There needs to be an unprecedented approach to an ancient problem -- conflict.
The answer lies in understanding the problem. So while it may appear negative or unpleasant, the problem of human living must be closely inspected and understood. Because we, as a species, are threatening the existence of this world due to our ignorance about our emotional mind and how it is the source to every physical problem coming from the human civilization.
So if you truly care about your family and our planet, then you will check out this message which only serves as a mirror to reflect the facts about The Emotional Mind. This is an area of human life that has been greatly mishandled. Centuries ago Humanity took a wrong turn in this area. And, as a species, we have never reconsidered how we think in this area and the consequences to physical security due to this wrong thinking that has been accepted as respectable and unavoidable.
It is painful for the human mind to admit it has been wrong because it has built its system of living upon that mistake. Correcting this mistake will be most uncomfortable. But if we fail to correct it, the consequences will be the same as in the past, the civilization will fall. It must fall because the foundation is cracked, fragmented or divided. Any structure or system built on a flawed foundation must inevitably fall.
The foundation is our Emotional Mind, which is why we must study it and understand where we went wrong. And, in that discovery, the correction is made. It is not a 2-step process. The actual discovery is the cure. Our conditioned thinking rejects anything that is simple (being that it does not involve a 2-step process). That is the mistake we have made and continue to make in our daily lives. If you would like to go deeply into this problem that is determining the fate of our world, then you are welcome to take a psychological journey as you read this article below.
What is wrong with the human species?
Out of all the creatures on this planet, only the human species is functioning in a manner that is threatening the entire biosphere and atmosphere of our world. Why is that so? As a species, we have become psychologically lethal. It is our emotional confusion that is interfering with the balance of physical energy in our minds, bodies and environment. There is a source to this phenomenon. Unfortunately, we have been programmed through our cultural tradition to never question how we emotionally think, which is based on DESIRE (LIKE or DISLIKE = IMBALANCE).
The human "Shell" is our biological bodies. Our shell is the container for our mind which includes all of our thoughts and feelings. There are the technical thoughts which are used for calculating, measuring and analysis in order to carry out daily tasks (driving, preparing meals, cleaning our bodies, taking inventory and restoring our supplies, etc.). The technical thinking is essential in order to be able to adequately provide the needs for your body (and for your children). So technical thinking is necessary and appropriate or else we would not know how to go places and return home. The technical thoughts are memories that we formed when we began to learn how to read, write and do math. Those technical memories are one of our mental operations. The technical thinking is not a problem in itself so long as the "emotional thinking is orderly", which in most cases, it is not!
Technical thinking is based on ideas, images and plans. In other words, it is our imagination - the process of forming images. For instance, a pattern is used to make physical tools and structures and recipes. Through trial-and-error, we find out what is beneficial for our health to eat and what is not. Once we know what is good to eat, we use our imaginations to figure out how to combine nutritious foods which we call a recipe. The imagination is responsible for the production of every tool or machine or building. Each generation adds on to the ideas of the previous generation's technological ideas. So this is how each civilization came into being. It was all based on technical thinking. So far there is no problem with that. The IMAGE is only beneficial when it is strictly used for physical security.
However, the human species has never learned the truth about THE IMAGE in the area of the Emotional arena. The Emotional Mind is how we feel about ourselves. It is either that we "like" or "dislike" what we think/feel. The way we feel is based upon past experiences/memories that accumulate over the length of ones life. We, as a species, are tricked into thinking that because technical images have brought great benefits to our lives and made them more "modern", we automatically assume that our imagination will benefit us in the emotional area of our lives. Most people think that since they use plans to make a meal, build something or fix a mechanical problem, it is automatically assumed that we need an image/belief in order to deal with how we feel about ourselves and others.
We use ideals (which come from whatever we desire) to escape from any disturbing emotion that we feel. If one feels weak because an authority figure condemned him/her, then the emotional mind reacts in a defense mode by imagining itself to be the opposite of that feeling of weakness. So he or she looks out in the world to emotionally identify with images in the entertainment world or in the religious world (which is theatrics as well) to convince oneself that one is strong like that idol or icon. These are ghosts.
A ghost is a shadow of a real thing or a living thing. A photograph is an image or shadow or a ghost of the living thing. You are not a picture. That picture is merely an abstract version of your living being. However, humans have lost their way because they have given more importance to the dead thing (the photo/image). We worship the movie stars in the moving images but the actual living person who made that movie is ignored because people relate to them according to the scripts those actors repeated. We cast aside the living being and extract out THE IMAGE about them. So THE IMAGE is the Ghost. And, THE SHELL is the living body of that human being, which is undervalued.
Look at our food. We strip out the living essence and replace it with toxic chemicals that have been flavored to addict our taste buds. So when we eat the food, we are eating an image. We are enticed by the enchanting package that is covered in colored wrappers with wild messages to fascinate our emotions. We think that because the emotional message gave us pleasure of a sense of self importance, we buy it expecting it to benefit us physically. But instead, it secretly harms our health.
We are agreeing to be slowly poisoned to death. The poison must taste good. It must be promoted as something that will make us happier or stronger. It must be irresistible to our emotions. Since people do not know how to deal with their Emotional thoughts and feelings, adequately/intelligently, they buy things to compensate for their Emotional Insecurity/Fear about themselves. So they eat, not to maintain energetic balance and wellness, but to satisfy their Emotional Thoughts/Feelings so that one can feel emotionally secure.
The mind is dead when it is not aware of itself, holistically. The Emotional Mind is dead when it subsists off of images about what it is. What makes a creature alive is its ability to perceive itself, completely. The human mind rejects that ability, by choice. For centuries, our species has emotionally chosen to seek emotional security in images. The image or belief, emotionally, is an escape from facing unpleasant emotions or thoughts. When we feel anger, we are unaware of the fact that we are that feeling.
We ignorantly assume that the state of anger can create the opposite of anger, and that opposing image will not be related to anger. False! The state of emotion is YOU! Whatever you imagine is born out of that emotion that you fear feeling. So we have clever minds in the human species who are con artists that have taught people for centuries to have faith in EMOTIONAL WORDS. They propagated that certain words/phrases are sacred and by emotional identifying with them, they will shield you from fearing life and that at the end of your life, you will cross over into paradise for being devoted to those words and phrases.
The Word Is Not The Thing - The Description Is Not The Described
Take the word "love". That word has been used to control us. Just using the phrase: "I love you", makes people do the most absurd things to each other. Or, people are willing to murder a group of people in the name of "loving their so-called country". The word "love" is not the actuality of what Love really is. Love is benevolence, not cruelty. The mind is cruel because it has failed to get in complete touch with all of its emotions (WITHOUT OPPOSING THEM WITH AN IMAGE). The Emotional Mind of humans has divided its thoughts and feelings into "good" & "bad" - "God" & "Devil". The Emotional Mind is the battlefield where the war in the outer world truly begins. If people were at peace in their Emotional Mind, they would be living in natural cooperation - free of war. But they are at war within themselves.
The Battle in the Emotional Mind Begins with THE IMAGE
That Emotional Beast is born in the moment that you try to evade it. You might feel envious about someone else who looks more attractive or has a talent you don't have. Tradition has trained us to run away from anything disturbing that we think or feel. But, we've been lied to by those who came before us. They have made us feel like we are not that thing that disturbs us so deeply. So we go around looking for drugs or hypnosis or joining some revolution in order to find inner contentment. All of those futile ventures are mere escapes that end up making us feel even more desperate and lonely.
Escapes are the road to hell! You can't escape from your Emotional Mind, which is YOU. All the emotional words that you think of are YOU. Fire can't make water. Similarly, hate cannot make love. Yet, organized "religions" have promoted this illusory game with emotional phrases to convince desperate people that they will be safe if they give their emotional mind over to their words, phrases and images/symbols. You see people wearing talismans and crosses as if they will be insulated from being harmed if they wear it. Or it makes them think that they are "good" for wearing it.
THE IMAGE/BELIEF opposes THE FACT OF WHAT I FEEL (which it doesn't want to feel). Any thought or feeling one does not want or like, it pushes it away by conjuring up an Opposing Image. It is like putting make-up over a zit. But underneath the make-up that has hidden the zit it still remains. On the surface, the mind has created an illusion of the zit not being there anymore. So it pretends that it has escaped from the zit. But make-up is always temporary and wears off, sooner or later. In the meantime, the emotions are on a kind of "high". Whenever life gets to be too scary, people get high on drugs. They know it is temporary that the world seems like a nice place to be in as long as one is high. But, it wears off, sooner or later. Beliefs about anything in the emotional realm act like a drug to get you "high" (a emotional euphoria). The image/belief psyches out the mind to think that it has escaped from its emotional turmoil. But, whatever emotion you are hiding from will come from the dungeon of your subconscious and rise to the surface, again and again. A belief is a ghost that can't permanently lock up the Emotional Beast of Fear.
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