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I am born of NOTHING |
told me that anything that I say has to be an opinion. This person
went on to say that even if a person is not living in conflict that
if a bomb were dropped where he or she lives that a person not in
conflict would be killed. Then he said that the only reason why Jiddu
Krishnamurti was never hurt is because he stayed away from war zones.
Let me
address this issue of “opinions”, first.
It is
very sad that people are not properly educated. Real education is
about being able to distinguish things very clearly and accurately.
Unfortunate, most people don't understand the distinction between
“technical-based opinions” and “emotional-based opinions”.
opinions” are purely for physical or material things. One can dream
up recipes, blueprints for a building, car or boat. One can have an
opinion with regard to technical expertise. Opinions, ideas,
imagination, etc. are tools meant strictly for physical survival. We
use are imagination to invent all kinds of instruments and things to
meet the needs of our biological well being.
the only reason why we use our imaginations to invent things for the
destruction of life is simply due to “emotional-opinions”. This
is an abusive use of our imagination. The human mind has 2
distinctive categories of operation:
- Emotional (or Psychological or Spiritual – these are synonyms)
- Mechanical (or Technical or Factual – these are synonyms)
“emotional” realm is naturally neutral. That means no projection
of our imagination either “positively” or “negatively”. But,
most of Humanity is “emotionally” programmed or conditioned to
either project “negative” or “positive” opinions, beliefs or
ideals. This happens because the “emotional-mind” has not being
properly educated in this realm.
have thoughts or feelings that are uncomfortable, we use our
imagination to impose an opposite thought or feeling. We battle
“negative” emotions with “positive” emotions. Or conversely,
we battle “positive” emotions with “negative” emotions. The
former state is called, “Thinking Positively” (society classifies
you as being “good” or “respectable”). The latter state is
called, “Evil Thinking” (society classifies you as being “bad”
or “demonic”).
is the traditional, primitive mindset that is handed down from one
generation to the next. That is why people think that it is “normal”
to live in conflict. We erroneously think or take it for granted
(believe) that the opposite natures are suppose to fight each other.
The only reason for the fight is for each side to try to prove that
it is “right” or “superior” compared to his or her opponent.
The rulers reward people to engage in competition and battles. But if
you enter a battle that is not pre-approved by the rulers, you are
deemed to be a rogue criminal. But if the rulers enlist you to do
battle with a group that the rulers have deemed to be “bad”, then
you can commit murder on masses of people in that group and get a
medal for doing it.
Is Belief Necessary
The “emotional-mind” is still existing in the Dark Ages. Darkness
is a very old word. Originally, it meant “ignorance”. What makes
for ignorance? It is very simple. “Ignorance” is the act of
“ignoring” a fact simply because you don't like it. Some
philosopher made of this idea that: “I think, therefore I am”.
What that essentially means is that your imagination can think
anything it wants and take whatever it thinks to be a hard fact. For
example, “I think that I am happy, therefore I am happy”... is a
falsehood. Happiness is not a figment of anyone's imagination. To be
happy means to be in touch with the facts in ourselves. But instead
we battle against anything that we think or feel that we wish was not
there. I may have a feeling that I hate (the object of that hatred is
not important) and I don't like the way that feels. So I go into my
“emotional” storehouse of past experiences and dig up a feeling I
once had that I liked and I turn my attention to the past feeling
that I once had that I liked in order to escape from the present
feeling that I dislike.
is made of of our emotional memory that projects and imposes that
emotional content over the present moments whenever we want to
distract our minds away from anything that is troubling. What we fail
to comprehend is that ALL states of mind is your WHOLE nature. When
your mind protests against any quality of its nature, it is then at
war with itself. It is taking its past memory and painting over the
living state that the mind objects to. To the mind is having an
internal argument with itself. This internal struggle sets the
foundation for how the mind relates to other around oneself.
All of
this comes from the “seed of the emotional-image” substituting
the fact with fiction. That past is dead and gone so it is fiction.
The present feeling responding to stimuli coming from our
interactions with people, things and ideas. This is the main reason
why Humanity builds and destroys what he/she builds. This
contradictory strife is the dysfunction of our “imagination”. On
the “emotional” plane, it was never intended to be used at all.
We don't want it to be true that our only function “emotionally”
is to merely WATCH, MONITOR or EXAMINE any “emotional” state of
mind. Only let the Action-of-Watching learn about its nature. That is
a different kind of learning that is completely different from
“technical learning”.
Learning” is merely an accumulation of information to be used for
material and physical problems to be remedies. That is perfectly
fine. However, we are more than mechanical beings. We are also
“emotional” beings. It is this side of our nature that is
completely IGNORANT about itself proper way to operate.
We are
broken, divided or fragmented by our wrong use of our “emotional”
imagination. It comes about whenever we look at any given situation
and say to ourselves, “That should not be like that – It should
be like this” because I don't like that reality. We have become
reality editors. In other words, the “emotional” mind is “playing
God”. That is, we are trying to make up what the facts are
according to our personal “emotional” “like” and “dislike”.
we “emotionally” “like” a situation or even what we think and
feel, we try to own it, possess or identify ourselves with it. That
is called worship. We worship people and even things. We try to
“emotionally” cling on to anything that we “like”. And, we
either attack or run away from anything (in our minds or in the
external world) that we “dislike”. That is a state of
CONTRADITION which is hypocrisy. The mind becomes a dualistic “heads”
& “tails” then both sides divorce themselves from each other
and conveniently forget the fact that they are 2 parts of 1 whole
unit. That is how “God” & “Devil” was born or invented by
the “emotional” mind.
when someone tells me that whatever I say is an “opinion”,
something that I prefer to think is true, I can clearly see that that
person is conditioned. A mind that is programmed, emotionally, thinks
that every Human Being is operating like he or she is, simply because
most people in the world are operating the same. Most people are
divided and a divided mind lives based on “opinion”.
Facts are whole and “opinions” are fragments of the facts. All “emotional-opinions” are born out of “like” and “dislike”. Whereas a fact that is observed without fighting against it by dissecting the fact, takes the WHOLE fact. My mind feels and thinks dark things. I don't fight myself. I embrace that thought and feeling because I am that emotion. As I embrace it I am learning about that quality of of mental being. In learning there is NEUTRALITY. Just like in an atom there is the NEUTRON (it has NO CHARGE or ZERO CHARGE). That Neutrality makes it possible for the “negative” (the electron” and the “positive” (proton) to co-exist with out one energy form trying to get rid of the other. That is why the Night does not try to get rid of the Day and visa versa.
In the
human “emotional mind”, we are afraid to look at and get in touch
with the quality of our mind that we consider to be ugly because we
have been pressured as children to never get in touch with the dark
side of ourselves. For if you do, society will punish you. In ancient
times, whenever a person expressed dark or negative thoughts
(opinions), the “superstitious organized religions” would
publicly torture and murder people to frightened people into ignoring
a part of their “emotional” nature. They were forbidden to get in
touch with so-called “wicked” feelings or thoughts. When a woman
felt lust she was made to feel ashamed. When her state of lust grew
to strong, she would destroy her physical beauty by becoming a nun. The
man who wanted to dominated and imprison the woman would tell her
that she is not “respectable” and “good” for stripping away
her natural beauty.
foundation of a building must be WHOLE. A cracked or divided
foundation will cause any structure built atop that cracked
foundation to be unstable and it will eventually collapse. That is a
fact, not an opinion. Facts have nothing to do with “like” nor
“dislike”. A Human being can see and describe the fact that was
seen provided that your mind does not edit whatever it sees.
does the Emotional Mind edit the facts?
Emotional Mind edits facts because it wants to become MORE than it
is. That is the introduction of GREED. Because the Emotional Mind is
dissatisfied with itself, it wishes to invent a “better self”.
But who is the “Inventor” of this “better self”? The
Emotional Mind cannot build a state of mind that it is not. So the
“opposite” is rooted in its own “opposite”. Love born out of
the escape from Hatred is still Hatred in disguise. That is why the
illusion of Love turns into arguments, fighting and even murder,
because that pleasure called, “love”, was merely an “emotional”
escape from hatred.
the mind studies and makes full contact with its feeling of hatred,
that state of mind is quarantined in that Holistic Observation. When
the mind is learning about any quality of its nature (not fighting
itself), then the Act-of-Learning is Neutral (neither “negative”
nor “positive”) – just like the Neutron in the atom keeps the
peace between the proton & electron.
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Negative - 0 - Positive = Creation |
is different from Killing. An animal kills to eat. But Humans Murder
to satisfy an “emotional” craving to be superior or something
that is in charge like a ruler. If you look at the Universe nothing
is ruling over another object. No planet rules another planet. When
things are fully in touch with its own nature, it does not behave
this person said that if a person was not in conflict in their mind
that a bomb could be dropped on them. That is impossible because the
only reason why bombs are being dropped on people is because those
people are internally at war within their mind. When a mind attacks
itself it is attracting circumstances that attract annihilation. If
people were at peace inside their minds, they would not attract
violence and brutality toward them. The
reason why a person gets beaten up by their so-called “lover” is
because each person is divided within themselves. Outward violent
behavior is displaying their internal mental state of affairs.
The Nature Of The Mind - 1 of 4
Jiddu Krishnamurti
violence in the Human world grows out of a seed. That seed is the
“emotional mind”. When that mind wages war with itself through
its imagination, that is the seed of violence. Violence is conflict
and conflict is opposition. When you oppose a thought or feeling with
another thought or feeling, that is conflict. The way the mind
relates to itself is exactly how it relates to the external world, as
well. So war is born out of the seed of psychological contradiction.
organized (superstitious) religions taught Humanity to fight itself.
They made of this false salvation called “prayer” to wish your
way out of haunting ugly feelings and thoughts. The mind is begging
itself to stop thinking in a certain way. The more the mind resists
itself it is degenerating and disintegrating like a bomb blowing
itself up. So naturally people who identify with beliefs of any kind
are internally blowing themselves up. So they are attracting bombs.
Now in
the more technologically advanced cultures instead of blowing people
up with bombs, they trick them into eating deadly food and drinking
deadly beverages that taste very delicious. They make cell phone that
gives you brain cancer. In other words, in the Disneyland-looking
cultures they are being killed covertly (in a secret manner). There's
the chemtrails, preservatives (causes cancer), and now there's
Techtonic Warfare that is weaponizing Mother-Nature by altering her
natural operations using HARRP. So instead of dropping bombs on
America, Europe, Australia and other highly industrialized areas,
they are killing people by programming them to think that it is
natural and necessary to live off of drugs (when it is not).
War is
everywhere. It is either covert (hidden) or overt (bold and in your
face). At your jobs there is psychological warfare going on. You see
people who live off of emotional images DEMAND that everyone does the
same. So you are given promotions for being the most ruthless while
appearing to be polite. You are ordered to emotionally stroke the
egos of your bosses and co-workers. When people engage in mutual
emotional gratification, they are sowing the seeds of physical
violence to erupt. Because this is conflict which ultimately
expresses itself in wide-spread destruction.
When I
worked as a secretary many years ago, I felt the pressure from the
entire workforce DEMANDING that I choose to favor one Ego over
another. I saw that was detrimental to my life. I saw that
fragmentation on the emotional level means that I would be setting
myself up to attract brutality and also disease. You see we are so
primitive that we don't see the correlation between the mental and
the physical. We think they are separate worlds. They are not. When
the mind is at odds with itself, it emits a chaotic frequency that
makes your physical brain follow suit. So it starts attacking itself,
biologically. That is why there are so many weird diseases that are
peculiar to only Humans and not animals.
Mental illness is strictly Human. Comas do not naturally occur among wild animals. Dementia is a phenomenon that comes from the Emotional area of the mind. It happens because we are out of touch with ourselves and we try to escape from things that we “hate” about our thoughts and feelings. We go crazy because we are trying to do the impossible – trying to escape from ourselves. You can't do that without destroying yourself. And, your brain is being influenced by whatever the mind is doing. The physical is impacted directly by the mental. But we are so brainwashed and fearful that we flatly refuse the SEE THE FACT that it is our emotional images that we use to hide from the truth about our ugly feelings and thoughts that is causing the problem.
At the
very root of why the mind protects this craziness is that it is
afraid of being NOTHING. At the center of the Atom is NOTHING.
Scientists have discovered and verified this FACT! Since we, too, are
made out of Atoms, the very core of our being is NOTHING. All energy
comes from NOTHING or NEUTRALITY – having neither a “positive”
nor “negative” energy. The opposite forms of energy flows out of
Our natural or sane state of mind is to be ZERO, NEUTRAL or UNBIASED, which is WHOLENESS. There is no conflict when a thing is UN-divided & WHOLE. But, when a being splits itself into, the 2 halves must do battle. That is Natural Law of Energy or Atomic Law. When the mind merely LEARNS THRU OBSERVATION OF ALL ITS FEELINGS & THOUGHTS, that is being UN-biased, UN-divided so that both opposite emotions are free to blossom in the full view of observation. Holistic Observation has NO CHARGE because it is not favoring to watch the Negative over the Positive nor the Positive over the Negative. It watches its thoughts and feelings and learns about itself. Learning is Neutral, which is REAL LOVE, JOY, and HARMONY. Such a mind does not attract bombs or poison or physical dysfunction.
- Proton (Positive Charge) (2.) Electron (Negative Charge) (3.) Neutron (No Charge) That is the essence of Creation. If these things are not Equal the energy of life DISINTEGRATES. The Atom Bomb is born out the seed of Division between the Negative & Positive energy causing friction between these opposite forms of energy which produced a Poisonous Explosion that caused cancer spread throughout the world. All because of EMOTIONAL IGNORANCE – A MIND DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF invented a replica of itself. The Atom Bomb came from the Emotional Mind of Mankind. A thing that is out of balance that has no harmony or stability. There is NO NEUTRALITY in the Emotional Mind that is using its imagination to hide from things about itself that it does not want to see.
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Fish Poisoned To Death By Mankind |
don't understand that Eternity – The Measureless IS NEUTRAL, EMPTY,
NO CHARGE is NOTHING. That is where all matter comes from, including
the Human species. We don't see the value in NOTHING. We erroneously
think that ZERO is of no value. Yet, without the ZERO you can't do
algebra, you can't have computers (which runs off of 0/1). The 1 =
Positive – Proton – Male Energy. The 0 = Negative – Electron –
Female Energy. That is the binary code of Life. Neither the Negative
nor the Positive Energy is superior to the other. They both have
their place and function. Real Intelligence understands that both the
Negative & Positive thoughts & feelings must be felt
complete. It is vital that we make full contact with both opposite
expressions of our emotional mind. By being in full contact with both
opposite mental energies, there is no bias. BEING IN CONTACT is the
Neutron that merges the opposites to function in Creation rather than
trying to destroy each other.
As it stands, the mental illness of conflict, war and hierarchy is born out of the seed of bias. We choose between our opposite thoughts and feelings. We choose to cling to one side and IGNORE (as in IGNORANCE) the opposite that we don't like. But the fact is that we are BOTH SIDES (Positive & Negative emotions). When we "emotionally" choose, we split our atoms and cause a mental explosion in our emotional being. That is why people do the crazy things that they do. There are many variations of this one thing – our emotional mind rejects/fights a side or part of itself. When you reject a part of your mental being, you have killed your mind and made it crippled. It has destroyed its ability to be Neutral. It can't look at itself, TOTALLY. So the energy of the mind becomes a bomb – A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION.
leader can save you from YOU! Only you can look at YOU! But if you
hide in your imagination of beliefs, ideals of “What You Should Be”
(based on your “likes” and “dislikes”), then you are in
violation of The Natural Atomic Law of Balance. You can't go against
physics without destroying your life. Life is energy that is governed
by Neutrality. If you ban Neutrality from your mind by refusing to
Observe ALL of your emotions, then you have split the atoms of your
mind. Explosion must be the result. So then, other people who are in
the same conflict can come along and injure or kill you because you
have already sowed the seed of self-destruction. You have gutted
yourself so anyone can do whatever they want because you have thrown
the first stone at yourself. What you do to yourself, you invite the
world to do to you, as well.
again, I say that the reason why an orderly mind rooted in Neutral
Self-Observation can't be physically destroyed by another nor does it
attract bombs or any violence is because its relationship with itself
is harmonious. The Natural Law of Energetic Attraction is based on
physics. The seed determines everything outwardly. If that seed is a
seed of CREATION, that is the circumstances that it is making for
itself. If the seed is Destructive (divided against itself), then it
is creating deadly and brutal circumstances to unfold in its life.
Everyone is making the circumstances in their life.
Energy of Opposites can only function in one of two ways...
It is
either Choiceless Creative & Whole, or it is Biased Destructive & Divided (that
is conflict/war)!
So The Emotional Mind is either operating out of Ignorance or Intelligence. I don't mean the intelligence of that is mechanical. I mean the Emotional Intelligence that is in full contact with itself. When the mind is in full contact then it speaks factually, not through biased beliefs, opinions or ideals. There is no such thing as “What Should Be”. There is only “What Is” happening in your mind. When you think something that turns you off or scares you, realize that that feeling or thought is YOU! There no escape. Escape is imbalance in the mind. Your mind is innately designed by the Universe to Study All of Itself. The Act-of-Pure-Observation of ALL emotional thoughts and feelings IS being in a Neutral State and it is that state of being that is WISDOM – THE HIGHEST FORM OF INTELLIGENCE. It is the very foundation of your TOTAL BEING – both mentally and physically. Just like the Land that Hold Water. The Land is Energy and so is the Water energy. There is no division only distinction between but they exist side by side. Similarly, the Emotional Mind is the Land that holds the Water of the physical organism. If that Land DISINTEGRATES, then the body of Water has no container and will vanish too.
So it
is all about THE EMOTIONAL MIND. Is it Holistically Observing ALL of
its emotional thoughts and feelings or not? That will be the
determination of what happens to the entire Human Race! Will the
Human race cling to its emotional past of dividing itself and
fighting to defend its beliefs, opinions or ideals (while pretending
to bring peace through conflict)? Or, will it awaken to the falseness
of what it is doing and shed that way of thinking giving birth to a
Creative Human Race of Beings that can function in the soil of
Neutrality & Creation? This is the actual responsibility of being
Human. We owe no allegiance to conflict. Conflict between the
opposites will never resolve the millions of problems that it has
made and continues to make every single day.
People get up everyday laboring under the delusion that they are just working for their physical security. They are not! They obtain their physical security through psychological war. They are rewarded for bowing down to their ego and the ego of others. The ego is a dead thing. It is essentially nothing but the Past-Emotional Experiences that we dwell on in order to avoid being in touch with what is going on in the present. We are zombies hiding in the Emotional Past. That collective wave is pressuring people to surrender to the will of our emotional imagination.
are the facts – not because I desire them to be. The distinction
between fact and opinion is that facts are available to be viewed by
everyone. Facts do not belong to my or you. I mentioned how the Atom
works and what it contains. The 3 variables of EQUAL amounts of
Positive Energy + Negative Energy is stabilized by Zero Charge (the
Neutron). Those are facts not based on whether I like it or not.
Also, our organism is made out of atomic energy. Our health seeks to
balance the opposite forms of energy in itself. But, the brain and
body is being disrupted by turbulence coming from the Ego (the
emotional mind that is divided against itself by making of “what
should be true” called a belief, ideal or opinion). When
the mind breaks itself up, its opposite energy is in a state of
friction and conflict. That gives rise to an energetic frequency
field that forces the body to follow its lead of chaos and imbalance.
The rulers of this world talk about a so-called “New World Order” born out of the theory of “Order Out of Chaos”. Chaos is conflict – Emotional Division. A mind that is divided against itself can never be orderly because it lacks the stability of Neutrality. Conflict can only breed Disorder which destroys the world. They use poisons everyday pretending to bring order to Nature. They cry about global warming to excuse making geo-engineering machines to trigger our biosphere to generate earthquakes, storms, etc. that brings about an imbalance in the natural course of our environment. The Emotional Mind has invented instruments to try to lasso our planet into serving its wishes which are based on “like” and “dislike”. Some people think that they should rule over Mankind while inwardly they are hiding from certain thoughts and feelings that they don't want to be in touch with.
other words, the leaders are imposing their imaginations onto the
rest of the world in an attempt to control the world. Only a broken,
divided mind feels the desperate desire “to control”. No planet
feels the need to control another planet. The Universe has existed
for eons without control. Each form of energy is simply doing what it
was naturally created to do and it all works together
synergistically. That is real Order. What a thing is Whole and not
divided (not in chaos) can there ever be True Stability – Order.
War brings instability and having to constantly rebuild what has been
poisoned to death and demolished. This is not progress but regression
back into the stone age. There are experiments do lethal that they
could cause a cataclysmic disaster that could destroy everything that
has been invented. But more importantly our intelligence is
declining, on a whole. People are running around behaving like little
child looks to a parent to be responsible for their lives, which is
perfectly natural. But when do people stop thinking like a child
relying upon leaders to protect them. If they were in full contact
with their emotional minds and not divided there would be no need for
a military or a police force at all. These institutions are there
because we are not Whole. Wholeness is self-sufficient. Since we are
emotionally out of order, we run to an authority outside of ourselves
to protect ourselves from ourselves. But if you would wake up to see
that You are responsible for your state of mind, then you would not
resist being in Complete contact with ALL of your thoughts and
feelings. Then you would not be attract violence or unconsciously
telling your body to attack itself. But we are still betting our very
lives that our government, religious organizations or families are
looking out for our well being – but are they really?
is only one agenda and that is to maintain EMOTIONAL IGNORANCE which
produces conflict, war. As a species, we want to fight forever and
gamble that doing that is the solution, when in reality that is the
ONLY PROBLEM THAT WE HAVE. We protect and defend our Emotional
Blindness. We may have physical 20/20 vision, but Emotionally we are
the Blind-Leading-The-Blind while believing that we “see the
light”. We are making a “New World” Order born out of the past.
How absurd! The Whole Mind is The Mind of Humanity and its Wholeness
is having a Creative Impact Upon the Whole Emotional Consciousness of
an Unprecedented magnitude. Remember it is the seed that determines
what blooms.
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Root of Conflict Below Projects A Belief of Peace Above This is Self-Deception |
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