category of emotions and shuns the other. Hence, the mind has
divided itself, against itself. Then the mind pretends that the two
sides are not related. It's like the left hemisphere of the brain
pretending like its right side of the brain is unrelated. But,
Humanity has been doing this, emotionally, for centuries. The thing
that goes unnoticed about this fragmentary mind game is that it is
the cause and proliferation of brutality (warfare), greed/inequality
and the overall degeneration of our planet and its atmosphere.
Because a mind divided against itself is, in fact, the ultimate
Weapon of Mass Destruction!
most people don't understand about the psychological being is that it
is the root-foundation of our entire being. What takes place in that
foundation grows outward and shapes our physical conditions (both in
our health and the impact on our ecosystem). Our bodies contain
elements of our planet. So that means that our bodies are
synergistically connected to the Earth, itself. So when there is
disorder (division) in our Emotional Being, it sets off a
disintegrating chain reaction of vibrational frequencies that
displays its origin of disorder. So long as the Emotional Being is at
odds within itself, the physiological structure must also follow
suit. This is why it is vitally urgent that we change the way we
think, psychologically, first before we try to fix our material
problems. A broken mind cannot resolve problems when it is being a
major problem to itself.
is an emotional robotic existence?
A mind
that is not free to question itself, through Holistic
Self-Observation, is a robot. A machine follows its programming
without being aware of what that programming is. If you talk to
anyone about why they “believe” or why they are emotionally
attached to their nation, family, race, etc., they wont have a
rational answer. And, that is because they are simply adhering to a
script. If you don't like the term “robot”, then “puppet” or
“dummy” (as in ventriloquist) would mean the same thing. It is a
mind that is ignorant about its own workings and chooses to operate
on autopilot, rather than to deeply learn about its own nature. There
is a great fear that if the mind were to deviate from the ancient
pattern of blind conformity that its world would fall apart and that
it will no longer feel important or powerful.
about everybody is socially pretending with one another. People
automatically lie to each other and call that being respectable or
nice. “Have a nice day.” A mind that is fighting itself is
perpetually in misery. What does it know of “a nice day”.
Furthermore, that line or script is based on the future. Life is a
present-to-present thing. If the mind is paying attention to itself
and learning through that state of awareness, then it is not in
conflict within itself. So it is doing fine. There's no need to wish
someone to have a nice day. That is a pretentious statement in order
to conceal the fact that that person is handing you an illusion (a
concept). A concept of food does not fill your stomach. When you
watch a T.V. Commercial showing you a yummy meal, that is a concept.
You can't eat a concept. It is a fantasy, imaginary thing. When
people speak from an emotional script (pretending to be your friend),
they are not actually being a friend at all. If you treat that
concept as a fact, then you are not in touch with reality. When the
mind is out of touch with reality, then the brain and body also go
out of touch, as well. That is when damage to your physical well
being occurs.
is at a major fork-in-the-road that is going to determine its fate of
either being turned into cyborg-type entities that function
mechanically. Or, the Human Race can awaken to an unprecedented
Holistic Mental Being that is of the highest Wisdom-Based
Intelligence. “WISDOM” cannot be taught or copied; it is a DIRECT
you think or feel is that Emotional Being. This is difficult for most
people to grasp because they've been programmed to think that their
thoughts and feelings are bits and pieces that are not a part of
entire being. They view it like an appendix that can be surgically
removed. But when it comes to your Emotional Being, ALL OF IT IS YOU!
So when a person accepts an opposing ideal in order to get rid of a
thought or feeling, the mind is in a state of disintegration. Hence,
it is confused and self-destructive. All thoughts and feelings have a
story to convey. And if you commune with your responses to the daily
challenges of living, your emotional being will bloom and reveal its
nature. The energy that flows out of observing your responses is
whole. But the moment that your mind refuses to be in touch with
itself by seeking an escape into a make-believe world, the energy is
then wasted. Then that causes a chain-reaction of problems. Just look
at the millions of problems surrounding Human Life. The more they try
to fix them the more they intensify and multiply. Why? Because, the
Emotional Mind is decaying and whatever it touches withers.
I have
watched a person wither to death by chasing after emotional
delusions. He thought that he was not a liar. He thought that he was
kind and loving. He thought that he was honest and caring. Those were
all concepts, not facts. When the mind is not in contact with itself
as it really is, then the body or health must crumble. I watched this
happen over a period of 6 years. The pattern kept repeating itself. I
never interfered with this person. I merely watched. He was envious
toward me because I was in a state of Holistic Self-Observation, and
he wanted to copy it. I told him that you cannot imitate this state
of being. You have to first face yourself as you actually are. A
programmed mind has to first see that it does NOT want to see itself
as it is. Anybody who says that they want to see themselves, is a
liar. The first step for me was to privately admit to myself that I
didn't want to see myself.
from robotic programmed thinking is based on facing FACTS! When I was
very young, I felt the fact that I was confused, afraid and deeply
upset. So long as I kept facing the facts about myself, I was free to
learn about my mind. A programmed mind is a dishonest mind that is
second-hand. Everything it thinks and feels was imposed by the people
around you. People are always there to throw their opinions onto you
and add to your confusion. Like basketball players that have a player
assigned to shadow the other player in order to block them, that is
what so-called “friends” are like. They are there to keep you
from finding out about your true nature and to keep you in a
programmed, scripted state of mind. You are not allowed to question
the foundation of your Emotional Being.
reason why there are so many pleasurable amusements is to keep your
mind in a trivial, superficial state so that it never awakens to a
Whole State of Being. The Emotional Mind breeds Pleasure as a
reaction to Pain. Therefore, it comes full circle back to Pain again.
The more Pleasure one receives, the more Pain it gets later. Pleasure
is like “heads” of a coin and Pain is like “tails” of that
same coin. And, that is the prison in which most programmed minds are
trapped. Pleasure is a form of greed. If you enjoy sexual activity
with someone and you keep thinking about it and craving to have more
of it, that is Pleasure. If you can't get it, you feel upset (which
is emotional pain).
seeks others to tell it lies that flatter itself. If you don't do
that, the Emotional Mind (a.k.a., Ego) will classify you as being its
enemy and will find some way to hurt you. The Emotional Mind is
seeking the feeling of being “IMPORTANT”! Why? Because, a mind
that fails to commune with itself and wholly understand itself feels
empty, weak and worthless. So it artificially seeks a way to
substitute its emotional insecurity by seeking other people to stroke
its Ego by lying to it and giving it compliments that emotionally
stimulates you to feel superior, powerful or great. Basically, it is
the opposite of what you actually feel. Seeking an emotional opposite
is the act of violence or warfare. The mind is going against the
facts with a falsehood. Then it pretends that the falsehood is the
fact and the fact is non-existent. Hence, the mind has tricked itself
into believing that it is no longer lonely, empty, weak or worthless.
is relationship; that is an absolute fact. To be related means to be
in direct contact with facts. Our brain and bodies are factual
entities. However, they are under the influence of our Emotional
State of Being. If our mind is escaping into fictitious ideals in
order to bring about a comforting emotional sensation and rejecting
being in touch with the actuality of what it originally thinks or
feels, then the mind is dead, because it is no longer related to
itself. It is pretending to be in a state of being that it really is
not in. A pretense is a disconnection from the facts of what is
actually happening. When a man lies to his wife or a woman lies to
her husband in order to emotionally gratify each other, they are
disconnected from the truth. They are not related to each other or in
touch with each other. They may rub their bodies together, but there
is no mental contact at all. Since, the foundation of our entire
being is psychological, if there is no mental contact, there is no
relationship. Love is Holistic Communion with our feelings and
thoughts. Love is WHOLE. Anything that divides, fragments is
destructive and non-creative and is unholy.
ARE WHOLE! Lies takes pieces of the facts and discards the bits that
it dislikes. Once the facts have been dissected, they are no longer
facts. There is “What I Feel/Think” (FACT); and, “What I
Should Feel/Think” (LIE). We live in a world that is founded in a
LIE, psychologically. Our material world of economy, health and
ecosystem is all being attacked and damaged because the Human Mind is
divided. People emotionally identify with a group, team, gang, race,
religious sect, nationality, etc. Once emotional division takes
place, these groups compete to gain access to material possessions.
After the bloodbath ends, they distribute the spoils of warfare. This
has been happening for thousands of years. But the Earth can't heal
from these assaults that are becoming more and more disruptive to the
natural balance of the ecosystem and biosphere. This pattern of
destruction must repeat itself until the origin of this behavior
radically changes.
only radical change possible is for the mind to awaken to the error
of its ways. When the mind awakens the old mind does everything in
its power to stamp out the New Awakening Mind. I have witnessed this,
firsthand. Since 1977, I have been facing the Old Programmed Robotic
Mindset. You can't fight it, because that is the Old Programming
Approach that only maintains the status quo. As the Old Mind which is
Dead tries to block my survival outside of the robotic programming, I
observe my emotional responses to each daily challenge. Observation
WITHOUT Opposition, is wholeness because the challenge is not being
fragmented. I simply feel and detect any and ALL thoughts and
feelings while I learn about the mind. When the mind does this it is
a Universal Mind that no longer thinks on the level of
“me-against-the-world”. When the mind communes with ALL of
itself, it is communing with the entire emotional history of
Humanity. That implies that the energy being released is impacting
the foundation of the entire consciousness of Mankind. Therefore, the
mind that is related to itself IS the entire Humanity. It is no
longer a fragmented robot conforming to a traditional script. THERE
IS NO SCRIPT AT ALL when the mind observes itself without any belief,
dogma, concept, opinion, etc. All of those things are born of the
emotional imagination. They are not real. The mind that sees itself
clearly without correcting whatever it sees, feels is fully ALIVE!
How can a dead mind dominate or wipe out a mind that is ALIVE?
thing to realize is that all of Life, including the cosmos and the
microscopic and subatomic levels of life is ONE ENERGY that is in
touch with itself. The only creature that is out of touch with the
Universe is the robotic mind that follows a script that opposes its
real state of mind. It is in a perpetual state of disintegration.
Nothing is attacking the robotic mind except for itself. War is
everywhere the robotic mind is. If you believe then your belief is on
a collision course with someone else who believes the opposite. It's
like nuclear fission where there is non-stop friction. Mentalities
like that may claim to be fixing problems, but that is a lie. While
you accept the lie because it sounds pleasing, meanwhile, the
physical is coming apart at the seams.
Death Of Human Robotic Existence is inevitable because you can't
sustain a thing that is already disintegrating. Disintegration
happens when you want the reality to be different from what it is. So
you delude yourself into a make-believe state of mind and live there.
Meanwhile the physical falls apart. That is what happened to someone
I knew for 6 years. Now he is dead, due to a heart attack and
irreversible brain damage. Prior to that happening he was in denial
and seeking pleasure, which turned into severe pain and suffering. He
acted like I was crazy and didn't know what I was doing. He opted to
go along with the majority of people and live a superficial
life-style. But, the seed or root determines ones fate or destiny.
people live their lives for their own self-centered fulfillment.
They never ask what life is all about and what is my intrinsic
function on the Earth. People want to think that they are unique
individuals. They are not. They all are operating from a script or
program which opposes any thought or feeling that they don't want to
acknowledge. Such an act is an act of war against yourself. The body
must suffer the consequences. A robotic mind does not really give a
damn about physical consequences. It only cares about its sense of
self worth. It wants to be powerful, great or superior. That is why
the physical world is rapidly reaching a critical boiling point where
something has got to give. A dead mind does not belong among the
living. Either the mind must awaken to what it is doing and be in full contact with itself without an opposing ideal, concept or
belief, or it must disappear from this world. It can't keep one foot
in the grave and one foot in life (causing so many poisonous
problems). So either the mind must be alive or dead. If it wants to
remain a dead robot, then it will cause its body to disappear (just
like the man I knew for 6 years). I once told him that and he ignored
what I pointed out.
are Life and they will always prevail in the end. Lies are temporary
and must eventually fade out of existence. It doesn't matter about
numbers or mass. Did you know that a huge stone wall has ONE KEYSTONE. If you remove that ONE KEYSTONE, the entire wall will fall
apart. Well, a Holistic Mind IS A KEYSTONE. I am connected to the
Human Race because my emotional mind is the history of Mankind. When
I deal with that consciousness on a WHOLE, then I am the world,
psychologically, and it is me. Everyone is really that way, but they
have isolated their minds and reduced it down to being “a local
entity” that thinks that it is separate. All robotic minds have a
script that it is adhering to in order to fulfill its emotional desires
of becoming better than another person.
I was
created to find out what my intrinsic function was. When I discovered
that it was to observe my emotional responses and to see that
opposing images are all lies that are seeking and demanding respect
and to bow down to a lie is self-destructive, then I realized that my
function was to see the false as the false and not to call it the
truth or treat it like it is the truth. You can't seek truth but you
can easily see all that is false about the robotic mind. When you see
all that is false, then that is the truth. The robotic mind treats
its programming as though it is the truth. So that means that its
mind is mechanical, because it is just repeating a script. And, it is
dead, because a dead thing can't be aware of what is actually doing,
because it is concentrated on a lie/script/programming.
though a psychologically dead mind is dragging the physical world
down into ruination, it can still make things technically. That is
why it appears to be alive. It can do technological things. Its body
is alive biologically. But, the Ego is the root to all of those
things, which is why things are becoming more and more chaotic the
more the collective dead mind disintegrates. If everybody functions
robotically by believing in anything, psychologically, then the world
will be destroyed. The mind that is in full contact with itself is a
NEUTRAL State of Being. It is neither negative nor positive – just
like the neutron in the atom that stabilizes the opposite energies. I
neither agree nor disagree with the robotic mind. I merely observe it
and watch it self-destruct, while it does everything possible to lure
me into opposing it or joining it. I understand the implications of
appeasing the dead emotional part of the mind. That is the deadliest
part of the the Human, its psychological side. That is the part that
is still primitive, ignorant and demands to be obeyed. It threatens
your life and when that doesn't work, it pretends to be your friend
so that you will do what it wants. The robotic mind only wants one
thing and that for you to turn your mind into an emotional robot that obeys the
traditional script or programming.
I listen and watch the mind lie to itself and me. The power in Pure
Observation is unknown to the robotic mind. But, This Pure
Observation is Neutral just like the “Zero”. The Power of Zero is
that it is the key part of the Universal Language – the
mathematical binary code is “One” & “Zero”. “One”
represents the finite and “Zero” represents the infinite because
it has no beginning nor an end. Numbers are finite but the “Zero”
is eternity.
Holistic Self-Awareness is “Zero” because there is no script, no
self-image. An Ego gets hurt because it has invented an image about
itself. It is not in a state of “Zero”. It invented the image
about itself because it fears being “Nothing”. But, the mind
fails to understand that “Nothingness” is “Eternity”,
“Immortality” and “Love”. It is at the center of all atoms.
Atoms are like the “One” in the binary code or Universal Language
of Energy. The heart of the atom is the Neutron. The Neutron is like
the “Zero” because it has no charge – neither positive nor
negative. Yet, these opposite energies are grounded in that Neutron,
which is “Nothingness”. Look at outer space. Do you see that
space of “Nothingness”? It surrounds all of the planets, stars
and asteroids.
education has been very wrong. We have not understood the secret to
life is in Neutrality, Nothingness or the Zero. They are the ground
from which all matter originates and returns. Now, the psyche of
Mankind, for the most part, has been grounded in finiteness, static,
which breeds conflict, destruction. The mind that refuses to face
itself factually is responsible for its destruction. The mind is
grounded in Nothingness when it sees itself as it is and does NOTHING
about what it observes, because it realizes that “The Observer IS
The Observed”. Our thoughts gives rise to our so-called Observer.
There is no Thinker without its Thought, first. The Observer is like
a film projector. The Observed is the film. So the film gives a
purpose to the projector. No film means the there is nothing to
project onto the screen.
A mind
that realizes that “I am my thoughts/feelings” (meaning The
Observer IS The Observed) is not at odds with its thoughts/feelings.
Such a mind is Whole and it is Nothing, because it does not have an
image about itself. An image is imaginary. An image of food does not
nourish the reality of your body. An image that you love somebody is
not a reality. Love is real, not an emotion. If you love yourself,
you would be in touch with your emotional responses without escaping
into a fantasy that opposes what you are. If you feel anger then
allow your being to open up and reveal itself to you, fully. Then, it
naturally fades away like a storm passing by. You are like the
weather, emotionally. You have all kinds of feelings. Some are
pleasant and others are not. But you are all of them. So you can't
run away just because you are feeling stormy, and believe that you
are the opposite. By doing that you prolong that state of being in
the background of your mind (called the subconscious). You have
covered it over like makeup, but underneath that belief is still
festering that original state of mind that you tried to ignore.
person that I knew for 6 years, hid from himself and it took its toll
on his brain and body. Because, all of the thoughts and feelings that
he shoved down into his subconscious rose to the surface and his body
could not handle the stress. People don't understand that the Emotional
Mind and the Biological Brain-Body are like the ebb and flow of an
oceans tide. What flows from the Mind into the body determines its
condition. That person was a part of the Collective Mind. It is
Collective because they all OPPOSE “What Is” with the “What
Should Be” (based on ones desires of what you want the truth to be).
The Collective Mind is DEAD because is has made itself incapable of
being in touch with itself and seeing what it is doing. An image
comes from the emotional memory. The Past is Dead. Memory is dead.
Memory to do mechanical operations is not dead. But, the emotional
memory blocks the mind from being in touch with itself.
living mind can see all of this and be aware of everything that is
happening. It never seeks to escape from anything that it is facing
inside itself. The Collective is forever offering bible literature
and other escapes. I understand what is going on and I don't accept
its offers. It is trying to protect the ancient pattern of life,
which is to keep poisoning the world, physically, so that it can live
in a make-believe world. Everyone is doing that. People are not going
to work for physical security. Deep down they are going there to
maintain their ego stroking activities while they do their work. This
all leads to violence. All of the wars that have every gone on and
that are going on right now are due to a contest between Egos to
maintain a fantasy that they are the greatest. There is no end to
this meaningless Decadent Game until the Earth can no longer heal itself from all these wars, or until a Holistic Mind brings about a radical change to the root-foundation of the Entire Human Consciousness.
is an ending to this Robotic Existence. Everyday I am ending it in my
psychological being. While we may have different biological bodies,
we are One Human Consciousness. All it takes is just One Whole Mind
to be in a Holistic State of Observation to radically change the
foundation of the Entire Consciousness of Humanity. Billions of
fragments can never amount to a Whole Mind. Yet One Mind that is NOT
at odds within itself IS WHOLENESS, ETERNAL. So when it comes time for the
biological body to die, such a Whole Mind will release an energy into
the foundation of the Entire Human Consciousness that will bring
about an unprecedented change. Realize that everything that you see
with your eyes came from a root or seed. Your Emotional Mind Is the
Seed of Humanity. The seed determines the outgrowth. So when the mind
observes its responses and also sees that it is false to oppose “What
Is Happening”, the there is a radical change brought about from the
Energy of Holistic Observation. These are facts.
is energy. The Human Mind has distorted its energy by seeing itself
partially through a belief (which is the emotional dead past). So
long as energy is WHOLE, it is creative, benevolent and resolves
problems. But, the mind that fights itself, is self-destructive,
malevolent and makes problem after problem, while promising that
things will be okay. The world is overrun by either
Psychological-Wolves or Psychological-Wolves-In-Sheep's-Clothing.
Once you actually detect these facts for yourself, you are neither
one of them. You are Universal Mind, that is on the same frequency
with the Orderly Cosmos. This may sound fantastic or out of this
world, but it happens to be the truth, and not my biased desire of
what I would like the truth to be.
Death of Human Robotic Existence is necessary in order for beauty and
peace to be born into this war-torn world.