flatters you; she/he is classified as being your 'friend'. Somebody
condemns you; he/she is classified as being your 'enemy'. The power
of words when used emotionally is LETHAL!
Please do not agree or disagree –
accept or reject what I say. I am NOT an authority (someone to obey
or follow). Following robs one of the ability to make direct contact
with oneself. Without self-communion-learning, then one is controlled
by emotional statements. So please don't be mesmerized by what I say.
Instead, I am merely presenting the facts (not as “I” see them,
but as they actually are). The only way that a person can present
'Facts' is that one must be in touch with the actual emotional
responses arising within himself/herself. We are endeavoring to
actually monitor 'The Me' (the Ego) who does NOT want to be
scrutinized. That is why it objects by being pretentious, phoney. To
be attentive when your mind is being 'Emotionally-Biased'. The moment
that one detects 'Emotional-Bias' and also realizes that one is in a
state of disorderly-division, then that very alert realization
naturally neutralizes that state of 'Emotional-Bias'. Why should one
care about 'Emotional-Bias'? Because, the failure to understand the
fallacy of 'Emotional-Bias' is the underlying cause behind all the
effects (of destruction) that we see taking place in 'Human'
existence. As a Human Being, we are responsible for understanding of
ourselves. To avert that responsibility is to be a contributor to the
destructive effects unfolding into everyday life. So be ware of
'Emotional-Bias' coloring whatever you read here. Just be aware of it
without trying to control yourself to stop.
Dichotomy Mind Exists Behind Many Masks
conscious level of the mind is the 'Local Entity' (which is a dummy).
The real mind is buried deep below its mask. It doesn't want you to
see its 'True Face'. That means it doesn't want you to detect what it
is actually thinking and feeling. So the 'Dummy' is projected out of
the 'True Face' in order to distract others so that it can carry out
its hidden agenda, which is to steal your emotional essence or
energy. Why do people exist like this? Simple... Either one is
regenerating naturally, through Holistic Self-Communion-Learning, or
one is vampiring energy through ego-stroking (telling
pleasant-sounding emotional lies that is being accepted, without
question, by the listener as being factually true). Then once a
person blindly accepts an emotional facade as being real, then one is
victimized. So long as the mind is NOT seeing itself as it is, there
must be blood sacrifices so that one can gain at the expense of
others' suffering. The only way that sacrifices can completely end is
that one must be grounded in 'Neutral' Emotional-Self-Monitoring.
Then, it is the Neutral Infinite Energy that regenerates your entire
being and life. Such a mind is WHOLE unto itself and does NOT need to
steal energy from others nor will it allow its energy to be hijacked
through deceptive emotional language (which pressures you to go along
with its pretensions).
reason why the 'Human World' is getting more frightening is because
the Emotional Being is OUT OF ORDER! And, it is doing everything that
it can to remain that way, while pretending to want to change things
for the better. There are a vast amount of Human-experimental
programs that are taking place. Our food is being stripped of vital
nutrients and replaced with synthetic substitutes, which is
genetically altering our bodies. There are so many secret operations
being aimed at us. But, your Ego doesn't care about your flesh, it
wants to exist in a world of emotional make-believe (even if that
means total destruction to our world). Because, nothing is more
important than maintaining ones beliefs about reality. So whenever
facts surface to awaken people to see that they are destroying
themselves through their blind devotion to their Ego
(Emotional-Biased Mind), they respond with clever deflected denials.
Collective-Ego or Collective Emotional-Mind Hive is trying to destroy
our planet and its atmosphere (just look at the heavy-metal poisons
being sprayed in the sky around the world). The Mind-Hive is
holographic, fantasy-based, but calls it 'Protection'. In the name of
'Protection” the Mind-Hive is destroying our planet by releasing
experimental organisms into the ecosystem, deliberately polluting the
seas (killing 90% of marine life). Corporations and governments are
trashing this planet because they are driven by their Ego (the
Emotional entity that is biased). And, the masses are busy chasing
after their Emotional-Dreams of having people look up to them.
For the 'Emotionally-Biased' Mind, seeking
Emotional-Security-Gratification outweighs physical survival.
when you look around at how people socialize in public places, everyone
is pretending to be so damn nice and caring. It is a pretense because
the only way a mind is genuinely nice and caring, is that it is
grounded in 'Neutral' Emotional Self-Examination-Learning about both
sides of its mind (positive-negative). Love is Wholeness! It absorbs,
totally, the vibrations of both negative-positive thoughts and
feelings, without prejudice. Speaking from the base of real
self-awareness is to be really nice and caring. But, most people are
seeking emotional lies to trade with each other and then put on an
emotional performance of being something that they are not being, in
actuality. Senility sets in after pretending for such a long time to
the point where most people really believe the lie to be true. This
is the point where the mind becomes a 'ZOMBIE'.
thing that is living and dead at the same time is a 'ZOMBIE'. The
body is alive and functioning in reality dealing with atoms, cells
and other biological elements. But, the 'Emotional-Observer' is dead.
What makes something dead is that it is incapable of detecting the
condition that it is in. A dead thing is out of sync with the 'Living
Present' actuality of what is taking place in the mind, emotionally.
It denies what it feels whenever it DISLIKES it and replaces it with
an image (which is from the past, which is dead). The dead mind is
constantly editing reality to its fancy. A dead mind exists in a
perpetual state of self-projected illusions which it holds to not be
illusions at all. It is willing to attack and destroy anyone who
challenges the validity of their emotional thinking. A dead mind
objects to looking into itself. It's like a computer or robot that
just wants to execute programs; it has no interest in learning about
what it is ACTUALLY doing to deceive itself. That is why people spend
so much energy blaming other people for the horrors that are going on in
the world. Each and every adult that ignores learning about how they
emotionally lie to themselves is responsible for all the deadly
attacks that are occurring in our environment, daily.
is the 'CHEM-TRAIL' genocide and ecocide program being protected from
public scrutiny? Why is it that no government official has much
information about it? Is it because that program is being run by
certain corporations while the government turns a blind eye. Folks,
this 'CHEM-TRAIL' program is no different than the WWII holocaust,
but on a much grander scale (using advanced technology and
bio-chemical warfare) under the guise of stabilizing the weather
through so-called geo-engineering. If the program was legal, then the
public should have access to all the ingredients contained in those
'CHEM-TRAILS'. And, the planes that spray would be clearly marked to
show what company is doing it. But, everyone acts so helpless to
uncover who is running this program. I don't care what legislation
was used to allow this atrocity to take place. Nobody has the right
to destroy the ecosystem, biosphere and upset the balance of Nature.
This toxic assault to the world is Unreasonable and Unacceptable. No
amount of profiteering justifies this madness.
so-called ruling-class are seeking to destroy the surface dwelling on
Earth and retreat into underground cities (or should I say cages)
where a small group of survivors will exist as lab-rats, slaves and
pets to the ruling-class. You see, the rulers need to keep a few
common people around so that they have something to measure
themselves against. Their power is solely dependent on those that
they oppress. And, they only want to keep those who have the weakest
minds in order to guarantee that they remain the rulers. In other
words, a select few of elites are seeking to 'play god' (determining
who lives and who dies based on their emotional bias).
on the flip side, the masses are responsible for allowing the rulers
to get away with poisoning our world, because people are too scared
to transform their Egos through deep attention and having a reverence
for TRUTH. Truth is sometimes painful, but it is a necessary pain to
learn through. The pain of finding out that you are aiding and
abetting the destruction of this world is very unpleasant to
acknowledge. But it is only THE TRUTH that shall set Humanity free
from the DEATH-GRIP that The Emotional-Mind Hive has on the mental
and physical world. Rulers have to get your permission in order to
screw you over. And, every time you serve your ego by being
emotionally biased (choosing either the negative side of your emotional
being over the positive or visa versa), then you have just torn your
own mind apart. Then, you are wide open to be oppressed. But, these
covert militant operations are happening and will continue to happen
just as long as your 'god' is 'Emotional-Bias'.
we were created by the 'Neutral Energy' in order to learn that it is
this 'Neutrality' that gives us purpose, essence and harmonious co-existence. But instead, we have bought into our
indoctrinations, which have led us astray into confusion, cruelty and
annihilation. Language has been twisted and abused to the point where
people are unaware that they 'Backward Speaking', without even thinking
about it. People feedback off of each other so much that they think
that everything is 'normal' (just because it is so widespread). If it
was 'normal' (meaning, 'natural') then it wouldn't be killing our
biosphere and Earth. For what good is all this emotional
monkey-see-monkey-do business, if we end up on a dead planet? It may
be possible that the so-called 'elite' class is planning on running
away into another world through using CERN as their escape mode so
that they can spread their twisted way of thinking into some other
domain in life.
Social Language is nothing but an ego-stroking game. It is there to
monitor everyone's loyalty to Ego. Ego is 'the god' that is deliberately
causing physical scarcity, when it's just an illusion. But, people
prefer to believe in illusions, which is egotistical. And, the
contradiction is that they complain when things turn ugly. They want
the pleasure from ego-stroking, but not the pain. But, to partake in
one is mandatory that you partake in the other. That is the natural
law of mind.
you watch a ventriloquist performance, it is the 'Dummy' that we
accept as being more important. We want to believe that that doll is
alive. The unreal appeals to our minds, emotionally. So the audience
is focused on the 'Dummy'. The ventriloquist is emotionally using
language to convince you that the 'Dummy' and the ventriloquist are 2
totally different unrelated entities. This is how language is being
used to deceive and to distort your perception of reality. The joking
part is to make you feel like this is harmless fun. But is it? Or,
are we not conditioned to be a ventriloquist-dummy performer in our
everyday affairs? Watch and listen closely and you will be able to
detect for yourself that most people are similar to the
puppet-puppetmaster behavior and language. Don't people act like they
like you and want to say things to make you feel important or
emotionally elated? Has it ever occurred to you that that social
language is merely a smoke-screen that hides the person's real
feelings and thoughts and motives?
language is used in order to evoke emotions, there is usually
deception afoot, because most of the time people are operating out of
like-dislike, which is emotional-bias. Just because a man
flatters a woman does not mean that he does not mean her harm. And
just because a woman compliments a man's success does not mean that
she really cares about him. The compliment is there in order to
control your perception of a person. So the compliment is used as a
cloak to conceal ones hidden agenda. So long as the mind is not
grounded in the understanding that emotional-like and dislike
blinds one mind to be completely
aware of all of its emotional thoughts and feelings, then there is always a hidden agenda when people compliment you.
The attention to ALL feelings and thoughts, emotionally, is being in a state of 'Neutrality', because one doesn't exclude or divide ones Total Emotional-Being. People, generally, become very disturbed when you don't engage with their emotional comments. And, then they expect you to say what will emotionally gratify them, in return. That is the social pressure that is responsible for all the stress in Human existence. This urge to tell people whatever they emotionally crave to hear. And when you don't, they seek to destroy your life. But, if you are grounded in Neutrality (which implies that your mind is NOT divided against itself), then whenever they attack your physical security, it backfires.
The attention to ALL feelings and thoughts, emotionally, is being in a state of 'Neutrality', because one doesn't exclude or divide ones Total Emotional-Being. People, generally, become very disturbed when you don't engage with their emotional comments. And, then they expect you to say what will emotionally gratify them, in return. That is the social pressure that is responsible for all the stress in Human existence. This urge to tell people whatever they emotionally crave to hear. And when you don't, they seek to destroy your life. But, if you are grounded in Neutrality (which implies that your mind is NOT divided against itself), then whenever they attack your physical security, it backfires.
for example if someone wanted me dead, then they would end up dead
when they attempt to make that happen. I have directly witnessed this
happen in my personal relationships. Then, there are covert or
cloaked efforts to trick me into being confused so that I will fall
for emotional language of compliments. And, people come to me
expecting me to indicate to them that I believe what they believe
about themselves. But, I never confirm nor deny; I simply pay
attention to the person deceiving himself or herself. I am grounded
in 'Neutrality'. And, the Collective-Ego is trying, in multifarious
ways, to get me to imitate that emotional language. I see the
detriment in doing that and, therefore, opt out. It is not a choice
not to partake in that social habit. It is the clarity of perception
or observation that reveals the deadly side-effects of that social
egotistical ritual. When you can intelligently detect disaster, then
you don't go down that road.
people exist on 2 different levels. The cover-story is carrying out
technical tasks at some business. There is the mechanical skills
being performed. But, interwoven into those mechanical tasks is
psychological warfare with ones emotional-being (of personal like &
dislike). One chooses who to talk nice to and who to talk mean to
based on who tells you whatever you wish to emotionally hear. So
people engage in social emotional hypocrisy by pretending to like one
another in order to exploit one another. And so, people are acting,
pretending with each other all the time until the masquerade falls
apart. Then, violence breaks out. And, this was programmed into just
about everybody, from childhood.
I was conditioned, but in my youth, I would always question why
people always acted so fake with each other. The ego would tell me,
“It's just a part of growing up.” I later learned that was just
an excuse to persuade me to accept, without question, these social
traditions. But, I couldn't accept anything. I had a burning NEED
(NOT 'desire') to really understand what is going on in the Human
Race. Why do most people think that violence/war is necessary? Why am
I being pressured into labeling myself a certain race, dogmatic
religion, national identity, secret society identity, etc.? Why do
people object to probing deeply into the ego? Why do people prefer to
be lied to (in a pleasant sort of way)? Why do people react so
violently to facts that they don't want to be true? Why are people
driven by their emotions? So I questioned a great deal and then
observed ACTIONS which usually contradicted what most people said. As
I watched my own emotions I would sense that I was them. So any
meditation that tells you to split away from negative thoughts and
feelings is dangerous. Because, that means your mind must be at odds
with itself. The conscious (upper level) and the subconscious (hidden in the mental basement) will split apart and then seek to
destroy each other, while believing that each side of the mind is a
totally separate entity.
when people use emotional language of sounding nice and benevolent,
then the hidden subconscious will be chanting the exact OPPOSITE!
Real meditation is the COMPLETE COMMUNION with ones WHOLE
EMOTIONAL-MIND. That implies that anything that one thinks or feels
is to be paid full attention. Then, there is NO bias, NO division.
But if you will pay close attention and examine the Internet, you can
plainly see that you are being pressured to vote either thumbs down
or up. This is all for the purpose of making you exist in division so
that you can be controlled and conquered. “Divide and conquer” is
the first rule of war. No Division means No ability to conquer. Those
who rule are greedy for power to dominate our emotional-minds (which
is sometimes called, 'the soul'). Whenever they want to manipulate
people into giving them whatever they want, they make emotional
speeches and promises that they will take away your suffering if you
will vote for whatever they want. Then you later find out that you
voted to have your Human Rights violated.
blame the oppressors for taking advantage of your self-ignorance.
That is, the Emotional-Self that chooses to ignore one side of itself
and embrace its opposite side. The way energy works is that it must
be grounded in an energy that is WHOLE (which is NOT dualistic). The
neutron in an atom has NO Negative or Positive electrical charge. So
that means that its energy is Neutral and Whole (without polarity).
Matter, is polarized opposing energies that are fragments that are
interdependent on each other. The only form of energy that can
stabilize the polarized sides is NEUTRAL ENERGY. So the nucleus of
the atom is Neutral Energy that equally holds the opposite sides of
the atom. What does this have to do with Emotional Language being
we speak out of a background of 'Emotional-Bias', we are being a
menace because whenever opposing parts of matter meet, if there is NO
NEUTRAL GROUNDING, then there is explosive outcomes. Every war begins
with emotional language grounded in 'EMOTIONAL-BIAS'. Watch the
documentaries of WWII, before every attack and before the escalation
into dropping an Atomic Bomb on Humanity and the Earth (which is an
innocent in all this), it was preceded by emotional language, was it
not? There is no major physical destruction done by Humans that is
not precipitated by emotional-language to get people to be willing to
offer their children to be sacrificed over emotional-language.
Patriotism is 100% EMOTIONAL designed to guilt-trip people into
basing their lives on war as a means of progress and the emotional
sense of being SUPERIOR to other people or groups. So really, people
are slaves to emotional words – THE ULTIMATE WEAPON OF MASS
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