Monday, June 26, 2017

Spiritual Sellout To Materialism


My comments about these videos that I share are meant for the purposes of constructive criticism for strictly learning. I am not condemning anybody. Just because an observation being pointed out is hard to face or acknowledge, that does not mean that I am attacking anyone. That would be childish. I am saying these things so that we SPIRITUALLY AWAKEN before it's too late. So we have to face some harsh realities in order to not make the same mistakes. The only way to survive SPIRITUAL-IGNORANCE is to STUDY IT CLOSELY. Fear is seeking to MOVE AWAY FROM THE PROBLEM. Yes, we must move away from physical danger. But SPIRITUALLY WE MUST NOT MOVE AWAY FROM HOLISTICALLY PERCEIVING OUR TOTAL EMOTIONAL RESPONSES (No Matter What Is The Circumstance). And I would also like to make it clear that I am not anybody's Spiritual-Leader (that would be foolish). I'm merely a pointer, it's your business if you bother to INQUIRE, INVESTIGATE or OBSERVE HOW YOUR MIND PLAYS TRICKS IN THE EMOTIONAL-REALM. It doesn't matter what the sadistic types do to abuse their job status. No. What really determines the annihilation is if there is nobody left to HOLISTICALLY PERCEIVE REALITY IN THE SPIRITUAL AREA OF LIFE. Are you a "slave" to your EGO? Or, are you FREE TO CHALLENGE THE VALIDITY OF YOUR OWN EGO? If you are FREE to do that, then you are a Light Unto Yourself and cannot be destroyed. That is NOT A BELIEF. You are either really in touch with your mind or you are faking it. If you fake it, you are then ABSORBED INTO GROUP THINK (which is what the so-called "New World Order" is). That is also the technocratic-matrix of existence without SOUL. You can't think in a balanced manner if you are not free to examine your own thoughts and feelings while being faced with various challenges from our daily lives. If you follow anyone, then your mind is biased and is then incapable of being free of bias in order to PERCEIVE ONESELF CLEARLY! That is why I warn people NOT to follow what I say, but examine it before verbally reacting.

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 1)

This man's message and his behavior was contradictory. He preached to have a reverence for Mother Nature. He criticized status quo system of technocracy, etc., etc. But at the same time, he was a nicotine addict which shows disrespect for his lungs and other affected parts of his body. The human body which is from the Earth is the same essence of Earth, he was violating it. He told the world that he was a warrior for balance restoration to the Earth. He said in this video that it would be wrong to kill yourself and give up on dealing with the problems of living. Yet, he shot himself to death, anyway. Actions speak much louder than words. 

Will those who followed him follow his actions, too? Did this man who claims to be honorable consider the message and possible influence he was sending to his audience by committing suicide (after he publicly said that is would be wrong to just give up on life)? He said that what is most important is that upon ones death that at least ones spirit was not corrupt or pure. By killing himself he died with a corrupt spirit because he lied to himself and to the world. He said one thing and did the opposite, which is dishonest and corrupt. 

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 2)

Yeah, he pointed out some facts about the destructive human condition. But, his programmed thinking that he tried to replace with Indian beliefs failed to change or clear away his American programming. The fear of facing life won out at the end of his life. Instead of facing the challenge of life, he ran away (is the bottom line). He dumped the scary problem of living onto the youth. 

It would appear that there is a long ongoing pattern of making a mess of the world and then dumping that mess onto the next generation. Each generation makes an even greater mess, and then they turn around and do the same thing. Now that the Earth is reaching a point of possible destruction, Mankind is faced with impossible problems (if you are Spiritually-Contradictory). And, there may not be anymore generations to pass on this legacy of irresponsibility. 

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 3)

It really does not matter if Humanity physically survives or not. All that really matters is our spiritual integrity while coping with the daily challenges. When faced with doing something immoral just to save your flesh, will you do it? What I mean by immoral is doing something to cause pain and suffering to others. 

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 4)

I am 62 years old. In my youth I was suicidal where I had episodes of trying to kill myself because the world was very frightening and I couldn't make any sense of what it was all about. Now I get it! It's all about a SPIRITUAL TEST to see what you are truly made of beyond physical matter. Do I have a SPIRITUAL-HEART that questions why I am here? Is it not to be in RELATIONSHIP-COMMUNION with ALL of my Emotional Responses as I face each situation of living? 

Those who are Spiritually-Dead and yet they still live in bodies are making unnecessary trouble on Earth, in an effort to destroy the entire SPIRITUAL-MIND of Humanity -- to sell out to MATERIALISM. In other words, do anything to physically survive no matter how cruel. Now I have no respect for anyone who claims to respect Mother Earth and all of its creatures and then turns around and blows their brains out. Because, you can't be a Natural Spiritual Being and also kill yourself. Show me any creature in Nature that kills itself. You can't because that is an UNNATURAL ACT, period! 

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 5)

What is in a Human creature that makes him dysfunctional to deliberately kill himself? It is your Emotional-Mind that comes from your Emotional-Imagination that does not understand itself. The psychological warfare strategy is to make our living conditions pleasurable, in the beginning. Then, they take away our pleasures and comforts (just like getting people hooked on drugs then making it scarce). Then the average person will do anything possible no matter how ugly to get their pleasure back. And when they can't, they either will resort to killing others or themselves. That implies that their SPIRIT DIED (turning them into Zombies or Demons); then all that will matter is seeking to satisfy their lust for brutality. So what the leader protested against he ended up becoming them - an empty spirit which destroys sacred life. 

Also, it proves that suicide is taking the easy way out and leaving their children holding the bag of hell. So did a leader who claimed to be "loving" show it when he abandoned this responsibility to face his Emotional Responses while coping with physical survival? No. A person's actions is his real message. And if his words contracdicted his actions, then his words with regard to his philosophical or spiritual message was FALSE! Bottom line is that this leader ran away in the face of dealing with his Emotions. So he failed the SPIRITUAL-TEST. Nobody needs to follow anyone, spiritually speaking. Daily, I face my feelings as I deal with threats to my physical survival. I don't concern myself with ideologies, beliefs, faith or hope. All of that promotes fear and desperation. I simply look at WHAT IS UNFOLDING IN MY MIND as I am being stimulated by everything around me. 

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 6)

So what If I die, which is a natural event to come. Just so long as my SPIRIT REMAIN WHOLE UNTO ITSELF. And, the war is here to try to claim our SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY. So if you morally betray yourself, it wouldn't matter how much wealth you acquire, because none of it will bring you peace of mind, sanity or genuine-happiness. This leader removed the essence from his overall message about spiritual honor by taking his own life. By doing that, he gave the mind-control tyrants what they were after, his broken spirit. And at the same time, he morally betrayed his audience. This is why it is not good to be a blind follower of people who speak in convincing language. Watch what they do, not what they say.


Our common mistake is to SEEK ORDER. A Disorderly Mind does not know what "ORDER" is. Because, a Disorderly Mind does not understand that IT IS DISORDER. By chasing after the opposite of your reality, you are reinforcing the thing you seek to escape. 

J Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 1. Where are we going

Spiritual-Learning is not a cumulative process of building on top of previous states of mind. No. It is completely different from intellectual acquisition. In each present moment you are having emotional feelings and thoughts from listening to media, or people around you, or from just sitting alone thinking. 

J Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 2. Observing Ourselves 

Are you emotionally free to detect EVERYTHING THAT YOU THINK & FEEL without any interference from your emotional-imagination projecting over it? Try it and find out for yourself, if you care to.

J Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 3. Freedom from Fear

The various forms of media are repeating a rather large quantity of messages that are designed to stimulate feelings of despair over our physical security, as well as the Emotional-Security of not being "respected" (a.k.a., fulfilling your Ego/Pride). People have been programmed not just seek the necessities of life; they also unnaturally crave for higher status and prestige through their property and possessions. 

J Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 4. Meditation

It is the emotional drive for unnecessary possessions that leads to ruthlessness, selling out a friend or relative in order to "get ahead". This destroys the Moral-Spirituality at the foundation of your being. Once the foundation CRACKS, the meaning of your life is destroyed and so all of your material acquisitions have no power to make you feel good. So you end up being sadistically cruel and a bitter ball of misery.

J Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 5. What is Love?

The illusory New-World-Order requires that you Spiritually Sellout to Materialism and surrender your body-mind to experimentation, torture and destruction. If the elites and their hired assistants had absolute power, then they would not be dependent upon our Spiritual-Consent in order to cage the world population. Each and every Spiritual-Being has to give into the worship of material things that money can buy.    

J Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 6. Questioning

Student asks, "So, we are the ones who have to solve the problems." And, J.K. replies by telling them that it will be up to you to resolve these problems, because you will grow up and will be faced with suffering if you don't address the psychological-spiritual-emotional crisis within yourself. In other words, each person is responsible for contributing to these social problems of living and is, therefore, accountable for them. This is the whole reason why inquiry and study of ones core-self is crucially important, if we are to survive as harmonious beings. 

There is a tendency for the intellectually trained mind to ask  questions for the purpose of only theorizing about root of the problem that deals with ones mind (in the psychological-emotional-spiritual area). One needs to be careful about asking the "wrong questions" (i.e., rhetorical and superficial in nature), which can only lead to the "wrong answers". However, in asking the "right question", then the "right answer" and the understanding of it is naturally revealed. The trouble is that most minds have been encouraged to evade getting at the heart of the issue. Hence, it would be prudent to be alert to having this tendency to trivialize the problem.

J Krishnamurti - The Answers Of Your Future Are Now 

Is it possible to take a journey, not into the past, but into the "Present" (state of your Emotional-Mind)? After all, the "Present" contains "ALL Time", if you watch very carefully. The "Present" contains ALL of ones stored "Past" memories, experiences and emotional history (both personal or worldly). And, the "Future" is born out of what is taking place in your Emotional-Being "Right-Now". The "Future" will be slightly modified (version of your Emotional-Past Memories) in the "Present". So if we don't closely detect what is going on inside of our mind, then it will automatically modify and repeat its past -- that is the Spiritual-Matrix of Memory (and "memory" is a material process choosing between the emotional-dual opposition). 

Conflict only exists when there is Emotional-Conceptual Division (i.e., "my projected ideals" vs. "your projected ideals" and vise-versa). 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Psychological Conflictology

Media Conditioning And Manipulation - Steven Jacobson


[picture above captured from]

As Below So Is Above

As Below (Low = Tails)
So Is Above (High = Heads)

Foundation (Inner)
Structure (Outer)
Negative Photo Film
Positive Photo
Social Ideology

The Pyramid of our Emotional-Being is projecting the things that are taking place in our world around ourselves. Everything that you see is a result of how you are related to your emotional reactions to anything. If you partially aware of your emotional thoughts and feelings, then you will invent an IMAGE-ILLUSION about yourself. And from that point, you will unquestioningly accept external IMAGES or propaganda. Propaganda is the furthering of a lie masquerading as being truth.

The external pyramid structure is the manifestation of the human psyche, which is the Emotional-Being (a.k.a., Ego = Mind Divided Against Itself). The pyramid of power and oppression cannot be taken down from the outside. It cannot come to an end in its entirety without it, first, ending at its source. By seeking to replace any governing system, you only bring about a modified version of the same thing.

[picture above captured from]

The WHOLE (egocentric) pyramid, from bottom to top, is actually conditioned, corrupt and programmed. Each piece of the psychological-pyramid is competing against the other pieces in order to convince you to CHOOSE a particular piece as being better so that you will emotionally attach or identify yourself with it. Then, you will psychologically shatter and disintegrate along with the rest of the pieces. However in essence, ALL (egotistical) pieces are the same. For, they are ALL rooted or grounded in:


I have been examining the many responses to the tyrannical oppressive videos on YouTube on the Internet. Everyone only offers another “method” to replace the status quo international system that has been in place for centuries. Everyone is reacting to this problem out of sheer EMOTION, which is exactly what the system thrives upon. People are unwittingly supporting the very thing that they oppose, because they are out-of-touch within their spiritual-psychological-emotional being and only want to change the MATERIAL circumstances. That can, and never will, work. Because, it is the spiritual-psychological-emotional being that has brought about these MATERIAL circumstances. 

Steven Jacobson Mind Control

Note:  Mind Control in America (Official) helps people to start questioning what is going on and how to free oneself from being mindless automatic behavior that can lead to dangerous outcomes. Study the problem to understand it so that you wont be taken advantage of. I do not recommend using programming techniques to be free of mind control. It is simply replacing one ego with another. There is no such thing as "good" ego (ego is the outcome of bias which is the rejection of NEUTRAL Energy; you can't be Neutral & Biased at the same time). Only the NEUTRAL Energy can bring HARMONY between the dualistic expression of the Emotional Responses and nothing else. Neutrality is the Communion of ALL of your emotional thoughts/feelings and just letting the energy from ones Neutral Awareness deal with it, alone. Just about all minds are programmed to feel like their thought process can control itself; IT cannot. To do so only perpetuates conflict between the opposite emotional responses and maintains Spiritual Unrest. That in turn brings about IMBALANCE in the physical world, which is why there are so many multiplying problems in the world. Only a Neutral-Based Spiritual State of Mind can resolve the ROOT PROBLEM from which ALL these multifarious problems spring.

If you look at the nature of things you can easily see why it is the inner state of mind that creates the outer manifestations of physical or material circumstances that have become life threatening on a daily basis. Your mind is the seed, and whatever is going on inside that seed determines whatever grows out of it. Your mind has been hacked from childhood. Yet, everybody feels like they understand themselves, right? You have been told WHAT TO THINK and HOW TO THINK by the social authorities that pretend to have your best interest at heart. You are discouraged from questioning the authorities and their contradictory messages. You are socially shunned, condemned or even attacked (both verbally and physically) when you question what is really going on in this world. You have been programmed to allow yourself to be exploited and destroyed for a chosen few to profit. This world is run by pirates dressed up in official costumes of authority and respectability. Yet, in private, these authorities carry on crimes against Nature and Humanity. They use double-speak language to trick the public into submitting themselves to being covertly systematically slaughtered.

[But they can only kill someone that's not being Holistically Self-Aware 
of their emotional programming.]

No one dares to challenge this immoral system. Those who have spoken out have been marginalized and/or killed (but the official records falsely claim their deaths were either done by a lone-nut, accidental or suicide). Whenever an inventor tried to give the world a way to have free-energy, he suffered a mysterious death and his research was stolen by officials so that the public could not benefit from it. And, many cures for diseases have been suppressed. There are two main reasons why this happens. Reason one, the person who discovered the answer was not spiritually-psychologically-emotionally WHOLE. Reason two, the public was not spiritually-psychologically-emotionally WHOLE, as well.

The reason why evil prevails is because the human emotional-mind protects itself from being Holistically-Self-Aware. Most people have been programmed to be a MATERIALISTIC-ZOMBIE. Materialism is not just things, but the Emotional-Image Maker is a materialistic process. Matter is based on the Atom. No Atom = No Matter. The Atom is both MATERIAL (Finite) & SPIRITUAL (Infinite). Intrinsically, this is the Holy Trinity when ALL 3 are 1, then there is Harmony. But, the emotional part of our mind is BROKEN because it has been programmed to focus on the MATERIAL elements by always seeking to be emotionally identified with the Positive or Negative and to ignore the fact that both of these opposites are 2 sides of the same entity.

[Egotistical Anti-Matter of the Spirit Realm of which people are.]

Steven Jacobson does a pretty good job of exposing certain forms of mind control. But, he is incorrect about deprogramming the mind by reprogramming it with so-called "positive information". He has said in his presentations that his techniques have never been used before, but he is incorrect about that, as well. His form of reprogramming the mind is called metaphysics, which is based on replacing negative subliminal affirmations with positive subliminal affirmations (bypassing the conscious layer of consciousness). He says that there is nothing wrong with "programming the emotional part of the mind" so long as the information is "complete" and is "benevolent". 

First point, it is impossible to have "complete information" because the very nature of ALL thought is memory. Memory, by its innate nature is "incomplete"; it is always being added to. He is treating the Emotional/Psychological part of the mind the same as the Technical or Mechanical (left brain) mind. You can program your Technical-Mind with data for material purposes. But, it is erroneous to do that with the Spiritual-Mind. The Technical-Mind is like a "1" and the Spirit-Mind is like a "0" (which is the Universal Language of energy). In the Atom you could say that the electron is a "-1" and the proton is a "+1". The "+1" represents your "Positive Feelings"; and the "-1" represents your "Negative Feelings". So when you Pay Full Attention to both dualistic qualities of expressions of your mind, that brings about a NEUTRAL-HOLISTIC ENERGY OF AWARENESS which brings HARMONY to both types of "Feelings". If one fragmented side tries to act in opposition to the other, then this causes an incomplete and divided mentality. Only NEUTRAL ENERGY can HARMONIZE the opposites. Remember in the Atom at its core foundation is NEUTRALITY (that means that energy has NO "Negative" or "Positive" elements, yet it is the Spiritual Entity that makes the 2 "opposite" energies HARMONIZE, for without that NEUTRAL ENERGY, the opposite halves must be at odds with one another. There's no getting around that fact.

As far as programming the mind with benevolent intentions, that is an impossibility simply because only the SPIRIT-OF-NEUTRAL (Unbiased) OBSERVATION OF BOTH "Negative" and "Positive" Emotional Responses is the very essence of BENEVOLENCE. Emotional Memory can never ever be "benevolent" without being in COMMUNION with both halves of its whole Emotional-Being (which is ALL Emotional Responses either "Positive" or "Negative"). Our Emotional Mind is no different than a kind of battery which has a "Positive" or "Negative" content. If you program your mind to banish one of these opposite emotional feelings, then you have DIVIDED your WHOLE EMOTIONAL BEING. And, that is Spiritual Suicide! That is the real reason why people are susceptible to mind control (I call it conditioning). No mind that is Holistically monitoring both sides of its Emotional Being can be hacked, controlled or deceived. 

In order to be deceived by others, you first have to be in a emotional state of self-deceit. Whenever you program yourself to believe that you are the opposite of how you initially feel, then you are deceiving yourself. That is why when external messages coming from priest, politicians and people you associate in your daily life can con you and you can't detect it. But, if you never oppose your own emotional responses to any challenge in your daily life and you simply pay close attention your your feelings, without seeking to change them to suit your subjective desires, then that very attention is NEUTRAL, UNBIASED and WHOLE. Your mind is an ATOMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. And, at the center of it is your QUALITY OF ATTENTION. ATTENTION IS NOT PROGRAMMING. ATTENTION IS NOT MEMORY. So there's no need for making in declarations or affirmations at all. 

We have never been educated outside of using our memory to project itself as being the answer to ALL PROBLEMS. That may work on any technical, mechanical or material issue. But, memory has no place in the Spirit-Emotional-Psychological Realm. This understanding has been vehemently rejected by THOUGHT because it wants to "PLAY GOD". It (Ego) wants to save itself through its beliefs, affirmations, ideals, dogmas, pagan witchcraft or sorcery. All of that is based on EMOTIONALISM! EMOTIONALISM is when you think something because you "LIKE" it, period. You are feeding that "EMOTIONAL-LIKE". And, the media plays on that flaw. It goes against our emotional nature to acknowledge our flaws. So the politicians, religions and other mind-controllers strokes your Ego by telling you things that you "LIKE-TO-HEAR". Then when you swallow those emotional pleasing concepts, your Emotional Being doesn't care if it is accepting lies, because it just want to feel emotional fulfilled. 

Watch and listen carefully to politicians how they get you to sign in the Patriot Act (which is based on the former Soviet Union Communist Act - go look it up to confirm that fact). So-called Americans approved it because they were very terrified after the attack on the New York Trade Center. Then the (corporate) President of (USA, INC.) gave a speech that told you everything that you DESIRED-TO-HEAR. The Patriot Act had already been written months before that tragedy. So they just need to upset the public so that it would welcome anything to help escape from being emotional disturbed. And, this process is repeated for the next time "the-powers-that-be"  wish to trick the public into giving up more of its liberties, one by one until you find yourselves in a totalitarian lock down situation. Then, you will look around and wonder how did you end up here where you are under a communist regime.

Even though what I telling you may be upsetting. If you don't want to contribute to a system of being linked to a computer chip and controlled, totally, then you had better get over the discomfort and wise up fast. Don't be mad at the messenger, but pay close attention to the message because it is a warning. I, personally, don't depend on anybody taking what I have to say seriously. But, it is my moral responsibility to make these things known in order to give an opportunity to those people out there who are wondering what the heck is going on in this insane and dangerous world and want to find out if doom can be averted, intelligently and wisely. No matter if people remain loyal to their self-deceit or not, I'm Holistically Communing with both opposite feelings and thoughts as they arise from other people stimulating me with their words, behavior, etc. They act as the stimuli to my Emotional Being. But after they stimulate my feelings, I turn inward and feel myself and absorb that WHOLE EMOTIONAL RESPONSE (which is the essence of me - this is the real SPIRITUAL REALM). How you deal with your feelings will determine what happens to your physical or material world. 

So far most people have been hiding from their TRUE FEELINGS by turning to friends, entertainment, or positive or negative dogmas in order to feel safe. But, its a false sense of security. It is unreal. Then all of a sudden all hell breaks loose and then people look shocked and dazed by these tragic events. They haven't got a clue that each person has contributed to these terrible happenings just by remaining oblivious to what their Emotional Being is doing in itself. There is an assumption that there's nothing dangerous about believing (it doesn't matter "what" one believes). Because, all beliefs fuel propaganda, which in turn fuels lies and makes people go join a murdering organization to get revenge based on their belief that some group of people attacked them. But the leaders that told you who hurt you is secretly the one who plotted and orchestrated the attack. But that is too emotionally to accept so the public would rather "Believe" the lie and attack the wrong party. Meanwhile, the controllers are making huge profits and laughing at the dumb public behind their backs. And, they can't wait to do the same trick all over again. 

This is why it is so important to stop focusing on other people's wrongdoings and inquire into your own psychological-emotional-spiritual blindness and understand it clearly. Once you ACTUALLY SEE how your emotional-mind works, then the mind controllers can hack your emotional-spiritual being. Then when they try to do their same old tricks, it will backfire and they will suffer from their own self-deceit. What Steve Jacobson fails to tell you is that the psyche-controllers are themselves self-deceived. These magicians who conjure up curses and spells of misfortune for the masses reply 100% on you to protect your ignorance about how your emotional-mind works. 

By just WATCHING & FEELING your responses, there is a Spiritual-Wisdom that naturally emerges WITHOUT your EGO taking control to make it happen. You need to be sensitively alert to how your programming can kick in after you detect your feelings. If you like the emotional response, you will want to wallow in it. But if you don't, you will want to seek a BELIEVE, IDEAL or DOGMA to find comfort. To comfort your Emotional Being is to SACRIFICE YOUR PHYSICAL SECURITY (not other of personal self, but also of your children too). Look what happens when you BELIEVE the lying healthcare authorities about the vaccines being safe for your kids. Look at what happens to their PHYSICAL WELL BEING (just so you can feel emotional secure by believing them); the children are paying the price by having deformed brains and bodies. When the emotional is fed what it "LIKE-TO-HEAR", the material world goes out of balance (the economy, environment or health suffers more and more and more). This is coming from the imbalance that is taking place in the SPIRIT-REALM! 

So when you react to anything that is taking place in your life, it's your moral responsibility to REMAIN IN TOUCH WITH YOUR DISTURBING EMOTIONAL RESPONSES so that there can be a NATURAL RELEASE OF NEUTRAL ENERGY into the SPIRIT REALM OF YOUR EMOTIONAL BEING. It's not magical. After all what happens when you are driving down the highway and you suddenly are not paying attention and you feel your car wheels hitting up against those road bumps near an embankment near the edge of a cliff? Don't you instantly sense danger of having a major accident. THAT IS THE NEUTRAL ENERGY OF AWARENESS MAKING YOU FEEL ALERT AND YOU INSTINCTIVELY VEER BACK INTO THE SAFE PART OF THE ROAD, don't you? It is that AWARENESS OF UNAWARENESS that is NEUTRAL ENERGY THAT DOES THE RIGHT THING. This is why you don't need to reprogram your mind in order to be free from mind control. Thought is the programmer and thought is the problem. Once you REALIZE this fact, then thought understands that it can do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (which "NOTHING" is what the "NEUTRON" in the Atom is, but that "NOTHING" is "EVERYTHING"). That "NOTHING" is the only form of non-positive-non-negative ENERGY that can non-violently end Ego.

The point of mind-control is to frighten you, make you confused and make you run toward danger for help. And the controllers are there to "HELP YOU" (NOT)! They secretly  cause the problem. Then, they pretend like they want to save you, but first, you have to place yourself in a disadvantaged position, and then everything will be alright. By the time you figure out the fact that you've been conned, it's too late; the damage is already done. Your greatest challenge is NOT the threats coming from outside of your body, it's your own desire to be emotionally comforted by pleasant-sounding lies (dressed as being the true answer to your worries). Once you investigate this area of your life, you will find that real solutions begin to arise. 

The REAL-CREATOR (I prefer NOT to use the word "GOD" because it always implies a "positive" form of energy - "positive" being the "proton" or the "male" outward energy). The REAL-CREATOR is NEUTRAL (neither "negative" or "positive"). The
REAL-CREATOR equally holds both the "negative" & "positive" expressions of your Emotional Being. So there is no split between the 2 halves of your TOTAL MIND. A mind that is WHOLE UNTO ITSELF is impenetrable. How can any man-made mind control every hack into The REAL-CREATOR? How can energy that is fragmentary, partial overcome an energy that is MEASURELESS, TIMELESS and WHOLE? That's impossible. So your Emotional Mind can only be truly secure by understanding itself through DIRECT ATTENTION WITHOUT YOU CONTROLLING WHATEVER YOU DETECT UNFOLDING IN YOUR MIND. 

Mind control works because you are trying to control your thoughts/feelings. When there is only CLEAR DIRECT PERCEPTION-COMMUNION WITH YOUR FEELINGS, there's no control - only the release of Neutral Energy of Self-Observation. That may sound easy, but it isn't because you have been programmed to want to try to do something about what you detect in your feelings. They have told you that you can change your emotions through willpower. When you do that, you open the door for the outside agents to exercise their egotistical will against you, and it succeeds in doing great harm to your life. 

The powers-that-be don't have ABSOLUTE POWER. Their power solely rests on your devotion to your EGO to want to "PLAY GOD"  by trying to control its feelings through imposing self-thought control by believing that you feel happy when you really feel sad. It is important to actually embrace your sadness, which listens to it completely. After any emotion is allowed to FREELY tell its WHOLE STORY, then the ENERGY OF LISTENING IS NEUTRAL because it is not opposing nor surrendering to its state of being. It is paying full attention; that's neither positive or negative. Do you get it now? Your consciousness is ATOMIC which naturally requires a NEUTRAL CENTER in order for both opposite halves of emotions to freely express themselves and yet be at peace. This is SPIRITUAL FREEDOM, which naturally begets ALL solutions to any material, physical, economic problem. And if any outside agent tries to interfere with your well being, they must self-destruct.

It's like the old 1960's Roadrunner cartoon. The Roadrunner was a metaphor for Neutral Self-Awareness (non-violent benevolent being). And the other character, Wile E. Coyote was a metaphor for the Ego that wanted to impose his will and dominate the Roadrunner. The Roadrunner is TIMELESS NEUTRAL ENERGY that could defy the laws of physics and run straight though stones, walls, etc. But when the Emotional Mind (Ego) tried to do the same thing, it would get knocked out because it is limited matter. But when your quality of observation is grounded in Unbiased (Neutral) Self-Observation of your feelings, then your mind transforms into being NEUTRAL; there is no more Ego; there is no more mind control in your entire Emotional Being (that includes both your conscious and subconscious layers).

I'm writing from the HEART. This is not theoretical. I test this out with my life, everyday. I am 62 years old now. I began this experiment in the Spiritual Realm when I was 21 years old. I have had my life threatened frequently. I face how those external threats make me feel. I do nothing but pay attention to how I feel about anything taking place in my life. In the beginning, I felt almost an uncontrollable urge to want to improve my feelings and make them more pleasant. But when I did that, things became deadly dangerous. So I began to understand the wisdom in DOING NOTHING BUT OBSERVING MYSELF RESPOND IN MY PSYCHE or SPIRIT. And at first, I was astonished at how things always got resolved and I was able to come through some extremely dangerous situations without a scratch. This is where I felt the presence of GOD/THE CREATOR/THE NEUTRON OF AWARENESS. I can feel my Ego want to take over and fix things. But after many attempts and nearly losing my life, I wised up and detected the futility in using my willpower. 

I study human behavior based on their programmed beliefs and how that is the underlying factor of ALL our human problems. So in reality, there is only ONE PROBLEM TO DEAL WITH:  YOUR MIND! If your mind is WHOLE, it can't be CONQUERED/CONTROLLED. That why the people who put together this mind control system want you to obey it without any questioning. They don't like people who question things. A highly intelligent mind inquires into why things are happening the way they are. Deceivers hate being questioned because they just want to control you. It makes them feel valuable, important and most of all "God-like". Even the Devil wants to be a deity. So don't waste your time being so concerned about Satan. Satan is a hypnotic word, the Devil is a hypnotic word, God is a hypnotic word. The REAL CREATOR has NO NAME BECAUSE IT IS NEUTRAL AND ONLY LIVES IN YOUR SELF-AWARENESS (and nowhere else). You can't access THE CREATOR, externally.

But I must warn you NOT to assume that THE CREATOR is in you, automatically. When you feed your Ego, that feeding slams the door on NEUTRAL AWARENESS. So that means that THE CREATOR is being forbidden from expressing itself through your Emotional-Spiritual Being. When your Emotional Being is fragmented it is evil, demonic, destructive -- even when you declare yourself to be a Christian, Islamic, Jewish, Satanic, Hinduism, and all of the emotional projected images wrapped in any dogmatic formula. I am not giving you a formula. Formulas are memory based, which is why you have "positive" beliefs and "negative" beliefs and they are polarized like the "heads" & "tails" of a single coin. I hear people condemning the Luciferians, Satanists, Atheists, but they are just the flip side of your own Emotional Spirit Being when you fail to be in touch with or pay full attention to both opposite emotional feelings, equally. Remember, when you add a "-1" and a "+1" they naturally form a ZERO-POINT, which is NEUTRAL, right. NEUTRALITY IS TOTAL BALANCE IN THE SPIRIT BEING. Nothing can hijack WHOLENESS. So nobody, I don't care who they are, can defy these absolute truths. Once you realize that, YOU'RE NO LONGER AN EGO-DRIVEN SLAVE. 

You see, the "elites" ARE ALL EGO-DRIVEN SLAVES. That is why the system is a mirror reflection of their Spiritual Nature. But they don't want to get destroyed so they have tricked the masses into becoming slave to their Ego. How did they do this? They made you become a patriot to your nation. They made you join a dogmatic "religion" (which is really a superstition based on fear that is masquerading as being a religion). They made you play sports so that you would emotionally identify with "YOUR TEAM" so that you can feel superior when the other team loses. That conditioned you to look at war as if it were a team sport. So you wont feel bad when you murder another Spiritual Being. When you do that, your Spirit Dies, too. This is why veterans return from the war Spiritually Dead and they have nightmares and are never free from them. They can't turn the killing off. So they become cops so their killing can be excused and praised and pretend like they are doing it to protect the public. They are helping the banksters to rob the public under color of law. At the same time they are feeding their Ego to feel like they are more valuable than the public.

So when you hear about so-called "good" or "innocent" people who are being murdered at random; it is not random at all. Their physical security is able to be breached simply because they are not watching ALL of their thoughts and feelings, equally. They are Ego-Driven, which destroys innocence. Children and babies are murdered due to their parents Spiritual Corruption (even when they think they are "good" due to "believing in a god which they think is real"). THE CREATOR IS ALIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENTS OF SELF-OBSERVATION TO ALL OF YOUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES. THE CREATOR LIES AT THE FOUNDATION OF ALL ATOMS. AND THE HUMAN MIND IS ATOMIC! There is only Atomic Balance when you equally pay attention to your POSITIVE & NEGATIVE EMOTIONS, EQUALLY! THE CREATOR MADE BOTH HALVES FOR YOU TO PERCEIVE THEM BOTH. YOUR MIND IS BOTH HALVES (just like you have 2 halves of your physical brain). But that brain is the matter born from the SPIRITUAL 2 HALVES OF YOUR EMOTIONAL OPPOSITE FEELINGS. It is wickedness to DIVIDE BY CHOOSING TO ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR POSITIVE SIDE AND IGNORE YOUR NEGATIVE; OR TO ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR NEGATIVE SIDE AND  IGNORE YOUR POSITIVE SIDE -- TO PLAY FAVORITES EITHER WAY IS TO BE EVIL, WICKED.

This is why I say that reprogramming your mind to a "positive" desired thought or feeling is divisive and is a rejection to NEUTRAL SELF-EXAMINATION. The real meaning of life is for you to KNOW THYSELF by DIRECT CONTACT WITH YOUR SELF-EXPRESSIONS THAT ARISE IN YOUR DAILY LIFE AS YOU INTERACT WITH THE WORLD AROUND YOU. THEN YOU CAN WISELY DEAL WITH ANYTHING THROWN AT YOU. That's because NEUTRAL ENERGY MADE ALL ATOMS AND KNOWS THE SOLUTION TO ANY PROBLEM THAT ANY ATOM CAN MAKE. And, let's not forget that these people who THINK they are "gods", what are they made out of? ATOMS; JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. They are NOT "superior". They are subject to ATOMIC LAWS OF ENERGY the same as you or I. They have no power to determine your or my fate. You are doing that by remaining blindly obedient to your EGO (which chooses one side of itself to hold onto and ignores the other emotions, which ends up down below in your subconscious, which most people superstitiously call, "The Devil"). 

There is only ONE MIND, and when it divides it pretends to be "god-like" and "devil-like". But when you understand that you are the "heads-tails" of your feelings, then you see the stupidity of shunning one side of your emotional being. You then realize that you can't run away from yourself. When people do that, they end up committing suicide, murder or get murdered or cause their body's atoms to fall apart and created diseases that kill itself. Atoms work in harmony because they are intrinsically rooted in NEUTRALITY. But when you think in opposition and choose a side of your emotional being (either the "positive" or "negative" side), then your atoms begin to disintegrate. Neutral Energy released during self-awareness brings about synergy in your entire atomic being (both in the material body and in the spiritual mind). But it is your Emotional Being that is the very FOUNDATION of your entire being that determines what happens to your physical and material life. After the matter dies, your spirit remains to be assigned another Atomic Structure to live again so that you can learn about yourself in a brand new DNA being. NEUTRAL ENERGY MAKES THE DNA forms of life. And all material life folds back into its NEUTRAL-CREATOR to be born ANEW. So we are spiritually immortal. 

But those who are rogue spirit energies (like the so-called "elite"), they are trapped in a purgatory in between life and death and can't escape. They will remain there until they realize that they are in grave error. ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET THE MIND FREE. THE TRUTH IS NEUTRAL SELF-AWARENESS. There just is no getting around it. This is NOT A BELIEF!!! This fact -- like touching electricity with wet hands will shock the hell out of you. That's not a belief. It doesn't matter if you are royalty or a bum, handling electricity with wet hands will shock the hell out of you. Similarly, without being in direct contact with ALL of your emotional responses equally (be they "negative" or "positive"), your problems will increase. 

Now, the so-called wealthy are pretending like their riches are making them happy. But, if they were happy, they wouldn't be seeking to control and harm the world, would they? A happy mind is contented and is living in THE TRUTH OF SELF-AWARENESS. Since they are clearly not doing that, then they are in EMOTIONAL-HELL! To distract themselves from their emotional torment, they busy themselves with schemes on trying to conquer the world to make it their private amusement park. Torturing people so they can try to numb themselves to their internal misery. You see, they don't want you to bow down to them. They want much more than that. They WANT YOU TO BE MISERABLE ALONG WITH THEM. MISERY LOVES COMPANY! They can't allow the masses to be free from emotional misery. So they hire mental experts to come up with all sorts of ways to get the public to run away from themselves, emotionally. They make people want to find happiness OUTSIDE of their mind. That is, of course, impossible, and they know that. So they manipulate the economy to get you to be focused on material loss. That will keep your mind busy and very scared.

But if fear is their #1 WEAPON OF PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE, then what will happen if you HOLISTICALLY (without bias) OBSERVE FEAR AS IT ARISES. Remember, fear is a product of thinking about what might happen in the future; or, brooding over what has happened in the past. So when you are alert and watchful of this process within yourself, your detection is a spiritual wisdom that awakens CLARITY. Where there is CLARITY, there is no confusion, so there is no fear, right? This is the "elite's" worst nightmare, which is, the people wake up to the spiritual error of their ways and no longer fear SEEING THE TRUTH ABOUT THEIR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES. Why be afraid of yourself. Aren't you your feelings and thoughts? Would you be afraid of your big toe? Of course not! It's a part of your, right? So look at your mind for what it is, IT IS YOU! So why shun your "negative" feelings? I don't mean to suggest that you obey them. No, no, no! I mean PAY FULL ATTENTION to them. That Energy Is Neutral, which means it is not obeying, opposing nor ignoring; ATTENTION means to PERCEIVE EXACTLY WHAT YOU FEEL (not what you would like to feel). Is that not being in touch with THE TRUTH? TRUTH IS NEUTRAL -- IT'S JUST WHAT IS SO! ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET THE SPIRIT FREE FROM CONFUSION/FEAR. Once you understand this, the "elites" have no power over your Emotional Being or your Physical Being. 

When I'm faced with possible physical death, I realize that the "elite" were never after my flesh; they are after my SOUL! They want me to die with a DIVIDED SPIRIT so that I will be trapped in the same hell they are trapped in (never being able to begin life anew). Also, we are all a part of the COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS SPIRITUAL ENERGY FIELD. If I die while being Holistically Grounded in Neutral Energy, then my death will impact and cause a radical paradigm shift in the entire COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS SPIRITUAL ENERGY FIELD. That, I feel, is the real main reason why the system ends up having to give me access to my physical necessities of life which they have stolen and are blocking. They always play this game of "chicken". You know what I mean right? "Chicken" is a slang term for when 2 vehicles go blazing down the highway on the same lane on a collision course, and at the lassssssssst minute, one of the drivers veer off to avert a crash. 

Now then, I maintain a STRAIGHT COURSE DOWN THE ROAD. WHAT IS THAT COURSE YOU ASK? I keep OBSERVING WHOLE-SELF NO MATTER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES PRESENT THEMSELVES. I KEEP STEADY IN THE GROUNDING OF UNBIASED OBSERVATION AND NOTHING ELSE (literally). I don't give a damn if I die. I am going to die anyway. All I care about is my Spiritual Integrity is in tact upon my biological expiration. I put my Spiritual Essence in the hands of the REAL CREATOR OF ALL ATOMS to be in charge of my death and birth. If this Neutral Energy Created ALL ATOMIC FORMS OF ENERGY, then it KNOWS WHAT THE HELL ITS DOING, but the Emotional Ego does NOT! 

So I am not afraid of my Ego, which is the same as everybody's Ego. Once you know your Ego, you know the "elite's" Ego and everyone's. Fear is when you don't understand a thing. But when you come into direct contact with the thing called YOU, then fear no longer exists. You are beyond fear. You understand that death-birth are 2 sides of the same coin of REALITY. So there's nothing to fear about it. So when you have nothing to lose, you can't be controlled at all. So mind control can get its hooks in a mind that is facing the Truth about its own nature. I've had no problems going to a store where there are hypnotic suggestions telling me what to buy. I only get the things that I absolutely need by my practical needs. Nothing more or less. I'm fully alert and aware of the backward speak, double-speak and fake compliments. 

How can a mind that is out of touch with itself be truly benevolent? It cannot. So they don't mean it when they say, "Have a nice day" or "Have a good one." That's the Ego jerking your chain. It's in hell so it knows nothing about "having a nice day." I hear the subconscious messages of suggestive language. Thought is a contradiction. So when they consciously say, "Have a nice day." They are subconsciously saying, "Have a cursed day". Heads & Tails are in direct opposition without Holistic, Neutral, Unbiased Self-Learning (of which most people are not doing). This is why THE SYSTEM IS A NETWORK OF EGOS (CONSCIOUS-SUBCONSCIOUS) THAT ARE IN A PERPETUAL STATE OF WAR. THAT MEANS EGO IS DISINTEGRATING SO THE SYSTEM IS DISINTEGRATING. LET IT DISINTEGRATE OUT OF EXISTENCE. THEN a BRAND NEW WORLD ORDER ROOTED IN NEUTRALITY WILL BE BORN UPON ITS NATURAL DEMISE. For where there is death, birth must follow. So I'm not upset with the ending of the world that the Ego built. It needs to end.

So when you transform your mind, your Ego is dying so that your WHOLENESS OF MIND may be born. You can't seek WHOLENESS OR NEUTRALITY. It is a byproduct of detecting that with is deceptive, false. To see the false is the only way to realize THE TRUTH! To seek the truth is to be forever entangled in deception, mind control

Belief is the opposition of an emotional state of being that one does not want to acknowledge. So whenever we are scared, we project the emotional affirmation of being brave and courageous. Every belief is an image conjured out of imagination which comes from PAST MEMORIES (EXPERIENCES). We superimpose a desired state of mind over the undesired-fact of how we initially feel or think. The rejected thought or feeling goes down below into our Subconscious which gathers up all rejected thoughts and feelings our conscious wishes to ignore. This causes a SCHISM in the entire emotional-mind. I distinguish the emotional-mind from the technical-mechanical-mind because imagination has its rightful function as a blueprint for technical and physical matters. I am only discussing the emotional-mind because it is this part of the mind that has created the oppressive tyranny in our lives and is threatening the extinction of the world.

The MATERIAL (Finite) part of the ATOM is a dualistic, polarized energy having opposite characteristics of POSITIVE-NEGATIVE (Proton-Electron). The Emotional Feelings/Thoughts that react to anything that happens to us or around us either are Negative (Painful) or Positive (Pleasurable). Our minds are trained to CHOOSE between whatever we “LIKE” & “DISLIKE”, emotionally. As soon as you CHOOSE the thing that you “LIKE”, then what you “DISLIKE” goes into the background of your mind and sabotages everything that your conscious-mind “LIKES”. 

 Mind Control in America - Steven Jacobson



So that means that your entire emotional-being has split itself into and has artificially created 2 emotional-minds (that imagines that they are not related at all), then they battle against each other. Your internal civil warfare manifests itself by making so-called 'friends' & 'enemies'. The 'friends' support your emotional conscious opinions, beliefs or ideals while your 'enemies' support your emotional subconscious opinions, beliefs or ideals. This is what causes people to suddenly expose secrets (and wind up getting covertly murdered).

The NEUTRON is the SPIRITUAL (Infinite) area of the ATOM is WHOLE, because it contains NO parts nor can it be measured (it is Empty, Mysterious, Unknown – The VOID is the SOURCE OF THE ATOM/MATTER). In a mind that is rooted in Neutrality, there is no problem being aware, without choosing between feelings that one may “LIKE” & “DISLIKE”, for ALL feelings and thoughts are equally OBSERVED. So that the emotional being fully listens to itself under any and all circumstances. The matter is the thought or feeling because it is the memory that has a beginning and ending and is opposite in expression. But the OBSERVATION is neither positive nor negative which is why ALL feelings and thoughts naturally dissolve after they have had a chance to fully express itself. Such a mind is totally free to express itself, without any thought trying to take control and repress it.

[Return HOME to that NEUTRAL-ENERGY that equally OBSERVES ALL emotions.]


Everybody's Emotional-Being is exactly the same, fundamentally. Everyone has negative and positive thoughts and feelings. Everyone CHOOSES to emotionally identify with either its positive thoughts and feelings or its negative thoughts and feelings. Everybody uses their emotional-imagination to invent an IMAGE/BELIEF about themselves to cover up their true emotional feelings and thoughts. Everyone who CHOOSES 1 side of their emotional-mind over the other is a SPLIT PERSONALITY (either their conscious persona is projecting a Positive Mask or a Negative Mask and their subconscious thoughts and feelings are the real ones). Everyone is in a perpetual state of internal civil war within their entire emotional being. Everyone is in denial about being their own worst enemy. Everyone is hiding from themselves by fixating on the flaws of others. Everyone is seeking the remedy to the problems of survival through material or physical solutions, alone. Nobody cares about learning about their inner workings within their emotional being.

What this means is that the so-called “elites” are just as confused as the masses. But, they are much more cunning. The “elites” have figured out a way to make the masses take on the emotional burdens of the “elites”. The dirty little secret is that the emotional-being of everyone is in HELL because there is NO PEACE. In other words a divided spirit or emotional-being is trapped in a perpetual state of misery, suffering or agony. The “elites” pretend that their goal is to rule over the masses. But, that's not the real aim; they are miserable, deep down inside, and they want the rest of the world to suffer more so that they can pretend to themselves that they have escaped from their private turmoil.

You see, all the material things in the world can't save them from emotional anguish. That is why they have meetings to plot against Humanity to make them suffer more and more and more. All of their material wealth can't save them from their conscious-subconscious private war within their own emotional being. They project lies in order to convince themselves that they are much better off than the rest of the world. They project images/lies that they are different from the poor people. Only on the surface are they different, but in the psyche, they are the exact same as everyone else. They are not just greedy seeking more material wealth. Oh no. They are trying to own the material world in order to create the illusion that they are superior to the rest the world. Again, they are programmed, conditioned and enslaved to their Ego (just like everyone else is). The Ego is a slave to itself which is the continuity of dividing itself against itself. Everybody's Ego is trying to make a material world WITHOUT a NEUTRAL FOUNDATION! And, that is a recipe for total ANNIHILATION. All Egos that feed their Egos are working, not to a one world government, but TOTAL DESTRUCTION. These spiritual-psychological-emotional meltdowns in Human history have happened many times in ancient history.

[Internally they're all enslaved by their Ego – Just the same as the masses.]

What happens is the same thing keeps repeating; after annihilation, Humanity has to start all over rebuilding technological knowledge. But, they increase their intellect, first, and then they fail to be Holistically Aware of ALL their emotional responses (both Positive and Negative thoughts and feelings). When the mind progresses in technical knowledge WITHOUT being Holistically Aware, then they must destroy themselves with their advanced technology. The only thing that can prevent this from happening is the realization that the Neutron in our Emotional Being must be present in order for the material-knowledge to be used in a safe and harmonious manner. But, the Human Mind resists with every ounce of its being against understanding this FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH! It is erroneous to blame the “elites” for these horrible circumstances in our lives. Each person who fails to ask themselves, “What is my part in this mess in the world?”

Instead of digging up dirt about the “elites” and their evil schemes against the world, why don't we wise up by doing a DEEP REALITIY-CHECK on ourselves (i.e., our Ego)? For, in the clear understanding of our emotional programming, we exit the restrictive realm of materialism and enter into the FREEDOM OF A NEUTRAL SPIRIT (or emotional-being that is NOT divided against itself). The main reason why you and most of people were programmed to be against yourselves was so that the “elite” could conquer/control your lives so that they can feel important to themselves. Without having something to conquer/rule over, the “elites” feel worthless to themselves. Their so-called power is solely dependent on mental or emotional domination. However, they CANNOT dominate an emotional being that is WHOLE unto itself.

They deliberately leak their horrible plans they have in store for the world so that you will have the predictable emotional reaction of anger and fighting against it, which further splits your conscious-subconscious mind. While you consciously say that you hate the “elites”, they know that your subconscious is setting you up to fall into all of their cleverly hidden traps (i.e., messages in their owned media platforms, fake governments that are really profit-making corporations, false-flag operations, etc.).

The masses are easily controlled to think and feel what they think and feel while they think that they have figured things out for themselves. So long as you are out of touch with your emotional-being and do not clearly understand yourself, you will fall for all of the “elite's” tricks. They will prosper off of your suffering. But, the “elites” will still remain miserable no matter how much they make the masses suffer and die. The more they hurt the world, the more they suffer deep down inside, because they can't escape the fact that LIFE IS ONE UNIVERSAL ENERGY made of Atoms. And, ALL Atoms are ENTANGLED. They cannot hurt the world without also hurting themselves. You may not see their pain. But, I can see their pain very easily because I am Holistically Self-Observant in my daily life. I realize that what they do to the world also reflects their internal state of affairs. “Elites” can't treat the world any different than the way they emotionally treat themselves (within their clan and within their personal minds).

The “elites” are self-hating entities. The proof is that a loving, peaceful person does not go around deliberately harming others. If a person seeks to cause harm, it is only because they have already hurt themselves. The beginning of hurt starts when the emotional-mind lies to itself in order to try to escape from feelings and thoughts that it does not want to acknowledge. That is the fundamental way all emotional-minds think. However, an enlightened emotional-being awakens to the error of its ways and stops trying to escape from being in touch with ALL of its initial emotional responses. The is clarity and understanding the fact that I AM MY EMOTIONAL RESPONSES (both Positive & Negative ones). If I am my feelings and thoughts, then I CANNOT escape from myself. Seeking to escape from how I feel and think is self-destructive causing mental suffering. That is the beginning of mental HELL.

[More “perception management” by the “elites”. Are you waking up yet?]

Nobody can escape mental HELL. But, it is possible to realize that YOUR MIND IS THE CAUSE OF MENTAL HELL, then you understand that you have no choice but to study, examine exactly what brings that HELL into existence. By understanding that, there is no escaping from oneself at all. When the mind stops escaping due to understanding the futility and stupidity of doing that, then the mind is naturally Holistically Communing with ALL of its thoughts and feelings (both its Negative & Positive ones, equally). The communion with ones WHOLE Emotional-Mind is NEUTRAL ENERGY. It's the COMMUNION WITH ONES FEELINGS & THOUGHTS that resolves all confusion, misery and peace abounds ones mind, without trying to seek peace.

A peaceful mind has no interest in causing others to suffer. That is why I know for an absolute fact that the so-called “elites” are in mental HELL. They do nothing but think about how to bring about more pain to others. The pain and suffering of others is what makes them think that they have escaped from their own emotional pain and suffering. On the contrary, it is only intensifying their agony. This is why their subconscious emotional-mind is seeking to actually DESTROY THE WORLD! They want to escape from their mental pain so badly that they are willing to annihilate the world.

[I am NOT a fan of this person. But I find value in this above statement.]

The technological knowledge has reached a deadly level that is capable of easily destroying life on Earth. The only thing stopping all of these technologies from doing that is the mentalities on Earth that are Holistic. How do I know that to be true? Simple. There is an Eternal Law of Energy which is based on the Spirit Realm upon which the Material Realm rests. If the entire Human Consciousness (which is also the Spirit) is fragmented, then that will cause the TOTAL ENDING OF OUR MATERIAL WORLD. As long as there are people who are in TOTAL TOUCH WITH THEIR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES, then the MATERIAL WORLD IS SAFE.

I have noticed an increased effort to bring more pressure against my physical survival. Many things are happening to increase scarcity in my personal life. This is being done in order to try to influence me into being overly concerned about my physical well being. The test here is to try to get me to value my Physical Being over and above my Spiritual Clarity of Being. The Collective Subconscious Ego is ganging up on my life trying to create the illusion that I cannot have access to material necessities for my survival. The whole point of this tactic is to get me to worry about dying. And, the get me to seek to escape from the thoughts and feelings that these circumstances are stirring up in my emotional-being.

I realize that the Purpose Of LIFE is 100% SPIRITUAL CLARITY. Nothing is more important than that. So whatever situation I face in my daily life, I understand that paying close attention to ALL of my thoughts and feelings with regard to these challenges determines their outcome. I understand that Matter is about 1 percent of Energy Of LIFE, and the Spirit is 99 percent. What that means is that 99 percent of all Energy lies within PURE OBSERVATION/COMMUNION with the material thoughts and feelings. Matter is dualistic (positive-negative polarity).

[But there can be no Newness/Neutrality without Holistic Self-Perception]

The thing that is being OBSERVED is 1 percent of reality. It does matter “what” you are OBSERVING or COMMUNING with. The Object-of-Observation can be negative or positive in expression, which is irrelevant. The only thing that really matter is the QUALITY OF AWARENESS must be HOLISTIC. The moment that you CHOOSE to OBSERVE pleasant thoughts and feelings in preference to disturbing thoughts and feelings, then your “awareness” is corrupted which brings about disaster and emotional HELL within your Emotional Being.

The game that the Collective Subconscious Ego plays with me is threatening my life with the desperate hope that I will be scared of dying so much so that I ignore my emotional responses. But, I understand certain truths about energy of which we all are. The Finite Matter (which is negative & positive halves interdependent on each other as one unit) was born out of the Infinite Spirit (the real Creator who is NEUTRAL). The Circle Of Life is where Finite-Matter is born of Infinite-Spirit and fold back into where it came from after its material journey ends. It is obvious that a finite-measurable thing can never make an infinite-measureless thing. So it stands to reason that the Spiritual-Infinite Energy embodies ALL answers to ALL finite-material problems.

 [Instead of “fixing” Holistically Observing it, the Energy of Observation fixes it.]

That is why nothing is more important than Holistic Self-Communion with ALL of your emotional thoughts and feelings while going through any situation. The Neutral-Energy born out of that Holistic Self-Communion with my finite feelings and thoughts acts upon ALL problems which are naturally resolved (without any effort coming from myself).

Now, this is very hard to accept by most people. They think that their thought can fix anything. But when your Emotional Being IS THE PROBLEM, it can only continue the problem, and nothing else. That is why the problems are magnifying and proliferating, everyday. And, the average person doesn't realize that they are making it happen, not the “elites”. The failure to LOOK WITHIN is SPIRITUAL CORRUPTION which breeds an increase in dangers to physical survival. Economy is getting worse; health problems are getting worse; threats to personal freedom is getting worse. This is because people are Spiritually Shattered and they are shielding that state of affairs. Meanwhile, they focus on their external oppressors. And the oppressors want the public to focus on the external threats and ignore understanding their emotional-mind. Because, the rulers know that if people were to ever Holistically Commune with their Whole Emotional Being, then if they try to destroy the public that does that, it would backfire and they would self-destruct.

Everybody's personal world contains the whole world. So what goes on in my personal world is sub-atomically linked to the whole world. When you understand this fact, then you will begin to see the importance of HOW YOU OBSERVE your EMOTIONAL-MIND impacts the WHOLE. Because we are Spiritual Being wrapped in Material Bodies, it is our Spirit that determines the fate of our bodies. No leader can make that determination for your life. Each Emotional Being has the power to be free of tyranny. However, the tyranny must end in your own Spirit Realm by Communing with ALL thoughts and feelings (both negative & positive, equally). Then your Spirit will be THE HOLY TRINITY rooted in Neutral Awareness.

[A slave is someone who has no Spiritual Integrity – so elites are slaves to Ego.]

We are facing a paradigm shift that is indicating that the Collective Spiritual Being must die to Spiritual Fragmentation (i.e., projecting beliefs, ideals or images in an effort to escape from Spiritual-Emotional-Psychological Pain). Embrace the Pain and feel it completely, for, you are that Pain and you can't escape from yourself. That is the Spiritual Law. Any part of the Collective Spiritually Consciousness that refuses to change and see itself Holistically, Completely, shall be absorbed by NEUTRAL ENERGY. So all that will remain is a Universal Spiritual Human Being that is at peace. The reason why this sounds impossible is because your mind has been twisted into thinking that the MATERIAL Expressions of Reality is the majority of Reality. It has been scientifically proven that the Atom is 99 % Empty (but they don't tell you that that Emptiness is the HOLY SPIRIT OF REALITY that is the glue that HOLDS MATTER TOGETHER). If you understood this to be real, then you would realize that the Material Magicians have created a theatrical stage that conceals what is going on behind the scenes.

 [You can't “become important” but it is meaningful to see your own false programming.]

In reality, the Ego-based world is dying at its root. Once the root of a tree dies, then that giant ancient tree dies, too. Remember, at the beginning of this conversation I showed you the Pyramid of Tyranny/Oppression? It shows the masses at the bottom. Being at the bottom is the key to bringing down the entire building because any Freemason knows that a building is only as secure as its FOUNDATION. If a building's FOUNDATION is CRACKED, that impressively designed building must tumble down. But the way they keep the building from falling is by having regular blood ritual sacrifices (called wars). Those wars are not for just mere cash profits. Those wars are buying the “elites” time so that they can hang on to their ill-gotten gains. So long as they feed the masses to the fires of war, they get to maintain their artificial hierarchy. So they flood the media with hypnotic messages to keep people enslaved in MATERIALISM (which the false opinions that they have that they are “good” or whatever they want to think about themselves).

Every emotional lie that you feed your Spiritual Self protects your oppressions and keeps them in power over your life and the lives of your children. So basically, the people on the bottom of the pyramid are supporting the very thing that they curse and condemn. That's because they are unaware that their subconscious is in direct opposition to whatever they consciously feel. And the subconscious has the majority of power of the Emotional Mind.

 ["works best when those who are being manipulated are confident that they are acting on their own free will."]

The challenge that is urgent is not being concerned about what the “elites” are planning or doing. For, their plans and actions will blow up in their faces if only you would awaken and start learning about your Emotional Being. Freedom does not come from the outside. You exist because of DNA which is internal. That DNA comes from the NEUTRAL SPIRITUAL REALM. So all answers lie within that Neutral Energy of Self-Observation (of ALL feelings and thoughts). But, the benevolent new world order lies within understanding our Spiritual Being.

Beliefs BLOCK Awareness. A belief is an assumption based on fearing not getting a desired emotional result. There is no need to believe when you are in DIRECT CONTACT WITH HOW YOU FEEL and you don't fear yourself. For, yourself is the content of everything that you feel and think. When you are no longer afraid to be in touch with your Emotional Being (without any manipulation of what you detect about yourself), then it is that Energy of Holistic (unbiased) Self-Awareness that brings about the answers. I see this happening in my daily life since 1977 until now.

I don't talk about what I have read. I talk about the experiments that I have done with my life on the line. The only reason why people get assassinated by the “elite” hit squads is due to the fact that the targets are Spiritually NOT in touch with ALL of their Emotional Responses. For, it is that Full Contact that brings forth the HOLY TRINITY OF SELF AWARENESS. A THING THAT IS WHOLE CANNOT BE CONQUERED NOR CONTROLLED. Because, finiteness can never overpower Infinite Neutral Energy. Plus, a fragmented thing can't go beyond itself. Your fragmented mental programming can only end once it detects itself as being fragmented. A false thing must, first, detect that is false (an illusion). Seeing the false as being the false IS THE TRUTH. And, where there is Spiritual Truth, fragmentation ends. Then when the tyrants try to destroy you, they fail.

 [That is the whole reason for promoting ideologies, belief or emotional images.]

Also, when you are fully Awake, spiritually-emotionally-psychologically, you no longer care if you physically die because your contact with the Holy Spirit makes you understand that you are just returning Home where ALL ATOMS CAME FROM to be reborn in a brand new life without any residue from the past life. Besides, from the moment you are born, you have a built-in expiration date. All that matters is that when your time is up in your material body that you are Spiritually Whole.

The other thing is that we are intrinsically guardians of Earth who are responsible for leaving a decent environment for future generations. Our physical lives are only temporary. But, our Spiritual Lives are immortal if when we were alive we remained firmly grounded in NEUTRAL HOLISTIC UNBIASED SELF-COMMUNION with ALL of our emotional responses (both positive & negative, alike). Our emotional being is like Night & Day. There is no preference for we are both just like the atomic structure is both electron/negative energy & proton/positive energy where neither half can exist without the other. These opposites can only compliment each other and live in peaceful harmony only when both halves are grounded in NEUTRAL SELF-AWARENESS. Such an Emotional-Spiritual Being can't be enslaved or destroyed by anyone (no matter how powerful they think they are).

When I face the possibility of not getting what I need for my material body to live, I realize that it doesn't matter because I am still in FULL CONTACT WITH MY EMOTIONAL FEELINGS & THOUGHTS, EQUALLY. And, nobody can stop me from ascending to go back HOME TO THE CREATOR OF ALL ATOMS! This Creator will determine my next form of DNA and Life and not the crazy Ego. Ego wants to force people into cyborg petrified existence that operates from a software program of endless conflict (i.e., the movie about the robots with personalities called “The Transformers”). They want a world of endless fighting over nothing. Because the only thing that makes people think they have any meaning to their life is by winning a fight, which turns into another fight, and another and so on and so forth.

Without Holistic Self-Awareness and learning about your emotional being, your life is empty (no matter how much material things you amass); you will still feel worth to yourself. It is that worthless feeling that drives people to want to hurt and destroy others so that they can feel good about themselves. But just like a junkie getting a fix, soon wears off and they have to do it all over again. And each time, they feel more disgusted within themselves because they are going against the Natural Laws of LIFE, which always results in emotional pain and misery. It just keeps getting worse and worse. This is why only Humans commit suicide and no other creature does that. Because, we have an Ego that came about due to going against the Natural Law which is that ALL Atoms must be rooted in Neutrality in order for there to be BALANCE, STABILITY and PEACE. Everybody's Ego is the cause and perpetuation of mental anguish. And, kicking other people's asses wont lessen your misery; it will only intensify it.

So forget about seeking a system that will be fair to the masses. As long as that system is put together by EGO, tyranny will eventually rear its ugly head. The Republic of America is responsible for the hostile takeover of corporations posing as the government because George Washington put Alexander Hamilton as the first American Secretary of Treasury (original name was Alexander Levine who was an agent of the British aristocracy Banker of Rothchild) who tricked President Washington into signing into law the very first (British) Central Bank. Just go look up the pdf called The American Adventure (written by a retired judge) to confirm what I am saying about Alexander Hamilton. He was a traitor to the American Republic. Why was this not detected? It is because President Washington has an emotional image about himself as being “a good man”. Self-projected images blinds the Spirit and corrupts it, too. So that is why he could not detect that he was handing over the newly formed Republic to a man with an evil Spirit. Because, President Washington appeared to be POSITIVE/HEADS & Alexander Hamilton was cloaked NEGATIVE/TAILS. Two side of the same egotistical coin. That is what happens when the emotional being is divided within itself. When you fail the see the dark side of your nature, it operates anyway, subconsciously. This is why belief is evil. It blocks you from detecting your own dark nature. When you detect the darkness, that very detection IS THE LIGHT! But, when you don't want to see the ugliness within, you hand yourself over to your enemies who take advantage of your failure to LOOK AT YOURSELF AS YOU ARE (not as you would like to think yourself to be).

[Destructive to the False Ego thru Neutral Observation, NOT thru bias/violence.]

WWIII is SPIRITUAL based. Your physical lives are being threatened to see if you will sellout to MATERIALISM. Or, will you turn within and begin to detect your emotional being (and then do absolutely nothing about what you detect). Doing nothing is NEUTRALITY. That sounds crazy at first glance. But remember that all of the solid things in the world that you call gold, houses, cars, technology, etc. are made out of atoms. And, the atom is 99 percent NOTHING at its CORE! At the core of the galaxies are NOTHING. So that NOTHING IS THE REAL CREATOR that harmonies the opposite finite matter so that they work together. But when that NOTHINGNESS IS MISSING, the Atomic MATTER (i.e., the MATERIAL WORLD) DISINTEGRATES. Ego is anti-matter simply because it reject being Neutrally Self-Aware. That IS EVIL, and nothing else.

[Ego is highly UN-civilized!]

And until we get a handle of the Spiritual Self-Learning, whatever system we try to substitute for this tyranny will just be replaced by a modified version of the same damn thing. The trouble is not the details of any system. The trouble is the Ego is bringing it about. Ego only wants to control, which is tyranny. In Holistic Self-Observation there is NO CONTROLLER or DOMINATION. That is why nobody can dominate/control such a Neutral based mind. Born out of Spiritual Neutrality is Physical Stability, Balance and from that foundation any technical system will work beautifully because it is operating from a NEUTRAL FOUNDATION which is the same way all atoms are integrated to make the material world work correctly.

[Click above photo to hear mp3 Freedom From All Belief ~J. Krishnamurti]


The reason why I added a reverse track of the above mp3 is so that your subconscious wont resist listening to the message and understanding itself. When the conscious mind says that it wants to understand and listens to ordinary straight forward language, its subconscious is conditioned, programmed to be against understanding whatever the conscious mind claims it wants to understand. So by reversing the same message on the mp3, the subconscious wont want to resist understanding it. When the subconscious understands it can affect the conscious mind, indirectly. Then the conscious mind will start to be in synchronicity with its subconscious understanding the same thing and being able to Holistically be in touch with ALL of its feelings and thoughts, both consciously and subconsciously. Then a whole mind will be able to deal with any violent threats coming from other Ego-driven mentalities. Plus, its awakening will help to bring about a Total Paradigm shift so that the Ego (Anti-Matter Spirit's root) will naturally dissolve out of existence, without any violence at all.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.