Monday, June 26, 2017

Spiritual Sellout To Materialism


My comments about these videos that I share are meant for the purposes of constructive criticism for strictly learning. I am not condemning anybody. Just because an observation being pointed out is hard to face or acknowledge, that does not mean that I am attacking anyone. That would be childish. I am saying these things so that we SPIRITUALLY AWAKEN before it's too late. So we have to face some harsh realities in order to not make the same mistakes. The only way to survive SPIRITUAL-IGNORANCE is to STUDY IT CLOSELY. Fear is seeking to MOVE AWAY FROM THE PROBLEM. Yes, we must move away from physical danger. But SPIRITUALLY WE MUST NOT MOVE AWAY FROM HOLISTICALLY PERCEIVING OUR TOTAL EMOTIONAL RESPONSES (No Matter What Is The Circumstance). And I would also like to make it clear that I am not anybody's Spiritual-Leader (that would be foolish). I'm merely a pointer, it's your business if you bother to INQUIRE, INVESTIGATE or OBSERVE HOW YOUR MIND PLAYS TRICKS IN THE EMOTIONAL-REALM. It doesn't matter what the sadistic types do to abuse their job status. No. What really determines the annihilation is if there is nobody left to HOLISTICALLY PERCEIVE REALITY IN THE SPIRITUAL AREA OF LIFE. Are you a "slave" to your EGO? Or, are you FREE TO CHALLENGE THE VALIDITY OF YOUR OWN EGO? If you are FREE to do that, then you are a Light Unto Yourself and cannot be destroyed. That is NOT A BELIEF. You are either really in touch with your mind or you are faking it. If you fake it, you are then ABSORBED INTO GROUP THINK (which is what the so-called "New World Order" is). That is also the technocratic-matrix of existence without SOUL. You can't think in a balanced manner if you are not free to examine your own thoughts and feelings while being faced with various challenges from our daily lives. If you follow anyone, then your mind is biased and is then incapable of being free of bias in order to PERCEIVE ONESELF CLEARLY! That is why I warn people NOT to follow what I say, but examine it before verbally reacting.

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 1)

This man's message and his behavior was contradictory. He preached to have a reverence for Mother Nature. He criticized status quo system of technocracy, etc., etc. But at the same time, he was a nicotine addict which shows disrespect for his lungs and other affected parts of his body. The human body which is from the Earth is the same essence of Earth, he was violating it. He told the world that he was a warrior for balance restoration to the Earth. He said in this video that it would be wrong to kill yourself and give up on dealing with the problems of living. Yet, he shot himself to death, anyway. Actions speak much louder than words. 

Will those who followed him follow his actions, too? Did this man who claims to be honorable consider the message and possible influence he was sending to his audience by committing suicide (after he publicly said that is would be wrong to just give up on life)? He said that what is most important is that upon ones death that at least ones spirit was not corrupt or pure. By killing himself he died with a corrupt spirit because he lied to himself and to the world. He said one thing and did the opposite, which is dishonest and corrupt. 

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 2)

Yeah, he pointed out some facts about the destructive human condition. But, his programmed thinking that he tried to replace with Indian beliefs failed to change or clear away his American programming. The fear of facing life won out at the end of his life. Instead of facing the challenge of life, he ran away (is the bottom line). He dumped the scary problem of living onto the youth. 

It would appear that there is a long ongoing pattern of making a mess of the world and then dumping that mess onto the next generation. Each generation makes an even greater mess, and then they turn around and do the same thing. Now that the Earth is reaching a point of possible destruction, Mankind is faced with impossible problems (if you are Spiritually-Contradictory). And, there may not be anymore generations to pass on this legacy of irresponsibility. 

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 3)

It really does not matter if Humanity physically survives or not. All that really matters is our spiritual integrity while coping with the daily challenges. When faced with doing something immoral just to save your flesh, will you do it? What I mean by immoral is doing something to cause pain and suffering to others. 

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 4)

I am 62 years old. In my youth I was suicidal where I had episodes of trying to kill myself because the world was very frightening and I couldn't make any sense of what it was all about. Now I get it! It's all about a SPIRITUAL TEST to see what you are truly made of beyond physical matter. Do I have a SPIRITUAL-HEART that questions why I am here? Is it not to be in RELATIONSHIP-COMMUNION with ALL of my Emotional Responses as I face each situation of living? 

Those who are Spiritually-Dead and yet they still live in bodies are making unnecessary trouble on Earth, in an effort to destroy the entire SPIRITUAL-MIND of Humanity -- to sell out to MATERIALISM. In other words, do anything to physically survive no matter how cruel. Now I have no respect for anyone who claims to respect Mother Earth and all of its creatures and then turns around and blows their brains out. Because, you can't be a Natural Spiritual Being and also kill yourself. Show me any creature in Nature that kills itself. You can't because that is an UNNATURAL ACT, period! 

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 5)

What is in a Human creature that makes him dysfunctional to deliberately kill himself? It is your Emotional-Mind that comes from your Emotional-Imagination that does not understand itself. The psychological warfare strategy is to make our living conditions pleasurable, in the beginning. Then, they take away our pleasures and comforts (just like getting people hooked on drugs then making it scarce). Then the average person will do anything possible no matter how ugly to get their pleasure back. And when they can't, they either will resort to killing others or themselves. That implies that their SPIRIT DIED (turning them into Zombies or Demons); then all that will matter is seeking to satisfy their lust for brutality. So what the leader protested against he ended up becoming them - an empty spirit which destroys sacred life. 

Also, it proves that suicide is taking the easy way out and leaving their children holding the bag of hell. So did a leader who claimed to be "loving" show it when he abandoned this responsibility to face his Emotional Responses while coping with physical survival? No. A person's actions is his real message. And if his words contracdicted his actions, then his words with regard to his philosophical or spiritual message was FALSE! Bottom line is that this leader ran away in the face of dealing with his Emotions. So he failed the SPIRITUAL-TEST. Nobody needs to follow anyone, spiritually speaking. Daily, I face my feelings as I deal with threats to my physical survival. I don't concern myself with ideologies, beliefs, faith or hope. All of that promotes fear and desperation. I simply look at WHAT IS UNFOLDING IN MY MIND as I am being stimulated by everything around me. 

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 6)

So what If I die, which is a natural event to come. Just so long as my SPIRIT REMAIN WHOLE UNTO ITSELF. And, the war is here to try to claim our SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY. So if you morally betray yourself, it wouldn't matter how much wealth you acquire, because none of it will bring you peace of mind, sanity or genuine-happiness. This leader removed the essence from his overall message about spiritual honor by taking his own life. By doing that, he gave the mind-control tyrants what they were after, his broken spirit. And at the same time, he morally betrayed his audience. This is why it is not good to be a blind follower of people who speak in convincing language. Watch what they do, not what they say.


Our common mistake is to SEEK ORDER. A Disorderly Mind does not know what "ORDER" is. Because, a Disorderly Mind does not understand that IT IS DISORDER. By chasing after the opposite of your reality, you are reinforcing the thing you seek to escape. 

J Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 1. Where are we going

Spiritual-Learning is not a cumulative process of building on top of previous states of mind. No. It is completely different from intellectual acquisition. In each present moment you are having emotional feelings and thoughts from listening to media, or people around you, or from just sitting alone thinking. 

J Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 2. Observing Ourselves 

Are you emotionally free to detect EVERYTHING THAT YOU THINK & FEEL without any interference from your emotional-imagination projecting over it? Try it and find out for yourself, if you care to.

J Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 3. Freedom from Fear

The various forms of media are repeating a rather large quantity of messages that are designed to stimulate feelings of despair over our physical security, as well as the Emotional-Security of not being "respected" (a.k.a., fulfilling your Ego/Pride). People have been programmed not just seek the necessities of life; they also unnaturally crave for higher status and prestige through their property and possessions. 

J Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 4. Meditation

It is the emotional drive for unnecessary possessions that leads to ruthlessness, selling out a friend or relative in order to "get ahead". This destroys the Moral-Spirituality at the foundation of your being. Once the foundation CRACKS, the meaning of your life is destroyed and so all of your material acquisitions have no power to make you feel good. So you end up being sadistically cruel and a bitter ball of misery.

J Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 5. What is Love?

The illusory New-World-Order requires that you Spiritually Sellout to Materialism and surrender your body-mind to experimentation, torture and destruction. If the elites and their hired assistants had absolute power, then they would not be dependent upon our Spiritual-Consent in order to cage the world population. Each and every Spiritual-Being has to give into the worship of material things that money can buy.    

J Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 6. Questioning

Student asks, "So, we are the ones who have to solve the problems." And, J.K. replies by telling them that it will be up to you to resolve these problems, because you will grow up and will be faced with suffering if you don't address the psychological-spiritual-emotional crisis within yourself. In other words, each person is responsible for contributing to these social problems of living and is, therefore, accountable for them. This is the whole reason why inquiry and study of ones core-self is crucially important, if we are to survive as harmonious beings. 

There is a tendency for the intellectually trained mind to ask  questions for the purpose of only theorizing about root of the problem that deals with ones mind (in the psychological-emotional-spiritual area). One needs to be careful about asking the "wrong questions" (i.e., rhetorical and superficial in nature), which can only lead to the "wrong answers". However, in asking the "right question", then the "right answer" and the understanding of it is naturally revealed. The trouble is that most minds have been encouraged to evade getting at the heart of the issue. Hence, it would be prudent to be alert to having this tendency to trivialize the problem.

J Krishnamurti - The Answers Of Your Future Are Now 

Is it possible to take a journey, not into the past, but into the "Present" (state of your Emotional-Mind)? After all, the "Present" contains "ALL Time", if you watch very carefully. The "Present" contains ALL of ones stored "Past" memories, experiences and emotional history (both personal or worldly). And, the "Future" is born out of what is taking place in your Emotional-Being "Right-Now". The "Future" will be slightly modified (version of your Emotional-Past Memories) in the "Present". So if we don't closely detect what is going on inside of our mind, then it will automatically modify and repeat its past -- that is the Spiritual-Matrix of Memory (and "memory" is a material process choosing between the emotional-dual opposition). 

Conflict only exists when there is Emotional-Conceptual Division (i.e., "my projected ideals" vs. "your projected ideals" and vise-versa). 

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