Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the steam,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is just a dream (belief) -- or is it?
We have made ourselves into Zombies -- The Living Dead. The past and the modified past (the future projected emotional memories) is dead. There were once people who lived on this planet who are now dead. We emotionally keep them alive in our emotional memories by praising or condemning their past works or deeds.
We do the same thing inside our own thinking. We dwell on past events that brought great pleasure or pain at the time it was happening. We drudge up the past by emotionally recalling how we felt at the time it happened. Then, we vow, in the future, to do the opposite of our past. Why we do this? We do it because we are trying to cover up what is happening in the present. We are running away from the present.
We do the same thing inside our own thinking. We dwell on past events that brought great pleasure or pain at the time it was happening. We drudge up the past by emotionally recalling how we felt at the time it happened. Then, we vow, in the future, to do the opposite of our past. Why we do this? We do it because we are trying to cover up what is happening in the present. We are running away from the present.
Fear Is The Zombie Monster Within
As a youngster watching horror movies, I was terrified of zombies and mummies. I did not understand why people thought up such things. I had a burning need to understand why people were fearful and why bullies liked to go around scaring kids. What was it all about? What was the origin of this? Why do people like to frighten each other? What is the point of it all? And, what is a zombie (a living dead thing)?
Fear is the product of ignorance, is it not? When I was a small child, I feared vacuum cleaners. At that time they were very large and very noisy. I did not understand what it was. I only knew that the loud sucking noise made me fear for my life. I had imagined that if it got to close to me, it could suck me inside the canister. Clearly I was ignorant about this object. But, as I got older, I realized that it was only a floor cleaner and it was impossible to get sucked inside of it. Once I understood what it was and that I was in no danger of being hurt (as long as the machine was used properly), fear vanished. Hence, fear is base on ignorance. It does not matter what kind of fear it is, ignorance is what is supporting it. Once the ignorance is resolved, so is the fear.
Then, as I was growing up, I started to realize that there are two basic categories of fear. There are physical-based fears and emotional or psychological based-fears. Usually, the physical-based fears are tied to emotional fear. Since our primitive brain contains the history of physical dangers, we naturally jump away from anything that is considered deadly, like a snake or an oncoming vehicle. The biological brain has built-in preservation of life at all cost -- it must avoid harm or else our species would have expired long ago. I would not call it fear to avert injury. That is a quality of intelligence to keep from being destroyed from any physical danger. It is an involuntary nervous system response as part of our biological function. So if a physical threat arises, the intense response from our adrenal gland makes us quickly get out of the way of the danger. So far, that is pretty straightforward.
Now then...
What about emotional or psychological fears? In ancient language, we called the emotional responses "the spiritual". They did not use the word "emotion" or "psyche". Today in the modern times, people tend to misunderstand that term "spiritual", because the religious charlatans hijacked that term "spirit" and gave a mystical meaning to that word. Long ago, people thought that any emotional feeling they had was "spiritual". They referred to their emotional responses as being "spiritual". If someone made you feel uplifted, they considered them to be a "good spirit". And if someone acted like a bully, they considered that person to be possessed by "evil spirits".
Humans have always feared their feelings or emotional responses. It is for that reason, alone, that people turned to other people who claimed to know how to control "spirits" in themselves and others. That is when the business of organized religion and their propagandists (the clergymen, so-called holy men) started mind control. They quickly figured out that a small group can rule over a large group if the small group could trick the emotional minds of the larger group. It began as sorcery and later became respectable "religion". They hired mercenaries to threaten people's lives and even kill them in order to force people to emotionally identify with dogmas promoted by the "spiritual rulers".
And over time, people raised their kids telling them what they must emotionally think (otherwise they would be punished if they disobeyed). The parents did not care if their children really felt what they believed was true or not, it was only demanded that they obey in order to acquire respectability and physical comforts. To this day, that ancient fear tactic is being practiced.
And over time, people raised their kids telling them what they must emotionally think (otherwise they would be punished if they disobeyed). The parents did not care if their children really felt what they believed was true or not, it was only demanded that they obey in order to acquire respectability and physical comforts. To this day, that ancient fear tactic is being practiced.
Practicing a belief is not true religion because that breeds disharmony, division and conflict. Religion that rules through emotional fear is superstition and authoritarianism. True religion is gathering all of your energy from your entire being to examine your emotional responses as you interact with people, things and ideas in the living present.
And, through that holistic self-examination, you are free from the whole nature of fear (the emotional resistance to self-study). What remains is a living perceptive mind that is whole (undivided). Such a mind is a light unto itself. Its energy is completely balanced, and it is independently free from the authority of "believing".
And, through that holistic self-examination, you are free from the whole nature of fear (the emotional resistance to self-study). What remains is a living perceptive mind that is whole (undivided). Such a mind is a light unto itself. Its energy is completely balanced, and it is independently free from the authority of "believing".
It clearly understands when to cooperate and when not to cooperate. It cooperates when it is studying every single emotional response that it has when it is relating to another human being. It does not cooperate when any human being demands it to go along with gratifying emotional falsehoods of believing. For example, say a person wants me to tell him that he is cooperative, kind and generous, because he takes emotional comfort in lying to himself to pretend that he is humane. A living mind cannot cooperate with seeking security in emotional memory (the dead past).
Religious mind is full of harmonious energy which gets regenerated every time it dies to the division of identifying with opposite ideals (from moment to moment during any social interaction). A divided mind is split, corrupt and broken. When the emotional mind fails to study all of its responses and to learn exactly what its true nature is, then its seeking emotional comfort, instead, inevitably ends in misery.
That is the birth of evil, because once the mind hides from understanding itself, it is in a state of fear, which begets deception, conflict and violence. So long as the emotional mind is hiding from itself, it is in a state of resistance, which is fear. A contradictory mind is fearful and can never bring about peace, no matter how much it tries to believe in the ideal of peace because fear is fueling that ideal of peace.
When I was a child, I was told that I had to believe in order to survive in this world. I ask why? What is the purpose for believing? I not got a clear answer. I was just told that I had to do it because everyone is doing it. That is not an intelligent reason to do something. I don't eat simply because everyone is doing it. I don't sleep just because everyone is sleeping. I don't breathe because everyone is do it. I do those things because my biological being is made to do it, and it is setup by Nature to protect itself from shutting down until its natural time is up. So until my natural time is up, I must do all of those biological functions.
When I was a child, I was told that I had to believe in order to survive in this world. I ask why? What is the purpose for believing? I not got a clear answer. I was just told that I had to do it because everyone is doing it. That is not an intelligent reason to do something. I don't eat simply because everyone is doing it. I don't sleep just because everyone is sleeping. I don't breathe because everyone is do it. I do those things because my biological being is made to do it, and it is setup by Nature to protect itself from shutting down until its natural time is up. So until my natural time is up, I must do all of those biological functions.
But, "believing" is not a biological operation. "Belief" is an abnormal side-effect from the emotional mind that is refusing to holistically study itself and be free from superstition. What does "holistic" mean? It is observation without division. When you feel anger and you also feel your conditioned reaction to resist feeling it, you are watching the nature of your responses as they arise. You are simply watching and feeling everything there is to feel. If your mind tries to escape into an opposing ideal or belief, monitor that, as well. The mind is purely monitoring itself without trying to improve or correct what it is feeling, because the one who corrects or improves is also a part of the total disturbance.
Disturbance can only spread more disturbance even if it tries to trick itself by believing in pleasant sounding words. Emotional-based words cannot change your essence. Although the zombie mind wishes that words could change its nature from misery to happiness. That is false. That is where all conflict comes from. Fiction is battling against Fact. Fiction is an abstraction of Fact or Truth. Fiction is dead fragment. But, Fact contains the Whole Energy of Life.
A dead belief cannot sustain itself. It is dependent on others to support that falsehood. Whereas, truth is there regardless if you acknowledge it or not. Facts or Truth does not require you to agree with it, defend it or promote it; it remains there, regardless. But a false thing is dead and it is constantly trying to force others to play along with its deception -- which is the basis for war. The zombie mind is always beating on everyone's doors threatening to kill you if you don't lie and say that it is true and alive.
In today's world, most people, especially those with college degrees, think that they are beyond superstitious thinking. The average person really does not know what superstition is. They think it is the obvious forms of superstition, like having bad luck on Friday the 13th; or having bad luck from breaking a mirror, or if you fail to pass along a chain letter, etc., etc. Those are obvious superstitions. But, superstition is far more subtle and insidious than that.
As a species we are, for the most part, superstitious where "belief", "images" and "ideals" are involved. We are emotionally programmed through centuries of torture (through warfare) to succumb to emotionally identifying with the "ideal" of your family, your race, your community, your nation or your so-called "religion". If you don't, you are ridiculed and excluded from social gatherings. You live under the constant threat of death. You are shunned just like the Amish shun a member of their group if they join an outside group and take up their customs. The Amish considers that to be an act of treason and a violation of their faith or beliefs. So out of fear of being ostracized, people acquiesce to emotional peer pressure.
At first it seems harmless to go along with this ancient way of existence except it breeds contention within our entire species and prevent physical security for everyone. Once emotional divisions are made, the inevitable outcome is terrorism mentally and physically, which rages on to this day. There are always groups fighting each other and ripping our planet to shreds.
The innocent victim in humanity's emotional wars is our planet, the creatures on it and its atmosphere (which is highly irradiated). We are headed toward a "Planet Of The Apes" type scenario, if this superstitious (zombie thinking) continues unchecked. Corporations are at war with each other - competing to make more and more profits with corner-cutting tactics producing dangerous products for us and the planet's well being. Those who sit on the board of corporations are making business decisions based purely on their ego (which is the zombie).
The ego/zombie is a byproduct of internal emotional division (which is vision that is dualistic). It begins in childhood when your parents made remarks that implied you were worthless or that you are superior to other kids. Either way, it starts the ball rolling in the emotional mind that "I should be better than I am" or "I should be better than my peers"(the "should be" is dualism). It is this emotional striving for the so-called "better than" that is the foundation of conflict, war, and decay. That equals destruction to each other and our entire world.
This emotional seeking to be higher than another has been going on for so long that we, as a species, have come to think it is perfectly natural and normal. In reality it is neither natural or normal. What makes something natural or normal is based on physical reality, because without physical reality, nothing would exist, including your thoughts and feelings would not exist.
Everything is made out of atoms, which is the fabric of the entire Universe. It is a fact that the atom is a byproduct of equal amounts of opposite forms of energy. One electron (is negative energy) and one proton (is positive energy) equals zero (neutrality) and that is the meaning of natural balance and harmony. If the opposite forms of energy are unequal, the atomic state would reverse and, thereby, causing the disintegration of physical reality.
Humans are also made out of atoms (that includes our entire body, brain and emotions). Our thoughts and emotional feelings are opposite expressions of energy. Because the human has always been afraid of his dark or negative thoughts and feelings, one has sought to suppress them (in the prison of ones subconscious -- which is still yourself). Ignorantly, the human does not realize that YOU ARE YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS, too. So what the mind has done is divided itself, emotionally.
Going to churches and temples and other so-called "holy" places in an effort to subdue your emotional side that your conscious mind has chosen against identifying with. A bully has locked up his positive feelings and does not want to feel compassion. A person who is afraid of his cruelness seeks to lock up this negative feelings. This is superstition to think that the emotions can be split up and locked away. You are the content of your consciousness.
Going to churches and temples and other so-called "holy" places in an effort to subdue your emotional side that your conscious mind has chosen against identifying with. A bully has locked up his positive feelings and does not want to feel compassion. A person who is afraid of his cruelness seeks to lock up this negative feelings. This is superstition to think that the emotions can be split up and locked away. You are the content of your consciousness.
Emotionally, our feelings and thoughts are like night and day (electron & proton energy). We have been brainwashed, emotionally, to cling to either the "night" or the "day", metaphorically speaking. That causes the mind to waste its energy because it is no longer whole -- like the atom. It is the living dead zombie because it is twisted when it consciously chooses between the opposite expressions of energy. When you holistically perceive both expressions, equally, you are functioning in Neutrality, just like the atom. Then, your mind is energetically balanced an ALIVE!
As a result of emotion choice, we have a world that is wasting its energy by being in constant battle. This way of existence is unbalanced and unsustainable. It is like the old 1960's TV Show in America called, The Addams Family. The father, Gomez, would put together a train set for his son, Pugsley, and then he would place dynamite sticks along the train tracks. He would meticulously take his time setting up the train and tunnels -- it was beautiful. Then, he would have Pugsley turn on the train to set into motion where you could see the smoke coming out of the train's smoke stack. Then, Gomez would push the plunger to the dynamite and blow up the entire train set.
That is what Humanity has been doing for centuries. Our species takes great pains to invent technology and then it starts a war and blows it to pieces. Then, we begin another civilization, one after another. And, it goes on and on and on and on and on, ad infinitum.
That is what Humanity has been doing for centuries. Our species takes great pains to invent technology and then it starts a war and blows it to pieces. Then, we begin another civilization, one after another. And, it goes on and on and on and on and on, ad infinitum.
In the meantime, our planet's resources are being wasted and used up much faster than they are regenerated. The food chain is being mutated by the pollution of industrial manufacturing and by warfare (radiation fallout, chemical and biological mutations, acid rain, radio frequencies distorting the weather patterns, GMO's being released into Nature, nuclear explosions in the upper atmosphere, etc.). Then there is the various factories that are polluting the oceans and seas with toxic waste, as well as oil spills. There is no end in sight of these energetic disturbances.
Humanity is acting like it is completely independent of its environment, as if our species can exist in a vacuum state without any other species. We cannot exist detached from our biosphere and atmosphere. Eventually, these multiple assaults on Nature will take its toll and the natural resources expire becaus the Earth will be too polluted and the energy distortions will prevent organic renewal. Then what?
Our species is arrogantly shortsighted and only cares about maintaining our zombie existence, no matter what gets destroyed or what kind of horrible physical conditions we leave for the next human generation to inherit. It's like saying, we love our children, but we don't give a damn if the state of the Earth is a crappy, lethal place for them to have to bring their new families into. That will be their problem to figure out. How is that loving your children? Talk is cheap where love is concerned. It takes Love to objectively study our abnormal dependence on emotional images, which are dead things that cannot sustain themselves, alone.
Humanity is acting like it is completely independent of its environment, as if our species can exist in a vacuum state without any other species. We cannot exist detached from our biosphere and atmosphere. Eventually, these multiple assaults on Nature will take its toll and the natural resources expire becaus the Earth will be too polluted and the energy distortions will prevent organic renewal. Then what?
Our species is arrogantly shortsighted and only cares about maintaining our zombie existence, no matter what gets destroyed or what kind of horrible physical conditions we leave for the next human generation to inherit. It's like saying, we love our children, but we don't give a damn if the state of the Earth is a crappy, lethal place for them to have to bring their new families into. That will be their problem to figure out. How is that loving your children? Talk is cheap where love is concerned. It takes Love to objectively study our abnormal dependence on emotional images, which are dead things that cannot sustain themselves, alone.
If you truly do love your children and care about the world that is becoming more and more rotten and distorted, you will get serious and change your approach to how you emotionally function. You would not care how uncomfortable it is to face the truth and you would do it because you deeply care about our world. You can't tell this planet to go to hell, and then turn around and expect this planet to take care of you and your children. That is plain idiocy, is it not?
Our living dead way of thinking is killing this world just like we are killing our bodies feeding it junk (just to emotionally satisfy an illusion). We think that pleasing our emotions is tantamount to giving our health what it needs. When you see the mind lies in order to pump up its ego, and at the same time, destroys the physical necessities of life, your mind is fully energized and is a living/perceiving being.
Our living dead way of thinking is killing this world just like we are killing our bodies feeding it junk (just to emotionally satisfy an illusion). We think that pleasing our emotions is tantamount to giving our health what it needs. When you see the mind lies in order to pump up its ego, and at the same time, destroys the physical necessities of life, your mind is fully energized and is a living/perceiving being.
Mental = Foundation
Physical = Material Stability or Instability depending on the condition of the foundation.
If the leaves of a tree is diseased and rotting, then removing the diseased leaves will not restore the health of that tree. If the root and soil are poisoned, then you can prune that tree and water it til doomsday, but the leaves will continue to grow more disease infected leaves. "Believing" is poisoning the soil of your emotional mind because it blocks you from being in direct contact with all of your emotional responses (both the positive and negative, equally). Then the mind will be healthy and fully alive.
But, a mind in conflict thinks that the mental world is separate from the physical world. It is the mental world that determines the physical state of affairs. We have physical insecurity in the outer world because we are internally battling ourselves with "beliefs" opposing that which we dislike about ourselves.
So, what is happening is that each adult person is emitting a vibration that is responsible for the events that are taking place in your living environment. If your Emotional Mind is in a state of opposition, it is disintegrating both mentally and physically. And, it is this Emotional Malfunctioning that is endangering our planet and our sense of overall well being.
Mental = Foundation
Physical = Material Stability or Instability depending on the condition of the foundation.
If the leaves of a tree is diseased and rotting, then removing the diseased leaves will not restore the health of that tree. If the root and soil are poisoned, then you can prune that tree and water it til doomsday, but the leaves will continue to grow more disease infected leaves. "Believing" is poisoning the soil of your emotional mind because it blocks you from being in direct contact with all of your emotional responses (both the positive and negative, equally). Then the mind will be healthy and fully alive.
But, a mind in conflict thinks that the mental world is separate from the physical world. It is the mental world that determines the physical state of affairs. We have physical insecurity in the outer world because we are internally battling ourselves with "beliefs" opposing that which we dislike about ourselves.
So, what is happening is that each adult person is emitting a vibration that is responsible for the events that are taking place in your living environment. If your Emotional Mind is in a state of opposition, it is disintegrating both mentally and physically. And, it is this Emotional Malfunctioning that is endangering our planet and our sense of overall well being.
But, LIFE & ENERGY only take place in the present. You can't get energy from the past or the future. Energy comes from the living present. You breathe in air to live in each present moment. Inhaling (positive) is like watching our emotional responses as we interact with another. Exhaling (negative) is like letting go of everything you observe. So living is about psychologically living and dying -- eating (positive action) food and evacuating waste (negative action) .
But, emotionally, we afraid to be in complete contact with what we feel in the here-and-now and then releasing it. Emotionally, we never complete the cycle of opposite energy. We invent "whatever we wish to be true" and then cling to it forever. There is emotional fear of letting go of when we have emotionally invented out of our past emotional memory bank, which is not alive; it is dead. Hence, the world is operating as an emotional zombie -- identifying with the image, which is not alive. It robs the world of its energy so that it can pretend to be alive.
Our bodies are living exist in the present. If the body does not get whatever it needs in order to stay alive, it will drop dead in its tracks. The human organism is in conflict because the Emotional Entity (the personality, the ego, the zombie) is competing for its imaginary fulfillment. What it wants is not a natural need. It wants to edit what it thinks and feels according to what it desires.
If you feel envious, you try to control that feeling because you may not like it. This is confused thinking because everything that you think and feel is YOU. YOU (which is emotional memory) cannot go beyond YOU. Now, here is where believing comes into play. The mind uses past moods and feelings to concentrate on and pretends like that is how it feels right now. It keeps pretending repetitively until the mind becomes dull and accepts that to be a fact. Once it does, the mind is neurotically delusional. It is no different than poisoning your body with a drug until it experiences euphoria. The health of the body is dying but the emotions are uplifted. When you believe for a long time you are willing to follow someone like Hitler or Rev. Jim Jones or David Koresh.
If you feel envious, you try to control that feeling because you may not like it. This is confused thinking because everything that you think and feel is YOU. YOU (which is emotional memory) cannot go beyond YOU. Now, here is where believing comes into play. The mind uses past moods and feelings to concentrate on and pretends like that is how it feels right now. It keeps pretending repetitively until the mind becomes dull and accepts that to be a fact. Once it does, the mind is neurotically delusional. It is no different than poisoning your body with a drug until it experiences euphoria. The health of the body is dying but the emotions are uplifted. When you believe for a long time you are willing to follow someone like Hitler or Rev. Jim Jones or David Koresh.
People generally don't care about physical security because they are prisoners of their emotions. It is the emotional responses that drives the entire human civilization (the sum of all governments and nations). It is emotional fear driving the world economy. Wars are based on emotions. Emotionally, humans choose between opposites and favors one side over the other (that is sports, politics and war). This choosing one opposite in preference to another violates the Natural Atomic Law. To review, if the protons and electrons are unequal the atom will be unstable and the fabric of life would be unstable and reality would complete implode in on itself.
Throughout the centuries, Mankind has been basing its social systems on Emotional Choice, hence warfare was inevitable. War is the malfunctioning of opposite forms of energy. All life is energy. Energy is either functioning in a balanced way of not. Balance is the equality between the opposite forms of energy.
All activities in the human world is anti-matter and anti-balance because it is all about choosing one opposite over the other. When we look at a tree, we think which part of the tree do I like more? The top or the bottom? Do I like day better than the night? Do I like cats better than dogs? Do I like men better than women? It goes on and on. Because originally, we have looked at our own feelings and we reject some and cling onto others.
All activities in the human world is anti-matter and anti-balance because it is all about choosing one opposite over the other. When we look at a tree, we think which part of the tree do I like more? The top or the bottom? Do I like day better than the night? Do I like cats better than dogs? Do I like men better than women? It goes on and on. Because originally, we have looked at our own feelings and we reject some and cling onto others.
Also we use our past emotions to build our beliefs and ideals on. If we feel inferior, we go looking for a belief system that is brutal and overbearing and join that group and identify, emotionally, with that group in order to convince your emotional self that you are no longer inferior. But, all of what you have built is rooted in the soil of "inferiority". All images, beliefs or ideals are born out of the past emotional experiences.
When we base our actions on past emotions, we are mentally dead like a zombie. A dead mind does not perceive how it actually feels in each living present moment. It resorts to recalling past emotional memories. Emotional Memory is dead. We wake the dead by projecting the past memory over the present moments of social interaction, which is why we argue so much.
When we base our actions on past emotions, we are mentally dead like a zombie. A dead mind does not perceive how it actually feels in each living present moment. It resorts to recalling past emotional memories. Emotional Memory is dead. We wake the dead by projecting the past memory over the present moments of social interaction, which is why we argue so much.
If you say that we can't help ourselves, we have to operate off of past memory. Then what you are saying is that Humans are robots, which is a mobile computer that can only follow its programming. The machine can never understand what it is or what its nature is. It cannot see in the present what it is. It can only carry out what is in its memory program. Do you mean to say that a human being is just a machine? Machines are not alive. They function, but they are not alive. A living thing is able to study itself in the living present.
A belief, ideal, dogma, concept or image is an abstraction of reality. A photograph is an abstraction of the original living thing. It is fixed and cannot grow. A fixed thing that cannot grow is dead. Images are fixed. The image is a memory of something that was once alive. You feel in the present moment. But when you go back to remember a feeling, that remembrance is not living. It is merely a recording that is an imitation of a state of mind that is gone. We are dulling the emotional mind by concentrating on past experiences that once gave us delight or even pain. When the mind focuses on the past or the modified past (future), it is not living in the present moment. This what causes many accidents.
Let's return to the issue of fear which is what rules our lives. I am speaking of emotional fear, not physical dangers. What is the essence of fear? Is it not the resistance to pay attention to something that the emotional mind dislikes? When I was a child and I watch horror movies. I did not like the way the monsters looked or acted. So I would cover my eyes. When I did that, I noticed that I got even more upset and nervous. The sounds of the monster was even or upsetting to hear.
Once I wondered what would happen if I were to just give my full attention to that ugly thing. So I did. And, to my astonishment, the nervous tension dropped away completely. What I learned about the nature of fear is that I am that fear. My avoidance to pay attention to the disturbance is what made me feel irritated and uneasy. When the mind makes full contact with a thing, it is in touch in the living present moment with the reality of that thing. Ignorance is being out of touch with perceiving in the present moment what is going on.
Once I wondered what would happen if I were to just give my full attention to that ugly thing. So I did. And, to my astonishment, the nervous tension dropped away completely. What I learned about the nature of fear is that I am that fear. My avoidance to pay attention to the disturbance is what made me feel irritated and uneasy. When the mind makes full contact with a thing, it is in touch in the living present moment with the reality of that thing. Ignorance is being out of touch with perceiving in the present moment what is going on.
But when you are in compete contact with whatever is happening, there is holistic intelligence. When the mind is not avoiding its emotional responses to any stimulation, the mind is WHOLE. Where is wholeness, there is no division and no conflict -- that is balance and harmony. When the mind is in balance and harmony it can look at any problem and resolve it.
And, a mind that is not escaping into the past image or future image is 100% ALIVE! Therefore, its body is full of energy, because the emotional mind is no longer robbing its body of energy in order to maintain emotional images to divide the mind.
Emotional fear drains the biological body of its energy. They is why I said that a mind that lives off of any emotional belief, image, ideal, concept, opinion or theory is the Living Dead. The body is sort of living and being drain by a dead mind that is wallowing in the past or the future emotional fantasies.
And, a mind that is not escaping into the past image or future image is 100% ALIVE! Therefore, its body is full of energy, because the emotional mind is no longer robbing its body of energy in order to maintain emotional images to divide the mind.
Emotional fear drains the biological body of its energy. They is why I said that a mind that lives off of any emotional belief, image, ideal, concept, opinion or theory is the Living Dead. The body is sort of living and being drain by a dead mind that is wallowing in the past or the future emotional fantasies.
We call them accidents but if you deliberately practice any emotional belief, then when you are not paying attention to what is going on in the present, you can't claim that to be a mistake or an accident. The identification with an emotional image or ideal or belief is deliberate. You purposely want to escape from certain thoughts and feelings so you deliberately identify with the emotional past or future. When you do that you are purposely rejecting the living present and putting your physical security (as well as your dependent kids) in jeopardy.
A person who lives in beliefs and ideals is not that ideal. The mind cannot create goodness. A mind can only arrive at goodness through directly perceiving that which is bad in himself. For instance fully feeling his envy, without conjuring up an image that is the opposite of envy, is goodness. But, if he escapes into an image which comes from past emotional experiences, the person is living in the past, which is a dead thing. In the present, he feels envy. Religion is a living thing that deals with the present and does not escape into past images/beliefs to deal with a present state of mind. So the religious mind does not cooperate with deception, because then it would no longer be religious.
The Emotional Mind will remain a dead so long as it uses it psychological storehouse of (images) past emotional experiences (that it likes) in which to take shelter. The more the mind hides in The Image, the more it remains a zombie that is the living dead. The Body is the living.
The Emotions that escape through "believing" is the dead. It is dead because The Image is born out of The Emotional-Past, which is dead and gone. The past memory is only beneficial in the context of mundane, material tasks using the technical thinking mind (doing math, remembering how to drive a car, etc.). However, in the Emotional Realm of thoughts and feelings about ourselves, The Past is the dead that overshadows clear, sane thinking because it breeds conflict between the living fact of "what I originally feel" and "what I prefer to feel" [between fact & fiction].
The Emotions that escape through "believing" is the dead. It is dead because The Image is born out of The Emotional-Past, which is dead and gone. The past memory is only beneficial in the context of mundane, material tasks using the technical thinking mind (doing math, remembering how to drive a car, etc.). However, in the Emotional Realm of thoughts and feelings about ourselves, The Past is the dead that overshadows clear, sane thinking because it breeds conflict between the living fact of "what I originally feel" and "what I prefer to feel" [between fact & fiction].
If you study the true nature of “believing”, you will discover the falseness of emotional opposition. And, it is that very seeing of that fact that makes your Emotional Mind no longer be in a state of opposition against itself. When the Emotional Mind awakens to what is False (about taking shelter in emotional images), that discovery gives birth to a LIVING MIND.
Now the Emotional Mind and Biological Body are in sync and the emotional mind is no longer a Zombie, because a holistically perceptive mind is Alive, which also energizes the Body and we naturally live in cooperation. Then, our planet can begin to heal itself and flourish in a balanced/harmonious state of existence.
Now the Emotional Mind and Biological Body are in sync and the emotional mind is no longer a Zombie, because a holistically perceptive mind is Alive, which also energizes the Body and we naturally live in cooperation. Then, our planet can begin to heal itself and flourish in a balanced/harmonious state of existence.
Thank you.
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