We are faced with millions of social problems that we either witness in our family circle, circle of friends, local community, across the country or globally. There are countless stories about victims and bullies. You have bullies that are overt (obvious) and bullies who are covert (secret). This is a very ancient problem that appears to have no solution. For millions of years, the human species has been divided against itself and fighting for its salvation from tyranny so that it can live in freedom and harmony. But, the problem is that the Emotional Mind (The Ego), is ignorant about how it operates.
In other words, it is blind to itself, which is why this psychological entity has been repeating its past mistake in its attempt to change its fearful way of existing. The bullies fear not being able to have complete control of the minds of Mankind. The victims fear being tortured and living in a perpetual state of captivity (both mentally and physically). Both sides of this equation are polarized and locked into a condition of feeding off of each other, and therefore, maintaining the repeat of history.
People are very superficial because all they care about is their personal situation. They do not realize that their situation is the same for all human beings. You either live as a bully or a victim that is either consciously aware of it or is unconscious and does not know. Regardless if you know or don't know which side you are emotionally supporting, the end results are: The Repeat of History, which is this endless struggle to get what "The Me" emotionally desires. If you are the bully, your ego wants to get what it desires. If you are the victim, your ego wants to do the same: fulfill its emotional desire.
Both sides of this Egotistical Coin blindly "believe" (which is to take for granted a thing to be true without any evidence to support it), and that their "belief" is that through willpower and opposition (conflict), that things will get better and change. And, that ultimately some day we will be finally safe and free at last. For the bully mindset, they view their freedom as being able to be cruel and coldblooded to the human race without any restraint whatsoever. The victim mindset wants their freedom to get revenge for all the injustices done to them, and thus perpetuating conflict/violence. This is the core objective from both sides of the same psychological or emotional mental coin that has historically shaped the "bully-victim" dichotomy of sorrow and annihilation from one civilization to the next.
One side of the coin appears to be Positive and the other side Negative. However, they are actually like a negative photographic film that produces its opposite, which is a "positive" photograph. So just because the negative film has a different appearance, that does not mean that the photograph is not related to its negative film. And, that is what is tricking our eyes today. We don't want to see that the hero and the villain are just like the negative film and the picture that are two sides of the same thing. So whistle blowers subconsciously came from their opponent because they both protect their Egos, which is a mind that is divided against itself. Both favor conflict to resolve the impending dangers that we all face.
Both sides of this Egotistical Coin blindly "believe" (which is to take for granted a thing to be true without any evidence to support it), and that their "belief" is that through willpower and opposition (conflict), that things will get better and change. And, that ultimately some day we will be finally safe and free at last. For the bully mindset, they view their freedom as being able to be cruel and coldblooded to the human race without any restraint whatsoever. The victim mindset wants their freedom to get revenge for all the injustices done to them, and thus perpetuating conflict/violence. This is the core objective from both sides of the same psychological or emotional mental coin that has historically shaped the "bully-victim" dichotomy of sorrow and annihilation from one civilization to the next.
One side of the coin appears to be Positive and the other side Negative. However, they are actually like a negative photographic film that produces its opposite, which is a "positive" photograph. So just because the negative film has a different appearance, that does not mean that the photograph is not related to its negative film. And, that is what is tricking our eyes today. We don't want to see that the hero and the villain are just like the negative film and the picture that are two sides of the same thing. So whistle blowers subconsciously came from their opponent because they both protect their Egos, which is a mind that is divided against itself. Both favor conflict to resolve the impending dangers that we all face.
You have every kind of assault taking place on Earth from poisoning the atmosphere, the water, the food and the Earth, itself. Humanity is out of balance and everything he/she touches gets twisted out of balance. Life is built on Atomic Energy. The Atom is the fabric of all things, including our bodies/minds. To understand what is natural you must understand The Basic Energy of Creation: The Atom. The Atom is a Neutral form of energy that is the byproduct or end result of two opposite forms of energy: the Electron (negative energy) + the Proton (positive energy). In order for there to be creation of life, these opposite expressions of energy (electron-negative & proton-positive) must be in EQUAL quantities in order to make an Atom, which is Neutral Energy. In math it would be expressed as this:
Equation of Equality The Creation of Life or Wholeness:
+1 (plus) -1 = 0 (zero or neutrality or The Atom)
+1000 (plus) -1000 = 0 = Balance/Harmony/Solution to any problem.
No matter what the quantity is, both sides must be equal for there to be balance, order or normal functioning.
+ = positive energy = proton. - = negative energy = electron.
Equal Opposite expressions of Energy is what Nature and the Universe is based on and what is balance of opposite energies. That is what "NORMAL" factually means. To violate this Natural Atomic Principle of Life or Creation is criminal and will bring about DISORDER, TERROR, PHYSIOLOGICAL INSTABILITY, ANTI-MATTER, POLLUTION, ASSAULTS AGAINST BIOLOGICAL HEALTH, DISINTEGRATION, DEGENERATION, GENOCIDE or ANNIHILATION OF OUR WORLD.
This imbalance of "electron & proton" energy generated within the Emotional Mind is the only reason why crime rules the human world. Behind every covert (secret) operation of genocide is the Emotional Mind/The Ego that erroneously thinks that it is "superior" and has a "right" to destroy anyone whom it chooses. Their great storehouse of wealth gives Their Ego a license to murder and destroy our world and us, because we continue to fail to learn to be Emotionally Whole.
And, it is this failure on the part of the "victim" mentality (mainly the adults) that gives the small group of wealthy "bullies" their ability to torture our world and us everyday. We can only halt this assault from within our emotional mind, first, before taking action in the physical world. That is why bloody revolutions never have and never will free Humanity from this ancient plight of "positive" & "negative" energetic conflict within the emotional-mind (our conditioning we got through our education and religious indoctrinations).
They will continue their goal to control all human beings and they will succeed if we keep neglecting our innate responsibility to HOLISTICALLY OBSERVE OUR TOTAL EMOTIONAL RESPONSES without pushing away those thoughts and feelings that we "dislike". Every time you deny COMPLETE ATTENTION to any emotional reaction that you think or feel, you are giving your oppressors permission to rip apart your life (as well as your children). Because any denial to Observe ALL of your responses without trying to improve them or control them is the act of DIVISION.
Remember that only a DIVIDED MIND can be conquered and controlled by another. But, a mind that is free to Observe ALL emotional responses is Whole and cannot be hijacked. That is really how we can protect our bodies and our environment, not by getting angry and seeking revenge -- that will only lead to doom and a repeat of history.
The human being is, and has always been, operating against this Natural Atomic Principle of Energy/Creation. In other words, Humanity is out of order (out of energetic balance), which originated within our Emotional Mind/The Ego. Humans have given more value or worth to the "proton" (the paternal expression of energy which is the male human). And, the human female is undervalued which is the "electron" (the maternal expression of energy). That is an energetic imbalance between the "proton" & "electron" opposite forms of energy. We view one of the opposite forms of energy as being "higher" and the other as being the "lower", which is false, degenerate and disorderly. This is done because of the manner in which we view our Emotional Thoughts/Feelings: we judge emotions that we "like" as being the "positive" (the higher); and the emotions that we "dislike" are considered "negative" (lower).
Therefore, the emotional-mind has fragmented itself by suppressing or jailing the "lower" (the "negative emotions) and promoting the "higher" (the "positive" emotions). The jail of the Emotional Mind is its "subconscious" which is ignored and neglected but it continues to operate in the background, anyway. The superficial area of the mind promotes those emotions that it "likes", which is the "conscious" emotional-mind. The "conscious" emotional-mind is what you know; the "subconscious" is what is hidden from the upper area of the mind. Hence, the "conscious" is like "Heaven" or "God" or "Friend" and the "subconscious" is like "Hell" or the "Devil" or "Foe" within.
Therefore, that divided mind views its associations with people and the world and its events through that emotional contradiction or opposition. The emotional mind (The Ego) is at war with its "Conscious" and its "Subconscious". The "Protons/Liked Emotions" are against its "Electrons/Disliked Emotions" and vice versa. This activity violates the Natural Atomic Law of Energy. Therefore, the mental energy is in disorder and is not in sync with the energy of The Universe, so the Human Mind (that takes sides) is imploding moment by moment each day.
Our emotions are the essence of "The Me" or "The Ego". The "electrons=negative emotions and represents the "female". The "protons-positive emotions and represents the "male". So by favoring one form of energy over the other the mind is dividing itself and is, therefore, at odds with itself, hence "The Ego" is born of of division. That is why the religious dogmas are mainly paternal-based and seek to discredit and destroy maternal-based ideologies and vice versa. Both dogmas are false and disorderly because they are in violation of the Natural Atom Law of Equality/Neutrality. "In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost" is biased favoring the "proton" form of energy. Military is mainly a paternal-based group and is outwardly aggressive towards Nature.
Goddess-based ideologies favor the "electron" form of energy and wants to overthrow its opposite, the "proton" (the male). Most women's organizations set out to condemn the male agenda and pretend that their agenda is more fair. However, both male & female objectives have the same goal, which is to favor themselves and condemn their opposite. Ergo, both "Gods/males" & "Goddesses/females" are criminal because they are in direct violation of the Natural Laws of Neutrality & Balance (where opposites equally co-exist) just like day & night equally co-exist; neither is favored or dominates over the other opposite form of energy.
Our emotions are opposites and they must not be favored but, instead, be equally observed from moment to moment, everyday. Such a mind is Whole or Holy and moral and good and it does not cause undo harm to itself nor to the world. The Ego, then, no longer exists when it is watching ALL of its emotional responses -- without any interference from The Observer attempting to change or overthrow what is being Observed, because "The Observer IS The Observed" (The Natural Law of Quantum Physics has verified that fact). That is Universal Law & Order which is Sanity.
Insanity is favoritism, which is division, which is conflict, which is an unstable world that is in a perpetual process of disintegration or annihilation. That would be this world ruled by the insane who happen to be wealthy, and their counterparts (the victim mindset) are scared to free their mind from the bondage of choosing between opposites either the "positive/proton" or the "negative/electron" emotions. It is Psychological Choice that is criminal. Anyone engaging in it is giving their mental energy to every destructive thing taking place in the world. That is factual.
All of this imbalance of opposing energy is originating from the way we treat our Emotional-Mind (of "positive/like" & "negative/dislike" emotional thoughts/ feelings). When we play emotional favoritism of the "proton/male/positive" or the "electron/female/negative", we are consciously or unconsciously contributing our emotional energetic support directly to every social injustice and torture being executed throughout the world everyday. In other words, WE ARE BEING THE PROBLEM!
"Religious Dogmas" is what got all of this started! They pressured Humanity to separate their thoughts and feels and to deem them to be either "good" or "evil". And, under threat of death, they coerced people to bowing down to divide their emotional mind. The people are ultimately responsible for not questioning the validity of identifying with one side of the emotional mind in preference to the other side of itself. The challenged could have dared to find out what would happen if they stood their ground and EQUALLY STUDIED ALL THOUGHTS/FEELINGS when faced with any human interaction. Then, this world of constant death threats from bullies would never have come into existence, as we see today.
But, now it is our job to rise to the occasion and stand up to tyranny by daring to Holistically Observe/Study/Examine ALL emotional thoughts and feelings as we interact with our fellow Human Being everyday. Find out what will happen if you face your mind as a WHOLE. Find out that the Natural Law which is that a fragmented unbalance energy can never overtake balanced WHOLE energy! That is an absolute fact, which is not a belief, opinion or desire. Facts always prevail. Imagination and beliefs are always temporary and eventually fade away because they have no substance.
There was a period when the maternal was in power, which was when the "electron" dominated humans (and the males were tormented and exploited by the seductive powers of the female energy). Then, the males rose up to take over and now we have a world that is dominated by the "proton" energy. Both opposing energies are out of order for trying to rule over the other. That is not how the Atom naturally functions.
Whenever either opposite tries to dominate, they are going against the Natural Atomic Rule of Life/Energy of having EQUAL opposite forms of energy so that there is no dominance, only Neutrality/Balance/Stability. That can only take place when there is the clear understanding that ALL psychological belief systems are false because they are based on inequality and are detrimental to our well being of being Neutral, which is sanity, balance, harmony, peace, love and creation-- instead of insane annihilation.
Originally, religion meant to gather ALL (means both the negative and positive) ENERGY TO OBSERVE THE WHOLE SELF". The foundation of the human being is his Emotional Mind. I say Emotional Mind, because we have a Technical Mind for doing calculations for physical tasks. We have been overly educated in technique. We have been horribly misguided by "religious systems" which are all detrimental to having a Mind that is Whole unto itself, because the cunning people wish to dominate over other minds. They found out millions of years ago that a Whole Mind that is not divided cannot be hijacked or dominated in any manner, because it is not dependent for its security on any "outside authority" of any kind.
For the bully who wishes to dominate his fellow man/woman, he must generate terrifying living conditions. Then he must put on another costume and pretend to be the savior who has come to save you from your dreadful state of affairs. He must convince you to take everything he says to be true. A mind that is disoriented from fear will cling to anything said out of desperation of fleeing from being disturbed. Therefore, the "victim" tends to believe whatever false solution is propagated.
Such a mind has been broken by relying on outside influences to dictate his security, which he or she unknowingly has given the bully permission to destroy his or her life. So in order to control the mind of another, there is only one instrument -- FEAR! We have never been properly educated to understand the origin of fear. Liars have told us throughout the ages that "fear" is a natural part of life. But, we have been confused by exactly what it is.
When an animal is being chased to be eaten by another, we mistake that for fear. It is not fear. It is the natural intelligence in the creature to get away from anything that could end its life. If you see a car coming toward you, your biological brain forces you to get out of the way. That is intelligence to preserve the body from injury or death. There is a nervous strong tension that causes the body to act quickly to avoid the danger. That is the bodies intelligence alerting the body to do whatever is necessary to survive. That nervous tension we have wrongly labeled to be fear. That is merely animal self-preservation instinct. When a mother of an animals sees danger coming toward her offspring, she rushes over to defend it from being injured. That is the intelligence taking action to survive. There is no fear in that.
What human beings are suffering from is outside the realm of the animals creatures. We have an Emotional Mind that judges itself based on its imagination, which other creatures don't have. If they kill it is strictly for a biological necessity or need. When the human kills, it is most likely murder. Animals do not murder. ONLY PEOPLE COMMIT MURDER, which is taking life to satisfy an EMOTION STATE OF BEING or IMAGINATION of Self-Worth that is imagined (i.e., being superior). Because we are ignorant about our Emotional Mind, we merely defend it as if we were protection our biological bodies.
For the most part, society has never been properly taught that you cannot have both Physical Security and Psychological Security. When you seek Psychological Power you destroy Physical Balance. That is why humans are destroying their only home, Earth. No other creature has ever destroyed its own home because everything it does is to protect the balance of energy within itself and therefore the whole of nature grows and thrives.
However, we are greedy creatures. We have always wanted both Psychological Security and Physical Security. So in order to have that, the RICH or the WEALTHY ELITE were created. That is how monarchs began and any group of people who thought they had the right to murder and steal from the rest of the human species. In order for some to have both Psychological and Physical Wealth, there had to be a large sacrifice of human lives, which is why war exists.
For the survivors of war, they get to have property and positions of power and prestige. So people think they are sacrificing their lives for some noble reason. The ugly truth is that they have to give up their Physical Well Being (including their possessions) so that others can lay claim to them. Human sacrifice is being practiced today and has always been practiced since the birth of the fragmented mind - The Ego.
Earlier, I said that there are bullies and victims who are two sides of the same equation or coin. The masses have always gotten the short end of the deal. And, the super rich come from an ancient long line of pirates. A pirate is a criminal that has deemed himself to be "superior" to others in his species. To prove this "belief" he must take away the property and lives of the masses. The greater the number of deaths, the more he and his group are feared and respected. By seeking revenge on these criminals, the victims always lose the End Game! ALWAYS!
The clever and devious minded know that they can only stay in domination if they can do such horrible crimes that it evokes this feeling of revenge. They do this so that they can pretend to be "defending themselves against insane people". So in that way, they can masquerade as being decent human beings. Therefore, the ultimate covert rulers secretly hold meetings to strategize secret ways to hurt the public. Their vast wealth is used to hire others to do their bidding and carry out their terrorizing plans so that they can claim to have nothing to do with the crimes against both Nature and Humanity.
In order for these horrible crimes to go on and on and on, it all depends of the stupidity of the victims. For it is the "victims" who enable all bullies to be able to get away with what they have done and what they plan on continuing to go on doing. After all, a "mastery" can't prove that he is "superior" without have something to compare himself or herself to. What is a jailer without a prisoner? So the super rich and powerful are grounded in those that they attack. If there were no victims to attack, then the attackers would have to attack each other because they are brainwashed to attack and never live in peace at all. They must keep a few "lower" type people around to sustain the illusion that they are almighty and powerful and superior. And, it is the masses who give their oppressors what they need in order for their oppression to continue.
Every challenge and situation among humans comes from or originates in the Emotional Mind. That is the CPU (Central Processing Unit like in a computer) of the human animal. That has been hacked into centuries ago. And, the masses are not aware of this fact. So whenever they try to rise up as a mass to take down the monstrous elite rulers, they only do a partial job. They may get a few of the elite, but they simply regroup and come back stronger and more vicious than their predecessors. That is why we have this extremely lethal situation going on in the health care industry, the food industry, the environmental pollutions, etc., etc., etc. Many famous celebrities support the elite bullies because they fear their wrath -- plain and simple. It's the old adage of "If you can't beat them, join them." That is Psychological Fear at work, which is not the same as protecting Physical or Biological Security. This is about EGO!
Behind every horror story, you have this shadow called "They". "They" make rules to protect their injuries done to people and the world's environment. "They" control the messages sent out through media outlets. "They" tell us that we don't have the right to determine for ourselves what is safe to put into our bodies. "They" tell us what to teach our children to think. "They" must be obeyed or else they will destroy us all. Well guess what folks, you have been obeying "Them" for thousands of years (generation after generation), and "They" are taking more lives than ever. "They" have made up rules that the masses support and respect that makes it possible to poison us and the world on a daily basis.
But, now that the public is finally catching on to the danger surrounding their lives everyday, they have the same old brainwashed responses that keep the infamous "They" in power. The masses always think that the answer lies in fighting back. That is not the answer; that is like trying to put out a raging inferno with gasoline (thinking that that liquid is water). The Origin of Conflict IS the only problem. And, that origin is primarily ignored in most people.
What is Psychological Conflict? And, why is it THE ONLY PROBLEM? Well, it is your Emotional "Like" & "Dislike" reactions that drive your every move and your blind loyalty to it. Most of humanity is ignorant about their Emotional Mind (Like/Dislike), which is what their Ego is made out of. This area of human life is primitive, barbaric and backwards. It hides behind our Technical Mind (that part that does mathematical calculations for physical tasks). We have been tricked into "believing" that just because we can memories a bunch of technical information, that makes us intelligent and sane. It does not.
Any computer/robot can be fed technical data and spit it back out again. The computer or robot is not intelligent because it does not have the ability to be aware of what it is. It can carry out programs but not understand the nature of itself. And, human beings are functioning like a robot too, because we have made ourselves incapable of understanding and being Holistically Aware of our Total Emotional Mind (both expressions of the emotions: negative & positive).
So long as the mind is divided, it can be conquered and controlled by outside agents. But, a mind that studies ALL OF ITS EMOTIONAL RESPONSES and learns the TOTAL NATURE OF ITS EMOTIONAL MIND without trying to manipulate whatever it Observes, then it remains WHOLE and is, therefore, a Light Unto Itself. A fragmented mind cannot overthrow nor control a mind that is not divided against itself. The reason why you have people forming groups on paper and using words like "corporation" to have the ability to commit crimes against Humanity & Nature, is because our mind is divided against itself. What you may desire on a conscious level, your subconscious makes the opposite happen.
Why? Because, you have been trained to oppose your emotional reactions. You have been told that your thoughts and feelings are only a part of who you are. That is a HUGE LIE, which was started by the original brainwashers (the "clergymen" of all cultures). They started the myth of "good" & "evil". They told us it is wrong to have certain thoughts and feelings and to drive them out and replace them with so-called "good" thoughts/feelings.
The fact of the matter is that every single emotional thought and feeling that we have IS our mind. It is you. If you feel anger, that state of mind is you. Our thoughts and feelings are just like the contents of The Atom (which contain opposite forms of energy: electrons=negative + protons=positive). When we think a thought, we are that thought. The Observer is the Observed. That has been proven though the science of Quantum Physics (Prof. David Bohm who was a student of Prof. Albert Einstein). The Observer is that which he Observes. The Thinker is his Thought. The Controller is that which he Controls. These are facts that we have been brainwashed to resist acknowledging. Why is this important to understand? What does this have to do with the super elite powerful rich hurting the world? It has everything to do with it. Your psychological ignorance is why they thrive and have gotten away with crimes against the world century after century. And, your only reaction is to fight them, which only increases their death grip on the world.
In your daily life you are challenged by the bullies in this world. Some bullies take the form of doctors, lawyers, judges, clergymen and in every profession. They serve their Ego to be superior. And in order to do that, they must do harm either out in the open or in secret. The most powerful are hidden from plain sight. They hide behind emotional words of "respectability". But, there is one thing that no one can prevent and that is nobody can stop a person from transforming their psychological ignorance.
If you are drop-dead serious about studying your WHOLE EMOTIONAL MIND, then as you observe your responses to any situation in your daily life, they can't stop you from studying your brainwashed reactions. The only thing that can stop you is your fear of seeing yourself as you are without fighting against whatever you see. That is your only challenge. If you can face that HONESTLY, then you are untouchable. What I mean is that the only way a person can be destroyed is with their permission. You unknowingly give your consent to be destroyed just by turning a blind eye to your Ego and assuming that you are doing the right thing by defending it. Your Ego is at odds within itself. So when you set out to take down a bully corporation, your alter Ego opens the back door and allows your oppressors to tear up your world.
That is why I said that you have to understand that your mind is based on the natural Atomic Law. Both the negative and positive thoughts and emotions must be observed. Awareness is a Neutral state or Zero Point. Neutrality is the byproduct of observing without any opposition to what you observe both expressions of emotional energy in your mind. This is Holistic Self Knowledge. This is the balance of the mind. Being aware is not a mechanical process of memorizing some information and then recalling that information. That is only appropriate in the carrying out technical tasks like driving a car, or knowing hour to properly care for your body, etc., etc.
In the Emotional Mind, memorizing is useless and blocks Total Clarity about "The Me" or "The Me" or "The I". That entity has formulated concepts about itself and either thinks of itself as being "superior" or "inferior". Truthfully, in order to believe you are "superior" that is an reaction to an emotional experience of feeling "inferior" so the mind projected the opposite image. But any projection of the imagination is growing out of the root of its original state of mind. So that belief of being the opposite has no substance because it is the slave to the master that created it. It is the "inferior" feeling that created the slave concept of being "superior". The mind is playing a trick on itself without knowing it. When the mind is tricking itself, it is in no position to stop bullies from have an advantage over them.
In other words, these situations that are unfolding every single day regarding unfair treatment, lies, fraud, poisoning our bodies through the air, food and water and genetic engineering destroy the natural balance of Nature, all of this is coming from THE HUMAN EGO (the Emotional Mind Center that is unaware of its true nature). You have the so-called "good guys" that are sometimes known as the whistle blowers who report terrible injuries that are being done to the masses. Their facts are usually correct about the technical damages that are being carried out. However, these people are a part of the problem because they are in the dark about their own Ego. So their subconscious is befriending the very people that they are ratting out to the public.
The "well-meaning heroes" are alerting the public not simply to spare the public from more misery, but they also wish to be viewed as being the "noble" and "good" Ego. There is no such thing as a "good" or "noble" Ego. The Ego is the same in every person. It is the direct result of going into opposition with itself. The Ego is a Divided Emotional Mind, which is what insanity is. Insanity is not just someone who sounds like a blithering idiot. Insanity is a mind that does not see its entire self by suppressing emotional thoughts and feelings that it does not want to acknowledge as being a part of itself and it only identifies with a made-up version of itself. That is where all this cruelty is born out of.
The experts who alert the public to the bullies that are exploiting us are giving us a heads up with a self-centered ulterior motive, which is to make themselves appear to be our friend who is going to take down "The Big Bad Wolves". Nonsense! It is people who hide behind the obvious criminals who are the main perpetrators of injustice in the world. They sound sensible, on the surface, but deep down they are Psychologically Divided within. They do not observe their Whole Mind. People who encourage us to stand up and fight the system only care about being written down in history as the heroes who save the world. The problems that we are facing in this day and age are so big and wide spread that it will take an unprecedented approach to end this mess.
There may be thousands or even millions of problems plaguing this whole world, but they are all flowing from ONE FOUNDATION/SOURCE. THE EMOTIONAL MIND/EGO (Both Positive Ego and Negative Ego). They are polarized like the North and South Poles what appear to be far apart, but they meet at the center of the Earth. Similarly, the villains who are carrying out a plan to depopulate the Human Race, and to permanent alter our DNA and to permanently alter the DNA of the food chain, they are being enabled by the very people who are exposing them through the media and the Internet.
World War III is a Psychological War to get everyone to fight for their Psychological Sense of Self. Both sides are doing the same thing. They both preach about "believing". The very act of "believing" is the soil that nourishes The Ego. When you "believe" you are cancelling out your ability to clearly "Perceive" facts as they are. The fact about the Ego is that it is fighting to convince itself that it is "good" in its own eyes. The fact is that the Ego is resisting being Holistically Aware of All its thoughts/feelings. The Ego is divided against itself and it refuses to see that fact because it knows, deep down, that it will end if it does acknowledge that fact. These whistle blowers will be the ruination of this world if we allow them to be our leader or authority.
You must be a Light Unto Yourself by Holistically Studying Your Ego so it will naturally vanish without fighting it. The more you struggle to get rid of it, the more powerful it becomes and it subconsciously gives its oppressors permission to take their property and their lives. The Trojan Horse is Your Ego. It is not your friend. Do not defend it. Do not battle it. Do not hide from observing it, because IT is the foundation of your life and makes your destiny to repeat history.
The Ego is the storehouse of past emotional experiences that have been divided into "good/like" & "bad/dislike". That bias is the challenge that you must observe it. As you observe, that very observation is Neutral/Zero Point because there is no "You" to do anything about what you observer. There is just "HOLISTIC OBSERVATION". It is Whole because you are not opposing yourself (which is your thoughts & feelings). When the Emotional Mind (the mind that responds with envy, anger, hate, lust, etc.) is dispassionately paid Full Attention, it is the Energy of Watchfulness that frees the mind from opposing itself, because it now understands that it would be a crime to attack itself.
After all, internal conflict is the ground on which all other deeds are based. If you want to have a peaceful world that is in a state of harmonious balance of energy, both the "electron=negative" & "proton=positive" thoughts and feelings must be completely and deeply embraced. That is the natural Atomic Law of Equality and Neutrality, which is Creation. Where there is Creation there is freedom from "Annihilation".
Let's look at this very basically and simply. Everything you see in the world that is alive came from a seed, right? Take an apple seed, for instance. The code inside that seed determines the end result. Also the ground or soil in a major factor too. If you put a health seed into a ground that is poisoned then as the seed grows it will absorb that poison and produce a poisonous apple tree. When you eat it, the poison in the soil will be contained in that apple. Then your body will absorb that poison, as well.
Similarly, when the mind poisons itself by suppressing part of itself and cling to another part, the result is a confused mind. A confused mind does damage to itself and others. The only way to end what is going on in the world is to restore order in our house/mind. You do that by doing what is natural, which is, Study/Observe/Examine ALL THOUGHTS/FEELINGS as they arise while you are relating to others. Then you get to see your Ego reflected in your emotional responses. See how you are programmed to hide from your responses. Don't resist whatever you discover as you pay attention to your responses.
You may think that self-awareness is nothing, but remember that all of Life and Creation is based on "Nothing" (Neutrality/Zero Point). The equal amount of negative & positive energy is the fabric of the Universe. If that Equality of Opposite Energy is upset, the Universe would Implode. Our mind is made out of Atoms. So we are naturally suppose to Equality Observe Opposite Emotions (Neg. & Pos.) and through that Holistic Observation the mind is WHOLE (or Holy). It is a Light Unto Itself in which there is no psychological fear.
Psychological Fear is the Ego. It is afraid of seeing the truth that it is limited, and that it is at war with itself. The Ego is its own worst enemy. If you step out of the way and merely function as a Whole Mind and be in sync with the Universe, all Egos that try to take away your physical security will unknowingly delete themselves. That is the only way to stop repeating the Emotional History of Bullies & Victims (who are one in the same). They have a co-dependent relationship. And, both sides are in denial that they are supporting each other in secret. Both sides want you to "believe" in something. Neither side will ever tell you to drop all psychological "Beliefs" because they would lose their position of authority over you. Both sides want to rule you. That is unnatural.
A Whole Mind that Observes Itself does not need to depend on any deity or outside authority. All it requires is the Zero Point of Self-Awareness which is the soil in which all communication springs from. A mind that is Whole and Clear has right conduct and does not need to be policed/controlled. Its only control is through Wisdom born of Vigilance of The Ego. To watch the Ego is to end it. But to fight the Ego is to help it to destroy you and the world.
While I appreciate the factual information about the bad things being done to our physical world, I don't appreciate the fact that they all are hiding their Egos and pretending to be helping us. They are just scaring us to death and that is all. And, some of them are telling us to have hope and to pray and to believe that we will overcome these ever growing disasters in our environment and upon our bodies.
That is a load of crap that has been told to the masses for tens of thousands of years and look where it has gotten the world -- right where we are today. So forget about their pep talks to rise up to fight the bullies. Forget about "believing" in some dogma or "new age" crap. Positive Thinking is just as bad as Negative Thinking because both are one-sided and UNEQUAL. And, that violates the natural Atom Rule of Life. Either siding with the Positive Ego (heads) nor the Negative Ego (tails) is wise or prudent.
Realize that both sides share the same coin -- The Emotional Mind that is Divided by suppressing either its negative thoughts and feelings or its positive thoughts and feelings. As a result you end up with a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde persona that is fighting itself (conscious vs. subconscious). That is the make up of the Ego of all people. That split dissolves only when the mind is Totally Watching ALL of its Emotional reactions in the mirror of relationship in our daily lives. It is that Holistic Watching that ends Division in the Mind and thus in the World.
You can't stop these physical disasters by going after fixing them while your Emotional Mind is Broken/Divided. A Divided Mind will only make more problems and can never end them because these problems came from one source: Our Self Ignorance and lack of understanding ourselves. As long as we remain in the dark about our Ego, nothing can stop these bullies from unleashing unholy hell on this beautiful Earth.
If this does not make any sense to you it is because you are not free to investigate your Ego. There is great apprehension toward this area of the mind. It is the ultimate challenge that very few human beings dare to venture. There is overwhelming fear of probing into "The Emotional Me/Self" because it has a vested interest in protecting the status quo. The mind has been programmed to seek a guarantee or else it will shrink away from learning about itself, fully. So it will take the easy way out and simply condemn and reject the truth about how it operates.
Really the Emotional Mind does not want to be free to stand alone and be a Light Unto Itself. So nine times out of ten, people who come across a message such as this will scoff at it and throw some emotional phrases at it and run away into its habitual groove of being in conflict within and without. It will continue repeating the history of either playing the role of master/bully or slave/victim. And, the horror stories in the news will repeat the same crap, day after day. And, the masses will whine and complain but they will not stop defending their Ego, which is how oppression continues to grip their lives. So they will go on hoping and praying for a miracle for some outside agency to come and save them from their Ego to whom they have sworn their allegiance no matter what their bodies will be put through.
Isn't it ironic how people pretend that they want to be loved, yet they do not love themselves enough to Holistically Study their emotional conditioned responses so that their pain will finally end. Truly the Ego is a loveless cruel beast that only knows how to pretend to be something it is not -- intelligent and sane.
Thank you.
Reality Reflector
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