Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Gateway To Physical Security

Living In A World Full Of Deceit That Pretends To Be Our Friend

I began investigating an Internet marketing program where one gets paid to invite people to sign up for product or service trial offers (some were ostensibly “free” to try and were not). Now in order to become eligible to market these offers and get paid for each person who signs up for a trial offer, one has to sign up for trial offers (until one accrues 1 full credit point). The advertising companies would assign various value points per trial offer. Some offers were .10, .46, .50, .70 and even a full 1 point. Once you signed up you had to keep a record of when that trial period would end, because if you fail to cancel just before it ends, you would end up being billed automatically on a monthly basis. The free trial of low cost initial offer would jump to anywhere from $49.95 to $99.99. It could get very tricky because some trial offers were 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 15 days or 30 days. In order to qualify to be able to market this advertising program, you would have to end up entering a few of these trial offers and have to keep a close eye on when they were due to expire. If you opt out of the offer to early, your credit point would get revoked and your ability to promote would be suspended.

I took my time and read each and every Terms and Conditions before signing up because in the river of verbiage in the contract one would find out that if you don't have enough money in your credit card or bank debit card, the advertising company offering the trial offer could invoke penalty fees. Plus your bank could charge you with overdrafts fees. So if the recipient of the trial offer is not perfect, it could end up costing him or her an-arm-and-a-leg in the long term. You see the whole thing is a cunning scheme, to way the least. These trial offers pretend to be doing you some kind of favor offering you something that, at first glance, appears to be fantastic for pennies on the dollar – but only during that brief trial period of time. Once that time runs out, they are ready to drop the “Financial Hammer of Hell” demanding that you legally owe them all sorts of money now that you failed to cancel before your trial period lapses.

Now advertisers pay millions of dollars to do in-depth psychological studies of people's behavior patterns and mindsets. The average person is weighed down with a million demands and problems, both personal and in business. That being said, it is pre-determined that, 9-times-out-of-10, most people are going to overlook when each of their trial offers will expire. So it is most likely that they are going to get hit with huge charges. And, you better have enough money in your credit card or bank debit card to cover the charges or else the huge penalty fees will kick in, as well. The advertisers “sweet-talk” you into trying their offers and pretend like it's so easy to cancel, but they threaten you with not being able to market for them if you cancel too soon. So for instance, if you have a 7-day trial offer that you signed up for in order to become a marketer, you are obligated to keep that offer until either the 5th or 6th day of that offer. They don't make it clear exactly when it is safe to cancel without your 1 point credit being revoked. They merely say you must keep the trial offer for approximately 90% of the trial period. So what does that mean on a 3-Day Trial Offer? You certainly can't cancel on the the very next day. And, they never-ever make it clear if the days of the trial are business days or calendar days. I mean since this is so precise about the exact trial period, why don't they take the trouble to explicitly point out whether they mean they are talking about “business” or “calendar” days. They let that remain vague because if your trial offer period ran through the weekend, they are hoping that you mistakenly think they meant “business” days. So you would exclude Saturday and Sunday and only count Monday through Friday. But if they mean “calendar” days, then by the time you cancel, the advertising company may claim that you failed to cancel within your trial offer period, so now you owe them the regular price of the product or service, which is usually about 10 times the cost of the trial offer price.

The way they word things in most of these offers are deliberately tricky and often times vague – leaving room for the average person to misunderstand the offer. So later on down the road, your misunderstanding ends up costing you a lot of money. In a lot of cases, people have family financial obligations. And, a out-of- pocket expense that was not planned could cause a chain reaction of disasters. Money that was ear-marked for living expenses and transportation expenses in order to drive the children to and from school and to and from work everyday could get derailed by these trial offers once they come due. You only signed up in the first place in order to qualify to bring in extra income to be able to meet all of your costs of living and maybe have a little extra for recreational leisure activities.

It took me several hours to qualify because I was reading every contract to closely understand the fine-print in the contract. Most people have super busy lives. They don't have the time to sit down and take hours to read each contract for these trial offers. Besides, the way that they are being presented in cartoon simplistic goofy print, it looks harmless enough. And, that is also by design. It is like a fisherman masking the HOOK and making the bait look fat and juicy and irresistible and harmless. Then the fish feels perfectly safe to take a big bite to fill his hunger only to find his mouth ripped apart and he is dying. Similarly, people are hurting, economically. They are desperate for extra streams of income. Some company comes along using averaging-looking-people on the Internet to entice them into joining their marketing team to make extra money to ease their financial strains. Sure they are told to be careful to read the information before signing up for these trial offers. But like I said, even after they do read it and sign up, as time goes by, people have many tasks they have to do everyday. And, sometimes people get into emotionally stressful entanglements with their co-workers or friends or relatives that distracts them, and before you know it, they forgot to notice when each of their trial offer were due to expire. Then instead of getting increasing their cash-flow, they wind up in the hole and worried how they are going to be able to fix their budgetary crisis.

Now since my children are adults living independent from me, I no longer have to worry about the million tasks I had to perform when they were little kids. So I have all the time in the world to sit down and read ALL of the information surrounding these trial offers. I saw all the carefully and cunning booby-traps in place. For example, one of the trial offers states that the offer is “FREE” for a period of 7 days. But if you don't cancel before the trial offer ends, your credit card will be charged $99.99 and you will be obligated to keep your membership for a minimum of one year. If you cancel after the trial offer, you will be obligated to pay for whatever amount of products that you could have paid throughout that year, but instead you have to pay for all of them all at once for opting out of your annual membership.

Most of the trial offers had various spins on “bait-and-switch” verbal tactics. They entice you to get a trial offer that, on the face of it, appears to be wonderful. But, when you read to Terms and Conditions, you find out that the actual financial burden on the back end. It is “bait-and-switch” because the public is being baited by a short-term illusion that later turns out to be a financial burden. Sure you can cancel, but “timing” is everything. And if you are interested in being a marketer, you have to accept a minimal amount of trial offers. And like I said, each offer may have a different trial period. You had better put sticky-notes on your refrigerator or do everything possible to stay vigilant about these trial offer expiration dates so that you can cancel in such a manner that you meet the marketing requirement of keep the trial offer for 90% of the trial period and yet cancel before it ends so you wont end up owing a lot more money than you planned on spending. Plus there is the chance that something you sign up for may be something you may want to keep if you find it beneficial. But for the most part, I found most of the offers to be pretty worthless. But that's just me.

Normally I Talk About The Psyche 

But this time I wanted to talk about the symptoms of the psyche, first. This entire world (outside of Mother Nature) is put together by the emotional state of the Human Mind, called the “Ego”. The “Ego” is the part of the mind that defines its emotional sense of worth, which is 100% imaginary and not real. But most people live in this fake, artificial state of mind. That is why business is setup like it is. What is business, really? It is smoke and mirrors, illusory, deceptive, covertly violent and fundamentally unfair. It is like a casino with all the flashy lights and circus fanfare. It is there to entice you into committing yourself to a financial obligation and make it seem like it's worth it. You are hypnotized through emotional words to HOOK you into debt, which is a form of slavery. You expend your energy trying to pay off something that you can't pay off, because after you've paid it off, there are thousands of advertisers lurking around the corner to entice you into another financial servitude.

Why did people make up this way of survival in the first place. Who or what is behind all of this madness? 

Where did it all begin and why do we accept this stupid way of living? Do you realize that when Mankind decided to put a price tag on the resources of living that it was there and then that we caused prostitution to come into existence? It caused thievery to be born, as well as greed and, of course, warfare. So why did people make up buying and selling? Why can't Humanity live in cooperation and Love and peace? I am not talking about peace or Love based on a concept. No. I am talking about peace and Love that comes out of Holistic Self-Study of the Ego. Watching everything that the Ego does so that it naturally dissolves through being in direct contact with its nature. And, never fight against the Ego. Ego thrives off of the fuel of emotional opposition. Without opposition, it withers away and dies and Love and Wisdom is born. Then people could live in real cooperation without any outside force.

But as it stands, the Human mind is still quite primitive and addicted to self-centered divisive existence. It is this divided emotional being that puts a price tag of living. The moment that the mind decided to try to go beyond itself, it became greedy to be more than what it is. The mind makes up nice-sounding lies or images that it believes to be true. Mind loathes itself. So it tries to escape from itself by tricking itself with emotional-sounding words. It made up the word “God”, “Demon”, “Devil”. It made up stories about the division between the so-called “good” and “bad”. The emotional mind divides itself into the “Ventriloquist” and the “Dummy”. The Ventriloquist wants everyone to ignore him/her and only focus on the “Dummy”. So whenever the mind wants to hide its flaws it misdirects its focus on a pleasant-looking thing in order to hide away from its internal ugly characteristics. When the mind does this, it is making up an artificial world of delusion. It splits its mind in half. One side it calls the “good guy” & the other side is the so-called “bad guy”. But, the Observer IS the Observed = the Ventriloquist IS the Dummy. The Dummy did not invent itself nor the Ventriloquist. But the Ventriloquist tries to escape from itself by pretending to become the Dummy. But the Dummy is an extension of his flaws dressed up to appear to be something different. They look different because the Ventriloquist is the person and the Dummy is the Doll. But the mind does not like itself so it wants to get away from itself so it pretends like it has turned itself into something different from itself.

What does this have to do with business? 

Well people go out and buy things to take their minds off of the ugly things about itself. The mind is always hiding from itself. The only way that it can hide is to LIE, LIE, LIE to itself and get others to reinforce their false vision of themselves. When people engage in emotional escapism, they are living in a state of self-deception. So they are approving others to deceive them, too. If the emotional part of the mind was honest with itself and face itself as it is, then it would not feel the need to buy and sell life. There would be NO GREED. Greed is craving something more than you have or more than what you are. The mind is memory. All memory is LIMITED. It has a beginning and an end. It can be added to but it always will remain forever LIMITED. The mind refuses to accept that fact so it pretends like it can become eternal. So it makes up a game called BUYING & SELLING. To feel good about yourself, you must gather up the most resources in this world so you can feel like you are more than what you are and so that you can feel better than another human being. Only a mind that hates itself does this.

Our world is run by pure hatred. The so-called Love that it seeks is merely a PLEASURABLE ESCAPE from hatred. Real Love is to be in full contact with ALL thoughts and feelings to learn about your nature and then die to that nature. It's like eating a meal and tasting every bit of your food before you swallow it. Your body absorbs that food, then it dies to that meal by releasing the waste of that food. When you feel your emotions and thoughts without fighting with them (which is YOU), then Energy in your Mind regenerates itself by making full contact with your emotional responses under all circumstances of living. Then you find out what you are and then it withers away like falling asleep losing consciousness you die to being conscious. It is like the motion of an ocean tide going in and out.

The impact of what you feel moving inward in your emotional mind, and if you don't resist feeling the full impact, your mind fully awakens to itself and then releases that energy to flow outward into your behavior towards others. If you are not fighting within yourself, you wont fight with others. You wont want to rob them or hurt them because you are being peaceful within your mind. Because we are being cruel to ourselves by refusing to embrace our TOTAL THOUGHTS & FEELINGS, we wish to hide or run away from ourselves – that is psychological fear. So we have a feeling that we don't like having and try to get away or push it out of our consciousness. What the mind fails to understand that IT IS THAT FEELING OR THOUGHT. Then the mind looks at someone else who appears to be happy and compares himself or herself to the other person. They want that person to suffer because the mind envies that person for not suffering like it is suffering. That is why the mind made up Economical Class Divisions. Without a price tag, there is no Class Division, is there?

Because putting a price on life is born out of a mind that is unbalanced, the economy will forever remain out of balance. 

We have the potential to live in a state of harmony and cooperation, but the reason why the mind refuses to do it is because the mind hates not feeling important. That's it really! It wants TO BE A BIG SHOT! It does see the value in NOTHINGNESS. What a shame, because the entire Universe's Energy comes from NOTHING. Ask any quantum physicist and they will tell you that all of life is matter. Matter is made out of atoms. At the core of all atoms is the Neutron, which has NO CHARGE AT ALL (IT DOES NOT HAVE A NEGATIVE NOR A POSITIVE CHARGE, THEREFORE IT IS NOTHING). THE NEUTRAL CHARGE IS THE GLUE THAT INTEGRATES THE OPPOSITE FORMS OF ENERGY (NEGATIVE & POSITIVE ENERGY). Female (Negative/Electron) & Male (Positive/Proton). And it is OBSERVATION WITHOUT CONTROL THAT IS NEUTRAL WHICH IS PEACE & LOVE. FREEDOM MEANS BEING ABLE TO LOOK AT YOUR WHOLE MIND RESPOND WITHOUT VOTING FOR POSITIVE THOUGHTS/FEELINGS AND DENOUNCING THE NEGATIVE ONES OR VISA VERSA.

When the emotional mind evolves to that level of awareness, then it will drop the whole stupidity of tribalism/nationalism which divides the entire Human Species to rob and murder its own species. A species is a whole unit that operates in cooperation. But our emotional factor is at odds with itself. It likes certain thoughts and emotions that it feels and dislikes the other expressions. So the emotional mind is in a perpetual state of contradiction. It LIKES & DISLIKES ITSELF because it does not understand that it is naturally designed to OBSERVE ITSELF AS A WHOLE, NOT AS A FRAGMENT. FRAGMENTATION OF THE MIND IS THE CORRUPTION OF THE MIND (THAT IS WHEN IT BECOMES A CRIMINAL) because it is defying The Atomic Law of Energy. Life is Energy which has fixed laws just like the laws of physics or mathematics. Since our bodies and minds are matter, it is made out of atoms, too. Those atoms are OUT OF ORDER because we pick and choose to indulge in either Positive or Negative sides of our nature. We don't see that we are just like Night & Day that must co-exist. There is nothing to choose. Choice is Destructive when it comes to to psyche/mind.

The way our world is setup to operate is based on the EMOTIONAL MINDSET THAT IS DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF. WHAT I AM POINTING OUT IS THAT THE MIND IS COMPETING WITHIN ITSELF. It wants either the Positive Thoughts and Feelings to win or dominate; or, it wants its Negative Thoughts and Feelings to win or dominate. Why does the mind malfunction like this? As I said before, the mind has a deathly fear of feeling unimportant like it is nothing or worthless. It mistakenly thinks that being in a state of Holistic Observation is meaningless because you don't get to act all arrogant and mighty. That feeling on being bossy and aggressive is an anciently primitive addiction that Mankind has locked itself into. It fears not being in charge of itself or life itself. But the more the emotional mind (ego) tries to be in charge and in control, the more it loses control and finally annihilates itself. It goes through these historical cycles millions of times. And, it still refuses to awaken to its stupidity and drop this nonsensical thinking.

The Human Consciousness Code of Deception has been cracked. I have found out a great Truth that I would like to reveal to the world. It does not matter who objects to what I am about to share because Truth is like the Universe, there is nothing anyone can do about it. Truth is immortal and it always will prevail. You see Mankind can even blow this planet wide apart and still the Universe will carry on as thought Humanity never-ever existed at all. It's all the same to Energy (Life). This egotistical reign of terror is coming to a close. How can I be so sure? Well it's quite simple. Our fantasies about reality is founded upon reality. Without a real brain, which is a material fact that requires real substance to be able to survive. When the brain stops, you can't think anything or feel anything. When the brain dies, our images and beliefs wither away too. So all of our willpower and feelings is based on the concrete matter of life and energy.

Humanity Is Poisoning The Material World At An Alarming Rate 

Man is trying to change the container by screwing around with DNA experimentation. But it is not the physical container than needs changing. It is the ancient belief that CONFLICT is our salvation. If we just have one more BIG FIGHT THAT WILL SAVE THE WORLD. BULL! There is another approach that is unprecedented in the entire consciousness of Humanity...

Universal Energy of the Opposites – POSITIVE/PROTON & NEGATIVE/ELECTRON of the Material of Life (The Atom) is solidified and brings about Creation instead of destruction through the ZERO POINT = NEUTRALITY = NEUTRON = NOTHING = MEASURELESS = INFINITY = IMMORTALITY = HOLISTIC SELF-STUDY!

The Man & Woman are 2 Halves of  Energetic 1 Atomic Unit of Energy/Life 

So if 1 Man lives his life until he dies through HOLISTIC SELF-STUDY (dissolving his ego which is a divided mind that chooses between negative & positive thoughts/feelings). And, if 1 woman lives her life until her natural death through HOLISTIC SELF-STUDY (dissolving his ego which is a divided mind that chooses between negative & positive thoughts/feelings), then the release of her mental energy upon her death would cause a vibration paradigm shift in the entire Human Consciousness.
Why? Because the Ego is a phenomenon peculiar to only the Human Thought. That Thought has been stagnating in a Perpetual State of Petrification for centuries because all the people accepted the Ancient Traditional Pattern of Choice in the Psychological Realm.

Jiddu Krishnamurti is the male that lived in a Holistic State of Self-Study until his death. The greatest intellectuals in the world came to study him like an insect under a microscope. People from all walks of life tried to trick him with verbal double-talk. But, he was in full contact with ALL of his emotional thoughts and feelings. When a mind is in full contact with itself, it sees through all deceptions from other people because Humanity only has 1 Mind (psychologically). The mind has been programmed to assume that it is a separate mind. It is not, in point in fact.

So one half of the equation has been resolved. What I mean is the rule of the Ego can only exist because one man and one woman did not completely live in a Zero Point State of Mind where there is no favoritism to choose one thought over another. The Holistic Mind Observer Inclusively and excludes nothing. It is rare that any Human Mind has ever done that.

Now I am a woman. I have been living in a state of Holistic Self-Study since 1977. At a very young age I witness murder within my family. After that happened I questioned why I was here. I did not want to be human nor did I want to live in the human world of cruelty and mental confusion. I found trivial living to be unbearably torturous. I could not accept and go along with tradition. I had to find out what my mind was Naturally Designed to operate. Conflict and competition did not feel right. I had to find out The Truth or I couldn't live in this insane world. When I started studying and investigating the observations shared by Jiddu Krishnamurti I realized my calling was to be a light unto myself. That means that I would be responsible for ALL of my emotional responses to anything going on in my life. I would study everything going on inside my mind without any control to improve them, suppress them or defend them. I was in a state of complete NEUTRALITY (having neither a Positive nor a Negative stance).

I realize that at the end of my life if I've remained True to Holistic Observation, I will complete the other male-female atomic half. Jiddu Krishnamurti was Alpha and I am Omega. The Beginning and the End of the Whole Human Consciousness. Then at the very root of the Human Psyche/Ego a Great Paradigm Change will unravel for the first time in Human History. I don't know the details of how it will happen but I sense that once a male & female mind has completely released its Holistic Energy into the Human Consciousness, then there will be a radical awakening. When the old mind tries to keep operating in the old ways it will suddenly disintegrate. I may never live to see what happens. But I feel someone has to step up to the plate and with Love and Compassion end this world of cruelty and mental illness spread right throughout the world. Every wall has a Key-Stone when it is removed the entire wall crumbles. This Wall of Conflict will crumble when the Key-Stone is Holistically Monitored moment-by-moment until the end of ones life.

I am speaking of the mental illness of violence, war, greed, power to control or dominate – to impose ones will upon others just to feel superior. I don't feel superior at all. I am Nothing. I belong to no group to make me feel important. I don't vote because all voting contributes to violence and war. No matter who gets into power it is all run by militarism, barbarism and opposition. Life is either lived through balance through EQUALLY OBSERVING BOTH POSITIVE & NEGATIVE MENTAL RESPONSES. To NOT CHOOSE is Love, Peace, Harmony and Freedom from conflict, which begets pain and sorrow. If this awakening of Holistic Self-Study does not take place then this planet and everything on it is doom to ruination never to recover. That is why the end of the Egotistical Rulership is near because the planet is reaching a critical point of imbalance. The ecosystem is in serious danger. Humanity can't live without the ecosystem. So the closer it gets to being damaged beyond repair, the closer the ego is coming to the end of its reign over the physical world.

From the inside out there must be a radical revolution/change in the thinking of the mind. These superficial causes wont cut it anymore. The problem has to be faced AS A WHOLE. All the politicians and community leaders of various organizations only deal with fragments of problems. That approach is merely an illusion of change. We have to deal with THE ROOT OF THE EGO. THE ROOT IS YOUR MIND DIVIDING ITSELF CHOOSING BETWEEN POSITIVE & NEGATIVE EMOTIONS OR THOUGHTS.

World War III is not an outward attack, instead it is the hijacking of the Mind

We are being told what to think and say. For the rest of my life, I don't care about the consequences, I will Holistically Observe Myself in all circumstances of my life. There is only ONE CRISIS and that is IN THE MIND ITSELF. That's the target. The entertainment world has your minds trained to think that competition is good and beneficial toward life. That is a lie! Competition is born out of self-hatred. Look if you were in full contact with ALL of your Thoughts & Feelings (both Negative and Positive), then you are in a PURE STATE OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, which does not compare or compete. A mind that quietly, holistically communes with ALL of its emotional responses does not compare itself to anyone nor does it envy anyone. There's no loneliness, although it is alone (alone means ALL – ONE). When the mind studies its emotional responses, it is studying the entire human conscious. There is no fear because a mind that is Free to Holistically Observe Itself is not afraid to be in touch with any expression.

Bullies are frightened humans who try to convince themselves that they are not afraid by scaring the crap out of others and hiding behind Man-Made laws to justify their brutal and cruel conduct. A frightened mind is always trying to prove a lie to be the truth. That is an impossibility. But the way it does this is by bullying and intimidating others to bow down to its authority based on fear tactics. The ego always threatens to cut off your physical resources if you don't tell it what it wants to hear so that it can feel comfortable in its skin. I realize that to tell the ego that it is not divided against itself, or that it is sane and order, that would be detrimental not only to my personal physical security but also to the whole planet.

You see our bodies are an integral part of this planet and this planet is an integral part of the Universe. Life is interconnected. So when my mind is in disorder it is attacking itself, its body this planet and the Universe. Life is Energy. Your energy is either in harmony or it is not. When the mind is in conflict, its energy is twisted up and disorderly and disharmonious with itself and with the world, too. So to gratify anyone's ego, I not only hurt myself but I hurt the world. A Holistic Mind does not live for its own personal pleasure; it lives responsibly. We cannot straighten out this messy world by fighting leaders and large groups. We cannot straighten out this messy world by having a bloody revolution to overthrow the powers that be. No. This mess is coming from the emotional mind that is hiding from itself (in beliefs). That is not what you want to hear, is it? But that is what is actually taking place! Your contribution to the annihilation of this world is daily stroking your ego and the egos of others -- using emotional concepts as a means of escape. To escape from oneself is DIVISION/CONFLICT and is self-destructive.

Ego is a false mental structure born out of and sustained by lies. These lies seek validation to be treated as being "the only truth"! The fragmented mind wants to be in charge of people. That is why they spy on us through various man-made tracking devices. A mind that is fearful of itself is always busy spying on others to run away from the disorder of its own inner state of affairs. But an orderly mind understands that there is only security in Self-Study of its own emotional responses. Where there is Self-Awareness there is Security. No amount of tyranny can penetrate the mind that is at peace within itself. Since the orderly mind is not attacking itself, it is not setting up circumstances of being attacked.

You know whenever people get killed they were victims of being at war inside their minds, first. If there was no war in their mind, they would not attract or invite being destroyed. Of course when little children are destroyed it is because they are like a fruit on their parent's tree. If the child is too emotionally attached to a parent(s) that are in conflict, then the parent(s) can unknowingly attract dangers to their children. When people identify with concepts of what they desire to be true or real, they are in conflict with what they are. The belief opposes anything it does not wish to be true. Conflict is the very essence of violence. The seed of violence is emotional opposition, which is an ideal, opinion or a belief. They are born out of bits and pieces of the Truth. People take the parts of reality that they like and ignore the rest. That is your “belief”. This way of thinking leaves its physical security open to being attacked. Meanwhile, it is being emotionally ignorant of the fallout of being in opposition to Truths that it finds too disturbing in which to pay attention. Unfortunately, their kids become casualties of their mental warfare. But, the vast majority of humans will reject these facts. You don't want a thing to be true so you oppose it by believing the opposite of the fact, which is conflict and violence. War will never resolve human suffering. Because war comes from a mind that is divided and at war against itself. Until that internal war ends, there will always be terrorism among humans.

The Leaders Themselves Are Governed By Emotional Fear -- Their Ego 

They fear not being in charge of the lives of others. It is the only way they can feel important or valuable to themselves. We are all standing on the same ground, mentally. We all have negative and positive thoughts and feelings that ones either "likes or dislikes" (that's our bias or prejudice). And, most of Humanity chooses between them, which begets war inside (mind) & outside (physical world). You see, it's the Mind that is The Weapon of Mass Destruction which made all of the weapons in this wretched world. The mind is poison whenever it fails to Holistically Detect all of its emotional reactions (which is to be in full contact with whatever it thinks and feels without any manipulations or control in order to obtain a "desired" result).

So Humans Need To Stop The Crime Of Buying And Selling Life  

That is primitive and destructive way of living, is it now? When humanity stops living by ego, it will stop buying and selling life. To buy and sell life is a perverted existence – it is unnatural. We are becoming more and more unnatural which is degenerating our energy. There is only one reason to place a price tag on living and that is to establish a hierarchy, which divides people into higher-superior-master & lower-inferior-slave. The "lower" resents the so-called "higher". The higher needs the lower in order to define its self worth. Without a lower to measure against one could not feel superior. So it is dependent upon a lower class to prove that it is “better”. And, the "lower" pretends to be morally superior by verbally condemning the "higher". Yet secretly, parts of the lower group plot to become the "higher" to escape from its position. That is why we buy and sell life. It is the diseased state of living born out of a diseased mental state of fragmentation in order to create a false sense of emotional security. The more the ego feels secure, the more it rips this physical world to pieces. The stronger our delusions get, the more we poison the physical world.

The Human Mind Needs To Stand Up And Take Responsibility For This Global Psychological Disorder To Awaken Natural Holistic Order  

It is not a matter of opposing disorder. No, on the contrary... It is a matter of CLEARLY SEEING EXACTLY WHAT THE DISORDER DIVIDED MIND IS DOING. JUST TO CLEARLY SEE IT IS WHAT ENDS IT, WITHOUT BLOODSHED! Bloodshed is the mark of a disorderly mind. It divides itself into heroes and villains. But as I said in the beginning, the mind is playing a trick on itself. The “hero” is the “dummy”; the “villain” is the “ventriloquist” that projected the “dummy” in order to lie to itself and pretend like there is dark & light. In the emotional world the light is born out of darkness and is not the true light. That is why in most movies you see the checkered black and while floor that represents “hero” (good) and black represents “villain” (evil). But evil splits itself into and paints itself to be white and acts like it is substantially different, which in fact it is not. It plays a game with its container. But the substance inside the both containers (be they black or white containers) the substance is poison. And, that poison is CHOICE – BETWEEN THE OPPOSITES (the Positive thoughts & feelings or the Negative thoughts & feelings). So long as the mind is at odds with itself, the Positive thoughts & feelings are just as destructive as the negative ones. The contents of the opposite containers is conflict. A mind divided against itself IS A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION and can never save itself nor the world. Its true objective is to destroy the physical world while pretending to be protecting us.

A mind that understands itself does not need to be protected. Its very self understanding is all the protection it will ever need. So you see that these so called governments are being bogus when they claim to be here for our protection. They only protect and serve THE COLLECTIVE EGOS OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS! THAT EGO IS IN THE PROCESS OF ANNIHILATING THE PHYSICAL WORLD while it builds up the fantasies it has about being so great. It is using technology to imprison the world. It is collecting the DNA of almost every living thing on Earth. Why? Because a mind that fears itself, fears life itself. So in order to feel emotionally safe, it feels driven to nail everything down; lock it up and have complete control. But the closer the mind gets to the fantasy of “complete”, the closer it gets to utter self-destruction. It is its own worst enemy.

So long as your mind is in touch with itself and not at war within its own skin, it is being a friend to itself. But if your mind is divided, it is secretly attacking itself and it is its greatest enemy that unknowingly opens the door and invites others to attack it, as well. So what World War III is really about is YOUR MIND and how it is related to itself. Don't be concerned about the writer of this message, but investigate this message and investigate how you respond. It is how you respond to any given challenge that determines its outcome. But we are so extroverted that we think that the greatest threat and dangers are from the outside. No. It is our mind that is your #1 challenge. If you are a stranger to yourself, then the other fear-mongers will succeed in hijacking your mind, emotionally and getting you to do just about anything. And that is when people collective go insane and start doing atrocities to one another. And they all get caught up in that hysteria. Then after its all over they say, “May God forgive us”.

The real God is CREATION FROM NOTHINGNESS. Thought is always trying to be A BIG SOMETHING. But energy flows from the Origin of No Energetic Charge (the Neutron). That Nothingness is at the core of all atoms. Atoms are the very fabric of ALL matter in the Universe. If there is no Equal Holistic Observation of the opposite forms of energy (positive/proton/male & negative/electron/female), then the fabric of life comes unraveled to totally disintegrate. Holistic-Self-Awareness is the only solution to this Human mayhem. Until the mind sees the error of nurturing conflict, things will continue to get more intensely painful and ugly. It is up to each one us to awaken and be FREE TO LOOK AT OUR RESPONSES AS THEY ARE (not how you would like them to be). Sanity means to be in touch with reality. The reality of your consciousness is whatever you think and feel at any moment. Are you free to only study your emotional responses? You are programmed to want to improve, suppress or change through willpower anything that you observe that you don't like. The great challenge is for you to find out if you can JUST LOOK AT OR LISTEN TO YOUR MIND AND JUST DO THAT. The reason you want to do more than that is because your divided mind (your ego) does not feel important when it just studies itself. IT WANTS TO BE IN CHARGE or IN CONTROL. That is where dictatorship or tyranny originates. When the mind only studies what it is that is the mind being in a state of NEUTRALITY or a ZERO POINT.

Remember the core essence of the Atomic Energy of Life of the Universe is the NEUTRON (it has NO CHARGE AT ALL – IT IS ZERO – NOTHING) which is the glue that solidifies everything that exists in life. So you see when your mind is in a state of Watching it is in a state of Neutrality, which is the contact with ALL OF YOUR MIND, WHICH IS WHOLENESS! No longer is the mind a destroyer. It is now in a state of CREATION. It is no longer a problem maker but instead resolves them. The ego makes problems just so it can put on its super-hero cape to feel superior to save the day. That is why leaders secretly make problems so that they can turn around and pretend to be our saviors just to get people to depend on them. The more people depend on the leaders the more the leader feels “better” than their subjects. That is the big ego trip. So “national security” is code for protecting ones sense of being superior and hiding the fact that the savior is secretly making the big scary problems that surround our lives.

We have been taught to be mechanical technicians. Yet we are strangers to ourselves on a very personal level. We go to shrinks or priests or whoever and they all tell us to fight our emotions. They tell us to be in conflict. A mind that is in conflict is stripped of Love. What people call “love” is really and escape from pain through pleasant-sounding statements to distract us from emotional pain. That is not Love. Real Love is Holistic Self-Observation. When the mind understands everything that it feels through pure feeling and living with it like a surfer riding a wave without controlling that wave, then such a mind is in touch with the source of all energy that runs through ALL LIVING THINGS. One is in vibrational harmony with the Universe. But Humanity suffers because it is out of sync with Universal Energy. That is why we feel lonely. That is why people do the crazy things that they do. They are deeply disconnected. But the ego like to be in pain because that pain makes people feel a sense of importance to cling to their mental pain.

So getting back to business regarding these trial offers...

The reason business is so sneaky and underhanded is because as long as the mind is at odds within itself, anything it does in the physical world only reflects the self-deception going on at the core of its emotional being. The mind is being dishonest to itself by identifying with an image in order to escape from any unpleasant truths about itself. So the mind is tricking itself. The mind can't treat other people any better than it is treating itself. If it lying to itself, it must lie to the world. And the victims of business deals are victims because they are also nursing their own ego (the division in their emotional mind). So they are hurting themselves by being in conflict within themselves. So they are not “innocent” victims. The victims and the cons are 2 sides of the same egotistical coin. They support the existence of the other – just like the “Dummy” makes the “Ventriloquist” look amusing. The controller IS the controlled. The “villain” and the “hero” are co-dependents. That is why they are both evil entities born out of division, conflict, contradiction and falsehood. Once you see the truth of that fact you are no longer blind and are free. This is not about condemnation. This is study what is going on. When you study a thing you are no longer ignorant or in the dark about your mind. The mind is then a light unto itself and needs no external savior. That is why we don't need governments. Governments are for the violent mind. But a mind that is intelligent does not need to be told how to act.

So I ended up dropping that marketing program because I saw how unethical it would be to promote trial offers. I don't want to trick people into losing their money. Unfortunately we have to use money until Humanity awakens from a conflicted mind. But I can't promote a program that is being sneaky.

Also, when they have their webinars they mainly are there to stroke each others' egos. “You are so wonderful, marvelous and I would not have achieved this without you.” And, blah, blah, blah... A Holistic Mind does not seek to be elevated nor magnified. When you are Whole and in touch with your being, that is everything and you want for nothing else. I only go to a meeting to get technical info. I don't have any interest in fulfilling anyone emotionally (gratifying their ego). You see a mind that tricks itself requires others to convince them that they are good, rational and wonderful. The mind in conflict feels like something is missing in itself. There is something missing and that is Holistic Self-Awareness which makes you feel totally complete, which is LOVE! A mind that Loves itself, does not look for emotional fulfillment. There is no craving for that. Emotions are like a drug that wears off and then you want more and more and more and more. The more gratification you get more inadequate you feel. But when you are in a state of constant self-study and understanding you don't crave anything.

What I am pointing out is that what goes on in the physical or material part of life is a direct consequence of our psychological state of affairs. But we have been taught to run after physical or material results. But being Human, we can go directly to the physical/material. We have to go through the emotional realm of our being. If that is based on beliefs, ideals (in other words – lies), then the physical and material will be disorderly and out of balance. The cultivation of our egos brings disaster to the material world.

But the emotional imagination is a virus that its only objective is to continue to destroy the material or physical world. That is why humans suffer. They are sacrificing the physical in tribute to protect emotional illusions. The illusions of the so-called “greater good”. The illusions of “saving our planet”. The illusions of “the New World Order” (brought about by old past conditioned thinking, which is to seek order through disorderly means). Illusions, illusions, illusions is what humans crave above all else. Humans are great pretenders that are emotionally escaping from being aware of their contradictory actions. Whenever something is pointed out that the emotional part of the mind does not like, it will deliberately twist and distort that message so that it can run away from it. The more humans hide from the facts about its self-deceptive ways, the more the physical world is falling apart.

Humans complain a great deal about physical and material problems and they pretend like they wants physical security. What the humans fail to realize is that they want emotional security based on lies (a.k.a., beliefs, suppositions, ideals, or “what one wishes to be true”). In other words, the human emotional mind wishes to edit The Facts About What It Is Doing so that it will feel comfortable in its own skin. The “I” or “Me” is emotional afraid of seeing itself exactly as it is. That is why it invented or made-up the opposite of what it is doing and being. It does this by emotionally attaching itself to falsehoods that makes one feel “better” about oneself. This emotional escapism is the human preoccupation or obsession. The emotional pretending puts the mind in conflict with itself which causes the physical and material stability to be sacrificed. War sacrifices physical harmony in the name of “peace”.

Life is energy. Physical security (food, clothing and shelter) is energy. The human cannot go directly to physical resources. We have something that animals don't have, Emotional Imagination which is The Gateway to Physical Resources. Either that Gateway is approached HOLISTICALLY or “fragmentary” (through the conflict of “the what should be” based on emotional desire). The Gateway To Physical Security has traditionally been approached through “fragmentation” or “division”. By refusing to learn the Truth about this “fragmentary” process in our minds, then we must steal the energy from each other in order to physically “exist” (not live). Tradition dictates that “we are ordered to conform/obey emotional beliefs, ideals or conclusions” (without question). Humanity has been terrorized, for centuries, to obey emotional-authorities (beginning with our parents, organized superstitious leaders like clergymen, politicians, lawyers, warrior scientists, teachers, news media, commercialism, etc.) which are all born out of emotional escapism.

The Gateway to Physical Security is through the Emotional Mind which is either Broken or Whole. If it is “broken”, it must steal energy from its neighbor through engaging in mutual psychological gratification. This gratification goes on while we work and in our so-called intimate personal relationships. Through “Willpower”, we alter anything that we emotionally object to being true. In other words, we tell ourselves lies in order to hide from painful Truths. A lie cannot sustain itself, alone. It requires support from others. So seek “moral support” to hide from any ugly fact about ourselves. That is how “politics” is born – it is based on emotional lies. First we lie to ourselves, then we seek others to reinforce that lie, call it “the truth”. So lie becomes “the truth”. And, THE TRUTH is treated like a lie. So we collect people as allies to our “cause” to support our escape from The Truth about ourselves. Anyone who does not support your delusions is “the enemy”.

The enemy” is someone that does not take our emotional side. Your enemies must be sacrificed and their physical security must be taken in order for you to have what they have – that is war. When you don't tell the aggressors what they want to emotionally hear, they will imprison you and take their physical resources and keep them for themselves. Emotional Mind makes up a concept and calls it a religion that must be revered. If anyone fails to bow down to that ideal or belief, you will be tortured into publicly agreeing with it, then murdered. That is how most superstitious organizations (called religions) were established. Militants terrorize people into bowing down to emotional concepts. Fear is responsible for the fabrication of deities, masters, kings, etc. The fear of being in complete communion with your emotional mind is why humans have accepted the tradition of emotional conformity to lies which is the seed of war, piracy and environmental desecration. Until humans honestly, deeply examine and see The Truth about how they approach the Gateway to Physical Resources of Life, then humans are bound toward utter annihilation born out of emotional self-ignorance.

However, a Human Being who sees the Truth about emotional fragmentation is transformed through the Energy Of Holistic Self-Awareness without controlling that state of Awareness. That Energy is NEUTRAL – neither being positive (pro) or negative (con). To study the whole movement of escaping from oneself through idealism is freedom from it. Self-Understanding is not an intellectual exercise of emotional word worship. We are slaves to “the emotional word” that promises so that we can depend on “hope”. “Hope” destroys the FREEDOM to LOOK, STUDY ourselves. The emotional mind does not want to commune with itself, completely. Humans fear being in a state of Nothingness because the mind wants to pretend to be “a god” or “a master”. It thinks that being control is better than being a true light unto itself. These hardcore emotional conclusions keep humans forever trapped is their own self-destructive habits of serving emotional lies. So long as we serve the emotional lie in order to establish and maintain an egotistical state of existence, we must remain as being barbarians, savages or ghoulish.

The key to all human suffering is how we approach The Gateway To Physical Security. It is THE APPROACH, itself, that determines the outcome or results that we see going on in our daily lives. The advertisement of some so-called “New World Order” is just another illusion to give false hope so that people can carry on stealing from one another. You have to steal your energy if you don't approach The Gateway To Physical Security honestly and Holistically. When you seek to escape from the Truth about the Emotional Mind, the energy is wasted on lying. So you have to take energy from another. We tell lies about others to get them into trouble so that we can take away their Physical Security and claim it for our own. This is the ancient traditional addiction that is how humans gain access to Physical or Material Resources (while hiding behind a job title).

ALL of these millions of man-made problems will continue to multiply and intensify as long as THE APPROACH remains the same. Either THE APPROACH is “partial” or Holistic. To be aware of the Total Movement of Emotional Escapism is to be FREE of Escapism. The Energy of Holistic Observation of Self-Escapism (via beliefs or ideals) is the Energy of Life that Creatively Opens the Gateway To Physical Security. When you are in Full Communion with your emotions without trying to make them “better” or without suppression, then your mind is in a state of Neutrality where there is no opposition, contradiction or conflict. Your energy is coming from Pure Self-Awareness allowing you to naturally inherit Physical and Material Well Being (your energy is generated from within your Mind). A Neutral Mind is Whole unto itself so there it is unnecessary to steal energy through egotistical gratification. Your mind is no longer in the dimension of escapism, piracy and environmental destruction.

But, the vast majority of humans don't want to change their APPROACH to Physical Resources. They prefer to keep lying and pretending to be something that they are not. They like being criminal while they pretend like this ancient pattern of psychological conflict is not wrong. They use time to justify and maintain the status quo. They say that something is righteous because it has been going on for a very long time. We have bought the lie that we tell ourselves. Then we sell that lie to others. If others buy their lie, they are viewed as friends or allies. If they don't buy it, they are classified as mortal enemies and must be destroyed and take their physical security away to keep for yourself.

We buy and sell life/energy (physical security) by first buying and selling the lies about emotional beliefs. Here's how it goes: “One says that the services that I am selling is approved by God (a concept that one buys as being true)”. Others will buy it and repeat that same message. An emotional army is growing into a group that will verbally or physically attack anyone who does not buy into their propaganda. Commercialism is emotionalism. As long as people are running from the emotional ugly Truths about their nature, they will place a price on on energy and destroy each other over it. This is what business is really based on. That is why there is never a balance in economics, because there is no Truth. Business, so-called religions (organized ideals) and politics (professional liars) is one gigantic lie that is enforced and protected by brute force.

The only reason why brute force works is not because of the physical might; it is because of the emotional fear, alone. Fear is based on emotional escapism. One is afraid to face oneself, completely and honestly. It is that emotional avoidance to commune with oneself is the only reason why humans are robbed of physical well being. It is also the reason why the planet is being destroyed. One side of humanity pretends to respect and save our environment. But the other side is destroying it (much faster). The emotional escapists divide themselves into two sides: “good & evil”. But both sides come from the same seed of escapism. Both halves exist to validate their existence.

The so-called “good” side seeks to defeat the “bad guys/gals” to compare itself and rationalize that it is “better”. This emotional lie is how it goes through The Gateway of Physical Resources. And, the “bad guys/gals” seek to dominate or destroy the so-called “good guys/gals” so that it can pretend to be more powerful and superior. It is a co-dependent dysfunctional relationship where they depend on each other in order to pretend to prove their emotional worth, which is unreal.
Both sides are using the same APPROACH buying & selling emotional lies about themselves in order to escape from being in touch with the Whole Truth about what their mind is actually doing (lying to itself so that it can build a make-believe world of emotional security or certainty). In the end, the house built on a cracked foundation (of emotional mutual back-scratching) inevitably falls! That is the Natural Law of Life/Energy. The FOUNDATION of a structure determines the stability or instability of that structure. The FOUNDATION is your APPROACH to the “structure”, which is the Physical/Material Security.

Humans have based their lives upon a false division between the Physical & Mental dimensions. They are linked and are actually inseparable. But the mind can make believe whatever it “wills” life to be. So it has “willed” a gap between the Mental & Physical worlds. It is like saying that the FOUNDATION of a building is not related to the building or that there's a gap between the building and its foundation. The FOUNDATION of a building is the key to how stable or unstable that building will be in the long term, right? But, humanity has been misguided in the area of the FOUNDATION of its being. Instead of being in Full or Holistic contact with its entire emotional nature, it has opted to play pretentious games by having beliefs (assumptions) about what it is doing. It lies and says that there is stability in fragmentation (which is opposition, contradiction or conflict/war). So the FOUNDATION is the Emotional Mind (based on “like & dislike”).

In other words, the FOUNDATION of our lives is based upon escaping from anything that evokes emotional pain and clinging onto anything that brings about emotional pleasure (with the ulterior motive to escape from mental disturbances). And, that is the fragmentation of the FOUNDATION. It is this process that humans wish to hide from and remain ignorant. This is why technical jobs is such a big deal to most humans, because they presume that just because they have strong mechanical memories to carry out technical tasks, that means that they are intelligent and that they know themselves. But, mechanical memory has nothing to do with the emotional area of the mind – the ego. For it is the emotional area that controls the mechanical factors. All of the material resources are being controlled by the emotional state of mind of the humans that have stolen most of the resources and made up rules (reinforced by physical warriors). That is the disorder that is responsible for the unfolding state of affairs throughout the physical world. It all comes from the emotional foundation of escapism through beliefs, ideals or blind emotionally-fearful obedience. To obey disorder is to approve of it and defend it and maintain it! It proliferates physical problems.

The only threat to human physical well being and ecological balance is the human emotional mind that is escaping from itself through lies that it honors as being “order”. It is the emotional lie that is the foundation of human civilization, which is wholly uncivilized & immoral. The concept of morality is, in actuality, immoral. Holistic Self-Awareness of artificial emotional security nullifies that distorted energy to establish True Order & peaceful access to Physical/Material Security.

Thank you.

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Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.