The Secret Society
You've (Probably) Never Heard Of
This 1967 CIA Memo Is Still Used
To Discredit Conspiracy Theorists Today
Below is a copy of the declassified government document exposing the psychological mind-control tactic to deny people their natural right to uncover the facts about what is going in society:
Was not the U.S. Constitution put into place in order to safeguard the public from an abuse of governmental power? Aren't most, if not all, government coups based on people secretly conspiring to overthrow its opposition or oppressors? Based on what was pointed out in the above CIA document then what people are being led to accept is that Greek democracy, free market capitalism, the Magna Carta and the US Constitution born out of conspiracy theories are invalid. Then that implies that the founding fathers, the ancient Greek scholars and free-thinking people were all crazy, then.
This also implies that the threat of brutality, savagery and violence is the only thing to be respected. These type of people are implying that they make up the reality that they want to be true (or those who give them orders to shove down our throats whatever the rich ruling class tells the public to think). We are being forbidden from seeing reality for ourselves. Why? It's really simple to see why that is. The most aggressive people have always wanted to play 'god' in order to pretend like they are actually superior (which by the way is a theory, not a fact). What it really boils down to is very direct and to the point which is what the social controllers are dictating which is:
"You either shut up and say what you are told to say and think or else we will murder you!"
That's the bottomline, is it not?
Here is the declassified CIA document showing their guidelines to socially ostracize anyone who dares to expose any governmental corruption and abuse of power over The People:
These are all warnings that "the writing is on the wall", so to speak. The consciousness is suffering from 'self-imposed images', which is the birthplace of all other deceptions. If our species fails to awaken to the ancient mistake that it is perpetuating, then the uncivilized warmongers are going to smash the world to pieces. I have directly studied the psychology of mental-physical tyranny. There is the monster or monsters; they are set in inertia and will not stop their course of action. So it is up to the oppressed to figure out exactly what they are doing to enable outside agencies to infiltrate their lives and minds. And, there is only one solution: NEUTRAL SELF-AWARENESS!
The very first lie or deception is based on the EMOTIONAL-IMAGE that we have been programmed from childhood to tell ourselves. It is the MASTER-DECEPTION that (unknowingly) gives permission to be lied to and then physically or economically attacked. It does not matter if your 'emotional' belief or assumption that you make about yourself is 'positive' or 'negative'; either one grants the oppressor permission to conquer your mind and physicality is by your own self-deceit. Your Ego is a byproduct of Division away from REALITY.
So when you think that it's harmless to assert that you are the opposite state of emotional mind than your initial thought or feeling, then you are living in a make-believe. Then outside agents can easily deceive you. But, if you transform your emotional being by facing yourself, wholly (because you are ALL emotional expressions and must examine them ALL). Then, your Emotional-Being is WHOLE. So, it cannot be Deceived (Divided by Lies). People, you need to do a reality-check on your own Emotional-Being. Are you fighting against a particular thought or feeling by denying or acknowledging it? That is the Key to Psychological Division (which equates to self-hypnosis). That is what makes it possible for this artificial society to trick your mind so that you can't distinguish what is real and what is not.
I am very aware of the fact that the social-controllers frown on anyone who exposes how emotional-deception works. But, I am constantly watching ALL of my emotional thoughts/feelings (both the negative and the positive), for I am both sides of the mental equation. When you add equal negative & positive values it results in Zero Point or Neutrality, which is PERFECT WHOLENESS-HARMONY. That state is outside of this emotional social structure. But, most people can't be totally in touch with ALL states of mind because their peers and relatives get angry with them for doing so. The brainwashed always guilt-trip you into fragmenting your emotional-being. Then the authorities take advantage of you.
Once a mind is Holistically watching itself, it is then rooted or grounded in Neutrality, which is Absolute Power. That means that it is whole unto itself and no one has jurisdiction over your emotional-being. Anyone who tries to destroy you gets destroyed in their efforts because they are restricted to a fragmented domain and cannot go beyond it. They can only try to trick you into fragmenting yourself by CHOOSING to be emotionally attached to either a 'positive' or 'negative' belief about yourself and the world around you. If you can see that both sides are grounded in emotional fragmentation and gives the deceiver jurisdiction over your life, then you will naturally not be deceived. There is no struggle involved. But, your peers and relatives will give you a hard time for being emotionally free, because they are envious that they are mentally weak and have allowed themselves to be victims of their oppressors.
So misery loves company and hates anyone who is free in their minds. This artificial psychological prison is out to strip Humanity of its natural-born spirit. For me, nothing is more important than mental-spiritual FREEDOM TO PERCEIVE THE FALSE AS BEING FALSE (which is the only REALITY-TRUTH). So when I finally physically DIE, my Spirit will be free and will be processed by the NEUTRAL-GOD to my next life. I will never put my essence in any system that is put together by LIES, FRAGMENTATION and VIOLENCE. They can take my biological life (or my DNA relatives), but my Spirit is off-limits.
By remaining true to seeing the FALSE AS THE FALSE, my spirit is beyond this system's grasp. I care not about being labeled crazy. Because, I am seeing things as they are, not as I wish them to be. Only the insane go around calling other people nuts for pointing out facts. They use pure cruelty to argue their position of (fake) authority and jurisdiction to tyrannically rule over others. I do not bow down to their tactics. This is not just about my personal spirit's salvation. The entire Human species is facing a cross-roads. If we fail to stand up for the truth, we shall be reduced down to being experimental lab rats that will be turned into cyborgs or genetic freaks and deranged for the sole purpose of being ass-kissing slaves to the (fake) elite crazy people.
Anyone who is against harmony and benevolent cooperation is truly crazy. Those who worship cruelty and violence have no intrinsic right to exist for they are a disease that is causing erosion and decay to the world. I live for TRUTH and die for it so that I can affect the totality of the Emotional-Collective Subconscious so that a radical paradigm shift can take place.
The more minds that awaken to HOLISTIC SELF-DETECTION of falsehoods, the sooner the world can be insulated from these spiritual vermin that feed on our spiritual energies. They have to do that because they are not capable of regenerating their own spiritual-energies, for they are decaying rapidly. That is why they are increasing their threats and making more laws to make it illegal to be sane or spiritually sound. So that people will hand over their spiritual integrity, not realizing that they couldn't conquer you without your cooperation with tyranny.
To cooperate with tyranny is to aid and abet that crime against Humanity and against Mother Nature. The only way to deal with these crazy people is to free your Emotional-Being by being HONEST within your self. You must be free to commune with ALL states of mind that gets stirred up by the things that you see in the media or the people you interact with everyday. This is all about spiritual integrity to be honest within yourself. If you don't, then tyranny will steamroll over your life and over society in general.
Change is not going to come from the outside; it will only come from the seed within the Emotional-Mind. For, that is the FOUNDATION OF OUR BEING! Once the foundation cracks, the building (our material life) will collapse. Monsters are entirely dependent upon your emotional-responses to them. If your response is based on a divided foundation (which is your self-image), then the Monster will always prevail. I really don't care if nobody is taking what I am saying seriously or not. But, for those who want to know the true answer to tyranny (emotional cruelty), then here it is. But, the hard part is you facing yourself. I nor anybody else can do that for you.
If our species is to survive as being human and not some kind of experimental freak of nature, then this is our last chance to wake up and face our entire mind on the emotional level. That is what determines what happens to the physical world. Emotionalism is tyranny! Watch your emotions very carefully, for that is the Monster within who is helping all of the external Monsters to destroy you. For the internal Monster to melt away, you have to look at it without seeking to overthrow it, hide or give in to it. That is a NEUTRAL approach. Neutral Energy causes the opposite energies to harmonize and cancel each other out. Remember: (negative one) plus (positive one) equals ZERO (or NEUTRAL ENERGY). That is the Timeless or Measureless Realm that no fragment can enter. Then your physical security is safe.
I've been testing this reality with my very life since 1977. Just by the mere fact that i can say these things and still be alive proves that it is TRUE. Otherwise, I would have been destroyed long ago. This is not to brag but to prove that I know what I'm talking about, for a fact. In a world where lies are almost everywhere, I have to distinguish that I'm not a part of that. But for it to be real proof, you have to test it in your own life. But if you are scared of being hurt or destroyed, then you will not be able to test what I am saying.
This Story is Not for Everybody.
Question the information given to you from the system of education, media, organized 'religions'.
Question the information given to you from the system of education, media, organized 'religions'.
The Rothschild Empire - The True
Leaders of The Earth
Anonymous: We Know Who Owns
The Federal Reserve!
blog is meant as only an objective or unbiased inquiry, investigation
or examination into deception or misinformation. There is no leader here - only detection of that which is false, which is The Truth. So your agreement or
disagreement is irrelevant. The messenger/blogger is stating what is
actually taking place in our daily lives. Either it exists or it does
not exist. It is unnecessary to report to me what you think, believe
or emotionally project. This is about THE EMOTIONAL BEING of which
every human being contains. This is about how one approaches or deals with
that part of oneself, which is either straight-forwardly or
deceptively. One leads to mental balance, and the other leads to
unbalance. Which means one leads to harmonious creative living or
disharmonious annihilation. For your fate lies in how accurately or
inaccurately you detect what you are emotionally doing. Again, I am
not here for you to depend upon. I cannot eat for you, sleep for you,
breathe for you, use the restroom for you or understand your
emotional responses for you. To live means to be related, in contact
with the realities that naturally blooms out of your emotional being.
If you don't want to be TOTALLY Aware of your emotional state of
being, then you don't want to live. If that is the case, then feel
free to excuse yourself out of this mental investigative journey. [End]
The Pied-Piper plays enchanting melodies that is soothing. He or she
is lulling the masses into an emotional trance in order to take
shelter away from the cruel and ugly things that are taking place in
the world. Just because it is necessary for the body to remove itself
out of harms way, most people assume that they are also suppose to do
the same thing when it comes to dealing with the emotional-mind. Most
people of all economic backgrounds, as well as various cultures, have
been wrongly educated (on purpose), because a truly holistically
intelligent mind CANNOT be controlled, confused nor destroyed by any
outside agency. Hence, that is the main reason why the
emotional-being (a.k.a., Ego) has been encouraged to arise and drive
the course of almost everyone's lives.
are many YouTube channels that are dedicated to what they call
“Truther News”. They seem to be primarily focusing on the
emotional hotbed of Satanism, Demon-ism, New World Order,
Illuminati-ism, Mind-Control, Pedophilia, etc. First, these independent
researchers present the obvious and shocking horrors being
perpetrated at large in the world. In a nutshell, hell has manifested
on Earth, as it were. Now, each of us were once children, and many of us had to deal with hardships and emotional confusion while growing into adulthood.
Some of us were abused along the way. So when we hear of these
terrible things being done to today's youths, we know that these
things are true, for sure.
we have a situation that is rapidly deteriorating human decency. I
would wager to even go so far to say that the world is an insane
asylum being run by the criminally insane. But, it is even worse than
that; the spiritual energy has become grossly distorted, perverted
and depraved. There is more to it than just Mind-Control. For, it is
the quality of the spirit that influences mental thinking. We want to
bury this social worldly state of affairs through a corrupt system
that is under the influence of these powerful crazy people who sit in
positions of authority.
ask yourselves, exactly what is giving these rogue forces their
authority to dominate the masses? Also, what has made it possible for
these cunningly sophisticated wealthy pirates to set up a structure
of putting a price tag on living? And, do you realize that most of
human existence is based in an emotionally primitive tribal
ritualistic blood sacrificial system? Do you see that the reason why
most people don't buck this unfair system is due to the fear of
losing ones physical security. So we sacrifice human civility,
decency in order to gain and hold onto material things, right? We've
been emotionally persuaded to make things more important than mental,
spiritual or emotional wholeness (rationality).
get back to these so-called “Truthers” who claim to be warning us
and also giving solutions to deal with pure evil and wickedness. Well
from everything that I have listened to so far, they are all DEAD
WRONG! They are telling people to believe in some deity, to wrap
themselves in emotional words, to self-hypnotize themselves, or
self-mind control themselves in the illusion of meditation. Most
meditations are false and are based on superstition. It is not any
form of taking steps or techniques. It is not using ones own
emotional imagination to project the opposite of that which you are
afraid. Let's face it, people are afraid of the concept of Satan, the
concept of Demons, the concept of violence. A concept is nothing but
a mental construct. It is not that actual thing. Even the concept of
love is NOT actual love, itself. A concept is just a picture backed
by emotions. It is your emotions that creates the illusion of it
being real.
“Truthers” tell you to BELIEVE that you are more powerful than
all of these wealthy bullies that are pulling the economical strings
of the world. They tell you to pray to a deity and he will shield you
and your family. When you look back in history whenever the brutes
decided to go on a murdering spree (officially called war), people
took to their superstitions and prayed for mercy but received none.
Most of their relatives were brutally tortured and massacred. Isn't
madness the act of repeating the same formula that has always failed
and yet expecting a NEW outcome? When the crap hits the fan, masses
of people have been sacrificed.
people have not realized is that all of the progress in material
gains was bathed in human bloodshed, first. In order for some people
to succeed, other have to fail and suffer. And, what most people do
not understand is that this phenomenon is directly connected to the
EMOTIONAL REALM (wherein the Ego is the equivalent of the Devil
“Truthers” are feeding the beast, which is their own Ego, as well
as the Ego of those that they openly condemn. Have you ever wondered
why people like Alex Jones, David Icke, Louis Farrakhan and other
bigshots can get away with verbal persecutions of who they call evil?
These people and others like them are the Pied-Pipers who are
emotionally encouraging the masses to direct their anger towards the
sadistic people in the world. And, when they do, they end up in some
kind of tragedy (as well as their families). Cops are beating up the
population and arresting them. The wicked system is able to trash the
lives of the masses who verbally denounce the evil-doers. Also,
others seek solace in hiding in emotional words, through praying,
meditating or reciting metaphysical affirmations. Meanwhile, the
“Truther” reporters remain in a fairly comfortable standard of
living, don't they? Why is that? Why haven't the elite hired their
goons to take them out? Isn't it obvious?
Radio 3Fourteen - Jon Kelly - Reverse Speech:
Secret Backwards Messages in the Human Voice
At the end of this blog I present a J. Krishnamurti audio file. I blended forward and reverse speech of his talk. I figured that forward speech is positive and reverse speech is negative so these two sides would blend into Neutral Speech. Rather than trying to detect certain messages from the reverse speech by listening to the same message forward & reverse the whole mind (consciously & subconsciously) would make it possible to deeply understand what J. Krishnamurti is talking about. People consciously say they want to understand what he is deeply pointing out, but I think that their subconscious is resisting understanding. But if the speech were reversed then that would be a language that the subconscious (right brain) would pay closer attention to his message and then it would be easier for the listener to really deeply understand his message so that the person can get a clear understand of him or herself. I've been listening to J. Krishnamurti's talks after I reverse his message and then add it to the forward speech. Plus I added a track that has whole hemispheric frequency binurnal beats that stimulate both the right and left brain (which increases IQ level). I am giving full disclosure so that the listener is aware of how I mixed the audio files. I was inspired by listening to the research I investigated through Jon Kelly and David John Oates (from Australia who has 30+ experience in this field).
The so-called “Truthers” are allowed to talk crap about the powerful elite because it emotionally arouses the masses to strike back or hide in emotional delusion. Either way, it puts them in a vulnerable position of being the spiritual food for the elite beasts, don't you see? The masses are being misguided by these “Truthers” because most of them are themselves self-deceived. They probably believe what they are advising to be a good thing. They assume that just because they may be practicing psychological opposition and they are still standing that it must work. But when the little guy/gal does the same thing, the authorities come after them on so many levels to trash their lives. Or, either they end up becoming victims of local serial killers.
At the end of this blog I present a J. Krishnamurti audio file. I blended forward and reverse speech of his talk. I figured that forward speech is positive and reverse speech is negative so these two sides would blend into Neutral Speech. Rather than trying to detect certain messages from the reverse speech by listening to the same message forward & reverse the whole mind (consciously & subconsciously) would make it possible to deeply understand what J. Krishnamurti is talking about. People consciously say they want to understand what he is deeply pointing out, but I think that their subconscious is resisting understanding. But if the speech were reversed then that would be a language that the subconscious (right brain) would pay closer attention to his message and then it would be easier for the listener to really deeply understand his message so that the person can get a clear understand of him or herself. I've been listening to J. Krishnamurti's talks after I reverse his message and then add it to the forward speech. Plus I added a track that has whole hemispheric frequency binurnal beats that stimulate both the right and left brain (which increases IQ level). I am giving full disclosure so that the listener is aware of how I mixed the audio files. I was inspired by listening to the research I investigated through Jon Kelly and David John Oates (from Australia who has 30+ experience in this field).
The so-called “Truthers” are allowed to talk crap about the powerful elite because it emotionally arouses the masses to strike back or hide in emotional delusion. Either way, it puts them in a vulnerable position of being the spiritual food for the elite beasts, don't you see? The masses are being misguided by these “Truthers” because most of them are themselves self-deceived. They probably believe what they are advising to be a good thing. They assume that just because they may be practicing psychological opposition and they are still standing that it must work. But when the little guy/gal does the same thing, the authorities come after them on so many levels to trash their lives. Or, either they end up becoming victims of local serial killers.
it is true that all sorts of cruelties are being perpetuated by the
rich and powerful and they use the various government agencies to
grab whatever group of people they wish to victimize at the behest of their ritual
feedings. Yes, these things are happening. But, there is a CAUSE of
these EFFECTS. Ask yourself, honestly, what part am I playing in all
of this mess? What am I doing or not doing to contribute to this
hell? After all, everything that is happening is an expression of
frequency energies. Your mind is operating at a frequency that is
either balanced or not; it is either biased or UN-biased!
“Truthers” are BIASED. The elite monsters are also BIASED.
Whenever you choose to only acknowledge your thoughts and feelings of
elation and ignore your thoughts and feelings of disturbance, you are
being BIASED, too. So long as the energy signature is BIASED, there
must be conflict, violence and bloodshed. When people group up in an
emotional trance by using nice-sounding words, they call this “love”.
It is NOT! They tell each other complimentary things all the time,
and you accept these compliments as being benevolence, it's really a
trick. When you accept these emotional phrases as having real
essence, then you are setup to inherit some sort of physical or
material disaster. Haven't you noticed that the preachers are guiding
you to believe in things that sound good and soothing. And when you
buy into it, you end up suffering later on down the road, and they
gain more wealth.
is the see-saw effect going on...
order for the profiteers to rise up high, the masses must remain down
low (just like a see-saw). The Ego never wants the see-saw to be
balanced where neither side is higher or lower than the other side.
In fact, your Ego was born out of an imbalance in your mind. The
moment that you experienced an emotional response that you DISLIKED,
you pushed it down and buried it out of your awareness and then
pretended like it disappeared altogether. But, nothing disappears in
your mind. It simply becomes your subconscious alter-ego that is at
war with its own upper level of the mind. It is this area of the mind
that needs to be closely studied, directly, by oneself. You don't
need any mental expert to explain yourself to you. You can directly
watch your mind and how it plays tricks on itself and hurts itself.
As you learn through holistic watching, your mind is naturally dying
to its false way of operating. Then, there is no more an ego; there
is just Accurate, Objective Observation which is in perfect balance
and harmony. There is no longer a split in ones psyche. That implies
that the war between evil and so-called goodness has ceased,
there is no more inward opposition through this self-study in real
time, ones mind is WHOLE and a LIGHT UNTO ITSELF. What this means is
that your physical area of your life is secure. And, anybody who
tries to destroy it will destroy themselves. I say this based on
decades of observations of my own life. Our problem is that we have
become CRIPPLED BY WORDS. We have failed to realize that WORDS,
especially emotional words, are NOT the reality. Some person may
state that, “I love you.” Then that same person may turn around
and do great harm to you and may even lie to you and cheat on you,
etc. But, all they have to do is buy you some gifts and treat you to
a meal, and you fall back into the emotional trance that they must
love you. Then they turn around and attack you again, and again and
again. The word 'love' is not the thing. The word 'food' cannot
nourish your body at all. So beware of people giving you compliments
and telling you to have a nice day.
is the result of conjuring up an emotional conclusion about who you
are. In order to know yourself, for real, you must be in touch with
everything that you are thinking and feeling (without trying to edit
yourself). The self-edit is an illusion called your self-image, which
is a false mask so that you place an emotional barrier against facing
yourself as you are. This is divisive and violent. After all,
violence is basically opposition, is it not? And where there is
conflict, there can be NO Love! There can be NO balance, harmony or
peace within your mind. This is what makes people bully one another
and hate one another and kill one another. Violence begins within
oneself whenever you lie to yourself by erecting an image that you
feel and think the opposite of what you actually feel and think.
Turning things around backwards is a demonic practice, is it not?
secret power of the so-called Devil is to persuade others to
cultivate division within themselves. The cultivation of division is
wickedness, evil and violence. Division is an interesting word; I
just now noticed the construct of that word: 'Di' stands for
'DUALTIY' and 'vision' stands for 'OBSERVATION'. So what that implies
is that 'DI-VISION' equates to viewing your mind in a contradictory
manner. So this One-Mind has emotionally imagined itself to be
Two-Minds, but it's not. It has projected an opposite persona (like
the Greek God of Janus face – which you can look up in Google
images). And incidentally, most people are dualistic, emotionally.
They say one thing and end up doing the opposite of whatever they
is only possible when the target is NOT free to see their emotional
responses without any bias. That means that one is not afraid to be
in contact with every single thought/feeling, without seeking to
change what is detected. Also, you must understand the difference
between a description and the thing itself that is being described.
For example, I can describe in great detail the act of sleeping, but
it is not the same thing as act of sleeping. So when people tell you
that here are all of these hurtful things going on in society, and
the only way to insulate yourself from the dark energy from
sadistic-spirited people you must emotionally project light energy in
order to counteract it. That is a specious supposition that sounds
good on the surface but when you examine it closely, mental
opposition simply breeds a closed loop of opposition. Hence the mind
is in a perpetual state of internal struggling against itself. Such a
mind is DIVIDED. A divided mind has been conquered by conflict. And
so, an outside agent is able to take advantage of their emotional
civil war, and therefore, can get away with destroying their physical
is so much easier to condemn others for their cruel behavior in the
world. The main reason for hating on the rich bullies is in order to
escape from detecting the wicked thoughts and feelings that may arise
in your own mind. Running away from these emotions causes a tear in
the emotional being, bringing about a person living a double life.
One side is so-called 'good', superficially, and the other side is
bad. I think that is what lies behind husbands that have an
extra-marital lover (who represents the 'naughty-girl' who satisfies
the 'naughty-boy' within the husband), and this applies to the wife,
as well.
very careful about focusing all of your emotional energy on some
villain in the world. You need your valuable energy to be able to
detect your own falsehoods taking place within your emotional-being.
It's like noticing that your car is veering off the road. The instant
that you notice it, you stop veering off the road, don't you?
Awareness is a neutral form of energy that corrects imbalance the
instant that it detects it. There is no need to strive after doing
the opposite. Opposition causes a mental SPLIT which leads to
conflict which ultimately leads to utter disintegration.
people put their own house in order (a metaphor that means that you
do a reality check on yourself for wickedness), then you wont need to
be scared of or worried about the evil-doers. There are
energetic-spiritual laws that are in charge of reality. When your mind is
aligned with those Truths, then you can't be destroyed by sadistic
have been running an ongoing experiment with my life...
experiment is to see what will happen if I mainly concern myself
with my mental state of affairs. It required absolute honesty, which
meant that whatever I thought or felt had to be detected AS IS,
nothing being added by my imagination. So any time that I interacted
with anybody or anything, I noticed that I would always have some
kind of emotional response. Then the test was to see if I can monitor
myself without correcting, improving or overcoming myself. I then
found out that there is a third energy that is neither positive nor
negative. That energy was the state of Pure Awareness. So what is the
big deal about that?
remembered that the fabric of the material world is made out of
atoms. Without atoms nothing exists at all, including people (along
with their thoughts/feelings). The next question I asked was, “What
keeps the opposite energies in the atom together and in harmony with
each other?” Answer: “The Neutron!” Now the movement of the
opposite energies can be measured, quantified and studied (just like
our opposite desires, thoughts and feelings). But, the Neutron has
nothing to be measured because it contains no components; it has NO
opposite energies. It is WHOLE UNTO ITSELF. Now since You and I are
atomic forms of energy, we have the same ingredients, fundamentally.
Our thoughts are like the electrons and protons. Then it becomes clear that our emotional-being is also equally negative thoughts/feelings and
positive thoughts/feelings -- just like the atom has electrons
(negative) and protons (positive) energy.
Hence, without the almighty balancing NEUTRON that is responsible for stabilizing these opposite energies, then these opposite mental energies must attack each other and try to destroy each other like anti-matter. Subsequently, this NEUTRAL ENERGY naturally happens within the Human Consciousness (a.k.a., Emotional-Being) whenever we observe both the positive & negative states of mind. However, the elite has erected a mental prison system that has influenced most people's minds to CHOOSE either our negative feelings or our positive feelings to prefer to emotionally devote ourselves to and ignore the other side, which becomes our subconscious alter-ego that sabotages the conscious part of the mind. Externally we behave according to the state of affairs going on within our emotional-being. Is that not obvious?
Hence, without the almighty balancing NEUTRON that is responsible for stabilizing these opposite energies, then these opposite mental energies must attack each other and try to destroy each other like anti-matter. Subsequently, this NEUTRAL ENERGY naturally happens within the Human Consciousness (a.k.a., Emotional-Being) whenever we observe both the positive & negative states of mind. However, the elite has erected a mental prison system that has influenced most people's minds to CHOOSE either our negative feelings or our positive feelings to prefer to emotionally devote ourselves to and ignore the other side, which becomes our subconscious alter-ego that sabotages the conscious part of the mind. Externally we behave according to the state of affairs going on within our emotional-being. Is that not obvious?
whenever I have negative thoughts and feelings, I OBSERVE them as
being one side of myself. OBSERVATION IS NEUTRAL; for there is no
opposition, escape nor submission. There is just a COMMUNION with my
negative energetic expression within the mind space. That COMMUNION
brings harmony to that negative energy so that it does not bring
about any malevolent behavior with relationship to others. The same
thing also happens with my positive feelings and thoughts. So the
psychological-atomic structure is, then, WHOLE unto itself. There is
NO conflict, violence or imbalance. Hence there is order within, and
so the mind is now in a completely different DOMAIN OF EXISTENCE,
wicked energy is limited to its own DOMAIN OF EXISTENCE and,
therefore, is unable to go beyond that realm. That realm is governed
by BIAS, CHOICE between the opposite thoughts and feelings. The
sadistic choose to emotionally identify with its negative thoughts
and feelings. And, therefore, its subconscious SPLITS into
identifying with positive thoughts and feelings, which is why it
later confesses to what its conscious sadistic mind did. When the
mind emotionally identifies with only its positive feelings and
thoughts, then its opposite subconscious persona ends up doing
something very bad and its conscious mind is shocked at its behavior.
Psychoanalysts strive to strengthen the positive aspects and repress
negative aspects. This never works because there is only one type of
energy that can make these opposites co-exist in perfect harmony
(which is REAL LOVE), and that energy is NEUTRAL COMMUNION WITH ALL
“Truther” will ever mention this at all! They want you to fight
with Satan and destroy yourself in the process. Then Satan will
reward them with keeping their authoritative positions of power and
emotional influence over the masses. Because, the masses end up
becoming victims of the demon world which feeds and sustains them. It
really doesn't matter if the “Truthers” know or don't know what
they are doing. What matters is that they are working for the dark
side, regardless.
weapon can stop these spiritual demonic empires. They have to be
taken down from the inside out – at their foundations. The largest
building in the world cannot stand if its foundation disappears
right? Their foundation has always been: YOUR PSYCHOLOGICAL BLINDNESS
long as the masses remain asleep (like in the Matrix movie), then you
are being exploited. And all the trash talking and ranting in the
world wont save you from being spiritually devoured by the demonic
kingdom. Yet if you were to wake up and realize that you have been
complicit in your own suffering, then you can begin to learn about
your Ego. Ego is the prince of darkness. 'Darkness' is an ancient
metaphor standing for 'Ignorance'. As long as you IGNORE one side of
your mind be it the positive side or its opposite, then the Ego is
born and then dictates the circumstances of your entire life. And, it
serves your oppressors, as well. No Ego = No Oppression. Because, the
strings that the puppet masters are pulling on in order to oppress
your lives is your EGO! They awakened your Ego and fractured your
mind when you were indoctrinated in school competitions to make you
feel proud and superior to others.
were indoctrinated into tribalism through sports, which led to
emotional identifying with your economic class, your nation/tribe,
your dogmatism, your ethnicity, your political party. All of these
emotional attachments breed DIVISION, which breeds war. And it is all
controlled by a handful of pirate families. The reason why humans
place a price tag on life is so that the people can battle each other
to grab the most materials out of life in order to emotionally
imagine that they are superior to their fellow man/woman. Superiority is
an Egotistical mental illness that is behind all oppression,
inequality and genocide, alike.
long as the people are entangled in their Ego, they shall forever
remain spiritual food for the demonic elite. But, I can't emphasize
enough that it is the ones who come off as befriending you that are
the gateways to the sadists. That would be the “Truthers”, people
who encourage you to pray, meditate (using mind control techniques),
positive thinking, positive affirmations; these are dividing the mind
against itself. I don't care if you emotionally divide your mind
through negative or positive emotional identification, it is
malevolence to bring about conflict and imbalance between the
opposite expressions of your whole mind. As long as your mind is
fragmented, it is being demonic (even if it calls itself good or some
organized religious name). It is not any word that can save the mind
or spirit (like so many people on YouTube tell you).
is your QUALITY OF OBSERVATION that determines whether or not
sadistic spirits/people can destroy you or not – nothing else. That
quality must be NEUTRAL. For just like the stability of the atom lies
in both opposite energies being rooted or grounded in the Neutron,
similarly, we must COMMUNE with both opposite expressions of our
emotional being. For the most part, most people are ignorant about
this fundamental TRUTH! This is why, for the most part, people are
quite barbaric and primitive – despite its technological
advancements. Humans must turn their innovations into weapons of mass
destruction against their own civilizations due to this neglect to
understand their emotional being, holistically.
is robotic. It will continue to torture, frighten and escape into
pleasures that turn into hell. It will keep asking you to choose a
side to emotionally identify with so that it can consume your spirit
and trash your body. This mechanical repetition will keep looping and
you are helping it to continue by failing to question what you are
psychologically doing. Are you trying to live up to an emotional
ideal that is opposite to a state of mind that you DIS-like? Is your
emotional state of affairs at odds with itself? In other words, is
the negative and positive halves of your mind at war? One side is
viewed as being the Devil and the other side is angelic of God-like.
Yet, both sides are rooted in BIAS, which makes them the same thing –
malevolent, destructive and insane! Insanity is mental imbalance.
There can be no balance in your emotional being without a NEUTRAL
OBSERVATION of both opposite halves of ones emotional being.
Through purely monitoring
your positive and negative thoughts and feelings in the mirror of
your daily interactions with people and things, then you are truly
FREE! Nobody can hijack your spirit or mind when it's being
Holistically watchful and alert. Then when the powers that be try to
control your life, it will always backfire and then they spiritually
dissolve or are NEUTRALIZED by your Pure Awareness, alone. Never
underestimate the power of NOTHINGNESS. For, it is that same
NOTHINGNESS that is responsible for holding together the fabric of
all matter/life. In the center of all atoms is
NOTHINGNESS/NEUTRALITY, right? If that is at the center of your mind,
then no Devil, demon or murderer can breach your life.
no militant, mercenary or criminal mastermind can get around the
eternal law that says, 'DIVIDE & CONQUER'. This is why prior to
all wars there is propaganda speeches to get you to emotionally
DIVIDE your mind then choose a side to emotionally identify with,
then after mental DIVISION, the bloodbath ensues. Go back and study
all of the great battles in human history and you will see a clear
psychological pattern where mental/emotional manipulation was the
precursor to all massacres. There are no exceptions. They have to get
you to DIVIDE your emotions by CHOOSING A SIDE TO EMOTIONALLY attach
to. Then the murdering begins.
are a part of the psychological covert warfare. They DEMAND that you
emotionally identify with every single holiday so that they can
survey the population to be sure that everybody is brainwashed. And,
then they know that they can do anything they want to your lives.
have been conducting an experiment whereby I stopped acknowledging my
birthday and ALL holidays. Of course there was the predictable peer
pressure to nudge me into reciprocating the holiday scripted
language. But, I say nothing. I know what the collective subconscious
Ego is demanding and why. But I do NOT acquiesce. At first, it felt
strange. But after years of opting out of social emotional
conformity, it feels perfectly natural not to participate in these
covert mind control military operations. I find that I am independent
and am no longer on their spiritual grid. They can't see me. They can
see my physical body and data that describes my person. But, they
can't see my Holistic Mind because I am in a NEUTRAL (TIMELESS)
DOMAIN, and they are not. So when they go to attack me on any level,
be it physical or mental, they can only hurt or destroy themselves.
is the only approach that is effective when dealing with pure evil.
You must neutralize evil within your own emotional being, then you
are beyond the Devil's reach. But more important than that is that
since your emotional being contains the entire history of all
humanity, whenever you COMMUNE with both opposite halves of your
emotional being, the entire structure in the spiritual realm
this means is that you are not only able to live in this world
without being a victim of either the demons or the angels of the
spiritual world behind the social masked language but you are
changing the entire holographic display from the inside out. Of
course, the puppet masters will send out agents to try to persuade
you to stop being in Holistic touch with your emotional mind (or else
they will take away your physical security). But if you can stand
your ground and call their bluff, you will find out that they start
to fall apart at the highest levels of their demonic empire of power.
Then they back off and have to let you have access to your physical
needs. Then you will begin to notice that this process keeps
repeating where they threaten your life and if you keep watching both
sides of your emotional mind, anyway; they will keep collapsing until
one day something big happens.
international demonic system is rotten to its core. That means that
there is NO justice to be found through governments. They are there
to take our energy and serve it to their demonic beast-masters. That is the
I don't get carried away by the wicked things that they do. I simply
pay full attention to my emotional responses (both positive/negative)
when I hear about all the crazy, horrible, nasty things that the
Collective Ego is doing. It can't exist without our help. So it is
spoon feeding us all this ugliness in order to get us to either:
if you do none of these 3 things and, instead, you HOLISTICALLY
foundation of them), then their ROOT-DIRECTORY on a spiritual level
begins to NEUTRALIZE. That means that their spirit cannot reincarnate
– THAT'S A COMPLETE FORMATTED WIPE. In the past when the angels
battled the demons they buried evil so that like a seed it could take
root and grow back decades later to rise up and scare the crap out of
the world. What we are looking at today is the grown up seed that was
buried after WWII. These Armageddon wars are illusions of getting rid
of evil. The angels and demons want to fight each other, forever;
they just keep on resetting the game.
I am not playing any game. I am not on the Freemason's CHECKERED
BOARD (of BLACK-DEMON & WHITE-ANGEL). I am not playing their game
at all. That is why I don't subscribe to any of their mind-control
holidays (nor do I celebrate my birthday, which is self-worship,
which is Egotistical).
welcome their death threats and depriving me of my physical needs.
wait to see what happens. I don't have any conclusion that I will
survive or die. I merely wait to see what happens. That is THE
ULTIMATE EXPERIMENT which I've been conducting since 1977. So it
can't be luck or a fluke. Evil cannot hijack a mind that understands
itself, completely, in the psychological realm. The rules are totally
different in the emotional realm.
must be ZERO concepts, conclusions, ideals, images, doctrines or
beliefs. Why? Because those things BLOCK direct COMMUNION/PERCEPTION
of what you are thinking and feeling. There can be NO BARRIER
between your initial feelings and AWARENESS in order for it to be
HOLISTIC. Then your emotional being is transformed as a NEUTRON which
is TIMELESS. Even their CERN Time Machine can't touch you or your
past. If they try to get rid of your past or alter it while you are
Neutrally Self-Aware, it will backfire and instead of wiping out your
past, they will find themselves wipe out their own.
oppressors will begin to feel these effects and will scream for the
techs to turn the damn thing off immediately. This is not speculation
because Time can't tamper with the Timeless without DISINTEGRATING.
That is why they have to keep sending in covert agents to try to
persuade Holistically Thinking people to stop being Holistic. Because
they cannot infiltrate them or control them without the Neutral Emotional
Being choosing a side to emotionally identify with; that is the
Atomic Law of Energy. They can't get around it. They depend on us,
the masses, to protect and maintain mental fragmentation (a.k.a.,
Ego). Ego is the Devil inside us all. Once it is detected and fully
observed, it dissolves then the demonic overlords start to wither out
of existence like the wicked witch did in the original Wizard of Oz
movie. (The water represented NEUTRAL ENERGY.)
will tell you why the CERN experiment has gained momentum and is
making progress. The more people choose to emotionally identify with
the WHITE side of the checkered board of this spiritual Armageddon,
the more the BLACK side is opening the anti-matter into this world of
matter. They are seeking to destroy this world and have it overrun by
anti-matter. And, their main power is coming from the spiritual
cooperation from the masses. So the more you obey the command to
emotionally identify with angels (or the nice inter-dimensional
beings), the more the Devil is coming out into this dimension. This
is because both sides are violating the Atomic Law of Neutrality. You
are emotionally taking a side which is the rejection of NEUTRALITY.
(BLACK/WHITE) ENERGY. Armageddon is here, folks. And you are
connected to it, spiritually. So wake up and realize the error of
emotional identification with any side, for, either side leads to
at the atom:
Energies = Electron/Negative, Proton/Positive Energy must destroy
each other without: NEUTRAL Energy (contains neither positive or
negative energy). The only form of energy that can stabilize the
opposites (Demon/Angel) is NEUTRAL Energy which is Communing with
BOTH the Negative/Positive feelings and thoughts in your mind as you
interact with people and things in your daily life. AND THAT IS
AUTHENTIC MEDITATION that is like breathing: Inhale (negative) and
Exhale (positive). You can't choose one side, you need both as the
balancing movement of life. You need your mouth and your butt hole,
equally. Neither is superior or inferior because you cannot live without
your lower half or your upper half. And so, you can't have
mental-spiritual equilibrium without listening to both opposites
sides of your emotional being tell its complete story. Your negative
and positive thoughts/feelings are YOU and they must be FREE to FULLY
EXPRESS these halves of ONE EMOTIONAL MIND. You are the DAY &
NIGHT of your consciousness, and they are both necessary to pay full
attention to.
let these Pied-Piper “Truthers” guide you into the belly of the
anti-matter beast so that your sacrificial ritual deaths will allow
the CERN Machine to tear open the NEUTRAL GATEWAYS that maintain
balance to be breached so that anti-matter destroys Earth. What is
your role in this unfolding reality?
you emotionally attaching yourself to a side? After all, your
sports-minded conditioned thinking makes you feel like taking a side
when you listen and look at these YouTube videos about these
evil-doers. Beware of your indoctrination to emotionally be BIASED
and turn your back on the REAL GOD (who is NEUTRAL ENERGY) that is in
the Core of EVERY SINGLE ATOM which is the fabric of Life.
People – wake up because you are at the foundation of this empire.
They may be on the top of the pyramid, it is the masses that is
supporting this evil empire at the basement level. You have the power
to dissolve this oppressive foundation. That foundation is your
Emotional Mind and how you deal with it. So what's it going to be?
BIAS (clinging to your negative or positive feelings); or,
NEUTRALITY (Understanding your positive or negative feelings).
I added a reverse speech track of the exact same talk. I added binaural frequencies to enhance left & right brain.
Krishnaji [Neutral Speech]
What Meditation is not - New Delhi Talk 5 1970
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I added a reverse speech track of the exact same talk. I added binaural frequencies to enhance left & right brain.