Friday, December 12, 2014

Is My Life Built On A Cracked Or Whole Foundation

The Root of All Evil IS...  

Emotional Division, Bias & Dependency

In order for our mind to be objectively free and be in direct, full contact with itself, there can be no emotional-subjective seeking of any desired result. This is why the positive-approach-of-seeking whatever you desire to be true, through a series of rationalizations and analysis, blocks unbiased clarity of perception of my emotional responses that is WHOLE (Division-Free).

I am not an instructor of any specialization. I am merely a Human Being on an endless voyage of psychological learning about the fundamental movement of “The Emotional Mind.” This investigative journey is a universally Neutral Approach that any person can undertake (who is not suffering from any severe biological brain injury). It is a Simple Direct Timeless Approach having only 1 step involved in a deeply non-verbal clarity of perceptive sensitivity. Prior to communication, there must first be communion with any and ALL emotional thoughts and feelings (nothing is excluded from our examination). Can our mind find out if it can Holistically Commune with its entire emotional being, through various sensations caused by relationships with people, things and ideas?

The reason why it's so arduous for our minds to clearly examine itself is because, from early childhood up until adulthood, we've been emotionally, psychologically or spiritually restrained into being habitually told “what to think,” “what to do” and “fearful of not having an emotional identity” on which to base our lives (by joining a group, gang or organization). While it is true that nobody can live completely alone on a biological, material level, we can, however, stand alone in being self-aware. So, it is unnecessary, as well as detrimental, to depend on any authority regarding communion with ones emotional being. And, it is in this area of our lives that we can and must stand completely alone in order for it to be whole, stable and at peace within itself.

Everything that I am pointing out is not my personal belief, supposition or theory. I am making factual observations, which I welcome you to test out for yourself. Please don't use me as your authority, leader or guide. I have no motive to lead anyone. Nor am I proposing an intellectual argument or debate. This radically new way of living is only possible for the serious individual. The Simple Approach is crucial, if the Human species is to avert extinction (due to its emotional stupidity, competitiveness, arrogance and deliberate egotistical ignorance about itself). Ego is a byproduct of ignoring itself and traditional blind obedience. Cultivating psychological blindness began in ancient times. Now, it has become a traditional addiction that most of Mankind has given into the gullibility of pursuing emotional or social approval and dependency. Furthermore, one typically assumes that this chasing after emotional gratification is the “right”, “good” or “sane” thing to do.

Ask yourselves, “If we are truly free, then why are we afraid to question the status quo regarding emotional traditions?” Why must we automatically, blindly accept tradition (just like running a computer program)? As children, why were we reprimanded for questioning why must we emotionally identify ourselves as belonging to a certain “race”? Why must we accept any social belief system of thinking? Why are all of these emotional coercions backed by violence if we fail to comply? Why have we outsourced being directly responsible for our own well belong? Why have we invented a social system of hiring others to protect our lives? Why are we being coaxed into thinking that other people in authoritative job positions are actually protecting our well being? And, what is the real meaning of “National Security?” Is it our physical interests being safeguarded, or is it our emotional delusion of “feeling superior” that is being defended? And, has anyone dared to wonder or ask, “Can physical security be truly protected and, at the same time, our emotional or sentimental delusions are being defended through propaganda?” After all, propaganda is nothing but the furthering of a falsehood. It was the main Nazi propagandist speech writer that once told Hitler to feed the public a great fantastic lie and then continuously repeat it (just like a hypnotist entrancing its subject), and eventually that lie will be respected as being a fact.

In my youth, I dared to ask these and numerous other questions while I was being mentally indoctrinated through what authorities like to call “education”. Language and communication has been twisted, distorted and incorrectly used for so long that we are existing in a “State of Babble”. Babble or gibberish is when statements point to nothing that factually exists. The original meanings of things has been abandoned. Language is now mainly used to entice and hijack the emotions of people in order to trick them into leading robotic lives. We're being flooded with psychological warfare messages disguised by entertainment, amusement or spiritual drama driven by emotional terror if you don't play along.

We mistakenly assume that we are “individuals” just because we've built our own persona (a.k.a., an Ego). But the root meaning of “individual” means a mind that is indivisible (whole, independent). All Egos are dependent upon emotional support, gratification and identification (because an Ego is a mind that is divided against itself as the higher-self & lower-self).

Negative Film
Positive Photo
Ego emerges from moment to moment through either indulgence in its thoughts or feelings that it finds desirable and gratifying. Or, Ego disassociates itself away from any of its thoughts and feelings that it finds painful or humiliating. Then we imagine an opposite emotional ideal or belief in order to conceal the undesired feeling. The emotional mind is like a photograph that plays a trick on itself. Let's say that the film negative of a photograph is a thought or feeling that one finds ugly, like being hateful, lustful or envious. The ugly part is the negative film; the photograph is the bright belief or ideal. So, the trick implies that the ugly negative is unrelated to its bright photograph. The ideal or belief (photograph) pretends that it wasn't produced out of its ugly dark feelings/thoughts (film negative). 

But, the opposite may superficially look different from its opposite, but the bright photograph is rooted in its dark negative disturbance that it is trying to escape. Psychologists, dogmatic propagandists and other emotional authorities tell people that whenever they think certain “impure or upsetting feelings or thoughts”, then we must divorce ourselves from them by concentrating on the “opposite emotion”. Then, you have escaped; you have changed. We've been misguided into thinking or believing that, “I am not my thought.” This is delusional thinking. But, it is an absolute fact that you are your thoughts and feelings (just like the negative film IS the bright photograph). 

Willie Tyler-Ventriloquist IS Lester-Dummy
So the negative film IS the positive photograph. All so-called “good” thoughts that oppose the so-called “bad” (disturbing) thoughts are born out of its own opposite and are forever 2 sides of one unitary thing. Your shadow is also you. When you die and your body is gone, then you no longer cast a shadow. So when you oppose any thought or feeling (in the emotional realm), the flip side is there. In reality it is like a ventriloquist (the observer, censor) wants to become the opposite of his feelings, so he makes a dummy (which is his/her shadow persona). Then, the ventriloquist pretends that he/she isn't related to the dummy. That is what the mind does when it “believes” in order to hide from painful feelings (this is an illusion). The dummy is founded in the emotional mind of the ventriloquist (illusionist).

So when you are feeling hatred, envy, greedy, etc., your mind is dividing itself against itself when it seeks refuge in believing that it is the opposite. But, who made up that opposite mask? The original state of mind did. So the negative film is hatred but it's projecting a photographic lie of “being loving.” Hate can't produce anything other than hate. But hatred can disguise itself as "being kind." It's like a Trojan Horse disguises itself pretending to be a harmless gift (but lurking inside is a lethal surprise). Ego can cloak its contents, but the contents remains unchanged. Belief or ideals mask your true feelings when you resist facing your feelings honestly and without using willpower to alter them. Willpower is the illusory cloaking device.

You see, while being fed a ton of technological knowledge and programmed to automatically repeat it, we are ignorant about our emotional being. That has been done on purpose so that a handful of wealthy pirates can dominate and oppress us, emotionally, then steal/pillage most of the material resources. Then, they force most of the population to jump through hoops to gain access to a tiny portion of those resources. This has been the history of the Human species. We assume that we are intelligent just because we can manipulate matter through our knowledge. But, our emotional self-unawareness causes us to use our technological achievements to annihilate ourselves. We can't intelligently live in a genuine state of harmony, because our emotional minds are in ignorant discord within itself. So the mind fears itself, which is why it hides in ideals.

Why do I harp on this issue in every single article that I write? Well, it's very simple, really... It matters not how many meetings are held or how much you vote for this, that or the other programs, they are all destined to fail simply because every single plan erected is founded by people who are psychologically ignorant about themselves. In other words, their minds are divided against itself in order for them to be functioning as an Ego. Ego is emotional or sentimental self-deception. So Ego is not free to completely look at itself. It thinks that some parts of the Ego is salvageable and discard parts that are distasteful, vulgar and crude. It does not work that way. Ego must be holistically investigated to reveal the whole truth and nothing but the truth about its limitation, falsehood and that it is out of order. Then, Ego naturally ends and Wisdom is born.

The Human world has always been driven by Emotionalism, which is disorder. Then it tries to invent order out of a psychologically fragmented foundation. The foundation of any structure determines the stability or instability of that structure or system. If the foundation is unsound because it is divided, cracked, dualistic or contradictory, then all of its laws, social programs, etc. are rooted in that unstable foundation. Hence, all empires built on faulty foundations have inevitably fallen. That's Natural Law which cannot be defied. Eventually, these illusions of: justice, equality, rationality must be exposed as being a hoax, from their inception. The true nature of a thing is revealed by the very quality of its foundation.

This is why it is paramount that Human Beings awaken to the fact that the world in which we live is the outcome of each person refusing to Holistically See (and thereby understand) our Emotional side of our existence. That is your inherent job that you were actually biologically and intrinsically born to do. Anything that blocks that sacred responsibility is a hoax attempting to trick people into thinking that they are not intelligent enough to be responsible for their lives. So when the mind fails to see itself Holistically, the physical (our bodies and our environment) must disintegrate, as well.

If you ask most people, “Do you think that you are more intelligent than a wild beast in the jungle?” Most would reply, “Hell yeah I'm more intelligent than a dumb animal!” Okay... Wild animals have lived for millions of years longer than the Human species, correct? Sea turtles, for example, have been archaeologically proven to have existed since the times of the dinosaurs. These animals have been responsible for caring for their own health, right? No animal outsources his health needs to another animal. No animal seeks protection outside itself. Every animal is solely responsible for its well being and safety. The only time animals depend is when their offspring are young and not fully developed enough to care for itself. Once the offspring is strong enough, the parent(s) abandons its young to be strong and independently take care of itself and survive on its own. So if we're more intelligent than animals, why can't we protect our lives directly for ourselves instead of depending on others?

Enter the Human that claims or assumes that due to his biological brain capacity that he/she has superior intelligence. The only thing that we can do that animals cannot do on the material level is that we can manipulate energy/matter, period. But, we have an imagination that is capable of pretending to itself that is is more valuable than other life forms or other people. This is why you have a small group of people who imagine that they are suppose to rule over other people by pretending to offer people protection. In exchange for this phony protection, the masses who gave up their birthright to be free to be responsible for their own lives, we are expected to exist like a frightened obedient child who must never question how we're being commanded to live. Anybody who challenges the validity of this arrangement is either imprisoned, tortured or slaughtered for failure to bow down to the emotional imaginations of the greedy control-freak warlord ruling class who still currently run all governments.

People have been told from early childhood that we must emotionally, sentimentally identify ourselves, first with our biological family clan, then with our community clan, then with our National clan or else we will be destroyed if we don't. A very long time ago, the first politicians were the superstitious organized religious people. They invented language. One language was for the masses. The other language was for the mind controllers. They spoke these words and told the public that these words were “holy”, “sacred” and “divine” words. That is why some people say, “Don't take the Lord's name in vain,” whenever someone says, “Goddamn it!” Yes, the first tyrants and dictator politicians began with so-called “religion”.

Ego is the believer who blocks seeing Facts/Truth.
Some clever men may have come across a rare breed of a Human Being who truly sought to learn and understand his emotional nature and function in peace, beauty and love. The cunningly clever and ruthless power-seeking con artist dissected and twisted words and their meanings in order to learn the art of psychological warfare. The main rule of overtaking any target of war is to get your target to deceive him/herself. Once a person is emotionally at odds within him/herself, that person can be physically conquered and his life and his worldly goods can be snatched away. The main key is that the target must turn their back on being in touch with their emotional thoughts and feelings by believing.

So the aggressor tricks you either through “Pleasure” or “Pain” or both. The target is offered protection (and for their loved-ones) only if the target agrees to become emotionally dependent upon their beliefs. The Crusaders were hired mercenaries sent to terrorize the public into emotionally identifying themselves as a “Christian”. If they refused, they were savagely brutalized. The only reason why the brutality was possible was because most people (just like in today's times) were not truly caring enough to be interested in understanding their feelings by holistically communing with them and learning to embrace their Whole Mind.

After all, how does a scientific researchers understand various biological specimens, they observe the nature and movements of that thing. They're learning through sheer observation, aren't they? Intelligence is not merely gathering information. Psychologically, the essence of learning is through pure objective observation. It is the quality of the observation that gives rise to Wisdom-based Intelligence. How does a baby learn to speak? It learns by purely listening to the sounds. The baby is communing with the vibrations of the sounds. Are the phrases being spoken violently or calmly? The intelligence of the baby is learning through being sensitively perceptive and listening until its mind can communicate what it has been communing with. I watched my children do this. The child is teaching itself to speak, eat, walk through the direct full contact with listening and observation.
  • Why is any of this important to understand? 
  • Why not discuss all the problems that the news media is vomiting on us everyday? 
  • Why not indulge in heated debates about our thousands of social, economic problems?
We stupidly think that arguing about our problems is going to resolve them. I say this is stupid, in fact, it's actually insane to think that way. Why? It is madness to think that taking the same approach for centuries, if we just keep at it long enough, then eventually we will come up with a different result. There has been no evidence to support that mythical supposition. The evidence shows that we keep intellectually, verbally and theoretically debating our problems of living and it only leads to endless conflict and finally utter annihilation. We then superficially investigate one tragedy after another. We then slap a label on it and file it away and we're on to the next social disaster. We watch movies about past wars and project a bunch of meaningless conclusions about it. Meanwhile, we are baking the next recipe for another catastrophe. And, it goes on and on and on and on.

Villain-Hero Mind Crack = Physical Destruction
The next generation of intellectuals come along and promise to get the problem of living under control. But, everyone of these generations that tackle the problem of Human social relationship tackles it from the same past flawed foundation. Mankind has been traditionally programmed to "believe" that our lives "should be" approached from the OUTSIDE-TO-INSIDE (physical-to-mental). But, that is ass-backwards. Life-Energy, in actuality, flows INSIDE-TO-OUTSIDE (mental-to-physical). The seed of Humanity is mental/emotional. You don't get a full grown tree, first. You don't get a full grown Human Being, first. Everything begins as a seed, first. It is the inner workings of that seed that determines how that seed blooms (a.k.a., destiny). What I am saying is that Human Behavior blooms out of the quality of its emotional self-awareness or unawareness. If the quality of awareness is partial or biased, then it is fragmentary and at odds within the psychological or emotional seed of itself. And as a result, behavior must be contradictory, violent. So anything that mental seed learns or discovers will be weaponized against itself and the world.

So long as we run society based on physical or material achievement in order to assign our emotional being a value or worth, we shall continue to build up and tear down all that we build out of our lack of emotional-self clarity. The quality of how we see our emotional thoughts and feelings will always govern our conduct. Our emotional mind is, and always will be, the very FOUNDATION of our total physical being. If the mental foundation is divided (because it is not communing and learning through that communion with all of its thoughts and feelings), then the problems of physical security cannot be resolved through a mind that is a problem unto itself. You must, first, resolve the psychological problem, then that mind is standing on a sound foundation that is whole. It is now able to handle any and all material problems without causing more problems.

Future/Mask is Rooted in
Their Division is a Hoax
As it now stands, our psyches are ruled by an Ego (a broken mind). That Ego is multiplying problems and protecting its delusional existence. The Ego is terror. A terrified mind cannot think rationally. Such a mind is vulnerable to being led to destroying its own natural-born intelligence to be a light unto itself. That does not mean that you do whatever pleases you to do. Being a light unto yourself implies that you are learning about your emotions by communing with them and it is that contact with the fact of whatever you think and feel is where there is True Freedom to detect what is false. 

It is clear that obeying any ideal or belief is self-destructive (regardless if it is one that you made up by yourself or by a well established traditional ideal/belief). When you realize that you only obey ideals because you're afraid of not becoming more than you are. So Ego seeks to emotionally become the opposite of any thought or feeling that it despises about itself. So Ego feigns to be different than it is. That pretense is your emotional-mask that you project to, first convince yourself of that lie, and then to convince the world around yourself. This is the way the Ego works hard to hide from how it is tricking itself. Ego refuses to study itself and, thereby, be aware of itself, because being aware of its hypocrisy ends the show (the trick)

Once the trick is gone, Ego is gone, too. So Ego is resisting detecting its original feelings (which it considers to be "The Devil" or "Evil"). It puts on an emotional mask of beliefs in order to pretend that it has "become higher", "more powerful", "more important" or "improved its life." The mind obeys Past Tradition in order to continue being an Ego in the Future. So the Emotional Future is the Past, modified masquerade of change (solving problems that Ego caused). The mind is its emotional Past that is psychologically approximating itself to some idealistic Future hope of salvation or change (be it by a secular or superstitious/organized concept). If you are free to detect this emotional activity in your mind, your foundation is, then, Whole.

True Religion Stands On A
Foundation That Is Neutral (WHOLE) 

(+ 10) + (-10) = Zero = Harmony/Balance

Ergo, Truth about what is Psychologically False is the only Morality or Religion. It is False to choose between the emotional thoughts-feelings that you dislike or like. Mind is All of its feelings. "Belief" is a Weapon of Mass Mental Destruction (WMMD) between the negative-positive thoughts/feelings (ideals).   Hence, only detecting "The Truth" shall set the Emotional Mind free from self-deception and conflict. I am strictly talking about "belief" with regard to the Emotional side of our being. The imagination has a valid operation when it is used for technology, or anything relating to material or physical security. But, imagination is out of order when it is misused to depend on and choose Emotional Comfort, Gratification or Fulfillment just to avoid being in touch with the insecurity of feeling Emotional Discomfort. 

Emotional Positive (pleasurable) Thinking that ignores its Negative (painful) Feelings is biased and is destructively unbalanced. Likewise, Negative Thinking that ignores its Positive Feelings is also divisive and unbalanced. Choosing between the opposite expressions destroys your mind's ability to Neutrally-Observe its whole mind. The act of communing with All of your emotional feelings and thoughts is the same as having "no charge", "neutral", "unbiased" approach to understanding your WHOLE EMOTIONAL BEING. The realization that it is false to escape into an emotional fantasy of ideals/beliefs because that image is dividing the mind against itself (just like splitting the Atom causes a friction-type  chain reaction of an explosive Atomic Bomb that is destructive, disharmonious, disintegrative, etc.) is the "Neutron-like" function of the Human Mind when it is sane, because it is in full, direct contact with all states of its being (mind is NOT divided when it is aware of the falseness of emotional choice).

When you look at war, men/women follow orders to murder other people so that they can get a medal to Emotionally convince themselves that they are powerful, great, superior, or that they are a “Somebody” of importance. That is Egotistical (immoral). When you feed Egotistical fulfillment, you put physical security and your sanity at risk of ruination.

"Greed is more than wanting a lot of material wealth. It goes much deeper than that. Contrary to popular belief, money is NOT the root of all evil. Consequently, "Greed is the root of all evil. There was “greed” even before money ever existed. For example, a man or a woman may already have a sexual companion. But after a time, they may secretly crave more lovers. One can be "Greedy about any object. But, how does "Greed begin, psychologically. Why is one "Greedy at all? Let's not jump to any conclusions, such as thinking that it's just in our nature to be that way. How do you know that? Just because a lot of people do a certain thing for a long period of time does not necessarily mean that it is natural. It is possible that Humans have been behaving unnaturally for a long time. You could be born into a family with a long history of being a junky. Does that mean it is natural?

Natural” means an orderly function. It is natural to eat food, drink water, sleep, urinate, defecate and eventually die. Psychologically, it is natural to need to understand your thought and feelings. What I mean by “understand” is to be in full contact with the feeling without verbal explanations – just to sense the attitude, feeling or thought in the living present. Allow the freedom to commune with whatever thoughts and feelings that spontaneously arise as you face the challenges of your daily living. Learning in the present-tense, not after the event is over. Then the action of communion with your emotional responses is a constant introduction to yourself to yourself. It is fresh and new and that regenerates and rejuvenates the energy of your mind so that it can act appropriately to all challenges of living.

Ones behavior is not trying to artificially live up to an ideal fabricated out of your imagination. So in order to be free of “greed” (or any state of mind), you must understand it, intimately. Learn what “greed” is beyond a label. Truly feel that emotional state without any words. The word “greed” is not that actual thing. It is not a description. Is your mind free to touch the actual feeling of “greed”? Once your mind has intimately communed with and lived the actual state of being “greedy” without escaping into a conceptual opposing belief to pretend to itself that it has escaped from its “greediness”, then that state of mind blooms like a flower to share that fragrance of “greed”, then once the flower of “greed” has been fully inhaled until there is nothing left, “greed” naturally dissolves without fighting with it. Because, you are all states of mind. To fight against any state of mind is to fight yourself. Once you are in conflict with yourself, you are vulnerable to being exploited by more cunning mentalities, and your physical security (and possibly your children) are no in jeopardy. That is how Humanity is being ruled through getting your mind to battle itself.

They tell you that you need to attend “anger management” classes in order for you to control your “anger”. That is very devious on several levels. First, there is the deception that these classes are for your well being. But in actuality, they are tricking you into thinking that the only rational way to deal with “anger” is to fight it by imagining opposing affirmations and to use willpower to force yourself to accept emotional phrases as being real in order to replace that disturbing feeling of being “angry”. So they are lying to you and telling you that, “You are not your anger.” So, that means that the “Observer of Anger” is not the “Observed Anger”.
This false teaching comes out of Russian therapeutic mind control experiments that has been exported over into the social engineering in America, which started in the 1970's. Now it has been adopted as being a highly respected mental treatment. It is completely bogus.

People generally assume that degrees given to intellectuals is proof that they know what they are doing and they understand the consequences of what they are doing. Well, you don't need any degree to observe for yourself exactly what is taking place. You can see, that their mind control therapies cannot stand on their own merit. Instead, they add on chemical manipulations to the brain in order to put the mind in a stupor of decaying calmness. There is no alert clarity of mind. The mind is in a chemical-induced straight jacket. Then the mind is hit with emotional hypnotic rhetoric to convince the person that they are now in control of their mind. This is nothing but a trick. Because if the person runs out of psychotropic drugs, all the believing and affirmations in the world will not prevent a total nervous breakdown. The only reason for these therapies is the get people to be in psychological adversity within themselves so that their lives are at the mercy of the most powerful ruthless ruling class to profit off of their emotional confusion and self-fear.

In a nutshell, all Human suffering is a result of people being too afraid to commune with your own emotional thoughts and feelings. Fear is when the mind takes flight away from being in touch with the fact of what it feels that is disturbing. So it has always assumed that the best remedy is to console the mind. That is conflict. Because the mind is opposing a state of mind that it loathes by seeking to manufacture another state of mind. The ignorance lies is a classical error that the mind thinks that it can produce something that is not of its own essence. The essence of any belief no matter how pleasant it sounds or looks like, the material of that belief came from the very thing disturbance that it is running from. Hate can never make a state of Love through verbiage. The word or description is not the essence of anything. So for the mind to go beyond itself, it has to die of that state of mind.

Psychological Death give Birth to something completely unrelated to Emotional Memory. Our emotions and desires are the result of memories from past experiences and emotional responses stored. So when we face a thought or feeling in the present challenge of living that we don't want to deal with, we start thinking about past thoughts and feelings in previous experiences. Or, we project from our past into a modified past, by hoping for a Future thought and feeling that echoes our past pleasurable thoughts and feelings. The past is dead and over with. But, we emotional resurrect the past emotions to cover up and escape from any state of mind we don't want to be in touch with. Or, we indulge in a pleasurable state of mind and fear the ending of it. Either way, this is what Psychological or Emotional or Sentimental Fear is about – the continuity of clinging and depending on desirable emotions that comfort us. This is why people will murder other people over their sentimental feelings toward a flag, symbol of glory, power or anything that feeds our pride (which is a form of self-fear).

A mind that is on a perpetual journey of self-learning or self-awareness through holistic attention to ALL emotional responses, has no Egotistical Center. Instead, there is nothing but a immeasurable, eternal boundless energetic space that is just watching itself respond, without interfering with what it is watching. Such a mind understands that ALL of its responses is itself. This is a key and vital realization, because that makes it effortless to only watch itself. It sees the infinite energy and power of being “Neutral” when observing itself. “Neutrality” cannot come through willpower, because willpower is seeking to gratify and fulfill a desired end result. Such a pursuit is biased and one has blocked oneself from holistically-communing with itself. The moment you want to be in touch with feelings and thoughts that you favor and shun those you don't, your mind is at odds with itself and is, indeed, divided.

The reason that all that really matters in Human living is understanding what is preventing the foundation of our mental being from being whole is because the quality of the foundation of our being determines how will behave. The proof of that fact is just look at reality as it is right now. Everywhere you turn there is conflict. But, if you examine closely, you will notice that all these various expressions and styles of conflict (be they bold in your face or hidden and secretly executed), they all are coming from the lack of Holistic Self-Awareness or Communion. That is the common denominator, which is the foundation of Human civilization across the board (including all countries and so-called governments).

As long as the equation maintains a psychological foundation of Egotistical servitude to yourself or to any group or organization, you must murder one another. That is the matrix program. And, this so-called “New World Order” is nothing but the Modified Past extending the same old cracked foundation of Ego. The Ego is the system, it is the tradition handed down from generation to the next. It only agenda is to maintain self-unawareness, maintain division, maintain fear, maintain the imbalance of physical/material resources distributed mainly to the wealthy pirates (that have cunningly invented laws to support their hoarding) while the masses have to live off of very little. That promotes desperation to encourage thievery. The Ego is the breeder of violence so that you hire it to protect you from the violence that it secretly engineers everyday so that it can feel important when you come to it for help and for answers. Then it profits off of your fear and desperation.

The masses deserves what it is getting. Why? You are plugged into the very system that you superficially protest or fight against. You can verbally condemn the system. You can even physically rebel. But, in the end, you are its greatest supporter. Your servitude to emotional traditions are Ego-driven to feed your sense of pride and glory. The main reason why people will continue to be victims of the few most ruthless cutthroats in the world is simply because, the Emotional Mind has one main drawback that is keep you tethered to your own personal Ego, you are afraid to be “NOTHING”, PSYCHOLOGICALLY. You are addicted to being identified with someone or some ideal. You are afraid to stand alone in that Infinite Energy of Pure Self-Awareness where your willpower is unnecessary and is a detriment to your freedom from being a plaything of the Egotistical game of chess that you play with your lives everyday. You are all gamblers waging your lives and the future generation of your children that your Egotistical devotion of blind obedience will pay off in the end. You have faith is that, not because it is a fact, but because that is what you DESIRE! Ego is PSYCHOLOGICAL DESIRE!

Now you see, there is one important factor in everything that I say...

Either I'm a liar and just like to sound smart and impressive with a bunch fancy words just to show off and Ego-trip. That would be very dangerous for me to do. I am fully aware that the internet is being policed and that we are being monitored to make sure that we are all like mental bricks-in-the-wall. They are monitoring to make sure that we are all in some form of conflict. Conflict is projecting what you desire the truth to be based on personal egotistical self-gratification and fulfillment. If my message is being presented out of a egotistical motive of any kind, then sooner or later I will be picked up on the radar and I will be found and they will pretty much trash my life. So it would be a dumb thing to be saying these things if it was just some made up bullshit. If the it was made up bullshit and it gets people aroused to question the system of tyranny that they are under, then I would surely be destroyed.

But, if what I am stating is a fact, and its is, then The Truth (not according to my personal preference but it is what it is whether I like it or not) can destroy me if I am not walking-the-walk, as well as talking-the-talk. In history when people like Socrates spoke The Truth, apparently he was not completely communing with ALL of his emotional responses. Holistic mean WHOLE – the entire emotional responses. Absolutely nothing can be excluded, because any exclusion is bias which means division in the mind. The mind IS its contents. So that means that everything that you think and feel is the essence of your being. If you refuse to commune with any part of your being, you are at odds with your being. That is how all Egos emerge in all Humans. The Ego divides itself and chooses the parts of itself that it will acknowledge, and it will ignore the parts that it is shamed of and pretend to itself that those qualities don't exist at all. This is why the Ego is Ignorant (because to be ignorant means to IGNORE itself). But just because a quality of your being is ignored does not mean that quality no longer exists. It is still there (psychologists calls these ignored parts “The Subconscious” or “The Unconscious).

There is really no such thing as a subconscious or unconscious. There is just consciousness and it contents that is either Holistically Observing itself or it is partially observing itself (which means that this whole consciousness has has in essence invented a “Heads & Tails” dichotomy and conflict between must ensue). The “Heads” is “The Ideal” (The Dummy). The “Tails” is “The Ugly Ignored Fact” (The Ventriloquist) hiding away from its flaws by keeping the focus on the “Dummy” or the “Heads” side of the coin. The “Heads/Dummy” side of the Egotistical Coin is popularly labeled as being the superficial “conscious mind”. The
Tails” side of the coin. The “Tails/Ventriloquist” side of the Egotistical Coin is popularly labeled as being the hidden background of the “subconscious mind”. Then, there is war being waged between “Heads-Dummy-Conscious” & “Tails- Ventriloquist-Subconscious”. That is the fundamental make-up of all Ego-driven people. They may have different superficial styles of expression but the basic equation is the exact same. This is why I stated as a fact that most people are NOT “individuals”, because the root meaning of “individual” is a being that is whole, indivisible. Ego is the anti-synthesis of “individual”.

Only a mind that is free to view its entire contents (ALL emotional thoughts and feelings, equally) is a real “individual”, because such a mind does not need any outside emotional support in order to energize it or provide physical well being. Energy of life is either accessed through self-learning, or through stealing your energy from the sacrifices that others make. This is why I do not support any militia in the world. Militias of all kinds are killing and stealing material resources to give to people because people don't realize that when they sign up to feed their traditional clan's pride, they are entering into a pool to put their families lives on the line to make the sacrifice so that they can gain access to their property. Modern society has just changed the superficial design of sacrificial offerings in order to physically gain and also to gain Egotistical Pride/Power. That is deep “greed” that society has accepted and approved and glorify. It is okay to be “greedy” to seek physical & egotistical certainty. That goes against The Natural Law of Order.

I'd like to clarify and distinguish the term “Order”. There is a kind of “order” that a disease makes. It can organize it function to spread its invasion upon its host. A disease is a parasite that is stealing the energy from its host. Once its hosts dies, it can no longer maintain itself, either. Its “order” is to systematically and methodically break down its host until the host has nothing left to give. The Ego functions just like a disease that paralyzes its host/victim with emotional promises of a “future salvation in the great beyond”. So-called “religions” began this type of “order”. They orchestrated emotional phrases to mesmerize the masses to fall into a blind stupor to give up their lives and the lives of their children in the desperate hope that they will get a “spiritual reward” after physical death. The key to get the host to accept a magical “sacred” word: “FAITH”! Remember, that propaganda is to fabricate a GREAT LIE and then keep repeating it; the longer it is repeated and people are willing to shed blood in order to validate it as being real, the more traditionally respected it becomes. This is a type of “order”.

The next type of “order” is military. The commander is an Egotist that issues out the “orders” that cannot be questioned. The soldiers are given instructions in boot camp to never disobey an “order”. If you disobey an “order”, you will be stripped of your rank and possibly even Court-Martialed. So what if the meaning of “The New World Order” is a system of government under Martial Law whereby you are treated like soldiers who must blindly obey “Orders” under Martial Law? The title of “The New World Order” was purposely phrased that way to misrepresent its intention. Optimists can interpret “New World Order” to mean establishing “order” instead of chaos and anarchy. But deviant bullies who seek to dominate like a pimp or slave master may interpret and enforce the “New World Order” to mean that the public has been classified as being under Martial Law and now must unquestionably follow “orders”. And if you refuse, you can be tagged a “terrorist” and be dragged away into a dungeon to be tortured to death.

Why have Humans chosen to historically repeat senseless violence and sadistic pleasurable basking in inflicting pain and suffering?

The answer is quite simple... The mind that does not understand itself is in a perpetual state of self-loathing. In order to try to escape from its self-hatred, it tries to displace it onto somebody else. It delusionally presumes that it can get rid of its self-hatred and cruelty by putting on others. It does not realize that the more it does this, the more that it is intensifying its deep self-loathing even further. And, it hides it from itself by continuously indulging in the distraction of torturing others. It's a vicious cycle that keeps repeating until finally The Truth (the feelings of self-loathing) rise up like a volcanic eruption. In order to hurt the world, you must hurt yourself, first. Like I said earlier, everything happens from the inside, then it flows outward. You plant a seed in the soil so that the inside of that seed can spill out and grow into a tree or flower or whatever is that seed's contents.

The “Seed of Your Emotional Mind” is the foundation of your life and also contributes to the relationships you have in the world. You are the world, and the world is you, psychologically speaking. If you are at war with yourself (i.e., you parts of yourself to acknowledge and other emotional responses you shun), then you will treat people, things and ideals/beliefs in the same manner. Your inner state of mind is the blueprint for your social behavior in the world. So when people come together to interact, they are acting from a ground of either fragmentation or wholeness. There is no other state of being. Either you are whole or you are broken. Why does this state of your ground/foundation matter so much? Because, that determines if your life-force energy is contributing to the destruction of this world or its salvation.

So all the plans, meetings, going to college to get a degree to become some kind of specialist is all to perpetuate the DISORDER of EGOTISTICAL-CONFLICT, if you don't care to be free to understand your mind, HOLISTICALLY! Because the seed is the foundation that determines to outcome. Good intentions and nice-sounding words ain't going to cut it. It's like trying to defy the way things work. You can't have a battery with only a positive post at both ends. They wont work. You can have a batter with only a negative post at both ends. They wont work, either. The Natural Law of Energetic Order demands that the battery will only work if there is an equal amount of opposite energies to work together. So 50 percent of the battery must have a positive post, and 50 percent of the battery must have a negative post. The same holds true from the Atom. There must be equal amounts of energetic electrons & protons grounded in a neutral center of energy (called the Neutron), which causes the opposite energies to harmonize and be creatively stable.

Similarly, in our Emotional Mind is contain Pleasant & Unpleasant Emotional feelings and thoughts. For these opposite mental energies to harmonize and neutralize, there must be Holistic Communion or Attention or Contact with ALL of these Pleasant & Unpleasant states of mind. The Holistic Observation is Neutrality because there is no favoritism to observe just the thoughts and feelings that are comfortable to be in touch with. Your mind is the total content of equal amounts of Positive & Negative Emotions (just like the Atom's Protons & Electrons) that must be grounded in the foundation of Communion, which is being in full contact with ALL emotional thoughts and feelings. There is no movement in the observation to change what you are thinking or feeling – just to be aware IS being in a state of Neutral Self-Awareness. It is the very Energy in that state of Neutral Self-Awareness that nullifies the opposite expressions, which is psychological death or the ending of division in the mind. Division in the mind is what the Ego is. Ego dies naturally without any willpower or effort to desire the Ego to die. It dies upon clearly understanding and seeing itself. The Ego expresses itself through its emotional Negative or Positive responses that it has every time it is relating to any challenge of daily living.

Then, the death of the Ego is the birth of Holistic Wisdom & Eternal Learning through Pure Observation, alone. It is the quality of its observation that is the Universal Atomic Energy of Life that generates this “individual's” life force. In other words, you can live in this world physically, yet be in a completely different mental dimension. People can see your physical form, but they cannot actually see your mind at all. Why? Well, a Holistic Mind can only be seen by another Holistic Mind. As I said... People may see these words, but if they are picking and choosing bits of themselves that will observe and learn about and ignore the rest of their nature, then such a mind will project their desires and images at the mirror of a Holistic State of Mind. However, their conclusions, opinions and made up lies is made out of the material of their own Emotional Mind. If they try to attack that image made up about me, and I'm still in a state of self-learning, which is outside of the realm of make-believe, the attacker will end up attacking their own life. This may go over your head. It was like that for me at first. But, when I tell you these things it is only to answer your concerns about survival. There is complete security when you abandon your Ego through studying ALL of its content, which is ALL Positive & Negative Emotional responses in your relationships in your daily life. Communion is neither a positive nor a negative action; it is NEUTRAL. True Love is not an emotion. All emotions are finite and contradictory. This is why when you “like” a person, later on you find yourself “disliking” that same person. In the realm of desire (which is what Ego is), there is duality. Duality is conflict. Conflict means a foundation that is divided/unstable.
So, when the foundation of your mind is divided against itself, no matter how mechanically or technologically brilliant that mind may be, it will use that knowledge to either knowingly or unknowingly destroy the world.

People who protest against GMO's, Geological Engineering, Vaccinating infants, polluting the food, water and air, such people are hypocrites, generally. Because if they people are operating from a Psychological Foundation that is dependent upon believing in the opposite ideal in order to fight against the ruthless profiteers, then they are just the “Tails” side of the same Ego-driven coin. Ego is divided against itself because it is not in complete, direct contact with ALL of its thoughts and feelings so long as it is depending on ANY belief.

Belief” blocks direct perception. Here is what I mean. Do you “believe” that you are hungry or have a toot ache? Or, do you perceive that actuality that you are feeling hunger or your aching tooth? “Belief” cancels out “Communion with Fact”. And, “Communion with Fact” cancels out “Belief”. The lamp light is “On” when you are in direct contact with a fact (that's what “Communion” means). The lamp light is “Off” when you take for granted or have hope or faith that something is so (that's what “Belief” means). But, the lamp cannot be “On” & “Off” at the same time. In other words, you can't “Believe” and “Perceive” at the same time. You can only be doing one or the other, right? Being a light unto yourself takes place only when you examine the entire false structure of “Believing”, not the object of the “Belief”, but learn about what is the nature of “Believing” by watching in yourself and in others. But, beware of your conditioned urge to want to force people to stop “Believing”. Any act to force “Belief” away will strengthen it and allow it to victimize you, too. Because any act of willpower, takes you out of a state of Neutrality. Once you are biased, you've taken sides and now you are in conflict and you are nourishing it, as well. Then you are the matrix of the system of endless destruction and violence that is pretending to end it.

Conflict can never bring an end. When it forces a superficial ending, it must start conflict somewhere else. Conflict can only truly end, when there is Neutral Self-Vigilance. Remember, that the fabric of the material world is made out of Atoms. The Atom's dualistic opposing energy is not in conflict so long as its opposite forms of energy are in the ground of Holistic Neutrality. The Neutron hold both opposite forms of energy, equally (without bias), and it is that holding Neutral Energy that makes the opposites co-exist in harmony. In our minds the same holds true. When you strictly observe both Pleasant/Proton & Unpleasant/Electron opposites forms of mental energy, that quality of Neutral Observation ends the inclination to choose to pay attention to Pleasant or Unpleasant when you can detect that they are both a vital part of your total mental being (just like the upper half and your lower half of your body are necessary so you don't choose to care for one half and neglect the other, then the whole body suffers). Similarly, you can see that it's nonsensical to ignore certain emotional thoughts and feelings and cling on to others and fear letting them go, because then you are fighting with yourself. And, when you choose one quality of your mind against another, you have blocked the Neutral Holistic Foundation that brings about a healthy sane sound mind.

When the Emotional Mind is not Holistically Grounded, whatever the mind does on a technological level must inevitably be destructive. You see, the ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) IS OUR EMOTIONAL MIND WHEN IT IS DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF! That is an absolute fact, not because I say so, but because it is actually so. What proves this fact is everyday, things are getting more unstable and frightening. When you go to work or your personal relationships are getting more and more irrational and painful. The boiling point is reached and something breaks snaps and tragedy pops out. This is happening throughout the entire world of Humanity on every level of existence (no matter what your economic status may be, your race, which is an illusion, your organized religious affiliation) – all people are in the hot seat by nurturing their Ego (a mind that is divided against itself).

So we are living in a world of organized anarchy – like the organization of cancer. It is festering away and no outside agency can save Humanity. There is only ONE SOLUTION = NEUTRAL SELF-AWARENESS. At the center of the Atom is NOTHING (NO CHARGE/NEITHER NEGATIVE NOR POSITIVE. That is God, Love, Peace, Sanity, Equilibrium. That is what the world needs. But instead, we cling to emotional lies and take comfort in wishing, hoping, pleading, praying, begging for some alien or supernatural or superstitious outsider to come in and same Humanity from its stupidity. We, as a species, broke our minds and we want something else to fix it. We refuse to accept responsibility for taking a wrong turn in the way that we think and deal with our emotional being. We are AFRAID to look at our Total Emotional Being. That is our madness. We are devoid of Love to care enough to get in touch with our Whole Emotion Being (by communing with All of our thoughts and feelings). If you try, you will see that you are programmed like a computer to try to justify, rationalize and seek to improve the qualities that you are ashamed to witness. But, the fixer can only impose upon itself the imprisonment of willpower. Because, your mind is afraid of BEING NOTHING. As long as you have willpower, you feel like you are IMPORTANT/SOMETHING GREAT! And, that illusion matters more than the ending of Human suffering. It is your very sorrow that makes you feel emotionally-important.

I warn you not to read these words and worry about who the writer is or is not. It does not matter if I have a degree. A degree is just a symbol that your mind has accumulated a certain amount of knowledge to apply to a specialization. What I am talking about is Universal Survival of this World. I am talking about fundamental truths can be seen if you bother to go look and not insult my intelligence by verbally agreeing or disagreeing. I don't need anyone to agree with what I am pointing out or disagree. That is infantile and meaningless. The stakes are getting higher and higher each day that our planet is being attacked by toxins from Human Egotistical Warfare. It is hardly getting a chance to heal from these daily bombardments. But your Ego is oblivious to physical and material desolation. Ego is a cartoon character that exists off of fantasies that it considers to be “the truth”. It wants to be worshiped and respected no matter how much it is ripping up the fabric of life and manipulating atoms to become distorted through DNA tampering, biological, viral, chemical warfare. Egotistic scientific are racing to see just how far they can go at poking and stretching the fabric of our material world out of shape before they do something so catastrophic that it scares the holy shit out of even them. This nonsense must continue like a inert comic hurtling through space until it smashes into something.

So I am the messenger sending out a notice alerting the world of the few rational beings left alive to do your responsibility to the Atomic Universe by contributing your life-force energy to the solution by being in harmony with Atomic Natural Law, which is to understand your mind from moment to moment everyday (no matter how insane the fake leaders behave). They will keep on passing laws of based on emotional chaos which will destroy the meaning of law itself. They will continue being crazy. The lunatics are in charge of the insane asylum, haven't you noticed? The lights are on (in the system) but nobody's home. Whenever you ask people who pretend to be in charge barking out orders at us, haven't you notice that they get upset when you ask them to you are reasonable explanation for whatever they demand of us. They treat us like you got some nerve questioning “my authority over your life”. That is plain Ego right there, isn't it?

So if you don't want to be a plaything to be kicked around like a rag doll, you had better wise up fast and exit the Egotistical Dimension of Lunacy by changing the way you think. It is not about opinions, conclusions, supposition or debating about some single issue. The problem is to gigantic and complicated to be dealt with bit-by-bit. All problems are linked to one singular origin and that is the foundation of this colossal skyscraper of Human problems of survival. We have turned survival into a freaking nightmarish feat. So no matter how huge the building may be, and no matter how fancy its architectural design may be, if the foundation is cracked, the building must inevitably fall. That is The Law, not man-made emotional law, but The Mathematical Law.

So it must also hold true, that the foundation of the Human World is based on the Emotional State of Being either Divided or Whole. If you question your own mind and look to see that it is conditioned to be divided, then all you can do is study it. It is easy to say that, but you will soon find out if you dare to test it, that you entire being will become traumatized and you may want to accept your doom of existing in Emotional Conflict. That's not my call. It's entirely up to each person if they are going to keep and defend basing their life on a cracked foundation depending upon some other broken mind to represent your survival or dare to do something unprecedented – take responsibility for your life just like any insect or animal is doing. Stop outsourcing your existence to others. Yes, technological things may or may not be outsourced; that's no big deal. But, the major fear and terror in your lives is because you have outsourced your Emotional Nation to so-called spiritual leaders, media authority figures, politicians (who are secretly drowning and hide behind PR semanticists to eloquently mislead the public into thinking that these people lead “orderly” sane lives – they really don't). They are more afraid than any of us because when their time is up, they are scared of no longer being on top of the heap of this insane asylum. All that they lied, cheated and worked goes out the window when it's time to leave this world.

However, when you die every moment of your life to the emotional accumulated experiences, then the final physical death is nothing to fear at all. People don't really fear physical death. They fear no longer continuing the pretentious life that they lead. The only people who are offended when they hear The Truth are those who treat lies as though they are “the truth”. After all, people conjured up deities in order to trick people into graveling at their feet. The Ego has always sought to replace the Real God. It would surprise you to find out that the Real God is actually NOTHING!

We've been poorly educated about this NOTHINGNESS. “ZERO” is not a number, yet without it there would be no binary code which is the Universal Language for computers. “1” is the foundation of ALL numbers. “1” represents measurement or finiteness. “0” represents no measurement or infinity. You can add together a -1 and a +1 and you get “0” (like the Neutrality of the Atom). The Negative One represents Electrons. The Positive One represents Protons. When you combine equal amounts of Electron & Protons they equal NOTHING/Zero, which the ground or core of The Atom (the fabric of the Universe, including our bodies and minds).

God cannot be measured, which implies infinity, immortality, Creation. Creation gives birth to the opposites forms of material energy, which is the Electron/Neg. & Proton/Pos. So that would mean that matter is measurable (including negative & positive numbers are measurement). However, the Zero is not a number which represents the Neutron that has No Charge, No Measurement. A thing that cannot be measured is infinite, measureless, boundless, which is NOTHING. Not a thing. A thing is measurable. No-thing is not measurable. Yet the fabric of the Atom is grounded in Zero Charge (no negative charge, no positive charge). The Atom which is the fabric of of the entire physical, material Cosmos is grounded in NOTHING. That God = NOTHING!

Ego has conditioned us to only value our existence through the struggle to compete to become a SOMETHING (which must be measured up against something or someone else). We compare our talents, looks, abilities and worst of all our emotional thoughts and feels to our fellow man/woman. This comparison breeds envy, self-loathing, hatred, revenge, sadistic retribution. All because we have been lied to by how we value our lives. We wrongly have jumped to the conclusion that we must “Become Something of Great Measure”. This is why we can't work together in harmony. This is also why we can't even live intimately together with a companion, because we are endlessly competing on a psychological level. Why do you feel this way about something? Shouldn't I feel like you feel about this, that or the other?

We can't understand ourselves because we are so dependent, emotionally, on being liked by others. Why? Because, we want to “Become Valued” by our peers so that we can feel like “A Great Something”. But there is never-ending agony because no matter how much you emotionally achieve, you always feel like there's something missing. You feel incomplete, don't you? Why?

You are missing the ground, the core, the foundation of all atomic matter, you are missing that “NOTHINGNESS” that is fundamental to stabilize, harmonize your being so that you can be at peace in your psyche. When you “believe” in order to become “A Great Something”, you are in a constant struggle competing against your internal emotions of one group of emotions competing against the other group. This is what psychological neurosis really is. And, analysis just makes it even worse when you try to become the referee of your own competition. It's the Devil's Triangle refereeing between the “Heads-Dummy-Conscious” & “Tails-Ventriloquist-Subconscious”. So no matter which sides wins, there will always be a part of you that loses. So what is the point? There isn't one.

You were not naturally created to malfunction like this. Every Atom of your being is crying out to be in a Natural State of Order or Clarity of Mind. Ego violates that natural demand. It's like fighting sleep when your body is dying to get some rest. If you keep fighting it too long, you will go insane and die from prolong sleep deprivation. That's a scientific fact.

Similarly, if our minds keep on feeding our Ego (which is a mind that is at war with itself and so with the outside world as well), then it must go crazy and annihilate the world. This is what happens to soldiers that have been exposed to murdering people for long durations of time. They go nuts and can no longer live socially with others without wanting to habitually attack like a rabid dog. The slightest statements can easily evoke emotional past painful memories that can cause them to uncontrollably lash out. War destroys the mind. It is an immature way to secure our material necessities of living born out of the failure to learn the intrinsic value of “BEING NOTHING” (as we just watch our emotional responses without defending them nor condemning them – just observe and learn from it).

Then our Ego (containing opposing emotional forces) can blossom and die. We think that the Egos death is a great tragedy, because we compare it to physical death. The brain is biologically programmed to resist injury and death. Our Emotional Mind mimics that biological instinct and applies urge to our emotions. This is where we lack sound education. We are not suppose to guard our emotions from feeling upset or from dying once they fully express themselves.

Our emotions are like the climate. The climate cannot be one thing all the time. It is in a constant state of fluctuations. Sometimes the climate feels comfortable and sometimes it can be painful. But that is the intrinsically natural order of the weather. Similarly, sometimes we feel or think things that are uncomfortable. Those thoughts and feels are the Emotional Climate of our natural being. We must be in full contact with every Emotional Climate. Being in touch with whatever is “Being Nothing”. To commune is to be nothing. There is no struggle to fulfill a desired state of mind. You simply embrace every single state of mind no matter the comfort level. You are all Emotional Climates. When you understand that, you are in a natural state of learning (without achieving a status). You are learning. Why? Because, that is what you are designed by intelligent life to do. Energy created life forms so that the energy of Nothingness and learn about what it has made. Intelligence flows through all life forms in order for each life form to commune with itself and understand itself. The purpose of life is to understand what you are by observing your internal reactions. Then releasing that state and moving on to the next response to study.

Life is not a competition. The Night is not competing with the Day nor visa versa. The Human Emotional Mind thinks and feels in relationship to the daily challenges of its life. No one needs to guide another. I'm not really guiding you. I'm merely making observations of facts. You can verify scientifically, if you are not too emotional, that it is true that Atoms are what all things are made out of. It is a fact that the Atom contains equal amounts of opposite forms of energy (just like a Human Being contain equal amounts of DNA material from male & female parents). The key to pay attention to is equality and balance. They is no such thing a superiority with regard to Atom which is the fabric our our beings. When equal amounts of opposite forms of energy merge they harmonize is the Ground of Nothingness (the Neutron = Zero Charge). This is also very key because this Nothingness that we are all scared of “being a nobody” or “a nothing” is a stupid thing the fear.

The core essence of the entire Cosmos is NOTHING (NO CHARGE: neither positive nor negative charge). This is measureless, eternity, without beginning, without ending. Nothingness is the home base of all matter and even anti matter. So this is by definition The Real God – The Creator of Matter. By the way, all memory is matter, is measurable. So our Emotional Mind is Matter. It has a beginning and an ending. Since Humanity did not always exist, it collective historical record in our primitive memory banks does have a beginning point. Anything with a beginning is finite and measurable. So that means that this Ego that has been pretending to be God and the Ruler of our lives is a fake god, indeed. Ego is not without measure. It is made out of opposite or dualistic or contradictory expressions (exactly like the protons & electrons in an atom).

So the only reason why we are malfunctioning and murdering each other, dominating each other, comparing ourselves to each other is because we lack the intelligent understanding of NOTHINGNESS. We have failed to see the value of “Being In A State of Blissful Nothingness.” We've been brainwashed from ancient times. We have inherited brains that are thousands of years old that contains the record of Emotional Traditional History where we've been coerced into accepting emotional choosing to cling to either the Negative Expression of our Emotions or cling to the Positive. If we consciously cling to or identify with our Negative side, then our mind splits in half and the underbelly must identify with Positive thoughts and feelings must be shunned, and visa versa. That is exactly how the Ego is born. Once it emerges, it fights to maintain its false existence but treats it exactly the same way it would defend its flesh and blood from being damaged or destroyed.

The Ego only protects is body in order exploit it to serve the will of its fantasy-based emotional identity. It is more than willing to destroy its body in order to preserve a lie that glorifies its life to be remembered by future generations. Ego uses the body to establish lies about itself in order to achieve becoming “A Great Something”. The Ego fears “Being Nothing”. It does not want to see the value in “Being Nothing” simply because in the “Eternal Infinity”, it cannot stand out and personalize itself and claim to own or possess it. So it would rather struggle to become the biggest fragmentary piece of power that it can claim. This is why war exists. The Ego invented a competition (like the gladiator colossium events) to struggle to impress an audience of Egos, as well as the elite royal Egos. This effort is to done to establish in blood to give realness to its delusion that it is the Lord and Master of the world and will destroy the lives of anyone who does not respect its claim to greatness.

Sporting events is a psychological, emotional warfare to claim to be superior to others. It is a battlefield, too. The only existence of the Ego is to challenge the “Infinite Nothingness” to replace it and become a better “god” or creator of life. But here is where to zirconium/ego is shown to be inferior to the diamond/whole mind... If you remove the “Zero Factor” all technology disappears. How can you run a computer without the “Zero” in the binary code? If you remove the “Zero Factor” from The Atom, how can anything exist. Without “The Ground of Neutrality”, the fabric of material life would unravel. That would mean the disappearance of our planet and all the historical relics about our species. Our minds with suddenly vanish because our very emotions (of which The Ego is based) would dissolves. Both the negative/unpleasant & positive/pleasant emotions would melt away. The thing that glues the opposites together is “The Ground of No Charge”. So The Ego can never replace nor be that “Ground”. The Ego is restricted to being matter (measurable, limited).

This is why our thinking is out of line for trying to hijack the weather and dictate to it how it should operate. This planet and its atmosphere was born out of that infinite ground of nothingness wherein lies the intelligence to weather patterns. How can a mind that is ignorant about “Being Nothing” in order to clearly understand its own psychological nature be in a position to govern a planet that is billions of years old? What arrogance and stupidity the mind is displaying in geological engineering. And, when something goes horribly wrong some day from doing this, the mind will say, “I didn't foresee that happening.” Yeah, well that's why it has no business trying to run the material world when it is not “Grounded in Nothingness”. If it was stable and free of functioning as an ignorant Ego, it would not even attempt it at all. The planet does need us treating it like a horse that we get on top of it and ride and push it around. How dare our species be so presumptuous. But there will be consequences for this intrusion upon our Mother Nature. We as a species consistently bite the hand that has cradled and nurtured our species even after we repaid her hospitality by bombing her, experimenting upon her, throwing the ecosystem out of balance, chemically assaulting the atmosphere. The litany of crimes against nature continues to grow. There seems to be no end in sight. Our species is crazy and unsustainable.

Just like the news is constantly reporting disasters in order to force us to cling on tightly to the Egos of the leaders who are escorting us to the slaughter house, I am reporting to Mankind that there is another way to live. Just because great numbers of people are acting like we have to believe, we have to be ruled by emotional fear based on feeding our own personal Egos. Even the pretenders who act like they care about all these bad things going on, they are phony, too. If you are seeking to become “A Something”, then you are denying the “Holistic Ground of Being Nothing” (when You Equally Observe both opposite expressions of your mind). To deny that neutral state of self-awareness is to give your energy to your own Ego which is the collective social mental network feeding all these tragic events taking place. Your energy belongs to all of that mess. You can lie to yourself and say it ain't so. But the fact still remains that it is so.

I don't know exactly what is going to happen. All I understand for sure is that each present moment is planting the seed to the next moment. We are building our world of circumstance day in and day out. And that world that we are building everyday is based on the quality of how your are observing your Emotional Being. That quality of observation is either partial or whole, which establishes the “Ground or Foundation” that you are building your life and what kind of world you are leaving behind. Also when your lifespan has reached its limit, will you be recycled back into a nonsensical life? Or will you completely understand the entire nature of your Emotional Being so that you can move on to something brand new and that will be “orderly”.

It is alarming to realize that our species is malfunctioning by living in a totally superficial existence. We ignore the roots of everything in life and dwell on trivia and shallow vanity. Hardly anyone is interested in being logical, rational or having a real contact with our lives beyond words. My words are born out of profound linkage with the real thing prior to communication. I'm not so concerned about how I speak or write. I realize that the words will point easily once I've been in full contact with emotional responses to the things taking place in my life. And vibrationally and psychologically how I perceive my mind has an impact on everyone's life. So I am responsible for how communicate with the world. Life is like a boomerang that you throw out and it return right back to the one who threw it. When I throw out this message to anyone and everyone, I realize that your Egos are going to want to silence me because the Ego is allergic to facts. If it is really true, it is upsetting your Ego (deep down at its roots). While the conscious-dummy may pretend like it's no big deal what I'm talking about, the hidden-ventriloquist is seething venomous emotional rage from exposing what has been up to all these centuries.

However, it is not my intent to just upset the reader. I just know that it is the nature of the Ego to take offense at any facts about what it is doing. After all, the Ego is a product of lies and solely thrives off of them in order to maintain its false existence. And, the real “National Security” is to safeguard “The Collective Egocentric Mind Hive.” The government's agenda is to treat us like the movie called, “The Truman Show”. Give us fake identities and lives and goals to keep us living in emotional darkness so that some Egos can pretend to be masters over the lives of masses of people. Just to satisfy a fantasy that it is in charge of life. The Ego will never be in charge of life. It is a finite entity that must sabotage itself simply because a thing that is at war within itself is already sabotaging itself, is it not? That is why Hitler exposed the fact that all along his external war with the world was really all about his personal war within himself, wasn't. So one side of his mind murder the other identity, but they both died because “Heads” is also “Tails”. But The Ego pretended like there were 2 coins. There is only one mind, one coin containing 2 opposite appearances (just like a negative film and its positive photograph is 2 opposite sides of one singular thing).

So there is a war between “The Me” (the ugly monster) and “The Not-Me” (the amusing dummy puppet). The war is the denial of the fact of what I emotional feel or thing, and the escape into a concept, ideal or belief of “what I ought to think/fee” (the unreal). The never wants to stop this silly little game of emotional hide and seek. It just wants to hide from the truth while pretending to seek it. It wants to pretend to be solving problems for the masses while it secretly increases problems to make people desperate and hysterical so that it can have fun tormenting people and pretending to end their agonizing plight. So the Ego is chasing its own tail until it can't stand it anymore, then it does what Hitler did to himself. Then the psychological warfare game give birth to another generation of blind idiots to reboot the game and begin again, and again, and again until the material resources will no longer support this game of madness.

Humanity learns nothing from these tragedies. They only learn like a computerized robot to carry on fighting and getting better at increasing the extend of damage it can cause. The only thing we can do is to see things clearly. The Ego does all that it do to distort things because is where it derives its power to control. As long as you live in clarity, emotionally, you are free of mental manipulation and hijacking. The Ego can spin its lies but as long as you see as lie as being a lie, you are free of confusion. See things as they are is “The Ground of Neutrality”. You are not opposing The Ego. You are merely clearly seeing what it is doing and then communicating your communion with your own Ego. The Ego is just like the long winding rows of dominoes setup to fall down. Each person is at the head of the dominoes (that would be all The Egos in the world). If you see what your own Ego is doing in each present moment of your waking hours, then not only do you see through ALL Egos that you come across, you also keep that clarity going on while you are unconsciously asleep, as well. In other words, when a mind is alert and learning about its psychological responses, it is covering its own back during its sleep period. Whatever quality of observation is carried on during its waking hours that same quality of perception is carried on into its sleep. So if you are holistically watchful when you are conscious, then your subconscious will keep on holistically watching itself as your body regenerates itself. You don't need to depend on other people to stand guard over your life anymore.

This is consider a bad thing for governments. They don't want people to have holistic self-awareness. They would stop being at war, being desperately scared to death of being in touch with their emotional state of mind. So people would start behaving in natural peace and harmony without being forced. So government would become obsolete. They only exist for herd unintelligent beings. That is why the school system only teaches us to be mechanical entities and completely ignorant about our emotions. For that, they tell us we are free “to believe in anything we want”. But what if I abandon “the act of believing”, altogether? They don't ever mention that option do they? Why not? Isn't it obvious, why not? Then your mind would discover free from psychological authority and the world would really change and we would learn how to live in cooperation (just like the planets that have a natural rhythm of orbits). We have that ability, but we have been conditioned, programmed to protect our internal emotional chaos. Why? So that they can maintain the status quo for the handful of elite tyrants that need us to keep on being stupid so that they can pretend to be “a god” that rules masses of people's lives. That why this governmental oppression exists. Plus, it is here because the masses are emotional junkies that are too weak to wise up and see the falseness of protecting their Ego. It is within there ability to do it (just like a battered spouse can stop enabling their abuser, but they are addicted to being emotional dependent on that abusive spouse). They both are gratifying each others' Ego. Ego wants to emotionally possess and to be possessed. They both fulfill the desire to be “A Somebody of Importance” in order to escape from “Being a Nothing”.

A truly intelligent Human Being realizes that Nothing is Everything. After all the Atoms in the Universe is grounded in the root of Nothingness, Neutrality, Zero Charge, Unbiased, Neutron, Holistic Self-Observation which is the very Creation of Energy. Humans can only manipulate energy but it cannot make an Atom. Why, because “A Something is Finite/Limited” and it can never make “Nothing” which is beyond measure; it is infinite. That is the nucleus of the Atom when binds the opposite forms of energy. The memory of Human thought has a beginning and end, therefore, it can never create “Nothing”. “Nothing” only expresses itself in us through choiceless self-awareness. It is choiceless because one does not choose which thoughts and feelings to commune or be in full contact with. The mind that is perpetually learning about its nature in the present is aware that ALL of its feelings are itself. The observer IS the observed thought or feeling. So there is no need to try to change it. The one who seeks to change is opposing its own nature and rejecting itself. That is self-destructive and stupid to do that.

As a beginner in learning about your responses just forget about the importance of communication. When you communicate without communion, you are just babbling gibberish. What give substance to what you communicate is when you live in verbal empty awareness. This will be very hard because your mind has been trained to fill the space with excuses, rationalization, justification or condemnation. But that isn't a problem. Since you are your conditioned responses, the challenge is finding out if you can detect your conditioned responses and see them for what they actually are. The challenge is to see a false thing as a false thing. All conditioning is false fabrication made by a mind that is afraid to be in touch with itself without the insulation of verbiage and without striving to improve or correct yourself. The point is to be aware that I'm in error. Like when you are driving and you sense that you are veering off the highway, don't you naturally stop veering off the instant you become aware of your error?

Then you can be aware that you are “believing” because something has caused you to evoke thoughts and feelings that are distressing. You want to take flight away from them so the might is eager to grab onto any handy emotional propaganda it can find. Just watch and find out. Please do not accept all of this. You do yourself a great injustice to treat me like someone who must think for you. That destroys your intelligence whenever you emotionally depend on any person. The best time to learn and understand is when your mind is greatly disturbed. That urgency of disturbance makes the mind observe seriously. The more serious the mind is, the more sensitive and intelligent it is. So don't hide from emotional discomfort. Pay full attention when your mind is upset. There is nothing wrong with being upset. Is there something wrong when your tummy growls indicating that it is time to feed it? It feels unpleasant, but so what. That is a signal that it's time to eat. That's all. So what if your Ego is upset about being exposed. That just alerts you that your mind is on the right track to waking up to learning about itself and intelligence is beginning to sprout. Childbirth is also painful. I went through it twice. But learning is not always a comfortable journey. It is learning that matters, not if it comfortable or uncomfortable.

No organization or person can guarantee that you will be shielded from emotional distress. The mind doesn't like things sometimes. That is just life. You can't live to always pleasing your mind. But that has been the habit of most people, which has inevitably led to great tragic outcomes due to trying to live in emotional certainty (just like the people who believed/followed the fantasy spun by David Koresh).
The Emotional Dependencies mainly consists of 3 choices presented by the Ego:

  1. The Villain
  2. The Victim
  3. The Hero

The Ego's emotional past memory has divided itself in order pretend like one of these roles is whole, orderly and is free from conflict. So when people imply to one another that they are “good” by being pretentiously polite, they are in collusion to defend and conceal their secretly devious pursuit to resist seeing any ugly emotional quality about themselves. Humanity, as a whole is committed to carrying out an implied secret goal (regardless if they conscious of it or not). That goal is to “Protect & Serve Emotional Identity/Dependency.”

As you carry out your mechanical daily tasks, you weave into just about every single technical task your Emotional Branding/Gratification. You emotionally communicate a pretense that “you are a good person” born out of your imagination that you have about yourself. You do this because you expect, desire and demand that the person reciprocate that same sentiment. Then the social collective has indoctrinate our emotional minds to feel like we will be emotionally shunned and cast out (and it is implied that you wont be able to survive) without emotional group acceptance. So when the store clerk says, “Have a nice or blessed day,” this is a pretense that the entity saying that is a sincerely caring and “good” (non-violent) “individual”.

But, if a person uses sweetly pleasant-sounding language in order to hide the fact that they are hiding from being in communion or full contact with any ugly emotional thoughts or feelings, then that communication is grounded in a hypocritical foundation. If the emotional foundation is not in contact with its original feelings/thoughts, then any language that is opposite of that emotional state is an illusion that it wants other people to believe is their genuine state of being. So people are being rewarded or granted access to obtain their material necessities of physical survival (in other words getting paid), to weave into their daily technical/mechanical tasks between one another psychological dependency to promote an emotional facade or mask toward each other. The personal goal is for each person to help support each others' Egos to maintain its division against itself. In other words, the Ego needs to prop itself up with the outside emotional support of another member of society/community. A falsehood is not absolute unto itself. It is being held together through mutual deception.

So when you carry out your physical job everyday, watch how people talk to each other, emotionally, secretly expect and demand that you play along with the deviously cloaked game of deceit. Look what happens when you don't hold up your emotional end of this socially silent agreement. Suddenly co-workers act annoyed with you. They emotionally pressure you to agree with their pretenses and treat them as though they are genuinely being “nice” or “good.” The social matrix is setup to pay the people the most who assist in spreading egotistical illusions of an “orderly”, “safe”, “just” system. The promotion of emotional lies is the real meaning of propaganda/brainwashing/mind-control. The emotional domination of a person or a group of people is violent, tyrannical, dictatorial, contradictory and corrupt. This nice-sounding polite words born out of escaping from communing with your emotional thoughts/feelings that you don't want to face or acknowledge is a mind that is divided against itself, it is at war with itself, it does not genuinely care for itself so long as it is resisting being in direct contact with ALL emotional expressions of itself. So when it says polite things that in direct opposition to what it genuinely feels, it is being BAD/EVIL/VIOLENT. Conflict in the psyche is the origin of all brutality.

When someone emotional submits to a dominating mind and hands over their emotional being by telling that person whatever they want to hear (no matter if its a lie), then you are doing it in order to protect your own private lies that you have made up about your own emotional state of being. So you let the other person possess you, emotionally, so that you can fabricate a false sense of security for yourself. The submissive (victim) is playing along in order to serve their own Ego to be able to pretend to be “innocent” or “good buy” in this submissive role of emotional acting.

When the emotionally aggressive bully rattles-your-cage by doing something to cause your physical safety to feel under attack, he is trying to trick your emotional mind into depending on it for mercy and protection. Thugs do this to people. A thug does not have to just be impoverished con artists, they can be very clever, cunning intellectuals with vast power and money. So the domineering mindset seeks to coerce you into either telling him/her that they are what they are pretending to be. The government people pretend that they are using violence in order to protect us from even more violent foes. But violence is the emotional willpower based on personally emotional fulfillment is mainly to validate a hoax of protecting physical well being. It is the emotional lie that is actually being shielded under false the pretenses of protecting physical survival.

So when someone is in legal criminal trouble, that person turns to someone they live with and other associates seeking from you your emotional agreement that they don't deserve their plight that they are in. They pretend like they did nothing to bring about those circumstances of being falsely accused of any wrongdoing. But everyday that they gained access to physical or material resources in order to physically survive, they are absolutely guilty of being paid because they emotionally helped people to lie to themselves in order to avoid seeing the ugly truth about themselves. That is the only thing that the Ego calls its main duty in order to preserve its very existence. The Ego has no natural right to exist because its existence means the detriment to our physical well being and our environment. Just look at what war is doing to our planet. It is being poisoned daily. Does Mother Nature deserve being slaughter while we Egotistically hide in our emotional pretenses?

When we play this emotional pretending to be “good” or “protection” game, we are knowingly or unknowingly agreeing to build our lives on top of a cracked emotional foundation. The protection of that “crack” is what the “National Security” and our government police are really safeguarding with the false claim that they must do this in order to insure our material/physical well being. So you must sacrifice your healthy body to a competition of murdering and slaughtering Humanity and then be rewarded for serving your so-called country in order to provide food. Clothing and shelter to your emotional group or clan. This is a primitively false emotional tradition handed down from one generation to the next to blindly accept and carry on.

This Egotistical network of deception is being held together by each person's emotional desire to run away from being in touch with ones entire emotional being. So we live in a psychological schism of the “Ventriloquist-Dummy” performance that we both put on for ourselves and the world around us. The mind is playing an emotional hide-and-seek deceptive game with itself and with one another. So nobody in this game is truly innocent. So even if your community scapegoats you as being accused of being a “criminal”, it doe not matter if you did the deed or not. What matters is the quality of your emotional foundation. If your foundation is whole because you inclusively observe every single emotion that arises and you commune with them all (which is your total emotional being), then your foundation is whole and is not in conflict/at war within, then you are truly innocent. Your emotional energy is not participating with any conflict in the world around you. Your mind is does not exist in the dimension of violence because your core foundation is Holistically Aware of both Negative & Positives emotions as they arise and are observed and transformed through that communion.

Now since people are generally not doing this; they are escaping into beliefs they use to create an image of being “good” or “innocent”, they are not separate “individuals”. They belong to a collective emotional mind hive that are all standing on the exact same “Ground of Self-Deception” (which is a mind at odds with itself). That is a crime against Humanity and Mother Nature that is being falsely justified in order to pretend like this endeavor is a valid, healthy, sane and wholesome way to function. It is covering up the absolute fact that the endeavor to preserve the “pretense of protecting physical survival” is the ROOT OF ALL EVIL. Evil is old world term that simply means ANNIHILATION OF THE WHOLE.

So when your mind refuses to commune with ALL of its emotional feelings and thoughts, it is being “Evil” because it is destroying its “Ground of Holistic Self-Awareness.” As long an your Emotional Ground/Foundation is “Divided Against Itself”; so long as you take refuge inside an image/belief that contradicts your initial state of mind, then you are actually hurting your biological existence. To hurt your own life sets up a behavioral precedent of how you will treat other people both emotionally and physically. So when you are not being true to yourself by hiding from seeing your ALL of your naked emotional responses to any living situation from day to day, then you are operating out of the background of criminal insanity. Insanity is a mind that is out of touch with the reality of itself. It pretends to be something that it is not. It pretends to be friendly, harmless and caring toward its own life and others. You can't be genuinely caring, virtuous or good so long as your emotional foundation is fragmented: the Fact of “What You Actually Think/Feel” versus the Ideal/Make-Believe of “What You Pretend To Think or Feel.” The pretense Evil/Destructive to the Whole Truth.

What is Truth with regard to the Emotional Realm?

It can't be directly sought after. For the only thing that your Emotional Mind can seek is what it finds desirable or pleasant. So when your emotionally seek comforting, you don't want to pay attention to any quality about your thoughts or feelings that you dislike or are ashamed of having. So then to avert emotional discomfort, the mind fabricates stories/images about itself that serves to hide any emotional ugliness about itself. This is what each person is seeking as they carry out their mundane daily tasks at their physical or intellectual jobs. This is why be want to be rewarded for whatever they do. And, they typically become hostile when they are not emotionally glorified and seek to cause trouble for their fellow man/woman. So that is why people are constantly being uncooperative and either secretly or openly vicious, envious and greedy toward one another.

So the roles of “Villain-Victim-Hero” are really one unitary Egotistical entity; each role is standing on the same emotional foundation of “division”. After all, warfare is based on emotional propaganda used to strategically divide people against one another, is it not? Then these emotional groups violently compete to claim emotional superiority to be about to setup rules to make others obey so that they can “play-god” by choosing who physically lives and who dies. The only reason people are at the mercy of violence is because each person has sold their soul (their clarity of emotional self-awareness) to accept their fate of existing in emotional conflict (building their physical security on an emotional contradictory foundation). Each person is GUILTY (not innocent) as long as they protect their Egotistical status quo. Then when they are slaughtered, they had already slaughtered their own ability to commune or be in holistic touch with ALL of their emotional responses. But an Ego chooses to partially cling to the feelings and thoughts that it likes and rejects those that it dislikes. That is internal conflict, division, fragmentation which is a cracked foundation. That is THE MOTHER OF ALL CRIMES!

So long as people are all standing on an emotional/egotistical cracked foundation, they are not separate “individuals”. Remember, that an “individual” is whole and is not divided, not contradictory and not hypocritical. So what if hypocrites set up rules/laws, they are there to covertly protect egotistical hypocrisy while pretending to provide “order” or stability. A mind that is operating out of a hypocritical (contradictory, divided) background is corrupt and lacks integrity. They hide behind emotional rhetorical propaganda in order to deceive people into feeling afraid to challenge the validity of this emotional social matrix of tyranny. But this big ball of emotional confusion in the world boils down to your daily connection and impact on this false matrix. What keeps it going is each one of you failing to holistically examine (communing with ALL emotional responses) the foundation of your emotional being. This is your primary intrinsic meaning of your life because the energy that made all atomic things made it so that the intelligence can learn about itself and in that state of holistic communing/learning about its entire nature, it naturally functions in NATURAL ORDER!

All problems are appropriately dealt with. So when this insanely aggressive violent authoritarians bombard you with emotional propaganda that you must bow down and respect it by depending on it for your safety, then you have betrayed The Natural Atomic Order of Neutrality. You have made a choice to take sides with either the Negative or Positive Emotional Responses and do battle against when you rejected. But your mind will split itself into and invent the battle of Armageddon – the fight between the so-called “Good-&-Evil” (Hero-&-Villain). But, the lie is that they are 2 different, unrelated entities. They are both standing on the same foundation of division, contradiction and the rejection of being whole. Both sides serve their Egotistical Master of Conflict. Both sides denounce holistic self-awareness (neutral communion) of your whole emotional being. Both sides are internally at odds within its own psyche. So while they may have opposite styles of emotional expressions, they both reject Holy Communion with their Whole Mind.

After all, “Holy” means that which is WHOLE (not broken, divided or dissected). So the Ego that represents the “Villain” is pro emotional bias, and the “Hero” feels the same. Because both personas are striving to pretend to be the “Master of The Material World”, and they demand emotional worship and respect or else be torture those who refuse. They can get away with torture because each person that is being victimized by either the “Villain” or “Hero” is maintaining and safeguarding their own personal Ego (which is at odds with itself). It is the victim's emotional corrupt foundation that gives their attackers/oppressors permission to destroy their lives. After all, the victim originally has victimized himself or herself when you bow down to serving your Ego (which is to take refuge in a lie, ideal or belief). When you break your own emotional foundation, you have put your physical security in harms way. So other people can come along and exploit what you have already done to yourself.

Such phoney victims wants the avenge their suffering so that they can pretend to themselves that they did nothing to be victimized (when deep down in the back of their mind they know they are guilty of protecting a lie of being innocent). They are a criminal so long as they do not be responsible for communing with their emotional responses. When you fail to be responsible for paying full attention to the movement of your emotional being, you are guilty of being a hypocrite, an Ego that is the “Ultimate WMD”. All weapons originated from the Emotional Atomic Bomb within our consciousness. Each one of use is responsible for the quality of the ground/foundation on which we base our survival. When that foundation is violent, divided, self-deceptive and corrupt, then that social structure is degenerate and disintegrating everyday. It is building up a bomb created out of the emotional cracked foundation of our Ego to destroy the world while it seeks to control everything and everyone.

On the day-to-day basis of living, our intrinsic responsibility is to see everything that is false about the Emotional Mind (first within yourself), and that perception simultaneously reveals the falseness of peoples' emotional deceitful language that they carry on while they conduct business with you or while you interact in a a personal relationship with your spouse, kids, relatives or so-called “friends”.

Friends” can be the most lethal relationship in the network of emotional contact. You assume that they mean you no harm. They usually stroke your Ego and tell it what it finds flattering so that you will return the illusion of a favor. Helping a person to avoid seeing themselves as they really are, is a false sense of “friendship”. A true friend means you no harm. But, the Ego is secretly harming itself by being divided against itself, which doing deep harm to its entire existence. So how can someone with a cracked foundation (who is his own foe) be a genuine friend who pretends like they mean you no harm. That is impossible because you can't relate to other people any differently than you are related to yourself. If you are emotionally at odds with yourself, you are waging psychological war with yourself, then you must hurt others. And, it doesn't matter what you tell yourself to the contrary; you are their enemy (so long as your mind is divided and combating itself).

You can only genuinely do no harm only if you respect your own existence by learning about ALL of your emotional being. No part of your emotional responses can be ignored or shunned or excluded from being in full contact and communing with ALL emotional thoughts/feelings. That is Real Love. So your emotional foundation is non-contradictory, so it is whole (or Holy/Moral). Then you are not hurting yourself, so you are now in a position to be a REAL FRIEND & GUARDIAN to the Total Human Psyche, because your emotional foundation is WHOLE, it is Atomically Universal. No part of your being is in conflict so long as you keep seeing the movement of psychological deception. Your only psychological purpose is to expose, purge emotional falsehood. Then all that remains is genuine peace, cooperation and sanity (a healthy mind free of self-deception).

So when a person you live with gets into trouble and you can see that their life is grounded in self-deception, then it does matter what they did physically or not, they are in trouble due to the culmination of emotional lying, both to himself or herself, as well as to others. People pretend that lies are moral if they give emotional comfort. That is false. To believe to give hope that life will get better is quite cruel because this delusion protect an Ego that is sowing the seeds of annihilation. Hitler, Rev. Jim Jones and David Koresh offered a belief to give hope (emotional comfort), but the outcome was torture and annihilation. The result was born out of the self-deceptive means of believing, period. It is not “what you believe” that brings about great tragic disasters. It is the act of self-deception born out of the “act of believing”, period. It is the belief that is the crime. A crime means to cause injury or damage to physical well being. War states that we must cause great physical destruction in order to give you physical well being. So a few are chosen to sacrifice their health in combat (i.e., physical security) in order to provide material resources their clan that they emotionally identify with. Every side of a battle is participating in this brutal contest. We pretend like this is civilized when, in fact, it is quite uncivilized, barbaric and is intrinsically unnecessary.

There is another intelligent way to live to gain access to physical, material security. You can get your food, clothing and shelter by exposing your Ego's self-deceit. The energy that perceive all that is emotionally false, and it is the truth that frees the mind from the false. Then, the Ego that has stolen all of the material resources of living must turn over to you because you are standing on the “Sacred Ground of Holistic Self-Awareness”, which is the Atomic Energy that flows through all matter. If the Ego tries to withhold what you have truly earned through communion, the entire Egotistical world will shatter and dissolve all at once. I have watch the Ego give me what I need in order to live, and I did not tell it what it wanted to hear. I watch my mind which is attached to the entire Human consciousness. I don't fight against the Ego because I'm aware that conflict is what it requires in order to exist. That is why people are either mean to me or superficially nice to me in order to trick my mind into “believing” that its foundation is morally pure and wholesome. I can detect that it is lying because it keeps pretending not to mean me any harm (when it is harming itself by maintaining its cracked foundation of believing). As long as it promotes emotional lies, it is acting out of a fragmentary foundation, and is harming itself. So it must intend to harm the world (which includes my life).

There is only life. It is not “your life”, “your mind”. It is just Atomic Energy that is balanced/creative or unbalanced/destructive. Your innate responsibility is to find out what your energy is being used for. Is it being used to create or destroy? If your energy is destructive, then you are acting out of a divided, corrupt ground that is an enemy to its own life, as well as all life. A foundation of destructive emotional energy is in a perpetual state of disintegration, degeneration. It may preach salvation, solution or protection, but that is false/propaganda. Its energy is chaotic while pretending to establish “order” or “clan security”. There can be no security or order so long as your emotional foundation is in conflict (by believing). Non-believing is a byproduct of believing, so that non-belief is only a theory that does not exist, either. To oppose “believing” is still willpower, force and conflict. The foundation is still at odds within itself. The negative of a film is dark and its opposite is a bright photograph, but they are 2 parts of the same object. Similarly, fighting against “believing” by claiming to be an Atheist is the same as the Theist, because these are both images in order to run away from being in touch with your whole emotional being. The emotional opposites of “Villain-Hero”, “Good-Evil” or “God-Devil” is 2 sides of the 1 Ego that deludes itself as not being related to its other half. When you clearly see this Egotistical falsehood, your foundation transforms through that emotional contact with the facts about the nature of the Ego and how it tricks itself. Then this Neutral-Self-Awareness brings about Egotistical Death, and Holistic Wisdom, which has no opposite is born. This transformation has an impact on the Total Human Psyche as a entire species. The false ground is melting away whenever you see your mind exactly for what it is.

This fundamentally Universal Psychological Transformation in the Ground or Foundation is bringing about A Great Creative Change in our Human species. The vast majority of fighting a losing battle because the entire global civilization there is only ONE PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATION. And, that foundation is disintegrating through its own self-deception (conflict/division). A structure can't sustain itself on top of a cracked foundation. I have made it very clear why the foundation is cracked and what you need to do to abandon that false way of thinking or viewing your emotional responses. The entire Egotistical Ground is crumbling, everyday. There is nothing attacking Humanity except itself.

But, if you see the senselessness of this conflict, you will stop giving your mental energy to this fake business of protection. The only thing the Ego ever wants to protect is remaining ignorant about how it is lying to itself. It must never see what is doing to deceive itself, because it deeply knows that once it see all that is doing that is false, it shall die; it shall cease to be “A Great Somebody.” That is the only true meaning behind “protecting society” or “National Security”. What proves this is the case is that all political campaigns are founded upon secrets, lies, deceit, pretense of having the public's best interest at heart. Politics is 100 percent fake. They only exist to deceive your mind so that it can be dominated and controlled.

But, each one of you have given them permission to hijack your mind every time you fail to learn about your Ego and study it and commune with it in order to find out for yourself how you lie to yourself. Then no one outside you control your mind or be your mental or emotional master-leader. Then, your mind has dropped the chains of emotional bondage and servitude to yourself and to any outside authorities. Nobody has a natural right to tell you what you should think; that is psychological warfare. I'm not telling anyone what they “should think”. Anything that you think or feel must be thoroughly felt and dropped. This is the Atomic Order of Neutral Observation (an awareness that includes everything that you think and feel so there is not opposition/conflict in your entire emotional being).

I'm merely the messenger pointing out things about your mind. I'm not trying to persuade you do anything. But if I explain to you that if you handle electricity with wet hands that you will get electrocuted, then I'm not telling you what to do. I just made you aware of how things work. If you want to go against Natural Law, then nobody can stop you from destroying your life. But, my explanation didn't coerce you into doing that. Similarly, I'm explaining what the mind does to bring about an emotional cracked foundation and show you evidence that this divided emotional being (the Ego) is the monster that is causing all of the problems in your life and what you hear about in your community through news media reports. The evidence is everywhere. But we don't realize that there is only ONE EMOTIONAL SOURCE CODE where all of the various disorderly problems are originating. Nobody has ever bothered to bring that to your attention, have they? I only know of one other person who has pointed these things out and that is Jiddu Krishnamurti.

No two people can speak exactly alike. However, when you commune with “ALL” of your emotional thoughts/feelings and learn strictly through being in touch with them (not trying to change what you come in contact with), then the foundation transforms that division. Emotional Division takes place when you imagine the opposite of a thought or feeling that you don't wish to acknowledge. But when you see that your imagination is being wrongly used, you stop it. Your imagination has its proper function only to be used to make plans for material or physical needs. You imagine a blueprint the make clothing, transportation vehicles, manufacturing various goods for our physical well being. There is nothing wrong with imagining things for physical security. But beyond that purpose, it is out of order whenever it imagines a “belief” in order to avoid feeling emotionally uncomfortable.

The emotional responses are there to be fully felt so that it can tell its story through whatever it originally feels. Any effort to interfere with your emotional responses to improve them so that you don't have to feel the full impact of your emotional being, is an abuse of your imagination. You are exploiting your imagination in order to hide from acknowledging of feelings certain thoughts or feelings. This avoidance is cause the mind to be at odds within its total emotional being which creates a broken foundation in the emotional psyche. Then the rest of your biological existence is a structure that is sitting on top of a breached foundation, which means that it must collapse in on itself. This is a logical, sane objective actuality. But you can't just eat this message and swallow it whole with out question; nor can you disagree because find it emotionally painful to listen to this message. Because you are afraid of facing the fact that your life is built out of a sand castle which can be easily washed away.

Would you get pissed off at your car for alerting you that there is a problem with your car? Sure it is news you don't like, but you need to know so that you can take appropriate action to make sure that your car can function, right? The news is not there to harm you, even though you don't like the fact that your car needs something to help it remain fully operational. Similarly, I'm not pointing out these problems about your Ego just to upset you and make your life miserable. On the contrary, I am pointing them out because the longer that people remain oblivious to the damage they are steadily causing, everyday, the harder we are making it to live in this scary world. We are responsible for the horror in the world through our emotional foundation that has gone unattended and unnoticed. We ignorantly fail to see to correlation between the physical material problems and our emotional gratification that we do with each other while we carry out our jobs or devotion to holidays.

We never question why holidays began, in the first place. We just assume that they are harmless amusements that give us a break away from the daily grind of our routine boring duties of living. It does not occur to us that holidays are there to monitor our minds to make sure that everyone is conforming to emotional propaganda. Also, the holiday is a trap. When you take pleasure in identifying with any holiday from any culture, you are an emotional prisoner and you bow down to that emotional authority. That means that your mind has surrendered its ability to investigate and learn about its nature. The mind is emotionally biased and is obligated to blind devotion no matter what happens. After you worship and praise this emotional “delusion of peace and fake happiness”, this emotional pleasure corrupts the mind because it does not feel the urgency to understand itself. It has become a slave to psychological pleasure, and it will attack anyone who tries to get in the way of feeding its emotional addiction of fulfillment.

But on the flip side of emotional pleasure is pain. You can't have one without the other. Notice when a junky get high that is pleasurable, at first. But there is a craving for more pleasure, so pleasure breeds greediness – wanting more pleasure, more power, more domination (more, more, more). There's no end to emotional greedy craving of pleasure. You are complimented and you crave a steady flow of compliments. But this attracts its own opposite, which is insults. Then you battle against insults (pain) and seek compliments (pleasure). This is a waste of energy because conflict is involved in it. But when the observer notices that has generated this opposition of pleasure-pain, and then there is an awareness that “emotional pleasure is generating its opposite of pain”. Then you naturally stop seeking, craving emotional gratification from yourself nor from anyone else. Then you no longer live for psychological identification, dependency.

You live to understand the movement of contradictory thinking. So the mind is free to see itself as it is without fighting whatever it sees. It no longer matters if you like or dislike what you see about your emotional responses. The only thing that is important is LEARNING-COMMUNING with whatever arises in the emotional mind. To know yourself, completely, is to be a light unto yourself and also sheds light on a world of psychological darkness (self-deception). Once the mind is grounded in communion, it will communicate The Truth and problems can be easily resolved. There will be no need to obtain physical or material resource through conflict/violent means (i.e., emotional opposition via idealism/believing). Then the Human world can exist in harmony with its environment instead of being against Mother Nature which is a byproduct of holistic emotional-self-communion.

So the sensitivity and detection of “Evil” IS Goodness, in reality. When you see “Evil” without resisting or opposing or obeying it, just to look at “Evil” (division), then “Evil-Division” naturally dies. 

 Thank you.

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Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.