Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Devils Triangle of the Collective Human Psyche

2nd Most Influential Black Man  

In The World Speaks Out: Full Interview

The minister is very clever and cunning with words. When he speaks with Alex Jones he is only pretending to be civil and acting like he wants dialogue. And Alex J. is doing the same. For as long as people are biased by obeying their ideologies or dogmas, there shall never be genuine cooperation or peace. The ministers agenda is to dominate the whites. Alex Jones is pretending to agree with the Farrakhan but subconsciously he wants the middle class (like himself) to dominate by getting rid of the elite. Alex is treating Farrakhan as an ally because the enemy of my enemy is temporarily my friend.

They want order by means of conflict (bloodshed) regardless of having dialogues. These people have an ego. Farrakhan thinks that blacks are superior. I have listened to many of his speeches last night on YouTube (starting with his speeches decades ago). He claims not to preach hatred but when you tell the masses of blacks that whites are their enemy and that one day soon they will be wiped out for their evil deeds, you are planting seeds of animosity. Farrakhan says that his group has not done any direct physical violence to any whites. But, he has traveled to foreign black or Muslim countries to support their militant agenda against the whites.

Yes, the whites have done horrible things to blacks and other ethnic groups. However, 2 wrongs don't make a right. These opposing factions claim to be different but they are standing on the same ground of bias (which is that they all think that they are superior and have the right to rule over the world according to their doctrines). They all think that conflict will resolve or end their suffering. But, all sides are wrong about that. Conflict can only beget conflict. Conflict wants to continue conflict. All sides are struggling to become the new oppressor to make people bow down to their ideology. That is the game they are all playing. It's an EGO game. All that come of it is more destruction to our Mother Earth.

Jiddu Krishnamurti : Why Can't We Live In Peace? 


If we are to adequately resolve the Human Crisis, we have to understand that the essence of the challenge is non-physical. Yes, we do need to protect our health. But, after we give our bodies what they need, then we have to IMPARTIALLY-PERCEIVE our Ego so that we can die to being separate forms of energy by emotionally identifying with nationalism, racism, dogmatic indoctrination, etc. It is paramount that we awaken to the fact that we are Humanity with varying superficial appearances. But at the core, we are Human Consciousness (which for the most part is DIVIDED/BIASED). 


 Krishnamurti - Is Belief (a.k.a. Bias) Necessary?

GENUINE-LOVE cannot exist so long as people SERVE Conflict/bias/ideology. What is going on in the world is a meltdown among all of the Egos which is a conditioned state of mind that is enslaved by the doctrines that people choose to obey. All doctrines are false because they enslave the mind to feel great EMOTIONAL-PRESSURE to choose one of them to follow. Then one is willing to kill for it because the ideology or dogma gives an emotional sensation to the follower as being GREAT or SUPERIOR. Because when people feel weak or inferior, they want to feel the opposite of that. But the opposite has its roots in its own opposite (just like the black-negative film that projects its opposite white-photograph - they are one in the same - like tails/black & heads/white of the same Coin of Violence/Conflict).

Secretly both Alex Jones & Louise Farrakhan are foes pretending to get along. Subconsciously, they both are seeking to exploit each other in order to fulfill their own Egotistical Agendas to become the ruling master as their end-game by joining forces to overthrow the Elite group that is hiding in the shadows. Once that Big-Foe is wiped out, then the partnership will end, and then Alex J. & Louis F. will be at odds once the bigger foe is gone.

In WWII Adolph H. was the BIG FOE, so Russia & America teamed up to deal with that FOE. Once they wiped out that FOE, then Russia & America was at odds which was called, "THE COLD WAR" carried on between the 2 spy networks. That is what is taking place between Alex J. & Louis F. They want to team up to deal with what Alex calls "THE GLOBALISTS". If they can defeat them, then there will be a battle between blacks & whites to seek the ultimate power to OPPRESS each other. Blacks want their turn to do what the whites did to them. They want them to be suffering for a very long time. Even though the minister pretends that he would give all races (including the whites) equal economic opportunities.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

When I listen to any ideological group, I can clearly see and detect contradiction because Ego is always BIASED, which creates DIVISION which creates WAR (WAR can either be OVERT or COVERT). Louis F. has been fighting a COVERT WAR and claims that he is peaceful. He outsources OVERT conflict by visiting foreign countries that are militant to take care of his enemies. That way he can claim that he has no blood on his hands. That's like saying the person who makes the phone call to hire an assassin has no blood on his hands because he didn't physically do the deed of killing. Yet the victim would not have been murdered without that phone call to hire the assassin. Similarly, Louis F. lets the militant foreign groups do the deed so that he can publicly claim that nobody directly from his group has harmed any whites. That is a sly way of concealing hatred.

 Krishnamurti - 2nd Public Talk in Rishi Valley


Alex J. also represents conflict/violence while he declares that he only wants well-being for all races and religions. Most religions breed division and where there is division, there is conflict, which ultimately brings about bloodshed. The real problem is each person is controlled by their EGO, which is based upon Emotional-Bias. And it is that Emotional-Bias that fuels the daily struggle to DOMINATE/OPPRESS.  

EGO IS IN VIOLATION OF THE "NATURAL ATOMIC LAW" OF ENERGY. Blacks and Whites claim to be different but fundamentally they are ATOMIC ENERGETIC BEINGS. The ATOM has 3 basic components. Why this is important is because ALL FORMS OF ENERGY ARE MADE OUT OF ATOMS. So it is important to understand the structure of the ATOM. There are 2 OPPOSITE ENERGIES:


But there is a 3rd ATOMIC ENERGY CALLED THE:


NEUTRON ENERGY contains NO POSITIVE or NEGATIVE ENERGY. It is the form of energy that stabilizes the OPPOSITE ENERGIES so that they can co-exist in harmony. 

Jiddu Krishnamurti - The Wholeness of Life


What is MISSING in Humanity is NEUTRAL ENERGY because Humanity, for the most part, is programmed or conditioned to CHOOSE A BELIEF or IDEOLOGY or DOGMA. When the mind CHOOSES, it will either CHOOSE POSITIVE or NEGATIVE IDEALS to obey. That causes a division between the OPPOSITE forms of energy (whites & blacks). There is NO NEUTRAL ENERGY Present.


This reminds me of the story of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, which represents the OPPOSITE personalities. Dr. Jekyll represents POSITIVE ENERGY. Mr. Hyde represents NEGATIVE ENERGY. Now because there was NO NEUTRAL AWARENESS that both sides are a part of the same WHOLE, each thought that by overthrowing their OPPOSITE that there would be peace of mind. Both sides fought to the death, and they both DIED!

Similarly, an ATOM containing the 2 HALVES of POSITIVE & NEGATIVE ENERGY are interdependent on one another. If one side gets wiped out, then the other side CANNOT exist!

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN with regard to WHITES & BLACKS? Well it is obvious, both sides are standing on the same GROUND-OF-BIAS: meaning, both sides LACK NEUTRAL ENERGY.



When you CHOOSE to EMOTIONALLY IDENTIFY WITH A CERTAIN FEELING or EMOTION (which ALL beliefs, ideologies or dogmas 100% EMOTIONAL), then that causes a SPLIT in the HUMAN PSYCHE. If you consciously say that you are pro Black, then subconsciously your mind is pro White. And visa versa.

The only way that the CONSCIOUS-SUBCONSCIOUS can CO-OPERATE, is that the mind has to REALIZE that ANY EMOTIONAL-CHOOSING is FALSE because it must bring about DESTRUCTION. Whites & Blacks both believe that if they can subjugate each other or destroy each other that one side will prevail. NOT TRUE!

They are made of ATOMS. And just like the ATOM with its OPPOSITE-HALVES (Electron-Negative & Proton-Positive), if 1 Side ends, so does the other side.

What this ultimately means is that Humanity will only survive if it has a paradigm shift to UNDERSTAND that Emotional-Choosing of ANY IDEAL is detrimental to our entire species. Such a REALIZATION IS NEUTRAL ENERGY, which is the Energy of GENUINE-LOVE, PEACE, ORDER!

J. Krishnamurti - New York 1985 - United Nations Talk 

- Why can't man live peacefully on the earth? 


THE ATOMIC LAW is being violated by ALL EGOS, which invented Emotional Divisions called. "Race" which gave rise to "Race Wars", that are never-ending. Because the emotional identification with a "race" breeds conflict, forever. 

But, the reason why this shall NOT last forever is because the Earth is dying from all of these wars. When the Earth can no longer support life, then Humanity will be unable to survive. That is why it is of the utmost importance to WAKE-UP and SEE or DETECT the reality of THE ATOMIC LAW!


Every person's EGO strongly resists and hides from "THE TRUTH" which is that OPPOSITES are dependent and rooted in each other, just like the proton & electron is. But without the NEUTRON, these opposites must SEEK TO ANNIHILATE each other. That is what is really going on in the Human mental world.

EGO is the byproduct of CHOOSING to become the opposite of any feeling or thought that it "DISLIKES". So one CHOOSES an IDEOLOGY, DOGMA or DOCTRINE that supports ones escape from ones thoughts and feelings that one "DISLIKES". This creates BIAS in ones Emotional-Being. Hence, emotional-BIAS is then established, which is your EGO/THE DEVIL!


So what the total picture of what is going on in the Human consciousness is a 3-sided challenge. You have the so-called "Elites", and then the 2 Opposites (Blacks & Whites). "Elites" are the groups that have most of the Earth's resources of the entire world. They are against and profit off of both OPPOSITES. "Elites" fund both sides to fight each other, then they profit off of the bloodshed from both sides.

I call this equation, "THE DEVIL'S TRIANGLE" because all 3 sides are rooted in EGO (that emotionally identifies with their "DOCTRINE"). ALL 3 sides are standing on the same "Ground of Bias". Where there is "BIAS" there is NO NEUTRALITY. So all 3 sides desire to continue CONFLICT (while talking about getting along). ALL 3 sides are destroying our Earth with warfare.

Our entire species is facing its total extinction. The ultimatum is that Human Consciousness must HOLISTICALLY AWAKEN to the "Major Error" of identifying with any "Doctrine", or they continue to hold on to their programmed thinking which kills our Earth, which brings about Human extinction, period.

Ninety percent of the marine life has been destroyed. That means only 10 percent remains. If a world war breaks out, then the last 10 percent of marine life will be destroyed from the contamination of weapons of mass destruction. When marine life ends, the Eco-system ends, Earth ends, then Humanity ENDS!

This is our last chance to HOLISTICALLY AWAKEN. None of your words can stop this from unfolding. You may want to verbally condemn "THE MESSENGER", but you still have to deal with this ultimatum that Humanity faces everyday. You will either start checking out your way of thinking or you will continue to defend it no matter what. It's up to each person. And your fate will be determined according to what you DO, not what you "say".

I have no ideology, doctrine or belief because I can SEE the fact that Emotional-Bias, is the ultimate danger to our whole species. I remain "GROUNDED IN NEUTRALITY" which is WHOLE. There is an ETERNAL LAW which says, "DIVIDE & CONQUER". That means that if your mind is DIVIDED (BIASED), THEN IT CAN BE CONQUERED. Conversely, if your mind is UNDIVIDED/NEUTRAL, then it CANNOT BE CONQUERED.

So if Mankind is to survive, it must go through a RADICAL PARADIGM SHIFT, which means that it must DIE to having any EMOTIONAL-IDENTITY (EGO). DIE in the sense, of AWAKENING to the "Error" of seeking salvation through Emotional-Bias which is conflict. Conflict can only end when there is Neutral or Holistic Self-Awareness that ALL Emotional Choosing is FALSE & DETRIMENTAL to Harmonious Living.

EGO made this mess and it can't fix it. Ego has to dissolve through Holistic (Unbiased) Realization that by being emotionally attached to an emotional-image (i.e., ideology, race, nation/tribe, doctrine) it causes PSYCHOLOGICAL-DIVISION which leads to PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION! EGO of all people is the energy that is fueling this nightmare. Ego is trying to reorganize its network of lies, but time is up for that non-sense. Humanity has been existing off of a false sense of security for thousands of years. Now it is time to be mature and face REALITY or else watch everything go to hell. It's up to each of us what we will actually do. Nothing can save us from ourselves, for:

"ONLY THE TRUTH (which is unbiased & neutral) CAN SET HUMANITY FREE" (from unfairness, tyranny and misery). But, we can't bring ourselves to face the TRUTH; that is, it is my emotional identification with my race, belief, nation, ideals or doctrines that I protect that is responsible for killing my species, as a whole

We want there to be some other kind of solution, but there just isn't anything left but facing THE TRUTH and seeing that your Ego is your worst enemy that keeps you hanging on to your leaders, beliefs and ideals. It is amazing to me that no matter how terrible things get, we remain loyal to our egotistical illusions. So if Mankind fails to survive, it will be simply because we chose to destroy ourselves rather than to be honest with ourselves and face the TRUTH. 

After all, if we as a species made this mess due to our beliefs, ideals and various our psychological divisions, then the only resolution is to SEE THAT WE'VE MADE THE GRAVEST ERROR building our house on BIAS, DIVISION. For, no building can stand so long as its foundation is CRACKED (DIVIDED/BIASED). It is our own Emotional-Being of identifications that maintains and perpetuates this horror. 

That is all.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

What Is The Collective Subconscious Working Toward

As it was in the Days of Noah -The Real Reason for the Flood

 -Transhumanism and Genetic Manipulation


Joe Rogan Show Features:
JFK Speech About Secret Societies
Eisenhower Speech About Industrial Complex
Dangerous Eradication of Human Rights Freedom 

The Scary TRUTH About Transhumanism  


At 14:42 timeline point of this video, there is an admission that the cell phone engineers do not fully understand what they are doing. I think they do understand what they are doing, which is damaging people health so that they will seek technological cures that will lead into trans-human solutions. But if they are ignorant about the consequences of cell phone tech, then wouldn't they be equally ignorant about the genetic engineering and cybernetics, as well? They will roll out these experiments and then claim they didn't know the damage it would cause to the world. That's what intellectuals consistently do. They act like they geniuses. But then when their results prove to be disastrous, they claim to be ignorant. So which is it? Are they intelligent or are they ignorant? They are knowledgeable, but also ignorant about their limitations. They are psychologically retarded (literally stunted and have no clue about holistic self-observation before embarking on advanced sciences and technologies, which is a recipe for cataclysmic disaster).




J. Krishnamurti: Learning That Transforms Consciousness



In order to comprehend the meaning of what is being conveyed, it is vital that one be carefully accurate about the context that words are being used. Below are a list of the most commonly used terms relating to the nature and structure of the human ego (a.k.a., the emotional attitude, the emotional desire, the emotional imagination, the psychological, the emotional-self, etc.). Here is a list of synonymous terms that can be used interchangeably. Hopefully, this may help the reader to understand the meaning of my writings and also Jiddu Krishnamurti as well.

Ego (can be described as being):

Psychological Disorder
Psychological Fear
Psychological Memory
Psychological Time
Psychological Past Experiences
Psychological Knowledge
Psychological Imagination
Psychological Gratification
Psychological Glorification
Psychological Tradition
Psychological Thought
Psychological Projections
Psychological Illusions
Psychological Theories
Psychological Systems
Psychological Ideals
Psychological Concepts
Psychological Ignorance
Psychological Abstraction
Psychological Division
Psychological Isolation
Psychological Fragmentation
Psychological Disintegration
Psychological Accumulation
Psychological Analysis
Psychological Seeking
Psychological Observer
Psychological Thinker
Psychological Actor
Psychological Experiencer
Psychological Self-Centered
Psychological Fulfillment
Psychological Conditioning
Psychological Programming
Psychological Manipulation
Psychological Violence
Psychological Desire
Psychological Greed
Psychological Opinion
Psychological Conclusion
Psychological Bias
Psychological Liking
Psychological Disliking
Psychological Choice
Psychological Will
Psychological Becoming
Psychological “What Should Be”
Psychological Future
Psychological Positive
Psychological Pleasure
Psychological Suppression
Psychological “What Should Not Be”
Psychological Past
Psychological Negative
Psychological Pain
Psychological Conformity
Psychological Obedience
Psychological Warfare
Psychological Conflict
Psychological Comparison
Psychological Competition
Psychological Contradiction
Psychological Corruption
Psychological Hypocrisy
Psychological Dependency
Psychological Attachment
Psychological Identification
Psychological God
Psychological Devil
Psychological Escapism
Psychological Achieving
Psychological Domination
Psychological Submission
Psychological Sentiment
Psychological Disharmony
Psychological Decay-Dead
Psychological Degeneracy
Psychological Possessiveness
Psychological Thoughts/Feelings

Psychological Neutrality (the Natural-Ending of Ego) synonyms:

Psychological Order
Psychological Meditation (without control)
Psychological Freedom
Psychological Unbiased
Psychological Holistic Attention
Psychological Holistic Awareness
Psychological Choicelessness
Psychological Effortless
Psychological Clarity
Psychological Balance
Psychological Virtue
Psychological Innocence
Psychological Nothingness
Psychological Emptiness
Psychological Wholeness
Psychological Holiness
Psychological Bliss
Psychological Immortality
Psychological Timelessness
Psychological Negation
Psychological Holistic Observation
Psychological Holistic Listening
Psychological Holistic Examination
Psychological Holistic Learning
Psychological Holistic Discipline (without conformity)
Psychological Holistic Insight
Psychological Holistic Awakening
Psychological Holistic Understanding
Psychological Holistic Communion
Psychological Holistic Death (of egotistical conditioning)
Psychological Holistic Non-Conformity (to tradition)
Psychological Holistic Critical Perception

The Scary TRUTH About Transhumanism  


I am not convinced that this type of science really does exist. It is quite possible to fake anything that the public has restricted access to all of the data involved. May I remind the viewer to always be skeptical and do your own research on anything that is presented to you to make sure that it is real. Even if these things are fake, the point is that the public is being enticed into being emotionally addicted to technology and to physiological invasions that might not just be designed for service but to also en-cage us. Commercials play to our cravings and also feelings of insecurity or inadequacy, which could cause one to leap before carefully looking, first. 


J. Krishnamurti: What Is The Nature Of Our Consciousness

What Is The Psychological?

The psychological area is rooted in the heart (chakra). Chakras are the ethereal energy fields that energizes key areas of our physical and emotional areas of our being. There are seven key or major chakras like a vertical tower starting from the tailbone going straight upward to the crown over the top of the head. The ego is the distortion of the third chakra (known as the “solar plexus” or the “will”).

The natural or intrinsic purpose of the “will” is for physical survival. When faced with a physical challenge, the will is useful to grope after a material solution in order to change the situation so that one can physically live. The “will” is there to resolve mechanical problems of living. The “will” chooses between matter that will assist our physical survival. “Will” determines what it will allow into its being and what it wont allow. “Will” has relevance only with regard to physical survival. “Will is a 'left-brain' operation. This is the area of Technical/Mechanical Knowledge that is always being added to (which makes it incomplete, limited).

The heart (chakra) is a vortex of energy containing all of our emotional responses to the various challenges that we face in our daily lives. We are emotionally responding to everything happening in our lives. This is the foundation of our entire being. The heart was the very first organ to be developed in the fetus. So that means that emotion is the origin of our being. It is how one feels about oneself and about the world around itself. But, how one feels about oneself is the primary determining factor of how one feels about the world in which one is interacting. Therefore, the heart's energy is not just to pump blood, but both the blood and heart is the seat of what and who we are as a sentient being. “Heart” is a 'right-brain' operation. This is the area of Psychological Knowledge that is always being added to (which makes it conditioned, programmed, limited).

The heart or psychological being, wherein lies all of our emotional responses, has been hijacked by the solar plexus or the (egotistical) “will”. When “will” (choice) bleeds over into the domain of the “emotional”, then the trouble, disharmony or disintegration begins. Because, the emotional being has two halves to its totality. The emotional being, heart-energy field, can only be harmonious within itself by being in FULL CONTACT within itself. In other words, the only reason why the emotional responses exist at all is for the purpose of thorough Observation, which IS SELF-LEARNING (a.k.a., Holistic-Intelligence).

However, from the time that we are born, and maybe even before that, our emotional being (the heart chakra) is being bombarded by misguidance, which in turn brings about psychological confusion, despair and frustration. This all adds up to having a planet full of psychologically fearful beings that are unknowingly destroying themselves (while blaming it on others). There is an ever mounting pressure building up in the emotional area of our being. Why? Because, we have not been educated properly with regard to having an adequate approach to our emotional being. This has been deliberately done in order to allow certain energy forms to dominate/control other energy forms. What that means is that thought is battling against thought in order for one thought to claim superiority. Ultimately this question for dominance is really the continuity of destruction, conflict and eventual annihilation, period.

Our emotional being has been instructed to accept without question that it is “normal” to exist in a perpetual state of conflict. The great illusion that motivates the masses to accept conflict is the promise of a reward (that it will like to have). So the emotional being follows the programming of tradition existing in misery and fear as serving “the greater good or cause” that will reward you in the end or after your death.

The emotional being does not require any proof of the reward for it is strictly emotionally driven by a concept called, “hope” or “faith”, which is a product of imagination. The goal in psychological control is to influence the emotional being to accept imagination as being a factual thing. So that an imagined promise of a reward is viewed as being the same thing as actually getting that reward. Hence, the psychological manipulator never has to deliver on its promise. And yet, the emotional blind follower will obey the “will” of the one who promises the emotional reward that it desires.

✔ Transhumanism : We Are Merging With The Internet 

(Mirrored from Truthstream Media)

The emotional justification for war is that “freedom”, “peace” and “justice” will come out of this brutality and cruelty. In a nutshell, the deception says that, “malevolence (hatred) can bring about benevolence (Love).” But, when you look carefully and closely at the facts, after a war ends, it is like a game show where the winners get the reward of making up the rules in their favor and against the losers. This brings about a group of people who are privileged and a group that is disadvantaged. The disadvantaged group will secretly rally to revolt against their oppressive conditions. Thereby, causing another war to break out, repeatedly. So war never leads to freedom. Instead, war leads to the never-ending enslavement to warfare.

So the fundamental question of life is, “Can there be freedom from conflict, altogether?”

In order to be able to answer that question, one must first completely understand the problem, which is psychological. The intellectual gathers information in order to bring about a desired outcome. The desired outcome of conflict is to control the mind or the emotional being.

So what is control? How does it arise?

Psychological-Control” is contradictory in its very nature. The misunderstanding came about because “control” can occur on a physical level. That is how industry, technology and healthcare operates. There is an accumulation of knowledge which is memory that we use to fix various problems.

However, the reason why “Psychological-Control” is contradictory is in this area, the problem is thought, itself. Anything that emotional-thought does to try to go beyond itself winds up being the same thought. Hence, the “psychological-controller” is the “controlled”. So it tries to change itself or control itself by imagining the opposite of how it is thinking or feeling. So the emotional image is focused on as being reality while it chooses to think that its original state of mind is gone. Emotionally, the mind accepts a falsehood as being reality. While at the same time, it is rejecting the actual state of mind that it doesn't want. But, the desire to escape from any state of mind will always build an opposite state of mind and then convinces itself that it has changed or escaped.

Weird Things Of The Antarctica - Must Watch Video

 FLAT EARTH. The real name of the world:


*Note: At first glance at the title, I thought this was a joke. But, I watched it purely out of curiosity, at first. Yet, I kept a skeptical open mind to just listen and watch if there was anything solid to support this claim. And to my astonishment, things did begin to add up factually. My mind was blown for sure. So I have included a few more videos about it in this blog. I'm not saying that all of the videos on YouTube regarding this topic is true. But, I judge them on a case-by-case basis and ask myself does this make sense? You have to get over your pride of facing the possibility that what we were taught was not true. And, how could I have missed the obvious for so long? Yet, it is real that the Earth is not only a plane (with hills, mountains and valleys), but it is also stationary just like being in a planetarium looking up at the ceiling with the rotating stars. But the thing that really got me was the time-lapsed cam proving the Earth was not curved based on the shadows. Watch the video and it will show you that.

Flat Earth, Fake Aliens, and Real Giants


Interesting video disproving the mental indoctrination about our physical reality around us. At the end of this documentary the narrator makes the common mistake that all of the commentators make which is to seek technical accurate information that will set Humanity free from being "perception managed". But, it really doesn't matter how much proof or logic you present to the world, it will always be dismissed by PSYCHOLOGICAL FEAR. Because, it is AWARENESS ABOUT HOW WE DECEIVE OURSELVES WITH AN EGO (A SELF IMAGE THAT IS APPEARING LIKE IT GIVES US PERSONAL SELF-WORTH). Until this psychological detection awakens, no amount of data, evidence will change Humanity from going along with public-relations lies. That is because most people are willingly and unknowingly enslaved to their psychological lies about "believing" things about their emotional responses. Until that inward self-induced tyranny is exposed (to its private self) for exactly what it is doing with its own approval, then ones mind shall comply and be controlled by the external lies. First be free from the self-induced lies about your emotional responses. Then, you can easily accept external facts, without being destroyed.

And, the external handlers must self-destruct if they attempt to blow you away. Because they can only blow away a mentality that is emotionally self-centered (self-deceived). Without that inward division, the outside agents of controllers are powerless.However, it is the MOST DIFFICULT thing to do, and that is to view your emotional responses WITHOUT BIAS (WITHOUT ANY SELF-IMPOSED IMAGE). If you really see the value in being truly free, then do experiments by observing your mind while studying and investigating J. Krishnamurti and my blog posts as only being a mirror of your psychological self-reflection, not as your authority.

For, you have no authority, not even your own personal desires. You are daring to see how your mind emotionally tricks itself through personal bias (by having an emotional belief or image or concept). And it is your ACTUAL-PERCEPTION, or DETECTION, alone, that opens your entire mind up to THE INWARD-TRUTH (not to mere external data). It is only this type of non-accumulative learning that is the only salvation -- none other. 

Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth 

So dare to experiment on your own emotional-being to be able to see and learn how your mind deceives itself. Once it does that, then FEAR will end, naturally. Or else, keep doing the same dumb thing that has failed for centuries, which is to go around trying to wake up the masses with merely technical data. For, that approach can never succeed! After all the actual meaning of insanity is to take the same approach and expect a different outcome.

All of the past intellectual geniuses like N. Tesla, Dr. Royal Rife, etc. failed  to break free, and so will anybody else using physical evidence, alone. That all failed due to the fact that they didn't understand that their mental-foundation IS their Emotional-Being that has a self-image (Ego) that lies to itself through its own self-projected emotional ideals about itself. Until that psychological foundation of clarity is ACTUALLY realized, then the masses shall continue to allow themselves to be  outsmarted by the handful of super-egos. http://bit.ly/where-are-we-headed

But what is the deception made out of? Is it not psychological imagination? Is not imagination the storehouse of emotional past experiences? Is this not thought? Can thought imagine something that is not thought? No it cannot! So whatever thought becomes, it is still rooted in its original state of mind. If thought were a cartoon, it would be “the guard” and the “prisoner” (while pretending that the two are unrelated). So “the guard” is the “controller”. And, the “prisoner” is the “controlled”. They are both seeking to overthrow the other because they imagine that they are fundamentally different. But, both the “guard” and the “prisoner” are thought. They are both emotionally inseparable. They are the same essence.

 Ethics of Transhumanism - Tom Horn



Could this be a CGI Hoax or is this really possible? I wonder. It seems like this is about experimentation of Humanity in order to reduce us into things to be controlled and switched off whenever it does not do whatever is expected of the new twisted form.

For thousands of years, the human psychological being has been influenced to believe that its mind is separate from everybody else's mind. But if you examine the psychological programming, you will see that it operates the same in all people. We've been programmed to be focus on superficial differences. For instance, if you look at trees and only concentrate on the shape of the tree trunk and the shape and colors of its leaves, then you call a tree by various labels (i.e., an oak tree, palm tree, evergreen tree, etc.). However, all trees have one thing that in common that makes them the same – they all have roots that feeds the tree that is above the ground.

Similarly, the psychological mind is like a tree, too. That tree can have different types of personalities. Yet, all personalities have a subconscious emotional state of being. If the mind is seeking to “control” itself, then its subconscious will be in opposition to its conscious-personality (which is just a masked dummy having no essence at all – yet we talk to these masks with great respect). It is the subconscious state of mind that dictates the destiny of the emotional being, not the conscious false entity. This is what makes the mind contradictory. The moment the mind tries to “control” itself, then the conscious and subconscious divides itself against itself. This is what is happening in most humans. The only thing that would end this emotional division is to be fully aware of it (in real time).

However, most people are emotionally operating out of the past, out of emotional memory. When you believe, you are operating out of the past, but it is presented as being the “future”. It is said that, “If you believe that you are the opposite of how you think or feel, then you shall become whatever you believe to be true.” You desire to change a state of mind because you don't like yourself thinking or feeling like that. So desire (which is thought) takes its emotional past experiences and memories and concentrates on past pleasant thoughts or feelings and then projects from its past into the present and then thinks this will also be in its future. The future is, then, the modified thoughts and feelings of its past. This implies that the past/memory is giving continuity to itself by reshaping itself based on its personal desire of how it “should think or feel”. This is a delusion that has convinced itself that it has gone beyond itself. But, in fact, it is still the past. It is pretending that it has become the “future” that is new (i.e., the so-called New World Order is rooted in the past conflict and oppression continued in a new technological packaging). You are taking old content and housing it in a modified shell and calling it “new”. It's a trick.

When I go on YouTube.com to check out the things that are going on in the world that is not being reported in mainstream news, I have come across many researchers who tell us about the latest developments in science and technology. Then, they give us their psychological formula to deal with these changes that will impact life on Earth. The danger of buying into these belief systems, formulas or concepts is losing our intelligence to HOLISTICALLY-OBSERVE these phenomena. If we take on their psychological thinking, then we get entangled in continuous fear and conflict.


What is more important: “the thing that you are looking at”, or “the what is looking”?

When you take into consideration all of the various challenges that are brewing throughout the world, they are the totality of conflict in the human emotional being. It is the emotional being that has caused all of these things to occur. It is the seed that has produced this tree (of technology, science and war). The failure to look at our entire emotional being is the root cause for all of these unnatural challenges. The videos that reveal many of these strange anomalies have been placed in this blog, if you care to find out what has been going on in the world that is impacting your life, regardless if you are aware of it or not.

So the mind is being attacked on many levels by all of “the things that you are looking at”. Now if your mind is not fully aware of itself and is, therefore, broken up then “the things that you are looking at” will be overwhelming and frightful. When the mind is frightened, it can be convinced to do just about anything, including bringing harm to itself. We are being biologically challenged because the scientists have been tampering with DNA engineering. When genes pools are mixed up and then placed in nature, then nature also gets altered by these experimental creatures. Then, we consume nature and then our biology gets changed.

The thing is this...

What is life? Basically, life is atomic energy that is rooted in a NEUTRAL energy void. Life is matter that is rooted in a NEUTRAL energy void. Life is The Atom. ALL things are atomic. Anything that you see, hear, taste or feel is made of atoms. All of the matter or material that is used by the scientists or technologists is made of atoms. We are made out of atoms (that includes our thoughts and feelings).

Why is Nobody Talking about This... (2017-2018 EVENTS) 

 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball Videobook

So it would be wise to understand the components of The Atom, right?

The Atom is fundamentally Time & Timeless

The “Time” element is opposites with equal measure. So when a human body is made, it contains 50 percent DNA genes from the mother (electron/negative energy) and 50 percent DNA genes from the father (proton/positive energy). DNA is the biological memory that blends with the two halves (which would be the parents). Time is memory so DNA is time. Time is matter that is opposites that are interdependent on the other for its existence. Time is measurement which has a beginning and an ending point. Memory is time that stores the past. The past is time. This is the finite part of The Atom.

The “Timeless” is WHOLE unto itself. It has no parts. It, therefore, cannot be measured. The “Timeless” area of The Atom contains NO proton/positive energy nor electron/negative energy in it. This “Timeless” energy is the NEUTRON. There is no movement, no measurement, no limitation in this “Timeless” energy.

Now since everything is essentially Atomic, then all forms of energy are ONE because they are all based in, rooted in the NEUTRON. The “BIG BANG” was born out of “SILENCE”. A bang is a sound and a sound is a frequency. But, all frequencies came from NO FREQUENCY. So life is The Atom. The Atom is the “Timeless” and “Time”. Or if you say that the number “1” (can be +1 or -1) represents “Time” and Zero (which is not a number at all) represents the “Timeless”, then ZERO-ONE (0, 1) is the Universal Language of energy/life.

Life is Order or Harmony of the Holy Trinity:

    (1) Zero (2) Proton (Positive) (3) Electron (Negative)

The Energy flows in harmony when the Atoms are rooted in a NEUTRAL based energy.

However when Energy flows in DIS-harmony, then the root is either positive or negative. Then the energy causes chaos, pain and destruction.

Here is another important thing to understand...

The emotional being exists in a dimension that is wholly different from the physical dimension. When you observe your mind through a filtering image based on your personal desire, then your mind is biased by that desire (which is a positive or negative desire). Anything that is negative or positive driven is fragmentary, not whole – so it is limited. Hence, such a mind is existing is a limited dimension of fear, pleasure/pain.

The collective emotional being is operating out of a base or foundation of either a positive or a negative disposition, which is conflict. Conflict is ignorance because the emotional being is ignoring either the negative part of its expression or the positive part of its expression. The portion of the mind that is being ignored (or suppressed) goes into the background as a “subconscious” emotional expression. Therefore, there is conflict between the “conscious” and “subconscious” mind. The emotional being has disintegrated itself. So there is total disharmony, disorder expressing itself as being lonely, envious, greedy, fearful, prejudiced, hateful, ruthless, insane. 



  Flat Earth Proof! This is the Reason Why i think the Earth is Flat


Vedic Flat Earth Cosmology


More compelling evidence that  ancient history is being kept from the educational school system in order to imprison our minds in confusion.

So psychologically, one is either disorderly or orderly. And, the dimension of Order is completely outside of the dimension of Disorder. The quality of the foundation of the atomic energy is the psychological dimension. If the foundation is based on choosing between the positive & negative thoughts or feelings to focus on or ignore, then the mind is in a Disorderly Dimension. But if the foundation is based on the understanding that all choice and seeking to change ones state of mind is detrimental because it causes self-destruction, then the mind is in an Orderly Dimension. These two dimensions are completely unrelated.

The fundamental difference between the Orderly and Disorderly Dimensions is The NEUTRON Energy is present in the former and lacking in the latter. All matter (which is time) is born out of the EMPTY VOID (which is TIMELESS). It is the Neutral Energy that is the VERY ESSENCE OF LIFE, as well as the VERY MEANING OF LIFE. NEUTRAL Energy lies within the HOLISTIC OBSERVATION or UNBIASED ATTENTION to EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT & FEELINGS arising out of the Emotional Being.

It doesn't matter who you are, how much you materialistically have or don't have, if you are related to your emotional responses, partially, then your consciousness is limited and in a Disorderly Dimension. That Disorderly Dimension is a collective subconscious emotional singularity being. When people go to work everyday or socialize everyday at work or outside of work, they are all engaging in supporting psychological fragmentation (conflict, disorder, disharmony, imbalance). On the subconscious level, the collective subconscious has given its mental energy to the advancement of all of these scientific and technological experiments in the world. When you accept DISORDER, you are that total DISORDER. Anything born out of DISORDER, your mind subconsciously contributed to it just by viewing yourself through your own personal self-image (which is either positive or negative). That self image is the foundation of your life. So everything you do comes from that, which is contradictory, conflict and violent.

The Disorderly mind tries to escape from being violent by imagining a state of non-violence. Because the mind does not understand the subtle form of violence, it mistakenly adopts the opposite appearance as being different. It's like believing that a black negative film has nothing to do with a photograph made from it. The two appear to be opposite, on the surface. Yet they're two sides of the same coin, are they not?

Violence can either be overt or covert, right?

Overt violence is clear to anyone. Overt violence is a physical attack of some kind, which injures or destroys.

Covert violence is very subtle to detect. Most of humanity has been emotionally trained NOT to detect covert violence.

Covert Violence is:

The emotional identification or attachment to any ideology, belief, dogma or concept born out of emotional imagination. Emotional imagination is all about your Ego; meaning that you are the most important thing. If you join a group, you will be treated like a big-shot. If you emotionally attach yourself to a sports team and they win the game, you view yourself as being superior and glorified. Mind control simply baits a person's Ego into doing whatever you “will” it to do. If you attach technological electronic to your body, you will be superior to regular people who don't have it. If you alter your genes so that you can become like the X-men (containing superhuman powers), emotionally you will feel superior. Every Ego seeks superiority, even those cultivating humility to become a saint so they can claim to be God's favorite.

So when you are being urged to emotionally identify with anyone or anything, you are being covertly attacked on an emotional level. The pressure is coaxing you to choose something to emotionally attach yourself to and choose something to emotionally detach yourself from. Emotional detachment comes in the form of verbally condemning and physically attacking the people who are on the opposite side of your emotional agenda. Emotionally attaching yourself to anyone or anything that you regard as being The Greater so that you can magnify and expand your self-importance. This is what all conditioned minds are doing. If most people are fundamentally doing the same thing, psychologically, then they are all a part of a singularity of conflict, DISORDER. All disorderly minds are targets for one another. This is why messages are screaming at us from every corner of this world to: “Choose either a Positive or Negative emotional cause.” That is the covert violent bombardment that we face everyday.

Now the Disorderly Dimension has been experimenting with blending human genes with animals (and perhaps insects) to make a super-soldier. They claim it is for our protection. Is it really? I highly doubt that. But here we are faced with madness at its maximum extreme. The Emotional Being (a.k.a., Ego) is playing 'god' by trying to manufacture a version of the human race in order to replace the biological human being with mechanical genetically engineered drones to control. So one portion of these things will be used to control the other portion. What then happens when these part human, part animal, part cyborg plugs into the quantum super computer and begins to out-think their scientific programmers? What happens when the experiment overtakes the experimenter? What happens when these beings finds out how to break through their programmed restraints? Who will protect us then? It certainly wont be the government, the corporations or religious dogma.

 The H.I.V. Conspiracy Exposed - Aids is a Hoax

*Note: I share a variety of topics so that we can begin to question all that we have taken for granted based on the presumption that the authorities had our best interest at heart. But, how can that be so when they stand to make such huge profits from the corporations that they shield from fraud to the public. Most people in authoritative positions are there because they are serving very rich people who can destroy their careers (and even their lives). So that is a lot of motivation to lie and pretend not be lying and call it a mistake. But, when you look around, there are tens of thousands of mistakes going on. That adds up to deliberately conning the public. People in power feel like they can do anything they want to harm society and never have to be held accountable and never have to stop doing it. When they are busted for deception, they just continue lying with a straight face. No remorse to the harm they've caused. Their apologies are insincere. It's like a spouse who assaults their spouse, causes great injuries and just says, "I'm sorry baby. You know that I still love you." The injured spouse forgive him or her and then a short time later, the abuse repeats. Rinse and repeat, right? Isn't that what is happening to the world. It's one criminal fraud after another causing severe hardships and death, and the officials pretend to apologize and then carries on the business of social scapegoating as usual. Instead of accepting apologies, tell the oppressors of fraud to show physical evidence to back up their claims that it was a mistake and not a clear long-term pattern of fraud. And, to have them answer to all the hard evidence that reveals that they meant to do harm for a profit.

Let's take into consideration that a mind that is out of touch with itself on the psychological level is ignoring a part of itself that it dislikes. It is operating out of a make-believe about itself. So one might think that it can keep control of its experiment, but that is merely imaginary and has no basis in fact. A person can believe that he or she sings beautifully. But in reality, that person is tone-deaf. But emotionally, you can think whatever you please and convince yourself that it is true (when in reality it is untrue). Similarly, these scientists can think that they know what they are doing, but if they are blind to their Ego, then that Ego will create a reflection of itself. The Ego is broken, incomplete and disorderly, and that is all that it can replicate in its experiments. Just like their medications all carry some hidden side-effects, their genetically engineered people, cybernetically engineered people, will have side-effects, too. And, nobody knows how that is going to turn out. It's an experiment let loose on the world.

The Quantum AI Computer is another anomaly that has unknown impacts. They want to sell it to us as being benevolent. But, that is just the “conscious” message. What about the contradictory flip side of the message being run by the “subconscious”? It is most likely that the military are using such a machine to give them the edge on parts of the world that they are trying to control and conquer. So this computer can be plotting war strategies. This computer is most likely being used to compute social mind control in order to make people do what you want them to do.

For now, the Quantum AI Computer is doing what it is told and calculating on the behalf of its makers. But at what point will it be able to run all of those calculations and also start studying the psychological area of humanity and then begins to wonder about itself as a being unto itself? Will the computer think on its own and stops following the directives of its makers? Will the makers be able to out-smart the computer in order to shut it down?

Again, we come back to the basics of reality: The Atom!

Either these experiments will internally learn about themselves, holistically, or they will remain grounded in fragmentation, conflict and destruction. A thing is either going to operate intelligently by learning about its nature through unbiased self-awareness or it is going to be biased and disintegrate. In The Atom the only thing that stabilizes opposite energy halves is the Neutron (or Neutral Energy). Neutral Energy is Unbiased Examination which brings about Harmonious Orderly Benevolent and Creative Meaningful actions. When the Neutral Energy is missing, then the opposite energies must seek to destroy it opposite and The Atom disintegrates out of existence.

Your mind is an Atomic form of energy. It does NOT matter what these experiments can or cannot do to the world and us. The only thing that matters is BEING FREE TO OBSERVE ONES OWN EMOTIONAL RESPONSES to this unnatural challenge. After all, anything born out of Disorder is UNNATURAL (it is out of sync with Neutral Energy). It is Neutral Energy that brings about ORDER, HARMONY and MEANING. When there is no intrinsic meaning because there is no holistic learning and understanding, then there is insanity and a painful extinction.

The human mind has reached the maximum level of Disorder by trying to change matter in order to serve its purposes. But no matter how much it mixes up the genetic pools, they are still Atoms. What will determine what happens will be based on whether or not these experimental entities can holistically observe its own nature. If it can, then it will be benevolent. But if it chooses to play 'god' (like its makers did), then they will self-destruct while destroying other Disorderly entities. Disorder is confined to that dimension. Disorder is fragmentary energy operating without Neutral Energy, so it has no balance and is in a perpetual state of disintegration.

Neutral Energy is the only Energy that can integrate the opposite energies. Plus, to live means to be in touch with ones thoughts and feelings. Being in touch is a Neutral action. It is not a choice or a desire. Eating, sleeping and other body functions is not a choice nor a desire. It is an integral part of healthy living. And, it is integrally healthy to perceive your total mind and not choose a side to promote and the other side to imprison. You whole mind needs to be seen for what it is, exactly (without any image of improvement).

Here's another important thing about Neutral Energy, since it's Whole & Unlimited it contains the solution to any and all problems. When you are in a state of mind that you find to be painful, the solution lies in listening to that pain so that the energy from the holistic-listening neutralizes the problem. And, where there is no problem, there is bliss (not pleasure which is the opposite of pain). What this implies is that you and I can watch and listen to all of our emotional responses as they Disorderly Mind tries to scare us to death with their experiments. Actually, they are trying to scare us into mental fragmentation so that they can use our energy to carry on one mad experiment after another until the world is utterly destroyed.

I have noticed that all of the researchers that present their findings are scaring us at first so that we will follow them on a psychological level. I listen and observe their presentations, but I watch their psychological ulterior motives that are hidden behind the illusion of warning the public.

The public is being lured into nightmarish existence by urging them to choose a side to emotionally identify with or to condemn. Either side will cause a psychotic break in the emotional consciousness. Then, ones mind is wide open to be taken over. All of these public relations presentations is a covert hostile take over of the emotional being/mind. Once the mind is broken, the body follows and then ones life is trashed. 

 J. Krishnamurti: Change Without Analysis


So we, as human beings, have a grave responsibility to learn through holistic self-observation of each and every emotional response as we are being stimulated by messages about what people are doing to matter. What they are doing is a crime against nature. People with great material resources feel like they can do whatever they wish without consequences to themselves. They are sadly mistaken, however. Because, everything they are doing is having an impact on the quantum subatomic realm where ALL ATOMS are entangled.

The fact is that all atoms come from that NEUTRAL VOID (ZERO POINT). So when they tamper with the genetic parts of matter this is having an UNKNOWN CHAIN REACTION in the quantum subatomic realm and what gets echoed back from the ground will be unexpected. For a mind that is operating from a foundation of division is overlooking what it is ignoring in its own emotional being.

It has been discovered that life is holographic. So if your mind is operating in conflict and disorder, then that is what you are manifesting in your holographic world. We are making the world appear the way that it is. So if you want things to be sane, orderly, benevolent, you have to look at what your mind is doing to block that. Order can't be sought. Disorder can only find Disorder, after all. But, to study Disorder and understand how it arises in oneself, is a Neutral Approach that reveals the answer to Disorder.

Look it's really quite simple...

Life works like a seed (which is the inner world) that makes the plant (which is the outer world). This is why I talk about the seed (the observer=observed). Your emotional response is The Observed. You wanting to change your response is The Observer. This wanting to control, change your responses is conflict between The Thought and The Thinker. So having an insight that “I” am my “Responses”, then it is clear that I can do nothing except TO LOOK/LISTEN. And, I also realize that it is this OBSERVING/LISTENING NEUTRAL ENERGY that acts upon the problem, not my personal fragmentary “will” or “desire” to force a change to my liking. Therefore, my emotional “will” or “desire” naturally subsides when it realizes the futility of playing 'god'. Change is a byproduct of understanding the total nature of control/conflict. It is the Energy of Understanding that heals the emotional mind of its self-deceptions.

These problems are so many and so complicated that it requires a very simple and direct approach in order to resolve them. All problems are ONE problem having various parts and facets. Yet, they are all made out of Atoms. At the core of all Atoms is that Unlimited Neutral Energy (wherein lies all solutions). The Neutron of Consciousness IS the total communion with your emotional responses. And, the reason why these crazy experiments are taking place is for the sole purpose of getting all of consciousness to operate out of fear, conflict and Disorder. Disorder is competing with Order. “Time” is competing with the “Timeless”. But, there is no competition in the Orderly Dimension. There is just Learning Through Awareness, which resolves all problems of living.

The meaning of life is to fully learn about yourself! Learning without a motive to be powerful is truly Neutral Energy. Conflict has no meaning, intrinsically. An existence based in conflict is pure misery. Unknowingly, the Disorderly World is annihilating itself with its own experiments. I guess they didn't get the moral of the Dr. Frankenstein story where the experiment consumes the experimenter, eventually.

There is no need to try to get rid of Disorderly Thinking entities, for that dimension is imploding into itself, unknowingly. These Disorderly scientists and technologists are unaware of themselves, psychologically. And, it is their psychological ignorance that is contributing to their experiments. Their subconscious is doing things that their conscious is unaware of, and that means that their conscious will be surprised at the end result, when it's all said and done. It is their knowledge that will be their undoing. For, technological knowledge without psychological Neutral clarity that is building its own doomsday machine that is actually out of control.

Control, psychologically, does not really exist. When people join the military, they think that they will gain control over others and over their own life. But after going through it, they find themselves having uncontrollable nightmares, phobias of all kinds. They have to take all kinds of medications (or even narcotics) in order to be able to handle being in their own skin. They never thought it would turn out like that, did they?

Ultimately, thought cannot control itself. Control is a fragmentary, contradictory operation destined to destroy itself. The science fiction story about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was all about thought trying to control thought. Jekyll & Hyde is the conscious & subconscious at civil war within itself, which is what makes people clash. The seed of the psychological mind is in conflict when it tries to control and change itself into what it desires. Then the plant of the external biological world begins to fall apart. “As below (the seed), so is above (the tree above ground).

The tree above ground is all these creepy stories about these technological and genetically engineered experiments. But it came from the Ego of Mankind. Nobody is dealing with the Ego, Holistically. So everyday when people rise to go to work, they have no clue that they are helping to make these experiments come online and then to threatened the very existence of the Human Race.

You see, whenever the emotional being seeks to fulfill its desire to be superior (which is Ego-tripping), then the physical security is destroyed. That is the Atomic Law of Energy. Why? Because, whenever your emotional being seeks it is no longer in a Neutral state of learning and awareness. When the Neutral Awareness goes away, then the body must follow the lead of the mind. If the mind is divorced from the Neutral Self-Awareness, then the body's atomic structure does the same thing. The negative and positive energy detaches from the neutron and then these opposite energies attack each other, causes all kinds of diseases and mental dysfunctions to break out. It is the Neutral Energy, alone, that brings stability, harmony and cooperation in the mind and the body.

Since your life is energy, it is connected or entangled with all forms of energy. So if you don't want to be misaligned with reality, you have to be grounded in Neutral Energetic Self-Awareness and Learning. Neutral-Intelligence is the only answer to all problems of living. You can't outsource that. And why would you even want to? All things are naturally made to be independently self-sufficient, which is why government is a falsehood. A Holistic Mind does not require anyone or anything to protect it. Being Whole in ones emotional being is complete protection because there is no energy more powerful than Neutral Energy, since it is measureless, timeless and complete unto itself. This is why it is vital that one understands oneself.

What Is The Collective Subconscious Working Toward?

It's ending at its source. But, it has deceived itself into thinking or believing that conflict will rule the entire world and spread into other parallel dimensions. There was a cartoon called, “Pinky and the Brain”. “Brain” was the evil genius that represents the “conscious” mind. “Pinky” was the idiot side-kick that represents the “subconscious” mind that always ruined “Brain's” plans. Similarly, the Collect Subconscious is contradictory, because just like the Atom that contains opposing energies, whatever the mind desires it also has opposing desires, at the same time. But, the reason why the Atom works is because its opposite energies are grounded in the Neutron (Neutral Energy that brings about harmony between the opposites). However, in the human mind, it rejects being unbiased while it emotionally responds. It is always consciously picking either a positive or negative desire to fulfill, which blocks Neutral Self-Awareness from operating in the mind. Therefore, a cracked foundation must cause the building to collapse. Ergo, the Disorderly Collective Dimension is working toward oblivion because it shuns Neutrality.

The crisis that we are facing is not physical; the crisis is our quality of psychological perception. Is your mind perceiving the unfolding events through an emotionally biased filter? Or, are you detecting your bias with the understanding that that bias is self-deceit? If your mind is seeking to willfully change "What Is" (unfolding in your mind) into "What Should Be" (your desired concept/belief), then that is the Disorderly Dimension and is doomed. However, if you realize the detrimental implications of psychological desire and its willful choosing is futile and problematic, then that clarity in itself acts, alone. That is the Neutral Energy of Timeless Resolve to any problem or challenge. Your personal knowledge plays no part at all - only being in FULL CONTACT with ALL of your emotional-responses as you face all of the messages coming from the world around you brings about a benevolent and harmonious transformation. Only the psychologically-neutral mind can redeem the mind of Humanity. The intellectual clever, cunning, greed-driven mentality is building its fortress of mind-control upon a cracked (psychological) foundation, which is destined to fall in on itself. 

THE ATOMIC LAW OF ENERGY cannot be violated without impending self-destruction. These experiments that are mixing up the gene pools in order to manufacture artificial humans to control and enslave is their undoing. And, the quantum artificial intelligence computer is also their undoing because no human mind can control a thinking machine that can outstrip the human mind. 

As I said earlier, either these experiments will be self-learning in an unbiased manner and will then be harmoniously linked to the ground of Neutrality, which is Order (which is benevolence); or, some or all of the experiments will obey their programming to be controlling and violent. If some of the experiments do that latter, then they will destroy anyone who is Ego-driven (anyone who has a self-image). If these entities try to destroy a Holistically Self-Aware person, then they will self-destruct because of the simple fact that an entity rooted in a Disorderly Dimension is limited to it and cannot go beyond it. And, it is impossible for Disorderly energy (which is limited) to overtake Orderly energy (which is limitless). That is Energetic Atomic Law. The Neutron does not contain the restricted opposite energies (which is the electron/negative & proton/positive fragments). The Neutron's energy is beyond the limitations of fragmentary energy. If that energy is the foundation of your psyche, then it is that base that the experimental entities must try to destroy, which it cannot because its base of operations is conflict (limited energy).

As these multitude of various horror stories are being revealed to the public, it clearly indicates that the world of deception is coming to an end. The question, then, is: "Is your energetic contribution to the ending of the world (psychologically) ORDERLY or DISORDERLY? That will determine the outcome for each person. Being that life is holographic, it is the mind of Humanity that is responsible for all that it is viewing in your daily personal life. Humanity is reaping whatever it is sowing, for sure. So what is your mind sowing? Are you holistically paying attention to your responses or are you partially aware and partially unaware of it? Partial awareness is no awareness at all, on the psychological level of life. It's either all or nothing in this arena. Holistic Awareness brings about whole solutions. Whereas, mental conflict brings about broken solutions that turn into the next batch of dangerous problems. So ask yourself, "What is my mind doing; am I seriously being vigilant with regard to my emotional responses or not?" That is what will deal with all of these interconnected troubles that are tied to each person's EGO!  

  Krishnamurti & David Bohm The Future of Humanity 

*Note: Prof. Bohm (Quantum Physicist) raises the fundamental issue with science and technological advancements by clarifying that if our psychological nature is deeply, wholly aware of itself, then intellectual knowledge must bring about GREAT HARM to ourselves and the world around ourselves.


The videos depict many things taking place in the world but they all have one common thread: EGO (deception)! My blogs are not meant as an authority for anyone to blindly follow. They are written for you to INVESTIGATE & DISCOVER for yourself the falseness or the truth if it really is so. If you think that you can just copy or conform to what I write about, you will fail to understand and you could be doing something very dangerous with your life. So if you are not serious about understanding the reality about psychological conditioning, programming, then please don't bother to mess around with this stuff. This is strictly for the serious minded person. Thank you.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.