The Fate Of Humanity
Science and philosophy began as one thing. Modern science has divided away from philosophy which is why it disassociates its findings as being isolated matter or physicality.
Starting at video time point: 1:18:20 the presenter talks about a Super-conductor which defies the magnetic laws of opposite charged energy of north and south poles. A Super-conductor has its own law unto itself. It has a NULL reading (which is NEUTRAL). Anything that exists in outer world of reality also exists in the inner realm of reality. So when you Observe your Emotional Responses (which are either negatively or positively charged), it is the Observation that understands that it is both charges, so there is unnecessary and dangerous to prefer one side (positve side or negative side) to choose to pay attention to; it therefore, must pay 100% attention to both sides which equals a Null or Neutral balanced mental perception which can then resolve any problem if the mind is balanced. When you equally pay attention to the negative thoughts and feelings as well as the positive thoughts and feelings, then two equal opposites results in Zero Point Null/Neutral Balanced Perception. Then the opposite expressions can live in harmony and compliment each other, rather than seeking to destroy each other (which is commonly seen in our world).
It is also interesting to note that earlier in this video the orator points out that the wealth that ancient people were looking for was NOT material wealth. Instead, they were looking for WISDOM! WISDOM IS THE SUPER-CONDUCTOR. WISDOM IS THE GOLDEN AGE OF PEACE AND ABUNDANCE FOR ALL. But, that WISDOM has to discovered within the Spiritual Realm (that is the Emotional Realm). The Super-Conductor is present whenever you OBSERVE ALL FEELINGS AND THOUGHTS as they naturally arise throughout your daily living. Most people arent't doing this. Most people Emotional Leech off of one another as they have been programmed to do, instead of learning about their Emotional Responses, they are driven by them. So people are usually pretending with each other. They pretend to get along with you, but they really want you to lie to them in a flattering way, and they will usually reciprocate your lying gestures. People think this is being kind. Yes, you are telling their Ego what it wants to hear. But, the Ego is insane and will cause harm to come to you either right away or later on down the road. The Ego is a false entity and if you acknowledge it and flatter it, then your world will suffer for it. So side step the Ego by refusing to gratify it and give it flattering lies. I only respond to people on a technical level. I will thank them for their technical assistance. I will greet them with a hello or a good-bye. I will speak on a technical level by verifying a number sequence for an order or whatever. But whenever Ego tries to act like it is being kind, I see that is fake and do not acknowledge it at all. By seeing a false thing as being a false thing, that Quality of Detection is Null Energy, which is neither positive or negative, so that is being a Super-Conductor. All problems met by a Super-Conductor Awareness gets neutralized and its energy becomes completely benevolent. This is the manner in which I deal with the challenges that people or the establishment throws in my direction. I don't throw it back, instead I Observe my Emotional Responses with regard to any challenge, and I let the Energy of the Neutral Observation dissolve the challenge and use its energy as a solution to any problem. Whenever I face any problem I look for the basic elements of energy which are either:
Actually you can look for neutral energy. It is always avaiable but it becomes apparent whenever you study your negative or positive emotional responses. But if you try to fix what you observe, then that interference blocks neutral listening and observation. Then the problem magnifies itself and causes destruction. We have not been properly educated to understand that all of life, including ourselves on every level, is nothing but energy. Then we would be in a logical position of understand the wrong use of energy and thereby coming to understand its proper use. Our species has been consistently misusing and abusing energy for a very very long time now. It has reached a critical point of being on the edge of a catacylsmic event of epic proportions if we don't step back and do a major reality check in our consciousness energy field. We need to understand clearly that resonating with one side of energy as opposed to its other side is what is wrong with our thinking and is causing us to behave violently. This disorder and can only lead to extinction. By understanding that fact, we will naturally drop that way of thinking and start to just simply pay close attention to ALL Emotional Responses, thereby, bringing about a Super-Conductor mentality that resonates with the rest of the Universal Energy Field of Life.
I say that there is only ONE UNIVERSE because there is only ONE ENERGY SOURCE from which all things come and that is the NULL, NEUTRAL VOID of NO FREQUENCY, NO VIBRATION. The frequencies and vibrations are either positive or negative and they are poloarized and interdependent (one side can exist without it opposite half). While there are unlimited dimensions, every dimension is grounded in NEUTRAL ENERGY. The atoms are the fabric of life that gives shape and form to matter. Yet at the core of each atom is NEUTRUAL ENERGY that holds each opposite half, which makes it a Holy Trinity. Our consciousness is the same as an atom containing both opposite expressions (negative and positive) thoughts and feelings. There is nothing to choose. To really come to know that to be a fact is true FREEDOM from psychological bondage. Then we are no longer a part of the Oppressive Matrix of Lies. The only thing keeping you a prisoner is your own refusal to question your Egotistical Center that makes you think that you are apart from everyone else. We are one energy in consciousness. So whenever you Observe your Emotional Responses, you are also Observing the World's Emotional Responses. That Holistic Observation is having an impact on ALL Egos that is dissolving it core when you Observe and Dissolve your own Ego.
Ego is always saying 'What Should Be" or "What Should Not Be" in an effort to run away from Observing "What Is" unfolding in its Emotional Being (that it dislikes and wishes it wasn't thinking or feeling that way). Ego is hiding from itself and is causing itself to destroy itself while it believes that it is doing something good. When you awaken to these emotional tricks, then your Awareness is the Super-Conductor. I suggest that you replay that part of the video where he describes the Super-Conductor. And at the same time realize the meaning of, "As above, is as below." "As above" means your Emotional or Spiritual Realm (or your consciousness). "As below" means the physical part of life that is material. So just like the Gold Powder is a tangible thing, it is also intangible in how it disappears from the material world into the ethereal realm. Ether and Matter exists side-by-side and the invisible determines the visible side of life. What this means is that our physical or economic problems are coming form our Emotional Realm or Spiritual Realm that is NOT being NEUTRAL or NULL or UNBIASED in its AWARENESS. If we change the way we relate to our Emotional side, then our material physical problems will change, fundamentally. And we wont ever need to rely on outsiders like governments or corporations to help or save us from the very disasters that they have covertly orchestrated.
Starting at video time point: 1:18:20 the presenter talks about a Super-conductor which defies the magnetic laws of opposite charged energy of north and south poles. A Super-conductor has its own law unto itself. It has a NULL reading (which is NEUTRAL). Anything that exists in outer world of reality also exists in the inner realm of reality. So when you Observe your Emotional Responses (which are either negatively or positively charged), it is the Observation that understands that it is both charges, so there is unnecessary and dangerous to prefer one side (positve side or negative side) to choose to pay attention to; it therefore, must pay 100% attention to both sides which equals a Null or Neutral balanced mental perception which can then resolve any problem if the mind is balanced. When you equally pay attention to the negative thoughts and feelings as well as the positive thoughts and feelings, then two equal opposites results in Zero Point Null/Neutral Balanced Perception. Then the opposite expressions can live in harmony and compliment each other, rather than seeking to destroy each other (which is commonly seen in our world).
It is also interesting to note that earlier in this video the orator points out that the wealth that ancient people were looking for was NOT material wealth. Instead, they were looking for WISDOM! WISDOM IS THE SUPER-CONDUCTOR. WISDOM IS THE GOLDEN AGE OF PEACE AND ABUNDANCE FOR ALL. But, that WISDOM has to discovered within the Spiritual Realm (that is the Emotional Realm). The Super-Conductor is present whenever you OBSERVE ALL FEELINGS AND THOUGHTS as they naturally arise throughout your daily living. Most people arent't doing this. Most people Emotional Leech off of one another as they have been programmed to do, instead of learning about their Emotional Responses, they are driven by them. So people are usually pretending with each other. They pretend to get along with you, but they really want you to lie to them in a flattering way, and they will usually reciprocate your lying gestures. People think this is being kind. Yes, you are telling their Ego what it wants to hear. But, the Ego is insane and will cause harm to come to you either right away or later on down the road. The Ego is a false entity and if you acknowledge it and flatter it, then your world will suffer for it. So side step the Ego by refusing to gratify it and give it flattering lies. I only respond to people on a technical level. I will thank them for their technical assistance. I will greet them with a hello or a good-bye. I will speak on a technical level by verifying a number sequence for an order or whatever. But whenever Ego tries to act like it is being kind, I see that is fake and do not acknowledge it at all. By seeing a false thing as being a false thing, that Quality of Detection is Null Energy, which is neither positive or negative, so that is being a Super-Conductor. All problems met by a Super-Conductor Awareness gets neutralized and its energy becomes completely benevolent. This is the manner in which I deal with the challenges that people or the establishment throws in my direction. I don't throw it back, instead I Observe my Emotional Responses with regard to any challenge, and I let the Energy of the Neutral Observation dissolve the challenge and use its energy as a solution to any problem. Whenever I face any problem I look for the basic elements of energy which are either:
Actually you can look for neutral energy. It is always avaiable but it becomes apparent whenever you study your negative or positive emotional responses. But if you try to fix what you observe, then that interference blocks neutral listening and observation. Then the problem magnifies itself and causes destruction. We have not been properly educated to understand that all of life, including ourselves on every level, is nothing but energy. Then we would be in a logical position of understand the wrong use of energy and thereby coming to understand its proper use. Our species has been consistently misusing and abusing energy for a very very long time now. It has reached a critical point of being on the edge of a catacylsmic event of epic proportions if we don't step back and do a major reality check in our consciousness energy field. We need to understand clearly that resonating with one side of energy as opposed to its other side is what is wrong with our thinking and is causing us to behave violently. This disorder and can only lead to extinction. By understanding that fact, we will naturally drop that way of thinking and start to just simply pay close attention to ALL Emotional Responses, thereby, bringing about a Super-Conductor mentality that resonates with the rest of the Universal Energy Field of Life.
I say that there is only ONE UNIVERSE because there is only ONE ENERGY SOURCE from which all things come and that is the NULL, NEUTRAL VOID of NO FREQUENCY, NO VIBRATION. The frequencies and vibrations are either positive or negative and they are poloarized and interdependent (one side can exist without it opposite half). While there are unlimited dimensions, every dimension is grounded in NEUTRAL ENERGY. The atoms are the fabric of life that gives shape and form to matter. Yet at the core of each atom is NEUTRUAL ENERGY that holds each opposite half, which makes it a Holy Trinity. Our consciousness is the same as an atom containing both opposite expressions (negative and positive) thoughts and feelings. There is nothing to choose. To really come to know that to be a fact is true FREEDOM from psychological bondage. Then we are no longer a part of the Oppressive Matrix of Lies. The only thing keeping you a prisoner is your own refusal to question your Egotistical Center that makes you think that you are apart from everyone else. We are one energy in consciousness. So whenever you Observe your Emotional Responses, you are also Observing the World's Emotional Responses. That Holistic Observation is having an impact on ALL Egos that is dissolving it core when you Observe and Dissolve your own Ego.
Ego is always saying 'What Should Be" or "What Should Not Be" in an effort to run away from Observing "What Is" unfolding in its Emotional Being (that it dislikes and wishes it wasn't thinking or feeling that way). Ego is hiding from itself and is causing itself to destroy itself while it believes that it is doing something good. When you awaken to these emotional tricks, then your Awareness is the Super-Conductor. I suggest that you replay that part of the video where he describes the Super-Conductor. And at the same time realize the meaning of, "As above, is as below." "As above" means your Emotional or Spiritual Realm (or your consciousness). "As below" means the physical part of life that is material. So just like the Gold Powder is a tangible thing, it is also intangible in how it disappears from the material world into the ethereal realm. Ether and Matter exists side-by-side and the invisible determines the visible side of life. What this means is that our physical or economic problems are coming form our Emotional Realm or Spiritual Realm that is NOT being NEUTRAL or NULL or UNBIASED in its AWARENESS. If we change the way we relate to our Emotional side, then our material physical problems will change, fundamentally. And we wont ever need to rely on outsiders like governments or corporations to help or save us from the very disasters that they have covertly orchestrated.
This is an egalitarian society whereby the women and men have the same rights. The men can choose as many mates as they wish and so can the women. They operate as a holistic unit (much like the different organs in our body has different functions but they operate in cooperation and harmony for the benefit of the entire body). They have no leader so there are no followers; they simply cooperate just like Nature/Cosmos. These people demonstrate that the human mind is capable of living in harmonious freedom (without oppression, slavery or war within the family unit).
What it really all boils down to is BEHAVIOR; either we treat one another BENEVOLENTLY or MALEVOLENTLY (i.e., ORDERLY or DISORDERLY). So what is the origin of our BEHAVIOR?
First of all, there is a confusion between the two levels of thinking. The first level is EMOTIONAL-BEING. That is, how we feel about anything that happens to us and around us. It is my understanding that the very first organ that formed in the embryo is the HEART. The heart does not just pump blood. There physical heart has a SPIRITUAL CHAKRA called the Heart Chakra; it is the 4th Chakra. It has been confirmed by Kirlian photography and MRI machines that these energy centers are a reality. This is not a Hindu or Indian superstition or a make believe phenomenon. The Heart Chakra is the most powerful Chakra; it surrounds our physical body by several feet. This Chakra is the seat of our emotions, feelings. This is also tied directly to our 3rd Eye (Pineal Gland) -- the SPIRIT REALM which is the shining light radiating like sun rays.
Whenever we communicate or listen to people, we instantly have a heart-felt reaction (this is also our Spiritual reaction). Now then... Either we will pay full attention to our response by listening very astutely and doing nothing else to interfere with it, or we will judge it by 'liking' or 'disliking' what we are feeling/thinking. This "judgment" leads into a divisive process. After we 'dislike' how the experience made us feel, we seek an avenue of escape or resistance. That is, we try to get rid of it. This is where 'belief' or 'opinion' enters the situation and permanently breaks up our Emotional-Being into becoming a 'Fiction'. Then we adopt that 'Fiction' as being 'Non-Fiction'. For example, a mother or father tells their child that they are stupid or not as intelligent as their sibling. The child has a heart-felt reaction that is very disturbing like feeling inadequate and worthless.
Now there is an ancient programming that our species has inherited, which is faulty. But, it never occurs to us to challenge its validity. So we tend to function on auto-pilot with regard to this programming. That is why Human Beings keep doing the wrong things by mistreating one another. And, it appears to be no way out. So after we emotionally feel useless, we tend to want to distance ourselves from feeling that way. So along comes the 'do-gooders'. They tell us that in order to rise above our negative feelings, we must focus on "how we would like to feel" and superimpose that imagined/desired feeling or thought over your initial or original emotional response. Then tell yourself that you have gotten rid of it. In truth, all of your responses that you drive out of your conscious upper level simply goes into the background or basement of your emotional being and becomes a separate or split personality that thinks that it is not related to its 'conscious' personality. The original feeling that has been IGNORED (which is the origin of IGNOR-ANCE), is the FACT (just like the original negative film from where the photograph comes). It is now your SUB-conscious, which always overrules and prevails, ultimately. Meanwhile, your superficial 'conscious' level of your emotional-being falsely thinks that it is in charge of its whole mind (when in fact it is merely a puppet or dummy).
The reason why it is extremely important to understand what is going on in the emotional part of our thinking is because that is what determines our behavior. It governs if we will allow people to tell us how to live our lives or not. It governs if we can be persuaded to go kill in the name of some so-called noble cause or not. It governs if we will annihilate this world or not. It governs economic inequality or equality. It governs everything that is taking place in our material world. "AS ABOVE, IS AS BELOW". So it does NOT matter if we are super smart on the intellectual, mechanical level and can calculate in order to invent advanced technology. Because if we fail to clearly understand how our Emotional-Being is tricking itself and destroying itself, then it must take all of our wonderful technological knowledge and use it as a weapon of mass destruction. For without wisdom with regard to our Emotional realm, we must hurt and destroy ourselves through our intellect or mechanical abilities.
This is the reason why the so-called primitive people chose to NOT advance their technical knowledge and stayed away from advanced societies. Some of these groups of people to know of our presence and they also know of the horrors of the way we treat each other so viciously and callously. They would rather remain close to Mother Nature and teat one another benevolently than to descend into destroying the environment and themselves. They understand that our environment is energetically or spiritually entangled with not only our bodies but also with our SPIRITUAL ENERGY, as well. So if we so total disregard for our Mother Earth, we are, in essence, disrespecting ourselves and destroying ourselves.
Take for example that there is a major attacked against the feminine spirit/energy. In China, the girl infants are literally being thrown away as if there were garbage. Just check out this video below for proof. They say that the Chinese government's laws are making it mandatory to limit their population by only allowing their citizens to have just one child. In their Chinese culture, the boy carries the family name. So that means that the girls are expendable. But what they are ignorant about is the biological fact that it is the females that produce males. Fathers do not create boys; only the mother can do that. So if they destroy the girl babies, there will be a shortage of mothers. And then the male population will become extinct, in the long run. At the heart of this problem is the Spiritual or Emotional-Being that is accepting these restrictions. Because people are emotionally-obedient to their customs and traditions, they can't bring themselves to break with tradition, no matter how much suffering holding onto it causes. Emotional-Traditions are emotional-programming that controls the BEHAVIOR of people. They are operating like programmed robots that are incapable of questioning the validity of their way of thinking. The continuity of a certain 'FAMILY NAME' is purely an EGO-trip (it is all about the emotional competition of which 'FAMILY' is 'SUPERIOR'). This is what is causing division. And, division is fundamentally disintegration or annihilation. Whenever the masculine energy/spirit seeks to destroy the feminine spirit/energy or vice versa, this ultimately leads to total devastation. Remember, our species is based on the model of the atom (electron=female yin negative energy & proton-male yang positive energy). The only type of energy that can make it possible for yin & yang energy to co-exist in harmony is the NEUTRAL ENERGY (the NEUTRON in the middle of the atom). Without the balancing factor of NEUTRAL ENERGY, the two interdependent halves must destroy each other. So by throwing away the girl babies, they are in effect, totally annihilating themselves. This exposes that their SPIRITUAL NATURE is corrupted, fragmented. That is what EVIL truly is; the refusal to see that NEUTRALITY is the only solution, because nobody wants to stop functioning as an EGO (the emotional-being or spiritual-being that has divided itself and at odds within itself which causes people to be cold-blooded).
And also in Africa, little girls are being raped every few minutes everyday. Their government allows men and boys to do this. They are given a slap on the wrist and released after being charged with the crime so that they can do it over again. The girls don't know where to turn to for help, and their mothers are also victims of rape, as well. They, too, don't have anywhere to turn to for relief and understanding. Now 60 or more years ago, they lived in the wild close to nature. In those days, men rarely ever raped their women and never raped children (girls). Ever since they have been conditioned to live in an artificial city-style manner and have forgotten their natural culture of living off the land, their mind and spirit has become twisted and perverted. The family unit is self-destructing.
And, this is by design by those invaders who came into their land to steal their diamonds and other natural resources. They gave them medicines at first that help to diminish malaria and other diseases. Then they turned around and injected them with AIDS & HIV. Now their population is being deliberately exterminated. This is being done by the elites (that is, the Royal family of Great Britain, the Jesuits since they secretly own the World Bank and the IMF which is where the majority of the taxes are being paid to by almost every country in the world or else they will be attacked by their military).
For those of you who are new to my blog posts, I give notice that I am not seeking any followers or believers. I simply welcome anyone to objectively examine whatever I point out. Now I realize that most people are conditioned, trained, programmed to be deeply influenced by their emotional desire (of either 'liking' or 'disliking') what they are presented. Due to the thousands of commercial ads bombarding our consciousness on a daily basis, we are being constantly fed messages and then emotionally pressured into choosing either pro or con. Our minds are being systematically reduced down to being mechanical reactionary drones. Which is gradually destroying our intrinsic ability to examine messages with critical objectivity so as to clearly see what is really going on and not be fooled by first appearances. This is why I warn against blindly agreeing or disagreeing with what I say. Instead, carefully ponder, question and feel your internal emotional responses in order to be directly in touch with the reality of your mind. In that real direct contact there lies all wisdom and genuine understanding. Nobody in the world can do that for another human being. So if you are willing to examine your mind so that it can be a light unto itself and therefore not be hijacked by the multitude of deceivers in this world, then you are most welcome. Otherwise, you will be offended and feel the urge to condemn or praise, and neither response is intelligent nor relevant. Our spirit (a.k.a., emotional-being, psyche) is under attack by the Collective Subconscious Ego. The only way to protect the integrity of your mind (or your sanity) is to be absolutely in full contact with every single emotional thought or feeling as you interact with the world around you from moment to moment. So if you are not seriously interested in going through a radical paradigm shift in your psyche, then this blog will be a waste of your time and you wont be able to understand it. [End of Disclaimer]
What it really all boils down to is BEHAVIOR; either we treat one another BENEVOLENTLY or MALEVOLENTLY (i.e., ORDERLY or DISORDERLY). So what is the origin of our BEHAVIOR?
First of all, there is a confusion between the two levels of thinking. The first level is EMOTIONAL-BEING. That is, how we feel about anything that happens to us and around us. It is my understanding that the very first organ that formed in the embryo is the HEART. The heart does not just pump blood. There physical heart has a SPIRITUAL CHAKRA called the Heart Chakra; it is the 4th Chakra. It has been confirmed by Kirlian photography and MRI machines that these energy centers are a reality. This is not a Hindu or Indian superstition or a make believe phenomenon. The Heart Chakra is the most powerful Chakra; it surrounds our physical body by several feet. This Chakra is the seat of our emotions, feelings. This is also tied directly to our 3rd Eye (Pineal Gland) -- the SPIRIT REALM which is the shining light radiating like sun rays.
Whenever we communicate or listen to people, we instantly have a heart-felt reaction (this is also our Spiritual reaction). Now then... Either we will pay full attention to our response by listening very astutely and doing nothing else to interfere with it, or we will judge it by 'liking' or 'disliking' what we are feeling/thinking. This "judgment" leads into a divisive process. After we 'dislike' how the experience made us feel, we seek an avenue of escape or resistance. That is, we try to get rid of it. This is where 'belief' or 'opinion' enters the situation and permanently breaks up our Emotional-Being into becoming a 'Fiction'. Then we adopt that 'Fiction' as being 'Non-Fiction'. For example, a mother or father tells their child that they are stupid or not as intelligent as their sibling. The child has a heart-felt reaction that is very disturbing like feeling inadequate and worthless.
Now there is an ancient programming that our species has inherited, which is faulty. But, it never occurs to us to challenge its validity. So we tend to function on auto-pilot with regard to this programming. That is why Human Beings keep doing the wrong things by mistreating one another. And, it appears to be no way out. So after we emotionally feel useless, we tend to want to distance ourselves from feeling that way. So along comes the 'do-gooders'. They tell us that in order to rise above our negative feelings, we must focus on "how we would like to feel" and superimpose that imagined/desired feeling or thought over your initial or original emotional response. Then tell yourself that you have gotten rid of it. In truth, all of your responses that you drive out of your conscious upper level simply goes into the background or basement of your emotional being and becomes a separate or split personality that thinks that it is not related to its 'conscious' personality. The original feeling that has been IGNORED (which is the origin of IGNOR-ANCE), is the FACT (just like the original negative film from where the photograph comes). It is now your SUB-conscious, which always overrules and prevails, ultimately. Meanwhile, your superficial 'conscious' level of your emotional-being falsely thinks that it is in charge of its whole mind (when in fact it is merely a puppet or dummy).
The reason why it is extremely important to understand what is going on in the emotional part of our thinking is because that is what determines our behavior. It governs if we will allow people to tell us how to live our lives or not. It governs if we can be persuaded to go kill in the name of some so-called noble cause or not. It governs if we will annihilate this world or not. It governs economic inequality or equality. It governs everything that is taking place in our material world. "AS ABOVE, IS AS BELOW". So it does NOT matter if we are super smart on the intellectual, mechanical level and can calculate in order to invent advanced technology. Because if we fail to clearly understand how our Emotional-Being is tricking itself and destroying itself, then it must take all of our wonderful technological knowledge and use it as a weapon of mass destruction. For without wisdom with regard to our Emotional realm, we must hurt and destroy ourselves through our intellect or mechanical abilities.
This is the reason why the so-called primitive people chose to NOT advance their technical knowledge and stayed away from advanced societies. Some of these groups of people to know of our presence and they also know of the horrors of the way we treat each other so viciously and callously. They would rather remain close to Mother Nature and teat one another benevolently than to descend into destroying the environment and themselves. They understand that our environment is energetically or spiritually entangled with not only our bodies but also with our SPIRITUAL ENERGY, as well. So if we so total disregard for our Mother Earth, we are, in essence, disrespecting ourselves and destroying ourselves.
The Dying Rooms - Documentary
The Lost Girls Of South Africa
And, this is by design by those invaders who came into their land to steal their diamonds and other natural resources. They gave them medicines at first that help to diminish malaria and other diseases. Then they turned around and injected them with AIDS & HIV. Now their population is being deliberately exterminated. This is being done by the elites (that is, the Royal family of Great Britain, the Jesuits since they secretly own the World Bank and the IMF which is where the majority of the taxes are being paid to by almost every country in the world or else they will be attacked by their military).
It appears on the surface that the elites (those who have stolen 80 to 90 percent of the world's resources) are holding all the cards, so to speak. But, they really are not. They don't have absolute power. Their power has always been completely conditional. What this means is that the masses are (unknowingly) supporting the elite on the spiritual level. Please note that whenever I mention the "SPIRIT" it also means "EMOTIONAL", "PSYCHOLOGICAL"; I'm using them as a synonym (just like water, H2O, aqua means the same thing). We are under a pyramid structure of power. The top is suppose to be all powerful. But, the fact is that no matter how big or tall a building is, if that FOUNDATION is DIVIDED/FRACTURED, then the building is destined to FALL DOWN! The only reason why we get up everyday to face a rotten world is because every single person is maintaining their Emotional-Division (i.e., bias, choice, image, belief, dogma, ideology). All of these emotional-doctrines were imposed upon the masses when we were genetically engineered from the beginning. We feel deeply afraid to question our emotional-devotions to patriotism, beliefs, family customs/traditions. And it through those blind devotions that the elite easily manipulate the masses. They know that you are a prisoner/slave to your Ego that they kick-started. Their power totally depends upon you maintaining and defending your EGO! For if you ever were to wise up and start questioning what you have been doing from one generation to the next, they would destroy themselves if they try to oppress you.
This is their dirty little secret of about all mind control. Each person is being complicit in their own tormented life-style. On the surface it appears like the Chinese government is making their poor people hurt themselves. But, it is their blind devotion to their traditional beliefs that are responsible for them throwing their baby girls away and not loving the female energy of life. They view the female energy like a thing to be exploited strictly to benefit the male energy. That implies that the male energy is more valuable than the female energy. This is a SPIRITUAL violation because the SPIRIT is WHOLE containing both opposite energies, equally. Equality IS LOVE! So when people prefer to think that one side of life is better than the other side (day equals the positive and night equals the negative) then neither side can exist at all. If you were to get rid of the night (the female) then the day would cease to exist, and visa versa. This is what our species still fails to comprehend. So we keep on repeating stupid behavior and our species is actually destroying itself because of SPIRITUAL RETARDATION.
However, it is not just girl infants that are being mistreated and neglected. If a couple has a child with a disability, regardless if it is a girl or boy, their parents are most likely to abandon their child. Since their government does not allow a couple to have more than one child, parents don't want their bloodline to be represented by a handicapped decendant. Therefore, families don't have real love for each other. They are viewed as being a product to carry on their family's image. And, images have no substance. An image of food is not able to actually feed a person. There is a severe rise in infants being born with deformities due to pollutions being released into their air because the factories and governments are too cheap to filter out the pollutions. They have the money but don't feel that the people are worth protecting their health. It is a complete disrespect for life, in general. It always leads back to a corrupt amoral SPIRIT (behind the physical issues). And, it shall continue until people wake up, SPIRITUALLY. I don't mean believing in some stupid dogma. I mean waking up by facing their emotional-responses, TOTALLY. That is the only thing that can naturally end the Ego (without conflict). Because any form of conflict sustains the Ego. Conflict fuels the Ego. But, there is NO CONFLICT when you merely see yourself as you are, not what you would like to be but what you are. Most people in the world fear this more than anything on Earth. If they didn't they would do it and things would change instead of the quality of living continue to deteriorate for most people, and few people get to have a luxurious life. But, people who have lots of wealth, are secretly suffering. No amount of wealth can bring about peace of mind. If they were happy they would be generous and do more to help the suffering. Only a very tiny amount of wealthy people use their wealth to help the socially down-trodden.
Now the Queen of England has come out with her own testimony and confession that she is NOT a human being. She made the announcement and it was posted on the Royal UK website for a while. But, there was a great deal of unfavorable responses from her subjects that they had the Queen's announcement removed. But, her announcement had already gone viral before it was taken down. So it is a public admission that she is not a Human Being. She admitted to being a Reptillian.
So what difference does it make telling the public what her real nature is?
Well... There's were always suspicions about the so-called Royal Family. Most people dismissed as being merely rumors. There was nothing that made it undoubtedly clear and evident, until now. This time the message came directly from the horse's mouth, so to speak. So it is an irrefutable fact, now. That changes everything because now people are questioning everythng they have been told all of their lives. This is making people wake up to the unpleasant fact that the world isn't what they thought it was.
As for me, it makes no difference to find out that the Royal Family is a different species from ours. Why do I have this outlook that it really doesn't matter what they are? Well, quite simply, they are still made out of atoms just like all things in life. They are fundamentally a form of energy that thinks. They built the stage of humanity's life as a holographic cage in which we have been abiding, unknowingly. Now we are aware of why the world is so chaotic and unfair. It is due to the fact that this rogue form of energy is NOT grounded or rooted in NEUTRAL ENERGY. It means that spiritually (energetically), they are corrupt, divided and unintelligent (and WITHOUT LOVE). They have an emotional-image that they are superior because they have more knowledge on how to manipulate matter.
But no matter how much more knowledge they possess, they still are ignorant when it comes to SPIRITUAL/EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL AWARENESS. They are STILL A FRAGMENT (just like most human mentalities). Human Beings are a hybrid species. Long ago they did experiments with primates and mixing their DNA. This is why there is a Reptillian part of the Human Brain. They gave us this EGO that we are fighting to defend and expand. They put it there so that they can control us by enslaving Humanity to its EGO. They were counting on our never being able to free ourselves from our EGO (which is a piece of their mental structure).
I and Jiddu Krishanmurti (I haven't come across anyone else free from their Ego), but JK and myself have decoded the EGO at its CORE. The CORE LIES IN OUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES WHERE 'LIKE' & 'DISLIKE' resides in us. It reminds me of the old 1980's horror movie called, ALIEN. We, humans, have been looking in the wrong direction for thousands of years. We think that the greatest threat is coming from the outside world. It is NOT! The greatest threat is within your psyche where the non-human's genetically engineered us to ignore our internal reactions and just focus on outside threats.
The outside world is a holographic mirror reflection revealing our inner state of being, SPIRITUALLY/EMOTIONALLY/PSYCHOLOGICALLY.
This is the reason why I have a Neutral Approach to all daily challenges of living. I don't care what people are saying about the dangers and that we should choose an ideal, group, religion, belief, etc. None of that will protect you from your own Ego (which we inherited from foreign beings). Yet we contain an element that IS them. This can be a good thing because we are in a position of transforming that element (i.e., EGO or Emotional-Responsive entity). If you listen to J. Krishnamurti, he was talking about the observer is the observed becaus YOU ARE YOUR THOUGHTS/FEARS! So there is no where to run and it is stupid for form an emotional-image to hide in. That is what the genetic engineers embedded in us to do. The only way that embedded programming can disappear is if you LOOK DIRECTLY AT YOUR THOUGHTS & FEELINGS with the understanding that it is the NEUTRAL ENERGY OF LOOKING-LISTENING to ALL of my EMOTIONAL RESPONSES that naturally ends them, without conflict. CONFLICT FEEDS EGO & EMPOWERS THE PREDITOR that engineered us.
The non-humans operate mainly from the SPIRIT REALM. This is why Humanity has not been able to be free and always existing in this matrix of lies and terror. They cloak this reality with advanced tech to mesmerize us and distract us from studying our EGO. For it is the key to freedom. To study and understand a problem (of which EGO is the #1 problem in both the Physical & Spiritual) world, is to end the problem, completely. You cannot FIGHT the Reptillians by cursing them, retaliating or running away. There is no place to run, nor would that free our minds. If we are to be free, we must be free of the fear of examining our Emotional-Responses as we go about facing the challenges of living and interacting with the world.
There has been a greater betrayal more important than to man-made doctrines. In order for there to be order in the physical world (economically, ecologically and biological health security), then we have to deal with the fact that we are Spiritual (Emotional or Psychological - they all essentially mean the same thing) beings. In the Emotioal Being lies the GREATEST ENEMY OF ALL; that enemy is ones SELF-IMAGE OF BEING AN ISOLATED SPIRITUAL ENERGY. ALL people who projects an IMAGE OF BELONGING TO ANY IDEOLOGY, BELIEF or NATION/TRIBE is maintaining WAR because these Emotional Identifications DIVIDE PEOPLE TO THINK THAT THEY ARE NOT THE SAME ATOMIC ENERGY. Yes, the above video presents many logical MATERIAL FACTS. But, they overlook the most important FACT OF ALL which is that it is the EGO WITHIN US THAT IS A TRADER because EGO is a byproduct from SHUNNING THE TRUTH ABOUT ONESELF. Any time that we OBEY RULES DEALING WITH OUR EMOTIONS, then we are being BIASED, which is CORRUPTION. Because BIAS CAUSES A SCHISM/DIVISION so that we can't clearly detect TRUTH! By HOLISTICALLY PAYING UNBIASED ATTENTION TO YOUR/MY EMOTIONAL RESPONSES/DESIRES, then it is in that very HOLISTIC SELF-DETECTION of NEUTRAL ENERGY (energy that is neither pro or con toward ones responses) then SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL or PSYCHOLOGICAL EQUILIBRIUM abounds. Then when we deal with the technical corrections to this massive mess in the world, then it will give birth to a TOTAL UNPRECEDENTED PARADIGM SHIFT IN THE WHOLE CONSCIOUSNESS ON EVERY LEVEL OF OUR BEING. We can't piece-meal this CRISIS IN CONSCIOUSNESS/SPIRIT. It's an ALL OR NOTHING situation that will determine the fate of generations to come or not come at all (meaning extinction due to our advanced tech being the destruction of our world). EGO-SEEKING ABSOLIUTE POWER OVER ALL LIFE ON EARTH IS A DOOMSDAY MACHINE THAT IS COUNTING DOWN, DAILY. The only thing that can HOLISTICALLY RESOLVE THIS ULTIMATE CHALLENGE IN THE SPIRIT WORLD (a.k.a., CONSCIOUSNESS), is to face our daily interactions with the everyday people that cross your path. You will have an emotionnal response, ALL BRAINWASHED TROJAN-HORSE VIRUS-TYPE MENTALITIES will state their scripts to you and always their EGO will nudge you to stroke their EGO (indicate that you bow down to their EGO and their EGO will bow down to yours. You may not realize it, but when you bow down by stroke their EGO with false flattery, then you are giving your SPIRITUAL ENERGY TO EGO (or SATAN or "GOD" [a "GOD" that is the OPPOSITE OF SATAN IS NOT ACTUALLY THE GOD]. Opposites are fragments and THE GOD is NOT FRAGMENTED; the NEUTRON IS NOT A FRAGMENT because it does NOT contain negative or positive fragmented energy. It is WHOLE ENERGY WITHOUT MEASUREMENT (therefore it is TIMELESS containing ALL ANSWERS to ALL PROBLEMS. So whenever you emotionally react to anything that you are presented with, then it is your SPIRITUAL CHALLENGE - YOU ARE BEING TESTED TO SEE IF YOU WILL PAY HOLISTIC/UNBIASED ATTENTION TO YOUR ENTIRE EMOTIONAL RESPONSE AND UNDERSTAND THAT THIS UNBIASED SELF-MONITORING IS THE ONLY SALVATION TO NEUTRALIZE, NATURALLY, YOUR EGO (WHO IS THE REAL ENEMY/DEVIL WITHIN). WWIII has begun; it's YOUR SPIRIT/EMOTION/PSYCHE AND "HOW" IT IS BEING STUDIED. Or, are you defending ONE SIDE OF YOUR EMOTIONAL BEING WHILE WAGING WAR AGAINST YOUR THOUGHTS/FEELINGS THAT YOU WISH YOU DID NOT HAVE? Are you lying to yourself? If you are, then you MUST LIE TO THE WORLD! These ELITES ARE LYING TO THEMSELVES (which is why they are SLAVES TO THEIR EGO). EGO IS ONE NETWORKD PRETENDING TO BE THOUSANDS OF NETWORKS. NWO WANTS TO HAVE ONE SUPER-EGO DOMINION OVER ALL OTHER EGOS IN THE WORLD. THIS WWIII IS A BATTLE BETWEEN EGOS (WHO THINK OF THEMSELVES AS BEING "GODS"). THEY ARE NOT GOD! GOD IS NEUTRAL AND ALL POWERFUL AND CANT BE DESTROYED EVER. So when you OBSERVE YOUR POSITIVE & NEGATIVE RESPONSES WITH THE AWARENESS THAT YOU RE BOTH SIDES, then the SPIRIT-MIND IS WHOLE. So ALL FRAGMENTED SPIRITS CANNOT HIJACK OR DESTROY A MIND THAT IS GROUNDED/ROOTED IN NEUTRAL SELF-OBSERVATION. OUR MIND-SPIRIT IS ATOMIC ENERGY, too. SO IT REQUIRES A "NEUTRAL CENTER" (a center WITHOUT-EGO, WITHOUT SELF-IMAGE). Then you watch your mind/spirit. In the WATCHING LIES ALL SOLUTIONS. But your mind is programmed to TAKE CHARGE OVER WHAT IT MONITORS, that is what military training tattoos in your brain. We know what happens when you take a Positive or Negative Approach to Emotional Programmed Thinking. But we have never experimented within our own being to find out what would happen if "I" were to Objectively Study My Emotional Biased Thoughts/Feelings. We are running out of chronological time because the Earth is dying, babies of the world are being tortured to death (through vaccines, medications, contaminated water including floride, GMO's in baby food, chemtrail heavy metals baby breathin in the air, EMF's, radiowaves from cell phone towers and WiFi frequencies assualting the baby's autra body, brainwaves, etc.), and it is deforming the biology of our species (which being done deliberately). The point is that our entire world is under attack from THE EGO WITHIN US. So we had better understand that we are like a movie film projector. No use in shouting at the movies screen (which is the outer world); the movie will continue playing one horror after another. You must turn around and look at the NEGATIVE-FILM OF THE MOVIE, itself. That is what Jiddu Krishnamurti was trying to warn Humanity about. But, most people wrote him off as being foolish and delustional. Yeah, well look at the world now. He was accurate about the Inward World is responsible for what is going on in the Outward World. He said it was ONE MOVEMENT FROM THE INNER TO THE OUTTER AND BACK AGAIN. The SEED CONTAINS THE MOVIE THAT WILL PRODUCE A PLANT OR TREE. Our world is a TREE and our MIND IS THE SEED. So we have to look at the EGOTISTICAL SEED WITHIN OURSELVES with the understanding and awareness that you have been genetically engineered to NOT OBSERVE YOUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES WITHOUT BIAS. So you choose a dogma, doctrine, ideology or belief to fight for. And you feel UNIMPORTANT if you don't have a belief or opinion to fight for. FIGHTING IS THE PROBLEM NOT THE SOLUTION. I'm no dreamer. I live this fact, I'm not being theoretical. When I am constantly being challenged to OBEY EGO, I look it square in the SPIRITUAL FACE AND JUST LISTEN TO EVERY THREAT THAT IT MAKES TOWARD MY LIFE, THEN I GO AWAY FROM THE CATALYST AND JUST FEEL THE FULL IMPACT OF THAT CHALLENGE BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, I FEEL IT WITHOUT VERBALIZATION. OBSERVING THE FACT THAT THE OBSERVER IS THE OBSERVED (that means that what I am observing is MY TOTAL EMOTIONAL BEING). That Emotional Being Contains the TOTAL HISTORY OF HUMAN EMOTIONAL MIND. So I am being responsible for conflict by Holistically Communing with ALL OF THE MESSAGES COMING FROM CONFLICT (no matter if that conflict comes from myself or others). It is the PURE PERCEPTION, alone, that NEUTRALIZES EGO (OPPOSITE SIDES). So both sides are DISSLOVED, naturally. It is natural neutralization because there is no opposition, no running away into a belief, ideal or desire, and there is no surrendering to oppressors. EGO DEMANDS THAT YOU EITHER Surrender, Fight or Run so that IT can finally take over the world (NWO). Humanity would, then, be caged, tagged, genetically engineered into becoming Trans-humanistic. Biological Mankind would become extinct. Then the replacement race will be totally synthetic machines that obey without question. No more SPIRIT. It's not a world that I would want to exist in. So I stand to lose nothing at all by HOLISTICALLY facing my and everybody's EGO. I no longer worry about physical death because we are programmed to die anyway. The body is only a container for our ESSENCE/SPIRIT. That is why WWIII is a mainly targeting your SPIRIT so that after you die your Spritual Energy gets redirected into clone bodies to relive the hell of conflict. The only thing such an existence is about is the recycling of CONFLICT, SUFFERING, MISERY. You wont be able to die because you wont have the capacity to question yourself anymore. You will just be the equivalent to software programming where your memories will be uploaded into an internet CLOUD. So what is at stake here is far more than some dumb rebuilding of nations. We need to let that "NATON/TRIBE" mindset die, totally. After 26,000 years of EGOTISTICAL EMPIRES, it is now time for the COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS EGO to fully DIE! So either we are going to graduate into a mature state of Holistic Self-Awareness and operate from a base of NEUTRAL ENERGY SPIRITUAL BEING, or we are going to hang on to EGO, and come to the end of being SPIRITUAL BEINGS. That means we are de-evolved to being robots that do what they are told and can't question and understand itself. Machines do NOT understand themselves. The execute programs (like soldiers following orders). If we were sane SPIRITUAL BEINGS, there would be no need for police, soldiers or governments. NEUTRAL AWARENESS IS PURE ORDER, HARMONY. So it acts with benevolence and integrity, yet, it never surrenders to force, oppression or physical restrictions. Because a Holistic Spiritual Observing Being is WHOLE UNTO ITSELF. So it doesn't fear physical death at all. Nothing is more important than Neutrally Monitoring ALL EMOTIONAL RESPONSES WITHIN ONESELF. For such careful self-monitoring makes one on alert to all forms of deceit. Once you detect how you lie to yourself, then you can see through ALL LIES WORLDWIDE (and local community mind-games, too). You are then a SPIRITUAL LIE DETECTOR (always staring with yourself first).
So when people talk to each other, they ALL are reacting to the Emotional Image that they have about oneself and through that emotional filter we make emotional-images about everyone else in our lives and public figures (Reptillian or not). It is the Emotional Image (EGO), that is blinding and distorting our minds. Therefore, we must OBSERVE whenever we conjure an emotional image. It is that very detection, alone, that contains NEUTRAL ENERGY. Remember, we are dealing with matter, which is either Negative or Positive emotional expressions. By communing with BOTH Positive & Negative emotional expressions that arise in our mind, then natural balance prevails. But you can SEEK BALANCE OR NEUTRALITY. You come upon it indirectly by we ALERT TO WHEN YOUR EMOTIONAL-MIND CHOOSES to escape from any state of emotional-being that you don't want to deal with. Watch your programmed responses which is to impose an image, belief, opinion, etc. over your initially emotional-response. It is the ALERT INTERNAL OBSERVATION that is NEUTRAL because you are neither opposing nor accepting your emotions, you are simply OBSERVING, which is NEUTRAL. NEUTRALITY IS AT THE CORE OF ALL ATOMS AND CAUSES STABILIZATION BETWEEN THE OPPOSITE ENERGY HALVES.
The Reptillians and anything in life is basically matter which is made out of atoms. So they obviously have an energy-imbalance but at the same time they are intellectually superior. However, the SPIRIT WORLD trumps technical-knowledge because matter came from no matter, which is the NEUTRON (it contains NO Positive or Negative charge so it is WHOLE UNTO ITSELF having no divisions - it is ZERO POINT and is beyond matter, time or limitations. It is ETERNITY and LOVE, PEACE, BALANCE, EQUALITY, CREATION and NEUTRAL. Since all beings contain the basic opposite energies, we must have NEUTRAL energy present or else we seek to destroy ourselves and others. That is what happened to this Reptillian enitites. They want to dominate our species so that they can pretend to be "God". But, they are not. They are fragmented SPIRITUAL-ENERGY. They put that type of energy signature in Humanity; that is what drives people to be violent and can't naturally get along.
But, the primitive people tried counteract their Reptillian instincts by not progressing too much in knowledge. That is why the Bible warns Humanity not to eat of the tree of knowledge. Because without truly understanding your WHOLE SPIRITUAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL/EMOTIONAL MIND, BEFORE ADVANCING TECHNOLOGICAL-KNOWLEDGE, then we shall destroy ourselves with this technology, and that have come true. Look at how Humans are spraying themselves and the world with poison. They are poisoning the food and water, too. Why? They are under the influence of their EGOS, which the non-humans injected into our DNA. Knowledge is also our Emotional-Images (beliefs, ideals and opinions based on emotions). WWIII IS SPIRITUAL-EMOTIONAL. Our willingness to remain blind to our psychological/spiritual reactions is responsible why we obey the orders to kill each other, poison each other and dominate each other. We have lost the ability to examine ourselves in an objective manner. Contained in Pure Self-Observation is NEUTRAL ENERGY that is not choosing one emotion as being more important to OBSERVE than any other emotion. If we were to establish SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL ORDER through PURE OBJECTIVE OBSERVATION of ALL of our THOUGHTS/FEELINGS, then they would naturally harmonize and be WHOLE.
Then no entity could control our minds nor our physical state of affairs.
One woman's crusade to save
Abandoned babies in China
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Britain's queen publicly admits she is NOT Human |
Now the Queen of England has come out with her own testimony and confession that she is NOT a human being. She made the announcement and it was posted on the Royal UK website for a while. But, there was a great deal of unfavorable responses from her subjects that they had the Queen's announcement removed. But, her announcement had already gone viral before it was taken down. So it is a public admission that she is not a Human Being. She admitted to being a Reptillian.
So what difference does it make telling the public what her real nature is?
Well... There's were always suspicions about the so-called Royal Family. Most people dismissed as being merely rumors. There was nothing that made it undoubtedly clear and evident, until now. This time the message came directly from the horse's mouth, so to speak. So it is an irrefutable fact, now. That changes everything because now people are questioning everythng they have been told all of their lives. This is making people wake up to the unpleasant fact that the world isn't what they thought it was.
As for me, it makes no difference to find out that the Royal Family is a different species from ours. Why do I have this outlook that it really doesn't matter what they are? Well, quite simply, they are still made out of atoms just like all things in life. They are fundamentally a form of energy that thinks. They built the stage of humanity's life as a holographic cage in which we have been abiding, unknowingly. Now we are aware of why the world is so chaotic and unfair. It is due to the fact that this rogue form of energy is NOT grounded or rooted in NEUTRAL ENERGY. It means that spiritually (energetically), they are corrupt, divided and unintelligent (and WITHOUT LOVE). They have an emotional-image that they are superior because they have more knowledge on how to manipulate matter.
But no matter how much more knowledge they possess, they still are ignorant when it comes to SPIRITUAL/EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL AWARENESS. They are STILL A FRAGMENT (just like most human mentalities). Human Beings are a hybrid species. Long ago they did experiments with primates and mixing their DNA. This is why there is a Reptillian part of the Human Brain. They gave us this EGO that we are fighting to defend and expand. They put it there so that they can control us by enslaving Humanity to its EGO. They were counting on our never being able to free ourselves from our EGO (which is a piece of their mental structure).
I and Jiddu Krishanmurti (I haven't come across anyone else free from their Ego), but JK and myself have decoded the EGO at its CORE. The CORE LIES IN OUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES WHERE 'LIKE' & 'DISLIKE' resides in us. It reminds me of the old 1980's horror movie called, ALIEN. We, humans, have been looking in the wrong direction for thousands of years. We think that the greatest threat is coming from the outside world. It is NOT! The greatest threat is within your psyche where the non-human's genetically engineered us to ignore our internal reactions and just focus on outside threats.
The outside world is a holographic mirror reflection revealing our inner state of being, SPIRITUALLY/EMOTIONALLY/PSYCHOLOGICALLY.
This is the reason why I have a Neutral Approach to all daily challenges of living. I don't care what people are saying about the dangers and that we should choose an ideal, group, religion, belief, etc. None of that will protect you from your own Ego (which we inherited from foreign beings). Yet we contain an element that IS them. This can be a good thing because we are in a position of transforming that element (i.e., EGO or Emotional-Responsive entity). If you listen to J. Krishnamurti, he was talking about the observer is the observed becaus YOU ARE YOUR THOUGHTS/FEARS! So there is no where to run and it is stupid for form an emotional-image to hide in. That is what the genetic engineers embedded in us to do. The only way that embedded programming can disappear is if you LOOK DIRECTLY AT YOUR THOUGHTS & FEELINGS with the understanding that it is the NEUTRAL ENERGY OF LOOKING-LISTENING to ALL of my EMOTIONAL RESPONSES that naturally ends them, without conflict. CONFLICT FEEDS EGO & EMPOWERS THE PREDITOR that engineered us.
Jesuits, Illuminati, Reptilians, Freemasons? Former Marine Ken O'Keefe Exposes Our Fraudulent System
The non-humans operate mainly from the SPIRIT REALM. This is why Humanity has not been able to be free and always existing in this matrix of lies and terror. They cloak this reality with advanced tech to mesmerize us and distract us from studying our EGO. For it is the key to freedom. To study and understand a problem (of which EGO is the #1 problem in both the Physical & Spiritual) world, is to end the problem, completely. You cannot FIGHT the Reptillians by cursing them, retaliating or running away. There is no place to run, nor would that free our minds. If we are to be free, we must be free of the fear of examining our Emotional-Responses as we go about facing the challenges of living and interacting with the world.
Where are the Oath Keepers? - Ken O'Keefe
There has been a greater betrayal more important than to man-made doctrines. In order for there to be order in the physical world (economically, ecologically and biological health security), then we have to deal with the fact that we are Spiritual (Emotional or Psychological - they all essentially mean the same thing) beings. In the Emotioal Being lies the GREATEST ENEMY OF ALL; that enemy is ones SELF-IMAGE OF BEING AN ISOLATED SPIRITUAL ENERGY. ALL people who projects an IMAGE OF BELONGING TO ANY IDEOLOGY, BELIEF or NATION/TRIBE is maintaining WAR because these Emotional Identifications DIVIDE PEOPLE TO THINK THAT THEY ARE NOT THE SAME ATOMIC ENERGY. Yes, the above video presents many logical MATERIAL FACTS. But, they overlook the most important FACT OF ALL which is that it is the EGO WITHIN US THAT IS A TRADER because EGO is a byproduct from SHUNNING THE TRUTH ABOUT ONESELF. Any time that we OBEY RULES DEALING WITH OUR EMOTIONS, then we are being BIASED, which is CORRUPTION. Because BIAS CAUSES A SCHISM/DIVISION so that we can't clearly detect TRUTH! By HOLISTICALLY PAYING UNBIASED ATTENTION TO YOUR/MY EMOTIONAL RESPONSES/DESIRES, then it is in that very HOLISTIC SELF-DETECTION of NEUTRAL ENERGY (energy that is neither pro or con toward ones responses) then SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL or PSYCHOLOGICAL EQUILIBRIUM abounds. Then when we deal with the technical corrections to this massive mess in the world, then it will give birth to a TOTAL UNPRECEDENTED PARADIGM SHIFT IN THE WHOLE CONSCIOUSNESS ON EVERY LEVEL OF OUR BEING. We can't piece-meal this CRISIS IN CONSCIOUSNESS/SPIRIT. It's an ALL OR NOTHING situation that will determine the fate of generations to come or not come at all (meaning extinction due to our advanced tech being the destruction of our world). EGO-SEEKING ABSOLIUTE POWER OVER ALL LIFE ON EARTH IS A DOOMSDAY MACHINE THAT IS COUNTING DOWN, DAILY. The only thing that can HOLISTICALLY RESOLVE THIS ULTIMATE CHALLENGE IN THE SPIRIT WORLD (a.k.a., CONSCIOUSNESS), is to face our daily interactions with the everyday people that cross your path. You will have an emotionnal response, ALL BRAINWASHED TROJAN-HORSE VIRUS-TYPE MENTALITIES will state their scripts to you and always their EGO will nudge you to stroke their EGO (indicate that you bow down to their EGO and their EGO will bow down to yours. You may not realize it, but when you bow down by stroke their EGO with false flattery, then you are giving your SPIRITUAL ENERGY TO EGO (or SATAN or "GOD" [a "GOD" that is the OPPOSITE OF SATAN IS NOT ACTUALLY THE GOD]. Opposites are fragments and THE GOD is NOT FRAGMENTED; the NEUTRON IS NOT A FRAGMENT because it does NOT contain negative or positive fragmented energy. It is WHOLE ENERGY WITHOUT MEASUREMENT (therefore it is TIMELESS containing ALL ANSWERS to ALL PROBLEMS. So whenever you emotionally react to anything that you are presented with, then it is your SPIRITUAL CHALLENGE - YOU ARE BEING TESTED TO SEE IF YOU WILL PAY HOLISTIC/UNBIASED ATTENTION TO YOUR ENTIRE EMOTIONAL RESPONSE AND UNDERSTAND THAT THIS UNBIASED SELF-MONITORING IS THE ONLY SALVATION TO NEUTRALIZE, NATURALLY, YOUR EGO (WHO IS THE REAL ENEMY/DEVIL WITHIN). WWIII has begun; it's YOUR SPIRIT/EMOTION/PSYCHE AND "HOW" IT IS BEING STUDIED. Or, are you defending ONE SIDE OF YOUR EMOTIONAL BEING WHILE WAGING WAR AGAINST YOUR THOUGHTS/FEELINGS THAT YOU WISH YOU DID NOT HAVE? Are you lying to yourself? If you are, then you MUST LIE TO THE WORLD! These ELITES ARE LYING TO THEMSELVES (which is why they are SLAVES TO THEIR EGO). EGO IS ONE NETWORKD PRETENDING TO BE THOUSANDS OF NETWORKS. NWO WANTS TO HAVE ONE SUPER-EGO DOMINION OVER ALL OTHER EGOS IN THE WORLD. THIS WWIII IS A BATTLE BETWEEN EGOS (WHO THINK OF THEMSELVES AS BEING "GODS"). THEY ARE NOT GOD! GOD IS NEUTRAL AND ALL POWERFUL AND CANT BE DESTROYED EVER. So when you OBSERVE YOUR POSITIVE & NEGATIVE RESPONSES WITH THE AWARENESS THAT YOU RE BOTH SIDES, then the SPIRIT-MIND IS WHOLE. So ALL FRAGMENTED SPIRITS CANNOT HIJACK OR DESTROY A MIND THAT IS GROUNDED/ROOTED IN NEUTRAL SELF-OBSERVATION. OUR MIND-SPIRIT IS ATOMIC ENERGY, too. SO IT REQUIRES A "NEUTRAL CENTER" (a center WITHOUT-EGO, WITHOUT SELF-IMAGE). Then you watch your mind/spirit. In the WATCHING LIES ALL SOLUTIONS. But your mind is programmed to TAKE CHARGE OVER WHAT IT MONITORS, that is what military training tattoos in your brain. We know what happens when you take a Positive or Negative Approach to Emotional Programmed Thinking. But we have never experimented within our own being to find out what would happen if "I" were to Objectively Study My Emotional Biased Thoughts/Feelings. We are running out of chronological time because the Earth is dying, babies of the world are being tortured to death (through vaccines, medications, contaminated water including floride, GMO's in baby food, chemtrail heavy metals baby breathin in the air, EMF's, radiowaves from cell phone towers and WiFi frequencies assualting the baby's autra body, brainwaves, etc.), and it is deforming the biology of our species (which being done deliberately). The point is that our entire world is under attack from THE EGO WITHIN US. So we had better understand that we are like a movie film projector. No use in shouting at the movies screen (which is the outer world); the movie will continue playing one horror after another. You must turn around and look at the NEGATIVE-FILM OF THE MOVIE, itself. That is what Jiddu Krishnamurti was trying to warn Humanity about. But, most people wrote him off as being foolish and delustional. Yeah, well look at the world now. He was accurate about the Inward World is responsible for what is going on in the Outward World. He said it was ONE MOVEMENT FROM THE INNER TO THE OUTTER AND BACK AGAIN. The SEED CONTAINS THE MOVIE THAT WILL PRODUCE A PLANT OR TREE. Our world is a TREE and our MIND IS THE SEED. So we have to look at the EGOTISTICAL SEED WITHIN OURSELVES with the understanding and awareness that you have been genetically engineered to NOT OBSERVE YOUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES WITHOUT BIAS. So you choose a dogma, doctrine, ideology or belief to fight for. And you feel UNIMPORTANT if you don't have a belief or opinion to fight for. FIGHTING IS THE PROBLEM NOT THE SOLUTION. I'm no dreamer. I live this fact, I'm not being theoretical. When I am constantly being challenged to OBEY EGO, I look it square in the SPIRITUAL FACE AND JUST LISTEN TO EVERY THREAT THAT IT MAKES TOWARD MY LIFE, THEN I GO AWAY FROM THE CATALYST AND JUST FEEL THE FULL IMPACT OF THAT CHALLENGE BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, I FEEL IT WITHOUT VERBALIZATION. OBSERVING THE FACT THAT THE OBSERVER IS THE OBSERVED (that means that what I am observing is MY TOTAL EMOTIONAL BEING). That Emotional Being Contains the TOTAL HISTORY OF HUMAN EMOTIONAL MIND. So I am being responsible for conflict by Holistically Communing with ALL OF THE MESSAGES COMING FROM CONFLICT (no matter if that conflict comes from myself or others). It is the PURE PERCEPTION, alone, that NEUTRALIZES EGO (OPPOSITE SIDES). So both sides are DISSLOVED, naturally. It is natural neutralization because there is no opposition, no running away into a belief, ideal or desire, and there is no surrendering to oppressors. EGO DEMANDS THAT YOU EITHER Surrender, Fight or Run so that IT can finally take over the world (NWO). Humanity would, then, be caged, tagged, genetically engineered into becoming Trans-humanistic. Biological Mankind would become extinct. Then the replacement race will be totally synthetic machines that obey without question. No more SPIRIT. It's not a world that I would want to exist in. So I stand to lose nothing at all by HOLISTICALLY facing my and everybody's EGO. I no longer worry about physical death because we are programmed to die anyway. The body is only a container for our ESSENCE/SPIRIT. That is why WWIII is a mainly targeting your SPIRIT so that after you die your Spritual Energy gets redirected into clone bodies to relive the hell of conflict. The only thing such an existence is about is the recycling of CONFLICT, SUFFERING, MISERY. You wont be able to die because you wont have the capacity to question yourself anymore. You will just be the equivalent to software programming where your memories will be uploaded into an internet CLOUD. So what is at stake here is far more than some dumb rebuilding of nations. We need to let that "NATON/TRIBE" mindset die, totally. After 26,000 years of EGOTISTICAL EMPIRES, it is now time for the COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS EGO to fully DIE! So either we are going to graduate into a mature state of Holistic Self-Awareness and operate from a base of NEUTRAL ENERGY SPIRITUAL BEING, or we are going to hang on to EGO, and come to the end of being SPIRITUAL BEINGS. That means we are de-evolved to being robots that do what they are told and can't question and understand itself. Machines do NOT understand themselves. The execute programs (like soldiers following orders). If we were sane SPIRITUAL BEINGS, there would be no need for police, soldiers or governments. NEUTRAL AWARENESS IS PURE ORDER, HARMONY. So it acts with benevolence and integrity, yet, it never surrenders to force, oppression or physical restrictions. Because a Holistic Spiritual Observing Being is WHOLE UNTO ITSELF. So it doesn't fear physical death at all. Nothing is more important than Neutrally Monitoring ALL EMOTIONAL RESPONSES WITHIN ONESELF. For such careful self-monitoring makes one on alert to all forms of deceit. Once you detect how you lie to yourself, then you can see through ALL LIES WORLDWIDE (and local community mind-games, too). You are then a SPIRITUAL LIE DETECTOR (always staring with yourself first).
So when people talk to each other, they ALL are reacting to the Emotional Image that they have about oneself and through that emotional filter we make emotional-images about everyone else in our lives and public figures (Reptillian or not). It is the Emotional Image (EGO), that is blinding and distorting our minds. Therefore, we must OBSERVE whenever we conjure an emotional image. It is that very detection, alone, that contains NEUTRAL ENERGY. Remember, we are dealing with matter, which is either Negative or Positive emotional expressions. By communing with BOTH Positive & Negative emotional expressions that arise in our mind, then natural balance prevails. But you can SEEK BALANCE OR NEUTRALITY. You come upon it indirectly by we ALERT TO WHEN YOUR EMOTIONAL-MIND CHOOSES to escape from any state of emotional-being that you don't want to deal with. Watch your programmed responses which is to impose an image, belief, opinion, etc. over your initially emotional-response. It is the ALERT INTERNAL OBSERVATION that is NEUTRAL because you are neither opposing nor accepting your emotions, you are simply OBSERVING, which is NEUTRAL. NEUTRALITY IS AT THE CORE OF ALL ATOMS AND CAUSES STABILIZATION BETWEEN THE OPPOSITE ENERGY HALVES.
The Reptillians and anything in life is basically matter which is made out of atoms. So they obviously have an energy-imbalance but at the same time they are intellectually superior. However, the SPIRIT WORLD trumps technical-knowledge because matter came from no matter, which is the NEUTRON (it contains NO Positive or Negative charge so it is WHOLE UNTO ITSELF having no divisions - it is ZERO POINT and is beyond matter, time or limitations. It is ETERNITY and LOVE, PEACE, BALANCE, EQUALITY, CREATION and NEUTRAL. Since all beings contain the basic opposite energies, we must have NEUTRAL energy present or else we seek to destroy ourselves and others. That is what happened to this Reptillian enitites. They want to dominate our species so that they can pretend to be "God". But, they are not. They are fragmented SPIRITUAL-ENERGY. They put that type of energy signature in Humanity; that is what drives people to be violent and can't naturally get along.
A possibility of change
But, the primitive people tried counteract their Reptillian instincts by not progressing too much in knowledge. That is why the Bible warns Humanity not to eat of the tree of knowledge. Because without truly understanding your WHOLE SPIRITUAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL/EMOTIONAL MIND, BEFORE ADVANCING TECHNOLOGICAL-KNOWLEDGE, then we shall destroy ourselves with this technology, and that have come true. Look at how Humans are spraying themselves and the world with poison. They are poisoning the food and water, too. Why? They are under the influence of their EGOS, which the non-humans injected into our DNA. Knowledge is also our Emotional-Images (beliefs, ideals and opinions based on emotions). WWIII IS SPIRITUAL-EMOTIONAL. Our willingness to remain blind to our psychological/spiritual reactions is responsible why we obey the orders to kill each other, poison each other and dominate each other. We have lost the ability to examine ourselves in an objective manner. Contained in Pure Self-Observation is NEUTRAL ENERGY that is not choosing one emotion as being more important to OBSERVE than any other emotion. If we were to establish SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL ORDER through PURE OBJECTIVE OBSERVATION of ALL of our THOUGHTS/FEELINGS, then they would naturally harmonize and be WHOLE.
Then no entity could control our minds nor our physical state of affairs.
Goth Andrew De Leon Amazes The Judges With His Voice
Thought that this singing artist had quite a unique and rare style. He seems to stuck a cord with young people to reconsider opera singing. His appearance is his artistic expression. Art is suppose to challenge our customs to change. Often people reject change and only appreciate something different. I enjoyed his singing and wanted to share it. However, the singer did say that he taught himself to sing in an effort to escape from the emotional tauma of being socially rejected because of his unusual appearance. He sought a way to ignore the pain of being rejected by society by seeking comfort in singing. Because he is exploiting his singing talent in order to get emotional comfort by now singing in public, he is now establishing and strengthening his Ego for emotional recognition. So he is setting himself up to be disappointed by those who reject his singing talent, whcih could lead to drug abuse or suicide. Throughout the history of great talented artists, these people sought to impress society through their talent. But when their talent was ahead of its time and the people could not see its beauty or value, the artists would begin to abuse themselves and thier talents would gradually wither away. Then the artist would self-destruct in various ways. This is due to the fact that the mind fails to understand his Emotional Nature. It is rare that peoople understand that their Emotional Responses are not really their exclusive property. Our Responses are Universal in that we all feel and think the same things. The point is not what we feel or think, but at what Quality of Perception is the mind examining itself? If the mind can Deeply Commune with Itself, without seeking to alter whatever is being perceived or felt, then there is a 100% Awareness of ones State of Emotional Being. The point is that if talented people were to Commune Within Their Emotional Responses (without seeking a desired state of mind), then it would not matter if people reject their talent or appearance. Because they would be in touch with the Neutral Energy that is Real Love. The talented people would then no longer crave recognition from Ego. Ego is a byproduct of projecting a self-image based on fearing an undesired state of mind and projecting an illusory state of mind conjured out of ones emotional imagination. This is psychological, emotional or spiritual division which is conflict within the emotional being. So whenever a person with talent presents themselves to the public without first being Holistically Self-Communing, then they are unknowingly setting themselves up for a tragedy. The problem with the world is that we advance in mechanical or artistic abilities and skills, first, before we have a clear understanding about our Emotional Being and how to appropriately deal with that part of our being. This is the reason why we find ourselves in one crisis after another. The crisis lies in our Spiritual Ignorance (which includes the psychological and emotional feelings/thoughts). We do everything backwards. We invent things and develop mechanical skills while ignoring our emotional responses as we progress intellectually. We mentally do the same thing with our minds in both fields, the mechanical intellectual field and the spiritual emotional psychological field, which is a HUGE MISTAKE. You can use images regarding the first field, but whenever we use images to cover up an undesired state of mind, then that causes a split in the psyche and then both sides begins to oppose each other causing a split personality and conflict in the mind which defends itself giving rise to an EGO! Ego is prejudice and seeks to dominate both itself and others, which is where tyranny begins. So if we want to live in a Truly Loving World and end these atrocities, then we have to take responsibility for how we Observe or Commune with our Emotional Responses. We must be honest and accurate in this area of our being, which is Spiritual because that will determine whether we can make a paradigm shift that radically changes our entire being. That the only way that we can safely advance in technical or artistic skillful knowledge, and yet remain EMPTY OF IMAGES SPIRITUALLY, EMOTIONALLY or PSYCHOLOGICALLY. This would bring an end to all warfare, cnoflict and division in the Consciousness (both consiously and subconsciously).
Thought that this singing artist had quite a unique and rare style. He seems to stuck a cord with young people to reconsider opera singing. His appearance is his artistic expression. Art is suppose to challenge our customs to change. Often people reject change and only appreciate something different. I enjoyed his singing and wanted to share it. However, the singer did say that he taught himself to sing in an effort to escape from the emotional tauma of being socially rejected because of his unusual appearance. He sought a way to ignore the pain of being rejected by society by seeking comfort in singing. Because he is exploiting his singing talent in order to get emotional comfort by now singing in public, he is now establishing and strengthening his Ego for emotional recognition. So he is setting himself up to be disappointed by those who reject his singing talent, whcih could lead to drug abuse or suicide. Throughout the history of great talented artists, these people sought to impress society through their talent. But when their talent was ahead of its time and the people could not see its beauty or value, the artists would begin to abuse themselves and thier talents would gradually wither away. Then the artist would self-destruct in various ways. This is due to the fact that the mind fails to understand his Emotional Nature. It is rare that peoople understand that their Emotional Responses are not really their exclusive property. Our Responses are Universal in that we all feel and think the same things. The point is not what we feel or think, but at what Quality of Perception is the mind examining itself? If the mind can Deeply Commune with Itself, without seeking to alter whatever is being perceived or felt, then there is a 100% Awareness of ones State of Emotional Being. The point is that if talented people were to Commune Within Their Emotional Responses (without seeking a desired state of mind), then it would not matter if people reject their talent or appearance. Because they would be in touch with the Neutral Energy that is Real Love. The talented people would then no longer crave recognition from Ego. Ego is a byproduct of projecting a self-image based on fearing an undesired state of mind and projecting an illusory state of mind conjured out of ones emotional imagination. This is psychological, emotional or spiritual division which is conflict within the emotional being. So whenever a person with talent presents themselves to the public without first being Holistically Self-Communing, then they are unknowingly setting themselves up for a tragedy. The problem with the world is that we advance in mechanical or artistic abilities and skills, first, before we have a clear understanding about our Emotional Being and how to appropriately deal with that part of our being. This is the reason why we find ourselves in one crisis after another. The crisis lies in our Spiritual Ignorance (which includes the psychological and emotional feelings/thoughts). We do everything backwards. We invent things and develop mechanical skills while ignoring our emotional responses as we progress intellectually. We mentally do the same thing with our minds in both fields, the mechanical intellectual field and the spiritual emotional psychological field, which is a HUGE MISTAKE. You can use images regarding the first field, but whenever we use images to cover up an undesired state of mind, then that causes a split in the psyche and then both sides begins to oppose each other causing a split personality and conflict in the mind which defends itself giving rise to an EGO! Ego is prejudice and seeks to dominate both itself and others, which is where tyranny begins. So if we want to live in a Truly Loving World and end these atrocities, then we have to take responsibility for how we Observe or Commune with our Emotional Responses. We must be honest and accurate in this area of our being, which is Spiritual because that will determine whether we can make a paradigm shift that radically changes our entire being. That the only way that we can safely advance in technical or artistic skillful knowledge, and yet remain EMPTY OF IMAGES SPIRITUALLY, EMOTIONALLY or PSYCHOLOGICALLY. This would bring an end to all warfare, cnoflict and division in the Consciousness (both consiously and subconsciously).
Zero Point : Volume I - Messages From The Past - FULL MOVIE
Zero Point : Volume II - The Structure of Infinity FULL MOVIE
Zero Point : Volume III - The Legacy of the Ark
Zero Point : Volume IV - Beyond - Right Hemisphere Edition (Psychedelic Version)
So we have been programmed to control the right side of the brain dealing with desired thoughts. Remote viewing is a mechanical function because there is a desired outcome that is trying to be achieved. Nobody experiments to see what would happen if we just PURELY OBSERVED EVERYTHING that is thought or felt, without seeking to direct it in any way. Can we merely DETECT and nothing else? That is being neither being a constructive or destructive wave, which would be Zero Point Consciousness which is Timeless, Wholeness, Harmony in Consciousness which would manifest into the physical or material outward world. So that our experience would be cooperation and creative, blissful progress, instead of constant fearful problems threatening our lives everyday.
At video time point 1:16:36, the presenter claims that "knowledge" is the "ultimate" power. That is absolutely FALSE! Knowledge is memory, which is inherently finite because it has a beginning and an ending. Plus it is possible to distort knowledge in order to control what people think. Knowledge is corruptible. Whereas, the Ultimate Power is Unbiased Awareness or Holistic Observation of Emotional Knowledge. It is your Emotional State of Mind that determines if you will use a knife, for example, as a weapon or a tool. If you are driven by Emotional Bias thinking that you are a Luciferian and must prove your loyalty to your emotional belief, then that person would rationalize using a knife to kill someone for a blood-ritual sacrifice to fulfill an emotional ideal. Or on the other hand, a Christian would rationalize using the knife to kill someone who insulted his belief in Jesus Christ as being his savior. On YouTube people who came back from a pilgrimage in Isreal were violently attacking people when they returned home and they all quoted Biblical verses and claimed to be 'God'. This is what happens when "knowledge" is used from the "Emotional" or "Spiritual" side of the mind. It is LETHAL POWER that is constantly causing problems in our day to day physical survival.
However, when a mind realizes that choosing to either 'good' or 'bad' always leads to combat, then one is Spiritually Ascended to be Neutrally Aware of ones 'positive' & 'negative' thoughts or feelings. In that Neutral Perception or Communion, there is a Wisdom that uses the knowledge with perfect balance and creativity and Love. It is this Neutral Self-Observation that brings about the adequate and appropriate actions that are Wholesomely Benevolent Harmonious co-existence with ALL Energy Forms. This is the ULTIMATE POWER, not knowldge. For, knowledge without NEUTRAL-BASED WISDOM is destruction. It IS THE NEUTRAL or ZERO POINT AWARENESS that is ULTIMATE POWER because it cannot be destroyed by mere knowledge, be it 'negative' or 'positive'. Knowledge is dualistic: knowledge used for tyrannical purposes & knowledge used for delusional escape from emotional pain; both sides lack Neutral Awareness and chooses to seek a DESIRED EMOTIONAL RESULT. Whereas, just by being fully in touch with ALL of your EMOTIONAL THOUGHTS & FEELINGS and listening to their story until it has nothing left to convey, then that naturally ending releases its Energy in a Creative way so not to cause any damage to itself or to the world around itself. Knowledge or Memory can only be safely dealt with through the Holistic or Unbiased Detection & Monitoring of itself, but WITHOUT choosing to change whatever is being listened to. This is very difficult because for thousands of years our consciousness has been shaped into a biased state of existence and fears functioning any other way. No matter how much pain and suffering this wrong approach has caused, the Emotional part of the mind is afraid to stop being biased. It still wants to identify with some kind of a belief, ideology, nation, tribe, ethnicity or emotional concept. Why? It is simply because the Emotional Memory is afraid of being NOTHING! Because it does not understand that NOTHINGNESS IS ETERNITY, MEASURELESS, WHOLE. So to maintain the view that "knowledge" is the Ultimate Power, also maintains the fear of being NOTHING! Knowledge is a vibration. In the beginnng of knowledge was the word, which is a vibration. But, the Neutron or Neutral Energy is WITHOUT VIBRATION, which is the origin of ALL VIBRATIONS. The Void of the Neutron is the birthplace of the Electron=Negative Energy & Proton=Positive Energy, which is what knowledge is made of. Knowledge is a dualistic fragments in order to make one unit. But, it is the Neutron or Neutral Energy that stabilizes its 2 components. Without that stabilizer (Neutral Energy), the 2 halves of opposite energies that makes up knowledge must self-destruct, either exploding or imploding. So you see, knowledge is not the Ultimate Power, Neutral Energy is! That is why it matters not what you think or feel, what matters is the QUALITY OF OBSERVATION & LISTENING to whatever you think or feel. This is where our education has failed our species and made us dysfuctional in our technical or artisitc knowledge.
We have been focusing on the shell of our being rather than its ESSENCE. Our ESSENCE LIES IN QUALITY OF AWARENESS -- Is it HOLISTIC/UNBIASED AWARENESS or is it DIVIDED or BIASED partial Awareness? Obviously, it is PARTIAL/BIASED AWARENESS that has made the world the way it is, which is artificial and full of deception. A lie is a fragmenation of the Whole Truth based on only choosing one side to pay attention to and to ignore whatever we dislike. Then we operate from ignorance and call it knowledge. Emotional Beliefs are ignorance pretending to be reality. So there is an endless struggle to maintain falsehoods. This is why the media lies to us. But, all that matters is whether each person is lying to himself. We lie to ourselves without being aware that we are doing it. We are told that believing is an honorable thing to do. We accept this notion, blindly. We never ask is that really so? Instead we socially immitate and assume that there is nothing wrong with it. But, all beliefs are a result of fearing being in direct contact with ALL of your emotional responses. So you imagine the opposite and treat that as being truth because you like it better than the truth of how you originally think or feel. This is self-deceit. Once you deceive yourself about yourself and what you feel or think, then you will be also fooled by lies that your government feeds your through the media. So you are the one making it possible to be dooped. If you see how your lie to yourself and that drops away, naturally, then you will see through the lies that come through the media and wont be tricked anymore. We are not helpless victims unless we choose to be.
We must change as was said at the end of this video because we are facing physical extinction. But the Ego of the Slave Master Elites refuse to relinquish their death grip of control over our lives. This is how insame the Ego is because it doesn't care about physical security at all. It only cares about Emotional Dominion because it is emotionally playing 'God'. And, it does not want to stop playing 'God'. Each person is also playing 'God' every time you seek emotional gratification from anybody in order to feel emotionally certain about yourself. Hence, our mind is enslaved with this Ego seeking to fulfill itself which is directly tied to or linked to the Elite Puppet Masters influence over how and what we think.
The real challenge that we are facing is our own weakness toward our Ego. If we can awaken to that delusion and fully understand that it is, indeed, a falsehood, then we can be free from our Ego through carefully studying its every move. Just the careful examination, alone, gives rise to a Neutral-Observational Energy that brings about the ending of emotional fragmentation, which is the ending of emotional self-deception. Once the mind is free from self-deceit, then it is also free to operate independently from outside controls. Then it is at a Zero Point State of Consciousness that is no longer under the jurisdiction of any form of tyranny. Such an aware mind is operating from a wholly different domain beyond the reach of Egotistical Powers.
Once a mind is Spiritually Whole, it is free to whatever is necessary for its well being. And, anything that tries to stop it from its intrinsic function, will destroy itself in the process. The only reason why the tyrants are able to damage your life is simply because you are unknowingly giving them permission by remaining dumb about your Ego. The failure to question your Ego is what grants permission to the corporations to exploit your life and profit from it. The elites tell us what they plan on doing to our lives and we do the predictable thing, we rage against their desires and thereby makes their desires be fulfilled. This is why their power keeps expanding. We are having conditioned emotional responses to their threats, and each time their win. It never occurs to us to stop and ask, why are they getting more powerful and stronger the more we oppose them? Is there another way to deal with these tyrants?
And, there is another way; we have to stop giving all of our energy to what they are saying and doing and begin to look within ourselves to study and examine our Emotional State of Being, but do it in an unprecedented new way. That is, to see ourselves WITHOUT BIAS, WITHOUT CONTROL (which is bias). Just TO SEE and do nothing about what we SEE or DETECT. This is NEUTRAL AWARENESS! Neutral Energy is Zero Point Energy that is ALL-KNOWING and resolves any problem in the non-material realm, first. Before a thing is material, it is non-material. The root of ALL Problems is non-material, originally. So the problem begins in HOW YOU OBSERVE YOUR EMOTIONAL THOUGHTS & FEELINGS. The system has brainwashed everyone into PARTIAL or BIASED SELF-AWARENESS by telling us to take pride in our ethnicity, dogmas, families, tribes, nations, etc. We've been programmed (like software) to accept these social norms WITHOUT question. We copy each other and think that it is normal. So like a self-replicating virus we spread our erroneous way of viewing ourselves. The elite know this, and they use that against us and herd us like sheep to the slaughter in their bank profiteering wars. But they appeal to our sense of PRIDE, in order to coax us into surrending our children to their bloodly wars to which only THEY profit from.
Basically, most of Humanity ahs been being played as a sucker or a fool. The only way to stop being a fool for the few elite pirates is to turn within our and start seriously monitoring our Emotional Being very carefully and accurately. When you start to do this, you start feeling frightened because your programming has a fail-safe through your emotional responses to deter you from checking it out. You are not suppose to question your programming because the genetic engineers wanted to insure that they would always control you through your fear. What exactly is psychological fear? It is the fear of CRITICALLY LOOKING AT or EXAMINING YOURSELF. This is why you so easily and readily accept beliefs, falsehoods and concepts, rather than to DIRECTLY PERCEIVE EXACTLY WHAT YOU THINK AND FEEL. Because by doing that, you are no longer controlled and fear naturally ends upon HOLISTIC OBSERVATION. But if you don't face fear and OBSERVE FEAR DIRECTLY, then you will continue to allow the Puppet-Masters to manipulate your mind into handing yourself over to do their bidding to your own detriment. Nobody can save you from your Ego.
So the inventor in the above video is brilliant with regard to his inventions. But, he is still a slave to his Ego, which is why he sold his inventions to the military industrial complex. He tries to excuse himself by stating that he does not like his inventions being used to destroy the world, but he still did sold it to them. And he knew they would use it to increase their control and damage our lives and our environment. He takes emotional pride in his tskills and wanted to be famous for this talent. This is why he sold out to the elite putppet masters. He did not venture into his Emotional Being to be Neutrally Free, so he gave the tyrants even more power through his inventions. He helped to strengthen their tyrannical abilities. This is the trouble with technical geniuses; they lack Wisdom, which brings about all of the Weapons of Mass Destruction. This inventor shown in the above video is responsible for causing harm to the world. Because he has failed to adequately Neutralize his Ego. He is ignorant about his Ego and how it has contributed to the pain and sufferingin the world. Ego is behind every stagnation toward Zero Point Free Energy Devices be kept out of our civilization. Ego is behind all the problems int he world. Ego is a Spirit born out of Emotional Being that has DIVIDED ITSELF AGAINST ITSELF. One side of the Ego is attempting to suppress its other side; meanwhile, both sides pretends to be UNrelated to the other side. They are, in fact, two sides of the SAME COIN of Consiousness.
When you wake up to that fact, then you no longer take sides. You view both sides and listen to them, and then their energy gets absorbed into the Neutral Energy of Listening. You are neither supporting nor defending any side; you are merely Observing/Listening WITHOUT A PREFERENCE. Then the entire mind is WHOLE, there is no division, no conflict and resolution to all problems. And, the mind is beyond the reach of fragmentary consciousness, which are the tyrants. They self-destruct trying to regain their power over you (so long as you keep being Holistically Aware of ALL of your Emotional Responses). Thing we take away their power to make us live in fear. The Spiritual Energy manifests according to its state of affairs. If the Spiritual World is broken then our physical world reflects that and visa versa.
At video time point 1:16:36, the presenter claims that "knowledge" is the "ultimate" power. That is absolutely FALSE! Knowledge is memory, which is inherently finite because it has a beginning and an ending. Plus it is possible to distort knowledge in order to control what people think. Knowledge is corruptible. Whereas, the Ultimate Power is Unbiased Awareness or Holistic Observation of Emotional Knowledge. It is your Emotional State of Mind that determines if you will use a knife, for example, as a weapon or a tool. If you are driven by Emotional Bias thinking that you are a Luciferian and must prove your loyalty to your emotional belief, then that person would rationalize using a knife to kill someone for a blood-ritual sacrifice to fulfill an emotional ideal. Or on the other hand, a Christian would rationalize using the knife to kill someone who insulted his belief in Jesus Christ as being his savior. On YouTube people who came back from a pilgrimage in Isreal were violently attacking people when they returned home and they all quoted Biblical verses and claimed to be 'God'. This is what happens when "knowledge" is used from the "Emotional" or "Spiritual" side of the mind. It is LETHAL POWER that is constantly causing problems in our day to day physical survival.
However, when a mind realizes that choosing to either 'good' or 'bad' always leads to combat, then one is Spiritually Ascended to be Neutrally Aware of ones 'positive' & 'negative' thoughts or feelings. In that Neutral Perception or Communion, there is a Wisdom that uses the knowledge with perfect balance and creativity and Love. It is this Neutral Self-Observation that brings about the adequate and appropriate actions that are Wholesomely Benevolent Harmonious co-existence with ALL Energy Forms. This is the ULTIMATE POWER, not knowldge. For, knowledge without NEUTRAL-BASED WISDOM is destruction. It IS THE NEUTRAL or ZERO POINT AWARENESS that is ULTIMATE POWER because it cannot be destroyed by mere knowledge, be it 'negative' or 'positive'. Knowledge is dualistic: knowledge used for tyrannical purposes & knowledge used for delusional escape from emotional pain; both sides lack Neutral Awareness and chooses to seek a DESIRED EMOTIONAL RESULT. Whereas, just by being fully in touch with ALL of your EMOTIONAL THOUGHTS & FEELINGS and listening to their story until it has nothing left to convey, then that naturally ending releases its Energy in a Creative way so not to cause any damage to itself or to the world around itself. Knowledge or Memory can only be safely dealt with through the Holistic or Unbiased Detection & Monitoring of itself, but WITHOUT choosing to change whatever is being listened to. This is very difficult because for thousands of years our consciousness has been shaped into a biased state of existence and fears functioning any other way. No matter how much pain and suffering this wrong approach has caused, the Emotional part of the mind is afraid to stop being biased. It still wants to identify with some kind of a belief, ideology, nation, tribe, ethnicity or emotional concept. Why? It is simply because the Emotional Memory is afraid of being NOTHING! Because it does not understand that NOTHINGNESS IS ETERNITY, MEASURELESS, WHOLE. So to maintain the view that "knowledge" is the Ultimate Power, also maintains the fear of being NOTHING! Knowledge is a vibration. In the beginnng of knowledge was the word, which is a vibration. But, the Neutron or Neutral Energy is WITHOUT VIBRATION, which is the origin of ALL VIBRATIONS. The Void of the Neutron is the birthplace of the Electron=Negative Energy & Proton=Positive Energy, which is what knowledge is made of. Knowledge is a dualistic fragments in order to make one unit. But, it is the Neutron or Neutral Energy that stabilizes its 2 components. Without that stabilizer (Neutral Energy), the 2 halves of opposite energies that makes up knowledge must self-destruct, either exploding or imploding. So you see, knowledge is not the Ultimate Power, Neutral Energy is! That is why it matters not what you think or feel, what matters is the QUALITY OF OBSERVATION & LISTENING to whatever you think or feel. This is where our education has failed our species and made us dysfuctional in our technical or artisitc knowledge.
We have been focusing on the shell of our being rather than its ESSENCE. Our ESSENCE LIES IN QUALITY OF AWARENESS -- Is it HOLISTIC/UNBIASED AWARENESS or is it DIVIDED or BIASED partial Awareness? Obviously, it is PARTIAL/BIASED AWARENESS that has made the world the way it is, which is artificial and full of deception. A lie is a fragmenation of the Whole Truth based on only choosing one side to pay attention to and to ignore whatever we dislike. Then we operate from ignorance and call it knowledge. Emotional Beliefs are ignorance pretending to be reality. So there is an endless struggle to maintain falsehoods. This is why the media lies to us. But, all that matters is whether each person is lying to himself. We lie to ourselves without being aware that we are doing it. We are told that believing is an honorable thing to do. We accept this notion, blindly. We never ask is that really so? Instead we socially immitate and assume that there is nothing wrong with it. But, all beliefs are a result of fearing being in direct contact with ALL of your emotional responses. So you imagine the opposite and treat that as being truth because you like it better than the truth of how you originally think or feel. This is self-deceit. Once you deceive yourself about yourself and what you feel or think, then you will be also fooled by lies that your government feeds your through the media. So you are the one making it possible to be dooped. If you see how your lie to yourself and that drops away, naturally, then you will see through the lies that come through the media and wont be tricked anymore. We are not helpless victims unless we choose to be.
Zero Point : Volume V - The Hyper-Force Chronicles - 1. The Hutchison Effect
We must change as was said at the end of this video because we are facing physical extinction. But the Ego of the Slave Master Elites refuse to relinquish their death grip of control over our lives. This is how insame the Ego is because it doesn't care about physical security at all. It only cares about Emotional Dominion because it is emotionally playing 'God'. And, it does not want to stop playing 'God'. Each person is also playing 'God' every time you seek emotional gratification from anybody in order to feel emotionally certain about yourself. Hence, our mind is enslaved with this Ego seeking to fulfill itself which is directly tied to or linked to the Elite Puppet Masters influence over how and what we think.
The real challenge that we are facing is our own weakness toward our Ego. If we can awaken to that delusion and fully understand that it is, indeed, a falsehood, then we can be free from our Ego through carefully studying its every move. Just the careful examination, alone, gives rise to a Neutral-Observational Energy that brings about the ending of emotional fragmentation, which is the ending of emotional self-deception. Once the mind is free from self-deceit, then it is also free to operate independently from outside controls. Then it is at a Zero Point State of Consciousness that is no longer under the jurisdiction of any form of tyranny. Such an aware mind is operating from a wholly different domain beyond the reach of Egotistical Powers.
Once a mind is Spiritually Whole, it is free to whatever is necessary for its well being. And, anything that tries to stop it from its intrinsic function, will destroy itself in the process. The only reason why the tyrants are able to damage your life is simply because you are unknowingly giving them permission by remaining dumb about your Ego. The failure to question your Ego is what grants permission to the corporations to exploit your life and profit from it. The elites tell us what they plan on doing to our lives and we do the predictable thing, we rage against their desires and thereby makes their desires be fulfilled. This is why their power keeps expanding. We are having conditioned emotional responses to their threats, and each time their win. It never occurs to us to stop and ask, why are they getting more powerful and stronger the more we oppose them? Is there another way to deal with these tyrants?
And, there is another way; we have to stop giving all of our energy to what they are saying and doing and begin to look within ourselves to study and examine our Emotional State of Being, but do it in an unprecedented new way. That is, to see ourselves WITHOUT BIAS, WITHOUT CONTROL (which is bias). Just TO SEE and do nothing about what we SEE or DETECT. This is NEUTRAL AWARENESS! Neutral Energy is Zero Point Energy that is ALL-KNOWING and resolves any problem in the non-material realm, first. Before a thing is material, it is non-material. The root of ALL Problems is non-material, originally. So the problem begins in HOW YOU OBSERVE YOUR EMOTIONAL THOUGHTS & FEELINGS. The system has brainwashed everyone into PARTIAL or BIASED SELF-AWARENESS by telling us to take pride in our ethnicity, dogmas, families, tribes, nations, etc. We've been programmed (like software) to accept these social norms WITHOUT question. We copy each other and think that it is normal. So like a self-replicating virus we spread our erroneous way of viewing ourselves. The elite know this, and they use that against us and herd us like sheep to the slaughter in their bank profiteering wars. But they appeal to our sense of PRIDE, in order to coax us into surrending our children to their bloodly wars to which only THEY profit from.
Basically, most of Humanity ahs been being played as a sucker or a fool. The only way to stop being a fool for the few elite pirates is to turn within our and start seriously monitoring our Emotional Being very carefully and accurately. When you start to do this, you start feeling frightened because your programming has a fail-safe through your emotional responses to deter you from checking it out. You are not suppose to question your programming because the genetic engineers wanted to insure that they would always control you through your fear. What exactly is psychological fear? It is the fear of CRITICALLY LOOKING AT or EXAMINING YOURSELF. This is why you so easily and readily accept beliefs, falsehoods and concepts, rather than to DIRECTLY PERCEIVE EXACTLY WHAT YOU THINK AND FEEL. Because by doing that, you are no longer controlled and fear naturally ends upon HOLISTIC OBSERVATION. But if you don't face fear and OBSERVE FEAR DIRECTLY, then you will continue to allow the Puppet-Masters to manipulate your mind into handing yourself over to do their bidding to your own detriment. Nobody can save you from your Ego.
So the inventor in the above video is brilliant with regard to his inventions. But, he is still a slave to his Ego, which is why he sold his inventions to the military industrial complex. He tries to excuse himself by stating that he does not like his inventions being used to destroy the world, but he still did sold it to them. And he knew they would use it to increase their control and damage our lives and our environment. He takes emotional pride in his tskills and wanted to be famous for this talent. This is why he sold out to the elite putppet masters. He did not venture into his Emotional Being to be Neutrally Free, so he gave the tyrants even more power through his inventions. He helped to strengthen their tyrannical abilities. This is the trouble with technical geniuses; they lack Wisdom, which brings about all of the Weapons of Mass Destruction. This inventor shown in the above video is responsible for causing harm to the world. Because he has failed to adequately Neutralize his Ego. He is ignorant about his Ego and how it has contributed to the pain and sufferingin the world. Ego is behind every stagnation toward Zero Point Free Energy Devices be kept out of our civilization. Ego is behind all the problems int he world. Ego is a Spirit born out of Emotional Being that has DIVIDED ITSELF AGAINST ITSELF. One side of the Ego is attempting to suppress its other side; meanwhile, both sides pretends to be UNrelated to the other side. They are, in fact, two sides of the SAME COIN of Consiousness.
When you wake up to that fact, then you no longer take sides. You view both sides and listen to them, and then their energy gets absorbed into the Neutral Energy of Listening. You are neither supporting nor defending any side; you are merely Observing/Listening WITHOUT A PREFERENCE. Then the entire mind is WHOLE, there is no division, no conflict and resolution to all problems. And, the mind is beyond the reach of fragmentary consciousness, which are the tyrants. They self-destruct trying to regain their power over you (so long as you keep being Holistically Aware of ALL of your Emotional Responses). Thing we take away their power to make us live in fear. The Spiritual Energy manifests according to its state of affairs. If the Spiritual World is broken then our physical world reflects that and visa versa.
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