Friday, August 28, 2015

Internet Authorities Share Knowledge To Trick You

Into Gratifying Their Self-Image of Goodness


This article is in response to the 2 videos on

1. When the missionaries from Europe invaded primitive peoples all over the world, they first pretended to be their friend by offering things from their culture that appeared to be wonderful. They offered PLEASURE! On the surface PLEASURE appears to be a wonderful, harmless thing. It is like amusing a young child with a mysterious shiny object and being mesmerized by it (without knowing that it may contain great danger to its health or life). 

2. So the primitive people, who lived in cooperation assumed that ALL people are harmonious and are what they appear to be. The missionaries appeared to be benevolent and kind and that they only wanted to learn about their foreign customs and to befriend them. Meanwhile, their ulterior motive was psychological warfare. Their goal was to entice them into “believing” what they “believed” about life and “God”. And, they convinced some of the primitive people to change their way of life to adopt the European (“modern”) diet, which did do great harm to their health. And ultimately, some of them were either enslaved or murdered.

3. The human mind is quite devious when it is not Holistically In Touch with itself. ALL “believing” is born out of the fear of being in touch with any situation that it does NOT like. If you don't like crazy people who poison the air, food & water, then you “believe” that condemning what they are doing makes you a “good” or “moral” person. It doesn't. Being in conflict with wrong-doers is only pouring gasoline on the fire. 

In this movie it reveals how people are programmed to spy on each other to make sure nobody thinks "outside-the-box" without being ridiculed and shunned.

*Disclaimer: I do not subscribe to the psychological doctrines in this movie because it requires having a self-image based on a "belief of some kind". I am sharing this movie to show what is happening as a result of the Ego of Humanity remaining out of touch with itself and blindly obeying emotional propaganda. This "thrive-movement"  is based on the concept that all you need to do is to change the physical circumstances without dealing with understanding the dualistic psychological conditioning of living up to an "ideal" (or belief). Without being psychologically grounded in Holistic Self-Awareness in each present moment, all plans to build a world of order will be impossible because a building cannot be supported by a cracked foundation (of having any kind of self-image regardless if it is positive or negative). You can change DNA, but all DNA are made out of atoms that can only function in harmony, balance and order if it is Grounded in Neutrality. So it does not matter if you manipulate the form and shape of any genetic code. What matters is that the electrons and protons are Grounded in Neutrality. Our minds are programmed to be Grounded in Bias (a choice between what we like and don't like, psychologically about our emotional thoughts and feelings). Therefore, whatever we try to do to bring about physical security always ends in a disaster because our foundation (our right-brain Emotional sense of "self" is divided against itself through choosing to cling to the thoughts and feelings that we like and ignore the ones that we don't). So the Human mind is at odds within itself by having a "belief" that seeks to go beyond itself, which is a self-deception. How can a self-deceived mind bring about an orderly, balanced physical and material world (when IT IS DISORDERLY and in the dark about how it is lying to itself through "believing" that it is something that it is not)? So until the Human mind awakens to see exactly what it is doing when it "believes", which is emotional imagination, then it shall remain trapped in a degenerating cycle that is causing the physical problems that are increasing with each passing day. This can't continue forever because this planet is nearing a critical breaking point whereby it shall no longer be able to sustain and support Life. Humans are responsible for this and the only thing that can stop it is for the Psyche to awaken to its mistake in trusting in its emotional imagination of "believing". The battle between opposing "beliefs" continue to rage on and the planet is being sacrificed for it. In the end, nothing will remain so nobody will be able to claim their emotional position of being "superior" to their adversaries. So after Humans destroy this world, then what?

4. People who go around pointing out the physical or material facts to help alert people about harmful things in order to protect their health mostly do so in order to DOMINATE WHAT YOU THINK. They want to prove to themselves that they are “good” by condemning what the bullies in this world are doing to hurt Humanity. They do this so that they don't have to see how they are hurting Humanity, as well.

5. Just because someone comes along and shows people something that is going on that is wrong in the physical world, that does not necessarily mean that they are being benevolent. Because, their motive is to feed their own ego that they are “good”.

6. Genuine “goodness” is unbiased and neutral. Creation is neutral. Life is made out of opposite forms of energy: “negative” & “positive” energy (just like night & day or the south & north poles). But they are all grounded in neutral energy (that has neither negative nor positive charges). So a truly benevolent person would not focus on the physical side of life as being the most important.

7. The mind is always hijacked before the body. The mind is hijacked simply because it is a prisoner of “believing”, which comes from the emotional-imagination that can make up anything it wants about life. Then to force others to go along with it, brutality is necessary. Anytime, people hold up a so-called “sacred book” (which no book is sacred), we are expected to not question its authority. There is an ancient buried fear about these types of books because they all came into power of respectability through murder (“holy wars”). If you did not say that everything in that book or scribe was true, you and your family were tortured and possibly killed to set an example for others not to doubt it.

8. So this person says that the Bible says, “Thou shalt not kill.” If you challenge that statement by saying that all living things in life must kill in order to physically survive, then “believers” might view you as being wicked. “Killing” is different from "murder". Animals kill to survive. People “murder” to fulfill their egos of being “superior”, which is an emotional imaginary world. All of the poisoning taking place on Earth is due to fulfilling an emotional imaginary ideal of becoming the Almighty Powerful Master over other peoples. When anyone pulls out a so-called “sacred book” and speak their opinions, they are attempting to be “superior” and to “dominate” your mind and tell you what you should think.

9. I'm not telling anybody “what they should think”. I'm pointing out what is going on in the psychological/emotional area of the mind because it is this part of our being that is responsible for destroying both our health and our environment. It would take forever to tackle each physical problem one-by-one that Humans are generating, everyday. But, I don't ever hear of anyone asking where is all these mad behaviors stemming from? Is there ONE SOURCE to this madness that is engulfing the entire material/physical world?

10. What is that MAIN SOURCE OF THESE DANGERS to Life on Earth? It's each and every one of our Egos. What is this Ego? It is your Emotional-Memory that imagines that it is “better” or wants to “become better” than another. How did this all get started? It begins whenever you respond to things going on in your life and you don't like it.

11. As a child, your parent(s) may have said something that made you feel bad. Then you felt helpless, small and ugly. The ego arises when it tries to move away from those feelings by “believing” that it is the opposite of its bad feelings or thoughts. The emotional part of our mind is ignorant of the fact that IT IS ALL ITS RESPONSES. So it ignorantly tries to run away from anything about itself that it DISLIKES. This is where “believing” is born out of the FEAR OF BEING IN TOUCH WITH ITSELF AS IT IS. So it prefers to “become better” than it is. This is a duality that gives birth to internal warfare. And the way the mind is related to itself, it must also be related to others outside of itself. That is Natural Law.

12. Some people wrote books to trick people into thinking that they could escape from the negative aspects of themselves if they were to “believe” (accept it as the truth and have blind faith). Then they wrote that if you don't agree with this, your spirit shall burn in eternity for disobeying these doctrines. Out of Emotional Fear, most people gave their emotional minds over to these words. Then the mind became a “slave to words” as being the fact or the truth. But “words” are not “truth”. My words can only point things out. But if you fail to go check it out in reality, then you will miss the reality altogether.

13. Life on Earth is rapidly approaching a total meltdown because of this Ego in Humanity that has been trashing this entire planet from thousands of egotistical wars. That means that Humans are murdering this world by remaining loyal to their egos. The ego is tied to the past, which is the dead. Emotional memories matter more to most people than ACTUALLY SEEING WHAT IS GOING ON IN THEMSELVES. THE EGO DOES NOT WANT TO SEE WHAT IT IS DOING TO ITSELF AND THE WORLD OUTSIDE ITSELF!

14. The reason that these do-gooders go on the Internet telling us about all of these terrible things that the criminally insane corporate and government rulers are doing to us is in order to IGNORE what part they are playing in all of this. If you are not watchful of your own Ego, then you are cloaking it and pretending that it is “good”. Ego is a mind that is divided against itself, which is immoral. We try to live up to so-called “good images or concepts” in order to not be in touch with anything about ourselves that we are ashamed of.

15. There needs to be an education that brings out Holistic Self-Observation. The “Emotion-Me” or the “Emotional-Self” is the culprit in ALL of these physical imbalances. Just think about it. If the primitive people had been aware of their Ego (their emotional-mind in a Holistic manner), then they would have seen through the deception of the missionary invasion. But, they were trusting because they had their own imaginary “god” or “gods”. If the mind is self-deceived, it can be deceived by another. But if the mind, is in a constant state of self-study to be aware of how it plays tricks on itself, emotionally, then it is immune to outside invaders coming along pretending to be their friend and only want to help them by changing them.

16. Now the primitive people who resisted the missionaries tricks of benevolence, they got massacred. Why? For the exact same reason that the gullible ones were overtaken, they too, had a “belief” about themselves. If the mind has any “belief” at all about itself, it is unable to be in direct contact with what it actually is. What I am saying is that the main reason why Humans have been in a non-stop struggle within its species is because our Emotional-Being is out of touch with itself. It has an imagination or make-believe about itself because it does not want to be in touch with itself.

17. The Natural Law is based on Energy that is Aware of Itself is “Relationship”. Life is Relationship. To be related is to have NO SELF-IMAGE. We, as a species, have used the “image” to function on a mechanical level. We have to remember that certain animals and insects are deadly and to stay clear of them. We remember that certain foods are poison and others are good for our health. So memory for physical survival is always necessary. But we make the mistake of thinking that what is good or necessary for physical survival is also necessary for emotional comfort or gratification. We've mistakenly mixed up the two types of memories.

18. Someone that is a con artist plays on this common mistake. First the con artist gains your trust by treating you nice and doing things to make you feel comfortable and at ease. You formulate an emotional memory, an “image” that this person is “good” and that I must trust that he or she will always be like that. Then, the con artist betrays your trust and exploits you and capitalizes off of your misfortune. This is constantly being practiced throughout Human history.

19. But if you were watching yourself without any assumptions about yourself, you would be in contact with the fact of what you are being from moment-to-moment. It is a living contact with your nature. So if anyone enters your life, you would be listening closely to whatever they say and then watching to see if their actions contradict what they are saying. Then you can see that they are being devious and then you don't get tricked. If you are in touch with yourself, your mind is not divided or opposed to itself, so it is then WHOLE.

20. A WHOLE EMOTIONAL-BEING CAN'T BE HIJACKED OR CONQUERED. You must be in a state of “believing” in order to be tricked. So those who are tricked ARE NOT INNOCENT. They are corrupt with having a self-image. If the mind is deceiving itself, it is corrupt, divided and immoral. So when it is exploited, it was responsible for dividing itself. The villain merely took advantage of you deceiving yourself. So let's stop pointing the finger at these obvious bullies because they can only get away with what they are doing because their victims are slaves to their Egos and they don't want to wake up to the fact that protecting your make-believe world, that you are setting yourselves up to being lied to and also putting your physical security in jeopardy.

21. I care not what any book says about life. What matters is being in touch with the reality of my mind from moment-to-moment. Life is for the living, not the dead. Words coming from ancient books telling us what and how to think prevent us from being awake to what is going on in our lives today. Each day that we seek to live up to an image (which is a past memory, the dead), means that we are being self-destructive. So what does it matter if you eat the right foods? The only reason to be healthy is so that the Emotional-Mind can SEE ITSELF AS IT IS, not as it desires “to become”.

22. Seeking to escape from psychological pain is conflict and conflict is violence. There is obvious violence, which is brutality. But, there is the subtle form of violence which is to “believe”, and that OPPOSES or CONTRADICTS what you are thinking and feeling. One may hate, but outwardly pretends by saying that they love. The Emotional mind is a backward talker. It rarely says what it truly thinks and feels. This hypocritical and contradictory behavior is the seed of all violence in the world. People who share information to appear to be helping us are not really helping Humanity. They are trying to get people to support their “belief” that they are “good” and not like the villains who are assaulting our world and our lives. But fundamentally they are just 2 sides of the same Egotistical Coin. The villains “believe” that what they are doing is for their concept of “the greater good”. Egos justify and rationalize why their “belief” is necessary. Neither the so-called “hero” nor the “villain” want to SEE HOW THEY LIE TO THEMSELVES BY “BELIEVING” THAT THEY ARE RIGHT FOR CONDEMNING THEIR ADVERSARIES.

23. CONFLICT BEGETS CONFLICT, period. Peace can never come from it. An interval between wars is not real peace. Peace is born of a mind that is observing the nature of conflict. When you see a false thing as being a false thing, then that thing ends. But so long as the false fights against the false, it is only strengthening the false (which is conflict). Telling people to obey the Bible is false. It breeds conflict between the various “beliefs”, which is endless warfare. And, health is always destroyed in war. So on the one hand, this man is promoting taking care of your teeth/gums and health. But then he turns around in another video and tells people to respect what the Bible says (which is to assume that whatever it says came from the Creator of this physical world). An assumption is not a fact.

24. It only takes direct perception to see that taking lives to make money is detrimental to our entire species. What is going on is pure GREED! Greed comes from the Emotional-Mind. It began when the mind wanted to “become more” than it was. When you feel a state of mind that is ugly, you wish to “become more” than that state. So you seek to run after “the more”! If you feel ashamed, the emotion desires to feel the opposite, which is feeling “proud”. Seeking the opposite of what you think or feel IS GREED. The emotional-mind is GREEDY TO DESIRE TO FEEL HIGHER THAN IT IS FEELING. This seeking “the more” is then attached to the material or physical world of materialistic competition.

25. One may emotionally identify with a group, tribe, or race. Then one says, “My race is better than yours.” My mother is smarter or more beautiful than yours. Then that breeds envy, animosity and aggression. So people do things to strive to prove that they are “better” than another. So they make a company to trash the environment to make goods to make bigger profits at the expense of polluting our world. There are just thousands of problems all coming out of the Emotional pursuit of “becoming more” (that is GREED).

26. Why does the Emotional Mind or our Ego do this? IT IS RESISTING BEING IN TOUCH WITH ALL OF ITSELF. It rejects one side of its nature that it ashamed of. And, it projects an imaginary OPPOSITE (which is the “belief”). It is like the Ventriloquist & the Dummy pretending that the Ventriloquist is unreal and the Dummy is real. The Ventriloquist is the initial feeling or thought that you want to hide from yourself and the world. The Dummy is the “belief” that you made up and try to convince yourself and others that you are that.

So “the Dummy” tells us that I am the “good guy” by telling you about how to take care of your gums & teeth and expose the “bad guys” who want to hurt your health and take your money. So see, “I'm your friend.” “Now, I also want you to “believe” (take it for granted) that it is not hazardous to your health to emotionally identify or attach yourself to Biblical Doctrines.” But if you so obey, your mind is then out of touch with being aware of itself, and you are inviting the villains to come into your life and trash it. That is the pattern that has been repeating for thousands of years.

27. People have been brainwashed to think that they have no choice but to “believe” in something. All forms of “believing” detaches the mind from seeing itself as it is. It breaks the mind in half and then the conscious & subconscious go to war with itself and with others. Where there is war, health must be sacrificed. So you can't protect your Ego and your health. To protect one is to end the other. The Ego must end for the world to be safe. It only ends, naturally and peacefully when it LOOKS AT ITSELF and understands that IT IS WHAT IT THINKS & FEELS. Therefore, there is no escape into its imagination. The imagination is born out of what it is trying to escape from. This is a cruel trick the mind is playing upon itself.

28. That is why it does not matter how correct a person may be about technical facts about health, nutrition or whatever, it is all destroyed whenever you conform to an emotional make believe world. That make-believe is what is directly responsible for the daily poisoning of our world. People are going to war to protect their emotional concepts, period. That is MURDER. But, when you go hunting to kill fish to eat, that is merely killing to support your health, which is necessary. But MURDER is unnecessary because the thing that you are feeding is your emotional imagination, which is an illusion. It is not real, like your health is a reality. Your desire to be more in your emotions is the basis for madness. That is why Hitler and the Nazis did what they did. That is why one group is invading the habitat of another group because each group “believes” that they have the right to take from them in order to feed their emotional egos that tell them that they are “superior” to them.

29. The super elite wealthy people are trying to bring the whole Human Race to its knees just to prove to themselves that what they “believe” about themselves is true. All “beliefs” are a LIE. And, a LIE can never prove that it is TRUE, because it is not true. The only truth is that we must be aware of this entire self-deception so that it ends upon seeing itself as it is. When it ends, it will be able to act rationally, sanely and do what is right for our health and our environment. But as long as we fail to study our Ego (which is the origin of ALL THESE PHYSICAL & MATERIAL PROBLEMS GOING ON IN OUR DAILY LIVES), then it wont matter what you do on the physical/material level because the foundation that is divided against itself will not be able to sustain the building blocks of our ecosystem and our bodies.

30. Condemning, accepting what your emotional responses are is not understanding yourself. You can only understand and be free of any state of mind by communing with it without “liking” or “disliking”. One is impartially aware of ones emotional responses to whatever challenges and problems in our daily lives. Being in full contact with what you are is the only resolution to any given emotional state of mind. You are not accepting what you are or contented with it, but you are simply aware. In that neutral energy there is a complete and radical transformation of what you are without opposition or conflict. Conflict is a toxic mental imbalance in the mind which shapes ones behavior. The #1 Toxic Danger is our Emotional Mind that is opposing itself with its imagined ideal. These so-called “sacred books” are opposing ideals against the bad things going on, which perpetuates them. They can only end by coming into direct contact with ugly thoughts and feelings that you are. Then like a flower, they bloom and tell their story and then naturally wither away and die (without forcing your thoughts/feelings to go away). Until we deal with the REAL ROOT OF THESE TOXIC PROBLEMS, they shall multiply until our species is no more. Thank you.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Only Thing To Understand Is Psychological-Fear Itself

Here is a movie that demonstrates what we and our planet is facing. I do not endorse any opinion in this video because all the people are psychologically conditioned, so when they try to implement their plans to correct the physical/material problem, there must be overt or covert conflict. These plans can only work permanently only if they psychological awaken to their conditioned/programmed states of mind that are fragmented. Otherwise, they can only rearrange Disorder to appear different on the surface while the root of chaos remains firmly implanted.

Here's the movie:

There is only ONE KEY ISSUE that is blocking Humanity from moving forward and that is:



First, let's distinguish and clarify what has been mistaken for “fear”.

The biological organism has its own Alert Mechanism as part of its Natural Intelligence. It is there to warn its brain to steer clear of harms way or to attend to its health to supply whatever it needs.

When an infant cries out to its parent(s), its alerting its caregiver to investigate into what is needed. It could be that the child is hungry, filthy (needing hygienic attending), soothing warmth of affection or senses external danger approaching.

As adults, our internal biological warning system alerts us to anything that is threatening to its survival. So whenever one comes across an unknown creature, it keeps its distance, not out of fear but out of Intelligent Biological Survival. It is a nervous response to stay on high alert for possible harm to its organism. So when our brain causes its body to get out of harms way, this is an act of Physical Intelligence, period. A Distress Signal tells us to act accordingly. We have mistakenly called this, “Urgent Call To Appropriate Action” (to get out of harms way) “fear” when it is not. It is an Intelligence jolting its body to pay immediate attention to the physical situation so that it can act in its best interest, which is to physically survive. So this urgency to physically survive is Intelligence and not “fear”.

Actually if you will notice, all creatures are forms of Intelligent Energy that does whatever is necessary for them to thrive by feeding themselves and avoiding harm and destruction. That is the Natural Law to living. Therefore creatures have built-in defense mechanisms to protect themselves whenever necessary. So when a creature is faced with something that is trying to hurt or destroy it, it will try to get away from the danger. And, when there is no way to distance itself from danger, it takes measures to push the danger away from itself (or its offspring) so that it may live. Again, this is not “fear” but an Intelligent Response in order to insure its survival.

Naturally, creatures must replenish their energy by eating. So whenever the stomach sends a Signal of Hunger, the Intelligent Response is to instinctively look for physical nourishment. A lion may hunt its prey in order to prevent starvation and death. Once it's full, the creature no longer seeks to hurt anything that crosses its path (not unless something comes along to threaten its safety). Or, in cases where the creature is diseased-and-deranged, it may dysfunctionally lash out. In this case, there is a lack of Intelligence. Intelligence is Energy Seeking Balance to its being. But, when a creature's energy is distorted and out of balance or deranged, the organism must either recover to a healthy operation or else die, if it can no longer restore equilibrium to itself (i.e., an animal infected with rabies is a threat to itself and anything around itself). If the creature becomes incurable, it is then too deadly to remain in the Thriving Biological Continuum of Life and must die. This is the Natural Order of Intelligent Energy, which is Balance.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt once stated, “The only thing to FEAR is FEAR itself.”

This is an inaccurate and false claim.

First, let's investigate: “What is meant by “FEAR?”

Human creatures are different from creatures that are driven by “physical” survival.

How so?

We have “emotional-identity”.

An in-depth examination and learning about your mind:

This part of our being is a type of SHADOW-GOVERNMENT that dictates to its biological organism what is dangerous to itself and what is not (even at the sacrifice of its physical safety). So long as the mind is unaware of the dangers of its Ego, it will forever be trapped in a Master-Slave struggle that will ultimately devour itself. The Emotional side of our mind is a sinking Titanic that is being ignored (while it plays with high-tech toys).

This “emotional-identity” is born out of a LACK-OF-INTELLIGENCE (or confusion about its intrinsic psychological nature to understand itself).

If our “emotional being” fails to understand itself, Holistically, then it breaks apart and then begins to go into emotional conflict (which is neurotic or deranged).

The mind, then, becomes confused. It mixes up “physical survival” with an artificial “psychological survival”.

 “The Vitruvian Man/Woman” a.k.a. Ego is
"Psychological Time": Idealistic Becoming
Emotional-Past Opposes Itself by Projecting An Idealistic Future

When you see this symbol of the “double-man” enclosed in a circle (a.k.a., “The Vitruvian Man”), that is what the Human Creature has de-evolved into over thousands of years of misinformed indoctrination imposed and handed down by the domineering “elite” from one generation to the next.

This dualism is a contradictory state of emotion called, “PSYCHOLOGICAL-FEAR.”

FEAR” is psychological contradiction. “The Vitruvian Man/Woman” is the conditioned, programmed or brainwashed emotional-mind.


Until “FEAR” is thoroughly understood (through direct observation WITHOUT any opposition to that state of being), it shall dominate and govern and determine the fate of the entire Human organism, as well as its environment. This is the essence of Disorder!

In other words, “Psychological Fear” or “Social Fear” or “Emotional Fear” causes the Human creature to act irrationally and against the best interest of its physical survival. There is a clear conflict of interest, here.

How did Humanity veer off course from its Natural Equilibrium? How did it take a wrong turn and mistakenly think that it was still operating normally? And, what is “normal?”


Prior to evolving into an “emotional” or “psychic” being, we were simply animals. Take a pack of wolves, for example...

This group of creatures' survival was based upon “safety in numbers”, especially when facing much larger creatures. Therefore, it was dependent upon its pack to protect its young or to hunt for nourishment. Again, once they satisfy their biological needs, they were no longer seeking to cause any harm around themselves. The leader of the pack had to prove that it could protect the pack by showing that it had the greatest endurance and strength in order to insure the safety of its pack.

Ergo, the primitive Human creature formed groups in order to ward off any dangerous creatures from other species. Generally speaking, different species instinctively give each other distance or space from each other until such time they may need to feed in order to survive. Otherwise, each species instinctively keeps their distance from one another.

Normal” is based on BALANCING ENERGY:

When your stomach alerts its brain that its hungry, that means there is an IMBALANCE in its physical structure. In order to restore balance, the organism must find nourishment in order to live. Once it eats, its energy is restored to BALANCE. Therefore, it is only “normal” to seek equilibrium of ENERGY!

Anything or action that thwarts ENERGETIC EQUILIBRIUM IS “ABNORMAL!”

Now, here's where the Human creature took a wrong turn and remained in that error to this present day...

We got “PHYSICAL NEED” mixed up and confused with “EMOTIONAL DESIRE!”

Let's take this nice and slow so that we may be very clear about this great mistake that we are still making (which is why Humanity has been repeatedly duped by clever, cunning psychological warfare/manipulation and why it is so insidious to resolve).

First of all, when Humans were prehistoric animals, we mainly operated off of “PHYSICAL NEED,” (just like any other animal).

PHYSICAL NEED” IS 100% “normal” or “natural”. “Normal” and “natural” are interchangeable in that what is “natural” is also “normal”.

The word “natural” is a derivative of “NATURE”.

ALL OF “NATURE” IS MADE OUT OF ATOMS. So by understanding the basics of an Atom reveals that which is “natural” or “normal”.

So let's find out the construct of “normality”.

Since ALL of Life is Energetic Matter, which is basically Atomic, in essence, it is important to understand the basic components of THE ATOM!

After all, the only difference between species is the arrangement of ATOMS (brought about through the DNA code that forms the ATOMS into various creatures).

The shape in which the ATOMS take is irrelevant, because contained in every ATOM is “GROUND OF THE INTELLIGENCE” on which EVERY CREATURE STANDS.

(That ground must be WHOLE/UNDIVIDED.)

So what are the basic components of an ATOM?


Lets begin with the “opposite forms of energy”:

NEGATIVE” & “POSITIVE” energy is finite (measurable).

The ATOM has Equal Quantities of both “NEGATIVE” & “POSITIVE” energy.

For example, let's say...

10 Electrons (-negative energy) plus 10 Protons (+positive energy), which are GROUNDED IN “ZERO POINT ENERGY” (the neutron has ZERO CHARGE – neither having a positive or negative energy).

At the center of the ATOM is ZERO CHARGED ENERGY (or ZERO POINT).


It would look like this...

(Negative Ten) –> (Zero) <– (Positive Ten) = ATOM (Life's Essence)

[Both opposite energies are plugged into Zero Point.]

    (-10) –> ( 0 ) <– (+10)

Negative Energy being the Electron is also FEMALE (EGG) contains equal amounts of DNA chromosomes (-46). (numerology: 4 + 6 = 10: The Binary Code/Universal Language)

Positive Energy being the Proton is also MALE (SPERM) contains equal amounts of DNA chromosomes (+46). 
(numerology: 4 + 6 = 10: The Binary Code/Universal Language)

-46 female DNA plus +46 male DNA = 0 (Zero)


Egg DNA:      -4 plus -6  =  -10 [electron-female]
Sperm DNA: +4 plus +6 = +10 [proton-male]
                                            0 [neutron-neutral 
                                                = Whole-Foundation] 

What brings about EQUILIBRIUM is that the opposite forms of energy are GROUNDED IN NEUTRALITY! That is the basis of NORMALITY. If the foundation of a creature is not neutral or whole, then it is destined to crumble/disintegrate. That is why humans are destined to ruination, because they overlook their Psychological Foundation. Their minds are grounded in conflict, fragmentation, which is NOT whole or neutral. Therefore, no matter what they technologically build, it must end up destroying them. That is because the emotional side of humanity is grounded in duality, contradiction and confusion.

When equal DNA chromosomes from woman and man are combined they CREATE a Whole Human Being. Ergo, man and woman are 2 sides of our entire species.


By adding equivalent positive & negative quantities it ALWAYS EQUALS: Z-E-R-O
This is Natural Atomic Law: The 3 Vital Components.

But more importantly...



You see limited expressions of energy is either “POSITIVE” or “NEGATIVE” and they are co-dependent upon each other. If you get rid of one of them, the other cannot survive, either. Ergo, male-female is one unit that cannot exist without the other. But, if they are not grounded in neutrality (or Holistic Self-Awareness), these opposites must try to conquer each other (consciously or subconsciously men & women are at war with each other) because, inwardly, they are psychologically grounded in a self-image that is either positive or negative. The "image" is either negative or positive so it is biased, and not "neutral". That is contradiction or conflict or fragmentation. There is no foundation of being fully aware of ALL emotional responses (either positive or negative). Man and Woman choose to take sides and only acknowledge their pleasurable thoughts/feelings and ignore the painful ones. That is a rejection of Neutrality, Wholeness or Zero-Images about yourself.

This is where the Universal Language 1/0 (one/zero) comes in...

Woman = -1 (neg. one) electron
Man =     +1 (pos. one) proton

Emotion = 0 (no self-image - neither positive or negative image) neutron

Pos/Like - Neg/Dislike
In the Emotional area of the Human, there has been a perpetual error of seeking a negative or positive image. The purpose of the emotional image is to BLOCK PERCEPTION or AWARENESS of any emotional thought or feeling that one DISLIKES. The mind is emotionally blinding itself to itself as a way of trying to escape from any quality about itself that it DISLIKES. So any image (a.k.a., belief) is used to substitute or replace the ZERO GROUND of Unbiased Self-Awareness or Self-Observation of ones Whole Emotional Mind. This causes the mind to SPLIT into a Dualistic or Contradictory entity that is at odds within its psyche. So the superficial consciousness becomes a mask to conceal that part of the mind that it is ashamed of. This is how the Devil-God dichotomy came into existence and superstition was born (a.k.a., organized dogmatic religion), which is based on the mind being afraid to be TOTALLY AWARE OF ALL OF ITS EMOTIONAL THOUGHTS/FEELINGS.

The Universal Language of 1/0 (one/zero) represents:

1 (either positive or negative) = Finite Energy because it is polarized with its opposite.
0 (non-dualistic awareness) = Infinite Energy because it is Whole Unto Itself non-dependent. All matter or atoms originates from the Ground of Neutrality/Unbiased.

All psychological images are in violation of Atomic Law and The Universal Language of 1/0 (one/zero) . In the mind where there is an image, one has chosen to be out of touch with parts of itself, which is BIAS. Where there is bias, the mind has lost touch with THE ZERO POINT. If the Zero is not present, then the mind is no longer balanced and it has rejected the origin of all matter. 

Remember the Universal Language is 1 and 0. Any self-image disconnects from that "0" (Holistic Self-Observation). Then it is just +1/+1 or or -1/-1, which equates to conflict/war/destruction/Imbalance and NO Love or Peace or Natural Cooperation.   

The Art of Holistic Listening To The Psyche (Ego):

The mind can only Naturally Cooperation when it understands that to have any image to emotionally sooth itself is disruptive to being in direct contact with ones Whole Mind. If you look at our emotional responses as being negative (like the night) or positive (like the day), the mind CHOOSES to embrace one side over the other. That destroys equilibrium or balance between the opposite expressions of our psyche. Both sides are part of ONE MIND. The self-image springs up whenever one rejects an emotion that one doesn't want to be in touch with. 

Our emotional mind is positive/negative thoughts and feelings. The upper conscious and the lower subconscious feelings is the Whole Mind. 


Upper Half = Proton (+1)

 Lower Half = Electron ( - 1 )

The Ground is "Equally Energizing"


The mind is innately designed to 
impartially listen and observe
both sides of its emotional responses 
mind is Grounded in ZERO (emotional images or ideals)
Hence there is No division or conflict = Creation/Love

Peaceful Ending of Psychological Time = Self-Knowledge

(+1) plus (-1) = Zero = Order = Balance = Rationality = Benevolent Creative World

The Zero energy of Wholeness comes once the mind understands that ALL of its emotions is itself and must be fully embraced, studied, examined, investigated and communed with. In the state of communion with whatever you feel or think at any given moment, that is The Zero Energy that harmonizes ALL EMOTIONAL RESPONSES. Paying FULL, COMPLETE ATTENTION to what we think and feel, without choice, is the mind being Grounded in Zero Images. It is now free from conflict, confusion or limitation. Then the negative & positive expressions of the mind function in bliss through the Ground of Neutral Self-Observation. Because, the 1/0 (one/zero) Universal Law resolves ALL PROBLEMS OF LIVING. All solutions are born out of that Ground of Self-Communion with ones thoughts/feelings (both positive and negative, alike).

The image, belief, concept or opinion is finite because they all have opposites of themselves. There can be no freedom attained through emotionally believing in anything. Where there is Awareness of what is unfolding in your mind, there is absolutely no need to "believe" (taking for granted that "the emotional image" is true). A "belief" or "self-image" is an assumption, because the thought does not want to actually be in touch with a certain state of mine. This is where the psychological-collective mind of Humanity has taken a wrong turn for centuries up to the present

The Ego is either a -1/-1 or a +1/+1.  That is, neg. image/grounded in neg. image or pos. image/grounded in positive image = BIAS, INEQUALITY leading to endless conflict and destruction to the economy and our environment. All images are a matter of choosing what is most desirable in order to hide from any unpleasant emotional state of being.

J Krishnamurti Ojai 1972 Public Talk 1 What Will Bring Humanity Together?

When the mind awakens to its mistake and has an insight into its false quest to seek emotional security by hiding in an image or a belief away from a state of mind that it doesn't want to be in touch with, then it naturally stops its illusory pursuit. That is the natural death of the Ego and the birth of Wisdom in the emotional-being. Such a mind is no longer split apart. It is now aware of the necessity to be in touch with every expression of its mind. Then the mind is free of bias and is then Grounded in Zero (images). It now understands that it doesn't matter if the image is positive or negative, because they all reject The Zero Grounding (which is the origin of all energy and matter or life). Then the mind is psychologically Zero (Wholeness = Stable Foundation). So conflict doesn't exist anymore in the mind. A Whole Mind is IMMUNE TO CONFLICT COMING FROM OTHER MINDS THAT ARE STILL IN CONFLICT (because they have not realized that their images or beliefs are OUT OF ORDER). Because, a disorderly psyche is operating outside of the Natural Law of both The Atom and The Universal Language of 1/0 (one/zero) . Zero is at the Center Of The Entire Universe (both macroscopically and microscopically).

Humans are made out of Atoms (including the brain and mind). Where is the Zero in the mind? It is in Holistic Self-Communion (a.k.a., Awareness, Attention, Examination). So long as the mind escapes into images, ideals or beliefs in order to comfort the mind and keep it distracted away from emotional discomfort, it is in violation of The Natural Law of Energetic BALANCE! LIFE IS ABOUT BALANCE. THERE CAN BE NO BALANCE WITHOUT "ZERO" GROUNDING. 

The FOUNDATION is the key to Life!

So Humans can be impressed with their technological toys and manipulate DNA to their hearts content, but they will never bring about a balanced, sane world. All they can do is make a replica of their own Disorderly, Unbalanced Minds, which ends in disaster, because for the most part, Humanity is insane. It keeps using the same approach or formula and expecting a different result. It keeps ignoring THE ZERO POINT (of living without images) and expecting things to work out. Meanwhile, the very biological ground that it is standing on is dying from being poisoned by the thousands of wars that have been waged upon it.

For instance, you eliminate the Night, then the Day disappears, too (and visa versa).

Opposites are basically 2 halves of one whole.

Your mouth and anus are co-dependent; where there is one so must there be the other. In other words, as so above is also as below. You can't have a tree without its roots. The tree symbolizes the Positive protrusion; the roots symbolizes the Negative container plugs into the SOIL (the Neutron that EQUALLY supports both halves: Tree (positive) – Roots (negative). Notice that the SOIL is unbiased. It neither favors one side over the other, but EQUALLY HOLDS THEM.

Ergo, that which is Creative, Natural is based upon EQUILIBRIUM/BALANCED ENERGY OF THE OPPOSITES.

Anything that violates The Natural Atomic Law is:


This is our point of reference for education and clarity of mind.

In order to be able to clearly understand how Human creatures departed from THE LAW OF ATOMIC BALANCE, we must expose what caused this abnormality to take place and why we mistakenly presume that we are operating “normally”.

Again, we come back to “emotion”, which also is our imagination.

Imagination” was a function developed to enhance Humans to create blueprints for our PHYSICAL NEED TO SURVIVE.

Since our bodies are inferior to other animals who have fur to keep them warm, Humans noticed that animals have fur and they lack it. So after eating a creature with fur, instead of throwing it away, we imagined using that fur as clothing and imagined a way of stitching pieces of fur together in order to wear it and keep us warm.

So whenever our bodies lacked certain abilities, we used our imaginations to dream up a way to use things in our environment to assist our bodies' needs. So the inherent purpose of our imagination was first developed to assist our biological necessities.



FRESH AIR, CLEAN FOOD, CLEAN WATER, CLEAN SHELTER and KNOWLEDGE TO SUSTAIN THOSE BIOLOGICAL NEEDS (without which survival would be impossible). Anything thwarting PHYSICAL NEEDS are:


Somewhere along our primitive development into “emotional” beings, Humanity took a FATAL WRONG TURN!

How did this happen???

People have often asked me, “How do you know what happened before you were born?”

That's simple...

The monumental mistake that was made all those centuries ago was passed along down through the generations. In other words, that same error has been replicating, reinforcing and continuing itself. It has been tattooed in our brain by teaching that same mistake to our offspring (and they almost always failed to detect it). Why?

First, what was that monumental error?

The mistake occurred when Human Emotion failed to understand what it is and what that emotion was there for, in the first place.

What is “emotion”?

Basically, it is our response to any given situation that we face throughout our daily lives.

First, there is some form of stimulus. It could be anything that stimulates your organism. You could be watching and experiencing very harsh climate (i.e., a very powerful earthquake, flood or thunder storm). Or, you could be faced with a person who is threatening to bring harm against you or your loved-ones. Or, it could be seeing a beautifully attractive woman or man.

The stimulus evokes both a “physiological” response and also an “emotional” response.

A “physiological” response is “natural” because it always is relevant to ones biological needs.

When facing some great geological disturbance in ones immediate environment, the body's Intelligence sends a distress signal to immediately find safety. So if one were caught in a sand-storm, one would find something to shield ones eyes to avert blindness and cover ones nose and mouth so as not to suffocate until the sand-storm passes by.

Therefore, creatures, including Humans, must first and foremost physically protect themselves. Otherwise, the species ceases to exist. Any action that goes against this Natural Prime Directive is:


When we are children, we learn about physical dangers and what to do to guard against them. So far all of this is sane, healthy and normal.

But here comes THE GIGANTIC MISTAKE...

Along side with teaching children about physical safety, they are deceived and told that you must also “defend” at all cost your “FEELINGS”.

THIS IS THE “EMOTIONAL” ARENA where most of the Human race is ignorant and very confused (but they don't know it).

Enter Emotional Confusion due to a lack of clarity about what it is and how to deal with that part of our being.



Remember, the ancient symbol, “The Vitruvian Man” is the “Divided Emotional Mind” equals Conscious vs. Subconscious. This division or split in consciousness occurs when the “emotional responses” are not understood through Pure Holistic Self-Communion or Self-Awareness (Neutral or Unbiased Self-Observation of ALL emotional responses to any given situation from moment-to-moment).

You see, in ancient times when Human “Feelings” were emerging, people got mixed up because they understood that outside of themselves things were either a help or a danger to their physical existence. That was obvious.


When people felt emotions, they could not detect where they were coming from. This is where the emotional confusion and fear initiated SUPERSTITION {the key to mind-controlling of the masses}.

It was clear that sounds coming from ones environment was easy to detect. If they heard a growl coming from creatures in the forest, they knew to beware and tread carefully and to be on guard for possible harm. There was no mystery about sounds coming from outside of ones being.

But, the sounds and emotional stirring coming from the inside of ones being was mysterious, confusing and frightening.

A few clever Humans sort of figured it out that most people were in the dark about a part of their own being.

They took advantage of their confusion.

Let's take a closer look at this psychological confusion and how it all got started, in the first place.

The emotional part of our being is based on “LIKE” & “DISLIKE” (just like “POSITIVE” & “NEGATIVE”).


Remember how we saw that “Physical Survival” depends on an Intelligence to pay attention to an intrinsic alarm that alerts our biological organism to anything that might hurt or destroy it?

Therefore, physically, the brain must distinguish and choose to allow in any material that can help the body to thrive. And, it must reject any material that can hinder the body to survive.

So, we physically “gather” sustenance and “reject” poison.


On the physical level of survival we must divide and make a distinction between that which can harm/destroy our biological organism and that which will help it to thrive. So this “Physiological Division” is vital and necessary. One “rejects” poison and “accepts” food (organic nourishment).

So what does this have to do with how we function, emotionally?

HERE'S WHERE HUMANS GOT THE TWO (“emotional desire” vs. “physical need”) confused...

When we started having dreams and nightmares, this scared Humans because they felt like they were being invaded by something either “good” or “bad” (this is where the concept of “evil” emerged).

If the mind “LIKED” what it was “Feeling”, then that was placed in the category to “Accept It”. If the mind “DISLIKED” what it was “Feeling”, then that was placed in the category to “Reject It”.

You see the mind did not realize that this was “Unnatural” and would cause an IMBALANCE in the entire psyche. In other words, it did not realize that it was causing the “WHOLE EMOTIONAL-MIND” TO DIVIDE ITSELF INTO:




...that OPPOSED each side of itself.

Hence, “The Vitruvian Man/Woman”!

The mind made a GRAVE ERROR here. It thought that since it was “normal” to physically “gather” sustenance and “reject” poison, then it was perfectly okay to apply the same principle to psychological or emotional matters, as well.

The mind thought that anything that it emotionally felt that was upsetting should be rejected! And, anything that felt uplifting was benevolent for its entire being (including its physical well being).


Let's investigate the fundamental Universal Language: ONE (1) & ZERO (0) (which computers use the Binary Code).

Let's say that “ONE” represents “PHYSICAL NEED/SURVIVAL”.

Then, let's say that “ZERO” represents “PSYCHOLOGICAL DEATH” (NO Self-Image).


Going back to the “ONE” (1) = PHYSIOLOGY and “ZERO” (0) = PSYCHOLOGY:

PHYSICAL SURVIVAL means the “Acceptance” of “Positive One” (+1) {all things that supports the health and well being of the biological organism).

And, the “Rejection” of “Negative One” (-1) (all things that hinders, damages or utterly destroys the health and well being of the biological organism).

And, "Communion or Holistic Contact is Zero (0) Self-Emotional Image (i.e., a MIND THAT IS AT PEACE DUE TO A NEUTRAL-SELF-OBSERVATION OF BOTH POSITIVE & NEGATIVE FEELINGS AND THOUGHTS -->> IS EQUALITY, BALANCE AND PEACE). Then, we can build a structure of economic stability (only AFTER the Foundation of Clarity has been laid in the psyche).



-->> Click To Watch Video: "Order Has Its Own Law" <<--


For example, when you feel jealous, you find that to be disturbing. So you “DISLIKE” that state of being. However, what you have not understood is that feeling of jealousy is an integral part of your TOTAL CONSCIOUSNESS. In other words, “The Observed “jealous state of being” IS The Observer”. That is an absolute FACT.


Here is what Humans are confused about...

The Human mind has been making this mistake for so long that it has become completely oblivious to it. And, this oversight is the reason why these global pressing dangers against our biological survival cannot get resolved (no matter how much technological knowledge that we acquire). These technical solutions cannot be implemented until we have a PSYCHOLOGICAL AWAKENING to our mistake.

Let's go back to “PHYSICAL SURVIVAL/NEED”. We said that we must CHOOSE and DISTINGUISH between that which is a threat to our biological existence and that which is helpful to it. So we “Accept” healthy food and “Reject” poison. We think that choosing in the physical realm of our existence must also be good for our emotional realm, too.

W-R-O-N-G !

The material world outside of us is distinctly separate. A poisonous snake is a creature that we must keep our distance from or at least know how to safely handle them without getting bitten and killed. That snake is not a part of our biological being. So we can get away from it.


When it comes to “EMOTIONAL” thoughts or feelings – be they either Pleasant (positive) or Unpleasant (negative), both expressions are TWO SIDES OF ONE ENTITY.

Whenever, the mind chooses to “Accept” ONE SIDE and “Reject” the side it did not choose to favor, this gives rise to SPLITTING THE ATOM OF THE MIND!


That means that when the mind is in this state of DUALITY, whenever it faces serious problems dealing with its PHYSICAL SURVIVAL, it seeks something to emotionally identify with; this is called “A BELIEF”, “IDEAL”.

Let's take for example, “envy.”

Your friend is getting material advantages that you don't have. The mind measures itself or compares itself to its friend. The feeling of “envy” arises.

Then the mind finds this feeling very upsetting and then “DISLIKES” the emotional state that it is experiencing.

One is falsely taught that it is “evil” or “bad” or “sinful” to be “envious”.

So if you want to be a so-called “good” person, you must not feel “envious” toward anyone (especially your family or friends).

What is the “emotional” being to do?

So it seeks a way to escape from such a terrible feeling (not realizing that you can't run away from yourself).

The mind then uses its “emotional” imagination to conjure up an “opposite” pretense and then begins to repeat to itself, “I do not envy my friend.” “I am glad for my friend's good fortune.” All of these opposing assertions of the mind willing itself to feel the opposite feeling of “envy” has its roots in “envy”. In other words, the emotional mask is born out of the desire to escape from that expression of its emotional being {i.e., envy}.

The psychological past projects from the root source of the negative film the idealistic (false) "happy" future. So the past-disorder pretends to produce the future of a "new world order". This is "Tails" & "Heads" of the singular coin of "Fear" (self-deceit):

Root = Puppet Master
Negative Film
(subconscious mind)
The Image-Maker 
> Tails < 

Image =  The Actor/Puppet
Positive Photograph
(conscious mind)
The Image-Believer
> Heads <

The roots of a thing is the very essence of that thing. The root of a photograph is its negative film, is it not? You cannot have a positive photograph without a negative film, right? So, psychologically this duality, contradiction or hypocrisy is the movement of FEAR (which causes mental deterioration, degeneracy and disintegration). The "believer" is pretending to itself to be divorced from its root thoughts/feelings. But, it is "hate" that generated the image/ideal called "love", which is only an imposture of Love.

For thousands of years, people who have misinterpreted religious messages have misled the masses into self-deceit. The so-called “religious leaders” encouraged people who were afraid of their emotional thoughts/feelings told them to repeat phrases that were deemed to be “holy” or sacred”.

The word “holy”; it's root meaning is WHOLENESS (not to divide). Wholeness is sacred.

When your mind has a feeling or thought that it doesn't want to acknowledge, it pulls away into its own imagination that opposes that actual state of being. Then it runs after an illusion born out of its own despair. Emotional pain cannot create anything other than that. It distorts its pain into PLEASURE (the opposite is the rejection of its own state of mind). Opposition means CONFLICT within the mind. The mind, then divides itself against itself. The way it relates to itself, it must treat the world around itself. “AS BELOW” (in the Emotional Realm) “IS AS SO ABOVE” (in the Physical Realm). This is the Natural Law of THE INNER (the Emotional) & THE OUTER (the Physical) are ONE WHOLE. Metaphorically, the tree root is the "Inner" (or Emotional Realm); and, the tree above the ground is the "Outer" (or Physical Realm). In other words, if the root of the tree is rotting, then the tree branches and leaves will also show decay! Healthy roots = Healthy tree top, right?

When there is IMBALANCE in the Emotional Being, this causes IMBALANCE in the Physiological Being.

Just look at our world today!

On every level of our physical or material world, there is chaos and impending annihilation. Why?

It's because, to this very present day, we are in the dark about how to adequately deal with our emotional responses.

Even though we are awakening to the fact that there are very rich criminals tearing our planet to pieces just to satisfy their “PSYCHOLOGICAL DESIRE” to imagine that they are “superior” over the rest of their own biological species, most people are afraid of being ridiculed for acknowledging what is FACTUALLY GOING ON.

Even though there is tons of evidence mounting everyday indicating that if we don't change, radically, it is certain that our physical world will DIE!!!

Go online to You Tube. Type in: “THRIVE MOVEMENT MOVIE”. Watch it carefully, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with what you see and hear. Even if a portion of what this movie points out (with corroborating evidence), you can easily see that this planet is about to fall apart (due to Human interference).

Earth is being attacked & threatened by Ego existing in a "Make-Believe" state of mind!

The ones who are perpetrating this CRIME AGAINST NATURE are PSYCHOLOGICALLY FEARED so much so that people are refusing to step forward and expose the culprits involved in the mass destruction of this entire world.

They are being completely IRRATIONAL about this monumental challenge that every Human Being is facing.

And what is the reason for people remaining complacent and still helping the small group of wealthy tyrants who also dominate ALL GOVERNMENTS, worldwide?

Each is scared of getting their feelings hurt by losing an artificial, imaginary “social status of respectability”. This is a PSYCHOLOGICAL ILLUSION.


That the Human Mind is soooooo distorted that it is willing to allow PHYSICAL WELL BEING of ourselves and the rest of the planet to be destroyed over a PSYCHOLOGICAL DESIRE.

They say, “If I come forward, my children will be hurt or possibly killed.” “If I admit the truth, I will be made fun of.” “If I do what is “NEEDED” FOR PHYSICAL SURVIVAL, then I'm afraid of what my peers might think of me.”

A Fragmented Mind Breaks Earth


Now, what sense does that make?

Let's be rational, if that's at all possible.

Let's imagine that Humanity stays the course of kissing the psychological ass of the handful of “masters” of covert terror. We help them to destroy us and our planet. Then what happens?

There will be no peers to worry about what they think about you. There will be no more conflict or wars to wage without a planet to wage them upon. There will be no record of Humanity ever existing once this planet blows up. If the planet doesn't blow up and it is poisoned to a point of not being able to support an ecosystem or the biosphere breaks down so that our protective Ozone Layer is gone, then this planet become utterly uninhabitable.

Furthermore, if the hidden tyrants order the masses to be chipped and tracked like caged animal experiments, and the Human species stops thriving and starts de-evolving, then the Human species will implode in on itself (in the long run), if we continue to ignore “THE PSYCHOLOGICAL MONUMENTAL MISTAKE”.

PSYCHOLOGICALLY, the intrinsic purpose of our mind is to study itself and understand its ENTIRE NATURE. It cannot do this, if it rejects ONE SIDE of itself. The Neutral Function of Intelligence in the Human Mind is suppose to HOLD AND OBSERVE ALL OF ITS EMOTIONAL BEING.

For instance, I am greed. I feel a certain emotion. I “DESIRE TO BECOME MORE THAN THAT”. So I seek “non-greed” in order to be more than I am. Wanting more is the very essence of greed, is it not?

Is it possible for the Human Mind to get in touch with the state of greed with an understanding that “I AM THAT GREED”! This does not mean that you “agree” with it or “approve” of that state of being. You are simply acknowledging that is one expression of yourself. And, you are learning what that state of greed is by communing with it.

My Emotional Mind is like having various geological expressions, which are all necessary parts of it WHOLE NATURE. They all have a season to display themselves. They are ALL FULLY FELT without using ones imagination to dream up an opposite condition that you would prefer. Because the imagination is meant to be a tool for physical needs.

Scientist discover technological advancements to enhance physical survival. That is fine.

But using the imagination in order to hide from an EMOTIONAL STATE BEING is an abuse of the imagination.

What is missing in the psyche is HOLISTIC SELF-OBSERVATION (THE GROUND ZERO).

It has been taken for granted that the only way to end an emotional disturbance is to seek an opposite feeling to substitute that disturbed state.

W R O N G !!!

Unlike the realm of the “PHYSICAL NEED/SURVIVAL” that “Accepts” things that benefits our body and “Rejects” things that harm or destroy it, “EMOTIONAL DESIRE” TO BECOME MORE THAN WHATEVER WE INITIALLY THINK/FEEL is why we are too scared to acknowledge facts no matter what our peers may emotional feel about us for doing so.

The only thing standing in the way of these clean-safe high technologies from helping our planet and ourselves heal is EMOTIONAL FEAR.

So until we understand how we are generating, maintaining and intensifying PSYCHOLOGICAL FEAR, no matter how technologically smart people may be, they will be tagged and bagged like a rat in a laboratory, if they fail to AWAKEN TO THE MYSTERY OF EMOTIONAL FEAR.

Our minds have been programmed for centuries to avert learning about EMOTIONAL FEAR. Because once the mind thoroughly sees how it has been helping its hidden enemies to destroy itself, then without your blind assistance the tyrant must fail and self-destruct.

This is NOT my personal opinion. This is ABSOLUTE FACT.

DIVIDE AND CONQUER” IS THE FIRST AND LAST RULE OF MIND CONTROL (i.e., Psychological Warfare). After all Hitler could not wage "physical war" before presenting emotional speeches to arouse the public to emotionally identify with him, and emotionally reject the targeted victims. Once the mind emotionally divides, then the group bloodbath ensues. This is how all group conflicts manifests into Apocalyptic disasters.

If you can see how your mind has been conditioned to be more fearful of ridicule than PHYSICAL SURVIVAL, then you are FREE FROM ALL THREATS.

People in high positions with tons of money are “THE MOST FRIGHTENED PEOPLE ON EARTH!”

In all the stories of unfairness, cruelty and ignoring provable facts of violations of Human rights and the right of this planet to heal itself and thrive, there is ONE COMMON DENOMINATOR -->>PSYCHOLOGICAL RIDICULE (FEAR)!

So again I point out the flaw in the statement, “The only thing to fear is fear itself,” because “fear” is psychological division.

If you fear your state of fear, then you are both protecting and perpetuating fear, are you not?

How else has a small group of clever, cunning thugs been able to consistently trick most of the Human race for centuries?


And, it is the FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND THE VERY NATURE AND ORIGIN OF EMOTIONAL FEAR (driven by social peer pressure).

After all, if you were not “afraid” of what others think of you, then you could not be controlled.

That implies that, for the most part, people are still on the level of a child. A teenager is afraid of being embarrassed more than anything else, right? Well, there is virtually no difference with people in powerful positions who are being treated like puppets. They are being blackmailed with embarrassment as the tyrants' leverage to control them.

We are facing certain annihilation if we continue to be slaves to our emotions!

The NEW ERA means that we must, first, shed our Psychological Ignorance.

We are ignoring our “MONUMENTAL MISTAKE”.

We are still choosing to “Accept” whatever we “LIKE” that comforts our feelings and “Rejecting” whatever we “DISLIKE” that brings about embarrassment.

Chem-trails Poisoning Our Planet to Death
Is the COLLECTIVE EGO implying that it would rather throw away its entire species and planet over the fear of psychological “EMBARRASSMENT?”

The actions of people shows that is exactly what is happening.

Each day that goes by that we protect our egotistical self-image (Emotional Divided Minds), then we are getting one step closer to NOT EXISTING AT ALL!

The Emotional Mind continues to lie to itself by telling itself, “There's still more time.” It is axiomatic to feel like, “Let some other generation fix the problem of saving us from extinction.”

Here's the real dilemma...

Covert Military Ecocidal Operations

The ending of ignorance about psychological becoming or psychological choice.

You can choose between food & poison.

But, you cannot choose between OBSERVING ones “pleasant” & “unpleasant” feelings/thoughts.

Psychologically there is NO CHOICE. There is only TOTAL AWARENESS OF WHAT IS UNFOLDING IN YOUR EMOTIONAL MIND. Then, that Neutral Observation IS the Neutron that understands/communes with both its “Positive {Proton} & Negative {Electron}” emotions. This is the Atomic Natural Law of Human Consciousness.

Just like the neutron stabilizes the opposite energies of protons and electrons, unbiased self-awareness, without opposition (from ones imagination of beliefs), harmoniously and naturally dissolves ALL EMOTIONS, both Negative & Positive, EQUALLY.

The point of HOLISTIC-NEUTRAL EMOTIONAL-SELF-AWARENESS or OBSERVATION is so that the Universal Mind of Humanity can understand its Emotional-Self, completely.

Therefore, it is the energy of that Holistic or Neutral Awareness that transforms the mind's emotions. But first, it must commune with ALL of its FEELINGS. And in that communion arises WISDOM, CLARITY, LOVE and PEACE. And, then the mind is free to advance technologically without weaponzing advanced technologies.

The biggest hurdle that Mankind is facing is not physical, but a TOTAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CHANGE. By understanding that “choice” is only beneficial on the material level of life. But it is “out of order” when it chooses to acknowledge feelings that it “LIKES” AND ignore feelings that it “DISLIKES”. That causes division. Once the mind is divided, it can be deceived, controlled and destroyed! 


So the challenge is not “OUT THERE”. The challenge is not the external oppressors. The challenge is your fear of ridicule, embarrassment or "being Nothing". That is what controls most people into allowing our species and planet to go to hell.

So, wake up to the fact that you've been conditioned to emotionally self-destruct!

Seeing THE TRUTH about what you are doing to enable the bullies, is FREEDOM.

External threats can only come true if you are still protecting your emotional conditioning or programming. All programming ends once you realize that ALL feelings and thoughts are your WHOLE EMOTIONAL BEING for the purpose of embracing them so that the energy of Neutral Communion with your emotions is the GROUND/FOUNDATION OF WHOLENESS. That which is WHOLE does not choose. Psychological-Choice DIVIDES the WHOLE Mind, thereby creating hypocrisy/conflict, which inevitably leads to the destruction of physical security, altogether.

A WHOLE MIND IS what we must have in order to shield ourselves from broken minds that have enormous resources at their disposal. They were allowed to gain access to our resources due to our blindness to how we've been deceiving ourselves, psychologically.

We were trained in school to compete so that we can emotionally feel good about ourselves. This bogus idea of “winning” is a psychological trick. There is nothing to “win”. And, if the tyrants “win”, they “LOSE” the planet. And, all their wealth will mean nothing, without a planet.

The Human Being is a microcosm of the macrocosm. If there is a Zero Point Energy around us and throughout the solar system, then there is a Zero Point in our Emotional Beings, as well.

Going back to the Atom we can see opposite energies of equal amounts are GROUNDED in neutrality (having no charge – neither positive or negative).

Psychologically, our mind is an Atom containing equal expressions that are Positive/Pleasant and Negative/Unpleasant. Right now, they are not GROUNDED in unbiased neutrality, because we choose to “Accept” what we emotionally “LIKE” and “reject” what we emotionally “DISLIKE”. So, there is NO NEUTRON present.

Ergo, the Positive/Pleasant and Negative/Unpleasant thoughts/feelings are at odds battling between themselves. This is mirrored in outward behaviors of lying, cheating, stealing, murdering and poisoning ourselves and the planet. All of this is born out of the failure to be GROUNDED IN NEUTRAL SELF-AWARENESS of our emotions (both positive and negative).

How can the so-called “elite” prove to themselves that they are higher, if they trash the whole planet? An entity that is hell bent on self-annihilation is inferior and lacks Intelligence/Wisdom. Being clever, cunning and manipulative does not prove Intelligence, if at the end of the game ALL IS LOST!

Either, we evolve by Awakening to our “MONUMENTAL MISTAKE”, and therefore, ending it. The end of psychological ignorance IS PSYCHOLOGICAL DEATH. And, the PSYCHOLOGICAL BIRTH of COMPASSION, WISDOM, SANITY AND PEACEFUL COOPERATION.

Until the mind is at peace within itself (by Holistically Observing ALL emotions without opposition from its imagination), then you cannot bring peace outwardly in the world on Earth or beyond!

Intellectuals are crippled by the illusion that technical knowledge will save us. They have been consistently wrong. Many great inventors were physically destroyed because they all were PSYCHOLOGICALLY CONDITIONED. They were emotionally divided against themselves. That is why they could be hijacked, tormented and robbed of their works.

It does not occur to intellectuals that they can be technologically ingenious, and yet be TOTALLY PSYCHOLOGICALLY IGNORANT. We take it for granted that knowing a lot of information is everything. It is not.

Because, the Emotional Part of Our Being must be GROUNDED IN ZERO POINT. That means ZERO CHOICE where emotions are concerned. One must allow the Universal Energy of Self-Examination to free the mind of its bondage of choosing one side of itself over the other side. Like a battery, our emotions are positive and negative (pleasant and unpleasant). But that WHOLE MIND is its content that is there for Pure Holistic Observation. In that Observation there is SILENCE – NO MOVEMENT AWAY FROM ITSELF.


Then it can be conquered. Nothing that it discovers on a material level can save the psyche. That's an ABSOLUTE FACT!

The intellectual part of the mind has been trying to save the emotional part of the mind since the beginning of Human history. Don't you get it by now?

You better. Because we, as a species and a planet, is running out of chronological time.

All of these pressing emergencies arising on a daily basis is poking the mind to wake up and see what it is doing wrong.

Everything in the Universe is plugged into the same GROUND ZERO (NO MOVEMENT – NEUTRALITY).


It is divided because when it has emotions that makes it feel uncomfortable, it chooses a more pleasing ideal, belief, dogma, concept, opinion, which are all based on EMOTIONAL DESIRE!


Were it not for that major stumbling block, people would see the facts and do what is necessary (regardless if they “LIKE” it or not).

The facts show that this planet can't tolerate much more poisoning. But the EMOTIONAL DESIRE TO DOMINATE, CONTROL or PLAY GOD outweighs reason, apparently.

If the Human species opts to remain psychologically primitive and ignorant then it has sealed its fate in extinction. We don't need to worry about aliens bumping us off. Our own Egos has that covered.

It's like being on a ship with a big hole in it. Anybody who tries to fix that hole will be ridiculed by their peers. So they sit there and sink because they are more afraid of ridicule or embarrassment than saving their lives.

That is what the "THRIVE Movie" (above in this blog) is pointing out to us. And, if you want confirmation on this fact that I have observed, then go check out the YouTube videos under Dr. Steven Greer. Then scroll down to the the comments area. Notice the childish emotional comments are aimed at this man's character and persona. They don't seem to mind the fact that we are on the Titanic Ship sinking fast. And, they sit there condemning the messenger, who is warning of grave danger. And, most video presentations showing serious threats to our overall survival is met by making fun of the messenger because, emotionally, their Ego DISLIKES the message. So it ignores (as in "ignorance") the warning and focuses on his style of clothes, or hair style or the funny way he talks, etc., etc. The emotional escape from feeling uncomfortable is the Ego's priority, even if this means the end of our world. Do you get it folks? We need to study carefully our emotional-selves. It's a major emergency that gets more and more lethal, everyday.

Bottomline is, the mind “DISLIKES” what the messenger has to say. It cares not about the meaning of the message. It “DISLIKES” the facts. So it ignores them and only targets emotional ridicule.

Clearly, this indicates that the conditioned emotional mind is more concerned about what it feels than asking itself, “What am I doing to contribute to the destruction of my planet and my species?”

Instead, the imaginary world of being “LIKED” is all that matters, right?

Hidden oppressors capitalize on this childish concern by robbing the world and poisoning it so that they can pretend to be “superior”. But, a mind that destroys itself by failing to be Holistically Self-Aware, is ignorantly, unknowingly disintegrating. What will the so-called "Master-Egos" have to show for centuries of out-maneuvering, scheming, hoarding and pretending to be in charge of life?

Not a damn thing!

So, it's up to the people to wake up and see their emotional defect of choosing between thoughts and feelings that they “LIKE” or “DISLIKE”.

Nothing short of our mind being GROUNDED IN ZERO CHOICE will free us from this outrageous tyranny. There is no place to run or hide on this planet.

The only security left lies in the NEUTRAL GROUND OF SELF-OBSERVATION!

Once our Emotional Being is WHOLE, then any attempt to destroy anybody that is Holistically monitoring ALL of their emotional responses will backfire, ultimately . I have seen this in my very own life happen since I began my Holistic Awakening of Emotional Wisdom in 1977.

We've seen media coverage of slaughter for so long that we have failed to realize what the common denominator that has made it possible for people to be wiped out. The key is the PSYCHOLOGICAL FEAR that makes them dress alike, repeat ideological rituals, etc. because if they don't, they will be ridiculed or ostracized from social popular cliques.

PSYCHOLOGICAL FEAR can only be dissolved in the GROUND OF NEUTRAL COMMUNION. (The mind is then paying FULL attention to ALL of its EMOTIONS without seeking an opposite ideal/belief/opinion, etc..). Then the mind is no longer AFRAID TO BE IN TOUCH WITH ALL OF ITSELF. WITHOUT FEAR, THERE IS NO MORE LEVERAGE FROM OUTSIDE MANIPULATION.

Then people wont need to be policed or governed by outside forces. The inside GROUNDING OF SELF-AWARENESS brings about SANE, RIGHT BEHAVIOR AND COOPERATION. Thereby making it unnecessary to use weapons or force in order for people to co-exist.

The reason why this economy cannot stand and must fall apart is because it violates The Atomic Law of Equivalent Opposite Energies GROUNDED IN NEUTRALITY/HOLISTIC SELF-AWARENESS (WITHOUT OPPOSITION/CONFLICT).


Hence, anything that violates The Universal Atomic Code is:



This is the fundamental reason why our species cannot advance in a civilized manner until it has a profound insight that “The Vitruvian Man/Woman” mentality is emotionally fragmented where its “conscious” & “subconscious” is at war with itself (just like Dr. Strangelove with one hand choking itself to death while simultaneously the other hand is struggling to pull the choking hand off of its throat). That is what a conditioned, programmed or brainwashed mind is doing while it tries to find a way to resolve its physical/material problems. It cannot fix the building until its foundation is no longer cracked. Get it?

There was a time in history where the Female/Goddess dominated Humanity. Then the Male/God took over and is dominating Humanity. The first half and now the second half.

Now, the NEW ERA must be ruled by neither male or female energy. The two sides must awaken to their Monumental Error of Choosing one side of its nature and violating The Atomic Law of Holistic Self-Examination (Grounded in Zero Choice, psychologically).

THIS IS THE FINAL TEST! Will our species Pass it? It is the hardest thing for the Human Mind to honestly come to grips with because it has been programmed for thousands of years to skip over the Psychological Foundation and build up technologies, which is why they always came to ruination. Both Matriarch and Patriarch Dominion were NOT plugged into THE GROUND OF ZERO PSYCHOLOGICAL CHOICE. Both dominions divided the emotional mind and were, therefore, in conflict within and without. That is why we can't go back to being ruled by one side or the other.

The Atomic Law of Natural Energetic Order says that we must:



That is all.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.