Sunday, September 11, 2016

Disconnecting Humanity From Its Spirit or Soul aka Transhumanism


Before you read my blog may I suggest that you untwist your nervous system by listening to natural harmonics from singing bowls. It may help you not be so tense when you read this blog and view the videos that I share. The musicians calls this a meditation but its really balancing your energy frequencies so that The Truth does not unnerve you. Real meditation is the moment-by-moment detection of what is unfolding in your mind everyday. Meditation is not mind control or self-hypnosis, like the mainstream guru profess. 


My writings are not meant for anyone who is not free to look at their emotional responses dispassionately without bias or prejudice. That means that one is not driven by “like” or “dislike”. A conditioned, programmed mind is enslaved to their emotional “likes” and “dislikes”. If you are not free to see what your mind is doing then my writings are not for you. I never debate with anyone. Debates are pure emotional, egotistical wastage of energy; they're all about psychological warfare. A conditioned mind is rooted in conflict, contradiction. So when it is presented with anything, it chooses what it “likes” and “rejects” what it “dislikes”. The writer is holding up a mirror for the rational person to look at their mind, factually. A fact is something that is taking place in the present moment. So you can look directly at what you are thinking and feeling, as a matter of fact (without any mental authority influencing you). To be in direct contact with your mind is what it means to be ALIVE (one is intrinsically created to be intelligent, not intellectual). An intellect is a mechanical entity that just collect information and accepts it as being correct, without questioning the validity of that information. I am not an intellectual (one who feels that the “word” is the reality). The word “water” will not quench your thirst, will it? So in conclusion to this disclaimer, I am not your leader, authority or savior. Only your direct perception of yourself can save you. But, people are programmed to NOT directly perceive their emotional mind. That's what they take anti-depressant pills to drown out. So either take responsibility for your mind (your life) or else be swallowed up by “The Big Bad Wolf” (the irrational, insane elite puppet-masters). [End of Disclaimer]

Today I'm sharing with you a radio talk show that I stumbled upon. The title of the radio show was: 

Transhumanism: The Coming Cyborg 
Takeover of Mankind

Mark Snyder, radio talk show host
Jim Nichols, guest


In the cyborg pic do you see that the Right-Brain side has been replaced by machinery? Right-Brain is your spirit, emotional or psychological antenna to Ethereal Neutral Space (the origin of all matter). That has been walled off by mechanical, robotic programming so that the Elite EGOS can remote-control operate people like dolls, toys to play chess with (just like they did back in the days of blood sport gladiator entertainment). Why? How else can the emotional mind of the elite feel "superior"? They need their toy robots to rule. But, what happens when the toys can out-wit their masters? Even if the toys destroyed their masters then what? They are stuck as an animated dead thing forever. If you don't want that to be your fate then suck it up and face BOTH sides of your Emotional Responses in your daily life. Shed your EGO or become "Borg". The real challenge is: "CAN YOU LISTEN NON-VERBALLY (that is without projecting your personal image) to this presentation (or any challenge in your life)"?

Mark Snyder, radio talk host 
Jim Nichols, guest 
Talk Show Title: Transhumanism: The Coming Cyborg Takeover of Mankind

After listening to the radio show, I have this to say...

First of all, the main challenge of life is yourself. You will see and hear many things throughout your life. But, in the end, it all boils down to HOW your Respond, psychologically that will either MAKE OR BREAK YOUR LIFE!

Before you listen to anything, it is important to be FULLY aware of the “listener”. For, if you PARTIALLY listen, you listen in FEAR. When you are afraid, you want to escape into your emotional imagination (like taking a drug). Such an escape splits your mind. Now that your mind is divided, any outside agent can invade it.

Are you going to listen to the radio talk show that I am sharing through emotional bias (your “like” or “dislike” knee-jerk reactions)? Emotional Bias either condemns or accepts based on ones personal “likes” or “dislikes” about the challenge. So you will want to oppose what is being presented or agree with it. That is emotionalism, which is not critical thinking or rational balanced.

The challenges of life are mainly psychological, emotional or spiritual (use these 3 terms interchangeably to differentiate from the left-brain mechanical thought process). If you've read my other blogs, I thoroughly distinguish between left and right brain thinking. You can check my blog archives to review that if necessary but for now I'm going to just talk about right-brain thinking which is the emotional area where THE EGO arises. In previous writings I point out that THE EGO is a product of emotional escaping by imagining an opposite reality that it sets out to physically manifest.

Whenever you look at or hear anything, your emotional responses are there reacting, are they not? You either “like” or “dislike” your response, right? Then you want to choose which to hold onto and which to ignore or attack, right? All of that is conditioned thinking because it is always DIVIDING every challenge into “like” or “dislike”. And based on that, one joins or attacks or runs away from a situation, right?

But, isn't it possible to be FREE of DIVISIVE Responses? Or put another way, is it not possible to be FREE of CONDITIONED Thinking?

Why can't you just LOOK AT WHAT IS WITHOUT ACTING “FOR” or “AGAINST” it? Why can't the mind be COMPLETELY EMOTIONALLY UNBIASED in the face of ANY CHALLENGE?

 Jiddu Krishnamurti - The Energy in Emptiness 


Ending your attachment to images is "The Holistic Observation or Awareness" of anything that you think or feel, emotionally or psychologically. Emptying the Emotional Mind is a purification of consciousness. Then, there is a regeneration of (neutral) energy outside of the energy that is produced by conflict. Watch your emotional reactions as you listen to anything so that your mind is in touch with itself as it is, not as you would like it to be. If you just hear, read and accumulate words, then it's meaningless that only results increasing your confusion. But if you actually pay attention to how you are responding to anything, then these descriptions suddenly make perfect sense. But you must SEE what is going on, first, in order to test out what you have been told. Always check things out with your own contact with your mind. If you try to use the words of description in replacement of your own observation, then it wont make any sense to you at all.
I am not being intellectual, here. This is NOT my ideology or opinion. I invite you to experiment with what I am saying, not just take my word for it. It is ignorant to take anyone's word for dealing with the serious challenges of survival. Life is serious. So I don't play around with word games and semantics. That is a waste of energy. I am talking about “Life-Death”.

So before listening to the radio talk show, get grounded in COMPLETE SELF- AWARENESS. Because, it is your COMPLETE SELF-AWARENESS that brings about energetic balance to, not only yourself, but to any external challenge, as well. We are, after all, dealing with ENERGY! That is all life is – ENERGY (vibrating at various frequencies that either BALANCE or NOT)!

So to keep things in their proper perspective, see the fact that Life is about Balancing Energy. Out of Balance Energy is MONSTROUS, is it not? No energy can take over another unless that energy is out of balance. So your challenge lies mainly inside of YOU, does it not? So when you hear about what other forms of energy are doing, realize that those forms of energy are creating their own inherent feedback loop. Whatever they doing internally, they are creating externally. So they are creating a Frankenstein Monster which must seek out its creator and destroy it and itself.

So the ultimate challenge is HOW does your mind respond? Are you going to protect your Conditioned Thinking, which is your EGO? Or, are you going to scrutinize your EGO, without prejudice (without “like” or “dislike” )? Your emotions are like the weather in their variety of expression. Can you be aware of them WITHOUT NAMING your response?

J. Krishnamurti - Madras 1978 Talk 1 - Organizations Have Not Saved Man 

Why is it important, or what purpose does it serve TO BE SELF-AWARE WITHOUT NAMING my response? All NAMING comes from memory (the past) which is overshadowing the present challenge in order to escape from the challenge. NAMING is an emotional escape from being IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH WHAT I'M EMOTIONALLY THINKING/FEELING. So can you watch how your mind escapes and do nothing about it? The moment you try to change what you discover you are caught up in escaping from yourself. So long as your mind escapes from itself it is drowning in fear, which can be hijacked by any outside agent (by another EGO).

So when you listen to this radio talk show, the real challenge is NOT the story they report, but HOW you emotionally RESPOND. After all, to be RESPONSIBLE one must BE COMPLETELY AWARE OF ONES RESPONSE! FEAR is THE CHALLENGE! OPPOSITION TO FEAR ONLY INCREASES FEAR! FOR THE ESSENCE OF FEAR IS OPPOSITION TO WHAT YOU “DISLIKE” (SUBMITTING TO WHAT YOU “LIKE”). That is the endless game of the Puppet-Master/Controller-Puppet/Controlled. It is 2 sides of 1 coin, emotionally speaking.


About 3/4 into the radio show there was  caller that was upset with hearing about the cruel and monstrous technological advances that are meant to kill the Human Being and replace it with an artificial mechanical existence, without emotions or a psyche. He urged people to unplug from the high-tech matrix and go back to Nature. He urged people to imagine a world where they are free and happy and not oppressed. He urged people to look at Nature and imagine that it is a living being. The only trouble with his advice is that it is rooted in the PAST (which is dead). A challenge is a living fact that can't be impacted by an image because the fact is in the present and the image is in the past so they never meet -- there is a DIVISION. Past (emotional projected desire based on past memories) is trying to superimpose over the Present challenge. And so, the Present challenge continues to expand. The caller wanted people to imagine that the grass was alive. If you look at anything with the eyes of the PAST (the IMAGE), then you are NOT in contact - you are NOT related to that living fact. It's just an image pretending to be related to the living fact. Where there is IMAGE (your imagination born out of your personal desire), then there is DIVISION away from the LIVING FACT. The caller, the radio talk show host, the guest are all telling you to use your EMOTIONAL INTENT (which is your IMAGINATION) to resolve this Trans-humanist challenge. If you follow their advice you will only be helping that take-over to be successful. The elite want you to resist. That is why the information is being let loose on the Internet. They want you to follow the advice of the fearful "truth journalists". Then your emotional opposition will be met with their technological force to violate your mind. Because, a mind that is DIVIDED (a.k.a., EMOTIONAL PROJECTED IMAGES THAT OPPOSE THE TYRANNY) then you can be conquered. The #1 Rule of Warfare is: "DIVIDE AND CONQUER". These "truth journalists" are urging the public to IMAGINE by concentrating on your DESIRED INTENTION. So that is the furthering of conflict. The Oppressed INTENT vs. The Oppressor's INTENT. And, their Trans humanist program will take over those who use Emotional BIAS to defeat their egotistical plan. What's the end game? To have conflict forever, of course. That is all its ever been about. But you could just listen to what they plan to do. Watch your emotional response without any control. Because if you control your mind, then they have permission to control it too. But if you don't control it but instead understand it, then when they try to control it, they self-destruct because an uncontrolled mind is rooted in NEUTRALITY/UNLIMITED ENERGY. The entire EGO of the Elite can't conquer something that is UNDIVIDED! They are bound by the Eternal Law of War. If you ain't PSYCHOLOGICALLY-DIVIDED, then your mind can't be conquered. It's as simple as that folks.

J. Krishnamurti - 1st Public Talk in Rishi Valley, 1967 

But, if you can ACTUALLY SEE that the so-called “Bad-Guys” are one-in-the-same as the so-called “Good-Guys”, then you are free from the pressure TO CHOOSE (to be BIASED/DIVIDED). To step out of this dimension of conflict only needs CLARITY OF SELF-AWARENESS, and nothing else.

The reason why the “Bad-Guys” & “Good-Guys” are the same is because they are both rooted in OPPOSITION! The so-called elite rulers are in emotional opposition, both internally and externally. Their emotional imagination has chosen to think that it is “rational” and “superior”, which is why it feels justified in emotionally dominating its species. The “Good-Guys” are doing the same thing in reverse. Their emotional imagination has chosen to think that it is “rational” and “superior”, which is why it feels justified in emotionally dominating its species. Both sides wants you TO BELIEVE that they are the best to wager your life on.

J. Krishnamurti - First Public Talk in Rome - 1968



Emotionally, this means that ALL of your Positive Emotions plus ALL of your Negative Emotions are like weather patterns or seasons that must ALL be COMMUNED with. Simply put, you are the TOTALITY of Positive-Negative Feelings and Thoughts. Your TOTAL EMOTIONAL MIND is there for the sole purpose of BEING AWARE OF ITS TOTAL-EMOTIONAL SELF! Anyone who tries to persuade you to OPPOSE either Negative or Positive emotional responses is in conflict. A mind in conflict sole objective is to get you to be in conflict, too. So it wants you to choose a side to OPPOSE.


LIFE or ENERGY is always changing form. That's really no big deal. What matters is that any form, no matter what it ends up looking like, needs to be balanced and grounded in NEUTRALITY! What that means is that no matter what kind of external challenges may arise, it is your sole RESPONSIBILITY to HOLISTICALLY RESPOND by OBSERVING BOTH SIDES OF YOUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES, EQUALLY. Because you understand The Truth that I AM DAY (Positive) & NIGHT (Negative). And, to choose between the opposite forms of energy is to SELF-DESTRUCT (which makes it possible for external hostile entities to invade and dominate my life). In other words, I give my permission to be spiritually violated when I FAIL TO HOLISTICALLY OBSERVE ALL OF MY EMOTIONAL RESPONSES.

Let's talk about this Transhumanism business a little bit. Now I understand that there is technology being developed and covertly injected into our biosphere, food and vaccines. In other words, the rich bandits are carrying out an experiment in order to try to take over Humanity, itself. They want to merge Human Mind (through the brain) with computer programming. After all, these commercials and politicians have successfully programmed the majority of the Human Race, right? So they just want to take it to the next level and upload that programming into technology that the wealthiest people can program to control or kill.

First of all, it has been medically documented that the Human Mind is not locked into our brain. People who have died, and they have reported experiencing things that they could be tested and accurately described things going on after they were pronounced dead. There are some people who are living without ¾ of their brain. The point is that CONSCIOUSNESS is a SPIRIT. Furthermore, it has been discovered and proven that there is only about 1% matter and about 99% space (check out Nassim Haramein explains it in great detail: Sacred Geometry and Unified Fields - Nassim Haramein). The matter is polarized opposite energy of the negative-positive energy that is matter. The Space is energy that is Neutral (like the energy of the Neutron in the atom). Space Energy is unlimited, timeless and immeasurable because it does NOT contain positive or negative energy; it lies beyond it. Positive-Negative Energy is TIME. 

Sacred Geometry and Unified Fields - Nassim Haramein

So Time originated out of Space and returns to Space after its Time expires. All matter has a beginning and ending. All matter has opposite polarized energy that is interdependent on its other half in order to exist at all. If you get rid of “AM” on a clock then “PM” can't exist, either (and visa versa). That is why when you fight to destroy the “Villain” the victor becomes the “Villain”. What is going on here is that Energy is fighting against itself trying to make one opposite to be the victor. But when Dr. Jekyll killed Mr. Hyde, they both died. That is a metaphor that means when you get rid of Negative Thoughts you have committed suicide because both opposites must exist in order for physical matter to exist at all. All matter is made out of atoms. The atom has equal amounts of positive-negative energy but it is grounded in its nucleus which is the Neutron (Neutral Energy having NO Negative or Positive charge of energy at all so it is SPACE). That is why scientist has discovered that the center of the atom is EMPTY. But they DON'T understand that EMPTINESS IS ETERNITY, TIMELESS, ETERNAL ORIGIN OF ALL MATTER.

Matter is just a small expression of THE WHOLE TIMELESS NEUTRAL ENERGY wherein lies ALL SOLUTIONS TO ALL PROBLEMS. It is All-Knowing and Beyond-Knowing. It has no expiration date. It has NO VIBRATION (either negative or positive). It is ZERO POINT where there is limitless energy that cannot be taken over nor destroyed. All matter must return to ZERO POINT NEUTRAL ENERGY sooner or later. It has always existed and can outlast any form of matter.

J. Krishnamurti - Madras 1979 - Talk 3 - Is Freedom 
A Matter Of Time? 

Reality Check...
Those who dream up ways to take over the world and play “god” are themselves disconnected from ZERO POINT NEUTRAL ENERGY because they are in conflict. They are projecting an EMOTIONAL IMAGE that they are “superior”, “rational” or “in control”. All of where is a LIE! They are just as conditioned as a poor person. The only difference is that they abuse their wealth to try to prove to themselves that they are “superior” by enslaving the minds of others. That is why they are doing what they are doing. They are quite mad trying to prove that they are not insane. But, they are building their own nightmarish doomsday machine of which they are an integral part. They are in competition with ZERO POINT ENERGY. Matter is trying to outsmart and outperform the Energy of the Neutron. Time is at war with The Timeless. It wants to make its own “universe” broken off from its spiritual origins. All matter has the same SOURCE, which is Ethereal Neutral Space. Transhumanism is a Spiritual War to DISCONNECT or DETACH The Human Soul or Spirit from Human Beings. It is like being a cartoon character that is animated WITHOUT any substance or essence. It is moving on autopilot, but it does not understand what it is doing.

Lets examine this factually. Life comes from The Spiritual Seed of Neutral Energy. The physical seed is merely a byproduct of Neutral-Universal Consciousness. So what is being displayed in the world came from the seed of consciousness. Transhumanism came from people's willingness to exist in a dream state, based on emotional “likes” and “dislikes”. There is plenty of proof to support that claim by just looking at Facebook, Twitter and other social media forums. People are emotionally accepting the dream that people are being friends on social media hangouts. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's all emotional imagination (meaning they are not actually being a friend).

How can a mind that is divided against itself choosing one side of its emotional self over the other side - battling itself, being enemies to itself (conscious battling its subconscious and visa versa) be anybody's friend? It's impossible. Therefore, the emotional conflict within oneself has given rise to Transhumanism. Since people REFUSE TO BE IN TOUCH WITH BOTH SIDES OF THEIR EMOTIONAL BEING, they have, in essence, given permission for their lives to be invaded, technologically. Either one is going to function as a COMPLETE IN-TOUCH HUMAN BEING or one is going to become The Living Dead.

A dead thing CANNOT KNOW ITSELF, can it? Even the trans-humanist scientists are conditioned. If they were not conditioned, they would not cooperate with building such technology to mentally rape Humanity, would they? So what if you are being threatened with death to you or your family, if they were free of conditioned, programmed thinking and their Emotional Being was holistically grounded in Neutrality (meaning that they were in touch with both sides of their emotional being), they would understand that they can't be destroyed by a mind that is emotionally divided against itself. A divided mind can only take over a mind that is also divided (out of touch with both sides of itself out of touch with its negative and positive thoughts/feelings). That is the key to tyranny. It is dependent on YOU BEING BIASED/DIVIDED. That is why it invented “voting” which is a totally BIASED act, is it not? Do you “vote” for the DAY to only exist, or do you “vote” for only the NIGHT to exist? That is a trick question because if you “vote” either way, then NOTHING can exist! DO YOU GET THE HOAX that is being played on the world?

But, it is each person's moral responsibility to SEE THE FALSE AS THE FALSE which is THE ONLY TRUTH that determines how things will turn out (when it's all said and done). The FALSENESS of this radio talk show is the ulterior motive to get people to emotionally rise up and OPPOSE the Transhumanism movement. I am aware of what they are doing. I don't mind if technological matter is introduced into my body because its all just energy. Their programming efforts wont work on a mind that is unafraid of whatever it thinks or feels. Technology can never get rid of your ability TO HOLISTICALLY OBSERVE BOTH THE POSITIVE & NEGATIVE RESPONSES IN CONSCIOUSNESS (which is DAY-&-NIGHT). So long as one is doing that, the NEUTRAL ENERGY BRING HARMONY, BALANCE TO ANY AND ALL SITUATIONS. I know this as a fact, not as a theory. I know it because I live it whenever I'm am confronted by someone who is trying to emotionally invade my mind and try to control my responses to them. I simply see exactly what they are doing to themselves and trying to do to me. It is THE PURE DETECTION of what is taking place that REMEDIES THE SITUATION – no matter what the situation is (even if the situation is deadly, it gets resolved without any harm coming to me). DEATH takes place in the mind when one SEES WHAT IS WITHOUT TRYING TO OPPOSE WITH “WHAT I DESIRE TO BE”. There is a DEATH to the EGO which is the BIASED THINKER.

HUMANITY is at a major cross-roads because of its technological development, it is poised to turn itself into a petrified tree that exists but has no essence or spirit, or it is going to organically transform so that its technology is not weaponized. A mind that is unbalanced must weaponize technology. The only way to proceed is to be FREE OF THE FEAR OF BEING IN FULL CONTACT WITH YOUR EMOTIONAL MIND. If you are FREE, then it doesn't matter what craziness others are doing because you are secure in NEUTRAL ENERGY THAT BRINGS BALANCE TO THE OPPOSITES (NEG. & POS. ENERGY). And, when you boil it all down, the only problem is “The Balance or Unbalance of Energy”. Weaponizing energy is merely upsetting the balance of energy. That is what the military and military scientists specialize in doing. They don't realize that that they are a part of the Unified Energy Field and whatever they do to bring about imbalance is also non-local energy that is also creating energy imbalances in their personal lives (including their families). They all think that they are in a safe zone. But, they are not. Whatever they put into the Ethereal Space is connected to their lives, too. We are all of us PURE ENERGY. Now either that energy is rooted in NEUTRAL SELF-OBSERVATION, or it is rooted in PARTIAL SELF-OBSERVATION. The people who are trying to hijack and control others are PARTIALLY SELF-AWARE and are divided, emotionally. So they are quite insane, immoral and unbalanced energy. Unbalanced Energy must implode or disintegrate because division IS DIS-integration, is it not?

You don't need to worry about the external threats if you are dealing with its root. All tyranny is based on you being unaware of your mind and how it works so that the tyrannical forces can overthrow your life and do whatever they want to it. But, they are ignorantly unaware that eventually their pain will come full circle because energy is cyclical and must return back to home-base. So that is why I don't concern myself with the aggressors and what can we do about them. They are getting rid of themselves, but they just don't know it. I've had many people come into my life with the intention of trashing my life. To this present day, I am aware of the people who wish me dead. But, just like all the others who have confronted me over a 40+ year period, they self-destructed, literally. I am not saying this in order to brag. I am saying that I am living what I am talking about, not just pretending with you. If I were pretending, I'd be in serious trouble with my life falling apart. But I meet each covert aggressor with a factual, objective approach. I do not try to change the aggressor. I do not try to control what I feel when I interact with the aggressor. I merely watch the NEUTRAL ENERGY OF OBSERVATION of The EGO. My Ego (if it should ever arise) is exactly the same as ALL EGOS. So when I perceive my Ego, I am observing ALL EGOS, simultaneously. When my ego dies because it is being fully observed without any opposition from myself, then it naturally tells its story and withers away like a storm that passes by. You don't oppose the storm. You observer it, feel it and then it dies away, naturally.

 Jiddu Krishnamurti: Living Without Images

Every Effort I Make Is From The Limitation of Thought


All conditioned thinking is making a self-image which divides people and causes conflict. Even the elite are doing what they are doing based on a self-image of "superiority" giving them their imagined right to control and violate the world. The elite are just as enslaved to their self-image as anyone else. Yet they think they are in a position to program others when they too are programmed to program others.

So when I view YouTube presentations, I simply detect The EGO behind all messages that is trying to get the viewers to CHOOSE A SIDE to fight for or against in order to maintain CONFLICT! That is what it's really all about CONFLICT wants to go on and on and on so that The EGO can pretend to be running the Energy of Life. But, it's an imposture. It does not run Life. It never will. The Source of Life is NEUTRAL ENERGY AT THE CENTER OF EVERY ATOM no matter what shape or form of energy. The finite side of energy is what The EGO is made out of, so it can't be in charge of reality no matter how technologically advanced it becomes.

The caller near the end of the radio show was in opposition to the message on the radio show. He provided a “positive fantasy” to escape from the negative message of Transhumanism. He advised people to get away from technology and go back to nature. I'm all for being in touch with Nature but not in order to hide from Human problems. Many people are unable to afford to get out of the city. I live in a small city. But, you can go inward to be in touch with Nature. After all, your biological body IS Nature, itself. If you balance the energy in your body then you are being in touch with the Earth. The elements in your body are the same element in the Earth. But, if you try to bring balance to the physical without first being AWARE OF ALL OF YOUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES, then your physical connection wont prevent external aggressive dictators from taking over your life. Ego can smash anything you build if it is NOT rooted in NEUTRAL SELF-AWARENESS (THAT IS THE KEY). So I don't need to go to the wilderness in order to be in a balanced state. I simply listen to the singing bowls (without guided meditations).

I only listen to the bowls. I do NOT visualize or seek to fulfill any personal desires. All desires are contradictory in their nature. Whenever you wish for something positive, your subconscious wishes for its opposite. It is unnecessary to wish for anything because wishing implies that you are in opposition to WHAT IS going on. Understanding WHAT IS going on is to be FREE of WHAT IS going on. You don't have to desire another reality. The Neutral Energy in your Observation knows what is needed so I leave it up to that Neutral Energy of Observation to determine the outcome of all challenges in life. Also realize that your life is interconnected to ALL ENERGY IN LIFE. We are all inter-dimensional beings because there are multiple levels of our beings.

Both sides of this psychological war-game is seeking to make you divide your mind. The guest of the radio show believes that the people need to do what their enemy is doing and that is to develop a FOCUSED INTENTION! That is bogus because INTENTIONS are BIASED based on “like” & “dislike”, emotionally. He is suggesting that we push back against Transhumanism by emotionally say, “No”. That is only going to make it possible for the aggressors to succeed in taking over your life. Conflict thrives on OPPOSITION. This is the imbalance of Positive & Negative Energy perpetually seeking to overthrow the other side and never being able to do it because the 2 sides can't exist with other its other half. This is a futile struggle that is meaningless, and therefore is irrational.

The guest of the radio show mentioned Sigmund Freud's nephew who was a propagandist skilled in mind control. He assumed that people must be controlled because they are emotionally unstable and can't be responsible for their lives. No one ever challenges if he is rational. Anybody who wants to control another Human Being is irrational. Because, emotional control is a self-deception. Emotional Energy cannot ever be controlled because the very controller is out of control (out of order, out of balance). He/she is operating out of emotional choice and where there is bias there is disharmony, which is energy imbalance. Neutral Energy is rejected. Neutral Energy is the only energy that can harmonize the opposites (the negative & positive sides of matter). Without balance, matter falls apart. So those so-called psychological experts are secretly crazy trying to bring their idea (or psychological image) of order into being. But they can only make what they are, which is DISORDER (UNBALANCED ENERGY).

The outer world only reflects the inner world. So if you want a harmonious world, you have to monitor and detect when you are being biased (superimposing an image). The moment that you detect bias as being disorderly, disharmonious, then it naturally dissolves. You don't have to fight against bias (images). You can't try to become unbiased; that's just biased pretending to be unbiased (substituting one image for another). You can't chase after being Unbiased, Orderly or Neutral. You can only detect the FALSE, which is when you project an emotional-image to cover up the state of mind that you "dislike". JUST TO OBSERVE YOUR MIND IMAGINING THE OPPOSITE STATE OF MIND is the very ENDING OF IT. Then, that is the BEGINNING OF NEUTRAL BALANCED AWARENESS, which is real freedom from bias or conditioned, programmed thinking (the source of CONFLICT).

Awareness is not a goal to be achieved. It is like breathing, which is a natural necessary function. Seeing what is EMOTIONALLY FALSE & IMBALANCED is a necessary function that is the FOUNDATION OF LIFE. If your foundation is cracked, then it doesn't matter what material successes you accomplish, because your Emotional Being is rooted in the painful  HELL of Chaotic Energy. Because, only NEUTRAL SELF-AWARENESS brings BALANCE, PEACE within your mind. The foolishness of the Trans-humanists are seeking to carve out their emotions so that they can become like that old cartoon show called, "The Transformers" (or the movies). The Transformer robots, The Decepticons and Autobots entirely existence in an endless struggle of trying to defeat the other side. But, both sides are rooted in and fueled by conflict! The Transformers is a metaphor depicting the Emotional Mind that is split into Positive & Negative at war, because they are divorced from Neutral-Balanced Energy. That is why the opposites of Positive & Negative are locked in an endless loop of trying to overthrow each other until both sides stop existing. Meanwhile, the conflict is ripping apart the biosphere and atmosphere. EGO cares more about its IMAGES (that it thinks reality "should be") rather than physical security. "National Security" is "EGO Security" which destroys "Physical Security". The 'physical' is always the 'sacrificial lamb' for Emotional goals. It's called, "living your dream" (which turns out to be a nightmare in actuality).

I opt out of conflict by being aware of both kinds of conflict. There is the type of conflict that is obvious where someone hits another, stabs another, shoots another, poisons another, rapes another, etc. But, the reason why conflict is so hard to end is because most people don't want to let go of the pleasurable side of conflict (the other type of conflict). The radio talk show host, guest and caller represent the pleasurable version of conflict. And, people want to believe that they are “good” benevolent beings, but they are not benevolent at all. They are encouraging people to emotionally rise up in opposition to what is going on. It is FEAR TO MOVE AWAY FROM EMOTIONAL DISCOMFORT! Mind moves away by accepting a belief or image that promises a wonderful future if you focus your emotional 'INTENT' on it.

FEAR DIVIDES! You are shown something hideous and then you are told that you can get rid of it if you just emotionally say, “No” to the problem. Energy does not operate like that. Neutral Energy can only bring balance if you LOOK AT THE PROBLEM AND YOUR EMOTIONAL REACTION TO IT. The very PERCEPTION OF BOTH THE EXTERNAL PROBLEM AND YOUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSE TO IT IS SHINING A SPIRITUAL LIGHT ON THE ENTIRE SITUATION. Your thought or desire is hands-off. It has no place in fixing the problem. ONLY PURE PERCEPTION CAN FIX IT BECAUSE “THE ACT OF PERCEIVING” IS: NEITHER POSITIVE NOR NEGATIVE, IT IS NEUTRAL, is it not? But, the moment that you desire a particular remedy to the challenge, you have introduced a bias (an image), which slams the door on Neutral-Observation. And, energy imbalance must result, which brings about INJURY AND DESTRUCTION.

It has been verified scientifically by Quantum Physicists that there is only ONE SUBATOMIC ENERGY FIELD. That means that the entire Universe (both the microcosm & macrocosm) is just ONE ENERGY FIELD. All Energy is entangled. There is only One Universe (“uni” means ONE). But, it has multiple dimensions to it. So if you are Holistically in tune with your WHOLE EMOTIONAL MIND, then you are in a balanced energy dimension. But if you are existing in an emotional fantasy about yourself and the world, then you are in an unbalance energy dimension. The Unbalanced or Disorder Energy Dimension is restricted to that dimension. That is why there is this Eternal Law that says, “One can only be conquered by another if one is divided within oneself.” Because, a divided mind cannot go into the Energy Dimension of Balance. It is confined to the Energy Dimension of Imbalance.

Quantum Physicists have discovered that Life is HOLOGRAPHIC. So whatever we see is a projection from out of our consciousness. Each person is literally making their reality. When the radio show host played this clip from the Alex Jones show about the elderly woman dying of cancer getting stripped searched, it was to evoke a horrific emotion out of the audience and to inspire the audience to be angry toward the government for allowing such treatment of a person. But, I say that that woman created that situation when she handed over her mind to the government and believed that it would always protect her. That was what she was programmed to think and she never questioned the validity of what she was taught. If you don't question the things you have been told, then you are being just like a computer program executing a program without question. People think that if they agree with their oppressors and submit themselves that their oppressors will not hurt them. But, this woman being stripped searched has learned the hard way that not questioning authority is what manifested her strip search situation. I am not saying that the strip search policy is fair or even humane. I am saying that by pledging your whole life to a system of conflict sets a person up for torment in the long run.

It doesn't matter if you are with the government or a corporation, just about everyone is emotionally biased (and therefore conditioned). Conditioning can only end by detecting it in real-time. Neutral Awareness ends conditioning, conflict. If you fail to understand exactly how conditioning operates in yourself, then you must project a life of conflict, suffering and pain. Trans-humanists fear death because they want to be in control forever. What if they were to achieve existing as a machine indefinitely and they came to feel miserable and wish that an end would come and bring them relief from ongoing suffering and they couldn't end, then what? Wouldn't that be hell?

The nature of thought is that it is a contradiction. It may want to turn into a machine and then after it does, it wishes to undo it. Go check out the old 1980's movie called, “The Fly”, starring Jeff GoldBloom. He was a scientist experimenting with DNA transference and the he accidentally fused his DNA with a fly. He started going mad as the fly DNA took over his body and he was crying near the end wishing that he had never done it. You see these so-called technical geeks get carried away with an idea. But when they fulfill their desire they end up wishing they had never done it. That is what I mean by thought being a contradiction. That is its nature. So when these people on YouTube present a threatening problem and at the end give you advice, realize it is their Ego trying to program you to be in conflict just like them.

All of the people on that radio talk show (including the caller) are in emotional FEAR. They are telling the public to run and hide from technology and to emotionally oppose the nightmarish realities of Trans-humanism by projecting the opposite utopian IMAGE that will come true sometime in the future. Ego always likes to talk about futuristic happiness, but in the meantime exist in terror. I say end terror by examining its origin, which is Emotional Imagination projecting "What Should Be" to replace the ugly challenge. Having an insight into the fallacy of Emotional Images is the energy that is NEUTRALIZING. Then, there is balance between the opposites (of negative & positive energy). You don't oppose or choose the positive over the negative energy nor the negative over the positive (as is being urged by the "truth journalists" and "podcast hosts". There is nothing to choose, because the Illuminati (the elite) & their Opposers are like NIGHT& DAY; they're 2 sides of a Singularity. So I don't choose the Illuminati (negative) over the so-called “Truth Journalists” (positive) nor visa versa. They are 2 sides of the same Continuum of Unbalanced Divided Energy driven by their emotional-images of "What Should Be". They are promoting EMOTIONAL BIAS, which is the rejection of NEUTRAL ENERGY (which is PURE BALANCE = PEACE)!

Yes the military is building more destructive things. But we all are energy making a contribution to whatever is taking place in the world. Which dimension are you in? A Balanced or Unbalanced dimension? If life truly is holographic, and it is, then the only thing that can make your world Creative or Destructive is what your Emotional Being is rooted in. Are you learning about your Emotional Being and how it tricks itself? Or, are you tricking yourself and imagining that you are in touch with reality? The so-called world controller are doing the latter; they think they know what they are doing. But if you are not in touch with both side of your consciousness, then ones side is in the dark about the other side and so the conscious upper level may think it knows what it is doing, but its own subconscious is in opposition to what it is doing. Thought is a contradiction because thought is matter. And, matter is dualistic, in its very nature. Only NEUTRAL ENERGY can reconcile the positive & negative energy fields so that they harmonize. If not, the opposites must forever seek to try to destroy its own opposite. And, there is nothing but the struggle that it calls “living”. It is NOT living; it is merely existing like a petrified tree exist, but its dead. Transhumanism is a dead petrified existence – a hull of Humanity without essence. But, people asked for this by refusing to be in touch with their Total Emotional Being. They take drugs (both legal and illegal) in order to detach from their miserable existence. So many people would love to get rid of their feelings for good. Because, they don't know how to be in touch with themselves and also see the beauty and value of being in touch with both sided of your psyche.

Humanity is suffering from progressing to fast in the technological field without first understanding their Emotional Being. So they are monsters manufacturing what they are inside – a monster. A monster is matter that is missing its Spiritual Core of Neutral Self-Observation. Most people are monsters and don't' realize it. Monsters are breeders of FEAR. Once you choose one side of your mind to “like” and the other side to “dislike”, both sides fear the other side. But, if you understand that YOU ARE BOTH SIDES OF YOUR EMOTIONAL BEING, then there is NO DIVISION, NO CONFLICT, NO FEAR of yourself. Because, one is in a state of NEUTRALITY (BALANCED BLISS). So you are, then, creating an unprecedented reality in a different dimension. Matter which is Ego that rejects Neutral Energy is unsustainable and must implode.

The radio talk show guest said that, “Knowledge is power”. And, power is domination and is malevolent. Seeing The Truth is beyond knowledge. Knowledge is based on memory which is a material dualistic (positive or negative) process. Knowledge is limited and is always being added to. Whereas, Holistic self-study is not cumulative. It is in real-time self-study and detecting when you are being driven by emotional “like” or “dislike”. I have witnessed, many times, in my life facing death exactly what I was thinking and feeling and watching to see what is going to happen if I just watch without trying to control anything, and I obviously survived because I'm here writing this. But more important than surviving danger was that I didn't get hurt, either. I saw how Neutral Energy is unbeatable by the Ego. Even though you may take what I say seriously, your biggest challenge is the things that pleases you about your Ego. Ego is hard to transform because we want to get rid of the ugly bits but keep the pleasurable parts. Sorry you can't do that. If you hang on to the pleasurable parts of conditioning, you must keep the rest of it, too. That is the Universal Law.

When I realized that it is the “hero” element that keeps us holding onto conflict and therefore keeping “the devil” then it was simple to turn my back on the “hero”. That is why I am exposing the “hero” being represented in the video of this radio talk show. I am revealing the very element that keeps the underworld of secret societies in business doing whatever they want to this world. So wake up and stop being deceived by people who are, themselves, self-deceived. They think that they are awake and aware. They are only partially awake which is not being COMPLETELY AWAKE. It's like dreaming that you are awake when in fact your still asleep because you think that the threat is out there. No. The real threat is in here – in your emotional mind that is looking to blame outside factors in order to remain hidden from itself. The EGO is hiding from itself by focusing on outside battles. But if you can't detect how your are battling yourself (conscious battling subconscious and visa versa), then you will get caught up in the emotional hysteria about aliens taking over, machines taking over, demons taking over, the list goes on and on. All this is just a distraction so you wont be in FULL TOUCH WITH BOTH SIDES OF YOUR MIND. Because the moment you do that, you can't be controlled.

So the EGO is trying to create a so-called “Global Village” of a New World Order. A contradiction can't do that. There will always be a division. A fragmented mind can't build a holistic world. But, the EGO is doing double-speak right out of George Orwell's 1984 Novel. “Global Village” means “Global Cage” where we are to be lab rats experimented upon until they can make something totally controllable. Energy that is matter can't control energy without the Neutral Energy. In the mind, the Neutral Energy is not operating, for the most part. That is why people are making up more crazy things. They are self-destructing and they want to take the whole world down with them. Misery loves company, right?

The worst possible thing you could do is take the advise of the radio talk show host and guests. They are programmed just like most of the world. They are biased and want you to be grounded in your own “INTENT” just like the Illuminati are focused on their “INTENT” so that these opposites can battle it out. I detected a hypocrisy from the guest when he criticized people obsession with sports and then turned around and told people to set their “INTENT” in opposition to the “INTENT” of the Illuminati. Isn't that the same thing as a sports competition? Sure it is. I have NO “INTENT”, I am merely OBSERVING WHAT IS unfolding in my mind as I OBSERVE AND LISTEN TO ALL MESSAGES IN LIFE. There is a different kind of power when you do that – different because it is beyond knowledge and time. You can't get what I mean unless you experiment with it.

On the physical level, I suggest getting Pyrite to shield your nervous system from unbalanced EMF's. I suggest getting Tibetan or Himalayan singing bowl music to listen to to balance your ethereal body (or aura body). Study up on crystals and combine them with the bowls. Listen to Jiddu Krishnamurti and don't talk about with others until you really understand it by yourself. Because, the EGO of people you know will feel hostile toward you for changing and not supporting their EGO anymore. I studied EGO by watching movies, TV shows through NetFlix and then I would back to listening to J. Krishnamurti talks. And, then I would be able to detect my own EGO whenever people would talk to me. It's only about DETECTION (and nothing else). That is very hard because you've been trained to do more than OBSERVE. You will feel the urge to want to control what you find out about your thoughts and feelings. You will be tempted to ask others what they think and they will deter you from exploring further. They will even socially shun you. Because, they are a part of THE COLLECTIVE EGO (THE MIND HIVE). They are prisoners of it and they expect you to remain there with them. The matrix is your conditioned, biased thinking. When that naturally dies, the matrix dies too. That is why they don't want us to be FREE to be in touch with both sides of our emotional being (negative & positive). They want us to choose and be biased and afraid. So now you can understand, if you have been seriously watching your emotional responses to this blog, that it doesn't matter about Transhumanism. All that matters is your response and communing with that response. That mental action of observation is neutralizing all unbalanced energy both inwardly and outwardly. Be WHOLE or be BROKEN. It's not really a choice. Order is never a choice. I don't breathe because I choose to. Order is a natural thing that has a right to exist. But, “disorder” is a dead thing that wants to overthrow the living. That is why they remove the nutrients in the food and replace it with poisons. They want to do that to our lives so that we have a meaningless worthless existence. But, when you HOLISTICALLY OBSERVE, then you have essence and meaning and balance, which is frowned upon by the EGO. EGO IS THE TROJAN HORSE VIRUS! It is trying to replace the living with the dead knowledge, which is memory, which is the past (a dead thing) that is not allowed to be aware of itself. It must only obey, without question.

Biased Thinking is the Disconnection with Neutral Self-Awareness, which is your soul or spirit. Technology seduces the mind to pay more attention to outward circumstances rather than inward happenings. Life comes from within the being, not the outside. These horror stories online are there to make you ignore your insides and worry about outside events. But it is your inward state of affairs that is producing your outward circumstances. So doesn't it make sense to be aware of your mind, since it is making your reality?

Jiddu Krishnamurti: To Live Without The Shadow Of Control 


The past is repeating itself. It's just that each times it repeats, it modifies the movie set. But, the story remains the same -- CONFLICT -- SELF-DESTRUCTION -- DISINTEGRATION -- FEAR perpetuated. The EGO knows that the biological body is rapidly crumbling. So The Collective History of Humanity wants to store itself in a container that can continue indefinitely (it hopes). EGO was born out of conflict when the mind chose to IGNORE one side of its Emotional Being. In order to be able to IGNORE one side of itself, it has to replace it with its IMAGINATION. So emotional-mind projects an IMAGE that is the opposite of the side of itself that it has chosen to IGNORE. This is what PSYCHOLOGICAL BIAS means. This is what PSYCHOLOGICAL DIVISION is, as well. It is the Emotional Memory Storehouse that is EGO that desires to DISCONNECT, permanently, from the Neutral Energy of the Universe. So Trans-humanism is the Human Emotional-Memory (that is mechanical) seeking to manufacture a totally Machine-Based Universe that it is the "GOD" over. Remember that it is important to understand that Emotional-Memory, itself, is matter based on the Law of Polarized Opposite Energy. The only form of Energy that is Unlimited is Neutral Energy because it contains no Negative or Positive fragmentation at all. It is WHOLE unto itself. The Neutron, remember, has NO Positive or Negative charge. Scientist call that "nothing" or "emptiness". Yet it is that so-called "nothing" that ALL MATTER IS ROOTED IN because it is the origin of Finite/Limited Energy (which is matter <negative-positive>). 

So it is actually impossible for the Human EGO to build its own vacuum world disconnected from the rest of Energy (the Universe which is <sub-atomic-macrocosmic>). And, let's not forget that it has been factually proven (and it's true regardless if proven or not) that the Quantum Mechanical Energy is a UNIFIED ENERGY FIELD that is NON-LOCAL. That means that the EGO can't escape from that ENERGY GRID no matter how much it alters its material form of energy. It's still ALL ONE ENERGY OF LIFE. It's just that EGO ENERGY FIELD IS OUT OF BALANCE (because it has DIVIDED its consciousness and chosen one side to IGNORE and one side to acknowledge). That is why the EGO is WARPED, DERANGED and is unaware that what it is doing is SELF-DEGENERATING & SELF-DISINTEGRATING. Because its is in violation of The Fundamental Basic Law of ENERGY, itself. And that is: "All Matter NEEDS NEUTRAL ENERGY in order for the opposite sides of matter can be STABLE & BALANCED."


ENERGY IMBALANCE IS ONES EGO (which is DIVIDED against itself).


RULERS ARE IRRATIONAL (pretending to be rational passing judgment on all of life to tamper with its DNA and interfere with the delicate Balance of Mother Nature). Is that not irrational to destroy the Caregiver of Humanity?

RULERS ARE TRYING TO EXIST WITHOUT ORGANIC NATURE (that is why they are taking as much organic elements out of your food supply as possible).

RULERS ARE DRIVEN BY A SELF-PROJECTED IMAGE THAT THEY ARE THE OWNERS OF LIFE ITSELF (so they want everyone to get their permission to exist or they can just press a computer button to shut you down as a cyborg toy that they own).

RULERS WANT A FORM OF SLAVERY THAT WILL LAST FOREVER, which is why they invented the concept of Trans-humanism and to support it with scientific technology to make their animated cartoon world where you are animated but you have no essence. Like a machine you just operate. But you can't understand yourself at all. 

RULERS DEEPLY HATE THEMSELVES (HATRED is the act of refusing to be WHOLLY IN TOUCH WITH YOUR EMOTIONAL MIND... Hence, EGO is the BROKEN/DIVIDED MIND seeking to demand that the world treat it like it is perfection and true or else it will destroy your world. 


It doesn't matter if you do bow down to the elite dictators or not, because they intend to gut your life and turn you into their personal toys to play war games with so that they can always feel like they are better than the Human Race, itself. They are trying to go beyond being human. That means total destruction.

Remember the old 1970's incident of Rev. Jim Jones where his devoted followers thought they were going to live in paradise and ended up drinking poison-laced koolaid?  EGO always promises something wonderful. But, it always delivers TERROR! 

Now, people are obsessing over their mobile phones (paying ridiculous prices for a phone). But, what it really is, is a cloaked chain that is tracking your every move. While the public is so excited over technology as being toys and fun, it is a Trojan Horse carrying out its secret agenda of furthering the Trans-humanist agenda   


But if you don't "FULLY PERCEIVE" ALL of your Emotional Responses to ALL challenges in your DAILY LIFE, then you can't possibly "FULLY PERCEIVE" the challenges of living and will be victimized by them. All challenges are linked to YOUR EMOTIONAL-RESPONSES. But if you resist being in "FULL CONTACT" with whatever you think or feel, then that is the beginning of being a victim.

This is why I warn people to LISTEN CLOSELY & CAREFULLY to what these so-called "truth journalists" say. They present you with technical information that may be accurate. But, the trick is that most people think that just because a person is very technically knowledgeable that they are equally spiritually aware, too. Not so, in most cases. They are just as afraid as everyone else. So they tell people to do what they have been programmed to do in the face of danger, which is to OPPOSE the danger with your EMOTIONAL INTENT. That only increases, intensifies the danger until disaster erupts. It may sound nice to hear, but it's a trick of their EGO. These "truth journalists" are not in touch with BOTH sides of their Emotional Mind. They have chosen the "Positive" to emotionally identify with. They verbally attack the "Negative" side. They suppressed their personal "Illuminati-type side of their mind" into their subconscious. So when they preach against the Illuminati, consciously, their subconscious is in secret alignment with them, psychologically. That is what happens when you DIVIDE your Emotional Being. 

But when you are in touch with BOTH sides then there is NO CONFLICT (NO DIVISION), and hence, your mind can't be hacked! And, a Holistically Self-Examining Mind is not giving any of its essence/energy to the psychological INTENTION of the Trans-humanist challenge. This holds true for ALL EGOTISTICAL-CHALLENGES.    


I neither seek to dominate another nor do I permit anyone to emotionally dominate my mind. A mind is a perceiving thing. It is either perceiving reality or it is imagining whatever it wants to be true. It is out of balance and irrational when it is psychologically imagining reality. Imagination is meant for physical security, alone, not for emotional security. These "truth journalists" are pacifying the public (and themselves) with pleasurable fantasies that they hope will come true. A self-deceived mind must seek to deceive others, either knowingly or unknowingly, in order to give itself a sense of being sane. 

Sanity is not dependent upon caring about what others think about you. Sanity is only concerned with being in touch with WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING (no matter how ugly it may be). LOOK INTO THE MONSTERS EYES WITHOUT FLINCHING ONE BIT. 


But, I cannot run after Neutrality. To seek, is bias because, you want whatever you desire. Desire is contradictory. When one desires anything consciously, your subconscious desires its opposite. That is why thought cannot save itself through its imagination based on its personal desires. When you see the inherent limitations of thought, you stop seeking and just LOOK at WHAT IS taking place in your mind, with the understanding that it is the ENERGY CONTAINED IN THE ACTION OF OBSERVATION that is acting, not your will. Will is OPPOSITION/CONFLICT/BIAS/IMBALANCE.

So it really does NOT matter what the COLLECTIVE EGO is doing. What matters is what your EGO is doing and are you PAYING FULL ATTENTION TO IT. ALL EGOS ARE INTERCONNECTED, subconsciously, anyways. That is why the system doesn't want anybody to FULLY OBSERVE THEIR MIND. It would dissolve their EGO. Then the PUPPET-MASTERS wont be able to RULE your FREE MIND. A MIND IS ONLY FREE WHEN IT UNDERSTANDS THE DETRIMENT OF PROTECTING, DEFENDING AND PROMOTING THEIR OWN EGO. But, most people are still ASLEEP. THEY ARE ASLEEP WITH REGARD TO THEIR EGO. THEY THINK ITS AN ASSET, but it is their GRAVEST LIABILITY. 



The "truth journalists" are helping the Elite RULERS to destroy the world. Because, they are Ego-driven just like their enemy. Again, it's 2 sides of the same EGOTISTICAL-COIN. Both sides puts on a show and then turn to the audience (that's YOU) and says, "CHOOSE ME" to emotionally identify with. Do you want to get caught up in that trap of THE OPPOSITES

EGO is MATTER because it is POLARIZED OPPOSITE emotional energy. You have negative and positive thoughts and feelings. Anything with opposites is matter. Matter is measurable and is therefore limited (having a beginning and an ending). Trans-humanists want to get rid of the Human Biological Container and put its psychological war into computer machines in order to preserve conflict between the opposites. They are trying to manipulate matter to be in a perpetual state of disintegration, which is conflict. Believing in utopia (a future that will be happy and peaceful) is in opposition to "WHAT IS ACTUALLY TAKING PLACE". 

And so, the positive-believers are in a perpetual state of disintegration, too. Both types of conflict reject Holistic Self-Awareness that naturally neutralizes negative and positive images that are perpetually in conflict with their opposite. Neither side are offering freedom from conflict. A conditioned mind is locked into the concept that there must always be a fight between BLACK (negative) & WHITE (positive). That is the total disintegration or annihilation of matter (which is 2 opposite halves of energy).

So metaphorically, the Trans-humanists are the Decepticons and the "truth-journalists" are the Autobots who both rationalize their positions and want the viewers to CHOOSE. Then when you do CHOOSE, your mind is DIVIDED and is now trapped in conflict within itself. Now you can be controlled by the Elite-Bots. Do you see the psychological scam now? If you do, then you are out of it. For, seeing the false as being false is The Truth. But, the "truth-journalists" are chasing after 'truth' (which is their imagination). 

The main challenge is NOT physical at all. It is your PERCEPTION of the threat. If your PERCEPTION is grounded in its imagination of what it desires, then that fragmented foundation means that your HOUSE, which is your PHYSICAL SECURITY, must collapse. That is why WWIII is happening as a PSY-OPS (a military covert operation using microwave signals to evoke negative thoughts and feelings, HAARP can project negative radio signals into your mind to do the same thing, Chem-trails contain nano-bots that have transmitting and receiving antenna so that it is programmed to trigger negative thoughts and feelings, etc.).  

If you try to fight your negative thoughts and feelings, it only strengthens the invaders and their negative programs. If you give in and accept the negative thoughts and feelings act on them, then you are a remote-controlled drone for the Elite-Bots. However, if you understand that all life is Energy, including yourself, then you can relax and HOLISTICALLY OBSERVE any thought or feeling, regardless if it is "positive" or "negative".

PURE OBSERVATION IS NEUTRAL ENERGY (just like in the core of the atom is the Neutron having NO negative or positive charge). Mentally, our NEUTRON is OBSERVATION or AWARENESS WITHOUT CHOICE! 

"AS ABOVE SO IS BELOW." That means that if you CHOOSE to emotionally identify with your Positive feelings & thoughts over your Negative, or vice versa; that is "THE ABOVE", which also dictates that you must CHOOSE to be emotionally identified with either the Villain (Negative) or the so-called Hero (Positive), which is "THE BELOW". What the mind does inwardly it must do outwardly, as well. This is why, "You are the world and the world is you." What you do inwardly you do to the world. If you are in conflict inwardly, then you are also in conflict with the world (the people and things and ideas in your life). But, if you can PERCEIVE all of this CLEARLY, then inwardly you are FREE (of conflict/choice/bias), and so outwardly you are in FULL CONTACT WITH THE outer world, which is NEUTRAL ENERGY that brings HARMONY TO THE OPPOSITE HALVES. 

So if your mind is being artificially zapped by negative thoughts and feelings, then you can simply OBSERVE with the understanding, not mere knowledge, but with the realization that "I AM THINKING ENERGY THAT THINKS EQUALLY IN OPPOSITES and there is nothing to choose for I am both sides." Then one is in HOLISTIC OBSERVATION of the artificially induced negative thoughts. They are my thoughts and feelings. The covert psy-op is trying to get your mind to attack itself, just like medication gets the biological body to attack itself with side-effects. Why? So that you can be taken over and controlled by external agents (that would be the Ruling Class). Hence, there is no need to be alarmed at negative feelings and thought if you HOLISTICALLY ATTEND TO THEM ("THEM" being "YOUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES).

Therefore, UNBIASED SELF-AWARENESS of any thought or feeling is dealt with Holistically, Intelligently and without Emotional-Fear to Fight Back. No need to fight at all. Fighting is like a bug struggling in a spider's web until it is wrapped up tightly in the web so that the spider can drain the bug's energy. 

Be ware of "truth-journalists" who put on impressive shows about the latest technical information they have found out about the Elite-Overlords. They are only using their technical facts in order to convince themselves and you that you should OPPOSE the threat with "Positive INTENT". That wont work. To buy into that is to sign up for a lifetime of misery.

TROUBLE IS YOUR EGO HATES 'THE TRUTH" (which is why as a child you were punished for asking too many questions, either at home or at school, right?)




Thank you. 

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.