Who Will Nurture Us
Once She Is Destroyed?
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Mother Nature supports our lives. Wars poison her. |
Genetically engineered microorganism are released out into Nature and they are upsetting the delicate balance of our planet's ecosystem. Powerful electromagnetic radio frequencies are controlling weather patterns (geological engineering). GMO's in our food supply is distorting our DNA and ruining our health in various ways. There are innumerable assaults are invading, distorting and disrupting our energy fields in our bodies everyday. Pregnant women are absorbing more toxins, radiation and heavy metals at unprecedented levels due to the flood of technological fallout (cell phones, wifi computer emitting EMF's, chemtrails releasing heavy metals, disease-causing agents, radiation from airport scanners (if the mother frequently flies), pesticides in the produce, flouride in the water, artificial sweeteners that can cause severe health problems, etc. It is no wonder that more children are being born with brain damage than ever before in human history.
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What is holding up this pile? The tradition of Emotional "Believing". |
What is making all of these activities possible? Our blindness to our emotional conditioned thinking that has divided the human race. There is an ancient saying, "Divide and conquer." The best way to conquer, enslave and destroy a people is to first get them to divide themselves. Then they can be taken over. That is a fact. And, everyday that we do not question how we think and why we think what we think, we are complicit in our own demise. Why don't you question why you emotionally identify with a racial group, a dogmatic religion, a sports team, your gender, a nation or a tribe (your family)? It is all of these emotional divisions that separates the people to be in conflict. And, the cunning bullies use their resources to deceive the masses into cooperating with their own doom. We are cooperating with self-destruction by failing to investigate our emotional responses. So long as we remain in the dark about how we are emotionally in conflict within ourselves, we are hurting ourselves. If you hurt yourself, anyone else can come along and take advantage of you, as well.
So we need to psychologically stop hurting ourselves, first. But, we keep making the same stupid mistake. We find out what the bullies are doing to the world, physically. Then, we want to get revenge and hurt them back. So once you overthrow them, you become the next bullies to assault the world until you are overthrown. Humanity never wises up. It keeps repeating the past -- building up one civilization and tearing it down until it collapses and then goes on to build another and another. Humans would rather live in a state of internal contradiction than to see the falseness of it. Once you see a thing is detrimental, you simply can't function like that anymore. But, the Emotional Mind stubbornly resists dispassionately studying its programmed thinking. It really does not want to see that by emotionally identifying with what it desires to be true; it is that opposition to its original feels that is at odds within itself. Therefore, protecting and defending ones own self-deception makes it possible for any outside aggressors to come along and blow you away.
You can't get the wealthy bullies to stop plotting their diabolical, secret schemes against the world by attacking them or exposing them with your emotional words of outrage. Nor can your hard proof stop anything. They will simply reorganize their tactics and do a better job of cloaking their covert operations of assault. They'll disguise their plots by making them appear as though they are protecting the world from harm (as they carry on with wide-spread damage). They have hundreds if not thousands of clever illusions with which to entice the programmed, emotional mind. And, usually the masses never see it coming until it's an obvious nightmare. By then, it's too late.
Once the masses have been screwed over, the victims cry about it and turn to their oppressors/aggressors for protection. That is like a battered person turning to their spouse for protection because the battered person wants to "believe" their spouse really cares about him or her (deep down inside). That is an example of The Emotional mind identifying with an image, belief or ideal. That Emotional Desire puts their physical well being at dire risk. But, the Emotional Mind is willing to risk its biological life just to protect a pleasurable emotionally-based lie that it desires to be true.
And, the cunning deceitful mind gladly agrees (to pretend) to help and protect the sacrificial lambs. Secretly, the wealthy bullies find the situation to be amusing. However, the Emotional Mind is ignorant of the fact that; in order to destroy the life of their fellow man, they must, first, internally destroy themselves. Why do you think soldiers who return from the battlefield have nightmares and never mentally recover from the cruel things they have done to themselves and others? Without holistic self-examination, you are dead inside. One may try to fill that dead space with emotional words like "love", "goodness" or "fairness". The words are meaningless as long as the mind is divided. A divided mind is Loveless. What it calls "love" is merely a pleasurable escape through emotional verbal gratification. And, when you don't get emotional fulfillment from people that you expect it from, you are ready to destroy their lives.
Once the masses have been screwed over, the victims cry about it and turn to their oppressors/aggressors for protection. That is like a battered person turning to their spouse for protection because the battered person wants to "believe" their spouse really cares about him or her (deep down inside). That is an example of The Emotional mind identifying with an image, belief or ideal. That Emotional Desire puts their physical well being at dire risk. But, the Emotional Mind is willing to risk its biological life just to protect a pleasurable emotionally-based lie that it desires to be true.
And, the cunning deceitful mind gladly agrees (to pretend) to help and protect the sacrificial lambs. Secretly, the wealthy bullies find the situation to be amusing. However, the Emotional Mind is ignorant of the fact that; in order to destroy the life of their fellow man, they must, first, internally destroy themselves. Why do you think soldiers who return from the battlefield have nightmares and never mentally recover from the cruel things they have done to themselves and others? Without holistic self-examination, you are dead inside. One may try to fill that dead space with emotional words like "love", "goodness" or "fairness". The words are meaningless as long as the mind is divided. A divided mind is Loveless. What it calls "love" is merely a pleasurable escape through emotional verbal gratification. And, when you don't get emotional fulfillment from people that you expect it from, you are ready to destroy their lives.
So it is very important to understand that the masses, are actually enabling the covert bullies to harm people and our planet -- just by holding onto ones traditional emotional contradictory thinking. People are responsible for buying into outsourcing their lives and minds to the so-called experts. And, those experts that they rely on to think on their behalf are just as much in the dark as they are. However, a holistically self-aware mind has no authority or leader. Such a mind operates out of Intelligent Holistic Self-Examination of ALL of its emotional responses. And, the very Holistic Observation, alone, gives rise to intelligent thinking and behavior that is naturally peaceful and orderly. It does not hurt itself nor others. Nor does it go along with emotional deception.
You might think that if you don't attack the bullies that they will be able to destroy you. That is fearful conditioned programmed thinking that tells you that. And, it is that fear-spun speculation that keeps the human race locked in conflict and utter annihilation. Since the emotional mind has been programmed for thousands of years, and it has passed it on to its offspring, it has been in this ancient pattern of thinking for so long that it has drawn the conclusion that it has no choice but to keep on doing the same thing when faced with genocide. But, we have never found out what would really happen if we stopped protecting traditional thinking by studying it without defending or attacking it. Has it ever occurred to you that it is your emotional clinging to tradition that enables brutes or oppressors the ability to take advantage of your physical well being? Meaning, that your ideals, beliefs, images, opinions, suppositions and dogmas have divided your mind and left your physical security in jeopardy.
And, a house that is divided cannot stand. A mind that is in conflict must be a victim of external aggressors. But, a mind that is understanding the fallacy of any emotional-based ideal or concept it has about itself or another, when you see that is false, your insight is not divided because it is being aware of a fact. Facts are whole unto themselves. When your mind operates in wholeness through examining the error of its thinking, it is no longer attacking itself. So the foundation of its life is solid, whole and balanced. So if a fragmented mind (of a bully or a group of them) comes along to destroy your physical security, they will self-destruct. In order for a disorderly/divided mind to be able to destroy the physical security of another, it is a requirement that that person's mind must be unaware of itself and be in a contradictory state of division. One cannot be conquered unless one is divided within their emotional mind. As long as the emotional mind is whole because it is in a constant state of holistic self-study, it has not made itself vulnerable or open to be conquered by any outside agency. That is the only way to shut down tyranny -- from the inside in the emotional arena. You can't stop tyrants from the outside. That has never worked.
The life of Jiddu Krishnamurti (and my own life) has proven that to be a fact. The man stood up and exposed the falseness of emotional belief systems and stated they were false idols. He never had any body guards. He lived to be 91 years old. He was never physically brutalized as a mature adult. He was observing his emotional responses (all of them) without opposing them. Had he opposed what he observed, his enemies could have had him killed. He was not lucky. He demonstrated with his very life what would happen if you are free from traditional thinking, which is to be divided in your mind by identifying with "what should be". He was able to have physical security and yet not gratify or fulfill the Emotional Mind or the Ego (his own nor others).
As long as the masses serve their egotistical interests and fail to clearly understand the fallacy in doing that, they will be another generation that will be victims of genocide. Except this time around it is being done in a secret fashion. It's like serving someone their favorite meal and lacing it with an odorless, tasteless lethal poison. The victim gobbles up the tasty dish never suspecting that he just had his last supper. The masses are being entertained, enticed and gently terminated almost the way a magician would perform a trick to amuse his gullible audience. They sit there applauding the fact that they were cleverly deceived. Why do they enjoy knowing they were tricked? Why do the masses assume that entertainment is harmless and has nothing to do with their lives?
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Emotional Mind is poisoning itself and the world.. |
Universally, humanity thinks that its emotional, traditional way of thinking is separate and different from one another. The mental program is telling each person that they are not emotionally doing the same thing as others are doing. Whenever one does not like something one is programmed to imagine the opposite and take shelter in that fantasy (image, belief, ideal, opinion or dogma). That is how all emotional minds are trained to react to anything it finds disturbing. They all reject learning about their programmed thinking. They all defend, without question, their emotional desire to think whatever they wish. They all invent whatever they want reality to be in order to suit their personal desires. None of them question their programmed thinking. Therefore, they are not fundamentally different. They only have a superficial expression that is different. A mind that is driven by ideals or beliefs is divided and contradictory and, therefore, is not an individual
"Individual" has the root meaning of one that is indivisible or not divided.
The programmed or conditioned mind is divided. Whatever turns it off or upsets it, it will make up an opposite ideal or belief then it will emotionally identify with that made-up image and ignore its original disturbing thought or feeling. So there is a split between the fact of "what I really feel but don't want it to be true" and "what I would like to be true". This is a division in the emotional mind. A mind that is divided is in conflict within itself. The upper level (the conscious) is at odds with the lower level (the subconscious).
Whatever the upper level "likes" it identifies itself with -- which is called "positive thinking". But, whatever the conscious emotional mind "dislikes" it suppresses and hides it away from itself (that goes into the prison cell of the subconscious). So the conscious (upper level = heaven = like) is at war with its subconscious (lower level = hell = dislike). That is the total map of the emotional conditioned or programmed mind.
On the surface, the emotional mind has various styles of expression. It may speak in different languages. It may speak in different dialects. But that is like a car having many different colors, makes, models and sizes, but basically they have the same thing: 4 wheels, a steering wheel, a gas tank, a transmission, seats plus an engine and they take you from point A to point B. Basically, it's a car.
Similarly, you may come from various cultures around the world, but underneath you are driven by emotional desire (your ego). Ego is a mind that is split by its desire to overrule anything or anyone that displeases it. It takes shelter in "the what should be true". We call that shelter a belief, or ideal, or opinion, or image, or concept, or ideology, or dogma. They all come from emotional desire (how I personally feel about myself and others). Bottom line is: "Like" & "Dislike".
What Makes Conditioned Thinking The Same For Everyone?
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"I believe my emotional programming is different from yours." |
This is the emotional robotic, mechanical programmed thinking that dominates the human world. To say that it is fixed and there is no way to end it is to say that we are computer programs that are not capable of directly understanding ourselves. A machine merely executes or follows instructions programmed into it. It cannot understand what it is. It is limited to unquestioned obedience. Emotionally, we obey traditional holidays, identifying with a dogma, joining secret societies to emotionally feel superior and to have a materialist edge. We are afraid to face the fact that the way humans live is completely disorderly because it is based on fear-driven obedience.
Through fear of losing our emotional concept or image of ourselves, the human emotional mind resists questioning and understanding what it is doing. It merely copies what has been going on for centuries, which is to blindly accept emotional-based tradition -- just like a programmed computer. The thing that makes everyone the same is their fear of not (emotionally) belonging to a group. It is assumed that one would be easily blown away or wipe out if one does not obey the tradition in which they grew up. No one dares challenge the validity of the tradition that programmed them. So no one is unique, because they are all controlled by the Fear of Ostracization. And, without your image of yourself, there is the fear of Being Nothing -- having no emotional identity.
Hardly anyone has actually tested out what would happen if they studied their programmed thinking. The programmed or conditioned thinking makes a conclusion or assumption that you can't function free of your emotional concepts or beliefs or ideals. Generally, it is assumed that you must do what everyone else is doing or else you will be destroyed. This is a supposition that the conditioned mind is afraid to challenge or test.
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The female version of Ego (Emotional Mind) |
Dr. Jekyll (conscious):
Beautiful Lie = Belief (Opposing Desired Thought)
Mr. or Ms. Hyde (subconscious):
Ugly Truth = Fact (Original Emotional Thought)
The condition of our physical world (health, environment, career, etc.) is the system or structure. The mind's responses of "like" or "dislike" is the foundation. If the foundation is cracked (divided), then no matter how impressive the system is, it must fall, if the foundation is divided.
And, this civilization is being supported by an emotional foundation that is fragmented, split -- like Dr. Jekyll & Mrs. or Ms. Hyde (conscious & subconscious), and each side is trying to conquer the other, endlessly.
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The Conscious Mask vs. Subconscious Truth - Fiction vs. Fact |
Meanwhile, the physical world is steadily being annihilated. More weapons are being produced. More pollutants are being interjected into Nature. More disease is spreading everywhere. Social unrest is intensifying as the small group of elite hoard the natural resources as the masses struggle to gain access to a small portion in which to physically survive. All because we are seeking psychological or emotional false sense of security.
As long as the mind remains ignorant about its emotional programmed thinking and fails to understand its entire contradictory nature, which is the foundation of its life, the physical and material world will continue to rot out of existence.
Thought is violent because it is opposing itself, which is conflict. The opposition is between fact and fiction/belief -- between "what I originally think or feel" and "my desire to change what I think/feel". For instance, "I am envious of somebody". But, my traditional education has told me that I'm bad for feeling that way. Also, my traditional training tells me I must improve that feeling by believing the opposite of how I feel when my feelings are ugly and dark. Therefore, the darkness will invent the light. But, it is impossible for darkness to make the light. Nonetheless, my conscious mind (the upper level of the mind) tries to focus upon an image of being nice to the one that I envy. One does this by referring to past experiences of when I felt generous and draw upon that past memory and project it over my true dark feeling of being envious. But, underneath that emotional facade, I still deeply despise and continue to envy that person. Where does that dark feeling go?
It gets repressed into the background closet of my emotional mind (called the subconscious). The envious feeling simply gets covered over, but it's still hidden away and festering. Eventually, that envy will arise again to the conscious surface of your mind, and it overthrows the fake mask of being kind toward the one you envied. Because, you are all of your emotional thoughts and feelings. You cannot hide from you. When your emotions are not deeply attended to, they remain unresolved and continue to smolder -- no matter how much you may try to conceal them from yourself. Your mind is playing a trick upon itself. Your imagination that makes up beliefs can never eliminate what you feel, because that opposite is rooted in the thing that it opposes. Therefore, the fact of what you feel is the root of your fictitious ideal of what you want to feel. So that image of what you wish you felt must inevitably vanish and the truth of what you feel (the envy) remains until you face that feeling without any opposition.
It gets repressed into the background closet of my emotional mind (called the subconscious). The envious feeling simply gets covered over, but it's still hidden away and festering. Eventually, that envy will arise again to the conscious surface of your mind, and it overthrows the fake mask of being kind toward the one you envied. Because, you are all of your emotional thoughts and feelings. You cannot hide from you. When your emotions are not deeply attended to, they remain unresolved and continue to smolder -- no matter how much you may try to conceal them from yourself. Your mind is playing a trick upon itself. Your imagination that makes up beliefs can never eliminate what you feel, because that opposite is rooted in the thing that it opposes. Therefore, the fact of what you feel is the root of your fictitious ideal of what you want to feel. So that image of what you wish you felt must inevitably vanish and the truth of what you feel (the envy) remains until you face that feeling without any opposition.
However, the division would not take place, had the mind holistically observed that original feeling. But, we have been influenced by organized "religion" to resist any ugly feelings that we have. That is why we shun them and affirm the opposite is how we feel. That represses the feeling. By the way, all thoughts and feelings are YOU. Hence, we are programmed to be Jekyll (the fake hero/heroin) & Hyde (the villain). The "Thinker & his Thoughts are ONE UNIT." But, we have been trained to believe that you can control your thoughts. The Controller is the Controlled -- YOU are envy. When you are that disturbance, then all you can do is observe and learn what that disturbance is. When the mind thoroughly observes its nature, it blossoms and naturally withers away (without forcing it away). The mind does not, then divide itself, because it has not sought an emotional escape into the ideal of "what should be" or "what I wish it would be". The moment you try to go beyond yourself with an opposing ideal (which is the mask of Dr. Jekyll), you then create a violent monster -- the subconscious Mr. or Ms. Hyde. Remember that emotional opposition = division = contradiction = conflict = violence = destruction of both mind and body/environment.
This message is not based on what I personally wish to be true. It is an objective fact that I invite you to test for yourself. No one can give you the truth. It must be discovered by you, alone. I am not telling anyone to blindly follow or agree with what I am pointing out. I simply care about the destruction of our lives and our physical world. I am asking anyone in the world who cares about the annihilation of this world to take the trouble to investigate the origin of this mess and to end it, naturally and intelligently, because there is no other way to end it. However, I do realize that emotional thinking rejects whatever it dislikes and paints over facts with its personal feelings of whatever it wants reality to be. The emotional mind thinks that emotional-words can change reality into whatever it desires. But, they cannot. Words can point to facts, but the word does not make the fact into a fact. The word "food" cannot fill my stomach and nourish my health. This message cannot do anything for you unless you are willing to explore into your own emotional responses and check and see if what has been pointed out is actually happening or not.
Holistic Self-Awareness is the action of monitoring your emotional responses in each living present moment as you interact with people and things. Through the mirror of relationship is how you discover your emotional responses and how they are quick to defend its opinions (based on "like" & "dislike"). Are you free to learn-observe how your emotional mind works by simple watching it like a scientist watches something under a microscope? Or, how an astronomer observes the movement of the planets, asteroids and stars? Are you free to objectively observe your emotions without interfering with them in any way? You are programmed to interfere with them by believing in an opposite emotional feeling in order to ignore and hide from anything you don't like about your responses. Are you free to study your programmed reactions? Most people are not free. They are slaves to their emotional automatic oppositional way of thinking.
The Foundation of Human Life
Is Our Emotional State Of Mind
Is Our Emotional Mind Orderly Or Disorderly?
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Root = Emotional Mind (Whole - or - Divided) Leaves = Physical Security (Healthy or Diseased) Emotional Opposition = Contradiction = Destruction |
When the mind opposes its true thoughts or feelings that it dislikes, it is being disorderly because it is being contradictory and at odds with itself. Order is free of opposition to anything that ones thinks or feels. This does not mean that you agree with how you feel. It simply means that your entire mind is there to be examined and clearly understood. Your mental energy has an inherent responsibility to study and understand its total nature -- not to dictate what your nature is suppose to be (according to your personal desires). Order can only be established in the Emotional Mind when you learn that any opposition is a trick that is detrimental to your sanity. Because, an insane mind cannot resolve its physical problems -- it can only add to them and make them even more complex and dangerous. So, this automatic-programmed traditional thinking is responsible for the condition of the physical world being toxic and increasing it, which is disorder. We think that we can fix the physical problems and skip over the foundation of the problem, which is our emotional mind that is opposing itself. That is a false notion.
You cannot help a tree to heal by pruning its diseased leaves while leaving the root to rot (in a state of opposition). The root and soil must be healthy (balanced energy). It can only be healthy by Holistically Studying its emotional responses. Holistic Observation means what you observe is not being opposed. If you are opposing what you observe, then observe that state of opposition and learn about it. That creates a healthy "root". Then after pruning the diseased leaves, the healthy root will enable the tree to grow new healthy branches and leaves. Then, your emotional state of mind is now in an Orderly or Balance State of Being, because emotional opposition has been Holistically resolved. The emotional mind is now Whole and contradiction is non-existent. The energy in the mind is harmonious so it is now able to correct any physical malfunctions in itself and the world. When Disorder naturally dies through Holistic Examination, Order is born.
Humanity cannot save the environment so long as it continues polluting it with the fallout of endless wars. War must end in the consciousness, first, before it will end out in the physical world. As long as the emotional mind is at odds with itself by imagining the opposite of whatever is disturbing it, the mind will be in a perpetual state of contradiction or duality, which is conflict and war inside the emotional mind, as well as with the physical world. That is the root of the human tree that is diseased or disorderly. Until that root is balanced by understanding the falseness of emotional opposition through images, beliefs, or ideals, the Emotional Mind (root) will, consequently, self-destruct destroying the outside physical world (the metaphorical tree), as well. This is the Natural Law of Consequences.
The more humans progress in technology, the more ignorant their emotional mind becomes. Because, we are trying to fix "the tree" while ignoring the condition of "the root". A disorderly mind cannot bring order to physical problems, obviously. There is no Holistic Self-Awareness. So whatever we manufacture must be used to cause harm, eventually. Plus, our technological inventions cannot bring about Order in our Emotional Mind. Emotional conflict determines how we utilize the technology. Previous civilizations advanced technologically and turned it against itself and that resulted in its ruination. Technological advancement is rooted in the emotional psyche. If the psyche is not Holistically Aware of itself, the subconscious will use these technological advances to torture and destroy us and the world. In order to use technology benevolently, our psyche must be wholly free of conflict or contradiction. Otherwise, the advanced technology will be used as Weapons of Mass Destruction.
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Psychological Believing vs. Mother Nature If Mother Nature Vanishes Then So Do We! |
The emotional mind that is divided by opposing whatever it does not like about itself is self-destructive. Its emotional conscious is battling every emotion that it has rejected -- its subconscious. A dualistic, contradictory mind will use its highly advanced technology to destroy itself. This is why it is urgent that the emotional mind wake up and learn, through holistically studying itself without opposing what it observes. Because what it observes is itself. Fire can't make water. Emotional mind can't CONTROL itself by believing it is good. There is only freedom from contradiction through Holistic-Awareness of the innate limitations of thought.
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A Mind That Holistically Monitors Its Emotions Is Also In Sync With Nature And The Universe. |
There is no contradiction, opposition or conflict in Pure Observation of your emotional responses. This is quite arduous for a programmed mind to understand. But when you really do see the falseness of "believing" (in the emotional realm), emotional opposition naturally ends. The mind is no longer suppressing any emotions that it dislikes nor defending the ones it likes. It is Holistically Observing ALL thoughts & feelings, equally. Now, the mind is whole. It will only use machines benevolently. It will stop destroying the Earth. The human emotions will function in balance instead of terrorizing itself and the world.
Jiddu Krishnamurti Holistic Thinker -- No Emotional Identity
For The Sake of My Ego (Emotional Self Importance)
I Gladly Radiate The World Increasing Cancer Rates
Ever Since Nuclear Testing Experimentation.
How Much More Can Our Planet Take Before It
Wont Be Able To Support Our Biological Needs?
But The Emotional Mind (Ego) Is Fulfilling Itself
And That's All Programmed Thinkers Care About!
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The Emotional Contradictory Mind 2 Halves of 1 Coin Conscious Mask vs. Subconscious Rejected Emotions |
What Do YOU Care About?