Thursday, June 30, 2016

Confusing The Two Forms or Types of Intelligences Is Destructive


I am not offering a system in order to achieve a psychological goal. I am not being a leader or guide. We are all equals, psychologically. You are just as capable as I am of observing your emotional responses. Nobody needs to hold your hand. I am merely being a mirror in which we can examine the emotional-self. There is NO hierarchy here, for we are all made out of the same stuff, psychologically. You have negative and positive thoughts and feelings and so do I. The question is, are you FREE TO EXAMINE them, without any bias or favoritism? I am challenging the validity of the approach that the physicist in the science video in this article is saying about reaching the silence within the emotional being. This is just about examination, observation and seeing the false as the false and thereby revealing The Truth. But one has to first be aware of what is false!

Nassim Haramein on the Science of Miracles | Conscious Life Expo:

Any time that I mention "the physicist in the above video" I am referring to the Science of Miracles | Conscious Life Expo video at the beginning of this blog.

There is the Left-Brain Approach of Intelligence, which is to measure, equate and accumulate information to apply to explain mechanical principles and functions of life. Memory introduces a concept or theory and then sets out to prove it is true or false through mathematical calculations. Then experiments are performed in order to validate the mathematical equations. This is all well and good with regard to physics – the function of the physical aspects of life. The Left-Brain Approach is “Positive”, which is to move towards a desired result.

The Left-Brain Positive Approach is based on division. Even the physicist in the video above clearly states that the information in the Unified Field of Space is infinitely divisible with regard to atoms, which I do not dispute. The fabric of life is comprised of energetic space and its byproduct is matter. The matter is essentially vibrations of electro-magnetic frequencies born out of the vacuum of ethereal space. It is the ethereal space of energy that divides itself in order to produce the appearance of solid material (i.e., the objects that we can see, touch or feel). Division has its place with regard to to aspect of life where the physical stuff of life mechanically operates. Mechanical means the repetition of information that gradually adds more complex information to itself. This is all quite fine. 

However, there is the problem of emotional or psychological realm. Here, there is the Right-Brain Approach of Intelligence, which is the ending of all measurement, conceptualization and knowledge about the emotional-self. Previous knowledge is a hindrance to perceiving any emotional state of mind. Knowledge in the psychological realm is Psychological Time which modifies the emotional-self but it does not actually end it. There must be freedom from any authority that sets forth a pattern to achieve internal peace or silence in the psyche. Just because one is correct about the knowledge about physics, that knowledge cannot be applied to the emotional realm of life. The approach must be holistically different because Intelligence is learning the intrinsic limitations of thinking.

Thought is based on memory which adds to it and subtracts knowledge from it in order to solve mechanical problems. Thought wants to be able to use its past emotional experiences in order to find bliss, nirvana, the center of silence. There is the desire to want thought to be the dictator, master of all areas of life. It refuses to see that where its emotional states of mind is concerned, it cannot conjure, manufacture or bring about peace of mind. It thinks that just because it can make vast, complicated discoveries in the mechanical area of life, then it should be able to control and bring about any desired result in the emotional area, as well.

In the Right-Brain, this is where our emotional responses arise, and there is a powerful resistance to detect what is going on in an honest, factual way. There is a strong tendency to deceive and reject anything that indicates the limitation of thought. Thought wants to believe that it is limitless in this field of life, too. But, it is not limitless in the realm of psychology, which is our emotional responses. In this arena, there is the tendency to compare and measure oneself against what other people can do or how other people look. And if we feel that someone else is more talented or better looking than oneself, then there is an emotional response of pain. This psychological pain then wants to tear down that person or group that appears to be in a more fortunate position of status or power. This arouses one to plot against that which is envied.

The physicist in the above video has said in his interviews that he feels that the reason for war is mainly based on the scarcity of resources with regard to physical security. He implies that if we all had access to the life sustaining energy resources, then people would have no incentive to fight one another. This is false because, there is an emotional craving to dominate one another. If you examine the celebrities who have massive amounts of wealth, they are criticizing and condemning each other because they are competing to become the most popular and liked characters or personalities. So that plot against one another to humiliate their adversaries in order to gain the emotional favor of the public. This feeds their ego in order to emotionally dominate. This also happens among the so-called elite who the owners of huge corporations. They are driven by greed in order to be able to have the power to influence laws so that they can get away with anything without being held accountable for any harm they cause to both the society and to our physical environment.

This physicists has said that by tapping into the ethereal energetic space that the new technologies will free Humanity to be able to live more comfortably and take away the need for warfare over energy resources. But, this presupposes that war is caused by energy resource deprivation. War, which is conflict, which is opposition begins inside the Human Emotional-Mind. It is the result of the failure to be HOLISTICALLY in touch with ALL of our emotional responses. We divide them into two main categories:

  1. The emotional responses that we LIKE
  2. The emotional responses that we DISLIKE

Whenever we LIKE what we are feeling, then we want to indulge in that emotion and try to maintain it. But when we DISLIKE what we are feeling, then we want to escape from those thoughts and feelings.

So when the physicist in the above video talks about how to get to the Center of Silence, we advocates using your desired emotions to guide toward that end in view and to discard any emotional thoughts and feelings that are unpleasant or noisy (he calls this getting away from the spinning energy – like a hurricane and find the eye of the storm). While it is possible to physically move to the center of a hurricane where there is perfect calm, you cannot move to a state of calmness through the use of emotional projection (as the ancient masters of meditation have suggested).

We have a fatal flaw in our so-called logic. We tend to feel that just because the mind is correct in the mechanical field of knowledge (after experiments confirm that thought was correct in its calculations), then we apply that type of knowledge to the emotional aspects of life. And, it never works; it always leads to deception, which leads to destruction. Just because a mass suicide happens, they are all talking with big smiles on their faces about the blissful paradise where everything is going to be peaceful. They all have this futuristic destiny that is going to be better than what is going on right now. It always ends in tragedy and disaster. It sounds like Utopia, but ends in a nightmare.

Thought can never use itself in order to enter that silent state of being. Silence is not the opposite of noise when we are dealing with the emotional (Right-Brain) dimension. Silence is a byproduct of the understanding through communion with the noise. Noise in the emotional sense, means any emotional disturbed state of being. For instance, let's say I feel angry. The noise of anger is a disturbed state of being. So one DISLIKES that state. One wants that state of anger to go away. Once wants the opposite condition so one seeks bliss or silence. The emotional movement away from the DISLIKED state of being causes an emotional fragmentation. This causes a distortion within the psyche because the Whole Mind has become divided against itself. Then it rationalizes that it is good to run after the so-called “better state of mind”, which it calls ascension to a “higher” state.

But, what has made the “higher” state of consciousness? Was it not born out of the state of despair and the escape from itself? Therefore, the fabricated peaceful silence is really an artificial silence put together by ones imagination. Image is a memory from past pleasant emotional experiences. Even the physicist in the above video said to remember what you felt when you were a child and seek to resurrect that feeling and build on that feeling in order to achieve the feeling of being centered in silence. This is a deceptively false approach to silence. There is an inherent bias to seek whatever one emotionally LIKES, and push away what one DISLIKES, emotionally.

The Neutral Approach to the Right-Brain Emotion of Self is non-accumulative. It has nothing to do with the past or the future. Instead, it is an Intelligence that is only possible in each present moment of detecting WHAT IS emotionally unfolding in the mind. There is NO CHOOSING between what I LIKE or DISLIKE, emotionally. Psychological-Choice is the emotional Noise that is clashing against itself. The state of anger seeking to become not angry by imagining a calm peaceful refuge is pretending to itself that it has made silence come into being. True Silence only emerges once the mind realizes that it is ALL of its emotional responses to be completely paid attention to. There is nothing emotional to get rid of. In the Emotional area, it is about Holistic Awareness of What Is emotionally arising in each present moment. So whenever one is engaged in interaction with someone or something, the emotions are being stimulated. Notice your first reaction is to either LIKE or DISLIKE whatever you are feeling. Then you want to either cling onto the responses and try to sustain it, or you want to push it away and suppress it. This is the duality of the ego-centered mind. It is fighting itself. So you see, it really doesn't matter if the energy crisis is resolved. There would still be psychological warfare, anyway. This can be seen among the people who have vast amounts of material wealth. They fight among themselves in the form of competition with their corporations trying to hoard the most profits in order to stand out as being the superior power. This struggle to become the highest or the smartest is psychological conflict that comes from the struggle between states of mind. The ugly or DISLIKED emotional expressions are competing to break free from being suppressed in the subconscious. The proud or LIKED emotional expressions are competing to remain in the spotlight of glorification.

The ego divides itself into conscious and subconscious. The subconscious is treated as the prison of the mind where it locks up all UNDESIRED emotional expressions. Just like we lock up people who say and do things that we don't like. They are put out of sight, but their energy is still there. Just because we don't see the people who are locked up doesn't mean that their emotional energy is not still impacting our lives, anyway. If you do not have full contact or communion with your ENTIRE EMOTIONAL MIND, then you can be haunted by the negative feelings and thoughts of those who are locked up but still project feelings of intentional harm towards society. You can only lock up their physical bodies, but you can't lock up their emotional responses, which are still being aimed at society (like a laser gun). The more that the locked up are suppressed and suffer, the more they project their psychological pain back at society, which is felt on a subconscious collective level of existence.

Freedom from psychological pain can only take place through getting in direct contact with the pain, itself. You cannot discard any emotional response through detachment. Detachment is an illusion. The psyche cannot detach from itself. It can only pretend or imagine that it has done so. The psyche IS its emotional reactions. Anger is Anger. Anger is not a thing that is over there and you are holding onto it. No. You ARE the anger, envy, etc. The desire to “become” more than what you are is the birth of GREED! Greed is not just about grabbing a lot of stuff and wanting to grab more, more, more stuff. No. GREED is the craving for more than WHAT IS happening. For instance, I am feeling an UNDESIRED state of mind. So I crave something “better than” or “more than” that. Sometimes we call it “the greater good”. But this is GREED because we want there to be more to our emotional area of our mind than what it actually is. Thought does not want to acknowledge its inherent limitation with regard to its emotional state of being. It wants to be able to actively overcome, control its emotional-self. This, of course, is an impossibility, simply because “the controller” IS “the controlled”. The state of anger IS the opposite image of peace that it is projecting. The opposite has its roots in its own opposite.

Take for example the negative film and the photograph. The negative film represents darkness. And, the photograph represents the light. Photo comes from the term “photon”, which means “light”. Graph is a picture or image. So photograph implies the image produces through photons interacting with the dark negative. Originally film had to be developed in a dark room. But if the negative film was exposed to the light or photons, then the images would be destroyed. Here we see that darkness and light interact to make photographs. What does this have to do with our emotional mind and how it tries to change itself into a desired state of mind?

Whenever the mind desires to change itself, it always seeks the opposite, because it assumes that the opposite is essentially different from the state of being that it doesn't want to be in. This is the first error, because the mind assumes that IT can produce something that is unlike itself. All it can do is modify the essence, it CANNOT fundamentally change the essence of itself. This fact is vehemently rejected by our emotional-thinking. It does not accept that fact as being a fact. It is out to prove to itself that IT CAN CHANGE ITSELF (by sheer will, which is the solidification of desire). Anything desired, psychologically is the product of the thing it desires to eliminate. So a violent state of mind can project the image of non-violence. But, the projector is still violence. Violence is not just the brute force of hitting something. Violence is essentially OPPOSITION.

So when the mind opposes any state of mind and tries to reorganize its emotional expressions, it is merely changing its container, but its content is still poison. But, when one awakens to the fact that I AM POISON, psychologically, then all efforts to try to go against that factual realization ends. In other words; when all seeking to become other than what one is, then it is the UNCHALLENGED PERCEPTION that brings a natural ending to any state of mind. So in the realm of emotional responses there is a dying movement going on. Look at it like play musical notes. Each note represents a state of mind. You listen completely to the note until its vibration naturally withers away. Then there is a TRUE-SILENCE emerging at the end of each musical vibration. Then the next note is expressed. You are listening to your TOTAL SELF, not just the parts that you LIKE to listen to, but ALL OF YOUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES, AS A WHOLE, which is HOLISTIC TRUE-SILENCE.

Perception of Full Attention to ALL Emotional states of mind IS the Neutral State of Silence. There is no bias or favoritism towards any particular emotional response. There is NO DIVISION. In the world of physics, there is DIVISION, which is its proper, valid place. But in the psychological world, DIVISION has no place at all. Zero Point is Total Awareness of EVERY SINGLE EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION in the mind. Communion with the Whole Emotional-Mind IS TRUE-SILENCE because there is NO MOVEMENT, NO VIBRATION. There is just the STILLNESS OF COMPLETE ATTENTION TO 'WHAT IS' (taking place from each present moment-to-moment in the emotional responses).

This Holistic Attention or Awareness is IMMEASURABLE! This form of Intelligence is both within as well as beyond physics. It has no boundaries and cannot be quantized. One is being aware of unawareness rather than chasing after awareness. You cannot positively approach awareness. One can only come upon it by thoroughly understanding that which is FALSE, which is unawareness. So we study, examine what thought is doing that is deceptive. Thought must reveal to itself how it tricks itself. This is something that the emotional-self greatly detests. It likes to be right. It seeks flattery. It doesn't like to be humble. It doesn't like to see how it is messing up. That is why people like to listen to this physicists telling them how magnificent they are and that they are atomically infinite. While it is true that we are atomically infinite, that does not mean that we can willfully invent or conjure up The True-Silence of Self-Awareness just by thinking it into existence. No!

To come upon the most holy and sacred is to DETECT the limitations and falseness of thinking. We have been conditioned for thousands of years to fight for whatever we think to be true – our ideals, beliefs, etc. So it is extremely painfully, emotionally speaking, for the mind to face itself, honestly. The failure to face oneself, honestly, is the reason why conflict, violence and war exist. It shall continue to go on until we can be honest with psychological selves. Nothing short of that will make a difference. I don't care what you solve in the technological world, it can NEVER save us from psychological issues. That is an absolute fact. We have to study our limitations on a psychological level, first, before we can harness more powerful technologies that can tap into the ethereal space. For if we technologically move forward WITHOUT having a clear understanding of our psychological limitations, then we will weaponize it and oppress the masses so that a handful of people can rule over us in a more highly technological manner.

The mind must be free from its self-deception before it can progress or live in a cooperative harmony. There must be peace within the psyche, first. There can be no peace so long as there is no understanding that the emotional-me is limited. Once one is completely aware of ones emotional limitation to change itself, then it stops trying to change itself into the opposite of itself. That struggle that naturally comes to an end due to having an authentic detection of its state of mind ends conflict within the mind itself. Then there is Holistic Peace due to a lack of struggling to change “what I am” into “what I want to become”. Whatever I feel, initially, is the FACT. Then emotional reaction of DISLIKING what I feel seeks to overthrow, wipe out or conquer it by projecting an opposite desired feeling or thought. This physicist in the above video wants people to follow his system to get to the center of silence, psychologically. But there is no system to get to the real silence. All systems are made out of memory which is limited and is always adding to itself. That is a false and highly deceptive approach in order to achieve silence. Silence, in the psychological realm, is NOT an achievement or goal.

Looking At Oneself Without Division

The discipline of learning about how thought psychologically misleads itself is the only solution to psychological internal and external warfare. Until that is resolved, technological discoveries will be converted into weapons of mass destruction no matter how well intentioned the inventors proclaim that they are doing it to help in our evolutionary progress. There can be no real progress until psychological conflict is dealt with Holistically/Intelligently. Holistic Intelligence SEES THE WHOLE PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEM EXACTLY AS IT IS. As soon as one detects the unflattering psychological truth, one wants to get rid of it. Thought always like to shine as being some great. It never wants to deal with anything that poorly reflects upon itself. And, therein lies the rub. One must be honest with oneself, and that is almost impossible. Challenge yourself to detect everything that you are thinking and feeling. Even watch how you try to sweep under the rug certain thoughts and feelings that society has told you is bad or wrong.

However, realize that every thought and feeling that you have ALL people have them, too (although they wont admit it to anyone). Psychologically, we all have the exact same content, because we all have both positive and negative emotional feelings and thoughts. We have all been influenced by authorities within your families and outside of them to to suppress the ugly emotions and to advertise the emotions that society says are good. So we have created a hypocritical society and call that respectability and morality. It is not virtue. It is a projected image of what thought fabricated, nothing more or less. Real virtue is being honest with whatever one thinks or feels and any given moment. If I feel jealous, then acknowledge it by paying full attention to that state of being. By OBSERVING any state of mind in its entirety, one is neutralizing it through the very state of being aware.

The neutralization is not oppositional. On the contrary, the state of examination is holding the state of mind and learning about its nature. Therein lies Holistic-Intelligence that does NOT dissect, analyze its emotional being. Instead one is absorbing one emotional expression for the purpose of coming close to itself to SEE/EXAMINE what that state of being actually is. There is a SELF-LEARNING, which is HOLISTIC ENERGY because there is no resistance, opposition or friction in is state of watchfulness. Thought has come to realize that there is no reason to seek another state of mind. For it has realized that I AM ALL STATES OF MIND: BOTH POSITIVE-LIGHT & NEGATIVE-DARK. So there is no need to choose between them. For if I choose, I divide myself into being in a state of war within my emotional being where one side tries to destroy the other. Its like emotionally choosing the upper half of your body and denouncing the lower half or visa versa. No matter which half is destroyed both halves will ultimately perish. So no matter if you side with Positive Emotional Thoughts or Negative ones, the total mind will implode and destroy itself.

This physicists thinks that he can apply his math to the emotional mind, but the emotional mind is illogical and does not respect facts. It only wants to feel powerful. It merely want to control and dominate so that it can feel superior. The ego cannot embrace the notion that it is unified with all energy because it wants to rule of its emotional self. It wants to dictate which thoughts and feelings it will acknowledge and which ones to hide and tuck away into the background of its mind (called the subconscious). So long as this is happening, ego will never be one with the unified field. It simply wants to extract whatever it desires out of the ethereal space in order to dominate over others. That is what it is really after. Ego does not comprehend equality. That is why the so-called elite setup this illusion of scarcity, because it requires there to be the poor in order for them to emotionally feel superior to the rest of its species. Therefore, the masses will and can never e rescued from their own internal psychological war. It is the responsibility of each person to get in TOTAL CONTACT with their emotional responses and learn about their nature. There is no way around it.

The only reason why we have rulers, in the first place, is because the masses of people refused to be in Holistic touch with their psychological mind. This is the primary fear that runs right throughout the Collective Psychological realm. There is the FEAR TO PERCEIVE THE ENTIRE EMOTIONAL MIND AS A WHOLE! That is the origin and maintenance of war both within the mind and in the physical world. There is conflict between man and woman, between children, between employers and employees, between so-called friends, between everyone who has an image about themselves. We've been influenced everywhere in society to nurture an emotional self-image. An image is a emotional propaganda message that paints a picture of you being something that you are not, but pretending that you are that. Isn't that how politicians win your votes? Don't they put on an emotional performance that they are benevolent, fair, honest, serving your best interest? Yet, when they get hired they do the exact opposite of their claims? And, why do people allow themselves to be deceived by leaders? Well, it's simply because they are internally lying to themselves and they accept their own lies to be truth. So once you deceive yourself, you are open to being deceived by others, too.

But, there is NO deceit when you understand that “I AM ALL OF MY EMOTIONAL THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS”. Therefore, there is nothing to choose between. For all choice, psychologically speaking is confusion. Because, there is the confusion that I can throw away my Negative Thoughts and Feelings and keep the Positive ones. But if you are a Satanist, you think that you can throw away your Positive Thoughts and Feelings and keep the Negative ones. That is why the Christian and the Satanists are equally deceiving themselves, because the emotional mind is a paradoxical coin of negative-positive emotional responses. You can split that coin, because then you will destroy equilibrium in the mind. For there to be a balanced emotional mind, it must be AWARE OF BOTH SIDES OF ITS NATURE. AWARENESS is outside of thought. AWARENESS IS THE SILENCT CENTER. A CENTER WITHOUT BIAS OR CHOICE IS WHOLENESS = STILLNESS/SILENCE!

So Right-Brain Intelligence is completely different from Left-Brain Intelligence. The Left-Brain Intelligence is based on the Accumulation of Knowledge. The Right-Brain Intelligence is based on the purging of all psychological knowledge. So the Left-Brain Intelligence gathers and adds on information. Whereas, the Right-Brain Intelligence discards all methods, systems or authorities and has a direct real-time learning through moment-to-moment detection of and given state of mind. In Left-Brain Intelligence it is a matter of choosing between correct information and wrong information for the sustainability of the physical survival. In the Right-Brain Intelligence it is a matter of having an insight through observation that all psychological knowledge (i.e., beliefs, ideals, suppositions, seeking truth, silence) is a hindrance and a great danger to physical security. When you have an emotional belief or goal, you are ready to sacrifice physical security to achieve an emotional fantasy of superiority. So knowledge has its place when it is used for physical reasons. But knowledge is out of order whenever it is used to achieve non-mechanical things (i.e., love, peace, bliss, silence or spiritual truth). Right-Brain Intelligence can only come into being by studying or examining what one is doing, psychologically, that is blocking that Intelligence (i.e., clarity of mind).

Intellectuals are people who think that knowledge is the key to all problems. That is a false premise. Knowledge is a problem in the psychological realm. The mind must empty its knowledge and just look at itself as it is. But whenever it detects something of which it DISLIKES, it immediately seeks knowledge in order to change it. That is the problem. We can't seem to move past the point that since knowledge brought about good results in the realm of physics, then knowledge must also be applied on the psychological area in order to resolve problems. Nothing could be further from the truth. In order to understand ones psychological nature, one must come to it afresh as though watching it for the very first time. It is like a musician who understands that when he plays his instrument he must play as though for the very first time so that he is not merely repeating music but he is actually creating the music in each living present moment. Each note is brand new and then it dies away to play another brand new vibrational note.

So when you have an emotional response to anything or anyone, the challenge is to embrace ALL thoughts and feelings, equally. In that embrace one is learning the truth about one is feeling. It is the learning that is the TRUE-SILENCE. Not a learning of accumulation. Instead, it is a different kind of learning. It is a learning of insight, enlightenment into the essence of my emotional being. When I feel that reality, then there is a release of pure CREATIVE energy while one is communing with either positive or negative thoughts and feelings. You are not trying to carry out or be driven by the emotional responses. You are learning about the emotional responses by studying and listening very carefully to everything that is unfolding. It's like watching the unfolding of a storm or fair weather. It is irrelevant if the weather or comfortable or uncomfortable. What is important is relationship of feeling the weather, because LIFE IS RELATIONSHIP. And, there can be no relationship without having FULL CONTACT with the FACT of that is happening.

So within the Right-Brain Emotional-Mind, there are responses taking place while you are interacting with people, things or ideas. Once emotional responses arise, then watch and listen to the entire story of each response to its natural ending. Emotional responses are just like the weather because they present themselves and then wither away into another weather condition. Nature does not divide the weather and then seek to do away with the harsh weather conditions and just keep the pleasant weather conditions. ALL weather conditions have a purpose for existing and must be fully felt and then released. Then move onto the next weather condition to feel. Similarly, our emotional-weather conditions are meant to be fully felt. Then once it has delivered its entire emotional-weather condition, it naturally dies. Then a brand new emotional-weather condition emerges in order to be fully examined and felt. So there is an emotional-tide that comes into existence to be absorbed by fully paying attention to it, then it withers away. So the emotional-being is constantly dying and purging its content.

What happens after the emotional thoughts and feels withers and away and dies? The Right-Brain is filled with Pure Holistic Energy that is there to Endlessly Observe All State of Mind. This is the foundation of Creation. The Left-Brain is the Structure. And, the Right-Brain is the Foundation. If the Foundation is “divided” or “cracked”, then the Structure (technological knowledge) must disintegrate. If there is no psychological emptying of its content through Holistic or Neutral Examination of any state of being, then the Foundation of Existence is compromised. So no matter what the Left-Brain Intelligence discovers or invents, there will be no Stable Foundation to support it. That is why the priority must be the Holistic/Neutral understanding of the psychological responses. The approach to the psychological is the most important thing. For if the approach is wrong, then the psychological patterns of destruction will never end.

Intellectuals insist on approaching the psychological realm as though they are dealing with the physical elements of life. The Left-Brain Principles do NOT apply to Right-Brain Psychological matters of conflict. Conflict is disintegration to physical survival. Any formulation used in order to dissolve conflict is merely the furthering of conflict. This is because one is chasing after a result. Whereas, a NEUTRAL APPROACH has NO END IN VIEW! Intelligence is Order though the examination of what is DISORDER. So in the Right-Brain Emotional Field there is the discovery of what is DISORDER and then ORDER is a byproduct of that. You don't pursue ORDER, directly. Instead, you come to the Truth by seeing the false as the false. When you see that all forms of psychological becoming the opposite state of mind that one wants to achieve is a false (self-deceptive) endeavor, then one no longer feels the urge to pursue that. All that remains is watchfulness, not to get something, but just to learn about ones total emotional being. When the mind Holistically Learns about its emotional nature, then it has gone beyond time and space. For there is no entity of Liking or Disliking at the center. The Center of the Mind is Empty and there is no resistance of conflict in the emotional being at all. Because, there is no opposition taking place when there is Pure Neutral Self Awareness or Examination.

Jiddu Krishnamurti - The Energy in Emptiness

Hence, the Right-Brain Intelligence is NOT accumulating knowledge about itself. It is learning afresh. The Observation and Listening is free of past or future. There is simply seeing right now what is happening, which is not based on what has happened in the past or what might happen in the future. There is only the now that is relevant. What am I feeling right now? So I pay attention right now, now, now, etc. This requires an alertness that is constantly renewing and finding out what state of mind I am in from moment-to-moment. So this means not trying to achieve that state of awareness. It means being sensitive in order to detect when I am Unaware of myself. One is sensitively aware of thought whenever it projects the opposite ideal in order to try to go beyond itself, emotionally. This means that one is standing guard to detect whenever the mind is dividing itself. Then, it sees that it is disintegrating. It's like noticing that you have fallen asleep while driving. In the instant that you realize that you are going off the road, that wrong action changes. It is the awareness that caused the change or correction. Awareness is the instrument of change, not the accumulation of past information. The knowledge of steering the car in the safe direction comes only after you detect what is dangerous. But, the danger must be detected, first.

Similarly, war is a byproduct of psychological sleep. One must detect that any form of emotional identification breeds conflict, war, then only can one awaken to that falsehood and thereby all conflict ceases. We have groups of people who think they have a natural right to dominate and govern the lives of others. But, how can that be true when they are psychologically in conflict and have no stable foundation within themselves? All they can offer is the furthering of their conflict and confusion. So it is up to each one of us to discover our false way of thinking so that it will end upon discovery. Then ones life is governed by the Right-Brain Intelligence of Order, which is creative and harmonious with the whole field of life.

It really does matter if you tell people that it has been mathematically proven that our atoms are one with all other atoms. Why? Because, the Human Mind is based of its Psychological/Emotional nature, which is driven by traditional emotional assumptions which are called, “beliefs”. Beliefs are in direct opposition to facts. A belief is used to substitute the facts so that thought can edit reality to ones personal preference. That is why a mind governed by beliefs can dismiss any evidence and choose to believe that the evidence is faulty. The thing about believing is that it is based on your own personal desires. People are habitually tied to their emotional desires. They seek to fulfill their emotional desires. They desire to be separate so that they can feel SUPERIOR and DOMINATE. It is the pleasurable pursuit of DOMINATING your fellow man/woman that the ego is primarily concerned with. So ego will distort any scientifically proven fact in order to make it bend to its will. Ego has the misunderstanding that free-will to change reality into whatever it wants it to be is what freedom means.

Actual or genuine freedom means the freedom to be able to perceive ALL states of mind without any bias. It is the freedom from bias or the freedom to be neutral with regard to examining both negative and positive states of mind. One is NOT tied to either the positive or negative thoughts and feelings. Therefore, one is then free to be TOTALLY AWARE (in touch with) the WHOLE EMOTIONAL-MIND. Ego has divided the mind through choosing certain thoughts and feelings to emotionally identify with and approved. Meanwhile, the offensive thoughts and feelings are ignored (i.e., which is a state of ignorance). Those ignored thoughts and feelings becomes an alter-ego that subconsciously plots against its conscious persona. And, there is no freedom to examine this self-deceptive dilemma. So a hypocritical state of consciousness pretends to seek peace or psychological or spiritual transformation through the ego itself. This is an impossibility. The ego can on perpetuate the deceit of psychological becoming (which is really not becoming anything – it is merely continuing psychological blindness and calling it transformation).

Confusing the two forms of (Left-Brain/Structure & Right-Brain/Foundation) Intelligences is destructive because they operate differently. As I pointed out earlier. It takes time to make technology, or a meal, or to travel from here to there. So time and space are used to acquire technical knowledge (i.e., how to read, write, arithemetic, etc.). It takes the division of measurement to prepare a meal and the formula is the recipe or blueprint. There is always some plan to invent and follow in the physical realm of life. But, we automatically assume that we must also have a blueprint to have love, harmonious co-existence or bliss. Here is where we get confused. The accumulation of knowledge creates plans, ideas and systems. And, it is taken for granted that we need a guide in order to deal with the emotional responding part of our being.

The physicist in the above video said that you should turn within for a portion of your day to seek the center of silence. It is a silence that is contrived by ones imagination. This is NOT the True-Silence which emerges out of Holistic Self-Observation. Wholeness in that one is not playing favorites regarding what one will pay attention to and what one will ignore. The entire mind must be attended to in order for there to be True-Silence. It is false to willfully direct the mind to be still. Forced silence is merely a trick the mind is playing upon itself. And, real meditation is not an activity like doing exercises during a portion of your day. No. This is a great misunderstanding about meditation. Real meditation is a living alertness that takes place THROUGHOUT YOUR WAKING MOMENTS. While one is conscious, one is being sensitively aware of all of ones emotional responses from each present moment. Watching the false movements of the emotional-mind is real meditation. You don't go sit in the dark imagining that you are calm through self-hypnosis. Meditation is NOT a trance state of mind, which is a dead thing.

It is the living energy of observing each moment exactly what one is thinking and feeling. Just being aware of ones state of mind frees the mind from self delusions. Why is this important? Because, the world that we are experiencing is full of pain, sorrow, confusion and conflict due to the fact of psychological delusions, and the failure to examine this area of life, directly for oneself. No intermediary is needed in order to see oneself for yourself, alone. Delusions exist in the mind because the mind does NOT want to be aware that it is delusional.

I can see how this physicist in the above video is correct in a Left-Brain sense. However, he is off the mark with regard to Right-Brain (psychological matters). And, the interpretations of the Ancient Masters are wrong, as well. I am not saying this in order to invite a debate about this. Either this is factual or it is not. It is my responsibility to point out what I see that is false so that the Truth may be the only thing left standing. I care not if anyone sees what I am saying is so. It is merely my responsibility to expose the false and then allow that exposure to act, alone.

And the falsehood that I am pointing out here by the physicist in the above video is that a system or formula can lead the mind to the center of silence. He is giving people a abstraction, which is an illusion, to achieve psychological, spiritual or emotional silence. And, he is using his correctness about physics in order to validate what he think is true of the psychological area of life. This is where it is absolutely in error. His expertise in one arena does not automatically make him an expert in the emotional (Right-Brain) area. His approach is positive. When I say positive, I am using that term in the context of “a move toward a desired result”. People are suffering from a noisy mind due to the constant battling to get what they want out of life and there is a lot of friction involved in that. So the mind wants tranquility. So it seeks a method to silence the mind. That is also why people use narcotics and other prescription mind numbing drugs in order to cut off ones feelings. People want to be inwardly dead and then call that peaceful silence. Operating out of a foundation of deadness will only add to the conflict and environmental destruction.

It is false to seek Silence. The act of seeking, itself, is the act of mental disturbance trying to escape from mental disturbance. It's a contradictory endeavor. What remains is psychological imbalance, because one is trying to exclude particular undesired states of mind. There can be no emotional equilibrium when you try to cut of parts of consciousness. The positive and negative thoughts and feelings must be wholly, deeply felt. And, in that communion there is a non-accumulative learning and awareness about ones nature. Communion does not require a methodology at all. You notice whatever you think and feel just like you notice that you are hungry. No system or ideal is necessary to detect that you sleepy, hungry, lustful, etc. So you don't need to have some kind of plan in order to be sensitively aware of your emotional responses. You can detect when you feel jealous. But be ware of your training to want to get rid of it or keep it. You are observing, not in order to control it by keeping it or trying to get rid of it. There is no direction. Silence has no movement. One is perfectly still in the observation of 'what is' unfolding in your emotional being. Just to be aware is the first and last step in freedom to be in touch with yourself, completely. Then there is silence without trying to will it into being.

This physicist is not going to save Humanity by following his systems of meditation backed up by is prestigious mathematical physics research. It's like saying that just because I am telling you the truth about math you must take it for granted that I am telling you the truth about psychological freedom. He may think that he is telling the truth. But as long as a person has an image that they are something, then that image divides the person away from what is behind that image. The image-maker is hiding from being in full touch with its whole emotional being, just most people are doing. But, it appears to be special simply because of his technical skills. Technical talent has no relevance to psychological matters. Conflict can only naturally dissolve in direct contact with the TOTAL EMOTIONAL BEING. And, nothing less than that will end conflict. If conflict does not end, any technological inventions will be weaponized and will serve to cage people into systems where they will be analyzed and engineered into obedient zombies who are never free to question themselves or the authorities of these high tech-systems.

He challenged to status-quo of the scientific world in the beginnings of his work. I challenge the validity of his approach to psychological silence. And, no measurements can prove whether or not what he is proposing, psychologically, is true or false. What will prove or disprove it is whether or not conflict is playing a role in his behavior. I am not claiming to be a psychological or spiritual leader. In the psychological world, there is NO leader and NO follower, because each person is examining 'what is' taking place within their emotional being. It is the examination or observation that reveals all falsehoods. And once you are clear about what is false, then THAT IS THE TRUTH!

So in my daily life, I watch every thought and feeling that arises, and pay close attention. The ENERGY OF ATTENTION IS DOING THE ACTING – AND NOTHING ELSE. Detecting all of my conditioned false responses is my daily meditation. Meditation is like an act of breathing. Inhaling is the same as having an emotional response. Exhaling is the same as dying to my emotional responses after they are done expressing themselves. Inhale=Birth. Exhale=Death. So psychologically, living-and-dying is ONE WHOLE, COMPLETE MOVEMENT. I notice that I am upset. I feel the FULL IMPACT without snuffing that feeling out. I keep monitoring my feeling until there is nothing left to it. Like I said, all of our emotional responses are just like the weather conditions that come and go, naturally. There is no need to murder any state of mind, because it has a beginning and and ending. Just like a storm begins and eventually ends. But, these things are forms of energy that must be free to express themselves. All feelings and thoughts have a right to be expressed and felt in their entirety, because this is the stuff of which life is made. And, Intelligence must be aware of ALL aspects of its content. Then a creative energy is released during this insightful awareness. So there is no need to be afraid to feel ALL things that one feels or thinks.

When one is in total contact with any state of mind, it is that Intelligent Contact that determines what is the appropriate action to take in any given situation. Hence, this eliminates the need for external governing. No person needs to control another person. Even if you are surrounded by violent, brutal deranged people, you merely watch your emotional responses to them and that keeps you safe from harm. This is not a belief, for I have witnessed this in many experiences of my life. I have been in deadly situations multiples times and I met the challenge by paying close attention to my emotional responses, and did nothing else. That attention resolved the lethal challenges without any harm coming to myself. I say this because we are surrounded by deranged control freaks who have lots of money and power. They want you to fight back and push them away. You don't like the feelings and thoughts that they are evoking in you mind. Are you going to hide from your upset emotional responses? If you do, you will be responsibility for them being about to execute their plans to destroy your life.

The only reason why they are telling us that they plan on taking away our freedoms and physical security is for you to enable them to be able to carry out their threats. Because if you pay attention to your feelings and thoughts after they tell you what they are planning to do to you, and you don't oppose them nor hand yourself over to them to be allowed to use you any way that they desire to, then if you do neither thing, then they will destroy themselves when they try to carry out their plans to dominate your life. So long as you are not dominating your own emotional being, nobody else can do it, either. Observation of your emotional responses is NOT a state of domination. No part of your mind is being controlled by your own desires. You don't observe yourself out of desire. Observation is like being born, eating, sleeping or any natural function of living. Understanding your emotional being through watching oneself is a natural necessity of living. And, when we fail to function naturally, then destruction takes over our lives. We exist in a tortured state of mind until we are killed or some disease wipes us out.

So the real creative manner of living is to throw ALL psychological authorities and stop labeling yourself. When you label your emotional being, you are solidifying that state or condition. Then you are trapped by that label, which is artificial. Mental health is about being balanced. There is nothing wrong with any thought or feeling that you have. What is wrong is whenever you become identified with certain thoughts and feelings and become driven by them. Or, try to distance yourself from any thought or feelings that you DISLIKE, which leads to civil war in your emotional being. Our psychological responsibility is to learn through direct contact about our ENTIRE EMOTIONAL BEING – to endlessly study oneself is freedom from all conflict. When you end war within then nobody who is at war within themselves can hijack your emotional being and hurt your life. Conflict is restricted to its own domain and cannot go beyond itself. So if you are not in conflict, you are out of the boundaries of the conflict zone (psychologically).

Based on what this physicist has said about turning within and striving to go to the center of silence, it is a false approach to use imagination, will or belief. He is making the mistake of trying to replace the 'what Is' (Fact) with 'What Should Be' (Fiction). 'What Is' happening is psychological noise and confusion. 'What Should Be' happening is psychological silence at its core. So the physicist in the above video has setup a system to achieve the psychological 'What Should Be' in your life. To follow a system for psychological freedom from noise and confusion is to only end up intensifying it in the long run. Fiction will always be false. So why not deal with what is true. If one is engulfed in psychological noise, then face that noise, honestly. Perceive the noise. You are that noise, are you not? Any escape from the state of noise only increases it. You can trick your mind in put it in a trance by telling yourself that “I am calm, serene and relaxed”. So your upper level of consciousness will appear to be silent. But, deep in the subconscious cave the original emotional disturbance is festering and building up pressure. And just like a volcano, eventually you will emotionally explode into some form of violent behavior. And, it will surprise you, because you had convinced your upper part of your mind that you had transcended your volatile thoughts and feelings.

You see, the Emotional Mind can convince itself of anything it desires. So when people listen to so-called authorities who claim to have found a way to psychological bliss, the emotional being of most people wants to be convinced. Anyone who is highly skilled in technology or science can easily mesmerize people into thinking that they are correct in their psychological findings. So, no, the Left-Brain Approach of Measurement and Equations cannot solve the Right-Brain Challenge of Approaching the Emotional Being (the Ego). Ego has no respect for facts, because its very existence is born out of a lie. This is why evidence means nothing to the emotional mind. It exists for one reason and that is to dominate. And where there is domination there is a sense of superiority. Where there is a sense of superiority there is a rejection of a UNIFIED FIELD of existence.

In the psychological realm the field is NOT 'Unified' at all. By emotionally identifying with your race, culture or dogma, you are divided against others who are doing the same thing. Yes, while it may be a fact that the atoms in life are one Unified Field, that has no baring at all on the psychological field of emotional imagination. Those who join secret societies do so in order to imagine that they are superior to others who are not members of their group. Even within the group, there is a hierarchy up to the head or top position of emotional power. So those lower down must bow down to the higher positions of power. Leaders are emotionally pretending to be serving the interests and needs of their followers. But in reality, they are ego-tripping that people have to bow down to them. Getting a lot of money has to do with the fact that the one with the most money makes up the rules for others to obey and they don't have to obey them. They are above the law, because they imagine themselves to be superior or god-like. And, and most smart people are doing the same thing. It is this arrogance that breeds antagonism, animosity and warfare. All of this is causes a social division where there is great deprivation of physical resources. There is bloody battles where you must pledge your emotional allegiance by labeling yourself a certain nationality, race, dogmatic ideology etc. Humanity has divided itself into emotional teams and then they compete and hurt one another. So no scientific discovery showing proof of a Unified Field will fundamentally change the emotional nature of Humanity. So what if we can have everything that we need through energy resources. That wont stop people from social hierarchy. So long as we evaluate our internal thoughts and feelings as being good or bad, higher or lower and then we ignore or try to banish the negative lower thoughts and feelings and cling onto and identify our personality with the positive thoughts and feelings or visa versa, then there must be a division in the Emotional Field, then there can be no respect for the Unified Field. It wont even matter if you prove that the physical field is Unified. So long as there is a DIVISION in one Emotional Being, that will overrule the knowledge about the physical Unified Field. On the battle field there is a division based on an Emotional Identification with your religion or nationality or race. In marriage there is an emotional division where each person has an image of being superior to the other person. Then they bicker about anything and everything the longer they live together. So there is NO Unified Field where there is psychological becoming (that is an egotistical quest). There is a division between the noise and confusion trying to 'become' silent.

Krishnamurti - Is Belief Necessary? (1970) 

There is only a Unified Field in the psychological being when you meet yourself as you are, not as you wish to become. ALL emotional striving 'to become' the opposite of what you are thinking and feeling, is the Psychological Field being divided into 'Fiction' vs. 'Fact'. However, the 'Fiction' is treated as being 'factual'. Then that brings about confusion that feeds back on itself. Seeing oneself as one is does NOT divide the Psychological Unified Field, at all. When you commune with ALL states of minds that spontaneously arises in your consciousness, then you are Holistically Learning about your Entire Mind (which is the Unified Field). Your Total Emotional-Being is the Unified Field. It gets fragmented whenever you introduce a means to change what you naturally are thinking and feeling into something else that you desire to think or feel. It is the emotional fragmentation taking place that is responsible for maintaining the artificial state of scarcity by suppressing free-energy based technologies.

After all, the egos of the elite do NOT want equality nor unity, because they have an emotional craving to feeling separate and better than the rest of Humanity. They have blood lines or royalty or with the aliens that genetically engineered our species to be their servant. So it is this emotional egotistical area of life that must first be addressed, Holistically, if we are to evolve as a Holistic (Right-Brain/Left-Brain) Intelligence. But, that cannot happen so long as we keep confusing the functioning of the Left-Brain Intelligence with the Right-Brain Intelligence. We desperately need educating in the Neutral and Holistic Approach to the Emotional Being (Right-Brain Ego that is divided against itself).

So be ware of people handing out psychological, spiritual or emotional systems to bliss or silence. For all systems only serve to further the emotional divisions between people. Then wars among emotional beliefs breaks out. And, where there is conflict, there can be NO UNITY or UNIFIED FIELD. So, we need to first very closely and accurately examine our emotional states of mind, as they arise in each present moment. Then one can watch them and absorb them like a weather condition that is passing by. And be careful not to attempt to control your state of mind. Just watch it carefully. Then you will begin to notice that there is Silent Energy operating on the state of mind, and not your personal desire to will a result. This is the highest form of Intelligent Learning. And, there is no accumulation involved. Instead there is a refinement of sensitivity and alertness being born out of this type of Right-Brain Holistic Learning. And it is this foundation, alone, that will sustain the integrity of the Unified Psychological Field so that the Left-Brain Physics can be free to grow uninhibited by emotionalism.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What Is Making It So Difficult To Shed Ones Conditioning



May I remind the reader that I am not your leader, authority or superior in any way. The only point to my messages is to open the door to NEUTRAL THINKING. That is, coming from an unbiased zero-point; no pro or con position. The challenge to the reader is to find out if one can examine their emotional responses to whatever crosses their path (be it information or human behavior). It is quite possible because all forms of energy came out of zero-point. Therefore, we are capable of Pure Objective Attention. But, the human mind has been trained to be biased. It is that training that we need to pay full attention to. In other words, to be objectively aware of emotional bias naturally neutralizes it. The point being the radical revolution in consciousness changes ones conduct from the root of ones being so that it is permanently stable and balanced. No outside agency can do that for us. Then, we can introduce a race of intelligent beings that based in neutrality, which is wholeness where there is NO conflict, but peaceful cooperation (without any coercion to be that way). I am speaking about the evolution of consciousness without using a system of conformity. So, my writings are merely an instrumental mirror that reflects facts that you must comprehend through your own examination. [end of disclaimer]


Recently, I have discovered that all forms of life are basically vibrational energy waves. Either the vibrational waves are harmoniously creative or they are disharmoniously destructive. These waves of energy have frequencies based on cycles per second or Hertz (Hz.). I will be sharing some videos to make it clear to you how this relates to the reason why we find it painful to shed our emotional conditioning. I am sure you have noticed a deep emotional resistance to anything that challenges your traditional way of thinking. For instance, we are trained to feel like it is necessary and normal to compete with one another, to compare our selves to other people's accomplishments or their physical attractiveness. We've been programmed to accept warfare with other groups of people as being normal. We even assume that it is a natural or intrinsic part of our nature. It rarely occurs to most people that our thinking has been artificially engineered through our educational systems, organized-dogmatic religions and repeating the child-rearing patterns from generation to generation (which maintains conditioned thinking).  

It is interesting that people come to eventually realize that life is a Unified Field. And yet, we still accept the need for military as being necessary. If we are all ONE WHOLE, then whenever you point a weapon at anything or anyone, are you not aiming it at yourself? Is that not why soldiers suffer from PTSD because they have destroyed their own life when they destroyed a life of a fellow human being? How can doing that bring stability to our lives? How can angering another group of people make our lives safe? It is nonsense that has been repeated to the masses so often that we just blindly accept it. And, we dare not question the validity of this theory of "national security". It's just a superstition that has been forced upon the public for so long that we think we have to go along with it. You can't honestly say that we are part of a singularity and then turn around and say it's perfectly natural to attack another group of people. And, making a preemptive strike against a possible danger is not the same thing as fending off an attack. That is just a fancy way of saying, "We are going to attack the enemy before they have a chance of attacking us." That is a deception to conceal the fact that one is being hostile without provocation, which is essentially criminal. A crime means to cause unjustifiable harm to others without provocation. But, politicians have been trained to be professional liars that cover up criminal actions no matter what facts are shown to expose their wrongdoings. No matter what gets revealed they are programmed to deny anything that reflects badly on their actions. They never will take responsibility for the harm they cause society. And, they demand to continue dictating and dominating the masses. So, it is up to each person to stop accepting their demands and live according to what is decent, because these so-called power hungry leaders only serve their own desires while pretending to serve the community. They are clearly hypocrites to the highest degree. Facts mean nothing to these people. They just want to control people and be feared and respected. They pretend like these (fake) laws of the Patriot Act was put there in order to shield the public from being terrorized. However, it is the law, itself, that IS doing the terrorizing. They use these laws to strip people of being treated with fairness and being able to prove their innocence. So when the law becomes so corrupt and advocates Crimes Against Humanity, then people have the inherent right to refuse to assist immoral demands by anyone no matter their professional position. But in order to be able to do that, one has to be pure of heart, not just intellectually correct. Being intellectually correct is not good enough. One must be pure of heart, first and foremost. That means one must be free from ego-centeredness. That is the reason why all of my writings are about understanding and, therefore, naturally ending ego-driven thinking. It can be done. For, I have been doing it for close to 4 decades. 

You can't seek the light, but light will come after seeing the true nature of darkness. That darkness lies in the false quest of striving to become good. Once you see all aspects of badness, then one is good. One does not need to strive after it. It's easy to see the obvious aspects of badness, which is overt violence and cruelty. But, what maintains ego-centered threats of genocide is overlooking the danger of trying to live up to a concept or belief of what is goodness. Following a blueprint to become virtuous, orderly, etc. is the opposite of the pirate-minded bullies of this world. They are the negative film-photograph dichotomy which is two sides of ONE EGOTISTICAL COIN. It's real easy to see the negative film as being the Devil, Satan or Lucifer. But, they can't be ended so long as the photograph or dummy is viewed as being a harmless entertaining prank. For, the ventriloquist and the dummy are two sides of the same egotistical coin. As long as our emotional conditioning refuses to SEE BOTH SIDES AS BEING ONE IN THE SAME, THEN THE EVIL SIDE CAN CARRY OUT ITS DIABOLICAL PLANS. Without our willingness to turn a blind eye to the pleasurable side of the ego, the monstrous side cannot succeed. You can't fight the ego. It is fueled, sustained and intensified by all forms of opposition. The only thing that can bring a creative ending to ego is to see your own ego, especially the side that pleases you as being the culprit that gratifies the dark side of itself. Once you end it within yourself, then when the egos outside yourself try to execute their plans of extermination against you, it will and must backfire. For, they are telling you their plans in order to get you so angry that you will attack and try to bring them down with force and aggression. Then, you have given them permission to use their advanced WMD's on you to tear your lives apart. If you don't want that to happen then be very careful to extinguish your own ego. Then you are no longer divided against yourself, which means you can't be conquered. 

On the Internet, they have messengers leaking their plans to destroy your lives so that you will rise up against them. They have planned for your uprising. They have all the weapons they need to defeat any uprising. But they have no weapon that can defeat a WHOLE-MINDED Human Being. They can't defeat the Eternal Universal Law that says that in order to conquer a thing, it must be divided within itself. So you have the power to stop genocide, but will you have the guts to defeat your own ego. For it is through your ego that they can dominate and control your life. If you die to your ego, then they have no hold over you. They then become leaders of nothing at all. You don't need a leader when you see through the fallacy of protecting your own ego. For your ego is your greatest enemy that will make it possible for genocidal plans to be carried out. They can threaten us forever, but the only thing that can make it come true is our own ego that is going undetected by each one of us. After all, it is your and my moral duty to see the darkness in ourselves, and only then will there be LIGHT (a.k.a. FREEDOM)!

Divine Imprint: Cymatics And 

Sacred Geometry/Ancient Knowledge

"It will be proper to establish by law this discipline of (arithemetic), and to persuade those who are to manage the greatest affairs of the city to apply to computation and study it, not in a common way, but until by intelligence itself they arrive at the survey of the nature of numbers, not for the sake of buying nor selling, as merchants and shopkeepers, but for facility in the energies of the soul itself and its conversion from generation (the visible nature) to truth and essence." ~Plato {Ancient Greek Philosopher}

Source: Theoretic Arithmetic by Thomas Taylor

Conditioned thinking is the imposition of a set pattern of emotional attitudes that have been handed down from one generation to the next. Conditioned thinking is maintained by not allowing anyone to challenge the validity of accepted norms. I am not talking about handing down technological information. There is really no problem in that; and it is absolutely necessary for physical security. I am only referring to the right-brain where our Emotional-Being operates. It reacts to the achievements of oneself or compares itself with other people's successes. If a woman is very attractive, then conditioned reactionary thinking dictates envy towards that woman's physical attractiveness that she is observing. She looks at how men go out of their way to please her due to her appearance, and how men tend to ignore women who look homely, plain or not glamorous, generally speaking. It is this emotional-comparison that gives rise to fear and feelings of inferiority. So it is not the attractive person that is causing one to emotionally suffer; it is ones conditioned reaction that is driving ones pain. But instead of paying Holistic, Full Attention to ones emotional response, one tries to escape from it by focusing on blaming the object that stimulated ones response. One then desires to attack the object of stimulation rather than to intelligently resolve ones emotional pain by merely studying ones emotion. To study a problem means to fully examine it with the understanding that the problem is 'Me'; the state of mind is my emotional response, which is myself. There is no division between the Observer & Observed. That is what is meant by 'Holistic Observation' where there is no division or separation between ones emotional response and the entity that is watching it. There thousands of conditioned reactions to various situations but they are ALL based on emotional-comparison due to a fragmented or divided emotionally based attitude of thinking that we are NOT one consciousness.

 It's Time To Wake Up - We Are All One


{Quotation above taken from the youtube video:
"Divine Imprint:
Cymatics and Sacred Geometry/Ancient Knowledge"}

"The universe consists entirely of waves of motion which spring
from stillness and return to stillness." ~Walter Russell

Sacred Vortex Geometry 1 

 The New Paradigm of the Decoded Matrix


We dislike being told that, “consciousness is one whole thing,” because most people have been programmed to be biased; preferring to feel higher than, more important than another human being. This is why people feel cold blooded and callous when other people suffer to whom you are NOT emotionally identified with. Then when those survivors seek revenge on the loss of their loved-ones, the victors tend to view the survivors of the victims as being monstrous terrorists. But whenever one seeks retribution for the same reason, one views oneself as being righteously justified. This is called, backward rationalization which our emotional-being accepts as being perfectly normal and necessary (but does not allow ones adversary to have the same right). This is inequality and unfairness. And, this is what keeps our reality in a constant state of confusion, which makes one feel like we are separate from one another. If that were true then soldiers would not emotionally suffer after brutalizing human beings. To torture another is to essentially manifest torment for oneself, because we are fundamentally the one consciousness.

Sacred Vortex Geometry 2  

The Golden Ratio Decoded   

Sacred Vortex Geometry 3 

The Music Resonance Explained

In my never-ending research to understand myself, which is life both within me and around me, I have stumbled upon the driving force that governs everyone's life – and that is sound wave frequencies. They can either be constructive or destructive, benevolent or malevolent, harmonious or disharmonious, pleasant or painful, etc. Over time, human beings have been manipulating the frequencies of sound to be predominantly disharmonious. The sound of war is most definitely disharmonious. Have you ever heard of the term”shell-shocked” where soldiers return from the battlefield completely disoriented, paranoid, neurotic, etc. They have trouble sleeping due to nightmares. They find it impossible to get along with just about anyone (their girlfriend or wife, their children, their co-workers or boss – the list goes on and on). They projected weapons of mass destruction at the world around themselves, not understanding that you are the world and the world is you. So they may as well pointed the weapons at themselves. Everything about war is on a disharmonious frequency beginning with convincing the inductees that they are separate from THE ENEMY. They are told that what they are doing is of the highest service to safeguard their families and their nation/tribe. These messages are embodied with disharmonious frequencies because any lie is a disharmonious frequency. Governments the world over subscribe to the falsehood that they can only protect its citizens through lying to them for their own good. This conjecture has never been, nor will it ever be, proven to be a fact, because it is completely false.

Consciousness & Quantum Physics 

~ Reality is an Illusion:

The entire basis on which J. Krishnamurti speaks is strictly dealing with being in direct contact with WHAT IS ACTUALLY unfolding in ones consciousness from each present moment. He invites us to discover the fact that life is in the living present and is NOT in the past nor in the future (which is the modified-past). He warns us not to ever blindly accept what anyone tells you, including himself, because it destroys your own intrinsic intelligence to observe reality (the facts as they unfold in your daily living) directly for oneself. J.K. constantly points out that INTELLIGENCE IS BEING A LIGHT UNTO ONESELF. The 'Light' is ones direct, full attention to every single emotional response taking place in your everyday life. The world means every challenge that is taking place withing your daily living experiences and how you respond. For, your response to the challenge is an integral part of the challenge, which determines the outcome. So that is impossible to do that if one is blindly following any authority, leader with regard to matters of the spirit (that is your emotional-being of whatever it feels). All wars, conflicts (no matter how big or small) are the result of Human Emotional Reactions that dictate how to deal with problems. And so, any mind that deals with daily challenges through ideologies, beliefs or dogmas only perpetuates the destruction of the world.

Check out this video on orderly and disorderly sound frequencies:


The websites that he mentions where you can find the clinical research documents in the video have been updated:  Click Here. Then scroll down the page to view the entire report.

The Math of God: Sacred Geometry   

The Truth is that which is actually happening within oneself. If I feel upset, then that is what The Truth is at the present moment. But, when one pays full attention to ones state of mind (no matter if it is pleasant/positive or unpleasant/negative), then ones very observation, itself, neutralizes that state of being, without consciously seeking to end it. Quantum Mechanics has proven this to be an absolute fact. Each and every time the Observer watches the subatomic electron's movements, it would alter its behavior. In other words, its wave would collapse. In the experiments, whenever they video recorded the movements of the electrons and left the room so that there was NO Observer, then the electron behaved completely differently than when they were Observing the electrons. So the electrons were responding to the 'Light of Observation'. Ergo, this gives a whole new meaning of, “Be a Light unto oneself.” It simply means to objectively OBSERVE your emotional responses (both the pleasant-positive and unpleasant-negative thoughts and feelings, which are universally felt by all consciousness).



Henry Stapp on how Consciousness Affects 

Quantum Mechanics:

The illusion of distance and free particles : 
Quantum Entanglement

The experiment proved once and for all that Quantum Entanglement is a fact. This means that everything in the universe is entangled; the essence of everything is one in the same. And, it proves what J. Krishnamurti said was correct, "The Observer IS The Observed; and, You are the world and the world is you." That is also what he meant when he said that 'your brain is not exclusively yours' because whenever you perceive what is taking place in consciousness and thereby collapse that state of being, then it is collapsing that state of mind universally, not just exclusively in your personal condition.

In other words, when you observe/collapse conflict it is affecting the Total Consciousness of Humanity. But in order for that collapse to be complete, you have to be free of bias. Bias is when you become aware of any state of mind that you don't like and try to imagine an opposite state of mind to escape into. Then that polarity is contradictory (i.e., 'what I desire' vs. 'what I am'). Then you get a dualistic struggle within consciousness; a war brought about through the 'ideal' dividing itself away from 'the factual state of mind'.  

This is what J. Krishnamurti meant about 'Psychological Time'. The 'ideal of what I want to feel' vs. 'the actuality of what I feel'. The only way to collapse the initial state of being is to come into full contact with it without choosing to oppose it. Full contact means to directly observe how I am feeling or thinking, without any opposition to what is being detected. Then the very communion with the fact collapses that wave of thinking or feeling, naturally (without duality, opposition or conflict). Then there is peace and wholeness and integral oneness in the consciousness, so there is no war within. That means ones behavior is no longer tied to conflict/war. Until our species awakens to the wholeness of life, we shall continue to be more worried about outward challenges rather than deeply understanding how we emotionally respond. For, that is the key to freedom from outside authority and domination. When one is no longer afraid of being in touch with ALL of ones emotional responses, then one is truly free from ALL of the Daily Challenges of Living. But, to ease the pain of listening to these truths, be sure to listen to music that tuned to A432. You can use a phone app for a Chronomatic Tuner to verify that frequency. In that way your cells and atoms in your body will become open to orderly messages, instead of fearing them. 

Jiddu Krishnamurti - Breaking the Pattern:

Please allow me to clarify that everything that I'm sharing in this email is not meant for psychological purposes. I merely am pointing out physical vibrations that have contributed to why the mind hangs on to its ego. But none of these methods can bring about a natural ending to it. I just wanted to make it clear that I still deal with ego through pure, unbiased, holistic observation whereby the seeing is the only action with regard to its neutralization. I am simply acknowledging the fact that all of life is vibration-based and that certain frequencies are orderly and others bring about discord and leads to an egotistical way of thinking as being natural simply because of the quantity of people who have accepted it. And, that's all I have to say about that.

Dr. Bruce Greyson: Consciousness Independent of the Brain

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.