first half of the word, “holi-day” means “holy”, which is the
derivative of “whole” or “wholeness”; that which is not
fragmented, divided or broken up.
“holiday” is suppose to represent a day of “wholeness” or
“holiness”. We have never stop to consider the actual meaning of
the word, “holy”. We have embellished it with emotionalism and
mysticism of which it is not. The word, “holy” is an ancient term
that simply means “wholeness” or that which is undivided. That
which is orderly, harmonious, balanced, equal, neutral, fair is LOVE.
“Love” is not an emotion, as we have been wrongly trained to
assume or believe. “Love” is “wholeness” or “harmony”,
not a product of conflict or subjective opposition. “Love” is not
an outcome of “Choice”.
getting back to “holiday” and what it means...
key part of this word is “holy” or “wholeness”. To truly get
at the truth of a thing one must SEE with complete clarity (without
personal like or dislike, which is emotion) the falseness of a thing
in order to reveal what is true. So that means we must first find out
what is “unholy” or “division”. The approach to learning is
key; for if the approach is faulty, so will the answer be, as well.
what is “psychological division”? Since all of these traditional
holidays are purely based on emotional fear, we must study this
source, first. These holidays have been handed down from
generation-to-generation, without question. What makes a tradition a
tradition is that it is a pattern of thinking that is blindly
followed, without question – and we are forbidden to question its
validity for fear of destroying either our lives or our so-called
“soul”, if we do question tradition.
only reason why the guardians of “tradition” insist on blind
worship of “holidays” is because if one were to question or
inquire deeply into the foundation of “tradition” or “holidays”,
one would no longer be emotionally enslaved to obey a false thing,
and the “tradition” would vanish because its purpose is only to
mind control the masses of people in this world.
consciousness of mankind is nothing but a storehouse of memories
based on 2 types of memory. Either the memory is technical or
sentimental. We have been tricked into thinking that the rules that
govern our “technical memory” are exactly the same and are
legitimate to govern our “emotional/sentimental memory”, as well.
Just because we must distinguish a harmful thing from a beneficial
thing, technically; then we have always assumed that the
psychological memory operates the same way, which is a colossal
cell division (known as mitosis) is responsible for building a human
body, after the human sperm and egg has united. Through a series of
cell division, the embryo grows until it is ready to be born into the
physical world. Therefore, we can see the natural value of “division”
when it comes to the material realm of life. When we select our food,
we must choose between poisonous food or safe, edible food to ingest, otherwise we could die. Here again we see the necessity to divide material
things that can be dangerous to our biological survival and things
that can help us. Natural non-toxic herbs can help nourish the body
so that the body can repair itself. So where biological survival is
concerned our memory records things that are safe and beneficial and
those things that are not.
confusion arises in the mind through psychological recordings known
as “Personal Traditions” or “Subjective Traditions” that have
been handed down within the tribal structure (called, families,
gangs, nationalities, organized superstition or “religion”,
groups or cliques, etc.). These “Subjective” or “Emotional
Traditions” are based on FEAR & WARFARE! They came into
existence by way of rationalizing that since “Technical Memory”
brings about safety, then the same is true for “Psychological
Memory” is a false sense of safety that for thousands of years
humanity has accepted due to fear of not accepting it. It is deeply
believed (which is to assume a thing to be true because one desires
it to be true) that we must conform to “Tradition” or else we
will be in peril both physically and spiritually. There is a lot of
spooky suppositions made about the so-called “spirit”. We are
easily mesmerized by “emotional words” like “God”, “Demon”,
“Soul”, “Spirit”, “Criminal”, “Sinner”, “Husband”,
“Wife”, “Good”, “Bad”, “Hero”, “Villain”,
“Friend”, “Enemy”, “Heaven”, “Hell”, “Damnation”,
etc. All of these “emotional words” have been used to control us
into not understanding our minds directly for ourselves. In other
words, human beings still fear their own mind because they have never
studied their minds without being influenced by “Emotional
people may be clever about technology but they still live in the
“Emotional Dark Ages”, because they lack psychological clarity.
They live by subjectivity, which is pure “emotion” or “fear”.
Fear is the very foundation on which every single human civilization
has been built, and it is that “fear” that caused the
annihilation of itself. We never deal directly with the root cause of
fear. Instead, we choose to pick at the “effects” of fear,
piece-by-piece – while leaving the “root of fear” intact. The
greatest fear lies in, “not belonging to a group”. Why is that?
quite simple really...
a mind is “whole” or its “fragmented/divided”. A mind that is
“divided” craves to belong because it lacks “wholeness”. What
makes a mind “fragmented”? It stops observing itself as it is and
begins to fabricate images or beliefs about what it is. In other
words, the mind makes up stuff about its nature in order to avoid
being in contact with the truth about itself. It sees something ugly
or disgusting about itself and chooses to make up a story about
itself that is more pleasant to accept. The moment the mind makes up
a lie about itself, it has divided itself from itself. The mind has
stopped being in touch with the reality of what it is. It CHOOSES to
example, when I feel lustful toward a man that is not my husband, my
emotion thinks that is ugly to feel that way. Rather than to stay in
touch with the original feeling of lust, I struggle to oppose myself,
which is the feeling of lust. The superstitious traditions has
threatened me to feel like my life will fall apart if I don't take
action against dark, shameful feelings. So I divide myself into “What
I Ought To Be” in opposition to “What I Am Feeling”. That means
I have split my mind up into “Badness” & “The Image of
Goodness”. That concept or belief of “The Good” is an emotional
reaction of fear of what I feel. I don't want to be that feeling of
lust, so I make up an image of the opposite. I am, therefore,
emotionally hiding from what I feel. I have lied to myself. I have
told myself that “I am not whatever I feel”. Then, I tell myself
that I can escape from my lust by concentrating on an ideal. So I
tell myself that “I truly love my husband” and I have sex with
him based on the lust I have for his friend or some stranger. I
exploit my husband's body while my feelings are rooted in some other
person. Therefore, I am being a hypocrite in my heart. But to the
community, I appear to be a saintly, loving wife. But, deep down I'm
an adulteress.
the emotional mind seeks to comfort itself, it manufactures an
opposing image/belief in which to take shelter. This is “Emotional
Tradition”. Most people are not really married. The word “married”
means “to unite”. So long as the mind opposes “What It Feels”,
it is “divided” against itself. If the mind is “divided”
against itself, then it cannot be united with anyone else. First,
there must be “wholeness” within before one can be in a union
with another. That is why the world of humanity is in a perpetual
war, because it is inwardly “divided” with images. We are
enslaved in the “Image-Making Tradition”. We say one thing but
actually mean the opposite of what is being said. We preach of peace
then wage war. We vow ourselves to another person, called marriage,
but turn around and lie to that same person.
what is a holiday? And, from where does the “holiday” originate,
It is
based on dishonesty about having integrity. Since deep down most
people are running away from the truth about what they really feel
and think, groups of people get together to put on a show to each
other. They have made up what it means to be a “good person”.
They have all agreed to “pretend to be good” by endowing “certain
words with emotional value” and then pretending like it is “holy”
or “sacred”. From the ancient times, a group of regular men
decided to put on an emotional show. They got robes and made a
promise to keep their collective secret that they were just ordinary
men. They pretended to be “holy men”. They wrote stories and
played various tricks to convince the masses that the stories were
real. They hired “killers/mercenaries” to frighten any skeptical
people into bowing down to these emotionally made-up stories. Down
through the ages, each new generation just automatically accepted
these lies to be truths.
young are put into brainwashing centers (known as schools) to pledge
their allegiance to things they do not understand. They repeat words
that they do not understand. They have been trained to treat their
lives like a sporting event to which they wager their very lives
away. Everyone keeps each other in line by spying on one each other. If
anyone does not conform to “Traditional Language” and behavior,
they are reported to their superiors in the emotional
chain-of-command. The one who does not conform is turned into a
scapegoat that the community will either attack overtly (physical
brutality) or covertly (emotional fear tactics or pretending to be a
“friend” only to betray them once they buy into the illusion of
the “holiday” is a subtle “emotional consensus” in order to
weed out any skeptics and non-conformists. They are to be targeted
for destruction. Nations are illusions put together to imprison
segments of the human population. As a youngster, one is sent to
concentration camps to be indoctrinated and trained to think that one
belongs to a nation. Nations are really prison camps to control what
people think and to use them to kill others who do not think like
they do. They are rewarded for killing those who don't think like
them. One is said to be a criminal if you commit murder. But the
rulers of the prisons/nations say that you are exempt from being
called a “murderer” if you take lives to honor the collection of
emotional words that one has been given to protect. A word like
“America” or “American” is used to excuse a soldier from being branded as a murderer if who he kills is a person that emotionally dislikes or hates that
patriotic word. The other prison camps/nations do the very same thing – only
their words are different. However, their objective is identical. So
people have been trained to kill each other over emotional words.
we have been trained to shun anyone who does not conform to the
“holiday rituals”. So everyone is obligated to play along with
these rituals. In November, we have been programmed to give what is
called a so-called, “Thanksgiving Dinner”. The family and
so-called friends are obligated to pretend like they are thankful for
all of their prosperity while secretly being envious of those who
have more than they have. They lie to each other saying how
“thankful” there are, because that is the “Traditional Script”
they must follow. Everything is based on emotional fear of “not
belonging to the group”. They are all inmates of an emotional or
psychological prison sentence. Each person is out to expose the other
if they find out that they are not conforming to the emotional
ritual. If they are found to be in opposition, they are punished and
the one who ratted them out is rewarded by getting more possessions.
why do “holidays”exist at all? What is their true purpose?
exist to monitor our state of mind in order to check and make sure
that everyone is under control, emotionally or psychologically.
Everyone is policing each other either consciously or subconsciously.
When the mind fails to observe and learn about its own nature, it
becomes extroverted by watching others more than it watches itself.
natural state of mind is to monitor and understand itself so that it
can function as a “whole”. When the mind functions as a “whole”,
it is peaceful, loving and benevolent. When the mind divides itself,
it operates as, “A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION”. The general
population of humanity is “The Masses”. Since our minds have been
hijacked and turned against itself, the mind is in a perpetual state
of disintegration. In other words, the collective consciousness of
mankind is imploding in on itself – moment-by-moment, day-by-day.
And, it does not know that it is doing this to itself. While humanity
is in a constant state of emotional pain, it blames everything
outside of itself, because it is oblivious that ITS PSYCHOLOGICAL
BLINDNESS is the source of its sorrow.
psyche is lost within a maze of self-projected images. It is the
image-making that is solely responsible for ALL of the turmoil,
unfairness, cruelty and suffering in the world. The super cunning
choose to capitalize on this mass confusion by pitting them against
one another. This illusion of nationalism, religious groups and even
family is what keeps this broken record playing the same old song of
hardship and despair. ALL groups that are rooted in “Traditional
Emotionalism” are not really united at all. It's an illusion of
togetherness. They are actually out for themselves, separately
because they are all operating from a root-base of “division”,
which is “Ego”. “Ego” is “self-centered”. It's every
man/woman from him or herself, in reality. A “divided mind” is
incapable of unity for it is in functioning out of a ground of
opposition, which is disintegration. How can a disintegrating thing
become integrated or united? It cannot! It can only do ONE THING –
DIVIDE/DISINTEGRATE. Everyone is against everyone, either knowingly
or secretly.
what is the purpose for “holidays”?
To insure that our minds are in LOCK-DOWN! So the “Collective Ego” of the human race can continue repeating this meaningless cycle of artificial living. You see, most of the human race is dead, in reality. It is being run by a ghost. After all, an “image” is nothing but a shadow of the original thing. A picture of food is the shadow of food. You cannot eat the photograph of a salad and nourish your body, can you? So images are ghosts. The image of love is not Love. The image of peace is not Peace. The image of unity is not unity. The image of sanity is not sanity. And everything in our world is one long, perpetual advertisement of images. The whole thing is artificial. Our health is falling apart due to being overwhelmed by artificial ingredients in the food, air and water.
To insure that our minds are in LOCK-DOWN! So the “Collective Ego” of the human race can continue repeating this meaningless cycle of artificial living. You see, most of the human race is dead, in reality. It is being run by a ghost. After all, an “image” is nothing but a shadow of the original thing. A picture of food is the shadow of food. You cannot eat the photograph of a salad and nourish your body, can you? So images are ghosts. The image of love is not Love. The image of peace is not Peace. The image of unity is not unity. The image of sanity is not sanity. And everything in our world is one long, perpetual advertisement of images. The whole thing is artificial. Our health is falling apart due to being overwhelmed by artificial ingredients in the food, air and water.
so-called “Supernatural” is really based on that which is
We choose between one image over another. We choose between beliefs
which are only what we wish reality to be because we don't like what
we are.
last thing I am going to expose is what GREED truly is. “Greed”
is not just simply wanting more than you justly deserve. Oh no! It's
much more emotionally deeper than that. “Greed” comes from our
root desire to become more than what we naturally are or “to go
beyond ourselves”. The image comes from our emotional desire to
oppose whatever we hate about ourselves. It is that “self-hatred”
that wishes “to be more than it is”. The mind wants to be more
than it is. So it uses the material of itself to try to get more and
be more than itself. But, “The Image” is made out of “Emotional
Memory”. “Memory” cannot go beyond itself. No matter what it
does, it remains “Emotional Memory”. That is why LOVE is not
“Emotional Memory”.
Memory” has a beginning and an end. Therefore, it is limited and
fragmentary. “Emotional Memory” is not “whole”. In the
beginning we said that to arrive at what is real and true one must
see that which is FALSE! A false thing is divided against itself –
it is limited/fragmented. LOVE IS WHOLENESS. To Perceive clearly the
fact of a thing is WHOLENESS. When you understand what is FALSE, then
you instantly SEE WHAT IS TRUE. When you SEE what is True, you are no
long in a fragmentary or divided state. You are no longer opposing
fact with an image (based on what your personal wishes about
yourself). You simply holistically see yourself exactly as you are.
There is no opposition to what you are. You study yourself and learn
the truth about your mind. That holistic learning wipes away all
confusion/division or images or beliefs. One is free from believing.
when you actually see a thing as it is, there is NO FEAR. “Fear”
is the emotional resistance to facing exactly what you feel in any
given moment of your life. When you resist being in touch with
everything that you feel, you are at odds within your emotional mind.
That resistance generates images/beliefs of “what you desire
yourself to become”. That “Emotional Becoming” gives oneself an
illusion of feeling emotionally safe and secure. It is that false
sense of security that destroys PHYSICAL or BIOLOGICAL Security. This
is the reason why the economy is always rising and falling. It is all
rooted in “Emotional Fear/Tradition”.
or Emotional Fear” has always dominated and governed the human
species from the very beginning up until the present. We are living
in the emotional past, which is “Tradition”. That is the thread
that enslaves humanity in the Bondage of Fear. The rulers are in that
same bondage; for the Masters and the Slaves are polarized as ONE
UNIT OF DESTRUCTION. The Masses are the foundation that supports The
Wealthy Few. The Wealthy Few are the eloquent skyscrapers that are
rooted in The Fearful Minds of The Masses. No building can stand
without its foundation. So that is why all of the laws are made to
coerce the masses to conform out of fear so that the handful of the
elite wealthy can rule their lives. The masses must sacrifice their
children to war so that the small group of the elite can have
possession of most of the natural resources on this planet. The
masses have allowed this unfair arrangement to continue because they
refuse to holistically observe their own state of mind.
month after month we celebrate our fearful enslavement. On the
surface we say nice things while in the depths of our being we weep
in despair. No outside agency can stop this cycle of madness based on
irresponsibility. Most people are leading an irresponsible life so
long as we fail to holistically observe every thought and feeling
WITHOUT opposing it with an image or a belief. Nothing short of
doing that will end mind control. Mind control is only possible
because we are too lazy to take responsibility for our emotions.
Instead, we lazily accept holidays, which are entertaining displays of
so-called “order” or “goodness”. These are nothing but a
shadow or an image of “goodness”. And the image IS NOT THE WHOLE!
conflict within equals conflict in the our relationships, be they
personal or impersonal. The objective of “Emotional Tradition” is
to continue this charade of “orderliness” by pretending that
rituals, ceremonies, parades and holidays are what peace is. But, it
is just a pretense of peace. An illusion is always based on “Images”.
The image is not the real thing. The word is not the thing. The word
is only suppose to describe or point to the essence. But the word can
never be the essence of anything. Just because you tell someone that
you “love” them does not make it a fact. Real Love is perceiving
ALL that is False and Illusory. When you SEE that “Images” (which
are beliefs) are not what they pretend to be, then that SEEING is
LOVE. It is the emotional attachment to “Tradition” that breeds
conflict and violence. People kill in order to protect their
illusions that they regard as being reality. That is why we play this
immature word game every year as each so-called “holiday” comes
along. It is a farce that humans play in order to keep hiding from
the truth, which is that they are mentally dead.
A mind
that is fully alive is not afraid to study the totality of itself. It
does not choose to acknowledge only the parts of itself that it likes
and uses opposing images and beliefs to pretend that the parts it
hates about itself does not exist. Either the mind SEES TOTALLY WHAT
IT IS, or not at all. A mind that is emotionally blind is a dead
mind and it is dragging its body down with it. This is why there are
so many deaths around “holidays”. The more the mind clings to its
illusion of peace and happiness, the more bodies are sacrificed to
make this show go on and on and on! No matter how horrible things
get, the mind is a dead thing that refuses to change under any
circumstances. It will go on pretending that this way of existence is
“normal” and can be no other way. It wont stop until the material
or physical world can no longer support this lie. Then when that
happens, civilization falls like it always has throughout human
Only a
handful of human beings have broken the psychological encryption with
regard to the illusion of basing ones life on image-making. The only
enemy to harmony and balance in the world is the psychological
image-makers. Each one of you are responsible for what is happening
in the world. One is either supporting the problem with your mental
energy that you devote each moment of your lives by playing along
with the rituals of holidays, patriotism, devotion to dogmas,
believing in any psychological propaganda, etc. It is the mind of
humanity that is destroying the physical balance in the world. The
human mind is unbalanced so long as it does not SEE the Truth about
you feel emotional pain, you seek to hide in an image that pretends
to be the opposite of that painful feeling. The mind habitually
shrinks away from studying the pain. We never get in touch with the
problem or disturbance. We run away by accepting emotional lies that
help us hide from that painful emotion. But, you cannot detach from
yourself. It is that emotional pretense of detachment that is
degenerating our minds. Like a junky that likes and craves the
comfort of getting high, he or she does not care that it is
destroying their lives. It just wants that fix at any cost. Humanity
keeps on believing in this or that no matter the cost – wars or
suffering. We just keep pretending no matter what. Each time the mind
pretends to have happiness or peace or love, it always ends up in
disaster. Using the same formula century after century, yet expecting
a different outcome is the definition of insanity. But the illusion
of having so many crazy people who tell each other they are sane
keeps the image-making ritual “respectable”.
there are any human beings who actually care or Love, they will
understand that it is their responsibility not to give their essence
or energy to this unnatural beast of “Emotional Tradition”. My
job is to SEE ALL OF MY PSYCHOLOGICAL RESPONSES that is stimulated by
the emotional statements of people who are dreamers. When a mind
understands the entire image-making process, one can SEE EVERYONE'S
ILLUSIONS and be immune to their hoax. A mind that lives a lie
depends on others to support that lie to pretend that it is the
truth. However, a mind that SEES HOLISTICALLY, does not need anyone
to support it. Its only support comes from SEEING ITSELF COMPLETELY.
That is a Whole Mind or Holy Mind that knows that all traditions are
illusory and unnecessary.
there to be stability in the physical realm, the Ego must end without
force or effort. You can't kill the Ego. The Ego can only end by
Holistically Observing or Studying its entire movement. In that
passive watching, The Truth sets the mind free from ignorance about
itself. Once a mind is free from its ignorance about itself, it is no
longer afraid of itself. A mind that is no longer afraid of itself
cannot be controlled by another mind because it has nothing to
intimidate a free mind with. A mind that is controlled is afraid of
looking at some part of itself. But if you are free to observe ALL
YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS without condemnation or justification,
then your mind cannot be controlled by any threat. A free mind does
not fear physical death because each day it is dying through
self-observation it is letting go of everything that it feels. At any
given moment it is ready to let go of its physical life. Nothing is
more important in this world than THE FREEDOM TO HOLISTICALLY OBSERVE
ONES OWN PSYCHE IN ITS ENTIRETY. Wholeness is Real Wealth,
Happiness, Sanity, Wisdom. There is no sense of greed or wanting more
when you are WHOLE, you want for nothing more than that for you are
COMPLETE. There is nothing higher than that.
It is only in the image-making world that the illusion of hierarchy exists. It's an illusion because everyone in the chain of command is living a lie and living in fear. In other words, no matter how much or how little you possess in property, you are afraid to Holistically Observe your Emotional Mind. You are all running away from The Truth that you are nothing but Emotional Memory who lives in the past. You are all the same. There is no higher or lower Ego. Conflict is Conflict. Such a divisive mind that hides in images is disintegrating and so is your biological bodies being adversely affected by your fragmentary minds. What you own is irrelevant because secretly you all live in fear of not getting what you want or losing what you have.
It is only in the image-making world that the illusion of hierarchy exists. It's an illusion because everyone in the chain of command is living a lie and living in fear. In other words, no matter how much or how little you possess in property, you are afraid to Holistically Observe your Emotional Mind. You are all running away from The Truth that you are nothing but Emotional Memory who lives in the past. You are all the same. There is no higher or lower Ego. Conflict is Conflict. Such a divisive mind that hides in images is disintegrating and so is your biological bodies being adversely affected by your fragmentary minds. What you own is irrelevant because secretly you all live in fear of not getting what you want or losing what you have.
a mind that truly Loves itself is in a constant state of self study
of all its emotional responses. It does not play favorites. It
observes ALL ITS THOUGHTS & FEELINGS because it understands that
“The Observer IS The Observed”. That means that every thought and
feeling is itself so it cannot escape from itself. It is ignorant to
try to hide from yourself and it will destroy your life and those
lives you come into contact with. People are unaware of where
violence comes from. The seed of violence does not look like the
ultimate effect. The seed of violence comes from avoiding studying
your mind completely. That is opposition to yourself. That is warfare
with yourself. If you are at war withing yourself, you must be at war
with everyone else, as well. That is “The Natural Law of
Consequences”. And, no matter who you are in this world, you can't
defy that “Law”.
We are
enslaved by our Egos. The Ego wants to be greater than it is. It
wants to be eternal or measureless. The Ego is nothing but “Emotional
Memory”. “Memory” is limited. This limited thing wants to be
more than that. And, that is the birth of GREED! IT IS GREEDY TO PLAY
GOD! That is why bosses try to make employees feel worthless so that
they can create an image of being more important than their
employees. Yes, “Ego” is the monster and we are all being a
monster, too. The mind is a monster when it is broken by image-making
and hiding from itself within those fake images. We all pretend that
we are not being violent, but division is the result of believing.
Where there is division, there is opposition and conflict which is
violence. So lets be honest here. Our world is a pool of DISORDER
pretending to seek ORDER. But in reality, it really wants to continue
fighting for illusions of peace. It just wants to fight forever. It
wants to destroy any person who dares to not play this stupid game.
don't play the game of stupidity. And, my physical well being is
constantly under threat of death. I gladly face this threat for I
know that my place in this world is to be ZERO – NOTTHING. That
means someone who does not have an Ego to defend. I have no friends.
Because people who live in conflict are not a friend to themselves
and are incapable of being a real friend to anyone else. I have no
choice but to work with people in order to survive physically. But
socially, I have no friends. To be a “friend” one is required to
play the lying game. Help people to pretend that they are something
that they are not. When a person is being a liar, as a “friend”
you are suppose to fake it like they are not. No I cannot play that
contradictory game. If I don't play the game society threatens to deprive me what I need to physically live. I am 58 years old. I have
been opting out of this psychological “traditional” game for 36
years now. Each time it seems like I will not get what I need to
live, I simply accept that my time is up. But under no circumstances
will I stop observing my whole mind. Nothing else matters.
don't know how my opting out will affect the whole consciousness in
the long term I just know that it is the right thing to do. Numbers
does not make the truth. Just because most of the people in the world
once believed that our planet was flat, it did not make that reality.
Similarly, just because most people are giving their lives to an
image, it does not make it righteous. I do what is holy, and that is
to HOLISTICALLY OBSERVE MY MIND no matter what. Then I discover that
you can live outside of the matrix of war and cruelty.
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