Monday, July 24, 2017

The Innate Impact Of Mental Nothingness

Can One Watch And Listen Without Emotional Prejudice or Bias?

Terence Mckenna - The Living Death  

Are we alive to merely buy and sell things or emotionally identify ourselves with them? Or, can we not ponder and question our existence?

Terence McKenna: Ego Is Our Problem

The problem with changing our approach to how to adequately deal with the emotional area of the mind and its imagination is that it gets caught in a groove or habitual pattern, and it fears letting go of that groove. Terrance McKenna only found psychedelic plants to assist the mind in letting go of its habitual way of thinking. I'm not sure if Terrance was ever aware of the "sensory deprivation research on floatation tanks" discovered and invented by the scientist John C. Lilly (beginning in 1954). 

This perhaps may be another way to open ones mind without chemical inducement. This technological device was invented in the l950's and perfected and distributed to the public beginning in the 1970's. The government launched a propaganda smear campaign against this device. And then the people became afraid of it. But since the early 2000's its come back strong. There are now over 300 Floatation Centers in America and more worldwide. It is safe and powerful. People report discovering a new dimension to themselves that brings about a since of oneness, overall feelings of well-being both emotionally and physically. Feel free to check this out and other testimonials all over YouTube:



Float Tanks - Joe Rogan:

The Most Powerful Tool for Self-Development


Floatation Tank Experience with Joe Rogan


Float Tank Tips


The Float Pod: Intro to Floating


Introducing The Float Pod


Perry - Float Conference 2016


The Floating World | Sensory Deprivation Tanks 


Graham Hancock's Float Tank Experience


Within the Void: Sensory Deprivation Tank Documentary


Float Nation (Documentary)


Dr. Dan Engle speaks about Floating and Entheogens


About Zen Float Co


John C. Lilly and the Solid State Entity - A Documentary


Dr. Weissman talks about the Sensory

Deprivation Tank 

Notice the innate impact of mental nothingness when people deprive their senses from all external stimuli from its environmental surroundings. Pay attention to what happens when the mind has no sensation of its body and only is alone with itself -- a powerful energy emerges when nothing is happening in the mind after it naturally settles down with itself.

 Terence McKenna Discusses Death

When one stops wondering about what it means to live and be in touch with your thoughts and feelings to the fullest extinct, then one is in a state of perpetual decay -- neither being fully lively nor dead, just in a state of limbo and fear.

Mckenna Discusses If Reality Is Real

 Terence Mckenna - Empower Yourself


A Message to Artists from Terence

Mckenna [1990]

Has science overlooked important aspects of reality? (Terence McKenna)

Will Machines Replace Humans? | Terence McKenna

Shamanism | We Have Become a Sick Species

(Terence Mckenna)

All Human Problems boiled to a Single Problem [the Ego] (Terence McKenna)

The man is sounding an Urgent Alarm to impress upon us to awaken from our stupor and lust from superficial consumerism, which has polluted Mother Nature. Also, politics is nothing but an Ego-Trip. The Illuminati is another Ego-Trip. The Pope and The Roman Catholic Church is an Ego-Trip. All of the squabbles among nations are nothing more than Ego-Trips. They think that they can destroy the environmental ecosystem with their stupid wars so that they can make more money and somehow it's not going to damage the lives of their descendants. They are delusional! 

Egos are competing to dominate the masses. They wish to experiment on our minds & bodies (i.e., Chemtrails, GMO's, Fluoridated Water, high levels of indigestible food preservatives and other poisonous additives) then when we get sick from all of this, they further poison us, while pretending to help our health with medications/vaccines, etc. The masses are handing themselves over to the corporate pirates and the fake religious groups.


 - Alan Watts

We, as a species, have allowed our minds to be hacked and hijacked. We have to take back our mental sovereignty and unite as a WHOLE by meeting one another at the Center Grounding Point of Dissolving our Egos. Be like the heart of the Atom, which is NEUTRAL ENERGY that finally understands the deception of choosing between the opposites (i.e., the Illuminati or the Jesuit Pope -- who are really 2 sides of the same wickedly destructive coin). The main reason why most people listen to this man's message and just comment on his style of speech rather than realize the urgency of what he is POINTING AT is due to the chemical scrambling from consuming fluoride (which makes the mind dull and complacent in the face of imminent danger, not just to our personal selves, but to the generations to come).

First Person Science: Floatation Tanks

Why do people act like they don't care about their children, grandchildren and what kind of world they are leaving them? There is something very wrong here when we treat warnings such as his as mere amusing entertainment. Wow, his vocabulary is so fucking impressive. That's isn't even the point at all. The man is telling us that we are on the brink of annihilation. Do we have to see the Earth literally fall apart before we get it??? By then, it will be too late to stop the extinction. So if you can't handle the notion of taking psychedelics then go snap out of your stupor by beginning Sensory Deprivation/Isolation Floatation Tanks. Do research on YouTube starting here:    

In the above video, Terrance ended by saying that gradual change is a luxury of the past. What that means is that we each have a responsibility to change now. That means being ever sensitive to what is taking place in the present and how we are supporting that breakdown. Either we are assisting the destructive process or we are opting out of it.

By devoting ourselves to our ego, we are contributing to the decline of the world. This means leaving a nightmarish world or a dead world to the upcoming generations, if they can survive infancy. The powers that be are legislating genocide. The United Nations is a front for insane richest pirate families on Earth to attack the world and steal the resources for themselves where they can go underground and exist in a prison artificial world of being R.F.I.D. Chipped. If anyone tries to be a free thinker they will activate the kill switch on your chip. That is their plan.

Dissolving the egoistic boundaries of society

(Terence McKenna)

So, what Terrance is saying is that we are so programmed and fearful that in order to break through this psychological barrier so that we can establish our own equilibrium, we need something to assist us. I feel that the only thing that is equivalent to psychedelics, without any drugs, is the Floatation Tanks as I have mentioned above. Then after you feel free and relaxed and centered go back and listen to people like Terrance, Alan Watts and Jiddu Krishnamurti and you can read my archived blogs (which elaborates on what J. Krishnamurti points out). Now you can just swallow words and think change will occur. You have to be willing to really work hard and be brutally honest within your emotional being. Face reality for the sake of changing the direction we are headed before we hit the iceberg that will sink our species' ship.
Float and then listen to the message and watch your internal emotional responses. The POWER OF LISTENING is revealed directly to you. Don't ask me how can this make a difference? Do and find out in reality. Go to a Float Tank Center and LISTEN, then see for yourself how you feel and perceive the world in a brand new light. Then take that mental adjustment and go deeper into your being by listening to these men and my writing and watch how you react in your emotional being. When you keep doing this, everything becomes clear. The more clear and centered you get, the more you unplug from robotic thinking and behavior.

My 3 HOUR Sensory Deprivation Tank Experience:

A meditation trip unlike any other:

Don't worry about what the system will do to you. Look if you fail to do this the system will be extinct anyways. Who would want to exist in a world where most of Nature is destroyed, anyway? It would be hell! So don't be concerned about the system. After all, the people who support the system are the system. So stop being the system of money grabbing idiots and awaken to Supreme Intelligence/Wisdom. At that level of being you cannot be ruled, and you no longer fear death because you have faced the DEATH OF YOUR EGO, which means after that you lose your fear of physical death, too.

The above video shows a man that came out of the Float Tank to testify that he was comfortable with feeling would it would be like to take his final breath. This would indicate that his ego dissolved. After watching several people share their Float Tank experiences from various age groups and different cultures, it showed across the board that everyone felt very different and a deep change that they could not adequately put into words. It was like they came out of a totally different mental dimension. This is because the right brain is allowed to naturally come forth. The right brain is naturally aligned with the Cosmos and Nature. The left brain naturally recedes without much effort (this is where the ego is housed). When we are conscious in our daily brainwashing environment, the left brain dominates our lives and makes us behave callously and neurotically while being totally oblivious to there being anything wrong with it.

But after going into the Float Tank, one emerges with a new found awakening. They are surprised to realize how connected they feel to the world, in general. Then after you go through this on a monthly basis and then keep listening to the messages from Terrance McKenna, J. Krishnamurti, Alan Watts and myself, then suddenly you will grasp the meaning, beyond the words. You will FEEL THE REALITY OF THOSE WORDS after you keep going to the Float Tank Center. Then you don't have to be worried about being busted by the authorities. These Float Tank Centers are not in small towns, but you can save up and take a trip to the nearest center. Or you can go to YouTube and type in how to DIY a Float Tank then invite your friends or start your own business inviting the locals. You will not just make money but you will be awakening people and helping them to dissolve their ego in a non-intimidating way.

The hundredth-monkey theory as that when enough people mentally link up, they can reach a critical mass which will link to Mother Nature and reverse the damage that our species has caused. If we are, as a mental collective, causing great harm to Nature, then we can reverse that by dissolving our egos. Now you know that the powers that be wont like this. But, never-mind that. They are just an ego that is in fear of losing their power to control our minds. So what. I view them like a virus or bad bacteria in the gut. So what if the virus doesn't like that we starve it or we input a ton of good bacteria that gobbles up the bad bacteria. Life is about establishing and maintain BALANCE! That what it's all about. Beauty is BALANCE. Do we want a beautiful world or and filthy disgusting world?

It is silly to be afraid of the rogue forms of energy of our species. Let them drop away like the disease that they are. Don't feed them by trashing your own mind and bodies. Do what is right and correct and let the chips fall where they may. We are their equals because we are ALL ATOMIC FORMS OF ENERGY, bottom line. They have been lying to us that they are superior beings. They only have power over us because we have accepted their lies thinking that it would be in our best interest to do so. But they turn around and murder our children in wars so that they can get richer. Then they take their ill-gotten gains and treat the public as their lab rats to do all sorts of experiments on. They entice us with ads that promise to make life more modern, convenient.

They trick us by telling us that if we plug into their technologies that we will become superior beings. They are hooking us up to their matrix so that they can control our minds and bodies. Then when we try to question what we have gotten ourselves mixed up with, they say stop questioning or else we will disconnect you from the grid and you wont be able to survive outside of it. They start by telling us to hand our lives over to them and everything will be alright. Then they turn around and fuck us over. Just listen to a woman who tells her story of how she naively asked her parents to take her to a convent to become a nun so that she could serve God. Then later on she found out that it was all a big lie. When she wanted to leave, she was imprisoned there for 22 years until she found a way to escape. It was very moving, and you can tell it is authentic. Have a listen: 

Dark secrets of the Catholic Church

 Ex nun Confesses   

I only share this nun's testimony to make a point about how institutions are driven by ego power to dominate control and steal under the pretext of doing good. The Roman Catholic Church has a very dark brutal history that I had no idea how wicked their deeds were and how they came into the position of power and authority that they weld to this very day. But that being said, I don't agree with this ex-nun's decision to switch from one dogma into another dogma. She was still deceived but she was a little more comfortable. She had a primitive outlook on life and was never able to be a free thinker. She felt that by emotionally identifying with "Jesus" that she was moral. That is incorrect and was based on superstitious fear. But I found her story valuable to expose a hidden practice of abuse to young girls and stealing from their parents and making it impossible for their child to ever be able to see or communicate with each other ever again. She last saw her parents after she joined the convent at 13 years old. By the time she escaped, they had died. 
After listening to the confession of the ex-nun, have a look at the powers that are behind the New World Order to enslave the entire world:  

Vatican Secret Societies and the New World Order

In the above video the man being interviewed giving information about the Jesuits claiming that they were intelligent and wise. This is not accurate. They were cunning and clever, but not intelligent/wise. They were experts in violence and causing IMBALANCE IN THE WORLD! That is what is causing the ruination of our world and our species. There is nothing intelligent about that. They operate like a disease against the health of the body. If the human race is the body, then these egotists are parasites in our species. Our only salvation is to dissolve our ego and operate from a foundational base of NEUTRAL SELF-AWARENESS. You may think that is not going to be enough but if you examine closely, conflict is based on internal division which is your ego. If you dissolve it completely, when they attack a Holistic Being, it will backfire. That is THE LAW BEYOND man-made laws. We will have to be willing to test that. For in the past, nothing else has stopped them.

The above video seeks to make the audience choose biblical dogma to identify with emotionally. To deal with conflict through choosing the opposite side is to perpetuate warfare, whereby, heads & tails are forever fighting. Because, there is no foundation of neutral, unbiased realization that the opposites being presented so that we will choose one ego over another. Ego from both sides of this drama are equally destructive. This is an ancient paradigm that is resisting dissolution.

So I can detect that this video is a psychological trick to make us feel compelled to blindly follow one side or the other. This video is a deception. Yes it is exposing certain facts about the Jesuits and the Vatican only to get us to oppose them and accept the dogma of the bible. This "God" talk is fear based. That is because God implies an energy that is without measure, and is omnipotent. Inside our mind we have positive and negative emotional thoughts and feelings. Our mind is atomic energy that must be grounded in NEUTRAL ENERGY by being fully in touch or aware of ALL of our emotional responses while being challenged by egotistical fear tactics in our daily lives. The unprecedented paradigm shift to see the black & white emotional scenario is purely EGO-driven. Because the goal is to overthrow one power so that it can dominate the minds of the masses. This has been going on for centuries. This story in this video is based on ego of taking an emotional side.

The narrator is ego-driven. This propaganda to get us to fear the Vatican oppressors. But if they were overthrown, we would be oppressed by their enemy victors. This is all about Belief-A versus Belief-B. And, we are being emotionally pressured into choosing. But, if you can see that both sides are just two sides of the same egotistical coin of endless conflict, which is destroying our Mother Earth. This is a convoluted emotional trick and fear tactic to make us scared of the evil side. But when you side with the opposite you are buying into the illusion that conflict is our only salvation. And if we would just beg and pray to a "Bible-God" then a miracle will deliver us from evil.

These squabbling egos are competing to control the lives of the masses. So it is up to us to step out of this duality of emotionalism. This can only be done by communing with both sides of our emotional responses. Then there will be NO internal division. A consciousness can only be conquered if it is divided against itself. In all of the stories reported in this video, everyone is a biased-ego that is identified with their beliefs. So egos are consciousness that splits itself in half and emotionally attaches with one side and denounces the other side. This makes the mind into a Dr. Jekyll & Mr./Ms. Hyde mental civil war. This makes it possible for outside agents to hijack your mind and body.

The real sacred or holy mind is Holistically Self Observant. In other words we are Atomic Energetic Being of Consciousness. The only thing that makes the Atom stable is the nucleus which contains NO negative or positive charge. It is Neutral and can be found in every single Atom in everything (in all matter). So an energy that cannot be measured also cannot be controlled, destroyed nor captured. Neutral also means Unbiased. You see the Neutron in the Atom holds, equally, the POSITIVE (finite energy) as well as the NEGATIVE (finite energy), which are two HALVES OF A SINGULARITY.

Thought is finite because it is emotional-memory that projects itself as being a "master". When faced with any challenge, we either have a disturbed or a pleasant emotional thought/feeling. Now then... In order for there to be peace and balance in the mind, it must function like the Atom. So whenever we are presented with an emotional storyline, we must pay close attention to the motive behind the story. Is the story pushing or persuading us along an emotional identification and to oppose the side that is being painted as the so-called "bad-guy"? The video above is insisting that we oppose, emotionally, the Vatican/Jesuits and cling to blind faith toward the King James version of its "God of the Bible". If we buy into that propaganda, there shall surely be bloodshed and a clash between these opposing emotional ideologies.

Now, Jiddu Krishnamurti was able to publicly point out in his literature and talks the falsehood of the Vatican/Pope. He even was interviewed by a Jesuit Priest and defied their dogma. He kept deflecting the emotional traps that the priest set for J.K. J.K. kept making the point of having NO BELIEF or ideological bias. In other words, he maintained a NEUTRAL emotional position. That is why he was able to stand up to that entire organization and still point out the illusions spun by the Pope and still went on to live until he was 91 years old and died a natural death. J.K. had no body guards and always traveled by himself. He took long out in the wilderness. He even climbed the Himalayan Mountains, alone. There were plenty of opportunities to assassinate J.K. However, his mind was rooted or grounded in Neutrality (by having no egotistical devotions of any kind). He lived what he spoke about in his spiritual dialogues. Otherwise, he would have been murdered for openly defying The Roman Catholic Church's power and authority. It claimed to own everyone. And would murder anyone that would publicly defy their authority.

J.K. told people not to deify him, follow him or blindly accept what he was pointing out. He said that anyone can do what he is doing, if they are serious, which meant to apply his message. He gave us the recipe, but left it up to each person to prepare the meal and eat it. But most people wanted him to prepare and eat the meal for them. And then they wanted to be able to feel full. How ridiculous. You have to PERCEIVE ALL OF YOUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES while being challenged by anyone in this world. Not just the emotions that you like, but also the ones that you dislike, equally. That is THE ATOMIC LAW; that is THE HOLY GOD within us only when we DETECT THE FALSENESS OF EGO both within and without. When you detect from within, first, you naturally see it in EVERYONE! And then, you can't be breached, neither mentally nor physically.

No matter how powerful an ego may be, it is still limited and restricted to its emotional domain of DIVISION (which occurs whenever you CHOOSE A SIDE). You cannot chooses NOT TO CHOOSE (for that is still CHOOSING). I don't CHOOSE any side in this video (nor any video presenting egotistical duals). By understanding that both opposites are one in the same, there is no need to take a side. I take the above video storyline to be that the Vatican-Jesuit side is the same as a "proton" (positive charged energy), and the Protestant side is the same as an "electron" (negative charged energy). Positive energy is equivalent to masculine energy that is the aggressor. Negative energy is equivalent to feminine energy that is submissive/defensive. One side is like the Heads and the other side is Tails. The illusion is that these opposites are two unrelated things. But in truth, they are two halves of one singularity. When one detects this fact, then clearly there is nothing to choose between.

It is this profound clarity of understanding about emotionalism that frees the mind from the bondage of warfare. When you see that these two sides are pretending to be fundamentally unrelated, then there is no division in your perception of this emotional drama. Then you are outside of the war-game. You are, then, standing on sacred (unbroken) ground. That ground is the Neutral quality of awareness about the emotional-mind and its deception of division. Whenever you buy into these emotional tricks of choosing between the so-called "good" & "evil", you become sucked into the abyss of hell because you no longer are whole, neutral or balanced. For, warfare causes the perpetuation of IMBALANCE both in our physical and mental lives, as well as in the destruction of our Earth and all of its creatures.

Ego is the enemy of life itself. So believers are liars. They are all trapped, by their own choosing, in the realm or domain of duality, conflict and deception. That story was emotional fraud designed to get the viewers to emotionally attach themselves to the side that most appeals to them. Then once people choose, then bloodshed breaks out everywhere and also further kills our Earth (of which the Ego doesn't give a damn about). Ego has one agenda and that is to set itself up to be the "master" of this world. What this is really all about is spiritual integrity or the lack, thereof. Most people are too afraid to experiment with their own life by standing up and seeing exactly what would happen if one were to be in full contact with every single emotional thought or feeling that gets stimulated by people, things and ideas? That is the only freedom, and no one can give it to another.

You have to have the balls to test out what happens when faced with the criminally insane who try to trick you with pretending to be your friend by stroking your ego. Then when you fall for that illusion of friendship, that opens the gateway to their counterpart to come in and slice and dice you into pieces and then murder you. That is how the mental game works. But when you see the entire con, you don't play. You just observe it, without bias. The Ego is dependent upon BIAS from YOU!!! That is what invites the vampire into your mental house. It cannot come in without your emotional choosing of a side, which is inviting the monster inside.

Listen up... After 2012, the reason why the Indians could predict what was going to happen is because we are facing the final challenge, which is either the human emotional being is going to do the unprecedented and awaken to Neutral Self-Awareness (by communing with both its Negative & Positive emotional responses to all challenges of ones daily life), or the mind is going to continue repeating the past, which is to choose a side and then clash. But this time, it will BREAK the Earth, the ecosystem, the atmosphere causing complete destruction. Since, the dawn of time, the Collective Consciousness of Mankind has never been Neutrally Self-Aware. That is why wars have haunted our species -- not any other species of animal.

War is about Emotionalism which is the quest for Superiority, Domination and Playing-God! It has nothing to do with physical survival at all. Ego is the #1 threat to physical equilibrium, balance or sanity. Choosing between the opposites is insanity. Can an Atom exist by removing one of its opposite forms of energy? Absolutely not! When you get rid of the Negative (called the bad guy), you also get rid of the Positive (the so-called good guy). These dualities are interdependent and cannot exist without the other. That is why when you choose between, all you are doing is supporting indefinite conflict. And in reality, both sides are grounded in conflict because both sides will never see the stupidity in choosing between the heads & tails of the same coin of conflict.

This spiritual awakening requires that we REALIZE that psychological or emotional choice is an illusion and is also self-destruction. The opposites can only co-exist in harmony through paying UNDIVIDED-ATTENTION to LISTEN to the entire story that both halves or opposites have to say. And realize that both stories of full of crap because they seek peace through warfare. That is like seeking health through poison. The new paradigm shift requires nothing less than NEUTRAL GROUNDING while observing and listening to the Emotional Responses while facing the challenges of living.

The more people who awaken to this reality, the more that both sides of this clash between the two major monsters will neutralize them, equally. They will be transformed back to THE VOID of which ALL ATOMIC FORMS OF ENERGY originated. The electrons and protons are finite forms of opposite energies that fold back into the nucleus of the NEUTRON. That NEUTRON IS THE REAL GOD! For it is everywhere inside of a ALL ATOMS (no matter what type of DNA formulation it may be).

God is everywhere. Only energy without a beginning or ending can do that. Neutral energy has no beginning or ending because it is not a duality that can be measured. That, my friends, is the very essence of THE CREATOR OF ALL ATOMS RIGHT AT THE CENTER WHICH HOLDS BOTH OPPOSITE HALVES AND BRINGS BALANCE BETWEEN -- NO ENERGY CAN DO THAT (which why that is the authentic God having no gender because it is not a dual form of energy because it has NO Positive or Negative charge at all). This is an absolute fact.

When ones mind is Holistically, Neutrally monitoring ALL of its emotional responses, such a mind is imbued with Neutral or Eternal Energy which cannot be accessed by any Ego (which happens to be a fragmented form of energy that is imprisoned in taking sides and being biased). Ego cannot go beyond itself. A mind that has dissolved its Ego through communing with both opposite feelings and thoughts, has no limitations and is beyond the reach of Ego. When Ego tries to reach it and destroy it, instead it destroys itself. That is THE ATOMIC LAW! An Undivided Mind CANNOT BE CONQUERED. But Ego that has welded power over many inferior Egos refuses to think that it can't overthrow anything it so wishes.

It is quite rare to come upon a Holistic-Neutral Based Self-Aware Mind. But on the occasion that this does happen, it is hell-bent on trying to destroy such a Mind, which is a good thing. Because the only way that this Evil on can finally dissolve into nothingness is that it must seek to destroy a Pure Mind of a Man, which was Jiddu Krishnamurti. He made it to the end of his life with Neutral Integrity which was why the Vatican-Jesuits could not hide his message telling the world how to be spiritually free of its Ego.

The final chapter is where the Ego will try to destroy a Woman who is Neutrally Ground in Self-Examination. And if she makes it to the end of her life without compromising to her Ego and any one else's Ego, then the two halves of the Collective Emotional-Consciousness will be complete and the paradigm of the Ego must completely and naturally end. Then there will be an unprecedented spiritual awakening in the WHOLE MIND. Any one who is Ego-driven will sudden drop because the spirit world of the Ego will collapse once the Female Neutral-Based being physically dies. For, both Male & Female represents the WHOLE ATOMIC STRUCTURE OF OUR HUMAN MIND that will be delivered out of primitive warfare. Nothing less than this can effect a permanent change at the Root of the Human Emotional Being. This is what the spiritual dilemma is about that we are facing every single day/night.

When the Ego challenges me to bow down to its emotional authority, or fight against it, or run away from it, I understand the detriment of doing any of those things. So I do nothing but pay close attention to how I feel when I am being denied my physical security. It does not matter if I physical die because I understand that if I were to die without doing any one of those three things that the Ego is desperate for me to do, then the paradigm shift will be COMPLETE. That means that the source code to the COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS EGO WILL CEASE TO EXIST IN THE SPIRIT REALM AND IT SHALL COMPLETELY NEUTRALIZE FOREVER. That is what the Indians could not forecast after December 2012. So by Neutrally facing the  COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS EGO everyday of my life, I and mentalities like me are bringing about a genuine New Paradigm.

I am over 60 years old and so I am ready to die, anyway. So it really doesn't matter to me if I am deprived of my physical security. Because I understand that the Ego at its spiritual root will totally collapse on the day of my physical death. That is why at the last minute the system stops blocking my physical security. The Ego must be dissolving in its spirit domain and is causing both sides that are trying to take over the Human Consciousness to equally vanish. The very ground on which the Ego stands is falling apart the more that it tries to obliterate my mind. It has tried every trick in the book that it knows to deceive me into giving in to it, and it has failed. So many minions have come after me to try to convince me that he or she is my friend. I have no friends. I have no need for a friend. All that I need is to observe my mind under ALL forms of challenges that the Ego (of this matrix system) throws at me. I welcome these challenges because this is what is necessary in order for there to finally be peace on Earth. I am the bait that the Ego must try to destroy through ALL forms of emotional deception. Each time that it cycles through its efforts to exterminate my life and I face each challenge without seeking anybody's help, then the closer the  COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS EGO gets to its COMPLETE END.

The COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS EGO is a spiritual virus (just like a cancer). Life on Earth will continue to get more difficult until this spiritual virus dies, a natural death. That means that there is no fighting against it. There is no escaping from it. There is no surrendering to it. And by the way, those three options are the only things that the Ego is interested in me doing. Everything that it says or does toward me is to get me to do one of those three things. I am fully aware that every person that is enslaved by their Ego that crosses paths with me is under to hypnotic power of either the criminal mastermind of the Vatican-Jesuits or its opposite. And, I see that both sides are equally a spiritual disease that propagates believing, period. I have no use for such nonsense. Believe always breeds conflict, bloodshed and ultimately destroys this Earth. Belief is the enemy to Life!

I deal with the Ego 100 percent factually. I see it for what it is; a LIAR, a FAKER and an ANNIHILATOR. No matter how nice it may talk, it is criminally insane because it wants to maintain conflict and justifies its perpetuation.

The thing about Terrance McKenna, Allan Watts is that they always rationalize the need for an Ego. But J. Krishnamurti and myself understand that you can't condone any part of the Ego. It is a byproduct of the failure to be in UNDIVIDED CONTACT WITH ITSELF. It makes up the opposite and anything that it dislikes about itself. It BELIEVES (which is an emotional LIE) things about itself in order to evade being in touch with any state of emotional being that it wishes to ignore. ALL BELIEFS ARE BLINDERS, DIVIDERS THAT REJECTS THE TRUTH. Truth has no room for any belief, dogma, ideology or concepts with regard to emotional states of mind.

So whenever I am faced with any challenge from any Ego, I understand that whatever it says or does to me, the only real challenge is my being in touch with my feelings and thoughts no matter how pleasant or disturbing they are. For, IAM ALL OF MY THOUGHTS/FEELINGS; that is an absolute fact of reality. That is what reality is. So seeing everyday of my life in each PRESENT MOMENT is the action of unbiased spiritual grounding. That ground is Neutral Energy to which no opposite form of energy (negative or positive) can override. When Neutral Energy comes into contact with either opposite, then it causes harmony. If energy resists that harmonious energy, then that causes the energy to self-neutralize. There is no warfare, opposition or force of any kind coming from me.

However, the Ego is studying my messages to try to find a way to use this information against me by trying to develop a strategy to psychologically stir up confusion within my mind. Even J. Krishnamurti was fully aware of this being done to him at his dialogue meetings that covert agents were sent into to cause chaos and disruption and to incite conflict from J. Krishnamurti. But, such efforts always failed because J. Krishnamurti was doing what he was talking about, not just preaching.

And, I recognize that I am dealing with the very same  COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS EGO that he was confronted with. The key to dealing with Ego is to face my own, in complete transparency. Because if I lie to myself, then I can be fooled by other Egos. So when I see myself exactly as I am, then I see ALL EGOS and ALL of their forms of deception. War is Deception. There can be no war without first deceiving the emotional being. These videos are trying to get you to be emotionally devoted to one of these deceptions. That is why YouTube is filled to the brim with emotional messages.

The goal is to get every single mind to attach itself to a belief system. Then after that, it is free to rain down unholy terror throughout this entire Earth. That is what is being planned and implemented. But the only way the Ego can trash this Earth and put everyone into laboratory cages to experiment on us and turn us into remote controlled robots people is that everyone has to sellout to their belief, dogma, ideals of an emotional nature. I don't care if everyone does that. I'm not doing it.

Jiddu Krishnamurti: Conversations with Jesuit Priest -

Goodness Only Flowers in Freedom 1/2


ONE IS THE ONLY NUMBER. J. Krishnamurti was a HALF for he represented the masculine (ALPHA). I am like a HALF for I represent the feminine (OMEGA). Together we are the BEGINNING AND THE ENDING OF THE HUMAN SPIRITUAL MIND. So I understand that I shall be hounded until the end of my biological life, which I don't really mind at all. For, I realize that this is how the  COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS EGO is unknowingly deleting itself (all the while believing that it is going to destroy me because I have no friends, family or no human to protect my life). But ask yourselves, how can this be possible to be alive for over 6 decades and not choose any sides, psychologically, emotionally or spiritually? What is preventing The Matrix (i.e., the  COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS EGO) from destroying me?

Well, that is because the ground upon which that I stand, spiritually, is Neutral. That is what J. Krishnamurti did. When he said that anyone can do that, I took him seriously and did it. In the beginning I was shaking in my boots. But now I welcome the Ego to lie to me while pretending like it is not. It tells me to have a nice day, which is a blatant lie. It pretends to like me, which also a lie. You see it has to do that because it is like vampire that must trick me into emotionally inviting it in to my mental house. So long as I see that it is not a benevolent entity (no matter how nice it talks to me), it has no ability to unleash its dark sadistic side on me.

In my youth, I failed to see these truths. So whenever people said nice things to me, I took it on face value. And each and every time I got my ass kicked and sometimes I almost got killed. It took me a few years to figure out why this was happening. Then I came to J. Krishnamuriti's teachings and studied it with all my heart and then it dawned on me the whole trick that the emotional mind plays. Now I can easily detect the Ego trying to bait me into thinking that it means me no harm. Benevolence can only take place in a mind that is unbiased, which means being complete communions with ALL EMOTIONAL RESPONSES. We've been brainwashed into dividing our thoughts and feelings. We've been convinced to substitute emotions that we dislike with emotional lies which we call beliefs, opinions or ideals. This is an act of psychological warfare against oneself. Then, outside agents can infiltrate such a divided mind.

Jiddu Krishnamurti: Conversations with Jesuit Priest -

Goodness Only Flowers in Freedom 2/2


Most people's minds are so confused and shallow and afraid of itself that I suggest that the best way to be able to listen to these disturbing truth about how your emotional being works is to first begin by going to a Float Tank Center to feel the reality of your emotional being, first. Then you can be in a state of mind where you can understand what J. Krishnamurti is talking about. In that understand comes more understanding until you realize that there is nothing to fear. Fear you your reluctance to commune with ALL of your emotional feelings and thoughts. All cultures can get away with controlling your mind when you are afraid to be in COMPLETE CONTACT WITH YOUR WHOLE EMOTIONAL BEING.

Once you realize this is your only and greatest challenge in life, then you are free from being afraid, forever. After all, the reason why the Vatican tortured millions of human beings was to imprint in the  COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS fear so that we would allow ourselves to ruled. But a mind that is grounded in Neutrality is grounded in the REAL-GOD, which has no fear of a fragment. After all the Neutral Energy created the finite energies. But the finite energies did not create Neutral Energy. That which is measurable can never create the measureless. So a mind grounded in measureless self-awareness has no fear to see itself as it is under ALL circumstances of life.    

 J. Krishnamurti - Is Belief Necessary? (1970)  


Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.