Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Are We Living In An Artificial World, Psychologically?

Time Out On Trivial Babble

The problem is that we have lost touch with understanding our own bodies and minds, directly. Once upon a time, people used to do their own exploring and discovering. Today, we look to others to hand us the answers to our problems. But haven't you noticed that ever since we have outsourced the problems of our lives, our problems are becoming more complex and they are also multiplying? Why? It's as if we are expecting solutions to the problems of living to be solved by outside agents. But, life is really from the inside out, and not the reverse.

We are living in an artificial pretext. Our bodies are organisms. The derivative of "organism" is "organic". Our bodies consider anything that is not organic to be a foreign substance and attacks it. Thereby, the body starts to attack its own cells (also known as auto-immune disorder). So the main reason why we are confused and depending on the so-called experts to help us is because we have become afraid of being responsible for understanding our biology and our thinking. We have been convinced by propaganda that we can't understand ourselves unless we go to college to get a degree. Nonsense! If that were true, how did people survive before degrees existed? How do the animals maintain their health without going to some school and asking another animal how to stay healthy? Did we need a degree to learn how to talk and walk? My point is that we have made simple functions into overly complicated problems that they are really not. All of this is being done for profiteering and egotistical control motivations.

We have become so busy with earning money. And, to escape from that drudgery, we seek out some form of entertainment. We never have the time nor the interest to do our own research to understand ourselves. Instead, we trust that someone outside of ourselves will give us the answers. We are gambling on that assumption, are we not? But, what if we turn out to be wrong? What if depending on others IS the real problem that is maintaining our confusion? What if we are headed for disaster by being dependent on the experts. Are not the experts merely in business to make a profit? Doesn't that profiteering govern their advice to the public? So why would the average expert have our best interest at heart?

If wild animals can understand how to maintain their health without seeking outside help, I don't see why a human being cannot do that, as well. All living things are made to be self-sufficient, naturally. The only reason why people fail to do this is because we have been mind controlled to go against natural functions. Taking drugs to fix our problems is unnatural. The proof of that is that our bodies suffer side-effects.

There are NO side-effects in nature when animals live solely on organic substances to maintain their health. It is only the captured animals that live in artificial habitats (eating chemically-laced food) that results in animals having the same diseases as people get. There is so much evidence to prove that artificial living throws the body out of balance and, therefore, causes dis-ease. Yet, millions of people opt to live off of drugs. It is just as irrational as smoking (drugs) -- I mean cigarettes (which are heavily inundated with chemicals, including the heavy metal, cadmium). Do we even check to see the ingredients of what we put into our bodies? No. Why do human beings purposefully subject their bodies to bio-hazards? It is as if we are addicted to decadence and deterioration.

The majority of people choose to expose their bodies to the most poisonous substances on a daily basis. With the habitual intake of toxins, how can their brains comprehend life with rational lucidity? It cannot, obviously. It would seem that people are going to keep on malfunctioning until it becomes unbearable to go on in that direction. It is very unpopular to live a balanced (healthy/sane) life. People are copycats. If the majority are irrational then they all say it is "normal". This malfunctioning human existence is a run-away train headed off a cliff.

My blog is to reflect the reality of the problem so that if there is any sanity left in some people they will awaken and take responsibility for their lives. But, the majority will ignore anything that is not an instant fix. By ignoring our malfunctioning ways, the reality we make is becoming more and more frightening, like something out of a horror flick. "Ignorance is bliss." That is how people live. "What we don't know, can't hurt us." Another delusion that people cling to. All of these sayings are lies. Then when we look up one day and wonder how did life become so hideously ugly and painful, we will then pity our suffering. But self-pity resolves nothing, does it?

Why am I not lulling the readers to sleep by telling them that everything is just fine. Keep on acting like the way we live in darkeness/ignorance is perfectly intelligent. Keep on pretending that human beings are not in the process of extinguishing themselves right out of existence. Pretend that chemtrails is not causing a chain reaction in the entire biosphere (also known as the food chain). Lets just live like the nursery rhyme says, "Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream (of life). Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is just a DREAM!" Is life an image, because that is what dreams are made out of -- images/pictures. Life IS NOT a silly dream. Life is real. A dream is only a shadow of life, but it is not life.

The vast majority of people don't really care about life at all. They only want to fulfill their desires and pleasures and then drop dead at the end. They couldn't care less the impact they are having on our planet and our atmosphere. We live as if we are children. We just go to work to pay bills and then spend the rest on playtime. We neglect to understand how to function in a state of balance and harmony. So we are in pain. People in pain like to impose their pain on all of life. At the end of the day, we just live in an isolated bubble of "My Desire" is all that counts! This is what is destroying life. We live as a virus that sucks off its host. A virus takes from the living and causes things to malfunction until it ceases to function altogether.

We live in a world that is drowning in trivial statements that are meaningless. Words that point to nothing is mere babble. Yet, advertisements flood our minds with this incessant nonsense in an effort to manipulate us into buying garbage. We are now driven to make money like madmen. But, none of this is bringing us joy, peace or contentment. Instead, it is making us cold, callous, apathetic, self-destructive as well as bullies. After all, what is the point in eating healthily or cleaning out toxins from our bodies, if we are just going to live in conflict? It is pointless, isn't it?

The reason why the physical part of human life is in such disarray is because, psychologically, we are blind and utterly lost. We're on some kind of treadmill of choosing one desire after another in a futile attempt to escape from our boring, meaningless existence we call living. It is not living. It is a slowly decaying process that has been going on from generation to the next generation.

If you are ready to step out of this "Ground Hog Day" loop, then start questioning your mind. The answer lies within the problem. Our mind is the problem. So observe and learn what it is. That observing and questioning awakens clarity and restores balance to an imbalance way of living. So I offer products through this blog as a partial solution to what ails society. The fundamental key to being free from this artificial system of living is to learn about our programmed thinking. Lets be human instead of mere biomechanical money addicts.

See your mind respond and learn about it in each present moment. But we are the living dead. We live in memory. We fear the ending of our emotional memories. Emotional memories that generate the desire to control is the evil that is causing imbalance to the physical world.

What is Psychological Death and Why is it Important?

Does government exist because we lack Self-Wisdom? The root meaning of “government” is to govern=control + mental=mind. Mind control is based on each person controlling their own mind “by choosing to egotistically become”. We're told to choose to become a “good person”. Suppress anything that doesn't conform to community ideals of what is goodness. Holistically-Seeing in the present moment that Heads-IS-Tails of the same psychological coin, your mind is then rooted in Fact where it is Whole. So Order IS security for the Mind, Body & Environment.

The body is rooted in fact. Ego is rooted in fiction. For centuries the Ego of humanity has been practicing “Blood Sacrifices”; it's called War! The ego is a parasite because when the mind doesn't SEE itself, conflict not only exists in the mind but its a wave that mushrooms out like a nuclear bomb – disintegrating our bodies, the biosphere & atmosphere. “As above (psyche); so is below (body)”.

Opposing Fact with Fiction is destructive to the physical world. It is not a question of getting a so-called “good” image-belief. Regardless if you put a “positive” spin on it, conforming to the “what should be” [the ideal] brings about a division between the psychological observer & the ideal. One compares themselves to an ideal. Right then, one has caused a division between the Fact (what I am) and the ideal of “what I should be”. Once the mind is fragmented, it must then resist the Truth and cling to a fiction. Then that fiction has psychologically “manufactured” The Master or God. There is a struggle in the mind between “what I am” (bad) and “what I want to be” (a concept of “goodness”). Thought is memory, which is inherently limited. Thought tries to become a master and enslaves others into “believing” in order to prove to itself that is can “become” measureless. It can become “God” - the one who controls the lives of everyone and gets to decide who lives and who dies.

The condition of the tree's root determines what happens to the rest of it. Ego IS the Root cause of the world's mental and physical present condition. We need to understand that freedom can never be obtained through choosing an ideal in which to be identified with, emotionally. We feel unimportant so we chase after its opposite; so we join a tribe (gang, nation, cult, sect, etc.) in order to elevate our sense of power and importance. The mind is struggling to convince itself that it is safe and that it is mighty and that it is great and that it can love. When we shatter the Wholeness of our mind in order to be in control of life, we are in a state of disintegration, which is the antithesis of stability. All that we do to try to bring about a solution only fragments the problem, more and more. Conforming to ones desire of how they want reality to be is detrimental to the physical security. That is why we have economic class divisions. And the Law of Reality indicates that where there is division, psychologically speaking, there must be conflict, which destroys the physical equilibrium (body, biosphere and atmosphere).

Life & Death are one unit. Our bodies are living and dying simultaneously. Now then... Man has violated that sacred balance of Life & Death by believing in images (positive or negative ones). When the mind feels a disturbance, it must understand the fact that any disturbance IS, in fact, itself. The reason there is a disturbance is that means it is necessary to learn about itself through Pure Awareness (and nothing else). When we watch a thing with our whole being, that is Pure Energy that is watching the nature of this emotional state. It is not trying to correct what is being studied. Since we are the subject, we can't intervene without causing a division which must cause conflict between “what I feel that I dislike” = fact and the opposing wish or desire of how I would like to feel= a belief/image of myself. The “image” that I make of myself (regardless if that image is flattering or not) is still an image, which is fiction masquerading as “truth” – which is the opposite of what I really feel.

The suppressed feeling boils and fester and so there is a the duality between Fact & Fiction. The belief was born out of fear. The fear of being fully observant, sensitive and wholly aware of being disturbed, caused a fracture in the mind. The mind chooses a Fiction to hide from its pain. But in choosing to hide in the Fictitious state of mind, there is no peace of mind. Peace can only come when the mind is Whole. As long as the mind seeks shelter, psychologically, it will never find real peace. Therefore, conflict must end/die naturally, without any force. When one observes a fact, that observation is not opposing it. It simply sees the truth of what it feels. There is no struggle or fiction to observe. There is no agenda or motive to fulfill a desire. One is simply learning about the mind, holistically (without a controller). One can watch their “controller” and see how it deceives itself. 

What we are inquiring into is not a system you can memorize and implement. We pretend that certain words are holy or sacred. All words come from memory. The eternal cannot be captured by the mind of man. However, we all have the capacity to “Holistically Observe” the limitations of our psyches. In seeing the fact as a fact, there is no longer opposition to the fact. The total awareness of how believing operates and that it can never bring order or peace, free the mind from confusion and conflict.

The only thing that makes a disturbed state of mind continue in that state is its struggle against it through the identification with the opposite “ideal” or “future salvation”. There is no salvation in the future. Either you see now what you are, or you pretend to see it and continue on being at war with yourself. Your relationship to your own mind is the way you are related to others. If you lie to yourself, well you must do that with everyone, as well. If you are secretly in conflict and unaware that you are, the evidence shows in your relationship the things, people and ideas. If you can see that all efforts to live up to any “ideal” is futile, then you are free from conflict and you are no longer contributing to the conflict in the whole world. But if you hide from yourself, then that will cause destruction to yourself and to others (in one form or another).

And finally, is it possible not be psychologically hurt nor to hurt another?

Yes it is possible. There is holistic vigilance within and without, simultaneously, when you watch the movements of ones mind, without willing oneself to react in any particular way. But, you copy another person, I'm afraid. No person can give clarity or wisdom to another person; you have to look at Truth directly. Wisdom is seldom talked about. It has been taken for granted (or believed) that “Wisdom” is merely a matter of living for a long time, and gathering experience as its foundation of authority. No true. Time has nothing at all to do with real “Wisdom”.

Wisdom” cannot be achieved or sought after for itself. A thing that is sought after is based on what you know. So one is only seeking a modified version of the past/known. For eons people have sought the impossible endeavor. The Ego wants to be absolutely powerful (in other words – limitless). Thought is memory and psychological time.

What is psychological time?

One is angry. That is a fact. The mind responses to the fact by desiring to “detach” from that feeling. There is “what I feel”. Fear of what I feel wants to move away from the fact by seeking something that the mind presumes to be “better” than the fact (the truth). Psychological time is introduced by “the desire to not be that fact”. So we are encouraged to “believe in any set of comforting words that you like”. That harder you concentrate on those words and tell yourself that they are the truth, you will eventually escape from your emotional anxiety. So the concept or belief that one is trying to emotionally become takes time to attain. To go from anger to compassion by way of approximating oneself to an image is an impossibility. The preoccupation to achieve a state of Nirvana, within the psyche, is the endless game of psychological-hide-and-seek.

Psychological Time means that I may be disturbed now but I will concentrate on becoming the opposite of that. However, the opposite born out of the same root memory is merely the same content with a different face on it. For example, when one divides oneself by chasing after the “image of what I want to become” one is destroying the essence of ones ability to perceive reality. Once the mind can't see itself as it really is, it is a contradiction. The contradiction began the moment you become emotionally attached to an image in order to avoid observing your emotional responses. The image is a fabrication that is opposing a disturbing truth. So image, born out of memory, covers up the present fact. That is violence to push away the truth and replace it with a lie and treat that lie as if it were the truth. That is being in a perpetual state of contradiction.

Reality is Truth and it simply Is! Whereas, this like/dislike emotional reaction wants to dictate to Reality/Truth what its version of “reality” is. So when you create an image about yourself in order to become “better” than you are, you are at odds within yourself (and therefore with the world, as well).
The Universe/Cosmos IS PERFECT ORDER and is Reality/Fact. So when the mind opposes Reality within itself by refusing to “Holistically Observe” all of its emotional responses (regardless if I like them or not), it is also against the Universe and the underlying Energy that animates all living things.
This is why most of humanity is in psychological pain. The more pain there is, the more people increase that pain by blindly “believing” harder and harder in “non-realities” better known as beliefs.

A real thing does not require being believed in. It does not require praise nor worship. You don't need to beg it for a “better life”. When there is psychological pure alertness to the whole movement of ones emotional responses, “Wisdom” comes into being. Something unknown takes place when the mind quietly watches itself – there is a non-mechanical learning unfolding. There is space without a “Center” to perceive “what I feel” until that feeling has told its complete story and naturally ends. The death of fragmentation is the birth of wholeness. But, wholeness cannot be pursued.

What is Psychological Death and Why is it Important?

The nature of the mind is to continue repeating itself. In other words, the bottom line is that the main objective of the human ego is simply to be able to go on being dysfunctional and challenging the Universe. Thought wants to control everything, including itself. But, a thing in conflict within cannot contain its conflict. Thought dominating thought leads to an endless chain of domination, which is violent and there is no freedom from that pattern so long as one blindly follows their programming of thinking.

Upon discovering for yourself that your mind can never control itself to “become” good, loving, peaceful through “believing” into existence (thru words & emotions), then such a false pursuit naturally drops away – that is Psychological Death. Conflict comes to a COMPLETE END when it sees that it is a contradiction. It sees that either promoting or chasing after the “image of peace” begets its opposite. One has an “image of what love is”. When people marry, they are attempting to be united. Facts can unite, but illusions cannot. Love is a state of Wholeness. There is NO IMAGE/BELIEF that can guide you to that Wholeness. A fraction can never become a whole. Images are a shadow of the original. The shadow has no substance. That is why a concept about Love is merely a shadow, not the real thing. What is the point of seeking The Truth. Truth is perceived in the hear and now whatever you are thinking and feeling. Because the mind is the content of his or her consciousness, it is self-destructive to pick and choose which parts you will acknowledge and which parts you will ignore. That is discrimination and prejudice – favoring some thoughts and feelings and rejecting others. Then, we turn around and treat the people around us that way, as well.

Merely having technological know-how is not going to solve anything. Systems of governing the lives of people is the problem and the people in them who are psychologically lazy. No one wants to be responsible for Holistically Seeing the Truth. The Truth is that ALL images are founded in corruption. Corruption can be easily understood by taking this metaphor: A Trojan Horse file comes along with the “helpful” suggestion of offering you assistance. It would appear that there may be a problem, click on this (unknown readily available and free software) button to scan your hard drive to make sure no harmful files were accidentally downloaded. So if you “believe” in that benevolent message, you will obey. Once the virus hits your hard drive it corrupts your files on your computer system so that nothing can operate. Your system has either been crippled or destroyed.

This human existence has been running off of psychologically corrupt approach to its own psychological existence. The files have been corrupted from millions of years ago. People have been getting rewarded for maintaining fragmentary living. It changes the labels, but its content has been virtually the same as it was in the very beginning. Conflict coming from the human mind is The System! Whenever we socialize, we invite each other to lie to each other. We tell each other that we are a certain race (that causes division). We have take it for granted that being a “good” person means you must follow social tradition. When holidays come, we must say certain phrases like, “Merry Christmas”, “Happy Thanksgiving” or “Happy New Year”. This is conforming to ideals in order to pretend that this is what Order is. The only thing that is Order to to be Aware of “what is”, not to make it up and then pretend that its real. Psychological conformity is violence. It denies the mind's ability to See itself, completely.

Ideals breaks up the mind and compartmentalizes it like a jigsaw puzzle with its multifarious fragments. Now some pieces may be larger than others, but they are all still pieces. When one realizes that all ideals, beliefs are just images that are pretending to have the answer to suffering, then that realization ends all seeking. There is only security in perfect stillness of the mind – seeing that to seek is to only find what has been found which is the past. When ones actually sees the danger of blindly following beliefs that IS Psychological Death. Because, the psyche is no longer in opposition to itself. The Death of opposition is the birth of Peace and Love and Holistic Intelligence.

Holistic Intelligence knows where and when knowledge is necessary and when it is not. Thought makes plans (images) for physical or technical reasons; that is our survival tool for our physical security in life. That tool becomes a dangerous weapon of mass destruction whenever it uses images for reasons of superiority and prestige. Without Psychological Death, this world is doomed. We have such a primitive and puerile attitude towards Death. Death is not evil. How could we live without each Day & Night ending. When something ends another thing is born. The Death of ones childhood is the birth of adulthood. The Death of Insanity is the Birth of Clarity. So naturally the cause of this chaotic human psychological deceptive way of existing must end or else it will gut this world. One does need to fight against this madness. That is madness fighting itself (King Kong vs. Godzilla). They were monsters that was tearing up the town and scaring everyone. When you use violence as a solution to violence all one is doing is living for violence – end of story. Peace requires deep clarity to study he problem and in that study Intelligence spawns. For a millions of years humans have had only one kind of response to conflict and that was to use conflict to end conflict. After all this time, why hasn't thought, which claims to be intelligent, why has it not stop trying to get the same make conflict be the answer? That is because, the real Truth is that people would rather continue doing what they know than to change, radically. That means total change from the root on out. The root is having an image or belief about yourself.

Death is a word

You cannot be frightened of the unknown because you do not know what the unknown is and so there is nothing to be frightened of. Death is a word, and it is the word, the image, that creates fear. So can you look at death without the image of death? As long as the image exists from which springs thought, thought must always create fear.

Freedom from the Known,75
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Monday, April 1, 2013

I Am Neither Pro or Con With Regard To “Believing”

The main reason why empires have risen and fallen, time and again, is because the human race keeps overlooking the root-cause of all of this violence. It has nothing whatsoever to do with earning a livelihood for physical security. 

Everyday, we awaken to a world that is in turmoil, and writhing in psychological pain that ends up playing itself out in the physical world. Millions of news stories remind of of the dangers taking placing constantly. There has to be an intelligent response to all of this ignorant thinking or else the ignorance [to "ignore" conditioned thinking] will swallow up another civilization.

But when you die to falsehoods that are the outcome of blindly accepting “beliefs”, your physical security remains whole. When the mind is whole, so is the body and your surroundings. When a person verbally condemns you for not stroking their ego and you observe your emotional response quietly unfold in your mind and you don't try to force it away (because "I am ALL of my thoughts/feelings. Thoroughly understanding/perceiving that disturbed stated of mind that was evoked by the other person, I fully LISTEN (both inwardly & outwardly) to the person's remarks, as well as my emotional responses without controlling anything. I listen to it and then it peacefully withers away – just like a storm passing through and then the calm remains. There is No Movement to stop the person from projecting a false accusation or an insult toward me. What gets upset is the image I have of myself. That image is not flesh and blood. It's only an ego-based opinion I have made up about myself. I did not realize it was there until I was insulted or complimented. Either way, it brings out the ego. I observe in the present moment emotional hurt and it ends. But the ego in most people will seek to defend this false entity, then the physical get damaged, as a result of protecting something that is not real. 

One may believe that fighting terrorism will free us from it. 

However on the contrary, nothing could be further from the truth. When one is insensitive and unaware of the corruption of “believing” (in anything), you have just committed psychological suicide and your body and property are now fair game to attack, as well. When we believe, it divides us not only from perceiving the facts about our emotional responses, we also join groups and those groups battle one another. Just look at the world and you will see that most people presume that you must “believe” or die. But fact is, “believing” causes and maintains wars, which causes death to the body.

For centuries the ego has cultivated mass confusion so that a chosen few can herb the masses and use their energy to build this world. The media has kept the confusion and panic going so that the mind can be controlled by others. But, in truth, people have handed their minds over to be controlled. They have opted to be irresponsible for their lives. They have no interest in understand their minds directly for themselves and being intelligent so that laws are not necessary. When you are free from fragmentation, you don't hurt yourself, nor do you hurt others. So you don't have to be restrained. Only those who fail to understand themselves behave wrongly. Now if we lived in a world where people were holistically observing their minds, and some people were to try to attack to order person or his property, he would self-destruct in the process. The only reason why people appear to be able to kill others and take advantage is because people are living off of a lie/belief. But when you live in the actual Truth about your psyche and you die to that which is false, you don't attract danger and harm. A mind in conflict emits a frequency of conflict and therefore attracts others who are, as well.

The outside world is a mirror reflecting the outcomes of being caught in the world wide web of self-deception/believing, due to conforming to images conjured by the ego to run away from perceiving itself [without trying to improve what it observes]. The “observer” [past fear] is the “observed” [future fear]. The fear is me. Fear can only intensify fear whenever it struggles to be more than it is by choosing to embrace one side of itself "the psychological future of "becoming its opposite". The contradiction is that it is hiding from itself, which IS The Past.

When one finally realizes that the belief [in what should be true] was produced out of the desire to escape from the past psychological pain and being that "I AM the disturbance", there is nothing the "I" can do to make itself "better". It is that realization of perception of ones limitations and there is Death To All Struggling To Run Away Into a fantasy of "What Should Be". The Death of Ignorance is the Birth of Wisdom, which is Wholeness (that is real religion and is sacred)

It is not that the ego becomes whole. That is an impossibility. Ego is restricted to being a fragment and can only make images. But the image is not the real thing. An image of a car can't drive you around the city. A video of a delicious home-cooked meal can't fill up your stomach. And no matter how much a person believes that he can fabricate love out of mere physical desire, that will never happen. And 2 images can never be united because the ego is a self-serving entity. It takes Real Love to observe your Whole Mind (that means to observe all thoughts and feelings indiscriminately because they are YOU!). The moment you reject yourself you have divided yourself and you are now your own worst enemy because you are a contradiction. When you make a promise you must break it. That is why marriage can't live up to its image. You can't be an image because it is not real. When you achieve it you are destroyed. Just look at the rock stars and celebrities. They conform to an image that is not how they actually feel. They say what they think you want to hear. That is entertainment which is an illusion. But you can learn from entertainment if you look at the root of it and not be mesmerized by the sales pitch of choosing between the so-called "good" & "evil".

One then lives in a totally different dimension. A holistic mind may be physically alone, but the whole mind feels the same energy that imbues the Universe so there is no feeling of loneliness. When one is alone in a building and busy doing things, one watches ones emotional responses and simply listens to every single thing there is to see and hear and is Learning through that quality of listening. One is alert like the animals in the jungle that watch very keenly everything they do. People are malfunctioning because they live primarily in the past. The past is not living and so many accidents happens when one is not watchful. I don't mean just watchful of what others do and say, but how you emotional react to what other do and say and learn about your mind and be free from its tricks by watching them, passively. Just study your mind and learn from studying it. The ego does not like that. It wants to take over and run the show. That is why most people have abandoned The Truth and opted to live in fear/believing and hope in futility to be saved from danger.

I am neither pro or con with regard to “believing”. I have no opinion about believing. I am stating an absolute fact about the nature of “believing” and that it is a byproduct of psychological fear. When we run away from observing/understanding our emotions, we are responsible for all war because they are all linked together by the fear of observing ones total emotional mind. When you choose to promote one side of your mind and hide the other from yourself, you are deceiving yourself and setting yourself up for tragedy.

If this is not how things work and I am making up a “belief”, then I am a part of the conflict that is taking place in the world and it will destroy my life, too. But if I am seeing things as they factually are, then I am not doing propaganda. Propaganda is rhetoric used to persuade people into being your victims. I have no such intentions at all. I don't do propaganda. I am calling a spade a spade, here. If one speaks the Truth, but lives a lie, that Truth will cut that speaker down. But if one lives the Truth by seeing your mind holistically and understand the detrimental impact that running away from observing your mind has on the whole world, as well as putting ones own physical security at risk, then one can't do it. You have to be ignorant to do it.

  1. We are being paid to live in conflict and work it conflict. We are encouraged from childhood games to separate ourselves in images that we make up as we grow up. We are told that it is normal, sane to “believe” that you are superior to others. Such thinking attracts envy and hatred.
  2. When you look closely at what goes on at work you will see that it is a fight among egos. If you kiss the boss's ego, you get the promotion. Conflict through competition is rewarded, too. 
  3. War is either overt (out in the open and obviously warfare) or covert (concealed warfare). It's overt in 3rd world countries and covert warfare in the so-called modern world. But, to the body it's all the same because it causes interference with the body's ability to respond correctly, as well.
  4. We think that jobs are good. But, they are all about ego, which is why aggressive people who are mean and harsh get supervisory positions to crack the whip. No matter how much ones tries to satisfy the ego of another, the ego demands more and more and is never satisfied with whatever you do. Ego is a childish immature entity that want to have its way no matter the consequences.
  5. To serve ones ego is to function in utter disorder (which is wholly against Reality). The “God” that most human's “believe” in has nothing to do with Reality. That “God” is the extension of man's own ego. 
  6. A thing that has no limits and is whole is equal. Life, biologically is equal as far as we are all born and babies don't have 'beliefs” which is why they can't be racist, yet. They are corrupted and rely on adults to be honest with them. They are "sold a bill of goods" and are punished for failing to develop their egos. This entire world of humans wants us to be blinded by “belief” because all mind control is based on a mind that is afraid to stand alone and observe itself.
  7. The root meaning of “Alone” is: All-One. When you see the whole Truth about the ego, you see that all egos are fundamentally the same. So when you are alone observing your emotions you are in touch with everything, that is Reality. There is no sense of feeling lonely and craving approval from others. 
  8. At work you are constantly demanded to gratify egos of your co-workers. This is psychological warfare. When the mind is not studying and learning about itself it is in a state of conflict/fear. It is immoral to gratify the mind. But, the propaganda urges us to engage in complimenting the ego and condemning it to block ones ability to awaken to being harmonious and self-aware. You are worked so hard to keep you tired and unaware of your thought-process so that you are driven by sheer fear.

Most people say what they say because it give them emotional pleasure to say it. The words don't point to anything real at all. Words are suppose to be used to point at a Truth/Fact. But when we accept “beliefs” they point to what we want the truth to be, but it is not the truth. Belief is like a drug that gives pleasure but it does not make you feel whole. The only thing that can do that is facing the Truth about your emotions as they are. Trying to go against them and change them into something more pleasant is an act of opposition, conflict and aggression. This is the origin of violence. All violence comes from psychological struggle against seeing your mind as it is without seeking an escape through believing. All beliefs oppose the Truth so you are condemned and shunned if you dare learn the Truth about “believing”.

Without Loving ourselves enough to see the Truth about conforming to ideologies to govern our lives, we are at the mercy of people who have a lot of money and power to hurt a lot of people. But, they only take advantage of those who choose to be a prisoner of “believing”. The word “government” has 2 root words: “govern” = control and “ment-al” = mind. We have permitted an outside agency to hijack our minds and therefore taken over our physical security, as well. Then, we have been tricked into thinking that a super-human is the only one who can save us. That fable was made up to convince us that we don't have the capacity to understand ourselves and that The Truth can't set you free. It can. The Truth is whole (non-contradictory). The Truth will never contradict itself. 

The Truth is that the ego depends on you to hide from your mind in order to grant it permission to exploit your life and then trash it.

The Seeing Is The Acting

Freedom comes only when you see and act, never through revolt. The seeing is the acting and such action is as instantaneous as when you see danger. Then there is no cerebration, no discussion or hesitation; the danger itself compels the act, and therefore to see is to act and to be free.

Freedom from the Known,68
Jiddu Krishnamurti

The Death of Fragmentation is the Birth of Wholeness - Right Behavior

Life & Death are one unit. 

Our bodies are living and dying simultaneously. Now then... Man has violated that sacred balance of Life & Death by believing in images of goodness. When the mind feels a disturbance, it must understand the fact that any disturbance IS, in fact, itself. The reason there is a disturbance is that is means it is necessary to learn about itself through Pure Awareness (and nothing else). When we watch a thing with our whole being, that is Pure Energy that is watching the nature of this emotional state. It is not trying to correct what is being studied. Since we are the subject, we can't intervene without causing a division which must cause conflict between “what I feel that I dislike” = fact and the opposing wish or desire of how I would like to feel= a belief/image of myself. The “image” that I make of myself (regardless if that image is flattering or not) is still an image, which is fiction masquerading as “truth” – which is the opposite of what I really feel.

The suppressed feeling boil and fester and so there is a the duality between Fact & Fiction. The belief was born out of fear. The fear of being fully observant, sensitive and wholly aware of being disturbed, cause a fracture in the mind. The mind chooses a Fiction to hide from its pain. But in choosing the hide in the Fictitious state of mind, there is no peace of mind. Peace can only come when the mind is whole. As long as the mind seeks shelter, psychologically, it will never find real peace. Therefore, conflict must end/die naturally, without any force. When one observes a fact, that observation is not opposing it It simply sees the truth of what it feels. There is no struggle or fiction to observe. There is no agenda or motive to fulfill a desire. One is simply learning about the mind, holistically (without a controller). One can watch their “controller” and see how it deceives itself. This is not a system you can memorize and implement. We pretend that certain words are holy or sacred. All words come from memory. The eternal cannot be captured by the mind of man. However, we all have the capacity to “Holistically Observe” the limitations of our psyches. In seeing the fact as a fact, there is no longer opposition to the fact. The total awareness of how believing operates and that it can never bring order or peace, free the mind from confusion and conflict.

The only thing that makes a disturbed state of mind continue in that state is its struggle against it through the identification with the opposite “ideal” or “future salvation”. There is no salvation in the future. Either you see now what you are, or you pretend to see it and continue to be at war with yourself. Your relationship to your own mind is the way you are related to others. If you lie to yourself, well you must do that with everyone, as well. If you are secretly in conflict and unaware that you are, the evidence shows in your relationship the things, people and ideas. If you can see that all efforts to live up to any “ideal” is futile, then you are free from conflict and you are no longer contributing to the conflict in the whole world. But if you hide from yourself, then that will cause destruction to yourself and to others (in one form or another).

And finally, is it possible not be psychologically hurt nor to hurt another?

Yes it is possible, I am doing it. But, that can't help you, I'm afraid. No person can give clarity or wisdom to another person. Wisdom is seldom talked about. It has been taken for granted (or believed) that “Wisdom” is merely a matter of living for a long time. No true. Time has nothing at all to do with real “Wisdom”.

“Wisdom” cannot be achieved or sought after for itself. A thing that is sought after is based on what you know. So one is only seeking a modified version of the past/known. For eons people have sought the impossible endeavor. The Ego wants to be absolutely powerful (in other words – limitless). Thought is memory and psychological time.

What is psychological time?

One is angry. That is a fact. The mind responses to the fact by desiring to “detach” from that feeling. There is “what I feel”. Fear of what I feel wants to move away from the fact by seeking something that the mind presumes to be “better” than the fact (the truth). Psychological time is introduced by “the desire to not be that fact”. So we are encouraged to “believe in any set of comforting words that you like”. That harder you concentrate on those words and tell yourself that they are the truth, you will eventually escape from your emotional anxiety. So the concept or belief that one is trying to emotionally become takes time to attain. To go from anger to compassion by way of approximating oneself to an image is an impossibility. The preoccupation to achieve a state of Nirvana, within the psyche, is the endless game of psychological-hide-and-seek.

Psychological Time means that I may be disturbed now but I will concentrate on becoming the opposite of that. However, the opposite born out of the same root memory is merely the same content with a different face on it. For example, when one divides oneself by chasing after the “image of what I want to become” one is destroying the essence of ones ability to perceive reality. Once the mind can't see itself as it really is, it is a contradiction. The contradiction began the moment you become emotionally attached to an image in order to avoid observing your emotional responses. The image is a fabrication that is opposing a disturbing truth. So image, born out of memory, covers up the present fact. That is violence to push away the truth and replace it with a lie and treat that lie as if it were the truth. That is being in a perpetual state of contradiction.

Reality is Truth and it simply Is! Whereas, this like/dislike emotional reaction wants to dictate to Reality/Truth what its version of “reality” is. So when you create an image about yourself in order to become “better” than you are, you are at odds within yourself (and therefore with the world, as well).

The Universe/Cosmos IS PERFECT ORDER and is Reality/Fact. So when the mind opposes Reality within itself by refusing to “Holistically Observe” all of its emotional responses (regardless if I like them or not), it is also against the Universe and the underlying Energy that animates all living things. This is why most of humanity is in psychological pain. The more pain there is, the more people increase that pain by blindly “believing” harder and harder in “non-realities” better known as beliefs.

A real thing does not require being believed in. It does not require praise nor worship. You don't need to beg it for a “better life”. When there is psychological pure alertness to the whole movement of ones emotional responses, “Wisdom” comes into being. Something unknown takes place when the mind quietly watches itself – there is a non-mechanical learning unfolding. There is space without a “Center” to perceive “what I feel” until that feeling has told its complete story and naturally ends. The death of fragmentation is the birth of wholeness. But, wholeness cannot be pursued.

Meeting this extraordinary thing, death

Now take the question of death which is an immense problem to most people. You know death, there it is walking every day by your side. Is it possible to meet it so completely that you do not make a problem of it at all? In order to meet it in such a way all belief, all hope, all fear about it must come to an end, otherwise you are meeting this extraordinary thing with a conclusion, an image, with a premeditated anxiety, and therefore you are meeting it with time.

 - Freedom from the Known,75
J. Krishnamurti

To Investigate The Fact Of Your Own Anger

To investigate the fact of your own anger you must pass no judgement on it, for the moment you conceive of its opposite you condemn it and therefore you cannot see it as it is. When you say you dislike or hate someone that is a fact, although it sounds terrible. If you look at it, go into it completely, it ceases, but if you say, 'I must not hate; I must have love in my heart', then you are living in a hypocritical world with double standards. To live completely, fully, in the moment is to live with what is, the actual, without any sense of condemnation or justification- then you understand it so totally that you are finished with it. When you see clearly the problem is solved.

Freedom from the Known,56
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.