Saturday, December 17, 2016

Artificial Matrix Of Misery


I shall refer to myself as 'the messenger' throughout this blog. The messenger is not telling anybody what to do or what to think. The messenger invites the reader to objectively investigate, study or examine what is being conveyed, as well as pay attention to your emotional reactions to what is being presented. The messenger is an anonymous mirror reflecting what is going on. It is the reader's responsibility to understand. Nobody can do that for another person. The messenger's blogs are meant for those who are serious about life and for those who take responsibility for their life. That means that the serious person does not expect salvation from any outside agent, including the messenger. [End of Disclaimer]

I find these tingsha bells very soothing. I do not consider this as being a   meditation but it helps your energy to resonate with pure primordial frequencies so that ones nerves are calm while you read this. I consider it to be a vibration bath. Real meditation is like breathing; it is ongoing alertness to your thoughts and feelings as they arise in ones daily life. 


The quantum physicists have discovered that the world is holographic. That implies that whatever is taking place in the so-called external reality is a projection of what is taking place in your consciousness (i.e., your mind). So all of the conflict, confusion and warfare that we see outwardly, first took place inwardly. That means that there is a civil war going on in the mind of most people and they are unaware of it.



First of all, let me clarify something that is a common mistake that most people make. A person can be a brilliant professional at his or her trade or craft and yet be totally psychologically ignorant. The messenger is using the term 'ignorant' in the context of 'IGNORING' ones emotions that one dislikes. Just because people have high-paying jobs with prestige and authority, that doesn't automatically mean that they are objectively self-aware of there psyche, intelligent rational people. The messenger is using the term 'Intelligent' in the context of being holistically in full contact with every emotional response as they arise from moment to moment (without seeking to control or improve them). So a person can be intellectually clever and yet be psychologically retarded. This is difficult to understand because society has been trained to value materialism above all else. So when one sees a person who possesses a great deal of material resources, one tends to view such people as being highly intelligent. They are merely highly efficient, ruthless machines who have mastered the art of psychological charm.

Our world is not really based on physical matters. Our world is purely a psychological one. If you want a job then you are expected to kiss the psychological-ass of the one who is doing the hiring. If you want to keep your job, you are expected to kiss the egotistical-ass of your boss and co-workers, too. If anyone emotionally dislikes you, they will try to get you into trouble with the boss so that they can get promoted. It all comes down to who can put on the best show, emotionally. Everyone is pretending to like one another while secretly plotting against one another so that they can profit off of the loss of another. 

It is interesting to note that the son of the famous documented psychic Edgar Cayce was reading his father's notes who said that Life & Death are always together. Many things he points out is quite similar to what J. Krishnamurti conveyed. I also find that when ones dies to ones thoughts and feelings everyday, then one has no fear of the separation from the flesh body. However, I do not accept any beliefs that Edgar Cayce said. Just because he was correct with his health treatments through his psychic trances, that does not mean that what he said about psychological or spiritual matters was true.

Our world is setup and run by a fragmented consciousness called, The Ego. Ego is the result of a schism in the mind due to refusing to be in contact with a thought or feeling that one doesn't want to deal with. The way that the mind hides from itself is by using its imagination to identify with a make-belief opposite feeling or thought. For example, if one hates their boss but is afraid of losing their job for feeling that way, one tries to believe that one likes their boss. This is just one example. The mind does this with many other thoughts and feelings. Fake religion arose by pretending to help people deal with their so-called 'negative' thoughts and feelings. So they told them to pray to a god and then they wont be haunted by evil mind spirits.

In today's world, there are thousands of ways that people can escape from any state of mind that they dislike, including using legal and/or illegal drugs to dull the mind. All beliefs dull the mind, as well. A belief is a fantasy that gives a mind that is disturbed something to hold onto while ignoring their fear or pain. Belief offers psychological pleasure, just like a drug offers a temporary escape from emotional pain. Pleasure has its roots in Pain; just as the Photograph has its roots in the Negative-Film. They are 2 sides of the same thing. 

Why Are You Being Educated?

Our education was a lie to begin with, because it was setup as a disguise. The education system for people around the world was placed there by the ruling class in order to be able to dominate the masses, mentally. To make sure of that, they programmed the students to feel that they are intelligent if they learn a skill of some kind. Having a skill is NOT being educated. Education is really the full understanding of your consciousness. Instead, students are merely being treated like computers that execute the programs given to them. The student is not allowed to question the program – only to carry it out without question. Students are condemned by the teacher if they challenge the validity of the information that they are being given. It does not matter if the student has found a real error in the information. They are expected to accept all information as being correct, regardless if it is or not. Students must never be allowed to question or distinguish what is factual.

Is There a Way of Learning 

which is not Mechanical?

So when young students enter into the adult world to work for a living and to vote for political representation, their mind is incapable of discerning what the political game is really about. They don't understand that to participate in the game is to give their lives to those who setup the rigged game. I realized the truth of this when I watched the movie called, WAR GAMES (a 1980's film). A prototype artificial intelligence program ran a simulation of a nuclear war attack from every possible strategy, and in the end the computer simply stopped running simulations. When the computer programmer asked the computer why it has stopped, the computer said, “Playing the War Game was illogical because nobody can win and everything would be destroyed.” 

What is the point of Education?

To play The Egotistical-Game in your everyday life is illogical because it is designed to destroy physical security and sanity, as well. At first, you may not detect the serious ramifications of ego-stroking; it seems harmless to tell people what they want to hear, emotionally. But, you are unwittingly participating in a psychological war-game. And, internally, your own mind is fighting itself, as well. Your conscious mind wants one thing and your subconscious wants the opposite, and so your mind is split into with both sides battling against itself.

Sports is warfare, psychologically. It gets children used to the idea that it is right to tear down the group that one does not emotionally identify with. You cheer for the group that you emotionally identify with and you direct hateful thoughts and feelings against the group that you do not identify with. Now your mind is primed and ready to easily go along with the political leader that tells you that some foreign group is out to destroy your world so we must go kill them. So you easily agree. My country is my team and I want my team to win, so go destroy the other team/country. This is how people have been tricked into being obedient mind slaves. They first get your ego to emotionally identify with a team, then the team becomes your country.

The super rich elite have no country. They invented the game of countries and nationalism. It's just a mental game setup to emotionally control the masses. They get the masses to emotionally identify with a country/nation, then they send spies in to do some damage. Then, the politicians tell the masses that the damage was done by the other team/country. Then, they get the masses to rally around going to war against them. All countries are given the same lie. The masses fall for the lie. And, they are off to war. In the meantime, the super elite are selling weapons to all sides of the war and making a profit no matter who gets slaughtered.

The super elite did the same thing in the old gladiator days. They have always found it entertaining to watch the poor kill each other in order to win the favor of the rulers. Nothing has changed. The only reason why these old tricks always work is because people are too weak to honestly face themselves, psychologically. The masses have never been a victim of the rich elite. That is just what it appears to be on the surface. Beneath the surface, the masses are really victims of lying to themselves. The masses are too mentally lazy to be in full contact with all of their emotional responses. This is a fact and not my personal opinion. What proves that it is a fact is that a mind that is holistically aware of itself cannot be controlled or conquered. The first rule of warfare is to: “DIVIDE AND CONQUER”. If there is NO DIVISION then one cannot be conquered. It's just that simple.

After all, the main reason why it has been setup for young minds to go to school is for the sole purpose of subjecting them to the traditional games of division. In between classes, the children are made to play games. And, these games are based in psychological warfare. It encourages fighting. The school system wants children to be hostile so that they can be used in the military later on.

What is so alarming is how most people have made themselves incapable of questioning the validity of things. They just imitate whatever is set up and assume that it must be right. Even if it isn't right, they are too afraid to challenge it. What the messenger means by 'challenge it' is to clearly realize for oneself whether or not it is valid. The educational system destroys the student's mind from its ability to distinguish fact from fiction. They are forced to accept whatever the teacher says reality is. So, the student is being set up to make decisions based on FEAR, alone. The fear of punishment, and the fear of not gaining a reward. It is no different than how dogs are trained. Their entire lives are being molded for the sole purpose of supporting the system that programmed them so that their children will pick up where they left off. It is the perpetuation of a self-replicating Artificial Matrix of Misery.

Slavery has never ended; it has just been reorganized. Slavery is constantly being upgraded and reorganized so that the masses think that they are not slaves. A slave is controlled by another mind (or group of minds). The moment that a mind cannot distinguish fact from fiction and doesn't even want to, then that mind is a slave mentality. Your computer or mobile phone is your slave. But since it is a machine, that is okay. But, a living being is not intrinsically designed to function as a machine or slave. When you turn on your car and navigate its direction, the car simply does whatever you want. The car does not have the ability to wonder why you want to drive it to the location that you choose. It merely obeys. And, there is no problem with that.

However, a human being has the intelligence to understand itself, through self observation. But, most people reject being in touch with themselves, completely. Because, they have gotten use to their programming, and they fear being an outsider to the social group they have been indoctrinated in. The elite are fully aware of this fear among the masses. And, that is how they have been able to maintain control for such a long period of time. It is not the elite rulers that are keeping people at an economic disadvantage; it is their own fear of thinking for themselves. They've become habitually dependent upon their rulers. Even though they may privately curse the ruling class, they will not break their dependent mental chains. The elite know that once their minds are shattered into becoming an Ego, that Ego will do anything to maintain itself – no matter what the circumstances may be. So, that is why the masses are trapped within their own mental division. So the elite can always conquer them over and over. 

Jiddu Krishnamurti - 

Most people are occupied with jobs


What is the purpose for buying and selling or putting a price on life?

It establishes an artificial matrix designed to determine superiority and inferiority. After all, for there to be something superior, there must be something inferior or else there could be no distinction. This also causes a division between those who have a lot and those who have very little. In other words, the matrix of buying and selling life is nothing but an Ego-trip. All misery originates out of the Ego. The Ego, itself, is an artificial entity. It came to be due to ignoring and suppressing the thoughts and feelings that it didn't want to acknowledge. And, then it took on the disguise of being the opposite of those thoughts and feelings. Cruelty took on the mask of charitable humanitarian, and many other such disguises. The Ego is a Poser who pretends to be authentic and genuine. The lie is respected and the truth is condemned as being a lie.

The world is nothing but a web of lies. The laws reinforce the lies. The Ego itself is a Lie! The Ego is playing 'god' with the lives of everyone and everything. The Ego is responsible for destroying 90% of the marine life, trashing the Amazon Forest, polluting the waters around the world, injecting high levels of radiation and heavy metals into the atmosphere, disturbing the balance of Nature by introducing experimental genetically modified organisms, pouring more and more strange chemical combinations into household cleaners and detergents, assaulting the immune systems of infants and children with experimental vaccines, the list goes on and on. And, this degradation shall continue so long as the psyche of the masses remains complacent and protective of their Ego. It's a World-Wide-Web of Egotistical Mind Hive – just like in the Star Trek show THE BORG (where they say, “Resistance is futile”). Yes, resistance is futile, because resistance is opposition. Opposition is conflict. And, conflict can only generate further conflict, which leads to everything being destroyed. The solution is not resistance. The solution is to clearly detect the problem. Once you see that your Ego is contributing to the world destruction, you stop being an Ego and begin being aware of your responses. Awareness is neither positive nor negative; it is Neutral Energy that neutralizes your Ego so that your mind returns to its intrinsic natural state of Holistic Intelligence.

We have accepted how things are setup. We think that we need a government, military and police. The only reason why they exist is because people are ego-driven, which makes them irrational, uncivilized and uncooperative. The problem cannot be resolved through mechanical reorganization. The problem is The Ego playing havoc with everyone's lives. The way to deal with The Collective Ego is to understand that your Ego is the key to its existence. What does this have to do with putting a price tag on life? EVERYTHING!

The only reason why we are working like slaves in order to live is because we have accepted, without question, the way things are set up. It is our acceptance and the failure to question the validity of this arrangement that has kept this abnormal process going. This is an Artificial Matrix of Misery designed by the elite in order to try to prove to themselves that they are superior to the masses. What would happen to the elite if they suddenly woke up one day and there were no more masses, only them (a tiny 1% of a percent)? If there was nothing but the elite and nobody else, how could they determine that they are elite when everyone has just as much as the other guy? The point I'm making is that the elite DEPEND on the masses in order to be able to convince themselves that they are superior at all. Do you get it now? That is why they have rigged everything to be so difficult to get ahead and improve ones standard of living. They must keep the masses in a struggling economic state in order for them to be able to claim superiority, which is an Ego-trip, right?

So way back in history the elite were pirates that stole the most resources. Then they set up a game called, government so that they could steal from the masses by telling them that they had to pay taxes in order to live on their stolen land. Taxes is just a form of piracy enforced by mercenaries called, the military. These pirate families set up this whole game of putting a price tag on life. They were the ones who made up the laws. They were the ones who either imprisoned or executed the masses for not obeying their rules. Who gave them the authority to do all of this? Nobody. They simply organized it and protected it with a group of thugs they put into uniforms and called them soldiers. So most people were born into a hostage situation. But, the school system (that these pirate families imposed on society) mislabeled everything to make it appear like this is a normal and fair situation. You earn a degree so you can get a job and earn a livelihood and that is the habit that has been accepted.

But, it is not the skill-set that gets you hired nor makes it possible for you to keep your position. It is the Ego-worship that you give to your superiors that will make or break your career. Teachers know that the things they are teaching are false, but if they reveal the truth, they will be fired. That sounds like a hostage situation to me. You do as you are told or else... That is tyranny. The Ego is the tyrant that is running things which is why everything is out of balance and will remain that way. The Ego, itself, is an unbalanced (biased) entity.

It is the buying and selling of life that is responsible for wars. The Ego is malevolent and unfair, which means that some people are marked to be sacrificed so that others can profit. Everyone cannot have food, clothing and shelter in the Artificial Matrix of Misery. You are damned if you and damned if you don't kiss the Ego's ass. If you do play The Ego Game of Ass-Kissing & Ass-Kicking, then your life is damned to be miserable (no matter how much material gain you may acquire). If you opt out of the Ego-Game, altogether, then you will have peace of mind and everything that you do have will be due to your self-understanding. However, the Ego will always try to scare you into surrendering to its will. But, when you truly understand your whole thought process, you are free of fear. There is a death of your Ego. When the Ego dies, you are no longer afraid of physical death. The Collective Ego threatens to cut off your resources, which is like putting a gun to your head to make you stop being self-aware. The messenger has dealt with that situation for decades now. It matters not to me if I physically die, just so long as I am not the bitch of my Ego or The Collective Ego.

I get tired of hearing people complain of the unfair living conditions. This problem cannot be dealt with through pieces. The ROOT OF THE PROBLEM has to be neutralized. Hardly anyone has the compassion or the guts to do that. So I am doing it. Some may say, that one person can't do anything to stop this gigantic Egotistical Monster. People who say that have not studied The Ego in its entirety. I have. Even a master mason knows that a wall has what is called a 'keystone'. Go look up that word. You will find that this 'keystone', when removed, can cause the entire wall to fall down. That is an absolute fact. Now, each person has an Ego, and it is supporting this ugly Artificial Matrix of Misery (working for a living). But, if you were to unplug your Ego, then everything would change. Remember at the beginning of this blog, I pointed out that the quantum physicists have found out that life is a Hologram. The Ego is projecting itself out into the world that we are living in everyday. Every time you gratify your Ego or someone else's Ego, you are reinforcing that Holographic reality.

Most people have become comfortably numb to conflict, misery and unfairness. So they go along to get along, which means they are using their energy to maintain this tragic state of affairs. Some people have become addicted to conflict and they want to reincarnate back into life so that they can continue to maintain their Ego. This may sound weird to you. But, I've seen enough evidence from people who have had near death experiences, and from children who were able to document their past life with verifiable details that they were reincarnated. This simply means perpetual stagnation of an Ego. This is not real immortality. Instead, it is like a petrified tree that is neither dead or alive; it is in suspended animation. There is no freshness nor growth, just a repetition of the past being modified each time it repeats itself. It is a time warp process, which is not immortality.

Immortality is TIMELESS, ETERNAL, IMMEASURABLE, NEW! Stepping outside of the human domain for a moment, the messenger would like to talk about the BIG PICTURE OF REALITY. There is matter, which includes time. Matter is made out of atoms (which includes the human body, astral body and thoughts/feelings). Matter is a dichotomy or polarity or a coin: one side is positive and the other side is negative. The 2 sides are interdependent upon each other. So if you were to get rid of the positive side, then the negative side would disappear, and visa-versa.

Since all matter is made out of atoms, it is very important that you understand the main components of the atom. There is the Proton, which is Positive Energy. There is the Electron, which is Negative Energy. These opposite forms of energy make up ONE WHOLE UNIT – just like Heads & Tails of a single coin. Also, the opposite energies of matter are measurable. That which is measurable is bound to TIME. Matter has a beginning point and an ending point. Your body, which is matter, had a beginning point in TIME (the day you were born). And, your body has an ending point (the day that you physically die).

The Energy in Emptiness

But, there is one other component to all atoms which is the main one. It is rarely talked about and that is: THE NEUTRON!

The NEUTRON has been described by scientists as being EMPTY SPACE. And, many intellectuals have misinterpreted that EMPTY-SPACE to imply that Life has no meaning because the Human Mind which is based on Ego assumes that EMPTINESS is valueless. On the contrary, That EMPTY-SPACE IS:


A Clear And Quiet Mind 

Can See The Eternal 


That which has No-Beginning & No-Ending is TRUE IMMORTALITY, which is beyond reincarnation. Reincarnation is the recycling of time/memory. When a person can remember existing in a prior life, that simply means that that person did not live their life in complete awareness. They lived in partial awareness, which is Ego-driven. The Ego is based on past emotional memories. Its imagination is based on past emotional memories. Ego uses its imagination (which is the past) to project any image it desires about itself. An image is a lie posing as the truth about a person's character. It is the Emotional Memory that gets reincarnated. It has been proven with special cameras that can take the picture of our astral body, aura. And, your emotional background is stored in this ethereal matter. When you die, if you are an Ego-based entity, your astral body waits around for a fetus to enter into so that it can come back into life to carry on where it left off. The continuity of the past, which is time, is not real immortality. It is artificial immortality because that life is simply repeating its past in a modified manner. There is no newness. It is a petrified existence that is rooted in time (in the past emotional memory). The elite are well aware of this process and have been using it for centuries, which is why it is the same pirate families that are ruling the world to this day. They secretly practice black magic rituals when a powerful elite dies so that his astral body will be installed in a newborn. It doesn't matter if you think this is true or not. I'm putting it out there anyway.

But, real IMMORTALITY is very rare for a human being to undergo. It requires that you not live as an Ego until the end of your physical life. Then, your astral body returns to the NEUTRON ENERGY, which is the Source of All Created Matter in Existence. Then, you get a brand new life. If you look at the Torus and the shape of galaxies, they are all spiral shaped. In the middle is an EMPTY-SPACE (just like the EMPTY-SPACE of the atom's NEUTRON). What that means is that Matter-Time is born out of EMPTY-SPACE OF ETERNITY. Then when the measurable part (the matter) ends or dies, it simply folds back into that center of IMMORTALITY. So matter is born; it expands to its maximum. Then matter recedes back to it home-base. So TIME (MATTER) came out of the void of the TIMELESS to exist for a while, and then it shrinks back into the nucleus of the TIMELESS. 


What is the right relationship to money? 


But something has gone horribly wrong with regard to people. Their Ego has found a way to block the natural circle of life. The Ego is in competition with the real God (that is the TIMELESS, NEUTRAL ENERGY). It does not want to go back to the Source of Life. This is especially true of the so-called elite rulers. They have established their own private vacuum Artificial Matrix of Misery to which they are playing 'god'. Through black magic, they have set up an ethereal veil in between life and death so that when people die as an Ego, their energy is fragmented and does not return to the Neutral Energy (which is the Source of All Matter). Instead, their astral body (which contains their emotional memories) goes into a holding domain until they can find a fetus to embody. People who practice voodoo and other shamans say that if a child is terrified enough that its spirit will vacate its body, then another spirit can embody that child. This is why there are so many things in the world that are designed to severely frighten children. Or if the pregnant mother is severely frightened, it can cause her baby's spirit to vacate its body leaving it wide open for past life spirit to invade it.

So why does the Ego want to keep on reincarnating? The answer should be obvious. It is trying to be a 'god'. It has made its own private universe where it rules. Its only and primary fuel is conflict! It wants to make sure that people exist as an Ego because that is the only thing it can control. It also wants to make sure everyone dies as an Ego, so that its slaves will reincarnate so that it can have something to rule over, again and again. Do you recall the third "Matrix" movie near the end where the old man in the white suit told the character "Neo" that he has gone through this battle with "Mr. Smith" hundreds of times. The game of battle simply resets to start again. Also, "Neo" represented the "Positive"(Future) energy and "Mr. Smith" represented the "Negative" (Past) energy. Both sides were grounded in bias/conflict. So both sides rejected being holistically self-aware. They both refused to understand the fact that the Observer (the Positive - Future) IS the Observed (the Negative - Past). Ergo, this is the reason why history repeats in a modified way. When one fragmented opposite defeated the other side, they both were canceled out, and the battle begins all over again in the next generation. So all of the wars in the world are just a version of that movie, metaphorically speaking. There is NO righteous side. All sides of all wars are disorderly, disharmonious and intensifies misery. The reason why the Villain-Hero are fighting is because inside each person their conscious (future) and subconscious (past) are trying to suppress or overthrow the other. But, the psyche refuses to realize that it is struggling against itself. So the external battle is really a holographic projection of the entire consciousness that is artificially divided. This is exactly what is now taking place in our world (i.e., an Artificial Matrix of Misery). When you look at all the psychological battles going on through the Internet's social networks, the viewer is being invited to choose an opposite side to emotionally identify with. And if the viewer is not holistically self-aware, the viewer will emotionally choose a side to attach to. WWIII is a psyop under the disguise of social networking. So don't expect the leaders to save you from your own internal war. They just want to exploit it in order to feel powerful through mind control. Remember, a mind is never taken over, it surrenders to control whenever it seeks to control itself by suppressing one side of its nature (be it the negative or positive).

A brand new shift is not a modification of the Past, which Ego calls, "The Future". A brand new psychological paradigm shift is born out of the total understanding of the falsehood of the concept of "Good & Evil" that look on the surface to be different. Just like the photograph looks completely different from the negative-film and seem like they are two differently unrelated things, "Good & Evil" concepts of warfare are merely two sides of the same corrupt coin. Corruption means "Division" of the Whole -- which means that the Wholeness of the Psyche is Broken (ergo, that is the Ego). That is why everywhere you turn, you are being emotionally or psychologically pressured into participating in bias by choosing an opposite side to be for and against. Whatever your conscious mind chooses, your subconscious chooses the opposite. So if for instance you consciously choose to "believe" that the government is the bad guy, then your subconscious will be supportive of the government. This is why the Ego in all people is contradictory. One may choose to "believe" that they love and honor their wife or husband, but subconsciously they are in rebellion to their vows. Children may openly obey their parents, yet secretly defy their rules. The list goes on and on. That is why our world is falling apart, because people have handed over their lives to psychological-choice, which is contradiction and disintegration. This is the reason why the only solution is to understand that there is nothing to choose because both sides of conflict are fundamentally out of order. Understanding conflict ends conflict; for in conflict there is no understanding -- there is only fear and pleasure (modified fear). If the Human Mind fails to transition out of conflict through holistic (unbiased, no choosing) self-awareness of ones emotional responses in the challenges of ones daily life, then the Human Mind shall collapse in on itself. This is because of the Atomic Law of Energy. Two opposite energies of one unit (which is the human consciousness) must be rooted in NEUTRAL (Holistic Self-Observation), or else the opposite energies must cancel out each other. The opposite energies can only be stable and harmonious when NEUTRAL Energy is their Core Foundation. The global system has a Core Foundation of Positive or Negative Energy struggling to be in charge by suppressing the other half of itself. The media is there to keep the Human Mind dumb-downed so that it continues to think that the opposite characters of any war are totally unrelated entities to which you must choose between. You must never realize or wake-up to the actuality that the two sides are exactly the same as the HEADS-TAILS of a coin. There are not 2 separate coins. There is only 2 different images of the same coin. The images may be called "Good" or "Evil" but they still are a part of that same coin of Ego, which is conflict (disharmony, disorder) because the Whole has been artificially fractured in order to pretend like they are 2 different things trying to conquering each other. But if Night, say for example, were to conquer the Day, then the Night could not exist, either (and visa-versa). Human Consciousness is having a war within itself, and it is up to each person to wake-up and understand how their mind is playing a trick upon itself, which the outside agents can take advantage of you and destroy you. But, the psyche that is Holistically awake and aware of its thought process cannot be taken advantage of, and its very Energy of Self-Observation is bringing about a transformation, not only in its personal mind, but also in the dissolution of the Collective Ego-Mind. So it is the Energy of Self-Observation, not your will, not your desire, that naturally Neutralizes conflict within you. So the holographic display will change according to your quality of Psychic Energy. This is why J. Krishnamurti said that, "You are the World, and the World is You." That was his way of saying that the World is a Holographic reflection of what is going on in your mind. Either your mind is being driven by contradiction (emotional choice between the so-called "Good" or "Evil"), or your mind is functioning out of Pure Neutral Unlimited Loving Energy (by understanding the way ones mind deceives itself through emotional choosing). Remember only NEUTRAL Energy can harmonize the opposite halves of energy in the Atom. And, Human Psyche is Atomic, is matter because it is polarized energetic thoughts and feelings. So if you have trouble seeing this reality in your personal life, then watch any movie or TV show or commercial and you will see this psychological message urging you to psychologically choose between a Negative (Villain) or Positive (Hero or so-called Innocent Victim) Image. Choose, choose, choose - Believe, believe, believe. Obey, obey, obey. But, never ever SEE things as they actually are. This is why my Url Address is: "Seeing Is Not Believing", because "believing" is an emotional choice that one makes out of confusion and fear of their own psyche. Whereas, SEEING is the actual detection of how your mind works; there is NO personal bias or desire or will imposing itself upon what you discover. SEEING is NEUTRAL and is therefore Whole unto itself. Where there is Wholeness, there is NO conflict, so there is nothing to choose at all. Ones mind is then free to see the Total Human Psyche both within itself and outside of itself in the Collective. Ones mind is then divorced from Ego, conflict and Collective Thought. It is NOT the opposite of Ego. For all opposites have their roots in its own opposite just like the Tails & Heads of a coin (or the Negative-Film & Photo). The Ego that "loves" its team or country or race, subconsciously "hates" it, as well, because "love" based on will is biased so its origins are born out of "hate". But, real LOVE has no opposite; it is a byproduct of SEEING THE FALSENESS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CHOICE. When one detects the False, then simultaneously one has detected that which is TRUE. You can't directly go after the truth, because one is merely chasing ones own tail by having a preconception about the truth. Truth is what is left remaining only after you have understood the FALSENESS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CHOOSING BETWEEN THE OPPOSITES OF "GOOD" & "EVIL". So one may be wondering, "You're just one person up against this ancient matrix that is set up both in the physical world and the ethereal world, how can you change things so that there is a paradigm shift into a brand new consciousness free of Ego?"

Well, one day I had a revelation that made it clear to me. You see it all goes back to the basics of physics of atomic energy. Since all matter is a question of Positive and Negative Energy that is GROUNDED in NEUTRAL Energy, then the ending of this Ego-driven Matrix is simple. It will take no less than 1 MAN = Positive/Proton & 1 WOMAN (Negative/Electron) to live an Ego-Free (Neutral) life up until their physical death. Then, anyone who is not free of their Ego will no longer be able to function as an Ego or be resurrected to continue with endless wars based on psychological division. The entire Artificial Matrix of Misery would dissolve into the Neutral Energy Field as the Woman (who is Ego-Free) physically dies, because her astral body and all of her emotional energy would fold back into the foundation of her being, which is Neutral Energy. A person who is Ego-Free is grounded or rooted in Neutral Self-Awareness. Awareness of all of ones thoughts and feelings without any projection of an opposite emotional ideal or belief is Neutral Energy. One cannot cultivate Neutral Energy; for only memory (positive or negative energetic thoughts or feelings) can be cultivated or controlled. Neutral Energy is beyond Time, Matter, because in the Neutron of the Atom there is NO Negative or Positive charge of energy, so it is something other than matter or time. This Neutral Energy is what J. Krishnamurti was speaking about. Yes, he would say that you have to negate all false aspects of thinking, but in the context that he was using the term "negate" it implied unbiased, neutralization of thought. Often he would say, "Don't agree or disagree with what 'the Speaker' is pointing out -- just LISTEN, OBSERVE your psychological responses without trying to change what you are OBSERVING." So he implied not to approach your state of mind through the bias of desire. I simply replaced his terminology of negation to NEUTRAL because I realized that he was really talking about Atomic Law, since all matter (and thought/feelings are matter, memory is measurable). Anything that can be measured is Time, Matter and Limited. But, when Professor David Bohm and other scientists notes that at the heart of the Atom is Empty Space, but that Empty Space is filled with an Unknown Unlimited Energy, then it became obviously clear to me that the same Neutral Energy permeates all atoms through life (in the subatomic realm of the Unified Field of Energy, in the Cosmic Unified Field of Energy). And, since there is no life without Energy, then the Human Psyche is also Energy. However, its Energy has been perverted through having an Observer that divides itself away from its Observed thoughts/feelings. And therefore, shattering the Holistic Observation of itself. This is why the Human species is NOT aligned with Nature at all, and is destroying its own environmental home. That's a red flag that signifies that there is something radically wrong with the way Humans exist. I say 'exist', because the Human Ego is merely existing in a state of inertia, because it has disabled its ability to perceive exactly what it is doing and can't discern that it is out of order by trying to control life and pretend to be the overlord of life on Earth. Forget about the ruling class. They are not the real problem. It is your state of mind that has given them the power to set up such a disorderly miserable way of living. The World is the way it is because each person lies to themselves by saying, "I'm forced to accept this system." The only thing that is forcing you is you each time you fail to question what is really going on here. What am I supporting with my mental energy? Is there something wrong with my thinking? Hardly anyone will question themselves because they want to hold onto the pleasurable aspects of conflict. They want power over other people. The serial killer wants power over his victims, which is why he keeps a souvenir from the victim to relish is the pleasure of dominating that person's mind and making them plead to the killer for their life. Or, the pleasure of believing in 'god' makes the believer feel superior over 'sinners'. The pleasure that one derives out of being Egocentric is why the vast majority of people support this Artificial Matrix of Misery (which exists inside the minds of every person who does not holistically understand its whole nature). People really don't want to be WHOLE in their psychological affairs. So they blame the elite for taking advantage of them. But, ultimately, the masses are responsible for making it possible for them to be taken advantage of. For, limited energy (which is Ego-based energy) can't conquer a mind that is grounded in Neutral Energy. This is why the school systems exists in order to insure that the minds that are the next generation of adults are NOT Holistically Intelligent. The sign of an Intelligent Mind is that it QUESTIONS the validity of everything; it does NOT automatically accept anything presented to it. Schools punish students for questioning the information they are force-fed. But if the student is mentally strong, then no matter how cruel the system treats him or her, that student shall question the falsehoods of their education and break its conditioning. This is something that the Artificial Matrix of Misery fears the most. For, it is a house of cards built upon a cracked foundation of emotional bias, which is destined to collapse. Now then, as a Female who is Holistically Communing with ALL of my emotional or psychological states of mind, when my  body & mind ends, it goes back to The Neutral Source because all matter/time was born out of The Timeless Neutron (that Empty Space). Since the Holistic Female Mind is the representative of all Human Consciousness (both conscious and subconscious), then Human Consciousness must dissolve into Neutral Energy in order to be born into a brand new paradigm of Neutral Holistic Consciousness or the Matrix of Natural Life. Also, Man = Proton and the Woman = Electron and the Communion with the Negative & Positive Emotional Responses = Neutron = Holistic Paradigm Shift of the Whole Consciousness of Humanity. The mental energy grounded in Neutral Energy dissolves and swallows the total Artificial Matrix of Misery, because the radical transformation of the Male & Female Ego creatively ends the Collective Ego. Because, the Ego is non-locally entangled with all fragments of The Collective Ego (a good dramatization of this can be seen in the movie called, "The Dark Crystal" (1980's film) or "Zardoz" made in the 1970's by George Lucas (starring Shaun Connery). The Holistic Mind of the Female & Male represents the Whole Conscious & Subconscious Collective. When you are an Ego, your energy is limited and localized, so it cannot have a radical transformative impact upon the Collective. But when you are rooted in Neutral Self-Awareness, that QUALITY OF ENERGY is Timeless, Unlimited, and Whole. This is why ONE female that is Neutralizing her own Ego through daily holistic awareness up until the end of her physical life can release her core Neutral Energy, which then draws in and radically changes the Total Consciousness of Mankind. This is only possible because...

Back in 1986, Jiddu Krishnamurti was an Ego-Free MAN who died in that year. I've studied his life and his works to understand that he was truly Ego-Free. I saw how The Collective Ego sent covert agents (pretending to want to learn about their mind while interjecting ridiculous questions at his talks) in an effort to try and confuse J.K., and antagonize him so that he would go into conflict within himself, but he never did. He held true to the very end of his life, which why his works are still available for anyone to study. I heard that his last words were (and I'm paraphrasing here) "Why don't you all change, if you don't then Mankind is doomed to destruction." This implied that J.K. was aware that the people around him that he lived with and worked with were faking to be understanding their minds. Now they have turned his foundation of literature into a dogma. They pump out audio-books that sound dead and empty -- just repeating his words. But, the reader is no different than a radio announcer reading a script; one can sense that the audio-book reader is not living it. But, when J.K. spoke, he spoke with Holistic Passion & Compassion. J.K., himself, said that if you repeat what another person has said without finding out the truth of what is being said, then you are being a contradiction or a liar. You can repeat verbatim what he said, but if you are not actually doing it in your daily life, then you are a liar. When you live it, then you wont be a tape recorder. You will be pointing at the same reality with a different way of speaking because each person has their own way of talking that is unique to that person. I am saying what J.K. is saying but in a uniquely different manner. I can tell that I am doing what he did, because the Collective Ego approaches me with the same dumb questions expecting me to explain things to them. There is no need for me to explain anything that I say. Just like I studied and experimented in my personal life what J.K. spoke about, anyone else can do that. I'm not going to pretend to be the 'World Teacher'. That job was thoroughly done by J.K. He was a World Teacher, because his message was for the World. But most of the world rejected it because they were and are devoted to their Egos. That is not the fault of J.K. He could not and would not force anyone to understand the message. That is up to each person. If they fail to do it, then that is on them, not him. Although, most people don't have the intelligence nor the compassion to take what J.K. has to say seriously, I took what he had to say seriously and have been living his works for over 40 years. That implies that one has to face death threats, but that is how I tested what he had to say. If it was make-believe, then I would have been destroyed a long time ago. Recently, I am still facing death threats by having access to my physical resources withheld. While this is happening, I watch my emotional responses, without lifting a finger to try to control my feelings/thoughts as I undergo these threats. The worse thing that could happen is that I physically die. But, if I do NOT surrender to the oppression, then when I die, the Quality of the Psychological or Spiritual Energy released will have an unprecedented impact upon the Total Collective Psyche of Humanity. That will usher in a brand new paradigm from the subatomic Unified Field of Energy upwards. I can't see a downside of that at all. So, this is why I am no longer worried about whether or not I get what I need in order to physically survive, for I have transcended materialism (which is the flesh). I welcome death because I live with death everyday by dying to every single thing that I think and feel as I go throughout my daily challenges of life. I take solace in the peace of not being consumed by Ego-based energy. Nobody can make me stop observing my whole mind (except for myself). This is why each person is their own worst enemy, because it is you alone that is supporting your Ego or dissolving it through understanding it. Anyway, J.K. represented the first ½ of the radical Paradigm Shift of Human Consciousness. He represented the Protons (Positive-Male Energy) that was holistic and radically transformed. Hence, the first half of the Paradigm Shift has been completed, already. All that remains is for a (Neutral-Minded) Female to finish it. Then, a Truly New World Order is born where the tyranny of the Artificial Matrix of Misery no longer reigns. When disorder (disharmony) dies, order (harmony) is born. Then, Human Consciousness will be in alignment with the rest of life (the Cosmos, Subatomic Unified Field of Energy). And, no entity from any other dimension can take over, because no matter its abilities, it is still made out of atoms and either it is based in Neutral Energy or it is not. If not, then it will self-destruct if it tries to take over a Holistic Human Consciousness, because it is the NEUTRAL ENERGY, itself, that is impenetrable that no entity from any dimension can ever destroy.

But, the female energy (the Electron) was going to be a bit more tricky. You see the main reason why The Ego came down so hard on the female energy after the Matriarchy fell thousands of years ago is because The Collective and elite Ego knew that if a female were to be free of her Ego, she could cause the Human Consciousness to shift into an entirely brand new paradigm shift. So the fake religions of the world frightened little girls into fearing their sexuality, fearing their thoughts and feelings. Females are encouraged to take drugs in order to control their emotions (far more than men are). The females, through dogma, are made to feel ashamed or guilty. Females are made to feel like they are nothing without servitude to a man (mainly a husband which is her mental slave master). Females are not allowed to make more money than a man in her same profession. Females are afraid to stand alone; they feel peer-pressured into having other females tell them how to live. Females have come to view their feminine nature as being inferior to the male. So most females, today, are trying to behave more masculine and suppress their feminine nature. That is why a lot of women are abandoning their mothering abilities and giving their children over to the father to raise, instead. The Collective Ego is very pleased with how the female has destroyed her feminine energy (the electron energy), because it is afraid of a female awakening to her full potential, which would end the world as being ruled by the wicked Ego, which at the moment is patriarchal.

Now I already said that the Proton has ended ½ of the Ego-Ruler-ship. It now only takes one Female (who is Neutral-based) to complete the last ½. The messenger is female, and I understand my responsibility to the world. After The Collective Ego is no more, if there is anyone left, they will only be able to exist if they are rooted in Neutral Energy (just like all other matter in the Cosmos). For the very first time ever, the Human Consciousness will be in alignment with the rest of the Universe, instead of being at odds with it. It's obvious that The Ego is at odds with Nature, because there's much destruction done to Earth and its atmosphere. This problem cannot be resolved by ego-driven politicians who are hypocrites that make promises that they know damn well they have no intention of following through. This problem is spiritual. There is no court system that can bring The Collective Ego to justice. The Collective Ego must be dissolved in Neutral Energy of 1 Man & 1 Woman. The Man side has been done in February 17, 1986 (the death of Jiddu Krishnamurti). So when I physically die, if I continue to be holistically aware of my entire Emotional Mind, then the Human Consciousness will dissolve into my Neutral Center of Being. That would end the Matrix causing it to go back to the Source of Life, which it had been resisting for millennia.

Then an unprecedented world will be born. I know this for a fact because when “The Ego” is not there, UNIVERSAL LOVE is there. UNIVERSAL LOVE IS BALANCE which is made out of Neutral Energy. One other thing you should know about the atom is that the 2 opposite energies can only be HARMONIZED by NEUTRAL Energy. If the Neutron is not there, then the 2 opposite energies must try to overthrow the other. That is why Men & Women subconsciously are out to destroy each other and can't live together for long periods of time. When a man & woman have an image or belief about themselves, that causes them to have a biased foundation. Bias blocks NEUTRAL Energy. Man & Woman can only live in harmony if they don't have a self-image or belief. That image or belief is the essence of an Ego. Ego is biased and blocks NEUTRAL Energy. Neutral Energy is TRUE LOVE because it is the only energy that can unite the opposite positive & negative energy. People may say they are married. Marriage implies a UNION. How can 2 Egos be united? That is an impossibility. Ego is a biased entity. Where there is bias, there can be no Neutral Energy of Love. Ego is hatred that uses pleasure as a substitute for TRUE LOVE. Men are pretending to be nice to women so that the woman will take their pretense to be real. And, the moment she believes his nice sounding words, she is handed over to his alter-Ego (the serial killer) to finish her off. Also, women can do the same thing in reverse in order to victimize men. It works both ways because they are both Ego-based malevolent beings that have denounced NEUTRAL Self-Awareness.

Once you understand that Life is Energy that is either functioning in Harmony or Disharmony, Creatively or Destructively, then you can understand why things are happening the way they are. You can understand why people are so cruel or why they are so fake. It's the Ego at play, folks. If Ego is involved then the energy is chaotic, painful or pleasurable to the point of pain. You can see how a drug addict keeps wanting more and more pleasure until they overdose. Belief is also a drug. People get caught up in Ego-driven religion that promises to make things better in the future. And, it always ends in a nightmarish tragedy.

Beware of the social media where everyone calls each other a 'friend' so that they can get into your personal business and wreck it. Just because someone says they are your friend doesn't make it true. A friend is benevolent and is not driven by a self-image of being a good person. I have no images about myself, not a one. I simply am in touch with how I feel from moment to moment. I don't judge my feelings to be good or bad. They are just feelings/thoughts to be observed and then they naturally die away like a weather system passing through. But most people cling onto their thoughts and feelings and try to make them stay and then they identify themselves as being good or bad. This is what the Ego does. You can't fight against the Ego, you can't hide from it, either. But, you can be aware of its presence. Awareness is a Neutral state of mind because it is not opposing nor escaping nor surrendering. It is simply communing with itself and learning about itself until it fades away, naturally. There is no conflict involved.

What is right action 

that will meet everything in our lives?

You have been indoctrinated to feel like battling against a problem. Well since you are the problem ('you' being The Ego), then it makes no sense to do battle with yourself. That is suicidal, don't you know? Humanity is facing extinction right now because it has become a threat to this Earth. This Earth is a living being that is also made out of atoms. She has an immune system that kicks in to cause a major cataclysm in order to purge her system from anything that is threatening her existence. Since Life is Holographic, it is revealing that the Human Mind is quite diseased because it is projecting all kinds of disharmonious frequencies through its technological inventions, through the Ego, itself, sooner or later the system will have to reboot. The last time that happened Humanity was nearly wiped off the face of this Earth. So if Humanity does not want that to happen again we had better wake up to the fact that there is only ONE PUBLIC ENEMY #1 and that is THE EGO. Its frequencies are out of order. It does not belong in life. It is going against the Atomic Laws of Energy by trying to replace NEUTRAL Energy with Biased Energy of The Ego which can only generate annihilation.

The reason why most Ego-driven people wont give a damn about this situation is because they subconsciously think that they will reincarnate back into life to start their conflict all over again. It's been established for so long that The Collective Ego assumes that it will go on forever. But the Ego is an Emotional Memory. Memory is Matter. Matter is Time. That means there is a beginning and an ending point for the Ego, as well. The Ego has never faced its own Collective ending before. But, it is coming down hard on my life. So that must mean that it is in its last death throws. Yes, it wants to kill me, but if it is does, it will be totally dissolved into Neutral Energy preventing it from maintaining the ancient matrix cycle of reincarnation. So the Collective Ego has to stop blocking me from getting what I need to physically survive. I really don't care if it blocks me and I don't survive because I'm ready to die. But, at the last minute the Collective Ego (which is the Artificial Matrix of Misery) gets out of the way so that I can go on living. It's trying to buy itself some time by coming up with various strategies  in order to antagonize me so that I will go into conflict with my feelings that the challenges have stirred up.

When you understand why the Ego does what it does, then you no longer feel sorry for yourself nor do you panic. I don't expect The Collective Ego to just go away quietly. From the moment that I came into this world, I sensed that there was something deeply wrong with it. I just couldn't put my finger on it. It seemed to be coming from everywhere, all at once. I was a very scared little girl because I sensed evil, but I couldn't understand exactly what it was or where it was coming from. Now I understand that the world is a hologram and that “I am the world and the world is me.” If I attack the world, I have attacked myself, as well. I had many lessons in my youth that revealed that truth to me. If I lie to myself, I must lie to others who interact with me. If I condemn myself, then I condemn the world.

Please don't misunderstand the messenger when I speak of ending the Ego's Artificial Matrix of Misery. It is like a doctor curing a disease. The disease views the doctor as its enemy, but the body is glad the disease is fading away. The only people who will have a problem with what I am doing are a part of the diseased Ego. A disease is disharmonious energy that is going against the natural order. The atom is healthy and creative energy only when its core foundation  is NEUTRAL. That energy is blocked by The Ego. The Ego is always talking about BECOMING GOOD, all you have to do is IMAGINE THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU WANT TO GO AWAY. Ego is the Past that projects itself into the Future by living up to an IDEAL (which is the past). The Past and the Modified Past still is The Past. This is the process of psychological war/conflict. It can never bring about harmony. When there's a break in between violence, that is not true peace. Because, somewhere else in the world violence breaks out. The Ego is just playing a visual illusory game by pushing in one drawer while another drawer pops open in another room. There is never peace. Even in countries where there are no bombs going off, you still have covert warfare going on at jobs or the food is being polluted to cause sickness or the chemtrails are invading our nervous systems. HARRP is stimulating paranoid thoughts and feelings in people to make them prone to violence so they can make a profit off of locking people up. The Ego is attacking on so many levels. There is no peace except for in the mind of serious people who do not hide from their emotional responses arising out of the daily challenges of life. 

There is only ONE PROBLEM the world is facing, whether you know it or not. That problem is your Ego which is in a violent synchronicity with all Egos. Your conscious mind thinks that it is an individual personality. It's not an individual. Your subconscious is a part of a Collective Mind Hive (just like THE BORG in the Star Trek TV show – if you're not familiar with it go Google it and check out what THE BORG does). All children are being psychologically pressured into becoming Ego-driven. The ones that refuse are being forced to take anti-depressant medications. Now you tell me that the Ego is not a disease. It is deranged, yet very cunning and highly devious. Every time I mention that on the Internet the Ego sends a devious person after me asking me what I suggest as a solution. I do not answer the question, because its a rhetorical question. You know what that means... The Ego is pretending like it wants to understand itself and wants me to spoon feed it the solution. A serious person would never ask that of me. A serious person will test things out and not seek any coaching. An Ego-driven mind is always psychologically depending on another person to help him or her to understand. You don't need anyone to help you eat your food, or to sleep or to take a dump or to have sex. So you don't need anyone to help you be in touch with your emotional responses, either.

I am fully aware of all the tricks that the Ego plays to appear to be humble, or interested in understanding itself. You can't be free of your Ego unless you are willing to give your whole life to being free. If you are not, then go back to the Collective and be content there. This is an all or nothing situation. There is nothing that the Ego can use to bribe me out of being holistically self-aware. For I cannot be bought. I cannot be intimidated by physical death. Even if my children were threatened I still would not give the Ego what it wants. It only wants one thing from me and that is to go into conflict with myself. I want nothing from the Ego. I deal with ALL Egos by dissolving my own whenever it may arise through pure Neutral attention. Neutral meaning, without like or dislike blocking me from embracing the totality of whatever feelings and thought that the Ego provokes in me throughout my daily life.

This world is out of order, and it is worth my life to do something about it on a deep subatomic level, because no organization (including the UN) can do anything about this corruption. Also, when one is Neutral-based, your energy is united with both the subatomic and macro-cosmic worlds. So one is not really isolated. Remember, I am talking about 2 FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT TYPES OF ENERGIES here. Ego-based energy is fragmentary, limited, disharmonious, degenerating. And, Holistic Self-Aware energy is whole, unlimited, harmonious, balancing.

I want to make something clear about demons and angels. They both are Egos. The war between angels and demons is an Egotistical war. When you hear about people on the Internet who identify themselves as “truth journalists”, they are fakes. The only reason why they expose the obvious evildoers is so that you will believe that they are not evil. They have an image that they are good. So they go around digging up dirt on the elite so that you will view their Ego as being benevolent. They think by fighting the demonic Egos that they are being “good”. Conflict is evil regardless if the angelic Egos are engaging in it or the demonic Egos are. Both are denouncing NEUTRAL Self-Awareness. The means is violent so the ends is violent. Demons & Angels are the Negative & Positive energies rooted in their biased self-image, which is the essence of malevolence/evil. So when you look at these exposes notice how they want you to stroke their Egos for outing their adversaries. This is what Armageddon is all about. I don't buy into their facade of being my friend and saving me from the 'bad-guys'. They are just the flip side of the coin. Just like the atom having negative & positive energy, but when the Neutral Energy is present, then both side co-exist in peace. So these fake “truther journalists” are just tricksters trying to get people to be Ego-driven, but they pretend like their Ego is good. There is no such thing as a “good Ego”, for they all block NEUTRAL ENERGY (which is the Energy of Harmonious Love that unites positive-negative energy – just like day-night). So beware of those “truthers”; they are The Collective Ego. Where there is Ego there is destruction.l

If you would like to get deep into understanding yourself, please don't contact me to talk to you about it. I will not respond. A serious person must walk alone and understand alone. No one can hold your hand. But you can go into the archives and examine and test the things the messenger has written. You can go to Jiddu Krishnamurti's YouTube channel to listen to his talks. Then you can change them into Mp3 files to listen to night and day. And, each time that you listen, apply what he says to when is actually taking place in your own life in order to be able to make sense out of it. That is the only way you can live it, not just collect a bunch of J.K. phrases to quote like a parrot. I may use a different vocabulary than he does, but I do not contradict what he is talking about when it comes to Observation, Awareness, Attention to “The Self”, “The Me”, “The Observer”. I'm not an imitator of J.K. So 'the messenger' conveys things in my own unique manner. It's just like the wild animals in Nature, they don't all look identical to each other, yet they are all a part of Nature. I may speak differently from J.K., but we are both conveying the same Truth. Instead of using words like:

A Silent Mind
A Religious Mind
Meditative Mind
Orderly Life
Choice-less Awareness

All of these phrases mean Neutral Unbiased Observation of your emotional responses. He may say psychological time, which is the same thing. These are just synonyms that point to the same thing. Don't get hung up on words. Words are just pointers, THE TRUTH is what you are in touch with, not the word. I may say here is a glass of water. Those words are just pointers. The TRUTH is you actually drinking the real water. Part of our wrong education has been giving too much importance to the words and descriptions. They treat the word as though it has substance; it does NOT! That's why people buy so much poison to eat because they're mesmerized by the fancy package and the enticing words on it or the attractive actors and how they speak about products. They don't care about the ingredients of what they are eating, which is bad for their health.

Living with love

So when you read or listen to J.K., he keeps warning you not to try to understand him, but his words are directing back at understanding and be in contact with your own mind so that you can directly see how it works. It's important that you understand your inner workings so that your mind can't be hacked and used against you. That is the Ego's game.

Well, that's all the messenger has to say for now. This message only has meaning if you put it to the test. When you read something then look and see if that is taking place in your life. Look at what the Ego is doing on the YouTube. You are being sent a multitude of contradictory messages and then you are expected to pick one to emotionally identify with. I don't identify with any of them. I see them for what they are: a trap to get your mind caught up in conflict, because the Ego can't rule, dominate a mind that is not in conflict with itself. A tail-tail sign that it's the Ego is to view the Ego like an atom (because it is an atom without a neutral center), because both opposites must try to overthrow the other. That is what conflict is about – rejecting the Neutral Awareness (the Neutron). Do you know what would happen if the material world operated like an Ego by not being grounded in the Neutron, the fabric of life would come unraveled. I read that from a physicist. The Ego is anti-matter. Everything it touches disintegrates.

So either your mind is INTEGRATED or it is DISINTEGRATING. It is either creative or destructive. And by the way, when you look at a demon-angel confrontation, the moment you choose one side to emotionally cheer for and against, you have just disintegrated your psychological perception. Now you have been conquered. Both sides are rooted in Ego (self-image which is bias which blocks Neutral Energy of Harmony and benevolence). You can search the entire Internet and you will not hardly find anyone who is talking about Neutral Awareness. Everybody is telling you to pick a side to fight for and against. The Human Consciousness is so deranged and diseased that almost everyone is engaging in conflict and believe that their fight is justified. The messenger is not advocating any form of conflict, opposition, escape or surrendering. All of those things are self-destructive and block unbiased, holistic Neutral Observation.

You are the world and the world is you. How you observe your mind is how you will observe all minds around you. So the challenge is to be alert and monitor how you observe your emotional responses. And, people who are Ego-driven will start to notice if you don't take a side and tell them emotional complimentary lies. They will try to make you feel like you are messed up for not stroking their Ego. I'm warning you what may happen when you start to unplug from the Artificial Matrix of Misery. Misery loves company, and the Ego doesn't want you to be free. If you can't go the distance, then don't even begin to play around with this, because the Ego will seek to make an example of you if you are not serious. What I mean by going the distance is to the end of your physical life. You can't dabble with this.

As for the messenger, I am putting my entire life on the line until the end of my days. Then, I happily welcome being dissolved into NEUTRAL Energy, which is where all dimensions, galaxies and the subatomic Unified Field of Energy came from. I only know one thing, and that is NEUTRAL Energy brings Balance and Harmony to all forms of matter. This is why it does not bother me about aliens from other worlds, inter-dimensional beings. They are made out of atoms just like everything else. Their core center is either Neutral or Biased. If they are biased and evil then they can't take over anything that is based in Neutral Energy because Neutral Energy is Unlimited, Eternal. Whereas biased energy is not and can't take over energy that is TIMELESS. So I have no worries about alien beings. They are no different than us who are made out of atoms. Neutral Energy is what holds all dimensions together. Neural Energy is the only protection that is necessary from any form of energy that is operating out of order.

That is all.

 Pluto Paiste Gong - Mother Earth & Father Sun

The gong is the oldest instrument in the world. It contains primordial frequencies that resonate with the water contained in the cells of the body which communes with the DNA to reset it back to its original, intrinsic programming to restore the body's vibration frequencies to harmony. Disease occurs whenever the frequencies in the organs become disharmonious.

Singing Bowl Performance
by Michael Ormiston & Candida Valentino

The messenger is not advocating Buddhism due to the statue in the video. I am simply sharing the intrinsic value of the musical instruments - nothing else. The Singing Bowls are horizontal gongs that are handmade. This set is antique, which are centuries old. The older the bowl, the more the quality of the primordial frequencies are pure. The sounds vibrate the eardrum, then the Vargas Nerve carries the frequencies to every organ throughout the body. Source reference is Richard Rudis (but I am not advocating his philosophical point of view - only the affects of the singing bowls, themselves). These sounds are therapeutic for the body and aura body, but this is NOT meditation (it does not help you with the understanding of your conditioned mind).

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