Monday, December 26, 2016

Humanity Has Been Taken Hostage By The Emotional Blob

[In the body of this blog article when I refer to the gentleman, orator in the video or I speak about the natural health product video I am referring to this above video.]


The 'messenger' is simply making observations that anyone can see for themselves. A fact is something that actually happened or is happening in reality. Nobody owns the facts; they are independently there if you want to pay attention to them. Nobody can force you to pay attention to facts. An opinion is an abstraction about the facts (based on someone's personal desire to edit reality to their liking). A rational, sane and intelligent mind sticks with the facts without changing them in any way to suit oneself. Anyone has the inalienable right to state facts. And, just because the facts can be sometimes awful, they are still what makes life real. Life is to be related to FACTS! If you are not related to facts then your life is dead and empty and problematic (both to yourself and others you interact with). So in this disclaimer, I am cautioning the reader to face facts, not what you have been propagandized into accepting as the truth. A person who captures another human being and tortures the captive into saying whatever the torturer wants to here is criminal tyranny. Therefore, the 'messenger' is not forcing anybody to examine the facts; that is entirely up to each person. But, if you opt to reject the facts, then please do not read what the 'messenger' has to say. If the reader does not want the facts to be what they are, then please do not read what the 'messenger' has to say. Whenever a person states facts, and the listeners gets disturbed, it is not the truth or facts that are hurting them, it is their RESISTANCE toward the reality. That RESISTANCE is a form of neurosis and cannot be respected. For if we respect irrational, emotional thinking, we must hand our lives over to the criminally insane to do with as they please. All living things, including humans, have the innate right to protect themselves against anything that is life threatening. By writing these blog articles and also by paying full attention to my emotional responses (without being driven by them), the 'messenger' is protecting her mental and physical essence from being hijacked by people who think that their job position gives them the authority to dictate another human being perception of reality. The 'messenger' does not intend harm to anyone by reporting the facts to society. As a matter of fact, that is the benevolent thing to do. For, problems cannot be resolved through a twisted view about the facts. If problems continue to multiply due to irrational conceptualization, then like a malignant cancer, the civilization of people will eventually be swallowed up by neurotic emotionalism. Thinking rationally means to look at the facts exactly as they present themselves so that they can be ended, naturally (not through warfare). [End of Disclaimer]

What does awareness mean - J Krishnamurti

Now recently, the 'messenger' has come across some valuable information and products that are very important to the survival of people and to all living things on this Earth. As you probably well know, our planet is under the worse attack of poisoning that is unprecedented. This planet is on the verge of irreversible damage. Yes, there have been great upheavals on Earth, but they were all natural events (such as comet collisions, solar flares, pole shifts, volcanic eruptions, etc.). But, this planet has not had its ecosystems poisoned until humans came along. It's natural frequencies have never been interfered with until radio waves, wifi and HARRP, as well as other secret military weapons have been introduced into the Earth biosphere. Plus, since WWII when biochemical weapons were used for the very first time in wars, this has caused a great many species to become extinct. And, these biochemical weapons corporations have been allowed by the governments to be used in the world's food supply (as insecticides, herbicides and now GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS aka, GMO's). GMO's are a crime against humanity and the ecosystem, because it is experimentation upon life on Earth without knowing the long-term impact it will have on life on Earth. Only a criminal mind takes liberties without consent. The people of the world has not consented to being experimented upon. A mass amount of chemicals are being dumped on all life on Earth without the slightest care about the long-term effects those biochemicals will have on life on Earth. Chemtrails is a secret program that no politician will touch with a ten-foot pole because it is a genocide operation that the UN and all governments are pretending is not genocide. Just like a serial killer will keep denying that he has committed his or her crimes, the officials are doing the exact same thing. They refuse to admit what is happening. I really don't care what their reason if for it. The fact is we are all being poisoned, slowly but surely. And, the so-called healthcare industry is making huge profits off of the suffering. This is clearly criminal.

A crime is not simply breaking a man-made law. Because, a lot of laws are crazy to begin with. No that is not necessary a crime. If a law states that I must open up my veins to receive what I consider to be poison, I am not a criminal for refusing to allow my body to be an experimental testing ground. A crime is the act of causing harm to others. A crime is forcing others to do something that will damage or destroy their lives. A crime is a tyrannical dictatorship that imposes its will upon the masses regardless how people may object to what is being forced onto them. Just like a rapist forcing someone to engage in sex against his or her consent. Humanity and the Earth is being raped by toxins, everyday. No political action is being taken to shut this secret operation down, because the governments the world over are a puppets to the materially richest families in the world. If the government leaders don't comply and do as they are ordered by these pirate families that hide in the shadows, then they are killed (and it made to look like an accident by the media who are owned and operated by the same pirate rich families that own the central banks).

Laws are made to protect these criminal acts against the entire world. We can't even say that something cures us when the facts plainly show that it does. It is considered a crime to report that something totally natural (non-man made) enabled the body to recover from any disease. Why? Because, the families that own the drug companies are dictating how people should view health and treating health issues. Drug companies are 100% against anything organic or natural with regard to restoring a healthy balance to the body. They are dictating to the masses that you must ignore the factual evidence that is right before your eyes. You could be suffering from a chronic disease for decades and after changing your diet and drinking water that has the full array of living minerals in it you suddenly completely recover from the ailment and maintain that state of good health, you are not allowed to say that the change you made had any impact on your condition. You must deny reality. Why? Because, the drug companies want a monopoly and refuse to stand for any competition from any other source that is natural. This is cheating in order to be a winner (or a highly profiting company). Business is nothing but psychological warfare, is it not? Business is behind the laws that oppress people from telling the truth with regard to their own health.

Also, it is a crime to allow any business to treat people as slaves. A slave is someone who has no personal right to protect himself or herself from being hurt. A slave is not allowed to think from himself or herself. A slave is not allowed to see the facts for himself or herself. A slave is someone who is punished or locked away simply for doing what is best for their health to survive. A life has no right to decide what is good for their own body. A slave is someone who in mind-controlled for the sake of business profits. A slave is treated as a criminal for refusing to allow himself or herself from being exploited and abused for the sake of corporate profiteering. A slave is someone who is treated as corporate property or inventory without regard to their living essence as “a living thinking being”.

Does God Exist?

Those who own these giant corporations are the Modern-Day Slave Masters. The governments, as well as the United Nations, are all beholding to the families that own the wealthiest corporations in the world. Corporations are just a piece of paper with some lies written on it that says that they own this planets resources. Why do they own it? Well, it's because back in history, their ancestors slaughter a great many people, and stole the resources. Then they turned around and invented “JOBS” (another word for slavish servitude), to make us work for something that they stole from their own species. Corporate business is the monster that is swallowing up the world. It makes all of the rules. It setup prisons, not just for people who hurt society, but to lock up anyone who dares to heal their own health, naturally. Just go check out the Dr. Royal Rife story on YouTube to see the lengths corporations go to in order to stop anyone from using natural ways to help the body to heal itself.

So the corporations poison the environment, then they turn around and tell the public that they are the only ones with the treatments and medication to help them to deal with their pain and suffering. It's a sophisticated form of serial killing. The more elaborate the process is, the more it appears to be legitimate. So when a group of rich people gang up to feed off of the world, they are treated as being off-limits (criminals that are above the law). The only reason why lone serial killers are brought to justice or imprisoned or executed is simply because they don't have rich connections – end of story! It isn't that their crime was so terrible. No. It's just that they didn't do it in an elaborate, secretive manner and have the social contacts to get them out of trouble. After all, when you look at it directly, corporations and their business practices as slaughter more people, animals and environmental damage than all the serial killers in history combined. What does this tell you? It indicates that if you run a highly sophisticated covert operation of killing a huge number of people and you have plenty of wealth (with its own personal military), then it can kill without impunity. And, nobody and say or do anything about it, because they are holding the weapons of mass destruction to enforce whatever they wish to do to the world. These corporate serial killing families are the reason why we are so sick and can't get enough resources to naturally take care of our basic needs. That being said...

The other reason why the giant corporate monsters with tons of resources are getting away with what they are doing to the world and us is due to what I've been explaining in all of my philosophy blog articles. The original root meaning of “philosophy” is: “The love and respect for Truth”. I am not using that word to mean ideological concepts born out of ones personal desire. In this blog posting I am sharing a video where the orator is claiming that his faith in 'god' is what lead him to discover the natural elements that can help the body of people, animals and plants to grow healthily and ward off disease. You see this is the problem we have with superstition or (white magic). The black & white magicians are polarized opposites. And so long as we emotionally attach ourselves to one side, then the other side or opposite can continue to be empowered, as well. This is the paradigm shift that is required of human beings if we are ever to be free of this monstrous tyranny in our lives and on the other creatures of this planet.

We don't want to see that to subscribe to those who claim to believe in or have faith in a mysterious being, is the same thing as those who worship the dark mysterious being, too. Both sides are supporting each other, subconsciously. They both are telling you to believe (to take something for granted that it is so). Neither side is objective; they are both subjective. Anything that is subjective is biased. Anything that is biased is not grounded in NEUTRAL AWARENESS. The real “GOD” IS NEUTRAL. How do I know that to be a fact?

Well this energy that we refer to as being “GOD” is omnipotent, omnipresent (as in non-local or everywhere simultaneously and is also outside of Time). Now then, anything that is polarized, dualistic is positive-negative and is measurable, limited and finite. “GOD” is of a different energy, altogether. Now when it comes to the Neutron in the Atom, its energy is not charged with negative nor positive energy. It is something else. One could say that the measurable dualistic energy of positive-negative is SUBJECTIVE/BIASED. And, the only energy that can bring balance and harmony between these halves of the same unit is a Neutral Energy. Anything that unites, harmonizes is LOVE, is GOD, is PEACE, is CREATIVE! But, when the 2 halves try to bring about their desired results, they end up clashing because they lack that NEUTRAL LOVING ENERGY.

When you watch this  video, there are two types of messages being presented to us the view/listener:

1 Facts that pertain to the physiological realm
2 Beliefs that belong to the emotional realm

The emotional mind always uses the physical facts in order to justify its emotional position. People are conditioned to be tricked by this methodology of reasoning. It is specious and devious. If you go back and review history, you will find that men who were well-meaning ended up being victimized by tyrannical bullies. Nicola Tesla wanted to bring free energy to the world. He had the technical know-how, but he didn't know how to adequately deal with egotistical wealthy brutes. Nicola had a belief or a self-image about himself. He suppressed the dark side of his mind and projected the opposite ideal of being a “good-guy”. That is why he was overpowered and his research was stolen and now is being used to damage the world through HARRP (radio waves that can control the mental thoughts, emotions and also the weather conditions to cause earthquakes, hurricanes and extreme climatic changes). If a corporation finds through its satellites resources in the ground of a highly populated area, they can instruct HARRP to cause a cataclysmic weather condition to displace people so that they lose their shelter and have to move away from the area. Then big corporations come in to do what they want with the area (under the guise of restoring the area).

Anyway, I digress...

I was saying that people throughout history have had so-called humanitarians invent things that could have greatly benefited human living conditions and even the environment, as well. But, these people were NOT grounded in NEUTRAL Self Awareness. People have been mind-controlled for ages. It is common to think that your dark thoughts and feelings must be SUPPRESSED, DENIED, IGNORED! The way you do that is that you must chase after the “IDEAL”, which is the “What Should Be”. People have been brainwashed, programmed or trained to think that in order to be a so-called “good person”, “I must try to go beyond and bad things that I feel or think.” So I must try to live up to a concept, theory, ideal, belief or image that sounds NOBLE. So people, including the gentleman in this *video are using “Positive-Speak” in order to convince himself and others that he is a “good person”. He is bringing these natural health products to society in order to help them ease their physical pain. Yes, but at the same time, he is (unknowingly) causing great psychological harm. Because, he is advocating that people view him according to the emotional image that he is projecting about himself, which is “I am a good person because I believe in 'god' and that he led me to find this knowledge that is physiologically helpful.”

One thing does not automatically prove another thing. Just because he is right about the mineral deficiency health problem and its remedy doesn't necessarily mean that he is correct about “believing”. Because, it is this very “believing” that is going to get him and a lot of people into trouble with the dark side – the corporate serial killers. They are free to do what they did to the past humanitarians that brought great inventions and solutions for physical security. But, they were wiped out and eventually their research and inventions were withheld from the public. They only have the power to do these things because people haven't the courage to be Neutrally Aware of their emotional responses.

All people are doing is repeating history in modified ways. We are going round in circles, time and time again. But time is running out for this planet and its ability to continue to be able to support life for all thing on Earth. This is why there is no more time to fool around with EMOTIONALISM. This orator in the video is emotionally biased and he is encouraging others to do the same thing. That wont work! The powers that be, will rip these beneficial products out of the masses hands and take them to use exclusively for themselves. And, they will make up laws to make it illegal for us to naturally care for our bodies, if we continue to be emotionally one-sided.



J.K. talks about the fact that people are always in revolt to the OUTER structure of society. But, they are never in revolt to THE STRUCTURE THAT CREATED THIS DISORDERLY SOCIETY. The REAL REVOLUTION IS THE FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE WITHIN ONES MIND (through studying ones responses to the external challenges in ones daily life). For, it is our mind that has made the world what it is. So in order for things to radically change, THE CHANGE MUST BEGIN WITHIN OUR MIND, FIRST!

The time has come to AWAKEN OUR MIND TO BEING NEUTRALLY SELF-AWARE. What does that mean? It means that whatever you think and feel is neither good nor bad. It is just thinking and feeling. And, just like you have an attractive looking mouth and a disgusting asshole; they are two sides of the same unit that is your body. You can't just opt to have a mouth and no butt hole. I had to be so crude, but people need to really get what the point here. And, they need to get it fast, because, as I said, time is running out for everything and everyone. There is only the one planet for all of us. We can't allow it to be hijacked and destroyed by the small percentage of sociopaths that are quite insane. Yes, they are crazy. Because, the fact is that all of reality is ONE ENERGY FIELD, so whenever you deliberately damage or destroy any part, you are attacking the WHOLE ENERGY FIELD (that would also include the energy field of themselves). Do you see the insanity in that? All things are quantum-entangled. That is not a theory, but an absolute fact. So when they attack humanity, they are also attacking their own lives, as well. As I said before, the only reason why they are getting away with it is because they mass-sacrifice others so that their damage is postponed. They do rituals and drink blood so that others can suffer so that their suffering can be deferred. They must keep doing this in order to suspend accountability and their own destruction. The reason it works is because people are unknowingly helping them by being cut off from their true feelings and thoughts through believing, or trying to 'become good'. When you are 'becoming' that is just an imagination.

Thoughts and feelings are not destroyed and gotten rid of through positive assertions or affirmations. As a matter of fact, any emotional thought or feeling that you may have is only there so that you can understand it through careful watching. Life is all about INTELLIGENCE, not IGNORANCE. IGNORANCE means the act of IGNORING any state of mind that you don't happen to like. Our entire content of thoughts and feelings are just like all of the geological weather conditions. Some are quite unpleasant and harsh, but they are all necessary. And, they all function AS A WHOLE. You can't have pleasant weather all of the time. You can't have pleasant thoughts and feelings all of the time, either. If you can understand that your emotional mind is just like a weather station where ALL weather conditions exist as ONE WHOLE, then you will understand why it is detrimental to pick and choose certain weather conditions that you like, and to try to get rid of or ignore the rest. When you do that, you are causing an IMBALANCE in the WHOLE UNITARY PROCESS. That is why it is dangerous to tell people to “Be Positive”, as opposed to “Being Negative”. To choose to be one or the other is insane as well as self destructive. It DIVIDES THE WHOLE EMOTIONAL PSYCHE. Once it is DIVIDED, it is a split personality. The Conscious is adversaries with its Subconscious and visa-versa.

In the video, I see the wonderful benefits of his products to which I wouldn't mind promoting. But, whenever you promote a physical thing, the people involved in selling it also want you to gratify their EMOTIONAL BIAS, too. I can't do that because I understand the fallacy and detrimental consequences of doing that. I can sell these marvelous natural products, and yet, I can refrain from promoting emotional bias. I remain EMOTIONALLY NEUTRAL, because I am both Negative and Positive Energy. Life is Negative-Positive Energy grounded in Neutral Energy. This is why in the rest of the Universe and in the Subatomic Unified Energy Field, things are balanced and work creatively. Yes, things die, get eaten or blow up (like a super-nova of a star). However, that simply means that the finite positive and negative matter returned to the Neutral Center – only to be reborn anew form of matter. There is nothing bad about that.

So when you watch these emotional videos about people suffering and how they found the answer to their suffering due to their “belief”, be careful not to get emotionally sucked into their delusions. Because if you do get sucked in, you are enabling the flip side of the emotional coin to come in and smash it all to hell (like a Godzilla monster stomping throughout the world). We are barely hanging on by a thread, here. Things are reaching a critical juncture. The reason for this is because we are facing a fork in the road that will either make us become extinct. When I say that I mean 'Trans-humanism' where people will be turned into the same thing as their mobile phones – a program that must do as it is ordered or else be switched off. If you want to keep your human qualities of being about to think and understand for yourself, then you had better understand the trick with regard to “belief” and “emotionalism”. Choosing a side to emotionally identify with. To emotionally identify with “goodness” is the same as emotionally identifying with “evil”. It is the emotional identification that causes DIVISION in the mind and destroys its Holistic Intelligence!

What good does it do to have physical healing products if you are emotionally unbalanced? You will use your physical energy to maintain psychological division and warfare. Physical war is a direct result of Emotional Choosing of a Side of “good” vs. “evil”. Whenever you think or feel something, it is neither good or bad. Just because you don't like your feeling or thought does not make it bad. You like or dislike your emotions because you are fighting against being in FULL CONTACT with your WHOLE PSYCHE/MIND. It is the RESISTANCE TO BEING IN CONTACT with your emotional-mind (your responses) that is DESTRUCTIVE; it brings about imbalance between your responses. YOU ARE ALL OF YOUR RESPONSES. YOU ARE JUST LIKE THE WEATHER CONTAINING BOTH PLEASANT & UNPLEASANT WEATHER EXPRESSIONS. YOU ARE BOTH DAY & NIGHT. THE HUMAN MIND IS A MICROCOSM OF THE MACROCOSISM. The human mind is not outside of matter; for it IS MATTER, which is ATOMIC.


1) Measurable: Negative Energy (Electron) = ½ of the whole atomic unit
2) Measurable: Positive Energy (Proton) = ½ of the whole atomic unit
3) Unmeasurable: Neutral Energy (Neutron) = Unknown Stabilizing Energy

How does this look in human terms:

1) Measurable: Negative Emotions (Dark) = ½ of the whole mental unit
2) Measurable: Positive Emotions (Light) = ½ of the whole mental unit
3) Unmeasurable: Neutral Awareness (Bliss) = Unknown Stabilizing Energy

So when we live our daily lives, the real challenge to us all is Emotional Social pressure to maintain the ancient tradition of emotionally taking sides. Look at the holidays and ask yourself, “Why must I say 'merry Christmas'?”
Why must I tell people to 'have a nice day'?” “Why must I obey the holiday rituals?” Is it not a form of social mind-control in order to discourage free self awareness? Are we like robots with a timer activation code that says, “Now say this script at during this time of the year.” People sound like walking talking commercials. Just listen to how people speak at each other. They are under orders to speak like that or else they will be punished in some way. Just like a trained animal performing for its reward of food, people speak a certain social way.

Also, while the black magicians (you know, the bad-guys) are practicing their emotional ritualistic demonic scripts, they must be polarized with their opposite. This is why the so-called 'good people' in society are expected to say nice sounding things to one another (especially during holiday season), even if they don't really mean or feel that way, deep down inside. People who call themselves 'good' or 'nice' are being hypocrites and that is contradictory, which is conflict. There are two basic kinds of conflict or violence: the overtly obvious violence and the covertly cloaked violence. Whenever a person says something that sounds 'nice', they are usually cloaking their true thoughts and feelings. They are basically lying. Socializing is where people tell one another nice-sounding or flattering lies that emotionally boost a person's self-image (which isn't real to begin with).

It's fascinating that word 'holiday', because its a contradiction. “Holi” (which means “Holy”) means that which is WHOLE, UNDIVIDED. So that term implies “a Day of Wholeness”. But nothing could be further from the truth. The celebration of such days is based on pure EMOTIONALISM. Some time in history an event took place and now we must resurrect that dead event over and over. The past divides our mind away from Present Awareness in order to wallow in the past and some theory surrounding the past, which by the way, is what keeps wars going on and on. People are remembering past brutalities and cruelties, and they are getting revenge for those past happenings. Racism is the same deal. People remember how they were mistreated and so in the present they hate certain races that did some awful to their group emotional identify called a race in the distant past. So the past is dividing people against each other.

Whenever people celebrate about the past in a pleasurable way, they must also hold onto the ugly past happenings, too. So the celebration of something that is consider fun and good, makes society also emotionally hold onto the painful past issues. Holidays are days of FRAGMENTATION away from the present awareness and emotionally identifying with the past. People who died a long time ago are worshiped and admired, while the living present day people are being exploited, ignored and devalued. The Present is being sacrificed for the Emotional Past. This is zombism where the dead past is treated as being far more relevant than the Present. Excuse me, but Life is The Present. Dead people are not life. Holidays is really the worship of the Dead-Past in order to feel socially important. So long as people are being superstitious and celebrating the Past, then after their festivities the corporate demons come down hard on people to make them suffer even more so. But, if the people were to shed their emotional bias and live in the Present and be Holistically Self-Observant, then when any attack is levied against them it will bounce back on their attackers because their minds are Wholly in the Present. Only divided minds can be conquered/controlled. Once the mind is shattered, then their physical security is also at risk of being shattered, as well.

While there may be superficial differences between 'the controllers' and the 'controlled', both are rooted in psychological-memory (operating out of the past). After all, all rituals are nothing but the emotional attachment to the past. So it is the emotional-past attachments that are projecting into the present, which destroys ones mind from being able to be in full contact with the present. The present is LIFE! The past is DEAD (decay). And, it is this emotional-past which is demanding respect and to sacrifice ones mental ability to see “What Is” taking place in the mind, psychologically. I recall this old movie called, “THE EXORCIST” where there were three primary characters (which metaphorically represented the 'Demon' (the evil spirit possessing the child's mind), the 'Victim' (the possess child) and the 'Savior' (and the priest's psyche). Now, all 3 expressions are rooted in the 'Past' emotional memories or experiences.

What is 'Evil' and what brings it about?

Just like all things begins with a seed that contains a code that displays its internal contents, the mind is like that, as well. A mobile phone screen or a computer screen displays what is going on inside the contents of the software program; otherwise you would see anything; it would just be a blank screen. And similarly, the way people behave with one another is conditioned by its emotional past. All of the wars that have ever happened have their roots in past emotional issues carried over into the 'Present'. Hatred is based on the 'Past'. In the 'Past' someone didn't stroke your ego (praise you, adore you or bow down to you), therefore, one 'Hates' this person or group. In the 'Past' a person or group was mean, cruel or unjustly did something, and now in the 'Present' one judges this person or group to be punished, condemned or destroyed. On the social media forums, people are continually wallowing in their emotional-past memories. This is done through the projection of each person self-image (which is ones emotional imagination that is a 'Past' emotional storehouse of memories).

LIFE means: “to be related (in contact) with 'What Is' (the actual things that are happening in the mind with regard to 'Present' actions). Each breath you inhale and exhale is occurring in each 'Present' moment. 'Past' inhalations and exhalations are irrelevant; for if you stop breathing NOW, you cease to be ALIVE. People, for the most part, are zombies, psychologically. What that means is that while the atoms in the biological body are responding 'Present' reality in order to be able to exist at all, the 'emotional part of the mind' (the psychological or the spiritual) is preoccupied with its 'Past'. Human consciousness has failed to distinguish its valid and invalid use of 'Knowledge' (memory or the accumulated 'Past'). This is still is related to “what is 'Evil' and how and why does it arise in human conduct?

To continue... The 'messenger' was explaining how the consciousness has failed to distinguish its 'knowledge' (memory). There is the valid use of 'knowledge' when it pertains to physiological needs. One needs a blueprint, imagination to carry out daily mundane tasks. For instance, one has to accumulate 'knowledge' and refer back to it to operate any machinery, make any mechanical thing, prepare meals or any type of mechanical activity. This is why we are trained to do a great many things. So this is the function of 'Technical Memory'. We must have that in order to function, physically. Our accumulated 'Past Knowledge' has its proper place as long as it is for technical needs of survival and creature comforts, etc. However...

The 'Collective-Consciousness' of humanity took a wrong turn a long time ago, and it has maintain, defended and proliferated this wrong turn. That wrong turn is where 'Psychological-Memory' seeks security through taking pleasure in past feelings or thoughts that are based on its emotions of 'like' or 'dislike'. It is a personal or subjective biased-based conceptualization. The 'Emotional-Mind' took a wrong turn and maintains it by rationalizing and justifying that, “Since I can't exist with my 'Technical Memory' (which is a fact), then I can't live without relying upon my 'Emotional Past' (which is fiction). Mind always uses the legitimate form of memory in order to convince itself and others that the respect and defense of emotional-memory is just as necessary, if not more so. This is the wrong turn that has conditioned just about everyone. It is this emotional-conditioning that is behind every single social imbalance of behavior that leads to physiological and environmental damage and destruction. War is the outcome of emotional-memory defending its subjectively biased position. And, based on emotional-like any emotional-dislike, people choose to view one groups side of a war to be either right or wrong. Anything that ones own (fictitious) nation, race, religious dogmatic organization does is totally alright and justified, but it condemns its opposite groups who feel exactly the same subjective bias as they do. So in the realm of emotion, 'right & wrong' are purely relative to ones biased emotions. That is why people can murder, and feel perfectly justified. Murder is different from killing. Killing is an integral part of living; one must kill a plant or animal in order to satisfy physical hunger. There is no pride nor pleasure in doing that. But in 'Murder', there is pride and pleasure in the destruction of life to which it 'Hates' because it does not respect its emotional biased feelings. In 'Murder' there is also the element of torture before ending the life form. This torture is an emotional ritual that gives the psyche the sense of being a 'Master or a God' holding life in its hands to do with as it wishes. No insect or animal behaves like that when it kills to eat or to protect itself or its offspring from harm.

J. Krishnamurti - Claremont 1968 - 
Students Discussion - Ideologies Divide People

Anyway, humans are the only creatures on Earth that attacks its own species. This attack in the form of wars, not only destroys humans, but it also destroys the environment, as well. The Earth and its atmosphere did nothing to cause people to poison it with weapons of mass destruction (germ and biochemical weapons, nuclear weapons, abnormally high radiation levels, mixtures of heavy metals from weapons and chemtrails, genetically modified organisms upsetting the ecosystem, contaminating rivers, oceans, lakes, the list goes on and on). No creature has threatened all of life on Earth, except for humans. This is because humans have an emotional-memory that has failed to understand when it is being out of order.

In the video about the health products, for example, the inventor of this product is using his 'Technical Memory', flawlessly. He doesn't simply inform the public of the physiological benefits and leave it at that. No. He wraps this health product, which is important to restore and maintain biological stability, he wraps it within the EMOTIONAL-PAST! He uses his 'Emotional-Imagination' that he has about 'God' to emotionally gain respect. He is seeking 'Emotional-Nobility' from the public in order to self-fulfill a subjective image, ideal or belief. So there is a conflict between “factual-memory” (technical information) and “illusory-memory” (a desired image about oneself). “Factual-memory” is alive and deals with the material reality. But, the “illusory-memory” is dead because it is trying to invent its reality. And since it is unreal (a lie), the 'emotional-mind' is always demanding that others validate or gratify their made-up reality about themselves. A lie can't sustain itself. It requires to be propped up through others agreeing with its self-image. Imagination works fine with regard to technical things, but it is invalid and problematic when it functions out of a personal desire “to emotionally become” .

You see, it is like a light that is either “ON” “OFF”. The light bulb cannot be both “ON” “OFF”, simultaneously. So when the “factual-memory or imagination” operates with regard to its physical security necessities for biological survival, then the 'light bulb' is “ON”. But when the “emotional-memory” seeks to believe that it is this, that or the other, then the 'light bulb' of physical security is switched “OFF”. Where one type of “memory” is operating the other “memory” is inhibited. This is the reason why the human world is so imbalanced and overrun with deadly problems that are ever increasing. The more there is a struggle for “emotional or subjective imaginary ideological fulfillment”, the more damage and destruction spreads and intensifies in the material areas of living. You can't have physical and psychological fulfillment, simultaneously.

Enter the real reason behind emotional rituals (ceremonies, celebrations, etc.). These are byproducts of the “emotional” seeking to live up to an imaged state of mind, which is never realized. The mind simply lies and says that it has fulfilled. But all ideals are unreal. They have no essence or basis in fact. They are purely lies masquerading as being true. All conditioned minds are doing this. And they do this pretending most intensely around so-called holidays, which are purely emotional based. Notice after the holidays many people die because in order for a portion of humans to have their cake and eat it too (meaning, having physical security and also maintain emotional self-images), then another portion of society must be sacrificed (a blood ritual sacrifice). The media conceals that it is a blood ritual sacrifice by overly emphasizing the superficial reasons that certain wars are going on. Behind the smoke screen is the “COLLECTIVE EMOTIONAL-MIND” that is trying to make what it desires to be true prevail. In other words, the “COLLECTIVE EMOTIONAL-MIND” is choosing one part of itself to be suppressed, tortured and murdered so that another part of the “COLLECTIVE EMOTIONAL-MIND” can pleasure-trip and profit off of those whose physical security was sacrificed.

What this implies is that, in order for emotional-lies to be respected as being the truth, a portion or a group of other emotional-liars will have to lose. It's a lethal game that people engage in everyday (regardless if they are aware of it or not). One can only divorce the “COLLECTIVE EMOTIONAL-MIND” by AWAKENING TO “WHAT IS” going on both internally and externally (inside your own mind as well as being sensitively aware what is going on inside the mind of others). You see, there really is no such thing as an 'individual' when your mind is programmed to conform to social-emotional scripts. These scripts are based on emotional-lying to one another. You tell a person that you haven't seen in years that they look as young and vibrant as they did long ago (when the facts show that they look tired, unhealthy and unattractive). And, the flattered person reciprocates. This exchange of emotional-lies is considered to be an act of kindness and respect. But whenever people support emotional-lies, they are destroying themselves and the world, because Real Life is based upon the Living Present, which is to respond to things as they actually are, not the way one would like them to be. For, the Energy of Life is in a constant state of communion with ALL areas of Life. There is only ONE QUANTUM UNIFIED FIELD OF ENERGY which is wholly based on WHAT IS ACTUALLY GOING ON. The rest of Life is operating off of FACTS! That is, it is responding to WHAT YOU ARE, not “WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE”.

So when this orator who invented the health formula is emphasizing emotionalism he is encouraging people to exist in a make-believe. He is lying about one thing that is crucial to understand, here. He is claiming that a person can be physically healthy, and yet, they can be emotionally identified with their emotional-ideals or beliefs about themselves. The reason why a leader of any kind strokes the emotional-mind of the public is because the leader wants to be emotionally worshiped and obeyed. The leader, just like the masses, are seeking to make themselves into something that their emotional imagination desires to be true. Mind can NEVER MAKE TRUTH! You can OBSERVE WHAT YOU ARE THINKING AND FEELING, but the moment that you tamper with any state of mind in order to be in control of your mind, then “emotional-imagination” is in direct conflict with “factual-memory”. Thereby, violence and war arises within ones mind. There is a split: and the conscious wish to be the opposite of what one has observed then that repressed state of mind is the subconscious which will seek to overthrow the conscious. When the emotional-mind splits, it does so by deliberately forgetting that the state of mind that it suppressed IS ITSELF. This means that the mind artificially conjures up 2 personas (a 'good' & 'bad').

Sorry it took so long to get back around to why 'Evil' occurs, but I had to lay the ground so that you can understand the reason for its existence. Growing up in this insane and violent world, if you are not total brain dead, you might have wondered why people are so 'Evil' (cruel, cold-blooded or callous). Well, you may not realize this, but whenever you seek “to become a desired image or ideal”, you are attacking yourself. You are saying to yourself that this state of mind is not what I like or want. So I'm going to change it. I am going to “improve my mind”. The “emotional-memory” intrinsically is limited and can never ever make itself “better”. It can only pretend to itself that it has arrived at a state of mind that it considers to be great, noble or superior. In other words, the emotional-mind can only lie to itself and pretend that it has changed itself. But it must impose on others to go along with its lies while also pretending like it is telling the truth. You are expected to obey emotional lies by treating them as being truths. By doing so, you are ACTUALLY DENOUNCING REALITY – LIFE! So that is why humans are irrationally violent. With insects and animals, they are only aggressive when they must eat or protect their young (or if they have been experimented on by humans they become deranged and dysfunctional, but that is NOT their original natural state of being).

'Evil' is born out the seed of “seeking to change your state of mind according to whatever pleases yourself”. Because, it brings about a split in the emotional-mind that is based upon self-deceit. The emotional-mind refuses to be aware of how it has tricked itself. Then once the mind has deceived itself, it must turn around and impose its deceit upon others. The reason why J. Krishnamuriti conveyed the fact that each person's mind is the world and the world is itself is because how you see or don't see yourself determines the same way you view people in your world. And, so 'Evil' is a slave to its desire “to change itself according to its desires”. It is one thing to have physical needs: you need food, water, clothing and shelter. But when need becomes perverted by 'emotional self-fulfillment” (which is self-deceit) then, the physical needs must be thrown-under-the-bus. The reason why the elite emotional-dictators get to keep their material possessions is because they practice rituals of emotionally orchestrating wars, so that the millions who die on the battlefields are sacrificing their energy to them.

TRUE GREED MEANS HAVING BOTH PHYSICAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL SECURITY. But, in order for that to happen, there must always be a massacre of the masses, periodically. In that way, the elite can have it all. This is what makes them believe that they are superior. But, that is solely based on the masses remaining a slave to their emotional self-image. You are put in schools and religious indoctrinations at an early age so that by the time you grow up, you will be too afraid to question how you think and feel, deeply. People go to mental therapists to help them keep their true thoughts and feelings buried. They use medications, and reinforce that by joining social therapy groups so that they can all sit around pretending like they have their minds under control and that they are well adjusted. But, they must stick to the emotional traditional scripts. So when Christmas or some other holiday rolls around, they must tell each other “Merry Christmas”, and if you don't reciprocate and say your scripted lines, then you will be labeled as being crazy.

That word “crazy” is often used as an emotional weapon in order to discourage a person from truly being in touch with and understanding oneself. Most of the world is existing in self-deception. You can go on the social medias and look at the puppet show and see how they all speak according to a social traditional script. Wars are also fought so that after they stop the bloodbath, they erect social scripts for the masses to adhere to. This is another reason for wars, so that the victor can dictate how the masses will think, behave and act. And, it is nothing but an “act”, a “performance” that people put on.

When the orator in the video speak about his products, he is in a hostage situation. If he does not LIE and say that his products don't cure any condition, he he LYING. This oppressive dictatorship of a government under the control of the ruling families that own the biggest corporations have rigged everything so that their criminal practices of poisoning society with medications while pretending like it is helping health, then this orator and other people using natural remedies must LIE and say that these natural elements that we are deficient in is not responsible for ending the disease. Yet that is a mountain of facts that says that natural elements is what our bodies need so that it can be able to heal itself. So they end up speaking in a contradictory way. One the one hand they are sharing all these people who were suffering from debilitating diseases for decades. They change one thing, which is they start feeding their bodies natural elements that was missing from their nutrition, and they stop being ill. They are not allowed to tell the truth. It is a crime to speak the truth. When it is a crime to speak truthfully, that only means that the official system is criminal. It is criminals that have turned everything upside-down. Poisoning your body with unnatural chemical cocktails is officially considered to be real healthcare. But, giving the body, which is a natural thing, natural elements that it is deficient in is considered quackery and unintelligent.

So those with the most material resources have set up a world in which balance and order is FORBIDDEN! Their reasoning is just like a serial killer who tortures its victims to the point where the victim will tell the killer whatever it wants to hear if the killer will stop the torture. That is the way the world is run and has been run. Now the world is facing a psychological paradigm shift because this planet and its atmosphere is reaching a critical breaking point where it will be no longer able to sustain life on Earth. We are in a window of opportunity to either PSYCHOLOGICAL AWAKEN and (completely) shed our old way of thinking, or else the whole thing is done and over with. This disorderly way of thinking has run its course. If humanity is to continue to exist, it must WAKE UP to its self-deceptive ways. If the mind fails to do this, then this world will be trashed beyond repair. It may even be blown to pieces. Because there are so many highly lethal experimental things going on that is designed to destroy NATURAL BALANCE in the material world.

This 'Emotional' part of our being is highly lethal. It is the ULTIMATE WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION because it invented all of them. The weapons didn't make themselves. So the 'Emotional-Mind' that refuses to see how it tricks itself IS the very origin of 'EVIL'! The rich bullies depend on each person remaining blind, psychologically. Now this orator in the video about mineral enriched water is not aware of how he is being 'Evil'. He thinks that just because he helps people to feel physically better that he is 'good'. But when people are feeling better they will use their energy to LIE to themselves, emotionally. And that breeds war within themselves and also around themselves. They are gaining physical strength so that they can perpetuate psychological conflict/war. Then the elite can continue to genocide to the masses. This is an living equation that people are taking part in, whether they no it or not.

The purpose of my writings is to alert anyone who wants to understand why the world is emotionally pressuring you to conform to an emotional script. The first pressure comes from WITHIN YOUR OWN MIND!

Whenever you have thoughts and feelings that you DON'T LIKE, you seek to use your WILL to force yourself to think and feel something else. 'God' is not an emotional entity, but it is a benevolent energy because its energy is WHOLE. WHOLENESS IS REAL MORALITY/GOODNESS. But you cannot achieve the sate of being WHOLE. It is an outcome of seeing and understanding, thoroughly, what your mind is doing that is causing not to be WHOLE! It is only in that clarity about disorder and disharmony that naturally ends it and then gives birth to a SANE, HOLISTIC MIND where emotions are not to be tampered with, but merely OBSERVED. It is the ENERGY of Observation that unites the conscious and subconscious emotional mind so that they are no longer fractured or at war within itself. So-called 'religious books' are used in order to distract our minds away from being in direct contact with itself. We are being told by conditioned believers that we must view ourselves according to the scripts in these kinds of books. After all, the word 'scripture' and 'scripts' are the same thing. It is the record of the emotional happens in the 'Past'. So people feel emotionally pressured to respect the things written about the 'Past'.

You can't go back into ancient times and verify anything that was written about. So you are being compelled to just trust it – believe it. When the mind believes, it has destroyed its capacity to SEE, LISTEN and LEARN directly in the Living Present. Holistic Living Energy is only WHOLE because it is Energy in the PRESENT. The 'Past' is dead and over with. You can go back and be a toddler. That part of your life is dead and gone. But, the 'emotional-memory' likes to recall when it was a youth. That emotional-remembrance is what makes the mind dead, psychologically, emotionally or spiritually. A dead emotional-mind is pure 'Evil' because it craves to drag everything into that decayed 'Past'. Our world is dying due to the fact that this dead emotional-memory in the “COLLECTIVE EMOTIONAL-MIND” is devouring the world to the point of annihilation.

As long as I have breath in my body, I shall expose “What Is” actually taking place in the “COLLECTIVE EMOTIONAL-MIND”. It matter not if I have all my resources withheld, because I understand that there needs to be a human being who will face this 'EVIL EMOTIONAL BEING' no matter the consequences. My life is not mine. I am living for all of orderly living energy that NEEDS BALANCE. The single most dangerous threat to that balance and harmony is this emotional-memory that is feeding itself with pleasing lies. It doesn't give a damn about the physical world, at all. If it can't be in charge of this material world, then it is dead set on destroying it. The emotional-mind wants to be a 'god'; it wants everything to bow to its will. I'm faced with this daily. And even though I don't know what will happen when I don't comply, I wait to see the facts tell me what is true. If I should die standing up to this 'EVIL' emotional entity, then that is alright by me. Because, my energetic essence will fold into the same energy that I was observing my mind with. That energy will take of my essence.

But, there is something that most people don't understand. We are each a representative of the “COLLECTIVE EMOTIONAL-MIND”. Now you are either being a robotic slave to it, or you are HOLISTICALLY OBSERVING EXACTLY WHAT IT IS DOING. This 'Evil' entity only wants one thing from us all, and that is, it wants us to tell it that it is what it is not: that it is in charge of all of life, that it is right, that it is in control of what the facts of life are. But, it isn't in charge because memory is always limited and is rooted in time. Humans have not always existed. So when they began to exist, their consciousness had a birth date (a beginning point in time) when it started accumulating a 'Past'. So that means that it does have an ending point, as well. The emotional-memory can say anything; it can say that it is unlimited. But, emotional-memory cannot invent the truth about itself. It can LIE and call it the truth. But, FACTS always prevail because there is one MAIN FACT: ALL MATTER (MEMORY) WAS BORN OUT OF MATTER-LESS ENERGY! That PRIMORDIAL MOVEMENT OF MATTER FLOWING OUT OF THE MATTER-LESS AND THEN RETURNING TO ITS BEGINNING POINT IS REALITY!

So when I or anyone lives in the NATURAL CIRCLE OF HOLISTIC LIFE, then one goes back to the REAL GOD (THE NON-DUAL ENERGY THAT HOLDS MATTER (ATOMS) TOGETHER until its natural time to go back to THE SOURCE. We exist in an “emotional theater” where the “COLLECTIVE EMOTIONAL-MIND” is acting according to a false script. When you don't say your lines, your physical life is constantly being threatened. They order to puppets to not do business with you in order to persuade the non-compliant mind to comply to its will. So they make the props of this emotional theater make it look like you will lose everything and also your life.

And, it is at this point where I OBSERVE MY EMOTIONAL RESPONSES because I understand that I cannot control anything that is happening. If I try to control how others emotionally speak to me, then I go into conflict within myself. Then not only will I be destroyed, but after my physical death, my spiritual body, aura, astral body will get sucked into the disorderly energy vacuum field so that it can have a little more time to exist in collective disorder in this world.

But, should the REAL GOD (the Energy that at the core of every single atom) has a purpose for me to go on living, then I will go on living. Because, a limited energy (which is memory) can't control, capture nor destroy that Holistic Energy. So my fate and the fate of anyone who is Holistically Self-Aware lies in the hands of the Eternal Energy that knows all the answers to all of the problems of living. That energy lives in the mind of a person who understands their limitations and does absolutely nothing to struggle against them. One just observes what one is feeling as one is being challenged by 'Evil'.

I had mentioned the movie called, “THE EXORCIST” (the original movie). I see that we are all in that movie, metaphorically speaking. Because, you are either being the 'demon energy', the 'victim energy' or the 'savior/hero energy' to which they are all struggling against one another. But, when these 3 posers cross my daily path, I Holistically Understand that they are 3 parts of ONE WHOLE 'Evil' energy. Energy becomes 'Evil' when it goes rogue. It goes rogue when it tries to be in charge of its own thoughts and feelings. Emotional Mind exists for only One Reason: In order to learn about itself through PURE OBSERVATION. That means an Observation that is not tampered with in any way. What makes one interfere with the Observation of ones Emotional Responses is the DESIRE TO BE MORE THAN IT INTRINSICALLY IS. When one sees that this desire is a trick, then one no longer falls for it.

The Universal GOD Language of Energy is:

1 and 0 (Zero)

That “1” can be a “+1” or a “-1”. It can be “Positive” or “Negative”. In the Atom you can say that there is the “Proton/+1” and the “Negative/-1”. And, +1 and a -1 results in ZERO POINT ENERGY (ETERNITY – having no beginning or ending).

Also, the side of the mind memory that is represented by the “1” is the “factual-memory”. The side of the mind memory that is represented by the “0” (zero) is the “Holistic or Unbiased Observation” of ALL states of minds (ALL emotional responses). Just the OBSERVATION, alone, and nothing else! That Observation has ZERO memory acting upon itself (in order to try to change itself).

So, a disorderly, unbalanced, disharmonious mind is:

1” (factual memory) and “+1” (emotional positive images to be in control)
1” (factual memory) and “-1” (emotional negative images to be in control)

That is a fragmentary mind because both of these styles of conflict destroys the clarity of the “factual memory” to weaponize all that it discovers and turn against itself and the world.

And, the orderly, balanced, harmonious mind is the Universal GOD Language:

1” (factual memory) and “0” (NO EMOTIONAL MEMORY)

(NO emotional positive or negative images – NO thought control)

So the orator in the video about the health products is doing mind control:

1” (factual memory) and “+1” (emotional positive images to be in control)

Therefore, he is pretending to himself that he being benevolent to people. He's exploiting their suffering by offering them the natural remedy using his correct “factual memory”, but he wants his “emotional self-deceptive image” to be treated like it is helping the world, too. It is not. If everyone, believes him, then it will make it possible for his alter-ego (the opposite equation) to come in and take it away from society so that they can hoard it for themselves. Then, they'd make a rule making it illegal for society to use natural remedies. Because whenever you bow down to one side of the equal, you give the opposite side the power to come in and smash it all to hell. That's what happened in WWII. And, we are well overdue for the 'Past' to repeat itself.

Every person that conforms to the emotional scripts during holidays and personal families ritual practices are maintaining those energetic equations that I mentioned above (but not the equation that is Holistic). So when the people in powerful positions descend down to intrude and invade our lives, you must understand that each person gave them permission to do so (by holding on to their personal emotional ideals in order to be in control of their emotional minds). In order for external mind control to have power over anyone, each person must be mind controlling themselves, first. If you see the detriment is self-mind control, then you naturally stop it. When you no longer control your emotional responses, but simply communes with them, then nobody can invade your mind, either.

Is There Any Survival After Death?

So when the “COLLECTIVE EMOTIONAL MIND HIVE” strategically seeks to shut off my material needs, then I understand that the REAL CHALLENGE is not my material necessities; the real challenge is will I hide from how I feel when my life is being threatened? Escaping any psychological state of mind is an act of trying to control my mind so that I wont think and feel whatever the challenge is arousing in my consciousness. Opposing the challenge does the same thing. And, surrendering to tyranny does the same thing. These would be fragmentary reactions to the challenge. And, by realizing this to be a fact, my mind can see that it can only do one thing and that is to merely be in full contact with the feelings and thoughts that all challenges evoke.

We are conditioned to want the experiences of life to be according to our personal liking. But, that is not the innate purpose or meaning of life. Life is this Energy of Intelligence that is incessantly studying, examining and communing with all states of consciousness. So that means that I don't have the intrinsic right to try to stop any thought or feeling from expressing itself, fully. And in embracing my entire Emotional Spectrum of Responses, any problem of living is naturally remedied by THE ENERGY OF AWARENESS! One, then, understands that it does not matter if one physically lives or does; all that matters is the Holistic Understanding of The Challenge. The Challenge is NOT External threat of not being able to access the material necessities for survival. No. The true challenge is the quality of my own self-awareness. What is my mind doing throughout these experiences? For, 'the Experiencer IS the Experience'. I AM MY EXPERIENCE; I AM ALL CHALLENGES because all external challenges arouses ones emotions, which gives rise to the REAL CHALLENGE OF OBSERVATION of its emotions. The only reason why people are overwhelmed and invaded is because they are scared to be in touch with their emotions when they are being physically threatened.

I am going to discuss one last kind of deception that the psyche plays. You see, as I mentioned earlier, there is no such thing as an 'individual' mind. Everyone is tied to the “COLLECTIVE EMOTIONAL MIND HIVE”, subconsciously . Most people communicate and relate to one another on a very superficial (conscious) level. The conscious is a “Dummy”. Most people are subconsciously following orders. So when you work with someone, their conscious mind says one thing, but they end up contradicting themselves all of the time. The “Dummy” hasn't got a clue about its subconscious behavior; to it, everything is an accident out of its control. Whereas, the sub-emotional-mind is the 'Evil-doer' that is using the conscious mind like a puppet to say the opposite of what it is up to behind the scenes. The conscious mind is just a mask that thinks that it has essence. It thinks that it is running its life; it's not. There is only one thing that is making things happen and that is the “COLLECTIVE EMOTIONAL SUBCONSCIOUS MIND”.

The reason why it is called the SUBCONSCIOUS is because it is underneath the CONSCIOUS mask, and it wants you to believe what the mask is saying. Then when you take the mask seriously, the SUBCONSCIOUS then rising up to slaughter you or back out of business deals or betray their spouse. The cheater is the SUBCONSCIOUS. When people marry, it is 2 masks promising to be true to each other. They are unaware that the movie director called the SUBCONSCIOUS is going to cheat, from the very beginning of the farce. This pattern repeats like clockwork. The CONSCIOUS says that it will do this that and the other, but the facts reveal the antithesis of that claim. Politicians do it all the time, too.

When I engage in business dealings, I witness the non-stop contradictions taking place. About 99% of the time people do the exact opposite of what they say they will do. I watch this take place every single day. This is also what 'Evil' does. When things get so horrible in the world, some idiotic leader gives a speech that he's going to make things better. Then after he or she is done, the problem may temporarily appear to be fixed only for it to rise up again in a more deadly and more frightening form than before. This is all the emotional mind has to offer. It likes for our living conditions to be fucked up (pardon my language), but it does. Because, it forces people to turn to it as though it were 'god' to fix things. And, it pretends that it will resolve the problems. Emotional Mind buries problems, it can't resolve them because it refuses to Holistically be aware of how it is lying to itself and therefore to the world.

Humanity is existing in the movie called, “GOUND HOG's DAY” (that starred Bill Murry). Everyday he woke up to the same day only with a few superficial modifications. But, it kept repeating over and over. But, the real deep lesson in that story was the AWAKENING of INTELLIGENCE that ended the repetition of the same day? He had to face the reality that he was deceiving himself. Only when he realized that he was lying to himself (that he was a good person) that the next day was a BRAND NEW DAY! Our reality is like that, too. When are people going to WAKE UP to the fact that each person has handed their minds over to the officials and so-called authorities? When are people going to stop being a “Dummy” that thinks that it is a free individual? When are people going to realize that going along saying scripted communications is a PRISON SENTENCE that is destroying their lives? When are people going to stop being afraid of being in touch with ALL OF THEIR THOUGHTS & FEELINGS? And when are people going to see that their emotional memory is what makes them into one Collective Mental BLOB?

Yes, I see the value of these products that our physical health requires. But, I also see the falseness of this product maker's emotional CONSCIOUS mind is a mask. And, his SUBCONSCIOUS is connected to the tyrants that dictate that he must say that his products are not helping the body to cure itself. The product inventor is tied to the FDA, SUBCONSCIOUSLY. And, he doesn't even detect that at all. His emotional mind is existing in the dead 'Past' of believing in something. That is why he has incapacitated his mind to be aware of the SUBCONSCIOUS contradiction that he is a part of. I don't care how many people stand up and tell the 'Evil-doers' that they are incorrect and nonsensical. That means nothing at all, because while they are condemning them, they are BEING THEM, subconsciously.

Exorcism is a FALSE APPROACH TO 'EVIL'. You can't battle it. You can't hide from it. You can't control it. You can get rid of it. For YOU ARE IT! When the mind sees that fact, then THE VERY SEEING is what frees the mind from self-contradiction. It's a question of DETECTION of what is ACTUALLY TAKING PLACE IN THE PSYCHE and absolutely nobody in the world can do that for another human being. You either detect what your mind is doing or you don't. Nobody can force you to do that. It has to come about because YOU SEE THE IMPORTANCE of BEING WATCHFUL to your own mind and how it is responding. You can't understand what others are doing to themselves and to you unless you first understand what the hell you are mentally doing within yourself, first. You are the SEED OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! What is going on in your MENTAL SEED? DO YOU CARE ENOUGH to really take a good hard, honest look at your emotional self?

If you don't then you are just a part of the BLOB MIND. There was an old 1960's movie called, “THE BLOB” where it started out being a small blob. But whenever a person came face-to-face with this ugly, hideous 'Evil' thing they froze and let it swallow them up whole. Isn't that what people have done to their lives? They have come face-to-face with the rich elite (blob), and most people go and sell out to them. Their mental energy, then, get swallowed up by these old black magicians. Then if they start complaining, they suddenly have an accident or commit suicide (or so it appears). It's not that the BLOB has absolute power; it doesn't. It merely takes advantage of anybody who is not Holistically Self-Aware. And, they take great pains to make sure that nobody does that. That is what the so-called educational system is really all about. To insure that no one is mentally WHOLE. This is the purpose for grading people.

If you base the value of your being on some outside agency grading who and what you are, then you are lost, and you are a puppet for the artificial powers that be. They rule us by our materialistic cravings. Even the fear of physical death is based on materialism. I am not just flesh, alone. It is not my flesh that is OBSERVING my emotional self. It is and Energy that is IN and Beyond Matter. I can't keep this biological suit. It is program to expire, naturally. But, what matters is how I live in this biological suit. That will determine where my Essence goes after this show, called life ends. This is the main reason why I could care less if I get what I need in order to carry on living in the material world. What is the most important thing is that I SEE MY WHOLE MIND RESPOND TO EVERY SINGLE CHALLENGE taking place in my daily life. So when my time in the meat-suit is up, I can leave it behind, without being afraid. For, if one lives in WHOLENESS, then ones spirit DIES IN WHOLENESS. So that the 'Evil Energy' never gets access. Nobody can destroy you except for YOU, alone. You are ultimately responsible for being a part of THE EMOTIONAL-BLOB because you ran away from being in touch with your thoughts and feelings when your physical life was in danger by the bullies in this messed up world. People invested their fragmentary mental energy in order to make this messed up world. They are the cause for this unfair, irrational world. A world that forbids you to take care of your own body. A world that demands that your sacrifice your children's mental health by forcing them to obey tyrannical thinking. Yes, we the people did this to ourselves, and it is the rich elite that come along and take advantage of our stupidity.

But, I have questioned what my mind is since I was 5 years old. I asked what is this human world really all about. I asked why must I label myself a race. I asked myself why do people like to split up into groups so that one group suffers and the other groups gets pleasure from their loss. I asked why do people speak on auto-piloted scripts? Why do people fear their minds so much? It is that very fear of their emotional being that makes them 'Evil doers'. Why do people enable the bullies to get away with their genocidal crimes?

But, people have turned into a bunch of juveniles who are mesmerized by high-tech adult toys. They want more and more entertainment. And, this craving for distractions has always led to massacres. Now with high-tech the slaughter is cleverly being disguised as being 'friends', 'likes', automation revolution. And, the human organic qualities of self-awareness are being sacrificed. People are acting like machines. A machine is not free to question its actions; it merely carries out whatever is demanded of it. Is that not what the rulers are turning most people into? Why. That is what the 'Evil' plan is about – the mind's reduction down to pure robotics. Follow, obey orders. There is no Intelligence in that.

As I live and breathe in this world of decay, I can clearly detect that the Subconscious Collective Blob is hell bent on getting rid of all Intelligent Minds (I don't mean “intellectuals”). Intelligence OBSERVES ALL THAT IS EMOTIONALLY FALSE IN ONES OWN MIND and THE WORLD's. That is what the true meaning of Life is. Everyone's existence is meaningless. So when people realize this, some people off themselves because they can't handle the truth. I felt great despair when I realized that I was leading a meaningless existence. But, when I studied what J. Krishnamurti had discovered about the mind, I began to learn about my self-deceit and shed it. So now that is why I honestly don't care if I live or die just so long as I continue to Perceive my entire Emotional Being – The Nothing Zone of Freedom and Mental Clarity. You can deal with anything when that is your core foundation.

In closing, the Psychological BLOB is a theatrical matrix that the producer of these natural health products is speaking from. It just a performance of being honest. He is merely conforming to an emotional pattern. But, real honestly is seeing things as they are (anger, jealously, violence, contempt). It is much more important to be honest than being sincere to an ideal, belief or dogma. The orator in this health maintenance video is really selling an emotional illusion. And, he is using the facts about the natural product and the results from the users of it in order to validate his emotional ideology that he wants the audience to mentally accept as being true. It is very important to see the illusion as being an illusion, because if we fail to do so, then all natural remedies can be stolen from us all. Just like what happened in WWII. It can be snatched from us. While the orator's conscious mind intends to be helpful, he is inadvertently sacrificing society to the elite bullies, subconsciously, by wanting everyone to view him as some kind of saint. And, his modesty is not genuine. He wants to be praised by all the sick people that his products help. He wants them to be deceived by his self-image, as he has accepted his own self-deceit. Then, he will feel like he has escaped from 'Evil' (when he is its puppet, unknowingly).






J.K. talks about the fact that mostly everyone is essentially the same mind because everyone is operating out of psychological conflict (their beliefs or ideologies are at odds with one another). And, this is what I meant about the Collective Subconscious Emotional-BLOB.

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